Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (3)

Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (4)

Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (5)

Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (6)


1.0 GUIDELINESThe Middle-earth Ready-to-Run Series is designed for

Gamemasters who want adventures which can be set up in a fewminutes and played in a few hours. The adventures require little orno preparation.

Pirates of Pelargir has four parts. Sections 1 . 1 and 1.2deal with guidelines regarding the use of the module. Section 1.3provides pregenerated characters for the players (which can beused as non-player characters if so desired).

The third part consists of Sections 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0, the ad-ventures. Each adventure stands on its own, although a commontheme unites the stories. They can be set anywhere in Middle-earth where the story seems appropriate.

The fourth part consists of the Beast and NPC tables. Areamaps are located on the inside of the front and back covers andprovide a blowup of the immediate region around the adventurelocations.

1.1 Handling PlayEach adventure is geared for a different difficulty level. The one

found in Section 3.0 is challenging for 1st or 2nd level char-acters, or inexperienced players. Section 4.0's adventure is aimedat 2nd or 3rd level adventurers, while the adventure in Section 5.0is designed for 4th or 6th level characters.

The adventures are divided into five standard parts: ( 1 ) the tale,which describes how to start in terms of the setting, thebackground, and the plot; (2) the Player Characters, PCs; (3) theNon-player Characters, NPCs, a person-by-person description ofthe prominent non player characters, including their stats; (4) thetask, a discussion of how to start the adventure, along with theaids, clues, obstacles, and rewards awaiting the adventurers; and(5) encounters, which cover typical or probable meetings betweenthe adventurers and the NPCs. Adventure 3 (Section 5.0) alsocontains the primary layout: a level-by-level, room-by-roomdescription of the major adventure site (Moonstone Castle),complete with numbered diagrams, floorplans, and illustrations;

The GM should skim each section of an adventure beforebeginning play. Then he can have the players pick pre-designedcharacters from those provided in Section 1.3 (and described inSections 3.2. 4.2. and 5.2), or he can permit the players todesign their own PCs. (Of course, the GM can assign PCs.)

Once play ensues, the GM should refer to the Beasts and NPCsin Sections 6.0 and 7.0, at the back of the module. They coverthe Beasts and NPCs found in each adventure.

1.2 Adapting the Module to Your GameLike the rest of the series, this module is designed for use with

the Middle-earth Role Playing game (MERP) or the moreadvanced Rolemaster (RM) system, but is adaptable to mostother major FRP games. Statistics are expressed on a closed oropen-ended scale, using a I - IOO base and percentile dice (DIOO).No other dice are required.

1.21 Converting Hits and BonusesBonuses: When converting percentile values to a I-20

system a simple rule is: for every +5 on a DIOO scale you get a+ l on a D20.

Hits: The concussion hit numbers found in this module onlyrepresent general pain and system shock. They cover bruises andsmall cuts rather than wounds. Critical strike damage is used todescribe serious wounds and fatal blows. The hit figures shownhere are less important than those used in game systems wheredeath occurs as a result of exceeding one's available hits. Shouldyou use a game system that employs no specific critical strikeresults (e.g., TSR Inc.'s Dungeons and Dragons), simply doublethe number of hits your characters take or halve the hit valuesfound in this module.

1.22 Conversion ChartIf you play something other than MERP or Rolemaster and

you do not use a percentile system, use the following chart toconvert 1-100 numbers to figures suited to your game.





+35+30+25+20+ 15+ 10+5+5000-5-5-10-15-20-25


+7+6+5+4+3+2+ 1+ 1000-1-1-2-3-4-4









1.3 Player CharactersThe following chart provides the statistics for the Player

Characters for each of the three adventures (see Sections 3.2, 4.2,and 5.2). Statistics are given for both MERP and Rolemaster.The GM may wish to assign his players a character or allow themto select from the list. Of course, the GM can util ise the unusedPCs as non-player characters. After all, the players may designtheir own characters or employ characters already in use.

The GM should remember, however, that regardless of how theplayers acquire their characters, each adventure is geared for adifferent difficulty level (see Section I . I ) . We suggest PCs toughenough to meet the challenge.

Codes: See the NPC stats (Section 7.0) for an explanation ofthe basic codes. The following is a list of other codes andabbreviations which might be ambiguous.

Power Points: The number (if any) given in parenthesesindicates the possession of a "bonus spell item" and its bonus(see MERP, Section 4.56).

Skill Bonuses: NA, SL, RL, Ch = Maneuver and Movement inNo Armor, Soft Leather, Rigid Leather, and Chain; I HE OB, IHCOB, 2H OB, Thrown OB, Missile OB, Polearm OB = OffensiveBonuses for l-H Edged, l-H Concussion, 2-Handed, Thrown,Missile, and Pole-arms; Dir. Spell=Directed Spells; Secon. Skill=Secondary Skills.

Secondary Skills: Each secondary skill is abbreviated bygiving the begining letters of the skill (MERP Section 2.33).The bonus for that skill rank is given following the abbrev-iation.

Languages: Languages are abbreviated by using their first threeletters (see MERP, ST-l); exceptions: BS=Black Speech andBet=Silvan(Bethteur). The rank for each language is givenfollowing the abbreviation.

Spell Lists: Spell lists are abbreviated by using the first fewletters in each word of the spell list name; for example, "S/LWays" refers to the "Sound/Light Ways" spell list.

Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (7)

Player Character Table

Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (8)


2.0 INTRODUCTION"It is well known to us that the sea roads off the Red Cliffs of

Haradwaith in the bay thai the Northerners call Belfalas are in-fested with Pirates and Privateers. They are, of course, verminousscum. But the\ have vet to imperil our own shipping and theykeep the Northerners from gaining sea power in this region. Letthem raid, as long as our coffers stay full of trade gold!"

— Borothor II of Umbar, addressing the otherLords of the City of the Corsairs

2.1 Gondor and the Pirates of PelargirThe year is 1640 (Third Age), only a few years after the Great

Plague decimated Northern Middle-Earth. Brave merchants at-tempting to build up their businesses after the grim Plague Yearsare increasingly tempted by the goods of the Southlands, whichwere almost unaffected by the disease. With every year, moreships head south, using the advantageous trade winds to speedthem on their way to the rich ports: Kas Shadoul, Kas Shafra, andAsni Dat in the Haradwaith; Umbar, Haven of the Corsairs; andperhaps even farther places. There the brave traders of Condorwil l sell their wool, honey, wax, iron, timber, and other Northerngoods for the gold, gems, silk, spices, healing herbs, and otherfine goods of the South.

They are brave voyagers, as I have said, and so they must be.The waters of Belfalas Bay are home to terrifying sea creatures ofvarious kinds, but the wildlife is not the greatest danger thattravellers face on this sea road. The quickest route south, and thesafest from weather, lies close to the Red Cliffs of the Harad-waith. These towering walls of reddish sandstone are riddled withdeep gashes that the natives call "cuts." These openings are toosmall for harbours and towns, but they are ideal for anchoring aship or two away from prying eyes. As if this were not enough totempt the wolves of the sea, there are chains of islets that alsoform havens for those who do not need enough room for anhonest village or town. The numbers of these pirates, privateers,and reavers diminished along with Northern shipping, for wolvescannot survive without prey to feed upon, but their fortunes risewith those of the North, and they are once more on the prowl.

2.2 History of a Belfalas PirateLess than 15 miles south of the small port town of Sook Oda

(see area map, inside front cover), there is a fortress, worn and insome disrepair, but s t i l l a stronghold to be reckoned with. It wasbui l t 100 years ago by a noble Haradan named Nashur do Hydar,but he was killed in single combat over the possession of apri/.ed stallion (the horses of the Haradwaith are only surpassedby those of Rohan). The victor, a Corsair named Red Orleg, soongained a reputation as a great leader of men and lover of order.His troops soon made the region peaceful, and as Orleg was not aHaradan. he was not involved in the common tribal wars that hadmade such a sturdy fortress necessary in the first place.

The strength of this castle is not only in its strong walls andtall towers. Above the main gate is a huge, magical gem.translucent and pale blue-grey in color: a moonstone. This stone,I foot in diameter, sheds a magical aura on the walls so that theyresist damage by rams, by catapulted stones, or by sapping (+20versus such attacks). In addition, anyone invading the fortress(that is. anyone entering without specific permission fromsomeone wi th in the walls) wil l have his presence announced bythe raucous call, like that of some huge bird. For this reason, thecastle is called the Moonstone Fortress.

Now the fortress has fallen on more chaotic times. Orleg'sheirs did not inherit his virtues along with his property. Thereputation of the fortress remained, so the region is still peaceful,but much of the money and treasure that Orleg inherited from theHaradan Nashur has been spent or gambled away. Orleg'sgreatgrandson, Gedron, now holds the delapidated castle. So hardwere his fortunes 5 years ago that he was considering selling themagical gem. Thus the castle would have lost its most potentdefense, but for a fateful meeting.

During an autumn storm, a ship was wrecked below the sectionof the Red Cliffs on which the Moonstone Fortress stands. As isnatural, all the folk of the fortress (yes, all nine of them — nine,from a fortress that could shelter scores!) hurried down the steeppaths to the beach north of the castle to see what they couldsalvage. There was little of use to be found, and only onesurvivor: a Black Numenorean prisoner, who was not drownedbecause he held onto the piece of timber that had anchored thechains to his leg irons.

This was Zokhad ir-Zorik, a former ship's commander ofUmbar. He had turned traitor to his lord in Umbar and had flednorthward, only to be captured off the coast of Tolfalas. Thewreck was the Umbar warship that was bringing him back tostand trial and face certain death. Ironically, the doomed prisonerwas the only survivor.

Zokhad, a cruel but intelligent man, was strong and hale. Yeteven a Dwarf would be slow to recover from battle wounds, aflogging, and then near-drowning. Gedron, fascinated by hisguest, spent many of the weeks of Zokhad's convalescencelistening to the former commander's tales. In the history thatZokhad told his young host, the commander was a wronged hero,and the Lords of Umbar were ungrateful wretches or witless fools.In turn, Gedron described his penniless plight. Zokhad began toconsider the possibilities of this mighty castle, owned by anunworldly young man who seemed easily influenced. At first, hethought in terms of a land-based band of robbers, or perhaps aprotection racket. Later on, however, he was able to tour theMoonstone Fortress and observe its other great feature: a secrethaven in a cavern below the cliffs and the castle, a hidden harborcapable of holding two or three ships, if their masts were stepped(temporarily removed).

Zokhad promptly changed his plans. Indeed, he and his youngprotege must take to robbery afoot or on horseback at first, butwhen enough funds were obtained, they might buy a ship. Thusthey managed to buy a small sailing ship of the type used forcoastal trading, which Gedron optimistically named the BayEaglet. Zokhad knew, however, that a larger ship was needed tointimidate other vessels. Thus, on a foggy day in early spring thenext year, a small warship of Umbar came upon a coastal trader introuble. She seemed to be listing badly, and her captain (whosounded very young) shouted that they had been attacked bypirates! The Umbarite hauled alongside and grappled to, takingthe survivors aboard. The grateful v ic t ims brought along thepaltry remains of their cargo: several small casks of strong wine,which they insisted that their rescuers accept. The Umbar crew,not at all reluctant once the ship was safely anchored in a smallcove, accepted.

The apparently sinking ship was, of course, the Bay F^aglet.with her ballast drastically rearrranged by Zokhad, who knew welljust how much such a ship could stand. He also knew that thecaptains of Umbar were always instructed to rescue traders andpassengers who might have useful information about pirates orGondor. The young captain was Gedron, his crew were the bestMoonstone cutthroats, and the wine — was poisoned. Soon theUmbarites were dead or dying, and the ship, which had beenfollowed at a distance by the Bay Eaglet, was Gedron's — andZokhad's. It was renamed the Master Seawolf.

The two pirates soon gathered a crew of experienced andmorally depraved sailors to augment their landlubber bandits.Gedron, who was thoroughly enjoying his life of crime, soongrew to relish raids. Their tactics have fallen into a pattern(although no one but they themselves have seen it often enoughto detect it). While the Bay Eaglet, commanded by one of theirlesser captains, scouts for prey, the Master Seawolf bides hertime out of sight. When a victim is sighted, the former warshipswoops in, rowed (just as she had been when her business waslegitimate) by strong slaves, and grapples with the target.Zokhad handles the seamanship, and Gedron, his face shiningwith glee, always leads the boarding parties himself. It's notsurprising that all the ports of Haradwaith have heard of theLaughing Reaver.

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The Laughing Reaver and His Crew

Justice in Haradawaith is somewhat haphazard by Northernstandards. It is based on strong proof of injury, either someauthority of the government (ranging from princes throughgoverners to city or provincial guards) witnessing the crime orby at least two other witnesses submitting to a magical exam-ination by a Truth-seer, who is usually a priestess of Kesht,goddess of truth and justice. In addition, Haradrim have asomewhat fatalistic view of fate and feel that people will get whatthey deserve in the end. They also do not believe in questioningothers too closely about their everyday business. In view of allthis, and the fact that most pirates prey upon northern vessels, itis perhaps not so startling that Gedron can ride quite openly intoSook Oda to sell (or spend) his loot. As long as his behavior isexemplary in town and no one comes forward to volunteer aswitness against him, Gedron is greeted with nothing worsesidelong glances of anger or contempt, and some of the youngmen even admire him. He has gained some followers this way.

To resupply themselves with oarsmen and necessities such asfood, Gedron and Zokhad had originally intended to depend on theships that they raided. This soon proved impractical, for it wasnecessary to kil l every man of a ship's crew to gain the time toremove so much. Another plan was necessary. Thus Gedron letout word that travellers along the coast road could stop at theMoonstone Fortress for the night. Some of the caravans disap-pear shortly after leaving. This produces a fair amount of goodsand some number of new slaves, but supplies are needed in suchquantities that some of them must be bought legitimately — orcaravans would soon avoid a stop at the Moonstone Fortress. Ofcourse, lone travellers and wandering shepherds often disappear inthe vicinity of the castle, to be pressed into a new and unful-filling career as galley slaves.

2.3 The Laughing Reaver and His CrewGedron Moonstone (The Laughing Reaver)

Now 27 years old, Gedron appears deceptively boyish andfriendly. He is tall (6 ft 2 in.) and has grey eyes and wavy brownhair; these features, along with his grin, have attracted manylocal girls, even though Haradan lasses are not encouraged to payany attention to men (except for their husbands, who are chosenby the girls' fathers). In reality, Gedron has become quite blood-thirsty. He enjoys slaughter, and Zokhad has encouraged him inbrutality. His laughter is more maniacal than it is amusing.

Gedron uses a handsome +15 broadsword in battle. Like mostsea raiders, he must go lightly armored, but his rigid leatherbreastplate gives him an additional defensive bonus of 10, and itsmatching leather cap protects his head as if he was wearing asteel helmet. A pair of black leather gaunlets enable him to climbrigging and the sides of ships with the skill of a talented catburgler (+15 to climbing maneuvers). He has a mortal fear ofenchantments and so wears an amulet of gold and ruby that giveshim a bonus of +10 versus spells of Essence. He likes gaudyclothing and jewelry: he has a 20% chance of wearing any of hismany pieces of jewelry at any time he is seen in public (see thedescription of his bedroom in Section 5.5 for a list).Zokhad ir-Zorik

Zokhad is actually 62 years old, but the long lifespan of aBlack Numenorean is his, so he appears no more than 40. Eventaller than Gedron, and more muscular, the ex-commander cuts animpressive figure as he stalks the deck of the Master Seawolf(which he considers to be actually his, no matter what he tellsGedron). His eyes are a cold, clear grey, very startling in hisdeeply tanned face, and his hair, worn plaited into many braids,is a dull black and never curls. He has little patience with others,except for Gedron. His forbearance toward his protege would seemto be a redeeming weakness, but in actuality, Zokhad feels that hehas only to wait for the reckless Gedron to be killed in a raid,leaving Zokhad in charge of the two ships and the MoonstoneFortress. Meanwhile, he bides his time and enjoys the slaughterfrom afar, as he dares not risk news of his continued existencearriving in Umbar until his new fleet is strong enough towithstand a raid from his old enemies. To this end, he hopes tocapture other warships soon, or even buy a new ship.

Zokhad favors black clothing and armor: a recent acquisition isa breastplate of black dragonskin, which protects him as if itwere steel plate, although it weighs no more than rigid leather. Amithril headband adorns his head and protects him as if it were ahelmet. His +15 handaxe is Dwarfwork from the north. Aroundhis neck on a mithril chain is a priceless artifact: an Amulet ofSea-mastery from Niimenor. This large aquamarine, set in silverand engraved with runes, allows its owner to predict the weatherfor 24 hours ahead with 99% accuracy, to always know true north,and to detect obstacles beneath the water to a depth of 100 feet.It operates continually, serving its wearer as an extra set ofsenses. Only 15 of these amulets were ever made, and thelocations only six of these are currently known (Cfrdan the ElvenShipwright has one).The Pirate Lieutenants

Ulbor is the best of the four qualified ship's captains thatGedron and Zokhad have persuaded to join them. He is a black-haired, green-eyed Corsair, rather homely but immensely strongand with a good sea-eye. He has no desire to lead but is contentwith being essentially the captain of the Bay Eaglet, for he has agood home ashore, with a friendly girl to warm his bed andplenty of wine when he wants it. Fortunately, he doesn't drink atsea. His weakness is dice, and he usually loses his share of theloot within days of receiving it. Zokhad has (fortunately) forbid-den gambling for basic equipment, so Ulbor still has his +5sword (it is +20 versus Giants and Trolls, but Ulbor has neverseen either), his +5 dagger, his +5 DB leather breastplate, and hisamulet of fog-sight (allows wearer to see through fog as if itwasn't there for 1 hour).

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The Laughing Reaver and His Crew

Ka/ilir is also a good ship's captain but is quarrelsome andobnoxious. Zokhad has often considered having an accidentarranged for Kaldir . The man is a Corsair, but he has some mixedblood that has made him a red-head, and he is very sensitiveabout it. The last crewmember to comment on it was abandoned10 miles off the coast after a brutal flogging (Kaldir claims thatthe man was punished for insubordination). Kaldir longs to havesole command of a pirate ship of his own and is currently beingkept more or less in line with promises of the command of theBay Eaglet when there is a larger ship for Ulbor. Kaldir fightswith a +15 sword that he took in personal combat with aGondorian ship guard. His leather breastplate is +5, and hishelmet protects him from head criticals 25% of the time.

Ingar is another Black Niimenorean. He was flogged and leftfor dead in the small port of Sook Oda after being drunk on watchaboard the Umbar tradeship whose Second Mate he was. Zokhadhas promised to finish the job this time if Ingar does the sameaboard the Master Seawolf, and has come close several timesalready. When sober. Ingar is a handsome man, with the blackhair and grey eyes typical of his race, but he is usually sousedwhen he is not on duty and resembles a large drowned rat. He canbe an admirable seaman (when sober) and is very grateful toZokhad in spite of the dire threats to his person. Rather amoral.Ingar does not care what his job involves as long as he can drinkwhen ashore. He owns a +10 spear, a +5 leather breastplate, and a+5 sling. None of these items has seen combat recently, for Ingaris basically a coward.

Dulo is a Haradan, a small (5' 7") man with tightly curledblack hair and beard, dark brown eyes, and brown skin. He usedto command a small coastal trader out of the port of Kas Shafra,but he ran into bad financial difficulties and had his shipimpounded by local authorities. He worked for a brief while as acrewman on a larger ship but got into a fight with the captainand unwisely killed the man. Facing death by stoning for thiscrime, he escaped on a small boat and was washed into the secretharbor of the Moonstone Fortress one night. He was nearly killed

for this tresspass, but upon questioning him, Zokhad decided thatthis particular intruder was more useful alive. Although Dulo ishot-tempered and rough, he does not really feel good about hiscurrent occupation and only sticks with it because he knows thatthe authorities are looking for him. He frequently gets intotrouble with his current comrades by being "soft" about thingslike torturing rebellious slaves as an example to the others. Hefights with a +10 mace, wears a leather breastplate +5, andtreasures his most recent acquisition: a shell trumpet thatsummons a favorable wind for 5 hours when blown. This mar-velous device can be used only once per full moon.Other Inhabitants of the Moonstone Fortress

Numa is Gedron's current infatuation, a dancer from a tavern inSook Oda. She thinks that Gedron is very handsome and wasimpressed with his wealth when he came to her old workplace,the Three Diamonds Tavern, so it did not take much to pursuadeher to come with him to his "palace" (as he called i t ) . She wastold that she would be mistress of the Moonstone Fortress, butthe reality is quite different. Gedron often beats her, she has noservants (as promised) unless she can persuade one of the otherskivvies to lend a hand, and the fortress is dirty and unpleasantto live in, even wfthout Gedron's attentions. She would happilyleave, but she knows that a clean getaway is nearly impossibleand that if she failed in her attempt, Gedron would cheerfully(literally!) k i l l her, for she knows too much. She bides her timeand amuses herself by exploring the fortress when Gedron and theothers are at sea. Numa is a Haradan: she is small (5 ' I " ) and haswavy black hair, deeply tawny skin, and brown eyes. To Haradaneyes, she is pretty enough, but a Northerner would find her eithervery ugly or beautifully exotic, depending on viewpoint.

Emuna sut Kalik is a rather powerful but somewhat dementedmage who was chased from her tribe with stones and curses whenit became known that she was using various tribesmen as subjectsfor her magical experiments. Volatile of temper but easilymanaged with flattery and gifts of gaudy jewelry, Emuna feels thatshe has gone up in the world by becoming the personal mage ofsuch powerful lords. A scrawny Northern Haradan woman in herlate 50s, she is well on her way to becoming a terrifying oldcrone. The apprentice pirates are terrified of her, as is Sofan(whom she despises as a weak town-dweller), but the older raiderstreat her with cautious respect and sometimes take her on raids toprovide magical terror for their prey. Numa respects the old ladyfor her powers but finds her rather revolting; nevertheless, theHaradan respect for the elderly leads Gedron's unwi l l ing girlfriendto treat Emuna with courtesy at all times, and the hag has someaffection for the former dancer. Emuna despises the other slavegirls and has ferocious shouting matches with the Cook. Thecra/y mage's most pri/.ed possession is a headband of gold setwith an "eye" made of ivory and turquoise, with a jet pupil. Thissomewhat disturbing ornament acts as a +2 spell adder, givesEmuna a 15 bonus on her DB, and protects her head as if it were ahelmet. She uses it to anchor her gaudy headscarf. The mage has a+ 10 dagger and a black wood walking stick (+5 quarterstaff).

Sofan do Sofan is a healer (animist) who was left staked out inthe desert for agreeing to help a young man poison his lover'shusband (the youth was beheaded, and the wife was burned at thestake). A caravan discovered him and, believing his story ofinvolvement in a tribal disagreement, took him along to theirnext stop, the Moonstone Fortress. Noting that there was nophysician at the castle, Sofan talked his way into employmentthere (Gedron was highly amused at Sofan's lyr ical descriptions ofthe advantages of having a doctor). He was somewhat dismayedwhen he discovered the true nature of his job but philosophicallynoted that his big mouth had gotten him into trouble again andhe had better make the best of it. Unusua l ly t a lka t ive for aHaradan, he has often provoked Zokhad into threatening toremove his tongue, but the crew find his wild tales very funny.Sofan is also tall for a northern Haradan (5' 1 1 " ) . He has a wildmop of curly black hair and dark brown eyes and skin. Ulborrecently presented him with a small +5 dagger, and Zokhad hasmade sure than the doctor in the house has a x2 mul t ip le r amulet .

Pirates of Pelargir - [PDF Document] (11)

The Lady Gilwen


3.1 At the Tipsy Triton in FanuilondThe harbor town of Fanuilond in southern Condor is often the

last stop for coastal traders heading south. Near the myriadislands and sand bars of the Mouths of Anduin, Fanuilond is ahumid, mosquito-infested place that neverthless remains popularwith sailors and captains alike because of the quality of the fruitand wine produced in the region immediately north of the town.Some of the best wine is served at the Tipsy Triton, a small,cheerfully grimy inn near the docks.

The Tipsy Triton is a good place to pick up news, be it gossipor the possibility of a job, so its tables are lined with out-of-work sailors, local and foreign merchants, and townsfolk wholike good sea chanteys, fine tales, and great wine. On this day inlate spring, 1640, the innkeeper. Lady Bereth, is pleased to notethe annual return of the merchant Hallatan of Pelargir.

"Aye, Bereth my lass," says the stout, middle-aged merchant tothe equally stout and middle-aged innkeeper. "The usual trip south... but I've more to worry me this year. They say that the raidsoff the Red Cliff Coast grow worse each season. Here in Fanui-lond, I hope to get not only my usual stock of wine, but somestrong-hearted lads and lasses to keep an eye out for these cursedpirates and perhaps even fight off the sea wolves, if need be."

Bereth turns to the rowdy revelers at the tables. "All right, myhardy children! You've heard the good captain's tale. You've beentalking very big about the fights you've fought, but I wager theonly thing most of you have wrestled lately is a full wineskin!Here's a chance to prove yourselves! Will you not sail with themaster of the Lady Gilwen? He's an honest old rogue, a fairmaster, and generous with them that deserve it. I daresay youcould all make your fortunes with him!"

3.2 The Player CharactersFirst-level player characters (PCs) should be adequate for the

task of guarding Hallatan's ship — as long as the PCs th inkquickly! Six likely would-be adventurers are waiting work at theTipsy Triton this evening:

3.21 Ormon, a Corsair WarriorOrmon's parents despaired of him at an early age because he

didn't understand that Corsairs are supposed to have dignity andpride, rather than a desire to tell bad jokes and sing songs aboutlovers dying for each other. He signed on a Corsair trade shiplast autumn and got off with a bad case of influenza at Fanuilond.Since then, he has served as a bouncer at the Tipsy Triton. Hehas saved 24 gp from his wages and gambling, but now he wantsto return to sea.

Ormon is a tall, powerfully built youth of 19 with a l ivelysense of humor and a taste for sentimental ballads. He is alsofairly good-looking, with green eyes and black hair, and has beenpopular with the barmaids. His most treasured possession is the+ 10 scimitar that his favorite uncle gave him when he turned 16.3.22 Hethlind, a Beorning Ranger

Hethlind guided a party of Dwarves south to Fanuilond with aload of fine weapons for shipment south. In exchange for this,the leader of the Dwarven band gave her a silver bracelet thatallows her to become invisible for up to 24 hours, once per day.She has spent most of her money on room and board at the TipsyTriton while exploring the town and is down to 5 gp. With noother work in the offing and an adventurous spirit (after all, sheis far from home), she would probably love a sea voyage. Shecould quickly learn to use her star-gazing skills for navigation.

Hethlind, 20 years old, has reddish blond hair, grey eyes, and afriendly smile, but she is not pretty. Rather, she exudes an air ofcheerful practicality.3.23 Surion, a Dunadan Bard

Surion has been travelling to get some knowledge of theSouthern lands for his kinsmen and came south to Fanuilond aspart of a group of travelling players! He had meant just to guidethem and play background music for their shows, while checkingout the area, but soon he was acting minor parts. When they wenton west, he stayed in Fanuilond to report to his Aunt Nuneth,who recommended that he head south to learn the Haradaiclanguage more thoroughly and experience the ways of the people.Thus he could later help keep an eye on the plans of the Enemyin the southern lands. Surion has been coming to the TipsyTriton for the past week in search of a likely ship.

Surion recently celebrated his 21st birthday. He is not very tallfor a Dunadan but has the typical sternly handsome face, darkhair, and grey eyes of his race. He can be subtly humorous and isvery interested in the music and art of other lands. He has a +15longsword that was handed down to him by his great-grand uncle.3.24 Indis, a Silvan Elf Scout

Indis came to Fanuilond out of curiosity: she wanted to see theocean, and followed a party of travellers who said that they weregoing there. She is very shy and was teased a great deal by thehuman travellers but is beginning to develop a sense of humorabout it all. An opportunity to actually travel on the ocean wouldsuit her very well.

Indis is a very young Elf, only 16, and is quite pretty tohuman eyes, although other Elves consider her rather ordinary.She has dark brown hair and grey eyes and seems very ta l l tohuman beings (the travellers called her "Beanpole"). Her +10broadsword was made for her by her father, a skilled craftsman,from whom she also learned the rudiments of wood carving. She isvery agile and likes to climb and do acrobatics.

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8 The Player Characters

3.25 Brandir, a Gondorian MageBrandir is a city boy from Pelargir who was in t raining there

as the apprentice of a very bad-tempered old Mage named Gelfan.Gelfan was a very demanding master and had a strong arm and ahard hand, as Brandir had good reason to know. Of course,Brandir did not exactly try to keep the peace: he had a penchantfor building elaborate structures designed to dump water on hismaster's head while he was studying scrolls or to open creakydoors mysteriously in the dead of night. After one beating toomany for Brandir's taste, the apprentice ran off, t ak ing with himthe +l spell adding amulet ( i t is in the form of a bronze ring witha coral bead, carved with tiny runes, set i t in ) that he wassupposed to have at the end of his apprenticeship. Brandir isconvinced that the old Mage wil l track him down here in Fanui-lond and would love to go far away — the further, the better.

Brandir is only of average height and is a l i t t l e heavy; he istrying to grow a beard by way of disguise, but as he is only IS.it is not growing very fast. He is brown-haired and brown-eyedand very cynical. Many nights of sneaking out of his locked, cell-like room at Gelfan's house have made him very good atwriggling through small openings (in spite of his size).3.26 Rozilan, a Black Numenorean Animist

Ro/.ilan was supposed to marry a minor noble of Gondor aspart of a private (and illegal) trade agreement between the man'shousehold and hers, a wealthy merchant family from the northernterritories of Umbar. She was to have tried to pass as halfDunadan, half Haradan. The noble died after being thrown fromhis horse a week before the wedding, and his fami ly (who hadbeen getting cold feet over the whole idea anyway) packedRozilan off with only the clothes on her back and a small purseof gold (35 gp). She has no intention of going back to herfamily (after all, they had agreed to this s i l ly scheme) but isgetting somewhat homesick for the South.

Rozilan is fairly tall, with black hair, grey eyes, and darklytanned skin; she wil l soon turn 19. She is very intel l igent andenergetic; now that she is free of family obligations, she isdetermined not to waste any time in seeing things of interest asshe travels, before she decides where to settle down. Her dowryfrom her family included a rod of ebony, inlaid with silver wire incurling patterns, that allows her to use any one of the fol lowingspells once per day: Minor Vessel repair ("Blood Ways"), MinorNerve repair ("Organ Ways"), Minor Fracture Repair ("Bone/Muscle Ways"), Muscle Repair ("Bone/Muscle Ways"), orCartilage Repair ("Bone/Muscle Ways").

3.3 The Non-Player Characters3.31 Hallatan of Pelargir

A shrewd, tough man in his late 40s, Hallatan has a rotundfigure that belies his sturdy nature. He is somewhat stern to hiscrew, who nevertheless admire him for his keen nose for profitand his generosity to those who work well for him. He boughtthe merchant ship Lady Gilwen (which he renamed for his wife)with the profits he saved from jobs as navigator and captain onthe ships of other men, rich merchant princes who would ratherstay ashore and let hardier souls do the work of sailing the seas.That was 15 years ago, and Hallatan has hardly had a bad seasonsince. The only exception was the Plague Year, when he lostnearly half his crew to the disease, along with his only daughter.Since then, he has been somewhat quieter and not as quick witheither a joke or a curse. He dotes on his remaining children, histwo sons Halmir and Gilmon, and on his new daughter-in-law,Halmir's wife Dorien. The captain is not particularly tall and hasgreying dark hair and eyes of a rather unnerving light hazelshade, almost yellow.

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The Non-player Characters

3.32 Halmir of PelargirVery much the son of his father, Halmir is also quick-witted

and strong, but he is more cheerful of disposition than Hallatanand rarely gets angry. When he does, however, he is truly a forcewith which to reckon. Tall and dark of hair and eye, he is 24years old and serves as his father's second mate and navigator.There is only one thing about which he is not very sensible: hisnew wife, Dorien. He is hopelessly in love with her and gives herwhatever she wishes. Against Hallatan's better judgment, thehappy couple has pursuaded the captain to take them both alongon this voyage.3.33 Red Dorien

Red hair is rare enough among the folk of southern Condorthat Dorien's flaming plaits have awarded her the obvious nick-name. Fortunately, she doesn't really have the temper to match,but she does have the expected freckles (not too many, fortu-nately) and blue eyes. A bright and attractive girl, 18 years old,she was raised sensibly enough until the Plague Year, when all ofher siblings died. Her parents, broken-hearted, proceeded to spoiltheir remaining child. Before this, it had been intended thatDorien should study to be a bard when she was old enough (shehas musical talent), but after the death of the other children, shewas no longer made to work hard at it. Her new husband's extremelove for her and her father-in-law's affection have completed theprocess, and now Dorien expects everything to go her way. Shenever resorts to tantrums, having learned that honey catches moreflies than vinegar does. She is still very clever and interested inthe world, as well as willful and hard to control.

3.34 Ragnir One-EyeFirst mate of the Lady Gilwen, Ragnir lost his left eye to an

infection that set in during the Plague. He has regained almost allof his quickness and coordination by now, however. Of moderateheight, wiry, with dark hair and grey eyes, he has a ferociousscowl most of the time and usually plays the "tough guy" to thecaptain's "nice guy" in disciplinary situations. For instance, if asailor must be whipped for a serious lapse of some sort, Ragnirwields the whip, rather than Hallatan (this rarely happens).Ragnir is not at all cruel, however: rather, he is very stern andconstantly anticipates trouble. On the other hand, when the shipis safely anchored, he also likes to have a glass of wine and totell wonderful tales of the faraway lands he has visited.

3.35 VandorThis animist serves as ship's doctor, as well as predicting the

weather for the captain and keeping track of any perishable orlive items that may be part of the cargo. Vandor is 26 years oldand came from Lamedon, originally. He was in Pelargir a fewyears ago and was fascinated with the sea and the ships. Hallatansaw his interest and let him sign on as a sailor with the LadyGilwen. The captain was horrified at the end of the voyage to findout that he had hired an animist of some skill as a commonsailor! Vandor, however, was delighted with the experience (evenif it did give him many new callouses) and asked to stay on aspermanent crew. The animist is pretty good friends with Halmirbut is wary of Dorien: he considers her (accurately) to beunpredictable and a possible hazard the the captain's reputation.Vandor is tall and lanky, with sandy hair and grey eyes.

3.4 The TaskIf the player characters take Hallatan up on his offer, he will

hire them for the fee of 30 gp apiece for the voyage (consideringthat a common laborer is lucky to see the equivalent of 5 or 6 gpa year, this isn't bad). Note that the captain will not hesitate totake Southerners because he is a sensible man and knows that notall Southerners are pirates; anyway, Southerners who are spendingsome time in Gondor are probably not all bad (Hallatan rarelythinks of political activities, such as spying).

The PCs will not have luxurious accommodations, but they willnot be expected to sleeps in below decks hammocks like thecommon sailors, either. One small cabin will be provided for the

male PCs and one for the females: these are the cabins labeled"passenger or supercargo" (a supercargo is someone in charge ofa specific cargo) and "navigator" (since the second mate is alsothe navigator this time) on the diagram. Because of Dorien'spresence, Halmir no longer shares his cabin with Vandor: theanimist now bunks with the first mate, which does not makeeither of them happy.

The PCs will not be expected to work on daily tasks aboardship; however, they will find that the sailors and other crew-members will be more friendly if the new "guards" decide to lenda hand. The skills that they learn this way may prove useful tothe PCs later.

3.5 The EncountersThe GM will not roll for encounters on this ship voyage.

Instead, there will be two definite encounters, as described below.The voyage will be relatively uneventful for the first few days,

but roll for weather. All of the PCs have good constitutions, sothey shouldn't get seasick, but if the weather is rough, checkanyway: seasickness "attacks" as a level 2 illness and causes -50to all actions due to nausea for at least 15 to 42 hours (12 +3d 10). If the RR failure was by 15 or more, a -25 incapacitationcontinues for as long as the victim is at sea. The Lady Gilwenwill anchor offshore at night because the rocks and shoals alongthe shore make night sailing hazardous. The prevailing winds atthis time of year are favorable, so the first day's travel shouldtake the ship to the cape near Harlond (see map) and the secondday to near Nen Falastir. Hallatan will not put into port at eitherplace unless there is a horrible storm (and even then, there is a60% chance that he will decide that the shoals are too dangerousand instead head out to sea and anchor there with a sea anchor:it's safer). The GM is urged to consider carefully whether thereshould be a storm, even if the weather roll indicates one. This ispotentially a very dangerous situation and the PCs will not beable to do much to improve things, which is not very fair andwill not allow them to earn much EP. It will also be slow to run.

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10 The Encounters

3.51 A Sea MonsterOn the third day of the voyage, as the ship passes the vague

border between Southern Gondor and the Haradwaith (and as thePCs are getting restless ...), in the waters near the Haradwaithtown of Has Adri (although some 15 miles from shore), a diver-sion occurs. The Lady Gilwen is, at this point, crossing the Adri-Lot Deep, an arm of deep water that extends from the ocean. Asailor cries "Ulmo save us!" and points to the port rail, whereseveral large tentacles are writhing across the deck. "A Kraken!"shouts Hallatan. "Your blades, my warriors! Quickly, before itsplits us open like an oyster shell!"

The deep-sea Kraken rarely venture this close to shore, but theDeep provides this one with the space to do so. The Kraken isalmost as long as the Lady Gilwen and obviously knows thatedibles are to be had if the ship can be crushed or broken open. Ifa tentacle comes in contact with anything that moves like aliving creature, the gigantic Kraken will pull in that limb, takingthe unfortunate victim with it (of course, the Kraken must make asuccessful Grapple attack to do so). If the Kraken takes up toone third of its total hit points, it will give up.

If the Kraken scores an appropriate Crush on the ship andcauses it to break open, it will grab 5 to 10 victims (again, itmust Grapple for each victim) and make off at high speed. Whenit gets at least 1 mile away, it will stop to eat its prey. Theremaining survivors at the wreck site must make their way ashoreas best they can. Wish them luck! Fortunately, the waters here-abouts are not infested with sharks.

3.52 Pirates!When the Lady Gilwen is beginning to change course near the

cape of Ras Oda to enter the deep bay known as the Harnun Dat,the Bay Eaglet will pass them at a distance and will be noted, ifat all, as a Haradan coastal trader or large fishing vessel. An houror two later, as the Lady Gilwen begins the awkward business ofsailing with a cross wind, the Master Seawolf will begin to pullalongside, flying the red flag of the Belfalas Pirates. The BayEaglet will cut across the bow of the Lady Gilwen and attempt toprevent the Gondorian ship from proceeding. Meanwhile, theMaster Seawolfs crew, led by Gedron, will attempt to grapple theships together and board the Lady Gilwen.

Hallatan's crew will, of course, try to fight off the boardingparty and prevent the grappling attempt. Each ship's crew hasarchers that will attempt to cover their comrades who are engagedin the ticklish operations of grappling and preventing grappling.

If the raiders succeed in getting on board, they will try toincapacitate (but not necessarily kil l) all crew members withweapons. This will include the PCs. The pirates' principal targetsfor looting will be the cabins (where they wi l l find Hallatan'sfairly primitive secret compartment easily). If no good loot isfound there, only then will they try the hold. They wil l also takea few strong-looking sailors who are uninjured or have onlyminor injuries as galley slaves. Finally, Dorien's red hair andgood looks will make her a prime target: many lords of Umbar oreven farther south would pay good money for such an unusual andpretty slave girl (Hethlind the PC, who also has reddish hair, isunlikely to be a target for this, as she is not very pretty). Dorienwill struggle but she is not very large or strong and is not likelyto escape. Unless the PCs and crew prevent it, Halmir's new bridewill be carried onto the Master Seawolf, kicking and screamingthe entire way. With her wil l go the contents of Hallatan's safeand anything else that the raiders can grab.

While the pirates are on the ship, they will slash as manyropes as possible and attempt to cripple the rudder so that theLady Gilwen cannot follow them when they make their escape. Ifthe pirates get clean away, the remaining crew and PCs will havefrom 12 to 32 hours' worth of work just to get the ship movingagain. Even then, Hallatan (or whoever is left in command afterthe fight) will not attempt to get to Kas Shadoul, far down in theHarnun Dat, as he had originally planned, but will instead set sailfor Sook Oda, which is much smaller and far nearer.

The PCs may, if they dare, attempt to follow the raiders ontothe Master Seawolf. Of course, the pirates have guards to preventit. The GM is advised to prevent the PCs at all cost from gettingonto the ship if it will result in the party being split in half (asplit party is a very difficult situation to referee). If the entireparty goes on board at once, they will probably be fought intosubmission (they are quite outnumbered). Logic would seem todictate that the tougher-looking PCs be retained as galley slavesor worse. However, in the interests of the game structure andfurther adventures, it would be better to have their unconsciousbodies thrown into the water if there are enough crew left on theLady Gilwen to rescue them, or otherwise thrown back onto theLady Gilwen's deck, along with jeering comments about "Leavethe kids at home next time!" and "These 'uns are too scrawny;we're throwing them back!" The within-the-game logic in this isthat the PCs (1) will probably too badly injured in the battle touse as slaves right away (and the raiders aren't going waste anyhealing on slaves) and (2) are too cantankerous to be much use asslaves anyway.

Even if the pirates are fought off, Hallatan will put into SookOda to report the attempt and to reward his brave crew and guardsfor the victory by letting them have a night on the town. Ineither case, victorious and drunk or beaten and drunk, the PCs andthe younger members of Hallatan's crew (Vandor and, if Dorienhas been carried off, Halmir) will end up in the Northern Girl, thefriendliest tavern for Northerners in Sook Oda.

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Search for the Raider's Harbor 114.0 ADV. 2: SEARCH FOR

THE RAIDERS' HARBORThe Haradwaith coastal town of Sook Oda ("Oda's Market,"

names after its first Hetman, or mayor) is abuzz with the news ofthe latest offence by the Laughing Raider: an attack on the Gon-dorian merchantman Lady Gilwen. The ship's master, Hallatan ofPelargir, holds forth in the Northern Girl tavern soon after hecomes ashore, telling of the pirates' bold attack on his ship.

4.1 Starting the PlayersWhat exactly Hallatan says will depend on whether your PCs

played through the first adventure. If they did, then you mayalready know what Hallatan will say! For some suggestions oneway or the other, see below.IF THE LADY GILWEN LOST TO THE RAIDERS

If you didn't run Adventure I , read through that material to getthe background and then run this adventure as if the Lady Gilwensurvived the attack by the Kraken but lost the battle with thepirates. Thus most of Hallatan's gold and valuables and hisdaughter-in-law Dorien are now in the hands of the LaughingRaider and his scurvy crew.

"Two ships!" bellows Hallatan. "Two of the plaguey thingsagainst my own wee ship! My lads are brave, but they're notwarriors! All my gold gone, aye, and the Elven jewels that theTalaf Myniun ordered last autumn, but that is not what grievesme! They have stolen my daughter in love, my son's wife Dorien!Even now she may be on her way to some desert chieftain'sharem! Alas, the poor darling! All she wanted was to view thesights of the Haradwaith, curse me for a fool that I wished toindulge her in it!"

Hallatan's son Halmir sits near his father, his head in hishands, tears running unheeded down his tanned face. His animist

friend Vandor sits nearby, unable to think of anything comfort-ing to say. Ragnir, the one-eyed first mate, is scowling moreferociously than ever and cursing steadily under his breath. Thesurviving sailors of the Lady Gilwen mope about, heads hang-ing. What could a sailor do against pirates? A pirate raid isn't abar fight! Yet they feel that they should have done more.

NOTE: If you ran the first adventure and Hallatan waskilled, then obviously someone else should tell the story:either Ragnir or Vandor. Of course, if anyone else is miss-ing, they must be written out of the picture too.Sakur do' Akil, the owner of the Northern Girl, puts a comfort-

ing hand on Hallatan's shoulder. "It is certainly not the firsttime, by all the spirits of Paradise, that this raider has struckagainst a merchant ship! And not all of us believe Northerners tobe worthy of whatever misfortune may befall them! Here, in myhumble tavern, are those who would gladly see this LaughingFiend put to a slow and miserable death. Come, friends, lend youraid to this worthy shipmaster! This Laughing Raider, this mock-ing murderer, he has lived too long!'IF THE RAIDERS LOST TO THE LADY GILWEN

If the PCs were in the first adventure and were involved insuccessfully defending the Lady Gilwen, then there is no Doriento rescue from the raiders: she is sipping wine beside her husbandon a bench in the Northern Girl as her father-in-law tells his tale.

"Two ships full of them, aye, but we fought the rascals off!They barely made off with their lives, most of 'em, and here weare, mostly safe and sound, thanks to these brave hearts I wasclever enough to bring with me," (he winks jovially at the PCs)."But what of others, hey? I doubt we're the first this chucklingscoundrel has attacked, and daresay we won't be the last!"

"You are very right, old friend," say Sakur do1 Akil, the host ofthe Northern Girl. "At least four ships they took last summer, andthe crews of those could barely get their vessels to port here afterthe villains had left them. You escaped safely this time, praisedbe all the spirits in Paradise, but maybe they will take after youagain, even on your return trip. And if you are not their nextvictim, surely some other fine merchant will be. This laughingfiend and his crew of rogues have a fierce hunger for gold."

"Aye, that's the bitter truth," replies Hallatan. "I fear that theonly solution is to kill the sea wolves in their den, for I knowwell that no one in the Haradwaith has a warship, and we allknow what the Lords of Umbar think of the pirates! But where dothese scurvy raiders make their harbor? Surely not even the worstHetman or Governor of the Haradwaith would give them a base?Thus they must have some secret haven for those two ships. Iwould give a lot to have that place discovered!"

"So would I," affirms Sakur. "So would our Hetman Haruth!Well, there's our answer. We will all put up a reward for the dis-covery of this wolves' den. Do you hear that, my guests? Thisworthy Northerner and I would pay you well to discover thehiding place of the Laughing Raider and his crew! Also, ourblessed Hetman will surely sweeten the reward! Come, even ifnone of you thirst for justice, surely some of you need gold!"

Hallatan eyes the PCs hopefully. "How about you, my doughtyguards? Would you like some more gold in your purses? If youacquit yourselves as well on land as you have at sea, you could dovery well!"

4.2 The Player CharactersIf the PCs are veterans of the first adventure, they will

probably have made 2nd level (remember to take points for traveland new experiences into account, as well as points for combat,good ideas, and so on). This adventure is really geared more to3rd levels, however, so give them some extra fire power bysending another NPC or two along with them. If Dorien has beenkidnapped, Halmir and Vandor (if still around) will certainly goalong. If she hasn't, Vandor will still offer to go. In addition,you may send along either some appropriate NPCs (Yud, Tahar,and/or Syron; see Section 4.3) or use some of these PCs as NPCs.

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12 The Player Characters

4.21 Gelmir, a Gondorian WarriorGelmir grew up in Minus Anor, the youngest son of a guard of

the city. A serious, intense young man, he felt the urge to makehis own way in the world, away from the high reputation of hisfather and the expectations raised by the fighting skills of histhree older brothers. He made his way south as a guard foroverland merchant parties and saw lots of f ight ing action againstboth beasts and bandits on the road. His +10 longsword was aparting gift from his family, but his +5 shield was taken from abandit leader 2 months ago on the road from Kas Shadoul to SookOda. Gelmir was wounded in that exchange but managed to k i l lhis foe anyway, successfully defending his merchant clients. Thegrateful traders left him in the care of Sook Oda's only competenthealer and gave Gelmir 100 gp. He is now ful ly healed and get-ting bored and restless.

Gelmir is 20 years old and has dark brown hair and ha/el eyes.His ruddy skin and a broken nose make him rather unattractive,but his self-confidence makes him impressive, even though he isnot all that tall for a Warrior.

4.22 Yezmin, a Haradan RangerYezmin sut Zareb was the only child of a solitary Haradan

hunter and his wife. Because of his isolated way of life, her fatherZareb was not constantly influenced by more conventionalHaradan ways as he would have been in a tribal situation. Also,his wife died when Yezmin was only 7 years old. Thus Verminlearned to hun t from her father as if she was his son, not hisdaughter. When Vermin was 19, Zareb was ki l led by the bite of apoisonous snake. Yezmin was heart-broken and wild with grieffor a period of weeks, but then realized that she had to make alife for herself now. Lonely, she sought out other people, but thet r ibal Haradrim of the desert were too traditional to accept afemale hunter. She had more luck in the towns and has beenearning a living by guiding caravans.

Yezmin is now 21. She carries her father's +10 scimitar andhas a +5 target shield that she bought with the pay from her lastjob. Her unfortunate and unusual life has made her cynical andrather aggressive toward others, but she has a soft spot in herheart for those who are v ic t ims of greater force or i l l luck, aslong as the vict ims tried their best (as she has) to make the bestof it on their own.

4.23 Amroth, a Noldo BardAmroth often jokes that he is the only Noldo south of the

Anduin . This may not be true, but the folk of Sook Oda certainlybelieve it. Amroth is u n u s u a l l y sociable for one of the Fair Folkand came south with a Human friend of his, "Just for a change ofscene, you might say," as Amroth puts it. The friendly atmos-phere of the Northern Girl warmed his heart and he has spent amonth here, whi le his merchant friend continued on south. Evenbefore this, Amroth had done a great deal of travelling in thelands of Men, picking up songs and tales as he went.

Amroth is extremely attractive even for an Elf. The Haradangirls of Sook Oda are fascinated with him, but he carefullyignores them to avoid the wrath of their fathers. He has fair skinthat nevertheless seems impervious to the hot southern sun,silver blond hair, and green eyes. His face is often twisted into asardonic grin, and he has a sharp tongue upon occasion. He has a+5 longsword from his father and a gold ring set with a beryl (thetransparent green gem often called "elfstone") that acts as a +2spell adder and also allows him to use a Shield spell twice perday upon command (acts as a target shield, subtracting 25 fromattacks, for 5 minutes, that is, 30 combat rounds).

4.24 Axor, a Corsair ScoutAxor. 17 years old, has had a varied life. Since running away

from home at 13, he has been a ship's cabin boy, a bouncer in atavern in a town in Umbar's territories, a thief, and a bodyguard.During this last employment, he ended up in Sook Oda when hefell i l l from eating bad food at the Moonstone Fortress caravanstop. He managed to hide his symptoms for a while, but soon his

employer, a trader who needed a bodyguard because he had bribedthe wrong people, had to leave him behind in the nearest town.That was 5 days ago, and Axor is now fu l ly recovered and goingstir-crazy in the l i t t le town. He hangs out at the Northern Girl ,looking for action.

Like most Corsairs, Axor has black hair (which he wears longand tied into a horse-tail), grey eyes, and deeply tanned skin. Heis tall for his age but still slender and has not yet come into hisfu l l strength. He is becoming handsome as he grows older andknows it. Although he tries to act cool and aloof, he is really ful lof daring and acts before thinking all too often. During one ofhis less honest periods, he stole a +10 scimitar from a drunkenmercenary. He also has a +5 DB rigid leather breastplate, a gif tfrom his last employer (who meant it as a loan but was in toomuch of a hurry to leave Sook Oda to bother about retrieving it).

4.25 Kiral, a Dorwinadan AnimistFollowing a tradition of the Dorwinadan priests, Kiral under-

took a journey of learning at age 18. He travelled south and west,gathering herbs, observing the world about him, and ta lking tomany different people. Still on the road long after the prescribedyear had passed, Kiral felt l i t t le inclination to go back: thewandering life suited him, allowing him to see new sights andheal those who seldom see an Animist or any other kind ofeffective healer. He has been in the northern Haradwaith for thepast 8 months, visi t ing tribal healers and gaining their trust sothat he can learn about the local herbs and remedies.

Kiral is a quiet man, sensitive to the moods and needs ofothers and very observant. He is only of average height andrather slenderly built, without much muscle. His hair and eyes arebrown, and his skin has the distinctive sallow color of his race.He brought with him from home an excellent composite bow,+ 10, and an old crone whom he helped in the Nindalf marshesgave him a talisman that turned out to be of great potency: itgives him 8 more spell points per day, gives him the abil i ty tocast healing spells on targets up to 10 ft away, and allows him tothrow his spells as if he were three levels higher. He also has 35gp and a pouch containing the following herbs (number of dosesin parentheses): yavethalion(3), tarnas( I ) , edram(4), harfy(2),arpsusar(2), dagmathar(2), belramba(l), mirenna(9), suranie(12).

4.26 Lyli, a Haradan MageLyli was married at an early age (15) to an elderly Mage of Kas

Shadoul. Her new husband, Yussul, was smitten with his muchyounger wife's charms (Lyli can be very charming — if she wantsto) and much struck by her great intelligence, which had pre-viously had little chance for use in the constrained life of anupper class Haradan maiden. He started to teach her his craft. Shewas an apt pupil, but her training was cut short when Yussul diedof a heart attack. She grieved for him more as a teacher than ahusband and recovered in a few weeks. Then, for a few months,she attempted to live as mistress of her household, but Yussul'sambitious journeyman Kannok used Haradan law and tradition totake that power away from her. Furious, she dressed as a boy andstowed away on a Haradan ship, When she was discovered by thecrew, they thought her a lad and allowed her to stay on as a'prentice sailor and cabin boy. The risk of discovery was toogreat, however, and Lyli jumped ship at Sook Oda after hersecond voyage. She sold a pearl brooch (given to her by Yussuland kept hidden while aboard ship) for money to live on at theNorthern Girl, where she has stayed for 2 months while trying toconvince the local Mage to teach her more.

Lyli is little and wiry and still looks rather boyish, even inmore feminine attire. Aboard ship, she learned to use a scimitarand has now purchased a +5 blade. She also has a tiny amulet thatgives her +1 spell per day and badly wants a more effectivedevice. She still has a lot of pride even after her misadventuresand yet is also very inquisitive, so she cannot always maintainher proud facade. She is very interested in any means to increaseher magical knowledge.

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The Non-player Characters 13

4.3 The Non-player Characters4.31 Haruth do Ramam

Hetman of Sook Oda, Haruth is a cynical man, a Haradan with ajaundiced view of the increasing domination of the region byCorsairs and Black Numenoreans. Afflicted with a variety ofminor ills, he usually looks annoyed and irritated, but his mind isvery sharp and he is (by Haradan standards) a good hetman, swiftwith justice and cautious (but generous) with mercy where appro-priate. In appearance, he is a skinny little man (5'5") with sharpfeatures, thinning black hair, a pointed beard, and very dark skin.He looks every day of his 56 years. He would be glad have theLaughing Raider put to death for piracy, if his hiding place couldbe discovered, and will offer 250 gp for this task. He would alsoreward evidence of the Raider's death or destruction of his ships.4.32 Shamara sut Katub

High priestess of Kesht, Shamara is the only Truth-Seer andthe best healer in Sook Oda. A stern woman of early middle years(41), she is rather tall for her race (5'6") and statuesque in figure.She wears the white robes of her calling with pride, and her faceis partially veiled in the old way of noble Haradan women:indeed, Shamara is a figure of unusual dignity in this little coastaltown. She has a weakness for daring young people, as long asthey are honest, and total scorn for those who live by lies.4.33 The Northern Girl Staff

Sakur do 'Akil inherited the inn from his father, along with ahealthy respect for honest folk, whatever their race. As old Akilalways said, "Better to trust an honest outlander, however strangehis ways, than your brother who has cheated you before. Bloodmay be thicker than water, but it doesn't pay bills." Sakur ispopular with both townsfolk and foreign traders, and many alonely drunk has found the host of the Northern Girl to be asympathetic listener. A stout man of medium height, his roundchin framed with a drooping black moustache and his dark eyestwinkling as he carries a tray of wine cups, Sakur is a welcomesight to many a weary traveller from the North.

Arza sut Timman, Sakur's wife, is a small, plump woman wholikes hot, spicy food (which she cooks very well, although shewill prepare plainer fare upon request), hotly colored clothes, andhot gossip. She knows almost everything that goes on in SookOda, including the fact that Numa the Dancer ran off with youngGedron Moonstone and hasn't been back to visit her best friend(the other dancer at the Three Diamonds, the Northern Girl's onlyreal competitor for business) — not even once — even thoughGedron has been seen there three times since! Arza knows thatmany of the town merchants have their doubts about the originsof Gedron's goods, but no one likes to ask too many questions(even Arza gets her tidbits merely by careful listening).

The Northern Girl has two bouncers. One is a phlegmaticyoung giant (figuratively speaking: although entirely human, he's67" in height) of a Northman who has sworn never to go homeagain since his older brother stole his ladylove. The folk of KasShadoul call him White Hallan because of his fair skin and hair,but his name is Hallan Skord's Son. He rarely leaves the innbefore sundown because he sunburns so badly, but no one in thecity has yet beat him in wrestling. The other bouncer is a shortbut stout young Haradan whose appearance is very deceiving: heis VERY muscular and not all that stupid. Yud do Sarsor, as he isnamed, once visited the Moonstone Fortress as a caravan guard ayear ago and swears that he saw several men being brought in,late at night, chained together. Yud says that they were takeninto a tower by armed guards. No one believes him, and he mightbe persuaded to come prove his story.

Sakur's youngest child is a rogue of a 15-year-old who istemporarily in disgrace after being kicked off his uncle's shipduring his first assignment as cabin boy. He played too manypractical jokes on other crew members. Tahar do Sakur is handywith a boat, whether oared or with sail, and has sailed by the RedCliff Cuts and noted their proximity to the Moonstone Fortress.A level 1 scout, he would jump at a chance for adventure.

4.34 Syron PathfinderSyron Pathfinder is a frequent visitor to the inn. A laconic-

Corsair Ranger with a taste for good wine and northern pipe weed,he has been asked to keep an eye out for some of the travellerswho have disappeared near the Moonstone Fortress. He wasnearly skewered by fortress guards armed with bows when inves-tigating the territory nearby, but escaped by apparently leapingto his death from the cliffs into the sea (actually, he climbeddown until he was partially hidden by an overhang andcamouflaged himself further with his magical cloak -̂ - Elven-type, but made by Haradan wise woman). Syron is touchy to dealwith and suspicious of strangers but has a weakness fordiscussions of herb-lore and wildlife. He will quickly warm toanyone who discusses these subjects with real interest, even ifthat person is relatively ignorant of the topics. Arza knows ofhis interests but usually respects his privacy (a good logicalargument might win her over, however). Syron is relatively freeof his race's dislike of other northern races, mainly because thereare very few people of any race that he feels he can trust.

4.4 The TaskThe objective is, of course, to discover the stronghold and

harbor of the Laughing Raider and his crew. No one really knowsthe identity of the pirate, but many have suspicions about theMoonstone Fortress and its inhabitants. The residents of SookOda are not blind and are far from stupid: if Gedron Moonstone'sonly source of income is the lousy caravan stop, where does heget so much money?

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14 The Expedition and Encounters

The Northern Girl Tavern will, of course, be the starting pointof the expedition. If a lively discussion of the possible identityof the Laughing Raider and the possible location of his harbortakes place in the inn, the various staff and regulars (such asSyron) wi l l soon be putting in their 2 coppers' worth. Thedescription (by Hallatan) of his attacker as a young Corsair withan unpleasant laugh will lead Arza to note (as she has severaltimes already) that young Gedron Moonstone seems the veryman. and who knows where he gets those northern goods he sellshere in town. Syron, after a few glasses of wine and if he hasbeen approached indirectly, may comment on the strange activ-ities around Gedron's fortress. This, in turn, will probably causeYud to repeat (for the hundredth time) his tale of chainedprisoners there. If the matter of where could a ship possibly dockalong the steep Red Cliffs is brought up, young Tahar may offersome speculation about hiding a ship in the Red Cliff Cuts, buthe will no doubt be shouted down by his elders, who will regardsuch an idea as nothing more than an Elf-tale.

If the players make it clear that they are accepting the task,Hallatan wil l arrange for any needed ordinary supplies, includinghorses, if desired (although the party may be better off withoutthem). This is mainly a scouting mission, but away from thetown is a desert wilderness, and unexpected dangers may lurk onthe way to the Moonstone Fortress.REWARDS

Hallatan is offering 100 gp for the discovery of the Raider'sstronghold. Sakur is adding another 100 to the pot, and Haruth'saddition to the reward fund brings the total to 450 gp. Finally,who knows what the adventurers may find on their own during thesearch for the Raider's den?

4.5 The Expedition and EncountersIt is not at all far to the Moonstone Fortress. The players may

want to first approach it openly by posing as travellers, but ofcourse, that has its own hazards (remember that the raiders mayhave just lost rowers in a battle and may be looking forreplacements). This approach may work for a first appraisal ofthe fortress, however. If the players are rash enough to startsneaking around at night (try to have the accompanying NPCsdissuade them), use the material in Adventure 3 (this is a quickway to get rid of PCs, so do your best to talk them out of it). Aless hazardous approach is to scout out the fortress off the beatenpath, either by land or by sea.4.51 Approach by Land

If the players try sneaking through the rough, they will findthemselves in a desert wilderness alive with birds and beasts.Encounters with wildlife will be frequent and often dangerous.They can only do this on the inland side of the road, since thecliffs above the sea are a scarce 100 ft from the road on the otherside and there is no cover at all. The inland side, by contrast haslots of rocks and scrubby vegetation up to 8 ft tall. Movingslowly and carefully, it should take the players a day and a half toreach the fortress. Of course, they may choose to cut their timeby taking the road until the are less than a day from the fortress,but someone should tell them about the possibility that thepirates may patrol the road, since it is their regular supply route.If they decide to do it anyway, have a pirate patrol (see SecondDay Encounters, below) come by so that they will decide to gofor the bush. On the first day out, once the party is at least amile from Sook Oda, start rolling for encounter hourly (check theweather, too — an unexpected sandstorm could make thingsinteresting). A roll of I-80 means no encounter. For other rolls,read on. Once an encounter has occurred, it will not occur again.

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The Encounters 15FIRST DAY ENCOUNTERS:Roll 81-87, A Wild Cattle Stampede: A low drummingcomes from the ground, detectable on a Perception roll of 100 orbetter (including bonuses: you roll the dice, or the PCs will knowthat something is up). Almost before anyone can move, a herd ofwild cattle, white-eyed with fear, charges toward the party. Thecattle are fleeing from some predators (probably a Great Cheetah,which hunts in daylight). There are at least 12 of them. The PCsmust immediately decide what to do. Give them no more than 30seconds real time and have them write down their immediateactions on. paper and give them to you. Then determine whathappens. The cattle, unless forcibly stopped, wi l l follow astraight l ine and w i l l not turn aside. Assume that the PCs have Iround to act.Roll 88-93, A Pit Spider's Trap: The ground beneath thePC or PCs in the lead gives way (the area is a 10 ft diametercircle and wi l l cave in when more than 130 Ibs of weight is puton i t ) , dropping the v ic t im or victims into a pit 20 ft deep. Theymay take damage as follows: a 2-handed weapon attack, with abonus of +20 for the distance fallen and +10 for every 50 Ibs ofbody weight (that is, a ISO Ib character will take a 2-handedattack +50). The criticals are all Crush. In the pit is a giantspider, 5 ft across, who wil l attack the fallen party members withits sharp mandibles and its lvl 5 poison. If the spider scores acritical, th is poison wil l in any case give 2-20 points of damagedue to tissue damage around the wound. In addition, if the vict imfails i ts RR by 15 or more, the poison will paralyze for 12 to 30hours (10 + 2dlO). The spider saves its paralyzed prey for latermeals. If the party has the leisure to explore the pit, they willfind the bones of several large animals (a horse and two cows)and those of a man. Amid the human victim's remains are 37 gp,a +10 longsword, a +10 light crossbow, and a +5 target shield. Agood Perception roll (90 or better, including add) wil l reveal toanyone nat ive to the area that the man was a Corsair, given hisgear and clothing remains.Roll 94-98, A Thicket of Catclaw Bushes: A member ofthe party, straying slightly from the rest (roll randomly foranyone who is not totally surrounded by other members of theparty), cries out in pain and shock as he or she is entangled inthe thorny branches of a catclaw shrub. These semi sentient plantsfer t i l ize themselves by catching animals and people in theirflexible, mobile branches, armed with hooked clawlike thornsthat give off a soporific (sleep-inducing) juice. The juice acts as alevel 4 poison and takes 1-4 rounds to act. after which the victimis deeply asleep. Note that the victim must roll a new RR everyround that he or she is entangled and once a critical has beencaused, because the juice is constantly dripping into the woundscaused by the nasty thorns. The shrubs are definitely flammable,but care must be taken to avoid roasting the captive along withthe captor. Al ternat ively , the plants may be hacked with edgedweapons but they w i l l attempt to defend themselves by wildlywaving their thorny, grasping branches, trying to strike theirattackers. If the party can take the time to explore the groundbeneath the thicket (or its remains), they will find many animalbones, the remains of two human beings, 23 scattered gp, ascimitar, and a +5 normal shield.Roll 99-00, A Magical Guardian Servant: As the partystrolls (or, we hope, sneaks) through the brush, a good percep-tion roll (100 or more, including add) may reveal the remains of asmall stone building. (This once guarded an extraterrestrial gate,which has since been shut.) Soon thereafter, someone in theparty (roll randomly) will be struck by a flying ball of earth(treat as a Ball attack spell, with all criticals as Crush). Thisstrange apparition is the guardian of the place, a barely-sentientclod of dirt capable of zipping about and attacking intruders inthis area. I t is tied to the spot and may not go more than 35 ftfrom the keystone of the former gateway. This stone is nowlying half buried in the ground. If the Guardian takes its total hitpoints, it will become inactive for 15 minutes, at which point itwill re-coalesce from the surrounding earth and attack again, adinfinitum. If the keystone is destroyed, the Guardian will

permanently deactivate (the keystone is normal rock, takes 100points of damage, AT as plate, and Crush criticals will result in 5points of damage per level of critical severity; that is, an "A"critical will yield 5 points of damage, but an "E" will give 25). Adiligent search of the area wi l l reveal nothing but a strangesphere of yellow glass, 2 inches in diameter. If this is thrown (ordropped from more than 6 ft onto a hard surface), it wi l l give offa Sudden Light spell (it attacks as an 8th level mage). Every timethat it is used (whether on purpose or by accident), there is a 10%chance (roll 91-00) that it w i l l shatter as it activates, giving off5-10 (4 + Id6) +40 composite bow attacks as the shards of glassfly through the air. This will, of course, destroy the item.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS

When the PCs stop for the night, they should sensibly notethat it is warm enough not to need a fire and that it would be agood idea to post watches. If they do both, roll for an encounterevery hour (01-85 yields no encounter). If they do only one.modify the encounter rolls by +10. If they a l l go to sleep by acrackling campfire (with any Elves in the party oblivious becausethey are watching the stars), modify all encounter rolls by +25(also roll to see if the fire spreads (91-00 it does).86-95, A Party of Rukhim: The Kukhim (singular: Rukha:also called Ru-folk and Ruathani; they call themselves,Rughu) arevarious types of small, nocturnal humanoid beings wi th smallmagical powers. They are common in the Haradwaith but are onlyrarely seen by larger folk and are usual ly considered to bemythical. These are Desert Rukhim: 4 ft tal l , wiry, sand-coloredskin and hair, brown eyes with no whites visible, armed withspears and bows. There are 10 of them: the chieftain, an Animist(wise woman), and eight warriors (five men and three women).They have had bad experiences with men, that is. Pirates whohave killed several of their people, and will attempt to capturethe PCs. The wise woman will summon 4 jackals to help ifcombat threatens. They will attempt to jump any sentries quietly,possibly with spell assistance from the Wise woman. If the,Rukhim are overwhelmed and all seems lost, they will (lee,turning invsible as they do so (they cannot attack whileinvisible). They carry only their animal skin clothes, ropes oftwisted hide, hair, and sinew, and the weapons listed (thewise woman has an amulet that is a +2 spell adding device). If thegroup attempts to negotiate, the Rukhim (who barely speakHaradaic) may just agree to leave, or they may (if the group isvery pleasant and persuasive) help guide them to the fortress.They will insist on travelling at night, however, if they agree tothis task. If, somehow, all the PCs are captured or killed, thecaptives can probably talk their way out of it: Rukhim are not.by nature, cruel or aggressive.96-99, A Poisonous Snake: A Banded Viper, drawn by theheat of bodies (or the fire, if there is one), slithers into camp.These large (15 ft long, 12-inch body diameter at widest point)snakes are pit vipers and hunt by heat and scent. Adult humanbeings are rather too large for them to consider as normal prey,but they are easily startled and have a poisonous bite ( lvl 5poison: minimum result, blurred vision and slowed reflexes (-20to all moving maneuvers) for 6-16 hours; if RR failed,convulsions (total incapacity and random thrashing) for 2-12hours, take 22-40 points damage, and 20% .chance death frombrain damage). If no one notices the Viper (takes a Perceptionroll of 90 or better, including bonuses), it wil l curl up by a warmsleeping body (roll randomly to see who is warmest) and thenbecome agitated by the normal movements of the unconsciousparty member, perhaps biting (01-75 it bites). The bite willdefinitely cause the sleeper to wake and yell.00, A Desert Troll: This Troll, unfortunate enough to live anarea where the sun almost always shines brightly for as long asit's up, can only come out for a brief time each night. He walksmany miles in search of prey. Seeing a party of tasty humanoidmorsels snoozing the night away, he has only one thought in hissluggish brain: a feast! A sentry or two? No problem. He is armed

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16 The Encounters

with nothing but his large claws and jagged teeth, but they havealways been enough. Obviously, he goes for anyone who isawake first: he may be slow, but he is not a total imbecile. TheTroll's den is 7 miles off into the desert: a shallow cave, it reeksof carrion and contains many bones both old and new, as well as31 gp. There are no other items of value there. (The NPCs maytry to discourage the PCs from going there at all, as the roundtrip will add goodness knows how much time — in actuality,about 7 hours — to their expedition).SECOND DAY ENCOUNTERS

By this time, the PCs are approaching the fortress. No animalsor monsters come this close, but there is a 30% chance (71-00)that there is a pirate guard patrol in the area. The patrol consistsof six pirates and an apprentice who is there as a runner (to bringnews back to the fortress if necessary). These warriors are moreheavily armored (usually Ch/13 or 14) than the pirates generallyare (heavy armor is (ought to swim in, but fine for a land patrol).If the patrol spots intruders, they will behave as if they are theguards of the fortress (which they are, after all): "Halt! You are onthe land of Gedron Moonstone. What is your business here?"They will insist on escorting the party "back" to the road(whether they came from there or not) and will attack if the grouprefuses. If an attack occurs, the 'prentice will run for the fortressto give warning. The pirates are not very brave and may breakand run if half their number is downed.

As the party gets to within 1 mile of the fortress, the chanceof patrol increases to 50% (rolled once per hour). At this point,the patrol will shoot first and ask questions later.4.52 Approach by Sea

This is somewhat easier: the hazards are mainly navigational.The pirates do not patrol the waters near the harbor, as this wouldjust draw attention to the cut that is their entrance. The water isdeep enough to allow small ships to come within 20 ft or so ofthe cliffs, but at that point there is a 50% chance (modified bythe average "Sailing" skill of those at the sails and tiller) thatthe ship wi l l be dashed against the cliffs (a +30 Crush attack).(The raiders know the area well enough to avoid this). There isalso a 50% chance (modified as above) that the ship will runaground on sand bars and an equal chance that it will hit a reef.

Bold adventurers who decide to try swimming to the cliffs mustfight the current (-20 to swimming rolls; swimming here is aVery Hard maneuver) or be dashed against the cliff (01-60) orwashed into a cut (61-97) and vir tual ly trapped there, or go underand start drowning (98-00) (these same rolls would apply toanyone who falls from the ship). Anyone trapped in a cut may tryto climb the walls there (another Very Hard maneuver) or fightthe current out (starts Very Hard and gets worse each minute asthe adventurer tires: when it reaches Absurd, the adventurer mustbe rescued or he/she starts to drown).

Of course, the adventurer may be washed into the Reavers' Cutif he or she is closest to that one. In that case, he or she mayattempt to swim to the dory or climb a rope from one of theships (if they are not out on a raid) or climb the dock. Go toAdventure 3 for what such an adventurer might fight in this cut.

Unless someone (or the entire boatload) enters the Reavers'Cut, nothing wi l l be learned from such a reconnaissance — unlessthe pirates are setting out or returning (roll of 86-00)! In thatcase, of course, the Bay Eaglet and the Master Seawolf will pursueand attempt to capture or destroy the adventurers' vessel.

4.53 At the FortressSee the accompanying diagram and Adventure 3 (Section 5.0)

for the details of the fortress and its immediate surroundings. Theruins of the old lighthouse consist of a complete ground floor,most of the second floor, and very of the third floor (see plan).The patrols are supposed to check all three areas but in practicethey rarely do (91-00 they search above the ground floor). Asabove, the chance per hour of encountering a patrol anywhere inthis area is 50%. There are also patches of rough, thick vegeta-tion and rocky outcrops that can offer temporary shelter.

The best plan is probably to stake out the fortress and see ifany ships put out or if anyone in the party recognizes anyonewho comes out of the fortress. Gedron and 1-3 men go ridingevery other day, and there is a 50% chance that anyone who livedthrough the raid on the Lady Gilwen will recognize him if theyget within 50 feet of him. Tahar, if he came along, has a 70%chance because Gedron came to drink at the Northern Girl twicethis past winter. If the party has been discussing whether Gedronis the raider, Tahar will point out Gedron and ask: "Is that theLaughing Raider? That's Gedron." If the group is atop the cliffand spots a ship emerging from the cut, they will, of course,know where the secret harbor is.

If the group wants to climb down the cliffs with ropes (oreven, Valar preserve us, without ropes), they can explore the cutsmore closely and may discover the secret harbor this way. This isrisky: it is a Very Hard operation (adds in Climbing will help, ofcourse, and so will adds in Rope Mastery) with a chance offalling if the adventurer fails his/her roll. If there is a fall, theunfortunate takes a Two Handed Weapon attack +1 for every 2 feetthat he/she falls before hitting the water (for example, if theadventurer was 40 ft above the water when he/she fell, the attackis +20). Then the fallen one must make an Extremely Hard roll toswim successfully after the unintentional dive. Note that Landingand Acrobatics can help reduce the effects of the fall. Of course,even if no one falls, a patrol may discover the party in themiddle of this delicate operation and cut the ropes!

When the party has decided that they have indeed discoveredthe lair of the pirates, they should be discouraged from attempt-ing an invasion until after reporting back. The trip back to SookOda is much like the trip to the fortress: use any unusedencounters (if you have any) if an encounter is called for.

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Adventure 3 presents the players with the task of enteringMoonstone Fortress, rescuing Dorien (if she has been captured),and perhaps destroying (he Laughing Raider and his band.

5.1 Starting the PlayersIf the PCs were involved in Adventure 2 (and possibly Adven-

ture I as well), they will simply report back to Hallatan. whowill reward them and then try to persuade them to return to thefortress. If Dorien was kidnapped, he will beg them to go: in thiscase, if Halmir is alive, he will insist on going, alone ifnecessary. Again. Vandor will go if he is around. If Syron didn'tgo with them the first time around, have him decide to go now,and consider having one of the 5th-level PCs given below offerto come along. This will be an advanced adventure: extra healingand magic, if not brawn, may be very helpful, if not absolutelynecessary. Although the PCs have probably gained another level,this will make them only 3rd level, and this adventure is more for4th-6th levels. Approaches to (he fortress are the same asAdventure 2. hut this time the party will be more aware (we hope)of possible dangers. However\ if any of the encounters were notused, you may want to use them now for extra "spice."

If the PCs were not involved in Adventures I and 2. read thoseadventures carefully so that you know the circ*mstances. In thiscase, the PCs will be in the Northern Girl when the scoutingparty of crew from the Lady Gilwen (Halmir and Vandor) andNPCs (Tahar. Yud. and Syron) arrives to give their report. In thiscase. Dorien is definitely a prisoner and slave-to-be in the for-tress. Sakur do' Akil. the tavern keeper, will supply a summary ofwhat has occurred (use material from Adventures I and 2). andHallatan and Halmir will supply impassioned pleas for adventurersto assist the grief-stricken Halmir with his quest for his bride.

"That rascal must have her there in that bloody fortress!"storms Hallatan. "That is. unless he's already sold her south as aslave! The poor girl, she's hardly more than a child!"

"I'd go in there alone to save her. if it would do a lick ofgood!" wails Halmir. "Oh. I'm not a rich man yet. curse it. butanyone who helps me save her can claim my last copper! Andnever lack for food, drink, or shelter while I live, either — Iswear here before witnesses that anyone who helps me save herhas a share in all my earnings as long as 1 live!"

Sakur turns to the crowd in his common room, his dark faceunusually serious, "liven if you have hearts of stone, considerthis: Those pirates have been raiding for several years now. Wehave all heard stories of the treasures that they have stolen. III-gotien gains, mark you. but few of those who were robbed wouldask to have back what you would surely find in that fortress, ifyou were to stop this Laughing Raider and his poxy crew. Wealthlike the old Talaf Maluk had. who turned wood to gold with histouch: that's what's in that place. Who will seek this fortune, andsave this young bride ?"

5.2 The Player Characters5.21 Selnoi the Wanderer, an Umli Warrior

Amroth (see Section 4.2) may think that he is the southern-most Noldo Elf. hut Selnoi knows that he is the southernmostUmli. His small tribe was destroyed by Snow Trolls when he was15 — he only survived because he was away hunting for seals.Grief-stricken, he fled into the hills south of his old huntinggrounds and was found, unconscious, by some Dwarves. He wasraised by them hut. although grateful, he didn't like livingunderground. When he accompanied his adoptive uncle on a tripto bring a shipment of iron ingots to the Grey Havens, he firstsaw and fell in love with the sea. He managed to talk his wayonto the crew of an oared ship: too short to row. he beat the timefor the rowers (who were not slaves hut paid free men) and actedas cabin hoy. Since then, he has travelled far and seen much. Hehas just arrived in Sook Oda on a coastal trader from Kas Shadoul.

Selnoi has the red hair and blue eyes common to the Umli. Hisfair skin has been reddened by sun and wind, and he no longersuffers from the heat as he did when he first came south: his goodConstitution has helped with this. He has a +1O hand axe that hefound in the ruins of his tribe's camp, a +10 target shield, and a+5 chain shirt. Having suffered a great loss of family himself, heis sensitive to such problems in others. He is not lacking funds,having on him 35 gp and two gold bracelets worth 25 gp each.

5.22 Beregond, a Gondorlan RangerA country boy from Lossarnach. Beregond was a younger son

who was not due to inherit any land from his father's smallestate. When a merchant came through, asking for guards for hisgoods on a trip South, the 16-year-old lad volunteered at once. Hesaw rather more of the world than he could stomach on that trip:he wasn't home again for 18 months. Home seemed very dull afterthat, however, and soon he was off south again. Now 21.Beregond has made the trip from Minas Anor to Umbar and back3 times. After becoming infatuated with a merchant's daughterhere in Sook Oda. he left his last job and planned to settle here.However, her father had other plans: she was married 2 weeks agoto a merchant down the coast. Beregond has been trying to drinkhis sorrows away ever since. He was crashed out in back of theNorthern Girl when Hallatan first came in.

Not too tall, but very solidly built. Beregond has sandy hair,blue eyes, and tanned skin. He is very intense and takes every-thing to heart (obviously). In his travels, he has picked up avariety of useful gear: a +10 longsword. a +10 composite how.and a +5 shield. He is down to his last 2 gp and owes one ofthose to Sakur for room, hoard, and booze. He needs cash and heneeds to do something to make him forget his lost Abira.

5.23 Caranel, a Gondorlan BardA terrible tomboy and hoyden as a child. Caranel wheedled her

parents into letting her be apprenticed to a musician who livednext door to their tine house in Osgiliath. This master of theharp, a man named Galdor. had played for the King's court severaltimes. However, he later fell on hard times and had not been ableto attract any students for some time: he was thus grateful for thismusically talented child, even though she was female. Caranelbecame a fine musician but did not become any more ladylike asshe grew older: her parents philosophically figured that they hadbeen lucky with their son and other daughter and shouldn't expectany more. When Caranel went off a roving to seek adventure andmore songs, they gave her their blessing. 50 gp. and a +15longsword (which she had learned to use from her brother).Caranel has played her way from Osgiliath to Lond Daer to KasShadoul. gaining here and there patrons who kept her as courtmusician for a brief time and sent her on with money and praise.She was aboard ship from Kas Shadoul to return to Gondor for thesummer when the ship broke its rudder on a reef and had to limpinto harbor at Sook Oda. Caranel checked into the Northern Girllast night and is facing a week-long wail while the ship under-goes repairs in the rather limited facilities here.

Caranel is attractive, with warm brown hair that was red whenshe was little (hence her name. "Red Star") and ha/el eyes. Herfair skin is lightly tanned and freckled from the southern sun. Shehas one truly unusual characteristic: she can see in the dark likean Elf. Rumor has it that one of her ancestors was of the FairFolk. One of her patrons, who liked to hunt, gave her a +5composite bow as a gift, and she has a platinum ring that givesher x2 spell points per day.

5.24 Forln, a Dwarf ScoutForin was a member of a Dwarven tribe thai mined and

explored the Ered Nimrais. the White Mountains of southernGondor. As a young Dwarf, he proved adept at spoiling newdeposits and likely mine sites hut was not patient with the tasksof digging and mining and had no aptitude for forging andsmithing. When the local Gondorian lord needed scouts andexplorers for an expedition to hills neat Andrast. the head ofForin's tribe gave him permission to go. He found human

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18 The Player Characters

company not as strange as he would have thought, and this tasteof freedom and adventure soured him forever on proper, soberDwarvish activities such as mining and smithing. He has travel-led a good deal since then, often coming along on expeditions toprovides advice on caves and mining and to repair tools andweapons. He came to Sook Oda as a ship's smith on the samecrippled ship that brought Caranel.

Forin is of average height for a Dwarf. He has very strongarms and has overcome the typical Dwarvish fear of water to learnto swim pretty well. His hair is dark brown and his eyes are grey,while his skin is tanned very darkly. He is inquisitive about howthings work and has a cynical manner: he thinks that most folkare, at heart, dull and unadventurous and that he is one of the fewbold spirits in the world. He is armed for his travels with a +10mace and a +10 composite bow and wears a +5 chain shirt.5.25 Nali, a Dwarven Animist

Nali is from the same tribe as Forin! He had been studyinghealing with a human Animist named Camestel who sent himsouth to pick up a shipment of southern healing herbs thatCamestel had ordered last year through a merchant (in previousyears, when no Animist had accompanied the herbs, many hadbecome damp or otherwise damaged in shipment). Nali met hiskinsman Forin in Kas Shadoul and persuaded him to hire onto theill-fated ship that is now docked for repairs in Sook Oda.

Nali is of friendlier disposition than his cousin and ispositively congenial for a Dwarf. He has a good (although ratherunkind) sense of humor. His blue eyes twinkle above his ash-brown beard. He has a +10 axe that he was given for his defensewhen he left the home caverns and has since received from histeacher a pair of silver bracers that act as a +3 spell-adder (3total) and a gold ring set with a small ruby that allows him tocast Cut Repair I twice a day without expending power points.

5.26 Teiglin, a Silvan MageTeiglin is on a Quest — self-imposed, but a quest nonetheless.

As a child in Lothlorien, she had heard many tales of themarvellous magical jewels wrought by the Elven-wrights of old.Most were lost over time, through battle or stolen by the Enemy,but there were tales that some of them may have been takensouth. Teiglin showed great promise as a magician's apprentice,but her progress was not fast enough to suit her: she seeks thatwhich will make her truly great among magicians. She set outthis spring for Umbar. Her ship, a merchantman out of Edhellondcalled the Prince Imran, has stopped overnight at Sook Oda todeliver wine and honey to the Northern Girl and the Three Dia-monds. The thought of great treasure — maybe even artifacts ofthe Elves — will grab Teiglin's attention as nothing else could.

Teiglin is lovely to look at, with long wheat-colored hair, blueeyes, and lightly tanned skin, but her manner is too forceful anddetermined to make her attractive to many men (or even to manymale Elves). She is obsessed with her personal Quest ( i t is alwaysin capitals to her!) but is too intelligent to allow her obsessionto endanger her life. She has with her a +5 composite bow thatshe uses mainly for hunting when necessary, gold ring that acts a+2 spell-adding device, and special item made by her aunt, afamous Elven crafts woman: a short, lightweight grey robe thatacts as an Elven cloak but also gives her a +25 DB bonus becausethose attempting to strike her will be unable to focus on her.

5.3 The Non-player CharactersThe NPCs used in this adventure are described in Sections 2.3,

3.3, and 4.3.

5.4 The Approach to the FortressSee Adventure 2 (Section 4.0). The party wil l probably include

PCs who are veterans of Adventure 2 or NPCs who have passedthis way before, so the chance of encounters is less (subtract 20from encounter rolls).

5.5 The Moonstone Fortress LayoutsThe Moonstone Fortress is an outstanding example of castle

architecture and is still impressive, in spite of its sl ightlyneglected air. The castle is approached from the coastal road by asmall wheel path, just large enough to take a good-sized cart. Thispath runs up to the edge of the dry moat, a ditch that is 10 feetdeep on the path side but more than 30 feet deep immediatelybelow the castle walls, because the castle sits on a mound. Theditch is crossed by a bridge of strong timber plated with iron,which originally extended from below the main gate by a cleversystem of wheels, chains, and pulleys. It has been extended forsome 80 years, however, and even though the rains of theHaradwaith are sparse and infrequent, the mechanism has becomeso fouled with dust and rust that the bridge can no longer beretracted. The Moonstone gleams from above the gate in daylightand glows with a faint blue light of its own at night.

The outer walls of the fortress are 25 feet high (above themound surface). The four corner towers are 40 feet tall to theirstone crenellations, while their conical wooden roofs add another15 feet. The two small, D shaped towers in the middle of thenorth and south walls are each 30 feet high and are not roofed.ABOUT ENCOUNTERS

For the convenience of the the game master, the possibilitiesof various encounters, day and night, are noted at the end of eachroom or area description (the details of the encounters themselvesare in the section after the layout). These are for encountersduring those times when the pirates are not out on a raid andwhen there are no guests staying at the makeshift caravan stop. Itis suggested that there be no caravans arriving or staying at anytime when player characters are in the fortress: this is not thatodd, as the stop is not that popular. If the PCs themselves wishto impersonate a caravan, Ulbor or Dulo wi l l greet them and makethem as comfortable as possible (which is not very) in theNortheast Tower. If the pirates are out on a raid, the "caravan"

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will be put off with lies about illness in the castle (if they insist,the pirates will allow them to fill their water flasks and barrels).

If the PCs sneak in when there is a raid underway, all encoun-ters with Zokhad, Gedron, and three out of the four captains arenegated (roll to see who's been left in charge: 01-25 Ulbor, 26-50 Kaldir, 51-75 Ingar, 76-00 Dulo). Numa and Sofan are morelikely to be wandering around, looking for secret exits, at suchtimes. Emuna is always wandering around, no matter who's there.

At night, there is a 95% chance that any bedroom is occupiedby its inhabitant. If the room has more than one occupant (espec-ially in the case of dormitory-type rooms), it is certain to beoccupied by at least one of them.GATEHOUSE1. Main Gates. The outer doors are of 6-inch-ihick oak, imported fromthe north, and they arc faced with iron plates on the outside. They areopened at dawn and closed at dusk, making quite a racket because thehinges are not kept well oiled. It used to be possible to drop portculli attwo points along the passage in, but their mechanisms have gone the wayof those of the bridge. The inner gates are of lesser timber and are only 4inches thick, but they are also faced with iron plates. The upper level((39) on upper level diagram) is reached by a stairway in (2) and featuresbraziers for heating huge pots of sand, which can then be poured uponunwanted visitors in the passage below (victims receive the equivalent ofa +50 fireball attack). The roof (40) provides a lookout post forobserving the path to the castle and cover (behind crenellations) for firingat attackers there. DAY AND NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — In (39): 01 -95 (L),96-00 nothing PLUS 01-15 (D), 16-30 (G), 31-00 no one else.2 and 3. Gate Guardrooms. From these rooms on each side of theentry passage, defenders can shoot at intruders in the passage (throughtwo arrow loops) or at others outside (through an additional eight loops,four on each side). The stairway to the upper level is located in (2). Bothrooms are reached from the outer ward (4) and have outer doors that canbe barred from inside but not locked. The mechanisms for the defunctportculli are easy to find on the wall of (3) near the arrow loop; theylook functional to anyone who is not an expert at such things. DAY ANDNIGHT ENCOUNTERS — Either room: 01-50 (L), 51-00 empty.

OUTER WARD AND TOWERS4. Outer Ward. Formerly used as a parade ground, where the castleguards assembled to receive orders and practice their warrior's sk i l l s , thisis now a dusty, desolate expanse of cracked paving stones, wi th weedsgrowing between them. It principal use these days is as a makeshi f t anduncomfortable campground for travellers. DAY ENCOUNTERS 01-10:(L); 11-20: (M); 21-30: (K); 31-40: (O); 41-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS ~ 01 -10 (L), 1 1 -20 no one.5. Southeast Tower. Off the entry way is the spiral stairway leadingup, as in the other three towers. However, un l ike the others, this stairwayalso leads down (to the guardroom (1) on the Lower Levels diagram). Inaddition, a secret passageway leads from t h i s short hallway to theequivalent entry way of the south side tower (19), providing a short cutaround the central wall that divides the castle. Gedron and his men do notknow about it, but Numa has recently discovered it and has hidden a smallstore of non-perishable food supplies, money (11 gp), a tinder box w i t hf l int and steel, and two filled water skins here in case she ever gels thechance to make a break for it. The items, in a battered leather satchel, areabout halfway down the corridor. The ground floor of the tower itselfcontains a heap of extra chains, leg irons, and manacles. An extra copy ofthe key that fits a l l of them is on a hook to the left of the entry as theroom is entered. The second level of the tower ( (41) on Upper Levels)contains extra sailcloth (which is stored here to keep it dry). The thirdlevel (42) is apparently empty. Beneath a loose stone on the floor nearthe garderobe (latrine) is a small amulet consisting of a bit of smokyquartz, set in silver, on a silver chain. It w i l l cast a constant "Blur" spellupon its wearer. The final level (43), the top of the tower, is emptyexcept lor a nest of owls in the rafters of i ts deteriorating wooden roof.DAY ENCOUNTERS — For (5): 01-05 (B); 06-10 (D): 11-20 (L); 21-00no one. For (41), 01-05 (D); 06-07 (E): 08-10 (F). 1 1 - 1 5 (G). 16-20 (L) ,21-00 no one. For (42) and (43): 01-05 (O): 06-00 empty. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — For the secret passage (51): 01-10: ( H ) ; 11-20 no one.The other four rooms arc empty at night.6. Northeast Tower. This has the same layout as (5). In th is case,the ground floor has been furnished wi th an old wooden table and somebenches, a water barrel with a dipper, and a lew greasy leather-coveredcushions to make a semblance of a parlor for the more important guestswho use the makeshift caravan stop. The second level (44) has fourwooden beds with lumpy, flea-infested straw mattresses and a set of ricketyshelves. The third level (45) contains eight verminous straw mattresseson the floor. The top level (46) has a couple of old chairs under thewooden roof for those who wish to take some air. DAY ENCOUNTERS —For all four rooms: 01-10 (K); 1 1 - 1 3 (O); 14-18 (P): 19-IX) no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS: no one.

GUARDHOUSE7. Entry way to Guardhouse. Behind a sturdy oaken door (4 inchesthick and capable of being barred from the inside and locked with a lockthat has a 15 bonus vs. picking) is a short corridor. Just before the end,where the corridor turns, a portcullis can be lowered. This one is s t i l loperational, although it made a horrible screech the last time some ofGedron's cutthroat pirate sailors tried it. DAY AND NIGHT ENCOUNTERS— 01-05 (L); 06-00 no one.8. Corridor. After the doors to rooms (10), (11), and (12) is a doorleading through the central dividing wall of the complex to the kitchen,allowing servants to bring food directly to the guards' mess room (13).The next door leads to a latrine. Finally, a fl ight of stairs leads to theupper level. ENCOUNTERS — same as (7).9. Guardroom. A series of peepholes allows observation of whoevermight be in the entry way (7). On the peephole wall, near the door, is thelever that operates the portcullis. ENCOUNTERS — same as (8).10. Bedroom. Two of the most skillfull (3rd level) pirate crew memberssleep here. They each have a bed with a wooden frame and straw mattress,as well as a small (unlocked) chest. Both chests are f i l led w i th tunics ,trousers, and underclothes in varying states of repair. One pirate keeps hisvaluables (17 gp and a pair of loaded dice) in one of several mismatchedold sea boots under the bed; the other has his (27 gp and a silver broochworth 5 gp that he plans to give to some girl) in his mattress, near thefoot of the bed. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (L); 06-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — see note about bedrooms.11. Bedroom. Basically same arrangement and personnel as (10). Onepirate keeps his 66 gp (he's lucky at dice) and two doses of kalom (ahallucinatory herb, in the form of a grey powder) in a t iny blue glassflask under a loose stone under his chest. The kalom w i l l , if smoked (thereis a pipe on the chest), cause the user to ha l luc ina te wi ldly w i t h i n 10minutes. The effect lasts for 5 to 15 hours and leaves the user wi th ahorrible hangover (-20 to all actions) for 6-10 more hours. The otherpirate, more plebeian in his vices, has 23 gp in an empty pottery wineflask, mixed in with three empties and two fu l l flasks under his bed. Thewine is terrible but not poisonous. ALL ENCOUNTERS — .same as (10).

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20 The Ground Level

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12. Bedroom. Again, basically the same as (10). One pirate keeps his21 gp and a book of luridly dirty poetry under the filthy tunics in hischest. The other keeps his paltry 9 gp and a beautiful set of six tinyknives (balanced for throwing or juggling, made of steel with blackenamelwork patterns on the grips) in a cracked and useless chamberpotunder his bed. ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (10).13. The Guards' Mess. The pirates use this for its original purpose,but even the hardbitten guards who used to eat here would be a bit ashamedof its fi l thy condition. A couple of scrawny dogs often lounge about here,waiting for the next bone to hit the floor. The wooden table is carvedwith graffiti in several languages and crude cartoons of officers and girls.The stools are all pretty rickety and occasionally deposit diners onto thestone floor amid the crumbs. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-20: (M), 21-00 noone. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — empty.STABLES AND SURROUNDINGS14. Stable Ward. This area used to be an exercise area for horses. Thesurface is hard-packed earth that used to be regularly swept and weeded;needless to say, it is beginning to resemble a meadow, especially near theleaking water trough. A stairway leads up to the wall walk. DAYENCOUNTERS — 01-10 (C) with horse; 11 -12 (I); 13-20 (K); 21-25 (L);26-30 (O); 31-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (L); 06-00 noone.15. North Tower. The floor of the first level is nearly knee-deep inempty grain sacks from the stables. A few coils of rope are scattered about(three 50-ft lengths, two 30-ft lengths). The upper level (SO) features acorridor (A) and a room (B) in which Sofan has set up an impromptulaboratory. The door to the room is locked (-10 to pick). In it, on abattered wooden table, are several flasks of alchemical substances (aquavitae, strong vinegar, gall, quicksilver, sulfur granules, and so on), a tinybrazier (charcoal is in a large, cracked jar near the door), two mortars withpestles, abstruse glassware, three small crucibles, stirring rods of glassand porcelain, a large claw that Sofan thinks is a Dragon's (actually, it'sfrom a giant polar bear), a human skull, a Hobbit's skull (from whichSofan hopes to make a hom*onculus), a pretty but useless silver wand(worth 5 gp), and a battered tome entitled (in Haradaic) "Wisdom andFormulae of the Most Learned Kalik do 'Altir, Magician to Prince Yasharof Sook Asni." The only intact formulae are for a potion to restore themanly powers of an elderly man, a salve to increase the appearance of anymortal, and a lotion to allow the user to leave no trace of his or herpassing. Only the last formula will work, and its ingredients include dustof clear laen (a magical glass), hair of an albino woman, and oil renderedfrom the fat of a black leopard. The ceiling of the room is covered withsmoke stains. The top level (51) is reached by a ladder from (A) andincludes a small wooden shelter with a bench in it (C), as well as an openarea that allows access to a wall walk. DAY ENCOUNTERS — for (15): 01-05 (K); 06-10 (O); 11-15 (I); 16-00 no one; for (50): 01-25 (I); 26-00 noone; for (51) 01-10 (1); 11-20 (O); 21-30 (P); 31-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — for (50): 01-05 (1); 06-15 (P); 16-00 no one; for (51):empty.16. Stables. There are nine stalls, all occupied. Four contain strong butmediocre horses (for those interested, a large 8-yr-old bay mare, asmallish 10-yr-old piebald gelding, a 5-yr-old dun gelding, and a huge,bad-tempered 9-yr-old liver chestnut mare). Two contain strong but verystubborn grey mules (both geldings). The other three contain Gedron's twogood riding horses (a large 5-yr-old dappled grey stallion and a smaller 8-yr-old bay gelding) and Zokhad's 7-yr-old black mare, which he almostnever rides. The westernmost and last stall contains brushes, hoofpicks,harness, and saddles and has a steep stairway leading to the upper level.This contains a room (52), originally for the grooms, where the threemale castle slaves sleep. They are 14, 32, and 59 years old. The 32-year-old is definitely slow-witted, and the others were bom slaves and areresigned to their lot. They sleep on mattresses of straw that are in bettershape than most in the castle, for they have access to fresh straw andchange their bedding regularly (why not? they don't have much else to doin their spare time). Except for some spare clothing hung on pegs on thewalls and a set of dice, they have no other possessions. The remainder ofthe floor (53) is a hayloft filled with (what else?) hay and straw. A fewsacks of grain are piled near the stairs. DAY ENCOUNTERS — for (16):01-05 (C), 06-15: (K), 16-20 (L), 21-00 no one; for (52): 01-05 (K), 06-00 no one; for (53): 01-05 (K), 06-10 (O), 11-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS —- for (16) empty; for (52): see note about bedrooms; for(53): empty.17. Northwest Tower. The ground floor is furnished with a fewcushions and a rickety low table from one of the parlors in the big house.It is used by the five cabin boys who sleep upstairs. These pirateapprentices regard the room as their private club, but since the onlyperson that they can snub by keeping out of it is the 14-year-oldslave boy (he's the only other person near their age in the place), theydon't get much satisfaction out of this pastime. Juvenile graffiti mars the

table and walls. The next level (54) is their bedroom, with its ownlatrine. Down the latrine (25 ft) is a mouldering leather pouch containing5 gp and an earring that allows the wearer to hear things at a distance (asa Long Ear spell: "Essence Perceptions" list). It was thrown there during adisagreement as to whose it was, and no one is inclined to retrieve it.Otherwise, the feisty lads keep their small amounts of cash and othertreasure (an assortment of crooked dice, copper and silver coins, and brassarmbands) on them at all times. They have straw mattresses and onecommunal clothes chest. The next level (55) is empty but for ruderemarks scrawled on the walls. The top level (56) has three ropehammocks and a swing hanging pecariously from the rafters of its woodenroof. DAY ENCOUNTERS — for (17): 01-25 (O), 26-27 (G), 28-00 noone; for (54): 01-25 (O); 26-00 no one; for (55): 01-20 (O); 21-00 noone; (56) 01-15 (O); 16-20 (D); 21-25 (G); 26-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — for (17): 01-10 (P); 11-00 no one; for (54): see noteabout bedrooms; for (55): empty; for (56): 01-30: (L), 31-35 (P), 36-00no one.

INNER WARD AND KITCHEN BLOCK18. Inner Ward. This area used to be planted with grass and flowers butis now a sea of weeds. Three small fruit trees (lemon, orange, and apricot)sti l l grow, although rather wildly, as they haven't been pruned in decades.They rarely bear fruit. A well is located near the laundry/bath block (20-22). Near the kitchen block, a stairway leads up to the wall walk. DAYENCOUNTERS — 01-03 (C), 04-05 (D), 06 (F), 07-10 (G), 1 1 - 1 2 (H), 13-15 (1), 16-25 (J), 26-27 (L), 28-30 (O), 31-35 (P), 36-IX) no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (L); 06-10 (P); 11-00 no one.19. South Tower. The ground floor is an impromptu rubbish heap,popular with flies and rats and hence with the castle's seven mangy cats.Bones, fruit pits and rinds, clam and oyster shells, burned bread crusts,cheese rinds, rags, and similar garbage are piled up to 4 ft high. The upperlevel (62) serves primarily as a cattery and smells l ike it (although mostof the cats seem to perceive the basic purpose of the latrine, they oftenmiss). The top level (63) is unused and is a popular roost for the localcrows. DAY ENCOUNTERS — for (19): 01-10 (J), 11-15 (K), 16-00 noone; for (62) and (63): no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS— or all threerooms: no one but lots of rats and cats.

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22 The Ground Level

20. Laundry. This room, located near the well, contains a large copper-lined boiler for heating water and two stone sinks and some woodenbuckets for washing clothes. It has not been used very much lately. Asmall bucket of crude soap is on the counter between the two sinks. (20')is a latrine that was used for emptying out chamberpots from the mainhouse. A bucket for water to rinse the pots is a corner. DAY ENCOUNT-ERS — 01 -15 (J). 16-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.21 and 22. Baths. Water must be heated in the laundry and carried herein buckets. Numa. Gedron, Zokhad, and a lew others use the large, tile-lined tubs from time to time. DAY ENCOUNTERS — for each bath: 01-02(B), 03-04 (C). 05 (D). 06 (E), 07 (F), 08 (G), 09-10 (H), 11-15 (J), 16(N), 17 (P), J8-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.23. Southwest Tower. Some of the heavier and less valuable lootfrom the "stolen" caravans and travellers is stored here. Because of this,the door is locked (-10). Stacked on the floor are ingots of copper (50worth 8 gp each, weighing about 50 Ibs each), small barrels of olive oil(10 worth 5 gp each, weighing about 40 Ibs each and holding about 5gallons each), 20 seal skins (worth 3 gp each), and four large coils oftarred rope for ships (100 ft per coil). Upper level (64) is being used as atimber store: rough planks and small logs are stacked against the wallsand a rough tool k i t in a wooden carrying box is near the door (itcontains two sixes of hammer, a small saw, three wedges, a box of largenails, three large wood files, a wood rasp, and an adze).

The next level (65) is Emuna's room. The door has a magical trap onit: when the latch is touched, the person who has touched it wil l "hear" at iny voice say: "This is a lock of power. Do not meddle with it." If it istouched again by the same person, or if the person remains in contactwith it for more than 30 seconds, a curse w i l l be cast on them. This cursecauses the affected individual to be clumsy, subtracting 50 from all staticmaneuvers (opening locks, wood carving, etc.) and 30 from all movingmaneuvers u n t i l the curse is removed. This cursed lock, a form of magicunique to the Haradrim, attacks at lvl 8. Otherwise, the door is locked at -10. Inside, it can be seen that Emuna is a traditional Haradan: She scornsa bed, sleeping instead on a padded mat on the floor. The mat is rolled upduring the day, and the blankets are hung on hooks along the walls to airout. Emuna is fastidious in her own way, and things in the room arcarranged precisely. A Haradan rug in overly-brill iant shades of green andviolet is in the exact center of the floor. Two blue leather cushions are ar-ranged on each side of a low table to the left of the entry way. On thetable are a brass tray, a half fu l l wine flask, and two small ceramic winecups.

On the wall across from this arrangement is a shelf with three small (9in. x 7 in. x 4 in.) wooden boxes on it . Al l are locked (-10). The first(from the left), when opened, emits a Stun Cloud. When the second isopened, a large black fly, 8 inches in length, zooms out to attackwhoever opened the box. The fly attacks as a one-handed slashing weapon(it has a razor-sharp proboscis) with a bonus of +30. Its armor type isleather and its DB is 40 due to its small size and quickness. It wi l l attackunt i l it takes fu l l damage (35 points), at which point it turns into a tinywooden carving of a fly, 1 inch in length. Note thai the box is part of themagic here: the fly must be replaced in the box to reactivate and wi l l onlyattack whoever opens the box. Each time this device is used, there is a10% chance that the fly will become useless after it is deactivated.

The third box contains Emuna's jewels; ( 1 ) a gold ring set with a paleyellow transparent jargoon (worth 15 gp); (2) a silver bracelet set with 14onyx squares (1 gp); (3) a pair of silver earrings set with orange sard (1gp the pair); (4) a silver ring set with a green demantoid garnet (50 gp);(5) a copper brooch set with red coral and pinkish carnelian (7 gp); (6) agold bracelet set wi th 8 pale green transparent peridots (40 gp); (7) abronze bracelet set with golden-brown transparent citrines (7 gp); (8) asilver chain with dangling drops of transparent red jacinth (25 gp); (9) acollar of t iny gold coins (80 gp): a comb of carved ivory (8 sp); (10) acopper bracelet set with a large piece of blue-green chrysocolla and 16tiny bits of gold-flecked brown sun stone (3 gp); and a polished steelmirror 4 inches in diameter in a bronze frame studded with red coral (3gp). When Emuna is awake, she wi l l be wearing from 3 to 6 of the jewelryitems (01-25: three items; 26-50: four; 51-75: five; 76-00: six; she willwear bracelets and/or necklaces. Roll 1 to 10 for which items).

A locked (-15) wooden chest is on the floor below the shelf. When thechest is opened by any means other than the proper key (which is behinda loose stone near the room's doorframe), a cloud of noxious gas flowsout, making all wi th in the room cough and choke uncontrollably for 2-12minutes and causing 5-15 points of damage from irritated skin and lungs.Anyone who fails to resist a level 4 attack vs constitution wi l l also sufferfrom reduced vision (50% of normal) for 5-15 hours due to eyeinflammation. In the chest are many gaudy, embroidered Haradan robes.Under a false panel in the bottom are two small wooden boxes and a softleather purse. In the purse are 34 gp. One box holds 5 tiny (1.5 incheslong, 1/8 inch in diameter) glass ampules of a reddish liquid. If one isbroken, a gas cloud of the type thai came out when the chest was opened

will result. In the other box is the Earring of Yanina: this silver stud setwith turquoise allows the user to understand any human language as if itwere his own. The user cannot speak the language, however. I t may beused I/day for 5 minutes.

Leaving Emuna's room: The top level (66) is rather nicely furnishedwith a couple of light wooden couches with relatively clean cushions, at iny table, and two hanging oil lamps suspended from the wooden rootrafters. DAY ENCOUNTERS — for (23): 01-02 (D), 03-04 (G), 05-10 (L),11-00 no one; for (64): 01 (D), 02-05 (G), 06-10 (L), 11-00 no one; for(65): 01-15 (P), 16-20 (I) and (P); 21-00 no one; for (66): 01-10 (C). 11-20 (H), 21-30 (C) + (H); 31-40 (P), 41-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS-— for (23) and (64): no one; for (65): see note about bedrooms, butEmuna often (25%) wanders at night: lor (66): 01-05 (H), 06-10 (C) +(H), 11-30(P); 31-00 no one.24. Kitchen Entry and Stair hall. The door of the kitchen blockcan be barred from the inside. A stairway on the right as the building isentered leads to the upper level. To the left, an open archway leads intothe kitchen itself. In the hallway's dead end are 3 brooms, 2 mops, and acouple of old leaky wooden buckets. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (J). 06-10 (K), 11-15 (N), 16-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS - no one.25. Kitchen. Rather grimy, but not as bad as it might be. The pirates'cook is an actual professional, kidnapped from a tavern in Sook Oda, andtries (in vain) to keep things tidy. There arc three fireplaces (one wi th abread oven bui l t into i t ) equipped with pothooks and racks for spits. Alarge wooden work table is in the center of the room, its lop scarred withcuts from knives and cleavers and stained with food juices. Shelves andwork counters line the walls, filled and covered wi th spice bottles, mixingbowls, pots, pans, griddles, spoons, ladles, meat forks, knives, and othercooking ingredients and paraphernalia. Strings of dried ch i l i s , heads ofgarlic, and other spices hang from the ceiling. Al l in a l l , th is may be thebest place in the castle. A doorway leads to the servants' ha l l , and astairway leads down to the scullery in the cellar. DAY ENCOUNTERS —01-25 (J), 26-35 (K), 36-40 (I), 41-00 no one PHIS 01-85 (N) , 86-90 (P),91-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-10 (N) ( in the early morninghours, to bake bread), 11-15 (L) (getting a snack), 16-20 (P) (doing thesame), 21-00 no one.26. Servants' Hall. The slaves eat and pass time here. There isnothing but the wooden table and six stools, under a hanging oil lamp.DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-30 (J), 31-55 (K), 56-70 (N), 71-00 no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.

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The Great House 23

GREAT HOUSE27. Entry way. The doors are good, thick oak, and can be locked (-10)and barred from the inside. They are flanked by two narrow windows thatshed some light onto the cracked black and red tiles of the floor. DAYENCOUNTERS — 01 (B), 02 (C), 03 (D), 04 (E), 05 (F), 06 (G), 07 (H),08 (I). 09-12 (J), 11 (L), 12 (P), 13-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS —01 (H), 02 (L), 03 (P), 04-00 no one.

28. Great Hall. Gedron, Zokhad, and whomever they favor dine in thisroom, which s t i l l has ghostly remnants of its former grandeur. The floortiles are blue with silver flecks, the walls are hung with plain, tatteredblue drapes (there used to be silk tapestries), and the table is magnificent,with not one.set of initials carved in its slightly scratched surface. Thechairs are black oak from the north, cushioned with somewhat moth-eatenblue wool pillows. A huge bronze oil lamp hangs on chains from theceiling. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-15 (A), 16-25 (J), 26-00 no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.29. Stair hall. Dusty parquet flooring. Shelves in the comers used tohold objects of artistic interest. On the lop shelf of the set nearest thestairs is a tiny ivory statuette of a coiled snake, nearly buried in dust.This item, when held and gently stroked, wi l l turn into a real snake, whiteand 6 inches long, that can crawl into tiny crevices and under doors andallows the user to see through its eyes. It can see in the dark like an Elf,but as it is on the floor, its viewpoint is rather limited. It returns to itsivory form 10 minutes later, wherever it is. The user can direct itsmovements while i t is in motion. It can be used four more times before itcrumbles to dust. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01 (B), 02 (C), 03 (D), 04 (E),05 (F). 06 (G), 07 (H), 08 (I), 09-12 (J), II (L), 12 (P), 13-00 no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01 (H). 02 (L), 03 (P), 04-00 no one.30. Office. The door is locked (-20) and Zokhad always carries the onlykey with him. He comes here to examine documents that he has stolen (heusual ly then burns them in a small brazier that stands in one corner). Inthe bottom drawer of the desk is a carved wooden box, 1 ft x 9 inches x 4inches, in which Zokhad has placed two scrolls describing him andoffering 500 gp reward for his capture and return alive to Umbar or 400 gpfor his head. The box is locked (-15 to open) and trapped with a tinyneedle coaled wi th the poison Jegga (gives 1 to 100 hits of concussiondamage as the flesh around the wound is damaged). DAY ENCOUNTERS —01-05 (B). (K)-(X) no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.31. Storeroom. Light comes in dimly from shafts in the walls.Contains two extra chairs for the Great Hall (28) (no cushions), threehuge brass planers (3 feet in diameter), and five 1-quart flasks of oil forthe lamps. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (J), 06-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — no one.32. Parlor. The lighting here is basically the same as in (31) but issupplemented by a single hanging lamp (there used to be three of them;the hooks for the other two are sti l l in the ceiling). The couches havebeen removed to the top of the southwest tower (23), but there is still amoth-eaten rug, two huge leather cushions to use as seats, and three tinytables inlaid with ivory stars and litt le mirrors. ALL ENCOUNTERS —same as (31).

33. Hallway. ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (27).34. Private Dining Room. This is now the pirates' infirmary. Twobeds of fairly good quality have been carried in from rooms in the towers(the rest were burned for firewood or recycled elsewhere), and a small tablewith one chair provides Sofan a place to mix medicines. The room is litby a brass lamp that hangs from the ceiling. There is also a small lampon the table. ALL ENCOUNTERS — 01-10 (L) as a patient, 11-20 (I), 21-23 (P), 24-00 no one.35. Sofan's Bedroom. This was formerly the room of an importantservant, perhaps the butler. It now contains Sofan's bed, his clotheschest, and a desk with chair. The room is tidy, except for scattered scrollsand books everywhere. Some contain wild tales of heroic adventure in thenorth and south, some contain recipes (Sofan gets along well with theCook), and some contain healing lore, much of it wildly wrong. The oneworthwhile scroll describes healing herbs of the Haradwaith and includes agood recipe for the drug that the Haradrim call Adit i'Raf, or the Friend ofthe Physician: it heals 5-15 points of concussion damage and relieves upto 3 rounds' worth of stun effects. Concocted of mirenna berries and alocal herb called lavri, it can be made with sugar into the form of tabletsthat can be easily carried and keep tor up to a year. In addition, on Sofan'sdesk there is a small, locked casket (-20 to open). Inside are 20 li t t legreen glass vials, numbered in Haradaic.

Their contents are as follows: (vial 1) 4 doses of siriena lotion:preserves an amount of organic material up to the size of a body — say,225 Ibs — for up to 1 week; (2) 3 doses dagmathur extract: entirely healsone area of damaged cartilage; (3) 2 doses of siran: totally restores one

damaged or even destroyed bodily organ, at the cost of giving the patienta loathsome skin disease that reduces appearance to 90% of its original —the disease must be cured magically; (4) 4 doses concentrated aloe juice:doubles healing rate for minor burns and cuts; (5) 1 dose winclamit (in theform of the shreds of the fruit, preserved in white brandy): heals 3-300points damage; (6) 7 doses ebur: entirely repairs any one sprain; (7) 10doses preserved extract of vinuk: relieves 1-10 rounds of stun effects; (8)5 doses bursthelas preserve: repairs any one shattered bone — two dosesrepairs a shattered joint; (9) 8 doses augmented thurl concentrate: cures 5-10 points of damage; (10) 3 doses powdered gefnul: heals 100 points ofdamage; (11) 2 doses essence of tarnas: repairs any one damaged bodilyorgan; (12) 20 suranie berries: each relieves 1 round of stun effects; (13) 8doses tincture of melandar: adds 10 to resistance rolls against disease for 1-10 days; (14) 5 doses culkas ointment: heals up to 10 square feet of bums;(15) 2 doses grariig liquor: heals 30 points of damage; (16) 4 dosesarpsusar concentrate: heals any one damaged muscle or small group ofmuscles; (17) 2 doses liquid kaamal ( poison ): gives 20-40 points damageinternally — if RR is failed by 20 or more, victim wi l l be unable todigest solid food until stomach is healed by spell or drug and wi l l be inconstant pain (-20 to all actions); if failure is less, same effect for 1-4days or unt i l healed as above; (18) 4 doses harfy tincture: immediately andfully stops bleeding of any one wound of up to 5 points per round; (19)10 doses atigax eyewash: protects eyes from intense light or glare, allowssight despite sudden or blinding light, and lasts 9 hours; (20) 5 dosesedram powder: heals any one broken (not shattered) bone.

Note that there is no key or guidebook to these vials: any person withtraining in drug and herb use (for example, an animist) has a 5% chanceper level plus any intuition bonus to determine which drug is which. Thetwo drawers of the desk are unlocked: the left one contains a flat woodencase in which are a variety of fine steel surgical instruments, such asscalpels, probes, and suturing needles, plus 100 ft of fine gut thread forsutures. The right-hand drawer contains a small blue leather pouch thatholds 29 gp and the chain with golden jade apples that was in Hallatan'ssafe. Sofan's chest contains clothing and, at the very bottom, a tinystatuette of an elephant, in onyx. It is not magic but was given to Sofanby his older brother when Sofan was 8 years old. He considers it his luckcharm and treasures it even though he has not had much luck in life. DAYENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (I), 06-10 (J), 11-15 (P), 16-20 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — see note about bedrooms.36. Dulo's Bedroom. Again, an upper servant's room. Dulo has a bedand two chests, no desk. The room is fairly tidy, except for wood chipsand shavings here and there. Dulo carves and whittles in his spare time:there are little wooden figurines everywhere, people, animals, abstractdesigns, and wooden chains, each link separate (some truly greedyadventurer might be able to sell them for about a silver piece each: thereare 16 of them). On the wall are hung the following: an elephant-hideshield, painted and embossed (target size); a flail; a very rusty lightcrossbow; and a +15 hand axe, which is heavily engraved with Dwarvenrunes. Dulo does not use an axe, does not know that this one is magic,and took it as his share of some loot because he admired the engraving.The unlocked chest contains clothing and several extra-nice pieces ofwood (rosewood and apple). The locked (-20) chest contains a shirt ofchain mail (SZ 40), a bottle of extra-good weapon oil (protects swords andsuch even in very damp conditions), and underneath it al l , a soft leatherpurse containing 57 gp. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (G), 06-10 (J), I I -00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — sec note about bedrooms.37. Ingar's Bedroom. As Dulo's room, but messier. Wine flasks invarious states of emptiness and fullness lie about. There are five f u l lflasks in plain sight, and three more under the clothes in one chest. Oneof the flasks in the chest (with its stopper sealed wi th wax and a label, inHaradaic, saying "extra") acts as a potion, inducing a feeling ofintoxicating well-being that is real, for it supplies +10 to all physicalactions for half an hour. There is enough special wine for 6 doses in thebottle. In the locked (-20% to open) chest is a leather jerkin covering twosoft black leather pouches containing 50 gp each, three silver arm ringsworth 10 gp each, and a tiny leather-covered box containing the Ring ofBlood Mastery. This gold ring, set with a deep red garnet, allows up to 10points of Blood Ways (Animist) spells to be thrown per day: for example,one 9th lvl spell and one 1st, or two 3rds and a 4th, etc. Ingar mostcertainly does not know what the ring is; he just thinks thai it looksvaluable and plans to sell it some day, or trade it to another captain forsome item he wants more. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (F), 06-10 (J), 11-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — see note about bedrooms.

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24 The Upper Levels

38. Library. The walls of this room are covered with scrolls andbookcases, mostly empty. The remaining pieces of literature consist ofheroic tales (many of them have spent some time in Sofan's hands), mapsof the area and nautical charts likewise, and histories of Umbar and theNorth, which Zokhad peruses upon occasion. The secret passage to thelower levels is accessed from one of the lower bookcases: if one of thecarved ivory flowers set into its front panel (just below the top) ispressed, the bookcase can be pushed in like a door, revealing a lowopening (3.5 ft high). This leads to a stairway whose ceiling, once pastthe first few steps, is of normal height. Gedron, never fond of his fatherand vice versa, never learned of this passage. Sofan and Zokhad have bothdiscovered it and told no one, each for his own reasons. Zokhad knowswhere it leads; Sofan did not dare explore it. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05(B), 06-10 (E), 11-25 (1), 26-30 (J), 31-35 (P), 36-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (I), 06-10 (P), 11-00 no one.

THE UPPER LEVELS39-40. Upper Levels of Gatehouse. See (1).41-43. Upper Levels of the Southeast Tower. See (5).44-46. Upper Levels of the Northeast Tower. See (6).47. Hallway. The area near the stairs used to be used as a sort of loungearea for the common guards to hang out away from their officers. Themore junior pirates do the same, so several greasy leather cushions andvarious dice, wine bottles, and drug pipes lie about. Scores of dice gamesare chalked on the stone walls, along with crude comments andillustrations. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (L); 06-20 (M); 21-30 no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (L); 06-00 no one.48. Dormitory. Four junior (2nd-level) pirates sleep here on beds likethose in the bedrooms below. Their small clothes chests contain a smallerbut equally uninteresting variety of garments. Possessions of the piratelads include 13 gp in one mattress, 19 gp behind a loose stone in the wallnear the door, 7 gp and 2 silver bangles worth 1 gp each in a niche abovea window, and 3 gp in a mouse hole in the wall with the windows. DAYENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (L); 06-10 (M); 11-20 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNT-ERS — see note about bedrooms.

49. Dormitory. Like (48). Possessions include 14 gp under a crudelymade false bottom in one chest, 8 gp in an old shoe pushed into a cornerunder a bed, 5 gp in a mattress, and 10 gp and an armlet of bronze withcoral studs (worth 3 gp) wrapped in some dirty underwear in the bottom ofanother chest. ALL ENCOUNTERS — Same as (48).50-51. Upper Levels of the North Tower. See (15).52-53. Upper Levels of the Stables. Sec (16).54-56. Upper Levels of the Northwest Tower. See (17).57. Hallway. A latrine is located off of it, near the top of the stairs.ALL ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (J), 06-10 (N), 11-00 no one.58. Bedroom. The cook shares this room with the most intelligent ofthe other female slaves. They would have nothing but their strawmattresses and the clothing hanging from the hooks on the walls, but onepirate with a sweet tooth has given Cook 32 coppers for candies atvarious times (she hides it in the corner of her mattress) and the other girlis pretty enough to have attracted attentions and 7 silver bangles (worth10 sp each) from Ulbor and Kaldir. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (J), 06-10 (N), 11-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — see note about bedrooms.59. Bedroom. Two more female slaves. They have nothing betweenthem but one tiny flask of cheap perfume and a string of blue glass beads.DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (J), 06-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS— see note about bedrooms.60. Bedroom. Same as (59), but one of them has a silk scarf sewn withsilver thread (too grimy to be worth anything) and the other has swiped 5sp and 1 gp from her "boyfriends" (the money is hidden in an old, crackedflower vase in one corner). ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (59).61. Bedroom. Same as (59). One girl has an ivory and ebony draughtsboard (like checkers) and some copper and iron coins to use as counters:she has won 38 coppers from some of the pirates with this . The other hasa tiny cosmetic kit with pots of rouge and kohl and l i t t le brushes, as wellas a necklace of jet beads. ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (59).62-63. Upper Levels of the South Tower. See (19).64-66. Upper Level of the Southwest Tower. See (23).

UPPER LEVEL OF THE GREAT HOUSE67. Stair hall. Light coming in through arrow loop windows shows upthe dust on the parquet floor. (A) is a latrine that is not used now; havingno shaft, it used to contain a chamber pot that had to be emptiedregularly. The residents now make use of pots in their own rooms andhave the slaves empty them. The door can be locked from the inside. ALLENCOUNTERS — same as (27).68. Kaldir's Room. This used to be a family member's room, ofperhaps a child or grandparent. Kaldir is obsessively neat and explodeswith rage if anyone touches his possessions. He supervises the slaves intheir cleaning once a week and tidies it himself otherwise. His bed isneatly made, with red blankets and one firm pillow. One unlocked chestcontains new or neatly mended clothing. Some of the nautical charts fromthe library are spread on his desk. The desk's two drawers are both locked.The left-hand one is -10 to open and contains several stolen gold seal-rings (from both northern and southern dignitaries), a crude attempt ( inbronze) at a seal-ring of his own (with the sign of a winged dagger), ink-cakes, an ink pot, quills, a pen knife, parchment, sand for removingerrors, and several perfectly terrible heroic poems about Kaldir's ownexploits, written in a bold hand. The right-hand drawer is locked at -20and contains 30 gp and assorted change in a wooden cash box with alatch; a soft green leather bag containing 5 unset fire opals, worth 25 gpeach; and a small copper idol of Kessem, the god of magic, with his eyesand kilt made of red-flecked green bloodstone (worth 2 gp). Hanging onthe wall is an ornate but fairly useless composite bow, with a grip ofivory flanked by bands of gold and black and gold tassels of silk thread ateach end. A matching quiver has six +5 arrows. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-08 (E), 09-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — see note about bedrooms.69. Storeroom. Its many wide shelves now contain only a fewblankets and linen sheets. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (J), 06-00 noone. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.70. Zokhad's Room. This used to be the nursery. Zokhad hasfurnished it in barbaric splendor: the wooden floor is nearly invisibleunder red and black woolen rugs from Umbar and a huge black bearskinfrom the north. The cedarwood bed, assembled from pieces found in acaravan wagon, has hangings of black silk, sewn to order in Kas Shadoul.It is spread with a coverlet of black mink pelts: totally unnecessary inthis hot climate, even at night, but very expensive (worth 100 gp). In thebase of the bedframe is a secret panel, which (when pushed in) reveals asecret compartment containing a little wooden box with tiny vials of theblade venom Karfar (kills by nervous system failure in 2-12 rounds), thepoison antidote refure (3 doses each), and a pargen berry (l ifegiving ifpressed upon the tongue of a preserved or life-kept body within 4 days ofdeath). Also in the compartment is a black silk bag containing 20 huge(1/2 in. diameter) black pearls (worth 25 gp each).

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The Upper Levels 25The walls are hung with two black steel headsman's axes (a "memento

mori" from Zokhad to himself) and a well-worn whip with a grip of carvedivory that is used to punish erring pirates (greater but less elegant whipsare used on the galley slaves by the pirates themselves). Two ornatelycarved chests of walnut wood, stained black, contain bedding andclothing. On the desk are several volumes on the history of Umbar andthe Haradwaith; a chess board of fine leather over wood, with pieces ofonyx and white marble; and a small applewood casket that is bound inbrass studded with red coral and locked (-15): it contains 25 gp, 2 goldarm rings with onyx panels (worth 25 gp each), and a ring of mithril andgold, set with a huge star sapphire (worth 200 gp). The desk drawers arc-unlocked and contain writing tools, ink-cakes, and a written evaluation ofeach of the.captains in frank terms, records of the takes from expeditions,and the number of slaves available down below. Anyone who handles therecords wi l l find that the areas of skin that have touched the parchment areturning bright blue. The color cannot be washed off, but fades in 2-4 days.

In the southeast comer of the room, under one of the black chests (andthe rug beneath that), is a secret panel that flips up to reveal a capacioussecret compartment. The panel is trapped: a small dart shoots out, smearedwith the Karfar. The compartment contains the horn that Hallatandescribed; 250 gp in 50 gp sacks: a white porcelain flask of the clearliquid that smells acrid (it is simnan, the chemical that Zokhad used onthe records: it gels brushed on and left to dry, leaving no trace, but wil linteract with the oils in Human, Dwarf, or Hobbit skin to have the effectdescribed above — it doesn't work on Elves!); two large, soft camel hairbrushes; a rune of Long Door (100 ft) : a map of the secret passage fromthe library (unlabelled: just a diagram); a rune of Speed III: a ring ofkeys (keys to ALL the doors on the lower and secret harbor levels); andthe Box of the Generous Friend. This 6-in. cubical cedarwood box has thepower of duplication. Any inanimate, unaltered (for example, by heal —cutt ing is OK), non-magical object placed in it wi l l be duplicated entirelyafter being left in the closed box for 5 minutes. Thus one apple becomestwo, one egg becomes a pair, etc. It takes 1 charge to duplicate vegetablematter, 2 for animal matter, and 5 for mineral matter. There arc 74 chargesleft. An item can only be duplicated once, and only one item can beduplicated at a time (two figs wi l l not become four). Note that herbs arenot considered magical in th i s instance. Currently in the box are twopargen berries. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-10 (B), 11-15 (J), 16-00 noone. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — see note about bedrooms.71. Ulbor's Room. Originally as Kaldir's. Ulbor's room has a relaxedsloppiness: it is cleaned regularly, and he throws the bed together, butthings arc out of place frequently. It contains a bed. two chests, and acomfortable chair. Hanging on the wall is a fine oud (like a lute), whichUlbor plays in his spare time (he plays pretty well and sings acceptably),as well as a display of four 1-handed broadswords (one is +5) and twoscimitars that he took from opponents in early raids, before there wereenough lesser crew members to do such dangerous things. A partiallyemptied and restoppered wine flask usual ly stands on a small table by thechair, along with a silver cup (worth 2 gp). One chest is unlocked andfilled with clean but comfortably worn clothing. The other is locked (-20).It contains 30 gp in a leather sack; a lovely belt of black leather, with agold buckle studded with green tourmalines (someone unversed in gem lorewould th ink that they were somewhat pale emeralds) (worth 50 gp) —Ulbor never wears it because it's "too fancy" but he admires i t ; a cloak ofheavy silk brocade, dark green with silver (worth 10 gp); a purse of softdoeskin with gold beads sewn into it (worth 5 gp), containing 10 large,uncut rubies (worth 10 gp each); and a fancy flask of iridescent purpleglass, containing a potion of heat resistance (3 doses, protects user fromnatural heat up to 200°F, adds 20 to RR vs heat spells or 20 to DB vselemental fire attacks). DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (D). 06-10 (J), 11-00no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — see note about bedrooms.72. Gedron and Numa's Sitting Room. Furnished with a small,elaborately inlaid table with two chairs cushioned in green wool; a green-cushioned settee of carved fruitwood; green and gold rugs; and acomfortable armchair wi th blue-and-green striped cushions. Numaexorcises some of her frustrations by keeping the place tidy. The white-and-green striped curtains are a lit t le moth eaten, even so. The tableusually has a bowl of fruit , a wine flask, and two silver cups (2 gp each)on it. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (C), 06-20 (H), 21-30 (C) + (H), 31-35 (J), 36-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-02 (C), 03-04 (H), OS-10 (C) + (H), 11-00 no one.73. Gedron and Numa's Bedroom. The cedarwood bed has whitehangings shot with green and silver: their age shows. A small dressingtable holds a silver mirror framed in silver and gold filigree with tinypearls (worth 10 gp); an ivory-inlaid ebony box (worth 5 gp) filled with12 bangles of gold and silver, set with semiprecious stones and glass(average worth: 7 sp) and one good set of earrings, gold with pink pearls,worth 12 gp the pair; three small bottles of perfume, in red, green, and

clear glass: and t iny ceramic pots of kohl, rouge, malachite eyeshadow,and henna paste, with brushes. On one w a l l is hung a leopard skin.Hanked with two pairs of crossed spears. There arc three chests: two areunlocked, and contain Gcdron's and Numa's clothing ( in hers are 5 silkenscarves in rainbow colors, embroidered w i t h gold, silver, and l iny gems.worth 2 gp each). The third is locked (-20) and trapped (a "D" electr ici tycritical from the lock, magical ly delivered): i t holds 150 gp in threeleather sacks of 50 gp each; a golden goblet set w i t h pearls and plaques oflapis l a z u l i (worth 20 gp); an arm ring of gold and s i l v e r set w i t h peridot(clear, pale green stones)(worth 45 gp); another arm ring of gold set w i t h alarge piece of chalcedony (a b l u i s h - w h i t e stone w i t h t h i n , branchingbrown lines in i t ) surrounded by t iny carved b i t s of malachi te (green,opaque) and amethyst (worth 85 gp); a ring of p la t inum set w i t h a largegreen Demantoid garnet (75 gp): and a bell of blue leather w i t h a buckleof copper set with plaques of sardonyx (reddish-brown and w h i l e stripes).

There is a deep closet in the northeast corner of the room; i t containstwo long silk robes (one red and gold brocade, one blue shot w i t h me ta l l i csilver threads: worth 3 gp each) and a cloak of heavy dark brown s i l ksatin wi th white fox fur tr im (wor th 6 gp). The closet is l ined w i t h cedar.but even so, there are a few moths. The wa l l s of the room are panelledwith a silvery wood from the far south: one panel (-20 to de tec t ) pushesinward to reveal a secret compartment, the size of a large closet. It hasshelves that are mostly stacked w i th black m i n k pelts ( 1 2 pelts worth 12gp each), red fox skins (4 pells at 4 gp each), and one whi te bearskin(worth 50 gp). Under one stack of mink skins is a small box (3 - in . cube)of silver in la id w i th gold wire f i l igree ( i t s e l f worth 40 gp) conta ining aring of gold encrusted wi th liny pearls: the Ring of the Yem-Rukha . Thisring allows the wearer to operate underwater as i f it were his or her na tura lenvironment: breathing, seeing, and moving appropriately. It is usablebut once per fu l l moon and allows said actions for 12 hours. During th i stime, the wearer can breathe etc. only w i t h d i f f i c u l t y out of water. TheYem-Rukhim are said (by the Haradrim) to be a race of underseahumanoids. Gedron suspects thai the ring is magical but does not knowwhat it does. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (C), 11-20 (H) . 21-25 (C) +(H), 26-30 (J), 31-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — see note aboutbedrooms.

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26 The Lower Levels

LOWER LEVELS OF THE MOONSTONE FORTRESS74. Prison Anteroom. This is accessed from the spiral staircase inthe Southeast Tower ((5) on main diagram). It contains a desk with achair, in which a guard was always seated in the old days. Recently, it hasbeen only sporadically manned. Behind the desk are a ring of keys on ahook (for the cells in (76) and the doors to (77) and some doors torooms on the Secret Harbor level: (O), (N), (I)-(M)) and four levers,arranged in a square. The first (the top left-hand corner of the square) dropsan iron door hidden in the ceiling across the entry to the staircase(reversing the lever wi l l raise it). The second (top right-hand) opens thedoor to (76). The third (lower left) opens the door to (75). The fourth(lower right) rings a loud bell behind a grill , high up on the outer wall ofthe lower. It can be heard all over the complex. It has accidentally beenrung from time to time, so the pirates know what it is (on the other hand,if it's during the hours that they are active, they may think nothing of itbut "What an idiot!). DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-90 (L), 91-00 no onePLUS 01-02 (B), 03-04 (D), 05-06 (G), 07-08 (P), 09-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — 01-80 (L), 81-83 (P), 84-00 no one.75. Armory. Almost all the useful items have been removed. The armor-cleaning machine (a large barrel of oily sand, suspended so that it can beturned with a huge crank) is still there, as is a huge standing whetstonefor sharpening blades. On racks on the walls are two spears and a +10war hammer that no one can use very well, as well as two +5 Elvishlongbows that are too hard to draw for any of the pirates to bother withthem. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-02 (D), 03-05 (G), 06-10 (L), 11 (P), 12-(X) no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (L), 06-00 no one.76. Prison. The cells (76a-76d) are usually empty, as the captivesused as galley slaves go straight to the large cells below and the piratesare usually punished by flogging (Zokhad wields the whip) in the InnerWard. Sofan is occasionally incarcerated here by Zokhad, who terrifieshim wi th descriptions of tortures and leaves him here overnight as apunishment for having a big mouth. Once or twice, pirates who havegotten very drunk off duty have been left here. Finally , "luxury" slaves(such as dancers, musicians, cooks, etc.) are kept here un t i l they are sold.Currently, two pretty Kirani slave girls are in (76d), awaiting sale in thelarge port of Kas Shadoul. So that their looks will not go "off," they havebeen given mattresses, blankets, adequate food, and the chance to wash upfrom time to time. Their names are Amadika and Immi. Dorien is

in (76c) and has been treated as the other two slave girls. DAYENCOUNTERS (in addition to the two slaves and Dorien) — 01-03 (B), 04-10 (L), 11-20 (I) in cell (76a), 21-24 (P), 25-00 no one.77. Corridor to Secret Harbor. The door is locked (-20), but thekey is on the ring behind the desk in (74). Immediately beyond the door,around a corner, is a flight of 11 stairs: the fifth and sixth stairs from thetop are of very thin wood and wil l collapse under a weight of 90 or moreIbs, throwing the person who steps on them into a 30-fl-decp pit flooredwith jagged rocks (a 2-handed weapon attack with an bonus of 30 plusanother 10 for every 50 Ibs of the victim's body weight — criticals forthis are crush — plus three 1-handed slashing attacks wi th the same add).The wood is crudely painted to resemble stone, and in this dim light, a PCmust state that he/she is examining the stairs to even have a chance ofnoticing that something is amiss (at which point a Perception roll of 80or better, including add, wi l l detect the false stairs). At the Three Ways,corridor (c) leads down to the secret harbor. Corridor (b) ends, after aflight of stairs, in a "chimney" into the rock. This opening is 4 ft indiameter. Anyone corning down (b) with a perception roll of less than 50(bonus included) will fall down the hole, taking three 2-handed weaponattacks as above but with only the weight-adjusted add. When the victimstops rolling, he/she will have dropped and rolled a total of 50 ftvertically and 60 ft horizontally; he/she w i l l be in a gradually slopingtunnel no more than 3 ft in height, which eventually ends in another,much steeper chimney. This drops some 70 ft straight down to come outthrough the 20-fl-high ceiling of slave cell (M) on the secret harborlevel. Corridor (c) runs down a flight of stairs and then turns abruptly.Just before this bend is a weight-sensitive spot in the floor (trigger = 100Ibs) that triggers heavy crossbows hidden in the walls, causing two +40missile attacks each at 3, 4.5, and 6 ft above the floor. Around the comeris a dead end. DAY ENCOUNTERS (Note that the pirates are instructed towalk down the stairs to just short of the traps in (b) and (c) so that allthree ways are equally travelled) — 01 (B), 02 (C), 03 (D), 04 (E), 05 (F),06 (G), 07-10 (L),' 11-12 (O), 13-15 (P), 16-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — 01-03 (L), 04-05 (P), 06-00 no one.78. Secret Doorways. These are reached by pulling on the hooks ofone of the empty spear racks in (75), which activates a mechanism thatcauses a slab of the wall to pivot open. The dust is thick and undisturbedon the floor. NO ENCOUNTERS.

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The Secret Harbor 2779. Secret Corridors. Those join the three parts of the undergroundcomplex — the prison area, the scullery/pantry area, and the secretcouncil room — together. The dust is thick and undisturbed on the floors.At the spot marked T on the diagram is a pressure-sensitive floor plate(trigger = 100 Ibs) that causes a Wall of Fire to erupt from the floor at thespot marked XXX. This fire wi l l burn for 30 minutes and then go out byitself. The trap automatically resets. Also, see (81) . NO ENCOUNTERS.80. Scullery/Pantry. The stairway leads back up to the kitchen ((25)on Main Diagram). This area has its own well, which flows into a basinto the right and ahead of the stairs. Nearby are wooden and stone sinks.The waste water can be let out through drains into crevices in the floor andthen into the sea. A larger boiler allows water to be heated for washingdishes and pots. Empty buckets nearby provide a place for garbage.Shelves and bins hold supplies, including flour, meal, dried beans andpeas, fresh and dried frui ts and vegetables, salted and dried meats, spices,salt, herbs (culinary, not medical), essences of roses and mint for softdrinks, honey, sugar, oil for cooking and lamps, kindling, homemadesoap, fine sand for scrubbing pots and pans, towels and dishrags, string,and lightweight rope (about 100-lb test). Barrels hold wine, cruder oil, andbeer. Firewood is stacked on low racks to keep air circulating around it.DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-50 (J), 51-00 no one PLUS 01-40 (N), 41-00no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (N) in the early morning hours,getting baking supplies, 06-07 (P) but not if (N) is there, 08-00 no one.81. Cold Room. A natural spring flowing around this room keeps itcool (approx. 45°F). Meats and dairy products are stored here: sides ofbeef, whole plucked chickens and geese, baskets of eggs, cheeses, jars ofyogurt and kefir ( l ike t h i n yogurt, used for making beverages), and wholebut gutted lambs hang from hooks in the ceiling or rest in niches carvedinto the rock. One niche hold flasks of wine and nonalcoholic beveragesthat are being cooled. ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (80).82. Wine Cellar. The door is locked (-10); Cook has the key (slave ornot, she's the boss in this small area. Besides, none of the pirates wantsto be bothered except for the drunks, like Ingar). The racks are definitelynot f u l l , but there are about 45 bottles of wine. There are four lanternhooks around the walls: if one of them is twisted, a click can be heardbehind one of the racks, and that rack can then be pulled forward,revealing a secret entrance to corridor (79). If the secret door is closed(after being opened) without twisting the hook back to its originalposition, the ceiling immediately outside the door wi l l fall in, causing 1-42-handed weapon attacks +50 on anyone in that 5 x 10 ft area andstrewing the floor knee-deep in stony rubble. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-10 (N), 11-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.83. Secret Stairway. This is the stairway from the library ((38) onthe Main Diagram).' DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-02 (B), 03-00 no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — no one.84. Secret Council Room. The door is locked (-20). This roomcontains a large mahogany table and eight matching chairs. The walls arehung with mouldering hangings woven with a stylized pattern of waves inshades of blue. On one wall is a diagram of the secret harbor, onparchment, in a frame. An empty bronze lamp hangs above the table. Thedust is deep on the floor: Zokhad's footprints are clearly visible: hedebated sweeping up but decided that his footprints would not be any morerevealing than no dust at all. However, he did decide to cut hisinvestigation short because of it. Faintly visible on the walls behind thehangings (not visible in bad light) are two secret doors: to corridor (79)and to the vault (85). The secret doors are pivoting slabs: the pivots areiron and rusty, so that they will shriek if turned. However, the sound willnot carry far in this rock. ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (83).85. Vault. When the slab is pivoted, a crystal vial wil l break open,causing a caustic yellow gas to flow out into the room. This poisoncauses 2-20 points damage and if a RR vs. a lvl 6 attack is failed, causesunconsciousness for 2-8 hours. The vial may be removed (a Very Hardmaneuver) if the trap is detected. The dust inside the vault is thick on thefloor. Gedron never knew about this, either, but his predecessors did: Dadand Grandpa sold off most of the castle's treasures years ago. Whatremains is odd and esoteric or unusable by Haradrim notions: a flatwooden case, 2 in. x 8 in. x 4 in., containing a pair of grey leathergloves (the Gloves of Lord Lightfingers, a Master Thief of Asni Dat: theyadjust to fit any wearer and add 10 to manipulatory skills, such as pickinglocks or pockets); a silver mirror in a bronze frame (the Mirror ofMarreth: This can only be used by one whose intelligence and intuitionare both above 75. Then, if the user lays a hand upon some item andgazes the mirror, he or she will see an image from the item's past. If, inaddition, the total of the user's intelligence, intuition, and level is 190 orabove, the mirror can be directed to show more specific scenes (forexample, the item's creation) or to scroll through the entire history of the

item at high speed. Note that items of great power wi l l not be analyzedvery well by this method, as they possess enough power and "wil l" toresist); and a huge bronze jar, enamelled in swirling patterns of red andblue, that is big enough to hide a Hobbit in. NO ENCOUNTERS.

SECRET HARBOR LEVELA. Deadend Cut. The tide splashes in here dangerously, and caught inthe rocks is a good deal of flotsam. Fifteen feet above the high tide levelis a cavelet, one of several. This particular one, in spite of itsunprepossessing appearance (the entry is a mere 3 ft high), leads to anarrow (5 ft diameter) tunnel, which in turn leads to an opening in (G),high up, in the shadows near the ceiling (50 ft above the floor of thatcavern). Syron noticed these cavelets when he hid from the pirates butwil l not press the issue, as he knows that many such openings peter outinto dead ends. NO ENCOUNTERS.B. Deadend Cut. Nothing but debris and flotsam. Caught among thedebris is a somewhat battered gold and silver footed serving dish (like acompote), set with garnets and morion (grey and transparent) around therim. Lost in a shipwreck, it catches the light on sunny days and even inits current condition is worth 60 gp. NO ENCOUNTERS.C. Reavers' Cut. The entrance to the secret harbor. At the end near(E), a spiked chain can be fastened across just below the waterline tocatch unwanted ships that attempt to enter (+50 Ship Impact Attack). Thepirates must row out to fasten and unfasten the chain; it is very heavy andawkward, and the little dory (row-boat) frequently capsizes ("Very Hard"Moving Maneuver). DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 the Bay Eaglet, 06-10Master Seawolf, 11-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-02 BayEaglet, 03-04 Master Seawolf, 05-00 no one.D. Deadend Cut. Just uninteresting flotsam.A/O ENCOUNTERS.E. Secret Harbor. Maximum depth in the center in 50 ft; minimum atspring low tide is 40 ft. A stone jetty with posts and rings for tying upboats and ships extends from the entrance to corridor (K). Two dorieswith their oars shipped are usually tied up near the inside end of the jetty.The Bay Eaglet gets made fast at the end, while the Master Seawolf isanchored in the center and unloads by dory and by a hook attached to acable that runs through eyes in the cavern roof and ends up near the entryof (F), where it is tied up to a ring sunk into the floor. This apparatus canhold up to 300 Ibs safely: the first eye is slowly working loose, andevery 10 Ibs over 300 adds another 5% to the chance (5%) of its comingout entirely, causing whatever is on the hook to fall into the harbor (oronto a person or vessel). DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-60 (M) on bothships, 61-70 (L) in dory, 71-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-10(L) on both ships, 11 -00 no one.F. Corridor. It slants steeply up and is often damp and slippery(running without falling is a "Hard" Moving Maneuver). DAY ENCOUNT-ERS — 01-90 (L), 91-00 no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-75 (L), 76-00 no one.G. Cavern. This is entirely natural. Tall pillars of stone reach up to theceiling: stalagmites and stalactites reach up and down. A small stream runsout of one wall as a little waterfall and runs out again through a t inyculvert in the opposite wall. Hooks on the wall support lanterns: two arelit at all times, but they make more shadows than light. When cargo isbeing unloaded, 10 lanterns are lit, providing adequate but dim light. Upnear the ceiling, a small opening leads to the tunnel to cut (A). DAYENCOUNTERS — 01 (A), 02 (B), 03 (C), 04-05 (D), 06 (E), 07 (F), 08-09(G), 10-15 (L), 16-20 (M), 21-22 (O), 23-25 (P), 26-00 no one. NIGHTENCOUNTERS — 01-25 (L), 26-27 (P), 28-00 no one.H. Store Room. The latest large items of cargo are stored here. Thedoor is locked (-20). It currently holds a stack of Dwarven steel swordblanks (roughly shaped sword blades, no hilts: worth 2 gp each because ofthe quality of the steel); a small stack of gold ingots (5 of them, eachabout the size of a brick: weigh 55 Ibs and are worth about 800 gp each:this is what Zokhad is going to use to buy a new ship); five small casksof wine from Belfalas (worth about 5 gp each); 10 oxhides (for makingboots and shields; worth 2 gp each); 20 1-qt flasks of almond oil (worth 1gp each); 10 wooden crates of apples (rare here: each crate holds 30apples and is worth 3 gp); 8 large cheeses in wax (worth 4 sp each;headed for the fortress kitchen); and a bale of fine woolen cloaks wrappedin canvas (25 cloaks in red, green, brown, and blue, worth 1 gp each).DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-02 (D), 03-04 (E), 05-10 (L), 11-00 no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — none.I. Anteroom to Galley Slave Prison. Racks on the wall hold chains,leg irons, manacles, and whips. All these confinements have the samekey: all the captains have a copy, and a spare hangs just inside the doorinto (N) as well as with some more pieces of prison ironmongery storedup in the ground level of the Southeast Tower ((5) on the Main Diagram).

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28 The Secret Harbor Layout

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The Encounters 29

A vast fireplace (i ts smoke goes out through crevices and can sometimesbe smelled outside, on the cl iff top) is constantly going, cooking twocauldrons f i l l ed with grain-and-lenti l porridge, to which is sometimesadded dried meat, f ru i t , or bruised vegetables. Water barrels stand nearby.The slaves share a large number of wooden cups and bowls in variousstates of rot (they pour the porridge directly into their mouths, having nospoons). Each ce l l fu l of slaves gets the opportunity to wash once a week,in a barrelful of heated water: few of them care. DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-90 (L), 91-00 no one PLUS 01-02 (B), 03 (E), 04-05 (M), 06-00 no one.NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — 01-40 (L), 41-00 no one.J to M. Slave Cells. There are about 30 slaves in each large cell. Theyare dressed in loincloths and have wild, shaggy hair and beards; they arc-linked into gangs of 10 by chains attached to their leg irons. They aremostly peasant Haradrim (50%), Gondorian sailors (30%), poor Corsairs(10%), and Ki ran i (8%), wi th a couple of Northmen, Easterlings, andVariags thrown in. Latrine pits are in the corners of the cells, and piles off i l t hy straw and old cloaks and blankets supplement the slaves' own bodyheat for warmth, but it is cold and dank. Many of them have bad coughs;they last an average of a year after capture. Needless to say, they stink.Their attitudes range from apathetic to smoulderingly wrathful: open angeris punished quickly by the whip, even to the point of death, or by evenworse punishments as an example to the rest. In the shadows of theceiling of cell (M) is an opening 3 ft in diameter that connects to thechimney tunnel from the prison level. NO ENCOUNTERS except with theslaves.N. Stairway. The door is locked (-15) and can be barred from inside (hestairway. An extra key to the chains etc. in (I) and on the slaves hangsfrom a hook just inside the doorway: easy to miss unless you look.Directly opposite the entrance to (G) is a doorway leading to a lalrinc.Along the short corridor to the latrine is a lever. When it is down, thetrap at the foot of the stairs is inactivated. When it is up, the trap is on.This trap is a weight-sensitive spot in the floor (trigger = 100 Ibs) thattriggers heavy crossbows hidden in the walls, causing two +40 missileattacks each at 3. 4.5, and 6 ft above the floor. The door at the top isalso locked (-10).. ALL ENCOUNTERS — .same as (77).O. Crossway. Four doors, all locked at -10, lead out. All are identical,with no indication of what is behind them. In the corners of the room,near the ceiling, a statuettes of the odd deep-sea fish called the oceansunfish. This fish is believed in Haradan mythology to be the servant ofMalikiam, god of the sea (all Haradan and anyone who has dealtextensively with Haradan sailors would know this). When the room isentered, the fish wi l l call softly "Whom do you serve?" The proper answeris "Malikiam" (or any phrase in Haradaic that contains his name). If theproper reply is not forthcoming, all the doors become impossible to openexcept for that into (P). All the pirates know what to answer. The fish,obviously, are magical. ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (77).P. Purification Room. This circular room has a domed ceiling, like abeehive, and is tiled all over in pale blue and green tiles that glitter andshimmer like seawater. In the center is a basin, empty, big enough tobathe in. In the old days, it was filled with seawater for worshippers ofthe sea god to wash in before devotions (the water was drained off andrefilled afterward). Tiled benches are around the walls; four niches used tohold robes and towels. At the back of one niche are three levers: the oneon the left wi l l release the doors from the crossway (O) to the corridorsand rooms beyond; the one in the center will cause the fish to wail; andthe one on the right diarms the trap at the bottom of the stairs (N). If alever is up, it is "off; thus the door lever and fish levers are always upthese days, but the trap lever may be up or down, depending on the statusof the trap (since there is another lever that controls the trap; see (N)).DAY ENCOUNTERS — 01-05 (D), 06-10 (G), 11-20 (L), 21-25 (M), 26-00no one. NIGHT ENCOUNTERS — none.Q. Temple of Malikiam, the Sea God. Lined in green-grey marble,this quarter-spherical room always smells and sounds like the sea, forsecret flues lead to the cliffs just above the water. At the end of the roomopposite the door is a bronze statue of Malikiam, depicted as a stern manwith a k i l t of malachite (green, opaque stone) plates and aquamarine andivory eyes that seem to stare out into the room. On the pedestal of hisstatue, before his feel, is the dagger of Dwarven steel in a sheath of blueleather that Hallatan described. No seats are provided: Haradrim worshipstanding. Some of the pirates (in particular, Dulo and Ulbor) still come into say a prayer or two before a raid, asking for gentle seas. It was Ulborwho left the dagger as an offering: one of the other pirates may yet takei t . ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (Q).R. Stairway to Lower Levels of the Fortress. Continuation of (77):leads to the door from the prison block there ( (76) on Lower Levelsdiagram). ALL ENCOUNTERS — same as (77).

5.6 The EncountersA. The High Command

Gedron, Zokhad, and their four captains are talking together,but at the intrusion, they whip around to stare, outraged, and drawtheir weapons (if seated, they rise to do this: takes 1 round).Zokhad shouts for reinforcements: "All hands! Intruders!" Gedronand Kaldir surge forward immediately, each determined to slay thetrespassers. Ulbor and Dulo are more cautious, while Ingar isfrankly waiting for an excuse to cut out.

If reinforcements do not arrive within a round (check all nearbyrooms for encounters (L) or (M), if applicable), Zokhad wil lattempt to organize his protege and his men to disable andcapture all the strangers, rather than kil l them. If there is anysuccess in this (ranging from all the party being disabled to onlyone being disabled and the rest fleeing), the treatment of thecaptured member(s) w i l l depend on what they look like: all wil lbe questioned, but strong, tough-looking PCs will be put in withthe galley slaves and good-looking or unusual ones (nonhumansor any blonds or redheads) will be kept in the prison (76) forresale as slaves, while any ordinary types may well be tortureduntil they are rescued or killed. The interrogation wil l take placein the armory (75) and will last, on and off, for 10 to 30 hours.Roll a crush, slash, or burn critical on the victim every 5 hours.

If two or more of the High Command are killed or disabled,they will retreat, either wildly (if Zokhad is among the disabled)or in an organized manner (if he is still up).B. Zokhad

Zokhad eyes the intruders coldly: he despises them all and issure that there is some way to get out of this mess. He does notmind being considered a coward for a few minutes, so if he is notsure of nearby reinforcements (check surrounding rooms: ifanyone is there, he probably — 90% — knows about it), he wil ltry to slip away (through a window, a secret door, or whatever). Ifthere is help nearby, he will shout for it and attempt to gaintime: by throwing furniture at one PC and attacking the next, forinstance. If held at arrow point, he will lecture the PCs loudly,hoping that his men will hear: "If you leave now, you may yetescape — although I doubt it!" Zokhad is very dangerous, notleast because he never gives up. Even in bed or in the bath, hehas his weapons near to hand.C. Gedron

Gedron grins: what fools these intruders are! The joy of battleis upon him: as long as Numa is not there, he wil l launch himselfstraight at the strongest-looking PC, laughing his terrible, mani-acal laugh. This laugh will summon others in the fortress, if theyare within earshot: any of the other pirates wil l call for aid andcome themselves, while the slaves and Numa will run for help(Numa doesn't know what else to do: if she is found standing bywhile her master is being attacked, she wil l be killed herself).Even if no help arrives, Gedron will fight until killed or subdued.

If Numa is about, he will send her to safety, even if the onlyrefuge is behind some furniture. Then he will proceed as above.D. Ulbor

The captain eyes the strangers uneasily: what is going on?What would Zokhad want his captain to do? Ulbor wi l l certainlyshout for aid. Then he will attempt to make a fighting retreat toget reinforcements. If badly wounded, he wil l give up: he doesnot have the killer mentality of his bosses. However, he willresist questioning staunchly, refusing to give any information.E. Kaldir

Kaldir's eyes flame, first with surprise and then with eagerness.Intruders! What a chance to prove himself to his superiors! Andwhat a fight this wil l be! He may not even th ink to shout forhelp at first (01-50 he does, 51-00 he doesn't); instead, helaunches himself at the strongest member of the party. As thingsgo badly, he may shout: check for reinforcements in nearbyrooms or areas. Kaldir loves a battle and wi l l not give up unt i lsubdued. He certainly will not reveal anything if questioned.

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30 The Encounters

F. IngarIf Ingar is alone, he is probably drunk. He stares at the

intruders, horrified. What a situation! What can he do?!He may launch a futile attack at whichever PC is nearest (01-

20), attempt to escape (21-80), or break down in boozy tears (81-00). If captured or disabled, he may break down if questioned andtell most or all of what he knows, all the while protesting thathis bosses will kill him if they find out that he betrayed them(01-30 he tells all; 31-70 he tells most; 71-00 he just sits thereand mopes). If he is with others, he will try to get them toattack, while he goes for help.G. Dulo

Dulo frowns and chews his lip, wondering what to do. If heshouts for help, these poor fools will probably all be slaugh-tered. If he is attacked, he will defend himself skillfully, lookingfor an opportunity to escape and go for aid. If not, he will try toreason with the party. "Quiet! Now, listen, I don't care whatyou're here for or why, but you could be in hot water awful soon!Let me show you the quickest way out, and don't come back!"

If the party talks quietly, he will continue to speak with them.If they make noise, he will try to hush them, while edging towardthe door in case calling for help becomes unavoidable. The partymay be able to convince him that if he helps them, they couldget him an official pardon for his former crime and his currentinvolvement with the pirates (this is quite possible). If they don'tconvince him, they may have to knock him out or otherwisedisable him to avoid his calling for aid (01-20 he insists thatthey leave; 21-80 he listens to their arguments; 81-00 he decidesthat it's hopeless and calls for help). Of course, they couldretreat, as he suggests, and try again later.H. Numa

Numa is startled. Strangers! Are they saviors, or just trouble?If she is with Gedron or anyone else, she will follow their

orders about getting out of the way or whatever. However, if sheis alone, she will try to persuade the party to rescue her (if theygive her a chance to talk at all, that is). She will show them hersecret passage in the south wall as proof of her good intentionsand tell them anything she that knows about the layout of theplace. If the pirates are out on a raid, she will suggest that sheand the party escape this very night. Numa will become veryagitated if she suspects that the party plans to leave her behind:she may even scream and call for help. If it seems that the PCsare going to help her, however, she will be very cooperative.I. Sofan

Sofan's dark face turns greenish; his Adam's apple bobs up anddown as he gulps nervously. Who are these people? What willZokhad do to him if he thinks that Sofan had anything to do withit? He clutches at his dagger ineffectively and staggers back untilhe hits a wall or table.

If attacked, Sofan will strike wildly at his assailants, perhapsdrawing his dagger (01-40) but probably not (41-00). If subdued,he will rapidly spill everything he knows and implore the PCsnot to let Zokhad know that he has done so. He will offer to helpheal any injuries that they have and plead for the party to takehim with them when they go. If left where found, even if notrestrained in any way, he will probably collapse in a heap andremain where he is until someone comes to look for him.

If the party tries to calm him down, Sofan will rapidly becomesensible (at least, sensible for Sofan) and explain his predica-ment. He will offer to come with them and be their Animist andwill tell them things about the fortress if asked. If the partyrefuses to take him along, he will suggest that they tie him up sothat it looks as if they took him by surprise, bound and left him.

J. Two (01-50) or Three (51-00) Female SlavesThe slave girls look up from their work and gasp and giggle

nervously. Slaves or peasants by birth, their first thoughts arenot of rescue or action but of whether their masters will be angryat them over this.

Most of these girls are rather helpless and will not fight if theparty attempts to subdue them and tie them up (01-85). One ofthem (86-00) is a spitfire and will struggle and curse if attacked;she will have to be subdued forcefully. In either case, there maybe screaming (01-30 they scream, 31-00 they don't).

If approached gently, with reassurances that no one will hurtthem, the girls will supply general information about the castle.However, they know nothing of the lower levels except for thescullery (80) and its attachments.K. Two Male Slaves

The slaves look up from their task and stare, mouths agape.What's going on? Will they be beaten for this?

These slaves, dull-witted and broken-spirited, will hardlystruggle if attacked, but they may shout in fear and surprise (01-30 they shout, 31-00 they don't). If approached gently, they willtalk, but they know even less than the girls, who are moreintelligent and better treated.L. A Pirate

The pirate, lounging at his post, looking for something, orstrolling along, glances up casually, then freezes. As he sees thestrangers, his hand goes to his weapon. Intruders!

There is a chance that the pirate will shout for help: "Ahoy!Intruders!" (01-60 he shouts, 61-00 he doesn't). He will definitelydraw his weapon and attempt to menace the strangers with a bravefront. If aid doesn't arrive soon, however, he will look for anescape. He is too sensible to turn his back on enemies and willfight if cornered.

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Dangers and Obstacles 31

If subdued, there is little chance that the party will get anyuseful information from him. Most of these pirates are hardenedcriminals and wil l just curse and glare, no matter how sharplythey are pressed. One or two of them may be cowardly enough tobreak down and give some trivial information (01-85 toughpirate; 86-00 chicken pirate).M. A Group of Pirates

The four pirates have been sharing a joke or a meal. They stoplaughing or chewing and stare at the intruders, then.head towardthem, drawing their weapons. The pirate farthest back shouts"Ahoy! All hands! Intruders!"

In a group like this, the pirates have a certain doglike courage,bolstered by the presence of their fellows. They attack with deter-mination and even enthusiasm, sure of victory, for they are ontheir home turf.

However, if the fight starts to go badly for them, their enthu-siasm wil l evaporate rapidly. If two of them go down, the otherswill try to flee.

Subdued pirates will not be cooperative if questioned: see (L).N. The Cook

Cook appraises the intruders coolly. Her life has been full ofsurprises, and this is just one more. She raises her eyebrows andtaps her ever-present kitchen cleaver meaningfully, waiting forthe party to make the first move.

If the party attacks. Cook will do her best to slice and dicethem. Life in a tough tavern and then in a castle full of pirateshas made her very competent in a fight. If subdued, she willprove even tougher to question than a pirate.

If approached politely. Cook will tell the party whatever sheknows and offer to hide them in the wine cellar if they need it.All she asks is that they arrange to get her out of here eventuallyand find her a good job somewhere else, preferably far away (theNorthern Girl might hire her: she could double as a bouncer!).O. A Pair of Pirate Lads

The lads are quietly planning some mischief or other, but lookup, startled, and see the strangers. They are frightened but thrilledas well. What an adventure!

If attacked, the boys will flee as rapidly as possible. They arewiry, quick, and hard to catch; they also have no scruples aboutdirty fighting. They will scream for help if grabbed and run forhelp if they escape. They know all the shortcuts and hidingplaces in the upper and ground level areas of the fortress.

If the party talks to them, the boys will be cynical but curiousabout what is going on. They will not spill all the beans but mayoffer some useful information (01-50). On the other hand, theymay just tell wild lies in answer to any questions (51-00). Theywill enthusiastically suggest that the party tie them up and leavethem, or lock them or bar them into a room or closet, because itwould be so exciting to tell their buddies about later.P. Emuna

Emuna draws a deep, hissing breath of mixed surprise andeagerness, but quickly hides her anticipation behind a mask offear and near-senility. Intruders! Seldom does she get a chance toshow what she can really do with a destructive spell! Now, shewill show all the pirates what she's really made of and make thesestrangers regret the day that they were born!

In no way will the PCs be able to reason with the Haradanwitch, for she is far beyond reason. Cunning and deceptive, shewill buy time to choose a spell and prepare it for maximumeffectiveness by acting old and frail, allowing her mouth to fallopen and having her eyes water with tears of seeming fright. Shelooks the very picture of a frail old creature, not yet senile,perhaps, but close to it.

If the PCs are in a close formation and at least 5 ft from her,Emuna will try her Fireball first (regardless of what else shemight set on fire!). If they are spread out, she may first castSleep X on as many as possible and then head for cover (assumethat she knows the layout of any non-secret room or corridorperfectly). She may use Leaving (100 ft) to effect her escape.

From her new position, she will adapt her strategy to the situ-ation. If the encounter is under a stone ceiling (underground), shemay try Cracks Call to bring the roof down (again, she will notthink of the consequences to the castle structure). She may use aStun Cloud, an Earthwall, Sudden Light, or a Waterwall to slowdown her pursuers. If she can get a PC alone (for instance, if onePC runs ahead of the others after her), she will try Suggestionand have the PC keep the others from following her ("Don't letyour friends follow me!"). Note that the PC in this situationwould then use any means that the character would normally usein that situation: he or she will not attack the other PCs or hurtthem but will get in the way and be a nuisance or stand front ofdoorways, etc. If she feels truly threatened, she may flee, usingMagic Lock to reinforce the first couple of doors that she goesthrough (a 25% chance of fleeing: remember that she's crazy).

Keep track of her spell points. When she runs out. she wil lresort to tactics such as trying to get above the PCs on astairway and throwing things at them (use Crush attacks). As alast resort, she will fight with her staff or dagger.

5.7 Dangers and ObstaclesAs noted in Adventure 2, the approach to the castle offers very

little cover, day or night, but the pirates usually ignore smallfishing vessels unless they actually approach the Reaver's Cut. Atnight, there are few guards on duty in the towers, and a carefulapproach from the south along the cliff may well prove effective.The Pirates: Although they know little about setting upwatches on the outside of castles, the pirates are alert enoughinside the fortress or on board ship, and they are vicious ingroups or when cornered.The Pirate Lads: When approached directly, the lads willreact as outlined above. However, these feisty youths are alwayslooking for trouble and are often wandering about at night: if theparty should happen to make some noise near one of the boys'nocturnal haunts, the 'prentices will be quick to investigate andnotify the guards.Zokhad, Gedron, and Kaldir: These officers are vicious andgood fighters. They should only be attacked in force, from adistance, or from behind: single combat is a quick way to alonely grave at the bottom of the sea.The Moonstone: This magical device is very effective inprotecting the areas that its maker remembered: the walls and thegates. If anyone goes in the gates uninvited or climbs or tunnelsthrough the walls, the awful cry will go off. However, the creatorof the Moonstone didn't think of flying or the Secret Harbor, sointruders can use either of these routes unannounced.Emuna: Emuna is not to be underestimated. Having adopted theMoonstone Fortress as her home and Gedron as her lord (withZokhad his trusted advisor), she will regard any intruders as anopportunity to prove herself a mage of true grit. She will nothesitate to cast any spells that she considers necessary, and sheis vicious when cornered.Traps and Snares: These are as noted. Zokhad richly rewardsany pirate who comes up with a good idea in this department, sosome of the traps are quite vicious. Do not give the players anyundeserved hints about the presence of traps. In this regard, ithelps to make sure that it seems as if there could be traps whenthere are not. That is, if the PCs ask to check for traps in a givenarea that has none, do not just say: "You find no traps." Roll diceand make a show of checking to see if a trap has been detected.

NOTE: For this adventure\you should roll the dice for trapchecks, not the PCs. The same should be true of perceptionrolls. Make sure that you have noted each PC's perception,trap detection!removal, and saving throw bonuses in aconvenient spot.

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