A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook (2024)

A Concise Dictionary of Middle English

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Rev. Walter W. Skeat Litt.D.;LL.D. Edin.; M.A. Oxon. ELRINGTONand Bosworth professor of Anglo-Saxonin the University of Cambridge

“These our Ancient Words here set down, I trustwill for this time satisfie the Reader.—­R.VERSTEGAN, Restitution of Decayed Intelligence,ch. vii (at the end)

“Authentic words be given, or none!” Wordsworth, Lines on Macpherson’s Ossian



(By professor Skeat.)

The present work is intended to meet, in some measure,the requirements of those who wish to make some studyof Middle-English, and who find a difficulty in obtainingsuch assistance as will enable them to find out themeanings and etymologies of the words most essentialto their purpose.

The best Middle-English Dictionary, that by Dr. MAtznerof Berlin, has only reached the end of the letterH; and it is probable that it will not be completedfor many years. The only Middle-English Dictionarythat has been carried on to the end of the alphabetis that by the late Dr. Stratmann, of Krefeld.This is a valuable work, and is indispensable forthe more advanced student. However, the presentwork will still supply a deficiency, as it differsfrom Stratmann’s Dictionary in many particulars.We have chosen as our Main Words, where possible,the most typical of the forms or spellings of theperiod of Chaucer and Piers Plowman; in Stratmann,on the other hand, the form chosen as Main Word isgenerally the oldest form in which it appears, frequentlyone of the twelfth century. Moreover, with regardto authorities, we refer in the case of the great majorityof our forms to a few, cheap, easily accessible works,whereas Stratmann’s authorities are mainly thenumerous and expensive publications of the Early EnglishText Society. Lastly, we have paid special attentionto the French element in Middle-English, whereas Stratmannis somewhat deficient in respect of words of Frenchorigin [Footnote 1: A new and thoroughly revisededition of Stratmann’s Dictionary is being preparedby Mr. Henry Bradley, for the Delegates of the ClarendonPress.] The book which has generally been found ofmost assistance to the learner is probably Halliwell’sDictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words; but thisis not specially confined to the Middle-English period,and the plan of it differs in several respects fromthat of the present work.

The scope of this volume will be best understood byan explanation of the circ*mstances that gave riseto it. Some useful and comparatively inexpensivevolumes illustrative of the Middle-English period havebeen issued by the Clarendon Press; all of which arefurnished with glossaries, explaining all the importantwords, with exact references to the passages whereinthe words occur. In particular, the three usefulhand-books containing Specimens of English (from 1150down to 1580) together supply no less than sixty-sevencharacteristic extracts from the most important literarymonuments of this period; and the three glossariesto these books together fill more than 370 pages ofclosely-printed type in double columns. The ideasuggested itself that it would be highly desirableto bring the very useful information thus alreadycollected under one alphabet, and this has nowbeen effected. At the same time, a referencehas in every case been carefully given to the particularGlossarial Index which registers each form here cited,so that it is perfectly easy for any one who consultsour book to refer, not merely to the particular Indexthus noted, but to the references given in that Index;and so, by means of such references, to find everypassage referred to, with its proper context.Moreover the student only requires, for this purpose,

a small array of the text-books in the Clarendon PressSeries, instead of a more or less complete set ofeditions of Middle-English texts, the possession ofwhich necessitates a considerable outlay of money.By this plan, so great a compression of informationhas been achieved, that a large number of the articlesgive a summary such as can be readily expanded toa considerable length, by the exercise of a very littletrouble; and thus the work is practically as full ofmaterial as if it had been three or four times itspresent size. A couple of examples will shew*what this really means.

At p. 26 is the following entry:—­

Bi-heste, sb. promise, S, S2,C2, P; byheste, S2; beheste, S2; byhest,S2; bihese, S; biheest, W; bihese,pl., S.—­AS. be-hA|*s.’

By referring to the respective indexes here cited,such as S (=Glossary to Specimens of English, PartI), and the like, we easily expand this article intothe following:—­

Bi-heste, sb. promise, S (9.19); S2 (I a. 184); C2 (B37, 41, 42, F 698);P (3. 126); byheste, S2 (18 b. 25);beheste, S2 (14 a. 3); byhest,S2 (12. 57, 18 b. 9, [where it may also beexplained by grant]); bihese, S (whereit is used as a plural); biheest, W (promise,command, Lk. xxiv. 49, Rom. iv. 13; pl. biheestis,Heb. xi. 13); bihese, S (pl. behests,promises, 4 d. 55).—­AS. behA|*s

In order to exhibit the full meaning of this—­whichrequires no further explanation to those who havein hand the books denoted by S, S2, &c.—­itwould be necessary to print the article at considerablelength, as follows:—­

Biheste, sb. promise; “dusibiheste” a foolish promise, (extractfrom) Ancren Riwle, l. 19; “and wel lute wulehulde A3/4e biheste A3/4at he nom,” (extractfrom) Robert of Gloucester, l. 184; “holdethyour bAheste,” Chaucer, Introd. to Manof Law’s Prologue, l. 37; “bihesteis dette,” same, l. 41; “al my biheste”same, l. 42; “or breken his biheste”Chaucer, sequel to Squieres Tale, l. 698; “A3/4orwfals biheste,” Piers Plowman, Text B,Pass. iii, l. 126; “to vol-vulle (fulfil) A3/4atbyheste” Trevisa (extract from), lib.vi. cap. 29, l. 25; “the lond of promyssioun,or of beheste,” Prol. to Mandeville’sTravels, l. 3; “wiA3/4 fair by-hest,”William and the Werwolf, l. 57; “A3/4e byhest(promise, or grant) of oA3/4ere menne kyngdom,”Trevisa, lib. vi. cap. 29, l. 9; “y schal sendethe biheest of my fadir in-to 3*ou,”Wyclif, Luke xxiv. 49; “not bi the lawe is biheestto Abraham,” Wycl. Rom. iv. 13; “whannethe biheestis weren not takun,” Wycl.Heb. xi. 13; “longenge to godes bihese”Old Eng. Homilies, Dominica iv. post Pascha,l. 55.’

We thus obtain fifteen excellent examples of the useof this word, with the full context and an exact reference(easily verified) in every case. And, in theabove instance, all the quotations lie within thecompass of the eleven texts in the Clarendon PressSeries denoted, respectively, by S, S2, S3, C, C2,C3, W, W2, P, H, and G.

The original design was to make use of these text-booksonly; but it was so easy to extend it by includingexamples to be obtained from other Glossaries andDictionaries, that a considerable selection of interestingwords was added from these, mainly for the sake ofillustrating the words in the Clarendon text-books.These illustrative words can be fully or partiallyverified by those who happen to possess all or someof the works cited, or they can safely be taken ontrust, as really occurring there, any mistake beingdue to such authority.

A second example will make this clearer. ’Brant,adj. steep, high, MD, HD; brent, JD;brentest, superl. S2.—­AS.brant (bront); cp. Swed. brant,Icel. brattr.’

Omitting the etymology, the above information is givenin two short lines. Those who possess the ‘Specimensof English’ will easily find the example ofthe superl. brentest. By consulting MAtzner’s,Halliwell’s, and Jamieson’s Dictionaries,further information can be obtained, and the fullarticle will appear as follows:—­

Brant, adj. steep, high, MD [brant,brent, adj. ags. brand, arduus,altus, altn. brattr, altschw. branter,schw. brant, bratt, dAn, brat, sch.brent, nordengl. Diall. brant:cf. “brant, steepe,” ManipulusVocabulorum, p. 25: steil, hoch.—­“Aponthe bald Bucifelon brant up he sittes,”King Alexander, ed. Stevenson, p. 124; “Thirmountaynes ware als brant upri3*e as thay hadbene walles,” MS. quoted in Halliwell’sDiet., p. 206; “Hy3*e bonkkes & brent,”Gawain and the Grene Knight, l. 2165; “Bowedto A3/4e hy3* bonk A3/4er brentest hit wern,”Alliterative Poems, ed. Morris, Poem B, l. 379];HD [brant, steep. North: “Brantagainst Flodden Hill,” explained by Nares fromAscham, “up the steep side;” of.Brit. Bibl. i. 132, same as brandly?—­“Andthane thay com tille wonder heghe mountaynes, and itsemed as the toppes had towched the firmament; andthir mountaynes were als brant upri3*te asthay had bene walles, so that ther was na clymbyngupon thame,” Life of Alexander, MS. Lincoln,fol. 38]; JD [brent, adj. high, straight,upright; " My bak, that sumtyme brent hes bene,Now cruikis lyk are camok tre,” Maitland Poems,p. 193; followed by a discussion extending to morethan 160 lines of small print, which we forbear toquote]; brentest, superl. S2.13. 379 ["And bowed to A3/4e hy3* bonk A3/4er brentesthit were (MS. wern),” Allit. Poems, l. 379;already cited in MAtzner, above].’

The work, in fact, contains a very large collectionof words, in many variant forms, appearing in Englishliterature and in Glossaries between A.D. 1150 andA.D. 1580. The glossaries in S2, S3 (Specimensof English, 1298-1393, and 1394-1579) have furnisheda considerable number of words belonging to the Scottishdialect, which most dictionaries (excepting of coursethat of Jamieson) omit.

The words are so arranged that even the beginner will,in general, easily find what he wants. We haveincluded in one article, together with the Main Word,all the variant spellings of the glossaries, as wellas the etymological information. We have alsogiven in alphabetical order numerous cross-referencesto facilitate the finding of most of the variant forms,and to connect them with the Main Word. In thisway, the arrangement is at once etymological and alphabetical—­adaptedto the needs of the student of the language and ofthe student of the literature.

The meanings of the words are given in modern English,directly after the Main Word. The variant forms,as given in their alphabetical position, are frequentlyalso explained, thus saving (in such cases) the troubleof a cross-reference, if the meaning of the word isalone required.

An attempt is made in most cases to give the etymology,so far at least as to shew the immediate source ofthe Middle-English word. Especial pains havebeen taken with the words of French origin, whichform so large a portion of the vocabulary of the Middle-Englishperiod. In many cases the AF (Anglo-French) formsare cited, from my list of English Words found inAnglo-French, as published for the Philological Societyin 1882.

The student of English who wishes to trace back thehistory of a word still in use can, in general, findthe Middle-English form in Skeat’s EtymologicalDictionary, and will then be able to consult the presentwork in order to obtain further instances of its earlyuse.

The relative share of the authors in the preparationof this work is easily explained. The whole ofit in its present form (with the exception of theletter N) was compiled, prepared, and written out forpress by Mr. Mayhew. The original plan was, however,my own; and I began by writing out the letter N (sinceaugmented) by way of experiment and model. Itwill thus be seen that Mr. Mayhew’s share ofthe work has been incomparably the larger, involvingall that is most laborious. On the other hand,I may claim that much of the labour was mine also,at a much earlier stage, as having originally compiledor revised the glossaries marked S2, S3, C2, C3, W,W2, P, and G, as well as the very full glossarialindexes cited as B, PP, and WA, and the dictionarycited as SkD. The important glossary marked Swas, however, originally the work of Dr. Morris (sincere-written by Mr. Mayhew), and may, in a sense, besaid to be the back-bone of the whole, from its supplyinga very large number of the most curious and importantearly forms.

The material used has been carefully revised by bothauthors, so that they must be held to be jointly responsiblefor the final form in which the whole is now offeredto the public.


One great difficulty in finding a Middle-English wordin this, or any other, Dictionary is due to the frequentvariation of the symbols denoting the vowel-sounds.Throughout the whole of the period to which the workrelates the symbols i and y, in particular,are constantly interchanged, whether they stand alone,or form parts of diphthongs. Consequently, wordswhich are spelt with one of these symbols in a giventext must frequently be looked for as if spelt withthe other; i.e. the pairs of symbols iand y, ai and ay, eA andey, oA and oy, uA anduy, must be looked upon as likely to be usedindifferently, one for the other. For furtherinformation, the student should consult the remarksupon Phonology in the Specimens of English (1150 to1300), 2nd ed., p. xxv. For those who have nottime or opportunity to do this, a. few brief notesmay perhaps suffice.

The following symbols are frequently confused, orare employed as equivalent to each other because theyresult from the same sound in the Oldest English orin Anglo-French:—­

/* i,y;—­ai, ay;—­ei,ey;—­oi, oy;—­ui,uy.

a, o;—­a, A|, e, ea;—­e,eo, ie;—­o, u, ou; —­(alloriginally short).

a, A|, ea, e, ee;—­e, ee, eo,ie;—­o, oo, oa;—­ u,ou, ui;—­(all long). */

These are the most usual interchanges of symbols,and will commonly suffice for practical purposes,in cases where the cross-references fail. Ifthe word be not found after such substitutions havebeen allowed for, it may be taken for granted thatthe Dictionary does not contain it. As a fact,the Dictionary only contains a considerable numberof such words as are most common, or (for some specialreason) deserve notice; and it is at once concededthat it is but a small hand-book, which does not pretendto exhibit in all its fulness the extraordinarilycopious vocabulary of our language at an importantperiod of its history. The student wishing forcomplete information will find (in course of time)that the New English Dictionary which is being broughtout by the Clarendon Press will contain all words foundin our literature since the year 1100.

Of course variations in the vowel-sounds are alsointroduced, in the case of strong verbs, by the usual‘gradation’ due to their method of conjugation.To meet this difficulty in some measure, numerous (butnot exhaustive) cross-references have been introduced,as when, e.g. ‘Bar, bare’is given, with a cross-reference to Beren.Further help in this respect is to be had from the

table of 183 strong verbs given at pp. lxix-lxxxiof the Preface to Part I of the Specimens of English(2nd edition); see, in particular, the alphabeticalindex to the same, at pp. lxxxi, lxxxii. The samePreface further contains some account of the threeprincipal Middle-English dialects (p. xl), and Outlinesof the Grammar (p. xlv). It also explains themeaning of the symbols A3/4, A deg. (both used forth), 3* (used for y initially, ghmedially, and gh or z finally), withother necessary information.


This work gives all the words and everyform contained in the glossaries to eleven publicationsin the Clarendon Press Series, as below:—­

S.—­SPECIMENS OF EARLY ENGLISH, ed.Morris, Part I: from A.D. 1150 to A. D. 1300.

This book contains extracts from:—­1.Old English Homilies, ed. Morris, E. E. T. S.1867-8, pp. 230-241; 2. The Saxon Chronicle,A.D. 1137, 1138,1140, 1154; 3. Old Eng.Homilies, ed. Morris, First Series, pp. 40-53;4. The same, Second Series, pp. 89-109;5. The Ormulum, ed. White, ll. 962-1719,pp. 31-57; 6. Layamon’s Brut, ed.Madden, ll. 13785-14387 [add 13784 to thenumber of the line in the reference]; 7.Sawles Warde, from Old Eng. Homilies, ed.Morris, First Series, pp. 245-249, 259-267; 8.St. Juliana, ed. co*ckayne and Brock; 9.The Ancren Riwle, ed. Morton, pp. 208-216, 416-430;10. The Wooing of our Lord, from Old Eng.Homilies, ed. Morris, First Series, pp. 277-283;11. A Good Orison of our Lady, from thesame, pp. 191-199; 12. A Bestiary, theLion, Eagle, and Ant, from An Old Eng. Miscellany,ed. Morris; 13. Old Kentish Sermons,from the same, pp. 26-36; 14. Proverbsof Alfred, from the same, pp. 102-130; 15.Version of Genesis and Exodus, ed. Morris, ll.1907-2536;16. Owl and Nightingale, from An Old Eng.Miscellany, ed. Morris, ll. 1-94,139-232, 253-282,3O3-352, 391-446, 549-555, 598-623, 659-750, 837-855,905-920, 1635-1682, 1699-1794; 17. A MoralOde (two copies), from An Old Eng. Miscellanyand Old Eng. Homilies, 2nd Series, ed. Morris;18. Havelok the Dane, ed. Skeat, ll.339-748; 19. King Horn (in full).

S2.—­SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH, Part II, ed.Morris and Skeat; from A.D. 1298-1393.

This book contains extracts from:—­1.Robert of Gloucester’s Chronicle (William theConqueror and St. Dunstan); 2. MetricalPsalter, Psalms 8, 14(15), 17(18), 23(24), 102(103),103(104); 3. The Proverbs of Hendyng;4. Specimens of Lyric Poetry, ed.Wright (Alysoun, Plea for Pity, Parable of the Labourers,Spring-time); 5. Robert Mannyng’sHandlynge Synne, ll. 5575-5946; 6. Williamof Shoreham, De Baptismo; 7. Cursor Mundi,ed. Morris, ll. 11373-11791 [add 11372

to the number in the reference]; 8.Eng. Metrical Homilies, ed. Small (SecondSunday in Advent, Third Sunday after the Octave ofEpiphany); 9. The Ayenbite of Inwyt, ed.Morris, pp. 263-9, and p. 262; 1O. Hampole’sPrick of Conscience, ll. 432-9, 464-509, 528-555,662-707, 728-829, 1211-1292, 1412-1473, 1818-29, 1836-51,1884-1929, 2216-2233, 2300-11, 2334-55, 2364-73, 7813-24;11. Minot’s Songs, Nos. 3, 4, 7;12. William of Palerne, ed. Skeat,ll. 3-381; 13. Alliterative Poems, ed.Morris, Poem B, ll. 235-544, 947-972, 1009-1051; 14. Mandeville’s Travels, Prologue, part of Chap.12, and Chap. 26; 15. Piers the Plowman,A-text, Prologue, Passus 1, part of Pass. 2, Pass.3, Pass. 5, parts of Pass. 6 and 7; 16.Barbour’s Bruce, ed. Skeat, Book VII. ll.1-230, 400-487; 17. Wyclif’s translationof St. Mark’s Gospel, Chapters 1-6; Hereford’sversion of the Psalms, Ps. 14(15), 23(24), 102(103);18. Trevisa’s translation of Higden’sPolychronicon, lib. i. c. 41, c. 59, lib. vi. c. 29;19. Chaucer, Man of Law’s Tale; 20.Gower’s Confessio Amantis, part of Book V.

S3.—­SPECIMENS OF ENGLISH, Part III, ed.Skeat; from A. D. 1394-1579.

This book contains extracts from:—­1.Pierce the Ploughman’s Crede, ll. 153-267, 339-565,744-765, 785-823; 2. Hoccleve’s DeRegimine Principum, stanzas 281-301, 598-628; 3.Lydgate, London Lickpenny, and the Storie of Thebes,bk. ii. ll. 1064-1419; 4. James I (ofScotland), the King’s Quair, stanzas 152-173;5. Peco*ck’s Represser, pt. i. c.19; pt. ii. c. 11; 6. Blind Harry’sWallace, bk. i. ll. 181-448; 7. Chevy Chase(earlier version); 8. Malory’s MorteDarthur, bk. xxi. c. 3-7; 9. Caxton’sHistory of Troy; 10. The Nut-brown Maid;11. Dunbar, Thistle and Rose, and Poemon being desired to be a Friar; 12. Hawes,Pastime of Pleasure, c. 33; 13. G. Douglas,Prol. to Aneid, book xii; 14. Skelton,Why Come Ye Nat to Courte, ll. 287-382, 396-756; PhilipSparrow, ll. 998-1260; 15. Lord Berners,tr. of Froissart, c. 50, c. 130; 16. Tyndale,Obedience of a Christian Man; 17. More,Dialogue Concerning Heresies, bk. iii. c. 14-16;Confutation of Tyndale, bk. iii; 18. SirT. Elyot, The Governor, bk. i. c. 17, 18; 19.Lord Surrey, tr. of Aneid, bk. ii. ll. 253-382, 570-736,and minor poems; 2O. Sir T. Wiat, ThreeSatires, and minor poems; 21. Latimer,Sermon on the Ploughers; 22. Sir D. Lyndesay,The Monarchy, bk. iii. ll. 4499-4612, 4663-94, 4709-38;bk. iv. ll. 5450-5639; 23. N. Udall, RalphRoister Doister, Act iii. sc. 3-5; 24.Lord Buckhurst, The Induction; 25. Ascham,The Schoolmaster, bk. i; 26. Gascoigne,The Steel Glas, ll. 418-470, 628-638, 750-893, 1010-1179;27. Lyly, Euphues and his Ephoebus; 28.Spenser, Shepherd’s Calendar, November, December.

The remaining eight publications in the ClarendonPress Series which have also been indexed are thosemarked C, C2, C3, W, W2, P, H, and G; i.e. threebooks containing extracts from Chaucer, two bookscontaining parts of Wyclif’s Bible, part of PiersPlowman, Hampole’s Psalter, and Gamelyn; thefull titles of which are given below.

We also give all the important words occurring inCM (Chaucer, ed. Morris); and in addition tothis, and for the purpose of illustration, forms aregiven from various texts and Dictionaries, and fromthe Glossaries to B (Bruce), PP (Piers Plowman), andWA (Wars of Alexander).




NOTE.—­The abbreviations referring to theauthorities for the forms of
English words (AD. 1150-1580) are printed in italics.(CP = Clarendon

1. Alph.: Alphita, a Medico-BotanicalGlossary, ed. Mowat, 1887. CP.

2. Anglo-Saxon Gospels,in AS. and NorthumbrianVersions, ed. Skeat.

3. Apfelstedt: Lothringischer Psalter (desXIV Jahrhunderts), 1881.

4. B: Barbour’s Bruce, ed.Skeat, 1870, EETS. (Extra Series xi).

5. Bardsley: English Surnames, 1875.

6. Bartsch: Chrestomathie de l’ancienfranASec.ais (glossaire), 1880.

6*. BH: Bartsch and Horning, Langue et LittA(C)raturefranASec.aises, 1887.

7. Bosworth: Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 1838.

8. Brachet: French Dict., 1882. CP.

9. Brugmann: Grundriss, 1886.

10. BT.: Bosworth-Toller AS. Dict.[A-SAR]. CP.

11. C: Chaucer; Prol., Knight’sTale, Nun’s Priest’s Tale. CP.

12. C2: Chaucer; Prioress, Sir Thopas,Monk, Clerk, Squire. CP.

13. C3: Chaucer; Man of Law, Pardoner,Second Nun, Canon’s Yeoman. CP.

14. Cath.: Catholicon Anglicum (A.D. 83), ed. Herrtage, 141881. EETS (75).

15. Chron.: Two Saxon Chronicles, ed. Earle, 1865. CP.

16. CM: Chaucer, ed. Morris, 1880.

17. Constans: Chrestomathie de l’ancienfranASec.ais (glossaire), 1884.

18. Cotg.: Cotgrave, French and EnglishDict., 1611.

19. Curtius: Greek Etymology, ed. Wilkinsand England, 1886.

20. CV: Icelandic Dictionary, Cleasby andVigfusson, 1874. CP.

21. DG: Davies, Supplementary EnglishGlossary, 1881.

22. Diez: Etymologisches WArterbuch, 1878.

23. Douse: Introduction to the Gothic ofUlfilas, 1886.

24. Ducange: Glossarium, ed. Henschel,1883-7.

24*. Ducange: Glossaire FranASec.ais, ed. 1887.

25. EDS: English Dialect Society.

26. EETS: Early English Text Society.

27. Fick: WArterbuch der indogermanischenSprachen, 1874.

28. Florio: Italian and English Dict., 1611.

29. G: Tale of Gamelyn, ed. Skeat,1884. CP.

30. Godefroy: Dictionnaire de l’anciennelangue franASec.aise [A-LIS].

31. Grein: Glossar der angelsAchsischenPoesie, 1861.

32. Grimm: Teutonic Mythology, ed.Stallybrass, 1883.

33. H: Hampole, Psalter, ed. Bramley,1884. CP.

34. HD: Halliwell, Dict. of Archaic andProvincial Words, 1874.

35. Heliand, ed. Heyne, 1873.

36. JD: Jamieson, Scottish Dictionary,1867.

37. Kluge: etymologisches WArterbuch derdeutschen Sprache, 1883.

38. Leo: angelsAchsisches Glossar, 1877.

39. Manip.: Manipulus Vocabulorum, Levins,ed. Wheatley, EETS, 1867.

40. MD: MAtzner, altenglisches WArterbuch[A-H], 1885.

41. Minsheu: Spanish and English Dict.,1623.

42. ND: Nares, Glossary, 1876.

43. NED: New English Dictionary, ed. Murray [A-BOZ]. CP.

44. NQ: Notes and Queries.

45. OET: Oldest English Texts, ed.Sweet, 1885, EETS (83).

45*. ONE: Oliphant, The New English, 1886.

46. Otfrid: Evangelienbuch, glossar, ed. Piper, 1884.

47. P: Piers the Plowman (B-text), ed. Skeat. CP.

48. Palsg: Palsgrave, Lesclaircissem*ntde langue francoyse, ed. 1852.

49. PP: Piers the Plowman, glossary bySkeat, 1885, EETS (81).

50. PP. Notes: by Skeat, 1877, EETS(67).

51. Prompt.: Promptorium Parvulorum, ed. Way, Camden Soc., 1865.

52. Ps.:(after French forms), see Apfelstedt.

53. RD: Richardson’s English Dictionary,1867.

54. Roland: Chanson de Roland, ed.Gautier, 1881.

55. S: Specimens of Early English, PartI, ed. Morris, 1885. CP.

56. S2: Specimens of Early English, PartII, ed. Morris and Skeat, 1873. CP.

57. S3: Specimens of English Literature,ed. Skeat, 1879. CP.

58. SB: Sinonoma Bartholomei, 14th Cent. Glossary, ed. Mowat, 1882. CP.

59. Schmid: Gesetze der Angelsachsen (glossar),1858.

60. SD: Stratmann, Dict. of the Old EnglishLanguage, 1878.

61. Sh.: Shakespeare Lexicon, by Schmidt,1875.

62. Sievers: Grammar of Old English, ed. A.S. Cook, 1885.

63. SkD: Skeat, Etymological Dict. ofEng. Lang., 1884. CP.

64. Skeat, English Words in Norman-French, 1882,Phil. Soc.

65. Skeat, Moeso-gothic Glossary, 1868.

66. SPD: Smythe Palmer, Dictionary ofFolk-Etymology, 1882.

67. Spenser: Faery Queene, glossariesto Books I and II, 1887. CP.

68. Sweet: AS. Reader, 1884. CP.

69. Tatian: Evangelienbuch, ed. Sievers,1872.

70. TG: Trench, Select Glossary, 1879.

71. Trevisa: version of Higden, Rolls’Series (41).

72. Voc.: Wright’s Vocabularies,ed. WA1/4lcker, 1884.

73. VP: Vespasian Psalter, as printed inOET., see 45.

74. Vulg.: the Vulgate Version of the Bible.

75. W: Wycliffe, New Testament (Purvey’srevision), ed. Skeat, 1879. CP.

76. W2: Wycliffe, Job, Psalms, &c. (revisedby Hereford and Purvey), ed. Skeat, 1881.CP.

77. WA: Wars of Alexander, ed. Skeat,1887, EETS (Extra Series xlvii).

78. Weigand: deutsches WArterbuch, 1878.

79. Windisch: Glossary added to Old IrishTexts, 1882.

80. WW: Wright, The Bible Word-Book, 1884.

81. ZRP: Zeitschrift fA1/4r romanische Philologie,ed. GrAber.



AF: Anglo-French, see 64.
AS: Anglo-Saxon, see 10, 31, 45, 62.
Church Lat.: Ecclesiastical Latin, see 24, 74.
Goth.: Gothic, see 23, 65.
Gr.: Greek, see 9, 19, 27.
Icel.: Icelandic, see 20.
It.: Italian, see 28.
Lat.: Latin.
Late Lat.: Post-classical Latin, of Latin origin.see 24. 72. 74.
Low Lat.: Latin derived from the later Europeanlanguages, see 1, 14, 24,
51, 58.
ME.: Middle English.
North.E.: Northern English, see 4, 36.
OF.: Old French, see 3, 6, 17, 18, 22, 24, 30,48, 54.
OHG.: Old High German, see 37, 46, 69, 78.
OIr.: Old Irish, see 19, 79.
OMerc.: Old Mercian, see 2(Rushworth version),45, 73.
ONorth.: Old Northumbrian, see 2.
OS.: Old Saxon, see 35.
OTeut.: Old Teutonic (as restored by scholars),see 27, 43.
Sp.: Spanish, see 41.


In the etymological part three stops are used as symbolsin connexion with the cognate forms cited, namelythe comma, the semi-colon, and the colon. Thecomma is used to connect various spellings of a word,as well as parallel forms cited from nearly connectedlanguages; for instance, s.v. daunger, theOF. forms are so connected. The semi-colon betweentwo forms denotes that the two forms are phoneticallyequivalent, and that the preceding one is directlyderived from, and is historically connected with theone following this symbol; for instance, s.v. bugle,the OF. bugle is the phonetic equivalent ofthe Lat. buculum, and is immediately derivedtherefrom. The colon between two forms denotesthat the two forms are phonetically equivalent, andthat the form following this symbol is an earlier,more primitive form than the one preceding, withoutan immediate interborrowing between the languages beingasserted; for instance, s.v. demen, the Goth,dA cubedmjan is an older form than the AS.dA(C)man, but dA(C)man is not borrowedfrom the Gothic. The abbreviation ‘cp.’introduces other cognate forms, and has the same valueas the symbol + in Skeat’s Dictionaries.

The asterisk * at the beginning of a word denotesa theoretical form, assumed (upon scientific principles)to have formerly existed. The sign = is to beread ‘a translation of.’ ‘(n)’after Prompt., Cath. and other authorities refersto foot-notes or other notes citing the form in question.



A-, prefix (1), adding intensityto the notion of the verb.—­AS. Aifor ar-, OHG ar-, Goth. us-.For the quantity of the Ai see Sievers, 121.Cf. Or.

A-, prefix (2), standing for A,prep., and for Icel. Ai; see On-(1).

A-, prefix (3), standing for Of,prep.; see Of.

A-, prefix (4), standing for AS. and-,against, in return, toward.—­AS. and-,ond-, on-(procl*tic). Cf. On-(2.)

A-, prefix (5), standing for At,prep., and Icel. at, used with the infin.See At- (1).

A-, prefix (6), standing for AS. ge-;see 3*e-.

A-, prefix (7), standing for OF. a-andLat. ad-.

A-, prefix (8), standing for OF. a-and Lat. ab-.

A-, prefix (9), standing for AF. a,OF. e-, es- from Lat. ex-, e-.

A-, prefix (10), standing for AF. an-,OF. en- from Lat. in-. See In-.

A-, prefix (11), standing for Gr. [Greek:a]- privative.

A, interj. O! Ah! expressingsurprise, pain, S, MD.

A, prep, on, in, PP, S, S2,C2; see On.

A, prep, of, S2, S3, PP; see Of.[Addition]

A, adv. ever, S; aa, S; abuten, ever without, S; see O. [Addition]

A-bac, adv. backwards, S, W2; abec,S; abak, C2, W; obak, S2.—­AS.on-bA|c. (A- 2.)

Abasshen, v. to abash, S3; abasshed,pp. abashed, ashamed, alarmed, C3, PP; abashed,S2; abasshid, S3; abasched, PP; abaisshed,PP; abaischid, W; abaischt, S2; abaissed,PP; abaist, S3; abayste, S2, C2.—­OF.esbahiss- stem of pr. p. of esbahir,to astonish; Lat. ex + *_badire_ for badare,to open the mouth. (A- 9.)

Abate, v. to beat down, bring down,calm down, P, NED.—­AF. abatre (pr.p. abatant); Late Lat. *_adbatere_. (A-7.)

Abaue, v. to put to confusion, to beconfounded, NED, HD, JD; abawed, pp.HD; abaued, HD.—­OF. *_abavir_:esbahir (with v in place of lost h,see Brachet, s.v. glaive). (A-9).See Abasshen.

Abaye, sb. barking; phr. atA3/4e abaie, at abaye, at bay, S2.—­OF.abai, barking, from abaier; cp.F. aboi in phr.: Atre aux abois.

Abbay, sb. abbey, C2; abbeis,pl., S2.—­AF. abbeie (abeie);Church Lat. abba*dia, abba*tia, from abba*tem.See Abbod.

Abbesse, sb. abbess, PP.—­OF.abbesse; Church Lat. abbatissa.

Abbod, sb. abbot, MD, S2; abbot,S, PP; abbodes, pl. S2.—­ChurchLat. abba*tem (pronounced abba*dem),nom. abbas; Gr. [Greek: abbas]; Syriac,abba, father.

Abbodesse, sb. abbess, PP.

Abbot-rice, sb. abbacy, S.—­AS.abbod-rA-ce, the rule of an abbot.

A-B-C, the alphabet, P; abcy, Cath.;abce, Cath. (n.), PP; abcee,Cotg.; abece, Cath. (n.); apece,Prompt.—­Cp. OF. abece, the crosserowe (Cotg.).

Abeah, Abeh.; see Abu3*en.

Abeggen, Abeien; see Abyen.

A-bernen, v. to burn; abernA deg.,pr. s. S.—­AS. Ai-beornan.(A- 1.)

Abhominacioun, sb. abomination, NED,C2.

Abhomynable, adj. abominable, S3, C3.—­AF.abhominable; Lat. abominabilem.

A-biden, v. to abide, remain, await,endure, S, S2, W2; habide, S2; abyde,C2; abid, imp., S, S2; abid, pr.s., S; abit, S, S2, C3; abod, pt.s., S; abood, W2; abide, pt. pl.,S2; abididen, W2; abide, pp.,G.—­AS. Ai-bA-dan. (A- 1.)

A-biding, sb. expectation, W2.

Abiggen; see Abven.

Abil, adj. able, CM; able, C;hable, S3, MD.—­OF. able,hable (mod. F. habile); Lat. habilem.

Abilite, sb. ability, NED; habilitie,S3.—­OF. habilitA(C).

Abil3*eit, pp. apparelled, S3.—­OF.habiller.

Abil3*ement, sb. clothing, S3.—­OF.habillement.

Abit, sb. dress, a monk’s clothing,habit, PP, CM, HD; abite, W.—­AF.abit (habit); Lat. habitum (acc.).

A-biten, v. to bite, S.—­AS.Ai-bA-tan. (A-I).

Abject, pp. and adj. cast out,NED.

Abjecte, v. to cast aside, S3.

A-blawen, v. to blow, MD; ableow,pt. s., S.—­AS. Ai-blAiwan.(A-I.)

A-blenden, v. to blind, MD; ablent,pr. s., S; pl., S; ablende, pt.s., MD; a-blend, pp. MD.—­AS.Ai-blendan. (A-I.)

A-bouten, adv. and prep. about,C2, P, MD; abuten, S; abuuten, S; abuton,S; abute, S; aboute, S, G; oboute,MD; obout, S2.—­AS. on-bAtan(=_on-be-Atan_). (A-2.)

A-bouen, adv. and prep, above,C2, PP, MD; aboue, PP; abufen, S; abuuen,MD; abowen, MD; abone, S3, JD; oboven,MD; obowen, MD; oboune, MD. Phr.:at here aboue, S2.—­AS. on+ bufan (=_be_ + ufan). (A-2.)

Abregge, v. to abridge, shorten, C;abreggide, pp., W; breggid, W.—­OF.abreger, abregier: Prov. abrevjar;Lat. abbreviare. (A-8.)

A-breiden, v. to start up, to draw (sword),to thrust out, to blame, S; abreyden, NED;abraid, pt. s.,S; abreyde, C2;abrayde, C; abroden, pp., S; abruden,S.—­AS. Ai + bregdan. (A-I.)

A-brode, adv. abroad, PP; abrood,C2; abrod, widely apart, PP. (A-2.)

Abusioun, sb. deceit, S2, C3.—­OF.abusion (Cotg.).

Abute, Abuton, Abuten; see A-bouten.

A-bu3*en, v. to bow, MD; abuen,MD; abouwen, MD; abowe, NED; abeah,pt. s., MD; abeh, S.—­AS. Ai-bugan.(A-I.)

A-byen, Abye, v. to buy, to pay for,S3, C2, C3, PP; abygge, PP; abiggen,PP; abuggen, S, PP; abeggen, MD, G; abeien,S; abie, PP; abuiA3/4, pr. s.,S; abugeA deg., pr. pl., S; abouhte,pt. s., S; aboughte, G; abought,pp. 63.—­AS. Ai-* bycgan.(A- 1.)

Abyme, sb. abyss, S2, HD.—­OF.abime, abisme; Low Lat. *_abyssimum_, superl.of Lat. abyssus; Gr. [Greek:abussos], bottomless.(A- 11.)

Ac, conj. but, S, S2, P; acc,S; ah, S, S2; ak, S2, PP; hac,S; ach, MD; auh, MD, S; auch,MD; oc, S; occ, S.—­AS. ac.

Acc-; see Ac-.

Accident, sb. accident (a term of theschoolmen), C3.—­Lat. accidentem.

Accidie, sb. sloth, indolence, S, CM,PP.—­AF. accidie (NED); Low Lat.accidia, acedia; Gr. [Greek:akaedia], heedlessness,torpor. (A- 11.)

Accompt, sb. account, S3; see Acounte.[Addition]

Accompted, pp. accounted, S3; see Acounte.[Addition]

Ace, sb. a jot, S3; see As. [Addition]

A-cennen, v. to bring forth, to beget,MD; acenned, pp. MD; accenned,S; akenned, MD; akennet, S; acende(for acend), S.—­AS. Ai-cennan.(A- I.)

A-cennende, sb. begetting, birth, S.

A-cenneng, sb. birth, S.

A-chape, v. to escape, NED; achaped,pt. s., S2.—­OF. achaper;cf. AF. ascaper. (A- 9.) Cf. Eschapen,Ascapie.

Achate, v. to purchase, NED.—­OF.achater (F. acheter, acater; Late Lat.,accaptare.

Achate, sb. purchase, provisions purchased,NED, C; achat, HD; acate, NED; acates,pl., HD.—­OF. achat, AF. acate.See above.

Achatour, sb. a purchaser of provisions,purveyor, C, NED, HD; acatour, NED.—­AF.achatour, acatour; Late Lat. accaptatorem.

Ache, sb. pain, Prompt.; eche,MD; hache, HD.—­AS. A|ce (ece).See Aken.

Ache, sb. wild celery, parsley, NED,Voc.—­OF. ache; Lat. apium;Gr. [Greek:apion].

Achesoun, sb. occasion, motive, HD,MD, NED.—­OF. achoison, ocoison;Lat. occasionem. Cf. Anchesoun, Enchesoun,Chesoun.

Achtande, ord. eighth, S2, NED.—­Icel.Aittandi; cp. OHG. ahtande.Cf. Eighte (ord.).

A-colien, v. to wax cold; acolede,pt. s., S; acoled, pp., S.—­AS.Ai-cA cubedlian. (A- 1.)

Acombren, v. to encumber, PP; acumbrid,pp., S2.—­OF. encombrer. (A-10.)

Acomplesshen, v. to accomplish, NED;accomplice, C; accompliced, pp.NED.—­AF. acomplir (acomplice,pr. s. subj.); Late Lat. accomplere; see Brachet.(A-7.)

Acord, sb. accord, agreement, MD; accord,S2; acorde, S.—­AF. acord.

Acordaunce, sb. agreement, PP.

Acorden, v. to reconcile, to agree,MD, S2, P; accordyng, pr. p., S3; accorded,pp., S2; pt. s., S3.—­OF. acorder;Late Lat. accordare, from Lat. ad + cord-,stem of cor, heart. (A-7.)

Acorse; see Acursien.

Acounte, v. to count, to calculate,NED, C2, PP; acompte, NED, PP; accompted,pp., S3.—­AF. acounter, OF.a-c*nter, aconter; Late Lat. accomptare;Lat. ad + computare. (A-7.)

Acounte, sb. account, reckoning, PP;acompte, PP; accompt, S3; accomptes,pl., S3.—­AF. acounte, ac*nte.

Acoupen, v. to accuse, NED, HD; acoupede,pt. s., NED, PP; acopede, NED; acoulped,NED; acouped, pp., S2.—­OF.acouper, acolper, for encouper, encolper;Lat. inculpare. (A-10.)

Acoyen, v. to quiet, coax, tame, NED,Palsg.; acoyed, pt. s., S2.—­OF.acoyer, to calm; Lat. ad + quietare.(A-7.)

Acumbrid; see Acombren.

A-cursien, v. to curse, NED; acursi,S, NED; acorse, PP; acorsed, pp.MD. (A-1.)

Acustumaunce, sb. customary use, NED,C2.—­OF. acostumance. (A-7.)

Acwenchen; see Aquenchen.

Adamant, sb. adamant, very hard metal,a fabulous rock or mineral, the diamond, the loadstoneor magnet, NED; precious stone, Prompt.; ademaunt,C; adamounde, Prompt, (n.); admont,NED; athamant, NED; athamaunte, C; attemant,NED; aymont, NED.—­AF. adamant(aimant); Lat. adamantem; Gr. [Greek:adamas] ([Greek: -anta]), lit. invincible, untamable,from [Greek: a- + damao], I tame. (A-11.)

Adaunten, v. to subdue, NED; adauntede,pt. s., S2.—­OF. adanter,adonter; Lat. ad + domitare, to tame.(A-7.)

A-dawe, out of life, NED, HD.—­AS.of dagum, from days. (A-3.)

A-dawen, v. to rise from sleep, also,to arouse, NED; adawed, pp. S3.—­Cp.MHG. er-tagen, to dawn. (A-1.)

A-day, adv. at morn, by day, S2, P;adai, S. (A-2.)

Addledd, pp. earned, S; see Adlen.[Addition]

A-dili3*en,, v. to be lost, to perish,S; adili3*ede, pt. s., S; adiligde,S.—­AS. Ai-diligan, to destroy. (A-I.)

A-di3*ten, v. to appoint, order, prepare,compose, clothe, treat, MD, S; ady3*t, pp.,MD; adight, G; adyght, MD, HD. (A-1.)

Adlen, v. to earn, MD; addle,Manip., MED; addledd, pp., S.—­Icel.AA deg.la, refl. AA deg.la-sk, to acquirefor oneself property, from A cubedA deg.al,property, patrimony, from *_aA3/4al_, race, see Fick,7. 14; cp. OHG. uodil, ‘praedium’(Tatian). See Athel.

Admirald, sb. a Saracen commander, S;see Amirail.

Admod, adj. humble, gentle, S; A|dmod,MD; edmod, MD.—­AS. A(C)admA cubedd,A(C)aA deg.mA cubedd. See Eth.

Admoded, pp. as adj. lowly; seeEadmodien.

Admodie, adj. pl. humble, MD; edmodi,MD.

Admodliche, adv. humbly, gently, MD;A|dmodli3*, S.—­AS. A(C)admA cubeddlice.

Admodnesse, sb. humility, gentleness,MD, S; edmodnesse, S; A|ddmodnesse,S.—­AS. A(C)admA cubeddnes.

A-do, sb. fuss, trouble, difficulty,S3, Prompt., WW; = to do, PP, WW; adoe, ND,(A- 5.)

A-doun, adv. down, S, S2, C2, C3, G;adun, S; adune, S.—­AS. ofdAne, off the hill. (A- 3.)

A-drad, pp. frightened, put in dread,NED, S2, G, C, PP; adred, S; adrede,NED.—­AS. of-drad (A- 3).Cf. Of-dreden.

A-drawen, v. to draw out, S2; adroh,pt. s., NED; adrou, NED; adra3*e,pp. NED. (A- 1.)

A-dreden, v. to fear greatly, S, NED;adrade, reflex., S.—­OMerc.and-drA|*dan (Rushw.); see NED. (A- 4.)

A-drenchen, v. to drown, to be drowned,MD, S, PP; adreynten, pt. pl., PP; a-*dreynt,pp. drenched, PP; adreint, MD; adrent,S, PP; adreynched, PP.—­AS. Ai-drencan.(A- I.)

Adressen, v. to make straight, to direct,NED, H.—­OF. adressier, adrecierLate Lat. addrictiare, from Lat. directum,straight. (A- 7.)

A-drinken, v. to be drowned, MD, S;adronc, pt. s., MD; adronken,pl., MD; adrunken, pp., MD.—­AS.Ai-drincan. (A- 1.)

A-drye, v. to endure, bear, HD; adri3*en,S (19. 1047), MD.—­AS. Ai-drA(C)ogan.(A- I.)

A-dun, adv. down, S; see Adoun.

A-dunien, v. to din; adunest,2 pr. s., adenyd, pp. MD.(A- I.)

Adun-ward, adv. downward, NED; adonward,S2.

Adversarie, sb. adversary, C3.—­OF.adversarie; Lat. aduersarius.

Advertence, sb. mental attention, C3—­LateLat. advertentia.

Advocat, sb. advocate, intercessor,C3; vokate, PP; vokyte, causidicus,Voc.; vokettus, pl. PP.—­OF.advocat; Lat. aduocatum (acc.).

A, sb. law, MD.—­AS. A|w_(*A|), law, divine law, the Mosaic law, marriage;Goth, _aiws_, an age, eternity; cp. OHG. _A(C)wa_,the law of God, eternity (Otfrid). Cf. ~A-uez,Eu-bruche~, Eche.

Admod, adj. humble, gentle, MD; seeAdmod.

Admodli3*, adv. humbly, S; see Admodliche.

Admodnisse, sb. humility, MD; A|ddmodnesse,S; see Admodnesse.

Ahte, num. eight, MD; see Eighte.

Ahtene, num. eighteen, S; see Eightene.

An, num. and indef. art. one,S; A|nne, S; see Oon. [Addition]

Aness, adv. once, S; see Oones.[Addition]

Aoure, pron. your, S; see 3*oure.

Ard, sb. native land, home, S; see Erd.

ArfeA deg.-telle, adj. difficult tocount, S. See ArfeA deg..

Arnde, sb. errand, MD; see Erende.

Arnd-race, sb. messenger, S; Arndraches,pl., S.—­AS. A|rend-raca_.

Arnen, v. to run, S; see Rennen.

A-uez, adj. pious, fast in the law,S.—­AS. A|-fest_. See A.

Afaiten, v. to affect, to prepare, array,dress, to train, tame, subdue, NED, PP; affaiten,P;fayten, S2, PP; faiten, PP.—­OF.afaiter, afeiter; Lat. affectare,freq. of afficere; ad+facere. (A-7.)

A-fallen, v. to fall, MD; auallen,MD; afeol, pt. s., MD; afallen,pp., MD.—­AS. Ai-feallan.(A-1.)

A-fallen, v. to fell, NED; afal,imp., S; aual, S.

A-felde, adv. a-field, to the field,PP. (A- 2).

A-fellen, v. to fell, NED; auellen,MD.—­AS. Ai-fellan, Ai-fyllan.(A- 1.)

A-fer, adv. afar, W, W2; afeer,NED; of feor, S (s.v. feor). (A-3.) Cf. A-ferre.

Afere, sb, affair, bustle, appearance,demeanour, S2, NED; effere, S2; effeir,S2, S3; effer, S2; afferes, pl.,PP.—­OF. afere=a+fere; Lat. facere,to do. (A-7.)

A-feren, v. to frighten, terrify, S,PP; afferen, MD; affeare, 2 pr. s.subj., S; afered, pp. afraid, S,C, P; aferd, S, C, P, W2; afeerd, W;afert, PP; aferde, S3, P, W; afferde,S3.—­AS. Ai-fAiran. (A- 1)

A-ferre, adv. afar, Prompt.; oferrum,S2; onferrum, S2; onferre, NED; on-*ferr,NED. (A- 2). Cf. Afer.

Aff-; see Af-.

Affamysit, pp. famished, S3, NED. Cp.OF. afamer; Late Lat. affamare.

Affectuosly, adv. passionately, HD,NED.

Affectuouse, adj. hearty, affectionate,NED, H; affectuse, NED.—­Lat. affectuosus.

Affray, sb. terror, S3, C2, C3.Cf. Effray.

Affrayen, v. to frighten, C2; affrayed,pp. S2, C, C3, W; see Afrayen.

Afile, v. to file down, NED; affyle,C.—­OF. afiler.

Afingret, pp. an-hungered, NED, HD;see Of-hungred. [Addition]

A-flemen, v. to drive away, MD; aulem,imp, s., S.—­AS. Ai-flA(C)man(Ai-flA1/2man). (A-1.)

Afolen, v. to befool; afoled,pp., S; afoild, NED, HD.—­OF.afoler (Bartsch); Low Lat. *_adfolare_, to makefoolish. (A- 7.)

A-fon, v. to receive, S; afeoh,imp., S; avoA3/4, pr. pl., S;auenge, pt. pl., S2.—­AS. Ai-fAcubedn, on-fA cubedn (for ond-fA cubedn),see Sievers, 198, 5. 1. (A- 4.) Cf. Onfon.

Aforce, v. to force, constrain, NED,H; afforce, H; aforsed, pt. pl.,H.—­OF. aforcer, efforcer, esforcier;Late Lat. exfortiare, from Lat. fortis,strong. (A- 9.)

A-fore, adv. prep., before, PP, WW;affore, PP; afor, PP; affor,PP; aforn, NED.—­AS. on-foran.(A- 2.)

A-forthen, v. to further, promote, toachieve, to manage to do, to manage to give, to afford;P, NED, SkD, HD; a-*forde, NED.—­AS.ge+forA deg.ian. (A- 6.)

A-fote, adv. on foot, PP; afoote,S3, W; auote, S2. (A- 2.)

Afrayen, v. to disturb from peace andquiet, to frighten, NED; affraye, C2 (E. 455);afreyd, pp. alarmed, afraid, NED; affrayed,W, S2, C, C3; affrayd, S3; affrayt, S3;frayd, S3, fraid, S3.—­AF.afrayer, effrayer, OF. esfreer:Prov. esfredar; Low Lat. ex-fridare,from fridum; cp. OS. friA deg.u,peace. (A- 9.) See Affrayen.

A-fright, pp. terrified, C; afri3*t,NED, HD; afry3*te, HD.—­AS. Ai-fyrht,Ai-fyrhted. (A-I.)

After, prep, and adv. after,according to, S, HD,S2, C3; efter, S, S2; eftir,S3; eafter,MD; aftir, S2.—­Af-teris a comp. form, see SkD.

After-clap, sb. an evil consequenceor result, HD; after-clappys, pl., MD.

After-del, sb. disadvantage, MD; after-dele,HD.

A-fure, adv. on fire, S2; auere,S2; afiere, W2. (A-2.)

Afyngred; see Ahungerd.

Afyrst, pp. athirst, PP; afurst,PP; afrust, PP; see Of-A3/4urst. [Addition]

A-gasten, v. to terrify, MD, PP; agesten,S; agaste, pt. s., C2, C; agast,pp., PP, S2, S3, C2, C3, G; agazed, S3;agaste, pl., S2, W.—­AS. Ai+gA|*stan,to frighten. (A-I.)

A-gen, prep, and adv. towards,back, again, S; see A-3*ein.

Agenes, prep, against, S; see A3*eines.

Agenst, prep, against, NED; see A-3*einst.

Agenst-Christ, sb. Antichrist,S3.

A-gessen, v. to reckon, calculate, S.(A-I.)

Aghe, sb. awe, H; agh, NED; seeAwe.

Aghe-ful, adj. awful, H; aghful,H.

A-gon, v. to obtain, PP.—­AS.of-gangan, to require. (A-3.)

A-gon, pp. and adv. gone away,ago, S2, C3; agoon, C2, C3; agone, S3;agoo, PP; ago, C2.—­AS. a-gAin,pp. of Ai-gAin, to go forth. (A-I.)

A-graythen, v. to make ready, to dress,NED; agreA3/4ed, pp., S2; agrayA3/4ed,NED.—­From Icel. greiA deg.a:Goth, ga-raidjan. (A-I.)

A-graythinge, sb. apparel, S2, NED.

Agreable, adj. pleasant, NED; aggreable,favourable, S3.—­AF. agreable.(A-7.)

A-gref, in grief, NED; agrief, C; ogrefe,NED. Phr.: takes not agreve, takesit not unkindly, NED. (A-2.)

Agreggen, v. to make heavy, to be heavy,to aggravate, HD; agreggid, pp., W2—­OF.agregier: Prov. agreujar; LateLat. aggreuiare, from *_greuis_ for Lat. grauis.(A-7.)

AgreA3/4ed, pp. made ready, S2; seeA-graythen. [Addition]

Agreuen, v. to bear heavily on, to grieve,oppress, HD; agreued, pp., C2, PP.—­OF.agrever; Lat. aggrauare; ad+ grauare,from grauis. (A-7.)

Agrimony, sb. agrimony, Prompt.; agremoine,Voc.; egrimony, Prompt.; egremoin, C3;egremounde, NED; ogremoyne, Voc.—­Lat.agrimonia; Gr. [Greek: agremonae] cp.F. aigremoine.

A-grisen, v. to be horrified, to terrify,to loathe, HD, MD, S; agryse, S2, C3.—­AS.Ai-grA-san. (A- I.)

A-grounde, on the ground, S2, PP; on this earth,PP. (A-2.)

Agte, sb. possession, S; see Auhte.

A-gulten, v. to sin, to offend, MD,PP, S; agilten, MD; agelten, MD; a3*ulten,S; agulte, pt. s., PP; agult,pp., S; agilt, HD, PP.—­AS.Ai-gyltan. (A-I.)

Ah, conj, but, S, S2; see Ac.

Ah, pr. s. owes (as a duty), S; ahen,pr. pl., are obliged, S; see Owen. [Addition]

A-honge, pp. hanged up, S. (A-I.)

Aht, adj. worthy, valiant, NED; seeAuht.

Aht, sb. aught, anything; ahte,S; ahct, S; see Ought. [Addition]

Ahte, sb. possession, S2; ahhte,S; see Auhte.

Ahtlice, adv. valiantly, NED; ohtliche,NED. See Auht.

A-hungerd, pp. a-hungered, PP, S3; ahungred,NED; afyngred, PP.—­AS. ofhyngred.(A-3.) See Of-hungred.

Aihte, sb. property, S; ayhte,S; see Auhte.

Air, sb. air, S2; aire, NED;see Eyre.

Airtis, sb. pl. quarters of the sky,S3; see Art.

Aisille, sb. vinegar, S; eisil,MD; eisel, MD; eyselle, MD; esylle,Prompt.; aselle, MD; eysell, Sh.; aysel,H.—­OF. aisil (eisil), also, aisi,Ps. 68. 21 (Metz); Late Lat. acitum (cp.OF. azet); Lat. ace*tum; see Schuchardt,Vokalismus, i. 294.

Aisliche, adv. timorously, S3; see Eisliche.

Ak, conj. but, S2, PP; see Ac.

Ak, sb. oak, Voc.; akis, pl.,S3; see Ook. [Addition]

A-kelen, v. to make cold, to grow cold,S, MD.—­AS. Ai-cA(C)lan. (A-I.)

Aken, v. to ake, to throb with pain,C2, S2, Prompt., NED; eken, MD; 3*aik,NED; oc, pt. s., MD; ok, MD; oke,MD, NED; akide, NED; oken, pt. pl.,PP.—­AS. acan, pt. A cubedc,pp. acen; cp. Icel. aka, to drive,Lat. agere. Cf. Ache.

Akennet, pp. born, S; see A-cennen.[Addition]

Aketoun, sb. a jacket of quilted cottonworn under the mail, a jacket of leather plated withmail, NED, Voc., C2; acketoun, HD; acton,NED, HD, JD; hakatone, HD; haqueton,NED; haketon, ND; hacqueton, ND.—­OF.auqueton; Sp. alcoton; Arab, al-qu*tn,the cotton.

A-kneon, on knees, S, NED; aknen, HD;aknewes, HD. (A- 2.)

Al, adj., sb., adv. all,MD, S, S2, C2, C3; all, S, S3; hal,S2; alle, dat., S; A|lle, pl.,S; alle, S2; halle, S; ealre,gen., S; allre, S; alra, S; alre,S.—­AS. eall, all, al.

Al, adv. (with conjunctions); alif, although, NED.

Al, adv. (with subj. mood), although,NED, C, C3; Al be it, even though itbe that, C.

Alabastre, sb. alabaster, W (Mt. 26.7); alabaustre, S3; alablaster, Sh.—­OF.alabastre; Lat. alabastrum (nom.-ter);Gr. [Greek: alabastros, alabastos].

A-lang, adv. along, MD; along,MD; olong, MD (A-4). See Endlang.

Alange, adj. tedious, strange, foreign,Prompt.; alenge, HD; see Elenge.

Alarge, v. to enlarge, to give largely,HD; alargid, pp., W, W2.—­OF.alargir. (A-7.)

A-last, adv. at last, S2, NED. (A-5.)

Alaun, sb. a large dog used for hunting;alan, NED; alant, NED; alauntz,pl., C; allaundes, NED.—­OF.alan (allan in Cotg.); It. alano(Florio); Low Lat. alanus.

Alay, sb. alloy, PP; alayes,pl., C2.—­AF. alay.

Alayen, v. to mix metals, to alloy,NED, PP; alayed, pp., PP.—­AF.alayer, aleyer (F. aloyer); Lat.alligare, to bind. (A- 7.)

Albe, sb. a vestment worn by priests,and by some kings; NED.—­Church Lat. alba,an alb; Lat. alba (vestis), a whitegarment.

Albificacioun, sb. the process of makingwhite (in alchemy), C3.—­Late Lat. albificationem.

Alblastrye, sb. the use of cross-bows,S3. See Arblaste.

Ald, adj. old, S, S2; alder,comp., MD; aldreste, superl.,S; see Old.

Al-day, adv. always, continually, C2,PP.

Alde-like, adv. with solemn, venerablemien, S.

Alder, sb. elder, ancestor, also, prince,chief, MD, PP; aldren, pl., S; A|lderen,S; elderne, S2; ealdren, MD; ealdrene,gen., S.—­AS. ealdor (aldor).See Ald. Alder, gen. pl. of all,C2, H; see Alre-. Alder-best, adj.best of all, H; see Alrebest.

Alder-first, adj. first of all, C2;see Alrefyrst.

Alder-mon, sb, a prince, also, the principalofficer in the shire, MD, Voc.; ellder-nemanness,gen., S; aldermen, pl., PP.AS. ealdormann.

Aldire-, gen. pl. of all, H; see Alre-.

Aldire-mast, adj. most of all, H; seeAlremest.

Ale, sb. ale, S2, C2; ale-house, S2;an ale-drinking, NED. Comb.: ale-stake,a stake before an alehouse as a sign, C, C3, NED.—­AS.ealu, alu; OTeut. stem *_alut-_. Cf. Nale.

A-leggen, v. to lay down, to lay aside,to put down, confute, S, NED (allay^{1}).—­AS.Ai-lecgan. (A- I.)

Alemaunde, sb. almond, NED, W2; almaundes,pl., NED; almoundes, NED.—­OF.alemande, alemandre, alemandle (cp. Sp.almendra); Late Lat. amendola (cp.Pg. amendoa); Lat. amygdala; Gr. [Greek:amugdalae].

Alemaunde-tre, sb. almond-tree, W2.

Alembyk, sb. a retort (used in alchemy),C3; alambic, NED; limbeck, ND, Sh.;lymbecke, (Minsheu).—­OF. alambic,Sp. alambique (Minsheu); Arab, al-anbA-q;Gr. [Greek: ambic]. stem of [Greek:ambix], acup.

A-lemen, v. to illumine, S; alimen,S; aleomen, S.—­AS. Ai + lA(C)oman.(A- I.)

A-lesednesse, sb. redemption, MD.

A-lesen, v. to loose, deliver, S; alesde,pt. s., S; alesed, pp., S, HD.—­AS.Ai-lA(C)san, Ailysan. (A-1.)

A-lesendnesse, sb. redemption, MD.

A-lesnesse, sb. redemption, S, MD.—­AS.Ai-lA(C)snis.

Al-gate, adv. every way, always, inany case, NED, S3, C, C2, C3; allegate, S;algates, S2, C2, C3; algatis, W.—­Cp.Icel. alla gAtu, every way.

Algorisme, sb. the Arabic or decimalsystem of numeration, arithmetic, NED; algrim,MD; augrim, S. Phr.: cipher inalgorisme, the figure o, a mere cipher,NED.—­OF. algorisme (augorime); LowLat. algorismus (cp. Span, guarismo,arithmetic, Minsheu); from Arab. al-Khowarazmi,the surname of an Arab mathematician of the 9th cent.

Al-halowen, sb. pl. all saints, NED;alhalowes, NED; halalwes, S2.

Al-halowen day, sb. All Saints’Day, NED.—­AS. ealra halgena dA|g.

Aliance, sb. alliance, NED; alliaunce,C2.—­AF. aliance.

A-liche, adv. alike, PP, NED.—­AS. ge-lA-ce. (A- 6.) See Iliche.

~ Alie~, sb. ally, relative, PP; allye,C2.

Alien, v. to combine, unite, ally, NED;allyed, pp., C2.—­OF. alier;Lat. alligare. (A- 7.)

A-liri, adv. across (said of the legs),P; alyry, PP.—­AS. on + lira,the fleshy part of the leg (Voc.). (A-2.)

A-li3*ten, v. to alight, get lightlydown from a horse, to descend, also, to lighten, MD;alyghte, C2; alyghte, pt. s.,PP; aly3*te, PP; alihte, MD; ali3*te,S; a-lyhte, S2; ali3*t, pp.,S2.—­AS. Ai-lA-htan. (A- I.)

A-li3*ten, v. to enlighten, illuminate,to light (a fire), NED.—­AS. on-lA-htan.(A- 2.)

A-li3*tnen, v. to enlighten, NED; a-lichtyn,S3; alyctnyng, pr. p., S3. (A-I.)

Al-kaly, sb. alkali, C3.—­Arab.al-qali*y, calcined ashes; from qalay,to roast in a pan.

Alkamistre, sb. alchemist, C3, NED.OF. alkemiste.

Al-kamye, sb. medieval chemistry, PP.—­OF. alcamie, alquimie; Sp. alquimia;Arab, al-ki*mi*a*; Late Gr. [Greek: chaemia],of doubtful origin, prob. from chumeia, pouring.

Al-karon, sb. the Koran, S2.—­OF.al-coran; Ar. al-qora*n, the reading,from qara’a, to read aloud.

Al-katran, sb. the resin of fir trees,pitch, also, bitumen, NED, S2.—­OF. alketran;Sp. alquitran; Ar. al-qatran, from qatara,to drop.

Al-kin, adj. of every kind, MED, PP;alkyn, S2, PP; alkynnes, PP; allekynez, S2.—­AS. alles cynnes,gen.

Al-kynd, adj. of every kind, S3.

All-; see Al-.

Allunge, adv. altogether, S, MD; allynge,MD; allinge, MED.—­AS. eallunga,eallunge.

Allure, sb. a place to walk in, a gallery,a walk by the parapets of a castle, a cloister, S3;alure, Prompt., NED.—­OF. alure(now allure), walk, going, a gallery, also,aleA1/4re (= Low Lat. *_alatura_), from aler,to go (F. aller).

Almain, adj. German, NED; Almaines,pl. Germans, NED; Almaygnes, S3.—­OF.aleman (F. allemand.)

Almain, sb. a kind of dance, NED; almond,NED. Comb.: almain-leap [Correction],ND; almond-leape, Cotg. (s. v. saut).

Almaine, sb. Germany, H; Almayne,NED; Alemaine, S; Almeyne, NED; Almen,NED; Alamanie, S.—­OF. Alemaigne;Lat. Allemannia, the country of the Allemanni.

Almes-dede, sb. deed of mercy, S2.

Almesse, sb. alms, charity, S, PP, Prompt.,S2, C3; A|lmes, S; elmesse, MD; almes,S, S2, W; almous, S2; almessis, pl.,W.—­AS. A|lmysse; Church Lat. *_alimosina_(cp. OF. almosne); eleemosyna (Tertullian);Gr. [Greek: eleaemosunae] alms, Lu. 12. 33; orig.pity.

Al-mest, adv. almost, S2, C2, W, W2;almeest, W2; almost, PP.

Al-mi3*t, adj. all-powerful, MD; almight,NED, G.—­AS. A|lmiht.

Al-mi3*ti, adj. almighty, NED; almichti,S; allmahhti3*, S; almy3*ty, S2; almihti,S.—­AS. A|lmeahtig.

Al-mi3*tin, adj. almighty, NED; almihten,NED; almihtin, S.

Alne-way; see Alweye.

A-lofte, adv. on high, aloft, PP; aloft,PP; on-lofte, S2, C2; o lofte, NED;o loft, NED.—­Icel. Ai lopt(of motion), Ai lopti (of position); lopt,air, sky, loft; cp. AS. on A3/4Ai lyft,into the air, (A- 2.)

A-londe, on land, in the land, S2, HD; alond,S2.

Al-one, adj., adv. alone, MED.Phr.: hym allane, S2. SeeOne.

A-longen, v. to seem long to, to long,NED; alonged, pp. filled with longing,G, HD; alonget, S2.—­AS. of-langian.(A- 3.)

A-long on, prep, on account of, S2,NED.—­AS. ge-lang, along. (A-6.) See Ilong.

Al-only, adv. merely, S2; alle only,S2.

A-loofe, adv. aloof, more nearly tothe wind, NED; alofe, S3; aluffe, HD.Probably from Du. loef, in te loef, towindward. (A- 2.)

A-losen, v. to praise, PP; alosed,pp. notorious, S2, NED, HD. (A- 7.)

Al-out, adv. entirely, NED: allout, H.

A-louten, v. to bow down, S3, NED; alowtid,pt. s., PP.—­AS. Ai-lAtan.(A- 1.)

A-low, on the low ground, on earth, ED, PP;alawe, S3; alowe, PP. (A-2.)

Alowable, adj. praiseworthy, PP.

Alowaunce, sb. praise, PP.

Alowen, v. to praise, commend, to approveof, sanction, to admit (intellectually), S3, PP; allowen,C2, G, PP.—­OF. alouer; Late Lat.*_allaudare_; Lat. ad+_laudare_. (A-7.)

Alowen, v. to assign, bestow, to givean allowance to, NED, Palsg.; allow, Sh.—­AF.alower, OF. alouer, aloer; Lat. allocare,to place. (A-7.)

A-loyne, v. to remove far off, NED,HD, AF. aloyner, from loin; Lat. longe.(A-7.)

Alre, gen. pl. of all, used as an intensifyingprefix with a superlative, NED (all, see sect.D. II, p. 227), MD (p. 56); allere, H; aller,G, C; alder, C2, H; alther, G, C, W2;aldire-, H.—­AS. ealra.

Alre-best, best of all, S2; alderbest,H; altherbest, NED, HD, C; alther-beste,S, HD.

Alre-fyrst, first of all, NED; altherfirst,NED, HD; alderfirst, C2, C3.

Alre-mest, most of all, S; aldiremast,H; althermoost, HD.

Als, adv. and conj. also, as,S, S2, S3, C2; see Also.

Als-as, conj. just as if, S3.

Al-so, adv. and conj. (1) evenso, likewise, also, (2), as, MED, PP, S, S3, C3; allswa,S; alswo, MED; alse, S; alsse,S; als, S, S2, S3, C2; alls, S; ase,S, S2; as, S, S2, S3, C2; es, PP; alsswa,S2; alsua, S2; als-so, S2; alswa,S, S2, MED.—­AS. eal-swAi.

Al solne day, All Souls’ Day, NED; allesoule day, S2.—­AS. ealra sawlenadA|g.

Als-tite, adv. as quick, immediately,MED, S2.

Al-Suic, adj. all such, S.

Al-Swithe, adv. as fast, immediately,MED; alswythe, PP; als-suith, S2; aswithe,S2; asswythe, S2.

Alther-, gen. pl. of all, C, G, W2,PP; see Alre-.

Alther-best, adj. best of all, S, C;see Alrebest.

Alther-feblest, adj. feeblest of all,S2, HD.

Alther-first, adj. first of all, HD;see Alrefyrst.

Alther-moost, adj. most of all, HD;see Alremest.

Al-to, adv. entirely, S, NED (s.v. all,see C, sect. 15), W, W2, H; all-to, H.

Al-togidere, adv. altogether, G; alte-gA|dere,S.

Al-wat, conj., adv. all the while, till,S, MD (s.v. al, p. 57); alwet, MD; alhuet,NED (s.v. all what). See What.

Al-weldand, adj. all-wielding, S2; al-*wealdent,S.—­AS. al-wealdend.

Al-weye, adv. all along, at all times,perpetually, at any rate, NED; alne-way, S2;alwey, C2, C3, PP; alwais, S2; al-leweyes,NED.—­AS. ealne weg.

Alynen, v. to besmear; alyned,pp., S2.—­Lat. allinere. (A-7.)

A-lyue, adv., adj. as pred. alive,C2, S2, PP; onlyue, C2, G; onliue, S.—­AS.on life. (A-2.)

Am, I pr. s. am, S, C3; A|m,S, MD; ham, S; eam, MD; eom,MD.—­O.North. am, O.Merc, eam(VP), AS. eom.

A-mad, pp. as adj. distracted,mad, MD, S; amed, MD; amadde, pl.MD.—­AS. ge-mA|’*d, pp. of ge-mA|’*dan,to madden; cp. OHG. ga-meit, foolish.(A-6.)

Amaistrien, v. to master, teach, PP;amaistrye, P, HD.—­OF. amaistr(i)er;Lat. ad + magistrare. (A-7.)

Amalgame, sb. a soft mass, mixture ofmetal with mercury, NED; malgam NED.—­OF.amalgame; Low Lat. amalgama.

Amalgaming, sb. the formation of anamalgam, C3.

Amang; see Amonge.

A-mansien, v. to curse, to excommunicate,MD; amansi, MD; amansy, MD; amonsi,HD; amawns, HD; amansed, pp.,S.—­Contracted from AS. Ai-mAinsumian,to put out of intimacy, from mAinsum, familiar,intimate; pp. Ai-mAinsumod, also AimAin-*sod;see Schmid. (A-I.)

A-masen, v. to amaze, stupefy, NED;amased, pp C3. (A-I.)

Ambassade, sb. the function of ambassador,an ambassador and suite, NED; embassades, pl.,S3.—­OF. ambassade, ambaxade;OSp. ambaxada, from Low Lat. ambaxia, ambactia,office, employment, from ambactus, vassal,retainer, a Celtic word found in Caesar.

Ambassadrie, sb. ambassadorship, NED;embassadrie, S2, C3.—­F. ambas-*saderie.

Ambassage, sb. embassy, NED; ambassages,pl., S3.

Amblen, v. to move at an easy pace,NED.—­OF. ambler; Lat. ambulare,to walk.

Amblere, sb. an ambling horse or mule,C, NED.

Amellen, v. to enamel, MD; ammell,Palsg.; amelled, pp., Palsg.; amelyd,HD; amiled, HD; ameled, NED.—­AF.aymeler, OF. esmailler; OHG. smalzjan,to smelt, liquefy; cp. It. smaltare, toenamel (Florio). Cf. En-amelen, Mute.

Amenden, v. to amend, mend, MD, S, S2,C2, W; amended, pp. S2; amendid,W2.—­OF. amender; Lat. e-mendare_,from _ex_ + _mendum_, fault. (~A-~ 9.)

Amene, adj. pleasant, S3, NED; ameyn,S3.—­OF. amene; Lat. amoenum.

Amerant, sb. amaranth, a fadeless flower,S3.—­OF. amarante; Lat. amarantum(acc.); Gr. [Greek: amarantos.] (A- II.)

Amercy, v. to amerce, fine, P, NED.—­AF. amercier; from OF. estre a merci cameestre amercie, then amercier.

Amete, sb. ant, emmet, NED; amte,W2; emete, Voc.; emote, NED; ematte,Voc.; amtis, pl., W2; amptis,NED.—­AS. A|mete, A(C)mete_. Cp.OHG. _Aimeiza_; from OHG. Ai, off + _meizan_,to cut, as if ‘the cutter or biter off.’

Ametist, sb. amethyst, NED; ametistus,W (Rev. 21. 20); amatyste, HD; amaste,HD; amaffised, MD.—­OF. ametiste;Lat. amethystum (acc.); Gr. [Greek: amethustos.](A- 11.)

Ameuen, v. to be moved, NED; ameued,pt. s., C2.—­OF. esmeuv-,accented stem of esmover; Lat. exmou*ere.(A- 9.)

Ameyn; see Amene.

A-midde, adv. and prep, amid,S2, C2, PP; amidden, S; amydde, PP.—­AS.on middan, on middum. (A- 2.)

Amirail, sb. a Saracen ruler or commander,an emir, an admiral, MD; amerel, Prompt.; amyralle,MD; amrayl, HD; admirald, S.—­OF.amirail, amiral; cp. Arab. am*ir-al-bahr,commander of the sea, am*A-r-al-m*umin*im,commander of the faithful.

A-mis, adv. amiss, C2; amys,G; onmys, NED. (A- 2.)

Amome, sb. an odoriferous plant, amomum,NED; amonye, W, HD.—­OF. amome(Cotg.); Lat. amomum; Gr. [Greek: amomon],a name applied to several spice plants.

Amoneste, v. to admonish, warn, HD.—­OF.amonester; Late Lat. *_admonitare_, from Lat.admonitus, pp. of admonere, see Constans.(A- 7.)

Amonestement, sb. admonishment, S, HD.—­OF.amonestement’;

Amonestyng, sb. admonishing, CM.

A-monge, prep, and adv. among,in, at intervals, PP; amange, NED; omang,MD; amang, S, S2; among, S, PP. Phr.:eure among, ever among, every now and then,S; ever and among, NED.—­AS. on-mang,on-gemang. (A- 2.)

A-monges, prep, among, S2, S3, C2, C3G, PP.

A-morewe, on the morrow, S2, W; amor we,HD, PP, S2; amorez*e, S; amor3*e, S(16. 432).—­AS. on morgen. (A-2.)

Amountance, sb. amount, NED; mountouns,S2, HD.

Amounten, v. to ascend, rise, amount,mean, S2, C2, PP; amunten, S.—­AF.amunter, from Lat. ad+montem. (A-7.)

Ampole, sb. a vessel for holding consecratedoil, or for other sacred uses, NED; ampulles,pl., P; ampolles, S2, PP; hanypeles,PP.—­OF. ampole; Lat. ampulla.

Ampre, sb. a tumour, flaw, blemish;amper, HD; ampres, pl., S.—­AS.ampre, ‘varix’ (Voc.).

Amte; see Amete.

A-murA deg.rin, v. to murder, S; amorthered,pp., MD.—­AS. Ai-myrA deg.rian(Schmid). (A- 1*.)

Amyable, adj. friendly, lovely, NED;amyabill, S3; amiable, WW.—­OF.amiable; Lat. amicabilem.

An, 1 pr. s. I grant, allow, S;on, pr. s., S. See Unnen.

An, num. and indef. art. one,an, S, S2, PP; see Oon.

An, prep, on, upon, in, PP, S, S2; seeOn.

An, conj. and, if, PP, S, S2; see And.

Anchesoun, sb. occasion, MD; ancheisun,MD; anchaisun, HD.—­AF. anchesoun.See Achesoun.

Ancre, sb. an anchorite, recluse, hermit,a monk, a nun, NED, S, S2; auncre, S2; anker,S2; ancres, pl., P.—­AS. ancra,m. (* ancre, f.); Church Lat. anachoreta;Gr. [Greek: anachoraetaes]

And, conj. and, also, if, G, S, S2,S3, C2 ant, S, S2; an, S, S2; a,MD.—­Phr.: and if, MD.

Ande, sb. breath, H; see Onde.[Additoin]

Anefeld, sb. anvil, W2; anefelt,NED.—­AS. onfilti (Voc.).

An-ent, prep, and adv. on a levelwith, among, opposite, towards, in respect of, NED;anont, MD; onont, S; onond, S;anende, MD; anonde, MD; ononde,MD; anendes, MD; anentes, NED; anentis,W, W2; anemptis, MD; anempst, NED; anence,H; anens, H; ynentes, H.—­AS.on efen, on efn, on emn, on evenground with.

Anentesch; see Anientise.

Aner-ly, adv. only, alone, S2, NED,JD.

Anete, sb. the herb dill, Voc., W, NED.—­OF.anet; Lat. anethum (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:anaethon], dial, form of [Greek: anison].See ~Anise~.

A-netheren. v. to lower, humiliate,NED; anethered, pp., HD. (A-I.) See AniA deg.erien.

Anew, sb. ring, wreath; anewis,pl., S3; aneus, links of a chain, NED.—­OF.aniaus, pl. of anel, ring; Lat. anellus,dim. of a*nulus, dim. of annus, a circuit,year.

Anew, enough, S3. (A- 6.) See Ynow.

A-newe, adv. anew, NED. (A- 3.)See Of-newe.

Anfald, adj. single, simple, S, HD;see Oone-fold. [Addition]

Angel, sb. angel; ongel, S; angles,pl., S; A|ngles, S; anglene,gen. S.—­Lat. angelus.See Engel.

An-gin, sb. beginning, MD; angun,S, NED.

An-ginnen, v. to begin; on gon,pt. s., S.—­AS. an-(on-)_ginnan_.

Angle, sb. a name given to the fourastrological ‘houses,’ NED, S2.—­OF.angle; Latin angulum (acc.).

Angles, sb. pl. the English, the peopleof ‘Angul,’ a district of Holstein, S,NED; Englis, S.—­AS. Angle,pl.

Angre, sb. affliction, sorrow, wrath,pain, inflammation, NED, S2, PP; angers, S2.—­Icel.angr.

Angren, v. to annoy, injure, make angry,NED; angre, PP.—­Icel. angra.

Angwisch, sb. anguish, W2; anguyssh,PP; angoise, S, MD; anguise, MD; anguisse,MD.—­OF. angoisse, AF. anguisse;Lat. angustia, tightness, from angere,to squeeze.

Anhed, sb. unity, H; see Oonhed.[Addition]

An-hei3*, adv. on high, S2, PP; anhei, S2; an hey, S2; an hi3*, W.

An-heten, v. to heat, to become hot;anhet, pr. s. S; anhA(C)A(C)t,pp. S.—­AS. onhA|tan.

An-he3*en, v. to exalt, NED; anhe3*ed,pp., S2.

An-hitten, v. to hit against, S, MD.

An-hon, v. to hang (tr.), MD;anhoA deg., pr. pl., S; anhonge,pp., MD.—­AS. on-hA cubedn.

An-hongen, v. tr. and intr. tohang, S, MD; anhonged, pp., MD; anhanged,C2.

Aniente, v. to bring to nought, NED;anyente, PP.—­OF. anienter,from a, to _+ nient_; Late Lat. *_necentem =nec + entem_. (A-7.)

Anientise, v. to bring to nought, todestroy, NED; anientice, PP; anentisen,CM; anentesch, PP; anyntische, W2; neentishe,NED; annentissched, pp. CM; anyntischid,W2; enentyscht, H; enentist, H.—­OF.anientir (variant of anienter), pr.p. anientissant. (A- 7.)

Anise, sb. anise, also dill, NED; anys,NED; aneyse, Voc.—­OF. anis;Lat. anisum; Gr. [Greek: anison].Cf. Anete.

A-niA deg.erien, v. to lower, humiliate,MD; aneA deg.ered, pp. MD, HD.—­AS.Ai + niA deg.erian. (A- 1.)

Anker, sb. anchor, S.—­AS.ancor; Lat. ancora; Gr. [Greek:agkura].

Anlas, sb. a kind of dagger, anlace,MD, C; anelace, HD; anelas, MD, NED.—­Cp.Low Lat. anelacius (Ducange), OWelsh anglas.

An-leth, sb [Correction]. face, countenance,MD, HD, NED; onndlA|t, MD; onlete, MD.—­Icel.andlit (Swed. anlete): AS. and-wlA-ta.

Ann-; see An-.

Annamyllit, pp. enamelled, S3; see Enamelen.

Annuel, adj. yearly; sb. a masssaid either daily for a year after, or yearly on theanniversary of a person’s death, NED; anuell,S3.—­AF. annuel; Late Lat. annualem,for Lat. anna*lem, from annus, year.

Annueler, sb. a priest who sang an annual,PP, C3, HD.

An-on, adv. at once, instantly, soon,in a short time, S, S2, C3, PP; anan, S, NED;onan, S2; onon, S, S3; anoon,S3, C2, G, W.—­AS. on Ain, into one;on Aine, in one (moment).

Anonder; see Anunder.

Anon-ryght, adv. immediately, C3, G;anonrihtes, S; ananriht, S.

An-ouen, adv. above, S, NED; onuuen,NED.—­AS. on ufan.

A-nough, adj. (as pred.) enough,CM; anew, S3. (A- 6.) See Ynow.

Anoy, sb. discomfort, vexation, trouble,MD, S2, PP; anoye, W2; anui, MD; enuye,S.—­OF. anoi: OSp. enoyo:OIt. inodio, from the Lat. phrase est mihiin odio; see Diez. Cf. Noye.

Anoyen, v. to annoy, PP, W2, S2, C2,C3; anoiede, pt. s., W; noyede,W; anoyed, pp. W; anuyed,PP; anuid, MD; anud, S; anuy3*ed,S2; ennuyed, P.—­AF. ennuyer.Cf. Noyen.

Answere, sb. answer, MD; ondswere,S; answare, S; onswere, S., andsware,S.—­AS. and-swaru.

Answeren, v. to give an answer, S, PP;ondswerien, S; andswarede, pt. s.S; andswerede, S; ontswerede, S; onswerede,S; onswerde, S; answarede, S; answerede,S.—­AS. and-swarian.

Ant, conj, and, also, if, S, S2.See And.

Antem, sb. anthem, C2; antefne,MD.—­AS. antefne; Church Lat. antA-fona(cp. Prov. antA-fena, It. antifona);for older antipho*na; Gr. [Greek: antiphona]lit. things sounding in response. Cf. Antiphone.

Anticrist, sb. Antichrist, MD;antecrist, W (I John 4. 3); ancrist,MD; ancryst, Voc.—­Church Lat. antichristus(Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: antichristos].

Antiphone, sb. antiphon, NED; ChurchLat. antipho*na; see Antem.

Antiphonere, sb. anthem-book, C2; antyphonere,Voc.; anfenare, Voc.; amfanere, Voc.—­ChurchLat. antiphonarius.

Anum, adv. at once, S.—­AS.Ainum, dat. of Ain, one. [The MS. hasanA, put for anu* (= anu_m_)]. SeeOon.

An-under, prep, under, S; anonder,S.

An-Uppe, prep, and adv. upon,MD; onuppe, S.

An-uppon, prep, upon, S, MD; an-uppen,S.

Anwalde, sb. dat. power, S; anwolde,S; see On-wald. [Addition]

A-nyghte, adv. by night, C2; ani3*t,S; onigt, S. (A- 2.)

A-nyghtes, adv. at night, nightly, S3*.

Apalled, pp. made pale, NED; appalled,C, C2.—­OF. apalir, apallir; Lat.ad+_pallire_ for pallere. (A- 7.)

Aparail, sb. apparel, PP; apparaille,C2, PP.

Aparailen, v. to make ready, to fitup, furnish, to dress, attire, PP; apparayleden,pt. pl. S2; aparailed, pp.S; apparailled, P.—­OF. apareiller;Late Lat. adpariculare_, to make equal or fit,from Lat. _par_, equal. (A- 7.)

Aparaunce, sb. appearance, NED; apparence,C2.—­AF. apparence. (A- 7.)

Apart, adv. apart, aside, C2; aparte,separately, PP, NED.—­OF. a part.(A- 7.)

Apart, v. to set aside, separate, NED;aparte, S3 (24. 14).

Apartie, adv. in part, partly, PP, NED.(A- 2.)

Apayen, v. to satisfy, please, to requite,HD, PP; apayd, pp. S3, C2, C3;apayed, C2, W; apaied, W, PP.—­OF.apaier (apayer): Prov. apagar;Lat. ad + pacare, from pacem,peace. (A- 7.)

Ape, sb. ape, MD, C2, C3, P; fool, HD.Phr.: A3/4e olde ape, i.e.the devil, MD; wyn of ape (= OF. vin de singe),wine which makes the drinker pleasant, wanton, orboyish, Cotg., MD, HD.—­AS. apa.

Apece, sb. the alphabet, Prompt.; seeA-B-C.

Apenden, v. to belong, S2, PP; appenden,S2, PP.—­OF. ap(p)endre; Lat. ad+ pendere. (A- 7.)

Aperceyue, v. to perceive, C2, PP; aperseyue,PP.—­OF. aperASec.oiv-, accented stemof aperceveir; Late Lat. appercip[*e-]re;Lat. ad + percipere. (A- 7.)

Aperceyuinges, sb. pl. observations,C2.

Aperen, v. to appear, S, PP; apeeren,PP; aper, S2; appiere, P; apperand,pr. p. S3.—­AF. aper-,stem of apert, pr. s. of aparoir; Lat.apparere (ad + parere). (A-7.)

Apert, adj. clever, expert, NED; aspert,S3.—­OF. aspert, espert;Lat. expertus. (A- 9.) See Expert.

Apert, adj. open, NED, H, HD; adv. C2. Phr.: in to apert (= Lat.in palam), S2.—­OF. apert;Lat. apertus, pp. of aperire, a verbwith [*a-]=_ab_, prefix. (A- 8.)

Aperteliche, adv. openly, S2; apertly,P, H; appertly, P.

Apertenaunt, pr. p. appertaining, C2.—­OF.apertenant.

Apertene, v. to appertain, NED, C3.—­OF. apertenir; Lat. ad + pertinere.(A-7.)

Apertinent, pr. p. appertaining, C2.—­LateLat. adpertinentem.

Apesen, v. to appease, NED, S3 (3b.1352), C2, C3; appease, S3 (19a. 295).—­OF.apeser, from a + pes; Lat. pacem,peace. (A- 7.)

Apeyren, v. to harm, diminish, impair,PP, W; apeyre, P, W; appayre, S2, P;apeyred, pp. S2.—­OF.ampeirer, empeirer;

Lat. in+_peiorare_, to make worse, from peior,worse. (A- 10.)

Apeyryng, sb. injuring, S2, W; appairing,S3.

A-piken, v. to trim, adorn, MD; apiked,pp., C. See OF. piquer (Cotg.).

Aplien, v. to apply, devote one’senergies to, NED; apply, S3.—­OF.aplier; Lat. applicare.

Apointen, v. to come or bring mattersto a point, to agree, arrange, to prepare, equip,NED.—­OF. apointer, from a point.

Apointment, sb. agreement, NED; poyntemente,S3.—­OF. apointement.

Aposen, v. to question, S2, PP, Prompt.;apposen, C3, PP. Cp. Opposen.

Apostel, sb. apostle, S; appostel,NED; appostil, NED; apostle, W; postlis,pl. NED.—­AS. apostol;Church Lat. apostolus (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:apostolos], one sent forth, messenger; cp. AF.apostle (OF. apostre).

Apostil-hed, sb. office of apostle,W.

Apotecarie, sb. apothecary, C; potekary,NED.—­OF. apotecaire; Late Lat. apothecarium(acc.), from apotheca; Gr. [Greek:apothaekae], storehouse.

Apoyson, v. to poison, PP; apoysoned,pp., PP.—­OF. apoisoner, forempoisoner. (A- 10.)

App-; see Ap-.

Appairen, v. to injure; appayre,S2, P; see Apeyren.

Appairing, sb. injuring, S3.

Appel, sb. apple, PP; eppel,MD; applis, pl. W2.—­AS.A|ppel.

Apple-garnade, sb. pomegranate, S2 (garnade).Cf. Garnet-appille.

Aprentis, sb. apprentice, NED; prentis,S2, PP; aprentys, pl. PP.—­OF.aprentis (AF. aprentiz), nom. of aprentif,from aprendre, to learn; Lat. apprehendere= ad+prehendere. (A- 7.)

A-quenchen, v. to quench, PP; a-cwenchen,S; aqueynte, pt. s. S2; aqueynt,PP.—­AS. Ai-cwencan. (A- 1.)

Aquerne, sb. squirrel, S, NED; acquerne,S.—­AS. Aicwern (Voc.); cp.Icel. A-korni, G. eichhorn, MDu. A(C)ncoren.

Aqueyntaunce, sb. acquaintance, S2,CM, MD.—­OF. acointance, AF. aqueyntance.(A- 7.)

Aqueynten, v. to become known, MD; aquointe,pp. acquainted, NED; aquente, NED; aquynt,S2.—­OF. acointer (acuinter);Late Lat. adcognitare, from Lat. ad+cognitum,pp. of cognoscere. (A- 7.)

Ar, prep., conj, and adv. before,S, S2, G, H, P; see Er.

Ar, pr. pl. are, S2, PP; see Aren.

Arace, v. to pull up by the roots, C2,CM; arache, NED.—­AF. aracer,OF. esrachier; Lat. e(x)radicare. (A-9.)

Aranye, sb. spider, Prompt.; arain,HD; aranee, HD; eranye, Prompt.; erayne,Prompt.; erayn, H; arane, H; erane,Voc.; yreyne, W2; aran, H; irain,NED; arrans, pl., HD; yreyns,W2.—­OF. araigne (iraigne); Lat. aranea.

Arate, v. to correct, blame, rate, PP.Probably a variant of Aretten. Cf.OF. aratter = aretter (Godefroy).

Aray, sb. array, PP; array, S2(19.393), C2, C.—­OF. arei (arroi).

Arayen, v. to array, NED, PP; arayed,pp. W; arrayed, C2, C3.—­AF.arayer; OF. areier, areer:It. arredare (Florio); from Lat. ad+ Low Lat. *_re*do_ (OF. rei), preparation,of Teutonic origin. (A-7.)

Arblaste, sb. a military engine forthrowing missiles, MD, S2; alblast, S2.—­OF.arbaleste; Late Lat. arcuballista.

Arblaster, sb. an arblast-man, S2.

Arch, sb. arch, Prompt.; arches,pl. court of Arches, P.—­OF. arche(Cotg.).

Arch-, prefix, chief; erche-,Church Lat. archi-; Gr. [Greek: a*rchi]-,[Greek: a*rch]-.

Arch-angel, sb. archangel, S, PP; archangles,pl. S.—­Church Lat. archangelus;Gr. [Greek: a*rchAingelos].

Arche-biscop, sb. archbishop, S; erchebissop,S2.—­AS. A|rce-biscop (S); Lat. archi-+ AS. biscop.

Archer, sb. archer, S2; archeer,C2; harchere. Voc.—­AF. archer.See Ark.

Archi-deken, sb. archdeacon, PP; erchedekene,S2.

Archi-flamyn, sb. high-priest, S2.—­ChurchLat. archiflamen, archbishop (Ducange), fromLat. flamen.

Archi-triclin, sb. the ruler of thefeast, S; architriclyn, W.—­ChurchLat. architriclinus (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:a*rchi*trklinos].

Arch-wyfe, sb. a wife who rules; arche-wyues,pl. C2, CM.

Are, sb. honour, reverence, also, grace,clemency, MD, NED, S; ore, S, S2, G, HD; happyaugury, MD, S.—­AS. Aire (Air);cp. OHG. A(C)ra, honour (Otfrid).

Are, sb. oar, MD; see Ore. [Addition]

A-recchen, v. to explain, expound, tospeak, NED.—­AS. Ai-reccan. (A-1.)

A-rechen, v. to reach, to strike, toreach in thought, to imagine, to be sufficient, NED,S, S (ii. 47), S2, W, PP.—­AS. Ai-rA|*can.(A-I.)

A-reden, v. to declare, to interpret,NED, W; areede, W.—­AS. Ai-rA(C)dan;cp. G. errathen. (A-I.)

A-redy, adj. ready, P, HD, NED; 3*e-redi,MD. (A-6.)

Are-full, adj. compassionate, MD, S.—­AS. Air-full.

Are-les, adj. merciless, MD; oreleas,S; oreles, S.—­AS. Air-lA(C)as.

Aren, v. to show mercy to, S, MD.—­AS,Airian.

Aren, pr. pl. are, S, PP; arn,MD, C2, PP; are, MD; ar, MD, S2, PP;ere, MD, S2; er, H.—­ONorth.aron.

Arende, sb. errand; HD, PP; see Erende.

Arerage, sb. the state of being in arrear,indebtedness, NED, PP; arrerage, C, PP.—­OF.arerage, AF. arrerage.

Arere, adv. to the rear, in the rear,PP; Arrere, PP.—­AF. arere;Late Lat. ad retro, backward. (A-7.)

A-reren, v. to raise, build, to arise,to rear, S2, PP; arearen, S; areride,pt. s., W; arerde, S; arerd, S;arerdon, pl., S; arered, pp.,S2, W, W2; arerd, S2.—­AS. Ai-rA|*ran:Goth. ur-raisjan. Causal of Arisen.(A-I.)

A-rest, at rest, PP. (A-2.)

Arest, sb. stop, S2; arreest,custody, C. Phr.: spere in arest,in rest, C.—­OF. areste, stoppage,AF. arest, act of arresting. (A-7.)

Aresten, v. int. and tr. to stop,cause to stop, NED, C.—­AF. arester;Lat. ad+ restare. (A-7.)

Aretten, v. to reckon, count, accuse,NED, W, W2; aretted, pp. C; arettid,W, W2; rettid, W.—­AF. aretter,OF. a-reter; a+reter: OSp. reptar,to challenge (Minsheu); Lat. reputare, to count;cp. Late Lat. reptare (Ducange). (A-7.) Cf. Retten.

A-reysen, v. to raise, to arouse, NED;areysed, pt. s., S3; areisid,pp., W. (A-I.)

Are3*th, sb. cowardice; are3*the,dat., S. See Arwe.

ArfeA deg., adj. difficult, MD; arefeAdeg., S; earfeA deg., MD; arueA deg.,NED; erfeA deg., MD.—­AS. earfeAdeg.e; cp. earfeA deg.e, earfoA3/4,labour, toil: Goth, arbaiths.

Argoile, sb. the tartar deposited fromwines, C3, NED; arguyll, NED; argall,Cotg. (s.v. tartre), ND.—­AF. argoil.

Arguen, v. to prove, to reason, PP.—­OF.arguer; Late Lat. argutare, from Lat.arguere.

Arguere, sb. reasoner, PP.

Argument, sb. proof, clear proof, proofpresumptive, NED; argumens, pl., PP.—­AF.argument; Lat. argumentum.

Argumenten, v. to argue. C3, S2.

A-risen, v. to arise, MD; aryse,PP; aris, imp. s. S; arys,PP; arist, pr. s., S, S2, C3; aros,pt. s., S, PP; aroos, PP; arisen,pp., MD; arise, S2.—­AS. Ai-rA-san. (A- I.)

A-rist, sb. rising, resurrection, NED;aristes, gen., S; ariste, dat.,S.—­AS. A|-rA-st. (A- i.)

Ariue, v. to arrive, to come to shore,S; aroue, pt. s., NED; ariuede,pl. S2; aryue, pp., S; aryven,NED.—­AF. ariver; Late Lat. arribare,arripare, adripare, from Lat. ad + ripa,shore. (A- 7.)

Ariue, sb. landing, arrival, C, NED.

A-rixlien, v. to rule; arixlye,S. (A-I.)

A-rizt, adv. in a right way, straightway,S2; aryght, C2; arigte, S; origt,S. (A- 2.)

Ark, sb. an ark, chest, MD; arrke,S; arc, S2.—­Lat. arca; cp.OF. arche.

Ark, sb. segment of a circle, C2, MD.—­OF.arc; Lat. arcum (acc.), a bow.

Arles, sb. an earnest, NED, JD, HD.—­Probablya plural in form from an OF. *_erle_, *_arle_; Lat.*_arrhula_, dim. of arrha, for arrhabo;Gr. arrabon; Heb. ’A(C)rAibA cubedn*.Cp. OF. erres, arres: Sp. arras(Minsheu); Lat. arrhas, pl. acc. of arrha.See Ernes.

Arly, adj. and adv. early, S2,H; see Erly.

Arm, sb. arm, MD; earmes, pl.,S, MD; armes, interj. arms! an oath,by God’s arms, S3, NED. Phr.: Gog’sarms, S3.—­AS. earm: Icel.armr: Goth. arms.

Arm, adj. poor, wretched, MD; A|rm,MD; erme, dat. S; arme,pl. S; earme, MD.—­AS.earm: Icel. armr: Goth. arms.

Armen, v. to arm, C3, PP; i-armed,pp., S.—­AF. armer; Lat. armare.

Armes, sb. pl. weapons, coat-armour,MD, P.—­AF. armes.

Arm-heorted, adj. tender-hearted, S.—­Cp.AS. earm-heort.

Arm-hertnesse, sb. compassion, S.

Arminge, sb. the act of arming, puttingon of armour, C2.

Armipotent, adj. mighty in arms, C.—­Lat.armipotentem.

Armony, sb. harmony, S3.—­F.harmonie; Lat. harmonia; Gr. [Greek:armonia.]

Armure, sb. armour, weapons, P, C2,C3, G; armoure, C2; armuris, pl.,W, W2.—­AF. armure (armoure), armeure;Lat. armatura.

Arn, sb. eagle, HD; aryn.H; see Ern.

Arnde, pt. s. ran, S; see Rennen.

A-rode, on the rood (the cross), NED, S, S2.(A-2.)

A-rowe, adv. in a row, one after another,S; areawe, S; arewe, NED. (A-2.)

Arr-; see Ar-.

Arr, sb. scar, wound, NED, JD; ar,HD; see Erre.

Arred, pp. scarred, JD.

Arsenik, sb. arsenic, C3.—­OF.arsenic; Lat. arsenicum; Gr. [Greek:arsenikon], yellow orpiment, orig. the masculine, male,from [GREEK: arsaen], a male.

Arskes, pl. newts, S2; see Ask.

Arsmetike, sb. arithmetic, NED; arsmetrike,C.—­OF. arismetique: Prov. arismetica;Lat. arithmetica; Gr. [Greek: arithmaetikae(technae)], the art of counting.

Arst, adj. and adv. superl. first,G, P; see Erst.

Art, sb. a quarter of the heaven, pointof the compass, NED, S3; airt, NED, JD; airth,NED; airtis, pl., S3.—­Gael,ard; OIr. aird, top, height, point.

Artou, art thou, S2; artow, S2, C2,C3. See Ert.

Arwe, sb. arrow, NED; arewe,S2; arwes, pl. S2, C2, P; arewis,W2; arowis, W2.—­AS. arwe forarhwe_; cp. Goth. _arhwazna_, arrow, thething belonging to the bow, from _*arhw_ = Lat. _arcus_.

Arwe, adj. cowardly, timid, lazy, sluggish,vile, base, Prompt.; are3*, S; arh,MD; ar3*, NED; erewe, S; arewe,sb. betrayer, enemy, S, MD.—­AS. earg(earh); Icel. argr; cp. OHG. arg(Otfrid).

Arwed, pp. made cowardly, PP.

Ar3*en, v. to be timid, to frighten,NED.

As, sb. unit, a single bit, a jot, ace,NED, C2; ace, S3; ase, PP. Phr.:ambes as, double aces, C2.—­OF. as;Lat. as.

Asailen, v. to leap upon, assail, PP;assaile, PP, S; assaille, C2, PP; asailid,pp., PP; assal3*eit, S2.—­AF.assailir, OF. asalir; Late Lat. adsalire.(A- 7.)

A-saken, v. to deny, renounce; asoke,pt. s., S.—­AS. of-sacan (Schmid).(A- 3.) Cf. Of-saken.

Asaut, sb. assault, S2; assaut,C, PP.—­OF. asaut. (A- 7.)

Ascapie, v. to escape, PP; askapie,PP; ascapen, PP.—­OF. escaper(Picard). Cf. Achape.

Ascaunce, conj. as though, C3, NED.

Asche, sb. ash, cinis; aische,W, W2; aske, H; asken, pl., S;axen, S; asshen, C2; asskess,S; asshes, C3; aschis, W2; askes,S2, P; askis, H; askez, S2.—­AS.asce (axe): Icel. aska:Goth. azgo.

Ascrien, v. to cry out, NED; escrien,MD.—­OF. escrier; Late Lat. ex+ quiritare, see Diez.

Ascrive, v. to ascribe, H.—­OF.ascriv- stem of pr. p. of ascrire:It. ascrivere; Lat. adscribere. (A-7.)

Ascry, sb. outcry, S2.

Asegen, v. to besiege, C.—­OF.asegier: It. assediare (Florio).(A- 7.)

Aselen, v. to seal up, to set one’sseal to, NED; aseele, W2; asselen, PP,S2.—­OF. anseler, enseler; Late Lat.insigillare, from sigillum, seal. (A-10.) Cf. Ensele.

A-senchen, v. to cause to sink, S; a-*seynt,pp., MD. (A- I.)

Asent, sb. assent, S2, PP; assent,C3, PP.—­OF. as(s)ent. (A-7.)

Aseth, sb. satisfaction, PP, HD; aseeth,W; asethe, Cath., HD; assyth, JD; assetz,PP; asseth, NED, HD.—­OF. aset,asset; from Late Lat. ad satis. Forthe final _-t_ in OF. = A3/4 in English, cp.OF. feit with ME. feiA3/4, faith.Hence our assets. (A- 7.)

A-setnesse, sb. appointed order, S.—­AS. Ai-setnis, institute (Schmid).

A-setten, v. to set up, appoint, NED.—­AS. Ai-settan. (A- I.)

Asise, sb. decree, edict, judgment,S2; assise, C, G; assises, pl.assizes, PP.—­OF. as(s)ise, a sittingdown, settlement of imposts, from as(s)is,pp. of as(s)eeir, to sit at, to settle; Lat.assidere. (A- 7.)

Asisour, sb. juror, PP; acisoure,PP; sisour, PP; sysour, PP.

Ask-; see Asc-.

Ask, sb. a newt or eft, a lizard, NED,HD, JD; aske, NED; asker, HD, JD, DG;askis, pl., NED; arskes, S2.—­AS.AiA deg.exe: OS. egithassa; cp.OHG. egidehsa (G. eidechse).

Aske, sb. ash, H; askes, pl.,S2, P; askis, H; see Asche.

Aske-baA deg.ie, sb. one who sits amongthe ashes, S; askebathe, NED.

Aske-fise, sb. one who blows the ashes,Prompt.; askfist, NED. Cp. Sw. askefisand G. aschenfister (Grimm).

Asken, v. to ask, S, S2; eskien,MD; aschen, MD; eschen, MD; esse,MD, S2; ocsien, MD; acsien, MD, S2; axien,MD, S2; axen, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; escade,pt. s., S; easkede, S; haxde,S; esste, S2.—­AS. Aiscian:OHG. eiscA cubedn (Otfrid); cp. G. heischen.

A-slaken, v. to diminish, to becomeslack, C, NED. (A-I.)

A-slawe, pp. slain, S2; asla3*e,S; asla3*en S.—­AS. Ai-slagen,pp. of Ai-slA(C)an, see Sievers, 378. (A-I.)

A-slepe, adv. asleep, S, PP.—­AS.on slA|*pe. (A-2)

A-slepid, pp. gone to sleep, W2.

A-sonder, adv. asunder, C, C3.—­AS.on sundran. (A-2.)

A-soylen, v. to absolve, to answer (aquestion), PP, S2; assoile, S3, C3, P, G; asoyly,NED; asoilede, pt. s., S2; asoylede,S2; assoylid, pp., W.—­OF.asoiler, assoiler; Late Lat. absoluere(= Lat. absolovere). (A- 8.)

Aspaltoun, sb. asphalt, S2.—­OF.*_aspA ltoun_ ; from Late Lat. asphalton; Gr.[Greek:asphalton]

Aspect, sb. a term in astrology; therelative positions of the heavenly bodies as theyappear at a given time, NED, SkD, Sh.; aspectis,pl., S3.—­Lat aspectus. (A-7.)

Aspert, adj. expert, clever, S3; seeApert.

Aspie, sb. spy, W, W2; aspye,C3; aspy, S3.—­OF. espie.

Aspien, v. to look after, to watch,S2, S3, W, W2.—­OF. espier.See Espye.

Aspiere, sb. spy, W.

A-spillen, v. to destroy, kill, S. (A-I.)

Aspiyng, sb. ambush, W.

Aspre, adj. rough, cruel, fierce, NED.—­OF.aspre; Lat. asprum, rough, harsh.

Asprely, adv. roughly, fiercely, S3;asperliche, NED.

A-squint, adv. obliquely, out at thecorner of the eyes, S.

Ass-; see As-.

Assay, sb. trial, experiment, an attempt,attack, tested quality, NED, S2, S3, C2, C3; asaie,W.—­AF. assai (asai):It. assaggio; Lat. exagium, a weighing,from ex-agere (exigere), to weigh, prove,to drive out the tongue of the balance.

Assayen, v. to examine, to attack, S2,S3, C2, P; asaien, W2; asayen, S3; assaied,pp., W.—­AF. assayer (asayer):It. assaggiare.

Assemble, sb. assembly, P.—­OF.asemblee.

Assemblen, v. to bring together, tocome together, NED; assembled, pp.,C3.—­OF. asembler; Lat. assimulare.

Assiduel, adj. continual, H; asseduel,H.—­OF. assiduel.

Assiduelly, adv. continually, H.

Assoilen, v. to loosen, absolve, explain,PP, S3, C3; see Asoylen.

AssoAllyng, sb. absolution, acquittal,C.

Astate, sb. state, estate, S3; see Estat.

A-sterten, v. to start up, to happen,to escape, NED, S2, S3, C3, C; astart, S3;asterted, pt. s., S2, C3. (A-1.)

A-sti3*en, v. to proceed, ascend, descend,MD; astighA deg., pr. s., S; astah,pt. s., S.—­AS. Ai-stA-gan.(A- 1.)

Astonen, v. to stupefy, amaze, NED;astony, NED, C2; astonyed, pp.,W, PP; astoynde, S3.—­OF. estoner;Late Lat. *_extonare_, to stupefy as with a thunderbolt.(A- 9.)

Astore, v. to repair, to provide, store,NED; astorede, pt. s., S2; astored,pp., C; astorid, W2.—­AF. estorer*,OF. estaurer; Lat. instaurare. (A-10.) Cf. Enstore.

A-strangeled, pp. suffocated, S2, (A-6.) See Strangelyn.

Astronomye, sb. astronomy, PP.—­OF.astronomie; Lat. astronomia; Gr. [Greek:astronomA-a].

Astronomyen, sb. astronomer, astrologer,PP; astromyenes, pl. (= Lat. magi),W; astrymyanes, PP.—­OF. astronomien.

Asure, sb. azure, NED, C2, C.—­OF.asur, azur; Low Lat. lazur (lazulus);Pers. lajward.

Aswagen, v. to assuage, C2, PP.—­AF. as(s)_uager_: Prov. assuaviar;from Lat. suauis. (A- 7.)

A-Swelten, v. to die, S, NED. (A-1.)

Aswithe, adv. as quickly as possible,S2, PP; asswythe, S2; see Alswithe.

A-swowne, pp. as adv. aswoon,C2; assowe, HD.—­AS. ge-swA cubedgen,see NED (s.v. aswoon) and SkD (s.v. swoon].(A-6.)

A-syde, adv. aside, C2. (A-2.)

At-, prefix (1), at; et-; a-.—­AS.A|t-.

At-, prefix (2), from, away; et-.—­AS. A|t- for oA deg.- procl*tic form of*_AA deg._-, away: Goth, unA3/4a-; cp.Du. ont-, OIIG. int-(G. ent-).

At, pron. rel. and conj. that,S2, S3, H, NED; see A3/4at.

At, prep, at, in, with, from, of, amongst,PP, S, S2, C2; et, S; A|t, S; ed,S; at, used with the infin. mood, S2,NED (vi), II. Comb.:—­atte,at the, PP, S, S2, C2; ate, S, S2; ette,S; eter, S; atten, S2, PP; at-after,after, C2; att-alle, in every way, S2; at-foren,before, MD; et-foren, S; at-uore, S2;at-om, at home, S2, PP; at-on, at one,in accord, NED, S; at oon, G (s.v. oon),C2; at-ones, at once, together, PP, C2, C3;attonis, S3; attonys, S3; attones,S3.

Atache, v. to arrest, indict, S2, PP;attache, PP; atteche,S3, NED; atachet,pp., S2, PP,—­AF. attacher;cp. It. attaccare. (A-7.)

A-take, v. to overtake, catch, C3, HD,NED. Phr.: wel atake, wellcaught, NED. (A 1.)

Atamen, v. to cut into, broach, open(a vessel), NED, PP, HD; attamen, HD, Prompt.,C2.—­OF. atamer: Prov. (en)-tamenar;Lat. attaminare. (A-7.)

Atazir, sb. influence (astrologicalterm), S2, S3. Cp. Sp. atazir; Arab.at-tActhA(R)r, ’al+tActhA(R)r, influence,see Steingass, Arab. Dict., p. 157, andDozy’s Glossary, s. v. atacir.

At-beren, v. to bear away, NED; at-*bar,pt. s., HD.—­AS. A|t-beran.(At-2.)

At-breken, v. to break away, escape,NED. (At-2.)

At-bresten. v. to burst away, escape,NED.—­AS. (A|t-bA|rstan. (At-2.)

Ate, sb. eating, S. See Eten.

Atel, adj. terrible; atell, NED.—­AS. atol; cp. Icel. atall.

Atelich, adj. horrible, S; eatelich,S.—­AS. atelic.

Ateliche, adv-horribly, S.—­AS.atelice.

Atempre, pp. as adj. temperate,H; attempre, C, HD.—­OF. atemprA(C);Lat. attemperatus. (A-7.)

Atemprely, adv. temperately, H, HD.

A-tenden, v. to set on fire, kindle,MD; atend, pr. s., S. (A- 2.)Cf. Ontenden.

At-ewen, v. to show, to appear; atewede,pt. s., NED; atywede, S; atawed,pp., MD.—­AS. A|t-A(C)awan(A|t-A1/2wan): Goth. at-augjan,from augo, the eye; cp. OHG. ougen,to show (Otfrid). Cf. Awnen. (At-1?I.)

Ateynt, pp. convicted, affected withsorrow, PP; atteynt, S3; attaynt, S3.—­OF.ateint, pp. of ateindre, to attain;Lat. attingere. (A- 7.)

At-fallen, v. to fall away, NED.—­AS. A|t-feallan. (At- 2.)

At-fleon, v. to flee away, NED; atfliA3/4,pr. s., S.—­AS. A|t-flA(C)on.(At- 2.)

At-fore, prep. before, NED; atuore,S2; etforen, S; afore, NED.—­AS.A|t-foran. (At- 1.) Cf. Afore.

At-gangen, v. to go away, MD; atgo,MD, NED. (At- 2.)

Ath, sb. oath, S; see Oth.

Athamaunte, sb. adamant, C; see Adamant.[Addition]

Athamant; see Adamant.

Athel, adj. and sb. of good birth,noble, a lord, NED, S, S2; hathel, NED, S2;hathill, NED; hatell, NED.—­AS.A|A deg.ele, eA deg.ele: OS. eAdeg.ili: O. Teut. *_aA3/4alis_, of good family,from *_aA3/4al_, race, family; cp. OHG. adal(Otfrid).

AA3/4eling, sb. a member of a noblefamily, a noble, a prince of the blood royal, NED;eA3/4elyng, S.

A-A3/4estrien, v. to darken, S.—­AS. Ai-A3/4A(C)ostrian. (A- 1.)

A-A3/4et, conj. until that, S. See Oth.

At-holden, v. to withhold, retain, S;athA|lde, S; ethalden, S; athalde,S; etholden, S; ethalt, pr. s.,S; atheold, pt. s., S; atholde,pp., S.—­AS. A cubedA deg.-healdan.(At- 2.)

Atiffen, v. to adorn, deck the person,S.—­OF. atiffer, cp. atifer(Cotg.) (A- 7.)

Atisen, v. to stir up, urge, entice,NED attyse, HD; attice, NED.—­OF.atiser, to kindle (Bartsch); Late Lat. attitiare,from ad + titium (for titio) a brand(Voc.), see Ducange, s.v. atticinari.For the change of ti into soft s as wellas into ASec. see Brachet, s.v. agencer.(A- 7.)

Atlien, v. to think, suppose, intend,to direct one’s way, to go, MD; attle,MD; attele, S2; etlien, MD; etteleden,pt. pl., S2.—­Icel. A|tla(etla); related to OHG. ahtA cubedn,to consider.

Atlinge, sb. purpose, conjecture, MD;etlunge, S.

At-reden, v. to outdo in counsel, C,NED. (At- 2.)

At-rennen, v. to run away, to surpassin running, C, MD; att-rann, pt. s.,S; at-ornde, NED. (At- 2.)

At-rinen, v. to touch, to befall, NED;att-ryne, MD.—­AS. A|t-hrA-nan.(At- 1.)

At-routen, v. to rush away, escape,S2; at-ruten, NED. From AS. hrAtan.(At- 2.)

At-Scheoten, v. to shoot away, MD; atschet,pt. s., S; atschote, pp.NED. (At- 2.)

At-Stonden, v. to withstand, S; ed-*stonden,S, NED. (At- 2.)

At-Stonden, v. to remain, to stop, NED,S2; etstonden, NED; atstonde, pp.,S.—­AS. A|t-standan. (At- 1.)

Att-; see At-.

Attame, v. to broach, to cut into, HD,C2; see Atamen.

Atteir, sb. attire, S3; see Atyre.[Correction]

Atter, sb. poison, venom, esp. of reptiles,NED, S; hatter, NED.—­AS. attor,for *_Aitor, Aitr_, (Voc.); cp. OHG. eitar,eittar (Otfrid).

Atter-coppe, sb. spider, NED, S; attercop,HD.—­AS. attor-coppa.

Atter-lich, adj. venomous, bitter; atterluche,NED.

Atter-liche, adv. bitterly, NED.

Atter-lothe, sb. an antidote to poison,applied spec. to various plants, NED, Voc., HD.—­AS.attor-lAiA deg.e.

Attern, adj. venomous, cruel, HD, NED;hatterne, NED.—­AS. A|ttern, A|ttren.See Atter.

Attice, v. to stir up, NED; see Atisen.

Attour, sb. array, dress, head-dress,HD; atour, NED; aturn, S.—­OF.atour, aturn, from aturner, atorner;Lat. ad + tornare, to round off.

Attri, adj. venomous, S, HD; attri3*,NED; wattri, S2.—­AS. A|ttrig.See Atter.

A-tweyne, in twain, PP. (A- 2.)

At-witen, v. to reproach, twit, S.—­AS. A|t-wA-tan. (At- 1.)

At-witen, v. to depart, NED; atwot,pt. s., MD. (At- 2.)

A-two, in two, S2, C2, C3, PP; ato,S2. (A- 2.)

A-twynne, in two, apart, W, G, PP; atwinne,C3; atwynny, W; otwinne, S; otwyn,H. (A- 2.)

Atyre, sb. equipment, dress, head-dress,PP, Cath.; atir, S2; atteir, S3; atyr,HD.

Atyren, v. to attire, NED; atyred,pp., PP; atired, PP; tyred, S2.—­OF. atirer. (A- 7.)

Aual, imp. s. fell, cause to fall, S;see A-fallen. [Addition]

Auchtene, num. eighteen, S3; see Eightene.

Aucte, sb. property, S; see Auhte.

Auctoritee, sb. authority, C2, C3; autorite,S3; auctorite, C.—­AF. autorite,auctorite; Lat. auctoritatem.

Auctour, sb. author, C, C2, HD; auctor,S3; autour, S3, NED.—­AF. autour;Lat. auctorem, from augere, to make togrow, to originate.

Augrim, sb. arithmetic, S; see Algorisme.

Auh, conj. but, S; see Ac.

Auht, adj. worthy, valiant, doughty,NED (s.v. aught); a3*t, S2, MD; oht,S; aht, NED; A|ht, MD.—­AS.Aiwiht (Aiht). Cf. Ought.

Auhte, sb. possessions, NED; auht,S2; ahte, S2; eahte, MD; ahhte,S; agte, S, S (15. 2090); eihte, MD,S; echte, S; ehte, S; eyhte,S; aihte, S; ayhte, S; aucte,S; aght, S2.—­AS. A|*ht:Goth. aihts. See Owen..

Auhte, pt. s. ought, S; aucte,owned, S; see Owen. [Addition]

Aul, sb. an awl; aule, NED; owel,S; aules, pl., S.—­AS. awel(Voc.); cp. OHG. ala (G. ahle).

Aulf, sb. elf, SkD; auph, SkD;awf, HD; ouphe, Sh.; oaf, SkD.—­Icel.Ailfr. Cf. Elf.

Aumener, sb. an alms-purse, a purse,NED, HD.—­OF. aumoniere; Low Lat.*_almosinaria_ (bursa).

Aumoner, sb. almoner, alms-giver, NED;aumonere, S2, NED; aumenere, HD; amner,HD.—­OF. aumoner; Church Lat. *_almosinarius_,from *_alimosina_. See Almesse.

Aun-; see An-.

Auncel, sb. a kind of balance and weight,NED, S2, PP; auncer, PP; auncere, P,HD.—­AF. auncelle for *_launcelle_;Late Lat. lancella (cp. It. lancella),‘a kind of measure,’ (Florio); dim. ofLat. lanx (lancem), a plate, a scaleof a balance.

Auncessour, sb. ancestor, NED; ancessour,NED, HD.—­AF. ancessur; Lat. antecessorem.

Aunceter, sb. predecessor, ancestor,NED, S2, CM; ancestre, NED; auncestre,NED; aunsetters, pl., NED, HD; aunceteres,HD.—­AF. auncestre, ancestre; Lat.ante-cessor.

Auncien, adj. old, whilom, ex-; sb.an old man, an elder (title of dignity), a seniormember of an Inn of Court, NED; auncient, S3(25. 136), HD.—­AF. auncien, OF. ancien;Late Lat. antianum (cp. It. anziano),for ante-anum, from Lat. ante, before.

Auncre, sb. anchoress, nun, S2; seeAncre.

Aunder, sb. afternoon, HD; see Undern.

Aunders-meat, sb. afternoon’scollation, Cotg. (s. v. recinA(C)), HD.Cp. Goth. undaurni-mats.

Aungel, sb. angel, messenger, W; aunge,HD; aungeles., pl., S2, C3; aungels,W2 (Ps. 90. 11).—­AF. angele.Cf. Angel, Engel.

Auntour, sb. chance, adventure, S2;aunter, S3. Comb.: anaunter,for an aunter, a chance [Correction], S2; seeAuenture.

Auntren, v. to adventure, S3, G, PP.—­OF.aventurer.

Auntrous, adj. adventurous, C2, PP.

Auote, adv. on foot, S2; see A-fote.[Addition]

Auter, sb. altar, S, S2, C, C2, C3,P, W, W2; awter., S3, HD.—­OF. auter,alter; Lat. altare.

Autorite, sb. authority, C; see Auctoritee. [Addition]

Autour, sb. author, S3; see Auctour.[Correction]

Au- (Av-); see Af-

Auailen, v. to avail, PP; auail3*e,B; auaille, C2, PP, S2; auayle, PP,Prompt.; awayled, pt. s., S2.—­Cp.OF. vail(l)e, from valoir; Lat. ualere.

Aualen, v. to descend, to lower, MD,S2, S3, B; availl,B; availed, pp.,S3.—­OF. avaler, from phr. A val;Lat. ad uallem, to the valley. (A- 7.)

Auarous; see Auerous.

Auaunce, v. to advance, NED, S3, C,C3, P; awance, S3; avaunset, pp.,S2; auanced, S2.—­OF. av[*u?]ancer.

Auauncement, sb. advancement, G; auancement,S2.

Auaunt, adv., and interj. forward,away, NED.—­AF. avaunt, OF. avant;Late Lat. ab-ante.

Avaunt, sb. boast, vaunt, C, NED. SeeAuaunten.

Auauntage, sb. superiority, advantage,NED, S3, C; auantage, S2, C3.—­AF.avantage, from avant, before.

Avaunten, v. to speak proudly of, tocommend, to boast, NED, W2.—­OF. avanter;Lat. ad + Late Lat. vanitare, to boast.(A- 7.)

Avauntour, sb. boaster, C; auaunter,NED.—­OF. avanteur. (A- 7.)

Auentaille, sb. the moveable front ofa helmet, C2, HD.—­AF. aventaille,OF. esventail; Late Lat. *_exventaculum_, airhole.(A- 9.)

Auente, v to get air by opening theaventaille, HD, NED.

Auenture, sb. chance, a chance occurrence,jeopardy, S, S3, C, C3, G, PP; auentur, S2;auntour, S2; aunter, S3, PP; antur,MD; eventour, HD. Comb.: anauenture, lest perchance, PP; on auenture,in case, PP; anaunter, for an aunter,S2; in auenture, PP.—­AF. aventure;Lat. aduentura, a thing about to happen. (A-7.)

Auer, sb. property, a beast of burden,HD.—­AF. aver (pl. avers);OF. aveir (avoir); Lat. habere, to have.

Auere; see Afure.

Auerous, adj. greedy, H, HD, CM; auerouse,W, W2, PP; auarous, S2, PP, NED—­OF.averus. See Auer.

Auerylle, sb. April, NED; aueril,S2; auerel, PP.—­OF. avril;Lat. aprilis, from aperire. SeeApert.

A-ulem imp. s. drive away, S; see Aflemen.

Auoide, v. to empty, to make of no effect,to make void, to remove, to move away, retire, toavoid, NED, W; auoyde, W; auoyd, WW,Sh.; auoided, pp., W, W2.—­AF.avolder; OF., esvuidier; es,out +_vuidier_, to empty. (A- 9.)

Avouter, sb. adulterer, W2; avowtere,Prompt.—­OF. avoutre, aAutre; Lat.adulterum. For intercalated v seeBrachet (s. v. corvA(C)e).

Avoutrer, sb. adulterer, HD; auoutreris,pl., W; avowtreris, W2.

Avoutresse. sb. adulteress, W.—­OF.avoutresse.

AvoutrAe, sb. adultery, PP, CM, W, HD;avoutry, Cath.; avowtrie, NED, W; avowtery,NED; auowtries, pl., W.—­OF.avoutrie, aAuterie, aA1/4lterie; Lat. adulterium.

Auowe, sb. vow, S3, PP, Prompt.; auow,S2, C, C3, G; auou, PP; auowis, pl.,W, W2.

Avowen, v. to bind with a vow, NED,W (Acts. 23. 14), P.—­OF. avoer;Late Lat. advotare, from Lat. uotum;from uouere. (A- 7.)

Avowen, v. to call upon or own as defender,patron, or client, to avow, acknowledge, NED, S3,C3, PP.—­AF. avower, OF. avouer,avoer; Lat. ad-vocare. (A- 7.)

Avowry, sb. patronage, a patron saint,NED; vorie, NED.—­AF. avouerie,from OF. avoeor; Lat. aduocatorem.

Avoy, interj. exclamation of surprise,fear, remonstrance, NED, C, HD.—­OF. avoi.

Auys, sb. opinion, advice, C3; avise,PP.—­OF. avis.

Auyse, v. to observe, consider, giveadvice, S2, C2, C3, H, PP; auisen, PP, S2.—­AF.aviser; Late Lat. advisare. (A-7.)

Auysely, adv. advisedly, H; auisili,W.

Auysem*nt, sb. consideration, C2; auisem*nt,S2.

Auysyon, sb. vision, S3; auision,C, S2.—­OF. avision (Bartsch).

Aw-; see Au-. [Addition]

A-wakenen, v. intrans. to awake, S;awakenin, S; awakened, pp., S.—­AS.on-wA|cnan. (A- 2.)

A-wakien, v. intrans. to awake, S; awalk(for awakk?), imp., S3;~awoik~,pt. s., S3; awoilk (forawoikk?), S3.—­AS. awacian(for on-wacian). (A- 2.)

Awarien; see Awerien.

A-way, adv. on way, onward, along, away(froma place), NED; awai, PP; awezz, S; awei,S; ewei, S2; owai, S2; aweye,C3, PP; away, interj. away, S2, NED.—­AS.aweg, on weg. (A- 2.)

Awayte, v. to await, watch, S2, S3,PP; awaite, PP; awaitie, NED.—­AF.awaitier; OF. aguaitier. (A- 7.)

Awayte, sb. a lying in wait, watching,NED, C.—­AF. await; OF. aguait.

Away-ward, adv., adj. turned away, wayward,NED, PP awaywarde passing away, H.

Awe, sb. awe, C,C2; aze, NED.—­Icel.agi (O.Teut. *_agon_). Cf. E3*e.

A-wecchen, v. to arouse out of sleep,NED,HD; aweihte, pt. s., NED; a-weightte,HD; aweht, pp., NED.—­AS. Ai-weccan;cp. OHG, ar-wekkan (Tatian): Goth.uswakjan. (A- I.)

A-weden, v. to become mad, S2, NED.—­AS.Ai-wA(C)dan. (A- I.)

A-wei, interj. ah woe! alas! S.

A-welden, v. to control, S, NED,—­AS. gewealdan. (A-6.)

A-wenden, v. to go away, NED.—­AS. Ai-wendan. (A- I.)

A-wenden, v. to change to, NED; awente,pt. s., S.—­AS. on-wendan.(A- 2.)

A-werien, v. to curse, S; awariede,pt. s., S.—­AS. Ai-wergian.(A- I.)

A-We3*en, v. to weigh out, NED; awiAdeg.hst, 2 pr. s., S.—­AS. Ai-wegan.(A- I.)

A-winnen, v. to win, NED; awynne,S.—­AS. Ai-winnan. (A- I.)

Awke, adj. turned the wrong way, sinister,perverse, NED, Prompt.—­Icel. afugr.

Awke-ward, adv. in the wrong direction,NED; awkwart, S3.

Awnen, v. to show, NED; awwnenn,S.—­Related to OHG. ougen, to show(Otfrid); from ougAi, eye. See At-ewen.

A-Wondrien, v. to be astonished, NED;awondered, pp., S2.—­AS. of-wundrian.(A- 3.)

A-wreken, v. to take vengeance, to avenge,NED, S2, P; awreke, pp., S, G, PP; awroke,P.—­AS. Ai-wrecan. (A- I.)

Axen, sb. ashes, S. Comb.:axe-waddle, an indolent stay-at-home, HD; seeAsche.

Axen, v. to ask, S, S2, S3, C2, C3,W, W2; axien, S2; see Asken.

Axer, sb. asker, W. Phr.:maistirful axer (= Lat. exactor), W;axere, W2.

Axinge, sb. Asking, C3; axyngis,pl., W, W2.

Ay, adv. ever, S, S2, S3, C2, H; ai,S, S2; a3*3*, S.—­Icel. ei.Cf. O.

Ay, sb. egg, G, HD; ayren, l.,MD; see Ey.

Ayel, sb. grandfather, forefather, C;ayeles, pl., PP.—­OF. aA-el,aA-ol:Pr. aviol; Late Lat. aviolus, dimin.of Lat. auus; see Brachet.

Ayen, prep., adv. against, back, S;see A3*ein.

Ayen-wende, v. to return, S.

Aynd, sb. breath, B; see Onde.[Addition]

Aynding, sb. smelling, B; see Onding.[Addition]

Ayr, sb. oar, B; see Ore. [Addition]

Ay-where, adv. everywhere, S2, NED;aywhere, H; aywhor*, S2; aiware,S; aihware, S; aihwer, SD.—­AS.A|-g-hwA|r. Cf. O-wher.

A-3*efen, v. to give, give up, giveback, MD, S; a3*euen, MD; a3*iuen, MD;a3*eoue, S; a3*af pt. s., S; a-iauen,pl., S.—­AS, Ai-gifan. A-I.)

A-3*ein, prep., adv., conj, oppositeto, towards, against, in return for, again, PP, S,S2, G; a3*eyn, PP, S2; a3*en, PP, S,S2, G, W, W2; agayn, S2, S3, C2, PP; agen,S; ayen, S; ageyn, S, S3, C2,PP; a3*ain,S; ayeyn, S, C2; a3*ean, S; a3*on,MD; agon, S; a3*ien, S; a3*eo,S; a3*e, S2; aye, S2; igain,S2; o3*ein, MD; ogain, MD.—­AS.ongA(C)an, ongeagn, see Sievers, 214,3. (A- 2.)

A-3*eines, prep, and conj, against,contrary to, in return for, PP, S; a3*eynes,PP; a3*enes, S, S2; agenes, S; agA|nes,S; a3*ens, S2, W, W2, PP; a3*eins, PP;a3*eyns, PP; ayeins, C2; ageyns,S3, C2; agayns, C2, C3, PP; igaines,S2; o3*eines, S; oganis, S2; ogaines,S2; ogaynes, S2; onn3*A|ness, S. (A-2.)

A-3*eAnst, prep, and conj, against,MD; a3*eynst, PP.

A3*en, v. to have, to be obliged, toowe, S; see Owen.

A3*en, adj. own, S; see Owen.

A3*en, prep., adv. against, back,S; see A3*ein.

A3*en-bien, v. to buy back, NED, W2;a3*eenbieth, pr. s., S2; a3*enboght,pt. s. S2; a3*enbou3*t, W, W2.

A3*en-biere, sb. redeemer, NED, W, W2.

A3*en-biyng, sb. redemption, NED, W.

A3*en-clepe, v. to recall, W, W2.

A3*en-fi3*tinge, pr. p. fighting against,W.

A3*en-risyng, sb. resurrection, NED.

A3*en-seyen, v. to say nay, to contradrict,NED; a3*enseie, W, W2.

A3*en-Stonden, v. to withstand, NED,W; a3*enstood, pt. s., W2.

A3*en-ward, adv. backward, in reply,over again, NED, W, S3; a3*einward, S2; agaynward,S2, C3.

A-3*er, in the year, S2. (A- 2.)

A3*te, num. eight, S2; a3*t,S2; see Eighte.

A3*t-sum, adj. eight in all, S2.

Ba, adj. and conj. both, S.—­AS.bAi, both.

Baar, pt. s. bare, carried, C, W; seeBeren.

Babelen, v. to babble, P.

Babelyng, sb. babbling, S3.

Baber-lipped, adj. having thick lips,P, Prompt.

Babishe, adj. babyish, S3.

Bacheler, sb. a bachelor, an unmarriedman, C, C2; a novice in the church, or arms, youngknight, P.—­OF. bacheler.

Bachelerie, sb. state of bachelor, CM,MD; bachelrye, company of young men, C2.—­OF.bachelerie.

Bacin, sb. basin, cymbal, a light helmet,MD; bacyn, helmet, MD.—­OF. bacin.

Bacinet, sb. helmet, MD; bacenett,Prompt.; basnetes, pl., S3.—­OF.bacinet.

Bacoun, sb. bacon, C, PP; bacon,PP.—­OF. bacon.

Bad, pt. s.. prayed, S; see Bidden.

Bad, pt. s. bade, C2; see Beoden.

Badde, adj. bad, PP; badder,comp. worse, C2.

Baddeliche, adv. badly, PP, HD.

Bade, pt. s. remained, S3; see Biden.

Bagage, sb. dregs, refuse, S3; baggage,ND.

Baid, pt. pl. remained, S3; see Biden.

Baie, in phr.: to baie,at bay, S2; see Bay.

Baili, sb. stewardship, villicatio,W; baillye, power of a bailiff, G.—­OF.bailie, power.

Baili, sb. steward, villicus,W; baillif, bailiff, C; bailliues, pl.,bailiffs, P; bayllyues., P.—­OF. baillif.

Baill, sb. sorrow, S3; see Bale.

Bair, adj. bare, S3; see Bare.

Bairnis, sb. pl. bairns, S3; see Barn.

Baiten, v. to feed, C2, S3; bayte,S2, C3.—­Icel. beita.

Bak, sb. back, PP, C; cloth for theback, cloak, coarse mantle, C3; bac, S.—­AS.bA|c.

Bak-biten, v. to backbite, slander,P.

Bak-bAtere, sb. backbiter, S.

Bak-bitynge, sb. backbiting, P.

Baken, v. to bake, MD; boke,pt. s., MD; book, MD; baken,pp., P; bakenn, S; bake, C, C2,P; y-baken, P; y-bake, P.—­AS.bacan.

Bakere, sb. baker, MD; bakers,pl., PP.

Bakestere, sb. baker, P; baxter,NED, P.—­AS. bA|cestre, woman-baker(also used of men).

Bald; see Bold.

Balde, pt. s. encouraged, S; see Bolden.

Bale, sb. sorrow, misfortune, death,S, C3; destruction, S2; baill, S3; bales,pl., evils, torments, H; balys, S3.—­AS.bealu.

Bale-drinch, sb. a deadly drink, S.

Bale-ful, adj. baleful, evil, MD.—­AS.bealoful

Bale-fully, adv. miserably; balfully,S2, MD.

Balene, sb. whale, S2, Voc.—­Lat.balaena.

Bali, adj. grievous, S, NED.—­AS.bealu, baleful: Goth, balws (incompounds).

Balies, sb. pl. bellies, S2, PP; seeBely.

Balke, sb. balk, beam, ridge, MD; balks,pl. ridges, divisions of land, S3; balkes,P.—­AS. balca.

Balled, adj. bald, C, PP; ballede,S2, PP.

Baly; see Bely.

Ban, sb. bone, S, S2; banes,pl., S2; see Bon.

Band, pt. s. bound, S; see Binden.

Bane, sb. destruction, death, bane,poison, PP, C; bone, PP.—­AS. bana,bona.

Banere, sb. banner, S, PP, Prompt.;baner, S2, C, PP.—­OF. baniere.

Banere, sb. banner-bearer, NED.—­OF.banere; Low Lat. bannator; from bannum,bandum, standard.

Baneur, sb. banner-bearer, S2; see Banyour.

Bank, sb. a bank, tumulus, PP; bonk,S2; bonkis, pl., S3; bonkez,S2.

Bannen, v. to ban, curse, summon, S2,S3, P; to forbid, prohibit severely, P; bonnen,MD; i-banned, pp., S.

Bannyng, sb. cursing, H.

Ban-wort, sb. bone-wort, S3, MD; seeBon.

Banyour, sb. banner-bearer, MD, S2;banyowre, Prompt.; banyer, MD; baneur,S2, NED; baneoure, PP.—­AF. baneour,OF. baneor; Low Lat. bannatorem_.

Baptym, sb. baptism, S2, W; baptimys,pl. W.—­OF. baptisme.

Bar, pt. s. bare, S, S2, C2; see Beren.

Barayn, adj. barren, S3; see Bareyne.

Barbarik, sb. barbarian, W.

Barbarus, sb. barbarian, W.

Barberyns, sb. pl. heathen men, W.

Barbour, sb. barber, C, NED; barboure,Prompt.—­AF. barbour, OF. barbeor;Late Lat. barbatorem.

Barbre, adj. barbarous, S2, C3.

Bare, sb. bier, S; see Beere.

Bare, sb, a wave, billow, NED, S2 (8b.38); beres, pl., NED; bieres,MD; beares, MD.—­Icel. bAira.

Bare, sb. boar, S2; see Boor.

Bare, adj. bare, simple, single, sheer,S, C; bair, bare, worn alone, S3. Comb.:baruot, barefoot, S.

Bare, sb. the open country, S; nakedskin, W.

Barel, sb. barrel, C2.—­OF.baril.

Baren, v. to make bare, uncover, S,MD; y-bared, pp., S3.—­AS.barian.

Baret, sb. deceit, strife, NED; barrat,confusion, S3.—­OF. barat, fraud;cp. Icel. barAitta, a contest.

Bareyne, adj. barren, C, C2, PP; bareyn,W2; barayn, S3.—­OF. baraigne.

Bare3*, sb. a barrow-pig, S; see Barowe.

Bargane, sb. business, strife, combat,S2; bargayn, bargain, PP; bargeynes,pl., PP.—­OF bargaine.

Barly, sb. barley, MD, PP; barlic,S.

Barm, sb. bosom, S3, C2; berm,S.—­AS. bearm.

Barmkyn, sb. rampart, S3; barnekin,the outermost wall of a castle, HD; barnekynch,MD.

Barmkyn-wall, sb. rampart-wall, S3.

Barn, sb. bairn, child, S, S2, H, PP;bern, S; barne, S3, P; bearnes,pl., S; bairnis, S3.—­AS. bearn.

Barnage, sb. childhood, S2, MD.

Barnen, v. to burn, S, S2; see Bernen,Brennen.

Barnhede, sb. childhood, H, PP.

Barn-site, sb. sorrow felt for a child,S2, NED.—­Icel. barn-sAt.

Barn-team, sb. offspring, a family ofchildren, MD; barntem, S2.—­AS. bearn-tA(C)am.

Baronage, sb. the men, vassals of afeudal chief, S; assembly of barons, S2, C3; barnage,MD.—­OF. barnage, Low Lat. baronagium.

Baroun, sb. baron, lord, PP; baronys,pl. PP.—­OF. baron, acc.of bers, a man, a male.

Barowe, sb. barrow-pig, MD; bare3*,S, NED.—­AS. bearh.

Barrat, sb. confusion, S3; see Baret.

Barre, sb. bar of a door, C; bar ofjustice, G, PP; barres, pl., ornamentof a girdle, C, PP.—­OF. barre.

Barste, pt. s., burst, S2, PP; see Bresten.

Baselarde, sb. dagger, MD, PP, Prompt.;Baslard, PP—­AF. baselarde.OF. basalart (cp. Low Lat. bassilardus).Probably from Late Lat. badile, a billhook;see NED.

Basnetes, sb. pl., helmets, S3; seeBacinet.

Bataille, sb. battle, S, PP; bataile,PP; batayle, S2, C, PP; batayls, pl.battalions, S3.—­OF. bataille.

Bataillen, v. to embattle, fortify,MD; batailed, pt. s, PP; bataylld,pp. embattled, C.—­OF. bataillier.

Baten, v. to bate, abate, grow less,S2, MD; see Abaten.

Bateren, v. to batter, beat, pat, PP.—­OF.bat-, stem of batre, with freq. suffix_-er_.

BaA3/4e, adj. and conj. both,S, S2; see Bothe.

BaA3/4iere, sb. water-pot, S.

Batte, sb. club, staff, bat, Prompt.,Voc.; battis, pl., W.—­OF.batte.

Battill, adj. rich for pasture, S3,JD; battle, HD.

Baudekyn, sb. a gold-embroidered stuffnamed from Bagdad, MD; bawdekyn, Prompt.; baudkin,S3.—­OF. baudequin; Low Lat. baldakinus,from It. Baldacco, Bagdad.

Bauderye, sb. unchastity, foul conversation,MD; pandering, CM; bawdry, S3.

Bauderyk, sb. baldric, MD; bawderyke,Prompt.; bawdryk, C, Voc.

Baudry, sb. baldric, NED.—­OF.baudrei, baldrei.

Baudy, adj. dirty, C3, P, Palsg.

Bauld; see Bold.

Baundoun, sb. discretion, freewill,power, S2; baundon, CM.—­OF. bandon;Low Lat. *_bandonem_, from bandum for annum,public proclamation.

Bausand, adj. marked with white, NED.—­OF.bausant; cp. Prov. bausan, It. balzano.

Bauson, sb. badger, MD; bawsone,Prompt; bawsyn, Voc.; bausenez, pl.S2; baucynes, MD. See above.

Bawd, pt. s. bade, commanded, S3; seeBeoden.

Bawe-lyne, sb. bowline, HD, S2; seeBowe-lyne.

Baxtere, sb. female baker, PP; see Bakestere.

Bay, sb. noise made by the united songsof birds, S3; barking of dogs, MD, HD. Phr,:to baie, at bay, S2.—­Cp. OF.abaier, to bark.

Bayard, sb. a bay horse, a horse, P,CM; baiardes, pl., P. Phr.:blynde bayardes, i.e. foolish people, lit.blind horses, HD, S3, MD, ND.—­Cp.Low Lat. baiardus.

Bayn, adj. ready, willing, obedient,fair, pleasant, easy, good, NED; bayne, Manip.;beyn, Prompt., S3.—­Icel. beinn.

Bayne, sb. bath, S3.—­OF.bain.

Bayske, adj. bitter, H, MD; bask,MD, HD, JD; be3*3*se, MD.—­Icel.beiskr.

Be-, prefix. See in many casesBi- words.

Beade; see Bidden.

Bearnen;; see Bernen.

Bearyng in hand, sb. cajolery, S3; seeBeren.

Be-bedden, v. to supply with a bed,S.

Beche, sb. valley, S; bA|ch,MD; bache, NED.

Be-chece, v. to choke, stifle, S, NED.

Bedde, sb. bed, PP.—­AS. bedd.

Bedde-Strawe, sb. bed, couch, stratum,Voc.; bedstre, W2.

Bede, sb. prayer, S, H, PP; beode,S; beyde, S3; bedes, pl.S2, S3, P; beads, C; beades, S3.—­AS.(ge)_bed_.

Bedel, sb. messenger, herald, crier,beadle, H, P; bedeles, pl. S, H;bedelles, P.—­OF. bedel; cp.AS. bydel. Cf. Budele.

Bede-man, sb. beadsman, one who praysfor another, P; beodemon. S2, NED; beodeman,PP.

Beden, v. to command, to offer, S, S2,S3, C2; beode, S2; bedden, S; bidden,S; beot, pr. s. S; byt, C;bet, S; bead, pt. s., bed,S, S2; bawd, S3; bad, C2, S2; boden,pl. S; beden, S3; bode, S2;bede, pp. S2; bode, bodun,invited, W; bodyn, S2; bidde, C3.—­AS.bA(C)odan.

Note that many of the above forms are confused withthose of the verb Bidden.

Bede-sang, sb. the singing of the prayers,S, NED.

Bedred, adj. lying in bed, bedridden,CM, PP; bedreden, S2, P; bedrede, PP.—­AS.bedreda and bedrida (Voc.).

Be-drenchen, v. to drench completely;be-dreynt, pt. pl, S3; pp.MD.

Bed-roll, sb. catalogue, ND. SeeBeyde-roule.

Bee, sb. bee, Voc.; been, pl.S3, C2, W2; beys, S3 (13. 244); bees,C2.—­AS. bA(C)o.

Bee-; see Be-.

Beek, sb. beak, C2; bec, S; beekis,pl. PP.—­OF. bec.

Beem, sb. beam, C, PP; beom,S; bem, MD.—­AS. bA(C)am, tree,plank.

Beere, sb. bier, W, CM, MD; beer,C; bare, S, MD; beare, S3; bere,HD, MD; byears, pl. S3.—­AS.bA|*r; cp. OF. biere.

Beest, sb. beast, C, PP; best,PP, C, S, S2; bestes, pl. S, S2;beestes, S2.—­OF. beste; Lat.bestia.

Beestli, adj. animal, W.

Beeten, v. to beat, W2, CM; beten,S, C; bet, pr. s. P; bet,imp. s. S2; beot, pt. s.P; beet, PP; bet, S3, PP; bette,P; beten, pl. S; beeten,W2; beten, pp. C2, G; bete,C2; betun, W2; y-beten, C2; y-bete,C; y-bette, P; i-beaten, S; ibete,C.—­AS. bA(C)atan, pt. bA(C)ot,pp. bA(C)aten.

Bege, sb. collar, S; see Bei3*.

Beggen, v. to beg, PP, C2, Prompt.,W (John 9. 8).

Beggere, sb. beggar, C, PP, W (John9.8).

Beggestere, sb. beggar, C, NED.

Be-grime, v. to smear, daub all over,S3.

Beild; see Belde.

Bei3*, sb. a ring, collar, P; by3*e,PP; bege, collar, S; bie, W2; beies,pl. circlets of metal, S; bi3*es, P;behes, PP.—­AS. bA(C)ah:Icel. baugr.

Bek, sb. brook, H, Voc., Prompt, MD;beckis, pl. H.—­Icel.bekkr.

Bekken, v. to nod, C3; beken,Prompt.; beks, pr. s. S3.

Beknen, v. to beckon, show, S; bA-kenen,W2.—­OMerc. bA(C)cnian (VP).

Bel, adj. beautiful, PP.—­OF.bel.

Belamp; see Bilimpen.

Belde, sb. protection, shelter, MD,HD; beld, S2; beild, S3, JD.—­AS.byldo, boldness, from beald. SeeBold.

Belde, adj. big, blustering, S; seeBold. [Addition]

Belden, v. to build, S3; see Bilden.

Beldinge, sb. building, S3.

Belle, sb. bell, S, C2, PP.—­AS.belle.

Bellyche, adv. beautifully. S3,MD. See Bel.

Belphegor, sb Baal Peor, H (p. 376).—­Lat. Belphegor (Vulg.).

Belt, pp. built, S3; see Bilden.[Addition]

Bely, sb. belly, bellows, MD, P; baly,S3; below, follis, Voc.; balies,pl. S2, PP.—­AS. bA|lg.

Bely-ioye, sb. belly-joy, appetite,PP.

Bel3*en, v. to swell, to be angry, MD;boll3*henn, pp. MD; i-bol3*e,S.—­AS. belgan, pt. bealh,(pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bemare, sb. trumpeter, S.—­AS.bA(C)mere.

Beme, sb. trumpet, MD, Voc.;: bemen,pl. S; beemes, C; beamous,S3.—­OMerc. bA(C)me (VP).

Bemen, v. to sound a trumpet, S, NED.

Bemyng, sb. humming of bees, S3, JD.

Ben, v. to be, PP, S, S2; been,C; bien, bienn, S; buen, S2;beo, S, S2; bi, S, S2; bue, by,S2; beonne, bienne, ger. S; beoA3/4, pr. s. S; beA3/4,buA deg., byA deg., biA deg.,S; beis, S3; bes, S2; beoA3/4,pl. S; bieA3/4, S; buA deg.,S, S2; beth, S2, S3, C2; ben, W; bes,S2; bi, pr. s. subj. S; bie,S (s.v. Ibie); beo, pl.S; beth, imp. pl. C2, S2, S3; byeA3/4,S2; ben, pp. S; been, C;bue, S2; be, S3, C; y-be, S2;iben, S; ibeon, S; ibeo, S, S2;ibe, S, S2; ibi, S.—­AS. bA(C)on.

Benam; see Binimen.

Benche, sb. bench, Prompt., PP.—­AS.benc.

Benched, pp. furnished with benches,SD; y-benched, S3.

Bend, sb. bond, MD; bendes, pl.S, G; bende, dat. S, S2, G.—­AS.bend: Goth. bandi.

Benden, v. to bend, Prompt., MD; bende,pt. s. MD; bent, MD; bend,pl. S2; y-bent, pp.S3; ye-bent, S3—­AS. bendan,to fasten a band or string to a bow.

Bene, sb. a prayer, S, S2, NED; benes,pl. S2.—­AS. bA(C)n:OTeut. bA cubedni-z, see Sievers, 268.

Bene, adj. pleasant, S, NED.

Benefet, sb. benefit, PP, MD; bynfet,PP; benfait, P; bienfetes, pl.P.—­OF. bienfet; Lat. benefactum.

Bent, sb. coarse grass, small rushes,Manip., Voc., MD, HD.—­Cp. OHG. binuz(G. binse).

Bent, sb. a moor, an open grassy place,NED, S, S3, C. See above.

Benumde; see Binimen.

Beo, BeoA3/4; see Ben.

Beo-, prefix; see Bi- words.

Beode, v. to pray, S; see Bidden.[Addition]

Beodele; see Budele.

Berd, sb. beard, S, S2, C; berde,P, G; berdes, pl. S3.—­AS.beard.

Bere, sb. beer, Prompt.; ber,S, MD.—­AS. bA(C)or.

Bere, sb. noise, S, S2, MD, HD; ber,S2.—­AS. (ge)_bA|*re_; see I-bere.

Bere, sb. bear, C, MD, PP; beres,pl. C2; beores, PP.—­AS.bera: OHG. bero.

Bere, sb. bier, HD, MD. See Beere.

Bere, sb. barley, MD; beir, S3;beris, gen., S3.—­AS. bere.

Bere-lepe, sb. basket, H; berlepe,H; barlep, basket for keeping barley in, HD.See Lepe.

Beren, v. to bear; bere, S, W;berA3/4, pr. s., S2; beoreA deg.,pl., S; bar, pt. s., S, S2, C2;bare, S2; ber, S2, C3; baar,W; bure, S3; beore, pl., S; boren,pp. born, S2; borun, W2; iboren,S; iborn, S; ibore, S, S2; y-boren,C2; y-born, C2; y-bore, S2, C2, Phr.bereth on hand, persuades, makes (him) believe,assures, S3; berth hir on hond, beareth falsewitness against her, C3.—­AS. beran.

Beren, v. to cry, make a noise, MD,HD; bere, to low as a cow, PP; see Bere.

Bergh, sb. hill, PP; berghe,PP; beruh, PP; berwe, PP; berghe,dat., P.—­AS. beorg; cp.OIr. bri (Windisch).

Beriall, adj. blueish-green, beryl-coloured,S3, See Beril.

Berie, sb. berry, C; bery, Prompt.;beries, pl. grapes, S, PP,—­AS.berige.

Berien, v. to pierce, strike, MD; bery,to thresh, Cath.—­Icel. berja, tostrike; cp. Lat. ferire.

Beril, sb. beryl, MD; berel,MD.—­OF. beril; Lat. beryllus;Gr. [Greek: baerullos].

Beringe, sb. birth, behaviour, bearing,C2, S; berynge, PP; see Beren.

Berken, v. to bark, S2, PP; berkyd,pt. s., S2.—­AS. beorcan.

Berkere, sb. watch-dog, PP.

Berkyng, sb. barking, C.

Berme, sb. harm, Prompt., S; berm,C3.—­AS. beorma.

Bern, sb. a man, PP, HD; berne,PP; burn, S2; burne, S2; beorn,MD; burnes, pl., S2; biernes,P.—­AS. beorn.

Bern, sb. barn, C2, MD; beren,S (12. 263), MD; berne, S; dat., C3,W; bernes, pl., W, W2, P.—­AS.bern: O. North, ber-ern, i.e.barley-house.

Bern; see Barn.

Bernacle, sb. a snaffle for a horse,W2; barnacle, Voc., NED.

Bernake, sb. an instrument set on thenose of unruly horses, Voc.; bernak, Prompt.—­OF.bernac.

Bernake, sb. barnacle, a fabulous kindof goose, S2, MD, NED.—­OF. bernaque;cp. Low Lat. bernaca.

Bernen, v. to burn, MD, S, S2; barnen,MD, S; bearnen, S; beornen, S; birnen,S; barnde, pt. s., S2; barnd,pp., S2.—­AS. beornan.Cf. Brennen.

Bersten, v. to burst, S, C; see Bresten.[Addition]

Berstles, sb. pl. bristles, C; see Brystylle.

Berwe; see Bergh.

Berynes; see Burinisse.

Ber3*en, v. to help, deliver, preserve,NED; berwen, S; berr3*henn, S; beregeAdeg.. pr. s., S; iborhen, pp.,S; ibore3*e, S; iboruwen, S.—­AS.beorgan.

Besaunt, sb. a gold coin named fromByzantium, W, MD; besauntes, pl., S3;besauntis, W.—­OF. besant.

Besene, Besie; see Bisen.

Be-slombred, pp. dirtied, bedaubed,S3; beslombered, NED.

Besme, sb. besom, rod, Prompt.; besmes,pl., S; besyms, W; besmen, dat.,S.—­AS. besma.

Best, adj. and adv. superl. best,PP; beast, S; bezste, S.

Beste, sb. advantage, S.

Be-Steriinge, sb. bestirring, emotion,S2.

Be-swapen, pp. convicted, S.—­AS.be-swAipen, pp. of be-swAipan, to persuade.

Bet, adv. comp. better, S, C, C2, S2,G; bette, P. Phr., go bet, goas fast as you can, C3; betere, adj.and adv. S, S2; betre, S, S2; bettre,S.

Betaken, v. to betoken, S2; see Bitoknen.[Addition]

Beten, v. to amend, S, S2, P, S3; beete,to kindle, C; beyt, S3; bet, pr.s., S; betten, pt. pl., kindled,C3; bet, pp., S, S2; ibet, S.—­AS.bA(C)tan, pt. bA(C)tte, pp. bA(C)ted.See Bote.

Beten, v. to beat, S, C, PP; see Beeten.

Be-thenchinge, sb. thinking upon, meditation,S2. See Bi-A3/4enken.

Beuer, sb. beaver, S, Voc,; beuveyr,S.—­AS. befer (beofer); cp.OHG. bibar.

Beyde-roule, sb. bead-roll, prayer-roll,catalogue of persons for whom prayers are to be said,S3; beadroll, bedroll, ND. See Bede.

Beye, v. to buy, CM, C3; see Biggen.

Beye, adj. both, S2; beien, S;beyne, S.—­AS. begen.

Beyer, adj. gen. of both, PP; beire,PP, MD; beyre, MD.—­AS. begra.

Beyn, adj. pliant, flexible, pleasant,S3, Prompt.; see Bayn.

Bi-, prefix, also be-, by-, beo-,b-.

Bi-bled, pp. covered with blood, C;bybled, MD; bebledd, S2, S3.

Bi-burien, v. to bury, MD; be-byrie-den,pt. pl. S; bebyried, pp.,S; bebered, S2.—­AS, bi-byrgan.

Bi-cacchen, v. to catch, ensnare, MD;bi-cauhte, pt. s., MD; bi-keihte,S; bi-cought, pp., MD.

Bi-callen, v. to accuse, summon, MD,S; becallen, MD, HD.

Bi-cause, conj. because, MD; by-cause,C.

Bicche, sb. bitch, PP; bycche,PP.

Bicched, pp. a word of doubtful meaning,applied to the basilisk, and to bones used for dice,NED, CM, C3; byched, MD; bichede, NED.

Bi-chermen, v. to scream at, S.

Bi-cherren, v. to entice, mislead, betray,S; bicharre, S; bicherd, pp.,S.—­AS. be-cerran.

Bi-clappen, v. to lay hold of suddenly,C3; beclappe, Palsg.

Bi-clarten, v. to defile, make dirty,S, NED.

Bi-clepien, v. to accuse, S; bicleopien,S; bicleoped, pp., S.—­AS.be-cleopian.

Bi-clippen, v. to embrace, W, W2; bi-clipped,pt. s. wrapped (him) round, S3; by-clypped,pp. surrounded, S2; bi-clippid, W.—­AS.bi-clippan.

Bi-clusen, v. to enclose, S.—­AS.be-clyAsan.

Bi-Colmen, v. to blacken with soot,S, NED (p. 722a), MD. See Culme.

Bi-Comen, v. to come, go to, to befall,to become, befit, suit, PP, S2, S; bycome,PP, S2; bicom, pt. s., S; bycam,PP; bicome, pp., S2; bycome,S2; becomen, S3; bicumen, S.—­AS.be-cuman.

Bi-cumelich, adj. comely, becoming,MD; bicumeliche, adv. becomingly, S.

Bi-daffed, pp. befooled, C2; bedaffed,NED.

Bidden, v. to beg, pray, ask, S, S2,PP; bydde, S2; beode, S; bit,pr. s., S, P; byd, S2; bad, pt.s., S, S2, PP; bede, subj., PP;beade, S; beden, pp. S; ibeden,S.—­AS. biddan.

Note that some of the above forms are due to a confusionwith those of the verb Beden.

Biddere, sb. asker, PP; bidders,pl. beggars, S2, P.

Biddinge, sb. prayer, S; biddynge,begging, P.

Biden, v. to bide, remain, PP; byden,S2, PP; bod, bode, pt. s., S2; bade,S3; baid, pl. abode, lived, S3.—­AS.bA-dan.

Bidene, adv. together, S; at once, S2;bedene, NED; bydene, S2.

Bi-draueled, pp. slobbered, coveredwith grease, P.

Bie, sb. collar, W2; see Bei3*.

Bienfet; see Benefet.

Biennales, sb. pl. biennials, biennialcommemorations of the dead, P.

Bierne, sb. man, PP, HD; see Bern.

Bi-fallen, v. to befall, C; biualle,S; biful, pt. s. befell, S; byfyl,S2; befyl, S2; byfel, byfil, C; bifil,bifel, C2; bi-felde, W2; bifalle,pp. befallen, S, S2, C; bifelde, W2;biualle, S.—­AS. be-feallan.

Bi-flen, v. to fly from, S.—­AS.be-flA(C)on.

Bi-fleten, v. to flow round; biflette,pt. s., S, NED (p. 721 a).

Bi-foren, prep, before, S, C2; biuoren,S; byuoren, S; beforen, S; biforn,S2, C2, C3; bifore, S; bifor, S; befor,S2; beforne, S3.—­AS. bAforan.

Big, adj. big, C2; byg, PP; bigg,wealthy, S2, MD; bygge, pl., PP.

Bigat; see Bi3*eten.

Biggen, v. to till, dwell, build, MD,PP, S (5. 1611); byggen, PP; biggand,pr. p., H.—­Icel. byggja; cp.AS. bAgian.

Biggen, v. to buy, S3, P; buggen,S, S2, PP; bygge, PP; beggen, MD; beye,C3; bij, S2; bye, S2; by, C3;bie, W2; buyeA3/4, pr. s., PP;buA3/4, S; bies, redeems, S2; bohte,pt. s., S; bouhte, S; bo3*te,S2; bohton, pl., S; bo3*te, S;bogt, pp., S; y-bou3*t, P.—­AS.bycgan.

Biggere, sb. buyer, W; biere,W2.

Bi-gilen, v. to beguile, S, P; bigyle,C2, C3.

Bi-ginnen, v. to begin, S, S2; bigan,pt. s., S, C2; bigon, S; bigonne,2 pt. s., C3; bigunnen, pt. pl.,S; begouth, pt. s., S2, S3; bigunnen,pp., S; begunnon, S.—­AS.be-ginnan.

Bi-gon, pp. surrounded, provided, setround, MD; be-gon, filled, S2.—­AS.begAin, pp. of begAin, to go round, surround.

Bi-greden, v. to cry out at, to lament,S; begredde, pt. pl., MD.

Bi-gripen, v. to seize, MD; be-gripe,pp., S.—­AS. be-grA-pan, tochide.

Bi-growe, pp. overgrown, S; begrowe,MD.

Bi-grucchen, v. to begrudge, murmurat, P; bygrucche, PP.

Bi-gurdel, sb. a purse, PP.—­AS.bA—­gyrdel (Matt. 10.9).

Bi-gynandly, adv. at the beginning,H. See Biginnan.

Bi-hangen, v. to deck, clothe, MD; bi-hengen,pt. pl. hung about, S.—­AS. be-hAcubedn.

Bi-healde, v. to behold; bihalden,S2; see Bi-holden. [Addition]

Bi-heden, v. to behead, MD; bi-hedide,pt. s., W; biheedid, pp., W.—­AS. be-hA(C)afdian.

Bi-heste, sb. promise, S, S2, C2, P;byheste, S2; beheste, S2; byhest,S2; bihese, S; biheest, W; bihese,pl., S.—­AS. be-hA|*s.

Bi-heten, v. to promise, S, C3, W; bihote,S, S2, P; byhote, C; beohote, S2; bihat,pr. s., S; bihet, pt. s., S, S2;bihi3*te, W; behighte, S2; behihte,S2; bihight, P; biheyhte, S; bihoten,pp., S; byhote, S2; behote, S;named, S3.—­AS. be-hAitan. SeeNED (s.v. behight).

Bi-heue, adj. profitable, S, MD.—­AS.be-hA(C)fe, necessary; from *_bihA cubedf_,utility (in behA cubedflic). See Bihouely.

Bi-hinde, prep. behind, S; adv.S2; bihynde, backwards, W2; = to come, future,C3.

Bi-holden, v. to hold, to behold, PP,C, MD; bi-healde, S; bihalden, S2; bihalt,pr. s., S; biheold, pt. s., S;beoheold, S2; bihuld, S2; biheolt,S; biholde, pp., W2, C3; beholdingewrongly used for beholden, indebted,S3.—­AS. be-healdan.

Bihote; see Biheten.

Bi-houe, sb. dat. advantage, MD; biofA3/4e,S2. Cf. Biheue.

Bi-houely, adj. behoveful, necessary,CM, MD; behouelich, S2.—­AS. be-hAcubedflic.

Bi-houeAz, pr. s. behoveth, needs, S,C2, P; behoueAz, S2; byhoueAz, S2; bihoues,S; byhoues, pr. pl., are obliged to,S2; behoued, pt. s., S; bihofte,W.—­AS. be-hA cubedfian.

Bi-huden, v. to hide, MD; by-hud,imp. s., S.—­AS. be-hA1/2dan.

Bi-iapen, v. to deceive, befool, MD;byiaped, pp., C, C3, PP.

Bijs; see Bisse.

Bikeihte; see Bicacchen.

Bikenen, v. to beckon, W2; see Beknen.

Bi-kennedd, pp. begotten, MD.

Bi-kennen, v. to commit, commend, tosignify, MD; bikenned, pt. s. recommended,S2; bekenned, S2.

Biker, sb. a fight, MD, HD.

Bikeren, v. to fight, PP, HD; bekeryn,Prompt.; byckarte, pt. pl. skirmished,S3.

Bi-knowen, v. to acknowledge, know,P, C3; byknowe, C; beknowe, S2; biknew,pt. s., C; biknewe, pl., S; biknowen,pp., favourably received, P.

BilA|de, pt. s. enclosed, S; see Bi-*leggen.[Addition]

BilA|uen, v. to remain, S; see Bi-leuen.[Addition]

Bild, sb. building, S3.

Bilden, v. to build, PP, W, CM, MD;bulden, MD; belden, MD, S3; bulde,pt. s., C, MD; bildide, W; bildiden,pt. pl., W; bilden, W2; belt,pp., S3; y-buld, S2, S3; y-beld,S3.—­Probably from AS. bold, dwelling.

Bile; see Bule.

Bi-leden, v. to use, treat, MD; biledet(for biledeA3/4), pr. pl., S.—­AS.be-lA|*dan.

Bi-lefful, adj. believing, S, MD.

Bi-leggen, v. to lay (something) on,cover, to prove, explain, MD; bileist, 2pr. s., glozest, S, MD; bilA|de, pt.s., enclosed, S.—­AS. bi-lecgan,to cover.

Bi-leue, sb. belief, S, S2, PP, C3;be-*leaue, S; byleue, PP; belaue,S; bi-*leaue, S; biliaue, S; beoleeue,S2, PP; bilefues, pl., S.—­Cp.AS. (ge)lA(C)afa.

Bileue; see Biliue.

Bi-leuen, v. to believe, PP, MD, S;beleue, S; bilefeA deg., pr. pl.,S; biliueA deg., S; bilefden, pt.pl., S.

Bi-leuen, v. to leave, forsake, renounce,HD, MD; bilef, imp. s., S, MD.—­Cp.AS. lA|*fan, to leave.

Bi-leuen, v. to remain, be left, MD,CM, C2, S2, HD; byleue, HD; bilA|uen,S; bileaue, S; bilefue, S; bleuen,S2; blefAz, pr. s., S2; bileued,pp. left remaining, G; byleued, G.—­AS.be-lA|*fan.

Bilfoder, sb. food, sustenance, S2,MD; bilfodur, NED.

Bi-liggen, v. to belong to, MD; bi-lien,pr. pl., S.—­AS. bi-licgan,to lie round.

Bi-likien, v. to make pleasing, MD;bi-liked, pp. made pleasing, S.

Bi-limpen, v. to happen, to belong to,S; belimpen, S; belamp, pt. s.,S.—­AS. be-limpan.

Bi-linnen, v. to cease, to be silent,to make to cease, MD; by-linne, G; blinnen,S, S2, C3; blyne, S3; blynne, S2; blin,S2; blan, pt. s., MD; blane, S3.—­AS.blinnan (=_be+linnan_, to cease, to be deprivedof), pt. blann (pl. blunnon), p. blunnen.

Bi-liue, adv. quickly, S, S2; bylyue,S2; belyue, S2, S3; bliue, S, S2; blyue,S3.—­AS. be lA-fe, with life.

Bi-liue, sb. food, sustenance, S (4b.102),MD; bylyue, PP; bileoue, MD; bileue,S, SD.—­AS. bigleofa; cp. OHG.bilibi.

Bi-liuen, v. to live by, S.—­AS.bi-libban.

Bille, sb. papal bull, petition, PP;see Bulle.

Bille, sb. bill, beak, S, C; bylle,Voc.—­AS. bile.

Billen, v. to peck with the bill, S.

Billet, sb. a piece of firewood; byllets,pl., S3 (26. 785). [Addition]

Bi-loken, v. to look upon, regard, MD;be-locest, 2 pr. s., S.

Bi-long on, prep, pertaining to, S.

Bi-luken, v. to enclose, lock up, imprison,include, MD; biloken, pp., S; be-*loken,S; bilouked, S2, MD.—­AS. be-*lAcan.

Bi-lyen, v. to lie against, accuse falsely,MD; belye, P; bilowen, pp., S2,P, MD.—­AS. be-lA(C)ogan, pp. belogen.

Bi-masen, v. to confuse, SkD (s.v. maze).

Bi-menen, v. to mean, to bemoan, MD,HD; bymenen, P; bemenen, S2, P; biment,pp., S.—­AS. bi-mA|*nan.

Bi-mening, sb. bemoaning, S.

Bi-mong, prep, among, S, MD.

Bi-mornen, v. to mourn over, MD, W;bimurnen, S.—­AS. bi-murnan.

Bi-mowe, v. to mock, W2.

Binam, Binom; pt. s. of Bi-nimen.[Addition]

Binden, v. to bind, S; band,pt. s., S; bond, S2, G, C2; bunden,pl., S; bunden, pp., S; bundyn,S2; bunde, ibunde, S; bounden, S, C2;y-bounde, S2, S3, C2; y-bound, S3; ibunde,S.—­AS. bindan.

Bi-nemnen, v. to declare, stipulate;by-nempt, pt. s. promised, S3.—­AS.be-*nemnan.

Bi-neA deg.e, prep, and adv.beneath, S2; byneA3/4e, C; bineA3/4en,S.—­AS. be-neoA deg.an.

Bi-nimen. v. to take from, MD; by-nymen,S; benymen, S2; bineome, pr. s. subj.deprive, S; binam, pt. s., P; binom,S2; benam, S; bynome, pp., P;benumde, S3.—­AS. be-niman.

Binne, sb. bin, chest, MD; bynne,C, Voc.—­AS. binn, manger.

Binne, adv. and prep. within,S; bynne, S2; bine, S.—­AS.binnan (for be-innan).

Bi-queste, sb. bequest, P, MD.—­Aderiv. of cwdan see NED.

Bi-quethen, v. to bequeath, MD, CM,PP; byquethen, C, G; bi-queth, pt.s., S2; biquath, PP, G.—­AS. bi-cwA(C)Adeg.an.

Bi-quide, sb. bequest, 82; bequide,MD.—­Cp. AS. cwide, a will.

Birafte; see Bireuen.

Bird, pt. s. impers. (it) behoved, S2;birrde, S; see Bureth.

Bird, sb. a young bird, MD; see Brid.

Birded, pt. pl. laid snares for birds,S3.

Bire, sb. dat. force, impetus, W; seeBur.

Bi-reden, v. reflex, to take counsel,MD; by-rad, pp. determined, resolved,S2.

Bi-reinen, v. to rain upon, bedew, MD;be-rayne, pr. pl. berain, S3; birine,subj;S; beraynde, pt. pl, S3.

Bi-reusien, v. to lament, regret, MD,S; bireused, pp. S.—­AS.be-hrA(C)owsian, to feel remorse.

Bireusunge, sb. contrition, S.

Bi-reuen, v. to bereave, C3, P; birafte,pt. s. C2; bireued, pp.,S; byreued, G; byraft, C.—­AS.bi-rA(C)afian, to deprive of.

Bi-rinnen, v. to run with moisture,MD; bi-runne, pp. bedewed with tears,S.—­AS. bi-rinnan, to run asa liquid, bi-runnen, pp.

Birle, sb. cup-bearer, MD, HD.—­AS.byrle, byrele.

Birlen, v. to pour out drink, to giveto drink, MD, JD, H, HD; bryllyn, Prompt.—­AS.byrlian; cp. Icel. byrla.

BArlynge, sb. a giving to drink; pouringout liquor, H.

Bi-rolled, pp. rolled about, S2.

Birth, sb. birth, offspring, naturaldisposition, nation, MD; burAz, MD; birAzes,pl. nations, S2, MD.—­Icel. burAdeg.r; cp. Goth. ga-baurths,birth, native country.

Birth-tonge, sb. native tongue; burA3/4-tonge,S2.

Bisay; see Bisen.

Bi-SChed, pp. besprinkled, W2.

Bi-Schetten, v. to shut up; bessette,S2; bischetten, pt. pl., PP; bishetten,P; bishette, pp., PP.

Bi-Schinen, v. to shine upon, MD; byschyne,pp. shone upon. S2.

Bischop, sb. bishop, S, PP; bisscopp,the Jewish high priest, S; bischopis, pl.chief priests, W; bissopes, S2.—­AS.biscop; Lat. episcopus.

Bi-schrewen, v. to corrupt, to curse,MD; byschrewed, pp. cursed, P.

Bi-schrichen, v. to shriek at, S.

Bi-schunien, v. to shun, MD; bisun-ien,S.

Bise, sb. the north-wind, S.—­OF.bise; cp. OHG. bA-sa.

Bi-sechen, v. to beseech, S; biseke,C2; beseken, C, S; besech, imp. s.,S; bisohte, pt. s. S; besoght,S2; biso3*te, S2; bisou3*ten, pl.pl., S2.

Bi-Segen, v. to besiege, MD; bi-segi-den,pt. pl., W2; bi-seged, pp., C2.

Bi-sem*n, v. to beseem, to appear, MD;bi-semeAz, pr. s., him bisemeA3/4, heappears, S; bisemyde, pt. s., beseemed,fitted, W; ibsemed, pp. made seemly,plausible, S (16. 842).

Bi-sen, v. to look, to behold, consider,to arrange, appoint, to manage, MD, S; besie,S; biseo, S2; bisiA deg., pr. s.,S; bise, imp., W; byse, S2; biseh,pt. s., S; bisay, S2;~beseyn~, pp.arranged; beseyne, decked; besene, equipped,S3; biseye, as in phr. yuel biseye,ill to look at, C2, richely biseye, splendidin appearance, C2.—­AS. bisA(C)on,to look about.

Bisenen, v. to give an example, MD;bisend, pp. likened, signified, S2.—­AS.bysnian. See Bisne.

Bisening, sb. example, S.—­AS.bys-nung.

Bi-Setten, v. to fill, occupy, to surround,beset, to set, place, to employ, MD, C, P; bisettiden,pt. pl., W.—­AS. bi-settan.

Bisi, adj. busy, S; see Busy.

Bisily, adv. busily, C2; bisili,W; bisiliche, S.

Bi-sitten, v. to sit close to, to presshard, MD, P; be-sA|t, pt. s. besieged,S; be-sA|tte, S.—­AS. be-sittan.

Bi-slabered, pp. beslobbered, P.

Bi-smeoruwed, pp. besmeared, S.

Bi-smer, sb. scorn, reproach, P; bi-semar,S; busemare, S2; bismare, HD; bissemare,CM; bismeres, pl., PP; bi-smares,PP.—­AS. bi-smer, insult; cp.OHG. bismer, ridicule (Otfrid).

Bi-Smitten, v. to dirty, MD; bi-smitted,pp. dirtied, S; besmet, MD.

Bi-Smotered, pp. spotted, smutted, C.

Bisne, sb. example, parable, S, MD.—­AS.bysn; Goth, busns (in anabusns);from biudan; see Douse, p. 60.

Bi-soken, sb. request, petition, MD;bisokne, NED; bi-socne, dat.,MD; bi-*socnen, dat. pl., S.

Bi-so3*te, pt. s. of Bi-sechen.[Addition]

Bi-Speken, v. to speak to, to speak,blame, to decide, resolve, MD; byspack, pt.s., G; bespayke, S3; bispeke, pp.S.—­AS. be-sprecan.

Bi-Spel, sb. parable, S.—­AS.bigspell, example, proverb, parable.

Bi-speten, v. to spit upon, W; bi-spatten,pt. pl., W; bispat, pp., W.

Bi-sprengen, v. to besprinkle, MD; bi-spreynde,pt. s. W; besprent, pp.bedewed, S3; bysprent, S3; besprint,S3; bispreynt, W2.—­AS. be-sprengan.

Bisse, sb. a stuff of fine texture,MD; bis, MD; bys, S2; bies, bijs,fine linen, W; bijs (=_byssus_ = Heb. shA(C)sh,fine linen, also Egyptian cotton), W2.—­OF.bisse; Lat. byssus; Gr. [Greek:bussos]; Heb. bAts, fine Egyptian cotton.

Bissyn, sb. fine linen(=_byssinum_),W.—­Lat.byssinum, a garment made of byssus.

Bi-Stad, pp. placed, circ*mstanced,bestead, hard bestead, sorely imperilled, overcome,MD, S2, C3; bystad, G; bistadde, CM;bistaA deg.ed, MD; bistaA deg.et, S;bi-*steaA deg.et, S. Probably from Icel. staAdeg.r, place, see NED.

Bi-Standen, v. to surround, to be busyabout, to attack, MD; bi-stod, pt. s.,S; bistode, S2; bistonden, pp.,S.—­AS. be-*standan.

Bi-steken, v. to shut out, MD; pp.,S.

Bi-striden, v. to bestride, S;~bistrood~,pt. s., C2; bystrood, G.

Bi-sunien, v. to shun, S; see Bi-schunien.

Bi-swiken, v. to betray, deceive, S,S2; beswike, S; besuiken, S.—­AS.be-swA-can.

Bi-swinken, v. to obtain by work, to,earn by labour, MD; biswynke, P.—­AS.,be-swincan.

Bisy, adj. busy, C2, P; see Busy.

Bisyhed, sb. busyhood, MD; bysyhede,S2.

Bisynesse, sb. business, W2; see Busynesse.

Bi-taken, v. to commit, entrust, S,C2, W, NED; betake, PP; beotake, PP;bytake, PP; bitaak, W; bitak,imp. s., S; bitok, pt. s., S2;bitook, C3; bytokist, 2 pt. s.,W; betoke, I pt. s., S; bitoken,pl., W; bitakun, pp. W;bitake, S2.

Bi-techen, v. to entrust, assign, S;beteche, HD; byteche, PP; biteache,S; bitache, imp. s., S; bitA|hte,pt. s.; bitahte; bitagte; bitaucte,S; bitaughte, G; byta3*t, S2; bitA|ht,pp.; bitaht; biteiht; bitagt; beteht,S.—­AS. be-tA|*can, pt. betA|*hte,pp. betA|*ht.

Bitel, adj. sharp, biting, MD.

Bitel-browed, adj. with shaggy, prominenteye-brows, S2, P; bytelbrowed, PP.

Bi-tellen, v. to clear, justify, toexpress, show, to claim, to set free, to persuade,deceive, MD, S; bitald, pp., H, MD.—­AS.be-tellan.

Biten, v. to bite, PP; byte,PP; bot, pt. s., S2, PP; bote,P.—­AS. bA-tan, pt. bAit (pl.biton), pp. biten.

Bi-teon, v. to draw over, to cover,to employ, NED; biten, MD; bitowen,pp., S; bito3*en, NED; bitogen,MD.—­AS. be-*tA(C)on.

Bi-A3/4enken, v. to think, bethink,S, W; biAzenchen, S; biAzohte, pt.s., S; biA3/4o3*te, planned, S2; biA3/4ouhte,S; beAzout, S2; biAzoht, pp.repented, S; biAzouht, S; bythought,called to mind, C.—­AS. bi-*A3/4encan.

Bitiden, v. to happen, betide, MD; bityde,C2, C3; beotyde, PP; bitit, pr. s.,PP; bitid, S; bitide, pt. s.,S2; betydde, PP; bitid, pp.,S; betight, pp., S3; NED

Bi-tilden, v. to cover; bi-tild,pp., S.—­AS. be-teldan.See Ouer-tild.

Bi-time, adv. betimes, S, S2; bityme,PP; bitimes, C3.

Bi-toknen, v. to betoken, C2; bitocknen,S; bytoknen, PP; betoknen, S, PP; betaken,S2; bitacnedd, pp., S.

Bi-trayen, v. to betray, PP, C2; bi-traide,pt. s., S. From OF. traA-r: It.tradire; Lat. tradere.

Bitter, adj. bitter, MD; bittur,PP; bittere, adv. bitterly, P.—­AS.bitor.

Bitter, sb. bitterness, S2, P.

Bittur-browed, adj. having prominentbrows, PP. See Bitel-browed.

Bituhhe, prep, between, S; see Bi-*twi3*e. [Addition]

Bi-turnen, v. to turn; biturnde hom,pt. pl., turned themselves about, S2.

Bi-twenen, prep., between; bitwine,bitwen, betwenen, betuene, S.—­AS. be-*twA(C)onan.

Bi-twix, prep, betwixt, S2, C2; bitwixe,C2; bitwixen, C2; betwyx, betwux, S;bitwex, S; bythuixte, S2.—­AS.be-tweox.

Bi-twi3*e, prep, between, MD; betwe,S2; bituhhe, S.—­AS. be-twih,be-twuh.

Bityl, sb. beetle, NED.—­AS.bitula.

Biuien, v. to tremble, NED; biueAdeg., pr. s., S.—­AS. bifian(beofian); OHG. bibe*n, see NED.

Bi-wailen, v. to bewail, lament, C2;biwaille, MD; biweile, MD, W; biwailled,pp., C2.

Bi-welden, v. refl. to wield oneself,i.e. to have full and free use of one’slimbs, MD; bywelde, S3; bewelde, Palsg.;be-weld, to wield, HD.

Bi-wenden, to turn, MD; biwente, pt.s., turned round, S.

Bi-wepen, v. to beweep, S, W.—­AS.be-wA(C)pan.

Bi-werien, v. to defend, S.—­AS.be-werian.

Bi-winden, v. to wind about, S; be-winden,to enwrap, cover, S; bewunden, pp.,S.—­AS. be-windan.

Bi-winnen, v. to obtain, MD; biwon,pt. s., S.

Bi-witen, v. to guard, MD; bywite,S; biwiste, pt. s., MD; biwisten,pl., S.

Bi-wlappe, v. to wrap round, W2.

Bi-wreyen, v. to accuse, to reveal,disclose, C2, C3; bywreye, C; biwreie,S; bewreye, C, S2; bewraye, NED.

Bi3*es,, sb. pl. collars, P; see Bei3*.

Bi-3*ete, sb. profit, S, S2; offspring,P.

Bi-3*etel, adj. profitable, S.

Bi-3*eten, v. to obtain, possess, beget,S; bi3*iten, S; bigat, pt. s.S; bigA|t, S; begA|t, S; bygeten,pp. S2; bi3*etenn, bi-yete, bi3*ite,bi3*ute, bigotten, bi3*oten, S.—­AS.bi-gitan (bigietan).

Bi-3*onde, prep, beyond, S, S2, PP;bi-*3*ende, W; bi3*unde, P; biyond,S2; be-ionde, S; bi3*endis, W.

Blaberen, v. to blabber, to talk idly,HD, Prompt.; blaberde, pt. s., PP.

Bladder, sb. bladder, MD; bladdre,C3; bledder, S3; bleder, Voc.—­AS.blA|*dre, OMerc. blA(C)dre (OET.)

Blak, adj. pale, MD; blake, wan,Palsg. Phr.: blak and blo, paleand livid, MD, NED (s. v. black, 13)—­AS.blAic. Cf. Bleike.

Blak, adj. black, MD.—­AS.blA|c.

Blake, sb. smut, black, S; blackness,S2.

Blake-beryed, sb blackberrying, i.e.,wandering hither and thither purposely, C3.

Blanchet, sb. a white powder used asa cosmetic, S.—­OF. blanchet.

Blanc-mangere, sb. a kind of cheese-cake,PP; blammanger, PP.

Blane (for blan), pt. s.of Bi-linnen. [Addtion]

Blank, adj. white, S3.—­OF.blanc.

Blase, sb. blaze, flame, PP.—­AS.blA|se.

Blasen, v. to blaze, flare, PP; blasie,pr. s. subj., S; blesand, pr. p.,S3.

Blasen, v. to blow (with trumpet), toproclaim, publish, NED, CM. Cp. OHG. blAisan.

Blasen, v. in heraldry to blaze arms,i.e. to describe them, MD, S3, Prompt., Palsg.;blaze, Cotg. (s.v. blasonner).

Blasfeme, adj. and sb. blasphemous,blasphemer, MD, W.—­Lat. blasphemus;Gr. [Greek: blasphaemos].

Blaundissen, v. to flatter, H; blaundiss,pr. s., H; bloundisand, pr. p.,H.—­OF. blandir (pr. p. blandisant).

Blawen; see Blowen.

Bledder; see Bladder.

Blee, sb. colour, complexion, MD, HD;ble, MD, JD; bleo, S, S2; blie,JD.—­AS. blA(C)o.

BlefA deg.; see Bileuen.

Bleike, adj. pale, S, NED; bleyke,Prompt.; blayke, NED; bleyk, S3; bleke,wan, Palsg. Phr.: blaike and blo,pale and livid, NED (s.v. black, I3).—­Icel.bleikr. Cf. Blak.

Blenchen, v. to flinch, turn aside,S, P; bleynte, pt. s., C; bleinte,NED.—­AS. blencan, to deceive.

Blenden, v. to mix together, MD; blende,pp., S2.—­Cp. Icel. blanda.

Blenden, v. to blind, deceive, MD, PP;blent, pr. s., C3; blente, pt.s., PP; blent, pp. blinded, C3,HD.—­AS. blendan.

Blenk, sb. a gleam, blink, glance, S3;blenkis, pl., NED; blinkes, MD.

Blenken, v. to glitter, to glance, NED;blynke, to open the eyes, S2; blenkit,pt. s., looked, S2; blencheden, pl.,MD.

Blere, adj. blear, dim, NED.

Bleren, v. to make dim, to be blear-eyed,MD, S2, P; blered, pp. dimmed, S2, C3,P.

Blesen, v. to blaze, S3; see Blasen.

Blessen, v. to bless, PP, S; blessethhir, pr. s., crosses herself, C3; blesced,pp. S; bletcA|d, consecrated, S;y-blessed, S3, C3, P; i-blessed, S; iblescede,S; iblesset, S2.—­AS. blA(C)tsian,blA(C)dsian ONorth. blA cubededsian (NED);from blA cubedd, blood.

Blete, adj. bare, exposed, miserable,S, MD; blait, JD; blout, JD.—­AS.blA(C)at, wretched, miserable; cp. Icel.blautr, Du. bloot G. bloss.

Bleten, v. to bleat, Prompt.; blA|ten,S.—­AS. blA|*tan.

Bleuen; see Bileuen.

Blewe, adj. blue, livid, C2, PP; black,MD; blew, MD.—­OF. bleu.See Blo.

Blewe, sb. blue, MD; blu3*, S2.

Bleynte; see Blenchen.

Blinnen, v. to cease, S, S2, C3; seeBi-linnen.

Blis, sb. bliss, S.—­AS. bliss(=_blA-A deg.s_), see Sievers, 202(7). See BliA3/4e.

Blissien, v. to rejoice, be glad, togladden, MD; blissin, S, S2—­AS.blissian (=_blA-A deg.sian_). See above.

BliA3/4e, adj. blithe, cheerful, S,S2; blyAze, S2, C2.—­AS. blA-Adeg.e.

BliA deg.e-liche, adv. gladly, S; bluAdeg.e-liche, S; bloA deg.eliche, S; bliAzeli3*,S; bleAzely, S2.—­AS. blA-A deg.elice.

Bliue, adv. quickly, S, S2; see Bi-liue.

Blo, adj. livid, S2, PP; black, MD.—­Icel.blAi(r). See Blewe.

Blod, sb. blood, S, S2, PP; blode,dat., S2.—­AS. blA cubedd.

Blode, sb. a blood-relation, a person,living being, MD, CM; blod, MD.

Blok, adj. pale, NED. Phr. blokand blo, NED. See Blak.

Blo-man, sb. negro, MD; blamon,MD; blewe-men, pl., MD.—­Cp.Icel. blAi-maA deg.r, negro. See Blo.

Blome, sb. flower, S2, MD.—­Icel.blA cubedm, flower, blossom.

Blosme, sb. blossom, S, PP, Prompt.,CM; blostme, S; blosmen, pl.,S2; bloosmes, S3.—­AS. blA cubedstma.

Blosmen, v. to blossom, W2, Prompt.;blosmed, pt. pl., P.—­AS.blA cubedstmian.

Bloundisen, v. to flatter, H; see Blaundissen.

Bloundisynge, sb. blandishing, H.

Blowen, v. to blow, PP; blawe,S; blou, imp. s., S; bloaweA deg.,pr. s., S; bleu, pt. s., S; bleowen,pl., S; blawen, pp., S2; blowe,C3.—­AS. blAiwan, pt. blA(C)ow,pp. blAiwen.

Blowen, v. to blow, to bloom, MD; i-blowe,pp. S.—­AS. blA cubedwan,pt. blA(C)ow, pp. geblA cubedwen.

Blubren, v. to bubble, MD; blubrande,pr. p., S2.

Blustren, v. to rush about aimlessly,NED; blustreden, pt. pl., P.

Blu3*, sb. blue, S2; see Blewe.

Blyn-hede, sb. blindness, H.

Blynke; see Blenken. [Correction]

Bo-; see Bou-, Bu-.

Bobbe, sb. a knock, jerk, jog, S3; bobbes,pl., S3.

Bobben, v. to knock, strike, MD.

Bocche, sb. tumour, boil, PP; botche,W2, Prompt.; boche, CM; boce, CM.—­AF.boche, OF. boce, bump.

Bocher, sb. butcher, S2, S3, P, C.—­OF.boucher.

Bocherie, sb. shambles, W, Prompt.—­OF. boucherie.

Bod, sb. abiding, waiting, delay, S2.

Bod, pt. s. waited, S2; bode,waited for, S2; see Biden. [Addition]

Bode, sb. message, command, S, PP; bodes,pl., S, S2.—­AS. (ge)bod,command.

Boden; see Beden.

Bode-word, sb. command, S; bod-worde,message, S2.

Bodien, v. to announce, S; bodeden,pt. pl., S.—­AS. bodian.

Body, sb. body, person, PP; bodie,S; bodi, S, PP; bodi3*, S. Phr.:my ioly body, my jolly self, C2.—­AS.bodig.

Body-half, sb. the front part (of adress), PP.

Boile; see Bule.

Boistous, adj. boisterous, noisy, S3;boustious, S3; bustuus, busteous,S3; buystous, W.

Boistously, adv. loudly, C2.

Bok, sb. book, S, S2, PP; boc,S, S2; boke, P.—­AS. bA cubedc;cp. OHG. buoh (Tatian).

Bokele, sb. buckle, MD; bokle,MD.—­OF. bocle.

Bokeler, sb. buckler, shield, C, G;bocler, Palsg.—­OF. bocler.

Boket, sb. bucket, C; bokett,Prompt.

Bold, adj. fierce, bold, daring, PP,S; bauld, bawld, S3; belde, big,blustering, S; bald, S2; balder, comp.,P.—­AS. beald; OHG. bald (Otfrid).

Boldeliche, adv. boldly, S; baldly,S2; boldely, C2.

Bolden, v. to make bold, encourage,MD; bolded, pt. s., P; balde,S.—­AS. bealdian.

Bole, sb. a kind of clay, C3. Comb.:bole armoniak, Armenian clay, C3, NED (s. v.ammoniac).—­Lat. bolus; Gr.[Greek: bo*los], clod.

Bole, sb. bull, S, C, C3; bule,S; bulez, pl., S2; bolis, W;boolis, W.—­Icel. boli.

Bolle, sb, bowl, S, S2, C3, P; a roundedseed-vessel, NED (s. v. boll), HD; boll,rounded top (of barley), S3.—­AS. bolla.

Bollen, v. to swell, S2, PP; bolled,pp., S2, PP.

Bollen, pp. swollen, NED; bollen,W; bolne, S3; bowlne, S3.

Bollyng, sb. swelling, P.

Bolnen, v. to swell, S2, P, H; bolned,pt. s., S2; bolnyde, W2; bolnyd,W.

Bolnyng, sb. swelling, H, W.

Bolt, sb. arrow, S; bolte, Prompt.—­AS. bolt (Voc.).

Bol3*en, v. to puff up, MD; boluweAdeg., pr. s., S.—­AS. belgan,pt. bealg (pl. bulgon), pp. bolgen.

Bon, sb. bone, PP., S2; boon,W2; ban, S; banes, pl., S, S2;bon, S; boonys, W2; bannes, S2.Phr.: to make bones, to hesitate,S3.—­AS. bAin.

Bon, pp. prepared, S2; see Boun.

Bonayre, adj. kind, gentle, MD; bonere,MD; bonair, adv., MD; bonure,S2. See Debonnaire.

Bonayrelyche, adv. reverently, S2.

Bonchen, v. to strike, bump, S2, P;see Bunchen.

Bond; see Binden.

Bonde, sb. a peasant serf, slave, NED,S2; pl., PP.—­AS. bonda, bunda,a householder; Icel. bA cubedndi, for bAandi,a tiller of the soil.

Bonde-man, sb. tiller of the soil, NED;bondman, P; bondemen, pl., S2,P, G, PP.

Bone, sb. pain, poison, PP; see Bane.

Bone, sb. prayer, petition, S, S2, C3,G, PP; bon, S2; boone, C, G; bonen,pl., S.—­Icel. bA cubedn.Cf. Bene.

Bonen, adj. made of bone, S2.

Bonet, sb additional sail, PP, Cath.—­OF.bonet, bonnet.

Bonk, sb. bank, shore, S2, S3; see Bank.

Boo-; see Bo-.

Boor, sb. boar, C, W2; bare,S2; bore, S, PP; bor, S2, PP; bores,pl., P.—­AS. bAir.

Boot, sb. boat, S2, W, CM; bot,PP.—­AS. bAit.

Boras, sb. borax, C, C3.—­OF.boras: It. borace; Arab, bo*raq.

Bord, sb. board, table, S, S2, C, NED;borde, S; boord, W; bordes, pl.,S.—­AS. bord, plank. Cf. Bred.

Borgounen, v. to bud, S2; see Burjounen.

Borne; see Burne.

Bornen, v. to burnish, S3; see Burnen.

Borwe, sb. pledge, surety, W2, C, C2,G; borgh, H; borghe, P; borewe,S2; borwes, pl., sponsors, S2; pledges,P.—­AS. borh.

Borwen, v. to deliver, to borrow, MD,PP, C2, G; borewe, W2; borowe, NED;borwede, pt. s., PP.—­AS. borgian.

Borwynge, sb. borrowing, Prompt.; borewyng,S2.

Boske; see Busch.

Bosken; see Busken.

Bost, sb. boast, noise, MD, C3, PP;boost, C2; boste, PP; bostus,pl., H.

Bosten, v. to boast, PP; booste,NED.

Bosum, sb. bosom, S, W (John 13. 23);bosem, MD.—­AS. bA cubedsm.

Bote, prep, and conj. without,except, unless, but, S, S2, PP; bot, CM, S2;bute, S; butt, S; boute, S, S2;buten, S; buton, S; Comb.:bote-3*ef, except that, unless, S2, C.—­AS.be-Aton (bAton).

Bote, sb. remedy, succour, amendment,S, S2, C2, G, P; boote, S3, C, G. Phr.:to bote, to advantage, in addition, NED.—­AS.bA cubedt; cp. Goth. bota.

Botelees, adj. without remedy, PP; bootelesse,useless, S3; botles, S2.

Botelere, sb. butler, Voc.; botiler,C; butler, S.

Botelle, sb. bottle, MD; botel,CM.—­OF. boutelle, also botel.

Boterace, sb. buttress; boteras,Prompt.; butterace, SkD (p. 789); butteras,pl., SkD; buttrace, SkD; butteraces,SkD.—­ME. boterace for OF. bouterets,i.e. (pillars) bearing a thrust, pl. ofbouteret.

Boterace, v. to buttress; butteras,Palsg.; boteraced, pp., PP.

Bothe, adj. both, PP, S; baA3/4e,S, S2; beoA deg.e, S; beA deg.e, S;buoA deg.e, S2.—­Icel. bAiA deg.i,both (neut.).

Botme, sb. bottom, C, C3, Prompt.; boA3/4om,a vale, S2, NED; boA3/4em, S2.—­AS.botm.

Botme-les, adj. bottomless, CM.

Botnen, v., to heal, to recover, MD;botened, pp. bettered, P. See Bote.

Botun. sb. button, bud, Prompt., Voc.;bothom, MD, CM; buttonys, pl.,S3.—­OF. bouton, button, bud (Cotg.).

Bouel, sb. bowel, MD; bouele,S2.—­OF. boel (and boele);Lat. botellus.

Bouge, sb. a leathern bottle or wallet,uter, W2 (Ps. 77. 13); bowge,W2, Prompt.—­OF.bouge, budget, leather-case; Low Lat. bulga,leathern vessel (Voc.). Cf. Waterbulge.

Bouhte; see Biggen.

Bouk, sb. the belly, trunk, body, C,JD; buc, S.—­AS. bAc:Icel. bAkr.

Boun, pp. prepared to go, ready to start,S3, CM, PP; bon, ready, S2; bun, S2;bown, P, H.—­Icel. bAinn, prepared,pp. of bAa, to get ready, to till; cp.AS. ge-bAn, pp. of gebAan; cp.E. bound (said of a ship.)

Bounden, pp. bound, S, C2; see Binden.[Addition]

Bounen, v. to get ready, to go, alsoto make ready, NED; bowneth, pr. s.,NED; bownd, pt. s., prepared himself,got ready, S3.

Bour, sb. bower, chamber, womens’chamber, C, G; bur, dat., S; boure,S, S2, P; bowre, P; bourez, pl.sleeping-places, S2.—­AS. bAr, adwelling.

Bourde, sb. jest, PP, C3, G; bourd,S2, S3; bord, NED.—­OF. bourde.

Bourden, v. to jest, C3, PP; borde,NED.—­OF. bourder.

Bourding, sb. jesting, 83.

Bourdon, sb. pilgrim’s staff,CM, HD; bordun, S2, PP; burdon, S, HD;burdoun, P,MD; bordon, MD, PP; bordoun,HD.—­OF. bourdon (Cotg.); Low Lat.burdonem; see Burdon.

Boustious, adj. noisy, S3; see Boistous.

BOU3*, sb. bough, PP; boh, S;bogh, S2; bowh, PP; bo3*e, dat.,S; boges, pl., S; buges, S; bughes,S2; bewis, S3; bewys, S3; bowes,PP, S3; boowes, C; bo3*e, dat.,S.—­AS. bA cubedg, bA cubedh,Icel. bA cubedgr, shoulder, bow of a ship;cp. Gr. [Greek: pachus].

Bowe, sb. bow, W2, PP; bouwe,W2; bowes, pl., PP; boys, S3.—­AS.boga.

Bowe-lyne, sb. bowline, MD; bawe-lyne,S2.

Bowen, v. to bow, bend, submit, to directone’s course, turn away, PP, S2, C2, W; bouwe,W2, PP; boghen, S2, H; buwen, S; bu3*en,S; buhen, S; bugen, S; beien,S; bowande, pr. p. obedient, S2; bues,pr. s., S2.—­AS. bAgan.

Boydekyn, sb. poniard, bodkin, NED,Prompt.; bodekyn, Prompt.; boydekins,pl., C2.

Boyste, sb. box, PP, Prompt., Cath.;boyst, MD; boist, C3—­OF.boAste (F. boA(R)te).

Bo3*te; see Biggen.

Brac, sb. a, crashing sound, fragor;brace, outcry, S.—­Icel. brak;cp. AS. (ge)brA|c.

Brace, sb. couple of hounds, Prompt.—­OF.brace, the two arms, a grasp; Lat. brachia,pl.

Bracer, sb. a guard for the left armin archery, C; braser, Voc. See Ascham,Toxophilus, ed. Arber, p. 108.

Brade, sb. roast flesh, S; brede,S.—­AS. brA|*de.

Bradit; see Brayden.

Brak; see Breken.

Brand, sb. brand, firebrand, sword,MD; brond, brand, S2, C; brondes, pl.,S; brands, i.e. fire-side, S2; brondis,torches, W.—­AS. brand (brond).

Brant, adj. steep, high, MD, HD; brent,JD; brentest, superl., S2.—­AS.brant (bront); cp. Swed. brant,Icel. brattr.

Bras, sb. brass, C2; bres, S;breas, S.—­AS. brA|s.

Brasten; see Bresten.

Bratful; see Bretful.

BraA deg., sb. violence, MD; braAzAze,dat., S.—­Cp. Icel. brAiAdeg.. See BroA deg..

Braun, sb. brawn, CM; boar’s flesh,PP; brawnes, pl., muscles, C2.—­OF.braon, Prov. bradon (brazon); Low Lat.bradonem; see Ducange.

Brayde, sb. a quick movement, a start,a while, moment, MD, CM; braid, S3; braydes,pl. grimaces, S2; breides, cunning tricks,MD. Phr.: at a brayde, in a moment,S2.—­Icel. bragA deg., quick movement.

Brayden, v. to draw, pull, to draw awayquickly, to twist, braid, to start, to move quickly,hasten (intr.), to wake up, MD, Prompt., S2, CM; breyde,CM, C2; breide, W2; breyde, pt. s.,PP, CM, C2, C3; brayde, MD; bradit,S3; broiden, pp., MD; broydyn,laqueatus, Prompt.; brayden, MD; browden,MD, JD; browded, C, HD; brouded, C2;broyded, WW; brayded, MD.—­AS.bregdan, pt. brA|gd (pl. brugdon),pp. brogden.

Brea-; see Bre-.

Breas, sb. brass, S; see Bras.[Addition]

Bred, sb. bread, S, PP; breed,C2, W2; brA|d, S; bread, S; brad,S; brede, S2; breade, dat., S.—­O.North.brA(C)ad.

Bred,, sb. board, tablet, MD, S (s.v.wax); brede, Prompt.—­AS.bred.

Bred-ale, sb. bride-feast, S; see Bryd-*ale.

Brede, sb. bride, PP; see Bryde.

Brede, sb. roast-flesh, S; see Brade.

Brede, sb. breadth, S, S2, S3, C2, H;breede, C, W2. Phr.: on breid,on breadth, abroad, S3; did on breid, did abroad,unfolded, S3.—­AS. brA|*du.

Breden, v. to spread, S, Prompt.—­AS.brA|*dan.

Breden, v. to roast, MD; bret,pr. s., S.—­AS. brA|*dan.

Breden, v. to breed, to produce, tobe produced. MD, PP; bredden, pt. pl.,PP; i-bred, pp., S.—­AS. brA(C)dan,to nourish. See Brode.

Bred-gume; see Brydegome.

Bred-wrigte, sb. bread-wright, baker,S. See Bred.

Breech, sb. pl. breeches, drawers, C2,C3; brech, S; breche, PP; brek,Voc.—­AS. brA(C)c, pl. of brA cubedc;cp. Icel. brA|kr, pl. of brA cubedk.

Breed; see Bred.

Breels, sb. pl. wretches, HD, MD (p.343).

Breggid, pt. s. shortened, W; see A-*bregge. [Addition]

Breken, v. to break, S, S2, PP; breoken,S; brecA deg., pr. s., S; brac,pt. s., S; brek, S; brec, S2;brak, S2, PP; breken, pl., S;y-broke, pp., S2; ibroke, S2.—­AS.brecan, pt. brA|c (pl. brA|*con),pp. brocen.

Brek-gurdel, sb. a breech-girdle, MD;brekgyrdylle, lumbare, Voc.; brech-*gerdel,MD; breigirdel, MD; brigirdil, MD; brygyrdyll,Prompt.; breigerdlis, pl., purses, PP.See Breech.

Breme, sb. bream, Prompt.; brem,C.—­OF. bresme (F. brA"me);OHG. brahsema.

Breme, adj. fierce, angry, S, S2, S3,H, PP; brem, S2; breme, adv.,S2; breeme, C.—­AS. brA(C)mefamous, noble.

Bremely, adv. fiercely, furiously, loudly,S2; bremly, S2.

Bremstoon; see Brynston.

Bren, sb. bran, S2, C, P.—­OF.bren (F. bran).

Brene; see Brune.

Brenke; see Brink.

Brennen, v. to burn, S2, S3, C, C2,PP, W; bren, S2; brinnen, S, S2; brende,pt. s., S, S2, C2; brent, S2; brendon,pl., S; brenneden, W; brende, brenned,brend, S2; brende, C; brenten, W2;brend, pp., S, S2, C; brent, C2,S3, W; y-brend, C3; y-brent, C—­Icel.brenna; cp. Goth, brinnan, Cf.Bernen.

Brenningly, adv. ardently, fiercely,C.

Brent, adj. steep, high, S2, JD; seeBrant.

Breo-; see Bre-.

Brerd, sb. brim, margin, surface, top,S3, MD; brurd, MD; brerde, MD.—­AS.brerd, brim, top of a vessel, shore; cp.OHG. brort, also Icel. broddr, the front.

Brerd-ful, adv. brimful, MD; brurd-*ful,S2. Cf. Bretful.

Brere, sb. briar, S3, W2; brer,S3; breres, pl., S, S3, C; breris,W.—­AS. brA(C)r, also brA|*re,pl. (OET).

Bres; see Bras.

Bresil, adj. brittle, H; see Brisel.

Brest, sb. breast, C; breost,MD; breast, voice, S3; breste, PP; bryst,MD.—­AS. brA(C)ost.

Bresten, v. to burst, S2, C2, W, MD;brasten, S3, MD; bersten, S, C; brast,pt. s., C3, PP; barste, P; braste,pl., C3, S2; brest, S3; brusten,pp., damaged, hurt severely, S2, MD.—­Icel.bresta, pt. brast, pp. brostinn;cp. AS. berstan.

Bretful, adj. brimful, S3, C, PP, HD;bratful, S2, PP; bredful, PP. Cp.Swed. brAddful. See Brerdful.

BreA deg., sb. breath, vapour, voice,word, MD, PP, CM; breA deg.e, dat.,S.—­AS. brA|*A deg..

Brethe, sb. anger, wrath, H; breth,H.—­Icel. brA|A deg.i, anger, frombrAiA deg.r, hasty. See BroA deg..

Brethir; see BroA deg.er.

Breuet, sb. brief, letter of indulgence,P; breuettes, pl., P.—­LateLat. brevetum.

Brewen, v. to brew, MD; brew,pt. s. contrived, C2, PP; breuh, S2,PP.—­AS. brA(C)owan, pt. brA(C)aw,pp. browen.

Brewestere, brewster, P; breusters,pl. ale-wives, female-brewers, S2, PP.

Breyden; see Brayden.

Brid, sb. a young bird, PP, C2, C3,W; bridd, S; bridde, PP; bred,PP; bredde, PP; berd, MD; bird,MD; briddes, pl., S2, C; bryddez,S2; briddis, W, H; birds, S3 (26. 1150).—­AS.bridd.

Brigge, sb. bridge, PP, S, CM; brugge,PP; bregge, MD; brygge, PP; brig,S2.—­AS. brycg; cp. Icel. bryggja.

Briggen, v. to bridge, S.

Brike, sb. calamity, C2; see Bryk.

Bringen, v. to bring, S; brohte,pt. s., S; brochte, S; brou3*te,S2; brouhte, S; bro3*te, S, S2; broght,pl., S2; broht, pp. S2;broght, S2; brou3*t, S2; ibr3*t,S2; y-bro3*t, S2; y-brought, C; ibroht,S; ibrouht, S2; ibrocht, S.

Brink, sb. brink, margin, MD; brenke,dat., W; brynke, MD.—­Cp.Swed. brink, Icel. brekka.

Brinnen; see Brennen.

Brisel, adj. brittle, H; bresil,H; brissal, JD. See below.

Brisen, v. to crush, MD; brisse,MD; bresen,MD; brisid, pp., W.

Brisokis, sb. pl. wild cabbage, H.

Britel, adj. brittle, fragile, MD; britil,S2, W; brutel, MD; brutil, CM; brotel,MD.—­From base of AS. bruton, pt.pl. of brA(C)otan, to break.

Britnen, v. to break, break up, MD;bruttenet, pp. destroyed, slain, S2;bre-*tynyd, HD.—­AS. brytnian,to distribute, dispense.

Britoner, sb. a man of Brittany, a Frenchman,P; Brytonere, P; see Bru-*tiner.

Bri3*t, adj. bright, S, PP; bricht,S; brict, S; briht, S; brigt,S; bryht, S2; bry3*t, S2; brihtre,comp., S; bri3*ter, S; brictest,superl., S.—­AS. beorht.

Bri3*te, adv. brightly, MD; bryghte,C2.

Bri3*tnesse, sb. brightness, W2; bricht-nesse,S; brihtnesse, S; brictnesse, S.—­AS.beorhtnes.

Brocage, a treaty by an agent, PP; brokages,pl., P.—­OF. brocage, ‘exprimel’idA(C)e de ruse et de perfidie’ (Godefroy).

Broche, sb. brooch, match, spear, spit,MD; brouch, S2; broch, C; broches,pl., C2, PP.—­OF. broche.

Brochen, v. to spur, pierce through,put on the spit, broach a cask, MD; broch-ede,pt. s., S2, PP.—­OF. brocher,Prov. brocar.

Brocket, sb. a stag in its second orthird year, HD, MD, Cotg.; broket, MD; brokkettis,pl., S3.—­Cp. OF. brocart(Cotg.).

Brocour, sb. broker, P; brokour,P.—­AF. abrocour; Low Lat. abrocatorem(Ducange), from abrocare, to broach a cask,from broca. See Broche.

Brod, adj. broad, S, S2, PP; brood,C; braid, S3; brode, C, PP; brade,S, S2, H; broddeste, superl., W2.—­AS.brAid.

Brode, adv. broadly, wide awake, C3;widely, PP; broode, broadly, plainly, C.

Brode, sb. brood, S, Prompt.—­Cp.OHG. bruot (Weigand).

Broiden; see Brayden.

Brok, sb. brock, badger, Prompt.; broc,W; brockes, pl., P; brokkys,PP.—­AS. broc; OIr. brocc.

Brok, sb. brook, PP; broke, P.—­AS.brA cubedc.

Brol, sb. a brat, child, MD, S3, PP;brolle, P; brawl, ND.—­Cp.Low Lat. brollus, ‘miserculus’ (Prompt.,p. 50).

Brond; see Brand.

BroA deg. adj. violent, MD; braAz,MD; braith, JD.—­Icel. brAiA deg.r.Cf. BraA deg..

BroAzeful, adj. violent, MD; braithful,JD.

Brothel, sb. a wretch, PP, MD, HD; brothell,Palsg.

BroAzeliche, adv. violently, MD; broAzely,hastily, quickly, S2; braithly, JD.

BroA deg.er, sb. brother, PP; gen.s., C2; broA deg.ere, pl., S; breAdeg.ere, S; brethir, S3; breA deg.re,S; briA deg.ere, S; bretheren, C2, PP.—­AS.brA cubedA deg.or.

BroA deg.er-hed, sb. brotherhood, MD;bretherhede, C; britherhed, W; britherhod,W.

BroA deg.er-rede, sb. fraternity, MD(p. 354).—­AS. brA cubedA deg.orrA|den.

Brouded, pp. braided, C2; see Brayden.

Broudster, sb. embroiderer, JD.

Broudyng, sb. embroidery; browdyng,C, CM.

Brouken, v. to use, enjoy, eat, PP,C, G; bruken, S; breken, S; brooke,to endure, S3; bruc, imp. s. use, S;ibroken, pp., S.—­AS. brAcan,pt. brA(C)ac (pl. brucon), pp. brocen.

Broun, adj. brown, C, PP; brun,sb. brown horn, S.—­AS. brAn.

Bru-; see Bry-, Bri-, Brou-.

Brugge; see Brigge.

Bruk, sb. locust (= bruchus),W2, H; bruyk, H.—­Gr. [Greek:brouchos, broukos].

Brune, sb. burning, S, MD; brene,S2,—­AS. bryne.

Brunie, sb. corslet, coat of mail, S;brinie, MD; brini, HD, MD; burne,MD; bryniges, pl., S; brenyes,HD.—­Icel. brynja: Goth, brunjo;cp. AS. byrne.

Brurd; see Brerd.

Brusten; see Bresten.

Brut, sb. Briton; Bruttes,pl., S.

Brutayne, sb. Brittany, S2.

Brutil; see Britel.

Brutiner, sb. a man of Brittany, a Frenchman,a swaggerer, PP; Brytonere, P; Britoner,P.

Brutnen, v. to hew in pieces, MD; bruttenet,pp. slain, S2; see Britnen.

Bryche, adj. reduced, poor, S2.—­AS.bryce, frail.

Bryd-ale, sb. marriage-feast, MD; bridale,P, W; bredale, S; bruydale, P; brudale,S.—­AS. brA1/2d-ealo, a bride-ale,bride-feast.

Bryde, sb. bride, domiduca, Voc.,PP; brede, PP; bruyd, CM; brud,MD, S; brid, MD.—­AS. brA1/2d:OS. brAd; cp. OHG. brAt (OtfrA-d).

Bryde-gome, sb. bridegroom, MD; bredgume,S; brudgume, MD.—­AS. brA1/2dguma(brA(C)dguma); cp. OHG. brAti-*gomo(Otfrid).

Bryk, sb. misery, calamity, MD; brike,C2; bruche, injury, MD.—­AS. bryce.

Bryllyn; see Birlen.

Brymme, sb. margin, shore, S, MD.—­AS.brim, surf, the sea; cp. Icel. brim.

Bryn-ston, sb. sulphur, Voc., PP, S2;brymston, W2; bremstoon, C, PP; brimstoon,C3; brunstan, H.—­Cp. Icel. brennisteinn.

Brystylle, sb. bristle, Prompt., Voc.;berstles, pl., C.—­From AS.byrst: OHG. burst.

Bryttlynge, sb. breaking up, S3.See Britel.

Bu-; see Bou-, Bo-.

Budele, sb. beadle, officer, PP; budeles,pl., S; beodeles, S2.—­AS.bydel; cp. OHG. butil. Cf.Bedel.

Bue, BuA deg.; see Ben.

Bulde, pt. s. built, C; see Bilden.[Addition]

Buggen, v. to buy, S, S2, PP; see Biggen.

Bugle, sb. wild ox, S2, Prompt.; bugill,S3; bowgle, S3; bugle, buffalo-horn,bugle, MD.—­OF. bugle; Lat. buculum(acc.).

Builen, v. to boil, S2; buylith,pr. s., W2; buylyng, pr. p.,PP; buyliden, pt. pl., W2.—­OF.buillir; Lat. bullire.

Bule, sb. boil, PP; bilis, pl.,W; byles, PP; boilus, PP.—­AS.bA1/2le; cp. G. beule (Weigand).

Bule; see Bole.

Bulle, sb. bull, papal rescript, P;bille, PP; petition, PP; bylle, PP.—­Lat.bulla, boss, stud, hence Late Lat. bulla,seal, document with seal; see Ducange.

Bulten, v. to boult, sift, C, Prompt.;boulte, Palsg.; bultedd, pp.,S.—­OF. buleter, bureter, tosift through coarse cloth, from bure, coarsecloth; Late Lat. burra; see Ducange (s.v. buratare).

Bult-pele, sb. a sifter, Voc.

Bumbase, v. to quilt with bombast, i.e. cotton wadding, Florio (p. 234a); bumbast,pr. pl., S3.—­From Milanese bombAis;Low Lat. bombacem, cotton; from Gr. [Greek:bo*mbux].

Bummen, v. to taste, take a draught,MD; bummede, pt. s. tasted, S2, P.

Bun, pp. prepared, S2, MD; see Boun.

Bunchen, v. to strike, MD, Prompt.;bonchede, pt. s., S2; bonched,P.

Bunden; see Binden.

Bur, sb. wind, storm, force, impetus,MD; bir, MD; birr, HD; hire,dat., W, MD; birre, W; byrre,HD.—­Icel. byrr, wind, storm.

Bur, sb. the broad ring of iron behindthe place for the hand on a tilting-spear, S3; burr,HD.

Burde, sb. maiden, virgin, lady, S,S2, PP; birde, P; berde, PP; buirde,PP; buyrde, S2, PP; see Bryde.

Burden, sb. burden, Manip.; see BurAdeg.ene.

Burdenous, adj. burdensome, S3.

Burdon, sb. mule; burdones, pl.,MD; burdowns, MD.—­Lat. burdonem(Vulg.).

Burdoun, sb. droning sound, bass, MD,C.—­OF. bourdon, a drone, the hummingof bees, the drone of a bag-pipe (Cotg.).

Bureth, v. it behoves, MD; birrA3/4,pr. s., S; burth, MD; birs, MD;bers, MD; birrde, pt. s., S; bird,S2, MD; burd, MD.—­AS. ge-byrian;cp. OHG. gi-burren, to happen (Otfrid).

Burgage, sb. an estate held of a lordof a borough; burgages, pl., P; borgages,PP.—­Low Lat. burgagium; OF,. bourgage(Cotg.).

Burgeis, sb. burgess, MD; burgeys,C, CM; burgeis, pl., S2, P; burgeyses,P.—­OF. burgeis; Low Lat. burgensis.

Burgh, sb. borough, town, fortress,shelter, MD; burghe, PP, CM; borghe,PP; borw, PP; borugh, PP; borowe,PP; borh, S; burch, S; burh,S; bureh, MD, S; biri, MD, S; berie,S; borw3*, S2; borwes, pl., PP,MD.—­AS. burh; gen. byrig.

Buriel, sb. tomb, S2; buryel,S2; biriel, W; biryel, S2; buriels,pl. the Catacombs, C3; biriels, W2; birielis,W.—­AS. byrgels.

Burien, v. to bury, MD, S, PP; birien,MD, W2; berien, C3; bery, MD, C3; byrien,S; i-burred, pp., S2.—­AS.byrigan.

Burien, sb. grave, MD; berien,S.—­AS. byrgen.

Burinisse, sb. burial-place, MD; berynes,H,—­AS. byrignes.

Burjoun, sb. burgeon, bud, MD; burioyn,H; burgon, HD; burgionys, pl.,S3; burioyns, H.—­OF. borjon,in Cotg. bourgeon.

Burjounen, v. to bud, MD; buriowne,W2; burgionys, pr. s., S3; borgoune3*,pr. pl., S2; burioneAz, PP; burionand,pr. p., H; buriownynge, W.

Burn, sb. man, S2, HD; burne,S2; see Bern.

Burne, sb. spring of water, MD, S; bourne,S2; borne, S2; burn, stream, S2.—­AS.burna.

Burnen, v. to burnish, MD; burned,pp., C; borned, S3.—­OF. brunir,to burnish, polish, to make brown (Cotg.). SeeSkD. p. 789.

Burnet, adj. brown, S3.—­OF.brunet, brownish (Cotg.).

Burnet, sb. cloth of brown colour, CM,MD.—­OF. brunette (Cotg.); cp.Low Lat. brunetum.

BurA deg.ene, sb. burden, MD; birthin,W; birthun, W2; burden, Manip.—­AS.byrA deg.en.

Busch, sb. bush, wood, W, W2, MD; buysch,W; busk, the head or tuft of a stalk of wheat,S; bush, S2, MD; boske, S2; boskez,pl., S2.

Buschement, sb. ambush, MD; busshement,S3. Cp. OF. en-buschement, an ambuscadeNED, (s.v. ambushmenf).

Busken, v. to prepare oneself, to getready, to go, to hasten, to prepare, dress, MD, H,S2, P; buschen, S2; bosken, S2.Icel. bAask (reflex.), to get oneself ready.

Buskinge, sb. equipment, dress, MD,S3; bosking, MD.

Busteous, adj. noisy, S3; buystous,W; see Boistous.

Busy, adj. busy, MD; bisi, S,W2; bisie, S; bisy, C2, P; besy,C.—­AS. bysig.

Busyen, v. to busy, occupare,MD; bisien, C3, S2, W.

Busynesse, sb. business, activity, care,industry, MD, C, C3; bisinesse, C3; besynesse,S3; besynes, H; bisynesses, pl.,W2.

BuA3/4; see Ben.

BuA3/4; see Biggen.

Buuen, prep, and adv. above,S; buue, S; boue, MD; bufon,S.—­AS. be-ufan.

Buxum, adj. obedient, ready, willing,courteous, PP; boxum, S2, PP; buxom,CM; buhsum, S. See Bowen.

Buxumliche, adv. obediently, PP; boxumly,S2; buxomly, C2.

Buxumnesse, sb. obedience, PP; buxomnes,P; boxumnes, S2.

By-, prefix. See Bi- words.

By, Bi, prep. by, at, according to,S, S2, with regard to, PP, S, S2, S3; bie,S; be S, S2. Phr.: by and by,adv. immediately, S3; in order, separately,C, Prompt., MD.

By, v. to dwell, build, C2; see Biggen.

Bye, v. to buy, S2; by, C3; seeBiggen. [Addition]

Byggyng, sb. building, S2.

By3*e; see Bei3*.

C-; see also under K.

Caas, sb. case, circ*mstance, chance,C; kas, S2; cass, S3; cas, S2,C2.—­AF. cas; Lat. casum (acc.),a fall, from cadere, to fall.

Caas, sb. case, quiver, C; see Casse.

Caban, sb. hut, small room, MD, PP;cabin, MD.—­OF. cabane; cp.Low Lat. cabanna, capanna; see Brachet.

Cabine, sb. a shed made of boughs, Cotg.(s. v. cabane); cabin, small enclosedplace, Sh.

Cabinet, sb. small shed, arbour, S3.—­OF.cabinet, an arbour in a garden, Cotg.; cp.It. cabinetto (Florio).

Cacchen, v. to catch, to chase, MD,C3, P; katchen, MD; kecchen, MD; chacche,S2; chacen, MD; chaci, MD; caucht,S3; cacces, pr. s., S2; cahte,pt. s., MD; ca3*te, S2; caughte,C2; cau3*t, MD; cought, MD; caght,MD; cahten, pl., MD; kei3*t,MD; caht, pp. MD; kau3*t,W2.—­OF. cachier, cacier (alsochacier, chasser); Late Lat. captiare,from Lat. captare, freq. of capere, totake, to hold; see Constans.

Cache-pol, sb. a tax-gatherer, constable,bailiff, MD, PP; cahchpolle, Prompt.; catchepollis,pl., W.—­AF. cacchepole, OF.chacepol, chassipole; cp. Low Lat. cachepollus,cacepollus, chacepollus, chassipullus. Theform cacepollus is met with in the LegesEthelredi, see Schmid and Ducange. The wordprobably meant at first the officer who collectedfrom the tenant the fowls (pullos) paid asrent.

Cacherel, sb. an inferior officer ofjustice, MD; kachereles, pl., S2.—­OF.cacherel; cp. Low Lat. cacherellus.

CA|se; see Chese.

CA|ste, sb. dat. chest, S; see Chest.

Caf, sb. chaff, H; see Chaf.

Caitif, adj. and sb. captive,miserable wretch, MD, W, C3, H; caytif, C2;cay-*tiue, P; caitifes, pl., S3;caytiues, S3; kaytefes, S2.—­AF.caitif’. Prov. captiu; Lat.captiuum (acc.); see Brachet (s.v. chA(C)tif).

Caitifte, sb. wretchedness, S2, W, W2,H; caytefte, S2.—­OF. caitivete;Lat. captiuitatem.

Calabre, sb. Calabrian fur, P,S2 (p. 200); NQ. (5. 12. 232); calabere, P(n). Comb.: calaber amyse,a person wearing an amice trimmed with calabre, P(n).

Cald; see Cold.

Calengen, v. to accuse, to charge, W2;see Chalengen.

Calewe, adj. bald, without hair, MD,S2.—­AS. calwo-,-stem of calu;cp. OHG. chalo (gen. chAilawes),and Lat. caluus.

Caliz, sb. chalice, S, MD, SkD; chalis,MD; chalys, Voc.; calice, dat.S, SkD.—­OF. caliz; Lat. calix;also OF. calice; Lat. calicem.

Calle, sb. a caul, net for the hair(worn by women), MD, CM, SkD (s. v. caul).

Callen, v. to call, S, C2; kalle,MD, S2.—­AS. ceallian; cp. Icel.kalla.

Callour, adj. cool, fresh, healthy,JD, S3; caller, JD; cauler, JD.

Calme, adj. calm, MD.—­OF.calme (Cotg.), It. calma (Florio); LowLat. cauma, heat (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: kauma].

Calmen, v. to become calm, MD; caw-*myt,pp., S3.—­OF. calmer; to quiet.

Cal-stocke, sb., cabbage-stalk, S3;cal-*stok, Voc.; calstoke, Palsg.; castock,JD; custoc, JD. See Cole.

Camamelle, sb. camomile, Voc.; camemille,Voc.; camamyle, Prompt.; cammamyll,Palsg.; camomylle, MD; cammamyld, S3;camamy, Voc.—­Late Lat. camamilla;Gr. [Greek: chamaimaelon].

Camel, sb. camel, MD; camelle,Prompt.; camaille, C2; chamelle, Prompt.;chamayle, MD.—­OF. camel; Lat.camelum (acc.); Gr. [Greek: kamaelos];Heb. [Hebrew: ga*ma*l].

Camel. The regular OF. equivalent forLat. came*lum was chameil. In OF.camel the termination _-el_ is due to analogywith French forms derived from _-a*lem_. SeeBH, ASec. 43. [Addition]

Cameline, sb. camlet, MD.—­OF.cameline; Low Lat. camelinum.

Camelot, sb. camlet, SkD; chamelot,S3; chamlet, Cotg.—­OF. camelot(Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. camelotum.

Cammamyld, sb. camomile, S3; see Camamelle.

Camp, sb. contest, MD; comp,S; kemp, JD; kampe, dat., MD.—­AS.camp (comp); cp. Icel. kapp.

Campe, adj. See Kempe.

Campen, v. to contend, contest, esp.at foot-ball, MD, Prompt.—­AS. campian.

Campynge, sb. pedipiludium, game offoot-ball, Prompt.

Can, pr. s. can, knows, S, S2. Phr.:can Azanc, S; see Kunnen.

Canceler, sb. chancellor, S; see Chaunceler.

Candel, sb. candle, MD; kandel,S; candlen, pl. S2.—­AS.candel (condel); Lat. candela;cp. Icel. kyndill, candle, torch.

Candel-messe, sb. Candlemass, MD;candel-masse, dat., S, S2.—­Cp.Icel. kyndill-messa, in Church Lat. candelaria,the feast of the Purification.

Canelle, sb. cinnamon, S2, Voc., Cath.(n); canylle, Cath.; canel, W,W2.—­AF. canelle; Late Lat. canella,cinnamon, also, a reed (Ducange), from Lat. canna.See Canne.

Canevas, sb. canvas, C3; canvas,Voc.; canwas, Voc.—­AF. canevas,canevace; Late Lat. canabacius, hempencloth; from OF. canve (F. chanvre),hemp; Late Lat. cannabum, Lat. cannabis;Gr. [Greek: kannabis].

Cang, adj. foolish, lustful, MD; canges,sb. gen., fool’s, S; kanges, pl.,MD. See PP; Notes, (p. 241).

Cangen, v. to befool, MD.

Cang-liche, adv. foolishly, MD.

Cang-schipe, sb. foolishness, MD.

Canker, sb. cancer, a disease, MD, W;cankyr, Voc.; cankere, Voc.—­Lat.cancer, crab, an eating tumour, also, in pl.cancri, lattice-work.

Cankerd, pp. corrupted, S3.

Canne, sb. cane, reed, MD; cane,Voc.—­Lat. canna; Gr. [Greek:kanna, kannae], cane, reed; Heb. qa*neh.

Canne, sb. can, MD, W; cane,Voc. Cp. Late Lat. canna, a measurefor liquids; see Weigand (s.v. Kanne).

Canon, sb. a rule, MD, PP; canoun,MD; canon-law, PP.—­Lat. canon; Gr,[Greek: kanon], a rule, standard, from[Greek: kanae, kannae], a cane, reed.See Canne.

Canonisen, v. to admit into the canonof the Mass, to canonize, MD; to consecrate, admitto the dignity of the papacy, MD.—­LateLat. canonizare.

CanonistreS, sb. pl. men skilled incanon-law or ecclesiastical law, PP.—­OF.canoniste; Late Lat. canonista.

Canoun, sb. a canon of a chapter, MD;kanun, S; chanoun, S, Voc., C3, G; chanon,C3.—­OF. canone, canoine (chanoine);Church Lat. canonicum (acc.) one on the church-rollor list (canon).

Canoun. Church Lat. canonicus didnot mean originally ’one on the church-rollor list,’ but one who was bound to observe acertain rule of life (canon, [Greek: kanon]).OF. chanoine is not the precise equivalentof canonicum, but represents a Latin type *_canonium_.See Scheler’s Diet. (ed. 3). [Addition]

Cant, adj. lively, brave, cheerful,MD, S2, JD.

Cant, sb. a portion, S3; corner, SkD,ND.—­OF. cant; cp. It. canto,corner (Florio).

Cantel, sb. edge, piece, bit, MD, C,Prompt., Palsg.; kantel, MD; cantle,Sh., ND.—­OF. cantel (F. chanteau).

Caper-cailye, sb. capercailyie, JD.—­Ir.capull-coille, lit., the horse of the forest.See Capul.

Capitain, sb. captain, C2; capitayne,S3.—­OF. capitain; Late Lat. capitaneum(acc.) captain, from Lat. caput.—­Cf.Cheuetayn.

Capitle, sb. the sum, the chief point,W; see Chapitre.

Cappe, sb. cap, MD; keppen, pl.,S.

Capret, sb. a wild goat, W2; capretis,pl., W2.—­Late Lat. capretus;cp. F. chevrette.

Capul, sb. horse, nag, MD., Prompt,PP, HD; capil, MD; capel, C3; caple,MD, PP, HD.—­Icel. kapall; Lat. caballus;cp. Ir. capull, Wel. ceffyl.

Caracter, sb. a mark, sign, character,W; carecter, W; carracte, Palsg.; carecte,PP; carect, W; caractes, pl.,HD; carectes, PP.—­Lat. character;Gr. [Greek: charaktaer], an engraved mark; cp.Prov. caracta.

Carayne, sb. carrion, S2; see Caroigne.

Carboncle, sb. a precious stone, MD;carbokyl, Voc.; charboncle, MD; charbucle,MD; charbocle, C2.—­OF. carboncle(carboucle, charboucle); Lat. carbunculum(acc.).

Carde, sb. teasel, Prompt.;—­OF.carde; Late Lat. cardum (acc.), fromLat. carduus, thistle.

Carden, v. to card wool, MD, Prompt.,S3.—­OF. carder, It. cardare(Florio).

Cardiacle, sb. pain about the heart,PP, Cath. (n.), C3; cardyacle, Prompt.;cardiakylle, Cath., Voc.; cardiake,Cath.—­OF. cardiaque, a malady ofthe heart (Cotg.); Late Lat. cardiaca, ‘cordispassio’; Gr. [Greek: kardiakos], from [Greek:kardia], the heart. For the intrusion of lsee Cronique.

Care, sb. grief, S, C3, G; cayr,S3; kare, S2.—­AS. cearu:OS. kara; cp. OHG. chara.

Care-full, adj. full of grief, S3, C;karful, S2; carefullich, adv.anxiously, P; carfuli, S2.

Caren, v. to be anxious, MD; karien,S; cared, pt. s., G; pl., P.—­AS.cearian.

Carf, pt. s. cut, C2; see Keruen.

Carited, sb. charity, S; see Charitee.

Cark, Carke; see Charge.

Carl, sb. a man. rusticus, colonus,maritus, MD, C3—­Icel. karl;cp. OHG. karl (Otfrid).

Carl-man, sb. a man; carman,MD; caremane. MD; carlmen, pl.,S.—­Icel. karlmaA deg.r (karmaAdeg.r), a man, male.

Carme, sb. a Carmelite friar; karmes,pl., S3.—­OF. Carme (Bartsch);from Church Lat. Carmelus; Heb. Carmel,’cultivated land.’

Caroigne, sb. carrion, MD, PP, C; caroyne,MD, PP; caroin, S2; careyne, MD, PP;careyn, W2; carayne, MD, S2; caraing,MD; karyun, H; carion, MD; caren.MD; karyn, MD; careyns, pl.W.—­OF. caroigne (F. charogne);cp. It. carogna; from Lat. caro,flesh. See Crone.

Carole, sb. a round dance, singing,MD; karole, a chain, MD; caroles, pl.,C; carolles, MD.—­OF. carole (carolle);It. carA cubedla, a dance, song (Florio); LowLat. carola, karola, a dancing, also, a chain(of pearls), see Ducange; Lat. corolla, a wreath;dimin. of corona.—­ALM. For anotheraccount of this word see SkD.

Carolen, v. to dance in a ring, to sing,MD, PP.

Carolinge, sb. carolling, C3.

Carpen, v. to talk, to speak, to say,MD, C, S3; to rebuke, S3; carpede, pt. s.,S2; carped, S2, P.—­Icel. karpa,to boast.

Carpyng, sb. talking, P.

Carre, sb. car, cart, Prompt.; charre,MD; chare, Voc., S3, W; schare, carpentum,Voc.; char, S2, S3, C, C2; chaar, MD;charis, pl., W, W2, H.—­OF.carre, also car (char); Lat.carrum (acc.). A Celtic word, cp.OIr. carr (Windisch).

Carry, v. carro vehere, to carry, MD;carien, C2; to drive, ride, travel, S2; y-caried,C2.—­AF. carier (OF. charier,charroier); Late Lat. carricare (carrigare),see Duncange. See Chargen.

Carte, sb. chariot, cart, MD; kart,H (Ps. 67. 18).

Cary, sb. a rough material, S3; seeCauri-mawry.

Casse, sb. box, chest, cover, Prompt.;kace, Prompt.; caas, C.—­OF.casse (AF. chasse); Lat. capsa;cp. Gr. [Greek: kapsa].

Cast, sb. a throw, plan, intention,plot, MD, C, G; caste, P; kastis, pl.,H.—­Icel. kast.

Castel, sb. village, small town (= castellum),W; castels, pl., camp (= castra),W2; kastels, H (Ps. 77. 32).—­LateLat. castellum, village (Vulg.), Lat. castellum,fortress.

Castel, sb. castle, S.—­OF.castel (chastel). See above.

Castel-weorces, sb. pl. fortifications,S, MD.

Casten, v. to cast, throw, to consider,imagine, purpose, design, S, S2, S3, C; kasten,MD, H; kesten, MD, S2; caste, pt.s., MD, S2, S3, C2, C3, G; kast, S2; kest,S3; casten, pl., P, W; kesten,S2, W; castiden, W; casten, pp.,MD, C2; i-cast, S; y-cast, C3; ikest,S2; kest, S2; cast, C3. Phr.:caste tornes, tried tricks, G.—­Icel.kasta.

Castyng, sb. a vomiting, W.

Cat, sb. cat, Voc., MD; catt,Voc.; kat, S.

Catapuce, sb. name of a purgative plant,euphorbia, C; catapus, CM.—­OF. catapuce(petite), garden spurge (Cotg.); Low Lat. catapotium,‘medicamentum quod non diluitur, pillula’(Ducange); Gr. [Greek: katapotion], that can begulped down, a pill, from [Greek: potos], drink.Cp. Low Lat. cathapucia, ’sem*nspurgie,’ SB.

Cat-cluke, sb. trefoil, S3, JD; catluke,JD; ketelokes, pl., H (Ps. 36. 2).

Catel, sb. capital, property, wealth,CM, MD, S2, C2, C3, W; kateyl, S2; catelle,S2; catele, S2; chatel, MD; chetel,MD.—­OF. catel, chatel; Late Lat.captale, capitale, property, principal; fromLat. capitalis, from caput, the head.

Catour, sb. a buyer of provisions, caterer,Palsg., G; cater, S3.—­OF. acateur,buyer, from acater (F. acheter), achapter;Late Lat. accaptare.

Caucion, sb. security, surety, account,MD; caucioun, W.—­Lat. cautionem,security, bond, warranty, from cautus, pp. ofcauere, to be on one’s guard.

Caudron, sb. cauldron, W2.—­AF.caudron, OF. chaudron. See Chaud.

Cauri-maury, sb. the name of a coarserough material, PP; caurimauri, S2; kaurymaury,PP; cawrymawry, PP (n.). Cf. Cary.

Cautele, sb. caution, deceit, MD, Prompt.;cawtele, S3; cautel, ND, Sh.—­OF.cautele (cautelle); Lat. cautela.

Cautelous, adj. sly, deceitful, MD,ND, Sh.; cautelouse, W2.—­OF. cautelos;Late Lat. cautelosum (Ducange).

Cavell, v. to divide by lot, JD; seeKeuel.

Cawmyt, pp. calmed, S3; see Calmen.

Ca3*te; see Cacchen.

Cedre, sb. cedar, MD, W2 (Job 40. 12);cedres, pl., S2.—­AF. cedre;Lat. cedrum (acc.); Gr. [Greek: kedros].

Cedyr-tre, sb. cedar-tree, Voc.; sydyre-tre,Voc.

Ceelen, v. to line the walls or roofof a room, Prompt., MD; selyn, Prompt.; seeled,pp., WW (s.v. cieled).

Ceinte, sb. girdle, MD; seynt,C.—­OF. ceinte; Lat. cincta,pp. f. of cingere.

Celer, sb. cellar, promptuarium,Prompt., W (Lu. 12. 24), MD; celler, MD; seller,G; selleer, G; celere, dat.S, H; celeris, pl., W2; selers,W2.—­AF. celer, OF. celier;Lat. cellarium.

Celerer, sb. cellarer, C2.

Celicall, adj. heavenly, S3.

Celle, sb. cell, a religious house,C, C2; selle, C; selles, pl.,P.—­OF. celle; Lat. cella.

Celure, sb. canopy, ceiling; see Selure.

Cementing, sb. hermetically sealing,C3. See Syment.

Cendal, sb. a fine stuff (linen or silk),S, MD; sendal, PP, ND, C; cendel, MD,HD, Prompt.; sendel, PP, H; =Lat. sindon,W, Voc.; cendell, Palsg.; sendalle,Cath.; sendylle, sandalium, sindo, Cath.—­OF.and AF. cendal (cp. Low Lat. cendalum,sendalum); perhaps an adaptation of Gr. [Greek:sindon], orig. Indian muslin, from Skt. Sindhu,India.

Centaure, sb. centaury, name of a plant,C; centorye, Alph.—­OF. centaure;Lat. centaurea, centaureum; Gr. [Greek:kentaureion], from [Greek: kentauros],a centaur.

Ceptre, sb. sceptre, C2, MD, Palsg.;ceptyr, Prompt.; ceptire, H (Ps, 44.8).—­AF. ceptre; Lat. sceptrum;Gr. [Greek: skaeptron], staff.

Cerchen, v. to search, MD; cergyn,Prompt.; serchen, MD; sherch, S3; seirsand,pr. p., S3; sherched, pt. pl.,S3.—­OF. cercher (sercher); Lat. circare,to go round, from circus, a circle.

Cercle, sb. circle, MD, C; sercle,Prompt., W2.—­OF. cercle; Lat. circulum(acc.), dimin. of circus.

Cerclen, v. to circle, MD; sirculit,pp., S3.—­OF. cercler; Lat.circulare.

Circulat, adj. revolving, S3.

Cere, v. to cover with wax, SkD, C3;cered, pp. shrouded in waxed cloth,SkD.—­Lat. cerare, to wax, from cera,wax.

Cere-cloth, sb. waxed linen (for deadbodies), Sh.; searcloth, SkD.

Cerements, sb. pl. (see above), Sh.

Cerge, sb. wax taper, MD; serge,MD, JD, Cath.; cerges, pl., S.—­OF.cerge, cierge; Late Lat. ceria,fern, from Lat. cereus, from cera, wax.

Cerial, adj. sacred to Ceres, C.—­Lat. Cerialis, Cerealis.

Ceriously, adv. minutely, with fulldetails, S2, C3; see Seryowsly.

Certes, adv. certainly, S, C2, C3; sertes,S2, PP; certis, S3, P.—­OF. certes,(Constans): OSp. certas; Lat. certas,pl. f. of certus, certain.

Ceruse, sb. ceruse, white lead, withwhich women painted their faces, MD; ceruce,C.—­OF. ceruse (Cotg.); Lat. cerussa;cp. Gr. [Greek: kaeroton], a cerate or salveused as a cosmetic, from [Greek: kaeros], bees-wax.

Cessen, v. to cease, C2, C3; cesen,MD.—­AF. cesser; Lat. cessare.

Cetewale, sb. zedoary, a root resemblingginger, MD, C2, Prompt., SB; setewale, MD,HD; setwale, Prompt; setuale, Prompt.;sedewale, MD; sedwale, MD; cedewale,Alph.—­AF. cetewale, OF. citoual,citouart; Low Lat. zedoarium; Arab. jadwAir(from the Persian).

CeA deg.en, sb. pl. countries, S; seeCuA deg.A deg.e.

Chaf, sb. chaff, straw, MD; chaff,MD; chaffe, W, Prompt.; chef, MD; caf,H; cafe, H.—­AS. ceaf.

Chaffare, sb. business, selling, merchandise,S2, C2, C3; chaffar, C3; chafare, S;cheffare, S; chapfare, MD; cheapfare,MD.—­AS. cA(C)ap + faru, a journey,business; cp. Icel. kaupfor.

Chaffaren, v. to chaffer, S2, C3, P,W.

Chaflet- sb. a small stage or platform,S3, HD.—­A dimin. of OF. chafaut,chaffaut, see Ducange (s.v. chaaffallum).See Skaffaut.

Chaine, sb. chain; chayne, MD;cheyne, Prompt., C2; chyne, MD.—­AF.chaine (cheine]; OF. chaAine, cadene;Lat. catena.

Chaire, seat, chair, MD; chayere, MD;chaier, W2; chaere, S, MD.—­AF.chaiA"re, chayA"re, seat, throne; Lat. cathedra;Gr. [Greek: kathedra].

Chald, adj. cold, S; see Cold.

Chalenge, sb. false claim, accusation,claim, MD, W2; calenge, MD; chalaunge,MD.—­AF. chalenge, chalange, OF. calenge;Lat. calumnia.

Chalengen, v. to accuse, charge, claim,MD, W, S2, P; chalange, H; calengynge,pr. p., W2; chalangede, pt. s.,S2; chalanged, pp. accused, P.—­AF.chalenger, chalanger, ‘calumniate.’

Chalengere, sb. accuser, W2.

Chamber, sb. chamber, MD; chambur,MD; schambyr, Voc.; chambre, C2, C3,PP; chombre, MD; chaumbre, MD, PP; chawmere,MD; chamer, Voc.; chalmer, S3.—­AF.chambre; Lat. camera.

Chamberere, sb. handmaid, MD, S2, C2;chambrere, MD; chomberier, MD.—­OF.chamberiere.

Chamberling, sb. chamberlain; chaumberling,MD; chamberlein, MD; schamberleyne,Voc.; chamberlayn, MD; chamerlane, Voc.—­OF.chambrelenc (cp. It. camerlengoin Florio); OHG. chamarlinc; Lat. camera+ OHG.-linc. On the suffix see SkD.

Chamelle; see Camel.

Chamelot, sb. camlet, S3; see Camelot.

Champaine, adj. and sb. level,level country, CM, S3.—­AF. champaigne.

Champartie, sb. share in land, partnershipin power, C; chanpartye, S3.—­OF.champart, field-rent, see Cotg.; Lat. campipartem.

Champion, sb. a fighter in the duel,a champion, MD; champioun, C,G.—­AF.champion; Late Lat. campionem.

Chan-; see Chaun-.

Chanoun; see Canoun.

Chape, sb. the locket of a scabbard,Cotg., Cath.; schape, Cath. (n.).—­OF.chappe (Cotg.).

Chapele, sb. chapel, S, MD; chapelle,MD; schapelle, Voc.—­AF. chapele,OF. capele; Church Lat. capella.

Chapelein, sb. chaplain, MD; chape-*leyne,MD,C; chapeleyns, pl.,S2.—­AF.chapelein; Church Lat. capellanus.

Chapiter, sb. the capital of a column,SkD.—­OF. chapitel; Lat. capitellum,dimin. of caput.

Chapitre, sb. a chapter, division ofa book, a meeting of clergy, MD, PP; chapiter,S3; chapitere, PP; chapitle, PP; chapitele,PP; capitle, summary, W.—­OF. chapitre,chapitle; Lat. capitulum, dimin. ofcaput.

Chapitre-hous, sb. chapter-house, PP;chapitel-hous, PP.

Chapman, sb. merchant, C, PP; chapmon,S2, PP; chepmon, S; chapmen, pl.,S, S2, C3, PP.—­AS. cA(C)apman.

Chapmanhode, sb. trade, S2, C3.

Chapolory, sb. a kind of scarf, S3;see Scaplorye.

Char, Chare, sb. car, S3; see Carre.

Charbocle, sb. carbuncle (stone), C2;see Carboncle.

Charen, v. to turn, S; see Cherren.

Charge, sb. a load, injunction, responsibility,MD, S2, C3, C, W; charche, MD; carke,S3; karke, MD; cark, MD, G.—­AF.charge, also kark.

Chargen, v. to put a load on, to enjoin,MD, S2; to care for, W, W2; charchyng, pr.p., S3; y-charged, pp.,S2; charged,S2.—­AF. charger-, OF. cargier’,Late Lat. carricare. See Carry.

Chargeouse, adj. burdensome, W; chariouse,W2.

Charitee, sb. charity, C2; charyte,S2;charite, MD,S2,G; carited, S; kariteA3/4,MD.—­AF. charite, OF. caritet,Prov. caritat; Lat. caritatem. Cf.Cherte.

Chari3*, adj. sad, S.—­AS.cearig; cp. OS. karag. SeeCare.

Charnel, sb charnel-house, P, SkD.—­AF.charnel, carnel; Lat. carnalem.

Chartre, sb. prison, S, MD.—­OF.chartre,, Ps. 141. 7; Lat. carcerem,see Brachet. For tr from original cr,compare OF. veintre; Lat. vincere.

Chartre, sb. charter, S, PP.—­AF.chartre; Lat. chartula, dimin. of charta.

Chase, sb. hunting, pursuit, also, hunting-ground,MD; chas, MD; chays, S3.—­AF.chace, hunting-ground.

Chaser, sb. hunter (horse), chaser,MD; chaseris, pl., S2.

Chastelet, sb. little castle, domain,P.—­OF. chastelet (Cotg.). SeeCastel.

Chasteleyne, sb. castellan, MD.—­AF.chasteleyn.

Chastien, v. to chastise, MD, S; chaste,S2, C2, P.—­AF. chastier, OF. castier;Lat. castigare.

Chastisen, v. to chastise, MD; chastyse,C2.

Chastyng, sb. chastisem*nt, P.

Chaud, adj. hot, S2, PP.—­OF.chaud, chald; Late Lat. caldum; fromLat. calidus.

Chaunce, sb. chance, S2, C2, C3; cheance,MD; cheaunce, MD; chans, MD; chance,S3.—­OF. cheance; Late Lat. cadentia,a falling, from cadere.

Chauncel, sb. chancel, Prompt.; chauncell,Palsg.; chawnsylle, Voc.—­OF. chancel;Late Lat. cancellus, chancel, screen; cp.Lat. cancetti, pi., latticework, dimin. of cancri,lattice work, from cancer, a crab. SeeCanker.

Chaunceler, sb. chancellor, Prompt.;chanceler, MD; cancaler, S.—­AF.chanceler, OF. cancelier; Late Lat. cancellarius.

Chauncellerie, sb. chancery, MD; chancelerie,MD.—­AF. chauncelerie.

Chauncerye, sb. chancery, MD.—­AF.chancerie.

Chaunge, sb. change, C2.

Chaungen, v. to change, MD, S2; chaungi,S; chongen, S2; i-changet, pp.,S.—­AF. changer; OF. changier,cangier; Low Lat. cambiare, to barter.

Chaunger, sb. money-changer, W.

Chaungyng, sb. changing, W2.

Chaunterie, sb. chantry for singingmasses for the dead, C.—­AF. ckaunterie,OF. chanterie; Late Lat. cantaria, fromLat. cantare, to sing.

Chavel, sb. the jaw, MD; chavyl,MD; chawle, MD; chaul, MD; choule,MD; chol, S3; choll, MD.—­AS.ceafl. See further in SkD (s.v. jowl).

Chavyl-bone, sb. jaw-bone, Prompt.;chavylbon, MD.

Che-; see Chi-.

Cheap, sb. bargain, S; see Chepe.

Cheap-ild, sb. a female trader, S. See~-ild~.

Chearre, v. to turn, S; see Cherren.

Cheas, pt. s. chose, S; see Chesen.

Checker, sb. exchequer, S3; see Escheker.

Cheef, sb. and adj. head, upperpart, chief, MD, PP; chief, MD; cheff,PP; chef, MD; chyf, PP.—­OF.chef(AF. chief) cheve; Late Lat.capum (acc.); cp. It. capo, Sp.cabo.

Cheef-mete, sb. chief meat, PP, S2.

Chees; see Chesen.

Cheest; see Chest.

Cheffare, sb. business, S; see Chaffare.

Chekelew, adj. suffocating, HD; see~-lewe~.

Cheken, v. to choke, suffocate, MD,Prompt., SkD. See NED (s.v. achoke).

Cheker, sb. exchequer, PP; see Escheker.

Cheld, adj. cold, S2; see Cold.

Chelde, sb. cold, PP.

Chelden, v. to grow cold, S; kelde,MD.—­AS. cealdian.

Che*le, sb. chill, S, S2; see Chil.

Che*le, sb. throat, fur made up fromthe fur about the marten’s throat, S; cheole,MD; chelle, MD.—­AS. ceole,the throat; cp. OHG. che*la (G. kehle).See Mertheschele.

Chelle, sb. bowl, incense-vessel, S.—­AS.ciella (cylle), a vessel for drinking; cp.OHG. chella.

Chemys, sb. chief mansion, JD; see Chymmys.

Chene; see Chyne.

Cheosen; see Chesen.

Chepe, sb. bargain, business, MD; cheap,S. Phr.: good chepe, cheap, MD;gret chep, plenty, cheapness, MD; to goodcheep, too cheaply, G.—­AS. cA(C)ap,business, purchase, price, also, cattle; Icel. kaup,bargain; cp. OHG. kouf(Otfrid).

Chepe, sb. Cheapside, S3, P.

Chepen, v. to transact business, buyor sell, MD, S; chepet, pp., S.—­AS.cA(C)apian, to bargain.

Cheping, sb. market, W; chepynge,S2, P.—­AS. cA(C)apung, trade, commerce.

Chepmon; see Chapman.

Cher, adj. dear, PP; chere, MD.Phr.: cher ouer, careful of, PP.—­OF.cher; Lat. carum.

Cherarchy, sb. an assembly of holy rulers,a hierarchy, S3; yerarchy, SkD (p. 810).—­OF.hierarchie; Gk. [Greek: ierarchia]; cp.It. gerarchA-a, a hierarchy of angels (Florio).

Cherche, sb. church, S2, C3; see Chirche.[Addition]

Chere, sb. a time, S; see Cherre.

Chere, sb. face, friendly welcome, S,MD, S2, S3, C3, G, C2; chiere, S3; cheare,S3; cheere, G; cher, S2; cheer,W; cheres, pl., wry faces, S.—­AF.chere, countenance, OF. chere, head(Roland); Low Lat. cara, the face, head; Gr.[Greek: kara]; see Ducange. Cp. E.cheer.

Cheren, v. to make good cheer, to makeglad, MD, Prompt., S.

Cheriche, v. to cherish, PP; cheryce,C2.—­OF. cherir (pr. p. cherissant).

Cherissing, sb. cherishing, PP.

Cherl, sb. peasant, S, S2, C2, C3; chorle,Prompt.; churle, Voc.—­AS. ceorl;cp. MHG. kerl. Cf. Carl.

Cherliche, adv. dearly, fondly, PP;cherli, S2. See Cher.

Cherre, sb. a turn, space of time, business,affair, job, MD; chere, S; char, MD;chore, SkD (p. 792).—­AS. cerr(cirr, cyrr); cp. OHG. chA(C)r.

Cherren, v. to turn, MD; chearre,S; churren, S; charen, S; cherde,pt. pl., S.—­AS. cerran (cirran);cp. OHG. kA(C)ren (Otfrid).

Cherte, sb. charity, MD: friendship,S3.—­OF. cherte; Lat. caritatem.Cf. Charitee.

Cherubim, sb. pl. cherubim; cherubym,W2 (Ps. 17. 12); cherubin, S2; cherubyn,H.—­Church Lat. cherubim (Vulg.);Heb. cherubim, pl. of cherub. Cp.OF. cherubins, PS. 17. 10.

Chervelle, sb. chervil, PP; cherefelle,Alph.; chiruylles, pl., PP.—­AS.cA|rfille, (Voc.); Lat. caerifolium;Gr. [Greek: chairephullon]; cp. OF. cerfueil(Cotg.).

Chery, sb. cherry, Voc.; chere,Voc.—­OF. cerise; Late Lat. cerasea,adj. from cerasum, cherry; from Gr. [Greek:kerasos], cherry-tree; see Diez. Cf. Chiries.

Chesbolle, sb. a small onion, poppy-head,Voc.; chesebolle, HD; chessebolle, HD;chespolle, Voc.

Chese, sb. cheese, MD, Voc., S (18.643); schese, Voc.; cA|se, S.—­O.Merc. cA(C)se (OET), AS. cA|*se; Lat.caseus.

Chesen, v. to choose, S, S2, C2, C3,G; cheosen, S, S2, MD; ches, imp.s., S2; chees, C3; choyss, S3; cheas,pt. s., S; ches, MD, S2; chees,MD, S2, C2, C3; chesit (weak), S3; curen,pl., MD; cusen, S; icoren, pp.,S; ychose, PP; cosan, S.—­AS.cA(C)osan, pt. cA(C)as (pl. curon),pp. coren.

Chesible, sb. chasuble, P; chesibylle,Voc.; chesyble, Palsg.; chesypyl, Voc.;chesypylle, Prompt.—­OF. *_chasible_,cp. Church Lat. casibula, casubula (OF.chasuble); from casula, a sacerdotalvestment, from Lat. casa, a cottage.

Chesoun, sb. cause, account, MD; chesun,S2, H; cheson, H. See Achesoun.

Chest, sb. jangling, strife, MD, P;cheast, MD; cheaste, MD; cheste,G, S; cheestis, pl., W.—­AS.cA(C)ast.

Chest, sb. chest, ark, coffin, PP, MD;chA|st, MD; cA|ste, dat., S.Cf. Kist.

Chesten, sb. chestnut-tree, Manip.;chesteyn, C, MD; cheston, Voc.—­AF.chestaine, OF. chastaigne; Lat. castanea;from Gr. [Greek: khastanon].

Chesten-tre, sb. chestnut-tree, MD;chestantre, Voc.

Chesun, sb. cause, occasion, account,S2, H; see Chesoun.

Chesunabile, adj. open to an accusation,H.

CheA deg.en, sb. pl. countries, S; seeCuA deg.A deg.e.

Cheuaunce, sb. gain, profit, MD.

Cheuen, v. to succeed, to attain one’send, MD, C3, P; cheeuen, S2,—­OF.chevir, from chef. See Cheef.

Cheuesance, sb. success, profit, agreement,MD, PP; cheuisaunce, agreement, bargain, PP,C.—­OF. chevisance.

Cheuesen, v. to procure, to get, MD;chevisen, MD; cheviss, to achieve one’spurpose, S2; cheuyce, to lend, S3.—­OF.chevir (pr. p. chevissant).

Cheuetayn, sb. captain, S2; cheueteyn,MD; cheventeyn, S2, PP, C; cheuentayn,MD, PP; chefetayn, MD; chiveteyn, MD;chiftaigne, PP.—­AF. chevetayn(cheventeyn); Late Lat. capitaneum, fromLat. capit- stem of caput, head.Cf. Capitain.

Chewen, v. to chew, S, S2; cheowen,MD.—­AS. cA(C)owan, pt. cA(C)aw(pl. cuwon), pp. cowen.

Cheyne, sb. chain, C2; see Chaine.

Chibolle, sb. a small kind of onion,MD, S2, P; chebole, a young onion, Palsg.;chibole, PP; schybbolle, Voc.; chesbolle,Voc.—­OF. ciboule; Late Lat. caepullafrom Lat. caepa, onion. Cp. It. cipolla, cyboll (Florio) and G. zwiebel,onion (Weigand).

Chiden, v. to chide, dispute, MD; chid,MD; imp. s., S; chit, pr. s.,MD, C3; chidden, pt. pl., S, W.—­AS.cA-dan, pt. cA-dde.

Chil, sb. chill, coolness, MD, SkD;chele, S, S2, P.—­AS. ciele(Voc.), cyle.

Chilce, sb. childishness, S. Chilc;for AS. cild+s; see Sievers, 258. Forthe French spelling, of. Milce.

Child, sb. child, the child of a noblehouse, a title of honour, young knight, S; cild,S, MD; childre, pl., S, S3; childer,MD, S, S2; cyldren, S; cheldren, S; childrene,gen., S.—­AS. cild, pl. cild,also cildru, and in O. North, cildo, cildas.

Childen, v. to bring forth children,W2.

Child-had, sb. childhood, S; child-hede,dat., C2.—­AS. cildhAid.

Chimney, sb. furnace, oven, also, fireplace,Sh, PP (n.); chymney, W; chymneye,PP.—­AF. chimenee, OF. cheminee;Late Lat. caminata, a room with a stove; fromLat. caminus, a furnace; Gr. [Greek: kaminos].

Chinche, adj. and sb. nigg*rdly,a nigg*rd, MD, CM; chiche, MD; chynchis,pl., H.—­OF. chiche, miserable,nigg*rdly (Cotg.): Sp. chico, small; Lat.ciccum (acc.), the core of a pomegranate, amere trifle.

Chinchen, v. to be nigg*rdly, Prompt.

Chincherie, sb. miserliness, Prompt.

Chirche, sb. church, S, S2, W2, PP,CM; churche, S, S2, PP; cherche, S2,C3; kirke, S, S2, P; kyrke, P, Voc.,S3; kirc, S2; circe, S, Voc.; cyrce,S.—­AS. cyrce; cp. OHG. kirichAc(Tatian).

Chirche-gong, sb. churching of women,S2, MD.—­Cp. Icel. kirkju-ganga.

Chirche-haie, sb. cemetery, MD; chyrchehaye,Voc.

Chirche-3*eard, sb. church-yard, MD;chyrche3*arde, Prompt.; kyrke3*erde,Voc.; kyrgarth, Voc.; cyrce-iA|rd, S.—­Icel.kirkju-garA deg.r.

Chirch-socne, sb. congregation, S.—­AS.ciric-sA cubedcn (Schmid); cp. Icel. kirkju-sAcubedkn.

Chiries, sb. pl. cherries, S2, P. SeeChery.

Chiri-tyme, sb. cherry-time, P.

Chirken, v. to twitter, chirp, MD, CM.

Chirkyng, sb. a grating, stridulent,hissing sound, C, CM; chyrkynge, sibilatus,Prompt.

Chirm, sb. noise of birds, MD; charm,ND; chirme, dat., S.—­AS.cirm, cyrm.

Chirmen, v. to chirp and twitter, MD;cherme, Palsg.; chyrmys, pr. s.,S3. See SkD (s.v. chirp), and Brugrnann,ASec. 420.

Chisel, sb. chisel, MD; chysel,Prompt.; chyssell, S3; chesyll, MD;scheselle, Voc.; sceselle, Voc.—­NorthF. chisel, OF. cisel, It. cesello,see SkD (p. 793).

Chit, pr. s. disputes, C3; see Chiden.

Chiteren, v. to twitter, MD, CM; tochatter, C3.

Chitering,, sb. twittering, MD; chyteryng,S2.

Chivache, sb. riding, expedition, CM,MD, C3; chivachie, C; chevache, CM.—­AF.chivauche, chevauchee, OF. chevalchee,from chevalchier, to ride on horseback, fromcheval, horse; Lat. caballum, (acc.).See Capul.

Chiualer, sb. chevalier, knight, PP;cheualere, MD.—­AF. chevaler.

Chivalrie, sb. the knights of Christendom,S2; chevalrye, MD; chyvalrie, knightlydeeds, MD; chiualrye, C2.—­AF. chivalrie,chevalerie.

Chiueren, v. to shiver, tremble, Prompt.,SkD (s.v. shiver); cheueren, PP; sheeuering,pr. p., S3.—­Cp. Du. huiveren,to shiver.

Chiueringe, sb. shivering, trembling;chyuerynge, Prompt., p. 75; chyueryng,Palsg., Prompt.

Chois, sb. and adj. choice, MD,C2; choys, MD, C, C2.—­OF. chois,cois, from choisir, coisir, to choose.Of Teutonic origin. See Chesen.

Choisly, adv. choicely, MD; chysly,S2.

Chol; see Chavel.

Chold, adj. cold, S; see Cold.

Choppen, v. to chop, cut, mince, MD;chappyd, pp., MD.

Chorle; see Cherl.

Chrisolyte, sb. chrysolite, 3; crysolyt,SkD.—­Lat. chrysolithus (Vulg.); Gr.[Greek: chrusolithos], ’gold stone.’

Chronique, sb. chronicle, C; see Cronique.

Churren, v. to turn, S; see Cherren.

Chymmys, sb. chief mansion, S3; chemys,JD.—­OF. chef+mes (Bartsch.), chefmois,chief manor house (Cotg.); Late Lat. capmansum(acc.); see Ducange (s.v. caput mansi).See Cheef.

Chymney, sb. furnace, W; see Chimney.

Chynchis, sb. pl. nigg*rds, H; see Chinche.

Chyne, sb. chink, fissure, W2; chenes,pl., S2, MD; chynnes, S3.—­AS.cA-nu.

Chynnyng, sb. chink, S3.

Chyp, v. to chip, S3. See Choppen.

Chyrmen, v. to chirp, S3; see Chirmen.

Chysly, adv. choicely, S2; see Choisly.

Chyssell, sb. chisel, S3; see Chisel.

Ciclatun, sb. a costly silk texture,S; ciclatoun, MD, C2; siclatoun, MD;ciclatuns, pl., S.—­OF. ciclatunin Roland (cp. Icel. siklatun); cp.Arab, siqlAit, a fine cloth.

Cipres, sb. cypress, MD; ciprees,C2; cypres, Palsg.; cipresse, MD.—­OF.cypres; Lat. cupressus, cyparissus;Gr. [Greek: kuparissos].

Circe, sb. church, S, Voc.; see Chirche.

Circe-wican, sb. dat. church-dwelling,S.

Cisterne, sb. cistern, Joseph’spit, MD, Cath.; sisterne, MD; sesterne,Prompt.—­Lat. cisterna, (Vulg.).

Cisternesse, sb. Joseph’spit, S.

Citee, sb. city, MD, C2, C3; cyte,MD; syte, Prompt.; scite, S; citee,MD, C2, C3; cite, S, S2, Cath.—­AF.cite, OF. citet; Lat. ciuitatem,a community of citizens.

Citesein, sb. citizen, MD; citeseyn,W (Acts 22. 26); cytezeyne, Prompt.—­AF.citeseyn, citezein: Prov. ciutadan,ciptadan; Late Lat. *_civitadanum_.

Citiner, sb. citizen, JD; cyttenere,Voc.

Citole, sb. cithern, C, MD, CM; cytole,Voc.—­AF. citole, OF. cytholle(= Lat. cithara), Ps. 56. 8; cp. Low Lat.citola, (Voc.); Lat. cithara; Gr. [Greek:kithara], also [Greek: kitharis]; cp. Chaldeeqi*tha*ro*s, Dan. 3. 5. See Giterne.

Citolerer, sb. a player on the cithern;cytolerer, Voc.

Citrinacioun, sb. the turning to thecolour of citron (in alchemy), C3, CM.

Citrine, adj. citron-coloured, MD.—­OF.citrin; Lat. citrinus.

Citur, sb. citron-tree, MD. Comb.:cytyr-tre, Prompt.; citur tree,, MD.—­OF.citre; Lat. citrum (acc.).

Clam, adj. sticky, H, MD.

Clam, pt. s. climbed, S2; clamb,C2; see Climben.

Clanlych, adv. purely, S2; see Clene.

Clappen, v. to make a noise like theclapper of a mill, MD, Palsg; to chatter, C2, C3.—­Icel.klappa.

Clapping, sb. chatter, idle talk, C2.

Clapsen, v. to clasp, C, CM; see Claspen.

Claret, sb. a spiced wine, MD, Prompt.clare, MD; clarre, C, MD; clarry,MD.—­OF. claret (AF. clare);Late Lat. claretum and claratum.See Clere.

Clarifien, v. to glorify, MD, W, H (Ps.19, 1).—­OF. clarifier; Lat. clarificare(Vulg.).

Clarioun, sb. clarion, C, MD; claryone,Prompt.—­OF. clarion (F. clairon).See Clere.

Clarre, sb. a spiced wine, C, CM; seeClaret.

Claspen, v. to clasp, Palsg.; clapsen,C, CM.

Clauster, sb. cloister, MD; closter,MD; claustres, pl., S2.—­Lat.claustrum (clostrum), whence Icel. klaustr,AS. clAster. Cf. Cloister.

Claver, sb. clover, trifolium,Voc., MD; clavyr, S3; clovere, Voc.—­AS.clAifre (OET.), also clAoefre, (Voc.);cp. Dan. klAver.

Claw, sb. hoof, Voc.; clau, Voc.;claw-wess, pl., S; cluvis, S3;clawes, claws of bird, C2.—­AS. clAiwu,hoof; cp. Icel. klauf, see Weigand (s.v.klaue).

Clawen, v. to scratch, stroke, MD; clowe,to scratch, PP. Phr.: to claw the back,to flatter, S3. Comb.: claw-back,sb. flatterer, sycophant, Cotg. (s.v. flateur).

Cleche, sb. hook, MD; cleek,HD.

Clechen, v. to seize, MD, HD; cleke,MD; cleikis, pr. s., S3; clahte,pt. s., MD; claucht, pp., MD.

Cled, pt. s. clothed, S3; see Clothen.

Clee, sb. hoof, W2.—­AS. clA(C)o.See Claw.

Clef, pt. s. split, S2; see Cleuen.

Clei, sb. clay, W2, MD; cley,Prompt.; W (John 9.6), Voc.—­AS. clA|g.

Clemen, v. to plaster with clay, to,daub, to smear, MD, S2; clemyd, pp.,glued, H.—­AS. clA|*man, from clAim,clay.

Clenchen, v. to clench, seize, PP; totwang the harp, S; clenten, pt. pl.,embraced, S; cleynt, pp., fixed, MD.—­Cp.OHG. klenken (in in-klenken), to fasten(Otfrid).

Clene, adj. clean, MD, S; adv.entirely, penitus, MD, S, S2; clenner,comp., W2.—­AS. clA|*ne; cp.OHG. kleini, fine, tender, kleino, ‘penitus’(Otfrid).

Clengen, v. to cling, S2; see Clingen.

Clenlich, adj. cleanly, MD; clenliche,adv. purely, S; clanlych, S2; clennlike,S; clenli, entirely, S.—­AS. clA|*nlic.

Clennes, sb. purity, S2; clennesse,W2; clenesse, S.—­AS. clA|*nnis.

Clensien, v. to cleanse, MD; clansi.S; clennsenn, S; y-clense, S3.—­AS.(ge) clA|*nsian, see Sievers, 185.

Clensinge, sb. cleansing, S.

Cleo; see Clyffe..

Clepen, v. to call, S2, C2, W, W2; clepien,S; cleopien, S; clupien, MD,S2 cleopede,pt. s., S; clupede, S; clepide,S2, W; clepte, S2; clepud, S2; clepet,S2; clepit, S3; i-cleopet, pp.,S; i-cleped, S; y-clepud, S2; y-cleped,C3; cleped, S2, C2; clept, S2; y-clept,C3; iclepet, S2; icluped, S2; iclyped,S3.—­AS. cleopian.

Clepyng, sb. a calling, W.

Clere, adj. clear, bright, glorious,C2 W, W2; cleer, MD; cler, MD; clier,MD.—­AF. cler; Lat. clarum.

Clerenesse, sb. brightness, W; cleernes,C3.

Clerete, sb. brightness, W.

Clergeon, sb. a chorister, little priest,young scholar, MD, C2.—­AF. clergeon;cp. Sp. clerizon (Minsheu).

Clergial, adj. learned, C3; clergealy,adv. in clerkly wise, P.

Clergie, sb. (1) the clergy, (2) theclerical profession, (3) book-learning, MD; clargy,H.—­OF. clergie: Sp. clerecia,clergy; Late Lat. clericia, the clergy, learning;see Constans.

Clerk, sb. clergyman, scholar, secretary,C2; clerc, S, MD; clerkes, pl.,S, C2, C3, P; clerekes, S; clerken, gen.pl., S2.—­OF. clerc (AF. clerk);Church Lat. clericum (acc.); Gr. [Greek:klaerikhos] from [Greek: kgaeros] a lot, in eccl.writers, the clergy.

Cler-matin, sb. a kind of corn for grinding,MD, S2, PP.

Cleue, sb dwelling, bedroom, bed, MD,S; kleue, MD.—­AS. clA(C)ofa,a recess, den, bed, chamber; cp. Icel. klefi,a closet, bedroom.

Cleuen, v. to split asunder, MD, P;cleoue, MD; cleues, pr. s., S;claf, pt. s., MD; clef, MD, S2;cleef, MD; clevede, G; clouen,pl., S2; clofenn, pp., S; cloue,W.—­AS. clA(C)ofan, pt. clA(C)af(pl. clufon), pp. clofen.

Cleuen, v. to cleave, adhere, MD, W2,PP; cliuyn, Prompt.; cliuen, S; clyuen,PP; cliued, pt. s., S; cleuede,W2.—­AS, clifian (cleofian); OHG.klebAn (Otfrid).

Cleuering, pr. p. clinging, holdingon by claws, S3. See Cliuer.

Cleynt, pp. fixed, MD; see Clenchen.

Clicche; see Clochen.

Cliket, sb. a kind of lock or fastening,PP, CM; clyket, PP, Voc.; clykyt, Voc.—­OF.cliquette (Bartsch), from cliquer, toclick, snap; cp. Low Lat. cliquetus.

Cliketed, pp. fastened with a latch,PP.

Climben, v. to climb, MD; clymben,C2; clam, pt. s., S2, MD; clamb,C2; clomb, MD; clomben, pp., C;clombe, C2.—­AS. climban,pt. clamb (pl. clumbon); pp. clumben.

Clingen, v. to shrivel up, wither, tocling, MD, S, ND, Sh; clengen, S2; clyngen,S2; clang, pt. s., MD; clonge,pl., MD; clungen, pp., MD.—­AS.clingan, pt. clang (pl. clungon),pp. clungen.

Clippe; see Cluppen.

Clippen, v. to clip, shear, S, C2, MD.—­Icel.klippa.

Cliue, sb. cliff, S; see Clyffe.

Cliuen, v. to cleave, adhere, S; seeCleuen.

Cliuer, adj. eager, sharp, MD, SkD.

Cliuer, sb. claw, S; clivres,pl., S.—­AS. clifer.

Clobbed, adj. like a club, rough, C2;clubbed, MD. See Clubbe.

Cloche, sb. claw, PP; cloke,HD; cluke, S3 (s.v. cat), JD; cleuck,JD; clokis, pl., H.

Clochen, v. to clutch, PP; clucchen,PP, HD, SkD; clouche, PP; clycchen,PP; clicche, PP.

Clocken, v. to limp, hobble, PP; clokke,PP.—­OF. cloquer (clocher), to limp(Cotg.), also cloper: Prov. clopchar;Low Lat. *_cloppicare_, from cloppus; see Diez(P. 550).

Clodde; see Clot.

Clofenn; see Cleuen.

Cloister, sb. cloister, MD; cloistre,C3; cloystre, C; cloystyr, Prompt.—­AF.cloister OF. cloistre (F. cloA(R)tre).Cf. Clauster.

Cloisterer, sb. cloister-monk, C2.

Clom, sb. silence, S2; see Clum.

Clomben, pp. climbed, C; see Climben.[Addition]

Clomsen, v. to be benumbed, stupified,PP, H. See Clum.

Clomstnes, sb. numbness, fixedness,H.

Cloos, adj. close, C3; clos,MD.—­AF. clos, closed, pp. of clore;Lat. claudere.

Clos, sb. an enclosure, a locked-upplace, MD; cloos, Prompt., S2; cloyss,S3.

Closen, v. to close, to enclose, MD.—­FromAF. clos, pp; Lat. clausum. SeeCloos.

Closter, sb. cloister, MD; see Clauster.

Closures, sb. pl. enclosures, fastenings,S3.

Closyngis, sb. pl. gates, W2.

Clot, sb. a clod, MD; clotte,Cath.; clodde, Prompt., Palsg., Manip.; clottes,pl., lumps, S2; clottis, W2. SeeWeigand (s.v. kloss).

Clote, sb. burdock, Voc., MD, Prompt.,Alph.; cloote, MD.—­AS. clAite.

Clote-bur, sb. burr of the burdock,C3.

Clote-leef, sb. leaf of the burdock,C3.

Cloteren, v. to clot, coagulate, Prompt.;cloderen, Prompt.; clothred, pp.,C.

Cloth, sb. cloth, clothing, S, S2; cloA3/4e,S2; cloA3/4t, S2; claA deg., S; claAdeg.es, pl., S; cloA deg.es, S.—­AS.clAiA deg..

Clothen, v. to clothe, S; claA deg.en,S; cled, pt. s., S3; cloA deg.eden,pl., S2; y-clothed, pp., PP; y-clad,C3; cled, S3.

Cloude,, sb. a mass of rock, a hill,clod, S2, MD; clude, MD; clowdys, pl.,MD (s.v. clot); cluddis, masses of cloud,S3; cloudis, H (Ps. 67. 37).—­AS.clAd.

Clout, sb. clout, rag, W; clowt,C3; clutes, pl., S; cloutes,S2, S3, C3; clowtes, S2.—­AS. clAt(OET.).

Clouten, v. to patch, mend, S3; clou3*-*tand,pr. p., S2; clouted, pp., providedwith an iron plate, S3.

Cloue, pp. split, W; see Cleuen.

Clowe, v. to scratch, P; see Clawen.

Clowe, sb. a clove, pink, Prompt.; clowes,pl., MD.—­OF. clou, clo, anail; Lat. clauum (acc.).

Clow-gilofre, sb. a clove-gilly-flower,C2; clowe-gylofres, pl., S2.—­AF.cloue de gilofre. See Geraflour.

Clubbe sb. club, MD; clobbe,MD.—­Icel. klubba, klumba.

Clubbed, adj. club-shaped, rough, MD,Prompt.; clobbed, C2.

Clucche, v. to clutch, PP; see Clochen.

Cluddis, sb. pl. masses of cloud, S3;see Cloude.

Cluke; see Cloche.

Clum, sb. stillness, silence, MD, CM;Clom, S2.

Clumsen, v. to be benumbed, stupified,MD; clomsen, PP; clomsed, pp.,set fast, H; clumst, H; clumsyd, ‘enervatus’,Cath.

Clumst-hede, sb. numbness, H.

Clupien, v. to call, S2; see Clepen.

Cluppen, v. to embrace, S, MD; clyppe,S2; clippe, S2, MD; cleppen, MD; clupte,pt. s., S.—­AS. clyppan.

Cluster-loc, sb. enclosure, S.—­AS. clAster-loc. See Clauster.

Clute; see Clout.

Cluvis, sb. pl. hoofs, S3; see Claw.

Clyffe, sb. cliff, MD; clyfe,MD; cliue, dat., S; cleoue, MD;cleo, S; cliues, pl., MD; cleues,MD.—­AS. clif (OET), pl. cleofu,cliofu; see Grein, Sievers, 241.

Clymbare, sb. climber, S3.

Clymben, v. to climb, C2; see Climben.

Clyngen, v. to wither, to shrink, S2;see Clingen.

Cnawen, v. to know, S; see Knowen.

Cnawlechen, v. to acknowledge, MD.

Cnawlechunge, sb. acknowledgment, S.

Cnelinng, sb. kneeling, S.

Cneowe, sb. dat. knee, S; see Kne.

Cniht, sb. knight, S; see Kni3*t.

Cnotted, pp. knotted, S; i-knotted,S; see Knotte.

Cnouwe, sb. dat. knee, S; see Kne.

Cnowen, v. to know, S; pp., S2;see Knowen.

Co-arten, v. to compel, constrain, HD;coarted, pp., S3.—­Lat. co-arctare,to constrain, compress.

Cocatrice, sb. a serpent ( = Lat. basiliscus= Heb. pethen, an adder or cobra), W2; cocatryse,basiliscus, cocodrillus, Prompt.; kokatrice,MD; co*ckatrice, WW.—­OF. cocatriz,crocodile: Sp. cocadriz, basilisk, cocatrice(Minsheu). Cp. co*kedrill.

co*cke, sb. in phr.: byco*cke (a profane oath), S3, ND; by co*ck,Sh.; co*ck’s pas-*sion, Sh.; Cox mypassion, Sh; by co*ck and pie, Sh., ND,SkD (s.v. pie); for co*kkes bones, C3;for co*cks body, ‘de par Dieu,’Palsg.—­Cp. Grimm, p. 15 (n.).

Cocow; see Cukkow.

Cod, sb. cod, pod, husk, MD; codde,Prompt., Palsg.; coddis, pl., W.—­AS.codd, bag (Mark 6. 8).

Cod, sb. pillow, Cath., MD; coddis,pl., HD.—­Icel. koddi, pillow.

Cof, adj. quick, MD; kof, MD;coue, MD; cofe, adv., S; cofer,comp., S.—­AS. cAif; cp.Icel. Ai-kafr, vehement.

Coffes, sb. pl. cuffs, P; see Cuffe.

Cofin, sb. basket, MD; coffyn,W2; cofyne, paste, crust of a pie, MD; coffyns,pl., baskets, S2; cofyns, W; cofynes,W.—­OF. cofin; Lat. cophinus(Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: kophinos] (NT).

Cofre, sb. box, coffer, MD, C2, C3,P; cofer, S2; cofres, pl., S2.—­AF.cofre; Lat. cophinum (acc.); see Brachet.

Cofren,, v. to put into a coffer, S3.

Cog, sb. cog, tooth on the rim of awheel, MD; kog, Voc.; cogge, dat.,S.

Cognisaunce, sb. knowledge, MD; cognizance,that by which something is known, Sh; conisantes,pl., badges, S3.—­AF. conisaunce,knowledge, OF. cognoissance, from cognoissant,pr. p. of cognoistre; Lat. cognoscere.

Coife, sb. coif, cap, MD; coyfe,S3, Prompt., Palsg.—­OF. coiffe;Low Lat. cofea. Cf. Cuffe.

Coint, adj. knowing, prudent, skilful,sly, neat, fine, quaint, MD; koynt, MD; quoynte,MD; queynte, MD, S3, C2; quaynte, MD;queynt, MD; quaynt, H.—­OF.cointe, prudent, trim, friendly; Lat. cognitum.

Cointeliche, adv. skilfully, neatly,quaintly, MD; quoynteliche, MD; queyntelich,MD; queynteli, S3; queinteliche, S2;quaintelye, S2.

Cointise, sb. art, skill, cunning, MD;quointise, MD, S2; quantise, H; queyntise,MD, S3; quaintis, H.—­OF. cointise.

Coite, sb. quoit; coyte, Prompt.,Palsg., Manip.; coitis, pl., S3.Cp. the v. coit, JD; OF. coitier, topush, press (Bartsch).

Coiten, v. to play quoits, Prompt.,Palsg.

co*k, sb. cook, S2; co*kes, pl.,C3, PP; kokes, PP.—­AS. cA cubedc;Lat. coquus, from coquere, to cook.

co*kedrill, sb. crocodile, HD, MD; cocadrylle,Voc.; co*kodrAlles, pl., HD; cocodrilly,Trev. 1. 131, MD.—­Low Lat cocodrillus;cp. It. cocodrillo, a crocodile (Florio),Sp. cocodrillo, a serpent, crocodile (Minsheu);Lat. crocodilus; Gr. [Greek: krokodeilos]. Cf. Cocatrice.

co*keney, sb. cook’s assistant,scullion, undercook, petted child, co*ckney, MD, PP,S2; co*cknaie, MD; co*knay, Prompt., Cath.;co*kenay, CM; co*cknaye, Palsg. (s.v.bring); co*ckney, Sh.; kokeney,PP; co*knayes, pl., S3.

co*ker, sb. quiver, also a kind of half-bootsor gaiters, MD; koker, MD; cocur, Prompt,(see n.); co*keres, pl., PP; co*ckers,HD, ND.—­AS. cocer, a quiver.

co*ket, sb. a seal with which bread soldin London was stamped by a public officer, Ducange;co*cket, Cath. (n.); certificate, S3,ND.

co*ket, sb. a kind of fine bread stamped,PP, S2. Cp. Low Lat. panis de co*ket,see Ducange (s.v. co*ket). See above.

co*kewold, sb. cuckold, CM; kokewolde,P; kukwald, Voc.; co*ckewold, MD; kukeweld,MD; co*kolde, MD, SkD.—­Cp. Prov.cugol; Lat. cuculum, cuckoo. SeeCukkow.

Col-, prefix, expressing depreciation,contempt. Comb.:—­col-fox,a crafty fox, C.; col-knif, a big knife, MD;col-prophet, false prophet, ND; cold-prophet,ND; cole-prophet, ND; colle-tragetour,false juggler, CM (5. 248. 187).

Cold, adj. cold, PP; chald, S;kald, S; cald, S2, MD; kold,S; chold, S; cheld, S2; cold,evil, G.—­AS. ceald, cald: Goth,kalds from OTeut. *_kalan_, to freeze, cp.Icel. kala (pt. kA cubedl, pp. kalinn).

Colde, v. to grow cold, C3, MD.—­AS.cealdian.

Cole, sb. cabbage, cale, kail, Voc.,MD; cool, MD; kale, MD, H.—­AS.cole (OET); cp. Icel. kAil; Lat.caulis, stalk, cabbage;, see Weigand (s.v.kohl).

Cole, sb. charcoal, coal, S, S2; coole,MD; coylle, MD; coles, pl., C2,C3; coolis, W; koles, S2.—­AS.col (OET). .

Cole, adj. cool, somewhat cold, Prompt.,MD.—­AS. cA cubedl; cp. OHG.kuali (Otfrid).

Colen, v. to cool, MD, Prompt., G, H.—­AS. cA cubedlian; cp. OHG. kualen(Otfrid).;

Coler, sb. collar, MD; coller,torques, Prompt.; colers, pl.,P.—­OF. coler (F. collier);Lat. collare, from collum, neck.

Colere, sb. anger, C, MD.—­OF.colere; Lat. cholera; Gr. [Greek:cholera], an affection of the bile.

Colerik, adj. choleric, passionate,C2, MD; coleryke, Cath.—­Lat. cholericus,having one’s bile affected; Gr. [Greek:cholerikos], from [Greek: cholae], gall.

Coles, sb. pl. (?); in phr.:swearing precious coles, S3.

Collacioun, sb. conference, CM.—­OF.collacion, discourse, harangue; Lat. collationem,a bringing together, conferring.

Collen, v. to embrace, W2, MD; kollen,S2. Der.: collyngis, sb. pl.,W2.—­Cp. OF. collA(C)e, a neck-embracement(Cotg.). See Coler.

Collerie, sb. eye-salve, W; colirie,MD; colorye, HD.—­Lat. collyrium;Gr. [Greek: kollurion].

Colloppe, sb. a slice of flesh, carbonella,Prompt., MD, Palsg.; collop, Cath., Cotg. (s.v. riblette]; colope, Voc.; colop,Cath. (n.); coloppe, PP; colhoppe,PP, Voc.; collip, Manip.; colopus, pl.,PP, S2.

Colour, sb. colour, pretext, S3, C2;colur, S, MD.—­AF. colur;Lat. colorem.

Col-plontes, sb. pl. cabbages, PP, S2;kole-plantes, PP; cale-plantes, PP.See Cole.

Coltre; see Culter.

Columbine, sb. columbine (flower), Alph.,MD, Sh; columbyne, Voc., Prompt.; columby,S3.—­OF. columbine; Late Lat. columbina.

Colvyr; see Culuer.

Colwie, adj. grimy, S.

Colwyd, pp. carbonatus, Prompt.See Cole.

Comaunde, v. to command, PP, C; comanden,MD; comaundet, pt. s., S2; comande,S2, MD; cumand, S2.—­OF. comander,commander; Late Lat. commendare, to order.Cf. Comenden.

Comaundement, sb. commandment, C, PP;comandement, C2.

Comaundour, sb. commander, C3, PP; comandour,S2.—­OF. commandeor; Late Lat. commendatorem.

Combe, sb. comb for hair, comb of abird, Prompt., Voc.; komb, MD.—­AS.camb.

Combren, v. to encumber, overwhelm,MD, S3; comeren, S3; combrez, pr.s., S2; cumrit, pt. s., S2; cumme*rit,S3; cumbred, pp., S2.—­OF.combrer to hinder, from combre, a heap,see Ducange (s.v. cumbra); Lat. cumulum(acc.).

Combre-World, sb. cumberer of the world,S3.

Combust, pp. burnt, MD, C3.—­Lat.combustus, pp. of comburere, to burn.

Come, sb. a coming, S, S2, C3; kume,S; kime, S; cume, S; comes, pl.,S.—­AS. cyme.

Comelyng, sb. stranger, W, W2; kumeling,MD; comling, W; comlyng, S2; comelingis,pl., W; cumlyngis, H.

Comen, v. to come, S; cumen,S; kumen, S; cum, S2; com, S2;cuminde, pr. p., S; comynde, S2;cominde, S2; comste, comest thou, S2;comA3/4, pr. s., S2; com, pt.s., S, S2, G; cam, S, G, P; kam,S; come, 2 pt. s., S, G; coman,pt. pl., S; coomen, C2; comen,MD, S, G; come, S2; i-cumen, pp.,S; i-kumen, S; i-cume, S; i-comen,S; i-come, S, S2; comen, S2, S3, G;come, S2.—­AS. cuman; cp.Goth. kwiman.

Comenden, v. to commend, C2, PP; commended,pp., PP.—­Lat. commendare.Cf. Comaunde.

Comers, sb. pl., strangers, visitors,passers-by, S2, PP; comeres, PP.

Commoditie, sb. advantage, profit, S3,ND, Sh.—­OF. commoditA(C) (Cotg.);Lat. commoditatem.

Comp, sb. contest, S; see Camp.

Compainoun, sb. companion, MD.—­OF.compagnon; Late Lat. companionem.

Companable, adj. sociable, PP, C; companabile,H.—­OF. compaignable (Cotg.).

Companie, sb. company, MD, C2; compaynye,S; compainie, S2,—­OF. companie,from compain, an associate at meals; from Lat.cum+panis, bread.

Comparisoun, sb. comparison, MD, C2.—­OF.comparison; Late Lat. comparationem.

Comparisounen, v. to compare, MD, W(Mark 4. 30), S2.

Compas, sb. circle, circuit, device,craft, MD, C3, G; compaas, C; compasse,S3; cumpas, W2.—­OF. compas;Late Lat. compassum (acc.).

Compassen, v. to go round, to devise,contrive, MD; cumpas, W2; conpassed,pp., S3.—­AF. compasser.

Compassyng, sb. craft, contrivance,C.

Compeir, v. to appear, S3.—­OF.comper-, tonic stem of compareir; Lat.comparere.

Comper, sb. compeer, comrade, C, S2;compere, Prompt.; cumpers, pl.,MD.—­Of OF. origin; Lat. comparem,(acc.).

Complie, sb-the last church-serviceof the day, compline, MD; cumplie, S, MD.—­OF.complie; Church Lat. completa (hora).

Compline, sb. compline, MD; complyn,MD; cumplyne, completorium, Prompt.See above.

Composicion, sb. arrangement, agreement,C, C2.—­AF. composicion; Lat. compositionem.

Comptroller; see Controller.

Comsen, v. to commence, S2, PP, MD;c*msen, S2, PP.—­OF. comencer;Lat. com + initiare.

Comune, adj. common, PP; comun,MD; comyn, MD; comen, S2.—­AF.commun; Lat. communem (acc.).

Comune, sb. the commons, commonalty,PP; commune, C2; comunes, pl.,PP; comyns, S2, PP.

Comunlych, adv. commonly, S2; comunliche,PP; comunly, C2.

Comyn, sb. cummin, C2, MD, Prompt.;cummyn, W.—­OF. comin; Lat.cyminum (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: kAminon]

Comynalte, sb. community, W2.—­AF.communalte; OF. communaulte; Late Lat.communalitatem_, from _communalis_.

Comyne, v. to commune, W, W2; commune,C3—­OF. communier; Lat. communicare.

Comynere, sb. participator, W.

Comynte, sb. community, W2; comunete,PP.—­Lat. communitatem.

Con, pr. s. can, know, S. Phr.:conA3/4onk, thanks, S; see Kunnen.

Conabill, adj. suitable, convenient,B.—­OF. covenable, convenable;Late Lat. convenabilem.

Conand, sb. covenant, B; Connand,B; Cunnand, B.—­OF. convenant,agreeing, befitting, also, a covenant, pr. p. of convenir;Lat. convenire. See Couenaunt.

Conandly, adv. befittingly, S3.

Conceipt, sb. imagination, fancy, idea,MD, S3; conceit, C3; conceits, pl.,fantastic patterns, S3.

Conceiven, v. to comprise, to conceive,to imagine, MD; conceyue, PP.—­OF.concevoir; Lat. concipere.

Conduit, sb. guidance, a conduit, MD;condut, MD; condite, MD; conduyte,S3; cundyth, Voc.; condeth, MD; kun-*dites,pl., S3.—­OF. conduit (Bartsch);Lat. conductum, from conducere.

Confessen, v. to confess, to receivea confession, MD.—­AF. confesser;from Lat. confessus, pp. of conefiteor.

Confessor, sb. a confessor of Christianitybefore the heathen, a hearer of confessions, MD, S;cunfessurs, pl., S.—­AF. confessor;Church Lat. confessorem.

Confiture, sb. an apothecary’smixture, C3.—­OF. confiture (Cotg.);Late Lat. confectura.

Confort, sb. comfort, C3, C, PP.—­AF.confort.

Conforten, v. to strengthen, comfort,MD, C, P; counforte, S2, PP.—­AF.conforter; Late Lat. confortare; Lat.con + fortis, strong.

Confounden, v. to bring to confusion,C3; confoundet, pp., PP.—­AF.confoundre; Lat. confundere.

Confus, pp. put to confusion, C3, C,PP.—­AF. confus, pp.; Lat. confusum.

Congie, v. to bid farewell to, dismiss,get rid of, PP; congeye, PP, MD; cunge,PP.—­OF. congier, to dismiss, fromcongiA(C), cumgiet; Late Lat. commiatum,Lat. commeatum, permission to go.

Conisantes, sb. pl. badges, S3; seeCognisaunce.

Conjecten, v. to guess, suppose, MD,S3.—­Lat. conjectare.

Coniectere, sb. diviner, W2.

Conjoignen, v. to conjoin, MD; coniunit,pp., S3.—­From OF. conjoignant,pr. p. of conjoindre; Lat. conjungere.

Con-ioyninge, sb. conjoining, C3.

Conne, v. to know, to be able, S2, S3;see Kunnen.

Conne, v. to test, examine, con, C2,P; kun, H; cunnien, SkD.—­AS.cunnian, to try to know.

Conning, sb. science, skill, C2, C3;konning, C2; coninge, S2; kunnyng,W.

Conning, adj. skilful, C2.

Conningly, adv. skilfully, C2.

Conrey, sb. division of troops, alsoprovision, MD; conrai, S2.—­OF. cunrei(conroi), equipage, arrangement, a divisionof troops (Bartsch); It. corredo, equipage,paraphernalia (Florio); Low Lat. corredium,conredium, equipage, provision, entertainment(Ducange); con + redium, a word of Teut.origin.

Conseil, sb. counsel, S, S2, C2; coun-*seil,G, C; consail, PP.—­OF. conseil;Lat. consilium.

Conseili, v. to advise, S2; conseille,PP.—­OF. conseillier.

Constable, sb. constable, warden, officer,C3, PP; conestable, MD; cunstable, PP;cunestable, S.—­OF. conestable;Late Lat. comes stabuli, see Brachet.

Constablesse, sb. constable’swife, S2, C3.

Constance, sb. constancy, C2, MD.—­OF.constance (Cotg.); Lat. constantia.

Constorie, sb. an ecclesiastical court,PP, S2; consistorie, PP, CM.—­ChurchLat. consistorium, a place of assembly, fromLat. consistere, to stand together.

Contek, sb. strife, contention, C, G,H, MD, CM; contumely, MD; contak, MD; conteke,HD; conteck, HD, ND; contakt, HD.—­AF.contek.

Conteken, v. to strive, MD.

Contekour, sb. one who quarrels, HD.

Contenance, sb. look, gesture, outwardappearance, encouragement, favour, MD, S2, C2; contenaunce,PP, C3; c*ntenaunce, S2; countenance,S3; continaunce, G.—­OF. contenance;Late Lat. continentia, mien.

Contesse; see Countesse.

Contrarie, adj. contrary, C2, C3.—­AF.contrarie (OF. contraire); Lat. contrarium.

Contrarien, v. to oppose, C2.—­OF.contrarier; Late Lat. contrariare.

Contree, sb. country, MD, C2, C3; contre,MD, C; contreie, S2; contreye, S2; c*ntre,S2, MD, C; contrai, S2, MD.—­OF. contree(AF. c*ntree), Prov. contrada; Late Lat.contrata, from Lat. contra, see SkD.

Control, sb. restrictive authority,Sh.—­OF. contre-rAle, contre-rolle,a duplicate roll, used for verification, see Brachet,Cotg. (s. v. controlle).

Control, v. to restrain, check, Sh.

Controller, sb. superintendent, overseerof accounts, Sh; comptroller, S3.

Controven, v. to contrive, MD, PP; controeven,MD, S2; contreven, PP; contriven, MD.—­AF.controver; con + OF. trover,to find, compose poetry; Low Lat. tropare, fromtropus, a song, lit. a trope, turn of speech;Gr. [Greek: tropos], a turn.

Conventiculis, sb. pl. assemblies, W2.

Conveyen, v. to accompany, also to bring,MD.—­AF. cunveier; Late Lat. conviare,to accompany.

Conyng, sb. cony, rabbit, MD, S2, S3,P; konyng, S; cunin, S; conig,MD, HD; cony, Prompt., HD; conies, pl.,S3.—­AF. conyng, conyn, conil (pl.conis); Lat. cuniculum (acc.).

Conyngere, sb. rabbit-warren, MD, HD;connyngere, Prompt.

Coosted, pt. pl. went past, S3; seeCostey.

Coostez, sb. pl. properties, qualities,S2; see Cost.

Coote; see Cote.

Cop, sb. top, head, MD, S2, C, W, W2;coppe, dat., MD, W2; coppis,pl., W2.

Cope, sb. cape, cope, Voc.,S2, C; kope,S; coope, Prompt., MD; copis, pl.,P.—­Cp. Icel. kAipa; Late Lat.ca*pa, cappa.

Copen, v. to cover with a cope, providewith a cope, PP, S2; i-copet, pp., S2.

Copen, v. to barter, to meet, to haveto do with, to encounter, S3, Sh.—­Cp.Du. koopen, to buy.

Coper, sb. copper, C3, MD; copyr,Voc., Prompt.; copper, MD.—­Du. koper;Late Lat. cuper, cuprum, for Lat. cyprium(aes); from Cyprus; Gr. [Greek:Kypros].

Coppe, sb. cup, S2, P; see Cuppe.

Corage, sb. heart, spirit, MD, C, C2.—­AF.corage.

Corageus, adj. courageous, S2, MD; corageous,C2.—­OF. corageus.

Coral, sb. coral, MD; coralle,Prompt.; corall, Palsg., Manip.; curall,S3.—­OF. coral; Lat. corallum,corallium; Gr. [Greek: korallion].

Corasiue, sb. a corrosive, S3; see Corosif.

Coraye, v. to curry a horse, MD; seeCurry.

Corbel, sb. raven, MD; corbyal,S2; corby, S3.—­OF. corbel(F. corbeau); Late Lat. corvellum (acc.),from Lat. coruus.

Cordewane, sb. Spanish leather,C2; cordewan, MD; cordewayne, Voc.;cordwane, Prompt.; corduane, Voc.; corden,MD.—­OF. cordouan, corduan, Prov.cordoan, Sp. cordovAin, cordovan leather(Minsheu), from Cordova, name of a town inAndalusia.

Cordwaner, sb. a worker in leather,Prompt.; cordwainer, SkD.—­AF. cordewaner.See above.

Core, sb. the heart, central part offruit, Prompt., MD.—­OF. cor; Lat.cor.

Coriour, sb. currier, W; curiour,W. See Curry.

Corn, sb. a grain, corn, MD, S, C3;coren, S; cornys, gen., S3; corns,pl., S2; cornes, S2, PP, C2, W.—­AS.corn, Goth, kaurn; cp. Lat. gra*num;see Brugmann, ASec. 306.

Corny, adj. strong of the corn or malt(applied to ale), C3.

Corone, sb. crown, MD, C2, C3; coroune,MD, C2; corowne, C; corune, MD; croune,S; the tonsure, G; crune, S; krune, S;crun, S; crounis, pl., S3.—­AF.corone (coroune) Lat. corona.

Coronen, v. to crown, MD; corounen,S2, C2; crouni, MD, S2; y-corouned,pp., S2; y-crouned, S3; y-coroned,PP; i-kruned, S; cruned, S.—­OF.coroner (coruner).

Corosif, adj. corrosive, C3; corrosive,sb., a corrosive, a caustic, ND; corsive,ND; corasiue, S3; corsye, S2; corzie,ND.—­OF. corrosif, biting away.

Corour, sb. runner, W2; see Currour.

Cors, sb. curse, S3, G; see Curs.

Cors, sb. a body, a dead body, MD, S,C2, C3, PP; corps, S3, C2; corpis, S3.—­AF.cors, corps; Lat. corpus.

Cors, sb. course, S2; see Cours.

Corsaint, sb. the body of a saint, arelic, MD; corseynt, S2; corseint, CM,PP.—­AF. corsaint; Lat. corpussanctum.

Corser, sb. horsedealer, MD, S3, HD;see Courser.

Corsing, sb. exchange, barter, S2; horse-dealing,HD.

Corsye, sb. a corrosive, S2; see Corosif.

Cort, sb. court, MD; see Court.

Corteis, adj. courteous, S2; corteys,S2; curteis, S3, C.—­AF. curteis;Late Lat. cortensem, curtensem.

Corteisliche, adv. courteously, PP;curteisly, C2.

Cortesye, sb. courtesy, PP; curteysy,S2; curteisie, S2, C2, C3.—­AF. curteisie.

Corumpable, adj. corruptible, C.

Corumpen, v. to corrupt, MD; corrumpen,C.—­OF. corrumpre; Lat. corrumpere.

Corupcions, sb. pl. sores, illnesses,PP.

Coruen, pp. carved, S3, C; see Keruen.

Cos, sb. kiss, S, W, W2; see Cus.

Cosan, pp. chosen, S; see Chesen.

Cosset, sb. a lamb brought up withouther dam, S3, ND.

Cosshe, sb. a little house, Prompt.,Palsg.

Cost, sb. rib, side of a human body,shore, coast, MD, S2; coste, C2; costes,pl., S2, P.—­AF. coste; Lat.costa.

Cost, sb. nature, property, condition,manner, MD; costez, pl., properties,S2; coostez, S2. Cf. Cust.

Costage, sb. expense, C2, HD.—­OF.costage. See Costen.

Costard, sb. a kind of apple, Prompt.,ND; humorous expression for the head, Sh, ND; costarde,S3; costard, a cap, ND. It probably meansthe ’ribbed apple.’—­OF. coste+ ard, see SkD (p. 796).

Costard-jagger, sb. costermonger, ND.

Costard-monger, sb. seller of apples,costermonger, SkD; costard-mongar, Palsg.;costerd-monger, SkD; costar-monger, ND.

Coste, sb. cost, P; coust, MD;cost, C2.—­AF. cust, coust.

Costen, v. to cost, MD; coste,pt. s., C2; costed, P; costed,pp., P.—­OF. coster (couster);Lat. constare.

Costey, v. to coast, also to come near,approach, MD; coosted, pt. pl. wentpast, S3.—­OF. costoier (F. cAtoyer).See Cost.

Costlewe, adj. costly, CM, MD; costelewe,Prompt. See ~-lewe~.

Cosyn, sb. cousin, C, PP; cosin,S, S2; cusyng, S3; cosyns, pl.kinsmen, W; cousyns, W.—­AF. cosin(cousyn); cp. Late Lat. cosinus(Brachet); Lat. consobrinus.

Cosynage, sb. kindred, fellowship, H;cusynage, H.

Cote, sb. cottage, S, Voc., C, C2; cotes,pl. sheep-cotes, S3; coates, S3.—­AS.cot, also cyte (Grein); cf. OHG.cutti, ‘grex’ (Tatian).

Cote, sb. garment, coat, S2, PP, S3,C2, C; coote, C, W.—­AF. cote,OF. cotte, PS. 21. 18; MHG. kotte, kutte.

Cote-armure, sb. coat-armour, linencoat with armorial bearings worn over armour, body-armour,S3, C2, C.

Coten, v. to provide with coats, S2;cotyd, pp. clothed, S3.

Couche, sb. chamber, W.

Couchen, v. to lay, place together,to lie down, MD, S2, C2, C3; cowchyn, Prompt.;cowchen, C.—­AF. cucher, cocher,OF. colcher; Lat. collocare.

Coude, pt. s. could, S2. See Kunnen.

Counforte, v. to comfort, S2, PP.See Conforten.

Counte, sb. county, shire, P, MD; countee,MD, PP.—­AF. counte; Late Lat. comitatum.

Countesse, sb. countess, C2; contesse,S2; c*ntesse, S.—­AF. contesse,from OF. conte, comte; Late Lat. comitem,a count (a court dignity), in Lat. a companion.

Countrefete, v. to counterfeit, C, C2;contrefete, MD; counterfeted, pp.,C3.—­From OF. contrefet, contrefeit,pp. of contrefeire, contrefaire; Lat. contra+facere.

Countre-taille, sb. correspondence (ofsound); in phr.: at the countretaille,with corresponding sound, C2.—­OF. contretaille,the one part of a tally, the counter-tenor part inmusic (Cotg.).

Countryng, sb. countering in music,S3; the plain chant, S3 (n).—­SeeS3 (p. 453).

Coupable, adj. culpable, PP; cupabil,H.—­OF. coupable.

Coupe, sb. fault, PP; culpe,PP, ND.—­OF. coupe, colpe;Lat. culpa.

Coupe, sb. cup, S2; cupe, S.—­AF.cupe; Lat. cupa. Cf. Cuppe.

Courben, v. to bend, MD; courbed,pt. s., P.—­OF. courber; Lat.curuare.

Courche, sb. kerchief, S3; see Couerchief.

Cours, sb. running, course, MD, C2,C3; cors, S2.—­AF. cours;Lat. cursum (acc.).

Courser, sb. a steed, MD, C2; coursour,MD; cowrcer, Prompt.—­OF. coursier;Late Lat. cursarium (acc.).

Courser, sb. horse-dealer, Palsg.; corser,MD, S3 (s. v. horse); scorser, ND.

Court, sb. court, enclosure, yard, PP,MD; curt, S; kurt, S; cort, MD;courte, PP.—­AF. curt; LateLat. cortem; Lat. cohortem, an enclosure.

Courteislich, adv. courteously, PP;see Corteisliche.

Courte-py, sb. short coat or cloak,PP, S2, C; cowrteby, Voc.; kourteby,P; courte-pies, pl., PP; court-pies,PP.—­Cp. Du. kort, short +_pije_,rough coat; cp. E. pea in pea-jacket.

Couthe, v. to make known, PP; see Kythen.

Couthe, pt. s. could, knew, S, S2, S3;pp., S2; couth, C2; see Kunnen.

Couthe, sb. kith, PP; see Kyth.

Coue, sb. den, S2.—­ONorth.cA cubedfa, ‘spelunca’ (John II.38).

Coveiten, v. to covet, MD, PP; co-*ueitiden,pt. pl., W2.—­AF. coveiter,OF. cuveitier; Late Lat. *_cupiditare_.See Constans.

Coveitise, sb. greed, avarice, PP; coueityse,C3; couetise, PP; couetyse, S2, S3;coueitisis, pl., W.—­OF. coveitise.

Coveitous, adj. covetous, MD; coueytous,S2; couetous, S2.—­OF. coveitus,AF. cuveitus; Late Lat. *_cupiditosum_.

Couenable, adj. proper, fit, agreeing,W, MD, S2, H; cuuenable, S; conabill,H; conable, Prompt.; cunabil, H.—­AF.cuvenable; Late Lat. convenabilem.

Couenaunt, sb. a covenant, PP; couenant,PP; covand, MD; conant, MD.—­AF.covenant, OF. convenant, pr. p. of convenir,to agree; Lat. conuenire.

Couent, sb. an assembly, a convent,MD, PP, C2, C3; couant, PP.—­OF.covent, convent; Church Lat. conventus,from Lat. conuenire, to come together.

Couerchief, sb. kerchief, MD; keuerchief,MD; kerchef, C3; kyrchefe, Prompt.;courchef, HD; courche, S3; kerche,Prompt.—­OF. couvre-chef, coveringfor the head (Cotg.).

Coueren, v. to cover, MD, C2; keueren,MD, S3, P, W; kuueren, MD; kyueren,MD, W.—­AF. covrir; Lat. cooperire.

Coveren, v. to gain, to heal, to recoverone’s health, MD, S2, W; keueren, MD,CM, PP; kuueren, MD, S2; keuord, pt.s., H.—­OF. covrer, (in recovrer)coubrer, to seize (Bartsch); Lat. _-cuperare_(in recuperare); cp. Late Lat. cuperamentum,acquisition (Ducange).

Couert, adj. and sb. covert,hidden, a covert, MD; cowart, S3.—­OF.covert, pp. of covrir.

Couerture, sb. bed-clothes, horse-cover,covering, MD, S; kuuertur, S.—­OF.coverture.

Couine, sb. conspiracy, craft, deceit,trickery, S3, MD, HD; covyne, C; covin,MD, ND; coven, ND.—­AF. covine,from OF. covenir, convenir; Lat. conuenire.

Cow, sb. cow, MD, Voc.; ku, S,MD, Voc.; cou, MD; kues, gen. s.,S; ky, pl., MD, S3; kie, MD; kye,H; kyn, MD, S2, C; kyne, S3, P; ky3*n,S2; kyen, PP; kien, W2; ken, MD,S2, PP.—­AS. cA, pl. cA1/2(gen. cAna).

Coward, adj. and sb. cowardly,a coward, MD, C2.—­AF. coward, cuard,cp. the heraldic term lion couard, a lion withhis tail between his legs, and the name for the harein the old terms of hunting ‘la cowardeou la court cowe,’ i.e. short-tail.—­Formedwith the suffix _-ard_ from OF. coe, tail;Lat. cauda. Cp. It. codardo,from coda, a tail.

Cowardie, sb. cowardice, C; cowardy,MD.—­OF. couardie.

Cowart, sb. covert, S3; see Couert.

Cowde, Cowthe, pt. s. could, knew, G;see Kunnen.

Cowschet, sb. cushat, wood-pigeon, S3;cowscott, Voc.; cowshot, SkD.—­AS.cAsceote (Voc.), cAscute (OET.).

Coy, adj. still, quiet, MD, C, C2; sober,modestus, Prompt.—­AF. coy,quiet, OF. coi, Ps. 77. 13, also coit;Lat. quietum.

Crabbe, sb. crab, S, Voc., Prompt.;also (in building) an arch, fornix, cancer,MD.—­AS. crabba; cp. AF. crabbe.

Crabbed, adj. shrewish, cross, bitter,C2, Palsg., MD, PP; crabbyd, ‘awke orwrawe, cancerinus’ Prompt.

Cracchen, v. to scratch, MD, PP, C;crechen, S; cark, JD.

Craft, sb. might, power, ability, art,craft, deceit, MD, S, S2, C2; creft, MD; craftes,pl. trades, P.—­AS. crA|ft;cp. OHG. kraft (Otfrid).

Crafti, adj. skilful, sly, MD, S2; crafty,C, P; crefti, S.

Crafti-man, sb. artificer, W.

Crage, sb. the neck, throat, S3, JD;crawe, the craw of fowls, Prompt., MD.—­Cp.Du. kraag, neck, collar.

Crak, sb. a thunder-peal, MD. Phr.:crakkis of wer, cannon, B.

Craken, v. to crack (like thunder),to cry out, to chatter, to break with a noise, MD,PP; crakede, pt. s., S.—­AS.cracian.

Crammasyn, sb. and adj. crimson,S3; see Crimosine.

Crammen, v. to cram, stuff, MD; crommen,MD; cremmyn, Prompt.; i-crommet, pp.,S2.—­AS. crammian.

Crampe, sb. the cramp, Voc., Prompt.,PP; craumpe, CM.—­OF. crampe(Cotg.); ODu. krampe.

Crane, sb. crane (bird), MD, Voc.; kranes,pl., MD; crennis, S3; cronez,MD.—­AS. cran (Voc.).

Crasen, v. to break, MD; crased,pp., S3, C3; crasid, PP. Cp.Swed. krasa, to break in pieces.

Cratche, sb. manger, W, W2; cratch,HD, Cotg. (s. v. creiche); cracche,Voc., Prompt.; crecche, MD.—­OF. creche:Prov. crepcha, crepia; OHG. crippea(Tatian). Cf. Cribbe.

Crauen, v. to crave, beg earnestly,S, MD., to prosecute, accuse, MD.—­AS. crafian,‘petere, postulare’; cp. Low Lat.cravare, in judicium mittere (also writtengravare), see Schmid, Ducange.

Crawand, pr. p. crowing, S3; see Crowen.

Creat, pp. created, MD.—­Lat.creatus, pp. of creare.

Creatour, sb. Creator, C3—­OF.creatour; Lat. creatorem.

Creature, sb. creature, MD; creatour,MD; creator, S2.-OF. creature; Lat.creatura

Creaunce, sb. belief, MD, C3; creance,S2, C3.—­OF. crA"ance, credence;Late Lat. credentia.

Creauncen, v. to borrow, MD.

Creaunt, pr. p. and adj. submittingas conquered, MD, PP; in phr.: cry’creaunt,’ MD.—­OF. crA"ant;Lat. credentem.

Crechen, v. to scratch, S; see Cracchen.

Crede, sb. the Creed, S, C3, PP; credo,S, PP.—­Lat. credo, I believe.

Credensynge, sb. believing, S3.

Crefti, adj. crafty, S; see Crafti.

Creme, sb. the sacred oil used in anointing,chrism, Voc., HD, MD; cream, HD; creame,Palsg.; creyme, S2, Voc.; Phr.:hille of creme, i.e. the Mount of Olives,MD.—­OF. cresme; Church Lat. chrisma;Gr. [Greek: chrisma]. Cf. Crisme.

Cremelen, v. to anoint with oil or fat,MD; y-crymyled, pp., PP; kremelyd,MD; crymailed, PP.—­OF. cresmeler,to anoint with holy oil.

Crempe, v. to draw in, S. Cf. G.krAmpfen. See Crampe.

Crennis, sb. pl. cranes, S3; see Crane.

Crepen, v: to creep, S, C2; crope,MD; creap, pt. s., MD; crep,MD; crope, MD; 2 pt. s., P; crupen,pl., MD; crepte, pt. s. (weak),MD; cropen, pp., MD.—­AS. crA(C)opan,pt. crA(C)ap (pl. crupon), pp. cropen.

Creste, sb. crest (of bird, helmet),summit, MD, Prompt.; creistis, pl.,S3.—­OF. creste; Lat. crista.

Cresten, adj. Christian, S2; seeCristen.

Creyme, sb. the sacred oil, S2; seeCreme.

Cribbe, sb. crib, manger; crib,MD; crybbe, Prompt.; cribbe, S, MD.Cp. OHG. crippea (Tatian).

Crike, sb. creek, MD; krike,MD, S; cryke, C, Prompt.—­Icel. kriki.

Crimosine, sb. and adj. crimson,S3; crimosin, SkD; crammasyn, S3.—­OF.cramoisin (cramoisi); Low Lat. carmesinum;from Pers. qirmisi, crimson; from Skt. krmi,a worm, insect, (i.e. the cochineal insect).

Crisme, sb. consecrated oil for anointing,MD; crysme, oil, Prompt.—­ChurchLat. chrisma, sacred oil; Gr. [Greek: chrisma]Cf. Creme.

Crisme-child, sb. the child anointedat baptism, MD.

Crisme-cloA deg., sb. the chrisom, thecloth tied round the head of the anointed child, S.Cp. Church Lat. chrismalis pannus.

Crisome, sb. the chrisom-cloth, crismale,Voc.; crysome, Palsg.; crisom, Cotg.(s.v. cresmeau).

Crist, adj. and sb. anointed,Christ, MD, S2, W, W2.—­Lat. Christus;Gr. [Greek: christos], anointed.

Cristen, adj. and sb. Christian,S, C2, C3; christen, S, S2; cresten,S2.—­Lat. Christianus.

Cristendom , sb. Christianity,S, S2, C3; crystendom, S2.—­A.S.cristendA cubedm.

Cristenly, adv. in a Christian manner,C3.

Cristes-messe, sb. Christmas, MD;Cristemasse, C2.

Cristiente, sb. Christendom, MD;cristiante, S3; cristianytee, S2, C3.—­OF.crestiente, cristientet; Church Lat. Christianitatem.

Cristnien, v. to make Christian, tobaptize, MD, S2; i-cristned, pp., S2;y-cristned, pp., S2; cristned,C3.—­AS. cristnian.

Critouns, sb. pl. refuse of the frying-pan,W2.—­OF. cretons (Cotg.).

Crochette, sb. a small hook, crotchet(in music), MD; crochettes, pl. crockets,S3.—­OF. crochet (Bartsch).

Croft, sb. field, enclosure, PP, S2,MD.—­AS. croft; cp. ODu. crocht,a field on the downs.

Croh, sb. a crock, waterpot, MD; crAcubedA cubeds, pl., S.

Crois, sb, cross, PP, S, S3; croys,PP, S2, C2, C3; croiz, MD; croice, MD,S2.—­OF. crois, croiz; Lat.cru*cem, see Brachet. Cf. Crouche,Cros.

Crok, sb. a hook, curl, a crooked way,wile, deceit, MD, Voc.; crokes, pl.,S; crocks, HD. Phr.: went oncroke, went astray, H.—­Icel. krAcubedkr.

Croken, v. to bend, to curl hair, toturn aside, MD, W2; crokid, pp. curved,W2; i-croked, S.

Croket, sb. curl, MD, HD.

Crokke, sb. crock, pot, S2, PP; crocke,S, Voc.—­AS. crocca.

Crom-bolle, sb. crumb-bowl, S3.

Cromme, sb. crumb, C3; crumme,MD; crume, MD; crome, MD; crowm,Voc.—­AS. cruma.

Crommen, v. to cram, MD, S2; see Crammen.

Crone, sb. an old hag, S2, MD, C3; crony,SkD. Cp. ODu. kronie, karonie, anold sheep; Picard carone = F. charogne,see SkD (p. 797). See Caroigne.

Cronicle, sb. chronicle, MD.—­OF.cronique. For the intrusive l cp.manciple, participle, principle, syllable, canticle,treacle, cardiacle.

Cronique, sb. chronicle, S2; chronique,C.—­O.F. cronique; Late Lat. chronica;Gr. [Greek: chronika], annals.

Croos, sb. pl. water-pots, S; see Croh.

Crop, sb. top, upper part of a tree,crop of corn, Voc., PP, S2; croppe, Prompt.,Palsg.; croppes, pl., young shoots, C;croppis, S3.—­AS. crop.

Crope, 2 pt. s. didst creep, P; cropen,pp., MD; see Crepen.

Crope, sb. crupper, HD; croupe,CM, SkD.—­OF. crope (F. croupe).

Croper, sb. crupper, the hinder partof a horse, C3.—­OF. croupiere (Cotg.).

Cropiers, sb. pl. the housings on ahorse’s back, HD.

Cropone, sb. the buttock, HD.—­AF.cropoun.

Cros, sb. cross, PP, MD; crosse,P, MD.—­ONorse, cros (cors);cp. Ir. cros, Prov. cros. Cf.Crois.

Crosselet, sb. a small crucible, C3;croslet, C3. See SkD (s.v. crucible).

Crouche, sb. the cross of Christ, crucifix,sign or representation of the cross, MD, PP, HD; cruche,PP; crowch, S.—­Cp. OHG. crA"ci(krA"zi) in Otfrid; Lat. cruci- (stem ofcrux). Cf. Crois.

Crouchen, v. to sign with the cross,MD; cruchen, MD; crowche, MD; crouched,pt. s., MD.

Croud, Croude, sb. a musical instrument(stringed), H, W; see Crowde.

Crouken, v. to croak, S2; crowken,Prompt.; croak, Sh.

Crouken, v. to bend down, S3, MD; seeCroken.

Croune, sb. crown, the tonsure, S, G;see Corone.

Crouni; see Corouen.

Crouning, sb. crowning, S2; the tonsure,P. See above.

Crowch, sb. cross, S; see Crouche.

Crowd, v. to coo as a dove, S3; croud,JD.

Crowde, sb. a musical instrument (stringed),Prompt., Cath., Voc.; crouthe, MD; croud,H; croude (= chorus), W, H; crowd,ND; crouth, MD.—­Wel. crwth,a fiddle: Ir. cruit: OIr. crot;cp. Low Lat. chrotta (Ducange). Cf.Rote.

Crowde, sb. wheelbarrow, Prompt.

Crowden, v. to push, HD, S2, C3; crouden,MD, HD, C3; crude, to press forward, S; crowdyn,Prompt.; crud, pt. s., MD, HD.—­AS.*_crAdan_, to press, drive, pt. crA(C)ad (pl.crudon), pp. croden; cp. Du. kruyden,to push (Hexham). See Sievers, 384, 385.

Crowdyng, sb. pressure, S2, C3.

Crowen, v. to crow; crawand,pr. p., S3; him croweth, pr. s. reflex.,C3.—­AS. crAiwan, pt. crA(C)ow,pp. crawen.

Crownell, sb. corolla, small crown,S3. See Corone.

Crucchen, v. to crouch, MD; cruchen,S3.

Cruche; see Crouche.

Crud, sb. curd, MD; curde, Prompt.;cruddes, pl., S2, PP; croddes,PP; crouds, JD; curddys, Voc.

Cruddid, pp. curded, W2.

Crude, v. to press forward, S; see Crowden.

Cruel, adj. cruel, MD; cruwel,MD; crewell, MD.—­OF. cruel;Lat. crudelem.

Cruelnesse, sb. cruelty, MD; cruwelnes,S2.

Crueltee, sb. cruelty, C2.—­AF.cruelte; Lat. crudelitatem.

Crulle, adj. curly, C; krulle,MD; crolle, MD.—­Cp. G. krolle,curl; see Weigand.

Crune, sb. crown, S; see Corone.

Cry, sb. cry, MD; crye, Prompt.;crei, S.—­AF. cri, crie.

Cryen, v. to cry, MD, PP; crie,PP; cri3*inge, pr. p., S2; cri3*ed,pt. s., S2; crieden, pl., S; criede,S2.—­AF. crier, cryer, for older cridar;cp. It. gridare.

Crymailed, pp. anointed, PP; y-crymyled,PP; see Cremelen.

Crystal, sb. ice, crystal, MD; cristal,W2.—­AF. cristal; Lat. crystallum,ice (Vulg.), also, mountain-crystal; Gr. [Greek:krystallos], ice.

Cubit, sb. elbow, a cubit (measure),MD; cubytes, pl., C2; cupydez,S2.—­Lat. cubitum.

Cucurbite, sb. a gourd-shaped chemicalvessel.—­Lat. cucurbita, gourd.

Cudde, pt. s. made known, S; see CuAdeg.en, Kythen.

Cude, sb. cud, S, MD; code, MD;cudde, Prompt., Palsg.; quide, MD; quede,MD; quid, HD, SkD.

Cuen, sb. queen, S; see Quene.

Cuffe, sb. cuff, PP, Prompt., Palsg.;coffes, pl., PP.—­Cp.MHG. kuffe, coif. Cf. Coife.

Cukkow, sb. cuckoo, MD, Prompt.; cocow,Voc.; cocowe, Palsg.; cucko, Voc.; gukgo,S3.—­OF. coucou; Lat. cuculum(acc.).

Culle, v. to strike, to kill, P; seeKulle.

Culme, sb. soot, Prompt.

Culorum, sb. end, conclusion, PP.—­ForLat. seculorum in the phr.: insecula seculorum, for ever and ever, at the endof the Gloria Patri.

Culpon, sb. slice, shred, MD, C; culpown,Prompt.; culpen, Manip.—­AF. colpoun;Low Lat. colponem; cp. F. coupon.

Culter, sb. coulter, the fore-iron ofa plough, PP, Voc., Prompt.; kulter, PP; coltre,PP.—­Lat. culter.

Culuer, sb. dove, MD, W, W2; cullfre,S; colvyr, Voc.; culuere, S2.—­AS.culfre (OET.).

Culuer-briddis, sb. pl. young pigeons,W.

Cum-; see Com-.

Cumen, v. to come, S; see Comen.

Cumlyng, sb. stranger, H; see Comelyng.

Cumplie, sb. compline, S; see Complie.

Cumrit, pt. s. encumbered, S2; cumme*rit,S3; see Combren.

c*msen, v. to commence, S2, PP; seeComsen.

Cun, v. to know how to, H; see Kunnen.

Cun, sb. kin, kind, nature, S; cunne,dat., S; see Kyn.

Cun-; see Con-.

Cunde, sb. kind, nature, S; see Kynde.

Cunde, adj. natural, kind, MD; see Kynde.

Cundeliche, adv. naturally, S; see Kyndely.

Cunes-mon, sb. kinsman, S; see Kynes-man.

Cunin, sb. cony, rabbit, S; see Conyng.

Cunnen, v. to know, to be able, S, S2;see Kunnen.

Cunreadnes, sb. pl. kindreds, S; seeKyn-rede.

Cupabil, adj. culpable, H; see Coupable.

Cuppe, sb. cup, S, C2, C; kuppe,S; coppe, S2, P.—­AS. cuppe;Lat. cupa. Cf. Coupe.

Cuppe-mel, adv. by cupfuls, S2, PP;in cupmel, P.

Cupydez, sb. pl. cubits, S2; see Cubit.

Curace, sb. cuirass, S3, SkD; curat,HD.—­OF. cuirace; Late Lat. coracium,from Lat. corium, leather.

Curall, sb. coral, S3; see Coral.

Curat, sb. curate, C.—­LateLat. curatus.

Curatour, sb. curate, priest who hascure of souls, PP, S2.

Cure, sb. a charge, cure of souls, PP,C3; cures, pl., pursuits, C2.—­ChurchLat. cura.

Curiour, sb. currier, W; see Coriour.

Curious, adj. busy, zealous, eager toknow, dainty, fine, MD, S3; careful, C.

Curlew, sb. curlew, coturnix,Prompt., W2 (Ps. 104. 40); curlu, H; kurlu,MD; corlew, MD; curlowyr, Voc.—­OF.corlieu, curlew (Cotg.).

Currour, sb. runner, courier, W2; corour,W2; currours, pl. light-armed troops,S3.

Curry, v. to prepare leather, to curryhorses, to rub down, flatter, S3, MD; currayyn,Prompt.; coraye, MD.—­OF. couraA"r,coureer (F. courroyer); It. corredare;from Low Lat. conredium. See Conrey.

Curs, sb. curse, C, G; cors,S3, G.

Cursedly, adv. wickedly, C2.

Cursednes, sb. malice, wickedness, C2;cursednesse, C2; cursidnesse, misery,W2.

Cursen. v. to curse, MD; corse,S2; cursede, pt. s., S; corsed,pp., S2.—­AS. cursian.

Curt, sb. court, S; see Court.

Curteis, adj. courteous, S3, C; seeCorteis.

Curteisly, adv. courteously, C2; seeCorteisliche.

Curteisye, sb. courtesy, PP; see Cortesye.

Cus, sb. kiss, Prompt.; coss,W; cos, S, W, W2; kosses, pl.,MD; cossis, W2.—­AS. cos; cp.OHG. cus (Tatian).

Cusen; see Chesen.

Cussen, v. to kiss, S, MD; kussen,S; kesse, S, C2; custe, pt. s.,S; keste, C2; kiste, S, C2; kest,S2; cusseden, pl., S2.—­AS.cyssan; cp. OHG. cussan (Tatian).

Cust, sb. choice, moral excellence,character, MD; custe, dat., S.—­AS.cyst; cp. OHG. kust (Otfrid).See Chesen.

Custome, sb. custom, a public due, MD,S; custume, S; costom, MD.—­AF.custume, coustume; Late Lat. *_consuetunimem_,*_consuetuninem_; Lat. consuetudinem; see Constans,and SkD (p. 798).

Custome-house, sb. custom-house, S2.

Cut, sb. a cut twig, a lot, C, C3, H,Prompt., MD; kut, H, MD; cutte, Palsg.;kuttis, pl., H. Phr.: todraw cuts, HD. See Kutten.

Cuth, sb. race, people, PP; see Kyth.

Cuth, pp. known, S; see Kunnen.

CuA deg.e, pt. s. could, knew, S; seeKunnen.

CuA deg.en, v. to make known, S; seeKythen.

CuA deg.mon, sb. acquaintance, kinsman,S.—­AS. cAA deg.man.

CuA deg.reden, sb. familiarity, MD.

CuA deg.A deg.e, sb. relationship, one’snative land, S, MD; see Kyth, CeA deg.en, CheAdeg.en.

Cut-purs, sb cut-purse thief, PP; kitte-pors,PP. See Kutten.

Cwakien, v. to quake, S; see Quaken.

Cwalm, sb. death, pestilence, MD; seeQualm.

Cwalm-hus, sb. prison, place of torment,MD.

Cwalm-stow, sb. place of execution,S, MD.—­AS. cwealm-stA cubedw (Schmid).

CwaA deg., pt. s. quoth, S; see QueAdeg.en.

Cwead-schipe, sb. wickedness, S; seeQuedschipe.

Cwellen, v. to kill, S; see Quellen.

Cweme, adj. pleasing, S; see Queme.

Cwemen, v. to please, S; see Quemen.

Cwennkenn, v. to quench, S; see Quenchen.

CweA deg.en, v. to speak, S; cweAdeg., pt. s., S; see QueA deg.en.

Cwic, adj. living, S; see Quik.

Cwidden, v. to speak, announce, MD;i-cwiddet, pp., S.—­AS. cwiddian.

Cwide, sb. speech, bequest, S; see QueAdeg.en.—­AS. cwide, a saying.

Cyll, sb. a canopy, SkD (s. v. ceil).—­OF. ciel, canopy, inner roof, ceiling (Cotg.);Lat. caelum, see Brachet, p. 1v.

Cyne-rice, sb. kingdom, rule, S; seeKine-.

Cyrce-iA|rd, church-yard, S; see Chirche-3*eard.

Dade, sb. deed, S; see Dede.

DA|d, adj. dead, S; see Deed.

DA|de, sb. pl. deeds, S; see Dede.

DA|i, sb. day, S; dA|3*e, pl.,S; see Day.

DA|re, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

DA|A deg., sb. death, S; see DeeA3/4.

Daft, adj. apt, fit, SkD (p. 799); deft,fit, mild, gentle, innocent, foolish, MD; daffe,a fool, S2, PP; deffe, obtusus, agrestis,Prompt.; defte, dat., S.—­AS.dA|ft.

Dafte-like, adv. fittingly; deftly,MD; defly, MD; dafftelike, S.

Dage, sb. pl. days, S; see Day.

Dagen, v. to become day, S; see Dawen.

Dagge, sb. a jag of cloth, Prompt.,MD, HD, CM; dagges, pl. jagged edges,PP.

Daggen, v. to pierce, to notch, to jag,to cut at the edges, MD, PP, SkD (p. 150), CM, HD;daggyn, fractillo, Prompt.; daggyde,pp., Prompt.—­Cp. ODu. daggen,to stab. See Jagge.

Dagger, sb. dagger, pugio, CM;daggar, Voc.; daggare, Prompt.

Daghynge, sb. dawning, H; see Dawing.

Dagoun, sb. a jag of a blanket, CM;dagon, HD. See Daggen.

DaheA deg., sb. dawn; daheA deg.es,gen., S. See Dawen.

Dai, sb. day, S, W; see Day.

Dai-gang, sb. day’s journey, S2.

Dai-liht, sb. daylight, MD; dai-li3*t,S.

Dai-rawe, sb. day-break, MD.

Dai-red, sb. the flush of morn, MD.

Dai-rime, sb. the edge of dawn, MD;dai-rim, S.—­AS. dA|g-rima.

Dai-sterre, sb. day-star, S, W2; day-sterre,PP.—­AS. dA|g-steorra, morning-star.

Dale, sb. dale, valley, S, PP; dele,S; dalen, dat., S; dales, pl.,MD; deales, MD.—­AS. dA|l:Goth. dal; see Sievers, 49.

Dalf, pt. s. dug, W; see Deluen.

Daliaunce, sb. talk, C, C2, C3; daliance,MD.—­AF. daliaunce, interference.

Dalien, v. to talk, Prompt.; dalye,to play and sport, Palsg., MD.—­AF. dayler,to dally.

Dal-neominde, pr. p. as sb. partaker,sharer, S.—­O. Merc, dAoel-niomend,Ps. 118. 63 (VP.).

Dalte, pt. s. dealt, G; see Deelen.

Damage, sb. damage, loss, Prompt., MD;domage, S3.—­AF. damage (alsoOF. damage); Late Lat. *_damnaticum_, from Lat.damnum.

Dame, sb. dame, lady, dam, S, C3, MD;dam, MD.—­AF. dame; Lat. domina.

Damesele, sb. damsel, S, W2, MD; damoysele,C.—­AF. damoysele; Late Lat. domicella,for dominicella_; see Constans.

Dan, sb. a title of respect placed beforepersonal names, MD, C2, CM; danz, MD; daun,MD, CM; dene, S3.—­OF. danz,dans; Lat. dominus; in oblique caseOF. dam; Lat. dominum, see Bartsch andRoland.

Dang, pt. s. beat, S3; see Dyngen.

Dar, 1 pr. s. I dare, MD; dear,MD; der, MD; darst, 2 pr. s.,S, C3; dA|rst, MD; derst, MD; dar,pr. s., MD, C2, C3, P; durren, pl.,MD; duren, S; doren, W; durre,pr. subj. s., MD; pl., S; durste,pt. subj. s., S; durst, MD, P; durste,pl., S; dorste, S, S2, C2; dorst,S2, P; durren, v., MD.—­AS.dear, I dare, 2 pr. s. dearst, pl. durron,subj. durre, pt. s. dorste.

Dare, adj. dark, S; see Derk.

Darked, pt. s. lay hid, S; see Derken.

Darklyng, adv. in the dark, S3, Sh.

Dasewen, v. to be dim, MD; daswen,C3; dasewide, pt. s., W2.—­Cp.E. daze.

Daun, sb. a title of respect, CM; seeDan.

Daunger, sb. absolute control, power,also difficulty, MD, PP, C; daungere, refusal,denial, S3; power to harm, PP.—­OF. dangier,dongier, power, lordship, refusal, danger, (Bartsch);Late Lat. dominiarium_, from Lat. _dominium_,see Brachet.

Daungerous, adj. haughty, difficultto please, MD, C2, C.

Daunten, v. to force, tame, MD, S2,S3, P.—­AF. danter, OF. donter(F. dompter); Lat. domitare.

Daw, sb. dew, S; see Dew.

Daw, sb. day, S2; see Day. [Addition[

Dawen, v. to become day, C2, PP, Prompt,Palsg., MD, JD; dagen, S, Prompt.; da3*ede,pt. s., MD.—­AS. dagian.

Dawing, sb. dawning, S3; dagheynge,H; daghynge, H.

Dawnen, v. to dawn, Prompt.

Dawning, sb. dawning, MD; dawenynge,C.

Day, sb. day, SkD; dA|i, S; dai,S, W (I Cor.4.3); da3*3*, S; dei, S;dA|ies, gen., S; deies, S; phr.:be dA|ies, by day, S; now a dayes, C2;daie, dat., S; daw, S2; da3*es,pl., S; dayes, S; dawes, S, PP;dage, S; daga, gen., MD; da3*a,MD, da3*ene, MD; dawene, MD; dahene,MD, S; dA|3*en, dat., S; dA|3*e,S;dai3*e, S: Phr. to give day,to give trust, S3; bring of daw, to kill, S2.—­AS.dA|g, dA|ges, dA|ge; pl. dagas, daga(and dagena), dagum.

Dayerie, sb. dairy, C; deyry,Voc., Prompt. See Deye.

Dayesie, sb. daisy, CM; dayesye,CM; dais-eie, Voc.; dayes-e3*es, pl.,S2.—­AS. dA|ges-A(C)age, i.e.day’s eye (Voc.).

Daynen, v. to deign, S2; see Deynen.

Dayntethis, sb. pl. dainties, H, MD.—­OF.deintet; Prov. dentat, dintat;Lat. dignitatem. Cf. Deyntee.

Dayre, sb. dairy-maid, androchia,Voc. See Deye.

De, v. to die, S3; see Deyen.

De-; see Dis-.

DeaA deg., pr. s. doeth, S; see Don.

Deawes, sb. pl. dews, S2; see Dew.

Debat, sb. strife, discord, C2; debate,S3, P; debaat, C3.—­AF. debat.

De-baten, v. to contend, fight, MD,C2.—­OF. debatre (pr. p. debatant),It. dibattere, (Florio).

Debonaire, adj. mild, gentle, MD, C;debonere, S2; deboner, W2, H; deboneire,MD; dubonure, S2; debonayr, S3; debonur,H.—­OF. debonaire; cp. OIt. dibon aire. Cf. Bonaire.

Debonerte, sb. gentleness, MD, H.—­OF.debonerete, debonnaireteit (Ps. 44. 4).

De-breiden, v. to tear apart, W.—­Thisis a hybrid form: de + ME. breiden.

De-breken, v. to break asunder, to tear,S2; debroken, pp., MD.—­Ahybrid form.

Debrusen, v. to bruise; debrise,MD; debrusede, pt. s., MD; debrused,S2.—­AF. debruser, OF. debriser.

Deburs, v. disburse, pay, S3; see Disburse. [Addition]

Deceit, sb. deceit, MD; disseit,W2.—­AF. deceit; Late Lat. decepta.

Deciple, sb. disciple, S; see Disciple.

Ded, sb. death, S2, PP.—­Cp.Swed. and Dan. dAd. death. See DeeA3/4.

Ded, adj. dead, S, PP; see Deed.

Dede, pt. s. did, S, S2; deden,pl.; see Don.

Dede, sb. deed, S, S2, PP; dade,S; dede, pl., S; dA|de, S; dedes,S, S2; deades, MD.—­AS. dA(C)d,(dA|*d); cp. Goth. ga-de*ths, seeBrugmann, ASec. 75.

Dede, pt. pl. died, S3; see Deyen.

Dede, sb. death, PP, S, S2, S3; see Ded,DeeA3/4.

Dede-stoure, sb. death-struggle, S2.

Dedeyn, sb. disdain, W, H; see Disdeyn.[Addition]

Dedeyne, v. to deign, S3. See Deynen.

Dedly, adj. liable to death, H; seeDeedli.

Deduit, sb. delight, pleasure, MD, HD;deduyt, C; dedut, MD; dute, MD.—­AF.deduit; cp. Late Lat. deductus,’animi oblectatio’ (Ducange); from OF.deduire, (refl.) to rejoice; Late Lat. deducere.

Dee, sb. a die, MD; die, Sh.;dees, pl. dice, PP, C2, C3; dys,PP, C.—­OF. de (pl. dez):It. dado, Prov. dat; Lat. datum.

Deed, adj. dead, S2, C2; ded,S, PP; dA|d, S; dyad, S2; deade,pl., S.—­AS. dA(C)ad; cp.Icel. dauA deg.r, Goth, dauA3/4s.

Deedli, adj. mortal, subject to death,deadly, W, W2; dedly, H, PP; diadlich,S; dedlich, MD, PP.—­AS. dA(C)adlic.

Deef, adj. deaf, MD, C; def,MD; deue, pl., C3.—­AS. dA(C)af:Goth, daubs.

Deel, sb. deal, share, MD, G; del,S, S3; deal, MD; deyl, S2. Phr.:neuer a deyl, not a bit, S2; euery deyl,S2.—­AS. dA|*l; cp. Goth, dails(daili-); see Douse, p. 94.

Deelen, v. to deal, share, divide, MD;delen, S2, G; delte, pt. s.,C3; dalte, G; deled, pp., G.—­AS.dA|*lan: Goth, dailjan, from daili-;see Douse, p. 113.

Deep, adj. deep, C; dep, S; deop,S, MD; dyep, MD; dup, MD; depe,sb., S2, C3; deopre, comp., S;deope, adv., S; deoppre, comp.,S; depper, C3.—­AS. dA(C)op;cp. Goth, diups, Icel. djApr.

Deer, sb. wild animal, C2; der,S; diere, dat., S; deer, pl.,C2.—­AS. dA(C)or; cp. Goth. dius,wild beast.

DeeA3/4, sb. death, C2; dA|A deg.,S, MD; deA deg., S; diath, S; dyaA3/4,S2; dead, S; ded, S2, PP; deaA deg.e,dat., S; deA deg.e, S, S2; dede,S, S2, S3.—­AS. dA(C)aA3/4; cp.Icel. dauA deg.i, dauA deg.r: Goth,dauA3/4us.

Defame, see Diffame.

Defaute, sb. defect, fault, S2, C2,PP; defalte, S2; defautis, pl.,S3, W2.—­AF. defaute, defalte.

Defenden, v. to protect, to forbid,S2, MD, C3, H.—­AF. defendre; Lat.defendere.

Defense, sb. protection, prohibition,MD; defence, S2.—­AF. defense,defence.

Defet, pp. defeated, MD.—­AF.defet, aefait, pp. of defaire.

Defien, v. to digest, MD, PP, HD; defye,S2; defy, Cath.

Defien, v. to mistrust, to defy, PP;defye, despicere, Cath.—­AF.defier, OF. desfier: It. disfidare,to defy, (Florio).

Defiguren, v. to disfigure; defygurd,pp., S2.—­AF. desfigurer.

Defless, sb. pl., devils, S; deflen,S; see Deuel.

Defoulen, v. to tread down, MD, W, W2,H, SkD (s.v. defile); defoilen, MD,SkD; defoulid, pp., W2.—­OF.defouler, to trample on, rebuke (Cotg).; cp.fouler (Bartsch), foller, Ps. 138. 11;It. follare, to press, to full clothes (Florio);Lat. *_fullare_, to full cloth; cp. fullo, afuller.

De-foulen, v. to make foul, inquinare,MD; defowlyn, Prompt.; defoulid, pp.,W.—­A hybrid form, de + ME. fulen.See Fulen.

Defte, adj. gentle, S; see Daft.

Deghe, v. to die, S2; see Deyen.

Degoutit, pp. spotted, S3. Cp.OF. degoutter (Cotg.), and Lat. gutta,a drop, a spot, speck on an animal.

Degyse, adj. fashionable, finical, H.—­OF.desguisA(C), dissembled, sophisticated (Cotg.).See Disgysen.

Degyset, pp. disguised, S2; see Disgysen.[Addition]

Deh, sb. dye, colour, SkD.—­AS.dA(C)ah.

Dehtren, sb. pl. daughters, S; see Dohter.

Dei, sb. day, S; see Day.

Deide; see Deyen.

Deih, pr. s. profits, S; see Du3*en.

Dei-hwamliche, adv. every day, S.—­AS.dA|g-hwamlice.

Deir, v. to harm, S3; see Dere.

Deken, sb. deacon, MD; diakne,MD; deakne, MD; dekene, W; deknes,pl., S2, C3.—­AS. diacon; ChurchLat. diaconus; Gr. [Greek: diakonos] (NT).

Del, sb. deal, share, S, S3; see Deel.

Del, sb. grief, S2; see Dole.

Dele, sb. dale, S; see Dale.

Delen, v. to deal, S2, G; see Deelen.

Delfin, sb. dolphin, Voc.; delfyne,Prompt.; delfyn, SkD; delfyns, pl.,MD; delphyns, S2.—­Lat. delphinus;Gr. [Greek: delphin-] (stem of [Greek: delphis]).

Delful, adj. doleful, S2; see Dolefulle.

Delfulli, adv. dolefully, MD; see Dolfully.

Delices, sb. pl. delights, H, C3, W2;delicis, W, H.—­OF. delices;Lat. delicias.

Delit, sb. delight, MD; delyt,S3, C2, C3.—­OF. delit, deleit.

Delitable, adj. delightful, PP, S3,W2, H; delytable, S2, C2; dilitable,S2.—­AF. delitable; Lat. delectabilem.

Delite, v. to delight, Cath., PP, W2;delyting, pr. p., C2.—­AF.deliter; Lat. delectare.

Delitingis, sb. pl. delights, W2.

Deliuer, adj. quick, active, MD; delyuere,C.—­OF. delivre, quick, literally‘freed.’

Deliueren, v. to set free, MD; deliuery,S2; delyuery, PP.—­AF. deliverer;Late Lat. deliberare; Lat. de + liberare.

Deliuerly, adv. quickly, nimbly, S2;delyuerly, S2, C.

Deluen, v. to delve, dig, S, C2, P,W; dalf, pt. s., MD, W; dalfe,W; doluen, pl., MD, P; delueden(weak pt.), W2; dolue, subj.,S2; i-doluen, pp., S; y-dolue,S2; doluen, buried, S, P; i-doluen,S2.—­AS. delfan, pt. dealf(pl. dulfon), pp. dolfen.

Deluers, sb. pl. diggers, S2; delueres,P.

Deme, sb. judge, S.—­AS. dA(C)ma.

Demen, v. to give doom, to judge, decree,S, S2, S3, C2; deeme, S2; demde, pt.s., S; i-demed, pp., S; y-demed,S; y-demd, S2; i-demd, S; demet,S; dempt, S.—­AS. dA(C)man;OS. dA cubedmian, Goth. domjan.See Doom.

Demenen, v. to manage, to behave (refl.),MD; demenyng, pr. p. shewing, S3.—­OF.demener, to carry on, make; demener joie,to rejoice, also demener dol, to grieve, Bartsch;cp. Cotg., and the phrase demener dolorin Roland.

Demere, sb. judge, S; demare,S.—­AS. dA(C)mere.

Demeyne, sb. power, possession, C2;demayn, MD; demeigne, MD.—­OF.demeine, property, that which belongs to a lord;Lat. dominicum, from dominus; see Roland.

Dene, sb. a title of respect, S3; seeDan.

Dene, sb. din, noise, PP, MD; see Dyn.

Deneis, sb. pl. Danes, S2.—­OF.Deneis; Low Lat. Denensis, a Dane, seeBrachet, lvii.

Denie, v. to din; see Dinnen.

Denne, sb. den, MD; den, S; dennes,pl., S2, W, H; dennys, H.—­AS.denn.

Dennen, v. to dwell; dennede,pt. s., S.

Denounce, v. to command, W (= Lat.denunciare].—­OF. denoncer,to declare.

Dent, sb. blow, S, S2, PP, CM; dynt,S3; dint, S, S2; dunt, S, S2.—­AS.dynt.

Deofell, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Deol, sb. grief, S, S2; see Dole.

Deop, adj. deep, S; see Deep.

Deopliche, adv. deeply, S.

Deopnesse, sb. deepness, S; see Depnesse.

Deore, v. to last, S2; see Duren.

Deore, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

Deore-wurA deg.e, adj. precious, S;see DerewurA deg.e.

Deorling, sb. darling, S; see Derling.

Deorne, adj. secret, dark, S; see Derne.

Deouele, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Dep, adj. deep, S; see Deep.

Departen, v. to separate, divide, PP,S3, C3, W, W2; to become separated, S2; depart,pp., S3.—­AF. departir; OF.despartir; It. dispartire (Florio).

Departere, sb. a divider, W.

Departyng, sb. division, W; departyngis,pl., W2.

Depaynt, pp. painted, S3; depeynted,C; depaynted, S3; depeynt, pt. pl.,S3.—­OF. depeindre (pp. depeint).

Depayntar, sb. painter, S3.

Depe, sb. depth, S2, C3.—­AS.dA1/2pe.

Depen, v. to dip, S2.

Deplike, adv. deeply, MD; deopliche,S.—­AS. dA(C)oplice.

Depnesse, sb. deepness, depth, MD; depnes,S2; deopnesse, S.—­AS. dA(C)opnes.

Depraue, v. to slander, depreciate,W2, PP.—­Lat. deprauare, to distort.

Depuren, v. to purify, S3, MD.—­OF.depurer; Late Lat. depurare.

Der, sb. wild animal, S; see Deer.

Derby;—­phr.: fatherDerbies bands, handcuffs, S3; Darbies bands,DG; darbies,DG.

Dere, sb. harm, injury, MD; darr,MD; der, S3.—­AS. daru.

Dere, v. to harm, S, S2, C2; derien,S, MD; deir, S3; ders, pr. pl.,S2.—­AS. derian; cp. OHG. derien(derren) in Otfrid.

Dere, adj. and adv. dear, S,PP; diere, S; duere, S2; dA|re,S; dure, MD; deore, S; der, S2;deir, MD; derre, comp., C; derrest,superl., P.—­AS. dA(C)ore,dA1/2re: OS. diuri, costly, loved.

Dereliche, adv. dearly, MD; derelych,S2; derli, S2.—­AS. dA(C)orlice.

Dere-wurA deg.e, adj. precious, S; dereworth,W; dierewurth, S; derworAze, S2, P;deorewurA deg.e, S.—­AS. dA(C)orwurAdeg.e.

DerewurA deg.lice, adv. respectfully,S.

Dereynen, v. to answer to an accusation,to maintain a right in a judicial contest, CM, S2;dereyni, S2; derreyne, C; darreyne,C; dereyned, pp., S2.—­AF.dereiner, OF. desresnier; Late Lat.disrationare (also derationare); seeDucange.

Derf, adj. brave, powerful, difficult,hard, MD; derfe, pl., MD; derue,MD, S; derfre, comp., S; derure,S.—­Cp. OS. derbi.

Derf, sb. affliction, hardship, S.—­AS. (ge)deorf.

Derfliche, adv. severely, cruelly, S.

Derk, adj. dark, MD, S2, PP; deork,MD; dorc, S; darc, S; dirk, MD;durk, MD; derke, dat., S.—­AS.deorc.

Derken, v. to make dark, to become dark,MD, S3; dirken, MD; darken, S2.

Derkful, adj. dark, W.

Derkhed, sb. darkness, MD.

Derknesse, sb. darkness, MD, W.

Derling, sb. darling, S, W2; durlyng,S, MD; deorling, S; derlyngis, pl.,chosen ones, W, W2.—­AS. dA(C)orling.See Dere.

Derne, adj. secret, dark, S, S2, P,H; deorne, S; dA|rne, MD; durne,MD; dern, S2.—­AS. derne; cp.OS. derni and MHG. tarn in tarn-kappe,the mantle of darkness, Grimm, p. 870.

Dernel, sb. a kind of weed, rye-grass,lollium, Prompt.; dernell, Palsg.; darnel,S3, MD.

Derring-doe, sb. daring enterprise,ND, S3. See Dar.

Dert, sb. dirt, S3; see Drit.

DerA deg.e, sb. dearth, S, P. See Dere.

Derue, adj. bold, S; derure,comp. more severe, S; see Derf.

Deruen, v. to afflict, S. See Derf,sb.

Des-; see Dis-.

Desaly, Desselic, adv. foolishly, S2;see Dusiliche.

Desarayen, v. reflex. to fall into disorder,S2.—­OF. desarroyer.

Desauauntage, sb. disadvantage, S2;disauauntage, MD; disadvauntages, pl.,MD.—­OF. desavantage.

Descenden, v. to go down, SkD.—­AF.descendre; Lat. descendere.

Descensorie, sb. vessel used for extractingoil per descensum, C3.

Descriuen, v. to describe, MD; descryue,S3; descryfe, S2; discryue, S2, S3,C2; discreue, S2; discriued, pp.,S2; discryued, W.—­OF. descrivre(pr. p. descrivant; Lat. describere.

Deserited; see Disheriten. [Correction]

Desert, sb. merit, C2.—­AF.and OF. deserte, see Ducange (s. v. deservire).

Deserven, v. to merit, MD; disserued,pp., well served, W.—­AF. deservir;Late Lat. deservire.

Desi, adj. foolish, MD; see Dusi.

Despeir, sb. despair, MD.—­AF.despeir.

Despeiren, v. to despair, MD; despeired,pp., C2.—­OF. desperer, Lat.desperare.

Desperate, adj. outrageous, S3.—­Lat. desperatus.

Despisabil, adj. despicable, H; dispisable,W2.

Despit, sb. contempt, injury, S2, C3;despyt, C2; despite, WW; dispit,W.—­AF. despit; Lat. despectum(acc).

De-spiteful, adj. full of contempt,WW.

Despitous, adj. ignominious, MD, C;dispitous, contemptuous, S3; despitus,H.

Despitously, adv. contemptuously, spitefully,S2,C2, C3; dispitously, C.

Despoilen, v. to despoil, to strip,MD; dispoilen, C2; dispoyled, pp.,S3.—­OF. despoiller; Lat. despoliare.

Dest, 2 pr. s. doest, S; see Don.

Destrer, sb. a courser, war-horse, MD;dextrer, C2.—­AF. destrer;Late Lat. dextrarium (from Lat. dextra,the right hand), the horse led by the squire on theright of his own horse.

Destroyen, v. to destroy, MD; destruien,MD, C; destrue, S2; distruen, S2; destrie,MD, W, W2; dysstrye, S2; distruyede,pt. s., W; distried, pp., W,W2.—­AF. destruire. (pr. p. destruyant);Lat. destruere.

Destroyere, sb. destroyer, Prompt.,MD; distrier, W.

DeA deg., pr. s. doeth, S, S2; see Don.

DeA deg., sb. death, S; see DeeA3/4.

DeA deg.-vuel, sb. death-evil, S2.

Dette, sb. debt, C2; dett, adj.due, H.—­AF. dette; Lat. debita.

Deue, adj. pl. deaf, C3; see Deef.

Deuh; see Dew.

Deuel, sb. devil, S, S2, W2; deofel,MD; deofell, S; diuel, S; dyeuel,S2; dewill, S3; dewle, Prompt.; dwylle,MD; deouele, S; diefles, gen.,S; dieule, dat., S; deofles,pl., MD; defless, S; deoules,S; deoflen, S; deflen, S; deoflene,gen. pl., S.—­AS. dA(C)ofol;Lat. diabolus (Vulg.); Gr.[Greek: diabolos];cf. OHG. diufal (Otfrid).

Deuin, sb. prophesying, divinity, theology,MD; diuyn, S2.

Deuine, sb. theologian, augur, soothsayer,MD; dyuynes, pl., MD.—­OF.devin; Lat. diuinum.

Deuinen, v. to foretell, guess, suspect,MD; deuyne, PP.

Deuinourr, sb. interpreter, explainer,theologian, MD, PP; dyuynour, PP.

Deuise, sb. tale, narrative, S3; deuys,order, C.

Deuisen, v. to divide, arrange, order,decide, tell, relate, MD, S2; deuyse, C2, C3;deuice, MD, S2; diuise, S2.—­AF.deviser, It. divisare; formed from Lat.diuidere (pp. diuisus).

Deuisynge, sb. narration, S2.

Deuoid, pp. as adj. destituteof, SkD.

Deuoiden, v. to quit, leave, also toannihilate, exterminate, MD; deuoyden, S2.—­OF.desvoidier, desvuidier.

Devoir, sb. duty, knightly duty, PP,C2; deuoyr, S3; devor, ND, PP; deuer,PP, CM.—­OF. devoir (sb. orig. v.);Lat. debere.

Deuouren, v. to devour, MD; devoir,S3.—­AF. devourer; Lat. deuorare.

Dew, sb. dew, PP; dA|w, MD; daw,S; deu, S; deuh, PP; deawes,pl., S2.—­AS. dA(C)aw.

Dewill, sb. devil, S3; see Deuel.

Dewite, sb. duty, S3; see Duete.

Dewle, sb. grief, S3; see Dole.

Dextrer, sb. a war-horse, C2; see Destrer.

Deye, sb. a female servant, esp. onewho looks after the cows and dairy, androchia,Voc., Prompt., C; deye, a cow-boy, androchius,MD, Cath.—­Icel. deigja, see CV; cp.AF. deye.

Deyen, v. to die, S2, PP; de3*en,MD, S2; deghe, S2; deie, S; dey,S3; dye, PP; di3*e, PP; dy3*e,S2, PP; de, S3; deide, pt. s.,S, S2; dei3*ede, MD; deyde, C2; deid,S2; deit, S3; dede, pl., S3;deyed, pp., C2.—­Icel. deyja:OS. dA cubedian.

Deyen, v. to dye, MD; dyyn, Prompt.;dyed, pt. s., C2.—­AS. dA(C)agian,from dA(C)ah. See Deh.

Deyere, sb. dyer, C.

Deyl, sb. deal, share, S2; see Deel.

Deynen, v. to deign, to appear good,to please, MD, CM, S2; deignen, MD; daynede,pt. s., S2; dA|yned him, (refl.)C2.—­AF. deigner; Lat. dignare.

Deynous, adj. proud, disdainful, MD,CM, Cath. (p. 95, n.).

Deyntee, sb. worth, pleasure, liking,S2, C2, C3; deynte, S2; deinte, MD;deyntees, pl., S2, C2, C3.—­OF.daintie, deintet, Prov. din-tat;Lat. dignitatem. Cf. Dayntethis.

Deyntee, adj. dainty, C2,C3.

Deynteuous, adj. choice, dainty, C2.

Deys, sb. daA-s, high table in hall,C, C2, PP; deyes, PP; deis, PP; dese,PP; deyse, PP; dees, MD; des,MD; day, canopy, JD.—­OF. deis(AF. dois); Lat. discum (acc.), seeBrachet, p. Ixv. Cf. Disshe.

De3*ter, sb. pl. daughters, S2; seeDohter

Di-; see De-, Dis.

Dia, sb. A term set before medicinalconfections or electuaries that were devised by theGreeks, Cotg.; dya, HD; dyas, pl.remedies, medicines, PP.—­Gr. [Greek:dia*]. See Dia-penidion.

Diadlich, adj. mortal, S; see Deedli.

Diamant, sb. diamond, PP, Cath.; dyamand,MD; dyamaunt, C.—­OF. diamant,a diamond, the loadstone (Cotg.). See Adamant.

Dia-penidion, sb. a kind of sweet stufflike barley-sugar used to relieve coughs, PP; diapenydion,PP; diopendion, S2.—­OF. diapenidion,It. diapenA-dio, cp. diapiA(C)de, ’adiapedon or confection made of Penids’(Florio). See Dia and Penid.

Diaper, sb. a kind of figured cloth;dyaper, MD; diapery, MD.—­OF.diaspre, diaspe, diapered cloth; Lat.iaspidem, jasper; from Gr. [Greek: iaspis],probably of Semitic origin; see Diez, p. 119.

Diaper, v. to variegate, adorn withfigures and colours, ND; diapred, pp.,ND; dyapred, C.

Diath, sb. death, S; see DeeAz.

Dicht, pp. prepared, S2; see Dihten.

Diciples, sb. pl. disciples, S; seeDisciple.

Dide, pt. s. did, caused, put, S; seeDon. [Addition]

Diefles, sb. gen. devil’s, S;see Deuel.

Dier, sb. wild animal, beast; diere,dat., S; see Deer.

Dier-chin, sb. deer-kind, beasts, S.

Diere, adj. dear, S; see Dere.

Diere-wurA deg., adj. precious, S; seeDerewurA deg.e.

Diete, sb. diet, food, MD, C; dyetis,pl., PP.—­OF. diete; LateLat. dieta, Lat. diA|ta; Gr. [Greek diaita].

Dieten, v. to diet; di3*ete,pr. subj. S2, PP.

DieA deg., pr. s. doeth, S; see Don.

Dieule, sb. dat. devil, S; see Deuel.

Diffacen, v. to deface, MD; deface,to obliterate, C2; defaste, pp., S3.—­OF.deffacer.

Dif-faden, v. to fade away, MD; defade,to cause to fade, S3; defadide, pp.,HD.

Diffame, sb. dishonour, disgrace, MD,S3, C2; defame, C3.—­OF. diffame.

Diffamen, v. to spread abroad a rumour,also to slander, MD, S2; defame, C2; diffameden,pt. pl., W; defamed, pp., W,C3.—­AF. diffamer, to slander; Lat.diffamare, to spread abroad a report.

Digne, adj. worthy, proud, MD, C, C2,C3, S2, S3; dygne, S2. Phr.: digneas dich-water, i.e. making people keep theirdistance, S3.—­OF. digne; Lat. dignum.

Dignelich, adv. worthily, P; dyngneliche,S2.

Dignete, sb. worth, dignity, high office,MD; dignitee, C2; dingnetes, pl.,S2.—­AF. dignete; Lat. dignitatem.Cf. Deyntee.

Dihten, v. to order, rule, prepare,adorn, MD, S2; di3*ten, MD; di3*tti,S2; diht, pr. s., S; dightes,S2; dihte, pt. s., S; di3*te,S2; diht, pp., S2; di3*t, MD,S2; dight, MD, S3; ydi3*t, S2, S3; dy3*t,S2; dicht, S2; ydy3*t, S3; dygth,H.—­AS. dihtan; Lat. dictare.

Dilatacioun, sb. extension, diffuseness,S2, C3.—­Lat. dilatationem.

Dilitable, adj delightful, S2; see Delitable. [Addition]

Dim, adj. dim, MD; dym,C; dymme,MD; dimme, pl., S.—­AS. dim.

Dimliche, adv. dimly, softly (of sound),MD; dimluker, comp., S.

Dimnes, sb. dimness, S2.

Dinnen, v. to din, MD; dunien,MD; denie, S; dinede, pt. s.,MD; donyd, MD; dynnit, MD.—­AS.dynian; cp. Icel. dynja. SeeDyn.

Dint, sb. blow, S, S2; see Dent.

Dinten, v. to strike, S.

Diopendion, sb. a kind of barley-sugar,S2; see Dia-penidion.

Dirige, sb. the name of an anthem inthe office for the dead beginning with the words fromPs. 5. 8, ‘Dirige, Dominus meus,’MD, S3; dyrge, MD; dorge, MD.

Dis-; see Des.

Disburse, v. to pay out of a purse,Sh; deburs, S3.—­OF. desbourser.

Dischargen, v. to unload, MD; deschargen,MD; dischargiden, pt. pl., W.—­AF.descharger.

Dischevele, pp. with hair in disorder,MD, C.—­OF. deschevelA(C), pp. ofdescheveler, to dischevel (Cotg.).

Disclaundre, v. to slander, S2, C3.

Disciple, sb. disciple, W (John 20.2); disciplis, pl., PP, W; diciples,S; deciples, S; decipelis, S2.—­AF.disciple; Lat. discipulum (acc.).

Disciplesse, sb. a woman-disciple, W.

Discipline, sb. chastisem*nt, MD; disceplines,pl. flagellations, S.—­OF. discipline(Cotg.); Church Lat. disciplina (Ducange).

Disclaundre, sb. evil fame, S2, PP;desclandre, MD; dislander, ND.See Sclaundre.

Disclose, v. to disclose, S3; desclosen,S2.—­OF. desclore (subj. _-close_);Lat. disclaudere.

Discomfiten, v. to defeat, to put tothe rout, MD; dyscowmfytyn, Prompt.; disconfet,pt. s., MD; disconfite, MD; pp.,MD; discumfyst, S3; dysconfited, S3.—­OF.desconfire (pp. desconfit); Lat. dis+ conficere.

Discomfiture, sb. defeat, MD; dis-*confiture,C.—­AF. descumfiture, desconfiture.

Disconfort, sb. discomfort, C; discomfort,W.

Disconforten, v. to trouble, discomfort,C; disconfort, S3; discomforten, MD.—­OF.desconforter.

Discoueren, v. to discover, uncover,MD, C3; diskeuer, MD; discure, S3.—­OF.descovrir, descuvrir.

Disdeyn, sb. disdain, C2; desdayn,CM; desdeyn, C; dedeyn, MD, W, H; dedeyne,HD.—­AF. dedeigne, OF. desdein.

Disdeyne, v. to disdain, C2; desdainen,MD.—­AF. desdeigner, It. disdegnare.

Disese, sb. lack of ease, MD, S2, C2,C3, W; desese, S3.—­OF. desaise.

Diseseful, adj. troublesome, W2.

Disesid, pp. troubled, W.

Disgysen, v. to disguise, MD; degisen,PP, MD; degyset, pp., S2; disguised,S3.—­AF. degiser, degyser,OF. desguiser. Cf. Degyse.

Disheriten, v. to disinherit, S2; deseritede,pt. s., S2; deserited, pp., S2;disheryt, C.—­AF. desheriter,OF. deseriter.

Disjoint, sb. perplexity, MD; disjoynt,C.—­OF. desjoinct, pp. of desjoindre;Lat. disjungere.

Dismayen, v. to dismay,G; desmayen,MD.—­OF. *_desmayer_; cp. Sp. desmayar,also (with different prefix), OF. esmaier,Prov. esmagar, It. smagare.

Disour, sb. professional story-teller,minstrel, MD; disoures, pl., P.—­OF.disour, diseor: Sp. dicedor,It. dicitore, from Lat. dicere.

Disparage, sb. a want of parity or equality,especially in birth or station, disparagement, disgrace,C2. See Parage.

Disparagen, v. to disparage, disgrace;desparaged, pp., MD.—­AF.desparager.

Disparplen, v. to become scattered,also to scatter, W; desparplen, MD, S2; dysparplyn,Prompt.; sparplyn, Prompt.; disperpelde,pt. s., H; deperpeyld, H; disparpoilid,pp., S2; disparplid, disparplit, W.—­OF.deparpillier, Ps. 21. 14 (cp. It. sparpagliare,Florio); from OF. *_parpille_, butterfly; Lat. papilio,see Brachet (s.v. A(C)parpiller), and Diez,p. 236.

Dispence, sb expenditure, C, C2, S3;despense, C2, MD; dispenses, pl.,S3.—­OF. despense.

Dispenden, v. to spend, S3, C2, H; despenden,C2, MD; dispent, pp., S3.—­AF.despendre; Late Lat. dispendere, to weighout.

Dispendour, sb. steward, W; dispendere,W.

Dispers, pp. dispersed, S3, MD.—­Lat.dispersus.

Displesance, sb. annoyance, C3.—­OF. desplaisance.

Disport, sb. pleasure, recreation, S2,S3, C2, C3; desport, C3, MD.—­AF.desport, mirth; cp. OF. deport (Bartsch).

Disporten, v. to cheer, amuse, MD,—­OF.se desporter, se deporter; cp.It. diportare (compounded with Lat. de-).

Disposed, pp.; in phr.:wel disposed, in good health, C3.

Disputen, v. to dispute, MD; desputen,MD.—­AF. desputer; Lat. disputare.

Disputeson, sb. disputation, MD; disputisoun,C; desputisoun, MD.—­OF. desputeson;Lat. disputationem (for -eson = -tionem,see Ps. Introd. xxx).

Disseit; see Deceit.

Disseueren, v. to separate, C3.—­AF.deseverer; Lat. dis + separare.

Disshe, sb. dish, PP; disch,S; dysche, discus) Voc.; dysshe,discus, Prompt.; dishe, disc, quoit, MD; disse,S; dysshes, pl., S2.—­AS.disc; Lat. discus; Gr. [Greek: diskos],quoit. Cf. Deys.

Dissheres, sb. a female dish-seller,P.

Dissimulen, v. to pretend a thing isnot so, MD, C3; dissymilide, pt. s.,W2.—­Lat. dissimulare.

Dissimulinge, sb. dissembling, C2, C3.

Distaf, sb. distaff, C2; dystaf,Voc.; dysestafe, Voc.

Distinguen, v. to distinguish, MD; destingeA3/4,pr. pl., MD; distyngis, imp.pl., H; distingwed, pp., MD; distyngid,H.—­OF. distinguer.

Distrier, sb. destroyer, W; see Destroyere.

Distraught, pp. distracted, tormented,S3; distrauhte, MD; destrat, SkD.—­OF.destrait (F. distrait); Lat. distractum,pp. of distrahere.

Distresse, sb. distress, misery, S2;destresse, MD.—­AF. destresse,destresce; Late Lat. *_districtitia_ from Lat.districtus, pp. of distringere, to pullasunder, to punish.

Distreynen, v. to vex, S3; destreyne,C; distrayne, S3.—­AF. destreindre(pr. p. destreignant); Lat. distringere.

Disturben, v. to disturb; destourbe,C3; distourbe, MD; desturbi, MD.—­AF.desturber; Lat. disturbare.

Disturblen, v. to disturb, trouble,MD, W, W2; disturblid, pp., S2, W, W2.Cp. OF. tourbler, torbler (F. troubler);Late Lat. *_turbulare_, from Lat. turbare.

Disturblyng, sb. disturbance, W, W2.;

Diten, v. to indict for trespass, Prompt.—­OF.dicter; Lat. dictare. Cf. Dihten.

Diuel, sb. devil, S; see Deuel.

Diueren, v. to tremble, S, MD.

Diuise, v. to tell of, describe, S2;see Deuisen. [Addition]

Diuulgate, pp. divulged; dy-wlgat,S3.—­Lat. diuulgatus.

Diuyn; see Deuin.

Diyngis, sb. pl. dyes, colours, W2;see Deyen.

Di3*e, to die; see Deyen.

Di3*el, adj. secret, MD; di3*ele,dat., S.—­AS. dA-gol, dA(C)gol,dA(C)ogol, dA(C)agol; cp. OHG. tougali(Tatian), also with different suffix, dougan(Otfrid).

Di3*te, pt. s. ordained, S2; di3*t,pp. prepared, S2; see Dihten.

Doale, sb. dole, portion, S3; see Dool.

Docken, v. to cut away the tail, decaudare,MD; to cut short, C; dokkyn, Prompt. SeeDok.

Dodden, v. to crop, lop branches, MD,Prompt,; i-dodded, pp., S; doddyd(as trees), Prompt.

Doddit, adj. without horns, JD; doddy,JD; doddie, sb. cow without horns, JD.

Dogge, sb. dog, MD, S2, Voc., Prompt.,W2 (Ps. 21. 21), PP, C2.—­AS. docga.

Dohter, sb. daughter, S; do3*ter,S, S2; dou3*ter, P, W2; dowter, S; douhtres,pl., S; dou3*tres, P; dou3*tris,W2; doutres, S; de3*ter, S2; do3*tren,S2; doughtren, C; dehtren, dat.,S.—­AS. dohtor (dehter, dat.s.); cp. Goth, dauhtar; see, Sievers,93.

Dok, sb. a tail, MD, JD.—­O.Norse dockr; see MD.

Doke, sb. duck, S2, Voc., PP, C; douke,PP; docke, Prompt.; duke, Voc.; duk,PP.

Dole, sb. grief, P, CM; deol,S, MD, S2; duel, MD; doel, P; diol,MD; dol, MD; dool, S2, CM; dul,MD; del, MD, S2; dewle, S3; dule,S3.—­OF. doel, duel, deol,dol, del; Late Lat. *_dolium_, fromdol-, stem of Lat. dolere, to grieve;see Constans, supplement, p. 23.

Dolefulle, adj. doleful, MD; delful,S2, MD.

Dolfin, sb. dolphin, MD; doulphyn,Palsg.—­OF. doulphin (Palsg.), daulphin(Cotg.), Prov. dalfin; Lat. delphinum.Cp. Delfin.

Dolfully, adv. dolefully, G; delfulli,MD.

Doluen, pt. pl. dug, P; pp. buried,S, P; see Deluen.

Dom, sb. judgment, S, S2, W; dome,S2, G; see Doom.

Domage, sb. damage, loss, S3; see Damage.

Domb, adj. dumb, MD, C3; doumb,MD; dum, Prompt.; dom, MD; dumbe,Manip.; doumbe, S, S2; dome, S3.—­AS.dumb; cp. Goth, dumbs, OHG. dumb,foolish (Otfrid).

Dome, sb. doom, S2; domes, pl.,S2, G; see Doom.

Domes-day, sb. dooms-day, P; domesdai,S; domesdei, S.—­AS. dA cubedmes-dA|g.

Domes-man, sb. judge, S, W, W2; domysmen,pl. H.

Domlen, v. to be dull; domland,pr. p. clouding over, S2.

Dom-place, sb. judgment-hall, W.

Don, v. to do, put, make, cause, S;do, S, S2; donne, ger., S, S2;done, S2, MD; doand, pr. p., S2;doande, CM; doing, S3; doA deg.,imp. pl. S; dest, 2 pr. s.,S; deA deg., pr. s., S, S2; dieAdeg., S; deaA deg., S; doA deg.,S, S2; doA deg., pl., S, S2; done,S2; dude, pt. s., S2; dide, S;dede, S, S2; ded, S2; duden,pl., S; deden, S; dyden, S; dude,S2; ydoon, pp., C2; idon, S,S2; idone, S; ido, S, S2; ydon,S2; ydo, S2; don, S2; doon, MD;do, S2, MD.—­AS. dA cubedn,pt. s. dyde, pp. ge-dA cubedn.

Donet, sb. grammar, primer, elementaryinstruction, PP, S2.—­From Donatus,the grammarian; see Cotg. (s.v. donat).

Dong, pt. s. beat, MD; dongen,pp., S2, H; see Dyngen.

Donjoun, sb. the highest tower of acastle, also the dungeon or underground prison, MD;dongeon, P; dongoun, MD; dungun,S2.—­AF. dongoun, OF. dongon, donjon:Prov. dompnhon; Late Lat. domnionem,a tower that dominates (Ducange), dominionem,lordship, from Lat. dominium.

Donk, adj. moist, S3, JD; danke,MD.—­Cp. Icel. dAkkr, obscure(stem *_danku_).

Donken, v. to moisten, MD, S2.

Don-ward, adv. downward, S2; see Dounward.

Doo, sb. doe, Voc., Palsg., W2; do,MD; da, MD; days, pl., S3.—­AS.dAi.

Dool, sb. dole, share, portion, MD;dole, MD; doale, S3.—­AS.dAil (see OET).

Doom, sb, doom, judgment, sentence,W; dom, S, W, S2; dome, S2; domes,pl., S2, G.—­AS. dA cubedm:Goth. doms.

Dorc, adj. dark, S; see Derk.

Dore, sb. door, MD, S2, C3; dur,MD, S3; dure, S.—­AS. duru; cp. Gr. [Greek: thAra]; see Brugmann, ASec.51.

Dore-tre, sb. bar of a door, P.

Dore-ward, sb. porter, door-keeper,S2; durewart, S.

Dorren, pr. pl. dare, MD; doren,W; dorste, pt. subj. pl., S, S2, C2;see Dar.

Dortour, sb. dormitory, MD, S3, CM;dorture, Voc.; dorter, Voc.—­OF.dortour, dortoir; Lat. dormitorium.

Dosc, adj. dusk, S; deosc, MD.

Doseyn, num. dozen, C; see Dozein.

Dotard, sb. dotard, MD, Sh.

Dote, sb. fool, S, MD; dotest,adj. superl., very foolish, S2.

Dotel, sb. fool, MD; dottel,Manip.

Doten, v. to dote, to be foolish, childish,MD, S2, C2.

Doucte, pt. s. had value, S; see Du3*en.

Doughtren, sb. pl. daughters, C; seeDohter.

Doughty, adj. brave, C2, G; see Du3*ti.

Douhtres, sb. pl. daughters, S; seeDohter.

Doumbe, adj. dumb, S, S2; see Dumb.

Doun, sb. a down, hill, MD; dun,MD; doune, S2; dune, dat., MD;downes, pl., MD; dounes, S2; dun,adv., down, S; don, S2; doun,S2, W.—­AS. dAn.

Doun-right, adv. right down, S2.

Doun-ward, adv. downward, MD; donward,S2; dunward, S.

Doute, sb. fear, doubt, MD, S2, C2,G; dute, MD, S, S2; dout, S2.—­OF.dute, doute, doubte.

Doute-lees, adv. doubtless, S2, C2.

Douten, v. to fear, to doubt, MD, S3;duten, MD, S; dowte, S3; dowt,imp. s., G; doutede, pt. s., S;doutiden, pl., G.—­AF. duter,OF. douter; Lat. dubitare.

Douthe; see DuheA deg.e.

Dou3*ter, sb. daughter, P, W2; doutres,pl., S; see Dohter.

Douene, sb. f. dove, S2; doune,S2; downe, S2. See Dowue.

Dowaire, sb. dower, C2; dower,C2.—­AF. douayre (and dowere);Late Lat. dotarium.

Dowen, v. to endow, MD.—­OF.douer, doer; Lat. dotare.

Dowen; see Du3*en.

DoweA3/4e, sb. army, host, S. Phr.:doweA3/4es louerd, Lord of Hosts, S; see DuheAdeg.e.

Dowter, sb. daughter, S; see Dohter.

Dowue, sb. dove, MD, C3, W; douve,MD; dow, S3.—­Icel. dAfa;cp. OS. dAba, Goth. dubo. Cf.Douene.

Do3*ter, sb. daughter, S, S2; see Dohter.

Dozein, adj. dozen, S2; doseyn,C.—­AF. dozeine, from doze,twelve; Lat. duodecim.

Drad, pp. dreaded, C2; dradde,pt. pl., S; see Dreden.

DrA|m, sb. joyful sound, S; see Dreem.

Draf, pt. s. drove, S2; see Driuen.

Draf, sb. draff, husks, dregs, MD, C3,PP, Cath.; draff, JD; draffe, PP; draft,W2.—­Icel. draf.

Dragen, v. to draw, S; drah,imp. s., S, S2; drahen, pp.,S; see Drawen.

Dragge, sb. a comfit or digestive sweetmeat,dragetum, Prompt., Voc.; dragges, pl.,C.—­AF. dragge, OF. dragA(C)e(Cotg.), Prov. dragea, It. treggA(C)a,an adaptation of Late Gr. [Greek: tragaemata],sweetmeats; see Diez, p. 326, Ducange (s.v. tragemata).

Drah, pt. s. suffered, S; see Dre3*en.

Drapen, pt. pl. slew, S; see Drepen.

Drast, sb. dregs, W2; drastys,pl. feces, Voc.; drestys, Prompt.—­O.Merc. derste, PS. 39, 3 (VP).

Drasty, adj. trashy, worthless, MD,C2; dresti, Prompt.; dresty, Palsg.

Drawen, v. to draw, S, S2, CM; dra3*en,S, S2; dragen, S; dreaien, S; dreihen,S; drah, imp. s., S, S2; drawand,pr. p., S2; droh, pt. s., S; dro3*,S, S2; drou, S, S2; drow, S2, C2; drou3*,S2; drouh, S2; dreuch, S2; drough,S2; dro3*en, pl., S; drowen,W; dro3*e, S; drowe, S2; dragen,pp., S; drahen, S; ydrawe, C2.—­AS.dragan, pt. drA cubedh (pl. drA cubedgon),pp. dragen.

Dre, v. to suffer, S2, S3; see Dre3*en.

Drecchen, v. to vex, torment, also totarry, MD, S, S3, C; drechen, S, S2; draihte,pt. s., MD; drechede, MD; draiht,pp., MD; drecched, MD.—­AS.dreccan, pt. drehte, pp. dreht.

Drede, sb. dread, MD, S, S2, C2, W2;dreid, S3; dred, S.

Dreden, v. to dread, S, S2, C2; dredand,pr. p., S2; dradde, pt. s., MD,C2; dredde, MD, C2, W; dredden, pl.,MD, W; dradde, S; drad, pp.,C2.—­AS. (on)-*drA|*dan, pt. dreord,drA|*dde, see Sievers, 394, 395.

Dredful, adj. dreadful, MD; timid, C;dredfule, dat., S.

Drednes, sb. dread, MD; drednesse,S; dridnes, S2.

Dreem, sb. a joyful sound, dream, MD;dream, S; drA|m, S; dreme, dat.,S; drem, MD, S; dremes, pl., S.—­AS.drA(C)am, joyful sound, Icel. draumr,dream; cp. OS. drA cubedm, joy, also dream.

Drehen, v. to suffer, S; see Dre3*en.

Dreid, sb. dread, S3; see Drede.

Dreihen, v. to draw, S; see Drawen.

Drem, sb. dream, S; see Dreem.

Dremels, sb. dream, PP.

Dremen, v. to make a joyful sound, todream, S; dreamen, S; drempte, pt.s., S; dremden, pl., S.—­AS.drA(C)man, to rejoice: OS. drA cubedmian;cp. Icel. dreyma, to dream.

Drench, sb. drink, S, MD.

Drenchen, v. to drown, S, S2, C3, W;drinchen, S; dreinchen, S; dreynt,pp., W, C, C2; drent, S3; drenched,C3; drenchid, W.—­AS. drencan;cp. Icel. drekkja.

Drenchyng, sb. drowning, S2.

Dreng, sb. servant, retainer, MD; dring,S; drenches, pl., MD; dringches,S.—­Icel. drengr, brave man, alsobachelor; hence AS. dreng.

Drepen, v. to slay, S, S2; drap,pt. s., MD; drapen, pl., S; drape,MD.—­AS. drepan, pt. drA|p(pl. drA|*pon), pp. drepen.

Drere, sb. grief, S3, ND.

Dreriment, sb. sadness, ND; dreeriment,S3.

Drery, adj. sad, dreary, C2; dreri3*,MD; drury, MD.—­AS. drA(C)orig.

Dreryhead, sb. sorrow, ND.

Dressen, v. to make straight, direct,reach, prepare, dress, S2, S3, C2, C3, W, W2; y-dressed,pp., C2.—­OF. dresser, drescier;Late Lat.* dirictiare (It. dirizzare);from Lat. directus, pp. of dirigere.Cp. Late Lat. drictum (Ducange).

Dressyngis, sb. pl. directions (= Lat. directiones), W2.

Dreuen, v. to trouble, afflict, MD;dreued, pt. s., S2; drefedd,pp., MD; dreofedd, MD; i-dreaued,S.—­AS. drA(C)fan: OS. drAcubedbian; cp. OHG. druaben (Otfrid),truoben (Tatian), G. trA1/4ben.See Drouy.

Drewery, sb. darling, P; see Druerie.

Dreye, adj. dry, C, C2; see Drye.

Dre3*, adj. continuous, great, powerful,MD; dry3*, patient, S2.—­Icel. drjAgr.

Dre3*en, v. to endure, suffer, continue,MD; dregen, S; dre3*henn, S; drehen,S; dreye, S; drye, CM; dreghe,H; dri3*en, S, MD; dry3*e, S2; drie,S, PP; dree, JD; dre, S2, S3; drah,pt. s., S; dreg, MD; dry3*ed,continued, S2; druhen, pl., MD; drogen,pp., MD.—­AS. drA(C)ogan, pt.drA(C)ah (pl. drugon), pp. drogen.

Dre3*-ly, adv. continuously, earnestly,S2, MD; dry3*ly, patiently, S2.

Dridnes, sb. dread, S2; see Drednes.

Drihten, sb. Lord (only used forGod, Christ), S; dryhtin, S; dryhten,S; drigten, S; drigtin,S; drightin,S2; dryhte, S; drihte, S; dry3*te,PP; dri3*te, S, PP; dry3*tyn, S2.—­AS.dryhten: OS. drohtin; cp. Icel.drA cubedttinn and OHG. truhtin (Tatian).From AS. dryht, men., warriors, retainers:OS. druht; cp. OHG. truht and Icel.drA cubedtt.

Driht-ful, adj. noble, S.

Dring, sb. servant, S; dringches,pl., S; see Dreng.

Drink, sb. drink, MD; drinch,S; drinnch, S; drinc, S2.

Drinken, v. to drink, S; drincken,S; dring, imp. s., S; dranc,pt. s., S; dronc, S; dronk, S;drunken, pl., S; dronken, C2;drongken, S; dranc, S2; i-drunke,pp., S; dronke, C2. Phr.:drinc-hail, drink, hale! S.—­AS.drincan, pt. dranc (pl. druncon),pp. druncen.

Drinkere, sb. drinker, MD; drinckares,pl., S.

Drit, sb. dirt, MD, W, W2; dert,S3.

Drit-cherl, sb. dirt-churl (term ofabuse), S.

Driuen, v. to drive, rush, pass, go,S; dryuen, S; drif, S2; draf,pt. s., MD, S2; drof, S, S2; droof,MD, W, W2; drofe, S2; driuen, pl.,S, MD; dryuen MD; driueden, W2; driuen,pp., MD; driue, C2; dryuun, W2.—­AS.drA-fan, pt. drAif (pl. drifon),pp. drifen.

Dri3*en. v. to suffer, S; see Dre3*en.

Dri3*te; see Drihten.

Drof, pt. s. drove, S, S2; droof,W, W2; see Driuen.

Drof-lic, adj. painful, MD. Cf.Drouy.

Drogen; see Dre3*en.

Drogges, sb. pl. drugs, PP; droggis,S3; see Drye.

Droh, pt. s. drew, S; see Drawen.

Dronk, pt. s. drank, MD; drone,S; dronke, pp., C2; see Drinken.

Dronkelewe, adj. given to drink, C3;see Drunkelew.

Dronkenesse, sb. drunkenness, C3.

Drought, sb. drought, MD, C (p. 1);droughte, C2; drouhAze, S2; drugte,S; drythe, S2.—­AS. drugoA deg.e.See Drye.

Drounen, v. to be drowned, to drown,MD; drune, MD; drund, pt. pl.,S2. Cf. Drunknen.

Droupen, v. to droop, vultum dejicere,MD, Palsg.; drowpen, C.—­Icel. drApa.

Droupnen, v. to be cast down, MD; drupnin,S.

Drouen, v. to trouble, MD; druuy,H; droues, pr. pl., MD; droued,pp., MD; drouyd, H; druuyd, H.Cf. Dreuen.

Drouing, sb. trouble, S2, MD; druuynge,H.

Drouy, adj. turbid, troubled, CM, S2;droui, MD.—­Cp. AS. drA cubedf,OS. drA cubedbi, OHG. truobi, G. trA1/4be.

Dro3*, pt. s. drew, S, S2; drou,S, S2; drow, S2, C2; drou3*, S2; drouh,S2; drough, C2; see Drawen.

Drubild, adj. disturbed, H.

Drublen, v. to disturb water, to trouble;drubblyn, Prompt.; drobyl, MD.Cf. Drouen.

Drubly, adj. turbid, H; drobly,Prompt.

Drublynesse, sb. turbulencia, Prompt.

Drublynge, sb. disturbance, H.

Druerie, sb. love, affection, also theobject of affection, also a jewel, PP, MD, C2 (s.v. love); drurye, MD; drurie,S2, PP; druery, HD; druwery, PP; drewrye,MD; drewery, P; drowryis. pl.,HD; druries, IA-D.—­AF. druerie*Prov. drudaria, from OHG. drAt, dear,beloved (Otfrid). See NQ. (6. 4. 270).

Druggar-beste, sb. the animal that hasto pull forcibly, S3.

Druggen, v. to pull with force, CM,C.—­Cp. E. drudge.

Drui3*est, 2 pr. s. art dry, S2; seeDrye. [Addition]

Drund, pt. pl. drowned, S2; see ~ Drounen~.

Drunk, sb. draught, MD; drunc,S; drunch, S.—­Cp. Icel. drykkr.

Drunkelew, adj. given to drinking, W,Prompt.; dronkelewe, C3, PP; dronkeleuh,PP; dronkenlewe, PP; drunkenlewe, MD.See ~-lewe~.

Drunken, sb. drinking, S, MD.

Drunkennesse, sb. drunkenness, MD; dronkenesse,C3, PP.

Drunknen, v. to be drowned, to causeto drown, MD; drunkenes, pr. s., S2;dronkenes, S2.—­AS. druncnian,to be drowned, to be drunk. Cf. Drounen.

Drupnin, v. to be cast down, S; seeDroupnen.

Drurie; see Druerie.

Druuy, v. to trouble, H; see Drouen.

Druuynge, sb. trouble, H.

Drye, adj. dry, MD, PP; druye,MD, S2; drue, MD; dru, S; dri3*e,MD; drie, MD; dreye, C2, C. Phr.:drui fot, dry foot, S.—­AS. dryge;cp. Du. droog.

Drye, v. to dry, to be dry, MD, G; drui3*est,2 pr. s., S2.—­AS. drygan.

Drye, v. to suffer, CM; Dry3ed,.pt. s. continued, S2; see Dre3*en.

Drythe; see Drought.

Dry3*, adj. patient, S2. Cf. Dre3*en.

Dry3*ly, adv. patiently, S2.

Dry3*te, Dry3*tyn; see Drihten.

Dubben, v. (I) to dress, arm for battle,(2) to dub a knight by the stroke with the flat ofthe sword, MD, S, PP; dubbed, pp., S,S2, PP; dobbed, PP; doubed, PP.—­AF.dubber, to dress; cp. Icel. dubba,to arm, dress, also to dub, AS. dubban, to duba knight, in Chron. ann. 1085; cp. OF. aduber,adouber, to arm (Roland).

Dubbing, sb. decoration, adornment,S; the conferring of knighthood, S.

Dubonure, adj. mild, gentle, S2; seeDebonaire.

Dude, pt. s. did, S2; duden,pl., S; see Don.

Duelle, v. to stay, S, W2; see Dwellen.

Duere, adj. dear, S2; see Dere.

Duete, sb. duty, MD; dewtee,MD; dwete, CM; dewite, S3.—­AF.duete, debt, obligation, from OF. dA"u,owed; Lat. debitum, pp. of debere.

Duhen, v. to get on well, S; see Du3*en.

DuheA deg.e, sb. body of retainers,people, might, worth, dignity, S; doweA3/4e,S; douA3/4e, S2.—­AS. duguA deg.,worth, help, body of men, host.

Duk, sb. leader, prince, duke, MD; duc,S2; duyk, W, W2; douc, MD; duykis,pl., W2.—­AF. duc; Lat. ducem.

Dulce, adj. sweet, S3.—­Lat.dulcem.

Dule, sb. grief, S3; see Dole.

Dully, adj. dull, S3, DG; dolly,JD; dowie, JD.

Dumel, sb. a stupid man, Manip.; dummel,a dumb man, Manip.; dumble, HD. See Domb.

Dun; see Doun.

Dun, Dunne, adj. dun, dull brown, MD,Manip.; donne, MD.—­AS. dunn;O. Ir. donn, dond (Windisch).

Dun, sb. a dun horse; Proverb:Dun is in the myre, C3.

Dunchen, v. to batter, S, Prompt.; dunch,to push, JD.—­Cp. Dan. dunke,to thump.

Dune, sb. din; see Dyn.

Dungon, sb. dungeon, S2; see Don-*joun.

Dunt, sb. blow, S, S2; see Dent.[Addition]

Dun-ward, adv. downward, S; see Doun.

Dup, adj. deep, MD; see Deep.

Duppen, v. to dip, S2, MD; dippen,MD.—­AS. dyppan, for *_dup-ian_,see SkD (p. 800), Sievers, 400.

Durance, sb. endurance, S3; imprisonment,Sh.

Dure, adj. dear, MD; see Dere.

Dure, sb. door, S; dur, S3; seeDore.

Duren, v. to last, C2, S2, S3, H; dury,MD; duyre, MD; deore, S2; duyryng,pr. p., S2; durede, pt. s., S2.—­AF.durer; Lat. durare, from durus,hard, unyielding.

Duresse, sb. hardship, severity, MD,S3; duresce, MD.—­AF. duresse,duresce; Lat. duritia, from durus.

Durlyng, sb. darling, S; see Derling.

Durren, pr. pl. dare, MD; durre,S; duren, S; see Dar.

Dusi, adj. foolish, S, MD; dysy,MD; desi, MD.—­AS. dysig.

Dusiliche, adv. foolishly, MD; de-*saly,dizzily, S2; desselic, S2.

Dusken, v. to grow dark, C.

Dusten, v. to throw, toss, S; duste,pt. s., MD; deste, fell headlong, MD.

Dutchkin, adj. German-like, S3.

Dute, sb. doubt, fear, S, S2; see Doute.

Dutten, v. to shut, close, MD; dittenn,MD; dutande, pr. p., S2; dutt,pp., MD; dit, MD.—­AS. dyttan;see OET (p. 573).

Duyk, sb. leader, prince, W, W2 ; seeDuk.

Du3*en, v. to get on well, to be fitting,to be worth, to avail, valere, MD; duhen,S; dowen, MD; deah, pr. s., MD;deh, MD; deih, S; dugen, pl.,MD; doucte, pt. s., S; dought,MD; dowed, S2.—­AS. dAgan,pret. pres. dA(C)ag (dA(C)ah, dA(C)g), pl.dugon, pt. dohte; cp. OHG. tugan.

Du3*eA deg.e, sb. nobles, S, MD; seeDuheA deg.e.

Du3*ti, adj. fit, excellent, brave,doughty, MD; doughty, C2, G; dou3*tiore,comp., S2.—­AS. dyhtig, strong.

Dwal, adj. foolish, dull, erring, apostate,MD, SkD (p. 801); dwales, sb. pl. fools,S.—­Cp. Goth. dwals, foolish.

Dwale, sb. error, MD; duale,MD; dwole, MD, S (16. 1777.)—­ONorth.duala, error (Mt. 24. 24); cp. AS. dwola.

Dwellen, v. (1) to err, wander, (2)to loiter, stay, dwell, MD, G; duelle, S, W2;dwelland, pr. p., S2.—­AS.dwelian, to err, also to make to err, to deceive;also dwellan, to deceive, to hinder, delay,also to remain, dwell; cp. Icel. dvelja,to tarry.

Dweole, sb. error, MD; dwele,MD; dwelle, MD.—­AS. (ge)dweola.

DweoluhA deg.e, sb. error, foolishness,S.

Dwergh, sb. dwarf, MD; dwerk,MD; dwerf, MD; dwarfe, MD; dwerAz(for dwer3*), S2.—­AS. dweorh;cp. Icel. dvergr.

Dwilde, sb. error, S, MD.—­AS.dwild. See Dwellen.

Dwindle, v. to waste away, Sh.

Dwinen, v. to vanish away, to wasteaway, MD, HD; dwynyn, Prompt.; dwynen,S2; dwynede, pt. s. (weak), MD.—­AS.dwA-nan, pt. dwAin (pl. dwinon),pp. dwinen.

Dwole; see Dwale.

Dyad, adj. dead, S2; see Deed.

Dyed, pt. s. coloured, C2; see Deyen.

Dyeuel, sb. devil, S2; see Deuel.

Dyk, Dyke, sb. dike, ditch, S3; dic,S; dich, MD; diche, MD; pl.,S; dichen, S.—­AS. dA-c.

Dyken, v. to make a ditch, to dig, S2;idyket, pp., S2.

Dyker, sb. ditcher, S2, P; dikere,P.

Dyn, sb. din, H, MD; dynne, H;dene, MD; dyne, PP; dine, MD;dune, MD.—­AS. dyne, dyn.

Dyngen, v. to beat, PP, H; dang,pt. s., MD, 83; dong, MD; dange,pl., S3; dongen, pp., S2; dongyn,H; dongene, HD.

Dyngis, sb. pl. blows, H.

Dyngynge, sb. beating, H.

Dys, sb. pl. dice, C, P; see Dee.

Dys-playere, sb. dice-player, P.

Dyttay, sb. indictment, S3.—­AF.dite; Lat. dictatum.

Dyvers, adj. pl. divers, MD; diverse,MD.—­AF. divers (pl. diverses);Lat. diuersum.

Dyuerseli, adv. in diverse directions,W2.

Dyversen, v. to make difference, todiversify, also to be different, MD, Prompt.; dyuersith,pr. s., W; diuerside, pt. s.,W.—­OF. diverser.

Dyversitee, sb. divers colours, W2.

Dyuynistre, sb. a divine, C.—­LateLat. *_divinista_. See Deuine.

D3*e, v. to die, S2; see Deyen.

Dy3*t; see Dihten.

E; see E*3e

E--, prefix; see ~*3e~-. Cf. Eliche.

Eadi*3, adj. wealthy, precious, happy,blessed, MD; eadi, S; A|die, S; edie,S; eddi, S; edy, S; edye, S.—­AS.A(C)adA deg.g: Goth, audags.From AS. A(C)ad, a possession, happiness, also,rich, happy: Icel. auA deg.r,wealthy; cp.OS. A cubedd, property.

Eadmodien, v. to humble, MD; eadmode,pt. s., MD; admoded, pp. as adj.lowly, S, MD.—­AS. A(C)aA deg.modian,from A(C)aA deg.mod humble. Cf. EAdeg.emoded, Edmod.

Ealde, adj old, S; see Old.

Ealde, sb. an age, age, S; see Elde.

Ealdren, pl. elders, chiefs; see Alder.

Ealre, gen. of all, S; see Al.

Eam, 1 pr. s. am; see Am.

Earding-stowe, sb. dwelling-place, S;see Erdingstouwe.

Earm, sb. arm (of the body), S, MD;see Arm.

Earme, adj. pl. poor; see Arm.

Earming, sb. a wretched being, S; seeErming.

Earnynge, sb. earning, S; see Ernen.

Eatelich, adj. horrible, S; see Atelich.

EaA deg., adj. easy, S; see Eth.

EaA deg.e, adv. easily, S; see Ethe.

Ebrayk, adj. Hebrew, S2.

Ebrisse, adj. Hebrew, S.—­AS.ebreisc.

Ecclesiaste, sb. a preacher, C.—­OF.ecclesiaste (Cotg.); Church Lat. ecclesiastes(Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: hekklaesiastaes] (LXX), from[Greek: hekklaesia], an assembly.

Eche, adj. each, S, S2, W; A|lche,S, MD; elc, MD, S; elch, S; elche,MD; alc, MD, S; alche, MD, S; eilc,MD; ilc, MD, S; ilk, S (12. 97), S2,H; ilch, S; ulc, MD; ulch, S;ulche, MD; A|che, MD; ache, S;ech, MD, S, S2; ich, MD, S, S3; ych,S2; ewc, MD; euch, MD, S; uch,S, S2; uche, P, H; uich, S; uych,S.—­Comb.: eche dayes,

daily, on each day, S2; eche deyl, every bit,entirely, S2; ech on, each one, S2, S3, C2;ech oon, C2, W; ech one, S2; ichon, S3; ich a, S3; uch one, S2,P; ilk an, S2; ilc kines, of every kind,MD; ilkines, S; ich wer, everywhere,S.—­AS. A|*lc, elc, ONorth.A|lc, OMerc. ylc. The form A|*lc= Ai + ge + lic; cp. OHG.io-gi-lA-h (Tatian), G. jeglich.See Sievers, 347.

Eche, adj. eternal, S; echelAche,adv., S.—­AS. A(C)ce, A(C)celice;cp. OHG. A(C)wic, also A(C)wig (Otfrid).See A.

Eche, sb. increase, addition, S2, MD.—­AS.A(C)aca.

Eche, sb. pain, MD; see Ache.

Echen, v to increase, add, HD, CM, MD;eken, S, S3, H; ayked, pt. s.,MD.—­AS. A(C)cean (A(C)can):OS. A cubedkian.

Echte, sb. possessions, S; see Auhte.

Eclipse, sb. eclipse, PP; eclypse,Manip.; enclips, PP; clips, PP; clyps,S3.—­Lat. eclipsis; Gr. [Greek:hekleipsis], failure.

Ecnesse, sb. eternity, MD; ecenisse,dat., S; ecenesse, S; echenesse,MD; ecchenesse, S.—­AS. A(C)cnis.See Eche.

Ed-, prefix.—­AS. ed-,cp. Goth, id-, back, again, OHG. it-,ita- (Tatian, Otfrid), as in it-lA cubedn,retribution; it-mAilA-, feast (Tatian).

Ed-grow, sb. after-math, regermen,Prompt.; edgrew, HD.

Ed-len, sb. retribution, MD.—­AS.ed-lA(C)an.

Edmod, adj. humble, MD; see Admod.

Edmodi, adj. humble, MD; see Admodie.

Edmodnesse, sb. humility, S; see Admodnesse.

Ed-wit, sb. reproach, S2.—­AS.ed-wA-t; cp. OHG. it-uuizzi, atwitting (Otfrid), See Ed-.

Ed-witen, v. to blame, S, P; ead-witen,S; edwited, pt. pl., PP.—­AS.ed-wA-tan; cp. Goth, id-weitjian,OHG. ita-uuA-zA cubedn (Tatian). Cp.E. twit.

Edy; see Eadi3*.

Ee; see E3*e.

Eek, conj. also, C2, C3; A|c,S; ec, S; ek, S, S2, P; eik,S3; eke, S, S2, S3, P; eeke, G.—­AS.A(C)ac: Goth. auk.

Eelde; see Elde.

Eem, sb. uncle, Prompt., CM; eom,S; A|m, MD; em, MD; eme, S3, Voc., HD;eyme, S3; eam, HD.—­AS. A(C)am;cp. OHG. A cubedheim.

Eese; see Ese.

Eest, adj. and sb. east, W (Mt.8. 11), MD; est, S, S2, C2, C3, Prompt.; A|st,Prompt.—­AS. A(C)ast: Icel.austr; cp. OHG. A cubedst (Acubedstana, Otfrid).

Efenn; see Euen.

Effecte, sb. effect, MD; affecte,H.—­Lat. effectus.

Effer, Effeir; see Afere.

Effnenn, v. to make equal or even, S;see Euenen. [Addition]

Effray, sb. terror, S3; fray,S3. Cf. Affray.

Efning; see Euenynge.

Eft, adv. again, afterwards, S, S2,S3, C2, W; A|ft, MD; efte, S3.—­AS.eft.

Efter, prep. after, S, S2; see After.

Eft-sone, adv. again, soon after, S,S2, C3; eftsoone, W; efsone, S2.—­AS.eftsA cubedna.

Eft-Sones, adv. soon after, S.

Egal, adj. equal, CM; egalle,S3, CM,—­OF. egal; Lat. aequalem.

Egalite, sb. equality, CM.—­OF.egalite; Lat. aequalitatem.

Egen; see E3*e.

Egge, sb. edge, W; eg, Voc.,CM; egges, pl., MD; eggez, S2.—­AS.ecg: OS. eggia, see Sievers, 258;cp. Lat. acies.

Eggement, sb. instigation, C3.

Egggen, v. to sharpen, to incite, provoke,MD, H, CM; eggede, pt. s., S2; egged,S3, P; y-egged, pp., MD; i-egged,MD.—­Icel. eggja.

Eggyyng, sb. instigation, S2, CM; eggyngis,pl H.

Eghe; see E3*e.

Egle, sb. eagle, C2, PP.—­AF.egle, OF. aigle; Lat. aquila.

Egleche, adj. pl. war-like, S.—­AS.aglA(C)ca, aglA|*cea, a warrior, vexator(Grein). See E3*e.

Egre, adj. eager, sharp, fierce, C2,PP.—­AF. egre, OF. aigre;Lat. acrem.

Egremoin, sb. agrimony, C3; see Agrimony.

Ehe; see E3*e.

Ehte, sb. property, S; echte,S; see Auhte.

Eie; see E3*e.

Eighte, num. eight, C3; ei3*te,MD; eihte, PP; eyhte, PP; a3*te,S2; a3*t, S2; A|hte, MD.—­AS.eahta (ahta); cp. OHG. ahto,Lat. octo.

Eighte, ord. eighth, G, PP.—­AS.eahtoA deg.e. Cf. Achtande.

Eightene, num. eighteen, MD; A|htene,S; auchtene, 83.—­AS. eahta-tA(C)ne.

Eightetethe, ord. eighteenth, C2.—­AS. eahta-tA(C)oA deg.a.

Eihte, sb. property, S; eyhte,S; see Auhte.

Eild; see Elde.

Eire, sb. journey, circuit, SkD. Phr.:ane ayr, on circuit, S3.—­AF. andOF. eire, eyre, oire, oirre, from errer,edrer, to make one’s way, from Lat. iter,journey; see Constans.

Eiren, sb. pl. eggs, PP; eirun,W2; see Ey.

Eise; see Ese.

Eisel, Eisil, sb. vinegar; see Aisille.

Eisful, adj. terrible, MD.—­AS.egesful.

Eislich, adj terrible, MD; eiseliche,S.—­AS. egeslic: OS. egislik;from AS. egesa: OS. egiso, horror;cp. OHG. egiso (Otfrid).

Eisliche, adv. terribly, S; aisliche,timorously, S3.—­AS. egeslice.

EiA deg.er, adj. either, S, S2; A|iAdeg.ter, MD; ayA3/4er, S2; aiA3/4er,S; eyA deg.er, S, S2; ethir, W; er,S.—­AS. A|*-g-hwA|A deg.er; Sievers,347.

Eken, v. to ake, MD; see Aken.

Elch; see Eche.

Elde, sb. an age (of the world), age,time of a man’s life, maturity, full age, oldage, length of time, PP, S, S2, S3, G; eelde,W; ealde, S; helde, S; ulde, MD;eld, MD, S2; held, S2; eild,S2.—­AS. eldu, yldu. See Old.

Elde, v. to grow old, H; elded,pp., S2; eldid, H.—­AS. ealdian.

Elder, comp. older, S, C2; see Old.

Elderne, sb. pl. ancestors, S2; seeAlder.

Eldryn, adj. old, H. Comb.:eldryn-*man, old man, elder, H.

Ele, sb. oil, MD, S; eoli, S;eolie, S. Comb.: ele-sA|w,oil, S.—­AS. ele; Late Lat. olium(cp. It. olio); Lat. oleum; Gr. [Greek: elaion], from [Greek: elaia], anolive-tree; cp. OHG. oli (Tatian).

Eleccioun, sb. election, choice, S2,—­OF. election; Lat. electionem.

Ele-lendisch, adj. foreign; elelendis,MD.—­AS. ele-lendisc, of a foreignland.

Elendisch, adj. foreign; helendis,MD.—­From AS. ellende (Voc.).

Elenge, adj. protracted, tedious, wearisome,dreary, lonely; also (by confusion with AS. ellende)strange, foreign, PP, HD; elynge, PP; elyng,PP; alenge, NED, HD; alange, NED, Prompt.—­AS,A|*-lenge, lengthy, tedious; A|*, ever + lenge,long, from lang.

Elengelich, adv. sadly, PP; elyngliche,PP.

Elf, sb. elf, genius, nympha,incubus, MD, C3, Sh.; alfe, MD.—­AS.A|lf. Cf. Aulf.

Elf-lock, sb. hair matted together asif by the elves, Sh.

Elf-queen, sb. fairy-queen, C2.

Eliche, adv. alike, S3; see Iliche.

Elixir, sb. elixir, C3, SkD.—­OF.elixir (Cotg.), Sp. elixir; Arab, eliksA-r, the philosopher’s stone; Gr. [Greek:xaeron], dry.

Elldernemannes,, sb. gen. alderman’s,chief officer’s, S; see Aldermon.

Elleft, ord. eleventh, S2.—­AS.endleofta.

Ellerne, sb. elder-tree, sambucus,S2, PP; ellaern, Voc.; ellarne, Voc.;eller, PP; eldir, PP.—­AS.ellarn.

Elles, adv. otherwise, else, S, S2,C2; ellis, S3, W.—­AS. elles;cp. OHG. alles, otherwise (Otfrid):Goth, aljis.

Elles-hware, adv. elsewhere, S; elles-wher,S, C3.—­AS. elles-hwA|*r.

Elles-hwider, adv. else-whither, S.

Elmesse, sb. alms, MD, NED; see Almesse.

Elmes-3*eorn, adj. charitable, S.

Eluish, adj. elvish, foolish, C2, C3.See Elf.

Eluish-marked, pp. disfigured by theelves, Sh.

Elynge; see Elenge.

Embassade, sb. embassy, S3; see Ambassade.

Embassadour, sb. ambassador, C3.

Embassadrie, sb. ambassadorship, S2,C3.

Embatel, sb. battlement, S3 (19 a. 581).

Embattail, v. to array for battle, Sh.

Embrave, v. to adorn, S3.

Em-cristen, sb. fellow-christian, S,S2. See Euen.

Eme; see Eem.

Emeraude, sb. emerald, C2, CM.—­OF.emeraude, esmeraude (esmeralde); Lat. smaragdum(acc.); Gr. [Greek: smaragdos].

Emete, Emote, sb. ant; see Amete.

Em-forth, prep, according to, PP.See Euen.

Empaled, pp. enclosed, S3.

Emperere, sb. emperor, MD.—­OF.emperere (empereres); Lat. imperator.

Emperice, sb. empress, S, CM; emperesse,PP.—­AF. emperice; Lat. imperatricem.

Emperour, sb. emperor, PP, S2 (12. 212),C2, C3—­AF. emperur, OF. emperA"or,emperedor; Lat. imperatorem.

Empoisoner, sb. poisoner, C3. SeeEnpoisonen.

Empoisoning, sb. poisoning, C3.

Emportured, pp. pourtrayed, S3.

Emprise,, sb. undertaking, S2, C2, C3;enprise, MD.—­AF. emprise, enprise;Late Lat. in-prensam, pp. of in-prendere.

Emtien, v. to empty, MD; empte,C3—­AS. A|metgian, to be at leisure,Ps. 45. 11 (VP).

Emty, adj. empty, MD, Prompt.; empti,MD.—­AS. emtig (A|mtig) empty, idle.

Emyspery, sb. hemisphere, S3.—­LateLat. emisperia (Voc.); Lat. hemispherium;Gr. [Greek: haemisphairion].

Enamelen, v. to enamel, MD; enamelled. pp. Sh.; annamyllit, S3.See Amellen.

Enbibing, sb. absorption, C3.

Enbrouden, v. to embroider, MD; enbroud,pp. S3; enbroudin, S3; enbrouded,CM; embrowded, C.—­AF. enbroyder.See Brayden.

Encens, sb. incense, MD, Voc., C.—­AF.encens; Lat. incensum.

Encense, v. to offer incense, C3; toperfume with incense, MD.—­OF. encenser(Cotg.).

Enchauntement, sb. enchantment, CM;enchaunmens, pl., S2.—­AF.enchantement.

Enchesoun, sb. occasion, H, CM, JD;encheison, PP; encheson, C2, H.—­AF.enchesoun. See Achesoun.

Encombren, v. to hinder, encumber, MD,S3 (3 b. 1098); encombred, pp. tired,troubled, C, CM.—­AF. encombrer.

Encorporing, sb. incorporation, C3.

Encorsife, adj. fattened, H.—­FromOF. encorser, to get fat, to make flesh (Godefroy).

Encrees, sb. increase, S2, C, C3, PP;encres, Prompt.

Encressen, v. to increase, C2, C3; encresen,C2.—­AF. encresc-, stem of encrescerai,fut. of encrestre; Lat. increscere.

Ende, sb. end, district, territory,end of life, S, C3, PP; ende, PP; A|nde,S; hende, S. Comb.: on ende,lastly, S.—­AS. ende for endi=*andio(Sievers, 130); cp. OHG. enti (Tatian):Goth, andeis, connected with and, prep,towards, through, see SkD.

Ende-dai, sb. day of death, MD; ende-dei,S.—­AS. ende-dA|g.

Endeles, adj. endless, C3; endelese,S.—­AS. endelA(C)as.

Enden, v. to end, S.—­AS.endian.

Endenten, v. to write an indenture,PP.—­AF. endenter, to indent, notch;Late Lat. indentare.

Endentur, sb. notch, S2.—­AF.endenture.

Ender, adj. comp. latter, last past,S3; see Hindir.

Enditen, v. to compose, write, indict,accuse, G, PP; endyte, C2, C3,—­AF.enditer; Late Lat. indictare.

End-lang, adv. and prep, along,S2, S3; endelong, S, C2; alonge, NED;anlong, MD; andelong, MD.—­AS.and-lang; cp. Icel. endlang.See A-lang.

Enduren, v. to harden, endure, remain,survive, W, PP.—­OF. endurer; Lat.indurare, to harden.

Ene; see E3*e.

Ene, adv. once, S2.—­AS. A|*ne.

Enentysch, v. to bring to nought, H;enentist, pp., H; see Anientise.

Enerite, v. to inherit, W2; inherit,to take possession, Sh.—­AF. enheriter.

Enes, adv. once, S. See Ones.

Eneuch, enough, S3; see Ynow.

Enfecte, pp. tainted, infected, C, HD.—­OF. infect; Lat. infectum.

Enfermer, sb. superintendent of theinfirmary in a monastery, S2.—­OF. enfermier;Church Lat. infirmarium (Ducange).

Enfermerere, sb. infirmary officer,Cath. (p. 127_n_). Cf. Fermerer.

Enflaumen, v. to inflame, MD, W; enflawmed,pp., S2, W.—­OF. enflamer, enflammer;Lat. inflammare.

Enforce, v. to endeavour, strive, W;enforse, W2.

Enforme, v. to establish, teach, PP;enfourmeth, pr. s P.—­AF.enfourmer; Lat. informare.

Engel, sb. angel, MD, S; engeles,pl., S; enngless, S; englene,gen., S; englen, dat., S. Comb.:enngle A3/4eod, the angelic host, S.—­AS.engel: OS. engil: Goth. aggilus:Gr. [Greek: aggelos]. Cf. Angel.

Engel, adj. English, S. See Angles.

Engle-land, sb. England, S ~; engelond~,S2.—­AS. Engla land.

Englene-lond, sb. the land of the English,England, S.—­AS. Englena land.

Engleymen, v. to bind together as withglue or viscous matter, MD, PP; yngley-*myn,Prompt.; engleymed, pp., MD; engleymede,H; englymede, H.

Englisch, adj. English, S2, PP;Engliss, S2; Anglisc, S; Englisse,dat., S; pl., S2.—­AS. englisc.

Engreynen, v. to dye in grain, PP.

Engyn, sb. understanding, craft, device,engine, MD, C2, C3; engyne, S3; engine,Sh.—­AF. engin; Lat. ingenium.

Engyned, pp. tortured, C.

Enhached, pp. marked, S3, HD.

Enhastyng, pr. p. hasting, S3; enhasted,pp., HD.

Enhaunsen, v. to raise, C, W, W2; anhaunse,NED; enhansed, pp., PP.—­AF.enhauncer, enhancer.

Enhorten, v. to encourage, MD, C.—­OF.enhorter; Lat. inhortari.

Enke, sb. ink, MD, W; ynke, Voc.;*~inke~, Cath.—­OF. enque (Bartsch);Lat. encaustum; Gr. [Greek: egkauston].

Enker, adj. special, particular. Phr.:enker grene, wholly green, MD, HD.

Enkerly, adv. particularly, entirely,B, MD, JD; enkrely, B; ynkirly, B ~;ynkurly~, S2, B.—­Icel. einkarliga,variant of einkanliga, especially, particularly;see einka- in CV.

Enleuene, num. eleven, PP, W; enleven,W; enleue, PP; elleuene, PP; elleue,PP; eleuene, PP; aleuin, JD; alewin,S3; allevin, S3, NED.—­AS. endleofan,endlufan (ellefan); Goth, ain-lif;see Douse, p. 80.

Enluminen, v. to illumine, MD, C2; enlumynyng,pr. p., S3.—­AF. enluminer.

Enluting,, sb. daubing with clay, C3.—­Cp.Late Lat. lutare, from Lat. lutum, clay.

Ennewen, v. to renew, MD; ennewed,pp., S3.

Enoumbre; see Enumbren.

Ennuyed, pp. annoyed, P; see Anoyen.

Enoynt, pp. anointed, NED, C, H; anoynt,C.—­AF. enoint; Lat. inunctum,pp. of inungere.

Enpoisone, sb. poison; enpoysone,HD.

Enpoisonen, v. to poison, MD, C2; enpoysened,pp., S2.—­OF. enpoisoner.

Enquere, v. to inquire, C2, C3, G, W2;enqueri, S2.—­OF. enquerir, enquerre;Lat. inquirere.

Enqueringe, sb. enquiry, C3.

Ensamplarie, sb. pattern, PP.

Ensample, sb. example, S, S2, PP,C2,C3; ensaumple, S3, P.—­AF. ensample,essample, OF. example; Lat. exemplum.

Ensaumplid, pp. exemplified, S3.

Ensele, v. to seal, PP. Cf. Aselen.

Enserchen, v. to search into, W, W2.

Enstore, v. to restore, W; instorid,pp., W.—­Lat. instaurare.Cf. Astore.

Entailen, v. to cut, carve, MD; entayled,pp. S3.—­OF. entaillier, entallier.

Entencion, sb. intention, C2; entencioun,C3.—­AF. entenciun.

Entendement, sb. understanding, intelligence,S3.—­OF. entendement.

Entenden, v. to give attention to, MD,C2.—­OF. entendre; Lat. intendere.

Entente, sb. heed, attention, purpose,intention, S2, PP, C2, C3; entent, S2, S3,PP.—­OF. entente.

Ententif, adj. attentive, W2.—­OF.ententif.

Enteren, v. to inter, bury, MD; enteryd,pt. s., S3.—­OF. enterrer,It. interrare; from Lat. in terra.

Enterment, sb. interment, MD.—­AF.enterrement.

Entraille, sb. entrails, C2; entraile,MD; entraylys, pl., Voc.—­AF.entraille; cp. Prov. intralias,pl.; Sp. entraA+-as, from Lat. interanea,the inward parts.

Enumbren, v. to enshadow, obscure, hide,MD; enoumbre, S2.—­OF. enombrer;Church Lat. in-umbrare.

Enuenymen, v. to envenom, PP; envenimed,pp., C2.—­AF. envenimer.

Envenymes, sb. pl. poisons, P.

Envined, pp. provided with wine, C.—­OF. envinA(C)(Cotg.).

Enviroun, adv. in a circuit, around,MD; environ, S3; envyroun, S3. Comb.:in enuyrown, S2; bi enuyroun, MD.—­OF.environ.

Envirounen,. v. to surround, to moveround, to go about, MD; envyrone, S2.—­OF.environner.

Envolupen, v. to wrap up, C3.—­AF.envoluper.

Enuye, sb. annoyance, S; see Anoy.

Eny, adj. any, PP, S, S2, G; eni,S, PP; eani, MD, S; A|i, MD, S; eie,S; ei, MD, S; ani3*, MD; ani,MD, S, S2; oni, MD; ony, S2, C, W. Comb.:eanis weis, in any way, any ways, S; eisweis,S; eyweis, NED (s.v. anywise); anyways, NED; ani3*e wise, in any wise, NED;aniwise, S.—­AS. A|*nig.

Eode, pt. s., went, S; iA|de,S; eoden, pl., S2; ieden, S.—­AS.A(C)ode; Goth, iddja; see Douse, pp.185, 188, and Brugmann, ASec. 61. Cf. 3*eode.

Eoli; see Ele.

Eom, 1 pr. s., am, MD; see Am.

Eom; see Eem.

Eornen,, v. to run, S, S2; see Rennen.

Eorre, sb. anger, MD, S; urre,S, MD; oerre, S; irre, MD.—­AS.irre, angry, anger: OS. irri, angry,OHG. irri, out of the right way (Otfrid):Goth, airzeis, astray; cp, Lat. errarefor *_ersare_. Cf. Erren.

EorA deg.e; see ErA deg.e.

Eoten; see Eten.

Eouwer, pron. your, S; see 3*oure.

Eppel, sb. apple, MD; see Appel.

Er, pr. pl. are, H; ere, S2;see Aren.

Er, adv., conj. and prep. ere,before, S, S2, C2, PP; ear, S, S3; ayr,S3; yer, S3; her, S; ar, S, S2,G, H, P; or, S, S2, S3, C3; ore, S2;are, S, S2, H, PP; here, S. Comb.:or ere, before, WW, Sh.; ere euer, WW.Erur, comp. formerly, S; erest,superl soonest, first, S, PP; erst, S,S2, S3, C2, C3; earst, S; arst, G, P;orest, S; A|rst, S; A|rest, S.—­AS.A|*r, comp. A|*ror, superl. A|*rest.

Erayn, sb. spider, H; see Aranye.

Erche-bissop, sb. archbishop; see Archebiscop.

Erche-dekene, sb. archdeacon, S2; seeArchideken.

Erd, sb. native land, home, S; A|rd,S; erde, dat., P: herdes,pl., S (15. 2410).—­AS. eard;OS. ard.

Erden, v. to dwell, MD; erthe,S, MD; earden, MD.—­AS. eardian;cp. OHG. artA cubedn (Tatian).

Erding-stouwe, sb. dwelling-place, MD;eardingstowe, S.

Ere, sb. ear, S, C2, PP; eere,W2; A|re, S; earen, pl., S, S2;eren, S; eeris, W2, PP. Comb.:eerering, ear-ring, W2.—­AS. A(C)are:Goth, auso; cp. Lat. auris.

Ere, pr. pl., are, S2; er, H;see Aren.

Erende, sb. errand, message, business,PP, S; ernde, S2, PP; earende, MD; arende,MD; Arnde, MD; herdne, S.—­AS.A|*rende; cp. OS. Airundi, Icel.eyrindi; OHG. Airunti (Otfrid); connectedwith AS. Air, messenger.

Erewe, adj. timid, S; ergh, JD;ery, eerie, JD; see Arwe.

Erfe, sb. cattle, MD; errfe,S; erue, S.—­O. Merc, erfe,erbe, inheritance (OET. P. 539): OS.erbi, OHG. erbi (Tatian, Otfrid):Goth, arbi; cp. OIr. orbe (Windisch);see Orf.

ErfeA deg., adj. difficult, MD; seeArfeA deg..

Erien, v. to plough, MD, PP; eren,PP, W, C; ear, WW; erynge, pr. p.,W; eriden, pt. pl., W2.—­AS.erian: Goth. arjan; cp. Lat.arare; see Douse, p. 114 (e).

Eringe, sb. ploughing, S2, PP; earing,S3.—­AS. erung.

Eritage, sb. heritage, S2, PP.—­AF.heritage.

Erl, sb. a man of noble birth, earl,MD, S, C2; A|orl, S; erle, S3 (15 a.I); yerle, S3; eorles, pl., S;3*ierles, S; A|rlen, dat., S.—­AS.eorl: OS. erl; cp. Icel. jarl.

Erl-dom, sb. earldom, PP; erldome,P.

Erly, adv. early, C, C2; erlyche,S2; arly, H; yerly, S3; arely,H; erliche, S2.—­AS. A|*rlice.

Erme, adj. dat. poor, S; see Arm.

Erme, v. to feel sad, grieve, C3, CM.—­AS.earmian; see Ten Brink, Chaucer, 48, 4.See Arm.

Erming, adj. wretched, S; sb.a wretched being, S; earmynges, pl.,S.—­AS. earming.

Ermite, sb. hermit, PP; eremite,PP, S2; heremyte, S2; ermytes, pl.,S2, PP; heremites, P; hermites, S.—­AF.ermite (heremite, hermite); Church Lat. eremita(heremita); Gr. [Greek: eraemitaes] from[Greek: eraemia], a desert.

Ern, sb. eagle, MD, JD, S; erne,S2; aryn, H; arn, HD; A|rn, MD;ernes, pl., CM; hernez, S2.—­AS.earn, ONorth. arn; from Goth, ara;cp. OHG. Airo, also arn, pl. erni(Tatian).

Ernde; see Erende.

Ernen, v. to earn, MD; arnen,MD.—­AS. earnian: OHG. arnAcubedn, to reap a harvest (Otfrid), from arno,harvest: Goth. asans.

Ernen, v. to run, S; see Rennen.

Ernes, sb. a pledge, earnest, MD, W;ernest, S2; ernesse, dat., S.—­OF.ernes, prob. for *_erles_; so in F. guignethe n is for an older l; see Brachet.Cf. Arles.

Ernes. A derivation of this word fromthe French has not been proved.—­OF. ernesdoes not exist. [Addition]

Ernest, sb. eagerness, seriousness,earnest, C, MD; eornest, MD.—­AS.eornest, earnestness: OHG. ernust,sorrow (Tatian).

Ernestful, adj. earnest, MD, C2.

Ernestly, adv. eagerly, quickly, S2,MD.

Ernung, sb. earning, desert, MD; earn-*ynge,S. See Ernen.

Erraunt, adj. vagabond, arrant, PP,MD.—­OF. errant, wandering, vagabond(Cotg.). See Erren.

Erre, sb. a scar, wound, Voc. (680.1); arre, NEI; ar, HD; arr, JD;erres, pl., H, NED. Cp. Dan. ar,Icel. Ar, Arr.

Erren, v. to wander, W, MD; erriden,pt. pl., W.—­OF. errer; Lat.errare. Cf. Eorre.

Ert, 2 pr. s. art, S, S2, H, PP; ertou,art thou, S2.—­AS. eart.

Erthe, v. to dwell, S; see Erden.

Erthe, sb. earth, S, C2, C; eorAdeg.e, S; yerthe, S3; vrA3/4e, S2;erd, S3. Comb: anerA3/4e,on earth, S2.—­AS. eorA deg.e; OS.erA deg.a; cp. OHG. erda (Otfrid).

Ertheli, adj. earthly, S2; erA deg.liche,S; earA deg.lich, S.—­AS. eorthlice.

Erthe-mouyng, sb. earthquake, W.

Erthe-schakyng, sb. earthquake, W.

Erthe-tiliere, sb. tiller of land, W;erthe-tileris, pl., W2.—­Cp.AS. eorp-tilia.

Erthe-tiliynge, sb. husbandry, W.

Erue; see Erfe.

Es, conj. as, PP; see Also.

Es, pr. s.,is, S, S2, H; esse,S2; see Is.

Escape, sb. transgression, HD, ND, Sh,;escapes, pl., S3.

Eschame, v. to be ashamed; eschamyt,pp., S3; see NED (s.v. ashame).

Eschapen, v. to escape, S2; escapen,MD; ascapen, W2, P; chapyt, pp.,S3,—­AF. eschaper, escaper.Cf. Achape.

EschapAng, sb. escape, S2.

Eschaunge, sb. exchange, C, PP.—­AF.eschaunge.

Escheker, sb. chess-board, treasury,exchequer, MD; esscheker, PP; cheker,P; checker, S3; chekyr, PP; chesquier,PP.—­AF. escheker, OF. eschequier.

Eschen, v. to ask, MD; see Asken.

Eschetes, sb. pl. escheats, PP; escheytes,forfeitures, PP; chetes, P.—­AF.eschete (pl. eschaetes); es = ex +chaet, pp. of chaoir; Lat. cadere;see Bartsch, p. 511.

Eschewen, v. to eschew, avoid, S3, PP;eschuwen, PP; eschue, C3, C, PP.—­AF.eschuer, OF. eschever, eschiver; OHG.sciuhan, sciuhen, to be afraid of (Otfrid).See Schey.

Escrien, v. to cry out, MD; see Ascrien.

Ese, sb. ease, C2, C3, P; eise,S, PP; eyse, PP.—­AF. eise,OF. aise,. pleasure; cp. It. agio,ease, convenience (Florio).

Ese, adj. easy, at leisure; eese,S2; eise, S.—­OF. aise, glad.

Eseliche, adv. easily, S2; esily,C2, C.

Esem*nt, sb. solace, S3.—­AF.esem*nt, aisem*nt.

Esen, v. to entertain, MD, C; esed,pp., C.—­OF. aiser, aisier.

Esmayed, pp. dismayed, frightened, S3,HD.—­OF. esmaier, to frighten; Lat.ex + Low Lat. *_magare_, from Teutonic source;OHG. mag-, stem of mugan, to be able;cp. It. smagare. to vex out of his wits(Florio). Cf. Dismayen.

Esperance, sb. hope, S3; espirance,S3; esperaunce, CM.—­OF. esperance.

Espye, v. to see, discover, C, C3.—­OF.espier, It. spiare; OHG. spihan,see Diez. See Aspien.

Est, adj. east, S, S2, C2, C3, Prompt.Comb.: est del, the east, S2; estward,eastward; C2; see Eest.

Estat, sb. state, C, MD; estaat,C3; astate, S3, NED; estate, PP; astates,pl., ranks, S3.—­OF. estat;Lat. statum. Cf. Stat.

Estatlich, adj. dignified, C.

Este, sb. favour, grace, delicacy, dainty,S; esten, pl., S; estene,gen., S.—­AS. A(C)st:OS. anst, OHG. anst (Otfrid): Goth,ansts (stern ansti-).

Este, adj. pleasant, kind, S2, MD.—­AS.A(C)ste.

Ester, sb. Easter, S, S2; estren,dat., S. Comb.: estrene dae,Easter-day, S.—­AS. A(C)astro, sb.pl. the passover, easter-tide, eastrena (gen.pl.), from Eastre, the AS. form of the nameof a German goddess of light and spring sunshine; seeGrimm, Teut. M., p. 289.

Estre, sb. being, nature, quality, also,the place where one is, dwelling, quarters, chambers,or inner part of a house, HD, MD; estres, pl.,C, HD, CM; esters, CM.—­OF. estre,a sb. from an infin. (Bartsch); Late Lat. essere,to be; see Brachet (s.v. Atre). See alsoestre in Cotg.

Estrin-land, sb. Eastern land,S2. See Est.

Esy, adj. easy, gentle, MD, C, PP, Prompt.;eesy, MD.—­OF. aisie.See Ese.

Et, prep, at, S. Comb.:et-foren, before, S.—­AS. A|t.

Eten, v. to eat, S, C2, PP; A|ten,S; eoten, S; eet, PP; hete, S;ett, pr. s., S; eet, PP; et,PP; et, pt. s., S; ete, S2; eet,C2, C3, PP; A|ten, pl., S; eten,S, C2, PP; eoten, S; eeten, G; eten,pp., S, PP; i3*eten, S, S2; i3*ete,S2; y-ete, S2; eyt, S3.—­AS.etan, pt. s. A|*t (pl. A|*ton),pp. eten, see Sievers, 391, 3; Goth, itan,see Douse, p. 44.

Eterne, adj. eternal, C, HD.—­OF.eterne; Lat. aeternum.

Etforen, Ethalden; see At-fore, At-halden.

Eth, adj. easy, H; eaA deg.,S, MD.—­AS. A(C)aA deg.e, A(C)A deg.e:OS. A cubedA deg.i; cp. Goth, authis,desert, waste, see Weigand (s.v. Ade).

Eth-, prefix, easily.—­Cp.AS. A(C)ap-, A(C)p-, A1/2p-; cp. Icel.auA deg.-.

EA deg.e, adv. easily, S, HD; eaAdeg.e, S.

EA deg.e-lich, adj. slight, light, S.

Ethelyng, sb. a noble, S; see Atheling.

EA deg.em, sb. breath, S.—­AS.A|*A deg.m, AA deg.m; OHG. Aitum (G.athem), see Sievers, 45. 6.

EA deg.e-moded, adj. gentle, well-disposed,S, MD.—­Cp. AS. A(C)aA deg.mA cubeddian,to obey. See Eadmodien.

EA deg.en, adv. hence; see HeA deg.en.

EA deg.-lete, adj. lightly esteemed,MD; eA deg.late, S. See Eth, Eth-.

EA deg.-sene, adj. easily seen, S; eAdeg.cene, S; etscene, S.

Etlunge, sb. purpose, conjecture, S;see Atlinge.

Etteleden, pt. pl. directed their way,went straight, S2; see Atlien.

Eu, you, S; see 3*ou.

Eu-bruche, sb. adultery, MD, S; eaubruche,MD; A|wbrA|che, Voc.—­AS. A|*wbryce.See A.

Eure, pron. your, S; see 3*oure.

Euangelie, sb. gospel, PP, W; euangile,S2; ewangelye, S2, PP; euangyles, pl.,C3.—­OF. evangA-le; Lat. evangelium(Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: euaggelion].

Euangeliste, sb. evangelist, PP; euangelist,C2; ewanigeliste, S.—­OF. evangeliste(AF. ewangelist); Lat. evangelista (Vulg.);Gr. [Greek: euaggeliotaes].

Euangelize, v. to preach, W.

Euel, adj. and adv. evil, S,W2, S2, PP; see Yuel.

Euel-les, adj. guiltless, S3.

Euen, sb. even, S, P; efenn,S; eue, S, C2, C3, PP. Comb.: euene-sterre,evening star, W2; eue-song, even-song,S2; euyn-songe,S3; euensonge, P.—­AS. A|*fen (A(C)fen):OHG. Aiband (Otfrid), see Sievers, 45.

Euen, adj. even, equal, fellow, MD,S2, W; euene, C2, PP; adv., PP; efne,S; A|fne, S; ewin, S3. Comb.:efen-ald, of the same age, MD; ~,euen-cristene~,fellow-christian, S, PP, HD; em-cristen, S,S2; euen-forth, according to, to the extentof, PP; em-forth, C, PP; euen-forth,directly forward, S3; euen-forward, directlyforward, HD; euene-long, of proper height, S;euene-worth, of like value, W2.—­AS. efen: OS. eban, OHG. eban(Otfrid).

Euenen, v. to make equal, to be equal,MD, S; effnenn, S.—­AS. efnan.

Euenhed, sb. equality, equity, H (Ps,108. 2); euynhede, Prompt.

Euenli, adv. evenly, W2; euenliche,MD; euelyche, S.—­AS. efenlice.

Euennesse, sb. equity, W2.

Euenynge, sb. an equal, S; efning,S.—­Cp. Icel. jafningi.

Euerich, adj. every, S, S2, C2; averelc,MD; A|verelch, MD; everech, MD, S; evrech,MD, S; afric, S; efrec, MD; evrec,MD; everilk, MD, S3; everilc, MD, S;euerich, S, S2, C2; eavrich, MD; A|ueric,S; A|vric, MD; efrich, MD; eurich,S, S2; A|ueralche, S; auerich, S; afri,S; eaueriche, S; evereuch, S; eauereuch,S. Comb.: euerich on, every one,S2, C2, C3; everych one, S2; euerilk an,S2.—­AS. Aoe*fre + Aoe*lc; see Eure(ever) and Eche.

Euese, sb. border, brink, edge (of aroof, mountain, forest), Prompt., MD; heuese,MD; eueses, pl., PP.—­AS. efese:OHG. obisa, opasa; see Sievers, 93. Cp.E. eaves.

Euesien, v. to clip round, to shear,MD; euesed, pp., S3; i-eveset,S.—­AS. efesian.

Euesunge, sb. a clipping, what is clippedoff, MD; eaves, MD; evesing, Manip.; aisings,pl., PP (n.). Comb.: house-euysynge(_= domicilium_), H.—­AS. efesung(Voc.).

Euete, sb. eft, newt, W2; newte,Voc. (642. 27); eueten, pl., S; ewtes,MD.—­AS. efeta (Voc.).

Euorye, sb. ivory, HD; yvory,Prompt.; everey, Voc.—­Prov. evori(avori); Lat. eboreum, made of ivory; cp.F. ivoire, It. avorio (Florio); see Diez.

Euour, sb. ivory, S3, HD; euor,H; evir, S3; ivor, Prompt.; yuer,W, W2.—­Of French origin, from Lat. ebur.

Eure, adv. ever, S, S2, PP; euere,S, S2, PP; efre, S, MD; afre, S; efer,S, MD; eauer, S, MD; A|fer, MD; auer,S; A|uere, S; auere, S; A|uere,S; A|r, MD; er, MD. Comb.:euer among, continually, S3; euer eiA3/4er,each, S3; efreni, ever any, S; euermo,evermore, S, S2, C2, C3; A|fremo, S; euermor,S; A|uer te, ever as yet, S.—­AS.A|*fre, from Aiwa (Ai); see SkD, andSievers, 192. 4.

Ew, sb. yew, C, Voc.; ewe, Cath.—­AS.A-w; cp. OHG. A-wa.

Ewage, sb. beryl, PP.—­OF.ewage, connected with water (Roquefort); Lat.aquaticum. The green beryl is called byjewellers aqua marina. See below.

Ewe ardaunt, sb. burning water, S2.—­AF.ewe, eue, aigue; Lat. aquam, see Academy,No. 459, p. 139; cp. Goth. ahwa.

Ewen, v. to show.—­AS. A1/2wan:Goth. augjan; cp. OHG. ougen (Otfrid).See Atewen, E3*e.

Ewer, sb. a water-carrier, also, vesselfor water, Palsg.; euwere, MD; eware,aquarius, Prompt.—­AF. ewer,SkD (p. 803); OF. euwier, aiguier.

Ewilch, adj. every, MD (s.v. A|lcewilche, MD; iwilch, MD; uwilc,MD, S; uwilch, MD, S; ewiche, S.—­AS.A|*-g-hwilc: OHG. io-gi-welA-h(Tatian), eo-gi-hwelA-h; see Sievers, 347. 1.

Ewin; see Euen.

Exerce, v. to exercise, S3.—­OF.exercer; Lat. exercere.

Exhibition, sb. payment, S3, Sh.—­AF. exhibicioun; Late Lat. exhibitionem(Ducange).

Expert, adj. experienced, C3. SeeApert.

Expert, v. to experience, S3.

Expounen, v. to expound, PP, C2,C3;expowne, S2, S3; expounde, C2.—­Lat.exponere.

Expownyng, sb. interpretation, W.

Ey, sb. egg, C, C3, Prompt.; eye,S3, W; ay, G, HD; eyren, pl.,PP; eiren, PP; eirun, W2; ayren,MD; egges, PP,—­AS. A|g (pl.A|gru); cp. Icel. egg, whence E.egg.

Eyle, adj. loathsome, troublesome, NED;AS. egle : OTeut. agljo_; cp.Goth, _aglus_; see Sievers, 303.

Eylen, v. to trouble, afflict, NED;eilin, S; eileAz, pr. s, S2,PP; eyleth, C2, C3, C, PP.—­AS. eglan:Goth, agljan.

Eyre, sb. air, C3, P; eire, W;eyr, C; eir, W2, PP; aier, PP;ayer, S3; air, S2 (20. 167); aire,NED.—­OF. air; Lat. aerem.

Eyre, sb. heir, S2, PP; eire,W, PP; ayre, HD; aire, S2; eir,S, S2; eyr, G; eyer, S2; heir,S, C2; heyr, C3—­OF. eir, heirs;Lat. heres.

Eyren, sb. pl.. ; see Ey.

Eyt; see Eten.

Eythes, sb. pl. harrows, PP.—­AS.egeA deg.e, harrow: OHG. egida.

E3*e, sb. awe, MD; eie, S; eye,S, G; 3*eie, S; a3*eie, S, NED; aye,HD; ey3*e, G.—­AS. ege:Goth, agis; see Sievers, 263. 4. Cf.Awe.

E3*e, sb. eye, S, S2, PP; ehe,S; eghe, S; eie, S2; yA", S2,C2, C3, G; i3*e, S3, W, W2; y3*e, W2;e, S2, S3; ee, S3; e3*en, pl.,S, S2; egen, S; eien, S; eyen,S, S2, P; eyn, S3; eghen, S2, C; ei3*en,S2, PP; ei3*yen, S2; eyne, Sh.; ehne,S; ene, S3; eye, S2; i3*en, W,W2, S3; y3*en, S2; iyen, S3; yA"n.C2, C3; eyghen, P; eighen; ine,S2; eyghes, PP; eyghe, PP.—­AS.A(C)age: Goth, augo; cp. OHG,ouga (Otfrid).

E3*e-lid, sb. eye-lid, MD; ehelid,S

E3*e-put, sb. the socket of the eye;e3*e-puttes, pl., MD.

E3*e-A3/4url, sb. window; ehA3/4url,MD.—­A(C)ag-A3/4yrl; cp. Goth,auga-dauro, window (eye-door).

E3*he-sihA deg.e, sb. the sight of theeye, presence, MD; ehsihA deg.e, S; i3*e-si3*t,S3.

E3*-sen, sb. presence; eighesene,dat., MD; A|hseone, MD; ecsene,MD; exsene, MD.—­Cp. Icel. aug-sA1/2n,OHG. oug-siuni (Tatian).

Fa, adj. few, H; see Fewe.

Fa, Faa, sb. foe, S, S2; see Foo.

Face, sb. face, PP; a term in astrology,C2—­OF. face; Lat. faciem.

Facion, sb. fashion, S3; see Fasoun.

Facound, sb. eloquence, fluency, CM;facunde, H, Prompt.—­OF. faconde;Lat. facundia.

Facound, adj. eloquent, CM.—­OF.faconde; Lat. facundum.

Fade, adj. weak, faint (of colour),MD; vad, MD.—­OF. fade.

Faden, v. to fade, lose colour, wither,to cause to wither, MD, Cath., Prompt.; vade,MD, Sh., HD.

Fader, sb. father, S, S2, C3; Feader,S; feder, S; vader, S, S2; veder,S; fadre, S2; faderes, gen. s.,S; fadres, C2; fader, S2, C2, C3; faderes,pl., S2; fadres, C2; fadris,W.—­AS. fA|der.

Fadme, sb. fathom, ulna, MD,Prompt., C; fadome, CM; fedme, MD; fadmen,pl., G.—­AS. fA|A deg.m.

Fadmen, v. to embrace, MD, Prompt.;faA deg.men, MD; fadmede, pt. s.,MD; faA3/4med, pp., MD, S2.—­AS.fA|A deg.mian.

FA|c, sb. space, interval, portion oftime; fece, dat., S.—­AS.fA|c; cp. OHG. fah (MHG. vach),a wall, a compartment.

FA|ie, adj. pl. dead, S; see Feye.

FA|rd, sb. army, S; see Ferd.

FA|ren, v. to fare, S; see Faren.

FA|u, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

fa*gen, adj. fain, S; see Fayn.

Fai, sb. faith, S2; fay, G; seeFeiA deg..

Faie, sb. fay, fairy, S2; see Fay.

Fail, sb. greensward, JD; faill,S3; fail, grassy clod cut from the sward, JD.—­Gael.fAil, wall, hedge, sod; OIr. fAil, wall,hedge (Windisch).

Fail-dyke, sb. dike built of sods, JD.

Faille, v. to fail, S, C2; fayle,S2; fail-*ede, pt. s., S.—­AF.faillir; Late Lat. falli*re for Lat.fallere.

Faille, sb. fail, doubt, MD; feale,S3.

Fainen, v. to rejoice, S2; see Faynen.

Faire, sb. fair, P; see Feyre.

Fairye, sb. fairy power, fairy land,C2 ; see Fayerye.

Fait, sb. deed, S2, PP; faite,PP; see Fet.

Faiten, v. to beg under false pretences,PP; fayten, PP.

Faiterie, sb. deceit, PP; fayterye,Prompt., HD.

Faitour, sb. pretender, impostor, vagabond,MD, PP; faytowre, fictor, Prompt; faytoures,pl., S3; faitors, H.—­OF.faitour, faiteAr (Godefroy); Late Lat.*_factitorem_.

Falding, sb. a kind of coarse cloth,C, HD; faldynge, amphibalus, birrus,Cath., Prompt.

Fallace, sb. deceitfulness, W; fallas,W, HD.—­OF. fallace; Lat. fallacia(Vulg.).

Fallen, v. to fall, S, C2; uallen,S; feol, pt. s., S; fel, S; fil,C2; ful, S; fyl, S2; i-uel, S;fille, S3; vul, S2; feolle, subj.,S; fellen, pl., S; felle, S;fille, C2; felden, S2, W, W2; y-fallen,pp., C2; i-falle, S; falle, S2,C2; fallyng (Scotch form), S3; feld,W.—­AS. (ge)feallan, pt. fA(C)oll,pp. ge-feallen.

Fallow, sb. fellow, S2, S3; see Felawe.

Fallow, v. to be fellow to, S3; seeFelawen.

Fallynge, sb. a falling; fallyngis,pl., ruins, W2, H.

Fallynge-ax, sb. felling-axe, W2; seeFellen.

Fallynge-euylle, sb. the falling-sickness,epilepsy, S2.

Fals, adj. false, MD, C2; false,MD, C 2,—­AF. fals; Lat. falsum.

Fals-hede, sb. falsehood, S3, C3; falset,S3.

Falsien, v. to make false, MD; falsyn,Prompt.; falsed, pp., C2.—­OF.falser (mod. fausser); Late Lat. falsare.

Falsnessis, sb. pl. frauds, W2.

Falten, v. to fail, to be wanting in,to stammer; falt, pr. s., S; fauten,pl., PP.—­OF. *_falter_ (whence F.faute); cp. It. faltare, freq.form of Lat. fallere.

Falten. The form falt should betaken away from this article and placed under Folden.The words falt mi tunge mean ’my tonguegives way.’ For the various meanings ofthis verb folden, see MD (ii. 68). Thiscorrection is due to the kindness of Prof. Napier.[Addition]

Faltren, v. to totter, SkD, C3, CM;to stammer, falter, Prompt.; foltred, pp.,S3.

Falwe, adj. fallow, pale, yellow, MD.—­AS.fealu (stem fealwa).

Falwen, v. to become yellow, pallid,to fade, MD; faluwen, MD; valuwen, S.—­AS.fealuwian.

Familier, adj. familiar, Manip.; famulier,C; famuler, MD.—­AF. familier;Lat. familiarem.

Fand, pt. s. found, S, S2, S3; see Finden.

Fandien, v. to try, seek, strive, toprove, MD, S; fande, S2, H; fonde, S,S2, S3, C2; uonden, S; faynd, B; i-fonded,pp., S.—­AS. fandian; deriv.of Finden.

Fanding, sb. tempting, temptation, S2;fandynge, H; fondunge, S; fondyng,S2, G; uondynge, S2.—­AS. fandung.

Fane, sb. banner, streamer, S3, MD;fayn, weather-vane, S3; fan, C3; vane,C2; fanys, pl., streamers, S3.—­AS.fana, a standard, Goth. fana, a bitof cloth; cp. Lat. pannus (pa*nus),see Curtius, 362.

Fantasie, sb. fancy, PP; fantasy,S3; fantasies, pl., P; fantasyes,S2, C2.—­OF. fantasie; Lat. phantasia;Gr. [Greek: phantasia].

Fantome, sb. deceptive appearance, falsehood,apparition, MD, C3; fantoum, MD; fantum,S2, W; fantom, H; fantesme, MD; fanteme,MD.—­OF. fantosme (Ps. 78. 4); LowLat. *_fantasuma_ (cp. Prov. fantauma);Lat. phantasma; Gr. [Greek: phantasma].

Fare, sb. journey, S; doing, business,S2, C3, C; behaviour, G.

Faren, v. to go, to fare, to behave,S, S2, C2; uaren, S; fA|ren, S; far,S3; vare, S; fair, S3; farst,2 pr. s., S; feareA deg.*, pr. s.,S; fars, S2; varA3/4, pl., S2;for, pt. s., S, S2; i-faren,pp., S; faren, MD, S2; fare, S,S2, C2; i-fare, S, S2. Comb.:far wel, farewell, C2; pl. farethwel, C3; farewel, it is all over!, C3.—­AS.faran, pt. fA cubedr, pp. faren.

Farme, sb, a feast, meal, CM, MD; seeFerme.

Farsen, v. to stuff, HD; farsed,pp., C; farsid, H.—­OF. farcir;Lat. farcire.

Fasoun, sb. fashion, make, shape, MD,CM; fassoun, S3; faccion, S3; facions,pl., S3.—­OF. fason, fasson, faASec.on;Lat. factionem.

Fast, adj. firm, fixed, SkD; fest,S; faste, adv. fast, firmly, quickly,soon, PP, S, C2; securely, S; feste, S; fast,soon, PP; close, S2; ueste, S; uaste,S2. Phr.: fast aboute, very eager,G.—­AS. fA|st, firm.

Fasten, v. to make fast, also to fast,jejunare, MD, W (Mt. 6. 16); fest, S2;fA|ston, pt. pl., confirmed, S; fested,pp., S2.—­AS. fA|stan; cp.Goth, fastan, ‘jejunare.’

Fasten, sb. fasting, S; festen,S.

Fasting, sb. abstinence from food, MD;fasstinng, S.

Fast-lice, adv. continuously, S.

Fastnesse, sb. stronghold, MD; fest-*nes,S2.

Fast-rede, adj. firm in counsel, S.

Fat, sb. vessel, S, Voc; fet,MD; uet, MD; feat, MD; ueat,S; faten, pl., S.—­AS. fA|t:OS. fat; cp. OHG. faz (Tatian).

Fat, adj. fat, MD; fet, S; fette,pl., S.—­AS; fA|t; cp.Icel. feitr.

FaA3/4men, v. to embrace, S2; see Fadmen.

Faucon, sb. falcon, C2; faucoun,PP; faukyn, PP; faucones, pl.,P.—­AF. faucon, falcun; Lat. falconem.

Faunt, sb. child, infant, MD; faunte,HD; fauntes, pl., P; fauntis,P.—­OF. fant, It. fante; Lat.infantem.

Fauntee, sb. childishness, PP.

Fauntekyn, sb. little child, PP; fawntkyne,HD; fantekyne, HD.

Fauntelet, sb. infancy, properly a littleinfant, PP.

Fauntelte, sb. childishness, PP.

Faur, num. four, MD; faure, S2;see Foure.

Faur-tend, ord. fourteenth, S2.Cf. VourteA3/4e.

Faute, sb. fault, MD; faut, S2.—­OF.faute, falte. See Falten.

Fauel, sb. impersonification of Flattery,PP; fauuel, S2; fauell, flattery, S3.—­OF.favele, talk; Lat. fabella, ’sermobrevis’ (Ducange).

Fawch, sb. fallow, S3; fauch,JD; faugh, HD; fauf, HD. Comb.:fawch-3*allow, fallow-yellow, S3.

Fawe, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Fawely, adv. few, S3.

Fawn, sb. fawn, the young of an animal,MD; enulus = hinnulus, a young mule, Voc.;fawne, hinulus, Voc.; fowne, hinnilus,Voc. [these Voc. words occur close to names for deer];fawne, hinnulus, Cath.; fownys,pl., S3.—­OF. faAn, feAn, foA1/4n;perhaps a derivative of Lat. foetus, see Diez,p. 580.

Fay, sb. fay, fairy, a person enduedwith supernatural powers, HD; faie, S2; faies,pl., RD.—­OF. faA” (fee);Late Lat. fata, from Lat. fatum, a decreeof destiny; cp. It. fata, Sp. hada.

Fayerye, sb magic, fairy world, a fairy,MD; fayreye, PP; feyrye, fairy origin,S2; feyrie, S2, PP; fairye, C2; fairy,P.—­OF. faerie, enchantment, alsofeerie, (Cotg.).

Faym, sb. foam, S3; see Foom.

Fayn, sb. streamer, weather-vane, S3;see Fane.

Fayn, adj. fain, glad, willing, S2,C2, MD; fa*gen, S; fain, MD; uA|in,S; fein, MD; uein, MD; feyn, S2:fawen, MD; fawe, adv., gladly,MD; fainest, superl., CM.—­AS.fA|gen.

Faynen, v. to rejoice, PP; fainen,S2; faunen, to fawn, PP; fawnyn, Prompt.—­AS.fa*genian, fA|gnian.

Faynen, v. to feign, S3; see Feynen.

Faynnes, sb. gladness, H (Ps. 67. 3);faynes, H. See Fayn.

FayntAse, sb. pretence, S3; fayntis,H; see Feyntise.

Fayre, adj. fair, C2, PP; fa3*3*err,MD; fA|i3*er, MD; faiger, MD; fei3*er,MD; feier, S; uair, S2; feir,MD, S; uayr, S2; fayr, S; vaire,S; faire, pl., S; feyre, S, S2;veyrer, comp., S2; fA|irest, superl.,S; fA|reste, pl., S; faireste,S.—­AS. fA|ger.

Fayre, adv. courteously, kindly, PP;fA|ire, S; fa3*3*re, S; faire,S, P; feyre, S, S2, CM; feire, S, S2;uaire, S2.

Fayrehed, sb. beauty, fairness; fairehed,S2; fairhede, S; uayrhede, S2.

Fayrnes, sb. beauty, MD; fairnesse,S, C2.

Fayten, v. to tame, mortify, PP, S2;faiten, PP. See Afaiten.

Fa*e pl. spotted, S; see Foh.

Feale, sb. fail, failure, S3; see Faille.

Fearen, v. to fare, S; see Faren.

Feawe, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Feble, adj. feeble, S, S2, PP; fieble,C2, P; feblore, comp., S2; febelore,PP; fibler, PP.—­OF. feble, floible;Lat. flebilem.

Feble-like, adv. in sorry fashion, S.

Feblen, v. to become weak, to make weak,PP; febli, S2; febly, S2; feblid,pp., MD.

Fecchen, v. to fetch, S, S2, C2, P;vecche, S; fechen, S; fache,S3.—­From AS. fecce, pr. s. of feccan(=_fetian_). See Fetten.

Fecht, v. to fight, B; see Fighten.

Fechtaris, sb. pl. fighters, S3, B.

Fechting-Sted, sb, battle-ground, B.

Fede, sb. enmity., S3; feide,MD.—­AS. fA|*hA deg.. See Foo.

Feden, v. to feed, S, PP; ueden,S; fet, pr. s., S; fett, S; vedde,pt. s., S2; fedde, PP; foded,S2; i-ued, pp., S; i-uA|dde,pl., S.—­AS. fA(C)dan: OS.fA cubeddian. See Fode.

Feder, sb. father, S; see Fader.

Feder, sb. feather, MD; see Fether.

Fedramme, sb. plumage, S3; see feAdeg.-*erhome.

Fee, sb. cattle, property, money, PP,S2; feo, MD; fe, S, S2, PP; feh,MD.—­AS. feoh: OS. fehu;cp. Lat. pecus.

Feend, sb. enemy, fiend., C2, C3; fend,S, S2; feende, PP; feont, S; ueond,S ; fond, MD ~; fynd~, MD; fende, S2,S3; feondes, pl., S; fendes,S, S2; fiendes, S; vyendes, S2; feendis,W.—­AS. fA(C)ond, pr. p. of fA(C)on.,to hate; cp. Goth. fiands, fijands,enemy, pr. p. of fijan,, to hate.

Feendli, adj. fierce, devilish (= Lat. diabolica), W; feondliche, adv.fiercely, S; feendly, C3.—­AS. fA(C)ondlic,fA(C)ondlice.

Feer,, sb. companion, S3; see Fere.

Fees, sb. pl. landed possessions, cities,S2; feys, HD; feus, PP.—­OF.feu, fiu, in pl. feus, fieus, fius, fiez,all found in Roland; also OF. fie (Bartsch),F. fief\ probably of Teutonic origin, cp.OHG. fihu, property; see Braune, in ZRP. x.262. See Fee.

Feet, sb. deed, C2, PP; see Fet.

Feffement, sb. possession, Manip., PP.

Feffen, v. to put into possession, MD,PP; feffede, pt. s., S2.—­OF.feffer; cp. Low Lat. feoffare.See Fees.

Feht; see Fighten.

Fei, sb. faith, S2; fey, C2,C3; see FeiA deg..

Feier, adj. fair, S; see Fayre.

Feierlec, sb. beauty, S.

Feild, sb. field, MD. Comb.:feild-*going, a walking out of doors, S3.See Feld.

Feir, sb. companion, S3; see Fere.

Feir, adj. fair, S, PP; see Fayre.

Feire, adv. kindly, PP, S, S2.

Feiren, v. to make fair, S.

FeiA deg., sb. faith, S, PP; feyth,PP; feth, S3; fei3*Az, S2; fei,S2; fey, C2, C3; fai, S2; fay,G, PP. Phr.: ye-feth, in faith,S3.—­OF. fei, feit, feid: Lat.fidem.

FeiA deg.-ful, adj. faithful, MD; faithfol,PP; fei3*tful, S2.

FeiA deg.liche, adv. faithfully, MD;fei3*-*liche, S2; fei3*Azely, S2; feAzli,S2; faithly, PP.

Fel, sb. a fell, mountain, S2; fell,MD; felle, MD, S2.—­Icel. fjall.

Fel, adj. base, cruel, treacherous,S2, PP, C2, G, W; fell, S3; felle, S2,S3, W2; pl., PP, C2.—­AF. fel,wicked, cruel.

Felawe, sb. partner, companion, fellow,S, S2, C3, PP; felaw, S2, PP; felow,S3. PP; fela3*e, S; fallow, S2,S3; felaus, pl., S2; feolahes,S; uela3*es, S2.—­Icel. fA(C)lagi,partner in common property (fA(C)). SeeFee.

Felawen, v. to associate, to be fellowto; fallow, S3; uela3*en, MD; felaghid,pp., H.

Felawrede, sb. fellowship, MD; uela3*rede,S2.

Felawschipe, sb. fellowship, society,crew, PP; fela3*schipe, S2; feolahscipe,S.

Felawship, v. to associate, MD; felouschipid,pp., W2.

Fela3*liche, adv. intimately; feolohlukest,superl., S.

Feld, sb. field, S, PP; feeld(heraldic), C2; ueld, S2; fild, MD;felde, dat., S, S2; uelde, S,S2; ualde, S; feldes, pl., S,S3.—­AS. feld.

Feld-fare, sb. fieldfare, lit. ‘field-farer,’S2; campester, Voc.; ruruscus, Voc.

Feldi, adj. champain (=Lat. campestris),MD; feeldi, W.

Feldishe, adj. belonging to the country,S3.

Fele, adj. many, S, S2, S3, C2, PP;vele, S, S2; feole, S, PP; ueole,S; veale, S; vale, S, HD; felle,S3.—­AS. fela; cp. Goth. filu.

Felefalden, v. to multiply, MD; fele-*falded,pt. s., S2.

Fele-folde, adj. manifold, S; many times,PP.

Felen, v. to feel, S; uele, MD;fel me, I* pr s.,. S2; felde,pt. s., S; feld, S2; felte, C2;feelede, C3.—­AS. fA(C)lan:OS. fA cubedlian (in gi-fA cubedlian),OHG. fA cubedljan; cp. fualen (Otfrid).

Fell, sb. skin, S3; fel, MD,S2, G, P; felle, S2; felles, pl.,S; uelles, S; fellys, S2.—­AS.fell; cp. Goth. fill.

Fellen, v. to fell, S, PP; falle,S2; falleA deg., pr. pl.., S; felde,pt. s., G, PP.—­AS. fellan,OHG. fallian; OS. fellian, OHG. fellen(Otfrid).

Felnesse, sb. astuteness (= Lat. astutia),W2.

Felon, sb. villain, traitor, PP; feloun,PP; felloun, S3; felloune, S3.—­AF.feloun, felon, acc. of fel. SeeFel.

Felonie, sb. base wickedness, MD; felony,S; felonye, S2, S3, C3, W2.

Felonliche, adv. cruelly, PP; felun-*lyche,S2; felounelich, PP; felunly, S2.

Fen, sb a section of Avicenna’sbook on medicine called the Canon, C3, CM.—­Arabicfan, a branch, division, category; cp.Ducange (s.v. fen).

Fen, sb. mud, mire, marsh, dung, S2,S2, G, H; fenne, Voc., Prompt.,W; uenne,S.—­AS. fenn: Goth. fani, mud,clay.

Fenden, v. to defend, PP; fend,imp. s., S3.—­From OF. defendre;Lat. defendere.

Fenestre, sb. window, PP; fenystaris,pl., S3.—­OF. fenestre; Lat.fenestra.

Feng; see Fon, v.

Fenkel, sb. fennel, MD, PP; fenecel,Voc.; fenkil, PP; fynkel, PP; fynkyl,Voc.; fenel, PP; fenyl, S2. Comb.:fenel seed, PP.—­Lat. feniculum,foeniculum; cp. AS. fenol (Voc.).

Feole; see Fele.

Feond, sb. enemy, PP; feont,S; feond-es, pl., S; see Feend.

Feord, sb. army, S; see Ferd.

Feorden, pt. pl., fared, S; see Feren.

Fer, sb. fire, S; fere, dat.,S2; uere, S2; ueree, S; see Fur.

Fer, adj., adv. far, PP, S, S2, C2;ferr, S, S2, PP; uer, S2; feor,S; ueor, S; for, S; ferre, comp.,C; ferrer, S3, C, PP; ferrest, superl,PP. Comb.: ferforth, far away,completely, S2, S3, C2, C3; farforth, S3; feoruoA3/4,S.—­AS. feorr: OS. fer;cp. Goth. fairra. Cf. Aferre.

Ferd, sb. an expedition, army, MD; fA|rd,S; feord, S; uerd, MD; ferde,MD; furde, dat., MD; ferde, pl.,S; ferdes, MD; verden, dat.,S; uerdes, MD.—­AS. fird, fyrd,ferd. See Faren.

Ferd, sb. fear, PP, G; feerd,MD; ferde, dat., MD, CM, S2.

Ferdful, adj. causing terror, timid,MD, W, W2; feerdful, W2.

Ferdlayk, sb. fear, MD.

Ferdnes, sb. fear, MD, S2.

Fere, v. to frighten, terrify, PP, S2,W; feare, S3; feere, CM; fered,pp., S2, C3; ferd, S2; ferde,S3; feared, S3.—­AS. fA|*ran,to frighten.

Fere, sb. companion, S, S2, S3, G; uere,S; feer, S3; feir, S3; feren,pl., S; ferin, S; feiren, S; feres,S, S2; feeres, S2. See Ifere.

Fere, adj. well, sound, MD, S2; fer,S, B; feir, B. Phr.: hoi andfer, MD, S; haill and feir, safe and sound,B.—­Icel. fA|rr, able, strong (fortravelling).

Fere, sb. power, ability, S, MD.—­Icel.frA|ri, opportunity, ability.

Fere, sb. fear, PP, S, C2, MD; feer,MD; fer, MD, PP; feere, PP; feris,pl., MD; feeris, MD.—­AS. fA|*r,sudden danger; cp. Icel. fAir, harm.

Fere-full, adj. fear-causing, also timid,MD; feerful, MD; ferful, MD; ferful-*lest,superl., CM.

Feren, v. to fare, to go, to behave,MD; ferde, pt. s., G, S, S2, C2; ferden,pl., S3; feorden, S; uerden, S;furde, MD; ferd, S2.—­AS.fA(C)ran pt. fA(C)rde; deriv. of Faren.

Ferien, v. to bring, MD; fareA deg.,pr. pl., S.—­AS. ferian, Icel.ferja: Goth, farjan. Deriv. ofFaren.

Ferlac, sb. fear, MD; fearlac,S; farlac, S. See Fere.

Ferlien, v. to wonder, PP; ferly,JD; ferleis, pr. pl., S3 (13. 80); ferliede,pt. s., PP.

Ferly, adj. dangerous, dreadful, sudden,strange, S2, PP, CM; ferlich, MD, S; ferli,S2; ferliche, adv., S; ferly,S2.—­AS. fA|*rlic, fA|*rlice.

Ferly, sb. a wonder, S2, P; farly,MD; ferlikes, pl., S2; ferlyes,S2; ferleis, S3; ferlis, P.

Ferlyly, adv. wondrously, S2; ferlilic,S2.

Fermacye, sb. pharmacy, medicine, C.—­OF.farmacie; Late Lat. pharmacia; Gr. [Greek:pharmakeA-a].

Fermans, sb. enclosure, S3; fermance,JD.—­OF. fermance, from fermer,to shut; Lat. firmare, to strengthen.

Ferme, sb. food, an entertainment, feast,meal, MD; farme; MD, CM; ueorme, MD.—­AS.feorm; cp. Low Lat. firma, a feast(Ducange).

Ferme, adj. firm., MD, C2.—­AF.ferme; Lat. firmum.

Ferme, sb. rent, revenue, MD, S2, C;fermes, pl. farms, S3.—­AF.ferme; Late Lat. firma.

Fermen, v. to strengthen, PP.—­OF.fermer, to strengthen, also to shut; Lat. firmare.

Fermen, v. to hold land at a fixed rent,Prompt. See Ferme, sb.

Fermerer, sb. infirmary officer, Cath.See Enfermerere.

Fermery, sb. infirmary, S3, Voc.; fermorie,PP; fermory, Cath.; fermarye, Cath.(n.); fermerye, Prompt., Cath. (n.).—­OF.enfermerie, infirmarie, infirmerie;Church Lat. infirmaria, a place for the infirm(Ducange).

Fermour, sb. farmer, steward, CM, MD;fermer, Cath. See Ferme, sb.

Fern, sb. fern, C2; ferene, dat.,S2. Phr.: aisschen of ferne, fernashes, MD. Comb.: fern-asshen, fernashes, C2.—­AS. fearn (Voc.):OHG. farn.

Fern, adj. and adv. old, longago, C2, PP; ferne, CM; furn, MD. Comb.:fern-*3*eres, past years; fern yere,formerly, PP.—­AS. fyrn (see Sievers);cp. OS. furn, forn, fern, Goth.fairnis.

Ferreden, sb. company, S; uerade,S. See 3*efered.

Ferren, adj. and adv. far, distant,MD; feren, S; verrenne, pl.,S; ferne, C.—­AS. feorran,from afar. See Fer.

Ferret-silke, sb. coarse silk, S3, Florio.—­It.fioretti, from fiA cubedre, flower.Cf. Floret-silk.

Fers, adj. fierce, brave, Prompt., C,PP; fiers, S2, C2, C3; fierse, PP.—­OF.fers, fiers (Roland); Lat. ferus.

Fersly, adv. fiercely, PP, B..

Fersnesse sb. fierceness, W2, PP; feersnesse,W, W2.

Ferst, adj. and adv. superl.first, S, S2, PP; uerst, S2; furst,S, S2, P; forst, S.—­AS. fyrst:OHG. furisto. Superl. of Fore.

Ferthe, ord. fourth, C3, PP; fierthe,PP, S; feorthe, PP, S; feurthe, S2;ferth, S2; fierth, S2; ueorA deg.,S.—­AS. fA(C)orA deg.a. See Foure.

Ferthyng, sb. farthing, S2, PP; ferthing,PP. Comb.: ferA3/4inges nok, afarthing piece, S2 (p. 301); ferA3/4yng noke,S2.—­AS. fA(C)orA deg.ung.

Fertre, sb. litter, bier, shrine, MD;feertyr, feretrum, Prompt.—­OF.fertere, fiertre; Lat. feretrum; Gr.[Greek: phA(C)retron].

Fertren, v. to place in a shrine; fertered,pt. s., S2.

Fesaunt, sb. pheasant, S3; fesant,Voc.; fesauntes, pl., PP; fesauns,S2.—­OF. faisan; Lat. phasianum(acc.); Gr. [Greek: phasianA cubeds].

Fesien, v. to drive away, MD; fesyn,Prompt., HD; veize, DG; pheeze, ND,Sh; feazed, _pp_., ND.—­AS. fA(C)sian,for fA1/2sian, to drive away, see Sievers,154. See Fusen.

Fest, adj. and v.; see Fast,Fasten.

Fest, sb. fist, C3; see Fust.

Feste, sb. feast, S, PP, C2, C3; fest,S3; festes, pl., S2.—­AF.feste; Lat. festa.

Festeien, v. to feast, to entertain,MD; festeyinge, pr. p., C2.—­OF.festeier, festoier; Late Lat. festicare_;cp. Prov. _festegar_.

Festen, sb. fasting, S; see Fasten.

Festlich, adj. festive, fond of feasts,C2. See Feste.

Festnen, v. to fasten, S; festnin,S; fA|stned, pp., S; i-uestned,S; festnyd, PP.—­AS. fA|stnian.

Fet, sb. deed, PP; feet, C2,PP; fait, S2; faite, PP.—­OF.fet, fait; Lat. factum.

Fet, adj. fat, S; see Fat.

Fet, sb. pl., feet, S; see Foot.

Fetel, sb. vessel, S2; vetles,MD; fetles, MD; pl., S.—­AS.fA|tels, pl. fA|telsas (Voc.). SeeFat.

Feter, sb. fetter, MD; fetyr,compes, Prompt.; feteres, pl.,G.—­AS. fetor.

Feteren, v. to fetter, MD, G; fettren,P; y-fetered, pp., G; fettred,C2; ifetered, G.—­AS. (ge)_feterian_.

Feth, sb. faith, S3: feA deg.li,adv. faithfully, S2; see FeiA deg., FeiAdeg.liche.

Fether, sb. feather, C2; fyA3/4er,S2; fedyr, Prompt.; feA deg.res, pl.,S; fetheris, wings, W2; fedres, MD.—­AS.feA deg.er.

FeA deg.er-foted, adj. four-footed,S.—­Cp. AS. fiA deg.er-fA cubedte.With AS. fiA deg.er cp. Goth. fidwor.See Foure.

FeA deg.er-home, sb. plumage, MD; fedramme,S3.—­AS. feA deg.er-hama; cp.OS. feA deg.erhamo, Icel. fjaA deg.rhamr,see Grimm, Teut. M., p. 327. See Fether.

Fetis, adj. well-made, neat, handsome,MD, S2; fetys, S2, C3, C; fetyce, Prompt.—­OF.faitis (f. _-ice_); Lat. factitium.See Fet (deed).

Fetisliche, adv. neatly, S2, PP; fetysly,C.

Fetten, v. to fetch, MD, S2, S3; fete,MD, S; fetteth, imp. pl., G; fette,pt. s. S, C2, C3; uette, MD; fatte,MD; uatte, MD; fet, S3; fetten,pl., S2, P; y-fet, pp., C2; fet,MD, S2, C2; fette, pl., MD.—­AS.fetian (Grein). Cf. Fecchen.

Fettle, sb. order, condition. Phr.:in good fettle, JD, HD.

Fettle, sb. girdle, belt, horse-girth,JD. Cp. Icel. fetill, OHG. fezil.

Fettlen, v. to bind, fit, make ready,set in order, MD; fettle, to tie up, put inorder, JD; fetyl, JD; fettled, pp.,S2.

Feute, sb. track, scent, S2, MD; fewte,vestigium, Prompt.; fute, odour, Prompt.;foute, S2. Comb.: foote-saunte,scent, DG.

Feuer, sb. fever, PP; feuere,PP; feure, PP; fyueris, pl.,W.—­AF. fevre; Lat. febrem.

Feuerere, sb. February, HD; feuerel,HD; feuir3*er, S3; feuer3*ere, HD (s.v.fraiste).—­OF. fevrier; LateLat. *_febrarium_; Lat. februarium (mensem).

Fewe, adj. pl. few, S, PP; feaw,S2; veaw, S2; fawe, S; feawe,S; vewe, S2; fA|u, S; fo, S; fon,S2; fa, H (Ps. 101. 25); foner, comp.,S2.—­AS. fA(C)awe; cp. Goth.faws.

Fewnyng, sb. thrusting, S3. SeeFoynen.

Fewte, sb. fealty, S3, Prompt., HD;feute, MD.—­AF. feaute, fA"alte;Lat. fidelitatem.

Fey; see FeiA deg..

Feydom, sb. the state of being neardeath, or that conduct which is supposed to indicateit, JD. See below.

Feye, adj. dead, doomed to death, feeble,S, S2, MD; fey, JD, HD; fay, MD; fA|ie,pl. dead, S, MD; fA|i3*e, MD.—­AS.fA|*ge; cp. Icel. feigr; see CV.

Feyn, adj. fain, S2; see Fayn.

Feynen, v. to feign, C2, C3, PP; feine,Prompt., MD; feyneden, pt. pl., S2;fayneden, S3; y-feyned, pp., C2.—­AF.feindre (pr. p. feignant); Lat. fingere.

Feynt, adj. feigned, false, also weak,faint, MD, Prompt.; faint, MD; feynte,pl., PP.—­OF. feint, pp. offeindre.

Feynten, v. to be weak, MD, Prompt.

Feynting, sb. fainting, failing, C2.

Feyntise, sb. deceit, hypocrisy, alsoweakness, cowardice, MD, S2, P; fayntis, H;fayntise, S3.

Feyre, sb. fair, PP; faire, P;fayre, PP; feyres, pl., P. Phr.:this feire is i-doon, this fair is done, everythingis sold, there is no more business to be done, G.—­OF.feire (mod. foire); Late Lat. feria,a fair; from Lat. feriae, holidays.

Feyrie, sb. fairy origin, S2; see Fayerye.

Fe3*en, v. to join, MD; veien,MD; i-ueied, pp., S.—­AS.fA(C)gan; cp. OHG. fuagen (Otfrid).See Fo3*.

Ficchen, v. to fix, MD; fitchid,pp., W, W2; fichyt, B.—­OF.ficher (Ps. 31. 4); Late Lat. *_figicare_, fromLat. figere, to fix, see Diez (s.v. ficcare).

Fieble, adj. feeble, C2, P; see Feble.

Field, sb. field, S2; see Feld.

Field-wode, sb. name of a plant, S2.

Field-wort, sb. gentian, HD; feldwort,herba luminaria, Alph.

Fiers, adj. fierce, S2, C2, C3; fierse,PP; see Fers.

FierA deg.e, ord. fourth, S, P; seeFerthe.

Fife, num. five, S; fyf, PP,C2; fiff, B; fiffe, B; uiue,S; fyue, S2, PP; fif, PP.—­AS.fA-f: Goth. fimf, see Sievers,185.

Fifetende, ord. fifteenth, S2.

Fif-fald, five-fold, MD; fif-folde,S.

Fiff-sum, adj. five in all, B.

Fifte, ord. fifth, S; fifA3/4e,S; fyfte, PP.—­AS. fA-fta.

Fifte-siA deg.e, adv. fifthly, S.

Fighten, v. to fight, PP; fi3*te,S; vy3*te, S2; fihten, PP, S2; fe3*tande,pr. p., S2; feaht, pt. s., MD;faht, MD; feht, MD; fauht, PP;faught, MD, C2; fuht-*en, pl.,S; fu3*ten, S; fouhten, PP; fou3*ten,PP; i-fouhte, pp., PP; y-fou3*te,PP; foughten, C; fou3*ten, PP.—­AS. feohtan, pr. s. fiht, pt. feaht(pl. fuhton), pp. fohten; cp. OHG.fehtan (Otfrid).

Figure, sb. figure, MD, C2; figour,MD; uigour, MD; figures (of speech),C2.—­AF. figure; Lat, figura.

Figurie, sb. figured work, S3.

Fihten, v. to fight, S2, PP; see Fighten.

Fiht-lac, sb. fighting, S.—­AS.feoht-lAic.

Fikel, adj. fickle, treacherous, MD;fikil, H (Ps. 39. 21); fykil, G; fickle,fidgety, S3.—­AS. ficol, inconstant.

Fiken, v. to be fidgety, to go aboutidly, MD, HD; to flatter, play the hypocrite, deceive,MD.—­Cp. AS. be-fician, to deceive,to go round.

Fil, pt. s. fell, C2, PP; fyl,S2; see Fallen.

File, sb. concubine, P; fyle,HD.—­OF. fille, filie, daughter,wench; Lat. filia.

Fille, sb. wild thyme, S2, MD; serpillum,Voc.; fill, rest-harrow, HD. Phr. :not worth a fille, MD.—­AS. fille.

Filstnien, v. to help; filstnede,pt. s., S.—­AS. See Fulst.

Filthe, sb. filth, foulness, MD; fuAdeg.le, S.—­AS. fA1/2lA deg.u.See Foul.

Filthehed, sb. dirtiness, W.

Filtz, sb. son, PP; fitz, PP;fiz, PP.—­AF. fiz (fitz);OF. filz, fils; Lat. filius.

Finden, v. to find, S; fynden,S; vinden, S; vynde, S; fynt,pr. s., C3; fint, pl., S; fand,pt. s., S, S2, S3; fant, S; fond,S, S2, G, C2; fonde, S2; font, S2; vond,S2; foond, C2, W; funden, pl.,S; funde, S; fonden, S; fand,S2; fonde, C2; founden, S2; i-funde,pp., S; ifounde, S; hi-funde,S; founde, C2; funden, S2; funding,S3.—­AS. findan, pt. fand (pl. fundon), pp. funden.

Findi3*, adj. heavy, firm, compact,weighty, S, MD; findy, JD; fundie, MD.—­AS.findig, heavy.

Fine, sb. end, S3; fyn, S2, S3,C2, G.—­OF. fin; Lat. finem.

Finen, v. to end, S, MD; fynde,I pr. s., S3; fon, pt. s.., MD,S2; fan, MD; fyned, S2.—­OF.finer for finir; Lat. finire.

Firmentie, sb. furmety, S3; see Frumentee.

Firsin, v. to put far away, S; firsen,S; fersien, MD; fursen, MD.—­AS.fyrsian. See Fer.

First, sb.; see Frest.

Fisch, sb, fish, S, W2; fiss,S; fis, S; fisses, pl., S; fysses,S; fissches, S2; fises, S2; fischis,W2. Comb.:—­fis-cynn, fish-kind,S.—­AS fisc; cp. Lat. piscis;OIr. iasc.

Fischen, v. to fish, W; fissen,S.

Fischere, sb. fisher, W; fissere,S.

Fischinge, sb. fishing, MD; fissing,S.

Fisike, sb. natural science, art ofhealing, MD; phisique, MD; phisik, MD;phesyk, MD; fisyk, S2.—­OF.fisique; Lat. physica (ars);from Gr. [Greek: phuikos].

FiA deg.ele, sb. fiddle, MD, C, PP;fidylle, vidula, vidella, viella, Cath.;fythele, vitula, Voc.; fydyll,viella, Prompt.; vythule, Voc.; fydelys,pl., MD.—­Etym. doubtful, probablyconnected with Low Lat. vidula, ‘a vythule’(Voc.); cp. OF. vA-ele, a viol.

FiA deg.elen, v. to play on the fiddle,PP; vydele, Voc.—­Cp. Low Lat.vidulare (Voc.).

Fitheler, sb. fiddler, PP; vythulare,Voc.—­Cp. Low Lat. vidularius(Voc.).

Fitz, Fiz; see Filtz.

Flake, sb. thin slice, piece torn off.SkD; flackes, pl., S3 (12. 2); flockes,S3.—­Cp. Norw. flak, an ice-floe.

Flan,, sb. arrow, S, MD; flon,,MD; flone,, MD; flonne, pl.,HD; flone, HD; flonez, MD.—­AS.flAin; cp. Icel. fleinn. Cf.Flo.

Flanckring, adj. sparkling, HD.

Flanke, sb. spark, MD; see Flaunke.

Flanker, v. to sparkle, HD.

Flappe, sb. a blow, Prompt., Palsg.—­Cp. Du. flap, a blow.

Flappen, v. to flap, slap, clap, MD;flapten, pt. pl., P.—­Cp.Du. flappen, to flap.

Flat,, v. to flatter, S3.—­OF.flater.

Flateren, v. to flatter, PP.

Flatlyngis, adv. flat, B.

Flatour, sb. flatterer, C, MD; ulatours,pl., MD.—­OF. flateAr; Prov.flatador.

Flatten, v. to dash, cast quickly (water);flatte, pt. s., P; flattide, PP.—­OF.flatir, to dash, throw down.

Flaucht, sb. flake, flash, S3 (s.v.fyre); flaghte, flake, piece of turf,Cath. Phr.: flaghte of snawe, flakeof snow, Cath.; flyghte of snawe, Cath.; flaughtof fire, flash of lightning. JD. SeeFlawe.

Flaumbe, sb. flame, PP; flambe,CM; flamme, PP; flawme, Prompt.; flaume,PP; flambes, pl. C2, C3.—­AF.flambe, OF. flamme; Lat. flamma.

Flaun, sb. a kind of custard, HD; flawn,ND, SkD (p. 805); flaunes, pl., S.—­OF.flaon (mod. flan): Low Lat. fladonem(flatonem); cp. OHG. flado; seeDucange (Supplement).

Flaunke, sb. spark of fire, S2; flonke,PP; flanke, MD; flaunkes, pl.,S2.—­Cp. G. flunkern, to sparkle,Du. flonkeren.

Flaunt-a-flaunt, adv. displayed in ashowy manner, S3, SkD.

Flawe, sb. flake; in_phr_.: flawesof fyre, flakes of fire, SkD.—­Icel.flaga, a slab of stone. Cf. Flaucht.

Flay, v. to put to flight, to scare,S2; see Fleyen.

Flayle, sb. flail, PP; fle3*3*l,S; flaill, B; flayles, pl., PP;fleiles, PP.—­OF. flaA"l Lat.flagellum; hence OHG. flegil.

Fleck, sb. spot, blot, stain, RD.—­Icel. flekkr; cp. OHG. fleccho.

Flecked, adj. speckled, spotted, PP;flekked, C3, PP, Cath., MD.

Flee, sb. flea, Prompt.; fle,MD; fleen, pl., C3; flen, MD;flees, MD.—­AS. flA(C)o (Voc.).

Fleen,, v. to fly, flee, C2, PP; fleon,S; fleo, S, S2; flen, C; fle,S, S2, G; vle, S2; flighand, pr. p.,S2;fli3*st, 2 pr. s.,S; flegeA deg.,pr. s., S; fleA deg., S; flyAz,S2; fli3*t, S; fleoA deg., pl.,S; fleen, C2; flen, PP; fleh,pt. s., S; flegh, S2, PP; fleih,S2, PP; flaw, S3; fley, C2, G, W; flei3*,P, W; fleigh, C; flugen, pl.,S; flowen, S2, C, P; flowe, S2; flowen,pp., MD; flowe, G. Weak forms:fledde, pt. s., C2, PP; fled,pp., MD,—­AS, flA(C)ogan, flA(C)on,pt. flA(C)ah (pl. flugon), pp. flogen.

Flees, sb. fleece, S2, PP; flus,PP; fleis, PP; fleose, dat.,MD; fleyce, S3.—­AS. flA(C)os(flys)); cp. G. vlies.

FleA-ch, v. to flatter, JD; flechand,pr. p., B; fleeching, B; fleichit,pp., S3.—­OF. flechir, to bend,to move any one.

Flem, sb. flight, MD; ulem, MD;fleam, Voc.; fleme, dat., MD.—­AS.flA(C)am; cp. Icel. flaumr, a flowing,OHG. floum (Otfrid).

Fleme, sb. fugitive, S, S2.—­AS.flA(C)ma, and flA1/2ma (Voc.).

Flemen, v. to put to flight, MD, S2;flemed, pt. s., S3; flemden,pl., S; flemed, pp., C3; flemit,S3.—­AS. flA(C)man, flyman.

Flemer, sb. banisher, S2, C3.

Flen, v. to flay, S; fle, S;flo, S; flouh, pt. s., S; ulo3*en,pl., MD; flayn, pp., MD; flean,HD.—­AS. flean, pt. flA cubedh,pp. flagen.

Flesch, sb. flesh, PP; flesc,S; fleis, S, S2; fleys, PP; fles,S; fleisch, W; fleysh, S2; fleissh,S2; flessh, S, PP; flesce, dat.,S; ulesse, S2; flessce, S; fleischis,pl., W2.—­AS. flAoe*sc; cp.OHG. fleisc (Otfrid).

Flesche-flye, sb. flesh-fly, Prompt.;fleisch-flie, MD, W2 (Ps. 77.45 and 104.31).

Fleschlich, adj. fleshly, S, PP; flesliche,adv. materially, S.

Fleten, v. to float, swim, PP, B, S,S3, C, W; to flow, W2; fleit, S3; fleyt,S3; fletes, pr. s., S2; fleet,S2, C3; fleteth, C3; flet, PP; fleet,pt. s., MD; fluten, pl., MD;floten, MD; flote, S2; flette,S2; fletiden, W2.—­AS. flA(C)otan,pt. flA(C)at (pl. fluton), pp. floten.

Flex, sb. flax, C, P, Voc.; flax,Prompt., PP.—­AS. fleax.

Flex-hoppe, sb. linodium, Voc.

Fleyen, v. to put to flight, to scareaway, frighten; fley, JD, S3; flaien,MD; flay, S2; flayed, pp., S2;fleyit, B.—­Cp. Icel. fleyja,to cause to fly, throw.

Flicht, sb. flight, PP, B; fliht,MD; fli3*t, S; fluht, S.—­AS.flyht: OHG. fluht (Tatian).See Fleen.

Flit, sb. strife, MD; flyt, S2.

Fliten, v. to strive, contend, quarrel,PP, HD, H; flytin, Prompt.; flitis,pr. s., scolds, H; flytande, pr. p.,S2; flote, pt. s., MD; fliten,pp., MD.—­AS. flA-tan, pt.flAit (pl. fliton), pp. fliten.

Fliting, sb. quarrelling, scolding,PP; flytynge, H.

Flo, sb. arrow, CM, MD; fla,MD; flon, pl., MD, S2; floon,G; flan, MD; flo, MD.—­AS.flAi (Voc.). Cf. Flan.

Floc, sb. a gathering of men, beasts,birds, MD; flocke (of swine), W (Mt. 8. 30);flockes, pl., S.—­AS. flocc.

Flocke, v. tr. and intr. to collect,gather, MD, S3.

Floc-mele, adv. in crowds, MD; flok-mele,C2.—­AS. flocmAoe*lum.

Flod, sb. flood, sea, S, S2, PP; flood,C2, W; flode, PP; flodes, pl.,PP; fludis, S3.—­AS. flA cubedd.

Flor, sb. floor, MD, S2; flore,dat., S, PP.—­AS. flA cubedr.

Floret-silk, sb. coarse silk, Cotg.;flurt-silk, figured silk, HD.—­OF.fleuret (Cotg.); cp. G. florett.—­Cf.Ferret-silke.

Florin, sb. florin, originally the nameof a coin stamped with the emblem of a lily, MD, C3;floreines, pl., P.—­OF. florin(Cotg.).

Florischen, v. to flourish, also tocause to flourish, to make to prosper, to brandish,flourish a weapon, MD; flory-*schyn, to makeflourishes in illuminating books, Prompt.; fluricheA3/4,pr. s., adorns, decorates, S3.—­OF.floriss- base of pr. p. of florir; Lat.florere; see Constans.

Flot, sb. fat, scum, S2, JD.—­Icel.flot.

Flote, sb. a fleet, B; flot,B.—­Icel. floti. See Fleten.

Flote, sb. company, multitude, S, MD.—­OF.flote (flotte in Cotg.); Lat. fluctum.

Flote, Floten; see Fleten.

Floteren, v. to fluctuate, flutter,PP.—­OF. floter (+ suffix-er);Lat. fluctuare; see Constans.

Flotering, sb. restless motion, W2.

Flour, sb. flower, C2, C3; flur,S; floures, pl., youthful powers, S2.—­AF.flur; Lat. florem.

Flour-dammes, sb. ladies’ flower,perhaps Dame’s violet or Dame-wort, Hesperismatronalis (Britten’s Plant-names); Mr. Smallsuggests ‘damask rose,’ S3.

Floure-de-lice, sb. fleur-de-lys, S2;flour-de-lyss, S3; flour-de-lycis, pl.,S3.—­OF. flor de lis (Bartsch, 193.2).

Flouren, v. to flower, flourish, PP,C2, W2.—­OF. florir.—­Cf.Florischen.

Flowe, Flowen; see Fleen.

Flowen, v. to flow, S, PP; flowe,to abound, W2; flohA3/4, pr. s., S;flo3*ed, pt. s., S2.—­AS. flAcubedwan, pt. flA(C)ow, pp. flA cubedwen.

Flowing, sb. flood, W2.

Flowte, sb. pipe, cambucus, Prompt.;floyte, MD.—­OF. flaute, It.flauto.

Flowten, v. to blow on a wind instrument,MD; flowtyn, calamiso, flo, Prompt.;floytynge, pr. p., C.—­OF.flAuter; Late Lat. *_flatuare_ from Lat. flatus;see Constans.

Flowtour, sb., fluter, piper, CM.

Flum, sb. river, MD; flow, flood, JD.Comb.: Flum Jurdan, river Jordan,MD; flum iurdon, S; flom Jordan, MD,W; fleme Jordon, MD.—­OF. flum;Lat. flumen (cp. Vulg., Mk. I. 5).

Flye, sb. fly, C3, PP; fli3*e,MD; fle3*e, MD; fle, S3.—­AS.flA(C)oge (flA1/2ge). See Fleen.

Flytten, v. tr. and intr. toremove, to depart, MD, S3, PP; flutten, MD;flitten, MD, PP; flute, imp. s.,S; vlutten, to subsist, support oneself, S.—­Icel.flytja, to carry, remove, support, flytjask(reflex.), to remove oneself, to flit, also, to supportoneself.

Fnast, sb. breath, S.—­AS.fnA|st.

Fnasten, v. to breathe, to breathe hard,MD, S, HD.—­Cp. OHG. fnastA cubedn,‘an-helare.’

Fnesen, v. to breathe hard, to sneeze;fneseth, pr. s., puffs, snorts, C3.—­AS.fnA(C)osan.

Fnesynge, sb. snorting, Voc.; fnesynge(= Lat. sternutatio), W2 (Job 41. 9).—­AS.fnA(C)osung (Voc.).

Fo, adj. few, S; see Fewe.

Foa3*e, adj. spotted, S; see Foh.

Fodder, sb. food for cattle, MD; foddre,dat., S.—­AS. fA cubeddor, foddor.

Fode, sb. food, S, S2, MD; uode,S; food, MD; fude, MD.—­AS.fA cubedda.

Fode, sb. child, lad, person, alumnus,S, S2, PP, HD, MD.

Foh, adj. spotted, S, S2; fou,S; fa3*e, pl., S; foa3*e, S.—­AS.fAih; cp. Goth. faihus, Gr. [Greek:poikilos].

Foine, sb. beech-marten, Cotg. (s.v.fouA-nne]; foyne, PP; foyn3*ee,S3; fooyne, the fur of the marten, Prompt.;foyns, pl., fur, MD, HD.—­OF.foine, faine, faine, the beech-marten, alsofaine, the fruit of the beech tree; Late Lat.fa*gina, ‘mustela,’ also ‘glansfa*gi’ (Ducange); from Lat. fa*ginus, fromfa*gus.

Foison, sb. abundance, plenty, might,MD, Sh., HD; foyson, S2, C3; foysyn,S2; foysoun, B; fusioune, B.—­OF.foison, fuison; Lat. fusionem.

Folc, sb. folk, people, S, S2, W2, PP;uolk, MD; folk, PP; uolkes, gen.,S; folkene, gen. pl., S; folken,S2.—­AS. folc.

Folc-king, sb. the king of the people,MD; folc-kinge, dat., S.

Folde, sb. earth, ground, the world,S2, MD, HD, P.—­AS. folde, OS. folda.

Folde, sb. a fold, plait, MD, PP. Phr.:in monie volde, in manifold (ways), S.

Folden, v. to fold, shut, embrace, PP;falde, MD; folde, pt. s., S3;folden, pp., S2, PP.—­AS..fealdan, pt. fA(C)old, pp. fealden.

Fole, sb. foal, S, PP; foles,pl., PP; folus, P.—­AS. fola:Goth. fula; cp. Lat. pullus; seeBrugmann, ASec. 208.

Fole, adj. and sb. foolish, lustful,a fool,MD, S2; foole, S3; foule, H;fule, S2; fool, C2; foles, pl.,S2, S3, P.—­AF. fol.

Folgen; see Folwen.

Folie, sb. folly, S2, PP; folye,S, C2, PP; folies, pl., S.—­AF.folie.

Folily, adv. foolishly, C3; folili,W.

Follich, adj. foolish, MD; foly,S2; folliche, adv., S.

Fol-marde, sb. polecat, S2; see Fulmard.

Folte, adj. foolish, Prompt, Cath.;folett, Prompt.—­OF. folet(Bartsch). See Fole (foolish).

Folten, v. to behave foolishly, MD,Prompt.; folted, pp. crazed, S2.

Foltheed, sb. folly, PP.

Foltische, adj. foolish, W; foltish,HD.

Foltren, v. to totter, S3; see Faltren.

Foltrye, sb. foolishness, Prompt.

Folwen, v. to follow, C2, C3, PP; fol3*en,MD, S; folewe, S2, PP; folgen, S; foll3*henn,S; folhin, S; fallow, S2; filghe,S2; foluand, pr. p., S2; folheA deg.,pr. s.., S; folhes, S; foleweA deg.,S; feleweA deg., S; fulwes, S2; folgede,pt. s., MD; folwede, PP; folgeden,pl., S; folecheden, S; folud,S2; 3*e-folged, pp., S; i-folew-*ed,PP; y-folowed, PP.—­AS. folgian(fylgean); cp. OHG. folgAn (Otfrid).

Fon, v. to seize, grasp, take, receive,S, S2; fo on, I pr. pl. sub, begin,S; feng, pt. s. began, MD; feng on,S; veng, S2; feng, pl., S2.—­AS.fA cubedn, I pr. s. fA cubed, pt. feng,pp. fongen.

Fon,, adj. few, S2; foner,. comA3/4.fewer, S2; see Fewe.

Fond; see Fonnen.

Fongen, v. to take, receive, PP, S,S2, S3; fangen, PP; fang, S2; see Fon.

Fonger, sb. receiver, S2.

Fo-man, sb. foeman, PP; fomon,S2; famen, pl., S, S2; vamen,S. See Foo.

Fonne, adj. and sb. foolish,a fool, MD; fone, HD; fon, MD, H, HD.—­Cp.Swed. fAYne, a fool.

Fonnen, v. to act foolishly, MD; fonned,pp. as adj. foolish, fond, W, HD; fond,S3, HD. See above.

Font, sb, font, PP; fount, S2,PP;foun3*t, S2. Comb.: funt-fat,font-vessel, S; fant-ston, font-stone, S; fontstoon,C3; fun-ston, HD.—­Church Lat. fontem.

Foo, adj. and sb., hostile, guilty,a foe, PP, C2; fo, PP, S2; uo, S2; fa,.S; faa, S2; foon, pl., S3, C2,G, PP; fon, PP, S2; fan, S; uan,S; foin, HD; foyn, MD; fo, S;foos, PP, C2; faas, S2; faes,S2; fais, S2; fays, S3; fayis,S2.—­AS. fAih, pl. fAi; cp.Goth,. fihan, to hate; see Brugmann, ASec.458. Cf. Feend.

Foole, sb. fool, S3; fool, PP.Comb.: fool sage, licensed jester,PP; foole large, foolishly liberal, S3; foolelargely, S3; see Fole.

Foom, sb. foam, C3, MD; fame,HD; fom, S2, MD; fome, MD, C3; ~ faym~,S3.—­AS. fAim; cp. MHG. feim.

Foot, sb. foot, also, a measure, S2,C3,. HD; fot, S, S2; fut, B; foote,PP; fote, PP; vote, dat., S; fute,B; fet, pl., S; fett, S; vet,S. Comb.: foothot, instantly, S2,C3; fote hote, HD; futhate, futhat,B.—­AS.fA cubedt: Goth. fotus.

Foot-man, sb. foot-soldier, MD, HD;fotman, MD; votmen, pl., S2.

Foot-stappe, sb. footstep, Prompt.;fetsteppes, pl., S.

For-, prefix (1), having generally thesense of ‘loss’ or ‘destruction.’Often it is merely intensitive, though generally ina bad sense.—­AS. for-, Icel. for-,fyrir-, OHG. for-(Tatian), fir-(Otfrid),G. ver-, Goth, fra-, fair-.

For-, prefix (2), for, in the placeof; see For (prep.).

For-, prefix (3), standing for AS. fore,before; see Fore.

For-, prefix (4), standing for OF, for-;Lat. foris, outside; cp. F. hors,from Lat, foras.

For, prep, for, by, for fear of, inspite of, in the place of, for the sake of, S, S2,PP; forr, S; fore, S, PP; uor,S.

For, conj. because, in order that, whether,S, S3, PP. Comb.: for outen, without,besides, S2, B; for owtyn, JD; for out,B; for te, for to, in order to, S, PP; vorte, S, S2; for to, PP; vor to, S2;for A3/4an A3/4e, because that, S; for-A3/4on,S; vorA3/4an, therefore, S; for A3/4at A3/4e,because that, S; for A3/4et, for that reason,S; for A3/4i for that cause, S, S2, PP; uorAdeg.i, S; for-A3/4e, S; for-A3/4y,S2, PP; forr-A3/4i, because, S; for till,for to,S3; for-whi, wherefore, S2, PP; because,S3; for-quhy, S3; for-why, C3, PP.

For, adv. far, S; see Fer.

For, pt. s. fared, S, S2;. see Faren.

Forage, sb. forage, food, C2.—­OF.forrage, from forre; Low Lat. fodrum,from a Teutonic source, cp. AS. fA cubeddor.See Fodder.

Forager, sb. forager, messenger, PP. Cf. Forrayour.

For-arnen, v. to cause to run about,to ride about; uorarnd, pt. s., S2.—­Cp.AS. A|rnan (v. tr.), pt. A|rnde, pp.A|rned. (For-I.)

For-bathde, pp. pl. bathed deep, S3.(For-I.)

For-beden, v. to forbid, S, Prompt.,S2, PP; forbeode, PP; forbet, pr.s., S; forbed, S; forbadde, pt.s., PP; forbad, MD; uorbed, S2;fforbode, pl., MD; forbude, subj.,S; forboden, pp., H, S3, P; forbode,S, PP; forbedun, W.—­AS, for-bA(C)odan,pt.-bA(C)ad(pl.-budon), pp. _-boden_.(For-I.)

For-beren, v. to forbear, S, C, PP;uorberen, S; forbar, pt. s.,PP; forbare, P; forbaren, pl.,S; forbore, pp., MD.—­AS.for-beran, pt. _-bA|r_ (pl.-_-bA|*ron)_,pp._-boren_. (For-I.)

For-bernen, v. intr. to burn up, tobe destroyed by fire, S; forbrenne, MD; uorbarnde,pt. s., MD; forbrende, MD; for-bernen,v. tr. to burn up, MD; for-bA|rnen, S;forbearne, S; forbrenne, PP; forbrende,pt. s., PP, MD; vor-barnd, pp.,S2; uorbernd, S2, MD.—­AS. for-byrnan(v. intr.), pt.-barn (pl. -burnon),pp.-burnen, also, for-bA|rnan (v. tr.),pt. _-bA|rnde_, pp. _-bA|rned_. (For-I.)

For-bisne, sb. example, S; uorbysne,parable, S2; forbusne, PP.—­AS. fore-bysn.(For-3.)

For-blak, adj. very black,. C.(For-I.)

For-bode, sb. forbidding, S, P; forbod,S; forbot, S. Phr.: Lordes forbode,it is the Lord’s forbidding, PP; Goddes forbode,PP; Godys forbode, S3.—­AS. forbod.(For-I.)

Force, sb. force; forss, B; fors,B; forse, matter, consequence, PP. Phr.:no forse, it matters not, PP; no fors,S2, C2; no force, ND, HD, S3 (20 b, 87); togive no force, not to care, HD, Palsg.; makeno fors, C3,—­AF force: Late Lat.fortia. Cp, Cotg, (s.v.): je nefais point force de cela, I care not for, I forcenot of, that thing.

Forcere, sb. casket, strong-box, PP;forcer, HD; focer, HD; fosar,HD.—­OF. forsier; Low Lat. forsarium(acc.), see Ducange.

For-cursA|d, pp. utterly accursed, S.(For- 1.)

For-cwiddare, sb. foreteller, S. (For-3.)

Ford, sb. a ford, passage, course, MD;forde, PP; forth, PP, S2; vorA3/4,S2; furth, MD.—­AS. Ford (OET.).

For-dede, sb. previous deed, S2. (For-3.)

For-demen, v. to condemn, MD; for-*demde,pt. s., S; fordemed, pp., MD;fordemet, S; fordempte, pl.,MD.—­AS. for-dA(C)man. (For-1.)

For-don, v. to destroy, S, MD, S2, C,P; fordoon, S2; fordoA deg., pr.s., S, PP; uordonne, ger., S; fordude,pt. s., PP; fordede, S; fordeden,pl., S3; fordo, pp., PP; fordon,S; fordone, S3.—­AS. for-dA cubedn,pt. _-dyde_, pp. _-dA cubedn_. (For- 1.)

For-dreden, v. to frighten, MD; fordred,pp., S. (For- i.)

For-drenche, v. to make drunk, S. (For-1.)

For-dronken, pp. drunken, C3; uor-*drunken,S.

For-dru3*e, v. to dry up, S; fordruye,pp., MD, CM; fordrye, C2. (For-1.)

For-dynnand, pr. p., filling with louddin, S3; foredinning, S3. (For- 1.)

Fore, prep, before, S; for, JD.Comb.: for by, past, by, B, C2,C3; for gane, opposite to, S3, B; for outh,before, in front of, B; forowth, B; forrouth,S2, B; forrow, S2, B.—­AS. for,fore, in the sight of, before, Goth. faura.

Forest, sb. forest, MD; forestes,pl., PP.—­OF. forest.

Forester, sb. forester, MD; forster,C, PP, HD; foster, HD.

Foreyn, adj. strange, MD; foreynes,pl. strangers, PP.—­OF. forain;Late Lat. foraneum.

For-faren, v. to perish, to fare ill,PP, S2, G; forfayr, B; forfarn, pp.destroyed, S2.—­AS. for-faran. (For-1.)

For-fered, pp. exceedingly afraid, C2,MD. (For- 1.)

For-feren, v. to perish, MD; forferden,pt. pl., MD; forferde, S2.—­AS.for-fA(C)ran. (For- 1.)

Forfet, sb. crime, forfeit, PP, MD.—­OF.forfet, forfait; Late Lat. forisfactum,forefacttum (Ducange). (For- 4.)

Forfeten, v. to do wrong, to fail, toforfeit, MD, PP; forfaiten, PP. (For-4.)

For-feynted, pp. enfeebled, PP; for-faynt,S3. (For- I.)

For-freten, v. to eat away, PP ~; for-fret~,pr. s., PP. (For- I.)

Forgaf; see For-3*iuen.

For-gar, v. to lose; forgart,pt. pl., S2.—­Cp. Icel. fyrir-gAra,to forfeit. For- I.)

Forgen, v. to make, construct, forge(of smith’s work), MD; forgeden, pt.pl., W2 (Ps. 128. 3); forgit, pp.,S3; forgid, PP.—­OF. forger, forgier(Ps. 128. 3); Lat. fabricare (Vulg.).

For-geten, v. to forget, MD, S, S2;see For*eten.

Forgetil, adj. forgetful, H.—­AS.forgitol.

Forgetilnes, sb. forgetfulness, H.—­AS. forgitolnes.

For-gilten, v. to forfeit, to make guilty,MD; forgulten, MD; to harm, PP; for-gilt,pt. s., MD; forgulten, pl., MD;forgult, pp., S, MD; forrgilltedd,S. (For- I.)

For-gon, v. to forgo, S2, C3; forga,S2; forgoon, C2; forgoA deg., pr.s., S; forgan, pp., MD; forgone,MD, S3.—­AS. for-gAin. (For-I.)

For-heden, v. to neglect, pay no heedto, S2.—­From AS. hA(C)dan. (For-I.)

For-heed, sb. forehead, C; foreheued,MD. (For- 3.)

For-helen, v. to conceal, HD; for-holen,pp., S, HD; forhole, S, HD.—­AS.for-helan, pt. _-hA|l_ (pl.-hA|*lon),pp. _-holen_. (For- I.)

For-hewed, pp., hewn about, S3. (For-I.)

For-hilen, v. to protect, MD. (For-I.)

For-hiler, sb. protector, S2, HD.

For-hiling, sb. protection, S2.

For-hoght, sb. contempt, MD. (For-I.)

For-ho3*ien, v. to neglect, despise,S; forhohien, MD.—­AS. for-hogian.(For- I.)

For-langen, v. to long for; forrlangedd,Mpp., S. (For- I.)

For-lesen, v. to lose wholly, MD, HD;forleosen, MD; forleost, 2 pr. s.,S; vorleost, pr. s., S; forleseAz,S; forles, pt. s., S; forlesed,2 pt. s., destroyedst, S2; forrlurenn,pl., S; forloren, pp., S; forrlorenn,S; vorloren, S; forlorne, S3; forlorn,S2; forlore, S2, S3; uor-*lore, S2.—­AS.for-lA(C)osan, pt. lA(C)as (pl. luron),pp. loren. (For- I.)

For-leten, v. to leave off, forsake,yield up, S, S2, C2; uorlete, to forgive, S2;forlet, pt. s., S; forleten, pp.,S.—­AS. for-lA|*tan, pt. -lA(C)t,pp. _-lA|*ten_. (For- I.)

For-leuen, v.. to abandon, MD; for-*leaf,imp. s., S. (For- I.)

Forloren; see For-lesen.

Forloynen, v. to go far astray, MD,HD; forloyned, pp., S2.—­OF.forlonger, to go far before (Cotg.). (For-4.)

Formaylle, sb. the female hawk, MD,HD.—­Cp. OF. forme, a kind ofhawk (Cotg.).

Forme, adj. superl. first, S, PP; forrme,S; furme, MD. Comb.: forme-*fader,ancestor, S, S2, S3, H, PP; forme-*foster,progenitor, S2; forme-mete, first meat, morning-meal,S.—­AS. forma, superl. of fore,before.

Forme, sb. form, figure, shape, MD;scabellum, Voc.; furme, MD; fourme,MD, W; fourm, MD; foorme, form of a hare,Prompt, (see F. forme, Cotg.).—­AF.forme; Lat. forma.

Formel egle,. sb. female eagle, MD,CM. Cf. Formaylle.

Formen, v. to form, Prompt.—­OF.former; Lat. formare.

Former, sb. former, creator, MD, PP.

Formere, adj. comp. former, MD.—­Comb.:formere fader, ancestor, S2.

Formest, adj. superl. first, S, PP;furmest, S2.—­AS. fyrmest(formest).

Formour, sb. former, creator, MD, PP;formeour, PP; formyour, MD, S2.—­OF.formeAr; Lat. formatorem.

Forn, prep. and adv. before,MD, HD; foren, S. Comb.: forna3*ens, over against, W.—­AS. foran;cp. OHG. forn, ‘olim’ (Tatian).

Forn-cast, pp. forecast, C, CM.

Forneys, sb. furnace, C; fornays,MD; furneise, S; fornes, S2; fourneys,C2, C3; fornesse, HD.—­OF. fornaise;Lat. fornacem.

For-nimen, v. to take away, MD; for-numen,pp., S.—­AS. for-niman. (For-I.)

For-old, adj. very old, C. (For-I.)

For-pinen, v. to torment, MD; for-*pinede,pt. s., MD; forpined, pp., HD;forpyned, CM, P; famished, wretched, PP. (For-1.)

For-priken, v. to spur violently; vor-priked,pt. s., S2. (For- I.)

Forray, sb. foray, B.

Forray, v. to forage, B.

Forrayour, sb. forayer, forager, B;foreyours, pl., PP; foreioures,PP. Cf. Forager.

Forred, pp. furred, S2, PP; see Furren.

For-reden, v. to betray, hurt, wrong,S; forreaden, S; forradden, pt. pl.,MD; forrad, pp., MD; forred,S.—­AS. for-rA|*dan. (For-I.)

For-Saken, v. to forsake, to deny, refuse,PP, S, S2; uorsake, S; forsoc, pt.s., S2; forsok, PP; uorsoc, S; forsake,2_pt. s_., S; forsoken, pl., PP; forsake,pp., W2, PP.—­AS. for-sacan,to renounce, pt. -sA cubedc, pp. _-sacen_. (For-I.)

For-seon, v. to despise, MD; for-se,HD; forsest, 2 pr. s., S; forrse,subj., S.—­AS. for-sA(C)on.(For- I.)

For-slouthe, v. to lose through sloth,C; forsleuthed, pp., wasted idly, P.(For- I.)

For-sonke, pp. sunk deep, S3. (For-I.)

For-spent, pp. exhausted, Sh.; fore-spent,S3. (For- I.)

For-spreak, sb. an advocate, HD. (For-2.)

For-stallen, v. to forestall, obstruct,PP. See SkD (p. 805.) (For- 3.)

For-Standen, v. to stand for, avail;for-stod, pt. s., S.—­AS.for-standan. (For- 2.)

For-sune3*en, v. to be sinful, MD; for-sunegede,pp. pl., sinful, MD; forsinegede, S.—­AS.for-syngian, pp. forsyngad. (For-I.)

For-Swelten, v. to die, S, MD; v.tr., to kill, S, MD; forswelte, pp.,MD.—­AS. for-sweltan, ‘mori,perire.’ (For- I.)

For-Swel3*en, v. to swallow up, MD;uor-zwel3*e, S2. (For- I.)

For-swerien, v. to forswear, MD; forsuore,pt. s., MD; forsworen, pp., S,G, PP; forswore, PP; uorsuore, S2; forsworene,pl., S.—­AS. for-swerian pt.swA cubedr, pp. _-sworen_. (For- I.)

For-swering, sb. perjury, C3.

For-sweten, v. to cover with sweat,MD; forswat, pp., S2, HD, B. (For-I.)

For-swinken, v. to exhaust with toil;forswonke, pp., S3 (p. 364, l. 24).[Addition]

Forth, adv. forth, henceforth, throughout,PP, S; uorth, S, S2; furA deg., S, S2;forth, prep., along, S2; furth,S3. Comb.: forth daies, far advancedin the day, W; fore days, HD; furth of,forth from, S3; forA deg. riht, straightway,MD; forA deg. rihtes, S; forA deg. to,until, S; for to, S2; forte, S, S2; fort,S; uort, S; forthward, forward, S, S2,03; forA deg.wyth, right before, S2; forthwit,S; forwit, S2.

ForA deg.-clepien, v. to call forth,S.

ForA deg.en adv. even, also, MD; forr-*A3/4enn,S.—­AS. forA deg.um (furA deg.um).

ForA deg.en, v. to promote, perform,S.—­AS. forA deg.ian.

Forther, adv. further, S2, PP; ferther,C2; furder, S3; furA deg.er, MD. Comb.:forthermore, furthermore, C2, C3; forthermo,C3; forthirmar, S2; forther ouer, moreover, C3.—­AS. FurA deg.or (=_Fore_+ suffix -A deg.or).

Forther, v. to further, aid, S2; forthren,C; furA deg.ren, S; firthren, S.—­AS.fyrA deg.rian.

ForA deg.-faren, v. to go forth, S,S2; uorA deg.-farinde, pr. p. pl., S.

ForA deg.-feren, v. to depart, die;forA deg.eorde, pt. s., S.—­AS.forA deg.-fA(C)ran.

For-A3/4rest en, v. to destroy, MD;foA3/4rast. pp., S2. (For- I.)

ForA deg.-teon, v. to draw forth, bringup, MD; forA deg.teh. pt. s., S.—­AS.forA deg.-tA(C)on.

For-A3/4unchen, v. to repent, S; forthynketh,pr. s. impers., MD; forthenkith, W;forAzynkez, 82; forthinke, imp. pl.,S2; forthou3*te, pt. s., W. (For-I.)

For-trauailled, pp., wearied with toil,MD; fortravalit, S2, B. (For- I.)

For-tuhting, sb. seduction, S; for-*tihting,S.—­From AS. for-tyhtan, to leadastray. (For- I.)

Fortune, sb. fortune, chance, MD,.Prompt.; fortoun, B.—­OF. fortune;Lat. fortuna.

Fortune, v. to make fortunate, to happen,S3, HD, C.

Fortunous, adj. fortunate, HD.

For-waked, pp. tired out with watching,S2, C3; forwake. S2. (For- I.)

For-wandred, pp. wearied out with wandering,P. (For- I.)

For-wanyen, v. to spoil by indulgence,PP; forweny, PP; forwene, PP. (For-I.)

For-ward, sb. agreement, PP, S, C, C2;foreward, S, S2, PP; voreward, S; forwarde,PP, S2; vorewarde, S2.—­AS. foreweard.(For- 3.)

For-waste, pp. utterly wasted, wastedwith misery, S3. (For- I.)

Forwe, sb. furrow, PP; see Fur.

For-werien, v. to wear out, MD; for-werd,pp., S3. (For- I.)

For-werien, v. to cast aside, renounce,MD; forrwerrpenn, S; forrwarrp, pt.s., MD; forrwurrpenn, pl., S; forrworrpenn,pp., S.—­AS. for-weorpan, pt._-wearp_ (pl.-wurpon), pp.-worpen. (For-I.)

For-wetyng, sb. foreknowledge, C. (For-3.)

For-wit, sb. forethought, foreknowledge,P. (For- 3.)

For-witen, v. to foreknow, MD; for-wot,pr. s., C; forwoot, MD.—­AS.fore-witan, pt. pr. -wAit. (For-3.)

For-withered, pp. utterly withered,S3. (For- I.)

For-Wounded, pp. desperately wounded,S3; uorwounded, pt. s., S2. (For-I.)

For-wrapped, pp. wrapped up, C3. (For-I.)

For-wreien, v. to accuse, S; forwreye,S; forwrei3*et, pp., MD.—­AS.for-wrA(C)gan, (For- I.)

For-wuA deg.ren, v. to perish, S; furwur-Adeg.en, S; uorwurA deg.en, S; forworthes,pr. pl.., S2—­AS. for-weorA deg.an,pt. -wearA deg. (pl. -wurdon), pp. _-worden_.(For- I.)

For-3*elden, v. to reward, S, MD, S2;for-yelde, C2; for-yhelde, to render,S2; for-yheld, pt. s., S2.—­AS.for-geldan. (For- I.)

For-3*eldinge, sb. retribution, S2;for-yheldinges, pl., S2. (For-I.)

For-3*emen, v. to neglect, MD; for-yemen,S.—­AS. For-gA(C)man. (For-I.)

For-3*erd, sb. court, W. (For-3.)

For-3*eten, v. to forget, S, PP; for3*uten,PP; foryeten, S; forgeten, S, S2; vor3*ete,S; forgetith, imp. pl., G; for3*ieteAdeg., pr. s., S; for3*iet, S; for3*et,S; foryet, S; forgat, pt. s.,S; for3*ete, S2; for3*at, G, PP; for3*aten,pl., W; forgeten, pp., S, C2;for3*ieten, S; foryete, S; for3*eten,S2, PP; for3*ete, P, W2; forgen, H.—­AS.for-gitan, pt.-geat (pl, -gA(C)aton),pp. -giten. (For- I.)

For-3*etful, adj. forgetful, W (Jas.I. 25); foryetful, C2.

For-3*iuen, v. to forgive, PP; foryeue,C3; for3*euen, PP; for3*ieue, S; forr3*i-*fenn,S; foryiue, C2; uor3*iuen, S; for-*gifenS; for3*ef, imp. s., S; forgaf,pt. s., S; for3*af, G, W, PP; for3*ouen,pp., S2; for3*euen, PP; for3*ouun,W; for3*oue, W2.—­AS. forgifan.(For- I.)

For-3*iuenesse, sb. forgiveness, MD;forr3*ifenesse, S; foryeuenesse, S,PP; for3*ieuenesse, S.

Foster, sb. nourishment, MD, HD; onenurtured, a child, MD; fostyr, nurturer, fosterer,S3.—­AS. fA cubedstor (=fA cubedd-stor),nourishment. See Fode.

Fostren, v. to foster, support, cherish,PP; fosstrenn, S; fostred, pt. s.,C2, C3; y-fostred, pp., C2.—­AS.fA cubedstrian.

Fother, sb. a carriage-load, a load,MD, C; fothyr, B; fudder, JD; fudyr,B; uoA deg.ere, pl., MD.—­AS.fA cubedA deg.er; cp. O.H.G. fuodar(mod. fuder), whence F. foudre.

Fou, adj. spotted, S; see Foh.

Foul, sb. fowl, bird, S2, C, PP; fo3*el,S; fowel, C, PP; foghill, H; fuhel,S; foull, S3; fugeles, pl., S;fu3*eles, S; fughils, H ~; fueles~, S;fuweles, S; fogheles, S2; foghles,S2.—­AS. fugol.

Foul, adj. foul, PP, MD; uoul,MD, S2; ful, S; fule, adv., S;foule, G; fuluste, superl., MD.Comb.: ful-itowen, badly disciplined,wanton, MD; ful-itohen, S; fulitohe,S.—­AS. fAl, Goth. fuls.

Foule, sb. fool, H; see Fole.

Foulen, v. to make foul, defile, revile,destroy, S2, PP; fowlen, S2; fulen,S; filen, S2; fild, pp., S2.—­AS.fAlian, to become foul, fA1/2lan, ‘inquinare.’See Foul.

Foulere, sb. a taker of birds, W2.See Foul.

Foul-hed, sb. folly, H. See Foule.

Foundement, sb. foundation, S3, W.

Founden, v. to found, PP; fundit,pp., S3; y-founde, S3; foundun,W.—­OF. fonder, Lat. fundare.

Foundour, sb. founder, PP.—­OF.fondeur; Lat. fundatorem.

Foundren, v. to founder, also to causeto sink, MD; foundre, C; foundered,pp., S2; fowndryd (as horse), PP.—­OF.fondrer, an extended form of fonder,to fall (Bartsch); see also Diez, p. 144.

Founs, sb. bottom, S2; founce,MD, WA.—­OF, fons (Bartsch); Lat.fundus; cp. Prov. founs, deep (Diez,p. 143).

Foure, num. four, C3, PP; fower,S; uour, S; fuwer, MD; faur,MD; faure, S2; fawre, S2; fowre,S2.—­AS. fA(C)ower, OS. fiuwar:Goth. fidwor; cp. OWel. petguar,Lat. quatuor.

Foute, sb. scent, trace of a beast ofchase, S2; see Feute.

Fownys, sb. pl. fawns, S3; see Fawn.

Foyne, sb. a foin, thrust, S3; prick,punctus, Manip.; foines, pl.,ND.

Foynen, v. to thrust or lunge with asword, MD, C; feyne, MD; foignen, MD;foin, ND, Sh.; foygnede, pt. s.,MD; foyneden, pl., MD; fwn3*eit,B.

Fo3*, sb. mutual consent, junctura,MD; fo3*e, dat., S.—­AS. fAcubedg, gefA cubedg.

Fra, Fra-; see Fro.

Fraisten, v. to try, prove, MD, JD,HD; fraisted, pp., MD, S2, HD.—­Icel.freista; cp. Goth, fraAsan, AS.frAisian.

Frake, sb. a man, HD; see Freke.

Frakly, adv. keenly, greedily, hastily,S2, B, JD. See Frek.

Frakne, sb. freckle, lentigo,Prompt.; frakyn, lenticula, Voc.; freken,neuus, Manip., HD; frecken, Palsg., Manip.;fraknes, pl., HD, C; freknes,MD.—­Icel. frekna.

Fraknede, pp. freckled, HD.

Frakny, adj. freckled, Prompt.

Fram, prep, from, S, S2, PP; vram,S2; urom, S. Comb.: fram-ward,prep. away from, MD, HD; frommard, S;urommard, S.—­AS. fram (from)and fromweard, ‘aversus.’ Cp.Fro.

Frame, sb. benefit, advantage, S, S2;freme, MD; ureme, MD.—­AS.fremu; Icel. frami, advancement. Fremuis from AS. fram (from), excellent.

Framien, v. to serve, benefit,. refresh,accomplish, MD; fremmen, MD; freme,S, HD; frame, JD.—­AS. fremian.

Franke, adj. free, Manip.—­AF.franc, cp. franke homme, freeman.

Frankeleyn, sb. freedman, libertinus,MD; also a freeholder, C, HD, G; frankeleyne,Prompt., PP; frankelayn, Voc., PP; frankelin,C2; francoleyn, MD; frankeleyns, pl.,C (A. 216).—­AF. fraunkelayn, fraunclein;Low Lat. franchilanus. The suffix _-lanus_is of Teutonic origin; cp. AS. _-ling_; see SkD.(s.v. chamberlain).

Fraught, pp. freighted, laden with cargo,MD, C3; fraughted, S3.

Fraunchise, sb. freedom, prerogative,liberality, MD, PP; fraunchyse, C2; fraunchis,H; franchiss, B.—­AF. franchise(fraunchise); formed with suffix _-itia_; seeApfelstedt, Introd. 67. See Franke.

Fray, sb. terror, S3, B; see Effray.

Frayd, pp. frightened, S3; fraid,scared, S3; see Afrayen. [Addition]

Frayel, sb. basket, PP; freyel,PP; frayle, Prompt.; fraile, HD.—­OF.frayel, frael; whence Low Lat. fraellum(Ducange).

Fraynen, v. to ask, S2, S3, C2, PP;frainen, PP; fra3*3*nenn, MD; freinede,pt. pt. s., S; freinde, S; fraind,S2; freyned, pp., C3—­Icel.fregna, AS. frignan.

Fre, adj. free, free-born, generous,S, S2, C, C2, PP; free, C2, PP; fry,HD; freo, PP, S2.—­AS. frA(C)o.

Freden, v. to feel, experience, MD,HD; fredde, pt. s., MD.—­AS.(ge)_frA(C)dan_, from AS. frA cubedd,wise, sensible, experienced, aged; cp. OHG. fruali,experienced (Otfrid).

Fredom, sb. freedom, liberality, S,S2, C2, C3; fredome, S2, B.—­AS.frA(C)odA cubedm.

Freitour, sb. refectory, hall for meals,S3, MD, PP; fratour, HD; fraytour, S3;freitur, MD; fraitur, S3; fratery,HD; froyter, HD (p. 379).—­OF. refretoirLate Lat. refectorium.

Frek, adj. eager, greedy, bold, S2;frak, JD; frike, MD; fryke, HD.—­AS.frec; cp. Goth, friks, greedy (infaihufriks); Icel. frekr.

Freke, sb. a bold man, a warrior, aman, MD, S2, P; freek, PP; frek, S2,PP; freyke, S3; fraik, PP; frayk,PP; freik, PP; frake, HD; freckys,pl., S3; frekis, P.—­AS. freca,a bold man, warrior.

Frekel, sb. freckle; freklys,pl., S3; freckles, variolae,Manip. See Fraken.

Frele, adj. frail, S2, P; freyle,MD; freel, PP.—­OF. frele,fraile; Lat. fragilem.

Freletee, sb. frailty, C2; frelete,P.

Frely, adj. noble, gracious, S2, C2,B; freolich, S; freyliche, S2; freliche,adv. freely, PP, S2.—­AS. frA(C)olic,adv. frA(C)olice. See Fre.

Fre-man, sb. freeman, S.—­AS.frA(C)omon.

Fremde, adj. and sb. strange,foreign, stranger, S, C2, PP; fremmde, S; fremede,S; fremmed, PP.—­AS. fremede,fremde, strange.

Fremen, v. to accomplish, S, HD; seeFramien.

Frend, sb. friend, S, C; freonde,PP; freondes, pl., PP; freond,S, S2; ureondes, S; frendes, C3, PP;frenden, dat., S.—­AS. freond.

Frenden, v. reflex, to gain friends;ureonden, S.

Frendesse, sb. female friend, W2.

Frendrede, sb. friendship, HD.—­AS. frA(C)ondrA|*den.

Frendschipe, sb. friendship, S, C; freontschipe,S.—­AS frA(C)ondscipe.

Freoien, v. to free, MD; vri,imp. s., S2; freode, pt. s.,MD; fried, pp., S.—­AS. frA(C)ogan(frA(C)on), pt. frA(C)ode, pp. frA(C)od.See Fre.

Freolsen, v. to free, to celebrate,MD; frelsen, MD.—­AS. frA(C)olsian,‘diem festum celebrare;’ cp. Icel.frjAilsa, to free. From AS. frA(C)olsfreedom, festival: Goth, freihals, collumliberum,’ freedom.

Frere, sb. brother, friar, MD, C, G,P; freir, S3; frer, B; freres,pl., C2, P.—­OF. frere, fredre;Lat. fratrem.

Fresch, adj. fresh, new, MD, C; fersch,S2; fresche, W2, PP; freis, S2;freissh, S2.—­AS. fersc.

Freschly, adv. freshly, B.

Fresen, v. to freeze, PP; freost,pr. s., S; frese, pt. s., MD;froren, pp., MD.—­AS. frA(C)osan,pt. frA(C)as (pl. fruron], pp, froren.

Frest, sb. delay, MD, S2, B; ferst,MD; first, MD; furst, S; virst,S.—­Icel. frest, AS. fierst, fyrst,first, an interval.

Fresten, v. to delay, to lend, MD, Prompt.

Freten, v. to devour, S, S2, C2, P;freate, to fret, feel vexed, S3; fret,pt. s., MD, S2, PP; freten, pp.,S, S2; frete, S2, C3—­AS. fretan,pt. frA|*t (pl. frA|*ton), pp. freten,a compound of etan, to eat; cp. Goth.fra-itan = fra+itan, to eat.

Fretten, v. to adorn, furnish, MD, S2;fret, pp., MD, S3; fretted, P.—­AS.frA|twian, ‘ornare;’ cp. OS.fratahA cubedn.

Freuren, v. to comfort, S.—­AS.frA(C)frian. See Frofren.

Fri-dA|i, sb. Friday, the week-daysacred to Friga, the AS. name of a Teutonic goddesshaving attributes similar to those of the Roman Venus,S; fridai, MD.—.AS. Frige-dA|g.

Frie, sb. the wife of Woden, MD.—­AS.Friga; see Grimm, Teut. M., p. 299.

Frien, v. to fry, MD; i-fri3*et,pp., S2; fryed, PP; yfryed, PP.—­OF.frire; Lat. frigere.

Frigt, sb. fright, MD; fri3*t,MD.—­AS. fyrhto.

Frigten, v. to fear, also to alarm,MD; fricht, pp., S3.—­AS.forhtian, pp. forht.

Frigti, adj. timid, S.—­Comb.:frigti luue, reverence, S.

Frigtihed, sb. alarm, S.

Frigtilike, adv. timidly, S.

FriA deg., sb. peace, security, deer-park,forest, wood, S, S2, PP, HD; fryth, S2, PP.—­AS.friA deg.; cp. OHG. fridu (OtfrAd).

FriA deg.ien, v. to free, protect, spare,MD; frAA deg.ie, S; frithed, pp.,enclosed, P.—­AS. (ge) friA deg.ian,to protect.

Fro, prep. from, S, S2, C2, PP; froo,PP; fra, S, S2, S3. Comb.: frathine,from thence, S3, B; fraward, away from, forward,S2, MD; frawart, S3.—­AS. fram,Icel. frAi. Cf. Fram.

Frofre, sb. comfort, MD; frouer,S; froure, S, MD.—­AS. frA cubedfor.

Frofren, v. to comfort, S; frouren,S; frefrien, MD; freureA deg., pr.s., S.—­AS. frA cubedfrian, frA(C)frian.

Frogge, sb. frog, S, Voc.; frock,HD; froggen, pl., S; frogges,MD.—­AS. frocga.

Froit; see Frut.

Frokke, sb. frock, PP, MD; frogge,PP; froggis, pl., B.—­OF.froc (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. frocus, flocus,see Ducange. For interchange of fr andfl cf. Frounce.

Frosche, sb. frog, Voc.; froske,MD, H; froskes, pl., MD; froskis,H; frosses, MD.—­AS. frox;cp. Icel. froskr.

Froten, v. to rub, MD, H; frotynge,pr. p., W; frotyng, grating, S2; yfroted,pp., S2.—­OF. froter:It. frettare: Lat. frictum, fromfricare; see Constans.

FroA deg.e, sb. froth, foam, MD, Prompt.;forA3/4e, S2.—­Icel. froA deg.a,frauA deg.; cp. Dan. fraade, Sw. fradga.

Frothen, v. to froth, C, MD.

Frounce, sb. a fold, plait, ND; frounces,pl., PP; flounce, SkD.—­OF.fronce, wrinkle (Bartsch). For interchangeof fr and fl cf. Frokke.

Frouncen, v. to knit the brow, wrinkle,fold, MD, ND, HD; frounsen, HD; frounced,pp., S3; fronst, HD.—­OF. froncer;Late Lat. frontiare.

Frount, sb. front, forehead, S2, MD,B.—­AF. frount, frunt; Lat. frontem.

Frude, sb. frog, MD; fruden,pl., S.—­Icel. frauA deg.r;cp. Dan. frA.

Frume, sb. beginning, MD; frome,MD.—­AS. fruma; cp. Goth. frums.

Frumentee, sb. furmety, wheat boiledin milk, MD, HD; frumenty, MD, HD; furmente,MD; firmentie, S3.—­OF. frumentee,fromentee; Late Lat. frumentata; from Lat.frumentum, corn (OF. froment, forment,wheat, corn).

FrumA deg.e, sb. beginning, S; urumAdeg.e, MD.—­AS. frymA deg.a (frumAdeg.).

Frustir, adj. frustrated, useless, JD,S3.—­Cp. OF. frustrer; Lat.frustrare.

Frut, sb. fruit, S, S2; fruit,S; fruyt, C3; froit, MD; froyt,H (Ps. 125. 6); fryt, S2; frutis, pl.,B; froytis, B.—­OF. frut (fruit);Lat. fructum.

Fruytesteres, sb. pl. f., women fruitsellers,C3.

Fugel, Fuhel; see Foul.

Ful, adj. foul, S; fule, adv.,S. Comb.; ful-itohen, S. See Foul.

Ful, pt. s., fell, S, PP. See Fallen.

Ful, adj. full, S. Comb.:ful iwis, full assuredly, S; fol iwis,S; ful out, completely, W2; to ful, completely,S2. See Full.

Ful, sb. a goblet full of drink, a toastat a heathen feast; uul, S.—­AS.ful; cp. Icel. full; see Grimm,Teut. M., p. 60.

Ful-bringen, v. to complete, MD; fullbrohht,pp., MD.

Fulcning, sb. baptism, S; folcninge,dat., S. See Fulhtnen.

Ful-don, v. to accomplish, S.

Ful-endin, v. to bring to an end, S;fulendy, S.

Ful-forA deg.ien, v. to perform, S.

Ful-fremien, v. to perfect, MD; full-*fremedd,pp., S.

Ful-fullen, v. to fulfil, perfect, tofill full, MD; folvellet, imp. pl.,S; fulfellA3/4, pr. s., S; uuluelden,pt. pl., S; folfult, pp., S2;fulfild, S2.

Ful-hed, sb. fulness, S2; folhed,MD.

Fulhtnen, v. to baptize, MD; fullht-nenn,S. See Fulluht.

Full, adj. full, MD; ful, S;fol, S2; vol, S2; fulle, dat.,S, PP; adv., S; follest, superl.,S2.

Fulle, sb. fill, S; fylle, S2.—­AS.fyllo: OHG. fulli.

Fullen, v. to fill, complete, S; felle,S; fulde, pt. s., S; felde, S2;vulde, S2; fylden, pl., S; i-fullet,pp., S; i-uulled, S; hi-fulled,S; ifuld, S2; filt, S; fulde,pl., S.—­AS. fyllan:OS. fullian: Goth. fulljan.

Fulliche, adv. fully, S; folliche,S; volliche, S2.

Fulluht, sb. baptism, S; fullouht,MD; fullou3*t, MD; fullo*3t, MD.—­AS,fulwiht (OET.). See Full.

Ful-mard, sb. polecat, MD, Voc.; fulmarde,Palsg.; fulmerde, Voc.; ful-mare, Manip.;fulmere, Voc., Prompt. (p. 407); folmarde,S2.—­AS. fAl+_mearA deg._, marten.See Foul.

Fulnesse, sb. fulness, MD; uolnesse,S2.

Fulst, sb. help, S.—­AS. fylst(ful + lA|st); cp. OS. ful-lA(C)sti.See Full.

Fulsten, v. to help, S.—­AS.fylstan: OS. ful-lA(C)stian.

Ful-sum, adj. plenteous, S. See Full.

Fulsumhed, sb. abundance, S.

Fulsumnesse, sb. satiety, MD; fulsomnesse,C2.

FulA deg.e, sb. fulness, MD. SeeFull.

Fultum, sb. help, MD; fultume,dat., MD; pl., S.—­AS. fultum(=_ful_+_tA(C)am_). See Full.

Fulwes; see Folwen.

Ful3*eis, sb. pl., leaves, S3.—­OF.fuille, foille; Lat. folium.

Fume, sb. fume, smoke, MD; confusionin the brain produced by drunkenness, C.—­OF.fum; Lat. fumum.

Fumetere, sb. the herb fumitory, fumusterrae, earth-smoke, Alph., Voc., C; fumytere,Voc.; fumeter, Prompt.—­OF. fumeterre;Late Lat. fumus terrae (Alph.).

Fumosite, sb. indigestibility, MD; fumositee,the quality of getting into the head (of wines), C2,C3; fumositie, smoakiness, Manip.

Fumouse, adj. angry, Palsg. (p. 774).

Funden, v. to hasten, go, to strive,S, MD; fonde, S, S3; foonde, S2; founde,S2, B.—­AS. fundian, to hasten.See Finden.

Funden, pt. pl., found, S; see Finden.

Fundie, adj. heavy, MD; see Findi3*.

Fundles, sb. a finding, S; fundless,HD.

Fundling, sb. foundling, S.

Fundy, v. to become stiff with cold,JD.

Fundying, sb. benumbment with cold,B.

Funt, sb. font, S; funte, Voc.Comb.: funt-fat, font, S. See Font.

Fur, sb. fire, S, S2, PP; fir,S; fer, S; feer, S2; fyr, PP,C2; fuyr, PP; fuir, S2, PP; fyre,MD; fere, dat., S2; uere, S2.—­AS.fA1/2r: OHG. fiur (Otfrid).

Fur, sb. furrow, S3; furgh, MD;furch, MD; forwe, PP; forwes,pl., P. Comb.: fur-breid,furrow’s breadth, S3; furlong, furrow’slength, C2, C3, PP; fourlonge, P; forlang,PP.—­AS. furh.

Fureur, sb. fury, S3.—­OF.fureur; Lat. furorem.

Furial, adj. raging, C2.—­Lat.furialis.

Furre, sb. fur, Prompt., Palsg.; furris,pl., PP.—­OF. fuerre, a sheath(Bartsch); cp. Sp. fA cubedrro, lining:It. fA cubeddero, lining, a furred garment,a sheath, scabbard: Goth. fodr, sheath;cp. Icel. fA cubedA deg.r, lining, OHG.fuatar, see Kluge and Weigand (s.v. futter).

Furren, v. to line with fur, MD; furryn,Prompt.; furred, pp., MD; forred,S2, PP.—­OF. forrer (Bartsch), alsofourrer (Cotg.).

Furst, sb. delay, S; see Frest.

Fus, adj. eager, prompt, MD; fous,MD; vous, MD.—­Icel. fAss:OHG. funs (Otfrid).

Fusen, v. to hurry, MD; fusede,pt. s., MD.—­AS. fA1/2san:OS. fAsian.

Fust, sb. fist, S2, PP; fyste,Voc.; fist, MD; fest, MD, C3; feste,dat., C3.—­AS. fA1/2st:OHG. fAst (G. faust).

Fu3*ten; see Fighten.

Fylyng, sb. defiling, S2. See Foulen.

Fyn, sb. end, S2, S3, C2, G; see Fine.

Fyr, sb. fire, PP, C2; fyre,MD. Comb.: fyre-flaucht, lightning,S3; fyr-reed, red as fire, C. See Fur.

Fyrth, sb. a passage, inlet of the sea,S3; firth, JD.—­Icel. fjA squaredrAdeg.r.

Fyry, adj. fiery, C; fery, S3.See Fur.

Fy3*te, v. to fight, PP; see Fighten.

Fy3*te, sb. fight, PP; fi3*te,S, S2; uihte, S; feht, MD; fe3*t,S2; fA|ht, MD; fA|hte, S.—­AS.feoht: OS. fehta.

Ga v. to go; see Gan.

Gabben, v. to lie, mock, scoff, jest,prate, S, C, PP, Prompt., Cath., JD.—­Icel.gabba, to mock.

Gabbynge, sb. lying, deceit, PP, Prompt.,HD.

Gabbere, sb. liar, chatterer, CM, Prompt,(n).

Gadeling, sb. comrade, fellow, vagabond;gadelyng, PP, G, CM; gadlyng, HD; gedelynge,PP, HD; gedelyng, S2.—­AS. gA|delingOS. gaduling, a kinsman; cp. Goth, gadiliggs,a sister’s son.

Gaderare, sb. gatherer, S.

Gaderen, v. to gather, S, PP, C; gadery,S2; gadir, S2; gadire, W2; gedern,S; gedre, S2; gaddreA deg., pr. s.,S; gaderid, pt. s., PP; gadred,S2; gederide, PP; ~*3e-gadered~, pp.,S; y-gadered, S3; gedrid, S2.—­AS.gaderian, gA|drian.

Gadering, sb. gathering, S.—­AS.gaderung.

GA|de, pt. s. went, S.—­AS.ge-A(C)ode (OET. p. 622). Cf. 3*eode.

GA|r, sb. year, S; see ~*3eer~.

GA|rsume, s. pl. treasures; see Gersum.

GA|t, sb. pl. goats, S; see Goot.

Gagates, sb. jet, S2.—­Lat.gagates, jet; Gr. [Greek: gagataes] SeeIette.

Gage, v. to measure the contents ofa vessel, to guage, S3, Sh.—­AF. gauger(F. jauger); from OF. *_gauge_; cp. LowLat. jalagium, ’ jus mensurA|’ (Ducange).

Gaignage, sb. crop, fruit of tilledor planted ground, HD; gaynage, S3.—­OF.gaignage, produce, revenue, Cotg.; from OF.gaigner, to get, win.

Gainges, sb. pl. goings, S2. SeeGan.

Gair, sb. a gore; see Gore.

Gairding, sb. garden, S3; see Gardin.

Gait, sb. way, S3; see Gate.

Gal, adj. lascivious, S; gole,pl., MD.—­AS. gAil; cp.OHG. geil.

Galamelle, sb. a sweet and nourishingdrink, S2.

Gale, sb. sore, S3; see Galle.

Gale-gale, sb. a sing-song fellow, S.

Galen, v. to sing, cry out, to caw (ascrows or rooks), Prompt., S3, CM.—­AS. galan.Cf. E. nightingale.

Galeye, sb. galley, ship, Prompt.; galeie,S; galey, Voc.; galay, S2; gaylayes,pl., S2.—­AF. galeye, galie;cp. Low Lat. galea.

Galianes, sb. pl. drinks named afterGalen (called Galien in ME.), C3.

Galiard, adj. gay, sprightly, HD; gal-*3*art,S3; galyarde, HD.—­OF. gaillard,vigorous (Roland).

Galingale, sb. a plant from the rootof which a spice was prepared, Cath. (s. v. galynga),ND, HD; galyngale, Alph., C3, Prompt.; galangale,ND.—­OF. galingal, the root of therush called cypress (cp. Low Lat. gallingar),from galangue; cp. Low Lat. galanga(Alph.).

Galiote, sb. large galley, S2.—­It.galeA cubedtta, a good handsome big galley(Florio). See Galeye.

Galle, sb. the gall, bitterness, anger,S, Prompt, Voc., C2, C3, PP; bitter drink, S2.—­AS.gealla (Voc.).

Galle, sb. sore in man or beast, Prompt.;gale, S3.—­OF. galle, scab,itch; cp. Low Lat. galla (Ducange).

Galnesse, sb. lasciviousness, MD; golnesse,S; galnes, S. See Gal.

Galoche, sb. a kind of patten, C2, Prompt.;galoches, pl., PP; galage, ‘sandalium,’Manip.; gallage, Manip. (n).—­AF.galoche; Low Lat. calopodia, clogs; Gr.[Greek: kalopodion], dimin. of [Greek: kalopous],i.e. wood-foot, a last.

Galoun, sb. gallon, W, C3, P; galun,S.—­AF. galoun.

Galpen, v. to yawn, PP, Voc, C2.—­OS.galpAn, ‘clamare.’

Galwe, sb. cross, gibbet; galowe,Prompt.; galwes, pl., gallows, Voc.,C2; galues, S.—­AS. gealga,also galga (Voc.)

Galwe-tre, sb. gallows-tree, S, Prompt.—­AS. gealg-trA(C)ow.

Gal3*art, adj. gay; see Galiard.

Game-gobelyn, sb. a demon who playswith men, Voc.

Gramen, sb. play, sport, CM, S, S2,G, PP, H; gammyn, S2; gomen, S; game,S, G, Prompt, Voc., C2, C3; gome, S.—­AS.gamen.

Gamen, v. to be pleasant; him gamede,pt. s., it was pleasant to him, C.

Gan, v. to go, S; gon, S, S2,C2; goon, C2; go, S; ga, S2;gonde, pr. p., S; ga, imp.s., S; gais, S2; goA deg., pl.,S, S2, C2; gooth, C2; gest, 2 pr.s., S, S2; gaas, S2; goost, C2;gaAz, pr. s., S; geA deg., S,S2; goA deg., S, C2; gas, S2; goAdeg., pl., S; gon, S2; goon,C2; gan, pp., S2; goon, C2; goo,S3; ygon, C2, C3;~igon~, G; igoon, G;ygo, S2; igo, G.—­AS. gAin.

Gan, pt. s. began, did; see Grinnen.

Gane, v. to fit, avail, JD; ganyde,pt. pl, S3; ganand, pr. p.as adj., suitable, becoming, S3; see Ge3*nen.

Gang, sb. going, S2.

Gangen, v. to go, S, PP; gang,S3; gangande, pr. p., PP; gangand,S2; gonge, 2 pr. s. subj.,S.—­AS.gangan.

Ganien, v. to yawn, gape, SkD; gane,Manip., Palsg., S3, C3; gone, S2; 3*anin,Prompt.—­AS. gAinian (Voc.).

Gar, v. to cause, make, S3; gare,H; gart, pt. s., S2, PP; see Ger.

Gardin, sb. garden, SkD, C2; gardyn,PP; gardyne, PP; gardayne, Manip.; gairding,S3.—­AF. gardin (F. jardin).

Garget, sb. throat, CM; see Gorget.

Garite, sb. a watch-tower, look-outon the roof of a house or castle-wall, S3; garytte,a high ‘solere’, Prompt.; garett,HD; garret, Cotg. (s. v. tourelle);garettes, pl., Prompt, (n); garrettes,projecta, Manip.—­OF. garite;cp. Span, garA-ta.

Garlek, sb. garlick, PP; garleke,Alph.; garleek, C; garlekke, Prompt,;garlike, P; garlik, PP.—­AS.gAirlA(C)ac (Voc.).

Garnet, sb. a kind of precious stone;garnettes, pl., SkD; granat,Cotg. (s.v. grenat); granate-stone (Florio).Cp. It. granAita, pomegranate, garnet.See Grain.

Garnet-appille, sb. pomegranate, HD.See Apple-garnade.

Garth, sb. an enclosure, HD, S3, H;orchard, Manip.; garthe, sepes, Cath.;garthis, pl., H.—­Icel. garAdeg.. See 3*erd.

Gas, pr. s. goes; see Gan.

Gast, sb. spirit, S, S2; see Gost.

Gastlike, adj. spiritual, S; see Gostliche.

Gat, sb. goat, S; gayte, S3;pl., H; gate, S, S3; see Goot.

Gate, sb. way, path, street, PP, CM,S2, Prompt, HD, S3, H; gat, S2; gait,S3.—­Icel. gata; Goth, gatwo,street.

Gate, sb. gate, PP, Prompt.; 3*ate,S2, G, H. Prompt.; yate, C2, CM, S3, Prompt;gat, S; 3*at, PP; yat, G; yatt,H; 3*ett, S3; giate, dat., S;3*eate, S.—­AS. geat, Icel.gat.

Gate-ward, sb. gate-keeper, S, PP; 3*ateward,PP; gatwarde, PP.

Gatte, pt. s. granted, S; see 3*eten.

Gat-tothed, adj. lascivious, C, CM.

Gaude, sb. weld, Reseda luteola,dyer’s greenweed, producing a green dye (distinctfrom woad, Florio being here wrong). Comb.:gaude grene, a light green colour, C, HD; gawdygrene, ‘subviridis,’ Prompt.—­OF.gaude (Cotg.): Sp. gualda, a herbto dye yellow with (Minsheu); cp. It. gualdo,woad to dye blue with (Florio), Low Lat. gualda,gualdum, ‘glastum’ (Ducange).

Gaude, sb. a toy, piece of finery, alsoa jest, trick, CM; gawde, a jape, nuga,Prompt.; gaud, HD, ND; ornament, CM; trick,C3.—­Late Lat. gaudium, a large bead;Lat. gaudium, joy.

Gaude, v. to sport, jest, keep festival,ND; to scoff, Manip.

Gaudiouse, adj. festal, solennis,Manip.

Gaudying, sb. toying, S3; gauding,scoffing, Manip.

Gauren, v. to gaze, CM, C2, C3; gawren,CM.

Gaurish, adj. garish, S3.

Gayn, adj. convenient, S2; gaynliche,adv. readily, S2; see Geyn.

Gaynage, sb. crop, S3; see Gaignage.

Gaynen, v. to avail, CM, S2; see Ga3*nen.

Gayn-ras, sb. return (= Lat. occursus),H; gaynrase, dat. meeting, H; see 3*eyn.

Gayn-Stand, v. to withstand, S3.

Gaytre-beryis, sb. pl. berries of thegayter-tree, C (C. 145), CM, MD.—­Cp.Scot. gait-berry,, bramble-berry, JD; gaiter-tree,thebramble, JD.

Ge-, prefix; see 3*e.

Ge, ye, S; see 3*e.

Geaunt, sb. giant, S, C2; giaunt,W2; gyaunt, PP; ieaunt, PP; geauntes,pl., PP; ieauntez, S2.—­AF.geant; Lat. gigantem.

Gede, pt. s. went, S.—­AS.ge-A(C)ode, Cf. GA|de.

Gedelynge, sb. vagabond, PP; see Gadeling.

Gederen, Gedre; see Gaderen.

Gees, sb. pl. geese; see Gos.

Geet, sb. jet, C; geete, Prompt.;see Iette.

Geet, sb. pl. goats, W2; geete,W2; see Goot.

Geet-buckis, sb. pl. he-goats, W2.

Geinen, v. to avail, profit, S, S2;see Ge3*nen.

Geld, pt. s. paid, requited, S; see3*elden.

Gelden, v. to geld, castrare,Prompt., Manip.; geldid, pp., W (Mt.19. 12).—­Icel. gelda.

Gelding, sb. eunuch, W (Acts 8. 34);3*elding, W (Acts 8. 27); geldingis,pl., W.

Gelty, adj. guilty; see Gulty.

Gemme, sb. gem; gemmes, pl.,PP, G2; jemis, S3.—­OF. gemme;Lat. gemma, gem, bud. See 3*immes.

Gemmyt, adj. covered with buds, S3.

Gendre, sb. gender, kind, PP; gendrez,pl., S2.—­OF. genre; Lat.genere, abl. of genus.

Gendre, v. to beget; gendrith,pr. s., W2; gendrid, pp., W2.

Gendrer, sb. progenitor, PP.

Gendrure, sb. engendering, W2.

Gendrynge, sb. begetting, PP.

Genette, sb. a small Spanish horse,a jennet, SkD; iennet, S3, Sh.—­OF.genette (Cotg.); Sp. ginete, a lighthorseman (Minsheu): from Zen[=a]ta, thename of a tribe in Barbary, see Dozy.

Genge, sb. a going, expedition, army,S; pl. nations, S2, H.

Gent, adj. noble, nobly-born, PP, C2;spruce, gay, SkD (p. 813), S3; gente, S.—­OF.gent; Lat. genitum, born, well-born.

Gentil, adj. worthy, excellent, gentle,compassionate, C2; noble, PP; gentils, sb.pl., people well born, C2, C3.—­AF. gentil,noble, beautiful; Lat. gentilem.

Gentillesse, sb. nobleness, gracefulness,C2, C3.—­OF. gentillesse.

Gentrise, sb. noble nature, PP; gentrice,PP.—­AF. genterise.

Gentrye, sb. gentleness, PP.

Gepoun, sb. a short cassock, CM; seeGipoun.

Ger, pl. years, S; see 3*eer.

Ger, v. to cause, make, S2, JD; gere,to make, H; gar, JD, S3; gare, H; geren,to prepare, S; gare, imp., H; *~gers~,pr. s., H; 2 pr. s., H; gerte,pt. s., PP; gert, S2, PP, S3, H; garte,PP; gart. S2, PP; garde, pl.,S3; gert, pp., PP, H.’—­Icel.gAra (for gArva). See 3*are.

Geraflour; see Gerraflour.

Gere, sb. gear, apparel, property, material,business, CM, PP, C, C2, C3, S2; geare, S3;ger, C, S3; geeres, pl., habits,manners, C.—­Cp. OS. garuwi,gear.

Ger-fawcon, sb. a kind of falcon, HD;gerfaucun, Prompt.; gerfawcune, Voc.;gerfawkyn, Voc., Prompt.; gerfaukun,W2; gerfawcun, W2.—­Lat. gyrofalconem.

Ger-ful, adj. changeable, C, CM.See Gery.

Gerken, v. to prepare, S; see 3*arken.

Gerland, sb. garland, C3, C; gerelande,PP; garlaunde, PP.—­AF. gerlaunde.

GerleS, sb. pl. children; see Gurles.

Gern, adv. eagerly, S2; see 3*eorne.

Gerner, sb. garner, C, PP.—­AF.gerner, OF. gernier, grenier; Late Lat.granarium.

Gerraflour, sb. gilly-flower, S3; geraflour,HD; gylofre, MD, S2 (s.v. clowe); gyllofre,gariophilus, galiofolus, Prompt.; gillofer,ND, Palsg.; gyllofyr, clove, Prompt.; gillyvor,Sh; ielofer, S3; gelofer, ND, MD.—­Cp.OF. girofle, the clove (Bartsch); Low Lat.gariophilus, (Alph.), also caryophyllum;Gr. [Greek: karuophullon], lit. nut-leaf.

Gerss-pilis, sb. pl. blades of grass,S3. See Gras.

Gersum, sb. treasure; gersom,HD; gA|rsume, pl., S; garisome,S; gersoms, HD.—­AS. gA|rsum;cp. Icel. gersemi, a costly thing, jewel.

Gert, pp. made, S2; see Ger.

Gert, pp. girt, S2; see Girden.

Gerte, pt. s. struck, G; see Girden.

Gerth, sb. girth, SkD; gerthis,pl., PP.—­Icel. gerA deg..

Gery, adj. changeful, PP, C. See Gerful.

Gessen, v. to suppose, imagine, CM,S2, C2, C3, W, W2; gessist, 2 pr. s.,S2; gessiden, pt. pl., S2.—­Cp.Du. gissen.

Gesserant, sb. a coat of mail, S3; gesseron,S3; see Iesseraunt.

Gessynge, sb. guessing (i. e. doubt),S2.

Gest, 2 pr. s. goest, S, S2; geAdeg., pr. s., S. S2; see Gan.

Gest, sb. guest, Prompt., S2, C2; geste,PP; gestes, pl.,S, PP, S2, C2; geste,S; gistes, PP; gustes, PP.—­AS.gA|st: Goth. gasts; cp. Lat.hostis.

Geste, sb. story, romance, PP, C2; gest,S3, Manip.; jest, fun, Sh; gestes, pl.,PP,C2,C3; ieestes, PP; gestis, deeds,W2, H.—­AF. geste, an exploit, historyof exploits, romance; Lat. (res) gesta,a thing performed.

Geste, v. to tell romances, Prompt.,MD; jest, to act in sport, Sh.

Gesten, pp. lodged(?), S2.

Gesting, sb. lodgings, S2.

Gestinge, sb. jesting, S3; gestynge,romancing, Prompt. See Geste.

Gestnen, v. to feast, entertain; gestened,pt. s., HD; igistned, pp., S2.

Gestninge, sb feast, banquet, S; gestening,S2; gistninge, S; gystninge, S.

Gestour, sb. a reciter of tales, C2;gestowre, Prompt.; gestiours, pl.,CM. See Geste.

Get, sb. fashion, behaviour, CM, C,C3, Prompt.; see Iette.

Geten, v. to gain, get, beget, PP; get,pr. s., S2, PP; gat, pt. s.,S, PP; geten, pl., PP; geten,pp., PP, G; gete, PP.—­AS. gitan, pt. geat (pl. gA(C)aton),pp. giten.

GeA deg., pr. s. goes; see Ga.

Gett, sb. jet, Prompt.; see Iette.

Gett, pp. granted, S2; see 3*eten.

Geue-like, adj. equal. Phr.:o geuelike, on equal terms, S.—­AS.ge-efenlic. See Euen.

Geyn, adj. near, convenient, ready,direct, S3; geyne, Prompt; gayn, S2;gain, HD; gane, JD; geynest, superl.,fairest, S2.—­Icel. gegn.

Ge3*nen, v. to meet, suit, avail; ge3*3*nenn,S; geinen, to avail, profit, S, S2; gayne,CM; 3*ene, to reply, S; gane, to fit,JD; gayned, pt. s., S2; ganyde,pl., S3; ganand, pr. p., becoming,suitable, S3,—­Icel. gegna, to goagainst, to answer, to suit. See 3*eyn.

Giarkien, v. to prepare, S; see 3*arken.

Giaunt, sb. giant, W2; see Geaunt.

Giet, conj. yet, S; see 3*et.

Gif, Gief, if, S2; see 3*if.

Gigelot, sb. a strumpet, MD, H; gygelot,wench, agagula, Prompt.; giglot, ND,Sh; gigglet, ND.

Giggyng, sb. clattering, C.

Gigour, sb. musician, S.—­OF.giguA"or (Low Lat. gigatorem), fromOF. gigue (Low Lat. giga), a musicalinstrument; cp. G. geige, violin.

Gildir, v. to deceive; gildirs,pr. s., H; gildird, pp., H.—­Icel.gildra, to trap.

Gildire, sb. deceit, snare, H; gildirs,pl., H.—­Icel. gildra, a trap.

Gile, sb. guile, deceit, fraud, PP,C.—­AF. gile, OF. guile:AS. wA-le (Chron. ann. 1128).

Gilen, v. to beguile, PP; gylen,S2; giled, pp., S.

Gilery, sb. deceit, H; gilrys,pl., H.—­OF. gillerie.

Gill, sb. a familiar term for a woman,S3, ND, Sh; jill, Sh.—­Short forGillian, a woman’s name, Sh, ND; Lat.Juliana.

Gill-burnt-tayle, sb. the ignis-fatuus,ND (s.v. gyl).

Gille, sb. a gill (measure), PP; gylle,PP, Prompt.; iille, P.—­OF. gelle.

Gill-flurt, sb. a flirt, ND.

Gillofer, Gillyvor; see Gerraflour.

Gilour, sb. deceiver, PP; gyloure,H.—­AF. gilour.

Gilt, sb. guilt, S, PP; see Gult.

Giltlese, adj. guiltless, S; gilteles,C; giltlees, C3.

Gin, sb. engine, contrivance, artifice,C2, C3, S3; gyn, PP, S2; ginne, S, S2;gynne, PP.—­OF. engin, engien,craft, deceit, contrivance.

Ginful, adj. guileful, deceitful, PP.

Gingebreed, sb. gingerbread, C2; gyngebred,gingium, Voc. Cp. Low Lat. gingibretum(Ducange), also OF. gigimbrait, a preparationof ginger, gingenbret, ginger (Bartsch).

Gingiuere, sb. ginger, SkD, Cath. (n);gingiuer, HD; gyngyre, zinzibrum,Voc.; ginger, zinziber, zinzebrum,Cath.; gyngere, Prompt.—­OF. gingenbre,gengibre; Lat. zingibrum, acc. of zingiber;Gr. [Greek: sigghiberis].

Ginnen, v. to begin, S; gynne,S, PP, S3; gan, pt. s., began, S, S2;gon, PP; gonne, pl., S2; gan,pt. s. (used as an auxiliary), did, S, S2,S3; gon, S, PP, S2; gun, S2; gunnen,pl., S; gunne, S, PP; gonne, S,PP, S2, C2, G.—­AS. -ginnan, pt.-gan (pl.-gunnon), pp. -gunnen.

Gipe, sb. cassock, CM; jub, Florio.—­OF. juppe (Cotg.) It. giuppa, giubba(Florio), Sp. al-juba (Minsheu); Arab. al-jubbah,a woollen undergarment; cp. MHG. schube,G. schaube (Weigand).

Gipoun, sb. a short cassock, CM; gypoun,C; gepoun, C; jupon, HD; joupone,HD.—­OF. gippon, jupon (Cotg.), It.giubbone, a doublet (Florio.). See above.

Gipser, sb. pouch, purse, C; gypcer,Prompt.; gypsere, Prompt.; gypcyere,Prompt.—­OF. gibbeciere (Cotg.), fromgibier, game.

Girdel, sb. girdle, C, C2; gurdel,S.—­AS. gyrdel.

Girden, v. to gird, cingere,MD; gurden, MD; girde, 2 pt. s.,S2; gyrte, pt. s., S; i-gurd,pp., S, S2; gird, C, W2; gert,S2.—­AS. gyrdan.

Girden, v. to strike, CM, HD, C2, G;gurdeA3/4, imp. pl., S2; girt,pt. s., cast, PP; gerte, G; gorde,pt. pl., rushed, S2; girt, pp.,SkD (s.v. gride), C. See 3*erd.

Gisel, sb. hostage, MD; gysles,pl., S; 3*isles, MD; 3*islen,dat., MD.—­AS. gA-sel; cp.Icel. gA-sl.

Gist, sb. guest; see Gest.

Giste, sb. a beam, balk, joist, MD;gyyste, Prompt.; gyst, Palsg.; gistes,pl., MD; joystes, SkD.—­OF.giste, joist, something to lie on. SeeJoist.

Gistninge, sb. banquet, S; see Gestninge.

Giterne, sb. guitar, C3, PP, MD, CM;gyterne, PP, Prompt.; geterne, MD; getyrne,Voc.—­OF. guiterne; cp. It. chitarra;Lat. cithara. See Citole.

Giuenesse, sb. forgiveness, S.—­AS.gifnes, grace.

Glad, pt. s. glided, MD; glade,S2; glaid, S3; see Gliden.

Glad, adj. glad, S, S2; gled,S; glaid, S3; gladur, comp.,S; gladdore, S2.—­AS. glA|d.

Gladien, v. to make glad, make merry,S; gladen, S, C2; glade, S3; glaid,S3; gleadien, S; gledien, S, S2; gladed,pt. s., S2.—­AS. gladian.

Gladliche, adv. gladly, PP; gledliche,S.

Gladnesse, sb. gladness, MD; glednesse,S.

Gladschipe, sb. gladness, MD; gledschipe,S; gledscipe, S; gleadschipes, pl.,S.

Gladsom, adj. pleasant, C2.

Gladynge, sb. gladness, MD; gleadunge,S.

Glam, sb. word, message, S2; loud talk,noise, MD.—­Icel. glam, a tinklingsound.

Glaren, v. to shine brightly, S, SkD.

Glas, sb. glass, S, C2.—­AS.glA|s.

Glasen, adj. made of glass, PP.

Glasen, v. to furnish with glass, PP.

GlaA deg., adj. glad, MD; glaA deg.e,S.—­Icel. glaA deg.r.

Glaue, sb. sword, S3; see Gleyue.

Glayre, sb. the white of an egg, Cath.;see Gleyre.

Gle, sb. joy, glee, music, singing,S, S2, PP; glee, C2; glie, S; gleu,C2 (n). MD; glew, MD, S3; glu,Prompt.; gleo, S; glewis, pl.,freaks, S3.—­AS. glA(C)o, stem gliwo-,see Sievers, 250.

Gleaw, adj. wise, S; gleu, S.—­AS.glA-aw.

Gled, adj. glad; see Glad.

Glede, sb. a kite, milvus, H(Ps. 62. 8), ND, WW, Voc.—­AS. glida(Voc.).

Glede, sb. glowing coal, S, PP, S3,C2; gleede, C; gleden, pl., S;gledess, S.—­AS. glA(C)d:OS. glA cubedd (stem glA cubeddi); cp.OHG.gluot (dat. gluoti). See Glowen.

Gledien, v. to make merry, S, S2; seeGladien.

Gledliche, v. gladly, S.

Glednesse, sb. gladness, S.

Gledschipe, sb. gladness, S.

Gle-man, sb.; see Gleo-man.

Glenten, v. to glance, to move swiftly,MD; glente, pt. s., MD; glent,S3, HD; shone, SkD(p. 808).—­Swed. glinta,to glance aside (Rietz).

Gleo, sb. music, S; see Gle.

Gleo-beames, sb. pl. harps, S.

Gleo-dreames, sb. pl. joys of music,S.

Gleo-man, sb. minstrel, PP; glewman,PP; gleman, PP.

Gleowien, v. to make music, to makemerry, MD.

Gleowinge, sb. music, S.

Glette, sb. phlegm, slimy matter inthe throat, viscositas, filth, Cath. (n),S2; glett, Cath.; glet, H, Cath. (n).—­OF.glette, ’flegm, filth, which a hawk throwsout at her beak after her casting,’ Cotg.; cp.North. E. glit, tough phlegm, JD.

Gleu, adj. wise, S; see Gleaw.

Glew, sb. joy, glee, S3; see Gle.

Glew, sb. glue, MD; see Glu.

Gleyme, sb. slime, limus, gluten,Prompt.; gleym, subtlety, S3; gleme,viscus, Prompt, (n).

Gleymows, adj. slimy, viscosus,Prompt.; glaymous, HD.

Gleyre, sb. the white of an egg, C3,Prompt., Cath. (n); glayre, Cath.; glarye,Manip.—­OF. glaire, the white of anegg (Cotg.); Low Lat. glara (Voc.); Late Lat.clara ovi (Ducange); cp. Sp. clarade huevo, also It. chiAira (Florio).

Gleyue, sb. sword, CM; glayue,SkD; glave, S3, ND; gleiue, SkD; gleave,Cotg., ND.—­OF., glaive; Lat. gladium(acc.)—­for the v in glaive,see Brachet (s.v. corvA(C)e).

Gliden, v. to glide, S; glyde,C2, C3; glydande, pr. p., walking, S2;glit, pr. s., MD; glad, pt.s., MD; glade, S2; glaid, S3; glod,MD, S2; glood, C2; glode, MD; gliden,pl., MD.; gliden, pp., MD.—­AS.glA-dan, pt. glAid (glidon), pp. gliden.

Glie, sb. music, S; see Gle.

Gliffen, v. to glance, spectare;gliffe, to look back, Manip.; gliff,to be scared, JD; glyfte, pt. s., MD.

Gliffni, v. to glance; gliffnyt,pt. s., S2.

Glod, pt. s. glided, S2., MD; glode,MD; glood, C2; see Gliden.

Glommen, v. to look glum, to frown,MD; glomben, MD; glowmbe, CM; glum,S3; gloom, ND; gloume, Manip.; glommede,pt. s., HD.—­Swed. glomma,to stare (Rietz).

Glopen, v. to look askance, MD; glop,to stare, HD; gloppen, to be startled, HD.Cp. Du. gluipen, to peep, sneak.

Glopnen, v. to look downcast, MD; glopnid,pp., frightened, S2.—­Icel. glApna.

Glorie, sb. glory, PP; glore,S3.—­AF. glorie; Lat. gloria.

Glose, sb. a gloss, comment, explanation,PP, Prompt., C2; glosis, pl., S3.—­OF.glose; Lat. glossa, a gloss; Gr. [Greek:glhossa].

Glosen, v. to explain, flatter, deceive,PP, Prompt., S3, C2, C3; glosed, pt. s.,spoke smoothly, S2; y-glosed, pp., C3.—­OF.gloser, to gloss, expound; Late Lat. glosare.See above.

Glosynge, sb. an expounding, Prompt.;flattering, Prompt.; glosing, flattery, W.

Glotonie, sb. gluttony, S2, Prompt.;glotonyes, pl., C3—­OF. glotonie.

Glotori, sb. gluttony, H; glutiry,H; glutrie, MD.

Glotoun, sb. glutton, S, PP, W2; gluton,S.—­AF. glutun; Lat. glutonem.

Gloume, v., see Glommen.

Glowen, v. to glow, PP, Prompt., C;glouand, pr. p., S2; glowennde,S.—­Cp. OHG. gluojan.

Glu, sb. glue, Prompt.; glew,MD.—­OF. glu; Lat. gluten.

Gluen, v. to glue, MD; y-glewed,pp., C2.

Glum, v. to look gloomy, S3; see Glommen.

Glutenerie, sb. gluttony, S.—­AF.glutunerie.

Gluton, sb. glutton, S; see Glotoun.

Glutrie, sb. gluttony, MD; see Glotori.

Gnar, v. to snarl, S3; gnarre,ND. Cp. gnarl, to snarl, Sh.

Gnasten, v. to gnash the teeth, Prompt.,Palsg., W2, H; gnayste, H; gnashe, Manip.;gnastiden, pt. pl., W, W2; gnaistid,H.—­Cp. Icel. gnastan, a gnashing.

Gnawen, v. to gnaw, PP; gnaghe,H; gne3*eA deg., pr. pl., S; gnow,pt. s., C2; gnew, SkD; gnawiden,pt. pl., W2; knawen, pp., S3.—­AS.gnagan, pt. gnA cubedh (pl. gnA cubedgon),pp. gnagen.

Gniden, v. to rub, SD, S2; gnyde,S; gniden, pt. pl., MD.—­AS.gnA-dan (Voc.).

Gobelin, sb. goblin, demon; gobelyn,W2, MD; goblin, Sh.—­OF. gobelin;cp. Low Lat. gobelinum (acc.).

Gobet, sb. a small piece, Prompt., C,W; gobbet, Manip.; gobetis, pl.,S2, W.—­Norm.F. gobet, see Diez, p.599; cp. OF. gobeau, a bit, gobbet (Cotg.).

God, adj. good, S, S2. Phr.:to goder hele, to the good health of, S2, MD;goderhele, MD; godder-hele, HD.See Good.

God, sb. God, S; godd, S;gode, dat., S; godes, gen.,S; pl., S; goden, S.—­AS.God.

God-Child, sb. godchild, S.

Godcund, adj. divine, godly, MD.

Godcundhede, sb. piety, MD.

Godcundnesse, sb. divinity, S; god-cunnesse,S.

Goddcundle3*3*c, sb. divinity, S.

Goddot, God knows, S; goddoth, S.—­AS.God wAit.

Godhede, sb. deity, C.

Godien, v. to endow; goded, pt.s., S; i-goded, pp., benefited,S.—­AS. gA cubeddian.

Godlec, sb. goodness, S, MD.—­Cp.Icel. gA cubedA deg.leiki.

Godles, adj. without good, needy, S2,MD; godelease, S.—­AS. gA cubeddlA(C)as.

Godly, adv. kindly, S2; goddeli,S2; gudely, S3.—­AS. gA cubeddlice.

Godnesse, sb. goodness, S; godnisse,S, S2; godenesse, S2.

God-spel, sb. gospel, S; god-spell,S3; gospel, MD.—­AS. godspel.

Godspelboc, sb. gospel-book, S.

Gogelen, v. to goggle, MD.

Gogil-i3*ed, adj. squint-eyed, W; gogyl-eyid,Prompt.; goggle-eyed, louche (Palsg.).

Gold, sb. gold, S; gol, S; gulde,dat., S.—­AS. gold; cp.Icel. gull.

Gold-beten, pp. adorned with beatengold, S3.

Golde, sb. marigold, souci, Palsg.;goolde, solsequium, Prompt.; guldes,pl., C.—­Cp. OF. goude(Cotg.)

Gold-spynk, sb. goldfinch, S3.

Gole, sb. throat, SD, HD; golle,HD.—­OF. gole, goule, gule; Lat.gula.

Golet, sb. gullet, C3, Prompt., HD.—­OF.goulet.

Goliardeys, sb. buffoon, MD, PP; golyardeys,C.—­OF. goliardeis (goliar-dois);Low Lat. goliardensis.

Golnesse, sb. lasciviousness, S; seeGalnesse.

Gome, sb. a man, PP, S, S2; gomes,gen., S2; gumen, pl., S.—­AS.guma (stem guman-); cp. Lat. hom*o(stem homin-).

Gome, sb. care, PP; gom, MD.—­OS.gA cubedma, care; cp. OHG. gouma,provision, supper (Tatian).

Gomen, sb. play, S; gome, S;see Gamen.

Gomme, sb. gum, CM; gumme, Cath.;gommes, pl., P.—­OF. gomme;Lat. gummi; Gr. [Greek: khommi].

Gon, v. to go, S, S2, C2; gonde,pr. p., S; goon, pp., C2; seeGan.

Gone, v. to gape, S2; see Ganien.

Gonge, 2 pr. s. subj. go, S; see Gangen.

Gonne, sb. gun, PP, CM; gunne,Cath., Prompt.; gon, S3.—­Cp.Low Lat. gunna.

Good, adj. good, MD; god, S,S2; godd, S2; goud, MD; guod,MD; gud, MD.—­AS. gA cubedd.

Good, sb. good, MD; goud, S2;gud, S3; god, S, S2; godes, pl.,S, S2; guodes, S2.—­AS. gA cubedd.

Goodman, sb. master of the house, C3.

Goot, sb. goat, Prompt., C3; gayte,S3; gat, S; gA|t, pl., S; gate,S, S3; geet, W2; geete, W2; gaite,H; gaytes, H; gayte, H.—­AS.gAit.

Gorde, pt. pl. rushed, S2; see Girden.

Gore, sb. a triangular piece of clothinserted, HD; gremiale, apron, Manip.; goore,Prompt.; gair, JD. Phr.:~under gore~,under clothing, S2, HD.—­Cp. AS. gAira,an angular point of land.

Gore, sb. mire, Prompt., HD; filth,S2.—­AS. gor (Voc.).

Gorge, sb. throat, Manip., PP.—­OF.gorge; Lat. gurgitem (acc.); see Ducange.

Gorget, sb. throat, piece of armourto protect the throat, SkD; ‘torques,’Manip.; garget, C; gargate, HD.—­OF.gorgette, throat, also gargaite, (Roland,1654).

Gorst, sb. gorse, furze, Voc., MD; gorstez,pl., S2; gorstys tre, Prompt.—­AS.gorst.

Gos, sb. goose, S3; goos, MD;gees, pl., S; gysse, S3.—­AS.gA cubeds.

Gos-hawke, sb. goshawk, Prompt., Voc.;gos-hauk, C2.—­AS. gA cubeds-hafuc(Voc.).

Gosse, sb. in phr.: by gosse(a profane oath), S3.

Gossib, sb. sponsor, PP, CM; godsyb,friend, PP.—­AS. god-sibb.

Gossomer, sb. gossamer, Prompt., C2;gossummer, Voc.; gosesomere, Voc.

Gost, sb. spirit, mind, soul, life,ghost, PP, S, S2, C3; goost, C2, PP; gast,S, S2; gostes, pl., S2; gostus,PP; gastes, S2.—­AS. gAist.

Gostliche, adj. spiritual, S; gostly,S3, C3; goostliche, PP; gastlike, S;gastelich, S; gasteli, adv., S2.

Gote, sb. water-channel, Prompt., HD;goote, Prompt.; gotez, pl., S2.—­Cp.Low G. gote, Du. goot.

Gotere, sb. gutter, water-channel, Prompt.;goteris, pl., drops, stillicidia,rain falling drop by drop, W2; goters, HD.—­OF.goutiere, gutter, from gote, a drop;Lat. gutta.

Goulen, v. to howl, cry, S, S2; gowland,pr. p., S3; see 3*oulen.

Goules, sb. pl. the heraldic name forred, gules, SkD; gowlis, HD; gowlys,S3, HD.—­AF. goules; Late Lat. gulasacc. pl. of gula, ‘pellis rubricata’(Ducange).

Goune, sb. gown, PP, C; gowne,PP; gunes, pl., MD,—­AF. goune,OF. gone.

Goune-cloth, sb. cloth enough to makea gown, CM.

Gourde, sb. gourd, C3, H; goord,Prompt.; gowrdes, pl., S2.—­OF.gourde, gouhourde, cougourde; Lat. cucurbita.

Gouernaille, sb. management, C2; gouernaile,rudder, W; gouernails, pl., W2.—­OF.gouvernail, rudder; Lat. gubernaculum.

Gouernance, sb. government, behaviour,PP, C2, C3; gouernaunce, C, C2, C3; gouernauncis,pl., rules for conduct, customs, S3.

Gouerne, v. to govern, PP, C2.—­AF.governer; Lat. gubernare.

Gouernour, sb. governor, C2; steersman,W, W2.—­OF. gouverneur; Lat. gubernatorem(acc.).

Gradde, pt. s., S, S2, PP; see Greden.

Gradi, adj. greedy, S; see Gredy.

Graffe, sb. a slip, young shoot, PP,Prompt.; graff, Cotg.—­Late Lat.graphium, a stile (Gr. [Greek: grapheion]);hence Low Lat. graffiolum, a graft, sucker;cp. OF. greffe.

Graffen, v. to graft, PP; graffid,pp., W.

Graith, adj. exact, direct, S2, PP;see Greith.

Graith, sb. preparation, PP.

Graithen, v. to prepare, H; grathis,pr. s., dresses, S3. See GreiA deg.en.

Graithly, adv. readily, PP; gratheli,S2; see GreiA deg.liche.

Gramcund, adj. angry, S.

Grame, sb. vexation, anger, S, HD, C3;grome, S; gram, S2; greme, S2.—­AS.grama; cp. Icel. gramr, wrath.

Gramercy; see Graunt.

Gramien, v. to vex, to be angry, MD;grame, PP, S; gromien, MD.—­AS.gramian; cp. Goth. gramjan.See Gremien.

Granand, pr. p. groaning, S2; see Gronen.

Granat, s. a garnet; see Garnet.

Granyt, pp dyed in grain, S3; grained,Sh. See Greyne.

Grape, v. to handle, palpare,H; see Gropien.

Grapers, sb. pl. grappling-irons, S3.

Gras, sb. grass, S, PP, C2; gres,S, Prompt.; gresse, Prompt., S2; grases,pl., 82; greses, S2; gyrss, S3.—­AS.grA|s: Goth. gras.

Grathis, pr. s. dresses, S3; see Graithen.

Graunt, adj. great, PP. Phr.:graunt-mercy, many thanks, C2, C3, PP; gra-*mercy,PP, Sh; gramercies, pl., S3.—­AF.grant, OF. grand; Lat. grandem.

Grauntye, v. to grant, give, agree,allow, PP; grawntyn, Prompt., C2; graunte,PP; granti, S, S2; graunti, I pr.s., S; grante, imp. s., S; y-graunted,pp., C3, P; i-granted, S2.—­AF.grAanter (graunter, granter);OF. crA"anter; Late Lat. credentare,from Lat. credentem, pr. p. of credere.

Grauen, v. to bury, S, PP, C2, H; toengrave, PP; grof, pt. s., H; grauen,pp., buried, S, PP, G, H; i-grauen,engraved, S; i-graue, S, G; graue, PP.—­AS.grafan, to dig, pt. grA cubedf, pp.grafen.

Grauynge, sb. engraving, S2, P; burying,H.

Gravys, pl. groves, S3; see Groue.

Gray, adj. gray, PP, MD; grey,PP; greye, sb. gray clothing, PP; grai,gray fur, S; grey, S; badger, S3; gray,HD; badger’s skin, HD.—­AS. grA|g.

Gre, sb. step, degree, S3, PP, MD; worthiness,gradus, Prompt.; gree, HD; grees,pl., W, MD, HD; greis, H.—­OF.gre; Lat. gradum (acc.).

Grece, sb. stair, MD, Prompt., Cath.,Palsg.; greece, Manip.; grese, MD, HD;greese, Cotg, (s. v. degrA(C)), HD; grize,Sh.; greces, pl., W2; grises,Prompt, (n).—­From grees, steps,a flight of steps, pl. of Gre (above).

Greden, v. to cry aloud, S, PP, S2;gradde, pt. s., S, PP, 82; gredde,PP.—­AS. grA|*dan, pt. grA|*dde.

Gredinge, sb. crying, MD; gredynges,pl., S2.

Gredy, adj. greedy, PP; gradi,S; gredi, S.—­AS. grA|*dig;cp. Icel. grAiA deg.ugr.

Gree, sb. favour, S2, C2, C3; prize,PP, C. Phr.: take in gre, agreeto, S3.—­OF. gre, gred, gret,pleasure, recompense; Lat. gratum, pleasing.

Gree, v. to agree, HD; greeing,pr. p., S3.—­OF. grA(C)er,to agree, to accept; Late Lat. gratare (forLat. gratari).

Greesings, sb. pl. steps, HD. SeeGrece.

Gref, sb. grief, MD; greeue,dat., G.—­OF. gref, fromLat. gravem, heavy.

Gre-hounde; see Greyhownd.

Greit, sb. grit, S3; see Greot.

Greith, adj. ready, PP; graith,exact, direct, PP, S2; grayAz, PP; grayAzest,superl., PP, S2; graith, adv.,S3.—­Icel. greiA deg.r, ready:Goth, ga-raids, exact.

GreiA deg.en, v. to prepare, SD; graithe,H, HD; grathis, pr. s., dresses, S3;graithed, pt. s., S2; greythede,S; greithide, S2; greithede, pl.,S2; greythed, pp., S; gre3*3*Azedd,S; greAz*Az*ed, S; graythed, HD, S2;i-greiA deg.et, S; y-greiA deg.ed, S3;graid, H.—­Icel. greiA deg.a.

GreiA deg.liche, adv. readily, PP; graithly,PP, HD; graythely, S2; gratheli, S2.

Gremien, v. to vex, to be angry, MD,S; greme, S; 3*e-gremed, pp.,S.—­AS. gremian. See Gramien.

Grene, sb. snare; see Grin.

Grene, adj. and sb. green, S,PP, S2, C2, C3; greyne, B.—­AS. grA(C)ne:OS. grA cubedni; cp. OHG. gruoni(Tatian).

Grenehede, sb. greenness, wantonness,S2, C3.

Grennen, v. to grin, show the teeth(as a dog), S, W; grennyn, Prompt.—­AS.grennian.

Grennunge, sb. grinning, S; grennynge,Prompt.

Greot, sb. gravel, grit, PP; greit,S3; greete, Manip.; grith, PP.—­AS.grA(C)ot.

Gres, sb. grass, S, Prompt. SeeGras.

Gresy, adj. grassy, S3.

Gret, adj. great, S, S2, C2, PP; greet,C2; grete, Prompt., PP, S2, C2; grette,PP; greate, S; grate, S; gretture,comp. S; grettoure, PP; grettour,PP; gretter, C2; grettere, W2; grettest,superl., PP; grete, adv., S3.—­AS.grA(C)at.

Greten, v. to salute, S, PP, S2; gret,imp. s., S; greteth, pl., G;grette, pt. s., S, PP, S2, C2, C3,W;grette. pl., G; gretten, W; gret,pp., W.—­AS. grA(C)tan, toapproach (also ge-grA(C)tan), pt. grA(C)tte,pp. grA(C)ted: OS. grA cubedtian; cp.OHG. gruazen (Otfrid).

Greten, v. to weep, S, PP, H; greete,S3; gret, S2; groten, S; gretande,pr. p., HD; gretand, S2, S3, H; gret,pr. s., S; gret, pt. s., S, H;grete, HD; grete, pp., HD, S2.—­AS.gr*A|tan (grA(C)tan), pt. grA(C)t(pl. grA(C)ton), pp. grA(C)ten: Icel.grata.

Gretien, v. to magnify; i-gret,pp., S.—­AS. grA(C)atian.

Gretliche, adv. greatly, S, PP; gretly,S2; gretluker, comp., S.

Gret-wombede, adj. big-bellied, S3.

Gretyng, sb. lamentation, S2; gretynge,H.

Gretyngful, adj. sorrowful, H.

Greuaunce, sb. grievance, hurt, C2;grewance, S3; greuaunces, pl.,PP.—­OF.grevance.

Greue, sb. thicket, grove, MD; greues,pl., S2, CM, HD; grevis, S3.

Greuen, v. to grieve, PP, S, C2.—­AF.grever, to burden; Lat: gravare.

Greuous, adj. grievous, PP; greuousere,comp., W2.

Greyce, adj. gray, S3. See Grys.

grey-hownd, sb. greyhound, leporarius,Voc.; grayhund, Voc.; grayhownd, Voc.;grehunde, Voc.: grehownde, Prompt.;greahund, SkD; grehoundes, pl.,S3; greahondes, S3; greihoundes, SkD.—­Icel. greyhundr, greyhound; grey, a dog.

Greyn, sb. handle, branch, MD; grayn,MD; grayne, WA.—­Icel. grein.

Greyn, sb. grain of corn, a kind ofspice, MD, PP, CM; greyne, Prompt.; greynde Parys, CM.—­AF. grein, grain;Lat. granum.

Greyne, sb. colour, dye, PP, MD; greyn,S3, C2; grayn, C2.—­AF. graine;Late Lat. grana, cochineal dye (Ducange).

Greyn-horne, sb. Greenhorn, thename of an ox in the Towneley Mysteries, HD.

Griffoun, sb. griffin, C, S2; gryffown,Prompt.—­OF. griffon, a gripe (Cotg.).

Gril, adj. horrible, rough, fierce,MD; gryl, S2, Prompt.—­Cp. MHG.grel, angry.

Grillen, v. to vex, MD; grulde,pt. s., twanged, S; i-gruld, pp.,provoked,SD.—­AS. grillan.

Grim, adj. fierce, S; grym, heavy,PP, S2, C; grimme, pl., horrible, S.—­AS.grim.

Grimlich, adj. horrible, S; grimlych,S; grimliche, adv. terribly, S, PP;grymly, sharply, PP.

Grin, sb. snare, noose, S, Voc.; gryn,W; grene, laqueus, MD, Voc.; grune,MD; grone, MD; grane, MD.—­AS.grin.

Grinden, v. to grind, MD; y-grounde,pp., C2; grundyn,S3; grounden,C3.—­AS.grindan, pt. grand (pl. grundon),pp. grunden.

Grindere, sb. grinder; grynderis,pl., W2.

Grip, sb vulture, S; grype, Voc.,Prompt.—­Icel. gripr.

Gripen, v. to grip, S, PP, H; grap,pt. s., MD; grop, MD; gripen,pl., MD; grepen, MD; gripen, pp.,MD; grypen, PP; griped, PP.—­AS.grA-pan, pt. grAip (pl. gripon),pp. gripen.

Gris, sb. a young pig, PP; grise,Cath.; gryse, Voc.: gryce, Prompt.;grys, pl., MD, S2, PP.—­Icel.grA-ss.

Grisen, v. to shudder, S2; gryse,to be frightened, HD; him gros, pt. s. reflex.,S.—­AS. grA-san, pt. grA cubeds(pl. grison), pp. grisen.

Grislich, adj. horrible, S, S2; grislic,S; grysliche, S, PP; grisli, S2; grisly,C2, C3; grisliche, adv., S; grieslie,S3.—­AS. grislic.

Grist, sb. ground corn, SkD.—­AS.grist, from grindan; for loss of nbefore s see Sievers, 185.

Grist-batinge, sb. grinding of the teeth,MD; grisbayting, MD; grisbitting, S2.

Grith, sb. peace, S; griA deg.e,dat., S.—­Icel. griA deg.,domicile, place of safety, peace; hence griA deg.in the Chron.

GriA deg.-bruche, sb. breach of thepeace, S.

GriA deg.ful, adj. peaceful, MD. GriAdeg.fulnesse, sb. peacefulness, S.

Grocchen, v. to grudge, grumble, S2,S3. See Grucchen.

Grof, pt. s. dug, buried, H. See Grauen.

Grof, adv. flat on one’s face,CT (951); gruf, MD, C2, C.—­Cp.Icel. liggja Ai grAfu, to lie on one’sface.

Groflinges, adv. groveling, MD; grouelings,S2; grouelynge, supinus, Prompt.; grufelynge,Cath. See above.

Grom, sb. lad, servant, PP, grome,PP, S(n); gromes, pl., S, PP.—­Cp.ODu. grom, stripling.

Grome, sb. vexation, anger, S. See Grame.

Gronen, v. to groan, PP, CM, Prompt.;grony, S2; graninde, pr. p.,S; granand, S2; gronte, pt. s.,C2.—­AS. grAinian.

Grop, pt. s.; see Gripen.

Gropien, v. to seize, handle, MD; gropyn,Prompt.; grope, C, C3*; grape, palpare,H, Manip.—­AS. grAipian, from grA-pan.See Gripen.

Gros, pt. s. reflex. was afraid, S.See Grisen.

Grot, sb. weeping, S, MD. See Greten.

Grot, sb. atom, MD; grotes, pl.,S.—­AS. grot, particle.

Grote, sb. groat, C3, PP; grotte,S3.—­OLG. grote, a coin of Bremen;cp. Du. groot, great. Cf. Gret.

Groten, v. to weep, S, MD; see Greten.

Ground, sb. ground, foundation, bottom(of water), MD; grund, S; grounde, PP;gronde, dat., S2; groundes, pl.foundations, S2. Phr.: to grounde com,came to the ground, i.e. was ruined, S2.—­AS.grund.

Grounden, v. to found; grownden,Prompt.; groundes, 2 pr. s., S2; grounded,pp., S2.

Groue, sb. a little wood, Prompt., MD;gravys, pl., S3.—­AS. grAif.

Grouelings, adv. flat on one’sface, S2; see Groflinges.

Groyn, sb. the snout of a pig, CM; groyne,Prompt.; groon, Manip.; grune, Cath.—­OF.groing, groin.

Groynen, v. to grunt, to murmur, W;groignen, MD.—­OF. groigner, grogner.

Groynyng, sb. murmuring, discontent,C.

Grucchen, v. to grudge, grumble, PP,S2, C, C2; grocching, pr. p., S2; grocched,pt. s., S3; grutchiden, pt. pl.,W, W2.—­OF. groucher, groucer, grocer.

Grucching, sb. grumbling, S; grucchyng,G; grutchyng, W.

Gruf, adv. flat on one’s face,MD, C, C2. Phr. a gruf, MD; on groufe,MD; one the groffe, MD. See Grof.

Grulde, pt. s., twanged, S; see Grillen.

Grund, sb. ground, bottom of a well,S; see Ground.

Grundlike, adv. thoroughly, heartily,MD, S. See above.

Grunten, v. to grunt, MD; gryntiden,pt. pl., MD. Cp. OHG. grunzen.

Gruntyng, sb. grunting, gnashing, W;grynting, W; grentyng, W.

Grure, sb. horror, MD.—­AS.gryre; OS. gruri.

Grure-ful, adj. horrible, S.

Gruselien, v. to munch, S.

Grusen, v. to munch, MD; gryze,HD; gruse, JD.

Grys, sb. a costly fur, the fur of thegrey squirrel, C, S2, PP, HD; grey, C3; gryce,Prompt.; greys, PP; greyce, S3.—­OF.gris, gray.

Gu, you, S; see Eow.

Guerdon, sb. reward, S3, CM; guerdone,S3, CM.—­AF. guerdon: It. guidardone;Low Lat. widerdonum (Ducange).

Guerdonen, v. to reward, CM.—­OF.guerredoner (Bartsch).

Guerdonlesse, adj. without reward, CM.

Guerdonyng, sb. reward, CM.

Grukgo, sb. cuckoo, S3; see Cukkow.

Gulche-cuppe, sb. a toss-cup, S.

Gulchen, v. to gulp, swallow greedily,MD.

Gulde, sb. dat. gold, S; see Gold.

Gulde, sb. marigold, C; see Golde.

Gulden, adj. golden. S, MD; gilden,S2, MD.—­AS. gylden.

Gult, sb. guilt, S, S2, C, PP; gylt,C; gilt, S, PP; gylte, PP; gilte,PP; gultes, pl. faults, S, PP; gultus,S2.—­AS. gylt.

Gulten, v. to sin, S; gilte,pt. s., S; gulte, pl., PP; i-gult,pp., S.—­AS. gyltan.

Gulty, adj. guilty, C, PP; gylty,PP; gilty, PP; gelty, S.—­AS.gyltig.

Gultyf, adj. guilty, G; giltyf,G, HD.

Gumen, pl. men, S; see Gome.

Gumme, sb. gum; see Gomme.

Gunge, adj. young, S; gungest,superl., youngest, S; gunkeste, S; see3*ong.

Gunnen, pt. pl. began, did; see Ginnen.

Gur, your, S; see 3*e.

Gurdel, sb. girdle, S; see Girdel.

Gurden, v. to strike, MD; gurdeA3/4,imp. pl., S2; see Girden.

Gurles, sb. pl. children (of eithersex), C, PP; gerles, PP. Phr.:knave gerlys, boys, HD. Cf. Gyrle.

GuA deg.hede, sb. youth, S; see 3*outhede.

Gyde, sb. clothing, C3, MD; gide,MD, JD.

Gyde, sb. guide, C3.

Gyden, v. to guide, C2, C3, Palsg.—­OF.guider.

Gyen, v. to guide, direct, PP, Prompt.;gye, S3, C2, C3; gie, PP; gyede,pt. s., PP, S2.—­OF. guA-er,guider.

Gylofre, sb. gillyflower, S2 (s.v. clowe);see Gerraflour.

Gylt, adj. gilt, PP; gulte, PP;gilte, PP, C2.

Gylt, v. to gild, S3.

Gymp, adj. slim, delicate, short, scanty,S3; gimp, JD; neat, HD; jimp, HD, DG;gym, trim, spruce, S3; gim, DG; jim,DG; jemmy, DG.

Gyrle, sb. a child, generally a girl,but also used of a boy, MD; gerles, pl.,MD; girles, MD. Cf. Gurles.

Gryrss, sb. grass; see Gras.

Gyse, sb. guise, manner, C, PP, Prompt.;gise, C, S3; gyss, S3.—­AF.guise. See Wyse.

Gysse, sb. pl. geese, S3; see Gos.

Ha, pron. he, S, S2. See He.

Habben, Habe; see Hauen.

Haberdasher, sb. a seller of small wares,C, SkD (p. 809).

Haberdashrie, sb. haberdashery, SkD.

Haberioun, sb. habergeon, a piece ofarmour to defend the neck and breast, PP; haburioun,W, W2; hawbyrgon, Voc.; haburjon, S2;habergeoun, C2; haberion, PP.—­OF.hauberjon from hauberc. See Hauberk.

Habide, v. to abide, resist, S2; seeA-biden. [Addition]

Habilitie, sb. ability, S3. SeeAbilite.

Hable, adj. able, S3, MD. See Abil.

Haboundanle, adv. abundantly, S3.See Habundantly.

Habounde, v. to abound, NED, S3, C2;see Habunde.

Habundance, sb. abundance, C2.

Habundant, adj. abundant, C2.

Habundantly, adv. abundantly, C3.

Habunde, v. to abound, NED.—­OF.habonder, abunder; Lat. abundare.

Hac, conj. but, S; see Ac.

Hacche, sb. hatch, PP; hach,hatch of a ship, S2.—­Cp. Dan. hA|kke.

Had, sb. state, order, rank, person(of Christ), S; pl. ranks (of angels), S.—­AS.hAid; cp. OHG. heit.

HA|-; see under He-.

HA|hst, highest; see Heighest.

HA|leA deg. sb. warrior; see HeleAdeg..

HA|ne, adj. pl. poor, S. See Heyne.

HA|rre, sb. lord, S. See Herre.

HA|3*e, adv. highly, S; see Heighe.

Haf, Hafst, HafA deg.; see Hauen.

Hafed, sb. head, S. See Heued.

Hafed-men, sb. pl. prelates, S.

Hage-faderen; see Heh-fader.

Hagge, sb. a hag, P; hegge, MD.

Hagt, sb. (?), S.

Hagt. Dr. F. Holthausen suggests thatthis word means ’danger, peril,’ comparingthis ME hagt with Icel. hA|tta whichhas the same meaning. Kluge connects this hA|ttawith Gothic ha*han, to hang, so that it maymean radically ‘a state of being in suspense.’The word must have come into England in the form *_haht_,before the assimilation of ht to tt.[Addition]

Hah, adj. high, S; see Heigh.

Hail, sb. hail, PP; heal, S3;haille, PP; hayle, PP.—­AS.hagol.

Hail, adj. hale, whole, sound, S; hA|il,S; heil, S. Cf, Hool.

Haile, adv. wholly, S3; haill,S3.

Hailen, v. to greet, Cath., MD; heilen,MD, S2.

Hailsen, v. to greet, to say ‘hail,’MD, Cath., P, S3; haylsen, S3; halsen,S2, S3.—­Icel. heilsa; cp. AS.hAilsian, to greet, see Sievers, 411.

Hailsinge, sb. salutation, Cath.; halsing,S2.

Hailsum, adj. wholesome, S3.

Hakeney, sb. horse, nag, C3, PP; equillus,Voc.; mannus, Voc.—­AF. hakenai,hakeney.

Hakeney-man, sb. one who lets out horses,P; equiferus, Voc.; hakneyman, Voc.

Hal, sb. a secret place, MD; hale,dat., S.

Hal, adj. all, S2; see Al. [Addition]

Halde, pt. s. inclined, S. See Helden.

Halely, adv. wholly, S2; haly,S2. See Hail.

Halen, v. to hale, drag, S, S2, S3,Prompt.; halie, PP.—­OS. halAcubedn; cp. OFris. halia; from Teutoniccomes OF. haler.

Halende, sb. the Saviour, S; see Helende.

Halewen, v. to hallow, consecrate, S2,W2, PP; halwen, S2, S3, PP, C3; hali3*en,S; hal3*ed, pt. s., S2; y-hal3*ed,S2.—­AS. hAilgian. See Holi.

Halewis, sb, pl. saints, W; halechen,S; see Halwes.

Half, sb. side, S, S2; hA|lf,S; halue, dat., S; pl., S; halues,G. Phr.: o Godess hallfe, on God’sbehalf, S.—­AS. healf.

Halflingis, adv. half, S3.

Halfpeny, sb. halfpeny, MD; hal-*pens,pl., W.

Hali, adj. holy, S, S2. See Holi.

Halidom, sb. a holy thing, holy relics,S, P; halydom,, S2; hali3*domess, pl.,S.—­AS. hAiligdA cubedm.

Hali-write, sb. holy writ, S.

Hali3*en, v. to hallow, S; see Hale-wen.

Halke, sb. corner, recess, S, Prompt..MD; halkes, pl., C3; halke3*,S2.

Halle, sb. hall, Cath., S, C2; hallen,dat., S.—­AS. heall.

Halp, pt. s.; see Helpen.

Hals,, sb. neck, S, S2. C2, C3.—­AS.heals,; cp. Icel. hAils.

Halsien, v. to embrace, MD; halsen,Cath., Prompt.; hals, H.—­AS. healsian;cp. Icel. hAilsa.

Halsien, v. to beseech, conjure, MD;halsen, S2, C2.

Hals-man, sb. executioner, HD.

Halsynge, sb. embrace, Cath.

Halt, adj. lame, MD.

Halten, v. to walk as lame, MD; halted,pt. pl., S2.—­AS. healtian.

Haluen-del, sb. the half, S, G; haluendele,PP.

Halwes, sb. pl. saints, C3; halewis,W; halhes, S; halechen, S; hale3*en,dat., S; hal3*en, S2 ~; halhen~, S; halege,sb., saint, S; halgh, S2. See Holi.

Hal3*ed, pt. s.; see Halewen.

Ham, them, S, S2; see Hem.

Ham, sb. home, S. See Hoom.

Ham, 1 pr. s. am; S; see Am.[Addition]

Hamer, sb. hammer, C, C3.—­AS.hamor.

Hamly, adv. familiarly, heartily, H.See Homliche.

Hamlynes, sb. intimacy, H. See Homlinesse.

Hand, sb. hand, MD; hond, S,S2,C2; hoond, W, W2; honde, dat.,S, S2,C3; hand, pl., S; bend,S, S2; hende, S2; honde, S; honden,S, S2; handes, S; hondes, S, S3, C2,C3, P.—­AS. hand (hond).

Hand-ful, sb. sheaf, S, MD.

Handidandi, sb. forfeit, ~, P; handie-dandie~,HD.

Handlen, v. to handle, S, C2.

Hangen, v. (strong), to hang;(1) tr., MD; heng, pt. s.; C2;hengen, pl., S; heengen, S2; hongen,pp., MD; (2) intr. heng, pt.s., C3, MD; hyng, S2, MD; hing, MD;hong, S3, MD; hynge, C.—­AS.hange, I pr. s., hA(C)ng, pt. s., hangen,pp.

Hangen, v. (weak) to hang; (1)intr., MD; hengen, S, MD; hongen,S, S2, S3; hongien, MD; hingen, S2; hing,MD; hyng, S2, S3, H; henged, pt.s., MD, S; honged, pl., S3, G; hangiden,W; henged, pp., S; (2) tr. hongede,pt. s., S2; hongide, W; hangede,MD; hanged, pp., P; y-honged,S2.—­AS. hangian.

Hanselle, sb. handsel, earnest-moneyon a purchase, a gift, PP, Cath.; hansale,strena, Prompt.; haunsel, MD; hansel,P, HD.—­Icel. handsal, the confirmingof a bargain by shaking hands.

Hansellen, v. to handsel, to betroth,MD., Cath., Palsg.; i-hondsald, pp.,S.—­Icel. handsala.

Hap, sb. chance, fortune, C2, C3, PP;happe, S2, W; happes, pl., P.—­Icel.happ.

Happen, v. to hap, chance, P, S2, C2,C3; hapte, pt. s., MD.

Happiliche, adv. perchance, P; happily,P.

Happy, adj. lucky, S3.

Happyn, v. to wrap up, Prompt., MD;hap, JD; happis, pr. s., S3;happid, pt. s., HD; happid, pp.,H.

Happynge, sb. wrapping, H.

Harborowe, v. to harbour; see Herberwe.

Harde, adj. hard, severe, disastrous,parsimonious, PP, C2; hard, S; harde, herdure,adj. comp., S; harde, adv., severely,S, S2; hard, with difficulty, W. Comb.:harde cloA deg.es, sackcloth, S. Phr.:of hard, with difficulty, W, W2.—­AS.heard.

Hardeliche, adv. bravely, S, S2; hardely,S3.

Harden, v. to make hard; y-harded,pp., C2.

Hardenen, v. to harden; harrdenesst,2 pr. s., S.

Hardi, adj. hardy, S, W2; bold, daring,S2; hardy, C2, PP.—­OF. hardi.

Hardiliche, adv. boldly, P; hardilike,S; hardily, C2; hardiloker, comp.,PP.

Hardiment, sb. boldness, MD; hardyment,S2.

Hardinesse, sb. boldness, C2; hardynesse,W, PP.

Harding, sb. a hardening, C2.

Hares, pl. hairs, S2; haris,S3. See Here.

Harlot, sb. beggar, vagabond, ribald,buffoon, rascal, C, PP; herlot, acrobat, H;harlotte, MD; harlotes, pl., P;herlotis, H; adj. scoundrelly, S3.—­OF.harlot, herlot, arlot.

Harlotrie, sb. tale-telling, jestingtalk, ribaldry, buffoonery, P; harlatrye, jesting= Lat. scurrilitas ([Greek: eutrapelia]),W; harlotries, pl., C.

Harm, sb. harm, S; hA|rm, S;hearm, S; harem, S; hA|rme, dat.,S; harme, S, C2; hermes, pl.,damages, S; harmes, PP.—­AS. hearm.

Harmen, v. to harm, S; hearmeA deg.,pr. s., S; hermie, subj.,S.—­AS. hearmian.

Harne-panne, sb. the cranium, skull,Cath.; harnpanne, Voc.; harnpane, Voc.;hernepanne, HD.

Harnes, sb. pl. brains, Voc., Cath.,HD; hA|rnes, S; hernes, S2.—­Icel.hjarni, the brain; cp. Goth, hwairnei.

Harneys, sb. armour, C, PP, S3; herneys,C, PP.—­OF. harneis.

Harneysed, pp. equipped, C.

Haro! interj., a cry for assistanceraised in Normandy by any one wronged, HD; harow,PP; harrow, an exclamation of distress, C, C3,PP.—­AF. harro! OF. haro,harol, Cotg., Palsg., p. 501, Bartsch.

Harre, sb. hinge, C, CM. See Herre.

Harryng, sb. growling like a dog, S2.

Harwen, v. to harrow, harry, ravage,PP, MD, CM; herwen, MD; herien, S2;harowen, PP, MD; hA|r3*ien, S; her3*ien,MD.—­AS. hergian. See Here.

Hary, v. to drag violently, CM; harry,to drag, to vex, HD; haried, pp., C.—­OF.harier, to harry, hurry, vex (Cotg.).

Has, sb. command, S; see Heste.

Hasard, sb. the game of hazard playedwith dice, C3, Voc.—­OF. hasard,hasart.

Hasardour, sb. a dice-player, C3, Voc.;haserder, Voc.—­AF. hasardour,OF. hasardeur.

Hasardrye, sb. gaming, playing at hazard,C3.

Hase, adj. hoarse, H. See Hoos.

Haske, sb. a wicker fish-basket, ND,S3.

Haspe, sb. a hasp, fastening of a door,Manip.; hespe, Prompt., Cath.—­AS.hA|pse (Voc.).

Haspen, v. to hasp, obserare,Manip.; hasped, pp., S2; y-hasped,P; i-haspet, S2.

Hast, sb. haste, PP.—­Cp.OSwed. hast.

Hasten, v. to haste; hasteth,imp. pl., C3.

Hastif, adj. hasty, C2; hastyfe,S3.—­OF. hastif.

Hastiliche, adv. quickly, S2; hasteliche,S; hastily, C2; hastly, S2: hestely,S3.

Hat, adj. hot, S; hatere, comp.,S. See Hoot.

Hate, sb. heat, S; see Hete.

Haten (1), v. to bid, promise, call;hete, 1 pr. s., S2, C3; hote,S2; hicht, S2; hight, S3; hateA deg.,pr. s., bids, S; hat, S; hot,S; hoot, S; hat, pl., S2; hA|hte,pt. s., called, S; hehte, ordered, called,S; hihte, S2; hiht, S2; hi3*t,S2; het, ordered, promised, S, S2; hA|hten,pl., S; hight, S2; hyghte, C2;hoteA deg., imp. pl., promise, S; heete,pr. s. subj., C; gehaten, pp.,S; i-haten, S; i-hate, S; i-hote,S; y-oten, S; hoten, called, S, P; hotene,promised, S; hote, P; hette, S2; hight,S2; hyht, S2; hecht, S3; y-hy3*t,S2; y-hoten, PP; y-hote, PP; i-hote,S2.—­AS. hAitan, pt. hA(C)ht,pp. hAiten.

Haten (2), v. to be called; hoten,S, MD; hote, C; hatte, MD; het,MD; hight, MD; hi3*t, 1 pr. s.,S2; hy3*t, pr. s., S2; hat, P;hattest, 2 pr. s., S; hatte, 1pr. s., am called, S; pr. s., S2; hatte,pt. s., was called, S, MD; hette, MD;hete, MD; highte, C2; hA|hte,S; hehte, S; hecht, S3 ~; hyghte~, S2;hiht, S2; hy3*t, S2; het, S, S2;hat, S2.—­AS. hAitan, pr. andpt. hAitte; cp. Goth, haitada, Iam called, see Sievers, 367. The forms of AS.HAitan (1) are often used by confusion in theplace of the old passive forms.

Hatere, sb. clothing, HD, PP, Prompt.;hater, PP; heater, S; hatren,pl., clothes, S2.—­AS. hA|teru,pl. garments, see Sievers, 290.

Haterynge, sb. dress, PP.

Hathel, sb. noble one, S2; see Athel.

Hatien, v. to become hot; hatte,pt. s., S; yhat, pp., S2.—­AS.hAitian. See Hoot.

Hatien, v. to hate, MD, S, S2; hatede,pt. s., C2.—­AS. hatian.

Hatreden, sb. hatred, MD; hateredyn,H; hatredyn, H; hatrede, dat.,S.

Hatterliche, adv. savagely, S; see Heterly.

Hauberk, sb. a coat of ringed mail,S2, C, C2.—­OF. hauberc; OHG. halsberc,lit. neck-defence.

Hauk, sb. hawk, C2, PP, S2; hauec,S ~; havekes~, gen., S; pl., S2; heauekes,S.

Hauke, v. to hawk, C2; hawkyd,pt. s., PP.

Haukynge, sb. hawking, P; an haukyng,on hawking, a-hawking, C2.

Haunt, sb. abode, C2; skill from practice,C; use, custom, PP.

Haunten, v. to frequent, practise, makeuse of, PP, C3, S3, S2, W, H; hant, S3; HD.—­OF.hanter, to frequent.

Hauteyn, adj. loud, MD, C3; havteyn,haughty, H; howteyne, H (n).—­OF.hautain, high.

Hauekes, gA(C)n. of Hauk.

Hauen, v. to have, S; habben,S, S2; abbe, S2; haben, S; habe,S; han, S2, C2; haue, C2, PP; haf,S2; aue, 1 pr. s., S; ha,pr. s. subj., S3; hafst, 2 pr. s.,S; hafesst, S; hA|fuest, S; hauest,S2; hest, S; hafA deg., pr. s.,S; hafeA deg., S; haueA deg., S; haues,S2; hat3*, S2; heA3/4, S2; hes,S3; aueA deg., S; aA3/4, S2; habbet,2 pl., S; habbeA deg., pl., S,S2; abbeA deg., S2; habeA deg., S; habbe3*,S2; han, S2, S3; hafd, 1 pt. s.,S2; haued, S2; hauid, S2; hafdes,2 pt. s., S; hafde, pt. s., S;haffde, S; hefde, S; hefede, S;hedde, S; heuede, S; hadde, S2,C2; adde, S, S2; hA|fden, pl.,S; hafden, S; haffdenn, S; hefden,S; hedden, S; hadden, S, C2; hadde,S; hade, S; heuede, S2; hafd,pp., S2; y-hadde, S2; haiffeing,pr. p., S3; haze = hae + us, haveus, S3.—­AS. habban, pt. s. hA|fde,pp. gehA|fd.

Hauene, sb. haven, S, S2, CM; haunes,pl., 2.—­AS. hA|fene.

Hauene, v. to take harbour; haueny-den,pt. pl., W.

Hauer, sb. oats, P; havyr, Cath.;hafyr, Voc.—­Cp. Du. haver,G. hafer.

Hauer-cake, sb. oat-cake, Cath. (n);havyre-cake, HD.

Hauer-grasse, sb. wild oats, Cath. (n),HD.

Havyng, sb. behaviour, S2; hawyng,S2.

Haw, adj. azure, S3, JD; hawe,grey, MD; haa, MD.—­Cp. AS.hA|*wen, sea-blue.

Hawbart, sb. halberd, S3.—­OF.halebarde.

Hawe, sb hedge, enclosure, C3, MD; ha3*e,MD; hahe, MD; hagh, HD.—­AS.haga, hedge (Voc.).

Hawe, sb. hawthorn-berry, MD, C2, PP,Cath.—­AS. haga (Voc.).

Hawe-thorne, sb. hawthorn, PP, Prompt.;ha3*A3/4orn, MD.—­ONorth. haga-*A3/4orn(Mat. 7. 16).

Haxede, pt. s. asked, S; see Asken.[Addition]

Haye, sb. a hedge, a kind of springeto catch rabbits, S3; hay, ND.—­OF.haie (haye), a hedge.

Hay-warde, sb. hedge-warden, PP; haiwarde,PP; hayward, Voc.; heiward, S.—­FromAS. hege, hedge, and weard.

Ha3*heli3*, adv. becomingly, S; ha3*helike,S.—­Icel. hagliga, skilfully, suitably,from hagr.

Ha3*her, adj. skilful, MD; hawur,MD; haver, MD; ha3*herrlike, adv.,becomingly, S. See above.

He, pron. he, S; used indefinitely,= one of you, P; heo, S; hi, S; hie,S; ha, S, S2; a, S2; 3*e, S2;e, S; has = he + hes, he them,S; has = he + hes, he her, S.

Hea-; see under He-.

Heal, sb. hail, S3; see Hail.

Healden, v. to pour, S; see Helden.

Healen, sb. pl. dat. heels, S; see Heele.

Heanen, v. to oppress, afflict, S;heande, pt. s., S; heaned, pp.,afflicted, S.—­Cp. AS. hA1/2nan,to humble, from hA(C)an, despised. SeeHeyne.

Heas, sb. command; hease, dat.,S. See Heste.

Heascen, v. to insult, MD; heascede,pt. s., S.—­Cp. AS. hyscan.

Heater, sb. clothing, S; see Hatere.

Heaued, sb. head, S; see Heued.

Heaued-Sunne, sb. capital sin, deadlysin, S.

Hecht; see Haten.

Hecseities, pl. a term in logic, S3.

Hedde, Hedden, had; see Hauen.

Hede, sb. heed, care, C2, PP.

Heden, v. to heed, S; hedde,pt. s., SkD; hedd, MD.—­AS.hA(C)dan: OS. hA cubeddian, cp.OHG. huaten (Otfrid).

Hee-; see under He-.

Hee, adj. high; see Heigh.

Heed, sb. head, C2, C3, G, W; see Heued.

Heedlyng, adv. headlong, W.

Heele, sb. heel, PP; helis, pl.,PP; helen, dat., S; healen, S.—­AS.hA(C)la.

Heep, sb. heap, crowd, number, PP, W2;hep, PP; hepe, Cath., G, PP.—­AS.hA(C)ap; cp. OHG. houf (Otfrid).

Heer, sb. hair, S3, C3; heere,W, PP; see Here.

Heer, adv. here, C2, PP; her,S, S2, C; hA|r, S; hier, S2; hire,G. Comb.: her-afterward, hereafter,C3; her-biuore, heretofore, S2; herbiforn,C3; her-inne, herein, C3; her-onont,as regards this, S; her-to, hereto, C3; forthis cause, W; heer-vpon, hereupon, C2.

Heete; see Haten (1).

Hefden; see Hauen.

Hegge, sb. hedge, S, C, W2; hegges,pl., P; heggis, W2.—­AS. hegge(dat.) in Chron. ann. 547.

Hegh, sb. haste, H; see Hye.

Heh, adj. high, S, S2, PP; see Heigh.

Heh-dai, sb. high day, festival, MD;hA|3*e-dA|ie, dat., S.

Hehe, adv. highly, S; see Heighe.

Heh-engel, sb. archangel, S.—­A.S.hA(C)ahengel.

Heh-fader, sb. patriarch, SD; hage-faderen,pl. dal., S.—­AS. hA(C)ahfader.

Hehlich, adj. noble, proud, perfect,MD; hely, S3.—­AS. hA(C)ahlic.

Hehliche, adv. highly, splendidly, loudly,MD; heihliche, S2; he3*lyche; hA|hliche,S; hehlice, S; heglice, S.—­AS.hA(C)ahlice.

Hehne, adj. contemptible, S; see Heyne.

Hehnesse, sb. highness, MD; heynesse,S3; heghnes, S2; hi3*nesse, W.—­AS.hA(C)ahness.

Heh-seotel, sb. high-seat, throne, S;hegsettle, dat., S.—­AS. hA(C)ahsetl.

Hei, sb. hay, grass, Voc., W; see Hey.

Hei, adj. high, S, S2; see Heigh.

Heien, v. to extol, S; see Hi3*en.

Heigh, adj. high, chief, principal,noble, PP, CM, C2, S2; hei3*, PP, S2; hey3*,S3; heih, S; heh, S, S2, PP; hegh,S2, S3; hey, PP, C2, S, S2; hei, S,S2; heg, S; he3*e, S, S2; hi3*,W, S; hy3*e, S2; hihe, C; hi,PP; hy, C2; hA|h, S; hah, S;hee, S2.—­AS. hA(C)ah, hA(C)h.

Heighe, adv. highly, PP; hei3*e,PP, S2; heye, S, S2, PP; heh3*e, S;hehe, S; heie, S, S2; hye, C2;he, S2; hA|3*e, S.—­AS. hA(C)age,hA(C)ah.

Hieigher, adj. comp. higher, C, CM;heyer, S2, C3; hyer, S3; herre,S, P.—­AS. hA(C)rra.

Heighest, adj. superl. highest, PP;heghest, S2; heh3*hesst, S; hegest,S; hest, S2; hA|hst, S.—­AS.hA(C)hst.

Heih, adj. high; see Heigh.

Heind, adj.; see Hende.

Heir, sb. heir, S, C2; see Eir.

Hei-uol, adj. haughty, S2. SeeHeigh.

Hei-ward, sb. hedge-warden, hayward,S; see Hay-warde.

Hekele, sb. hatchel, mataxa,Prompt.; hechele, hatchel for flax, HD; hekylle,mataxa, Voc., Cath.; heckle, comb, Manip.;hekkill, heckle, co*ck’s comb, S3; heckle,HD.—­Cp. Du. hekel, hatchel.

Helde, sb. age, S; see Elde.

Helde, sb. a slope, S; heldes,pl., MD.

Helden, v. to tilt, to incline, S, S2,W; healden, to pour, S; helde, pt.s., W; halde, S; helded, S2; heldid,H; held, pp., S2.—­AS. heldancp. Icel. halla, to incline; E. heel(over). See Hell.

Heldynge, sb. an inclining aside, H.

Hele. sb. health, soundness, S, S2,S3, C; hale, S; heale, S, S3; hel,S2; heles, pl., S2.—­AS. hA|*lu.

Helen, v. to cover, conceal, CM, P,S, S2; heolen, S; halen, pp.,S; heled, S2; hole, MD.—­AS.helan, pt. hA|l, pp. holen; cp.OHG. helan (Otfrid).

Helen, v. to heal, PP, S2, C2; halyd,pp., H.—­AS. hA|*lan; cp.OHG. heilen (Otfrid).

Helende, sb. the Saviour, the Healer,S; halende, S; healent, S.—­AS.hA|*lend; cp. OHG. heilant (Otfrid).

Heleth, sb. armed man, warrior, MD;hA|leA deg., MD; heleA deg.es, pl.,S.—­AS. heleA deg.; cp. G. held.

Helfter, sb. noose, snare, S.—­AS.hA|lftre (Voc.); see SkD. (s. v. halter).

Heling, sb. salvation, S2.

Hell, v. to pour out, H; hel,1 pr. s., H; hell, imp. s., H;helles, pl., H; helland, pr.p., H; helt, pt. s., H; pp.,H.—­Icel. hella, to pour. SeeHelden.

Helle, sb. hell, C2, MD, PP; =_infernum_,W.—­AS. hell: OHG. hella:Goth. halja.

Helle-fur, sb. hell-fire, S.—­AS.helle-fA1/2r.

Helle-hound, sb. hell-hound, MD.

Helle-muA deg., sb. mouth of hell, S.

Helme, sb. a helm, covering for thehead, PP, CM; helm, MD.—­AS. helm;cp. Goth, hilms.

Helmed, adj. provided with a helm, C2,CM.

Help, sb. help, C2, PP.

Helpen, v. to help, S2; halp,pt. s., C2, PP; halpe, PP, S2; pl.,P; holpyn, P; hulpen, P; holpen,pp., C, C2, PP; holpe, P; hulpe,P.—­AS. helpan; pt. healp;pp. holpen; cp. Goth, hilpan.

Helplees, adj. helpless, C3; helples,PP.

Helthe, sb. health, salvation, S2; heelthe,W.—­AS. hA|*lA deg..

Hem, pron. pl. dat. and acc.them, S, S2, S3, C2, W, PP; hom, S, S2; ham,S, S2; him, C2; heom, S.—­AS.him, heom, dat. pl.

Hem-self, pron. themselves, S, C3, PP;hemseluen, PP; hemsilf, W, W2; hem-*silue,PP.

Hende, adv. at hand, S2.

Hende, adj. near at hand, handy, courteous,S, S2, G, P; heind, S2; hinde, S3; hendest,superl., S; hA|ndest, S.—­AS.(ge)hende.

Hendeliche, adv. courteously, S, S2,P; hA|ndeliche, S; hendely, S2; hendliche,S3.

Hendi, adj. gracious, courteous, S2;hendy, S2, MD.—­AS. hendig(in compounds): Goth. handugs, clever.

Heng, pt. s. hung; see Hangen.

Henge, sb. hinge, MD; hengis,pl., W2. See Hangien.

Henne, adv. hence, S, C3, PP; heonne,S; hennen, S.—­AS. heonan.

Hennes, adv. hence, S, S2, P, W; hennus,W; heonnes, PP.

Hennes-forth, adv. henceforth, C2.

Henten, v. to seize, Prompt., S3, C3,P; hente, pt. s., PP, S2, C2, C3, HD;hynt, S3; hent, S2, PP, S3; pp.,S3, C2, C3; y-hent, C3—­AS. hentan.

Henter, sb. a thief, HD.

Heo-; see under He-.

Heo, pron. she, S, S2, P; hi,S; hye, S; hie, MD; he, S, S2,P; hue, S2; ha, S; ho, S2, S3;3*eo, S; 3*ho, S; 3*he, S2; 3*e,S (s. v. ge); heo, acc., her,S.—­AS. hA(C)o.

Heo, pron. he, S; see He.

Heom, pron. them, S; see Hem.

Heo-seolf, she herself, S.

Hep, sb. heap; see Heep.

Hepe, sb. hip, the fruit of the dog-rose,SkD, MD; heepe, CM.—­AS. heope.

Hepe-tre, sb. cornus, Voc., Cath.

Heraud, sb. herald, S3, C; heraudes,pl., C, PP.—­OF. heraud, herault,heralt.

Herbe, sb. herb, Voc.; eerbe,W2; hairbis, pl., S3; herbes,C2; erbez, S2; eerbis, W2.—­OF.herbe; Lat. herba.

Herbere, sb. garden of herbs, S3; herber,PP, CM; erber, PP; erberes, pl.,S3.

Herbergage, sb. lodging, S2, C2, C3.—­AF.herbergage, from OF. herberge, encampment(Roland).

Herbergeour, sb. provider of lodging,C3.—­OF. herbergeur.

Herbergeri, sb. lodging, S2.—­OF.herbergerie.

Herberwe, sb. lodging, shelter, harbour,place of refuge, camp, S, PP; herborewe, W;herbergh, C, PP; herbor3*, PP; herbore,W.—­Icel. herbergi lit. army-shelter.See Here.

Herberwe, v. to harbour, lodge, S3,PP; herborowe, PP; harborowe, S3; herborwe,PP; herborwed, pp., S; herborid,W. See above.

Herbore-les, adj. homeless, W.

Herce, sb. triangular form, S3; herse,a framework whereon lighted candles were placed atfunerals, HD; burden of a song, S3.—­OF.herce, a harrow; Lat. hirpicem.

Herd, adj. haired, C.

Herde, adj. pl. hard, S; see Harde.

Herde, sb. herd, grex, PP.—­AS.heord.

Herde, sb. shepherd, CM; hirde,S, H; hird, S3, H; hurde, keeper, guardian,S; hirdis, pl., W, H.—­AS.hierde (heorde), herdsman; cp.OHG. hirti (Otfrid).

Herde-man, sb. herdsman, S3; heorde-monne,gen. pl., S.

Herdes, sb. pl. the refuse of flax,MD; hardes, Voc., Cath.; heerdis, CM;hyrdys, Prompt.; heorden, dat.,S.—­AS. heordan.

Herdes, pl. lands, S; see Erd.

Here, sb. hair, S, CM, S3; her,S2; heer, S3, C3; heere, W, PP; heare,S3; hore, MD ~; hares~, pl., S2; haris,S3; heres, C2; heeris, W; heiris,W2.—­AS. hA|*r; cp. OHG. hAir(Otfrid).

Here, sb. hair-cloth, S, S2; haire,Cath.; hayre, Voc.; heare, S; heire,W2, PP; heyre, C3, P, W; haigre, dat.,S.—­AS hA|*re.

Here, sb. host, army, S, S2.—­AS.here: Goth, harjis.

Here, pron. of them, their, S, S2, C,PP; her, S, S3, C2, C3, PP; heore, S;huere, S2; hore, S; hor, S2; hare,S, S2; hir, C2; hire, S; hern, herne,gen. theirs, W, W2.—­AS. hira(heora).

Here, pron. and poss. pron. her,C3, PP; see Hire.

Here, adv. before, S; see Er.[Addition]

Hered-men, sb. pl. retainers, S; seeHired-men.

Heremyte, sb. hermit, S2; heremites,pl., P; see Ermite. [Addition]

Heren, v. to hear, S, C2; hiren,to obey, S, MD; huren, MD; hA|ren, S;hieren, MD, S2; heir, S3; heoreA deg.,I pr. pl., S; herde, pt.s., S, S2, C2; herd, S2; hurde, S2;hard, S3; herden, pl., G; hard,pp., S3; herd, C2; y-hyerd, S2;ihurd, S2.—­AS. hA(C)ran:OS. hA cubedrian.

Here-to3*e, sb. leader of an army, MD;heretoche, S.—­AS. heretoga;cp. G. herzog.

Here-word, sb. praise, S.

Here-WurA deg.e, adj. worthy of praise,S.

Herield, adj. given as a heriot, S3.—­LowLat. heregeldum, see Ducange (s. v. heriotum).See Heriet.

Herien, v. to praise, S, C2, C3; herie,W; herye, S3, S2; i-heret, pp.,S.—­AS. herian: Goth, hazjan.

Herien, v. to harry, S2; see Harwen.

Heriet, sb. a heriot, equipment fallingto the lord of the manor on decease of a tenant, MD.—­AS.heregeatu, military equipment. See Here,Herield.

Hering, sb. herring, MD; herynge,S2 (8 b. 46); elringe, S2 (probably an error).Cp. AF. harang.

Heriynge, sb. praise, W; heryinge,S2.

Herken, v. to hark, MD; herk,S2.

Herknen, v. to hearken, S, C2; hercnen,hercni, S.—­AS. hearcnian.

Herknere, sb. listener, S3.

Herlot, sb. acrobat, H; see Harlot.

Hermes, sb. pl. harms, damages, S; seeHarm.

Hermyne sb. ermine, S; ermine,S.—­OF. hermine.

Herne, sb. a corner, S2, C3, P; hirne,S, PP, H, S3; hyrne, H; hurne, S, S2;huirnes, pl., S2, PP.—­AS.hyrne.

Herne, sb. heron, Prompt.; see Heron.

Herne-panne, sb. scull, HD; see Harne-panne.

Hernes, sb. pl. brains, S2; see Harnes.

Herneys, sb. armour, C; see Harneys.

Hernez, sb. pl. eagles, S2; see Ern.

Heron, sb. heron, MD; heiroun,MD; heyrone, MD; heroun, MD; herne,Prompt.; heern, Prompt.; heryn, Prompt.—­OF.hairon: It. aghirone: OHG.heigero.

Heronsewe, sb. a heron, a young heron,C2, Cath.; herunsew, HD; hearnesew,HD; hernshaw, HD, SkD.—­AF. herouncel(OF. heronceau).

Herre, sb. a hinge, Prompt., MD; harre,Cath., C; har, JD, Voc.; herris, pl.,W2; herrys, H.—­AS. heorr;cp. Icel. hjarri.

Herre, sb. lord, master, MD; hA|rre,S.—­AS. hearra; cp. OS. hA(C)rro.

Herse, sb. burden of a song, S3; seeHerce.

Hert, sb. hart. S2, C, C2, W2;hertes, pl., S2; hertis, W2,PP.—­AS. heort, heorot, heorut; seeBrugmann, ASec. 67. 5.

Herte, sb. heart, S, PP, S2, C2; hairt,S3; hurte, S2; huerte, S2; hierte,S; heorte, S, PP; hert, S2; hertes,pl., S, C2, C3; hertis, P.—­AS.heorte; cp. Goth. hairto.

Herte-blood, sb. heart’s blood,C3.

Herteles, adj. without courage, C; hartlesse,S3; hertles, foolish, W2.

Hertely, adj. hearty, MD; hertly,C2; joyous, W2.

Hertely, adv. heartily, S3, C2; herteliche,S.

Herten, v. to cheer, HD, S3, S; hertid,pp., wise, W2.

Herte-spon, sb. brisket-bone, C.

Herting, sb. cheering, S.

Heruest, sb. harvest, S, S2, P.—­AS.hA|rfest.

Heruest-trees, sb. pl. autumnal trees_= arbores autumnales_, W.

Hes, he, her; see He.

Hesmel, sb. collar (?), S.

Hesn, sb. command, MD; hesne,pl., S.—­Formed from AS. hA|*s.See Heste.

Hespe, sb. hasp; see Haspe.

Hespe, sb. hasp; see Haspe.

Heste, sb command, S, S2, C2, C3, PP;has, S; hes, S; hest, S; hease,dat. S; hese, pl., S; hestes,S, S2, S3, C2; heestis, W; hestene,gen., S.—­AS. hA|*s.

Hete, sb. heat, S, C3, PP; hA|te,S; heat, S; hit, S; hate, dat.,S.—­AS. hA|*tu.

Hete, v to heat, Cath., S2.—­AS.hA|*tan.

Hete, sb. hate, S.—­AS. hete:OS. heti.

Hetel, adj. hateful, cruel, horrible,MD.

Hetelifaste, adv. cruelly, S.

Heten, v. to promise, MD, S2, C3, H;see Haten.

Heter, adj. rough, MD.

Heterly, adv. fiercely, violently, S2;hetterly, S2; heterliche, MD; hatterliche,S; heatterliche, S.

Heth, sb. heath, PP, CM; heethe,dat., C.—­AS. hA|*A deg.;cp. Icel. heiA deg.r.

Hethen, adj. heathen, S, S2, C3, PP;hathene, S; heaA deg.ene, S;hA|A deg.ene, S.—­AS. hA|*A deg.en.

HeA deg.en, adv. hence, S, S2, S3, H;eA deg.en, S.—­Icel. hA(C)A deg.an.

Hethenesse, sb. heathendom, S, C3, PP.—­AS.hA|*A deg.ennis.

Hethenlich, adv. in heathen manner.W.

HeA deg.ing sb. scoffing, scorn, S2,HD, CM; hethyngis, pl., H.—­Icel.hA|A deg.ing.

Hette; see Haten.

Hetyng, sb. promising, H. See Heten.

Heued, sb. head, S, S2, PP; heaued,S; heauet, S; hafed, S; hA|fedd,S; hA|ued, S; hefed, S; heeued,S2; heuet, S; heed, C2, C3, G, W; heuede,dat., S2; hA|fden, pl., S; heuedes,C2; heuiddes, S2; hedes, C3; heedes,C2, G; heedis, W.—­AS. hA(C)afod.

Heued-cloA deg., sb. head-cloth, S.

Heued-sunne, sb. a capital sin, deadlysin, S; hefed-sunne, S; heaued-sunne,S.

HeuegeA deg., pr. s. bears heavy on,S.—­AS. hefigian.

Heuen, v. to heave, raise, S, S2, C;houe, pt. s., S, MD; houen, pp.,S2, MD.—­AS. hebban, pt. hA cubedf,pp. hafen.

Heuene, sb. heaven, PP; heouene,S; heuen, C2; heoffness, gen.,S; hewynnis, S3; heofene, dat.,S; heouene, S; heoffne, S; hefene,S; heuene, S, C2; hefenen, pl.,S.—­AS. heofon.

Heuenen, v. to raise, MD, S2. SeeHeuen.

Heuene-riche, sb. kingdom of heaven,S, S2, P; heoueneriche, S; heoueriche,S; heueriche, S; heofeneriche, S.—­AS.heofonrA-ce.

Heuen-king, sb. King of Heaven,S.

Heuenliche, adj. heavenly, S, C; heouenlich,S.

Heuy, adj. heavy, mournful, PP; molestus,W; heuie, S; hefi3*, S; heuy,adv., W.—­AS. hefig.

Heuyed, pp. made heavy, W.

Heuynesse, sb. heaviness, grief, PP,C2.

Hew, sb. colour, S, S2, S3; heou,S; heu, S2; hu3*, S2; hu, S2;hiu, S; heowe, dat., S; hewe,S2, C2; hewes, pl., colours for painting,C.—­AS. hiw.

Hewe, sb. servant, P, MD; hewen,pl., P, MD.—­AS. hA-wan, pl.domestics, from hA-w, family. See Hyne,Hired.

Hewed, adj. hued, S3, C; hwed,S2.

Hewen, v. to hew, knock, C, PP; hiewh,pt. s., S2.—­AS. hA(C)awan.

Hey, adj. high; see Heigh.

Hey, sb. hay, S2, C2, C3, W; hei,W; hai, S2; heye, W.—­AS.hA(C)g (OET).

Heyda. interj, ho! there, SkD; hoigh-*dagh,S3.—­Cp. G. heida.

Heyne, adj. as sb. despised,worthless person, C3, CM, MD; hehne, adj.dat., contemptible, S; hA|ne, pl.,poor, S.—­AS. hA(C)an; cp. Goth,hauns.

Heyre, sb. hair-cloth, C3, P, W; seeHere.

Heythe, sb. height, Prompt.; he3*the,S2; heyt, S2; hycht, S3. Phr.:on highte, aloud, C.—­AS. hA(C)hAdeg.u. See Heigh.

He3*e, adj. high; see Heigh.

Hi-, prefix; see under 3*e-.

Hi, pron. noun and acc. they,S, S2; hy, S, S2; i, S; hie,S; hii, S, S2; hij, P; hei, S;heo, S, S2; ho, S; he, S, S3;ha, S; hue, S2; a, S2.—­AS.hA- (hig), hA-e, hA(C)o.

Hi, pron. he, S; hie, S; seeHe.

Hid, sb. privity = absconditum,H (p. 96).

Hidel, sb. secrecy, secret, MD; hidils,H, W, HD. Phr.: in hiddlis = (inocculto), W, W2.—­AS. hA1/2dels.

Hiden, v. to hide, PP; see Huden.

Hider, adv. hither, S, S2, C2, G, PP;hyder, PP; huder, PP; hidur,HD.—­AS. hider, hiA deg.er.

Hider-to, adv. hitherto, S.

Hider-ward, adv. hitherward, S, S2,C2, P.

Hidous, adj. hideous, C; hydus,S2; hydows, immanis, Prompt.—­OF.hidus (F. hideux).

Hidousnesse, sb. horror, W2.

Hierte, sb. heart, S; see Herte.

Hight, HA-ht; see Haten.

Hihe; see Heigh.

Hi-heren, v. to hear, S.—­AS.gA(C)-hA(C)ran. See 3*e.

Hiht; see Haten.

Hihten; see Hi3*ten.

Hil, sb. hill, S; see Hul.

Hilen, v. to cover, protect, S, S2,W, H; hulen, S, S2, PP; hiled, pp.,C, P, H; hilid, W, H; hild, H; y-hyled,S3*.—­Icel. hylja.

Hilere, sb. protector, H; heyler,H.

Hiling, sb. covering, 82, W, W2; hil-ynge,H.

Him, pron. dat. s. him, C2.

Him-Seluen, pron. himself, C2, PP.

Hindir, adj. comp. hinder, latter, 8*3;hinder, JD; ender, 83. Phr.:this hyndyr nycht, this night last past, 83;this ender daie, S3*.—­Icel. hindri,hinder, latter.

Hine, pron. acc. him, S; hyne,S, S2;. hin, S.—­AS. hine.

Hine, sb. servant, MD; used of the Virgin Mary,MD; pl., S, S2; hinen, S; see Hyne.

Hine-hede, sb-service, S2.

Hirde, sb. shepherd, S, H;. see Herde.

Hirdnesse, sb. flocks under a shepherd’scare, S. See Herde.

Hire, pron. and poss. pron. her,S, S2, C; hure, PP, S; here, C3, PP;hir, C3, PP; ire, S2; hires, hers,S2, C3; hire-selue, herself, S2; Hir-selue,AS. hire (hyre).

Hire, adv. here, G; see Heer.

Hired, sb. body of retainers, S, MD;hird, household, company, courtiers, S, MD.—­AS.hA-red, household = hA-w + rA(C)d.See Hewe.

Hired-men, sb. pl. retainers, S; heredmen,S.

Hiren. to obey, S; see Heren.

Hirne, sb. corner, S, S3, PP, H; seeHerne.

Hirten, v. to hurt, dash against, W,W2; see Hurten.

Hirtyng, sb. stumbling, W, W2; hortynge,dat., hurting, H (p. 96).

His, pron. f. acc. her, MD (p. 446),S; hies, S; hes, S; ys, MD; is,82; hyse, MD.

His, pron. pl. acc. them, S, S2; hise,S2; hes, S; is, S,. S2: es,MD; ys, MD.

His, pron. poss. his, S, S2; hisse,S2; eg, S; is, S, S2; hise, pl.,S, W, PP; hyse, S, PP.

Hit, pron. it, S, S2; hyt, S2;it, S, S2; hi*3~t~, S2; hit (usedas gen.), S2.—­AS. hit.

Hit, sb. heat, S; see Hete.

Hitten, v. to hit, Cath., PP, S2; hutten,MD; hitte, pt. s., cast down hastily,P; hutte, PP; y-hyt, pp., S2.Icel. hitta: Goth, hinthan, tocatch.

Hi3*, adj. high, W, S; see Heigh.

Hi3*en, v. to heighten, extol, W; heien,S; hieth, pr. s., W; i-heied,pp., S (p. 123); i-hA|3*ed, S; heghid,H.

Hi3*en, v. to his, hasten, MD, W; hy3*en,S2; hyen, S3, PP; hye, reflex.,S2, C3; hi3*ede, pt. s., S, S2, S3, PP;hi3*ed, pp., W; hied, PP.—­AS.higan, higian.

Hi3*ingli, adv. hastily, W.

Hi3*t; see Haten.

Hi3*te, sb. delight, joy, S.—­AS.hyht, joy; cp. hihting, joy, exultation(Voc.).

Hi3*ten, v. to rejoice, be glad, S.—­AS.hyhtan; cp. ge-hihtan (Voc.).

Hi3*ten, v. to adorn, Trevisa, (1.41,235 and 2. 363); hight, HD; hihten,pt. pl., S.

Hi3*ter, sb. embellisher, Trevisa, (1.7).

Hoball, sb. an idiot, S3; hobbil,HD.—­Cp. Du. hobbelen, to toss,stammer, stutter.

Ho-bestez, sb. pl. she-beasts, S2.See Heo.

Hobie, sb. a kind of hawk, Manip.; hoby,Voc., Cath.; hobby, HD; hobies, pl.,S3.—­Cp. OF. hobreau (Cotg.).

Hod, sb. hood, S2, S3, PP; hode,C2, P; see Hood.

Hoddy-peke, sb. a hood-pick, HD; seeHuddy-peke.

Hohful, adj. anxious, MD; hohfulle,S.—­AS. hohful, from hogu,care.

Hoise, v. to hoist, lift up, WW; hoyse,S3; hyce, Palsg.; hyse, Palsg.; hoighced,pp., WW.—­Cp. ODu. hyssen,G. hissen, Du. hijschen, also F. hisser.

Hok, sb. hook, MD; hoc, S2; hokes,pl., P.—­AS. hA cubedc.

Hoked, adj. provided with a hook, P;i-hoked, hooked, S.

Hoker, sb. mockery, scorn, MD; hokere,dat., S; hokeres, pl., S.—­AS.hA cubedcor.

Hoker-lahter, sb. the laughter of scorn,S.

Hokerliche, adv. scornfully, S.

Hokerunge, sb. scorn, MD; hokerringe,dat., S.

Hokkerye; see Hukkerye.

Hold, sb. a stronghold, C3.

Hold, adj. inclined to any one, gracious,friendly, S; holde. pl., S2.—­AS.hold: Goth, hulps.

Holdelike, adv. graciously, S2.

Holden, v. to hold, observe, keep, consider,S, S2, PP; healden, S; halden, S, S2,PP; hA|lden, S; helde, S; halst,2 pr. s., S; halt, pr. s., S,S2, S3, C2; hallt, S; hauld, pl.,S3; haldes, haldis, imp. pl.,S2; heold, pt. s., S; heeld, C2;hield, S2; huld, S2; heoldon,pl., S; heolden, S; heolde, S;helde, C2, PP; hielden, S; hulde,S2; i-halden, pp., S; halden,S2; i-holde, S, S2; holden, S, C2; holde,beholden, S2; kept, C2; y-holde, S2, C3; y-holden,P; i-hialde, S.—­AS. healdan.

Hole, pp. covered; see Helen.

Hole, adj. whole, C3; pl., entire,i.e. neatly mended up, P; see Hool.

Hole-foted, adj. whole-footed (i.e.web-footed), S2.

Hole-ly, adv. wholly, P; holly,S2, C; hollyche, S3; holliche, PP; holiche,PP.

Holi, adj. holy, S, PP; holy,PP; hali, S, S2; heali, S; ali,S; hali3*, S; hall3*he, S; haliche,adv., S.—­AS. hAilig.

Holi-cherche, sb. Holy Church,P; holikirke, P.

HolA-dai, sb. holiday, PP; haliday,P.

Holi-gost, sb. Holy Ghost, PP;hali-gast, S.

Holle, sb. hull of a ship, SKD (p. 811),MD, Voc., Prompt.—­AS. holh.Cf. Holwe.

Holly, sb. holly, MD ~; holie~, S; holy,Prompt. See Holyn.

Holpen. pp.; see Helpen.

Holsumliche, adv. wholesomely, S. SeeHool.

Holt, sb. a wood, wooded hill, grove,MD; holte, C, PP; holtes, pl.,S3, PP.—­AS. holt (OET.).

Holwe, adj. hollow, C3, PP; howe,pl., S3, JD.—­Cp. AS. holh,a hollow.

Holyn, sb. holly, S (p. 116), Voc.,MD, Cath.; holin, S (p. 116); hollen,MD.—­AS. holen, holegn.

Holyn-bery, sb. holly-berry, Cath.

Homage, sb. men, retainers, vassalage,S.—­OF. homage.

Homicyde, sb. assassin, C2.—­AF.homicide; Lat. homicida (Vulg.).

Homicyde, sb. manslaughter, murder,C3—­OF. homicide; Lat. homicidium(Vulg.).

Homliche, adj. meek, domesticus,W; homeli, W; hamly, adv. familiarly,heartily, H. See Hoom.

Homlinesse, sb. domesticity, C2; hamlynes,intimacy, H.

Homward, adv. homeward, S, C2.

Hon-; see also under Hun-.

Hond, sb. hand, S, S2, C2. SeeHand

Hond-fast, pp. fastened by the hands,G.

Honest, adj. honourable, worthy, C2,C3, PP; onest, W; oneste W.—­OF.honeste; Lat. honestum.

Homestetee, sb. honourableness, C2.

Honestly, adv. honourably, C3.

Hong, pt. s. hung; see Hangen.

Hongede, pt. s. hung; see Hangen(2).

Honour, sb. honour, MD; honur,S2.—­OF. honur; Lat. honorem.

Honoure, v. to honour, PP, C2; onuri,S; honur, S2; anuri, S; onourynge,pr. p., W; anuret, imp. pl., S;anurede, pt. pl., S; anured,pp., S; onourid, W2.—­OF. honorer(onurer]; Lat. honarare.

Hony, sb. honey, PP, W.—­AS.hunig.

Hony-souke, sb. honeysuckle, Prompt.;locusA-a, Prompt.

Hony-souke, sb. chervil, cerifolium,Voc.; serpillum, pellitory, Voc.; locusta,Voc.; honysoukis, pl. (= locustae),W.—­AS. hunigsAge, privet, also hunisuce(Voc.).

Hood, sb. hood, PP, MD; hud,MD; hod, S2, S3, PP; hode, C2, MD, P;hoode, C2; hude, Cath.—­AS.hA cubedd.

Hool, adj. whole, C2, W, PP; hoi,S, S2, PP; hoole, S2, S3; hole, C3;hal,S.—­AS. hAil; cp.Icel. heill. Cf. Hail.

Hoolsum, adj. wholesome, W; hoisome,S3; holsum, S.—­Cp. Icel. heilsamr.

Hoom, sb. home, CM; horn, S,S2; om, S; ham, S; hom, adv.,S2, C2; hoom, C2; haym, S3; heame,S3; whome, S3.—­AS. ham, nom.and dat. loc., see Sievers, 237.

Hoor, adj. hoar, gray, C3; hor,PP; hore, pl., S3,G,P.—­AS.hAir.

Hoornesse, sb. hoariness, W2.

Hoos, adj. hoarse, PP~; hos~, PP; hoose,W2; hors, PP; horse, CM; hase,H.—­AS. hAis; cp. G. heiser.

Hoot, adj. hot, C3; hat, S; hate,S; hot, PP; hote, adv., S2; hatere,comp.,S; hatture, S.—­AS. hAit;cp. G. heiss.

Hope, sb. hope, MD; hoip, S3.—­AS.hopa.

Hopen, v. to hope, MD; hope,to think, expect, H.

Hopper, sb. a seed-basket, HD; hoper,P; hopyr, corn-basket, Voc.; hoppyr,farricapsa molendini, Cath.

Hoppesteres, sb. pl. dancers (viz. theships), MD, C.—­AS. hoppestre.

Hord, sb. hoard, S2, C3; horde,S, PP.—­AS. hord: Goth, huzd;cp. Lat. custos, see Brugmann, ASec. 469.

Horde-hows, sb. treasury, HD.

Hordere, sb. treasurer, SD.—­AS.hordere (Voc.)

Horder-wice, sb. the office of treasurer;horderwycan, S.

Hore, sb. whor*, PP; hoore, W,W2; horis, pl., W; hooris, W.—­Icel.hA cubedra.

Horedom, sb. whor*dom, PP; hordom,S, S2.—­Icel. hA cubedrdA cubedmr.

Horeling, sb. fornicator, MD; horlinges,S.

Hori, adj. dirty, MD; hoory,MD.—­AS. horig.

Horlege, sb. time-teller, clock, Cath.See Orologe.

Horlege-loker, sb. a diviner, haruspex,Cath.

Horowe, adj. foul, unclean, CM.—­FromAS. horh, filth (gen. horwes).

Horwed, pp. as adj. unclean, S2.

Hors, sb. horse, S; pl., S, C2,PP; horse, PP; horsus, PP.—­AS.hors.

Horse-corser, sb. horse-dealer, S3.

Horsly, adj. horselike, C2.

Horte, sb. hurt, S3. See Hurte.

Horten, v. to hurt, MD; see Hurten.

Hortynge, sb. hurting, H (p. 96); seeHirtyng.

Hosel, sb. the Eucharist, MD; see Husel.

Hoseli, v. to housel, S2; see Huslen.

Hosen, sb. pl. stockings, S, C2, G;hoosis, W.—­AS. hosan, pl.

Hoskins, sb. pl. gaiters, S3; hokshynes,S3.

Hoste, sb. host, entertainer, MD; seeOoste.

Hostel, sb. lodging, MD; see Ostel.

Hostellere, sb. inn-keeper, P; see Ostelere.

Hostelrie, sb. inn, C; see Ostelrie.

Hostery, sb. inn, MD; see Ostery.

Hoten, v. to bid, promise, MD; see Haten.

Hou, adv. how, S2, PP; hw, S;hwu, S; wu, S, S2; hu, S, S2;whou, S3; whou3*, S3; wou3*, S3.—­AS.hA. Cf. Hwi.

Houch-Senous, sb. pl. hock-sinews, S3;see Hou3*-senue.

Houge, adj. huge, WW; see Huge.

Hound, sb. hound, dog, MD. C2;hund, S; hunde, dat., S.—­AS.hund.

Hound-fle3*e, sb. dog-fly, cinomia,MD; hund-fleghe, H; hundeflee, Cath.;hundfle, H.—­AS. hundesflA(C)oge(Voc.).

Houre, sb. hour, MD; our, S2,S3; oware, S3; houres, pl., hours,devotions at certain hours (see Horae in Ducange),S2, P; oures, P; houris, orisons, songsof praise, S3; vres, S.—­AF. houre,OF. hore (eure, ure); Lat. hora.

Hous, sb. house, also a term in astrology,PP, S2, C2; hus, S.—­AS. hAs.

Housbond, sb. the master of a house,husband, C2, C3, G; housebond, PP; hosebonde,farmer, PP; husband, S, S2, S3; husbonde,S; husebonde, S.—­Icel. hAsbondi.

Housbonderye, sb. economy, P; housbondry,C; hosboundrie, PP; husbandry, Sh.

Hous-coppis, sb. pl. house-tops, W2.

Housel, sb. the Eucharist, CM; see Husel.

Houselen, v. to housel, CM; see Huslen.

House-wif, sb. house-wife, PP; hose-wyues,pl., W.

Houten, v. to hoot, PP; howten,Prompt.; huten, MD; y-howted, pp.,PP.—­Cp. OSwed. huta, with whichis related OF. huter (huer).

Hou3*-senue, sb. hock-sinew, MD; houchsenous,pl., S3.—­AS. hA cubedh-sinu;cp. Icel. hAi-sin.

Houe, sb. hoof, ungula, MD; hufe.Cath., MD; houys, pl., MD; hoeues,S3,—­AS. hA cubedf.

Houe-daunce, sb. a court-dance, HD,MD, Caxton (Reynard, p. 54). Cp. ODu. hofdans.

Houen, v. to wait about, remain, S,S2, S3, P; hufe, S3.

Howe, sb. high hill, tumulus; how,H (p. 374), JD; howis, pl., H.—­Icel.haugr.

Howfe, sb. hood, coif, tena,Cath.; howue, P, CM, C2 (p. 178); houue,PP; houues, pl., S2, P.—­AS.hAfe.

Hoxterye, sb. retail-dealing, S2, PP;see Huksterie.

Huche, sb. hutch, clothes-box, a chest,the ark of Israel, Prompt., H, MD; hucche,P, HD; hutche, Prompt.—­OF. huche.

Hud, sb. hood, MD; see Hood.

Huddy-peke, sb. a hood-pick, one whothieves out of a man’s hood, simpleton, S3;hudpik, S3 (p. 422); hoddypeke, S3 (p.421), HD.

Hude, sb. hide, S; hide, MD;hiden, pl, S2.—­AS. hA1/2d:OS. hAd; cp. Lat. cutis.

Huden, v. to hide, S, PP; hiden,S, PP; huyden, PP; hyde, C2; huide,S; hud, imp. s., S; hit, pr.s., C2; hut, MD; hudde, pt. s.,PP; hidde, C2, PP; y-hid, pp.,C3; i-hud, S; hidd, S; hudde,S.—­AS. hA1/2dan.

Hudinge, sb. concealment, S2.

Hue, sb. a loud cry, SkD, Sh.—­AF.hu. See Houten.

Huerte, sb. heart, S2; see Herte.

Hufe, sb. hoof, Cath., MD; see Houe.

Hufe, v. to hover about, S3; see Houen.

Huge, adj. huge, MD; hoge, MD;hugie, S3; houge, WW; hogge,HD, MD.

Hugely, adv., hugely, greatly, Cath.

Huide, v. to hide, S; see Huden.

Huirnes, sb. pl. corners, S2, PP; seeHerne.

Hukken, v. to hawk, to retail, Voc.;hucke, Palsg.—­Cp. ODu. huken,to stoop down (Du. heuken, to retail).

Hukker, sb. a hawker, retailer of smallarticles, Voc.—­Cp. Du. heuker.

Hukkerye, sb. retail dealing, PP; hokkerye,PP.

Hukster, sb. huckster, Voc., MD, Cath.;hukkester, Voc.; hokester, MD.

Huksterie, sb. retail dealing; huckus-*trye,PP; hoxterye, S2,

Hul, sb. hill, S2, PP, Voc.; hil,S; hille, dat., S; hulle, S;pl., S; hulles, S2, P; hilles,MD.—­AS. hyll.

Hulden, v. to flay, MD, S2; hild,HD; helden, MD; hylt, pp., HD.—­AS.(be)hyldan, to flay, skin; cp. Icel. hylda.

Hule, sb. a hull, husk, covering ofgrain or nuts, PP; hole. Prompt.; hoole,Prompt, SkD (p. 811).

Hulpen; see Helpen.

Huly adj. slow, moderate, JD; hoolie,JD.—­Icel. hA cubedgligr, adj.

Huly, adv. slowly, H; holy, H.—­Icel. hA cubedgliga.

Hulynes, sb. slowness, H; huliness,JD.

Humble, adj. humble, MD; humyll,S3.—­OF. humble, humile; Lat. humilem.

Humblesse, sb. humility, S2, C2, C3.

Humilitee, sb. humility, C2.

Hund, sb. hound, S; see Honnd.

Hunld-fle, sb. dog-fly, H; see Hound-fle3*e.

Hundred, num. hundred, S, P, Cath.;hundret, S; hondreA deg., P; hondred,S2; hundereth, S2; hundreth, WW.—­Icel.hundraA deg..

Hundred-feald, hundredfold, S.

Hunger, sb. hunger, famine, S; hungA|r,S; honger, S2; hungre, dat.,S.—­AS. hungor.

Hunger-bitten, adj. famished, WW.

Hungren, v. to hunger, S; hungrede,pt. s., was hungry, S.—­AS. hyngran.

Hungri, adj. hungry, S.—­AS.hungrig.

Hunte, sb. hunter, S, C; honte,C.—­AS. hunta (Voc.).

Hunten, v. to hunt, S, C2.—­AS.huntian.

Hunteresse, sb. huntress, C.

HunteA deg., sb. a hunting, MD; honteAdeg., S2, MD.—­AS. huntoA deg..

Hunting, sb.; an huntinge, onhunting, a-hunting, S, C2; on hontyng, C.

Hupe, sb. hip, MD; hepe, MD;hupes, pl., CM, MD; hipes, C;hipis, W.—­AS. hype.

Huppen, v. to leap, dance, jump, MD;hupte, pt. s., S, S2.—­Cp.G. hA1/4pfen..

Hurde, sb. keeper, S; see Herde.

Hurde, pt. s. heard, S2; see Heren.

Hure, adv. at least; hure and hure,at intervals, S, MD; hur and hur, frequently,S.—­AS. huru, at least. Cf. Lahwure.

Hure, sb. hire, S, S2, G, PP; huire,S, S2, P; huyre, P.—­AS. hA1/2r.

Huren, v. to hire, MD; huyre,ger., G; hyre, G; hurede, pt.s., S; hyred, pp., C2; huyred,P; ihuret, S2.—­AS. hA1/2rian.

Hurkelen, v. to stoop down, crouch,rest, MD; hurkle, HD; hurkled, pt.s., S2.

Hurlen, v. to rush, dash against, hurl,S2, C3, W2; hurlle, PP; hurliden, pt.pl., threw down, W.

Hurne, sb. corner, S, S2; see Herne.

Hurrok, sb. oar (?), S2, MD.—­Cp.orruck-holes, oar-drawing holes (?), in theNorfolk dialect, cited in MD.

Hurte, sb. hurt, collisio, Cath.;hurt, PP, C2; hortis, pl., S3.

Hurten, v. to dash against, push, injure,MD, Prompt., PP; horten, MD; hirten,W, W2; y-hurt, pp., S2, S3.—­OF.hurter.

Hurtlen, v. to dash against, rattle,dash down, C, W, W2.

Huschen, v. to hush, MD; hussen,MD; hussht, pp., MD; hoscht,MD; hust, pp., C.

Husel, sb. the sacrifice of the Eucharist,S; housel, CM; hosel, MD.—­AS.hAsel.

Huslen, v. to administer the Eucharist,MD; hoseli, S2; hoslen, S; houselen,CM; huseled, pp., houseled, S;hosled, S; y-housled, S2.

Hus-lewe, sb. house-shelter, S; seeHous.

Huyre, sb.; see Hure.

Hy, adj. high; see Heigh.

Hye, sb. haste, S2, S3, CM, C3; hie,MD; heye, MD; hegh, H.

Hyen, v. to hasten, S3, PP; see Hi3*en.

Hyne, sb. domestic, servant, hind, S2,P, C3, W; hine (used of the Virgin Mary), MD;hind, Sh.; hine, pl., S, S2; hinen,S.—­Cp. AS. hA-na man, a manof the domestics. HA-na, also written hA-wna,gen. pl. of hA-wan, domestics. See Hewe.

I (Vowel)

[For words in which initial I has the soundof ~J~, see under I (consonant) below.

I-, prefix; see 3*e-.

IA|de, pt. s. went, S; ieden,pl., S; see Eode.

I-bede, sb. prayer, S; ibeden,pl., S.—­AS. gebed. SeeBede.

I-bere, sb. noise, S.—­AS.gebA|*re, gesture, cry : OS. gi-bAiri.

I-beten, v. to amend, S.—­AS.ge-bA(C)tan.

I-biden, v. to have to do with, S.—­AS. ge-bA-dan.

I-biten, v. to bite, eat, taste, S.—­AS. ge-bA-tan.

I-blissien, v. reflex. to rejoice, S.—­AS. ge-blissian.

I-bod, sb. command, S.—­AS.ge-bod.

I-bon, pp. prepared, adorned, S.—­AS.ge-bAn, pp. of ge-bAan. See Boun.

I-borhen, pp. saved, S; ibore3*e,S; iboruwen, S; see Ber3*en.

I-brucen, v. to enjoy, S.—­AS.ge-brAcan.

I-brusted, pp. made bristly, S.

I-bureA deg., pr. s. (it) behoveth,S.—­AS. ge-byrian.

I-bure3*en, v. to deliver, S.—­AS.ge + borgian. See Borwen.

Ich, pron. I, S, S2, S3, C2; icc,S; ik, P; hic, S; hy, S2; ic,S; ih, S: ihc, S; y, S, W,W2. Comb.: ichabbe, I have, S2;icham, I am, S2; ichaue, I have, S2;icholle, I will, S2; ichcholle, S2;ichulle, S2, S; ichim, I + him, S; ichot,I wot, S2; ychabbe, I have, S2; ycham,I am, S2.—­AS. ic; cp. OHG.ih (Otfrid).

Ich, adj. each, S, S2; see Eche.[Addition]

I-chaped, pp. furnished with a chape,C. See Chape.

I-cnowen, v. to know, S.—­AS. ge-*cnAiwan.See Knowen.

I-coren, pp. chosen, S; see Chesen.

I-cundur, adj. com. more natural, S;see 3*e-cende.

I-cwede, pp. spoken, S; see QueAdeg.en.

I-cweme, adj. pleasing, S.—­AS.ge-*cwA(C)me.

I-cwemen, v. to please, S; i-queme,S; i-quemde, pt. s., S.—­AS.ge-cwA(C)man.

Idel, adj. idle, empty, useless, S;ydel, S, C2, P; idul, W. Phr.:an ydel, in vain, P; on idel, S.—­AS.A-del; cp. OHG. A-tal (Tatian).

IdellAche, adj. idly, SD; ydelly,C3.

Idelnesse, sb. idleness, S; idelnisse,S2.—­AS. idelnis.

Idiote, sb. unlearned person, a mannot holding public office, TG, PP; ydiot, W;ideot, Cotg.; ydiote, PP.—­OF.idiot, one that hath no charge in a commonwealth,an unprofitable person, a ninny, a natural fool (Cotg.);Lat idiota (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: idiotaes],ignorant (NT), lit. one occupied with [Greek:ta idia] his private affairs, from [Greek: idios],one’s own.

I-dreaued, pp. troubled, S; see Drouy.

Ieden, pt. pl. went, S; see Eode.[Addition]

I-fA|ied, pp. hated, SD; i-uaid,S; i-vA|id, SD.—­AS. ge-fA(C)oged,pp. of ge-fA(C)ogan, to hate.

I-fellen, v. to fell, SD; i-uA|lAz,pr. pl., S; yfelde, pt. s., S;ifulde, S.—­AS. ge-*fellan.

I-fere, sb. a fellow-farer, companion,comes, S; 3*e-feren, pl., S;i-feren, S; i-ueren, S; y-fere,S; i-uere, S.—­AS. ge-fA(C)ra.

I-feren, adv. together, S; see In,prep.

I-finden, v. to find, S; i-uinden,S; i-uynde, S; y-fynde, C2.—­AS.ge-*findan.

I-fon, v. to take; i-uo, S; ifoAdeg., pr. pl., S.—­AS. ge-fAcubedn. See Fon.

I-fulde, pt. s. felled, S; see I-fellen.

Igain, prep. and adv. against,again, S2; see A3*ein.

Igain-sawe, sb. contradiction, S2.Cf. Ogainsaghe.

I-gistned, pp. lodged, S2; see Gestnen.

I-gon, v. to go, S.—­AS. ge-gAin.

I-grA|tten, pt. pl. saluted, S; igret,pp., S (7. 105).—­AS. gegrA(C)tton,pt pl. of grA(C)tan. See Greten.

I-grede, sb. shouting, clamour, S. SeeGreden.

I-healden, v. to hold, keep, S; iholde,S.—­AS. ge-healdan. See Holden.

I-hende, adv. near, S.—­AS.ge-hende; see Hende.

I-heorted, adj. in phr.; heieiheorted, proud-hearted, S.

I-heren, v. to hear, S; ihure,S, S2.; hi-heren, S; yhyren, S2; ihA|rde,pt. s., S; ihorde, S.—­AS.ge-hA(C)ran.

I-hold, sb. fortress, hold, S.—­AS.ge-*heald. See Hold.

I-holde; see I-healden.

I-hudeket, pp. hooded, S. See Hood.

I-hure; see I-heren.

I-hwulen, v. to be at leisure, S. SeeWhile.

Ik, pron. I, P. See Ich.

I-latet, adj. visaged, S. See Late.

~-ild~, suffix. As in beggild,MD; cheap-*ild, S; fostrild, MD.

Ile, sb. isle, S, S2, C3; yle,C2, PP, S3.—­OF. ile, isle; Lat.insula.

I-leaded, pp. fitted with lead, S.

I-leaue, sb. leave, S2.—­AS.ge-lA(C)af.

I-ledene, sb. pl. of one’s people,compatriots, S.—­AS. ge-lA(C)od.See Leode.

I-leoten, v. to fall to one’slot, SD; iloten, pp., befallen, S.—­AS.ge-hlA(C)otan, to share, get; pp. ge-hloten.See Lot.

Iles-piles, sb. pl. hedgehogs, S; ilspiles,S (n). Properly ‘the quills of thehedge-hog’; AS. A-l, igel, hedgehog (OET)+_pA-l_, a dart (Grein); Lat. pilum.

I-lete, sb. face, demeanour, S. Cp.ODu. ge-lAit. See Leten.

I-lethered, adj. made of leather, S.

I-leue, sb. belief; i-lA|fe,SD; i-leave, SD; i-leuen, pl.,S.—­AS. ge-lA(C)afa; cp. OHG.giloubo (Otfrid).

I-leuen, v. to believe, S, S2; ilef,imp. s., S.—­AS. ge-lA(C)fan,ge-lA-efan: Goth, ga-*laubjan; cp.OHG. gi-louben (Otfrid). Cf. Yleuen.

Ilich, adj. like, S; iliche,S; ylyche, S2; ylike, S3; ilik,S; ilikest, superl, S.—­AS.ge-lA-c.

Iliche, adv. alike, S; ilyche,S; yliche, C2; ylyke, C2; eliche,S3; elyk, S3; 3*elice, S.—­AS.ge-lA-ce. Cf. Aliche.

Iliche, sb. an equal, likeness, S; ilike,S.

Ilke, adj. the same, S, G, C3, S2, S3,C2, H; ilk, H; ilce, S; ulke,S; yche, S2.—­AS. ilca (ylca)= A—­lic; with i- cp.Goth, ei, Lat. i- in i-dem, seeGrimm, German Grammar, 3. 50, Fick, 3. 728.

Ille, adj., sb. bad, ill, S; ylle,S2; A3/4e ille, the evil one, i. e. the devil,S. Comb.: il torned, perverse, S2.—­Icel.A-llr (illr).

Ille, adv. badly, S, HD.

Ille, v. to make wicked; illid,pt. pl., H.—­Icel. A-lla, toharm.

Illuster, adj. illustrious, JD; illustare,S3.—­OF. illustre; Lat. illustrem.

I-lokien, v. to observe, S; iloken,S.—­AS. ge-lA cubedcian.

I-lome, adv. frequently, S, S2; ylome,S2.—­AS. ge-lA cubedme. Cf. Lome.

I-lomp, pt. s. happened, S; see 3*elimpen.

I-long, adv. S, NED (p. 250); longe,S2. Phr.: al ilong of, entirelybelonging to, dependent on, owing to, S; long on,C3, S2; all long of, long of, Sh.—­AS.gelang, belonging, depending, gelang on,gelang A|t, because of, owing to. Cf. A-long.(A- 6.)

I-loten, pp. befallen, S.—­AS.ge-hloten, pp. of ge-hlA(C)otan, toshare. See I-leoten.

I-melen, v. to speak, S.—­AS.ge-mA|*lan.

I-membred, pp. parti-coloured, S.—­Cp.OF. membre (Cotg.), and see Ducange (s.v. membrare).See Membre.

I-mene, adj. common, S.—­AS.ge-mA|*ne.

I-mid, in the midst, S2; i-middes, S.

I-mong, prep, among, S, SD; imange,S2.—­AS. ge-mang; see NED (s. v.among).

Impayable, adj. implacable, H. (In-3.)

Impne, sb. hymn, Prompt.; imne,Prompt.; ympne, W, CM; ympnes, pl.,W2; ympnys, HD.—­OF. ymne (Ps.64. 1); Lat. hymnus (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:hymnos].

Importable, adj. intolerable, C2.—­Lat. importabilis. (In- 3.)

In-, prefix (1), representing the Eng. prep. in. See In.

In-, prefix (2), standing for the Latinprefix in-, which is the prep. in incomposition.

In-, prefix (3), the negative Latinprefix in-, equivalent to Eng. un-.See Un-.

In, sb. dwelling, lodging, abode, S,S3, C2, C3; hin, S; ynne, S3; inne,dat., S.—­AS. inn.

In, prep, in, into, on, S, S2, PP; hin,S; I, S, SD. Comb.: in-fere,together, MD (p. 104), C3, S2, S3; yfere, S2,S3, C2; in feere, G; iuere, S; iferen,S; i-whils, while, H; ywhils, H; ewhils,H; in-like, in like manner, H; in-lich,inly, SD; i-mid, in the midst, S2; imiddes,S; ymydis, H; in-mongez, among, S2;i-twix, betwixt, meanwhile, H; in-with,within, S, C2, B.

Inche, sb. inch, Prompt., Cath.; enches,pl., S3.—­AS. ynce (SkD);Lat. uncia, ounce, inch. Cf. Ounce.

Incontinent, adj. incontinent; adv.immediately, S3, Sh. (In- 3.)

Influence, sb. influence of the planets,SkD.—­OF. influence (Cotg.); LateLat. influentia. (In- 2.)

Influent, adj. possessing influence(astrology), S3.—­Lat. influentem,pr. p. of influere, to flow into. (In-2.)

Inforce, v. reflex. to strive, S3. (In-2)

Infortunat, adj. unlucky, S2, C3. (In-3.)

Infortune, sb. misfortune, C2. (In-3.)

Ingot, sb. mould for pouring metalsinto, C3, SkD. (In- 1.)

In-hinen, sb. pl indoor-members of ahousehold, S. See Hine.

In-like, in like manner, H.

Inne, prep., adv. into, in, S, S2, PP,C2; ine, S, S2; ynne, S2; inre,adj. comp., inner, S; inerere, pl.,H; innresst, superl., S; innemest,SkD; ynneste, W2.—­AS. inne,comp. innera, superl. innemest, see Sievers,314.

Inne, dat. of In, sb.

Innen, prep, within, into, SD, S.—­AS.innan.

Innen, v. to lodge, C; ynnen,C.—­AS. innA-an.

InnoA deg., sb. womb, S.—­AS.innoA deg..

Inobedience, sb. disobedience, S, W.—­LateLat. inobedientia (Vulg.). (In- 3.)

Inobedient, adj. disobedient, S2.—­LateLat. inobedientem (Vulg.). (In- 3.)

Inoh, enough, S; innoh, S; inow,S; inouh, S; inou, S2; ino3*e,S; ino3*h, S; inough. C; innoghe,S2; inouwe, pl., S2; see Ynow.

Inpassyble, adj. incapable of suffering,H. (In- 3.)

Inpossible, adj. impossible, S2, PP.—­LateLat. impossibilis (in-). (In- 3.)

In-ras, sb. inroad, H. (In- 1.)

Inunctment, sb. ointment, S3.—­FromLat. inunctus, pp. of in-ungere, toanoint. (In- 2.)

In-with, within, S, C2, B.

In-wyt, sb. conscience, consciousness,S2; inwit, PP; ynwitt, PP.—­AS.inwit, craft. (In- 1.)

I-orne, pp. run, S; see Rennen.

Ipotaynes, sb. pl. hippopotamuses, S2.

I-queme, v. to please, S; see I-cwemen.

Irchon, sb. hedghog, S2; urchon,Prompt.; urchone, Palsg.; urchin, Sh.;vrchuns, pl., H; irchouns, W2.—­OF.ireASec.on, ereASec.on; Late Lat. *_ericionem_,from Lat. ericius, from he*r; cp.Gr. [Greek: chaer], hedghog, see SkD (s.v. formidable).

Iren, sb. iron, S, Cath.; yren,C3, PP; irun, W2; yrun, W, W2; yre,S2; yrens, pl., P; yrnes, P.—­OMerc.A-ren (OET): WS. A-sern: OHG.A-sarn; cp. OIr. iarn: GaulishA-sarnos.

Iren, adj. iron, ferreus, SD,Cath.; irnene, pl., S.—­OMerc.A-ren: WS. A-sern, see OET.

I-reste, sb. rest, S.—­AS.ge-rest.

Irisse, adj. Irish, S; Yrisse,S; Irish, S; Ersche, S3.—­AS.A-risc.

Is, pr. s. is, S; his, S, S2;es, S, S2, H; esse, S2.—­AS.is.

Ische, v. to issue, cause to issue,JD; isch, B; ischit, pt. s.,S3, B.—­OF. issir; Lat. ex-ire.

I-secgan, v. to confess; isecgA deg.,pr. s., S.—­AS. ge-secgan.

I-sechen, v. to seek; iso3*te,pt. pl., S.—­AS. ge-sA(C)can.

I-selA deg.e, sb. happiness, S.—­AS.ge-sA|*lA deg.. See SelA deg.e.

I-sene, adj. evident, seen, S; y-sene,S3, C.—­AS. gesA1/2ne. Cf. Sene.

I-seon, v. to see, S; i-seo,S2; i-sien, S; y-se, S2; i-si,S; y-zi, S2; i-se, S2; y-zy, S2;i-seonne, ger., S; i-seo, 1 pr.s., S; i-seoA deg., pr. s., S; i-se3*Adeg., S; i-sihA deg., S; i-siA deg.,S; i-sist, 2 pr. s., S; i-sA|h,pt. s., S; i-seh, S; i-seih,S; i-seyh, S; i-sey, S2; i-se3*,S; i-sei, S2; y-sey, S2; i-ze3*,1 pt. s., S2; i-se3*e A3/4e, 2 pt.s., S2; i-seien, pl., S; i-seyen,S; i-se3*e, S, S2; i-saye, S2; y-ze3*en,S2; i-sehen, pp., S; i-seien,S; y-seye, S2; y-so3*e, S2; y-zo3*e,S2.—­AS. ge-sA(C)on.

I-Set, pp. said, S (3a. 93); see Seggen.

I-sihA deg.e, sb. sight, S; 3*esecAdeg.e, S.—­AS. ge-sihA deg..

Isle, sb. glowing ashes, favilla,HD; isyl, Prompt.; iselle, Cath.; easle,HD; ysels, pl., HD; useles, Trevisa,4. 431; usellez, S2; iselen, dat.,SD, Cath. (n).—­Icel. usli;cp. MHG. A1/4sele (G. A1/4ssel).The same stem us- is found in Lat. us-ere(urere), to burn.

I-some, adj. agreed, peaceable, S.—­AS.ge-sA cubedm.

I-so3*te, pt. s., sought; see I-sechen.

Isturbed, pp. disturbed, S.—­OF.estorber; Lat. ex- + turbare.

I-swink, sb. toil, S.—­AS.ge-swinc.

I-A3/4ank, sb. thought, intention, S.

I-A3/4enchen, v. to think, S; i-A3/4ohten,pt. pl., S.—­AS. ge-A3/4encan.

I-A3/4e3*, pt. s. thrived, S2; see Theen.

I-A3/4olien, v. to endure, S.—­AS.ge-A3/4olian.

I-A3/4oncked, adj. minded, S.

I-tiden, v. to betide, S; itit,pr. s., S; ityt, S.—­AS. ge-tA-dan.

I-timien, v. to happen, S.—­AS.ge-tA-mian; cp. Icel. tA-ma.

I-twAx, meanwhile, H.

I-uaid, pp. hated, S; see I-fA|ied.

I-ueied, pp. joined, S; see Fe3*en.

I-ueiA3/4ed, pp. treated with enmity,S. See Fede.

Iuel, adj. evil, S, W2, S2. SeeUuel.

I-uelen, v. to feel, S.—­AS.ge-fA(C)lan.

Iuen, sb. ivy, Cath.; yven, Cath.(n); ivin, HD, EDS (C. vi).—­AS.A-fegn (Voc.).

I-uere, sb. companion, S; see I-fere.

Iui, sb. ivy, S; ive, S3.—­AS.A-fig.

I-uo, v. to take, S; see I-fon.

I-ureden, v. to hurt, injure, S.—­ME.i-ureden = i-wreden = i-werden; AS. ge-werdan,ge-wyrdan (BT). See Werd.

I-war, adj. aware, wary, S, PP; ywar,PP.—­AS. ge-wA|r. See War.

I-whilc, adj. every, S.—­AS.ge-hwilc.

I-whils, adv. while, H.

I-wil, sb. will, S.—­AS. ge-will.

I-wis, adv. truly, certainly, S, PP,S2; iwiss, S; iwys, G; ywis,S, S2, C2; ywys, S2, PP; ywisse, PP;iwisse, S3. Comb.: wel ywisse,S; mid iwisse, S.—­AS. ge-wiss,certain, formed from wisse, pt. of witan,see Sievers, 232 d.

I-witen, v. to know, S, S2; i-wyten,S; y-witen, S2; i-wiste, pt. s.,S.—­AS. ge-witan.

I-witen, v. to protect, S. See Witen.

I-woned, pp. accustomed, S, S2; y-woned,S2; i-wuned, S; woned, S, S3; wont,S3; wunt, S2; woonted, S3.—­AS.ge-wunod, pp. of ge-wunian, to dwell,to be accustomed. See Wonen.

I-wune, sb. custom, S.—­AS.ge-wuna. Cf. Wone.

I-wurA deg.en, v. to become, to happen,S; i-worA deg.e, S; y-worA deg.e, P,S2; i-worA deg.e, pp., S.—­AS.ge-weorA deg.an.

I (consonant)

[For words in which initial I isa vowel see under I (vowel) above].

Iacynte, sb. jacinth, SkD; iacynct,SkD; jacint, Cotg.; iacinctus, W (Rev.21. 20); jagounce, HD; iacynctis, pl.,W2 (= Heb. tarshish).—­OF. jacinthe(Cotg.); Lat. hyacinthus (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:hyakinthos] (NT); cp. OF. jagonce.

Iagge, v. to jag, notch, Prompt., Palsg.;jag, HD; jaggede, pt. s., HD;jaggde, pp. pl., S3; jaggede,HD.

Iagge, sb. a jag of cloth, Prompt.

Ialous, adj. jealous, C2, C3.—­OF.jalous; Late Lat. zelo*sum, from Lat.zelus; Gr. [Greek: zaelos], zeal.

Ialousye, sb. jealousy, PP, C2, C3;ielesye, PP.—­OF. jalousie.

Iambeux, sb. pl. armour for the legs,C2, HD; giambeux, ND.—­Cp. OF.jambiere, armour for a leg (Cotg.), from jambe,leg: It. gamba (Florio).

Iane, sb. a small coin of Genoa, ND,C2, HD.—­See Ducange (s. v. januini).

Iangle, v. to jangle, chatter, murmur,argue, quarrel, S2, PP, Sh, S3, C2, C3; gangle,SkD; iangland, pr. p., S2, H.—­OF.jangler, to jest, mock (Bartsch).

Ianglere, sb. brawler, wrangler, W2;prater, chatterer, H; iangeler, story-teller,S2, PP; iangelere, Prompt.

Iape, sb. joke, jest, mockery, PP, S3,C2, C3, Prompt.; iapes, pl., S2.

Iapen, v. to jest, mock, play tricks,act the buffoon, PP, C2, C3; iapede, pt.s., S2.—­OF. japper, to yapp (ofdogs), Cotg.

Iaper, sb. jester, buffoon, PP, Prompt.;iapers, pl., S2.

Iargoun, sb. jargon, S2; jergon,SkD.—­OF. jargon.

Iaunys, sb. the yellow disease, jaundice,S2, SkD, HD; iawnes, Cath., HD, Voc.; jaundys,Cath. (n); jandis, Voc.—­OF.jaunisse, from jaune, gaune, yellow;Lat. galbinum, from galbus.

Ieaunt, sb. giant, PP, S2; see Geaunt.

Ielesye, sb. jealousy, PP; see Ialosye.

Ielofer, sb. gillyflower, S3; see Gerraflour.

Iemis, sb. pl. gems, S3; see Gemme.

Iennet, sb. a small Spanish horse, S3;see Genette.

Ient-man, sb. gentleman, S3. SeeGent.

Ieoperdie, sb. jeopardy, S3; see Iupartie.

Ierkin, sb. jerkin, jacket, S3.—­Cp,Du. jurk, a frock.

Iesseraunt, sb. a coat or cuirass offine mail, HD; gesserant, S3; gesseron,S3.—­OF. jazerant (Ducange), jazeran,iaseran (Cotg.), jazerenc (Roland); cp.It. ghiazzerino (Florio).

Iette, sb. jet, SkD; jet, SkD;geet, C; geete, Prompt.; gett,Prompt.—­OF. jet, jaet; Lat.gagatem. See Gagates.

Iette, sb. fashion, custom, PP, Palsg.;gette, Palsg.; iutte, rude slight, S3;jet, a device, HD; get, Prompt., SkD(jet), C, C3.

Ietten, v. to throw out, to fling aboutthe body, to strut about, SkD, Prompt., Palsg.; getten,Prompt,; ietting, pr. p., S3.—­OF.jetter (getter), jecter (gecter); Lat. iactare,freq. of iace*re, to throw.

Iewe, sb. Jew, PP; Iewes,pl., PP; Geus, S; Gius, S; Gyus,S.—­AF. Geu, OF. Jueu, Judeu;Lat. IudA|um.

Iewise, sb.; see Iuwise.

Iogelen, v. to juggle, play false, PP,Prompt.; iuglen, S3, SkD.;

Iogelour, sb. buffoon, juggler, CM,C2, PP; ioguloure, Prompt., iogulor,deceiver, H; iuguler, Cath.; iuglur,S.—­AF. jugleAr; Lat. ioculatorem.

Ioie, sb. joy, S, C2; joye, S,S2, C2, PP.—­AF. joie, OF. goie;Lat. gaudia, pl. of gaudium, rejoicing.

Ioien, v. to rejoice, W2, PP.

Ioist, v. to put out cattle to grazeat a fixed rate, to agist cattle, HD, EDS (C. vi);jyst, EDS (C. xxvi); ioyst, pp.,lodged (of cattle), S2.—­OF. gister,to lodge, from giste, a place to lie in, app. form of gesir; Lat. iace*re, to lie;see NED (s. v. agist).

Iolif, adj. gay, merry, C, H, PP; iolef,S2; ioli, W2, PP; joly, C2.—­AF.jolyf, jolA-f.

Iolifte, sb. amusem*nt, enjoyment, joviality,H; iolitee, C2, C3.—­OF. jolivete.

Iolily, adv. merrily, G.

Iolynesse, sb. festivity, C, C2.

Iorne, sb. journey, S2; jornay,S2; see Iourne.

Iouisaunce, sb. enjoyment, S3.—­OF.jouissance (Cotg.), from OF. joA-r:Prov. gaudir; Lat. gaudere.

Iourne, sb. a day’s work or travel,PP; iornay, S2; jurneie, SkD; iourney,S3, C2; iornes, pl, S2; iournes,H (Ps. 22. 9).—­OF. jornee, journA(C)e,a day, a day’s journey, a fixed day (cp.AF. jorneie, day on which a court is held);Low Lat. jornata, *_diurnata_, from Lat. diurnus.

Iousten, v. to approach, encounter,to joust, tilt, PP, CM; iusten, C3.—­OF.jouster (joster), juster; Late Lat. juxtare,to approach, from Lat. iuxta.

Iouster, sb. champion, PP.

Ioustes, sb. pl. tournaments, CM.—­AF.joustes.

Ioutes, sb. pl. a food made from herbs,broth, P, HD, Prompt, (n); iowtes, lap-*pates,Cath., Prompt, (n); iowtys, potage,Prompt.; jutes, Voc.; eowtus, Prompt,(n).—­OF. ioute, ‘olera’(Ps. 36. 2); Low Lat. ju*ta, ‘awilledmeolc’ (Voc.); jutta (Ducange); prob.of Celtic origin, cp. Breton iot, porridge,Wel. uwd, OIr. A-th. see Rhys, Lectureson Welsh Philology, p. 7.

Joutes. For juta* read ju*ta.For other cognates of this wide-spread word, see Kluge(s.v. jauche). See also s.v. kAse,where Kluge remarks that Icel. ostr, cheese,and Finnish juusto, cheese, are etymologicallyconnected with G. jauche, and Latin jus.[Addition/Correction]

Ioynen, v. to join, PP, C3; joyneaunt,pr. p., joining, S3.—­OF. joindre(pr. p. joignant); Lat. iungere.

Ioynturis, sb. pl. joinings, W; ioyntours,W.—­OF. jointure; Lat. iunctura(Vulg.).

Iuge, sb. judge, S2, Voc., C2, C3; jugge,C; jugges, pl., P; juges, S3.—­AF.juge; Lat. iudicem.

Iugement, sb. judgment, S2, C2, C3;juggement, C.—­AF. jugement.

Iugen, v. to judge, decide, PP; iugge,PP, CM.—­OF. juger; Lat. iudicare.

Iugge-man, sb. judge, G.

Iuglen, v. to juggle, S3; see Iogelen.

Iuguler, sb. buffoon, Cath.; see Iogelour.

Iugulynge, sb. juggling, S3.

Iumpred, sb. mourning, S2.—­AS.gA(C)omer + rA|*den. See 3*emer.

Iunglenges, sb. pl., disciples, S; see3*onglyng.

Iupartie, sb. jeopardy, CM, C3; Ieoperdie,S3; jeobertie, HD.—­OF. jeu parti,a divided game, a poetical discussion (Bartsch); LateLat. jocus partitus (Ducange).

Ius, sb. juice, S2, HD.—­OF.jus; Lat. ius, broth.

Iusten, v. to joust, C3; see Iousten.

Iustlen, v. to jostle, push, S3.

Iutes, broth; see Ioutes.

Iutte, sb. a piece of scornful behaviour,S3; see Iette.

Iuuente, sb. youth, S2, PP.—­OF.jovente (Bartsch); Lat. iuventa.

Iuwise, sb. judgment, PP; iuwyse,CM, C; iewise, HD; iewis, PP; iuyse,C3; iuise, HD.—­AF. juise;Lat. iudicium.

K-; see also under C-.

Kacherel, sb. bailiff, S2; see Cacherel.

KA|rf, pt. s. cut, carved, S; see Keruen.

Kairen, v. to go, P; see Kayren.

Kaiser, sb. CA|sar, emperor; cayser,MD; caysere, MD; caisere, MD; kaysere,S; kayser, S2; keiser, S; keysar,S3.—­Cp. Goth. kaisar; Lat. Caesar.

Kale, sb. cabbage, cale, H; see Cole.

Karf, pt. s. cut, S; see Keruen.

Kateyl, sb. property, S2; see Catel.

Kayren v. to go, move oneself, S2, MD;kairen, P; cair, to drive backward andforwards, JD.—­Icel. keyra, to impel,drive.

Kechyn, sb. kitchen, S2; see Kuchene.

Kedde, pt. made known, S; see Kythen.

Kele, v. to cool, W, S2, H, PP.—­AS.cA(C)lan.

Keling, sb. a large kind of cod, MD,HD, S2 (s.v. lobbe); kelynge, MD; keeling,JD.—­Cp. Icel. keila, ‘gadus.’

Kemben, v. to comb, S, C2, PP; kemyn,Prompt.; kempt, pp., MD.—­AS.cemban. See Combe.

Kemelyn, sb. tub, CM.

Kempe, sb. warrior, S, MD, Cath.—­AS.cempa, Icel. kempa: OHG. chemphio,also kempho (Tatian); Late Lat. campio,from Lat. campus. See Camp.

Kempe, adj. shaggy, rough, C, CM; campe,C (p. 155), EETS (1).

Kempster, sb. f. flax-comber, Palsg.;kemster, Voc. See Kemben.

Ken, sb. pl. cows, S2; see Cow.

Kende, adj. natural, kind, S2; see Kynde.

Kende, sb. race, kind, S2; see Kynde.

Kendeliche, adv. naturally, S2; seeKyndely.

Kendlen, v.; see Kindlen.

Kene, adj. bold, keen, sharp, Prompt.,S, C2; keyn, MD; kenre, comp.,MD; kennest, superl., MD.—­AS.cA(C)ne; OTeut. *_ko*ni*_; cp. OHG. kuani(Otfrid), chuoni.

Kenne, sb. dat. kin, S, S2; see Kyn.

Kennen, v. to beget, engender, to bringforth, to be born, MD, PP; y-kend, pp.,S2; kenned, MD.—­AS. cennan,to beget, conceive, bring forth; OS. kennian,to beget, causal from OTeut. root KAN, to generate,see Kluge (s. v. kina).

Kennen, v. to show, declare, teach,S2, PP, SkD (s. v. ken), Prompt., H; kende,pt. s., S2.—­AS. cennan, tomake to know: Goth. kannjan = *kannian,causal of OTeut. KANN, base of KONNAN, toknow.

Kennen, v. to know, SkD. (s. v. ken);ken, S3, JD; kend, pt. pl., S3;kend, pp., S3.—­Icel. kenna,to know. See above.

Keoruen, v. to carve, S; see Keruen.

Kepe, sb. heed, S2, S3, C2; kep,S3.

Kepen, v. to keep, mark, observe, regard,S, S2, S3, C2; keped, pt. s., S2; kipte,S2.—­AS. cA(C)pan, later form of cA1/2pan(= cA(C)apian), see Sievers, 97.

Kepen. AS. cA(C)pan, to keep, shouldbe kept quite distinct from AS. cA1/2pan, tosell. AS. cA1/2pan is the phonetic representativeof OTeut. kaupjan, whereas cA(C)pan,to keep, represents an OTeut. ko*pjan_. Cp.E. _keen_, the representative of AS. _cA(C)ne_, OTeut._*ko*ni_ (G. _kA1/4hn_). See Kluge’s notein P. & B. BeitrAge, viii. 538. [Addition]

Keppen, sb. pl. caps, S; see Cappe.

Kernel, sb. a loophole in a fortress,a battlement, PP; crenelle, HD; kyrnellis,pl., S3; kirnelis, PP.—­OF.crenel, from cren (cran), a notch;Lat. crena.

Kerneled, adj. furnished with battlements,P.

Kertel, sb.; see Kirtel.

Keruen, v. to carve, MD, Prompt., S,C2; keoruen, MD, S; cA|rf, pt. s.,MD; kA|rf, S; kerf, MD; karf,MD, S; carf, C2; curuen, pl.,MD; coruen, pp., MD, S3, C; icoruen,S3; y-coruen, S3, C3; y-koruen, C2;i-koruen, S; kerued, S3.—­AS.ceorfan, pt. cearf (pl. curfon),pp. corfen.

Kesse, v. to kiss, S, C2; see Cussen.

Keste, v. to cast, S2; see Casten.

Kete, adj. bold, lively, gay, powerful,MD, S2, PP; ket, irascible, JD.—­Cp.Icel. kAitr, merry, Dan. kaad.

Kete-lokes, sb. pl. trefoil, H; seeCat-cluke.

Keuel, sb. a bit for a horse, a gag,a small piece of wood used in casting lots, MD, H,S; kevyl, Prompt.; cavel, JD; kevelles,pl., MD; caflis, MD, JD.—­Icel.kefli.

Keueren, v. to recover one’s health,MD, PP; keuord, pt. s., H; see Coveren.

Keueringe, sb. recovery, S2.

Keye, sb. key; kay, MD; cays,pl., MD; keis, S; kei3*es, S2.—­AS.cA|g.

Kidde, pt. s. made known, S, P; pp.,S; kid, S; see Kythen.

Kidnere, sb. kidney, SkD; kydney,Voc.—­Icel. kviA deg.r, belly + nA1/2ra,kidney. See Nere.

Kien, sb. pl. cows, W2; see Cow.

Kiken, v. to kick, MD, W; kycke,Palsg.—­Cp. kiken, kiksen in G. dialects.

Kime, sb. coming, S.—­AS.cyme. See Come.

Kindle, sb. offspring, brood, MD; kundel,MD; kyndlis, pl., MD.

Kindlen, v. to bear young, S; kyndlyn,Prompt.; kendlen, MD; kundlen, MD; i-kindled,pp., S. See Kynde.

Kindlen, v. to set fire to, MD; kyndlen,C; kinlen, MD.

Kine- (used in compounds), royal; see below.—­AS.cyne.

Kine-boren, adj. of royal birth, MD;kineborne, S.—­AS. cyne-boren.

Kine-dom, sb. kingdom, MD, S, S2.—­AS.cyne-dA cubedm.

Kine-helm, sb. royal helmet, crown,MD.—­AS. cyne-helm.

Kine-lond, sb. kingdom, S, MD.

Kine-merk, sb. royal mark; kyne-merk,S.

Kine-riche, sb. kingdom, rule, MD; cynerice,S.—­AS. cyne-rA-ce.

Kine-scrud, sb. royal robes, S.

Kine-stol, sb. throne, S.—­AS.cynestA cubedl.

Kine-A3/4eod, sb. subjects of a king,MD.

Kine-wurA deg.e, adj. royal, S, MD.

Kine-3*erde, sb. sceptre, MD.—­AS.cyne-gerd (Voc.).

King, sb. king, MD, S; kyng,S; kyngene, pl. gen., S2, PP.—­AS.cyning: OS. kuning.

Kingdom, sb. kingdom, MD.

Kinghed, sb. Kingship, PP.

King-riche, sb. kingdom, S, MD; kingrike,S2; kyngrike, H; kyngriche, P.

Kipte, pt. s. received, S2; see Kepen.

Kirke, sb. church, S, S2, P; see Chirche.

Kirnel, sb. loop-hole, PP; see Kernel.

Kirtel, sb. kirtle, a short gown orpetticoat, tunic, S3, P, CM; kurtel, S; cortel,MD; kirrtell, MD; kirtil, H; kyrtyl,S2; kertel, MD; kirtel, S3, P; curtel,MD.

Kist, sb. chest, coffin, MD; cyst,Voc.; kyst, S2; kiste, S2; kyste,S2, PP; cyste, munificentia, Voc.; chist,MD.—­AS. cist; Lat. cista;Gr. [Greek: kistae].—­Cf. Chest.

Kith, sb. one’s country, PP; seeKyth.

Kithen, v. to make known, S, S2; seeKythen.

Kithing, sb. telling, S2.

Kitlen, v. to tickle; kittle,HD, JD; kytlys, pr. s., S3. Seebelow.

Kitlynge,, sb. tickling, H; kitellynge,MD, HD.—­AS. kitelung, ‘titillatio’(Voc.).

Kitoun, sb. kitten, P; kyton,PP.

Kitte, pt. s. cut, S2, C2, C3; kittide,W; see Kutten.

Kitte-pors, sb. thief, PP; see Cut-purs.

Kittingis, sb. pl. cuttings, W.

KleA3/4ing, sb. clothing, S2. SeeCloth.

Knack, sb. a snap, crack, a jester’strick, a trifle, toy, SkD, MD; knakkes, pl.,CM; knackes, S3.

Knaing, sb. knowing, acquaintance, S2;see Knowen.

Knap, v. to snap, break with a noise,SkD; imp. s., strike (the bell), S3.—­Cp.G. knappen, to crack.

Knappes, sb. pl. knobs, S2, P; see Knoppe.

Knarre, sb. a knot in wood, SkD (s.v.gnarled), C, CM.—­Cp. MDu. cnorre,Du. knor, a knurl.

Knarry, adj. full of knots, C.

Knaue, sb. a boy-baby, boy, servant,knave, S, S2, C2; cnafe, MD; cnaue,MD.—­AS. cnafa; cp. OHG. chnabe(G. knabe).

Knaue-child, sb. a male child, W.

Knawe, v. to know, S2; see Knowen.

Knawen, pp. gnawed, S3; see Gnawen.

Kne, sb. knee, S, S2; cneowe,dat., S; cnouwe, S; knes, pl.,S; kneon, S; knowes, C2, P.—­AS.cnA(C)ow (cnA(C)o).

Kneden, v. to knead, Voc., Palsg.; cneden,S, MD; knodyn, pp., MD; knodon,Prompt.; kned, CM; knodden, HD.—­AS.cnedan, pp. cnoden (cneden), seeSkD.

Knelen, v. to kneel, S; knely,S2; kneolen, PP; knewlen, pr. pl.,PP.—­Cp. Low G. knA(C)len.

Knelyng, sb. kneeling, PP; cnelinng,S; knewelyng, S.

Kneon, sb. pl. knees, S; see Kne.

Knippen, v. to nip, break off the edge;nippen, SkD; nyppen, PP; knyp,pp., S3.—­Cp. Du. knippen,to crack, snap.

Kni3*t, sb. knight, soldier, armed retainer,S, S2; knict, S; knyht, S; knyght,C3; cnihtes, pl., S; knictes,S; knyhtes, S; kny3*tis, W, W2; kni3*tes,S; cnihten, S.—­AS. cniht;cp. OHG. kneht, ‘puer’ (Tatian),’miles, discipulus’ (Otfrid).

Kni3*ten, v. to knight, S.

Kni3*thod, sb. knighthood, S; knyghthode,dat., C2; knighthede, C; kny3*thod,army, warfare, W, W2.

Knoppe, sb. knob, buckle, bud, MD, Prompt.,Cath., Palsg., S3; knobbe, C; knappes,pl, S2, P; knoppes, CM, PP.—­Cp.Dan. knop.

Knopped, adj. full of knobs, S3.

Knotte, sb. knot, C2, PP, Prompt., S3.—­AS.cnotta.

Knowen, v. to know, MD; knawe,S2; cnawen, S; knaa, HD; cnoweA deg.,pr. s., S; kneu3*, pt. s., S2;knewen, pl., S; i-cnawen, pp.,S; 3*e-cnowe, S; y-cnowen, S3; y-knowe,S2; knowun, W; cnowen, S2; knawen,S2; knawin, S3.—­AS. cnAiwan,pt. cnA(C)ow, pp. cnAiwen.

Knowes, sb. pl. knees, C2, P; see Kne.

Knowleche, sb. knowledge, MD; knouleche,acquaintance (= Lat. notos), W; knawlache,MD; knawlage, MD; knowlych, S2.See ~-le3*3*c~.

Knowlechen, v. to acknowledge, S2, W2,P; cnawlechen, MD; knouleche, W; knoulechide,pt. s., W; knowlechiden, pl.,W.

Knowleching, sb. the acknowledging,C3; cnawlechunge, S; knaulechynge, S2;knowleching, C3; knoulechyng, W2.

Knucche, sb. small bundle, MD, Cath.(n); knyche, Cath.; knitch, JD;knytchis, pl., W.—­Cp.G. knocke (Kluge).

Knytten, v. to knit, bind, Prompt.,S2, C3, PP; knutte, pt. s., MD; knette,MD; knitte, C3; knyt, pp., MD;knit, C2.—­AS. cnyttan.See Knotte.

Ko, pt. s. quoth, S3; see Koth.

Kokewolde, sb. cuckold, P; see co*kewold.

Kole-plantes, sb. pl. cabbages, P; seeCole.

Kollen, v. to embrace, S2; see Collen.

Kon, pt. pr. can, S; see Kunnen.

Konning, sb. skill, C2; see Conning.

Konyng, sb. cony, rabbit, S; see Conyng.

Koth, pt. s. quoth, S3; cothe,MD; see QueA deg.en.

Koude, pt. s. knew, W2; see Kunnen.

Kouren, v. to cower, S2; couren,MD.—­Icel. kAra, to sit quiet; cp.G. kauern, see Weigand.

Kourte-by, sb. short coat, P; see Courte-py.

Kouthe, pt. s. could, S; pp.S2; see Kunnen.

Kraghan, sb. burnt grass = cremium,dry fire-wood, H; crakan, Cath.—­Cp.North. E. crack, to make a noise (JD).

Krake, sb. crow, H; crake, Cath.;krakis, pl., H.—­Icel. krAikr.

Kremelen, v. to anoint with oil or fat;kremelyd, pp., MD; see Cremelen.

Krike, sb. creek, S; see Crike.

Krune, sb. crown, S; see Corone.

Ku, sb. cow, S; see Cow.

Kuchene, sb. kitchen, S; kychene,MD; kechyn, S2; kychens, pl.,S3.—­AS. cycene.

Kud, pp. made known, S2; i-kud,S; see Kunnen.

Kudde, pt. s. made known, S2; kude,pl., S; see Kunnen.

Kude, pt. pl. could, S; see Kunnen.

Kueade, adj. dat. bad, S2; see Quad.

Kulle, v. to strike, to kill, P, MD;kylle, Cath.; kyllyn, Prompt.; colen,MD; culle, P.—­The word means properlyto knock on the head; cp. Norweg. kylla,to poll, to cut the shoots off trees, from koll,the top, head; Icel. kollr, head, crown.

Kumen, v. to come, S; see Comen.

Kun, v. to get to know, to learn, H;see Conne.

Kun, sb. kin, S2; kunnes, gen.,S2; kunne, dat., S, S2; see Kyn.

Kunde, adj. natural, kind, S2; see Kynde.

Kunde, sb. kind, race, nature, S2; seeKynde.

Kundel, sb. offspring, MD.

Kundite, sb. a conduit, S3; see Conduit.

Kunes-men, sb. pl. kinsmen, S, S2; seeKynes-man.

Kunnen, v. to know, to know how, tobe able, S, S3, W2, CM; cunnen, S, S2; conne,S, S3, P; cun, H; con, pt. pr.,S; kon, S; can, S, S2; kan, S,S2; con, can, used as auxil., S2; canstu,2 pr. s., with pron., S; canstow,S2; cuA deg.e, pt. s., S; kuA deg.e,S; couthe, S, S2, S3; cowthe, G; cou3*Adeg.e, S2; cuth, S2; coude, S2;cowde, G; koude, W2; cou3*de,S2; kouthen, pl., S; kude, S;cuA deg., pp., S (17 b. 161); kuAdeg., S; couth, C2; couA deg.e,S2; kouthe, S2.—­AS. cunnan,pt, cAA deg.e, pp. cAA deg. (used asadj.).

Kun-rede, sb. kindred, S; see Kyn-rede.

Kuppe, sb. cup, S; see Cuppe.

Kussen, v. to kiss, S; see Cussen.

Kut, sb. lot, a cut twig, H; see Cut.

Kuth, sb. kith, friends, PP.

KuA deg.e, pt. s., could, knew, S; seeKunnen.

Kutthe, country, PP; see Kyth.

KuA3/4A3/4es, sb. pl. manners, S2, HD,MD; see Kyth.

Kutten, v. to cut, MD, CM; kitt,MD; kut, pt. s., MD; kitte, S2,C2, C3; kittide, W, MD; ketten, pl.,P; kyt, pp., W; kit, W.

Kuueren, v. to recover one’s health,S2; see Coveren.

Kuynde, adj. natural, S2, PP; see Kynde.

Kwene, sb. queen, S; see Quene.

Ky, sb. pl. cows, S3; see Cow.

Kychen, sb. kitchen, S3; see Kuchene.

Kyn, sb. pl. cows, S2, C; see Cow.

Kyn, sb. kin, kind, generation, S, W,MD; kun, S2; kin, S, S2, C2; cun,MD, S; kunnes, gen., S2; cunne,dat., S; kunne, S, S2; kenne,S, S2; kynne, P.—­AS. cynn:OS. kunni, OHG. kunni (Otfrid):Goth, kuni: from Teut. base KONYA, fromroot KAN.

Kynde, adj. natural, kind, S2, S3, P;kunde, S2, MD; cunde, MD; kinde,S; kende, S2, PP; kuynde, S2, PP.—­AS.cynde.

Kynde, sb. kind, nature, race, children,natural disposition, PP, S2, S3, C2, C3, W; kunde,S2; cunde, S; kinde, S. S2; kende,S2; kynd, S3.—­AS. (ge)cynd.

Kyndely, adj. natural, kindly, MD; kyndli,W; kyndly, Cath.; kundeliche, MD.—­AS.cyndelic.

Kyndely, adv. naturally, kindly, S2;kyndli, W; kindely, S2; kindelike,S; kendeliche, S2; kuyndeliche, S2, PP;cundeliche, S.—­AS. cyndelice.

Kyndlyn, v. to bear young, Prompt.;see Kindlen.

Kyndlyngis, sb. pl. brood, litter ofbeasts, W.

Kynes-man, sb kinsman, MD; cunesmon,S; kunesmen, pl., S, S2.

Kynrede, sb. kindred, S3, W2, C; kunrede,S; kynredyn, H; kinredis, pl.,W; cunreadnes, pl., S.—­AS.cynn+rA|*den, condition.

Kysse, sb. kiss, Palsg.—­FromAS. cysan See Cussen.

Kyth, sb. one’s country, nativeland, relatives, kith, friends, PP, S2; kith,PP; kuth, PP; cuth, PP; kutthe,PP; kitthe, PP; cuA deg.A deg.e, S,PP; couthe, PP; kythez, pl., S2;ceA deg.en, S; cheA deg.en, S; kuA3/4A3/4es,manners, S2.—­AS. cA1/2A deg.A deg.u (cA1/2Adeg.): OHG. cundida, race, kinship;see Sievers, 255.

Kythen, v. to make known, MD, C2, Cs,PP, S3; kiA deg.en, S, S2; cuA deg.en,S; couthe, MD, PP; couth, pr. s.,P; kydde, pt. s., PP; kidde,PP, S; kudde, S2; cudde, S; kedde,S, MD; kyd, S2; kid, MD; kydst,2 pt. s., S3; i-kud, pp., S; kud,S2; kyd, S2; kid, S; kidde (asadj). S.—­AS. (ge)cA1/2A deg.an:OS. kAA deg.ian; OHG. kundjan, also kunden(Otfrid).

La, interj. lo!, S; lo, W2 (Ps.67. 34).—­AS. lAi. Comb.:la hwure, at least, S.

Laas, sb. snare, C, C3; see Las.

Labbe, sb. he that can keep no counsel,Prompt., CM; lab, a blab, tittle-tattle, HD.

Labben, v. to blab, babble, PP; labbing,pr. p., C2.—­Cp. Du. labben,to blab.

Labbyng, adj. blabbing, CM.

Lacchen, v. to catch, seize, snatch,PP; lauhte, pt. s. seized, practised,PP; lau3*te, PP, S2; la3*te, S; laucte,S; lacchide, pl., PP; lauht, pp.,PP; lagt, S; latchyd, Prompt.—­AS.lA|ccan, ge-lA|ccan.

Lacching, sb. taking, S2.

Lacert, sb. a fleshy muscle, C, CM.—­OF.lacerte (Cotg.); Lat. lacertum (acc.),a muscle, strength, usually, the muscular part ofthe arm.

Lad, Ladde; see Leden.

Ladel, sb. ladle, PP, C3; ladylle,coclear, Prompt.; hausorium, Voc.

Laden, v. to burden, to charge withburdens, Prompt., WW; to draw water to lade, Prompt.;laden, pp. oneratus, Prompt., SkD.—­AS.hladan (pt. hlA cubedd, pp. hladen):Icel. hlaA deg.a, Goth, hlathan (incomp.).

LA|fd, sb. lady, S; see Leuedy.

LA|fe, Lafe, sb. belief, S : seeLeue.

LA|n, sb. a grant, loan, S.—­AS.lA|*n (OET).

Laf, sb. loaf, S; see Loof.

Lage, Lahe, sb. law, S; see Lawe.

Lah, adj. low, S; see Louh.

Lahfulnesse, sb. lawfulness, S.

Lahhen, v. to laugh, S; lauhen,PP; laughe, PP, C2 lau3*en, PP, S3;lau3*we, S3; lau3*when, PP; lawghe,PP, C; lei3*en, W; lauhwen, S, PP, S2;lahynde, pr. p., S2; la3*inge,S2; louh, pt. s., PP; lough,C2, C3; lowh, PP; low3*, PP; loh,S2; lewch, S3; lo3*en, pl., S2;lough, S3; lou3*e, subj., S.—­AS.hlehhan (pt. hlA cubedh: Goth, hlahjan.

Lahter, sb. laughter, S; lei3*tir,W2; leihtre, dat., S.—­AS.hleahtor.

Laif, sb. the remainder, B, S3; laiff,B; layff, B, S2, S3; lafe, B; lave,B, JD, HD.—­AS. lAif, what is left,heritage (Voc.), from _-lA-fan_ (Grein), only foundin compounds, e.g. be-lA-fan, to remain;cp. OHG. bi-lA-ban, to remain (Tatian)G. bleiben.

Laire, sb. clay, mud, mire, WA, H, HD;layre, H; lare, H; quagmire, HD.—­Icel.leir, clay, mire.

Lairy, adj. miry, H; layry, H;layri, H; layery. HD.

Laiten, v. to seek, SD, HD, S2, WA;le3*ten, SD.—­Icel. leita: Goth, wlaiton, to look about.

Laith, adj. loathsome, H; see Loth.

Laitis, sb. pl. gestures, S3; see Late.

Lake, sb. a kind of fine linen, C2,HD, CM.—­Cp. Du. laken, cloth,a sheet, OHG. lahhan, also lachan (Otfrid).

Lake, sb. standing-water, Prompt.; rivulus,Voc.; llak, pl., S2. Comb.:lake-ryftes, chines worn by water, S2.—­AF.lake, OF. lac; Lat. lacum.

Lake, sb. dat. a gift, offering, S;see Lok.

Laken, v to offer to God, S.—­AS.(ge)-*_lAician_, to give.

Lakke, sb. defect, a failing, C2; lak,Prompt., C; lac, SkD; lake, blame, WA,S3; lakke, C2; lakkes, pl. faults,PP.—­Cp. Du. lak, blemish.

Lakken, v. to lack, PP, C; him lakked,pt. s. there lacked to him, C2.

Lakken, v. to blame, G, PP, Prompt.;lak, JD; lakes, pr. s., S2; lackand,pr. p., H; y-lakked, pp., P.—­Cp.Du. laken, to blame.

Lammasse, sb. Lammas, the firstof August, PP, S2; Lammesse, Prompt.—­AS.hlammA|sse, hlAifmA|sse, loaf-mass, named fromthe Blessing of Bread. The Feast is called inthe Sarum Manual Benedictio novorum fructuum.

Lampe, sb. lamp, Cath., PP; laumpe,S2, PP; lawmpe, Voc., Prompt.; lampes,pl., C3.—­AF. lampe; Lat. lampadem.

Lampe, sb. a thin plate, C3; lamm,HD, ND.—­OF. lame; Lat. lamina.

Laner, sb. a kind of hawk, basterdus,Voc.; lanner, Cotg.; lannard, HD.—­OF.lanier (Cotg.); Lat. laniarium, thatwhich tears, from laniare, to tear.

Lanere, sb. a thong, Prompt.; see Laynere.

Lang, adj. long, tall, S; long,S, PP; lengre, comp., S; lenger,S2, C2, PP; lengore, S2; lange, adv.long, S; longe, S, S2; lang, S2; leng,comp., S; lenger, S3; lengere,S, S2; langar, S3; lengest, superl.,S, S2.—­AS. lang.

Langage, sb. language, C, C2, PP.—­AF.langage.

Langes, pr. pl. belong, S2; see Longen.

Lang-fridai, sb. Long-Friday, i.e.Good-Friday, S; lange-fridai, S.—­Icel.langi-frjAidagr.

Langmode, adj. long-suffering, S2.—­AS.lang-mA cubedd.

Langour, sb. languishment, slow starvation,C2, PP; langours, pl. sicknesses, W.—­AF.langour, illness; Lat. languorem.

Languor, sb. disease, sickness, W; languores,pl., W.—­Lat. languor (Vulg.).

Lan3*er, sb. a thong, Cath.; see Laynere.

Lappe, sb. lap, bosom, PP, C2, C3; alappet, skirt, PP, S; the lobe of the ear, Cath.—­AS.lappa (OET).

Lappen, v. to wrap, W, H, Cath., SkD,HD: see Wlappen.

Lare, sb. lore, S, S2, H; see Lore.

Lare, sb. clay; see Laire.

Lare-fadir, sb. teacher, doctor, H;larfadir, H; larefather, HD; lorefadyr,HD.

Large, adj. liberal, generous, S, G,PP, C; plentiful, S2; sb. size, S2.—­AF.large.

Largeliche, adv. bountifully, PP, S2;largely, G.

Largesse, sb. largess, bounty, PP, S3.—­AF.largesce.

Lar-A3/4awes, sb. pl. teachers, S; seeLor-A3/4eaw.

Las, sb. snare, lace, HD, SkD, C; laz,S; laas, C3, C; lase, Voc.—­OF.las, laqs; Lat. laqueus; cp. AF.laz.

Lase, v. to fasten, C; lasynge,pr. p., C; lacede, pt. s., S;i-laced, pp., S.—­OF. lacier.

Laser, sb. leisure, S2, S3; see Leyser.

Lasnen, v. to lessen; lasned,pt. s., S2.

Lasse, adj. and adv. comp. less,S, S2, S3, C3, PP; lesse, S. Phr.:lasse and more, smaller and greater, i.e.all, C2; on les that, on a less suppositionthan that, unless, SkD; onlesse that, Palsg.;onlesse, SkD; A3/4i les A3/4e, lest,SD; leste, S, PP; les when, lest atsome time, H.—­AS. lA|ssa, adj.; andlA|s, adv.; A3/4A1/2 lA|s A3/4e, lest.

Last, sb. weight, burden, ship’scargo, C2.—­AS. hlA|st; see Sievers,232. See Laden.

Last, sb. fault, SD; lest, SD;laste, dat., S.—­Icel. lAstr(stem lasta); cp. OHG. lastar,abuse, blame (Otfrid).

Lasten, v. to find fault, blame, SD.

Lasten, v. to follow out, last, endure,S, PP; lesten, S, S2; last, pr. s.,S, C2; lest, S; laste, pt. s.,S, C2; lastede, S; lestyt, pp.,S3.—­AS. lA|*stan, to perform, tolast: Goth. laistjan, from laists(AS. lAist), a foot-track.

Lastingly, adv. constantly, W.

Lat, pr. s. leads, S; see Leden.

Lat, Late, Laten; see Leten.

Late, sb. behaviour, look, gesture,S, S2; lete, S; lote, S; lates,pl., S; laitis, S3; loten, S.—­Icel.lAit. See Leten.

Late, adj. and adv. slow, late,S, PP; later, comp., S, PP; latere,adv., S2; latst, superl., S.—­AS.lA|t: Goth. lats, slothful.

Lateful, adj. late, W.

LaA deg., adj. hateful, loath, S, S2;see Loth.

LaA deg., sb. hatred, S.—­AS.lAiA deg..

LaA deg.e, sb. barn, horreum, granarium,Cath., Voc., HD; laA deg.es, pl., S.—­Icel.hlaA deg.a.

LaA deg.ful, adj. hateful, S.

LaA deg.ien, v. to invite, summon toa feast, SD.—­AS. laA deg.ian; cp.OHG. ladA cubedn (Otfrid).

LaA deg.iere, sb. inviter, S.

Latimer, sb. interpreter, S; latymer,HD; latineres, pl., SD, HD.—­AF.latymer, OF. latinier, interpreter, lit.one knowing Latin; Late Lat. latinarium (Ducange).

Latis, sb. lattice; latijs, W2;latisis, pl., W2.—­Cp.F. lattis.

Latly, adv. late, scarcely, H; latlier,comp., H.—­AS. lA|tlice; cp.Icel. latliga. See Late.

Laton, sb. auricalcum, Prompt., C2;latoun, C3, C, W, WA; latten, Sh., ND,HD.—­OF. laton.

Latrede, adj. tardy, CM.—­AS.lA|trA|de. See Late.

Latsum, adj. backward, SD.—­AS.lA|tsum.

Latsumnes, sb. backwardness, H.

Laude, sb. praise, C2.—­Lat.laudem.

Lauhen, v. to laugh, PP; laughe,PP, C2; see Lahhen.

Lauhte, pt. s. seized, PP; lau3*te,PP, S2; laucte, S; la3*te, S; see Lacchen.

Laumpe, sb. lamp, S2; see Lampe.

Launce, sb. lance, PP, WA; lance,Cath.—­AF. launce, lance; Lat. lancea.

Launcegay, sb. a kind of spear, C2;lancegaye, ND; lawncegay, Prompt.—­AF.launcegay (Godefroy).

Launcen, v. to hurl, fling, dart, toleap, hurry, to spring up, S3, PP; lanse, S2;launchen, to skip over a dike with a long pole;lawnchyn, Prompt.—­OF. lancer,lancier, lanchier.

Launde, sb. a wild, untilled, shrubby,bushy plain, PP, CM, C, HD; laund, Sh., ND,Cotg.; lawnd, saltus, Voc.; land,Cotg.; lawnde, Cath.—­AF. launde,forest, plain, OF. lande (Cotg.).

Laurer, sb. laurel, C; lory3*er,Prompt.; loryel, lorel, Prompt.—­OF.laurier, lorier; Late Lat. *_laurarium_;from Lat. laurus.

Lau3*en, v. to laugh, S3, PP; laughe,C2, PP; lauhwen, S, S2, PP; see Lahhen.

Laue, sb. the remainder, B, JD, HD;see Laif.

Lauen, v. to lave, wash, PP; lauande,pr. p., S2.—­OF. laver; Lat.lavare.

Lauerd, sb. lord, S, S2; see Louerd.

Lauerding, sb. nobleman, S2. Cf.Louerdinges.

Lauerdschipe, sb. lordship, S2; lord-*schipe,W2.

Laueroc, sb. lark, alauda, SD;lauerok, SD, JD; lauerokke, CM; lauerock,S2; larke, PP, Prompt., Voc.—­AS.lAiwerce (Voc.).

Lauour, sb. laver, cistern, S3, CM,WW; laver, WW.

Law, adj. low, S3; see Louh.

Lawe, sb. law, S, PP; la3*e,S; laghe, S, H; lahe, S; lage,S; lages, pl., S; lahen, S; lawes,S; la3*e, S; la3*en, S; la3*hess,S. Phr.: of the beste lawe, in thebest order, G,—­Icel. lAg (stem lagu),statute, decree.

Laweful, adj. lawful, SD; lawfulle,Cath.

Lawelese, adj. lawless, S; la3*elease,S.

Lawelyche, adj. lawful, S; lagelice,adv., S.

Lay, sb. law, CM; religion, fidelity,S2; creed, C2, C3; laies, pl., PP.—­OF.lai, ley, lei; Lat. legem.

Layes, sb. pl. leas, meadows, S3; seeLeye.

Layke, sb. game, sport, trial of strength.PP, S2; laike, WA; laik, PP.—­Icel.leikr. Cf. Lok.

Layken, v. to play, sport, S2, PP, Prompt.,Manip.; laike, PP, WA; leyke, S.—­Icel.leika; cp. AS. lAican, to spring,leap for joy, dance, contend: Goth. laikan,to leap for joy.

Layking, sb. play-thing; laykyn’,Prompt.; lakan, Prompt, (n); leikin,a sweet-heart, Prompt. (n).

Laynere, sb. a thong, C, CM; layner,SkD (p. 814); lan3*er, Cath.; lanyer,Palsg.; lanyr, Voc.; lanere, Prompt.—­OF.laniere (Cotg.), lasniere (Palsg.), lasnier(Bartsch); Late Lat. *_laniaria_ (linea), thethong for a lanner. See Laner.

La3*e, sb. law, S; see Lawe.

La3*te, pt. s. took, S; see Lacchen.

Lazar, sb. leper, PP; lazer,C; lazars, pl., PP, C.—­ChurchLat. lazari, lepers (Ducange), from Lazarus;Gr. [Greek: Lasaros] (Lu. 16. 20); Heb. Eleazar,God helpeth.

Leahtor, sb. vice; leahtrum,pl. dat., S.—­AS. leahtor,from leahan (lA(C)an), to blame:OS. lahan.

Lean, sb. reward, S.—­AS.lA(C)an: Icel. laun, OHG. lAcubedn (Tatian).

Leasing, sb. falsehood, WW; see Leesinge.

Lebard, sb. leopard, S2; see Leopart.

Leccherye, sb. lewdness. PP; lecherie,S, S2, PP.—­AF. lecherie.

Leche, sb. physician, S, S2, S3, C3,H; leeche, W; lache, S; leches,pl., S3; lechis, W.—­AS. lA|*ce:Goth, le*keis.

Leche-craft, sb. knowledge of medicine,S2, C, PP.

Lechen, v to heal, S2, HD, PP.

Lechnien, v. to heal, SD.—­AS.lAicnian.

Lechnunge, sb. healing, S.—­AS.lAicnung.

Lechour, sb. a dissolute person, PP;letchour, W; lechur, S; lechours,pl., PP; lechouris, W; letchours,W.—­AF. lecheur, glutton, from OF.lecher, to lick; cp. OHG. gi-lechon(Otfrid). See Licken.

Lede, sb. man, PP; ledes, pl.,tenements, PP; see Leod.

Leden, v. to lead, carry, S, S2, Prompt.;laden, S; leaden, S; leide, S3;lat, pr. s., S, PP; ledys, pr.pl., S3; ledde, pt. s., S; ladde,S, S2, S3; lA|d, S; lad, S2, lA|dden,pl., S; ladde, C2, PP; i-led,pp., S; i-lad, S, G; lad, S2,S3; lede, S2; ladde, PP.—­AS.lA|*dan, to lead, carry, lift (pt. lA|*dde,pp. lA|*ded), from lAid, a way.See Lode.

Leden, adj. leaden, C3. See Leed.

Leden, sb. language, S2; leoden,SD; lede, WA; ludene, voice, PP; ledene,dat., C2 (n.); PP; ledenes, pl.,S.—­AS. lyden, language, also leden,Latin (on leden gereorde, Latina lingua, Voc.);Lat. latinus; cp. OF. latin, speech(the warbling of birds), Bartsch, 385. 29, It. latino,language.

Lee-; see also under Le-, Leo-.

Leed, sb. lead, S2, S3, C3, Voc., Prompt.;led, PP; lede, S3, P.—­AS.lA(C)ad (OET); cp. OLG. lA cubedd;see Weigand (s.v. lA cubedd).

Leed, sb. a kitchen copper, CM (2. 7);leede, dat., C.—­Cp. lead(in dialects), HD, EDS. 21 (Tusser).

Leef, sb. leaf, a piece, PP, C; lef,PP; lyf, S2, PP; leues, pl.,PP; levis, S3; leyvis, S3.—­AS.lA(C)af: Goth, laufs, laubs.

Leef, adj. dear, S3, C; see Leof.

Leel, adj. leal, S3; see Lel.

Leendis, sb. pl. loins, S2; see Lende.

Leep, sb. basket, W; see Lepe.

Lees, sb, leash, snare, C3, CM, Prompt.;leese, CM; see Lese.

Lees, adj. and sb. false, a lie,S2, PP; les, S; less, S2, S3; lease,S; lese, S; lessere, comp., S.—­AS.lA(C)as; cp. Icel. laus, loose,dissolute.

Leesinge, sb. falsehood, S3; leasung,lesing, S, S2, C3, W2; leasing, WW;leesing, W.—­AS. lA(C)asung.

Lefdi, sb. lady, S, S2; see Leuedy.

Lef-ful, adj. believing, S. See Leue.

Lefsum, adj. allowable, PP; see Leifsum.

Lege, adj. liege, S3; see Lige.

Leggen, v. to lay, S, S2, W; leyn,S, S3; leie to, to add, W2; leist, 2pr. s., S; le3*3*esst, S; leiA deg.,pr. s., S; leyA deg., S; legeA deg.,pl., S; leide, pt. s., S, S2;leyde, S; le3*3*de, S; lA|ide,S; lA|iden, pl., S; leyden, S2;leid, pp., S; leyd, S, S2; i-leid,S; i-leyd, S; y-leid, S3; y-leyd,C2.—­AS. lecgan: Goth. lagian.

Legistre, sb. a legist, man skilledin the law; legister, Prompt.; legistres,pl., P.—­AF. legistre; LateLat. legista.

Leif, sb. leave, licence, B; see Leue.

Leifsum, adj. allowable, S3; lefsum,PP.

Leir, sb. a couch, bed; leire,dat., S.—­AS. leger, lying,illness.

Leiren, v. to lay low, sternere;leirede, pp., SD; laid on a sick bed,S.—­AS. legerian (Leo).

Leir-stowe, sb. sepulchre, SD.

Leit, sb. lightning, S, W, W2; leyt,W2; leitis, pl., W, W2.—­AS.lA(C)get, liget, Mt. 24. 27, lA-eget;see Sievers, 247.

Leiten, v to flame, SD; to lighten,W2; leitinde, pr. p., S. See above.

Leityngis, sb. pl. lightnings, W.

Lei3*en, v. to laugh, W; see Lahhen.

Lei3*tir, sb. laughter, W2; see Lahter.

Lei3*yng, sb. laughing, W.

Lel, adj. leal, loyal, true, S2, S3;leel, PP, S3; lele, S2.—­AF.lA"al, OF. leial; Lat. legalem.

Lelliche, adv. truly, S2, S3, PP; lelly,S2, S3, PP; leelly, S2, PP; lelye, S2;lely, H; lelest, superl., PP.

Leme, sb. gleam, light, S, S2, PP, CM;leom, PP; leome, S; lemes, pl.,CM; leemes, C; leames, S3; lemys,S3; leomene, pl. gen., S; lemene,S.—­AS. lA(C)oma.

Lemen, v. to shine, SD; leomen,SD; lemand, pr. p., S3, WA; leomede,pt. s., SD; lemede, SD; lemed,PP.—­AS. lA1/2man.

Lemman, sb. sweetheart, lover (of bothsexes), mistress, concubine, S, C2, C3, PP; lemmans,pl., WA; see Leofmon.

Lende, sb. loin, lumbus, Voc.,S2; lendes, pl., HD, G; leendis,S2, W, W2; lendis, H; lendys, PP.—­AS.lendenu, pl. (Voc.); cp. OHG. lendi(G. lende), lentA(R)n (Tatian).

Lende, v. to land, arrive, to remain,dwell, to cause to land, S, PP; lend, pt.pl., S2; lended, pp., S2; ylent,S2.—­Icel. lenda, to land; cp.AS. (ge)lA|ndian, to cause to land. SeeLond.

Lene, adj. lean, S, PP, C2, Prompt.,Cath.—­AS. hlA|*ne.

Lenen, v. to lean, PP; len, H;lenede, pt. s., PP; leonede,PP, S2; lent, pp., S3.—­AS.hlionian; cp. Lat. clinare (ininclinare).

Lenen, v. to lend, grant, S, PP, S2,S3, C3; leenen, W; lennen, Cath.; leendyn,Prompt.; len, imp. s., S2; lenys,pr. s., H; lennys, H; lenA deg.,S (1. 51); lantez, 2 pt. s., S2; i-lenet,pp., S; y-lent, C3; i-leaned,S; land, S2; lend, S2; lent,S2.—­AS. lA|*nan. See LA|n,Lone.

Lener, sb. lender, usurer, W; leyner,Cath.

Leng, Lenger, Lengre; see Lang.

Lenge, v. to linger, remain, dwell,PP, S2; lenged, pt. s., PP.—­AS.lengan. See Lang.

LengA deg.e, sb. length, S, PP; lenAdeg.e, S2.—­AS. lengA deg..

Lennen, v. to lend, Cath.; see Lenen.

Lennynge, sb. a lending, H; lendynge,Prompt.

Lenten, sb. spring, lent, S2, PP; lente,PP, C2.—­AS. lengten.

Leo-; see also under Le-.

Leod, sb. a man, also, a tenement, possession,PP, S2; leode, PP; lede, PP, WA; lud,S2; leodes, pl., PP; leodis, PP;ledes, S2, PP; ledis, PP, WA; leedes,PP, G; ludes, S2.—­AS. lA(C)od,a prince (Grein).

Leode, sb. country-men, people, S; leede,G; leoden, dat., S; lede, HD,S2, WA; leode, S2. Phr.: landand lede, HD.—­AS. lA(C)od, sb.f. a people, pl. lA(C)ode, men (Grein); cp.OHG. liut (Otfrid).

Leof, adj. dear, beloved, glad, S, PP,S2; lief, S, S3, C2, PP; lef, S, S3,HD; leef, S3, C, PP; lif, S; lefe,S2; leue, PP, S, S2, S3, C2; lieue,S; luef, S2; luf, S2; leoue, S;leofue, S; leuer, comp., S3, C2;leof, adv. PP; luf, PP;leuere, comp., S, S2; leouere,S; leuer, H; leouest, superl,S, S2; louest, S; leueste, S2.—­AS.lA(C)of.

Leofliche, adj. dear, precious, S; adv.,S; leuelike, S; leoflukest, adj.superl., S.—­AS. lA(C)oflic, adj.;lA(C)oflice, adv.

Leof-mon, sb. dear one, beloved one,lover (used of both sexes), S; lefmon, S, HD;lemman, S, PP, C2, C3; leouemon, S;lemmanes, pl. sweethearts, PP; lemmons,concubines, PP.

Leofsum, adj. precious, S; lefsum,SD.

Leoften, v. to flatter, caress; leoftede,pt. s., S.

Leome, sb. limb, S2; see Lim.

Leome, Leomen;; see Leme, Lemen.

Leon, sb. lion, S2, C2, WA; leun,S; leoun, S, S2, C2; lyoun, S2; liuns,pl., S; leuns, S.—­AF. liun,OF. leon; Lat. leonem.

Leonyn, adj. lion-like, C2.—­OF.leonin Lat. leoninum.

Leopart, sb. leopard, PP; leparde,Voc.; lepart, C; lebard, Voc; leberde,Voc.; lyberde, Cath.; libard, B; labbarde,Prompt.; lebbard, Prompt.; leoperdes,pl., PP; lepardes, C2; lebardez,S2; libardes, S2; liberdes, S3.—­AF.leopard, leopart, lepart, pl. leoparz.

Leor, sb. cheek, face, S, PP, S2; lere,PP, S2, S3, WA; lire, PP; lure, SD.—­AS.hlA(C)or, the cheek, face, look.

Leornen, v. to learn, S, S2; see Lernen.

Leorning-cniht, sb. disciple, SD, S.

LeoA deg.re, adj. bad, S; see LuAdeg.er.

Lepe, sb. basket, Voc., HD, H (s.v.ber), Palsg.; leep, W, W2, Prompt.;leap, Cotg. (s.v. nasse); lepis,pl., W; lepes, S (s.v. bread).—­AS.lA(C)ap; cp. Icel. laupr.

Lepen, v. to leap, run, PP, G; lope,Cath., HD; leop, pt. s., PP, S2; lep,PP; leep, PP; lap, S2, S3; lepe,PP; loupe, P; lope, S2, PP; lep,pl., S2; lopen, P; lope, P; lopen,pp., PP, S2, HD; lepte, pt. s.(weak), S2; lippide, W; lepten, pl.,PP.—­AS. hlA(C)apan, pt. hlA(C)op(pl. hlA(C)opon), pp. hlA(C)apen:Goth, hlaupan; cp. Icel. hlaupa.

Leper, sb. leaper, Cath.; loper,Cath.; leperes, pl. runners, wanderers,PP.

Lepe-3*ere, sb. leap-year, Voc., Cath.

Lepre, sb. leprosy, S2; leprye,Manip.—­AF. lepre; Lat. lepra(Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: lepra].

Lere, sb. flesh, muscle, C2; see Lyre.

Lere, sb. cheek, face, S2, S3; see Leor.

Lered, pp. used as adj.; lA|redd,the learned, clergy, S; lerud, instructed,W, W2.—­AS. lA|*red.

Lered-men, sb. pl. the learned, theclergy, S.

Leren, v. (1) to teach, S, S2, S3, H;learen, S; leoren, S; ler, imp.s., S; lerede, pt. s., S; leorde,S; lerde, S2; y-lered, pp., S2.(2) Leren, v. to learn, S, S2, S3, C2,H.—­AS. lA|*ran: Goth. laisjan,to make to find out, to teach.

Lerned, adj. learned, C2, PP.

Lernen, v. to learn, teach, S, S2, S3,PP, W2; lurnen, S2; leornen, S, S2;leornin, S.—­AS. leornian.

Les, Lese, adj. false, S; see Lees.

Lese, sb. a leash, laxa, Cath.,PP; lees, Prompt., C3; leece, Prompt.;lease, Cotg. (s.v. laisse); lesshe,Palsg.; leesshe, HD; leysche, S2.—­OF.laisse; Lat. laxa, a loose rope.

Lesen, v. to lose, S2, S3, C2, PP, W;liese, S; leese, PP, S3; to destroy,W; leosen, S, S2, PP; leest, 2 pr.s., PP; lest, pr. s., S2; lees,pt. s., PP; les, PP; lese, PP;loren, pl., PP; lorn, pp.,PP, S2; lorne, S3; lore, PP, G, S2;ilore, G; y-lore, S2; loste, pt.s. (weak), W; losten, pl.,PP, C3, C, W2; loste, pp., PP; lost,PP; y-lost, C3.—­AS. lA(C)osan,pt. lA(C)as (pl. luron), pp. loren.

Lesen, v. to set free, redeem, S, HD,H; les, imp. s., S2; lese, G;lesde, pt. s., S; lesed, pp.,S; i-lesed, S.—­AS. lA(C)san:OS. lA cubedsian.

Leser, sb. releaser, SD, HD, S2.

Lesewe, sb. pasture, W2; leesewe,W2; lese, SD, S2; lewse, dat.,S; lesewis, pl., W; lyssouris,S3.—­AS. lesu, lA|su.

Lesewin, v. to feed; lesewynge,pr. p., W, S2; lesewid, pp.,W2.—­AS. lA|swian.

Lesing, sb. a lie, S, S2, C3, W; lesyng,PP; see Leesinge.

Lesing-monger, sb. liar, W.

Lesnesse, sb. remission, S2. SeeLesen.

Lesse, adj. comp. less, S.

Lessin, v. to diminish, Prompt.; lessi,S2.

Lessinge, sb. diminution, S2.

Lest, sb. desire, C2; see Lust.

Lest, sb. fault, SD; see Last.

Lest, pr. s. it pleases, PP; pt.s., PP; see Lusten.

Lest, pr. s. loses, S2; see Lesen.

Leste, adj. superl. least, S2, C2, G,PP; lest, S, PP; last, S.—­AS.lA|st.

Leste, imp. s. listen, S; see Lusten.

Lesten, v. to last, S, S2; see Lasten.

Lestinde, adj. lasting, S; leastinde,S.

Lesty, adj. cunning, skilful, S3.See Liste.

Les-when, conj. lest at some time, H.See Lasse.

Lesynge, sb. loss, PP; lesyng,S3, C2, PP; losyng, S2. See Lesen.

Leten, v. (1) to let, cause, permit,(2) to let go, (3) to leave, forsake, neglect, desist,(4) to behave, pretend, (5) to esteem, S, S2, C3,H; laten, S; leoten, S; lA|te,S; late, imp. s., S2; lat, C2;lest, 2 pr. s., S; letiA3/4, pr.s., S2; lates, S2; lattis, H; lA|t,pt. s., S; let, S2, S3; leet,S2, C2; i-leten, pp., S; latun,W; laten, H.—­AS. lA|*tan, lA(C)tan,pt. let, lA(C)ot, pp. laten; cp.Icel. lAita.

Leten, v. to delay, S; laten,S.—­AS. latian. Cf. Letten.

Letherien, v. to be in a lather, SkD;liA deg.eri, pr. s. subj., S.—­ONorth.leA deg.rian, to anoint (John 11. 2), from AS.lA(C)aA deg.or, lather (Voc.); cp. Icel.lauA deg.r, froth.

Lette, sb. delay, S, S3, C2; let,S2.

Letten, v. to hinder, to make late,PP, S2, S3, C2; let, pr. s., S, PP;lette, pt. s., S, C2; letted,S3; lettid, H.—­AS. lettan:Icel. letja: Goth, latjan, to belate.

Lettere, sb. hinderer, S2, PP.

Lettre, sb. writing, C2, PP; lettres,pl., C3, PP.—­AF. lettre;Lat. littera.

Lettrure, sb. writing, scripture, learning,PP, W2; letterure, C2, PP, C3; letty-*reure,H.—­AF. lettrure, OF. letreA1/4re;Lat. litteratura.

Letuarie, sb. electuary, C3; lettwary,Cath.; letuaries, pl., Cath. (n),C.—­OF. laituaire, leiture, letuaire,electuaire; Lat. electuarium, a medicinedissolving in the mouth (Ducange).

Leude, adj. ignorant, H; see Lewed.

Leun, sb. lion, S; see Leon.

Leute, sb. loyalty, PP; see Lewte.

Leue, sb. permission, Prompt., S2, C2,PP; leaue, S; leif, B. Phr.:nom lA|ue, took leave, took permission to go,S; nam lefue, S; tok his leue, S, C2;tuk his leyff, S3; be 3*oure leue, byyour leave, WA.—­AS. lA(C)af.

Leue, sb. belief, S; leeue, S3;lA|fe, S; lafe, S.—­AS. (gA(C))lA(C)afa.

Leue, adj. dear, S, S2, S3, C2; seeLeof.

Leue, v. to live, S2, S3; see Liuien.

Leued, adj. covered with leaves, PP,S2.

Leuedy, sb. lady, S2, H; leuedi,S2, S; lefdye, S2; lefdi, S, S2; leafdi,S; lauedi, S; lA|uedi, S; lA|fdi,S.—­AS. hlA|*fdige.

Leueful, adj. allowable, PP; leeueful,S2, C3, W; leefful, S2; leeful, S2,S3.—­AS. lA(C)afful.

Leuen, v. to permit, S, S2, S3, C2,PP; lef, imp. s., S.—­AS.lA1/2fan, to allow.

Leuen, v. to believe, S, S2, S3, C2,PP; leauen, S; leeuen, S2; leyue,PP; lefenn, S; lyue, PP; lef,imp. s., S, PP; leef, PP, S2; leues,pl., S2; leueden, pt. pl., W;leeued, pp., S3.—­AS. (ge)lA1/2fan:Goth, (ga)_laubjan_.

Leuen, v. to leave, to dismiss, to remain,relinquere, relinqui, PP, S, S2, S3; leauen,S; lef, S2; leaf, imp. s., S;lef, S; leeue, S2; leues, pr.pl., S2; lefde, pt. s., S; leafde,S; lefte, S2, S3; leuede, pl.,S2; lafte, C2; laft, pp., S2,C2; lewyt, S3; y-left, S2.—­AS.lA|*fan, to leave, from lAif, remains,heritage. See Laif.

Leuene, sb. lightning, Cath. (n),Prompt; levin, JD, SD, ND; levyn, Prompt.—­Cp.Goth, lauhmuni, also Dan. lyn; see Douse,p. 103.

Leuenen, v. to smite with lightning,to shine; levyn, Cath.; leuenand, pr.p., Cath. (n), H.

Leuenynge, sb. lightning, Cath., H;leuening, S2; leyfnyng, Voc.; leuenyngis,pl., H.

Leuere, adj. comp. dearer, preferable,PP, S, S2; adv. more dearly, sooner, rather,PP, S2; leuer, PP, S2, S3; see Leof.

Levy, sb. a raising, esp. of money,SkD (p. 815).—­OF. levA(C)e, a levy(Cotg.).

Levy, v. to raise (money), SkD; leueyed,pp., S3.—­OF. lever; Lat.leuare.

Lewch, pt. s. laughed, S3; see Lahhen.

Lewde, adj. ignorant, S3; see Lewed.

~-lewe~, suffix. Cf. Chekelew, Costlewe,Drunkenlewe, Siklewe, A3/4urstlew.—­Icel.suffix _-ligr_, passing into _-liw_, and then into_-lew_, by influence of w on i; cp.Icel. kostligr, ME. costlewe, costly(W.W.S.).

Lewe, sb. shelter, S; lew, HD.—­AS.hleow, hlA(C)o.

Lewe, adj. warm, tepid, S; lew,HD, W.

Lewed, adj. unlearned, ignorant, worthless,S2, C, C2, PP, H; lA|wedd, S; lewde,S3, Prompt.; lewid, W; lawd, H; lawde,H; leude, H; lewedeste, superl..,PP.—­AS. lA|*wed, lay, ‘laicus’(Voc.), (ge)lA(C)wed,, pp. of lA|*wan, to weaken.

Lewedly, adv. ignorantly, C2, C3.

Lewednesse, sb. ignorance, PP, S2, C2;lewdnesse, PP; lewdnes, S3; lewdenesse,Prompt.

Lewke, adj. tepid, Cath.; luke,Cath. (n).

Lewse, sb. pasture, S; see Lesewe.

Lewte, sb. loyalty, fidelity, G, Prompt.,PP; leute, PP.—­AF. lealte,OF. lA"alted; Lat. legalitatem.

Lewth, sb. shelter, HD.—­AS.hleowA deg., hlA(C)oA deg..

Leye, sb. flame, PP, S; leie,S; lei, SD.—­AS. lA(C)g:Icel. logi. Cf. Lowe.

Leye, sb. untilled land, PP; lay,Prompt.; laye, dat., S3; laye,adj., G; layes, pl. meadows, S3;leys, S3; leyes, PP; ley3*es,PP; leas, S3 (p. 228).—­AS. lA(C)ah.

Leye-lond, sb. lea-land, PP; laylande,’terre nouvellement labourA(C)e,’ Palsg.

Leyen, pt. pl. lay, S, S3; leyn,pp., lain, S3; see Liggen.

Leyn, v. to lay, S, S3; leyde,pt. s., S; leyd, pp., S, S2;see Leggen.

Leyser, sb. leisure, C, C2; laser,S2, S3: laysure, Manip.—­AF.leisir; Lat. licere.

~-le3*3*c~, suffix, used in forming abstractnouns, found in Ormulum, S.—­Icel. _-leikr_,or _-leiki_. Cf. ~-lac~.

Li-; see also under Ly-.

Libben, v. to live, S, S2, S3; see Liuien.

Lich, sb. body, form, S, PP, SkD; liche,S, PP, WA; like, WA; lyche, dead body,Prompt. Comb.: lichewake, the watchheld over the body of the dead, C, SD; lyke-waik,JD, Prompt, (n).—­AS. lA-c,the body, generally the living body; cp. Goth.leik, the body, also a corpse. Cf. Liche.

Lic-hame, sb. body, S; licham,S; lykhame, PP; licame, S, PP; licam,PP, S2; likame, PP; likam, PP, S2; lykam,PP; lykame, S2; lycome, S; liham,PP; lichames, gen., S; licames,PP.—­AS. lA-c-hama, a body, properly‘body-covering’; cp. Icel. lA-kami.

Lichamliche, adj. bodily, carnal, S;lichomliche, S.—­AS. lA-chamlic.

Liche, adj. like, resembling, PP, S3;lyche, PP, S2; lich, S2; lijk,W2; lyik, W2; lykkest, superl.,S2.—­AS. lA-c, found usually in theform ge-lA-c. Cf. Lich, Ilich.

~-liche~, suffix, found in adjectives and adverbs.—­AS._-lic_, adj. suffix, _-lice_, adv. suffix.

Licht, adj. light, not heavy, easy,S2, B; see Liht.

Licht, pr. s. lights, S; see Li3*ten.

Lichtlines, sb. levity, jesting; lychtlynes,S3.

Licken, v. to lick, SkD; lickiden,pt. pl., W (Lu. 16. 21). Comb.:lyck-peny, a name for London from its lickingup the penny, swallowing money, S3; lick-penny,S3 (n).—­AS. liccian; cp.OHG. lechA cubedn in gi-lechA cubedn(Otfrid); see Brugmann, ASec. 214. Cf. Lechour.

Licour, sb. liquor, juice, S2, C3; lycour,PP; liquoure, Manip.; licur, SkD.—­OF.licur; Lat. liquorem.

Lic-wurA deg.e, adj. pleasing, S.

Lid, sb. a cover, lid, SD; lydde,Cath.; book-cover, HD; lides, pl., lidsof the eyes, S.—­AS. hlid.

Liden, v. to cover, SD.—­AS.hlA-dan, to cover (in be-hlA-dan), pp.hliden.

Lieftenant, sb. lieutenant, deputy,S3; lieftenants, pl., S3.—­AF.lieutenant; Lat. locum-tenentem.

Liese, v. to lose, S; see Lesen.

Lifes, pr. s. lives, S2; see Liuien.

Lift, adj. left, S, S2, PP; see Lyft.

Lige, adj. liege, free, PP, C2, C3;lyge, PP; liege, PP; lege, S3,PP, SkD; leege, PP; lyche, Prompt.; lige,sb. pl., liege servants, PP, C2; lyges,PP; lieges, S2, C3; liegis, PP; leges,PP.—­OF. lige (Bartsch), lige seignur,liege lord (Roland, 2421); cp. AF. seignourlige, and homes liges; cp. Low Lat.ligius.

Ligeaunce, sb. allegiance, C3.—­OF.ligeance, see NED (s.v. allegiance).

Ligen, v. to tell a lie, S; see Ly3*en.

Liggen, v. to lie, S, S2, H, C2, W;ligen, H; li3*en, S2; lien, S;le3*e, S; list, 2 pr. s., S; liAdeg., pr. s., S, S2; lyA deg., S;ligeA deg., pl., S; ligges, continue,S2; lygge, pr. pl. subj., S2; lai,pt. s., S; lay to, suited, S2; leigen,pl., S; leyen, S, S3; y-leye,pp., P; i-leie, S; leie, W; leyn,S3; y-layne, S3; i-lei3*en, S2.—­AS.licgan, pt. lA|g, pl. lA|*gon (lAigon),pp. gelegen.

Liggyng, sb. lying down, W.

Lighte, v. to make less heavy, to relievea horse of his burden by descending, to alight, CM;lyghte, S3, C3, Cath.; light, S2, S3;li3*ten, S, S2; ligten, S; lihten,S; ly3*t, S2; li3*te, pt. s.,PP; ly3*te, PP; ly3*t, S2; lychtyt,pl., S3; liht, pp., S2; ligt,S.—­AS. lA-htan. See Liht.

Lihen, v. to deceive, S; seeLy3*en.

Liht, adj. light, not heavy, easy, S;lyht, S; licht, S2; li3*t, W2;li3*te, active, S; adv., S2; li3*tere,comp, S2, W.—­AS. leoht:OHG. lA-hti; cp. Goth, leihts; seeSievers, 83.

Lihtlich, adj. easy, light, S; lihtliche,adv., S; li3*tliche, S, S2.—­AS.leohtlic, leohtlice.

Lihtschipe, sb. swiftness, S.

Liken, v. to please, SkD, PP, WW, S3;liki, S; lykyen, S; like, torejoice, S2; likeA deg.,, pr. s. impers.,PP, S2; lykeA deg., PP, S2, C2; lykede,pt. s., S2.—­AS. lA-cian (alsolA-can), to please, literally, to be likeor suitable for. See Liche.

Likerous, adj. dainty, lecherous, S2,PP, C3; lykerous, PP; lycorouse, dainty-mouthed,Palsg.; licorous, Cotg. (s.v. lecheresse).See Lechour.

Likful, adj. pleasing, SD.

Likinge, sb. pleasure, S, W; liking,PP, W2; lykyng, S2, C2.

Likinge, adj. favourable; lykynge,S2.

Likli, adj. likely, SD.

Liklihed, sb. likelihood, SkD; lyklihede,C2.

Liklinesse. sb. probability; lyklinesse,C2.

Liknen, v. to liken, to compare, PP;lykne, PP; lickne, PP; lykned,pp., C2; licned, W; iliknet, S2.

Liknesse, sb. likeness, appearance,PP, W; liccness, S; liknes, S2; lyknes,S3.—­AS. gelA-cnes.

Lilburne, sb. a heavy stupid fellow,S3.

Lilie, sb. lily, argentea, S,S2. Comb.: lylie-whyt, lily-white,S2.—­AS. lilie (Voc.); Lat. lilia,pl. of lilium; cp. OHG. lilia (Otfrid).

Lim sb. limb, S; lym, S2; lyme,PP; leome, PP, S2; limen, pl.,S; lemes, PP; limes, S; lymes,limbs, W2, S2, PP, C2; creatures, PP; lyms,S3; limmes, C2. Phr.: feondeslymes, limbs of the fiend, PP (cp. Icel.limir FjAindans); the deuyl and his lymmes,H (Ps. 108. 30). Comb.: lim-mele,limb-meal, SD; limel, S.—­AS. lim,lim-mA|*lum, ‘membratim.’

Limpen, v. to happen, to belong to,S; lomp, pt. s., SD; lymppede(weak), HD; lumpen, pp., S2.—­AS.limpan, pt. lamp (pl. lumpon),pp. gelumpen.

~-ling~, suffix. See SkD (s.v. darkling].

Linnen, v. to cease, S; lynne,S; lin, HD; lyn, S3; lan, pt.s., SD.—­AS. linnan, pt. lann(pl. lunnon), pp. lunnen; cp. Icel.linna.

Linnunge, sb. ceasing, S.

Lipnen, v. to trust; lippin,JD.

Lipning, sb. trust; lypnyng,B.

Lire, sb. cheek, face, PP; see Leor.

Lispen, v. to lisp, SkD; lyspe,Cath.; lipsede, pt. s., C.—­AS.wlispian.

Lisse, sb. ease, rest, joy, happiness,S, PP; lysse, S, PP.—­AS. liss(for lA-A deg.-s); see Sievers, 258. SeeLiA deg.e.

Lissien, v. to ease, SD; lisse,HD; lyss, S3.—­AS. lissian.

List, pr. s. impers. it pleases him,S2, S3, C2; see Lusten.

Liste, v. to desire, PP; see Lusten.

Liste, sb. list or edge of cloth, PP,Manip.; lyste, PP, S2, Palsg., Cath.; lyyste,Prompt.; lyyst, Prompt. Comb.: lysteof the ear, mol de l’oraylle, Palsg.—­OF.liste; Icel. lista.

Liste, sb. craft, astuteness, S, S2.—­AS.list; cp. Icel. list, OHG. list,from Teut. base LIS. Cf. Lore.

Listely, adv. slily, S2.—­AS.listlice.

Listes, sb. pl. the lists, the groundenclosed for a tournament, C2; lystes, C,—­AF.listes, pl.; OF. lisse, (also lice),a tilt-yard; see Ducange (s.v. _licia_).

Listre, sb. a lector, preaching friar,PP; listyr, Prompt.; reader, Trevisa, 6. 257;listres, pl., PP.—­OF. listrefor litre; Church Lat. lector (Ducange).

Lit, adj. little, S; see Lyte.

Lit, sb. stain, dye, colour, S, SD;littis, pl., WA.—­Icel. litr,colour, complexion, countenance, dye. See Wliten.

Litarge, sb. litharge, protoxyde oflead, C, C3—­OF. litharge; Lat. lithargyrus;Gr. [Greek: litharguros].

Liteled, pt. s. 2 p. didst esteem lower,S2; see Lutlin.

Lith, sb. joint, limb, member, PP, S,S2, C; lyth, HD; lythe, Prompt.—­AS.liA deg.; cp. Icel. liA deg.r, Goth,lithus.

LiA deg.e, v. to go, pass through, S;liA deg.en, S.—­AS. lA-A deg.an;cp. Icel. lA-A deg.a, OHG. lA-A deg.an,to go through, suffer (Otfrid), Goth, leithan.

LiA deg.e, adj. gentle, mild, soft,calm, sweet, S; lythe, Prompt.; lythe,adv., HD.—­AS. lA-A deg.e (forlinth-j-a); cp. OHG. lindi, lind,Icel. linr. Cf. Linnen.

LiA deg.eliche, adv. gently, S.—­AS.LiA deg.elice.

LiA deg.er, adj. bad, S2; see LuAdeg.er.

LiA deg.ien, v. to relax, S, SD; liAdeg.e, PP, WA; lethe, to alleviate, S2;to grow calm, S2.—­AS. lA-A deg.ian.

LiA deg.nien, v. to ease; liA deg.nid,pp., PP.

Litte, v. to dye, H, Cath., HD; liten,Prompt.—­Icel. lita, to dye.See Lit.

Littester, sb. dyer, tinctor, tinctrix,Cath.; lytster, tinctor, Voc.; lyster,Cath.; lystare, Prompt.; litsters, pl.,HD. See Lit.

Liue, Liues; see Lyf.

Liuelod, sb. sustenance, S3; see Lyf-*lode.

LiuenoA deg.e sb. sustenance, S.—­Icel.lifnaA deg.r, conduct of life.

Liuien, v. to live, S; liue,S; leiffe, S3; lefien, S; leue,S2, S3; leeuen, S3; libben, S, S2, S3;lybbe, S2, S3; liuiende, pr. p.,S; libbinde, S; leuand, S3; leowinde,S: lyfand, S2; liffand, S2; lifes,lyfes, pr. pl., S2; lifd, pt.s., S2; i-leued, pp., S; i-luued,S; leyffyt, S3.—­AS. lifian,libban, to remain, to be left, to live; cp.AS lA-fan, to leave, and OHG. be-lA-ban,to remain (Tatian).

Liuing, sb. means of livelihood, S3.

Lixt, 2 pr. s. liest, G; see Ly3*en.

Li3*t, sb. light, S; lyht, S,S2; licht, S; lict, S; liht,S, PP; ly3*t, S2; loht, S; li3*t,pl., S2.—­AS. lA(C)oht:Goth. liuhath; cp. OHG. lioht (Otfrid).

Li3*t, adj. light, bright, WA; lyht,S2.—­AS. lA(C)oht; cp. OHG.lioht (Otfrid).

Li3*ten, v. to light, enlighten, tobecome bright, S; lihten, S; lict, imp.,S; licht, pr. s., S; lihtede,pt. s., S; i-li3*t, pp., S2;liht, S; lyht, S2.—­AS. lA1/2htan,lA-htan.

Li3*ten, v. to alight, S, S2; see Lighte.

Li3*ti, adj. bright, shining, W.

Li3*tinge, sb. lightning, S2.

Li3*tne, v. to enlighten, shine, dawn,W, W2; li3*tnede, pt. s., W.

Li3*tnere, sb. enlightener, W2.

Li3*tnyng, sb. illumination, W, W2.

Lob, sb. a clown, a clumsy fellow, HD;a lout, lubber, Sh.

Lobbe-keling, sb. a large cod, S2.

Lob-co*cke, sb. lubber, S3, Cotg. (s.v. baligaut), HD. See Lob.

Lobres, sb. pl. lubbers, PP, S2.

Loby, sb. looby, PP; lobyes,pl., PP.

Lode, sb. a way, path, SD; loode,something carried, a load, vectura, Prompt.;lade, SD.—­AS. (ge)_lAid_,a way, path, from lA-A deg.an, to go.See LiA deg.e.

Lode-menage, sb. pilotage, C.

Lodesman, sb. pilot, Palsg.; lodezmon,S2; lodysmanne, ‘vector, vehicularius,’Prompt.

Lode-star, sb. load-star, S3; lode-sterre,CM.

Lode-stone, sb. loadstone, SkD.

Lof, sb. praise, S, S2; lofe,S, WA; loft, S.—­AS. lof;Icel. lof, praise, permission, OS. lof;cp. OHG. lob (Otfrid).

Lof, sb. loaf, S; see Loof.

Lofen, v. to praise, S, S2; loue,SD, S2, S3, H; lovand, pr. p., HD, S2,H.—­AS. lofAan, to praise; cp.Icel. lofa, to praise, to permit.

Lof-song, sb. song of praise, S; loft-*song,S; loftsonges, pl., S.—­AS.lof-*sang.

Loft. sb. an upper room, height, PP,G, SkD. Phr.: on lofte, aloft,literally, in the air, PP, S2, C3; on A3/4e lofte,S.—­Icel. lopt, air, sky, an upperroom, balcony; Ai lopt, aloft, in the air.Cf. Lyft.

Logge, sb. a lodge, hut, small cottage,B, CM; loge, WA; lodge, WW; luge,HD.—­AF. loge.

Loggen, v. to lodge, dwell, PP; lodge,WW; logeth, pr. s., PP; logged,pt. s., S3, CM; lugede, pp., HD;lugit, S3.—­AF. loger.

Loggyng, sb. lodging, CM; luging,S3; logyng, B.

Loghe, sb. water, sea, S2; lo3*,S2; lo3*e, S2, WA; lowis, pl.,S3. Cp. AS. lagu-flod, ‘obscuraunda’ (Voc.); also Icel. lAgr (gen. lagar).

Loh, pt. s. laughed, S2; see Lahhen.

Loht, s. light, S; see Li3*t.

Lok, sb. an offering, gift, S; loc,S; lac, S; loke, sport, PP; lake,dat., S; lac, pl., S; lakes,S.—­AS. lAic, a leaping for joy,sport, contest, also, a sacrifice, gift: Goth.laiks, sport, dance. Cf. Layken, Laken.

Lok, sb. lock, fastening, S2, PP; lokkes,pl., PP. See Louken.

Loken, v. to look, observe, S, S2, PP;lokin, S; lokien, S; loki, toprotect, S; loky, to guard, S2; luke,S3; locan on, to observe, S; loc, imp.,S; lokede, pt. s., S.—­AS.lA cubedcian.

Loken, pp. locked, S; see Louken.

Loking, sb. looking, PP; lokyng,custody, S; appearance, W; lokinge, decision,S2; lokynge, PP; protection, S2; lokunge,S.

Lokken, v. to lock, SkD; lok,Cath.; ylokked, pp., S2. See Lok.

Lokrand, pr. p. as adj. curlingS3; lokkerand, Cath. (n).

Lokyrynge, sb. curliness, crispitudo,Cath.

Lollen, v. to loll, limp about, lounge,rest, also, to flap, wag, PP; lollede, pt.s., S3; lullede, S2.

Lollere, sb. loller, idle vagabond,PP; loller, C2, CM.

Lomb sb. lamb, C3, W2, PP; lombe,Voc., PP, W; lambren, pl., PP, W, W2;lambre, W2; lombe, S2.—­AS.lamb, lomb.

Lome, sb. tool, instrument, S2, WA;a vessel (the ark in the deluge), S2; lomes,pl., S2, PP; lomen, S2.—­AS.gelA cubedma, ‘utensile’ (Voc.).

Lome, adv. frequently, S, PP; phr.:oft and lome, HD; i-lome, S, S2; ylome,S2; lomer, comp., PP; lommere,PP.—­*—­AS. gelA cubedme.

Lomp, pt. s. happened; see Limpen.

Lond, sb. land, S, S2, PP; lont,S; lon, S; londe, dat., S2; londes,pl., S.—­AS. land.

Londe, v. to land, S.

Lond-folk, sb. countryfolk, S.

Londisse, adj. native, S.

Lone, sb. lane, PP; lones, pl.,S2, PP.—­AS. lonu, see Sievers, 279.

Lone, sb. loan, S, S2, PP, Prompt.—­AS.lAin; cp. Icel. lAin.

Longe, sb. lung; longen, pl.,PP; lunges, SkD, Cath.; longes, C, PP.—­AS.lunge, pl. lungan.

Longe, adv. See Ilong.

Longen, v. to become long, to long for,to belong to, S, S2, S3, C2, PP, SkD; langen,S2, H.—­AS. langian. See Lang.

Longinge, sb. longing, S2; longynge,PP; longenge, S.

Loof, sb. loaf, W2, PP; lof,S, PP; laf, S; lofe, Cath.; loues,pl., C3; loouys, S2; looues, W2.—­AS.hlAif.

Loof, sb. a kind of rudder or apparatusfor steering, SkD; loues, pl., SkD.—­Cp.OF. lof, the windward side of a vessel (Rabelais).

Loop, v. to melt and run together ina mass, HD.—­Icel. hlaupa, to curdle;cp. blA cubedA deg.-hlaup, curdled blood.Cf. Lepen.

Loos, sb. loss, PP; los, PP,C2,—­ONorth. los (Matt. 7. 13).See Lesen.

Loos, sb. fame, report, Prompt., PP,CM, C3; lose, H (67. 33).—­AF. loos,OF. los; Lat. laus or laudes,see Constans.

Lopen, pp. run away, S2; see Lepen.

Lopir, v. to curdle, clot, coagulate;lopper, JD; lopird, pp., H, HD;lappered, JD; lopyrde (as milk), Cath.See Loop.

Lopirynge, sb. curdling, H.

Lord, sb. husband, S; see Louerd.

Lorde, v. to idle about, S3. SeeLourde.

Lordinges, sb. pl. sirs, masters, S,S2, G; see Louerdinges.

Lordschipe, sb. lordship, W2; see Lauerdschipe.

Lordschiping, sb. domination, W.

Lordshipen, v. to rule over, S2.

Lore, sb. learning, lore, S, S2, S3,C3, PP; lare, S, S2, H; lores, pl.,S2.—­AS. lAir (for *_laisa_), fromOTeut. base LIS, to find out.

Lorel, sb. an abandoned fellow, perditissimus,P, CM, PP, S3; lozel, ND; losel, PP,Prompt.; lorels, pl., S3; losells,S3; loseles, P. See Lesen.

Lorel, sb. laurel, Prompt.; lory3*er,Prompt.; see Laurer.

Lorn, pp. lost, S2; see Lesen.

Lor-A3/4eaw, sb. a teacher, S; lareaw,SD; lorA3/4eawe, dat., S; lorA3/4eawes,pl., S; larA3/4awes, S; larewes,SD.—­AS. lAirA3/4A(C)ow (lAirA(C)ow).See Lore.

Lose, v. to set free, G; louse,imp. s., G; loside, pt. s., W2.Cf. Lesen.

Lose, sb. praise, H; see Loos.

Losel; see Lorel.

Losen, v. to praise, PP; losed,pp., WA.

Losenge, sb. a kind of quadrilateralfigure; losynges, pl., CM.—­OF.losenge, praise, flattery, encomium, then grave-stone,square slab, lozenge in heraldry.

Losengere, sb. flatterer, deceiver,WA; losanger, sluggard, S3; losengour,C; losenjour, HD.—­OF. losengier(Cotg.), also (with different suffix) losengA"or,losengetour, flatterer.

Losengerye, sb. flattery, lying, PP.

Lossom, adj. loveable, pleasant, S2;see Lufsum.

Lot, sb. lot, S; loten, pl.,S; lotes, S.—­AS. hlot; cp.Goth, hlauts.

Loteby, sb. concubine, HD, PP (n);ludby, HD; lutby, H; lotebyes,pl., PP.—­Literally, ‘a secretlier with,’ cp. Lyerby, HD. SeeLotyen.

Loth, adj. hostile, hateful, grievous,unpleasant, unwilling, S, S2, PP, C; looth,C2; laA deg., S, S2; layth, S2; laith,H, PP; loA deg.ere, comp., S; lother,PP; lathere, adv., H; loA deg.est,superl., S.—­AS lAiA deg.;cp. Icel. leiA deg.r.

Lothe, v. to loathe, PP; laA deg.in,S.—­AS. lAiA deg.ian.

Lothelich, adj. hateful, P; loA deg.lich,S; loA deg.li, S2; lodlich, S, S2; ladlic,S.—­AS. lAiA deg.lic.

LoA deg.lesnesse, sb. innocence, S;lodlesnesse, S.

Lotyen, v. to lurk; lotyeth,pr. pl., PP; lotinge, pr. p.,C3.—­AS. lutian (Grein).

Loud, adj. loud; lowd, PP; lud,S; lude, adv. S; lowde,PP, C; loude, PP.—­AS. hlAd;cp. Gr. [Greek: klutos], renowned.

Lough, pt. s. laughed, C2, C3; louh,PP; see Lahhen.

Louh, adj. low, S, S2, PP; law,S3; loge, S; lowe, S; laghe,H; lah, S; lahe, adv., S; lo3*e,S; lowe, PP; louwe, S; law, S3;lauer, comp., S2.—­Icel. lAigr.

Louhnesse, sb. lowliness, PP.

Louken, v. to close, H, PP; luken,S; lowke, PP, H; lowkande, pr. p.,S2; leac, pt. s., SD; lec, SD;lA|c, SD; luken, pl., SD; loken,pp., S, SD; lokenn, S; lowkyt(weak), S3.—­AS. lAcan, pt.lA(C)ac (pl. lucon), pp. locen;cp. Icel. lAka.

Lourde, adj. lazy, sluggish, HD; loord,sb., ND.—­OF. lourd; Lat.luridum, dirty, lazy, heavy; see Diez.

Lourdeine, sb. a lazy rascal, PP; lordein,PP; lurdeyn, PP; lurden, HD; lourdeines,pl. vagabonds, PP.—­OF. lourdein.See above.

Loure, v. to lower, S2, S3; see Luren.

Louten, v. to stoop, bow down, worship,H, PP, S2, C2; to treat as a lout, S3; lutende,pr. p., S; loutede, pt. s., PP,S2; luted, pl., S2; lutten, pl.,S.—­Cp. AS. lAtan, to bow down,also lAtian, to hide (OET.).

Louabil, adj. worthy to be praised,H. See Lof.

Loue, sb. love; see Lufe.

Loue, v. to praise, S2, S3, H; see Lofen.

Louely, adj. worthy to be praised, H.

Louen, v. to praise, S2, S3, H; seeLofen.

Louerd, sb. lord, S, S2, S3, PP; laford,S; laferrd, S; lauerd, S, S2; lowerd,S; lord, husband, S; lauerA deg., S.—­AS.hlAiford.

Louerdinges, sb. pl. sirs, masters,S; lordinges, S, S2, G; lordynges, PP.Cf. Lauerding.

Louyen, v. to love, PP; luuen,S; luuien, S; lufenn, S; luf,H; louien, S; loue, S2; lofuieA deg.,pr. pl., S; luuede, pt. s., S;louede, S.—­AS. lufian.

Louyere, sb. lover, C; luffaris,pl,. S3.

Lowable, adj. praiseworthy, PP.

Lowe, v. to approve of, praise, S3.—­OF.louer, loA"r, loder, laudar; Lat. laudare.Cf. Laude.

Lowe, sb. flame, Prompt., Cath., PP,WA.—­Icel. log. Cf. Leye.

Lowe, adj. low, lowly, humble, S, PP;see Louh.

Lowe, v. refl. to humble oneself, PP,W; lowed, pt. s. stooped, PP.

Lowe, 2 pt. s. toldest lies, PP; lowenvpon, pp. lied against, PP; see Ly3*en.

Lowen, v. to low, bellow, W2 (Job 6.5); loowes, pr. s., S3.—­AS.hlA cubedwan.

Lowne, adj. serene, calm, S3, JD; sheltered,HD; loun, JD.—­Icel. logn.a calm.

Lownyt, pp. sheltered, B.

Lo3*, sb. sea, lake, S2; see Loghe.

Luce, sb. a fish, a pike, C, CM, Voc.,Prompt., ND.—­OF. luz (Bartsch).

Lud, adj. loud, S; lude, adv.S; see Loud.

Lud, sb. sound, voice, S2; lude,dat., SD; luden, pl., SD.—­AS.hlA1/2d, ge-hlA1/2d; cp. OHG. lAtA-(Otfrid).

Lud, sb. person, S2; ludes, pl.,tenements, S2; see Leod.

Ludene, sb. voice, PP; see Leden,sb.

Luf, adj. dear, S2; see Leof.

Lufe, sb. love, S, WA; luf, H;luue, S, loue, PP. Comb.:loue-day, a day for the settlement of disputesby arbitration, S2; PP; loue-drury, affection,C2; luue-eie, reverence, S; loue-longinge,desire, fond affection, C2, S2; luf-reden,good-will, S2; lufredyn, H (AS. lufrA|*den);luue-wurA deg.e, loveworthy, S.—­AS.lufu.

Lufli, adj. lovely, H; luuelich,loving, lovely, S; louelokest. superl.,S2; luue-*liche, adv., S.—­AS.luflic, adv. luflice.

Lufsum, adj. loveable, pleasant, S,SD; lossom, S2.—­AS. lufsum.

Lufsumliche, adv. pleasantly, S.—­AS.lufsumlice.

Luft, adj. left, S, S2, PP; see Lyft.

Luft, sb. a weak creature, worthlessfellow, PP; lift, HD. See above.

Lugen, v. to drift about (on the waves),S2; luggid, pp., pulled about, PP.

Lugit, pp. lodged, S3; see Loggen.

Luke, v. to look, S3; see Loken.

Lumpen, pp. befallen, S2; see Limpen.

Lunarie, sb. moon-wort, C3; lunary,HD.—­OF. lunaire; Late Lat. lunaria.

Lure, sb. a bait, enticement, C3, HD.—­OF.loerre, (now leurre); M.H.G. luoder,a bait (now luder).

Lure, sb. loss, S; lere, SD;lire, SD.—­AS. lyre. SeeLesen.

Lure, sb. face, SD; see Leor.

Luren, v. to lower, to look sullen,S; loure, S2, S3, PP; lowren, PP.

Luring, sb. a looking sullen, S.

Lurken, v. to lurk, PP; lorken,PP; lurkand, pr. p., S2; lorked,pt. s., S2.

Lurking, sb. hiding-place, S2.

Lust, sb. desire, inclination, pleasure,PP, S, S2, S3, H; lest, C2; hleste,S; lostes, pl., S2; lustis, W.—­AS.lust.

Lust, sb. the sense of hearing, S.—­AS.hlyst: Icel. hlust, the ear.

Lusten, v. to give ear, to list, S,PP; listen, S; hlesten, S; lhesten,S2; letsen, S2, S.—­AS. hlystan;cp. Icel. hlusta.

Lusten, v. to desire, S, S3; lyst,1 pr. s., S3; lust, pr. s. impers.,it pleases him, S, PP; list, S2, S3, C2, PP;lest, PP; liste, pr. s. subj,it may please, S; leste, S, S3, C2, PP; luste,pt. s. impers., S, S2; liste, S2, S3,C2; leste, C2.—­AS. lystan.

Lustiheed, sb. pleasure, C2.

Lustinesse, sb. pleasantness, S3.

Lustnen, v. to listen, S; lestenen,G; listnede, pt. s., S; lestned,S2.

Lusty, adj. pleasant, S3, C2, C3, PP;lusti, joyful, S.

Lutby, sb. paramour, H; see Loteby.

Lute, adj. little, S; see Lyte.

Lutel, adj. little, S, S2; see Lytel.

Luten, v. to stoop; see Louten.

LuA deg.er, adj. bad, false, treacherous,S, PP, S2; lyA deg.er, PP, H; liA deg.er,PP, S2; liA deg.ere, S, H; leoA deg.re,S.—­AS. lyA deg.re.

LuA deg.erliche, adv. vilely, S.

Lutlin, v. to diminish, S; lutlen,S; liteled, pt. s., S2.—­AS.lytlian. See Lytel.

Luue, sb. love; see Lufe.

Lycorys, sb. liquorice, C2; lycoresse,Cath.—­AF. lycorys; Late Lat. liquiritia,glycyrrhiza; Gr. [Greek: glykyrrhiza], lit.‘sweet root.’

Lyf, sb. life, S, S2; lifue,S; liues, gen. as adv., alive,S; lyues, S, C2; liue, dat., S,S2; lyue, S. Phr.: bring o liue,to kill, S2 (7. 198); on lyue, alive, S, C2;his lyf, during his life, C2.—­AS.lA-f.

Lyf sb. a living person, a man, PP;lif, S2; lyfe, WA.

Lyf-day, sb. life-time, PP; lif-da3*e,dat., S; lyfe-days, pl., WA.—­AS.lA-f-dA|g.

Lyflode, sb. way of life, mode of life,S2, PP; liflode, S, W; means of living, PP;lijflode, W2; lyuelade, victus,Cath.; liuelod, S3; lyuelode, W.—­AS.lA-f + lAid, a course, provisions.

Lyfly, adv. in a lively manner, S3.

Lyft, adj. left, PP, S2; luft,S, PP, S2; lift, S, PP, S2; left, SkD.Comb.: lift-half, left side, W2;luft-hond, left hand, PP.—­AS. lyft,weak; cp. ODu. luft, ‘laevus.’

Lyft, sb. air, sky, PP, S3; lift,HD, S2, H; lyfte, S2; lufte, dat.,S; lifte, S2; lyfte, S2.—­AS.lyft; cp. OS. luft, OHG. luft,Goth, luftus. Cf. Loft.

Lyften v. to lift, shift, raise, PP;lyft-*ande, pr. p., S2; lyft,pt. s., PP.—­Icel. lypta.See Loft.

Lyik, adj. like, W2; see Liche.

Lyke-waik; see Lich.

Lykhame, sb. body, PP; see Lic-*hame.

Lym, sb. lime, calx, S2, C3;lyme, Voc. Comb.: lym-rod,a limed rod, C2; lym-*3*erde, a limed twig,S3.—­AS. lA-m.

Lymaille, sb. file-dust, C3; lymail,C3.—­OF. limaille, from limer,to file; Lat. limare.

Lymit, sb. limit, WA.—­OF.limite; Lat. limitem (acc.).

Lymytour, sb. a friar licensed to askalms within a certain limit, PP, C, CM; limitator,Cath.; limitour, PP.—­OF. limiteur(Cotg.); Church Lat. limitatorem (Cath.).

Lynage sb. lineage, descent, parentage,PP, S3, C2, W; linage, C2, C3; lynages,pl., tribes, S2; lynagis, W2.—­AF.linage.

Lynde, sb. linden-tree, HD, Voc., C2,C; linde, S.—­AS. lind, ‘tilia’(Voc.).

Lyne, sb. cord, net, PP, S; line,S; lynes, pl., snares for birds, PP~; lines~, PP.—­AF. line; Lat. linea.

Lynt-quhite, sb. linnet, S3, JD; lint-white,lark, HD.—­Cp. AS. lA-net-wige,‘carduelis’ (Voc.), ‘fronulus’(Voc.), linet-uigle, ‘fronulus’(Voc.).

Lyp, sb. lip, Voc.; lyppe, Voc.,Cath.; lippe, pl., S; lippes,PP. Comb.: lyp-labour, lip-labour,recitation of prayers, S3.—­OFris. lippa(= lip-j-a); cp. Lat. labium; seeBrugmann, ASec. 337.

Lype, sb. leap, S2.—­AS. hlA1/2p(Voc.). See Lepen.

Lypp, sb. rennet, runnet, Voc. (666.17); lepe, Voc. (703. 44); leb, Voc.(591. 15). See Loop.

Lyre, sb. the muscle of the thigh, Cath.;lere, C2; leer, the flank, HD.—­AS.lira, ‘pulpa, viscum, caro’ (Voc.);cp. Icel. lA|r.

Lysure, sb. list, edge of cloth, Prompt.;lisure, PP; lysour, PP; lyser,PP.—­OF. lisiere (for listiere).See Liste.

Lyte, adj. little, PP, S2, S3; lute,S; lite, S2, C2; lut, S; lyt,C3; lit, S; luyte, S2; lyte, adv.,PP, C2, C3; lite, PP; lute, S2.—­AS.lyt: OS. lut.

Lytel, adj. little, PP; lutel,S, S2; litel, S2, C2; luitel, PP; luytel,PP; lutel, adv., S, S2; litel,S; litl, S.—­AS. lytel; cp.OS. luttil, OHG. luzil (Otfrid).

Lyth, sb. property; lythe, dat.,HD. Phr.: loud and lith, PP.Notes (p. 326); lond ne lith, HD.—­Cp.Icel. lA1/2A deg.r, the common people; lA1/2Adeg.-skylda, the homage of a liegeman to his lord.Cf. Leod.

LyA deg.en, v. to listen, S, PP, HD;lithen, PP; liA deg.e, S; liA deg.eAdeg., imp. pl., S, G; lytheth, G.—­Icel.hlA1/2A deg.a, from hljA cubedA deg.,hearing, what is heard, a sound. See Lowd.

LyA deg.er, adj. bad, H, PP; liAdeg.er, S2, PP; see LuA deg.er.

LyverA", sb. something delivered toa dependent, livery, C; lyverey (of cloth orother gifts), liberata, Prompt., G; lyveray,corrodium, Cath.; levere, B.—­AF. liveree, delivery, livery; Late Lat. liberata(Cath.).

Ly3*en, v. to lie, tell lies, S2, PP;li3*en, S; lihen, to deceive, S; lye,S; lyte, PP; ligen, S; lixt, 2pr. s., PP, G; lixte, PP; le3*heA3/4A3/4,pr. s. S; lihA deg., PP, S2; lith,PP; ly3*eA deg., S2; lowe, 2 pt.s., PP; ly3*ede, pt. s. (weak),PP; lighed, pl. (weak), S2; lu3*en,pl., S; lowen, pp., concealedby lying, S; lowen vpon, lied against, PP; i-lo3*e,lied, S.—­AS. lA(C)ogan, pt. lA(C)ag(pl. lugon), pp. logen.

Ly3*ere, sb. liar, S2, PP; leghere,H; li3*ere, PP, S; ly3*ers, pl.,S2.—­AS. lA(C)ogere.

Ly3*te, pt. s. alighted, PP; ly3*t,pp., S2; see Lighte.

M, the first letter of master or mastership,S3.

Ma, v. to make, S2; see Make.

Ma, adv. more, S, S2; see Mo.

Mace, sb. mace, club, PP, Cath., Voc.;sceptrum, ND, Manip.; mas, pl.,B; masis, B; macyss, B,—­AF.mace (F. masse); cp. Low Lat. massa(Ducange); It. mazza; Late Lat. matia;Lat. *_matea_ (found in mateola); see Diez.

Macer, sb. mace-bearer (in court ofjustice); maceres, pl., PP.

Macull, sb. stain, S3. Lat. macula.

Mad, adj. mad, foolish, PP; maad,SD; made, Cath.; mad, sb., amad person, S2; madde, pl.,PP.

Mad, pp. made, S, C, G; see Maken.

Madden, v. to be mad, PP; maddith,pr. s., W; maddist 2 pr. s.,W; maddid, pt. s., maddened, PP; pp.W.

MA|i, sb. kinsman, S; mai, S;mey, S; may, a person, S2.—­AS.mA|*g (pl. mAigas): Goth. me*gs;see Sievers, 17. Cf. May.

MA|i, pr. s. may, can, S; mai,S; may, S2; maig, S; mai3*, S;mei, S; mey, S2; ma3*ie, ma3*3*,S; maht, 2 pr. s., S; mahht,S; mi3*t, S; miht, S, S2; mihht,S; myht, S, S2; ~;ma3*en~, pl., S; mahen,S; mahe, S; mawe, S; mowen, S;mo, S; mowe, S, S3, C; muge, S;muhe, S; muee, S; mwue, S; muwen,S; mu3*en, S; mu3*henn, S; mu3*e,S; moun, S, W; mouwen, S; mown,S2; mo3*e, S2; mow, P; y-may,S3. Comb.: maistow, mayest thou,S3.—­AS. mA|g, I can, 2 pr. s., meaht,miht, pi. magon, opt. mA|ge, mage, muge,pi. mahan, mugon. See Sievers,424.

MA|sse-dA|i, sb. mass-day, S; see Messe.

Mahoun, sb. Mahomet, S2; Mahounde,HD.—­OF. Mahom, Mahoms, also Mahum,Mahumet(Roland); Arab. Muhammed,‘the praised’ Cf. Maumet.

Maht; see Mei.

Mahte, pt. s. might, S; mihte,S; michte, S; migte, S; micte,S; myhte, S; moucte, S; muhte,S; mi3*te, S2; mught, S2, H; my3*te,S2; mought, S3, H; mocht, pl.,S2; moght, S2. Comb.: mihti(for mihte hi), might they, S; mihti(for miht I), might I, S2; maihtou, mightestthou, PP.—­AS. meahte, mihte, pt.s. of mA|g, I can. See MA|i.

Maille, sb. mail-armour, C2; maylle,Cath.; male, S3, Cath.; mayles, pl.,SkD.—­OF. maille Lat. macula.See Macull.

Make, sb. mate, spouse, S, S2, S3, C,C2, P, Prompt.; makes, pl., S2; makez,S2; makys, S3.—­AS. (ge)maca.

Maken, v. to make, cause, build, compose,write, PP, S; makien, S; macien, S;makye, S2; mak, S2; ma, S2, B;mais, pr. s., B, S2; mas, S2;mais, pl makede, pt. s.,S; machede, S; makked, pl., S2;maden, S, PP; maked, pp., PP,S, C; maad, C, PP; mad, S, C, G; y-maked,S2, C2; y-maad, S2, C2; y-mad, S2; i-maked,S; i-maket, S2; i-made, P; i-mad,G; hi-makede, S.—­AS. macian;cp. OHG. machA cubedn (Otfrid).

Maker, sb. maker, writer, author, SkD,Cath., ND; makyere, S2.

Male, sb. bag, portmanteau, mail, C,C3, Prompt, Cath.; males, pl., P.—­OF.male (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. mala(Ducange).

Malencolye, sb. melancholy, PP; malencolie,C, Prompt.; malicoly, WA.—­OF. melancolie.

Malencolyk, adj. melancholy, C.—­OF.melancolique.

Malengine, sb. wicked artifice, HD;malengyne, malice, evil disposition, S3.—­AF.malengin, fraud, ill-meaning; engin,deceit, treachery (Bartsch).

Malese, sb. sickness, PP; male ese,W; male ess, B.—­OF. malaise(Cotg.).

Malice, sb. evil, W.—­AF.malice; Lat. malitia.

MalAsun, sb. malediction, S, H, ND;malisoun, C3.—­OF. malison, maleiceon,maldeceon, maldisson (Ps. 108. 17); Lat. maledictionem.

Malliable, adj. malleable, C3.—­OF.malleable, pliant to the hammer, hammerable(Cotg.).

Mamelek, sb. a mameluke, S3.—­Arab.mamlA"k, a slave, a possession, from malaka,he possessed; cp. It. mamalAcco (Florio).

Mamely, v. to mumble, P; see Momelen.

Man, I pr. s. I must, SD; 2_pr.pl_., S2, B; see Mon.

Man, sb. man, any one, S; husband, W;mann, S; men, S2; mon, S, S2;manne, dat., S; me, S, S2, S3,W; mA|n, pl., S; mA|nn, S; mannen,gen., S; manne, S2; mannen, manne;dat., S; menne, S. Comb.:manhed(e), manhood, S2, C; manheid, S2;mankin, mankind, S; monkin, S; moncun,S; man-ken, S; man-kunne, S; mon-kunne,S; man-qualm, pestilence, H; man-quellere,murderer, executioner, S2, S3, W, W2; mon-quellere,S; man-red(e), homage, S; man-scipe,homage, honour, S; mon-sla3*e, man-slayer,S; man-slecht, manslaughter, S; man-sleiht,S; man-sleere, murderer, W2; mon-Azewes,the morality of a grown up man, S.—­AS.man.

Manace, sb. threat, C, SkD; manas,S2, WA, SkD; manauce, B; manassis, manaasis,pl., W.—­OF. manace; Lat. minacia;see Constans.

Manacen, v. to threaten, C2, PP; manasside,pt. s., S2, W; manaasside, W2; manausyt,B.—­OF. menacer.

Manasyng, sb. threatening, C, B.

Man-aA deg., sb. perjury, SD; manaAdeg.as, pl., S.—­AS. mAin-AiAdeg.; cp. Icel. mein-eiA deg.r.AS. mAin, wicked, wickedness; cp. Icel.meinn, base, mein, harm.

Manciple, sb. purveyor, S; see Maunciple.

Manden, v. to send forth, to command,S2.—­OF. mander; Lat. mandare.

Mandragora, sb. mandrake, ND; mandrogoris,pl., W2.—­OF. mandragore (Cotg.);Lat. mandragora (Vulg.).

Mandrak, sb. mandrake, Voc.; mandragge,Prompt.; mandrage, Cath.

Mane, sb. complaint, S2; see Mone.

Maner, sb. manor, PP; manere,P, Voc.; manoir, PP; maners, pl.,farms, possessions, W; maneres, P.—­AF.manere, maner, manoir; Late Lat. manerium(Ducange).

Manere, sb. a kind, sort, also manner,custom, S, S2, C, P; maneir, S2; maner,S3, C, P; measure, moderation, W; maners, pl.,S2. Phr.: of manere, in his behaviour,C2; maner doctrine, kind of doctrine, C2; manerthing, maner sergeant, maner wyse, maner wyght,C2.—­AF. manere; Late Lat. maneria,a kind, species (Ducange).

Mangen, Mangerie; see Maungen, Maungerye.

Manicle, sb. manacle, Cotg.; manycle,Prompt.; manakelle, Cath.; manykils,pl., H.—­AF. manicle; Lat.manicula, dimin. of manica, glove, handcuff.

Maniple, sb. a scarf-like ornament wornabout the left wrist of a sacrificing priest (Cotg.).—­OF.manople (Cotg.).

Manke, sb. mancus, a piece of money,S; Low Lat. mancus (Ducange).

ManlA-che, adj. humane, P; manly,adv., boldly, S2, G; monluker, comp.,S.

Mansed, pp. excommunicated, cursed,P; mousede, PP.—­For amansed;AS. amAinsed. See Amansien.

Mansion, sb. mansion (a term in astrology),C2.—­AF. mansion; Late Lat. mansionem.

Mantel, sb. mantle, S; mentil,W2.—­AF. mantel.

Mantelet, sb. a little mantle, C.—­OF.mantelet (Cotg.).

Mantled, pp. covered, adorned with flowers,S3; i-mantlet, mantled, S.

Manye, adj. many, PP; manige,S; mani3*e, S; manie, mani, S; moni,S, S2; mony, S. Comb.: manifeald,manifold, S; manifald, S; manigefold,S; monifald, moniuold, S; manifA|ldlice,manifold, S; monyvolde, S2; monimon,S2; monion, S2; mani3*-whatt, many asubject, S; manywhat, S2.—­AS. manig.

Marchaundise, sb. merchandise, traffic,PP; marchaundye, S2.—­AF. marchaundise.

Marchaunt, sb. merchant, PP; marchantz,pl., S2; marchans, PP.—­AF.marchant, merchaunt, OF. marchA"ant, marcA"ant(Bartsch); Late Lat. mercatantem, see Brachet.

Marche, sb. the month of March, Prompt.;mershe, S2.—­Late Lat. marcius(Prompt.); Lat. martius, the month of Mars.

Marche, sb. a border of a territory,district, province, PP, Cath. Comb.: march-parti,border-country, S3.—­AF. marche.

Marchen, v. to border, SD; marchethto, borders on, S2.

Marchen, v. to march, go, PP.—­OF.marcher (Cotg.).

Mare, adj. comp. greater, S; see More.

Marewe, sb. morning, S2; see Morwe.

Margarite, sb. pearl, Cath., W, W2;margrite, WA; margery, Prompt.; margaritis,pl., W. Comb.: margery(e)-perles,pearls, S2, PP, Palsg.—­Lat. margarita(Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: margaritaes].

Marie, v. to give in marriage, PP; marieden,pt. pl., were married, PP; maried, PP;y-maried, PP.—­OF. marier;Lat. maritare.

Marie, inter. marry! i.e. by S.Mary! C3; mari, PP.

Mark, sb. a coin, Prompt., C3, PP; marke,PP; mark, pl., C3; marc, S3.—­AF.marc; cp. Low Lat. marca (Ducange).

Markis, sb. marquis, C2.—­AF.marchis; Low Lat. marchensis, the governorof the marches or frontiers. See Marche.

Markisesse, sb. marchioness, C2.

Marle, sb. marl, creta, Cath.,Voc.; marle, marga, Manip.; marl,chalk, Prompt.—­OF. marle (mod. marne);Late Lat. margila; dimin. of marga (Pliny).

Marl-pytte, sb. chalk-pit, Prompt.

Marlyd, adj. cretatus, Prompt.; y-marled,S2.

Marschal, sb. marshal, steward, C, PP;marchal, PP; marschall, B; marschalle,Cath.; mareschal, PP.—­AF. mareschal(marchal); Low Lat. mariscalcus; OHG.maraschalh, a horse-servant; OHG. marah+ OHG. schalh: Goth. skalks.See Mere.

Martre, sb. marten, a kind of weasel.SkD.—­OF. martre. Cf. MerAdeg..

Martrik, sb. marten, S3; mertrik,JD.

Martryn, sb. marten’s fur, HD;marterns, pl., HD; marterons,HD; matrons, HD.

Martyr, sb. martyr, Cath.—­AF.martir; Church Lat. martyr (Vulg.);Gr. [Greek: martur].

Martyr, v. to torment, Cath.; martyre,C.—­AF. martirer.

Martyrdome, sb. torment, martyrdom,Cath.; martirdam, C.

Mary, sb. marrow, C, C3, Prompt., Cath.(n); marghe, Cath.; mergh, H;merghe, Cath. (n), H; mar3*, Cath.(n); merow3*, W2; merowis, pl.,W2.—­AS. mearh.

Maschen, v. to mash, beat into a confusedmass; maschyn (in brewing), Prompt.; meshe,S.—­Cp. MHG. meisch; see Kluge.

Mase, sb. maze, confusion, a wild fancy,confused throng, P, S2, C.

Mased, pp. confused, bewildered, WA,PP, S2, C3.

Masednesse, sb. amaze, C2.

Maseliche, adv. confusedly, SkD (s.v.maze).

Maselin, sb. a kind of drinking-cup,sometimes made of maslin, HD; maselyn,C2. See Mestling.

Massage, sb. message, S3 ; see Message.

Masse, sb. mass, P; see Messe.

Mast, most, S2; see Most.

Mastil3*on, sb. mixtilio, a mixtureof wheat and rye, Cath.; mastlyone, HD (s.v.maslin]; mastline, ND; mestlyone,mixtilio , Prompt.—­Late Lat. mestillionem,mistilionem, mestilonem, see Ducange (s.v. mixtum),also mixtilionem (Voc.); cp. OF. mesteil(meteil in Cotg.). Cp. Mestling.

Mat, pt, s. measured, W; see Meten.

Mate, adj. defeated utterly, confounded,exhausted, dispirited, B, SkD; mat, C3; maat,C, S3.—­OF. mat; Arab. mAct,dead (used in chess).

Mate, sb. checkmate, S3.

Maten, v. to checkmate, defeat, confound,S3, HD; matyn, Prompt.—­OF. mater.

Matere, sb. material, stuff, matter,subject, S2, C, C2, C3, PP; mater, PP; mateere,C, PP; matiere, S2; materie, S2.—­OF.matere; Lat. materia.

MaA deg.elen, v-to talk, S.—­AS.maA deg.elian, to harangue, from mA|A deg.el,council, meeting; cp. Goth, mathljan, tospeak, from mathl, a meeting-place, market,also Icel. mA|la, from mAil; herewithis connected Low Lat. mallum, parliament.

MaA deg.em, sb. treasure, SD; madmes,pl., S.—­AS. mAiA deg.um (mAidm).

Matrimoyne, sb. matrimony, C; matermoyn,H.—­AF. matrimonie; Lat. matrimonium.

Maugre, prep, in spite of, S2, S3, C,C2; maugree, S2; mawgre, C; mawgreith,PP.—­OF. maugre (F. malgrA(C);Lat. malum+gratum.

Maugre, sb. illwill, PP; mawgre,S2, P; mawgry, Cath.; magger, S3. Phr.:in the magger of,in spite of, S3; addyllemawgry, demeritare, Cath.

Maumet, sb. idol, puppet, doll, ND,S2, PP; mawmet, W, H; mawment, Prompt.,Cath.; mawmez, mawmex, pl., S; maumettis,W; maumetys, mawmetis, pl., H; mammets,Sh.—­OF. mahumet idol, also Muhammed.See Mahoun.

Maumettrie, sb. idolatry, Mahometanism,S2; maumettrye, C3; mawmetry, H; mawmetrye,PP; mawmentrye, Prompt.; maumentry,WA.

Maunciple, sb. purveyor, C, C3; manciple,S.—­OF. mancipe: OIt. mancipio,slave, vassal, bailiff, manciple; Lat. mancipium,slave, properly possession, property. For theintrusive l, see Cronicle.

Maundee, sb. maundy, the washing ofthe disciples’ feet, PP.—­OF. mandA(C);Church Lat. mandatum, the foot-washing (Ducange);Lat. mandatum, something commanded. SeeManden.

Maundement, sb. commandment, W, PP;maundemens, pl., S2.—­OF.mandement (Cotg.).

Maungen, v. to eat, PP; maunged,pp., P; i-maunget, S2; manged,PP.—­OF. mangier; Lat. manducare.

Maungerye, sb. a feast, PP; mangerie,PP; mangerye, G.—­AF. mangerie.

Mavis, sb. the thrush, Cotg.; mavice,Prompt.; mavys, Palsg.; mavyss, S3.—­OF.mauvis (Cotg.); cp. It. maluA-ccio(Florio).

Mawe, sb. maw, stomach, C2, C3, W2,PP; maw, PP; maghe (= vulva),H.—­AS. maga (Voc.).

Mawe, Mayct; see MA|i.

May, sb. the month of May, PP; mey,S2,—­OF. mai; Lat. maius.

May, sb. a virgin, S2, S3, C3, PP, JD.—­AS. mA|*g, ’(cognata) femina, virgo;’see Grein. Cf. MA|i.

May, pr. s. may, can, S2; see MA|i.

May, adj. comp. pl. more in number,B; see Mo.

Mayde, sb. maid, PP, SkD; maide,PP, S; meide, S; mede, S.

Mayden, sb. maiden, PP; maydene,PP; meiden, S, SkD; mA|iden, S; maydenes,pl., bachelors and spinsters, PP; maidenes,S; maydnes, S.—­AS. mA|den(Voc.), mA|gden (Grein).

Maydenhod(e), sb. virginity, PP, C;maydenhede, C3; meidenhed, SkD.

Mayn, sb. strength, S3, G, PP, B; main,S: mane, B.—­AS. mA|gen;cp. Icel. megin.

Mayne, sb. a company, S2; mayny,S2; see Meyne.

Maynful, adj. powerful, SD; meinfule,S.

Mayre, sb. mayor, PP;. maire,PP; meyr, Prompt.; maires, pl.,P; meires, S2, PP; meyris, chief justices,W.—­AF. meyre, metre, meir, maire;Lat. maiorem, greater.

Mayster, sb. master, S, C, S2; maystyr,Prompt; maister, S, C, C2, S2; maistre,P; meister, S; mistres, pl., S2,G, P; maistris, W2.—­OF. maistre;Lat. magistrum.

Mayster, adj. chief; maister,C, C2; leister, S.—­OF. maistre.

Maysterful, adj. powerful; maistirful.W.

Maystresse, sb. mistress, Prompt.; maistresse,S2, C2.—­OF. maistresse (Cotg.).

Maystrye, sb. mastery, Prompt., PP,S2; maistri(e), S2, W2; niaistry, S3;Maistre, C ; meystry, S2; mastry, B.—­OF.maistrie.

Me, conj. but, S, SD.—­Cp.OLG. men.

Me, pron. indefi a man, one, people,PP, G, S2, S3, W; see Men.

Mearren, v. to mar, S; see Merren.

Mebles, sb. pl. moveable property, PP;See Mobyle.

Mede, sb. mead (the drink), C2, Prompt.;methe, SkD; meth, CM.—­AS.meodu (see Sievers, 106); cp. [Greek: methu].

Mede, sb. mead, meadow, S, C, PP; medewe,Prompt. Comb.: medwe-grene, greenas a meadow, S2.—­AS. mA|d (pl. mA|dwa);see Sievers, 259.

Mede, sb. reward, bribery, S, S2 S3,W2, P; meede, S2, G; meed, S3; meede,C, W. Comb.: med-3ierne, yearning forreward, S; ~medyorne~, S.—­AS.. _mA(C)d_:OMerc. _meord_ (OET): Goth, _mizdo_; see Sievers,181.

Meden, v. to reward, PP, Prompt.

Medlee, adj. mixed in colour, C; medle,Prompt.—­OF. medle, mesle.Cf. melle.

Medlen, v. to mix, Prompt., C3, W2,W; mell, S3; melland, pr. p.,B; melles, pr. s., H; mellede,pt. s., S2; mellid, PP; mellit,pp., S3; y-melled, S2; y-medled,S3.—­OF. medler, mesler; Late Lat.misculare, from miscere.

Medlynge, sb. mixture, joining; meddlynge,W, W2; mellyng, mingling, fighting, S2.

Medwe-grene, adj, green as a meadow,S2; see Mede.

Meel, sb. a stated time, meal, C, C3;mel, S; mele, pl.,meal-times,S; meeles, S2, PP; meles, PP.—­AS.mA|*l: Goth, me*l; see Sievers,17.

Meiden, sb. maiden, S; see Mayden.

Meined, pp. mixed, S2; meint,S3; see Mengen.

Meinfule, adj. powerful, S; see Maynful.

Meire, sb. mayor, S2; see Mayre.

Meister, adj. chief, S; see Mayster.

Meister, sb. master, S; see Mayster.

Meistre, sb. mistress, S.

Meistren, v. to be master of, S.

MeiA deg.-had, sb. virginity; meiAdeg.hades. gen., S.—­AS. mA|gAdeg.hAiA deg., from mA|gA deg., virgin,woman: Goth, magaths; see Sievers, 49.

Meke, adj. meek, C, C2, Prompt.; meoc,S.—­Icel. mjAkr, soft.

Mekely, adv. meekly, Prompt.; mekly,S2; meocli3*, S.

Meken, v. to render meek, to humble,S2, S3, W, W2, P, Prompt.

Mekenesse, sb. softness, clemency, Prompt.;meknes, S2; meocnesse S.

Mekil, adj. much, S3; see Mochel.

Mel,, sb. a meal, S; see Meel.

Melden, v. to show,. SD;~meld~,to accuse, S2.—­AS. meldian (Voc.);cp. OHG. meldAn (Otfrid).

Mele, sb. meal, ground corn, S, PP.—­AS.meolu (Sievers, 249); cp. OHG. melo(Tatian).

Melen, v: to speak, to convense,PP, S2, WA; melleth, pr. s., P; mellud,pt. s., P.—­AS. (ge)_mA|*lan_.

Mell, v. to mix, mingle, meddle, fightwith, B, S3, H, WA; see Medlen.

MellA", sb. an affray, contest, medley,B.—­OF. mellee, meslee. Cf.Medlee.

Mellere, sb. miller, C; see Mylnere.

Mel-stan, sb. mill-stone, S; see Mylle.

Melten, v. to melt, PP; molte,pt. s., S3.—­AS. meltan, pt.s. mealt (mAilt), pl. multon,pp. molten.

Membre, sb. member, limb, PP.—­AF.membre; Lat. membrum.

Men, pron. indef. a man, one, people,PP, S2; me, S. See Man.

Mene, adj. common, poor, mean, PP, S3;meane, S.—­AS. (ge)mA|*ne,common.

Mene, adj. mean, middle, S2, C3; meyne,Cath. Comb.: menewhile, meanwhile,S2; menewhiles, S2.—­AF. mene;OF. meiain (F. moyen); Lat. medianum.

Mene, sb. a mean, mediator, PP, HD;meane, S3; menes, pl., means,S2, C3, P. See above.

Menen, v. to mean, signify, to intend,PP, S, CM, S2, WA.

Menen, v. to remember, H, HD; meyne,B.

Menen v. to complain, lament, bemoan,S2, PP, WA; meyne, B; menys, pr.s., S3; menyt, pt. s., S2; mentS2.—­AS. mA|*nan, to make moan, complain.See Mone.

Mengen, v. to commemorate, mention.,remember, PP, WA; munge, PP; minegen,S; mengen here, v. refl. to rememberherself, reflect, PP.—­AS. (ge)mynegian,to remember, remind.

Mengen v. to mix, PP, H, S2; mingen,S3; myngen, W; myngide, pt. s.,W; meynde, S; mA|ingde, S; i-mengd,pp., S; meynd, S, S2, W; meined,S2; meint, S3; meynt, S3; ment, S3; y-mengd,S2; y-meynd, C; i-meind, S.—­AS.(ge)mengan.

Mennesse, sb. communion, fellowship,S2. See Mene.

Mennisc, adj. humanus, SD; mannish,man-like, C3.—­AS. mennisc, mannish,human; cp. Icel. mennskr.

Mennisscle3*3*c sb humanity, S.

Mennisscnesse, sb. humanity, S.

Menske, sb. honour, dignity among men,S, S2, HD; mensk, S2, B; mensc, favour,S2.—­Icel. mennska, humanity.

Menskelye, adv. worthily, reverently,S2; menskly, B.

Mensken, v. to honour, S, HD., S2, P.

Menskful, adj. worshipful, noble, S2.

Menskfully, adv. honourably, B.

Menstralcye, sb. minstrelsy, C; seeMynstralcie.

Ment; see Menen (3) and Mengen.

Mentil, sb. mantle, W2; see Mantel.

Menusen v. to minish, make less, SkD,WW, CM; minyshe, S3.—­AF. menuser,OF. menuisier; Late Lat. minutiare, fromminutus, lessened.

Menynge, sb. meaning, signification,intention, PP.

Menyng(e), sb. remembrance, mention,H.

Menyng(e), sb. complaining, PP.

Men3*e, a company, S2; men3*he, S2;see Meyne.

Meobles, sb. pl., moveable property,PP; see Mobyle.

Meoc, adj. meek, S; see Meke.

Meocle3*3*c, sb. meekness, S.—­Icel.mjAkleikr, nimbleness.

Meocnesse, sb. meekness, S; see Mekenesse.

Mercy, sb. mercy, Prompt.; merci,S; mercy, (your) pardon, P.—­AF.merci, OF. mercid; Late Lat. mercedem,a gratuity, pity, mercy; in Lat. pay, reward.

Mercyable, adj. merciful, C2, PP.

Mercyen, v. to thank, PP, S2; mercien,to amerce, fine, PP.—­OF. mercier,to thank.

Mercyment, sb. amercement, fine, P,Prompt., Cath.—­Late Lat. merciamentum.

Mere, adj. famous, S; mare, S.—­AS.mA|*re (mA(C)re): Goth, me*rs;see Fick (7. 233), and Sievers, 17.

Mere, sb. a mare, S2, C, Cath.; meere,Prompt.—­AS. mere, f. of mearh,horse; cp. OIr. marc.

Mere, sb. limit, boundary, S2; meer,Prompt. Comb.: mere-stane, boundarystone, Cath.—­AS. (ge)mA|*re.

Mere, sb. sea, a mere, Prompt., WA.Comb.: mere-mayd, mermaid, siren,CM; mermayde, C; mere-swin, porpoise,SD; mersuine, pl., S2.—­AS.mere, sea, lake: OHG. mari’,cp. Goth, marei.

Merels, sb. pl. merelles, or nine men’smorris, S3.—­OF. merelles (Cotg.);merel (Ducange); cp. Low Lat. merellus,merallus, a counter, token, a piece in draughts(Ducange); see Brachet.

Merghe, sb. marrow, H, Cath. (n);see Mary.

Merghid, pp. full of marrow, H.

Meridional, adj. southern, C2.—­OF.meridional (Cotg.). From Lat. meridies,midday.

Merke, adj. dark, mirk, murky, PP, CM,S2, H; mirke, S, S2, H; myrk, S2, H;merk, PP; meerk, PP.—­AS. myrce,mirce, murc; cp. Icel. myrkr, Dan.mArk.

Merke, sb. darkness, PP.

Merkenesse, sb. darkness, PP; mirkenes,S2, H; myrknes, S2, H.

Merle, sb. blackbird, S3, ND.—­OF.merle (Cotg.); Lat. merula.

MerlAng, sb. the whiting, S2, Manip.,Cotg.; merlynge, Prompt.—­OF. merlan(Cotg.), from Lat. merula (cp. Late Lat.merula in Voc. 642. 13).

Merlion, sb. merlin, a small hawk, CM;merlyone, Prompt.; marlin, Cotg.—­OF.esmerillon (Cotg.), dimin. of *_esmerle_; cp.It. smerlo (Florio), G. schmerl.

Mermayde, sb. mermaid, C; see Mere,sb. (3).

Merren, v. to mar, S; mearren,S; marre, PP; merriA deg., pr. pl.,S.—­AS. merran (in compounds):OS. merrian, to hinder: OHG. marrjan:Goth, marzjan.

Mersche, sb. marsh, SkD; mershe,dat., S.—­AS. mersc.

Mershe, sb. March, S2; see Marche.

Mersuine, sb. pl. porpoises, S2; seeMere, sb. (3).

Merthe, sb. mirth, PP; see Murthe.

Merueile, sb. marvel, wonder, PP; merueyle,S2; meruaille, C2; mervaylle, C.—­OF.merveille; Lat. mirabilia (n. pl.).

Merueillous(e), adj. marvellous, C2,PP.—­OF. merveillos.

Mery, adj. merry, cheerful, pleasant,PP; merie, S, C, C2; merye, W2; miri,S; mirye, CM; myry, Prompt.; myrie,W2; muri(e), S, C; merie, adv.,S2, C2; muryer, comp., P; myriest,superl., S2, Comb.: merimake,merrymaking, S3; merie men, followers, C2;myry tottyr, a merry totter, swing, Prompt.;myry weder, pleasant weather, Prompt.; meryweder, Prompt, (n), Bardsley (p. 473).—­AS.merg (Grein).

Mes-, prefix; mis-; mys-.—­OF.mes-; Lat. minus, see Constans.

Mesauentur, sb. misadventure, S; mesaunture,S2; misauenture, C2, C3.

Meschaunce, sb. mischance, S2, C, C2,P; myschaunce, S2.

Mescheuen, v. to come to mischief, SD;mischeefe, destruere, Manip.

Meschief, sb. ill-fortune, C; myschief.S2, P; mischiefe, flagitium, Manip.

Meseise, sb. discomfort, PP, S2; mAseise,PP; myseise, PP, S2, W; myseese, W;myseyse, adj., uneasy, P; mesaise,sb., S.

Meseiste, sb. poverty; myseiste,W2.

Mesel, sb. leper, CM, PP, W.—­AF.mesel; Late Lat. misellus, leper (Ducange),dimin. of Lat. miser, wretched.

Meselrye, sb. leprosy, Cath. (n);mesylery, Voc.—­OF. mesellerie,leprosy (Ducange). See above.

Meson-deu, sb. hospital, PP; maisondewe,Cath. (n), HD; masyndewe, Cath.; mesondieux,pl., P.—­OF. maison Dieu^hospital (Cotg.).

Message, sb. mission, message, messenger,S2, C3; massage, S3.—­AF. message;Late Lat. missaticum (Brachet).

Messager, sb. messenger, S2,C, C2, C3, G, PP; masager, PP; messanger,PP.—­AF. messager.

Messe, sb. mass, S, P; mess,S3; masse, P; messes, pl., P.Comb.: messe-bok, mass-book, S;messe-cos, mass-kiss, S; mA|sse-dA|i,mass-day, S; messe-gere, mass-gear, S; masse-peny,mass-fee, S3; massepans, pl., P.—­AS.mA|sse; Church Lat. missa.

Meste, adj. superl. greatest, chief,S, S2; meste, C2; see Most.

Mester, sb. art, trade, occupation,PP, C, CM; mestier, PP, HD; meister,S; meoster, S; myster, PP, B; mister,B; misteir, B. Phr.: mestermen, sort of men, C.—­OF. and AF. mester,mestier, occupation, business, need; Lat. ministerium,see Brachet (s.v. mA(C)tier).

Mester, sb. need, want; mister,S2, B, HD, Cath.; myster, C, B; mysteir,S2; mystur, HD; mystir, B; mystere,HD, H. The same word as above, see NQ (6. 4. 161).

Mestling, sb. a kind of mixed metal,Cath. (p. 230, n. 3); masalyne, Cath.—­AS.mA|stling (mA|stlinc, ‘auricalcos,’Voc.). Cf. Maselin.

Mestling, sb. mixed corn, Cath. (p.230, n. 3); mastlyn, HD; masslin,Cotg. (s.v. metail); maslin, HD; meslin,Prompt, (p. 335 n) Cotg. (s.v. tramois];messling, Cotg. Cf. Mastil3*on.

Mesurable, adj. moderate, C, C2, C3,P; mesurabul, S2.

Mesure, sb. measure, moderation, S2,C2, PP; mesur, S2, B; meosure, S.—­AF.mesure; Lat. mensura.

Met, sb. measure, moderation, S; mete,dat., S; meete, S2.—­AS. (ge)met.Cf. Meten.

Mete, adj. meet, fitting, close-fitting,S2, S3, Prompt.—­AS. mA|*te, tight-fitting;cp. (ge)met, meet, fit, see SkD.

Mete, sb. food, a meal, feast, S, S2,C, W2, PP; meten, pl., S; meetis,W2. Comb.: mete-graces, graces atmeat, S; mete-niA deg.inges, meat-nigg*rds,S.—­AS. mete (OET): Goth, mats,from matjan, to eat; see Sievers, 263.

Metels, sb. dream, vision, PP; meteles,PP. See below.

Meten, v. to dream, CM, PP, S; meeten,S2, PP; mette, pt. s., C2, P; met,pp., C.—­AS. mA|*tan.

Meten, v. to paint, design, SD; metedd,pp., S.

Meten, v. to meet, PP; mette,pt. s., S.—­AS. mA(C)tan:OS. mA cubedtian. From AS. mA cubedt.See Moot.

Meten, v. to mete, measure, S2;meete, W2; mete, P; met, S2;meten, pr. pl., W; mat, pt.s., W.—­AS. (ge) metan; cp.Goth, mitan, see Sievers, 19.

Mete-wand, sb. a measuring stick, WW.

Mete-yarde, sb. measuring-rod, S3, WW.

Meth, adj. mild, courteous, HD; methe,HD.

Meth, sb. moderation, mildness, S, S2,WA; meaA deg., S; meA3/4e, S2.—­AS.mA|*A deg., measure.

Methes-chele, sb. marten’s skin,S.—­S. mearA deg. (Voc.).

MeA deg.-ful, adj. moderate, S.

MeA deg.-les, adj. immoderate; meA3/4elez,S2.

Metrete, sb. measure, W.—­Lat.metreta (Vulg.).

Metyng(e), sb. dreaming, PP; metinge,S.—­AS. mA|*ting (Grein).

Metynge, sb. measuring, measure; metinge,S2.

Meuen, v. to move, suggest, PP; meued,pp., S3; see Mouen.

Mewe, sb. a coop for fowls, C, C2, Manip.;mue, SD.—­OF. mue, a coopfor fowls, the moulting of feathers (Cotg.). Seebelow.

Mewen, v. to mew, moult, SkD, Cotg.—­OF.muer (Cotg.); Lat. mutare, to change.Cf. Moutin.

Mey, sb. May, S2; see May.

Meyn, sb. intent, S3; mein, JD.See Menen.

Meyn, v. to remember, be mindful of,B; meyne, B; see Menen.

Meyne, v. to moan, lament, B; see Menen.

MeynA", sb. household, retinue, train,company, S2, S3, C, W, PP; meynee, C2, W2;meyny, S2; mayne, S2; mayny, S2,S3; meine, S2; men3*e, S2, H, Cath.;men3*he, S2; meany, S3; meny,Prompt.; meynes, pl., W; meynees,W2; men3*es, men3*is, H.—­OF.meisnee, maisnee; Low Lat. maisnada, *mansionata,from Lat. mansio.

Meyneal, adj. homely, W; of one’shousehold, W2; menyall, SkD; meyneals,sb. pl., they of the household, W2. Seeabove.

Meynpernour, sb. a taker by the hand,bail, surety, P.—­AF. meynpernour.

Meynprise, sb. a taking by the hand,bail, security, P; maynpris, G.—­AF.meinprise.

Meynprise, v. to be surety for, PP.

Meyntene, v. to support, abet (in anaction at law), P, S2; mayntene, to maintain,C, P.—­AF. meyntener.

Meyntenour, sb. supporter, PP.—­AF.meintenour.

Miche, adj. much, S2; see Moche.

Mid (1), prep. with, S, S2; myd,S, S2, P; mit, S; mide, S, S2; myde,S2. Comb.: mitte (mit A3/4e),with the, S2; mitte (mit A3/4e), with thee,S; mid-al, withal, S; mid-alle, altogether,S; mid-Awisse, certainly, S; mid-ywisse,S; myd-iwisse, S.—­AS. mid.

Mid (2) adj. mid, SD. Comb.:mid-morwen, mid-morning, S; mid-morwetide,SD; mid-ouernon, middle of the afternoon; heimidouernon, fully the middle of the afternoon,S2; midewinter, Christmas, S2; midwinterdA|i,sb. dat., Christmas-day, S; midwinter-day,S2; mid-ward, middle, S2.—­AS. mid-.

Middel, adj. and sb. middle,waist, SkD, S, S2, C; myddel, PP; myddil,W; myd-*deleste, superl., G. Comb.:middel-ni3*te, midnight, S.—­AS.middel, sb.

Middel-erd, sb. the middle abode, theworld, S; middeleard, S; myddelerd,S, PP; midelerd, S; mydlerd, S2, PP;mydelerd, PP; medlert, JD.—­Cp.OS. middilgard, OHG. mittila gart (Tatian).Cf. Middeneard.

Midden-eard, sb. the middle abode, theabode of men, S; middenA|rd, S; middenard,S; midenarde, dat., S.—­AS.middan-eard for middan-geard, ‘middleenclosure’ (OET),the earth situated betweenheaven and hell, see Sweet, and Sievers, 214, n. 5;cp. Goth, midjungards, Icel. miA deg.garAdeg.r. See CV., and Grimm, Teut. M,p. 794.

Middes, only in phr.: in middes,in the midst, PP; in A3/4e myddes, PP, S2;in (fro) A3/4e myddis, PP, S3, W, W2; inthe mydis, W2.—­From mid, adj.The _-es_ gives the phrase an adverbial force.The older forms (in Layamon) are a midde, amidden; AS. on middan.

Midwif, sb. midwife, SD, SkD; mydwyf,SkD; mydwyfe, Prompt.; mydewyf, SkD;medwyfe, Cath.; medewife, SkD; medewyues,pl., S2. See Mid (1).

Mightand, pr. p., as adj. havingmight, S2.

Mihel, sb. Michael, SD; My3*hele,HD; MAhil, ND.—­Church Lat. Michael(Vulg.), from the Heb.

Mihel-masse, sb. Michaelmas, SD;Mihelmas, ND; Myhelmasse, PP; Misselmasse,S2.

Miht, 2 pr. s. mayest, S; see MA|i.

Mihte, pt. s. might, S; micte,S; michte, S; migte, S; see Mahte.

Mikel, adj. and adv. great, much,S, S2; see Muchel.

Milce, sb. mercy, S, S2, HD; mylce,S; milche, S.—­AS. milts,from milde, mild, gentle; see Sievers, 198,4.

Milcien, v. to show mercy, S; milcenn,S; milsien, S.—­AS. milsian, miltsian.

Milde, adj. mild, S, S2; myld,S. Comb.: mild-heorte, mercifulin heart, SD; mild-heorted, S; milde-herted,S2; mild-herrtle3*3*c, mildheartedness, compassion,S; mild-heortnesse, clemency, S; mildhertnesse,S.—­AS. milde.

Miles, sb. pl., animals, S2.—­Cf.W. mil, an animal, beast; miled, a wildanimal (W.W.S.).

Min, pron. poss. my, S, S2; myn,S, C2, PP; mi, S, S2; mines, gen.,S; mine, dat., S; mire, gen.and dat. f., S; mynen, pl., W2.Phr.: myn one, by myself, alone,PP.—­AS. mA-n.

Min, sb. memory, S2; see Mynne.

Mines, 2 pr. s. rememberest, S2; seeMynne.

Minion, sb. a favourite, a lover, Sh.TG, ND; bellulus, Manip.; minyons, pl.,S3.—­OF. mignon (Cotg.); cp.It. mignone (Florio).

Minion, adj. small, pretty; mynyon,ND; mynionly, adv. delicately, ND.

Mint, pt. s. purposed, S; see Munten.

~-mint~, suffix.—­AS. mynt, -mynd:Goth, _-mundipa_, see Sievers, 255, 3. Cf. Wurth-*mint.

Minute, sb. a mite, moment of time,HD; mynute, Prompt.; mynutis, pl.,small pieces of money, W. Comb.: mynutwhile,PP; myntwhile, PP; myntewhile, PP.—­Lat.minutum (Vulg.). Cf. Mite.

Minyshe, v. to minish, S3; see Menusen.

Mire, sb. ant, S; mowre, Cath.—­Cp. Dan. myre, Icel. maurr.

Mire, my, gen. and dat. f. ofMin.

Mirky, adj. dark, H. See Merke.

Mirre, sb. myrrh, S, PP; mir,S2; murre, PP; myrre, PP.—­AS.myrre; Lat. myrrha (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:myrrha].

Mirye, adj. merry, CM; see Mery.

Mis, adv. amiss, S, C3; mys,PP; mysse, S2.

Mis-, prefix; mys-, PP; mysse-,PP.—­AS. mis-; Goth, missa-.Comb.: misbileue, suspicion, C3; misboden,injured, C, CM; misdede, misdeed, S, PP; misdeparten,to divide amiss, C2; misdo, to do amiss, PP,S, S2, C2; misfaren, to behave amiss, S; mysfare,to miscarry, PP; misgouernaunce, misconduct,C2; misgyed, misguided, C2; mys-happen,to meet with misfortune, PP; myshopand, despairing,H; misleuen, to believe wrongly, S; misliken,to displease, to be displeased, S, S2; misliking,displeasure, S2; myspay, to displease, H; misrede,to advise ill, S; misrempe, to go wide of themark, S; mysreule, to misgovern, S3, PP; myssayde,abused, rebuked, slandered, PP; misseid, S2;missemand, misemand, unseemly, H; misteoAdeg.ien, to mistithe (mis-iteoA deg.eget,S); mistriste, to mistrust, C3; mysturne,to pervert, W, W2.

Mis-, prefix (of F. origin);see Mes-.

Mislich, adj. various, S; misliche,adv., S; mistlice, S.—­AS.mislic (mistlic), various, adv. mislice(mistlice, Grein). For insertion of tsee Sievers, 196, 1.

Misliche, adv. badly, miserably, S;missely, wrongly, S2.

Misse, sb. want, lack, fault, S; mysse,S, PP.

Missen, v. to miss, SD; mis,S2; mysseA3/4, pr. s., is without, PP.

Mister; see Mester.

Mistiloker, adj. comp. more mystic,PP; mystiloker, PP.

Misty, adj. mystic, mysterious; mysty,misticus, Prompt.; mistier, comp.,PP.

Misty, adj. misty, nebulosus,Cath., Prompt.

Mite, sb. a mite, small coin, thingof no value, C3, Cotg. (s.v. minute); myte,PP; minutum, Cath., Prompt., WW. Comb.:mytewhile, a little while, PP. Cf. Minute.

Miteyn, sb. mitten, glove, C3; see Myteyne.

Mithen, v. to conceal, S, SD.—­AS.mA-A deg.an; cp. OHG. (bi)mA-dan(Tatian, p. 493).

Mix, sb. dung, S; a vile wretch, S2.—­AS.mix, meox, meohx, Goth, maihstus; cp.OHG. mist (Tatian).

Mizzle, v. to rain slightly, S3, HD;miselle, mysylle, pluuitare, Cath.

Mo, adj. and adv. more, besides,others, S, S2, S3, C; moo, S3; ma, S,S2; may, pl., S3.—­AS. mAi.(Mo properly means more in number; moremeans greater in magnitude.)

Mobyle, adj. moveable, S3; moebles,sb. pl., moveables, property, PP, C3; meobles,PP; mebles, PP.—­OF. moble,also meuble (Cotg.); Lat. mobilem.

Moche, adj. and adv. great, much,S, S2, C2; see Muche.

Mochel; see Muchel.

Mod; see Mood.

Modder, sb. a young girl, Manip.; moder,Prompt.

Moder, sb. mother, S, S2, C, C3, PP;moderr, S; modir, W; modur, PP;mooder, S2, C2, C3; muddir, S3; moder,gen., S2, PP; modres, C3, PP. Comb.:moder-burh, metropolis, SD; moder-child,mother’s child, S; modirles, motherless,W2.—­AS. mA cubeddor: Lat. ma*ter;see Douse, p. 51.

Modi3*le3*3*c, sb. pride, S.

Modi3*nesse, sb. pride, S.

Mody, adj. spirited, animosus,proud, PP, S2.

Moeued, pt. s. moved, disturbed, C3;see Mouen.

Moght, pt. s. might, S2; see Mahte.

Moich, adj. close, muggy, S3, JD.

Moile, v. to toil, to drudge, to defile,pollute, daub with dirt, SkD; moillen, to wet,SkD; moylynge, pr. p., S3.—­AF.moiler, moiller, to wet; Late Lat. *_molliare_,from mollis, soft.

Moillier, sb. woman, wife, PP; muliere,PP; moylere, P.—­OF. moillier,muiller; Lat. mulierem; cp. AF. mulier,muller.

Mok, sb. muck, filthy lucre, PP; muk,PP; mukke, Prompt.

Moky, adj. misty, HD. Cf. Moich.

Molde, sb. crumbling ground, earth,mould, S, S2, P, G; moolde, PP; mulde,WA; moldez, pl., dry pieces of mould,S2. Phr.: on molde, on the earth,in the world, S2, PP. Comb.: molde-ale,a funeral ale or banquet, Prompt.; mulde-mete,a funeral banquet, JD; moldwerp, mole, mouldcaster,SkD; moldwarp, Sh.; moldewarpe, Cath.—­AS.molde. Cf. Mull.

Mole, sb. the moldwarp, talpa,Sh.; mowle, S3; molle, Prompt.—­Thisword is short for molde-warp. See above.

Molte (for molt), pt. s.melted, S3; see Melten.

Mom, sb. the least sound that can bemade with closed lips, PP, S2; mum, S3.

Momelen, v. to mumble, PP; mamely,P.

Mon, 1 pr. s. I must, B; pr.s., B; 2_pr. s_., S3; mone, mayest, S2;pr. s., shall, S2; man, 1 pr. s.,SD; 2 pr. pl., S2, B; mun, pr. s.,S2, H.—­Icel. munu, ‘debere’,pr. s. man (pl. munu).

Mon, sb. man, S; see Man.

Monchen, v. to munch, Cath. (n),Palsg., SkD; mounch, Sh; munche, CM(4.145); maunche, Palsg. (s. v. briffault);manche, Palsg.; mounchynge, pr. p.,S3. Comb.: mounch-present, HD;maunche-present, Palsg., HD (s. v. munch);mawnche-presande, sycophant, Cath.; manch-present,dorophagus, Cath. (n).—­Probablya variety of ME. maungen; OF. manger.For che = ge cp. ME. charche; OF.charche = charge (see MD), also F. revancher=OF.revenger (SkD).

Mone, sb. share, companion, S.—­AS.(ge)mAina, ‘societas’ (Voc.).See Ymone.

Mone, sb. moan, complaint, PP, S, S2;moone, PP, C; moon, S2; mayn,B; mayne, B, S3; mane, S2.

Mone, sb. moon, S, S2, S3, P; a lunation,P; moyne, Cath., B; moyn, B. Comb:mone-dA|i, dies lunae, Monday, S; moneday,S; mone-licht, moonlight, S.—­AS.mA cubedna.

MonA", sb. money, S2; see Moneye.

Monek, sb. monk, S2; see Monk.

Monesten, v. to teach, admonish, W,W2, CM; moneishen, Cath. (n); monysche,Cath.; monest, pt. pl., B. See Amoneste.

Monestyng, sb. an admonition, W. W2,B; monyschynge, Cath.

Moneth, sb. month, S3, C, PP, B, WW,ND, Cath.; mooneA3/4, S2, PP; monythe,Prompt.; monyth, S2; monethe, W; monthe,PP; monthe, pl., C2; monethis,W. Comb.: moneth-minde, a servicein memory of the dead a month after decease, ND; month-mind,HD; months minde, ND; months mind, astrong inclination, ND, Sh.—­AS.mA cubednaA deg., from mA cubedna, moon.

Moneye, sb. money, C3, PP; monA",S2, PP.—­AF. moneie, moneye, monee;Lat. moneta.

Moneyeles, adj. moneyless, PP; monelees,PP.

Mong-corn(e), sb. mixed corn, S3, Prompt.;moncorne, HD. See Mengen.

Moni, adj. many, S, S2; mony,S; see Manye.

Monk, sb. monk, PP; monek, S2;munec, S; muneces, pl., S; munekes,S; monekes, S, S2; monkes, S.—­AS.munec; Lat. monachus; Gr. [Greek:monachos], solitary.

Monkrye, sb. monkery, the race of monks,S3.

Monsede, pp. cursed, PP; see Mansed.

Moo-; see also under Mo-.

Mood, sb. anger, pride, mind, C; mod,S, S2; mode, dat., S, S2.—­AS.mA cubedd; cp. OHG. muot (Tatian).

Moode, sb. mud, S3; see Mud.

Mool-bery, sb. mulberry, SkD; mul-*bery,Cath.—­Cp. MHG. mu*lber (G. maul-*beere);OHG. mu*rberi, mo*rberi (the l in thelater forms being due to dissimilation); see Kluge;AS. mA cubedr; OHG. mo*r; Lat. morus.See More.

Moot, sb. assembly, G, PP; mot,PP. Comb.: moot-halle, hall ofassembly, court, P, G, W; mote-halle, G, PP.—­AS.mA cubedt. Cf. Mote.

Moralitee, sb. morality, i.e. amoral tale, C3.—­OF. moralite (Cotg.).

Mordre, sb. murder, C; see Morther.

More, sb. mulberry-tree; mours,pl., H. Comb.: more-tre,mulberry-tree, W; moore-trees, pl., W2;mur-berien, pl. mulberries, Voc.—­Lat.morus, mulberry-tree (Vulg.); cp. Gr. [Greek:moron, mulberry. Cf. Moolbery.

More, sb. moor, Prompt., H, PP; mor,S2; mwr, B; mwre, S2, B.—­AS.mA cubedr.

More, adj. and adv. comp. more,greater, elder, S, S2, W, W2, PP, WW; mor,S, PP; moare, S; mayr, S3, B; mair,B; mA|re, S; mare, S, S2; mar,S, B; marere, H.—­AS. mAira.See Mo.

More, sb. root, S2, PP, HD; moore,CM.—­AS. mora (Voc. 135. 28, 29,32); cp. MHG. morAc, more, see Weigand(s.v. mAhre).

Moreyne, sb. murrain, PP; moreyn,S2, Prompt.; morrein, WW; moryn, H;murrins, pl., WW.—­AF. morine;cp. Low Lat. morina, a pestilence amonganimals (Ducange).

Morkin, sb. a beast that dies by diseaseor accident, RD, HD, ND.—­Cp. LateLat. morticinium (Ducange), whence Ir. muirt-*chenn,Wel. burgyn.

Morknen, v. to rot, SD; mourkne,S2.—­Icel. morkna.

Mormal, sb. cancer or gangrene, CM,C, Prompt, RD, SD, ND, HD; mormall, Palsg.;mortmal, ND; morimal, RD; marmole,RD.—­Cp. Late Lat. malum mortuum,a disease of the feet and shins (Ducange).

Morris, adj. Moorish, sb.morris-dance, Sh, ND; morisco, SkD; a morris-dancer,SkD. Comb.: morris-dance, Moorishdance, Sh.; morrys-daunce, HD; morres-dauncers,morris-dancers, HD; morrice-bells, bells fora morris-dance, S3; morris-pike, a large pike(weapon), HD, Sh.—­Late Lat. moriscus,Moorish.

Morsel, sb. morsel, PP, B; mossel,SkD; mussel, W, W2, PP; musselle, Voc.—­AFmorsel; Lat. morsellum, a little bit;dimin. of morsus. Cf. Mosel.

Morther, sb. murder; morthir,PP; morthre, C; morder, PP; mordre,C.—­AS. morA deg.or; cp. LowLat. murdrum.

Morther, v. to murder, PP, S2; morthre,C; mordre, C, C2; murther, C.

Mortherer, sb. murderer, PP; mordrer,C, C2.

Mortifie, v. to mortify, to producechange by chemical action, C3.—­OF. mortifier;Lat. mortificare.

Mortreux, sb. messes of pounded meat,C; mortrewes, CM, PP; mortrwys, Prompt.;mortrws, Cath.; mortesse, Palsg.; mortrels,PP; mortreuus, (mortrews), PP, Prompt. (n)Voc.; mortrus, Voc.—­OF. mortreux,see Ducange (s.v. mortea), connected with Lat.mortarium, a morter.

Morwe, sb. morrow, the morning, PP,S2, C2, C3; marewe, S2; morow, S3. Phr.:to morwe, cras, Voc. Comb.:mor3*e-mete, morning meal, S; morewtid,morrow, W; morowtid, W; morutid, W2;mor3*eue, dos nuptialis, SD; moryve,Prompt.

Morwen, sb. morn, morrow, S, PP; mor3*en,SD. Phr.: to morwen, S.—­AS.morgen, Goth, maurgins.

Morwenynge, sb. morning, PP, C2; morwnynge,S2; more3*ening, S.

Mose sb. titmouse, S.—­AS.mAise, see SkD. (s.v. titmouse).

Mosel, sb. muzzle, nose of an animal,C, CM.—­OF. musel (now museau):Prov. mursel: OF. morsel_. See~Morsel~, and cf. ~Musen~.

Mosell, v. to muzzle, SkD; moosel,Manip.

Moskles, sb. pl. mussels (shell fish),S2; see Muskylle.

Most, adj. superl. greatest, chief,PP, S2; moste, S, PP; mooste, W2; mast,S2; maste, S2; maist, B; mayst,B; mest, S, S2; meste, C2; meast,S. Comb.: meste del, the greatestpart, S2.—­AS. mA|*st.

Mot, 1 pr. s. may, must, S, C2, C3,PP; mote, S, PP; most, 2 pr. s.,must, S, S2; mot, 2 pr. s. subj., S3;mot, pr. s., can, must, S, S2, S3; moot,S2, C; mo3*t, S2; moten, pl.,S, PP; mote, S2, PP; moste, pt. s.,was obliged, S, S2, C3, PP; pl., S, S2; most,S2, PP; moist, pt. s., S3.—­AS.mA cubedt, 2 pr. s., mA cubedst, pl.mA cubedton, pt. s. mA cubedste.

Mote, sb. moat, agger, fossa,P; a pond, Manip.; castle, palace, WA; moote,Prompt.; mot, PP.—­OF. mote,embankment, also motte (Cotg.).

Mote, v. to summon before a mot(court), to plead, dispute, discuss a law case, PP,S2; mootyn, Prompt.; motien, S.—­AS.mA cubedtian (Leo). See Moot.

Mote, sb. note on the huntsman’shorn, CM; moot, HD; mot, S3 (7. 16).—­OF.mot, ‘the note winded by an huntsman onhis horn’ (Cotg.).

MotlA", sb. motley, a dress of manycolours, Prompt.; motley, Sh., ND; motteleye,C; mottelay, Cath.—­OF. mattele,clotted, curdled (Cotg.).

Motoun, sb. a gold coin called a ‘mutton’or sheep, P; mutoun, S2, PP; moton,PP.—­OF. mouton; Late Lat. multonem(Ducange).

Motyf, sb. motive, incitement, S2, C3;motif, motion, argument, question, subject,PP.—­OF. motif (Cotg.); Late Lat.motivum (Ducange).

Moucte, pt. s. might, S; mought,S3; see Mahte.

Moun, 1 pr. pl. may, S; see MA|i.

Mountance, sb. amount, space, duration,C3, CM; mountouns, S2, HD.—­AF. mountance,OF. montance; see Ducange (s.v. montare).

Mounte, sb. mount, PP; mont,S2; munt, S; munte, dat., S.—­AS.munt; Lat. montem; cp. AF. munt,mont, mount.

Mountein, sb. mountain, PP; montaine,S2; montain, S2; montaigne, C2; mountaigne,PP.—­AF. mountaygne; Late Lat. montanea,‘locus montanus’ (Ducange).

Mounten, v. to mount, PP.—­OF.monter; Late Lat. montare.

Mountenaunce, sb. amount; mowntenawnce,Prompt.; mountenance, S3, ND. See Mountance.

Mour, sb. mulberry-tree, H; see More.

Mournen, v. to mourn, S2, PP; mornen,PP, S; murnen, S; morenen, pr. pl.,W2; morenyden, pt. pl., W2.—­AS.murnan.

Mournyng, pr. p. and adj. mourning,PP; moorning, C, C3; mornyng, S2.

Mous, sb. mouse, C, PP; mus,S; muse, dat., S; mys, pl.,P; mees, PP; Comb.: mowsfalle,mousetrap, Prompt.; muse-stoch, mousetrap,S.—­AS. mAs.

Mouth, sb. mouth, face, PP, W2;muA deg., S; mudh, S. Comb.:muA deg.-freo, mouth-free, S.—­AS.mAA deg.: Goth, munths; cp.OHG. mund (Otfrid); see Sievers, 30.

Mouthen, v. to talk about, P; mouthed,pt. s., P.

Moutin, v. to mew, moult, cast feathers,Prompt.; mowtyn, Prompt., HD; moult,Sh.; moutes, pr. s., S2, SkD.—­Lat.mutare. Cf. Mewen.

Mou3*t, sb. moth, W; mou3*te,W2, SkD; moghte, Cath.—­ONorth. andAS. mohA deg.e (Mt. 6. 20).

Mouen, v. to move, suggest, S; moeue,PP; meuen, PP; meuez, pr. s.,S2; moeued, pt. s., C3; moeuyng,pr. p., S2, C3; meued, pp., S3.—­AF.mover, OF. muveir, movoir, moveir; Lat.moue*re.

Mow, v. to be able, H; mown,Prompt.; mugen, S.—­AS. *_mugan_(not found), see Sievers, 424. See MA|i.

Mowe, sb. kinswoman, S; mow,sister-in-law, Prompt.; mo3*e, S; ma3*e,SD.—­AS. mAige.

Mowe, sb. a grimace, CM, Prompt.; moe,Cotg., WW (p. 407); mow, WW.—­OF.mouA" (Cotg.).

Mowen, v. to make a grimace, Cath.;mowyn, Prompt. Der.: mowing,grimacing, S3; mowyng, W2; cachinnatus,Cath.; mouwyng, W2.

Mowen, v. to mow, reap, S, PP.—­AS.mAiwan.

Mowtard, sb. moulting bird, Prompt SeeMoutin.

Mowtynge, sb. moulting-season, PP, Prompt.

Moyste, adj. fresh, new, C2, C3, SkD;moyst, humidus, Prompt.; moste,moist, Cath.—­OF. moiste, damp, moist;Late Lat. *_mustius_, *_musteus_ (see BH, ASec. 74,also Roland, p. 420); from Lat. mustum.See Must.

Moystin, v. to make moist, W, Prompt;moyste, Voc.; moysted, pp., S2,Cath. (n).

Moystnesse, sb. moistness, humor,Voc.

Moysture, sb. moisture, Prompt.; mostour,maditas, Cath.

Mo3*e, sb. kinswoman, S; see Mowe.

Muche, adj. and adv. great, much,S, S2, PP; moche. S, S2, C2, PP; miche,S2; myche, S, W, W2. Comb.: muchedel,a great part, S2; mychefold, manifold, W.

Muchel, adj. and adv. great,much, numerous, S, C2, PP; mochel, S2, C2,C3, PP; mochele, S; michel, S; micel,S; mikel, S, S2; mycel, S; mykel,S2, P; mukel, S, S2; mucele, S; mikle,S2; mekill, S3. Der.: muchelhede,greatness, SD; mykelhede, S2; mychilnesse,greatness, W2.—­AS. micel (mycel):Goth. mikils.

Muchelin, v. to magnify, S; muclien,S; mucli, S; mikeland, pr. p.,S2; mikeled, pp., S2.—­AS.myclian: Goth, mikiljan.

Mud, sb. mud, Prompt.; moode,S3; mudde, S2 (13. 407), Cath., Manip.—­Cp.OLG. mudde, see SkD.

Mudly, adj. muddy, H.

Mugen, v. to be able, S; see MA|i.

Mught, pt. s. might, S2, H; muhte,S; see Mahte.

Muk, sb. muck, filthy lucre, PP; seeMok.

Mukel, adj. great, S, S2; see Muchel.

Mull, sb. mould, rubbish, S2, Cath.(n); molle, Cath.; mol, Cath.(n); mul, Cath. (n).—­Cp.Du. mul. See Molde.

Mullok, sb. rubbish, C3; mollocke,Cath. (n).

MultiplicacAoun, sb. multiplying, i.e..the art of alchemy, C3.

Multiplye, v. to make gold and silverby the arts of alchemy, C3; multeplie, to increase,PP.—­OF. multiplier; Lat. multiplicare.

Mum; see Mom.

Mun, pr. s. must, S2, H ; see Mon.

Munec, sb. monk, S; see Monk.

Munen, v. to remind, to be mindful,S; see Mynne.

Mune3*ing, sb. commemoration, S.

Mungen, v. to remember, PP; see Mengen.

Mungunge, sb. remembrance, reminding,S; munegunge, S; mune3*ing, S.—­AS.mynegung.

Munne, v. to relate, mention, remind,S: see Mynne.

Munstral, sb. minstrel, S2; see Mynstral.

Munt, sb. mount, S; see Mounte.

Munten, v. to think, to purpose, S2;myntis, pr. s. points, WA; munte,pt. s., S3; mint, S; i-munt, pp.,S; i-mint, S; i-ment, S.—­AS.(ge)myntan. See Mynde.

Murcnen, v. to murmur; murrcnesst,2 pr. s., S.—­AS. murcnian(Leo).

Murne, adj. sad, S, HD.—­Cp.AS. murnan, to mourn.

Murnen, v. to mourn, S, WA; see Mournen.

Murnyn, sb. mourning, B.

Murrin, sb. murrain, WW; see Moreyne.

Murthe, sb. mirth, joy, PP, S; murth,PP; murhA deg.e, S; mur3*A3/4e, S; myrthe,PP; mirthe, C; merthe, PP; muirth,PP; murA3/4hes, pl., merrymakings, amusem*nts,PP, S2; merthes, G.—­AS. myrAdeg., mirhA deg., from merg.See Mery.

Mury(e), adj. merry, S, C; see Mery.

Mur3*en, v. to make merry, SD; murgeA3/4,pr. pl., S2.

Mus, sb. mouse, S; see Mous.

Musard, sb. a dreamy fellow, HD, Bardsley;musarde, CM.—­OF. musart.

Muse, sb. dreaming vacancy, Spenser.

Musen, v. to ponder, wonder, PP, C3,WA, ND.—­OF. muser, to muse, study,linger about a matter, to sniff as a hound, from *_muse_,a muzzle, nose of an animal (whence F. museau);Lat. morsus. For F. _-u-_ from an orig.Lat. _-or-_ cp. OF. jus from Late Lat.ju*sum, Lat. deorsum, and F. susfrom Lat. su*sum, seorsum, see Apfelstedt,ASec. 43, and Constans (glossary). Cf. Mosel.

Muskylle, sb. mussel, a shell-fish,Cath.; muscles, pl., PP; moskles,S2.—­AF. muskeles, pl., OF. muscle;Lat. musculum (acc.), dimin. of mus,mouse; cp. AS. musclan scel (Voc.).

Mussel, sb. morsel, W, W2; see Morsel.

Must, sb. new wine, W, W2.—­Lat.mustum (Vulg.). Cf. Moiste.

Mustour, sb. dial, clock, WA.—­Cp.F. montre (Brachet).

Mute, v. to dung (used of birds), SkD,WW, ND; meuted, pp., WW.—­OF.mutir (Cotg.), esmeutir (Cotg.), esmeltir,(LittrA(C)); of Teutonic origin, cp. ODu. smelten,to smelt, liquefy; cp. It. smaltare, tomute as a hawk (Florio). Cf. Amellen.

Mutoun; see Motoun.

Muwen, pr. pl. may, S; mu3*en,S; see MA|i.

Mwre sb. moor, S2; see More.

Mydge, sb. midge, H (Ps. 104. 29); midge,Manip.; myge, gnat, culex, Voc., Cath.;myghe, S3.—­AS. mycg (Voc.).

Myghte, pt. s. could, PP; my3*te,S2; see Mahte.

Myghte, sb. might, power, PP; mi3*t,PP, S; miht, S, S2, PP; my3*t, S2; myhte,S; mi3*te, S; mightes, pl., powers,virtues, S2; myhte, S.—­AS. miht.

Myghtful, adj. powerful, PP; mihtful,PP; mi3*tful, PP; my3*tful, PP; my3*tuolle,S2.

Myghtfulnes, sb. strength, S2.

Myghty, adj. mighty, SD; ma3*ty,S2; mA|hti, S; magti, S; mihti,S; michti, S; mi3*thi, S2; myghtely,adv., CM.—­AS. meahtig.

Myht, 2 pr. s. mayest; see MA|i.

Myke, sb. the crutches of a boat, whichsustain the main-boom or mast when lowered, S2.—­Cp.Swed. mick, a crutch (sea-term).

Mylle, sb. mill, Prompt. Comb.:mylle-stone, mill-stone, Prompt.; myl-ston,Voc.; melstan, S; myln-stoon, W; mulle-stones,pl., PP.—­AS. myln (Voc.);Lat. molina.

Mylnere, sb. miller, PP; mylner,PP; mulnere, PP; melner, PP; mellere,PP, C.

Mynde, sb. memory, remembrance, mention,PP, S2, S3, W, W2, CM, C2, Cath.; mende, Prompt.;mind, memory, mind, Sh.—­AS. (ge)_mynd_;cp. OHG. gimunt, memory (Tatian).See Mynne.

Mynen, v. to mine, S2, W, W2.—­OF.miner cp. Late Lat. minare (Ducange).

Myne-ye-ple, sb. (?), S3 (7. 62, note).

Mynne, sb. memory, SD; min, S2.—­Icel.minni, memory; cp. AS. myne, mind. Cf. Mynde.

Mynne, v. to remember, mention, PP,S2, HD; munne, S; munyen, S; munen,S; mynand, pr. p., H; mines, 2pr. s., S2; mined, pp., S2.—­AS.(ge)mynnan (gemynian), to remember; also(ge)_munan_.

Mynnyng-day, sb. the day of memory ofthe dead, HD.

Mynour, sb. miner, C, SkD, PP; minour,PP.—­AF. minour; Late Lat. minatorem(Ducange). See Mynen.

Mynstral, sb. minstrel, PP, Prompt.;minstral, PP; munstral, PP, S2; minstrales,pl., C2; menestrales, PP.—­AF.menestral; Late Lat. ministralem, aservant (Brachet).

Mynstralcie, sb. music, minstrelsy,PP, C; minstralcye, C2; menstralcye,C; mynstracie, PP; minstracie, PP; mynstrasye,Prompt., S2.—­AF. mynstralcye.

Mynstre, sb. minster, monastery, S,PP; minstre, S; ministre, S2; minnstre,the Jewish temple, S.—­AS. mynster;Church Lat. monasterium; Gr. [Greek:monastaerion].

Myrie adj. pleasant, W2; see Mery.

Myrk, adj. dark, S2, H; see Merke.

Myrk, v. to darken, H.

Mys-, prefix; see both Mis-and Mes-.

Mysteir, v. to be necessary, B; mysters,pr. s. is needful, WA.

Myster, sb. trade, occupation, PP; seeMester.

Myster, sb. need, want, C, WA, B; seeMester.

Mystir, adj. lacking, needful, B.

Mystyrit, pp. injured by loss (of blood),S3.

Myteyne, sb. cuff, glove, Prompt., S3;miteyn, C3; mytane, Cath.; myttan,Voc.—­OF. mitaine (Cotg.); cp.Low Lat. mitana (Ducange).

My3*t, sb. power, S2; see Myght.

My3*te, pt. s. might, S2; see Mahte.

Na, adv. not, S; see No.

Na, adj. no, S; see Nan.

Nabben, v. not to have; naue,1 pr. s., PP; nauest, 2 pr. s.,S; nauestu, thou hast not, S; nastu,S; naueAz, pr. s., S; naA deg.,S, PP, S2; neAz, S2; nabbeAz, pl.,S2; naue, S2; nadde, pt. s.,S; nad, PP; nedde, PP, S2; nauedes,2 pt. s., S; nA|ueden, pl., S.—­AS.nabban (= ne habban).

Nabod, for Ne abod, abode not,S. See Abiden.

Nacioun, sb. nation, C; nacion,Cath., WA.—­AF. nacioun, naciun;Lat. nationem.

Naddren, pl. adders, S; nadres,S; see Nedder.

Nadrinke, for Ne adrinke, let(it) not drown, S.

Naht, sb. night, SD; see Nyght.

Naht, adv. not, S; see Nought.

Nahte, pt. s. had not, S; see Owen.

Naked, adj. naked, bare, undefendedby body-armour, PP, C3; naket, PP, S; nakid,S2; nakit, S2. Phr.: in nakedbedde, au lict couchA(C) tout nud, Palsg.,HD, ND.—­AS. nacod; cp. OHG.nakot (Otfrid), Icel. naktr.

Naken, v. to lay bare, SkD (s.v. naked).—­ONorth.(ge)nacian (Mk. 2. 4).

Naker, sb. kettle-drum, S2, C, HD.—­OF.nacre, also nagaire, nacaire, naquaire,anacaire (cp. Byzantine Gr. [Greek: anahkaron]);a word borrowed from the Turks; cp. Kurdish nakAira,see Ducange, Diez.

Naknen, v. to strip; nacnes,pr. s., S; nakned, pp., HD.

Nale; in phr. Atte nale for Atten ale (at Azen ale), at the ale, P. See Ale.

Nam, 1 pr. s. am not, S, S2, P, C; nA|m,S; nart, 2_pr. s_., S. S2; nis, pr.s., is not, S, C, C2; nys, S; nas,pt. s., S, S2, HD, PP; nes, S, S2; nere,pl., S, S2, C; neoren, S; nare,S.—­ONorth. nam (= ne am).

Nam, pt. s. took, S; see Nimen.

Nameliche, adv. especially, S2, C; seeNomeliche.

Nan, adj. none, no, S; see Non.

Nap, sb. cup, S; neppe, dat.,S.—­AS. hnA|p (Voc.); cp. OHG.hnapf, OF. hanap (Bartsch), Low Lat.nappus (Ducange).

Nappen, v. to nap, slumber, nod, PP,C3, W. Der.: napping, slumber,W2; nappy, sleep-inducing, S3, ND.—­AS.hnA|ppian.

Napron, s. apron, SkD; naprun,Prompt.—­OF. naperon, from nape,a cloth; Low Lat. napa; Lat. mappa (Punicword).

Narde, sb. nard, an unguent, W.—­Lat.nardus (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: vapdos] (Persianword).

Narwe, adj. narrow, C; narewe,S; nareu, S; narw3*, W; nearowe,S; neruwe, S; narwe, adv., closely,PP.—­AS. nearu, adv. nearwe.

Nas, pt. s. was not, S, S2; see Nam.

Nat, for Ne at, nor at, S2.

NaA deg., pr. s. has not, S, PP, S2;see Nabben.

Natiuite, sb. nativity, S2, C2.—­OF.nativitA(C) (Cotg.); Lat. natiuitatem.

Natte, sb. |*mat, scorium, buda,Voc., Cath.; natt, HD, Voc.; nat, Palsg.—­OF.natte (Cotg.); Late Lat. natta; Lat.matta (probably a variant of mappa).See Napron.

Naue, Nauest; see Nabben.

Nau3*ty, adj. having nothing, very poor,P. See Nought.

Nauele, sb. navel, PP; nawle,W2; naule, PP; navyle, Voc.; nawelle,Voc.; nawylle, Voc.—­AS. nafela.

Nay, adv. nay, PP, S3, WA; nai,S, S2. Phr.: nay whan, nay when?i.e. not so, when (will you do it), S3; withoutenay, without denial, G; it is no nay, thereis no denying it, G, C2.—­Cp. Icel.nei.

Nayl, sb. nail, finger-nail, S, C2;nayle, Voc.; neil, S; nayles,pl., PP.—­AS. nA|gel cp.Icel. nagl.

Naylen, v. to nail, Cath.; na3*len,S; nailen, PP, C2.

Nayten, v. employ, use, S2, WA.—­Icel.neyta; cp. AS. notian; weak verb,from Icel. njA cubedta; cp. AS. nA(C)otan.Cf. Noten.

Naytly, adv. neatly, fit for use, S2.—­FromIcel. neytr, fit for use.

Naytyn, v. to deny, Prompt., SD, HD.—­Icel.neita. Cf. Niten.

Ne, adv. and conj. not, nor,S, S2, S3.—­AS. ne, not, nor.

Neb, sb. face, S, HD. Der.:nebsseft, face, appearance, presence, S2; nebscheft,SD.—­AS. nebb, beak, face (OET).

Nece, sb. niece, PP; neipce,granddaughter, S3; neece, WW (p. 417).—­AF.nece, niece; Late Lat. neptia;in the place of Lat. neptis, a granddaughter,a niece; see BH, ASec. 32.

Nedde, pt. s. had not, S; see Nabben.

Nedder, sb. adder, snake, H; neddyr,Cath., Prompt.; neddere, Cath. (n);neddre, S; nedyr, Voc.; nedyre,Voc.; naddren, pl., S; nadres,S; nedris, HD; neddren, S. Comb.:nedyrcopp, spider, Voc.—­AS. nA|dre:Goth, nadrs; cp. OHG. natrAi (Tatian).

Nede, sb. need, peril, business, alsoas pred. adj. necessary, needful, C2, W, PP;neode, PP, S; niede, S; neod,S, S2, PP; ned, S; need, C2; neid,B; nedes, pl., S2, PP; nede,adv., necessarily, S, C2, PP; nedes,needs, of necessity, S2, C, PP; nedis, W; neodes,S2, PP; needely, C; nedelich, W. Der.:nedful, needy, necessary, S; nedfol,S2, PP; neodful, S, PP; needles, needlessly,C2; neidwais, of necessity, S2, B.—­OMerc.nA(C)d (VP), AS. nA1/2d: Goth, nauths;cp. OS. nA cubedd, OHG. nA cubedt(Tatian).

Neden, v. to force, compel, to need,S; neid, B; nedeAz, pr. s., thereis need, it is necessary, PP, C; neodeAz, S,PP.—­AS. nA(C)dan (OET).

Nedle, sb. needle, C3, P; nedele,PP; nedel, PP; nelde, PP; neelde,PP.—­Der.: nedelere, needle-seller,PP; nel-*dere, PP.—­AS. nA|*dl:OHG. nAidela, also nAildAi (Tatian).

Neer, adj. comp. nearer, C2; see Nerre.

Neet, sb. ox, cattle, PP, S, S2, C;net, S; niatt, S; nowt, S; nete,H, PP. Comb.: neet-hirde, sb.neat-herd, Prompt.—­AS. neAit, ox,cattle: Icel. naut; cp. OHG. nAcubedz, ‘jumentum’ (Tatian).

Nefen- v. to name, S2; see Neuenen.

Ne-for-thi adv. nevertheless, S2.—­AS.ne for A deg.A1/2.

Neghen, num. nine, S2; see Nyne.

Nehlechen, v. to approach, S; neolechin,S.—­AS. nA(C)alA|*can from nA(C)ah.See Neih.

Neih, adv. nigh, nearly, almost, PP,S; neyh, G; neh, S, S2; ney,PP, S; ne3*, S; negh, PP; ny,PP, Prompt.; ni3*, W;. ny3*, W, W2;neigh, S2; nei3*e, P; neighe,PP; ny3*e, PP. Comb.: neyhebour,neighbour, G; neighebor, C2; neighburgh,S2; nehgebur, S; neihhond, close at hand,S.—­AS. nA(C)ah; cp. OHG. nAih(Tatian).

Neihen, v. to be nigh to, to approach,PP; neighen, PP; neghen, PP, H, S2;nei3*en, PP, W; ne3*en, S2; ne3*h,S2; ney3*hen, S2.—­AS. nA(C)hwan:Goth, nehwjan, from nehwa, nigh.See Neih.

Neipce, sb. granddaughter, S3; see Nece.

Neither, neg. pron. and conj,neither, SD; neyAzer, S; noither, P;neithyr, Prompt.; nethir, not, W.—­AS.ne + A|*ghwA|A deg.er. See EAAdeg.er.

Nei3*, in phr. no nei3 fornon ei3*, i. e. no eggs, S2. Ey.

Nekke, sb. neck, S, C, PP. Comb.;nekke-boon, neck-bone, S2, C2; nekkebon,PP.—­AS. hnecca (OET.).

Nelle, 1 and 3 pr. s. will not, PP,S; nell, S; nel, S; nele, S;nulle, S, PP; nule, S; nul, PP,S2 ~; nile~, S, PP; nil, PP, C2; nullich,I will not, S; nulich, S; nuly, S2;nult, 2 pr. s., wilt not, S; neltu,thou wilt not, S; neltow, P; nultu,S; nelleA deg., pl., S; nolleA3/4,S2; nollen, PP; nulleAz, S; nulen,S; nolde, pt. s., would not, S, PP; nalde,S.—­AS. nyllan. See Wille.

Nemnen, v. to name, mention, call, S,S2, S3; nempnen, PP, S2.—­AS. nemnan:Goth, namnjan. Cf. Neuenen.

Neod, Neodes;; see Nede.

NeodeA deg., pr. s. is needful, S; seeNeden.

Neomen, v. to take, recieve, S; SeeNimen.

Neomenye, sb. feast of the new moon,W.—­Lat. neomenia (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:noumaenia, neomaenia]

Neowcin, sb. harm, injury, S.—­Icel.nauA deg.syn, need, impediment, see SkD (s.v. essoin, p. 802).

Neowe, adj. new, S; see Newe.

Neowel, adj. deep; niwel, SD;nuel, SD. Der.: neowelnesse,the deep, abyss, S.—­AS. neowol, nA(C)ol,niwol, prone, deep (GET, Grein).

Neo3*e, num. nine, S2; see Nyne.

Neppe, sb. turnip, rapa, Voc.;nepe, Alph.—­AS. nA|*p; Lat.na*pus.

Nercotyk, sb. narcotic, C.—­LateLat. narcoticum [medicamen], (SB); Gr. [Greek:narkotikos], benumbing.

Nere, sb. kidney, Voc.; neere,Prompt.; neres, pl., reins, H; nerys,ren, Voc. Comb.: kidnere,kidney, SkD; kydney, Voc.—­Icel.nA1/2ra, pl. nA1/2ru: OHG. niero;cp. Gr. [Greek: nephros] see Curtius, ii.93.

Nere, pt. pl. were not, S, S2, C; seeNam.

Nerre, adj. and adv. comp. nearer,H, PP; narre, H; nere, PP; ner,PP, C2, C; nier, S; neer, W, C2. Comb.:nerhand, nearly, H.—­AS. nA(C)arra(nA(C)ara), adj.; nA(C)ar, adv.

Neruwe, adj. narrow, S; see Narwe.

Nes, pt. s. was not, S, S2; see Nam.

Nesche, adj. tender, soft, S; nesshe,S; neshe, Voc.; nesh, ND; nasche,S2; neische, W2; nesse, HD. Der.:nesshede, tenderness, S2.—­AS. hnesce.

Neschen, v. to soften, SD; nesshen,S; nessen, H; neyssen, H.—­AS.hnescian.

Nese, sb. nose, S, N2, Prompt., PP,Voc.; neose, PP; nose, Voc.; noose,W A. Comb.: nosebleed, the plantyarrow, Alph.; noseblede, millifolium,Alph.; nese-hende, purulus, Voc.; nese-thirl,nostril, H; nes-thyrylle, Voc.; nose-thirl,W2; nose-thurl, C; noyss-thyrlys, pl.,S3.—­AS. nosu; cp. OHG. nasa;see Kluge, and Sievers, 274.

Nesen, v. to sneeze; nesyn, Prompt.;neese, WW.—­Cp. Icel. hnjAcubedsa.

Nest, adj. and adv. superl. next,nearest, PP, S, S2; neist, S2; nixte,S; nexte, C, PP; nexst, S, S2. Comb.:nestfald, nearest, S.—­AS. nA-ehsta,adj.; nA(C)hst adv.

Nest, sb. nest, PP; nestes, pl.,PP. Der.: nestlingis, nestlings,PP.—­AS. nest; cp. Lat. n[*i-]dus(for nisdus), OIr. net; see Brugmann,ASec. 590.

Nesten, pt. pl. knew not, S; see Not.

Nestlen, v. to build nests, S2.

NeA3/4, pr. s. has not, S2; see Nabben.

NeA deg.en, adv. from below, S.—­AS.neoA deg.an, beneath.

NeA deg.er, adj. comp. nether, S; seeNiA deg.er.

Nette, sb. net, Cath., Manip.; nett,Prompt., Voc., W (p. 234); net, W (p. 123);nettes, pl., C2.—­AS. nett:Goth. nati, see Sievers, 247.

Neue, sb. nephew, S.—­AS.nefa.

Neuenen, v. to name, S2, C3, H, HD;nefen, S2. Der.: neuening,naming, S.—­Icel. nefna, (from nafn,name): Goth. namnjan, from namn-stem of namo, name. Cf. Nemnen.

Neuere, adv. never, PP, S; neure,S, PP; nA|uere, S; nA|ure, S; neauer,S; nauere, S; nefre, S; nefer,S; nafre, S; neare, S3; nere,W; ner, HD, S2. Comb.: neuera del, not a bit, C3; neuremore, nevermore,S; neuer the neer, none the nearer, C3; neuerthe latter, nevertheless, H.—­AS. nA|*fre.

Neueu, sb. nephew, S2; nevew,C2; nevo, B.—­AF. nevu, nephew,grandson; Lat. nep[*o-]tem.

Newe, adj. new, PP, C2; neowe,S; nywe, S; niwe, S2; newe, adv.,newly, anew, PP, C; newly, newly, again, PP;nuly, S3. Comb.: newefangel,catching at novelty, C2; newefangelnes, fondnessfor novelty, C2, S3.—­AS. neowe, niwe.

Newen, v. renew, S, S2, PP.—­AS.niwian.

Newte, sb. newt, Prompt.; ewte,Prompt. See Euete.

Ney, adv. nigh, nearly, S; ne3*,S; see Neih.

Neynd, ord. ninth, S2; see Nyne.

Ne3*en, v. to neigh, SkD. Der.:neiyng, sb. a neighing, W2.—­AS.hnA|*gan; cp. Icel. hneggja.

Niatt, sb. pl. cattle, S; see Neet.

Nich, adv. no, S.—­AS. ne+_ic_,I; see Sievers, 332.

NieA3/4e, ord. ninth, S; see Nyne.

Nif, for Ne if, if not, except;nyf, S2.

Nifle, sb. trifle, HD, ND; nyfles,pl., CM, Palsg.; nines, Cotg. (s. v.nigeries).—­OF. nifles, trifles(Palsg.). Cf. Niuelen.

Nigard, sb. a nigg*rd, a miser, PP;nygard, C, CM, PP; nygarde, PP, Palsg.;nygart, CM. Cf. Nygun.

Nigardie, sb. stinginess, SkD, HD; nigardye,CM; nygardye, CM.

Night, Nigt, Niht; see Nyght.

Nigromancye, sb. magic, sorcery, PP;nigramauncy, S2; nigramansy, B; nigromance,Cath.—­OF. nigromance (Bartsch);cp. Low Lat. nigromantia (Ducange); LateLat. necromantia, necromancy; Gr. [Greek:nekromanteia], divination by communion with the dead.

Niker, sb. water-sprite, SD; nykyr,siren, Prompt.; nyckers, pl.,SPD; nykeren, SPD (p. 255).—­AS. nicor,a water-demon (Grein); cp. Icel. nykr,hippopotamus: OHG. nichus, ‘crocodilus,’see Grimm, Teut. M. p. 488.

Nil, pr. s. will not, C2; see Nelle.

Nimen, v. to take, S, S2; nymen,PP; nemen, PP; neomen, S; nam,pt. s., PP, G, S; nom, S, S2; nem,S2; nome, 2 pt. s., S, PP; nomen,pl. S, PP; neme, S; numen,pp., seized, gone, S; nummun, S2; nome,S2. Der.: niminge, a taking, capture,S.—­AS. niman, pt. nam (pl.nAimon, pp. numen.

Nin, for Ne in, nor in, C2.

Nis, pr. s. is not, S, C, C2; see Nam.

Niseien, pt. pl. for Ne iseien,saw not, S.

Niste, pt. s. knew not, S; see Not.

Niswicst, 2 pr. s. for Ne iswicst,ceasest not, S.

Niten, v. to refuse, S2, JD; nyte,JD; nite, pp., WA.—­Icel.nA-ta, to deny. Cf. Naytyn.

Niten, pr. pl. know not, S; see Not.

NiA deg., sb. envy, malice, S. Der.:niA deg.ful, envious, S; nyA3/4ful,S.—­AS. nA-A deg.; cp. Goth.neith.

NiA deg.en, v. to envy, SD.—­Icel.nA-A deg.a, to revile.

NiA deg.er, adv. below, S; adj. comp.,lower, S; neA deg.er, S; nethir, B;neA deg.ement, superl., lowest, SD. Der.:neA deg.erward, downwards, SD.—­AS.niA deg.er, nioA deg.or, downward, neoAdeg.era, lower, nether, SkD.

NiA deg.er-wenden, v. to go down, S.

NiA deg.ing, sb. a coward, a nigg*rd,S; nything, PP.—­AS. nA-A deg.ing,a coward, outlaw; cp. Icel. nA-A deg.ingr.

Niuelen, v. to snivel, S; nyuelen,PP.—­Cp. OF. nifler (Cotg.).See Nifle.

Niwe, adj. new, S2; see Newe.

Ni3*en, num. nine, S; see Nyne.

No, adv. and conj. not, nor,no, S, S2, SkD, B, HD; na, S, S2, B. Comb.:no but, except, unless, S2, W; no A3/4e les,not the less, nevertheless, S; na A3/4e les,S, S2; neoA3/4eles, S; ne the les, W;na A3/4e mo, none the more, S2; na war,were it not for, but for, S2, B.—­AS. nAi(= ne + Ai).

Noble, adj. noble, WA; nobylle,Cath.; nobliche, adv., nobly, S2; nobilly,Cath.—­AF. noble; Lat. nobilem.

Noble, sb. noble, a coin so called worth6_s_. 8_d_., S3, C3, P, WA.—­Cp. LateLat. nobile (Ducange).

Noblen, v. to ennoble, C3.

Noblesse, sb. nobility, worthy behaviour,S2, C3; magnificence, honour, C2.—­F. noblesse;OF. noblesce; Late Lat. nobilitia.

Noblete, sb. nobleness, richness, S2.—­OF.noblete (Bartsch); Lat. nobilitatem.

Nobley, sb. splendour, grandeur, dignity,nobility, assembly of nobles, C3, HD; nobleye,S2, C2; noblay, H, B, WA; nobelay, HD;nobillay, B.—­AF. noblei; LateLat. nobletum; cp. OF. noblet (Bartsch).

Nodle, sb. noddle, head, Prompt.; nodyl,Prompt.; noddle, Sh.

Noff, for Ne off, nor of, S.

Nok, sb. nook, corner, piece, SD; nuk,B; nwk, B; noke, WA, HD. Comb.:ferA3/4yng noke, a piece of a farthing, S2;nook-shotten, spawned in a corner, Sh.

Noke, in phr.: atte noke=atten oke, at the oak, S2. See Ook.

Nokke, sb. nock, notch, Prompt. Comb.:nocke of a bow, oche de l’arc,Palsg.

Nol, sb. the head, the neck, W, W2;noll, WA; nolle, PP.—­AS.hnoll, the top of the head.

Nolde, pt. s. would not, S; see Nelle.

NolleA3/4, 1 pr. pl. we desire not,S2; see Nelle.

Nombre, sb. number, C; nowmber,Cath.; nummer, S3.—­AF. numbre,noumbre; Lat. numerum (acc.).

Nombren, v. to number, PP; noumbren,W2; y-noumbred, pp., S3.—­AF.numbrer, noumbrer; Lat. numerare.

Nome, sb. pledge, hostage, S.—­AS.nAim, pledge seized (Schmid). See Nymen.

Nome, sb. name, PP, S, S2; nam,S2; name, Voc.—­AS. nama (noma):Goth. namo.

Nomeliche, adv. especially, S; nameiche,S2, C; namelich, P, S3; namely, PP.

Non, adj. no one, none, no, PP, S, S2;noon, C2; nan, S, S2; no, PP,S; na, S, S2, B; nane, B; nenne,acc., S. Comb.: na kyn,of no kind, B; nakin, B; na kyn thing,in no degree, B, S2; na kyn wiss, no way, B;nan more, no more, S; na more, S, S2;na mare, S2; na mo, P; nammo,S2; no mo, C; na A3/4ing, nothing, notat all, S; no A3/4ing, S2; no whar, nowhere,S; no war, S; no hwer, S; nour,S2; nou hwider, no whither, S; no hwider,S; no wider wardes, in no direction, S; noneskunnes, of no kind, S; nones weis, in noway, S; nanes weis, S.—­AS. nAin.

None, sb. the hour of ‘none,’i.e. the ninth hour, 3 p.m., also noon, mid-day,S, PP; nowne, S3; noyne, B; non,S, S2, PP; noon, PP; nones, pl.,the noon-tide meal, PP. Comb.: nun-mete,a noon meal, Prompt.; none-chenche, a noon-drinking,nunchA-on, SkD; noone-steede, place of noon,meridian, S3; non-tid, noon-tide, S.—­AS.nA cubedn; Lat. no*na (hora).

Nones, in phr. for A3/4e nones(for for A3/4en ones), i.e. for the once,for the nonce, for the occasion, S2, S3, C2; withthe nones, on the condition, G. See Oones.

Nonne, sb. nun, S2, C, C2, P; nunne,PP.—­OF. nonne; Late Lat. nonna;cp. AS. nunne, in the Laws (Schmid).

Nonnerie, sb. nunnery, S2.—­OF.nonnerie.

Noot, 1 and 3 pr. s. know not, knowsnot, C; see Not.

Noppe, sb. nap (of cloth), Prompt.,Cath.

Noppe, v. to take the nap off, Cath.—­AS. hnoppian, see Voc.

Norice, sb. nurse, C, C2, SkD; nurice,SkD; nursche, W.—­AF. norice;Lat. nutricem.

Norischen, v. to nourish, PP; norischi,S2; norishen, C2; nurischen, W, W2;nurschen, PP; norsshen, PP.—­OF.noriss-, stem of norissant, pp. of norir;Lat. nutrire.

Norture, sb. good breeding, nurture,SkD, G.—­AF. norture, noriture; LateLat. nutritura (Ducange).

Noselen, v. to thrust the nose in, tonuzzle; nosyll, Palsg.; nousle, Sh.See Nese.

Noselen, v. to cause children to puttheir noses in, to nurse, to rear up, to fondle closely;nosell, S3; nousle, Sh.; nusled,pp., HD (s.v. nousle).

Nose-thirl, sb. nostril, W2; see Nese.

Not, 1 and 3 pr. s. know not, knowsnot, PP, S, S2; noot, PP, C; note, S3;niten, pl., S; nuten, S; nuste,pt. s., S, S2, PP; nyste, S2; niste,C2; neste, PP; nyst, pl., PP;nesten, S.—­AS. nytan (==ne witan).See Witen.

Notable, adj. well-known, conspicuous,notorious, dazzling, WW.—­OF. notable;Lat. notabilem.

Note, sb. nut, S, S2, Voc.; nute,SkD. Comb.: not-heed, a head likea nut, C; note-muge, nutmeg, S2, C2; note-migge,Prompt.; nut-shale, nutshell, S3.—­AS.hnutu.

Note, sb. nut. A better explanationof not-heed is ’with the hair of thehead closely cut.’ The verb to nottmeans to cut the hair close. ‘Tondre,to sheer, clip, cut, powle, nott’; Cotgrave.[Addition]

Note, sb. business, attempt, employment,labour, S, S2, WA; not, B.—­AS. notu,use, employment.

Noteful, adj. useful, serviceable, H.

Noten, v. to enjoy, S; notye,PP.—­AS. notian, to enjoy; cp.Icel. neyta. Cf. Nayten.

Nother, neg. pron. and conj,neither, nor, PP, S, S2, SkD; nothir, B; nouAdeg.er, S, S2; nouA3/4ur, PP; nowA deg.er,S; nawA3/4er, S2; naA deg.er, S; nor,SkD.—­AS. nAi-*hwA|A deg.er (nAiwA3/4er,nAiA3/4er). See Other.

Nou, adv. now, PP, S, S2; nu,S, S2. Comb.: nou a dayes, now-a-days,PP; now and now, occasionally, C2.—­AS.nA

Nouche, sb. clasp, buckle, jewel, CM,WA; nowche, C2, Prompt., SkD; ouche,WW; owche, SkD; ouches. pl., broaches,monilles, Cotg., WW; owchis, WW.—­OF.nouche, nosche, also nusche (Roland);OHG. nuscha.

Nought, neg. pron. and adv. nothing,not, C; nouht, S, PP; nouct, S; nou3*t,PP; noht, S; nocht, S; no3*t,S, S2; noght, S2; nout, S, S2; nowt,S; nowi3*t, S; nowiht, S; nacht,S; naht, S; nawiht, S; nawt, S;naut, S; na3*t, S2; naght, S2;nau3*t, PP, S2; naught, C2; nat,PP, S2, C; not, W; nogth, H (Ps. 108.25); nouth, S (18. 442); nouthe, HD.Comb.: nocht forthi, notwithstanding,nevertheless, S2; noght forthi, H; nat forthy, S2.—­AS. nAiwiht (=ne + Aiwiht).See Ought.

Nought, adj. worthless, bad, naught,naughty, WW; naught, S3; nauht, PP.Der.: naughty, bad, WW, Sh.; nau3*ty,having nothing, PP.

Noumbles, sb. pl. entrails of a deeror beast, Palsg.; nombles, burbilia,Cath. (n) HD, Voc.; nownbils, Cath.;nowmyllis, Cath. Phr.: numblesof a stag, nombles d’un cerf Cotg.—­OF.nombles, pl.; cp. Late Lat. numbulusfor Lat. lumbulus, dimin. of lumbus,loin.

Noumbren, v. to number, W2; see Nombren.

Noumpere, sb. umpire, arbitrator, SkD,P; nowmpere, Prompt.; nompeyr, PP; nounpere,PP; owmpere, Prompt.; umpere, SkD.—­OF.non per, odd, not even; Lat. non parem.

Nouthe, adv. now, C, P; now A3/4e,S2; nuA deg.e, S.—­AS. nA A deg.Ai,now then.

Nouelrie, sb. novelty, C2; nouellerie,S2.—­OF. novelerie, from novel,novel, new.

Nouys, sb. novice, C2, Voc.; nouyce,WW.—­OF. novice (Cotg.); Lat. nouicium.

Nowel, sb. Christmas, CM; nowelle,HD.—­OF. noA"l; Lat. natalem.

Nowt, sb. cattle, S. See Neet.

Noye, sb. suffering, annoyance, PP;nuy, PP, S2; nwy, S2, See Anoy.

Noyen, v. to annoy, to grieve, to harm,S2, W, P, H; nuyen, 2; nwyen, S2.See Anoyen.

Noyful, adj. hurtful; noiful,W2.

Noynement; a noynement (for an oynement),an ointment, S2. See Oynement.

Noyous, adj. hurtful, annoying, W, WW(p. 421).

Nul, Nule, Nulle; see Nelle.

Nultu, wilt not, S; see Nelle.

Numen, pp. taken, seized, S; see Nimen.

Nummer, sb. number, S3; see Nombre. Nunne, sb. nun, PP; see Nonne.

NurhA deg., sb. murmuring, S.

Nurnen, v. to murmur, SD.—­AS.gnornian, to mourn.

Nursche, sb. nurse, W; see Norice.

Nurschen, v. to nourish, PP; see Norischen.

Nuste, pt s. knew not, S, S2,PP; see Not.

Nuy, sb. annoyance, S2; see Noye.

Nyce, adj. foolish, C2, C3, PP; nic-PP, C2; nise, PP; nyse, S2; nyss,S3—­OF. nice (Bartsch); Lat. ne*scium,ignorant, see Brachet, ASec. 60.

Nycete, sb. folly, B, PP; nycetee,C3 nysete, PP; nysste, B.—­AF.nicet timidity, also in OF. sloth, simplicity(Cotg.).

Nyght, sb. night, Voc., PP; ni3*t,S2 PP; nicht, S; nyht, S2; niht,S, PP; naht, SD; na3*t, S2; nyth,PP; night pl., C; nigt, S; niht,adv., at night, by night, S; nihtes,S2; ni3*tes, PP; nyghtes PP; ny3*tes,PP. Adv. phr.: a nyghtes PP; binihtes, S; bi nihte, S; a ni3*t,S; o nigt, S. Comb.: nyhtegale,nightingale, S2; ni3*tegale, S; nyghtingaleC3; ni3*tingale, S; nycht-hyrd, guardianof the night, S3; niht-old, a night old stale,not freshly gathered, S2; ny3*t-old PP; nightertale,the night-time, C; ny3*tertale, WA; naghtertale,S2.—­AS. niht, neht, neaht:Goth. nahts; cp. Lat. noctem.With the deriv. nightertale cp. Icel.nAittartal a number of nights.

Nygun, sb. nigg*rd, miser, S2; nyggoun,G, CM. Cf. Nigard.

Nykken, v. in phr.: nykken withnay, to deny, refuse, HD.

Nymyl, adj. quick at seizing, nimble,active, Prompt.—­AS. numol (in compounds).See Nimen.

Nyne num. nine, PP; ni3*en, S;neghen, S2; neo3*e, S2; nihe,S. Der.: nynt, ninth, S3; neynd,S2; nieA3/4e, S.—­AS. nigon(WS. neogon): Goth, niun; cp.Lat. nouem; see Brugrnann, ASec.152.

Nyrvyl, sb. a little man, Prompt.; nuruyll,a dwarf, Prompt.—­Cp. Icel. nyrfill,a miser.

Ny3*, adv. nigh, nearly, W, W2; seeNeih.

O, num. one, a, S; see Oon.

O, adv. ever, aye, always, S; oo,S2, NED; a, S; aa, S. Comb.:a buten, ever without, S, SkD (s.v. aye);a bute, S; for ay and oo, for ever andever, NED.—­AS. a (for Aiwa);cp. Goth, aiw, ever. Cf. Ay.

O-, prefix; see On-- (1).

Obediencer, sb. an officer in a monastery,PP.—­Church Lat. obedientiarius (Ducange).

Obeisant, adj. obedient, C2; obeysand,B.—­OF. obeA-ssant, pr. p. of obeA-r.

Obeisaunce, sb. obedience, C, C2; obeisances,pl.. submissive acts, C2.—­AF. obeA-saunce.

Obeiss, v. to obey, B; obeischen,S2, W; obeschynge, pr. p., W.—­FromOF. obeA-ss- stem of obeA-ssant, pr.p. of obeA-r.

Obeley, sb. oblation, oblata,Voc.; see Oble.

Obeye, v. to obey, W, C2; obeiede,pt. s., W.—­OF. obeier, forobeA-r; Lat. obedire.

Oble, sb. oblation; obles, pl.,oblationes, H.—­OF. oble,Lat. oblatum; cp. OF. oblee (nowoublie); Church Lat. oblata (Ducange).Cf. Ouelete.

Oblischen, v. to bind, W2; oblyse,JD; oblyste, pp., S3; oblysched,HD; oblisched, HD; oblyshed, HD,—­AF.obliger; Lat. obligare.

Obout, adv. about, S2; see Abouten.

Obout-ga, v. to go about, S2.

O-brode, adv. abroad, P; see Abrode.

Obseruance, sb. homage, C, S3; obseruances,pl., attentions, C2.—­OF. observance(Cotg.).

Obserue, v. to favour, C2.—­OF.observer; Lat. obseruare.

Obumbrat, pp. overshadowed, S3.—­Latobumbratus.

Oc, conj. but, S, HD; occ, S;see Ac.

Occean, sb. ocean, S2; occian,SD, W2; occyan, WA, HD.—­AF. occyane;Late Lat. occeanus; Lat. oceanus:Gr. [Greek: okeanos].

Occident, sb. West, S2, S3, C3.—­AF.occident; Lat. occidentem, pr. p. ofoccidere, to set (of the sun).

Occupy, v. to make use of, employ, possess,S3, C2, PP, B.—­OF. occuper; Lat.occupare, see SkD.

Odde, adj. odd, single, S2, SD.—­Cp.Icel. oddi, point of land, odd number.See Ord.

Oerre, sb. anger, S. See Eorre.

Of, prep, and adv. of, out of,from, by, off, S, S2, C2, C3, WW; o, S, S2,H; off, SkD; a, S2, PP, S3.—­AS.of: Goth, af: OHG. aba (Tatian):Gr. [Greek: apo]; see Sievers, 51, 130.

Of though, H (Ps. 125. 1), WA.—­ForME. A3/4of. See A3/4o3*.

Of-dreden, v. to frighten; reflex.to dread greatly, S; of-drade, S; of-dradde,pt. s., S; of-drad, pp., S; of-dred,S; of-dret, S2.—­AS. of-drA|dan.Cf. A-drad (A- 3).

O-ferrum, adv. afar, S2; oferrom,WA; see Aferre.

Offensioun, sb. offence, damage, C;offencioun, W.—­Lat. offensionem.

Of-feren, v. to terrify, SD; offearen,S; offerd, pp., S; oferd, S.

Offertoire, sb. offertory, anthem sungbefore the oblation, C.—­OF. offertoire(Cotg.); Church Lat. offertorium.

Office, sb. office, C2; offiz,S; offices, pl., church services, PP.—­AF.office (offyz); Lat. officium.

Offrende, sb. offering, S; offrand,H; offerands, pl., S2.—­OF.offrande (Bartsch); Lat. offerenda; seeConstans.

Offri, v. to offer, S ~; offren~, S,PP; offrand, pr. p., S2; i-offred,pp., S.—­AS. offrian; cp.OF. offerre (Bartsch); Lat. offerre.

Offringe, sb. offering, S; offrinke,S; offryng, C.

Of-fruht, pp. terrified, S; ofrigt,S; of-fruhte, pl., S.—­Cp.AS. of-fyrhtan, to terrify.

Of-hungred, pp. an-hungred, PP; of-hongret,PP; of-hongred, PP; offingred, SD; afingred,SD; afingret, NED, HD; afyngred, NED,P, HD.—­AS. of-hyngrod. Cf. A-hungerd.

Ofne, sb. dat. oven, S; see Ouen.

Of-newe, adv. anew, S3, C2, C3.Cf. Anewe.

Of-rechen, v. to obtain, overtake, attain,reach, S, PP (n); ofrau3*te, pt.pl., PP.

Ofrigt, pp. terrified, S; see Of-fruht.

Of-saken, v. to deny, SD.—­AS.of-sacan. Cp. A-saken. (A-3.)

Of-scapie, v. to escape, S2. SeeAscapie.

Of-sen, v. to perceive; ofsaw,pt. s., S2; ofseie, S2.—­AS.of-sA(C)on.

Of-senden, v. to send for, S2; of-sente,pt. s., S2, PP; of-sent, P.

Of-seruen, v. to merit, deserve, SD,S.

Of-slen, v. to slay; of-sloh,pt. s., SD; of-slo3*en, pl.,S; of-sla3*en, pp., S; of-slA|3*en,S; of-sla3*e, S.—­AS. of-slA(C)an.

Of-spring, sb. offspring, S; ofspreng,S; ofsprung, S; ospryng, HD; ox-spring,S2.—­AS. of-spring.

Of-taken, pp. taken away, C2.

Ofte, adv. often, S, C2; oft,PP, WW; oftere, comp., S; ofter,S, C2. Comb.: oftesiA deg.en, oftentimes,SD; ofte siA deg.e, SD; ofte sithes,C, S3 (s.v. eft); oft siss, S2, B; ofte-time,ofttimes, SD; oft tyme, PP.—­AS. oft:OHG. ofto (Otfrid): Goth. ufta;cp. Gk. [Greek: upatos], superl. of[Greek: uper]; see Sievers, 25.

Often, adj. frequent, WW.

Of-teonen, v. to vex, irritate; of-teoned,pp., S.

Of-Azunchen, v. to be sorry for, torepent, S; of-Azinche, S; of-Azinke,S; of-A deg.uhte, pt. s., S.—­AS.of-Azyncan.

Of-Azurst, pp. athirst, S; of-Azerst,PP; afyrst, PP; afurst, PP; afrust,PP.—­AS. of-Azyrsted (Grein).

Of-wundred, pp. amazed; of-uundred,S.

Og, pr. s. possesses, S; see Owen.

Ogain, prep., adv. against, again,NED; see A3*ein.

Ogaines, prep, against, S2; ogaynes,S2; see A3*eines.

Ogain-saghe, sb. contradiction, S2.Cf. Igainsawe.

Ogain-torne, v. to turn again, S2.

Ogen, adj. own, S; see Owen.

Ogremoyne, sb. agrimony, Voc.; see Agrimony.

Oht, sb. aught, anything, S2; see Ought.

Oht, adj. valiant, doughty, S; see Auht.

Ohtliche, adv. valiantly, NED; see Ahtlice.

Oise, sb. use, H; oyse, H; oys,JD, HD; oyss, B.—­AF. us;Lat. usum.

Oise, v. to use, H; oyse, H,HD; oysede, pp., HD; oysit, B.—­OF.user.

Oist, sb. an army, B; oyst, B;see Oost.

Ok, Oke, pt. s. aked, MD; see Aken.

Oken, adj. oaken, G. See Ook.

Oker, sb. usury, SD; okir, S2;okyr, Cath.; okur, SD; ocker,H; okere, H.—­Icel. A cubedkr:AS. wA cubedcor, increase, growth, fruit; cp.OHG. wuachar, gain (Otfrid).

Okerer, sb. usurer, S2, H, Cath.; okerere,S2; okyrere, H.

Okering, sb. usury, S2; okeringe,H.

Old, adj. old, Voc.; eald, MD;ald, MD, S, S2; oold, MD; hold,S, MD; eld, MD, W2; eeld, W2; auld,S3; olt, S2; ealde, S, MD; alde,MD, S2; olde, Voc.; elde, S, W; yealde,MD; aulde, MD; alder, comp., MD;A|lder, MD; eldre, S, W; elder,S, C2; eldure, S; eldore, S2; heoldre,S; elA3/4er, S2; aldeste, superl.,S; heldeste, MD; eldoste, S2.—­AS.eald, ald; cp. OHG. alt (Otfrid).

Oldli, adj. old, W2.

Oliuere, sb. olive-yard, C2.—­LateLat. olivarium (Ducange).

Oluhnen, v. to flatter, S.

Oluhnung, sb. blandishment, flattery;olhnunge, dat., S.

Olyfaunte, sb. elephant, Cath., Voc.;olefawnt, Voc.; oliphant, S3; olifant,WA; ollivant, HD; olyfaunce, pl.,HD.—­OF. olifant, elephant, ivory,ivory horn, also elefant; Lat. elephantem;Gr. [Greek: elephas (-anta)].

On, prep, on, at, in, among, of, S,S2, S3, C2, WW; one, S; onne, S; a,S, S2, C2, PP; o, S, S2, H; an, S, S2,PP.—­AS. an, on.

On, num. one, S, S2; see Oon.

On-, prefix (1), standing for On,prep.

On-, prefix (2), standing for AS. and-,against, in return, toward.—­AS. on-,ond-, and-, Goth, and-, anda-; cp.OHG. ant-(ent-).

On-, prefix (3), with negative force;see Un- 1.

On-, prefix (4), before verbs; see Un-2.

Onan, adv. at once, S2; onon,S, S3; see An-on.

On-bydraw, v. to withdraw; on-bydrew, pt. s., S3. (On- 4.)

On-come, sb. attack, JD; on-comys

pl., H. (On- 1.)

Onde, sb. breath, emotion, hatred, envyS, S2, HD, CM; aande, WA; ande, MD H,WA, Cath.; aynd, JD, B; hand, S2.—­AS.anda: OS. ando; cp. Icel.andi, breath the spirit (in theology).

Ondful, adj. envious, MD; ontful,S.

Ond-swere, sb. answer, S; see An-swere.

Ondswerien, v. to answer, S; see Answeren.

Ondyn, v. to breathe, Prompt.; ande,Cath.

Ondyng, sb. smelling, PP; aynding,B.

Ones, adv. once, S2, S3, C3, G, P; seeOones.

One-sprute, sb. inspiration, S2.

On-ferrum, adv. afar, S2; see Aferre. (On-1.)

On-fon, v. to receive, endure; onnfoAdeg., pr. s., S; onfanged, pt.s., S2.—­AS. on-fA cubedn forond-fA cubedn, see Sievers, 198, 5. 1.Cf. Afon. (On- 2.)

Ongel, sb. angel, S; see Angel.

On-halsien, v. to adjure, entreat, S.(On- 1.)

Onhede, sb. unity, Voc.; see Oonhed.

Oni3*t, adv. by night, S; see A-nyghte.

On-imete, adj. immeasurable, S; seeUnimet. (On- 3.)

On-lappyt, pt. s. unfolded, S3; seeUnlappe.

On-lepi, adj. only, S, S2; see Oonlepy.

Onlepiliche, adv. only, singly, S MD.

On-lesum, adj. not allowable, S3; seeUnleuesum. (On- 3.)

Onlich, adj. only, S; see Oonli.

On-lofte, adv. aloft, S2, C2; see Alofte,(On- 1.)

On-losti, adj. idle, S2; see Unlusti.

On-lyue, adv. alive, C2, G; onliue,S.—­AS. on lA-fe. Cf. Alyue.(On- 1.)

Onoh, enough, S; see Ynow.

Onond, prep. as regards, respecting,S; onont, S; see An-ent. [Addition]

On-rounde, adv. around, S2. (On-1.)

On-Sage, sb. affirmation, charge; on-sagen,pl. dat., S.—­AS. on-sagu,affirmation (Schmid), for ond-sagu, see Sievers,198, 5. 1. (On- 2.)

On-sene, sb. face, SD; onsene,dat., S—­AS. on-sA(C)on, onsA1/2n, an-sA1/2n (Mt. 28. 3). (On-1.)

On-side, adv. aside, NED. (On-1.)

On-sides, adv. aside, NED.

On-sidis-hond, adv. aside, S2.

On-sihA deg.e, sb. appearance, S. (On-1.)

On-slepe, adv. asleep, S2. (On-1.)

On-spekinde, pr. p. unspeaking, unspeakable.S2, (On 3.)

On-swere, sb. answer, S; see Answere.

On-swerde, pt. s. answered, S; see Answeren.

On-tenden, v. to set on fire; ontent,pr. s., S; ontende, pp.,S.—­AS.on-tendan. Cf. Atenden. (On-1.)

Ontful, adj. envious, S; see Ondful.

On-A3/4olyinde, pr. p. not enduring,intolerable, S2. (On-3.)

On-till, prep. until, to, B; see Until.

On-todelinde, pr. p., adj. undividing,indivisible, S2.—­AS. un-todA|*lende.(On- 3.)

On-uppe, prep. above, S; see An-uppe.

On-vale, v. to unveil, S3. (On-4.)

On-uast, prep. fast by, S.

On-wald, sb. power; anwalde,dat., S; anwolde, S; onwalde,S; onwolde, S.—­AS. anwald.(On- 1.)

On-wurA3/4i, adj. unworthy, Prompt.;see UnwurA deg.i.

On-zyginde, pr. p. unseeing, used insense of ‘invisible,’ S2. (On-3.)

Ook, sb. oak, C2, C3; ak, Voc.;ok, S2; ake, Voc.; oke, Voc.,Cath., G; akis, pl., S3.—­AS.Aic; cp. OHG. eich (eih).Cf. Noke.

Oon, num. and indef. art. one,S2, S3, C2, C3, G; an, one, an, S, S2, H; ane,MD, S3, H; a, MD, S2, H; on, S, S2, S3,C2, G; one, MD, S, S2; o, S, S2, S3,C3, G; oo, S3, C3; A|n, S; ann,S; A|nne, S; enne, S, S2; ene,S; anA|, S; ane, S; onne, S;ore, dat. f., S. Phr.: byhim one, by himself, MD; be it ane, byitself, H (Ps. 101. 7); all himm ane, all byhimself, S; hire ane, by herself, S; owerones, of you alone, S.—­AS. Ain.

Oone-fold, adj. onefold, single, simple,MD; anfald, S, HD.—­AS. Ain-feald.

Oones, adv. once, G; ones, MD,S2, S3, C3, G, P; onis, P; onys, W2;enes, S, S2; A|ness, S. Phr.:at anes, at once, MD; et enes, S; atones, MD, S2, C3; at ans, S2; at oones,G.—­AS. Aines, gen. m. of Ain,used in ME. adverbially. AS. A|*ne isused to express ‘once, at once.’ Cf.Nones.

Oonhed, sb. unity, HD (p. 588); one-heede,HD; onhede, Voc.; anhed, H; anhede,H.

Oonlepy, adj., adv. only, sole,MD; onlepi, S, S2; olepi, S, S2; anlepi,S, H.—­AS. Ain-lepig.

Oonli, adj. only, sole, MD; onlich,MD, S; anli, anly, H. Comb.:anly stede, solitude, H.—­AS. Ain-lic,A|*n-lic.

Oonli, adv. only, W; onliche,PP; onlych, S2; oneliche, PP; anli,MD; anly, S2; onli, MD; oneli,W (John 5. 18).

Oor, sb. ore, unrefined metal, S2; ore,Voc.; oore, Manip.—­AS. A cubedr(SkD).

Oost, sb. an army, B, S3, W, W2; oist,B; oyst, B; ost, B, S2; oostis,pl., W, W2.—­AF. ost, host;Lat. hostem, enemy, stranger.

Ooste, sb. host, inn-keeper, MD; ost,CM, MD;, host, MD; hoost, C; hoste,dat., MD.—­OF. oste, hoste;Lat. hospitem.

Open, adj. open, S2, SD; ope,S; upon, S2; opyn. W; opene,pl., S.—­AS. open; cp.Icel. opinn, and OHG. offan (Otfrid).

Open-heaued, adj. bare-headed, S.

Openin, v. to open, explain, S; oppenand,pr. p., S2.—­AS. (ge-)_openian_.

Open-lic, adj. open, S2; openliche,adv., S; opeliche, S.—­AS.openlic, adv. openlice.

Opposen, v. to question, SkD; oposyn,Prompt.; opposed, pt. s., PP.—­OF.opposer; Lat. ob + pausare.Cf. Aposen.

Opye, sb. opium, C, CM.—­OF.opie; Lat. opium; Gr. [Greek: Acubed*pion], poppy-juice, from [Greek: opA cubed*s],sap.

Or, pron. your, S2; ore, S2;see 3*oure.

Or, prep., conj, adv.before. Comb.: or ever, WW.See Er.

Or, conj. or, S; see OA deg.er.

Or-, prefix, out, without, excessive.—­AS.or-: OHG. ur- (Tatian): Goth.us-. Cf. A- I*.

Oratorye, sb. a place for prayer, C.—­OF. oratoire; Lat. oratorium (Vulg.).

Orche3*ard, sb. orchard, S3; orchA|rd,SD; orchard, Voc.—­AS. orcerd(Voc.), ort-geard, (BT): Goth. aurtigards;see Fick, 7. 35.

Ord, sb. point, beginning, S, HD, C2;orde, dat., S.—­AS. ord(Voc.); cp. OHG. ort, a point, limit, district,Icel. oddr, ‘cuspis;’ see Kluge.

Ordal, sb. ordeal, a severe test beforejudge, CM, SkD.—­AS. or-dA(C)l, OS.ur-dA(C)li; cp. OHG. ur-deili, ‘judicium’(Otfrid). (Or-.)

Ordeynen, v. to ordain, appoint, S2,PP; ordayny, S2; ordand, pt. s.,S3; ordeigned, P; ordaynt, pp.,S2; i-*ordeyned, S2.—­AF. ordeiner,OF. ordener Lat. ordinare.

Ordeynour, sb. arranger, S2.

Ordinance, sb. provision, array, S2.—­AF.ordinance (ordenance).

Ordinatly, adv. in good order, S3.

Ordre, sb. order, PP, C3; ordres,pl., orders (of friars), PP; holy orders, PP.—­AF.ordre; OF. ordene, ordine; Lat. ordinem.

Ordren, v. to arrange, rank, SD; i-*ordret,pp., S.

Ore, sb. oar, S; are, MD; ayr,B; ores, pl., S.—­AS. Air.

Ore, num. dat. fem. one, S; see Oon.

Ore, sb. honour, grace, favour, clemency,happy augury, S, S2, G, CM; see Are.

Ore, sb. ore, Voc.; see Oor.

Ore-les, adj. merciless, S2; oreleas,S; see Areles.

Orest, adj. and adv. superl.first, S; see Er.

Orf, sb. an inheritance, hence, cattle,S, S2.—­Icel. arfr. See Erfe.

Organ, sb. organ, PP; organs,pl., organum, Voc.; orguns, harps(=_organa_), W2; orgoyns, H.—­Lat.organum; Gr. [Greek: organon].

Orgeilus, adj. proud, S, SD; orgillous,Sh.—­OF. orgueilleus (Bartsch).

Orgel, sb. pride, SD; orhel,S; orgul, SD.—­AS. orgel;cp. OF. orguel (Bartsch). Probablyof Teut. origin; cp. OHG. ur-gilo, excessively,oppressively (Otfrid). (Or-.)

Orient, sb. the East, S3, C2.—­AF,orient Lat. orientem, the rising (sun).

Orientales, sb. pl. sapphires, P.

Orisoun, sb. prayer, orison, C, S2;ureisun,S; oreisouns, pl., S2;orisons, C3.—­AF. oreison,(ur-), oraisun; Church Lat. orationem,prayer, from orare, to pray.

Orlege, sb. time-teller, JD; see Orologe.

Orleger, sb. clock, dial, S3; orlager,JD. See above.

Or-mete, adj. immense, S.—­AS.ormA|*te.

Orologe, sb. time-teller, dial, clock,S3; orloge, Cath. (n); orlogge,C, CM; horologe, Voc.; orlege, JD; horlege,Cath., Prompt, (p. 120); orlage, Voc.—­Lat.horologium; Gr. [Greek: ohrologin ]; cp.F. horloge, Sp. relox (Minsheu).

Orped adj valiant, S2, HD, SD; orpud,Prompt.; orpid, HD; orpit, proud, alsofretful, habitually chiding, JD; horpid, SD;horpyd, HD; orpede, HD; used as a descriptivepersonal name, Bardsley; horpede, Bardsley.

Orpedliche, adv. boldly, SD; orpedlich,HD; orpedli, SD.

Orpedschipe, sb. bravery, SD.

Orpiment, sb. orpiment, C2.—­AF.orpiment, Late Lat. auripigmentum; Lat.aurum, gold + pigmentum, colouring material.

Orpine, sb. a kind of stone-crop, Cath.,SkD; yellow arsenic, HD; orpyne, Voc.; orpin,telepinum, Manip.; orpyn, crassulamajor, Prompt.—­OF. orpin, orpin;also orpine, orpiment, or arsenic (Cotg.).

Orrible, adj. horrible, MD.—­OF.orrible; Lat. horribilem.

Orrour, sb. horror, dread, W2.—­OF.orreur (Bartsch); Lat. horrorem.

Orts, sb. pl. remnants, Sh.; ortus,Prompt.; ortys, Cath.—­AS. *_or-A|*t_,‘reliquiae pabuli’; cp. ODu. oor-ete,what is left after eating. (Or-.)

Osse, sb. omen, prophecy, ND.

Osse, v. to prophesy, HD; osses,pr. s., WA; ossed, pp., WA.—­OF.oser, to venture, to dare; Late Lat. ausare(It. ausare), from Lat. audere (pp. aus-us).

Ossing, sb. attempt, WA. See above.

Ostage, sb. hostage, S2; hostage,B.—­AF. ostage (hostage); Late Lat.*_obsidaticum_ (cp. It. statico.), fromLat. obsidem,. hostage, one who remains behind,from obsid-, stem of obsidere.

Oste, sb. host, MD; ost, CM,MD; see Ooste.

Ostel, sb. hostel, Prompt., MD; hostel,MD; osteyl, HD; ostayle, HD.—­OF.ostel, hostel; Lat. hospitale, relatingto a guest. See Ooste.

Ostelere, sb. inn-keeper, Prompt.; ostiler,W; hostiler, C; hostellere, P.

Ostelrie, sb. hostelry, MD, CM; hostelrie,C.

Ostery, sb. inn, HD, MD; ostrie,W; hostery, MD.

Ostryche, sb. ostrich, Voc.; ostridge,Cotg.; estridge, HD; ostrigis, pl.,W2.—­OF. ostruce (Cotg.), austruce(Brachet): Sp. avestruz; Late Lat. avis-strucio;strucio for struthio; Gr. [Greek:strouthion] an ostrich, from [Greek: strouthos],a bird.

Otes, sb. pl. oats, C2, P; otys,Voc.—­AS. Aite (OET).

Oter, sb. otter, S; otyr, Voc.;otyre, HD.—­AS. otor (Voc.).

Oth, prep, and conj, up to, until;oA deg., S; a, S, NED (p. 3 c). Comb.:a-A3/4et, until that, S.—­AS, AcubedA deg.: OS. and Goth. und.Cf. Un- 3.

Oth, sb. oath, MD; oA3/4, S,S2, C; ot, S; athes, pl., S;oA3/4es, S, C2, C3.—­AS. AiA deg.:Goth, aiths; cp. OHG. eid (Tatian).

OA deg.er, conj. either ... or, S, S2,S3, C3; ouA deg.er, S2, H, G; or, S;adv. even, S2; auA3/4er, HD.—­AS.Ai-hwA|A deg.er (A cubedhwA|A deg.er, AiwA deg.er,A cubedwA deg.er, AiuA deg.er, AiA deg.er, AiA deg.or).See Sievers, 346.

Other, adj. second, relating to oneof two, other, S, S2, G. Phr.: dayand other, continually, G.—­AS. oAdeg.er: OS. A cubedA deg.ar, andar;cp. OHG. ander (Otfrid), Goth, anthar,Skt. antara. For the suffix _-thar_ cf.Forther.

Other-gatis, adv. otherwise, H.

OA deg.er-luker, adv. comp. otherwise,S.—­AS. A cubedA deg.erlicor.

OA deg.er-weies, adv. in another way,otherwise, S; otherweyes, C2.

OA3/4er-while, adv. occasionally, S2,P.

Otherwyse, adv. on any other condition,C2.

O-twinne, apart, in two, S; otwyn, H.Cf. Atwynne. (O-.)

Ou, pron. you, S, S2, PP; see 3*ou.

Ought, sb. aught, anything,. S2,C2; awiht, eawiht, MD; oht, MD, S2;ohht, S;. ou3*t, W; o3*t, S; ouct,S; out, S; ahct, S; ahte, S.—­AS.Ai-wiht. Cf. Auht.

Ouh, pr. s. possesses, S; ouhte,pt. s., S; oughten, pt. pl.,C2; see Owen.

Oule, sb. owl, S2; hule, S; oules,pl., C2.—­AS. Ale (Voc.).

Oule, v. to howl, ululare, Manip.

Ounce, sb. ounce, C2; ouns, Voc.;unce, C, Cath.—­AF. unce;Lat. uncia. See Inche.

Ouphe, sb. elf, Sh.; see Aulf.

Our, pron. your, S; oure, S2,PP; see 3*oure.

Our-, prefix. Look for words asif spelt Ouer-. See Ouer- (= Over-)below.

Oure, pron. poss. our, W; ure,S, S2; ur, S, S2; hure, S; hur,S; oure, ours, W; ourun, W; ures,pl., S2.—­AS. Are, Aser, ofus, our: Goth, unsara.

Ournement, sb. ornament, W2.—­OF.ornement.

Ournen, v. to adorn, W2; ournede,pt. s., W2; ourned,. pp., W,W2.—­OF. orner; Lat. ornare.

Ournyng, sb. an adorning, W.

Ous, pron. dat. and acc. us,S2, PP; ows, PP; vus, S2; us,C2. Comb.: us self, ourselves, S,C2; us selue, P; us silf, W.—­AS.As: Goth. uns.

Out, adv. out, WA; ut, S; owt,B; oute, WA; out, interj., away!S2; uttere, adj. comp., outer, S; utter,C3; uttereste, superl., extreme, C2;outemest, SD. Comb.: utmer,outer, W; uttermere, W2; utnume, exceptionally,S; out taken, except, S2, C3; out takun,W, W2; outtane, S2; outane, B; owtane,B; utward, outward, S; ute wit, outside,S2; outwith, WA.

Out, sb. aught, S; see Ought.

Out-beren, v. to bear out, S2.

Out-blasten, v. to blow out; out-*blaste,pt. s., S2.

Out-bray, v. to bray out, S3.

Out-breiden, v. to awake; oute-*breyde,pt. s., S2.

Out-bresten, v. to burst out; owt-*brastyng,pr. p., S3; ute-brast, pt. s.,S2; out-brast, S3.

Outen, adj. strange, foreign, S2.

Outen, v. to utter, C2, C3, SkD (s.v. utter).—­AS. Atian.

Outerly, adv. utterly, C2, C3; uterly,S3 (s. v. al).; utrely, S2.

Outhees, sb. the hue and cry. C,HD; utheste, S.—­Low Lat. uthesium(Schmid), for hutesium (huesium), fromOF, huter (huer), see Ducange. (s. v.huesium). See Houten.

OuA deg.er, conj. either, or, SD, S2,H; see OA deg.er.

Out-ioiyng, sb. extreme joy, W2.

Out-lawe, sb. outlaw, PP, Manip.; ut-la3*e,S.—­AS. Atlaga (Schmid); Icel. Atlaga,outlawed, Atlagi, outlaw.

Out-leden, v. to produce, educere;oute-leden, S2.

Out-let, sb. outlet; utlete,dat., S.—­Cp. Icel. At-lAit.

Outrage, sb. outrage, excessive insult,SD, H, B, luxus, Manip.; owterage, excessus,Prompt.—­OF. outrage, oltrage; cp.It. oltraggio (Florio), Low Lat. ultragium;from OF. oltre; Lat. ultra.

Outrage, adj. outrageous, S3; wtrage,S3; owtrage, S3.

Outrage, v. to outrage, destroy, tolose temper, C2; outrayed, pt. s.S3.—­OF. oultrager (Cotg.).

Outragely, adv. superfluously, H.

Outrageous, adj. excessive, C3, B.

Outrageusly, adv. excessively, H.

Outrance, sb. excess, extremity, S3,JD.—­OF. oultrance (Cotg.).

Outrayed, pt. s. destroyed, S3; seeOutrage, v.

Outren, v. to utter, to put out andcirculate, SkD.

Out-ryde, v. to ride out, PP; to outride,overtake in riding, S.

Out-senden, v. to send out, S2.

Out-take, v. to take out, except, deliver,S2; out toke, pt. s., S2; out taken,pp., S2, C3; out takun, W, W2; outtane, S2; outakun, W2. See Out.

Ou3*t, sb. aught, W; see Ought.

Ou3*te, pt. s. possessed, W; see Owen.

Ouelete, sb. the oblation in the Eucharist,S.—­AS. oflA(C)te (Leo), oflate(OET); Church Lat. oblata (Ducange). Cf.Oble.

Ouen, sb. oven, S; ofne, dat.,S.—­AS. ofen, OHG. ofan (Tatian):Goth, auhns: OTeut. stem *_uhwna_-, seeDouse, p. 80.

Ouer, prep., adv. over, above, beyond,S, C2, W; uferr, S; our, S2, S3, B;oure, S3; ouer, adj., upper, C,SkD; ouerer. comp., W2, H; ouereste,superl., C, S2. Comb.: oueral,all over, everywhere, S, S2, C, C2, C3; ouur al,S2; ouir litil, too little, Prompt.; or-litel,S2; ouer mykel, over much, S2; ouer Azwert,across, perverse, S2, W; ouer thwart, across,crossways, C; our-thwort, S3, B.—­AS.ofer: Goth, ufar (see Sievers,25. I); cp. OHG. ubar (Otfrid).

Ouer-, prefix, over-; our-, B;or-, S2.

Ouer-cummen, v. to overcome, S; ouer-*come,S, S2, W2; ofercom. pt. s., S; ouercom,S2; ouercumen, pp., S; ouer-*come,S2.—­AS. ofer-cuman.

Ouer-dede, sb. excess, S.

Ouer-fare, v. to pass over, S2.—­AS.ofer-faran.

Our-fret, pt. s. fretted over, S3.

Ouer-gan, v. to go over, superare,SD, S2; ouergon, S, W; ourga, B; ouergon,pp., S2.—­AS. ofer-gAin:OHG. ubar-gAin (Otfrid).

Our-hailing, pr. p. overhauling, considering,S3.

Our-heldand, pr. p. covering over, S3.

Ouer-howen, v. to disregard, despise;ofer-howeA deg., pr. s., S; ofer-ho3*ien,SD.

Ouer-lede, v. to domineer over.P.

Ouer-leiyng, sb. pressure, W.

Ouer-liggen, v. to lie upon, S.—­AS. ofer-licgan.

Ouer-lippe, sb. upper lip, S2, C.

Ouer-lop, sb. omission, S2.

Ouerlyng, sb. a superior, H, HD.

Ouer-maistrien, v. to overmaster, P.

Ouermastes, sb. pl. summits, S2.

Ouer-non, sb. afternoon, S2 (I a. 164).

Ouer-Sen, v. to observe, survey, lookdown upon, to despise, overlook, P; ouer-sihA deg.,pr. s., S; ouerse3*, pt. s., S(16. 30); ouer-sene, pp., WW, S3; ouer-seye(me), pp., forgotten myself, P.—­AS.ofer-sA(C)on.

Ouer-sloppe, sb. upper garment, C3.

Our-straught, pp. Streched across,S3.

Ouer-take, v. to overtake, SD; ouertan,pp., S2; ourtane, B.

Ouer-A3/4ogt, adj. anxious, S.

Over-throwe, v. to fall down, G; overthrew,pt. s., G.

Ouer-tild, pp. covered over, S.—­AS.ofer-teldan to cover over.

Ouertlye, adv. openly, S2.—­FromAF. overt) pp. of ovrir, OF. aAvrir,aA1/4vrir, Prov. adubrir; Lat. ad + de+ operire.

Ouer-trowynge, pr. p. anxious, overconscious,W.

Ouer-walten, v. to overflow, S2.

Ouer-wente, pt. s. overcame, S. SeeOuer-gan.

Ouet, sb. fruit, S2.—­AS.ofet; cp. OHG. obaz (G. obst),Du. ooft; see Kluge.

Ow, interj, alas! G.

Ow, pron. you, S, S2; see 3*ou

Owai, adv. away, S2. Phr.:owai do A3/4am, do away with them, destroythem, S2. See Away.

Owel, sb. awl, S, Voc.; see Aul.

Owen, v. to have, possess, to have todo, to be obliged, to owe, MD, S, Cs, PP; o3*en,S; a3*en, S; a3*henn, MD; aghe,H; awen, MD; agen, S; ahen, S;;owe, pr. s., P; og, S; ouh,S; a3*h, S2; ah, S; au, S2; ouhte,pt. s., PP, S; ou3*te, PP, W; auhte,S; aucte, S; ahte, S; aghte, H;agte, S; a3*te, S2; au3t, W ~;aght~, S2; aucht, pl., S2; oughten,C2.—­AS. Aigan, 1 and 3 pr. s. Aih(pl. Aigon), pt. Aihte, pp. Aigen.

Owen, adj. own, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, PP;o3*en, S, S2; ogen, S; a3*en,S; agen, S; a3*henn, S; ahen,S; awin, S3; awyn, S3; awn, S3;owe, S, S2; oghe, S; oge, S; oune,S, S2, PP; o3*ene, S2; oghne, S2.—­AS.Aigen, own, possessed, pp. of Aigan,to possess.

Ower, pron. your, S; see 3*oure.

O-wher, adv. somewhere, anywhere, C,C3, SD (s.v. Acwhēr, p. 12); owhar,SD, S2 (7. 417); ouer (for ouuer ?),S.—­AS. Ai-*hwAoe*r. See O(adv.).

O-whider, adv. anywhither, SD (p. 12);o-hwider, S.—­AS. Ai-hwider.See O (adv.)

O-whils, conj. on whiles, during thetime that, H.

Oxe, sb. ox, S; exen, pl.,HD; oxis, W.—­AS. oxa:OHG. ohso (Tatian): Goth. auhsa;cp. Skt. ukshan. The AS. pl. formsare oxan, Aoexen, exen.

Oxe-stalle, sb. ox-stall, C2.

Oxspring, sb. offspring, S2; see Ofspring.

Oyle, sb. oil, C3, MD; oylle,S2; oyele, S2; oli, MD; oilles,pl., flattery, PP. Phr.: bereup oile, to flatter, PP (n); hilde vpA3/4e kynges oyl, Trevisa, 3. 447, see NQ (6.1. 75).—­AF. oile, olie; Late Lat.olium; Lat. oleum. Cf. Ele.

Oynement, sb. ointment, W, C; oynementis,pl., S3, W.—­AF. oignement,from ongier, to anoint; Lat. ungere.Cf. Noynement.

Oyntynge, sb. anointing, H.

Oynoun, sb. onion, CM; oynon,Voc.; oingnum, Voc.; oynouns, pl.,C; oyne3*ones, HD.—­AF. oynoun(F. oignon); Lat. unionem.

O3*ein, prep. against, MD; see A3*ein.

O3*eines, prep. in comparison with,S; see A3*eines.

O3*en, v. to owe, S; see Owen,v.

O3*en, adj. own, S; see Owen,adj.

O3*t, sb. aught, S; see Ought.

Pace, sb.; see Pas.

Pace, v.; see Passen.

Padde, sb. toad, SkD; pades,pl., S; paddis, SkD. Comb.:pad-stoole, toad-stool, Manip.—­Icel.padda.

Paddok, sb. toad, Prompt.; frog, W2;paddoke, rana, Voc. (n); padockes,pl., grenouilles, Palsg. Comb.:paddok-stole, fungus, toad-stool, Cath.

Paene, adj. pagan, S; see Payen.

Pagent, sb. a pageant, pagina,Prompt.; pageant, scena, theatrum,Manip.

Pagent, sb. a page, writing; see below.

Pagyne, sb. page, writing, HD; pagine,SkD; pagent, SkD (s.v. page). Phr.:perfeccioun of dyuyne pagyne, H (p. 4).—­Lat.pagina, a written page, that which is written,a paragraph or book.

Pais, sb. peace, S; see Pees.

Pak, sb. a small bundle, PP; pakke,sarcina, Prompt.

Pakken, v. to pack, PP, Prompt.

Pak-nelde, sb. packing-needle, PP; pak-neelde,S2; paknedle, PP.

Pakok, sb. a peaco*ck, PP; see Peco*k.

Palesye, sb. paralysis, palsy, PP, S2;perlesy, HD; palesye, PP, S2; palesie,S2; palasie, S2; palacye, PP; palesy,W; palsye, P, Prompt.; parlesy, Cath.,SkD.—­OF. paralysie; Lat. paralysin;from Gr. [Greek: paralysis].

Paleys, sb. palace, C, C2, PP; paleis,PP; palais, S; palys, PP; paleyses,pl., PP; paleis, PP.—­AF. paleis,OF. palais; Lat. palatium.

Palfrey, sb. palfrey, saddle-horse,S2, C, PP; palfray, PP; palefrei, S.—­AF.palefrei, OF. palefreid (Roland); LowLat. paraveredum.

Palle, sb. the archbishop’s pallium,funeral pall, a costly kind of texture, a canopy,Prompt., HD, Voc.; pall, HD, WA; pal,S; pelle, Prompt., S; pell, S2; pelles,pl., S. Comb.: pallen webis,fabrics of pall or fine cloth, WA.—­LateLat. pallium and palla, see Ducange;cp. OF. pale, a kind of cloth (Ducange),and AS. pAoell, a rich texture (Voc.).

Pallen, v. to pall, to become vapid,Prompt., Palsg., SkD; palled, pp. enfeebled,C3.—­OF. pallir, to grow pale; seeConstans.

Palme, sb. palm (tree), palm of victory,WA; palm, palm-branch, C3.—­AF. palme;Lat. palma.

Palmere, sb. palmer, S, PP; palmers,pl. S2.—­AF. palmer;Church Lat. palmarium (acc.). See above.

Palmestrye, sb. palmistry, S3.See Paume.

Paltok, sb. jacket, PP, Prompt.; paltocke,HD, Palsg.; paltoke, Voc.—­OF. paletocque(Prompt., n). For cognates, see SkD (s.v.paltry].

Pament, sb. pavement, S3; see Pauement.

Pane, sb. a part or division of a thing,a skirt, Prompt., HD, SkD.—­OF, pan,a piece (Bartsch); Lat. pannum (acc.).Cf. Peny.

Panel, sb. a division, compartment,jurylist, piece of cloth on horse’s back, Cath.(n) PP, Sh.; panell, PP; panelle,subsellium. Cath.; pannell, HD,Palsg.—­AF. panel. See above.

Paneter, sb. butler, PP; pantere,Voc.; panter, PP.—­AF. panneter;Late Lat. panetarium (acc.). See Payn.

Panne, sb. pan, brain-pan, skull, PP,C3, Voc., Prompt.; ponne, PP; pan, C,—­AS.panne (Voc.); cp. Low Lat. panna(Ducange), and G. pfanne.

Pans, sb. pi. pence, W; see Peny.

Panter, sb. painter, pictor,Voc. See Peynten.

Panter, sb. a net, snare, CM, HD, Voc.;pantere, Prompt.; panther, Palsg., HD.—­OF.pantiere; Late Lat. panth[e*]ra; Gr.[Greek: panthyra]; see Ducange.

Pantere, sb. panther, S3, Voc.—­OF.pantere; Lat. panth[e*]ra; from Gr.[Greek: panthir.]

Panyer, sb. pannier, bread-basket, PP;payneres, pl., PP.—­AF. panyer.See Payn.

Papejay, sb. parrot, popinjay, C2; popeiay,PP; papinjay. Voc.; popinjay, Voc.;popyngay, S3, HD; papyngay, HD; papingais,pl., S3; popyngayes, S3.—­AF.papejaye parrot (mod. papegai); cp.OF. papegaux pl.; Low Lat. pappagallusby popular etymology from the Low Gr. [Greek:papagas,] see Ducange.

Pappe, sb. breast, S, Voc.; pappes,pl., S (n), WW; pappys, HD.

Par, prep. by, with. Comb.:par amour. by love, with love, C~; for paramour~,for love, C2; paramour, a lover (of either sex),C, WA; paranioure, Manip; par auenture,peradventure, S2, C2, C3, PP; perauntere, H;parauntre, S2; perauenture, W; parcas, by chance, C3; par de (par Dieu),C, C3; pardee, C2 par fay, by my faith,C2, C3.

Par-; see also under Per-.

Parage, sb. kindred, family; hence,birth, descent, HD, JD, CM; equality. DG.—­AF.parage; Late Lat. *_paraticum_, an equality,from Lat. par, equal. Cf. Disparage.

Parcel, sb-part, share, little bit,PP; parcele, WA.—­AF. parcele,part; Late Lat. particella; cp. It. particella.

Parcel-mele, adv. separately, bit bybit, PP; percel-mel, S2, PP.

Parcenel, sb. partner, H.

Parcenelynge, sb. partnership, H.

Parcener, sb. sharer, HD, W2; partener,W; partynere, S3; parceneris, pl.,W, W2; parteneris,W; partyneris, W.—­AF.parcenere, parsenere, pl. parceners, perceners;Late Lat. partionarinm (acc.).

Parchementer, sb. preparer of parchment,Cath.; parmenter, Voc.

Parchemyn, sb. parchment, W, PP; perchemyn,PP; perchemen, WA.—­AF. parchemin,Gr. [Greek: pergamaenae] from [Greek:Pergamos](cp. Lat. pergamena).

Parchment; see Passarnen.

Parclos, sb. an enclosure, partition,screen, S3, Palsg; parcloos, Prompt.; perclos,HD;~perclose~, HD.—­OF. parclos,pp.,A"losed completely; Lat. per+clausum.

Pardon, sb. pardon, PP.—­AF.pardun.

Pardoner, sb. a seller of pardons, C,PP;pardonere, Prompt.

Parement, sb. an adorning, C2, CM; paramentz,pl., C. Phr.: chambre of parementz,the presence-chamber, C2.—­OF. parement;also chambre de parement, the Chamber of Presence(Cotg.).

ParfAt, adj. perfect, S2, PP, GS, W;parfyt, PP; perfyt, C; parfight,C; perfit, C3, W; perfight, C.—­OF.parfit, parfeit; Lat. perfectum.

Parfithche, adv. perfectly,. PP;per-fitliche, PP; parfitly, C2, CM;parfitli, W; perfytliest, superl.,H.

Parfournen, v. to perform, PP, C2, CM,SPD (p. 280); parforme, PP; perfourne,PP; performen, PP.—­AF. parurnir,parfournir, to perform, to furnish. Cf.Furnish:

Parische, sb. parish, PP; parisch,PP; paresche, PP; parsche, PP.—­OF.paroisse; Church Lat. paroecia (alsoparochia); Gr. [Greek: parokhia].

Parischen, sb. parishioner, Cath., C;parisschens pl., PP, S2; parshens,PP.—­OF. paroissien. See above.

Paritorie, sb. pellitory, C3, SkD; peritorie,the wall-plant bartram, Manip.; paratory, colitropium,Voc.; parietary, HD.—­OF. paritoire,pellitory (Cotg.) and paritarie (Alph.); LateLat. paritaria (Alph.); Lat. parietaria,from paries, wall.

Parlement, sb. parliament, conference,PP, S2.—­AF. parlement, from OF.parler, to talk; Low Lat. parabolare(Brachet).

Parlesy; see Palesy.

Parloure, sb. the conversation roomin nunneries, PP; parlowr, ‘colloquotorium,’Cath.; parlur, S.—­OF. parloir;Church Lat. parlatorium (Ducange).

Parochien, sb. parishioner, PP; perrochioun,S3; paroschienes, pl., PP.—­OF.parochien; Church Lat. parochianum; fromparochia. See Parische.

Partie, sb. part, portion, PP; partye,party (in a law suit), PP; party, side, S2;parties, pl., parts, S2. Phr.:a party, partially, S2.—­AF. partie(partye), person; Lat. partita, divided.

Partly, adv. briskly; see Perk.

Partriche, sb. partridge, S3, PP; partrich,C; pertryche, Prompt.—­AF. perdrice,perdriz; Lat. perdicem.

Parvis, sb. the open space in frontof St. Paul’s cathedral, HD; parvys,C, CM; parvyse, HD; parvyce, Prompt.—­OF.parvis, the porch of a church, the outer courtof a palace (hence Low Lat. parvisum), parevis,pareA-s, paraA-s; Late Lat. paradisum (acc.),the portico of St. Peter’s, Rome (Ducange), alsoparadise (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: parhasiesos].For the intercalation of v in OF. parvis,see Brachet (s.v. corvA(C)e).

Pas, sb. a step, pace, pass, passage,canto, narrow path, C2, C3, PP, S2; paas,,C3; pass, S2; pace, Prompt.; pas,pl., S2; pases, S2.—­AF. pas;Lat. passum (acc.).

Paschen, v. to dash, to strike; pash,HD; paschte, pt. s., PP; passhed,pp., passchet, pp., S2.

Paske, sb. passover, W, PP, HD; pask,W.—­AF. pask; Church Lat. pascha;Gr. [Greek: phascha]; Heb. pesak, a passing-over.

Passamen, sb. a kind of lace, SPD (p.272), HD; passem*nts, pl., SPD, DG.Comb.: passamen lace, NQ (5. 9.231); parchment lace, SPD.—­OF. passem*nt,a lace (Cotg.): It. passamAino (Florio);cp. Sp. passamAino, G. posament(Weigand). Cf. Perchmentier.

Passen, v. to pass, surpass, PP, C2,C3; pace, S2, C2, C3; to die, C2; y-*passed,pp., PP; pasand, pr. p., S3.—­AF.passer.

Passyng, pr. p. as adv. surpassing,i. e. very, S3; adj., C3.

Passyngly, adv. in a surpassing degree,S3.

Pas-tans, sb. pastime, S3; pastance,S3; pastaunce, HD.—­OF. passe-tans,passe-tens, passe-temps.

Patter, v. to repeat prayers, to sayrepeatedly, S3; patred, pt. s, S3 (n),HD.—­From Church Lat. pater, the firstword in the pater-noster (’Our Father’).

Paue, v. to pave; y-paued, pp.,S3.—­OF. pauer.

Pauement, sb. pavement, C2; pauiment,SkD; pament, S3, Voc., Cath. (n), H;pawment, Prompt.—­AF. pavement;Lat. pauimentum.

Paume, sb. palm of the hand, PP; pawme,PP, W, Prompt; pame, Voc. Comb.:palme-play, game of ball played with the hand,S3.—­OF. paume, palm of the hand;Lat. palma; cp. F. jeu de paume,tennis.

Pautener, sb. a vagabond, a libertine,HD; adj., rascally, ribald, B.—­OF.pautonier, paltunier, a rascal (Bartsch); cp.Low Lat. paltonarius (Ducange). For cognatessee SkD (s. v. paltry).

Pauilon, sb. pavilion, tent, PP; pauilyoune,S2; pauiloun, lawyer’s coif, PP; pauyloun,coif, PP; pauylons, pl., tents, S2.—­AF.pavillon, tent; Lat. papilionem, a tent,a butterfly.

Pavyce, sb. a shield, defence, Prompt.;pauice, SkD; pauys, Prompt, (n),SkD., Voc., HD; pavisse, HD; pauish,Prompt, (n), HD; paluoise, Florio (s.v. testudine); palueise, Florio (s.v.pauese).—­AF. pavise; Low Lat.pavisium (acc.), also pavesium; cp.OF. pavois (Cotg.); Low Lat. pavensem(Ducange).

Pavyser, sb. a soldier armed with apavise, HD.

Pax-brede, sb. a tablet with a crucifixwhich received from the worshippers the ‘osculumpacis,’ Voc., HD. See Bred (2).

Paye, sb. satisfaction, HD, S2, PP;paie, S2; pay, S2.—­AF. paie.

Payen, v. to please, satisfy, pay, PP,S2, H; payed, pp., satisfied, PP; paied,W; payd, S2; paid, S2; y-payed,C.—­OF. paier, to satisfy, pay:Prov. pagar; Lat. pacare.

Payen, adj. and sb. pagan, heathen,C; as a personal name, Bardsley; payn,S; paene, S; payns, pl., S; paynes,S; pains, S; paens, S; payens,S2, C3, CM.—­AF. paA-en; Late Lat.paganum, heathen.

Payn, sb. bread, PP; payne, PP.Comb.: payn-demayn, bread madeof the finest flour, C2; paynmayn, Voc.; paynemayn,C2 (n); payman, Voc., HD.—­OF.pain demaine, demeine; Church Lat. panemdominicum, bread of our Lord.

Payne, sb. penalty, S2; see Peyne.

Paynyme, sb. heathendom, S; painime,S; paynym, a pagan, Saracen (an incorrect use),PP, H; payneme, S2; paynymes, pl.,PP; painems, HD (s.v. payen).—­AF.paenime, heathen lands, paganism; OF. paienisme;Late Lat. paganismum (ace.). See Payen.

Paynymery, sb. paganism, Cath.

Peak, v. to pry about narrowly, to peep,ND. Comb.: peak-goose, a peakinggoose, ND; peek-goos, S3; pea-goose,’a simple, doltish fellow, a noddy peak, a ninny-hammer,a coxe,’ Cotg. (s. v. benet).

Peakish, adj. looking sneakingly, ND.

Peas, sb. peace, S3; see Pees.

Pease, v. to become peaceable; peaste,pt. s., S3.

Pece, sb. a bit, portion, a cup, S2,PP, Prompt., Cath., Palsg.,HD; peyce, S3.—­AF.pece, piece; cp. Low Lat. pecia,a piece (Voc.), a cup (Ducange).

Peco*k, sb. peaco*ck, PP; peco*ke,Voc.; pekok, PP; paco*ke, Cath.; paco*k,Voc.; pakok, PP; poco*k, PP, C; pokok,PP; poco*kk, Voc.; pokoc, Voc.; paco*kkis,pl., S3.—­AS. pA(C)a (pAiwo);Lat. pauo; see Sievers, 37. 2. Cf. Poun.

Peekgoose, sb. a silly fellow, S3; seePeak.

Peel, sb. skin, rind of fruit, Cotg.(s. v. coupeau).—­OF. pel;Lat. pellem.

Pees, sb. peace, silence, S2, C2, W,PP; pes, S, S2; peas, S3; pays,PP; pais, S.—­AF. pees, pes,OF. pais; Lat. pacem.

Peesid, pp. appeased, W2.

Peirement, sb. damage, detriment, W.

Peiren, v. to injure, PP, CM; peyren,PP; peired, pp., S2.—­OF.peirier; Late Lat. peiorare; cp.OF. empeirier, to become worse, to make worse,impair (Bartsch).

Peiryng, sb. damage, destruction, W.

Peis, sb. weight, PP; peys, S2,PP; peyce, Prompt.; peise, S3, Prompt.;poys, S3.—­OF. peis (pois);Lat. pensum.

Peisen, v. to weigh, W2; peysede,pt. s., S2; peised, PP; poised,PP.—­AF. peiser (poiser); Lat. pensare.

Peitrel, sb. breast-plate of a horsein armour, HD; peytrel, C3, Prompt.; pewtrel,Manip.; peytrelle, CM; paytrelle, HD,Voc.; pettrylle, Voc.—­AF. peitrel;Lat. pectorale.

Pelet, sb. pellet, stone-ball, S2, PP,Cath., CM, Prompt.; pelot, Prompt.; pylotes,pl., Cath. (n).—­AF. pelote,ball, cp. It. pillA cubedtta (Florio);dimin. of Lat. pila.

Pelle, sb. a pall, Prompt.; see Palle.

Pelrimage, sb. pilgrimage, S; see Pylgrimage.

Pelte, pt. s. pushed, S; see Pulten.

Pelure, sb. fur-work, PP; pellure,S2, Prompt., PP.—­AF. pelure, OF.peleA1/4re (from OF. pel); Late Lat.pellatura, from Lat. pellem, skin.

Pen, sb. a pen, enclosure, crib, Sh.,SkD; penne, caula, Manip.; penez,pl., S2. See Pynnen.

Penaunce, sb. suffering, punishment,penance, penitence, W, C, PP.—­OF. penance,peneAnce; Lat. poenitentia.

Penauncer, sb. one who imposes a penance,PP.

Penaunt, sb. one undergoing penance,C2, PP; penawnte, Prompt.—­OF. penant,peneAnt; Lat. poenitentem.

Pencell, sb. a little banner, pennon,S2; pensel, PP, CM; pensell, Palsg.,Cath. (p. 280_n_).—­OF. penoncel, pennoncel,dimin. of pennon, a flag, streamer. SeePenoun.

Penible, adj. careful to please, C2;see Peyneble.

Penid, sb. a pennet, little wreath ofsugar taken in a cold, sugar-candy, Florio (s.v. diapiA(C)de);penet, Florio; pennet, ND, Cotg., PP,Notes (p. 110); penydes, pl., Alph.—­OF.penide (Cotg.); Late Gr. [Greek: paenidion],a little twist of thread, from Gr. [Greek: paenae],thread. Cf. Dia-penidion.

Penne, sb. quill of a feather, Voc.;a pen, Cath.; pennes, pl., S2, W2.—­AF.penne; Lat. penna.

Penoun, sb. a pennon, small banner,SkD; pynoun, C; penounes, pl.,S3.—­AF. penon, feather of a cross-bowbolt, OF. pennon, feather of an arrow, flag,streamer; cp. It. pennA cubedne (Florio).

Peny, sb. penny, S2; penye, S;peny, S2; peni, S; pens, pl.,W, S2, S3, C3; pons, S2; pans, W. Comb.:penny-breid, penny’s breadth, S3.—­AS.pening(Mk. 12. 15), penning (Schmid),pending, a little pledge or token (SkD); cp.OHG. phending (Tatian), dimin. of phand;Lat. pannus, a piece of cloth; Late Lat. pannum,pledge, something pledged or pawned (Ducange).Cf. Pane.

Peosen, sb. pl. peas, S2; see Pese.

Per-; see also under Par-.

Perauntere, peradventure, H; see Par.

Percelmel, adv. bit by bit, S2; seeParcel-mele.

Percen, v. to pierce, S2, PP, C2; persen,W, PP; perche,
Cath., HD; pershaunt, pr. p., PP; persand,S3; pearst, pp.,
S3; persid, W2.—­AF. percer;OF. percher; Late
Lat. *_particare_, to part. For suffix _-icare_,cp. Late
Lat. *_coacticare_ (whence F. cacher); seeBH, ASec. 97. Cp. also
OF. person =_partitionem_, Ps. 15. 6 (Apfelstedt).

Perchmentier, sb. dealer in ‘parchmentlace,’ S3.—­Cp. It. passamentiere(Florio). See Passamen.

Percyl, sb. parsley, S2; percil,PP; percyll, Prompt.; parcelle, Cath.;persylle, Voc.; percelle, Cath.; persile,Alph.—­OF. persil; Late Lat. petrocillum(Voc.); from Gr. [Greek: petroselinon].For the effect of the Greek accent see Brachet, andcp. F. encre (Enke).

Pere, adj. and sb. equal, a peer,PP, C2; per, SkD; peer, PP, C2; peare,S3; peres, pl.,PP; pieres, S3.—­AF.per (pl. pers, peres); Lat. parem.

Pere, sb. pear, Voc., Cath.; peere,Prompt.; perys, pl., CM. Comb.:peere apple, Prompt.; pere-ionette, anearly ripe pear, PP; perjonette, CM.—­AS.pere, peru; Lat. pirum.Cf. Pereye.

Peregrin, adj. foreign; peregryn,C2.—­OF. peregrin; Lat. peregrinum.Cf. Pylgrim.

Peregrin, sb. a kind of falcon, HD.—­Cp.Late Lat. peregrina falco (Ducange).

Peren, v. to appear, P.—­OF.pareir (paroir); Lat. pare*re,to appear.

Pereye, sb perry, S2, Voc.; perre,Prompt.; pirrey, Cath.; pirre, Cath.Comb.: piri-whit, white perry, S2,PP.—­OF. perey, perA(C), peirA(C)(mod. poirA(C)), from peire (mod. poire),pear; cp.. Late Lat. piretum (Voc.), from_pirum_.

Perfet, adj. perfect, C3, W; see Parfit.

Perk, adj. proud, pert, elated, HD;perke, ND; pert, SkD; partly,adv., briskly, S3.

Perken, v. to smarten, to trim, SkD(s.v. pert); pyrkis, pr. s.,S3.

Pernel, sb. Pernel, or Parnel,a common female name, S2,. Bardsley; purnele,a concubine, PP.—­OF. Peronelle; LateLat. Petronilla, name of a saint.

Perreye, sb. jewelry, precious stones,PP; perreie, S2; perrye, C, PP, HD;perrey, S2; perree, C2.—­AF.perrye; OF. pierrerie, precious stones;from OF. piere, pere; Lat. petra,stone.

Pers, adj. dark rich blue, sky-coloured,bluish grey, CM, C; perss, S3.—­OF.pers (Bartsch); cp. It. perso, LowLat. persus, perseus (Ducange).

Perte, adj. manifest, obvious, S2, PP;adv. openly, PP. See Apert.

Pertelyche, adv. plainly, evidently,S2; pertelich, PP; pertly, truly, S2;openly, P; pertely, completely, S2.

Pes, sb. peace, S,S2; see Pees.

Pese, sb. a pea, PP; peose, PP;peese, PP; pesen, pl., PP; peosen,S2; peses, PP. Comb.: pese-coddes,pea-pods, S2, P; pes-codes, S3; pese-lof,loaf made with peas, P.—­AS. piose (pyse,pise), pease; Lat. pi*sa, pl. of_pi*sum_.

Pesibilte, sb. a calm, W. See Pees.

Pesible, adj. peaceful, W2.—­OF.paisible; Late Lat. pacibilem.

Pesiblenesse, sb. calm, S2, W; pesibilnesse,W.

PettaAl, sb. rabble, B; see Pitaile.

Pettes, sb. pl. pits, S2; see Pyt.

Peyne, sb. pain, penalty, C2, W, PP;peine, S2; payne, S2.—­AF.payne,paine, OF. peine; Late Lat. pe*na;Lat. poena. Cf. Pyne.

Peyneble, adj. pains-taking, S2; penyble,HD; penible, C2.—­OF. penible,laborious.

Peynen, v. reflex. to take pains, PP,S2, C2; peyned, pp., punished, W.

Peynten, v. to paint, CM, PP; peynt,pp., S3, CM; peynted, C2; y-peynt,S3.—­From OF. peint, pp. of peindre;Lat. pingere, see Brachet.

Peynture, sb. picture, CM.—­OF.peinture (AF. painture).

Phantasie, sb. fancy, S3.—­Gr.[Greek: phantasia].

Philautia, sb. explained ‘philosophy’,S3; philautie, self-love, ND.—­Gr.[Greek: philautia], self-love.

Philosophre, sb. philosopher, C2, C3;philosophres, pl., C3; philosophers,PP.—­OF. philosophe; Lat. philosophum(acc.); Gr. [Greek: philosophos], a lover ofwisdom. For the r added in the Englishword, cp. chorister for F. choriste.

Picchen, v. to pitch, to fix, to pick,divide with a sharp point, P; pitchinge, pr.p., W; pi3*te, pt. s., SD; pightehim, pitched, fell, SkD; pi3*ten, pl.,W; piht. pp., PP; pi3*t, WA;pight, S3, PP, ND; py3*te, PP. Cf.Pyken.

Pich, sb. pitch, S; see Pikke.

Pigge, sb. pig, porcellus, Manip.;pygge, Prompt. Comb.: pigsnie,‘pig’s eye,’ a term of endearment,ND; piggesneyghe, CM; pigsny, ND, S3.

Pike, v. to pitch, S; pykke,Cath.

Pikke, sb. pitch, Cath.; pyk,Prompt.; pyche, Prompt.; pych, S; pich,S.—­AS. pic (Voc.); Lat. picem.

Piler, sb. pillar, S, PP, C2, C; pyler,PP; pilere, W; pylere, Prompt.—­AF.piler; Low Lat. pilare (Ducange).

Pillage, sb. plunder; pyllage,SkD; pilage, WA.

Pillen, v. to peel, Prompt.; pille,Cath.; pill, Cotg., WW; pilie, PP; pilled,pp., bald, WW,Prompt.; piled, C; pilde,peeled, bare, S3. Phr.: pille garleke,vellicare, Cath.—­OF. peler(Cotg.), also piller (Palsg.); Lat. pilare,to deprive of hair, from pilus, hair.

Pillen, v. to plunder, CM, ND; pylle,S3; pilen, PP; pil, H; pylen,PP; pylled, pt. pl., S3.—­OF.piller (Cotg.); Late Lat. pilare (Ducange).

Pillery, sb. rapine, ND.

Pilling, sb. robbery, S3.

Pillour, sb. plunderer, PP; piloure,PP; pyllars, pl., S3.

Pilwe, sb. pillow, CM; pilewe,S2; pilous, pl., CM.—­AS.pyle (= *_pulwi_); Lat. pulvinus; cp.OHG, phuliwi(Tatian).

Pilwe-beer, sb. pillow-case, C; pillowe-bere,Cath.; pyllo-berys, pl., HD.

Pinchen, v. to find fault, C3; pynche,C; i-pynched, pp., plaited, C. Phr.:I pynche courtaysye, je fays le nyce,Palsg.—­OF. pincer; It picciare,to pinch with a beak (Florio); from piccio,a beak, bill (Florio).

Pirie, sb. pear-tree, S2, P.—­AS.pirige (Voc.). See Pere.

Piri-whit, sb. white perry, S2; seePereye.

Pirries, sb. pl. storms of wind, S3;see Pyry.

Piscence, sb. might, S3; see Puissance.

Pistle, sb. epistle, PP, W, S3; pystyl,Prompt.; pistil, PP, C2; pistill, WA;pistlis, pl.,W.—­OF. epistle(epistre,Cotg.); Lat. epistola; Gr. [Greek:epistolae], message.

Pitaile, sb. footsoldiers, infantry,S2; pettaill, rabble, B; pitaill, B;pitall, B.—­AF. pitaille, foot-soldiers,OF. pietaille, a troop of footmen (Cotg.); fromOF. piet; Lat. pedem.

Pitaunce, sb. provision, share, portion,dole, PP, C, CM; pytaunce, PP; pytawnce,Prompt.—­OF. pitance (Bartsch); LowLat. pictancia (Ducange).

Plage, sb. plague (= Lat. plaga),W; plague, Sh.; plagis, pl.,W.—­Lat. pla*ga (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:plaegae], a blow, stroke, plague (LXX); cp. OF.plaie.

Plage, sb. a region, Cath.; plages,pl., S2, C3, HD.—­OF, plage,a region, land, sea-coast (Cotg.); Lat. pla*ga(Vulg.).

Plaid, sb. plea, dispute in a law-court,S; plait, S; plee, Prompt.; placitum,Voc.; ple, SkD, W; play, SkD; place,pl., pleas, S3.—­AF. plait, play,OF. plaid, plait, plat, proceedings in a law-court,a trial, law-court; Late Lat. placitum, literally,what is pleasing, hence a decision, law-court, pleading.

Plaidi, v. to plead, bring a complaint,argue, S; plede, PP; placitare, Voc.;plete, PP, S3, Prompt.—­AF. plaider,OF. pleidier.

Plaiding, sb. pleading, S; pledyng,PP; pletynge, S3, Prompt.

Plat, adj. flat, level, Prompt.; adv. completely, fully, JD, C2.—­OF. plat.

Platly, adv. fatly, fully, S3, HD, Prompt.

Plate, sb. plate-armour, S2, C2; plates,pl., PP.—­AF. plate, a plateof metal, bullion, silver-plate, f. of plat,flat.

Platte, pt. s. reflex. threw himselfflat, PP, S2.

Playn, adv. plainly, clearly, C2, C3;see Pleyn.

Playne, v. to complain, S2, PP; playn,S3; pleyne, PP, C2; pleyn, S3; plane,S3; pleignen, pr. pl., S2; pleynand,pr. p., S2; plenand, H.—­OF.plaign-, stem of plaignant, pr. p. ofplaindre (pleindre); Lat. plangere.

Playnte, sb. complaint, lament, PP;pleinte, C2; pleyntes, pl., C3.—­OF.pleinte; Late Lat. plancta, from Lat.plangere.

Playnyng, sb. complaint, S3.

Playte, sb. a fold, plica, Prompt.;pleytes, pl., plaits of a cord, HD.—­OF.pleit, a fold; Lat. plicitum, folded.Cf. Plite.

Playten, v. to fold, Prompt.; plettand,pr. p., S3; pletede, pt. s.,S2.

Ple, sb. plea, W; see Plaid.

Pleinte, sb. complaint, C2; see Playnte.

Plenere, adj. full, PP; adv.in full numbers, PP; plener, PP, HD.—­OF.plenier; Late Lat. plenarium.

Plenerliche, adv. fully, HD; plenerly,S2.

Plenissen, v. to fill; plenyst,pp., S3.—­From OF. pleniss-,stem of plenissant, pr. p. of plenir,from Lat. plenum.

Plentee, sb. plenty, C2; plente,Prompt.—­OF. plentA(C); Lat. plenitatem.

Plenteuous, adj. plenteous, abundant,C, PP; plenteuouse, W; plentiuous, SkD;plentefous, H; plentuos, S2; plenteus,SkD.—­OF. plentivous.

Plenteuouslier, adv. comp. more plenteously,W.

Plenteuousnesse, sb. plenteousness,HD.

Plentuuste, sb. plentifulness, H.

Plesaunce, sb. pleasure, kindness.PP; plesance, B, S2, Cath., C2.—­OF.plaisance.

Plete, v. to plead, S3, PP, HD, Prompt.;see Plaidi.

Pletede, pt. s. plaited, folded up,S2; see Playten.

Pley, sb. play, C2; pleie, S.—­AS.plega, brisk motion, fight, play (OET).

Pleyen, v. to play, amuse oneself, PP,C2; pleien, S, PP; pleiden, pt. pl.refl., S2.—­AS. plegian, toplay on an instrument (OET), to play, ‘ludere,’to move briskly (Grein), plegan (Sievers, 391):OS. plegan, to wager, to answer for; cp.OHG. plegan (Otfrid).

Pleyn, adj. even, level, plain, clear,Prompt, C, C3; playn, B; adv. plainly,clearly, C3; playn, C3.—­AF. plain;Lat. planum.

Pleyn, v. to complain, S3; see Playne.

Pleyn, adj. full, C, C3, PP.—­OF.plein; Lat. plenum.

Pleynly, adv. fully, C.

Pliht, sb. danger, S2; pli3*t,WA.—­AS. pliht (OET.).

Plihten, v. to pledge, plight, PP, S2;plyghte, PP, Prompt.; pli3*te, S; plyghte,pt. s., PP; ply3*hten, pl., PP;pliht, pp., PP, S2; plyht, S2;pli3*t, PP; ply3*t, S3; plight,PP; plyght, C3; i-pluht, S; y-pli3*te,PP; i-pli3*t, S2.—­AS. plihtan,to imperil, to venture (Schmid).

Plihtful, adj. dangerous, S2.

Plite, sb. state, condition, manner,SkD (p. 822), CM, WA; see Plyte.

Plouh, sb. plough, PP; plow,Prompt.; plewch, B; plou3*, PP; ploh,S2; plewys, pl., S3. Comb.:plouh-fot, plough-foot, PP; plow-lond,a measure of land, carru-*cata, S2; plowelond,Voc.; plowlond, Prompt.; ploghe of lande,Cath.; plowes of lond, G; plow-man,ploughman, C2, PP; plou3*man, PP; pluch-ox,plough-ox, S3; plowstert, plough-tail or handle,Prompt.—­Icel. plA cubedgr, plough;cp. AS. ploh, ploughland (SkD), OHG. pluag,plough (Otfrid).

Plukken, v. to pluck, PP, Prompt.; plokken,PP; plyghte, pi. s., CM, C2, PP; plyght,pp., C2 (p. 290).—­AS. pluccian.

Plume, sb. feather; plumes, pl.,PP; plomys, S3.—­OF. plume;Lat. pluma.

Plye, v. to bend, C2.—­AF.plier; Lat. plicare, to fold.

Plyght, pp. plighted, pledged, C3; seePlihten.

Plyghte, pt. s. plucked, pulled, C2;see Plukken.

Plyte, sb. state, condition, Prompt.,C3, WA; plite, CM, WA; plit, S2.—­OF.plite, SkD (p. 822), pliste; Late Lat.*_plicita_, from Lat. plicare, to fold.Cf. Playte, Plye.

Poer, sb. power, S2; poeir, S2;power, Prompt.; powere, army, WA; pouwer,PP.—­OF. poA"r, poeir; LateLat. pote*re, to be able.

Poised, pt. s. weighed, PP; see Peisen.

Poke, sb. a bag, Cath., PP, S; pooke,Prompt.; poc, S2; powke, PP; pouh3*,PP.—­Cp. ODu. poke.

Poket, sb. pocket, Prompt.; pokets,pl., C3.

Pokke, sb. pustule, Prompt.; poke,Voc.; pokkes, pl., C3, Voc., PP.

Pokok, sb. a peaco*ck, PP; see Peco*k.

Polcat, sb. polecat, C3; pulkat,Prompt., Voc.; pulcatte, SkD; powlkat,SkD.—­ME. pol-; OF. pole, polle;Lat. pulla. Cf. Pulte.

Poletes, sb. pl. pullets, S2; see Pulte.

Polische, v. to polish, PP; pulische,Cath.; puliche, Cath.; polsche, PP;pulsche, PP; pulched, pp., S3.—­FromOF. poliss-, stem of polissant, pr. p.of polir; Lat. polire.

Poll, sb. poll, head, WW; head, person,WA; pol, PP; polles, pl., PP.Comb.: poll-ax, pole-axe, C; polax,CM.

Poll, v. to cut off the hair, WW, Manip.;powled, pt. pl., WW; pollid,pp., W, W2; powled, WW. Comb.:polled hen, C (p. 125); pulled hen,bald, moulting hen, C.

Polle, v. to get money unfairly, byextortion, Palsg.; poll, spoliare, Manip.,S3, ND, Sh.—­The same word as above.

Poller, sb. an extortioner, ND.

Polling, sb. unfair exaction, S3.

Polyue, sb. pulley, C2, CM; polyff,ONE (1. 108).

Pomade, sb. cider, PP.

Pomage, sb. cider, HD.

Pome, sb. pomade, S3. Comb.:pome-water, a kind of apple, HD; pom-water,the apple of the eye, HD.—­OF. pome,apple; Lat. pomum.

Pomel, sb. a knob, a boss, C, W2; pomels,pl., S3; pomelles, HD.

Pomely, adj. spotted like an apple,C, C3; pomelee, HD. Comb.: pomelygris (=_gris pommelA(C)_), dapple grey, Cotg.—­OF.pommelA(C).

Ponne, sb. pan, PP; see Panne.

Pons, sb. pl. pence, S2; see Peny.

Pope, sb. the pope, PP; pape,S. Der.: popetrie, popery, S3.—­AS.pAipa; Church Lat. papa.

Popet, sb. puppet, C2, SkD, CM.—­OF.poupette.

Popyngay, sb. parrot, popinjay, S3;see Papejay.

Poraille, sb. poor people, C; see Poueraill.

Porchas, sb. gain, winnings, S2; seePurchas.

Pore, adj. poor, S2; see Pouer.

Poret, sb. a kind of leek, PP, Prompt.;porettes, pl., S2, P.—­OF.porrette (Cotg.).

Pors, sb. purse, S2; see Purse.

Portatyf, adj. portable, light, P.—­OF. portatif, lively of body (Cotg.).

Porte, sb. gate, WW; port, Sh.;portis, pl., S3.—­AF. porte;Lat. porta.

Portrey, v. to pourtray, FP; purtreye,PP; purtraye, PP; purtreied, pp.,S3; portred, S3; porturat, S3.—­OF.portray-, stem of portrayant, pr. p.of portraire; Late Lat. protrahere.

Porueid, pp. provided, S2; see Purueyen.

Pose, sb. cold in the head, S2, Prompt.,Cath., Palsg., Voc., C3.—­Wel. pas,a cough; for cognates see SkD (s. v. wheeze),and Brugmann, ASec. 441.

Possen, v. to push, S, PP, CM, Prompt.;posshen, PP.—­OF. pousser,poulser; Lat. pulsare, frequent, of pellere.

Pot, sb. a vessel for cooking or drinkingfrom, SkD. Comb.: pot-parlament,a talk over one’s cups, S3; pot-sherd,potsherd, S3; pot-styk, pot-stick, motarium,Voc.; pot-stykke, motorium, Voc.; pot-stick,S3.

Potte, pt. s. put, S2; see Putten.

Pouderen, v. to powder, SkD; poulderen,S3; pulderit, pp., S3.—­OF.poudrer, poldrer; Lat. puluerare.

Poudre, sb. powder, C3, W; pouder,PP; poudir, W; poulder, HD; pulder,S3. Comb.: poudre marchaunt, flavouringpowder, C.—­AF. poudre, puldre,OF. *_pulre_; Lat. puluerem, dust.

Povn, sb. peaco*ck, S3.—­OF.poun, paon; Lat. pauonem; seeBH (Introd., 27). Cf Pe-co*k.

Pound, sb. pound, PP; punde,dat., S; pownd, pl., S2. Comb.:pound-mele, by pounds at a time, PP, S2; pound-mel,P.—­AS. pund; Lat. pondus,a weight.

Pound, sb. an enclosure, pound, pond,S2; pond, SkD; ponde, Prompt.; poonde,Cath. Comb.: pondfolde, a pound,pin-fold, PP; poundfalde, PP; ponfolde,PP.—­AS. pund, an enclosure (Schmid).

Pouren, v. to pore, gaze steadily, C3;pore, CM; powre, C; pure, S;pirith, pr. s., PP.

Pous, sb. pulse, PP, CM; pouce,S2; powce, Prompt.—­OF. pouls,polz; Lat. pulsum (acc.).

PoustA", sb. power, P, B, HD, H (77.65); poste, HD; potestat, W; poustees,pl., violent attacks, PP; potestatis,powers, W.—­AF. pouste, poA"ste,OF. podeste; Lat. potestatem.

Pout, v. to poke, to stir with a longinstrument, JD. Comb.: pout-staff,a net fastened to two poles, used for poking the banksof rivers, JD, S3.

Poueraill (Poveraill), sb. the poorpeople, B; purraile, PP; poraille, PP,C; porails, pl., W2.—­AF. poverail.

PouertA” (PovertA"), sb. poverty,meanness, shabbiness, PP, C2, WA; powerte,B; pouert, WA, PP, S2, S3, C3, W, W2.—­OF.povertA"; Late Lat. paupertam; see Constans(SupplA(C)ment, p. 32).

Poure (Povre), adj. poor, S, PP, S2,C2; pouere, PP, S2; pouer, S2; pore,S, S2; pure, S2, S3; pouerore, comp.,S2; pourest, superl., C2; poure,adv., C2.—­OF. povre; Lat.pauperem.

Poureliche (Povreliche), adv. poorly,C2; pourely, C.

Poynt, sb. point, a small portion, abit, S2; poynte, Prompt. Phr.:at the poynt, conveniently placed, S2; inpoint, at the point, about to, S2.—­OF.point; Lat. punctum. Comb.:point-deuys, at point-deuys, with the greatestexactness, in detail, minutely, CM, C2; point-device,HD.—­OF. point; Lat. punctum.

Poyntil, sb. a style to write with,W, W2, poyntyle, Voc.—­OF. pointille.

Poys, sb. weight, S3; see Peis.

Prane, sb. prawn, Prompt., Manip., Palsg.,ND; praune, SkD; pranys, pl.,S3.—­OF. *_parne_, *_perne_; Lat. perna,a ham; cp. It. perna, a nakre fish (Florio).For the changes in meaning, cp. It. gambarelli,prawns (Florio), from gamba, a leg.

Pranglen, v. to press; prangled,S.—­Cp Du. prangen; Goth, praggan,to press.

Prank, adj. full of sensational tricks;pranker, comp., ND.

Pranken, v. to arrange the folds ofa dress, SkD, Prompt., Palsg., HD; prancke,ND; pranke, to frisk about, Manip.

Pranker, sb. one who dresses gaily,ND.

Prankie, adj. fine, gorgeous, S3.

Praty, adj. pretty, elegantulus,Prompt.; prestans, Cath.; pretie, scitus,facetus, Manip.; prately, adv.,CM.—­Cp. Late Lat. practicus,‘peritus’ (Ducange).

Prayabill, adj. to be entreated, H.

Prayen, v. to pray, PP; see Preyen.

Prechen, v. to preach, C2.—­OF.precher (prescher); Lat. praedicare.

Prechour, sb. preachers, PP; prechoures,pl., PP, S3.—­OF. precheAr;Lat. praedicatorem.

Predicament, sb. in logic, one of themost general classes into which things can be distributed;predicamentes, pl., S3.—­Schol.Lat. praedicamentum.

Prees, sb.; see Presse.

Preie, sb. prey, S; pray, Prompt.,PP; prayes, pl., spoils, S2.—­OF.preie (mod. proie); Late Lat. pre*da;Lat. praeda); cp. AF. praie.

Prente, sb. print, impression, SkD;prent, S3; preynt, Prompt.; prynte,PP, W.—­OF. preint, pp. of preindre;Lat. premere, to press.

Prenten, v. to print, impress, CM; preentyn,Prompt.

Prentis, sb. apprentice, S2, P; prentyce,Prompt.; prentys, PP; pl., PP; prentises,PP. See Aprentis.

Prentishode, sb. apprenticeship, PP.

Presse, sb. a press, throng, SkD, PP;pres, CM, C2; prees, CM, S2, C2, C3;prease, Cotg., S3; preace, S3.—­AF.presse, a throng.

Pressour, sb. press for cloth, S2, PP;winepress, W; pressoure, pressorium,Cath.; presour, W; pressours, pl.,W2.—­OF. pressoir; Lat. pressorium.

Prest, adj. ready, quick, G, S2, S3;adv., PP, S3; presteste, superl.,S2; prestest, P; prestliche, adv.,readily, PP; prestly, PP; prestely,S2.—­AF. prest; Late Lat. praestum(Ducange).

Prest, sb. priest, S,PP, S2, C2; preest,PP; preeste, Prompt.; preostes, pl.,S2; prestes, S2; prustes, S2.—­AS.prA(C)ost; Church Lat. presbyter (Vulg.);Gr. [Greek: presbyteros], elder (LXX).

Preste, adj. superl. (for_pret-ste_),proudest, highest, S2; see Proud.

Presthod, sb. presthood, PP; preesthood,Prompt.

Preuen, v. to prove, try, test, abidea test, C2, C3; see Prouen.

Prevy, adj. privy, secret, S3; see Pryue.

Preyen, v. to pray, C2, PP, Prompt.:;preien, PP, S, S2; preith, pr. s.,S2; prei3*ede, pt. s., PP; preide,S, PP; preyd, S2; y-prayed, pp.,S2, C2.—­AF. preier (praier); LateLat. precare.(Lat. precari).

Preyere, sb. prayer, Prompt., S2, C2;preiere, PP.—­AF. preiere:It. pregaria; Church Lat. precaria.

Pricasour, sb. a hard rider, C, CM.

Price, sb. high esteem, S2; see Prys.

Pricket, sb. a buck; see Pryket.

Primate, sb. the first place, H.—­Lat.primatus (Vulg.).

Primordyall, sb. origin, S3.—­OF.primordial; Church Lat. primordialem(Ducange).

Prim-se3*nen, v. to give the primasignatio, to sign with the cross, an act preliminaryto christening; primm-se3*3*nesst, 2 pr.s., S; y-primisined, pp., S2.—­OFprimseigner (Ducange); cp. Icel. primsigna.

Principatus, sb. pl. powers, dominions,rulers, W.—­Lat. principatus (Vulg.).

Prisun, sb. prison, S.—­AF.prisun; Lat. prensionem, prehensionem,a taking, a capture. Cf. Pryson.

Prisun, sb. a prisoner; prisunes,pl., S; prysouns, PP; prysuns,H; prisons, S2; prisounes, P; presons,WA.—­AF. prisoun, OF. prison;see Constans.

Prisuner, sb. gaoler, keeper of a prison,S.

Proces, sb. narrative, history, C2,HD, WA.—­OF. procA"s; Lat. processum.

Proche, v. to approach; prochinge,pr. p, S3.—­OF. procher (inapprocher); Late Lat. propiare.

Procuratour, sb. proctor, agent, PP;procuratoure, steward, W; proketowre,Prompt.—­AF. procuratour; Lat. procuratorem(Vulg.).

Profyte, sb. profit, Prompt.; prophete,PP.—­AF. profit; Lat. profectum.

Profyten, v. to profit, Prompt.; profitide,pt. s., grew, W; prophitide, pl.,S2.

Proheme, sb. a proem, prologue, C2.—­OF.proeme; Lat. proemium; Gr. [Greek:prooimion].

Proinen, v. to prune, preen, trim, adorn,SkD, HD, ND; proigne, HD; prune, CM,SkD; proynd, pp., S3.—­OF.progner, also provigner, to propagateby taking cuttings (Cotg.),; from OF. provin,a sucker (Cotg.), also provain; Lat. propaginem.

Proiner, sb. pruner, ND.

Prollen, v. to search about, prowl,C3, Prompt., Palsg.; proule, Manip.

Promissioun, sb. promise. Phr.:the lond of promyssioim (or of beheste),the Holy Land, S2.—­Lat. promissionem;cp. terra repromissionis (Heb. II.9, Vulg.).

Promyt, v. to promise, S3, JD.—­Lat.promittere; cp. OF. prometre.

Propre, adj. separate, distinct, PP,C2; fine, goodly, PP, C3; proper, S2.—­AF.propre, fit; Lat. proprium.

Propreliche, adv. properly, suitably,PP.

Proprete, sb. property, peculiarity,SkD; propirte, PP; propertes, pl.,S2, WA; propurtes, PP.—­OF. proprietA(C),a property (Cotg.); Lat. proprietatem.

Prospectyues, sb. pl. perspective glasses,C2. Comb.: prospective glass, telescope,C2 (n).—­OF. prospective, ’theprospective, perspective or Optick art’ (Cotg.).

Proud, adj. proud, PP, WA; prowd,PP; prout, PP, S2; prud, S; prut,S; prute, pl., S; prude, S; preste(pretste), superl., S2.—­AS.prAt; cp. Icel. prAA deg.r.

Proue, sb. proof, S3; preue,CM, C2; preef, C3; prief, S3.—­OF.preuve; Late Lat. proba; from Lat. probare.

Prouen, v. to prove, try, test, PP,S; preouen, S2, PP; preuen, PP, C2,C3; pruf, imp. pl., I, S2; preuede,pt. s., S2; proued, pl., S2;preued, pp., S3.—­OF. prover(prouver); Lat. probare.

Prouende, sb. food, Manip.; prouendre,food, PP; a prebend, ecclesiastical benefice, PP,CM.—­OF. provende (provendre]; ChurchLat. praebenda, a ration, allowance, see BH(Introd. ASec. 40).

Prouendre, sb. a prebendary, SkD.—­OF. provendier.

Prouendren, v. to provide with prebends,P.

Prouendreres, sb. pl. men who hold prebends,S2, PP.

Prouisours, sb. pl. men named by thepope to a living not vacant, S2, PP.—­ChurchLat. provisores (Ducange).

Prow, sb. profit, advantage, C, C3,G, H, PP, HD; prou, H.—­OF. prou,pru, advantage (Bartsch).

Prowesse, sb. prowess, S2; pruesse,S.—­AF. pruesse, OF. proece.

Prustes, sb. pl. priests, S2; see Prest.

Prut, adj. proud, S; see Proud.

Pryde, sb. pride, PP; prute,S2; prude, PP, S, S2; pruyde, P; pruide,PP, S2; pride, S2 (p. 74).—­AS. prA1/2te.See Proud.

Prydeles, adj. void of pride, C2.

Pryen, v. to pry, PP, C3; prien,PP; pry, Cath.; prie, 1 pr. s.,Palsg.

Pryk, sb. a sting, Prompt.; prik,point, WA.

Pryket, sb. a young buck, capriolus,Prompt.; pricket, a buck in his second year(named from his pricking horns), S3, HD, Cotg.(s. v. dagard).

Prykie, v. to prick, goad, spur, ridefast, PP; prikken, C2, Prompt.; pryghte,pt. s., C2.

Prykiere, sb. rider, horseman, PP.

Prykke, sb. a broach, Prompt.; prikke,puncture, sting, C, C2.

Pryklyng, pr. p. urging, S3.

Pryme, sb. the period from six o’clockto 9 a.m., also 9 a.m., Prompt., S, PP, C2, C3; prime,S, S3, WA. Phr.: hei3* prime, highprime, 9 a.m., PP. Comb.: prime-*tide,prime, S.—­Church Lat. prima.

Prymer, sb. primer, C2.

Pryns, sb. prince, PP; prynce,Prompt.—­AF. prince; Lat. principem.

Prynshode, sb. princely dignity, W;prinshod, W.

Prynte, sb. print, W; see Prente.

Prys, sb. price, prize, value, excellence,high esteem, C, C2, PP; pris, S, S2, PP; price,WA, S2; pryce, Prompt.—­AF. pris;Lat. pre*tium, see BH, ASec. 32.

Prys, adj. prize, chief, PP; pris,S2; prijs, S3.

Prysen, v. to set a price, Prompt.;priss, to prize, S2.

Pryson, v. to put in prison, Prompt.;y-prisoned, pp., G. See Prisun.

Prysonere, sb. prisoner, captive, Prompt.;prisonere, PP.—­OF. prisonier,AF. prisuner.

Pryue, adj. secret, intimate, PP, S2;priuee, C2, C3; priuei, S2; prevy,S3; priuee, adv., C2; priues,sb. pl., secret friends, P; priueliche,adv., secretly, S2, PP; priuely, C2;pryuely, C2.—­AF. prive; Lat.priuatum.

Pryuen, v. to deprive, Prompt.; prife,H; pryuyd, pt. s., H.—­OF.priver; Lat. priuare.

Pryuete, sb. privity, secret counsel,PP; priuitee, S2, C2, C; pryuyte, S2.—­AF.privete.

Psalme, sb. psalm, H, PP; see Salm.

Psautere, sb. psalter, H (p. 3); seeSauter.

Publisshen, v. to make public, PP, C2;puplische, W (Mt. I. 19); pupplische,S2; publice, imp. s., PP.—­Aform due to analogy from OF. publier; Lat. publicare.

Pucelle, sb. a girl, maiden; pucell,S3.—­OF. pucelle, pulcelle;dimin. from Lat. pullus, the young of any animal;cp. OF. polle, maiden (Bartsch). Cp.Pulte, Polcat.

Pukken, v. to poke, push, incite, P;pukked, pt. s., P.

Pulched, pp. polished, S3; see Polische.

Pulte, sb. pullet, Prompt.; poletes,pl., S2, PP.—­OF. polete;dim. of pole, polle; Lat. pulla.Cf. Pucelle, Polcat.

Pulten, v. to push, beat, strike, put,PP, S2; pelte, PP; pilte, PP, SkD (s.v.pelt); pulte, pt. s., PP; pult,PP, S2; pelte, S; pelt, PP; i-pilt,pp., G; pilt, S, SkD.

Pulter, sb. poulterer, Cath.—­AF.poleter, pulleter.

Pultrie, sb. poultry, S3, C, Prompt.;pultery, name of a London street, the Poultry,S3.—­AF. pultrie, poletrie.

Punde, sb. dat. pound; see Pound(I).

Puple, sb. people, PP, Prompt., W2;pupel, S2; poeple, PP; puplis,pl., W2.—­OF. peuA3/4le, poeA3/4le(AF. people); Lat. populum.

Pur, adj. pure, thorough, complete,S2, PP; pure, PP, S3, C; puir, PP; puire,PP; pur, adv., completely, S2; pure,merely, very, S3; purlyche, adv., purely,completely, S3.—­OF. pur; Lat. purum.

Purchacen, v, to acquire, purchase,PP; purchasen, C3.—­AF. purchacer,to pursue, to acquire; OF. porchacier.

Purchas, sb. gain, winnings, C, G; porchas,S2.—­AF. purchas.

Purchasour, sb. prosecutor, C.—­AF.purechasour.

Purchasyng, sb. prosecution, C.

Purfil, sb. the furred trimming of adress, P; purfyle, P; purfle, a hem,Manip.

Purfilen, v. to embroider on an edge,to purl, C, P; purfle, Cotg.—­OF.pourfiler, from filer, to twist threads,from fil, thread; Lat. filum.

Purpre, sb. purple garments, S, PP;purpire, H (44. II); purpour, adj.,S3; purpur, W; purpres, pl., purplecoverings, S.—­AF. purpre; Lat. purpura.

Purpurat, adj. of a purple colour, S3.—­Lat.purpuratus, clad in purple.

Purpuresse, sb. a seller of purple (=purpuraria), W.

Purse, sb. purse, bag, PP, S, C3; purs,PP, C2, C; porse, PP; pors, S2.—­AS,purs (Engl. Studien, xi. 65, 1.36); LateLat. bursa; Gr. [Greek: Bursae], a skin.

Purtenaunce, sb. appurtenance, belongings,PP; purtenance, the intestines of an animal,WW; portenaunce, Palsg.; purtenancis,pl., S3.—­OF. appartenance(Cotg.).

Purtreied, pp. pourtrayed, S3; see Portrey.

Purveour, sb. purveyor, PP, SkD.—­AF.purveour.

Purveyaunce, sb. providence, provision,plan, means of getting, equipment, W; purveiance,S2, C3; purueance, S2.—­AF. purveaunce,OF. pArveAnce; Lat. providentia.

Purueyen, v. to provide, W2, C2, PP;puruay, S2, H; poruayen, H; porueyndepr. p., S2; purueid, pp., S3;pourveid, S2; porueid, S2.—­AF.purveier, purvA"er, for OF. porvA"oir;Lat. prouide*re.

PuA deg.eren v. to poke about, S (9.96).

Putten, v. to put, push, PP, W; puten,S; puiten, PP; puttide, pt. s.,S2; potte, S2; pot, pl., S2; puttento, added, assented, W; put, pp.,H; y-put, C3; i-put, G.

Puttynge, sb. pushing, instigation,H.

Puyssant, adj. powerful, SkD; puissant,S3.—­OF. puissant, poissant; LateLat. *_pocsentem, possentem_ (cp. It. _possente_),from Lat. _posse_, to be able; see Constans (Notes,p. 23).

Puyssaunce, sb. might, power, HD; puysaunce,S3; piscence, S3.—­OF. puissance,poissance.

Pykare, sb. a little thief, Prompt.;pykers, pl.,PP.

Pyke, sb. a pike, pointed pole, stafffurnished with a spike, Prompt.; pyk, S2; pykis,pl., thorns, prickles, S3. Comb.:pyk-staf, pike-staff, PP.

Pyken- v: to pick, to steal, PP,Prompt.; picke,WW; pykkand, pr. p.,S3; pikid, pt. s., PP. Comb,:pyke-herneis, plunderers of armour, PP; pyke-hernois,PP; pyke-purse, one who steals a purse, PP;picke-purse, S3; pick-purse, a name forParis, S3 (p. 374); pike-purs, C. Cf. Picchen.

Pykeys, sb. a mattock, tool for digging,Prompt.; pykoys, P; pycows, Voc.—­OF.picois (Ducange).

Pylche, sb. a furred garment, Voc.,HD, Prompt.; pilche, S3, HD, ND. Comb.:pilche-clut, a pilch-clout, rag of a pilch,S.—­AS. pylce; Lat. pellicia,made of fur (Voc.).

Pylgrim, sb. pilgrim, PP; pilegrym,S; pelegrim, SkD; pylgrymes, pl.,PP.—­Prov. pellegrins; Lat. peregrinus;cp. OF. pelerin. See Peregrin.

Pylgrimage, sb. pilgrimage, PP; pelrimage,S.—­AF. pilrymage; OF. pelerinage.

Pyment, sb. spiced wine and honey, CM,Voc.; pirment, nectar, Voc., HD; pymente,Prompt.—­OF. piment,pigment (Bartsch);Late Lat. pigmentum (Ducange).

Pynden, v. to shut in the pound, Cath.;punt, pr. jr., S.—­AS. pyndan(in for-pyndan); cp. Icel. pynda.See Pound.

Pynder, sb. a pindar, pinner, one whoimpounds stray cattle, Cath., Bardsley; pyndare,Prompt.; pinder, ND; pynner, Manip.,Bardsley; pinner, Bardsley.

Pyne, sb. anguish, torment, S, S3, C2,C3 ~; pyn~, S2; pines, pl., S, S2; pynes,S2; pine, S; pinen, S; pynen,A2.—­AS. pA-n; Late Lat. pe*na,see Sievers, 69. Cf. Peyne.

Pynen, v. to torment, S2; pinen,S; pyns, pr. s., S2; pinede,pt. s., suffered, PP; pynede, S2; pined,pp., S; tormented, S2; y-pyned, S2;i-pined, S.—­AS. pA-nian(BT).

Pyning, sb. torture; pining,S. Comb.: pynyng-stoles, stoolsof punishment, cucking-stools, PP, S2.—­AS.pA-nung.

Pynne, sb. pin, peg, bolt, bar, PP;pyn, G.—­AS. pinn, pin, peg(BT).

Pynnen, v. to shut up, enclose, pen,PP; pinnen, PP, S2; pennen, SkD.—­AS.pennan (in on-pennan).

Pynoun, sb. a pennon, C; see Penoun.

Pyony, sb. peony, Prompt.; pyon,Cath.; pyany, Prompt.; piones, pl.,seeds of the peony, P; pyonies, PP.—­OF.pione, pion (Cotg.); Lat. p(a)eonia;Gr. [Greek: paionia], the peony.

Pyry, sb. storm of wind, gust, Prompt.;pyrie, S3 (p. 437); pirie, HD, Prompt.(n); pyrry, Palsg., ND: pirrie,S3, ND; perrie, Prompt, (n), ND;berrie, Cotg. (s.v. tourbillor); berry,Florio (s. v. crA cubedscia d’Aicque),HD.

Pyt, sb. pit, pool, Prompt.; put,S. PP; pit, S; pytte, Prompt.; putte,S, PP, S2; pette, S2.—­AS. pytt;Late Lat. *_putius_; Lat. puteus.

Quad, adj. and sb. evil, bad,the Evil One, MD, C2; qued, MD, PP; cwed,MD; quet, MD; kueade, dat., S2;queade, S2; quede, S2.—­AS.cwead; cf. Du. kwaad.

Quad, pt. s. quoth, S; see QueA deg.ten.

Quaile, v. to wither, to die, S3 (28a.91), SkD, ND. Sh.; to overpower, intimidate,ND, SkD, Sh.

Quain, sb. trouble, mourning, S2.—­AS.*_hwAin_ (see below).

Quainen, v. to lament, MD (s. v. hwenenA);whene, MD.—­AS. hwAinan (inAi-hwA|*nan, BT).

Quair, sb. quire, book, S3; quayre,Manip., CM; quayer, Voc.—­OF. quayer(F. cahier), Prov. cazern for cadern:It. quaderno; Lat. quaternum; cp.Late Lat. quaternio a sheet folded in four(Voc.). See Quartern.

Quaken, v. to quake, tremble, S2; cwakien,S; quakede, pt. s., PP, MD; quok(strong form), PP; quook, C2, SkD; quoke,S2, H.—­AS. cwacian.

Quakynge, sb. trembling, Prompt., MD;quakyng, W.—­AS. cwacung.

Qual, sb. whale, MD, Cath. (n);qwal, Prompt.; qwaylle, Cath.; quale,S2; whal, W2; hwel, MD; qualle,pl., S2, Cath. (n); quhalis,S3, Cath. (n).—­AS. hwA|l.

Qualm, sb. death, pestilence, S2, H;cwalm, MD; qualme, dat., C.—­AS.cwealm. See Quelen.

Quarel, sb. a square-headed cross-bowbolt, quarrel, WA, SkD; quarelle, S2; quarrel,WA, ND.—­AF. quarel, cross-bow bolt;Late Lat. quadrellum (ace.), a quarrel, a squaretile, dimin. of Lat. quadrus, square.

Quarere, sb. quarry, Prompt.; quareres,pl., S2.—­OF. quarriere (Cotg.);Late Lat. quadraria, quarry, deriv. from quadrus.See above.

Quartern, sb. prison; cwarterne,dat., MD; quarterne, S, MD.—­AS.cweartern, prison, perhaps for AS. quatern,‘quaternio’ (OET). Cp. Fr. caserne(Sp. caserna), barracks; Lat. quaterna(see Brachet); an etym. illustrated by the Fr. sea-termcasernet, log-book, a deriv. of Lat. quaternum,see Diez, p. 755 (s. v. cahier).—­SeeQuair.

Quarteroun, sb. a quarter, P, HD; quartrun,PP.

Quat, QuaA deg., pt. s. quoth, S; seeQueA deg.en.

Quatriuials, sb. pl. the quadrivials,the quadrivium, the four higher sciences: astrology,geometry, arithmetic, music, S3 (14. 511).—­FromLate Lat. quadrivium, the four mathematicalsciences; in Lat. a place where four ways meet.

Quave-mire, sb. quagmire, HD; Quamier,DG.

Quauen, v. to shake, S2, PP, Prompt.;quave, HD, JD, DG.

Quauynge, sb. shaking, MD.

Quayle, v. to curdle, to coagulate,Palsg., Prompt., Manip.—­OF. coaillerLat. coagulare.

Quaynt, adj. prudent, wise, H; quaynte,quaint, curious, WA; see Coint.

Quayntis, sb. wisdom, prudence, H; seeCointise.

Quayre, sb. quire, book, CM see Quair.

Queade, sb. evil, iniquity, S2; seeQuad.

Queale, sb. a blister, pimple, pupula,Manip.; see Whele.

Quecchen, v. to shake, MD; qvycchyn,Prompt.; quytche, Palsg.; quitch, Cotg.(s. v. oeil); cwehte, pt. s.,MD; quehte, MD.—­AS. cweccan..

Qued, adj. bad, S2, PP; see Quad.

Quedschipe, sb. wickedness, MD;-queadschipe,S; cweadschipe, S.

Queere, sb. quire, choir, Prompt.; queer,W2; quere, W2; queir, S3.—­OF.choeur (Cotg.); Lat. chorum (acc.); Gr.[Greek: choros].

Quek, adj. living, S2; see Quik.

Quelen, v. to die, MD; cwelen,MD,—­AS. cwelan, pt. cwA|l(pl. cwA|*lon), pp. cwolen. Cp.OHG. qauelan, ‘cruciari’ (Tatian).

Quellen, v. to kill, S, S2, C3, C; quelde,pt. s., S; cwelled, pp., S.—­AS.cwellan; cp. OHG. quelen ‘cruciare’(Tatian), quellen (Otfrid).

Quellere, sb. executioner, MD.—­AS.cwellere.

Queme, adj. pleasing, S, MD; qweme,convenient, WA; cweme, S; wheme, MD.—­AS.(ge)cwA(C)me, from c(w)A cubedm, pt.of cuman; cp. OHG. (bi)queman,to come to, to suit, fit (Otfrid); see Kluge (s. v.bequem). See Comen.

Quemeful, adj. placable, W2.

Quemen, v. to please, S, H, PP; cwernen,S; cwemde, pt. s., S; i-quernd,pp., S; i-cwemet, S.—­AS. cwA(C)man.

Quenchen, v. to quench, S, Prompt,;S3, SkD; cwennkenn, S; queynte, pt.s., MD, S2; queynt, pp., MD, C; y-kuenct,S2; quenchid, W2.—­AS. cwencan.

Quene, sb. queen, wife, woman, quean,S, C2, C3. WA; quen, S, C; cuen,S; kuen, MD; kwene, S; cwene,MD.—­AS. cwA(C)n; cp. OHG. quena,wife (Otfrid); for, root see Brugmann, ASec. 467, 3.

Quene. It should be noted that E. queenis not precisely the same word as E. quean.For queen is the phonetic equivalent of AS.cwA(C)n, Goth, kwe*ns, whereas queanrepresents AS. cwe*ne, Goth. kwi*no.[Addition]

Querel, sb. a complaint, dispute, quarrel,S2, W2; querele, SkD.—­AF. querele\Late Lat. *_querella_, for Lat. quere*la.

Querne, sb. hand-mill, C2, Prompt.,Palsg., MD; queerne, W.—­AS. cweorn;cp. Goth, kwairnus; see Brugmann, ASec.442.

Querrour, sb. quarry-man, CM. SeeQuarere.

Quest, sb. an inquiry, jury, verdict,G.—­OF. queste, a quest (Cotg.).Quest is used for the proper legal term enquest;OF. enqueste.

Queste, sb. will, bequest, G; quiste,S. A corrupt form of Quide (q.v.),influenced by the above word.

QueA deg.en, v. to speak, MD; cweAdeg.en, S, MD; cwaA deg., pt. s.,S; cweA deg., S; queA deg., S; quaAdeg., S, S2; quoA deg., S; quat,S; quad, S; quod, S, S2, C2; koth,S3; couth, MD; cothe, MD; hwat,MD; wat, S; ko, S3; i-cwede,pp., S.—­AS. cweA deg.an, pt.cwA|A deg. (pl. cwA|*don), pp. ge-cweden.

Queynt, adj. prudent, fine, quaint,MD; queynte, S3, C2, MD; see Coint.

Queynte, pt. s. was extinguished, S2;see Quenchen.

Queyntelich, adv. skilfully, neatly,MD; queynteli, S3; see Cointeliche.

Queyntise, sb. skill, S3; see Cointise.

Quide, sb. speech, bequest, MD; cwide,S, MD.—­AS. cwide; cp. OHG.quiti, ‘testimonium’ (Tatian).See QueA deg.en.

Quidities, sb. pl.; S3.—­FromLate Lat. quiditas, a term of the Schoolmen;that which relates to the essence of a thing, havingreference to the question quid est, what isit? Cp. OF. quidditatif, ’quidditative,doubtful, full of quirks, contentions, wrangling’(Cotg.).

Quik, adj. and adv. living, quick,flowing (of water), S, S2, W; quic, S, S2;quek, S2; quyk, S3, W, W2; cwic,S; cwike, S; cwuce, S; quicke,S; quike, pl., S, S2; quyke, S,C; quycke, S3.—­AS. cwic (cuc);cp. OHG. quek (Otfrid).

Quikie, v. to cause to revive, also,to be kindled, PP; quike, C3; quyke,C; cwikien, MD.—­AS. cwician.

Quikliche, adv. quickly, PP; quicliche,S2.

Quiknen, v. to give life, to receivelife, SkD; quykene, W, W2.

Quiste, sb. will, bequest, S; see Queste.

Quiten, v. to repay, PP; see Quyten.

Quitter, sb. filth that runs from awound, HD: quytur, rottenness, HD; quytere,W2; quitture, DG.

Quod, pt. s. quoth, S, S2, C2; see QueAdeg.en.

Quok, pt. s. quaked, C2; see Quaken.

Quoynte, adj. skilful, MD, HD; see Coint.

Quoynteliche, adv. skilfully, MD; seeCointeliche.

Quoyntyse, sb. quaintness of dress,PP; quointise, stratagem, S2; see Cointise.

Quyk, adj. living, moving, S3, W, W2;see Quik.

Quyk-myre, sb. quagmire, S3.

Quyknar, sb. giver of life, S3.

Quyr-boilly, sb. boiled leather, usedfor making defensive armour, C2.—­OF. cuirbouilli (Cotg.).

Quyrry, sb. the quarry, the dog’sshare in the slaughtered game, S3; quyrre,SkD (s.v. quarry, p. 824); guerre, SkD.—­OF.cuiree; Late Lat. coriata, from Lat.corium, hide, skin (OF. cuir).

Quyten, v. to requite, repay, settle,satisfy, S2, C2, C3, PP, W, H; quiten, S2,PP; quitte, pt. s. G; qwit,H; quyt, pp., PP; y-quit, C2.—­OF.quiter; Late Lat. quietare.

Quytly, adj. quite, H; whitely,H.

Quytter, v. to twitter, S3.

Quytur, sb. rottenness, HD (p. 66o);see Quitter.

Ra, sb. roe, deer, CM; see Roo.

Rabete, sb. a war-horse; rabett,HD; rabyghte, HD; rabetis, pl.,WA.—­Icel. rAibA-tr, an Arabian steed;cp. Icel. rAibitar, Arabs, see CV; cp.OF. arrabi (BH).

Rac, sb. driven vapour, S2; see Wrak.

Rachenteges, pl. chains, S; see Rak-en-teie.

Racke, v. to stretch rent to its fullvalue, S3. Cp. ODu. racken, to rack,recken, to stretch, reach out.

Rad, adj. afraid, S2, SD, H, JD, B;redd, WA; rade, S2, H; radde,S2.—­Icel. hrA|ddr.

Rad, pt. s. rode, S2; see Riden.

Rad, adj. quick, S; rade, ready,S; see RaA deg.e.

Radde, pt. s. advised, S2; see Reden.

Raddour, sb. violence, WA; see Reddour.

Rade, sb. road, S2; see Rode.

Radnesse, sb. terror, SD; radnes,B.

Radyous, adj. radiant, shining, S3;radious, S3; radius, S3.—­Lat.radiosus; cp. F. radieux. SeeRay.

RA|d, sb. advice, counsel, S; see Rede.

RA|h, adj. fierce, cruel, SD, S; reh,SD.—­AS. hrA(C)oh.

RA|ueden, pt. pl. spoiled, S; see Reuen.

RA|ueres, sb. pl. robbers, S; see Reuere.

Rafte, pt. s. reft, robbed, C2; seeReuen.

Rage, sb. madness, S2.—­AF.rage; Lat. rabiem.

Rage, v. to toy wantonly, C; ragid,pp., been wanton, WA.

Ragerie, sb. wantonness, CM.

Raght, pp. reached, S2; see Rechen.

Ragman, sb. a craven, the devil; rageman,PP; raggeman, PP.—­Icel. ragr(for argr), craven, cowardly.

Ragman-roll, sb. the craven’sroll, a term in Scottish history, JD, ND; a game,HD; ragman’s rewe, a long jest, DG; ragmanrew,series, Manip. Hence ragman, a deedsealed, a papal bull, PP; ragemon, S2; rageman,a list, S3; ragman, a tedious story, JD; ragment,JD.—­Cp. E. rigmarole.

Rair, v. to roar, S3; see Roren.

Raiss, pt. s. rose, S2; see Rysen.

Rake, sb. only in compounds, as in erend-rake,messenger, SD.—­AS. A|*rend-raca;cp. Icel. eyrend-reki, so land-reki,a king, see CV (s. v. reki). See Arnd-race.

Rake, v. to run, wander, go, S, S3,HD, PP, JD, B; rayke, H, S2; raik, WA,JD; reyke, JD; reke, HD; raykande,pr. p., S2.—­Icel. reika,to wander, cp. Swed. raka, to run hastily(Rietz).

Rake, sb. course, way, WA; rakke,WA.

Rakel, adj. hasty, rash, CM, SkD (s.v. rake); rakle, CM; racle, CM;rackel, JD; rakyl, Manip.; rakehell,a bad fellow, Manip., ND.—­Icel. reikull,wandering, unsettled. See above.

Raken, v. to scrape, diminish, to rake,S, Prompt.; raked, pp., C2.—­Icel.raka, to scrape, to rake away.

Rakeil-teie, sb. chain; raketeie,S; raketeye, S; rachenteges, pl.,S; rakenteis, HD.—­AS. racentA(C)ah(Voc.); racente, a chain + tA(C)ah,a tye. With racente, cp. Icel. rekendr,OHG. rahhinza. See Rekenthis.

Ram, sb. a ram, Prompt.—­AS.ram (Voc.).

Ramage, adj. wild, CM. HD.—­OF.ramage, wild (of a hawk), living in the branches(Cotg.); Late Lat. *_ramaticum_, from ramus,a branch.

Rammish, adj. strong-scented, C3, CM.

Ramne, sb. bramble, W2; ramyn,H; rammyn, H.—­Lat. rhamnus(Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: rhamnos] (LXX).

Rampe, sb. an ill-conditioned woman,C2 (n), HD.

Rampen, v. to ramp, to seize or scratchwith the paws, to rage, C2; raumpe, S2; rawmpide,pt. s., HD.—­AF. raumper,OF. ramper, to clamber.

Rande, sb. a strip or slice of meat,S3, HD; rand, Cotg. (s. v. giste), ND.—­AS.rand, a rim, edge; cp. Swed. rand,a strip, stripe, Icel. rAnd (pl. randir).

Randoun, sb. force, impetuosity, SkD.Phr.: in a randoun, in a furiouscourse, B; at randon, left to one’s ownforce, SkD.—­OF. randon, ’theswiftness and force of a strong and violent stream’(Cotg.); from OTeut *_randa_, a rim; cp. AS. rand.See above.

Ranke, adj. strong, luxuriant, rebellious,WA, Prompt.; rank, S3; ronk, S2; rang,HD.—­AS. ranc; cp. Icel. rakkr(for rankr), straight, upright, bold.

Ransaken, v. to search, S, PP, C, H.—­Icel.rannsaka, to search a house; Icel. rann:Goth, razn; cp. AS. rA|sn a plank,a beam, see Sievers, 179.

Rap, sb. rope, S; see Rope.

Rap, pt. s. reaped, W; see Repen.

Rape, sb. haste, S, PP, Prompt.; rap,S2.—­Icel. hrap, a falling down.

Rape, adj. hasty, G; rapest,superl., PP.

Rapeliche, adv. hastily, PP; rapely,G; rapelike, S; rapli, S2, G; rapelier,comp., PP.

Rapen, v. to hasten, S, PP, Prompt.;rappe, PP; rappe adoune, to hurry along,PP. Phr.: rape and renne, to seizeand plunder, C3; rapen and rinen, C3 (n);rap and rend, HD; rap or rende, Palsg.;rap and run, HD; rap and ran, C3 (n);rap and reeve, C3 (n); rap and ree,C3 (n).—­Icel. hrapa, to fall,rush headlong, hurry.

Rascall, sb. scrapings, refuse; rascaile,PP; rascayle, an animal not a beast of thechase, a hart not six years old, Prompt. (n);the common people, Prompt.; raskaille, the commonherd, SkD; rascall, refuse beast, Palsg., ND.;rascalles, pl., common sort of men,low fellows, villains, S3.—­AF. rascaille(raskaylle, raskayle), a rabble; cp.F. racaille; from OF. rasquer, to scrape(Ducange); cp. OIt. rascare (Florio).

Rascall, adj. common, low, HD; Comb.:rascall wine, tortivum vinum, Prompt.(n).

Rase, v. to run, to race, SD, S2; rese,S2; reysed, pp. ridden, C.—­AS.rA|*san.

Rase, sb. a race, rush, SkD; ras,SkD, S2; rese, S2; res, SD, G (n);rees, attack, fit of passion, G.—­AS.rA|*s.

Rasen, v. to scrape, Prompt.—­OF.raser; Late Lat. rasare, freq. of Lat.radere.

Rasour, sb. razor, C2, C, W2; rasure,H (Ps. 51. 2).—­OF. rasoir; LateLat. rasorium.

Raspen, v. to rasp, scrape, SkD; rospen,S.—­OF. rasper; OHG. raspA cubedn,see Weigand.

Rasse, sb. a raised mound or eminence,a cairn of stones, S2; raise, HD. SeeReysen.

Rat, pr. s. reads, PP; see Reden.

RaA3/4, sb. advice, S, SD.—­Icel.rAiA deg..

Rathe, v. to advise, HD. See above.

RaA deg.e, adj. quick, swift, SD; rad,quick, S; rade, pl., S; raddere,comp. pl., S.—­AS. hrA|A deg.,hreA deg., also hrA|d, hred, quick,also rad. Cp. Chron. ann. 755 (Parker)with the Laud MS.

Rathe, adv. early, PP, S2, S3; quickly,S, S2; reaA deg.e, S; rath, B; raAdeg.er, comp., sooner, rather, PP, S, S2,C2; redA3/4er, S; raA deg.est, superl.,PP; raA deg.este, S.

Rathly, adv. quickly, S2; reaA deg.liche,S; readliche, S; radeliche, HD; radely,S2; redliche, S.—­AS. hrA|A deg.lice.

Raton, sb. rat, PP, Cath.; ratoun,PP; ratones, pl., PP.

Ratoner, sb. rat-catcher, PP, Voc.;ratonere, PP.

Ratte, sb. rat, PP; rotte, Voc.;rattis, pl., PP.—­AS. rA|t(Voc.).

Ratten, v. to tear, SD.—­Cp.MHG. ratzen, see Weigand (s. v. ratsche).

Rattes, sb. pl. rags, S; rats,pieces, shreds, HD.

Raughte, pt. s. reached, C2; see Rechen.

Raunson, v. to ransom, redeem, PP.

Raunsoun, sb. ransom, S2, C; raunson,S2; raunsun, S2; raunceoun, PP; ransoune,B.—­AF. raunson, ranson, OF. raA"nson,reAnASec.on; Lat. redemptionem.

Raueyn, sb. rapine, prey, W, PP; ravyne,S3; ravyn, Cath.; raueyns, pl.,W2.—­AF. ravine; Lat. rapinasee BH, ASec. 150.

Raueynour, sb. robber; raueinour,W; rauynour, W2.

Ravin, adj. ravenous, S3, Sh.

Ravin, v. to seize and devour greedily,Sh., WW.

Ravined, adj. ravenous, Sh.

Rauischen, v. to seize with violence,PP; ravish, WW; raueische, imp. pl.,W2; rauyschiden, pt. pl., W2.—­AF.ravir (pr. p. ravissant); Late Lat. *_rapi*re_;Lat. rapere.

Rawe, sb. row, Cath.; raw, B,JD, SkD, S3, S2; rowe, SkD; rewe, C,G, W; rewis, pl., S3.—­AS.rAiwe, rA|*we.

Ray, sb. striped cloth, rella,pannus, Voc.; stragulum, Voc., Cath.,HD; raye, S3; rayes, pl., S2,PP. Comb.: ray-cloth, striped cloth,W2, Prompt.—­AF. drap de raye, clothof ray, pl. reies, OF. rai, raid;Lat. radium (acc.).

Rayeres, sb. pl. sellers of ray,PP.

Rayid, adj. striped, Prompt.

Raykez, pr. s. roams, S2; raykande,pr. pt., advancing, S2. See Rake.

Rayl, sb. rail, Prompt.; raylle,Cath.—­Cp. Low G. regel, G.riegel, a bolt; see Kluge.

Rayle, v. to rail, arrange in a row,S2; railed, pp., S2.

Rayle, sb. a kerchief, Palsg.; see Re3*el.

Raylle, v. to flow, S3; raile,ND; reilen, SD.

Raymen, v. to roam about, S2; see Romen.

Raynes, sb. fine linen of Rheims, WA.—­Sonamed from Rheims; see SkD (p. 815); cp. It.renso, fine flax (Diez, p. 393).

Read, sb. advice, S; see Rede.

Reade, adj. red, S; see Reed.

Readen, v. to advise, care for, S; seeReden.

Readi, adj. ready, S; see Redi.

Real, adj. real, a term in medievalphilosophy; reall, S3.—­OF. real;Schol. Lat. realem, from res.

Real, adj. royal, CM; riall,S3, PP, CM; ryall, S3, CM; ryell, S3;roial, CM; roialler, comp., S2,C3.—­OF. real, AF. roial,reial; Lat. regalem.

Realte, sb. royalty, royal state, PP;reaulte, PP; reaute, PP; roialtee,C3.—­AF. realte; Late Lat. regalitatem.

Realyche, adv. royally, S2; realy,S2; rially, CM.

Reame, sb. kingdom, S2; see Rewme.

Rearde, sb. voice, cry, S2; see Rerd.

ReaA deg.e, adv. quickly, S; see Rathe.

ReaA deg.liche, adv. quickly, S; seeRathly.

Reaume, sb. realm, kingdom, C2, S2;see Rewme.

Rebekke, sb. a kind of fiddle, SkD;see Rybybe.

Rebounden, v. to re-echo; rebownden,to sound again, reboare, Prompt.; rebounde,pt. s., S2.—­AF. rebundir,to re-echo, cp. OF. bundir, to resound(Roland, 3119); inchoative verb, from Late Lat. bombitare.

Receyt, sb. receipt, recipe, retreat,Prompt., Manip.; receit, C3, WW, Manip., S3;receite, WW; reset, place of refuge,B.—­AF. receite; Late Lat. recepta(Ducange).

Reche, sb. smoke, S3; see Reke.

Recheles, adj. careless, S, PP; reccheles,PP; retcheles, S3; rekkeles, S3; recchelees,S2, C2; rechlesse, S3.—­AS. rA(C)celA(C)as,also reccelA(C)as.

Rechelesnesse, sb. carelessness, PP;recchelesnes, PP.

Rechen, v. to care, reck, S, HD; reke,H; recche, S, HD, S2, C2; rekke, HD,C2; rekA3/4, pr. s., S; reches,S2; ro3*te, pt. s., S; roughte,C2; roght, H; rohten, pl., S;roucht, pt. s., subj., S2.—­AS.rA(C)can: OS. rA cubedkian; also,AS. *_reccan_.

Rechen, v. to explain, S; rA|cchen,to relate, S; rechede, pt. s., S.—­AS.reccan: OS. rekkian: OHG. rachjan,in OtfrA-d rachA cubedn.

Rechen, v. to reach, attain, SkD, PP;rauhte, pt. s., PP, S2; rau3*te,PP; raghte, PP; raughte, C2; raught,S3; raght, pp., S2.—­AS. rA|*can(BT), also rA|*cean, to get into one’spower, pt. s. rA|*hte, see Sievers, 407.

Reclayme, v. to bring a hawk to thewrist by a call, C3; recleymyn, to make tame,Prompt.; recleymyd, pp. redomitus (usedof hawks), Prompt.—­OF. reclaimer, recleimer,reclamer; cp. AF. reclame, pp., reclaimed(as a falcon).

Recles, sb. incense, S; see Rekels.

Recluse, sb. a female anchorite, SkD;‘ankyr, anachorita’ Prompt.—­AF.reclus; recluse, a f. pp. from OF. reclure,to shut up; Late Lat. recludere.

Recluse, sb. convent, monastery, S3.—­OF. recluse

Reclused, pp. shut up, withdrawn fromthe world, PP.

Recognisance, sb. an obligation bindingone over to do some particular act, S3, SkD.—­AF.reconisance, OF. recoignisance.

Recomand, v. to commend, S2, C3; recomaundiA3/4,PP.—­OF. recommander, recumander.

Reconforte, v. to comfort, C; reconforted,pp., P.—­OF. reconforter;cp. AF. recunforter.

Reconsyle, v. to recover, regain thepossession of; reconsyled, pp., S2;recounselid, W.—­AF. reconciler;Lat. reconciliare, to reconcile, re-establish,restore.

Record, sb. witness, S3, WW; recorde,PP.—­AF. record, OF. recort,mention (Bartsch).

Recorde, v. to call to mind, C, PP;recorded, pt. pl. declared, PP.—­OF.recorder; Late Lat. recordare; Lat.recordari.

Recoure, v. to recover, PP; recour,HD; recure, HD; recured, pp.,S3.—­AF. recoverer; OF. recourer,recouvrer; Lat. recuperare.

Recours, sb. recourse, C2.—­AF.recours, soleill recours, sunset.

Recouerer, sb. restorer, saviour, S2.

Recrayed, pp. defeated, PP. Seebelow.

Recreaunt, adj. recreant, defeated,CM, PP; recreant, PP.—­AF. recreaunt,OF. recreAnt, giving up the contest; Late Lat.recredentem.

Recueil, sb. a collection, compilation,DG; recuyell, S3; recule, HD.—­OF.recueil (Cotg.).

Recule, v. to recoil, S3, Palsg., SkD,ND.—­OF. reculer.

Reculyng, sb. recoiling, S3.

Recure, sb. recovery, S3.

Recure, v. to recover, HD; see Recoure.

Reddour, sb. violence, rigour, HD, Trevisa(3. 313); raddour, WA.—­OF. rador,later roideur (Cotg.); from rade, roide;Lat. rigidum.

Rede, adj. red, C2; see Reed.

Rede, adj. ready, WA; redeliche,adv., PP; redeli, S2.—­AS.(ge)rA|*de: Goth. (ga)raids.

Rede, sb. advice, S, S2, S3, B; read,S; red, S, S2, B; reed, C2; reid,B; rA|de, S; reade, S; rade, S;reades, pl. S.—­AS.rae*d.

Redels, sb. riddle, SkD; redeles,PP; rydels, Cath.; rydel, Prompt.; riddle,Manip.

Reden, v. to give advice, to take counsel,S, S2, S3, C2, B; readen, S; raden,to succour, S; raddest, 2 pt. s., S;radde, pt. s., HD, S2, P; redden,pl., S; rad, pp., S2.—­AS.(ge)rA|*dan, pt. rA|*dde, pp. gerA|*d.

Reden, v. to read, S, C2, C3; raden,S; rat, pr. s., PP; reed, pt.s., PP; radden, pl., W; redden,W; radde, S2; rad, pp., S, S3,C3; red, S3, W. Der.: redunge,passage read, S.—­AS. (ge)rA|*dan.

~-reden~, suffix (used to form abstracts).—­AS._-rA|*den_. See hat-reden, SkD; cun-reden,kindred, SkD; fer-reden, S; 3*e-fered,S; uela3*-rede, S2.

Redgownd, sb. a sickness of young children,scrophulus, Prompt.; reed gounde, Palsg.;radegoundes, pl., sores, PP.—­ME.rede, red+_gownde_, a sore; AS. gund.Cp. E. red-gum.

Redi, adj. ready, S, W, PP; redy,C2; reddy, B; readi, S; rA|di3*,SD; rediliche, adv., PP, S2; redily,C3.

Redliche, adv. quickly, S; see Rathly.

Redoutable, adj. to be feared, redoubtable,SkD.

Redouten, v. to fear; redoubt,Cotg.—­AF. reduter, OF. redouter;Lat. re + dubitare.

Redoutyng, sb. reverence, C.

Reduce, v. to bring back, S3, ND.—­Lat. reducere.

Redymyte, pp. wreathed, crowned, S3.—­Lat.redimitus, pp. of redimire.

Reed, sb. advice, C2; see Rede.

Reed, sb. reed, PP, Prompt.; reod,PP; rehed, W, W2; reheed, W2; reodes,pl., PP; redes, PP. Comb.:red-3*erde, a reed-sceptre, S.—­AS.hrA(C)od.

Reed, adj. red, C2, C3, S2, W2, PP;rede, C2, C3, S2, PP, B; reid, S3; reade,S.—­AS. rA(C)ad.

Reednesse, sb. redness, C3.

Rees, sb. fit of passion, G; see Rase.

Reest, adj. rancid (as flesh), Prompt.;reste, Cath.

Reestyn, v. to be rancid, Prompt.

Reeuell, sb. joy, revelry, PP; reuel,C, C2; rule, SPD; reueles, pl.,revels, C2.—­OF. revel, joy (Bartsch).

Refen, v. to roof in, S.—­AS.(ge)hrA(C)fan. See Roof.

Reflac, sb. robbery, S; see Reuen.

Refreissche, v. to refresh, C; refreschyn,Prompt.—­AF. refreschir.

Refreyne, sb. the burden of a song,literally, a repetition, CM; refraine, SkD.—­OF.refrain, from refraindre, to repeat,to sing a song (see Constans); Lat. re + frangere.

Refreynen, v. to bridle, refrenare,W, Prompt.; refrayne, Manip.; refrain,WW.—­OF. refrener, to bridle; Lat.refrenare (Vulg.).

Refute, sb. refuge, Prompt., W2; refuit,W2; refuyt, CM, HD, W2; refut, S2, C3;refutt, W2.—­AF. refute; OF.refuite, re + fuite; Lat. fugita,pp. f. of fugere.

Regal, adj. as sb. kingly (power),S2.—­AF. regal Lat. regalem.Cf. Real.

Regne, sb. rule, a kingdom, S2, C2,C3; rengne, S; ryngis, pl., S3.—­AF.regne; Lat. regnum.

Regnen, v. to reign, C2, PP; ring,S3; ryngis, pr. pl., S3; reygned,pp., S2; rengned, S2.—­AF.regner; Lat. regnare.

Regrate, v. to retail wares, HD.—­OF.regrater, to mend, scour, trick up an old thingfor sale (F. regratter, to bargain): It.rigattAire, to strive for the victory, to regrate,to sell by retail (Florio); Sp. regateAir,‘to huck in buying or selling’ (Minsheu).Cp. E. regatta; It. rigAitta, astruggling for the mastery (Florio).

Regratere, sb. retail dealer, PP.—­OF. regratier; cp. Low Lat. regratarium(Ducange).

Regratorie, sb. selling by retail, PP,S2; regraterye, PP.—­OF. regraterie.

Regratour, sb. retail dealer, S2, PP.—­AF.regratour.

Reguerdon, sb. reward, ND; reguerdoun,S2.—­Cp. OF. reguerdonner, toguerdon abundantly (Cotg.).

Reguerdonment, sb. requital, DG.

Rehed, sb, reed, W, W2; see Reed.

Rehersaille, sb. rehearsal, C3.

Rehersen, v. to rehearse, enumerate,C2, S2, PP; rehercen, PP, C2 ~; rehearse~,WW, Sh.—­AF. reherser, rehercer.See Herce.

Rehersyng, sb. rehearsal, C.

Reheten, v. to refresh, to cheer, H,CM, WA, HD, JD; reheyit, H; rehetid,pp., H.—­OF. rehaitier (Bartsch),cp. OF. haitier, to make joyful, see BH,Diez, p. 609.

Rehetynge, sb. comfort, refreshing,H.

Reioysen, v. to rejoice, PP, C2; reioisshen,PP; reiosyng, pr. p., S3.—­OF.resjoA-ss-, stem of resjoA-ssant, pr.p. of resjoA-r, from re + esjoA-r; Lat.ex + gaude*re (Late Lat. *_gaudi*re_); seeConstans, glossaire (prefix res-).

Reke, sb. vapour, smoke, S2, H (Ps.67. 2), Cath.; reyk, B; reik, B; reche,S2.—­AS. rA(C)c; cp. Icel. reykr:OTeut. *_rauki-_; see Kluge (s. v. rauch).

Rekels, sb. incense, Cath.; recles,S, S2. Comb.: recle-fat, incense-vessel,censer, S, SD.—­AS. rA(C)cels.

Reken, v. to smoke, Cath.—­AS.rA(C)can.

Rekenen, v. to reckon up, to give account,C2, W, PP; rekne, S2, PP; rikenen, S,PP; rikynyd, pp., W2; y-rekened,C2. Cp. Du. rekenen.

Rekeninge, sb. reckoning, C3.

Rekenthis, sb. pl. chains, WA; rekanthes,WA.—­AS. racente; cp. Icel.rekendr. Cf. Rakenteie.

Rekkeles, adj. careless, S3; see Recheles.

Rekken, v. to reck, care, C2; see Rechen.

Relenten, v. to melt, C3, Palsg., Prompt.,SkD.—­OF. ralentir (Cotg.).

Reles, sb. relaxation, forgiveness,also taste, odour, Prompt.; relees, Prompt,(n); relece, Prompt. Phr.:out of relees, without ceasing, C3.—­AF.reles, relees, relais. Seebelow.

Releschen, v. to relax, release; relecen,Prompt.; relesse, C3; releschand, pr.p., S3; relessed, pt. s., forgave,C2; relesed, pp., forgiven, PP; relessed,PP.—­AF. relascher, relesser,releisser Lat. relaxare.

Releuen, v. to raise up again, to rise,PP, C3; relyue, S3; relieve, imp.,take up again, S3.—­AF. relever; Lat.releuare.

Relif, sb. what remains, a fragmenttaken up from the table; releef, Prompt.; relefe,Cath., SkD.; reliefe, Cath. (n); relifs,pl., W, W2; relifes, W; relifis,W2; relyues, S2.—­OF. relief,remainder (Bartsch), from reliev-, accentedstem of relever, to raise up; Lat. releua*re.

Relikes, sb. pl. remains, H; relikis,W2.—­AF. relikes; Lat. reliquias.

Relyen, v. to rally, call back, re-assemble,to take courage again, PP; rely, B; releyt,pt. s., B, S2; releit, pp., S2,B.—­AF. relier, to rally (OF. ralier,in Bartsch); Lat. re + ligare, to bind.

Relyue, v. to rise, S3; relyued,pt. s., raised, S3; see Releuen.

Rem, sb. a kingdom, S2; reme,C; see Rewme.

Rem, sb. a cry, S; reames, pl.,S.—­AS. hrA(C)am, OS. hrA cubedm,Icel. rA cubedmr.

Reme, v. to cry, roar, S, PP; raum,HD; romy, H; romiand, pr. p.,S2; rumyand, H; romyd, pt. s.,H; remden, pl., S.—­AS. hrA(C)man:OS. hrA cubedmian.

Remedie, sb. remedy, C2; remede,S3.—­OF. remede, AF. remedie;Lat. remedium.

Remen, v. to give place, to quit, S,SD; roume, PP; rumen, SD; rimen,SD.—­AS. rA1/2man: OS. rAmian;cp. OFris. rAma, G. rAumen, seeWeigand. See Rowm.

Remenant, sb. remnant, C2, C3, S3; remenaunt,C, Prompt.; remanand, B; remelawnt,Prompt.; remlawnt, HD; remlin, Prompt,(n).—­AF. remenant, OF. remanant,pr. p. of remanoir (Bartsch); Lat. remane*re.

Remlet, sb. remnant, HD, Prompt, (n).See above.

Remouyn, v. to remove, Prompt.; remeuen,S3, C3, Palsg., SkD.—­AF. remoever(with change of conjugation) from OF. removoir;Lat. re + moue*re.

Remuen, v. to remove, CM, ND, SkD; remown,Prompt.; remwe, to depart, S3; remewed,pp., C2.—­OF. remuA"r; Lat.re + mutare.

Renable, adj. eloquent, PP; see Resunable.

Renably, adv. reasonably, CM; runnably,HD. See above.

Rend, v. to make to run into a shape,to cast metal, melt, H; rind, rynde, to melt,as lard, &c., JD.—­Icel. renna, tomake to run, to pour (of a melted substance), causalof renna (rinna), to run. See Rennen.

Renden, v. to tear, PP; reendyn,Prompt.; rente, pt. s., S; rended,pp., S2; y-rent, C3.—­ONorth.rendan, to cut or tear down (BT).

Renegat, sb. renegade, C3; runagate,WW.—­OF. renegat; Late Lat. renegatum.

Renewlen, v. to renew, W; renule,W2; renewlid, pp., W; renulid,W2.—­AF. renoveler; Late Lat. renovellare.

Reneye, v. to deny, reject, abandon,S2, PP, C2, CM.—­OF. reneier; LateLat. renegare.

Reng, sb. rank, SD; renges, pl.,C; rengis, HD.—­OF. reng, renc;cp. AF. renc, ring of people, rencs,ranks; OHG. hring, ring. See Ring.

Renk, sb. a man, PP; renke, PP;renkes, pl., men, creatures, PP, HD;renkkes, S2; reynkes, PP.—­Icel.rekkr (for renkr), a man, used in poetry,also in law. Cp. AS. rinc, a warrior,a man (Grein). See Ranke.

Renne, v. See under Rapen.

Rennen, v. to run, SD, S, S2, S3, C2,W, PP; rin, S3; rynne, S3; ryn,S2; eornen, S, S2; ernen, S; urnen,S; 3*erne, S; A|rneA deg., pr. pl.,S; rynnys, S3; ron, pt. s., S2,PP; urnen, pl., S; eorn, S; iorne,pp., S; ronnen, PP; ronne, PP,C2; y-ronne, C2; y-ronnen, C; arnde,pt. s. (weak), S, SD; ernde, SD; A|rnden,pl., SD.—­AS. rinnan, pt. s.ran, pp. gerunnen, also irnan, yrnan,pt. s. arn, pl. urnon, pp. urnen.

Rennyng, sb. running, S3; rennyngis,pl., currents, streams, W2.

Renome, sb. renown, WW, S3; renoume,WW; renowme, WW. See below.

Renomee, sb. renown, WW; renoume,B.—­OF. renomee; Late Lat. *_renominatam_.

Renoumed, adj. renowned, WW; renowmed,WW.—­Cp. OF. renommA(C); seeConstans.

Renoun, sb. renown, SkD; renowne,B.—­AF. renoun, renun, OF. renon,renom; Lat. re + nomen; cp. Sp. renombre,renown (Minsheu).

Rente, sb. revenue, pay, reward, S,C2; rent, Prompt.; rentes, pl.,S, PP, S2; rentis, PP.—­AF. rente;Late Lat. *_rendita_; Lat. reddita; from OF.rendre; Lat. reddere.

Renten, v. to endow, PP.

Renule, v. to renew, W2; see Renewlen.

Reod, sb. a reed, PP; see Reed.

Reousien, v. to grieve, SD.—­AS.hrA(C)owsian, see Sievers, 411. See Rewen.

Reowen, v. to grieve, vex, S; see Rewen.

Reowsunge, sb. repentance, SD.—­AS.hrA(C)owsung.

ReowA deg.e, sb. ruth, pity, S; seeRewA deg.e.

Repair, sb. a place of resort, ND; repeir,return, S3.—­OF. repaire

Repairen, v. to go to, C2, C3; repeiring,pr. p., C2; raparyt, pt. pl.,S3; reparit, pp., S2.—­AF.repeirer, OF. repairier; Lat. repatriare,to return to one’s country.

Reparailen, v. to repair; reparaild,pp., H.—­OF. repareiller;cp. apareillier, to prepare; from pareil,like; Late Lat. pariculum (Ducange).

Reparaylynge, sb. restoration, H.

Repe, sb. sheaf, manipulus, Voc.,SD; reepe, SD; repis, pl., H.

Repen, v. to cut grain, PP, W, W2 ;ripen, S; rap, pt. s., W; repen,pl., S ; ropen, PP; ropun, W;rope, W2.—­OMerc. rA(C)pan(rA1/2pan, rA-pan) Goth, raupjan,to pluck; see Sievers, 159.

Repples, sb. pl. staves, cudgels (?),S.

Repreuable, adj. reprehensible, C3,W.

Repreue, v. to reprove, PP, Prompt.,C3; repreued, pp., S2.—­OF.repruever, reprover; Lat. repro*bare.

Repreue, sb. reproof, C3; repreef,W.

Repreuynges, sb. pl. reproofs, S2.

Repromyssioun, sb. promise, W.—­Lat. repromissionem (Vulg.).

Repugnen, v. to fight against, W2; todeny, PP.—­Lat. repugnare.

Repylle-stok, sb. an implement for cleaningflax, Voc. See Ripple.

Rerage, sb. arrears, PP, HD; rerages,pl., PP. Cf. Arerage.

Rerd, sb. voice, sound, SD; rerid,WA; reorde, S; rorde, SD: rearde,S2; rurd, S2; rerde, dat., SD,HD.—­AS. reord for reard,cp. OHG. rarta: Goth, razda;cp. Icel. rAdd (gen. raddar).

Rerden, v. to speak, to sound; reordien,SD; rerdit, pt. pl., S3.—­AS.reordian.

Reren, v. to make to rise, to rear,S2, B; rerde, pt. s., S, S2; rerid,pp., S2; rered, S2.—­AS. rA|*ran:Goth, raisjan. See Rysen.

Resalgar, sb. realgar, red orpiment,C3, HD.—­Sp. rejalgar, arsenic (Minsheu).

Rescouen, v. to rescue, SkD; rescowe,CM; reskew, B,—­OF. rescou-,stem of rescouant, rescoant, pr. p. ofrescorre. See below.

Rescous, sb. rescue, S3, C, SkD, CM.—­OF.rescous (rescos) pp. of rescorre, tohelp, repair a damage, also resqueure (BH);Lat. re + excutere, to shake off.

Rese, s. and v.; see Rase.

Resen, v. to shake, C; see Rusien.

Reset, sb. place of refuge, B; see Receyt.

Resownen, v. to resound; resowne,C; resouned, pt. s., C2.-OF. resoner;Lat. resonare.

Respyt, sb. respite, delay, leisure,C3, C; respyte, Prompt., Cath.; respit,B.—­AF. respit; Late Lat. respectum(acc.), respite, prorogation (Ducange); a technicalsense of Lat. respectus, consideration.

Rest, sb. rest; reste, S.—­AS.rest; cp. OHG. resti (Tatian).

Resten, v. to rest, S.—­AS.restan; cp. OHG. resten (Tatian).

Resun, sb. reason, talk, S2, PP, Prompt.;resoun, C2, S2, PP; reson, C2, PP, HD;reison, PP.—­AF. resoun (reison,reasoun), also raisoun, reason, language;Lat. rationem.

Resunable, adj. reasonable, talkative,eloquent, Prompt.; resonable, PP; resnabyl,HD; renable, PP; runnable, PP. Notes(p. 23).—­AF. resonable, OF. resnable,raisnable; Lat. rationabilem.

Retenaunce, sb. retinue, company, PP,HD.—­AF. retenaunce; Late Lat. retinentia(Ducange).

Retenue, sb. retinue, suite, C2.—­OF.retenuA", a retinue (Cotg.); Late Lat. retenuta(Ducange). In F. retenue means ‘reserve,modesty’, and has become obsolete in the Englishsense of a ‘suite’, a body of attendants.

Rethor, sb. orator, C, C2, Manip.—­LateLat. rhethor; Lat. rhetor; Gr. [Greek:raetor].

Rethoryke, sb. rhetoric, C2; retoryke,PP; retoryk, PP.—­Lat. rhetorica.

Retten, v. to account, impute, C, H,Prompt, W; rectyn, Prompt.—­AF. retter,reter, to accuse (pp. rette, rete);Lat. reputare see BH, ASec. 153; by popularetymology Low Lat. rectare, ‘in jus vocare,’rectatus, accused (Schmid). Cf. A-retten.

Reuful, adj. compassionate, S2; seeRewful.

Reule, sb. rule, PP, C; rewle,PP, S3; riwle, S; reuel, S2; reul,S2; riulen, pl., S.—­AF. reule;Lat. regula; also OF. riule, rigle;Late Lat. rigula (for regula).

Reulen, v. to rule, PP, C; rewled,pt. s., S2.—­AF. reuler; Lat.regulare.

Reuliche adv. ruefully, S2; see Rewliche.

Reume, sb kingdom; see Rewme.

Reue, sb reeve, prefect, minister ofstate, steward, S, PP, Prompt.; reeve, C; reuen,pl., S. Comb., ref-schipe, reeveship,prefecture, S.—­AS. (ge)_rA(C)fa_.

Reue, sb. clothing, spoil, plunder,SD; rA|f, SD. Comb.: ref-lac,robbery, S, SD.—­AS. rA(C)af clothing,spoil; cp. Icel. rauf, spoil. Cf.Robe.

Reuel, sb. revel, C; see Reeuel.

Reuen, v. to rob, plunder, S, S2, S3;reaue, S2; rieue, S3; refand,pr. p., H; reuede, pt. s., S;rafte, C2; rA|ueden, pl., S:y-raft, pp., C.—­AS. rA(C)afian,to despoil.

Reuere, sb. robber, SD; reuer,S3; rA|ueres, pl S.—­AS. rA(C)afere.

Reuing, sb. robbery, S; rauing,S.

Rewe, s. row, C; rewis, pl.,S3; see Rawe.

Rewel (?). Comb.; rewel boon,C2; rowel boon, CM; reuylle bone, C2(n); ruelle bones, pl., HD, C2(n); rewle stone, HD (p. 698).

Rewen, v. to rue, grieve, S, PP, S2,S3, C2; reowen, S; ruwyn, Prompt.; rewing,pr. p., S3; reouA deg., pr. s.,S; rwez, S2; rewede, pt. s.,S.—­AS. hrA(C)owan; cp. OS. hrewan.

Rewere, sb. one who pities; reewere,S2.

Rewful, adj. piteous, S, S2, C3; reuful,S2; reowfule, pl., S.

Rewle, sb. rule, S2; see Reule.

Rewliche, adj. pitiable, PP; rewli,piteous, S; reweli, S; ruly, HD.—­AS.hrA(C)owlic.

Rewliche, adv. piteously, S; reowliche,S; reuliche, S2; rewli, S; rwly,S2.—­AS. hrA(C)owlice.

Rewlyngis, sb. pl. rough shoes, S3;see Riveling.

Rewme, sb. kingdom, S2, W, H, PP; realme,CM; reaume, C2, S2; reume, PP, S2; reame,S2, PP; reme, C, PP, Cath.; rem, S2;reum, H.—­OF. reaume, AF. realme;Late Lat. *_regalimen_.

RewA deg.e, sb. ruth, pity, S, C2, C3,G; reowA deg.e, S; rouA deg.e, S2, G;reoA deg.e, S; routh, S3; ruA3/4e,S, S3; rawA deg.e, S2; rewA3/4es, pl.,S2. See Rewen.

RewA deg.elese, adj. ruthless, C3; rewAdeg.les, PP.

Reyn, sb. rain, W2, PP, C2; rien,S; rein, S; reyne, PP; reane,S3; ran, S3.—­AS. regn (rA(C)n).

Reynen, v. to rain, PP; reinen,S; ranyt, pt. s., B.—­AS.regnian (also rignan, rA-nan), see Sievers,92.

Reysed, pp. ridden, C; see Rase.

Reysen, v. to raise, G, CM; reisen,W2, S; reas, S3.—­Icel. reisa;cp. Goth. raisjan. See Risen, Reren.

Re3*el, sb. a garment, rail, SkD; rail,JD; raile, HD; rayle, a kerchief, Palsg.,Voc.; rayles, pl., ND.—­AS.hrA|gl (Voc.). Cf. Y-rayled.

Riall, adj. royal, CM, S3, PP; see Real.

Rially, adv. royally, CM; see Realyche.

Ribaud, sb. villain, worthless creature,ribald, PP; rybaud, PP; ribaude, theEvil One, PP; ribalde, PP; ribaut, S3;ribaudes, pl., sinners, PP; ribauz,S.—­AF. ribald (pl. ribaus,ribaldes), OF. ribaud.

Ribaudie, sb. sin, S2, PP; ribald jesting,C3.—­OF. ribaudie.

Ribaudour, sb. profligate fellow, PP;rybaudour, PP.

Ribaudrie, sb. ribaldry, PP; rybaudrie,PP, S3.

RAche, adj. powerful, rich, S; ryche,PP; ryke, PP; rice, S.—­OF.riche.

Riche, sb. kingdom, S, S2; ryche,PP; rice, S; rike, H, S2.—­AS.rA-ce.

Richelike, adv. richly, S; richeliche,S2.

Richen, v. to grow rich, PP; recheAdeg., pr. pl., PP.

Richesse, sb. wealth, PP, S2, S3, C2;ritchesse, W; richeise, S; riches,WW; richesses, pl., costly articles,S2; ricchessis, WW; ri3*tchessis, W.—­OF.richese, AF. richesce.

Rict, adj. right, S; see Ryght.

Riden, v. to ride, S, S2; ridend,pr. p., S; rydinge, C3; ryd,imp., S; rit, pr. s., PP, C3;ritt, PP; ryt, PP, C; rad, pt.s., S2, B; rod, S, S2; rood, C2;riden, pl., S, C3, C; rade, S2;raid, B; riden, pp C2; rad,B. Comb.: redyng-kyng, a kind offeudal retainer, PP; redyng-kynges, pl.,PP.—­AS. rA-dan, pt. s. rAid,pl. ridon.

Ridere, sb. rider, S; rideres,pl., S; rideren, S.

Ridil, sb. a sieve, Prompt.; rydelle,Cath.; ryddel, ruddle, Cath. (n).Cf. Rydder.

Ridilen, v. to sift; rydelyn,Prompt.; ridile, W; ridlande, pr.p., S2. Phr.: riddlide watris= Lat. cribrans aquas (Vulg.), Cath. (n).

Rif, v. to rive, S2; see Ryuen.

Rift, sb. veil, curtain; rifft,S.—­AS. rift; cp. Icel. ript,ripti.

Riften, v. eructare, H (Ps. 18. 2);rift, to belch, Manip.—­Icel. rypta.

Riht, adj. and sb. right, S;see Ryght.

Rihten, v. to direct, correct, S; rigten,to set straight, S; ri3*ti, S2; rightid,pt. s., S2.—­AS. rihtan.

Rihtlecen, v. to direct, set right,S; ri3*tleche, S2, HD; ry3*tlokede,pp., S3.—­AS. rihtlA|*can.

Rihtwis, adj. righteous, S; see Ryght.

Rike, sb. kingdom, S2; see Riche.

Rikenare,, sb. reckoner, S.

Rikenen, v. to reckon, S, PP; see Rekenen.

Rin, v. to run, S3; see Rennen.

Ring, v. to reign, S3; see Regnen.

Riot, v. to revel, live dissolutely,gluttonously, WW; ryot, B; riotte, tobe dissolute, luxuriare, Manip.

Riote, sb. uproar, SkD; riot,dissolute, luxurious living, WW; riotte, Manip.;ryot, depredation, B.—­AF. riote(ryot). confusion, OF. rA-ote, quarrelling(Bartsch), also feasting (Ducange); cp. ODu.revot, ‘caterva nebulonum, luxuria’;see SkD.

Riotour, sb. rioter; rioter,glutton, WW; ryotoures, pl., C3.—­AF.riotour, OF. riotheir (Ps. 36. A-).

Riotour, adj. luxurious, dissolute,WW.—­Cp. Low Lat. riotosus (Ducange).

Ripe, adj. fit for reaping, mature,S; rype, C2.

Ripen, v. to become ripe, Prompt.; ripede,pt. s., S.—­AS. rA-pian.

Ripen, v. to divide by tearing open,to rip, to search diligently, examine, HD, JD, SkD(s. v. rip); rype, Palsg.; riped,pt. s., S2.—­Cp. Swed. repa,to scratch.

Ripple, sb. an instrument for rippingoff the flax-seeds, JD. Comb.: repyllestok,an implement for cleaning flax, Voc.

Ripplen, v. to ripple flax, JD; rypelen,SkD, Prompt.

Rishe, sb. rush, S3; see Rusche.

Rist, pr. s. riseth, rises, C3; seeRysen.

Rit, pr. s. rides, C3; see Riden.

Riuelic adv. frequently, S2. SeeRyfe.

Riveling, sb. a kind of shoe, SD, HD;rullion, JD; rewlyngis, pl.,S3; rowlyngis, JD.—­AS. rifelingas,‘obstrigelli’ (Voc.); cp. AF. rivelinges,rivelins.

Rixan, v. to reign, S.—­AS.rA-csian (rA-xian); cp. OHG. rA(R)hhisAn(Tatian), see Sievers, 411. See Riche.

Rixlien, v. to reign, S. See above.

Ri3*t, sb. right, justice, S2; see Ryght.

Ro, sb. quiet, S2; see Roo.

Robben, v. to plunder, spoil, rob, SkD,PP; robby, S2.—­AF. robber;cp. It. robbare, to rob (Florio).

Robbeour, sb. robber, PP; robbour,PP.—­AF. robeAur, OF. robeAr;Low Lat. robatorem; cp. It. robbatore,robber (Florio).

Robe, sb. robe, PP; robes, pl.,clothes, PP; robis, PP.—­AF. robe;cp. It. rA cubedbba, gown, robe, goods(Florio).

Roberie, sb. robbery, S.—­AF.roberie.

Roche, sb. rock, S, S3, C2, H; rooch,S2, W2. Comb.: roche-wall, rock-wall,S.—­AF. roche.

Rod, pt. s. rode, S, S2; see Riden.

Rode, sb. a road, a riding, SkD, WW,Sh.; rade, S2, JD; roade, WW; roode,place where vessels ride at anchor, bitalas-sum,Prompt.—­AS. rAid.

Rode, sb. red complexion, C2, S2; seeRude.

Rody, adj. ruddy, S2, C2, PP; rodi,W.

Roggen, v. to shake, PP, HD, S2, Prompt.;rug, JD.—­Icel. rugga, torock a cradle.

Rohten, pt. pl. recked, S; see Rechen.

Roial, adj. royal, CM; see Real.

Roialtee, sb. royalty, C3; see Realte.

Rokke, sb. a distaff, Prompt., Cath.,HD; rok, S3; roche, Manip.; rocks,pl., S3, HD.—­Icel. rokkr.

Rokken, v. to rock, Prompt.; y-rokked,pp., S2.

Romblen, v. to ramble; romblynge,pr. p., PP.

Romen, v. to rove about, to ramble,wander, roam, C2, C3, PP, SkD; rame, HD; raymen,PP, S2; rowme, PP; rombe, PP. Cp.OS. rA cubedmA cubedn, OHG. rAcmAn, tostrive after (Otfrid).

Romere, sb. roamer, wanderer, PP; rowmer,PP; romares, pl., PP; romberis,PP.

Rome-renneres, sb. pl. agents at thecourt of Rome, PP.

Ron, pt. s. ran, S2; see Rennen.

Rong, pt. s. rang, C3; see Ryngen.

Roo, sb. roe, deer, S2, Prompt.; ro,S2; ra, JD; rays, pl., S3.—­AS.rAih (Voc.), also rAiha (Voc.), see Sievers,117.

Roo, sb. rest, quiet, S2, HD; ro,HD. S2.—­Icel. rA cubed AS.rA cubedw: OHG. ruowa (G. ruhe).

Rood, pt. s. rode, C2; see Ritten.

Roode, sb. the rood, cross, gallows,PP, G, Prompt.; rode, PP, S, S2, S3; rude,B; roid, B; rod, a rod, SkD. Phr.:rule the rod, to bear sway, NQ (6. 3. 169);Comb.: rode-tre, the cross, S2;rude evyn, eve of the Rood (Sept. 13), B.—­AS.rA cubedd: OS. rA cubedda; cp.OHG. ruoda (G. rute).

Roof, sb. roof, W, Prompt.; rhof,SkD; roff, PP; roue, S3; rofe,PP; roouys, pl., W2.—­AS. hrAcubedf.

Roomth, sb. room, space, ND. SeeRowm.

Roomthie, adj. spacious, Cotg. (s.v.large).

Rooomthsome, adj. spacious, DG.

Rop, sb. a rope, PP; rapes, pl.,S.—­AS. rAip; cp. Icel. reip.

Rope, pt. pl. reaped, W2; see Repen.

Ropere, sb. rope-maker or rope-seller,PP.

Roploch, adj. coarse, applied to woollenstuffs, JD; sb. coarse woollen cloth, S3 raplach,raplock, reploch, JD.

Roren, v. to roar, C, PP; roorin,Prompt.; rarin, H (Ps. 76. i); rar,B; rair, S3, B.—­AS. rAirian,to lament loudly, to bellow.

Ros, pt. s. rose, S, C2; see Rysen.

Rose, sb. rose, Prompt.; roose,W2; rois, S3; ross, S3 (11 a. 6); rosen,pl SkD; roosis, W2. Comb.:rose-reed, red as a rose, C3—­OProv.rose; Lat. rosa; cp. AS. rA cubedse.

Rosen, v. to praise, reflex,to boast, H; roose, JD; ruse, JD; roysen,H; rees, JD.—­Icel. hrA cubedsa,to praise, reflex, to boast, from hrA cubedAdeg.r, praise, fame.

Rospen, v. to scrape, S; see Raspen.

Rost, sb. roast (meat), PP; roste,PP. Phr.: rules the rost, takesthe lead, domineers, S3, ND. NQ (6. 3. 170), HD(s.v. rule-stone, SPD (s. v. roast).—­AF.rost, roste.

Roste, v. to roast, C; y-rosted,pp., S3.—­OF. rostir.

Rote, sb. root, W2, PP, S2, C2; rot,S2; roote, a term in astrology, S2, C3; foot,C2; rutis, pl., S3; rotes, PP.—­Icel.rA cubedt; the same word as AS. wrA cubedt,snout, ‘bruncus’; see Voc. (cp. wrAcubedtan, to grub up).

Rote, sb. a musical instrument, C, HD,ND, SkD; roote, HD.—­AF. rote;OHG. hrota; cp. Low Lat. chrotta,OIr. crot (Windisch). Cf. Crowde.

Rote, v. to rot, H (Ps. 15. 10). Der.:rotyng, rotting, S2.—­AS. rotian.

Rote, in phr. by rote; see Route.

Roten, adj. rotten, C3; rotyn,HD; rotun, W2; rottyn, B.—­Cp.Icel. rotinn, perhaps a pp. form.

RoA deg.er, sb. a paddle for rowing,used also as a rudder, S, S2; rothyr, Prompt.;rodyr, Voc., Prompt.; rudyr, oar, Cath.;rither, rudder, DG. See Rowen.

RoA deg.er, sb. an ox, SD, HD; reAdeg.er, SD; reoA deg.er, SD; reoA deg.eren,pl., SD; reA deg.eren, SD; roA deg.eren,S3; roA deg.eron, S2; riA deg.eren, SD;ruA deg.eren, SD. Phr.: rulethe rother, ND. Comb.: rother-soyl,manure, HD, ND; retherne-tounge, the herb bugloss,HD.—­AS. hreoA deg.er: hrA-Adeg.er, OFris. hrA-A deg.er: OHG. hrind(pl. hrindir); cp. G. rind.

RoA3/4un, sb. a driving storm, S2.—­Cp.Icel. rA cubedA deg.i, the wind, tempest.

Rouken, v. to lie close, cower down,CM, C, HD, JD.

Rouncle, v. to wrinkle, S2; see Runkylle.

Rouncy, sb. a horse, C, CM; rounsy,HD; rownsy, HD.—­AF. runcin(Roland); cp. OF. roucin (F. roussin),Sp. rocin, whence rocinante, see Diez,p. 277.

Rounde, adj. round, PP.—­AF.rounde, OF. reont, roont; Lat.rotundum (acc.).

Roundel, sb. a kind of ballad, C.—­OF.rondel.

Roune, sb. a secret, a mystery, S2;rune, a secret, S; roun, song, S2; runen,pl., secret discourses, S; runes, S;rounes, S2.—­AS. rAn:OS. and Goth. rAna, a secret, counsel.

Rounen, v. to talk secretly, whisper,PP, C2; runien, S; rownen, H, PP, Cath.,S3, C2, C3; rounden, PP, ND, Sh., SPD.—­AS.rAnian, to whisper.

Rouning, sb. secret conference, S; rowning,B; runinge, S; rouninges, pl.,S; ronenen, whisperings, S.

Roussat, sb. russet, S3; see Russet.

Route, sb. a rout, overthrow, troop,throng, company, S2, PP, S3, C2, C3; rout,S2; rowtes, pl., S2; rute, a route,rut, way, path, SkD. Phr.: by rote,C2 C3, SkD; by roote, C.—­AF. route,rute, a band of men, a way, OF. rote;Late Lat. rupta, a broken mass of flyingmen, a defeat, a company in broken ranks, adisorderly array, a way broken through a country.

Route, v. to put to flight, Manip.;to assemble in a company, S2, C3.

RouA3/4e, sb. pity, S; see RewA deg.e.

Rou3*te, pt. s. recked, C2; see Rechen.

Roue, sb. roof, S3; see Roof.

Row, adj. rough, C3, SkD; rogh,SkD; ro3*e, S2; rouch, S3, JD; ruh,SD.—­AS. rAh (gen. rAwes);cp. G. rauh.

Rowen, v. to row, S, PP.—­AS.rA cubedwan.

Rowle, v. to roll, S3; rele,S3; rollyn, Prompt.; rueled, pt.s., S2.—­AF. rouler, roler;Late Lat. rotulare. Cf. Royle.

Rowm, sb. space, Prompt., B; rowme,cell, room, Prompt., S3, SkD; rome, S3.—­AS.rAm, space, Goth. rums.

Rowme, adj. spacious, roomy, H; roume,S2.

Rowste, sb. voice, WA.—­Icel.raust.

Rowt, sb. a stunning blow, S2, B; rout,B.

Rowte, sb. noise, snoring, CM.

Rowten, v. to make a great noise, tobellow, to snore, H, S2, S3, Prompt.; routen,B, CM, JD, SD; rowtande, pr. p., roaring,noisy, S2; routte, pt. s., PP; rutte,PP; routit, S2.—­AS. hrAtan,to snore.

Royle, v. to rove about, Manip.; roile,HD, PP; roule, PP. Notes (p. 94), CM.—­OF.roiller, roller (Ducange), AF. rouler;Late Lat. rotulare. See Rowle.

Royle, sb. a stumbling horse, S3, PP.Notes (p. 94); oblongula mulier, Manip.

Royn, sb. scurf; as adj., rough,scurfy, S3.-OF. roigne (Cotg.); Lat. robiginem,rust, scab.

Roynish, adj. scabby, ND, Sh.; roinish,HD.

Royster, sb. a bully, swaggerer, saucyfellow, S3; roister, ND. Comb.:roister-doister, S3 (p. 262).—­OF.rustre, royster, swaggerer (Cotg.), also roiste(Ducange), ruiste (BH), ruste; Lat.rusticum, a countryman.

Ro3*e, adj. rough, S2; see Row.

Ro3*te, pt. s. cared, S; see Rechen.

Ruddocke, sb. the robin redbreast, Manip.;ruddok, CM.

Rude, sb. redness, S; ruddes,pl., S3.—­AS. rudu (Voc.).

Rude, adj. rough, undressed (of cloth)(= Lat. rudis == [Greek: hagnaphos])S2; ruyd, B; roid, B.—­OF.rude; Lat. rudem.

Rudelyche, adv. rudely, C; ruydly,B; roydly, B; rudly, B.

Ruffle, v. to bluster, to be noisy andturbulent, S3, Sh., ND; ruffelynge, pr.p., S3.—­ODu. roffelen, to pander.

Ruffler, sb. a cheating bully, ND, HD.

Rug, sb. back, S; rugge, S, S2;see Rygge.

Ruggy, adj. rough, C, CM.—­Cp.Swed. ruggig, rough, hairy. See Row.

Ruke, sb. a heap, S; ruck, JD;ruken, pl., S. Cp. OSwed. rAka,‘acervus’.

Rukelen, v. to heap up, SD, S.

Rummeis, v. to bellow, S3; rummes,JD; rowmyss, JD; reimis, JD.—­SeeSkD (s.v. rumble). The word rummeisis no doubt of Romance origin, an inchoative in _-sco_from Lat. *_rumare_, found in ad-rumare, tomake a lowing noise; cp. OF. roumant, amurmur (Ducange).

Rummiss, sb. a loud, rattling, or rumblingnoise, JD; reimis, JD; reemish, JD;rummage, an obstreperous din, JD.

Runagate, sb. renegade, WW; see Renegat.

Rune, sb. a secret, S; runen,pl. secret discourses, S; see Roune.

Runien, v. to discourse, S; see Rounen.

Runge, pt. pl. rang; see Ryngen.

Runkylle, sb. a wrinkle, Cath.; runkill,JD.—­Cp. Dan. rynke.

Runkylle, v. to wrinkle, Cath.; runkle,JD; rouncle, S2; rouncled, pp.,Cath (n); roncled, HD.—­Cp.Swed. rynka.

Rurd, sb. cry, noise, S2; see Rerd.

Rusche, sb. rush, PP; rische,PP; resshe, PP; rishe, S3; rish,Manip.; ryshes, pl., S3.—­AS.risce, resce (Voc.).

Rusien, v. to shake, SD, C (n);rese, C; resye, C (n); rused,pt. s., PP.—­AS. hrysian, Goth,hrisjan.

Russet, adj. russet, PP, Prompt; roussat,S3; russets, sb. pl., clothes of a russetcolour, ND.—­AF. russet, OF. rousset;cp. Low Lat. roussetum (Ducange).

Russetting, sb. coarse cloth of russetcolour, HD; a kind of apple, ND.

RuA3/4e, sb. ruth, pity, S; see Rewthe.

Rutis, sb. pl. roots, S3; see Rote.

Rwly, adv. ruefully, S2; see Rewliche.

Rybybe, sb. a kind of fiddle, uetella,vitula, Voc., Prompt.; [ribibe, an oldwoman, CM, ND]; rebeke, Manip.; rebekke,rebeck, SkD; rebecke, ND.—­It.ribebba (also ribecca); Arab. rabAcba,a fiddle with one or two strings, Steingass, p. 397.

Rybybour, sb. a player on the ribibe,PP. See above.

Rydder, sb. a sieve, cribrum,Voc.—­AS. hrider (Voc.). Cf.Ridil.

Rydel, sb. riddle, Prompt.; see Redels.

Ryfe, adj. abundant, numerous, frequent,openly known, S3; ryyf, Prompt.; ryff,PP; ryue, G.—­Icel. rA-fr,munificent.

Ryfelen, v. to rob, plunder, Prompt.y-rifled, pp., PP.—­OF. rifler(Cotg.).

Ryflowre, sb. robber, plunderer, Prompt.

Ryflynge, sb. plunder, PP.

Ryge, sb. stormy rain, S2; rig,HD.—­Icel. hregg, storm and rain.

Rygge, sb. back, ridge, HD, PP; ryg,B, PP; rugge, S, PP, S2; rug, S; rugges,pl., HD; rigge, S, HD, G; rig,S2. Comb.: rygge-bon, spondile,Voc.; rygbone, spina, Voc., PP; rygboon,HD; riggebon, PP, G.—­AS. hrycg;cp. OHG. ruggi (Otfrid).

Ryght, adv. exactly, very, PP; riht,right, close, S, S2; rihht, S; rihte,S; rict, S; rigt, S; ri3*t, S,S2. Phr.: ry3*t now late, onlylately, S2.

Ryght, adj. right, Prompt.; ryht,S2; ri3*t, S2, W; rihte, S; rigte,S; ri3*te, S; rict, S. Comb.:ri3*t-ful, straight ( = Lat. rectus),S2, W; ry3*tfol, S2; ry3*t-uolle*, S2;ri3*tfulnesse, righteousness, W; riht-half,right side, S; ri3*thalf, W2; ri3*tnesse,justice, S2; riht-wis, righteous; S; richtwise,S; ry3*twys, S2; rightwis, v.to justify, H; rihtwisnesse, righteousness,S; ry3*ttwisnesse, S2; ri3*twisnesse,W; rightwisenes, S2; ryghtwisnesse,C3—­AS. riht.

Ryghte, sb. right, law, equity, Cath.;ri3*t, S2; ri3*te, S, S2; ri3*tes,pl., S2; ry3*tez, gen. as adv.,rightly, immediately, S2; ri3*ttes, S2. Phr.:to Aze ri3*ttes, exactly, S2; at alle rightes,C; mid rihte, rightly, S; mid rihten,S; wiAzAz rihhte, S.

Ryme, sb. hoar-frost, H, Prompt. Comb.:ryme-frost, hoar-frost, HD.—­AS.hrA-m.

Ryme, sb. rime, verse, poetry, Prompt.,S, PP; rym, C2, C3; rime, S; rymes,pl., rimes, ballads, PP, C2. Phr.:on his rime, in his turn, S.—­OF.rime, rym; OHG. rA-m, number;cp. AS. rA-m.

Rymen, v. to rime. Prompt., S3,C2, C3.—­AF. rimer (rymer).

Ryming, sb. the art of riming, C2.

Rymthe, sb. room, leisure, Prompt.See Rowm.

Rynen, v. to touch, H. Der.:riner, the quoit that touches the mark, HD.—­AS.hrA-nan, OS. hrA-nan; cp. OHG. rA(R)nan(Otfrid).

Rynge, sb. a circle, annulus,Prompt.; rynges, pl., PP; ringes,C3. Comb.: ring-leader, praesultor,Manip.; the person who opens a ball, HD, NQ (5. 1.146); ryng-sangis, songs adapted for circulardances, S3.—­AS. hring, Icel. hringr.

Ryngen, v. to ring, Prompt.; ringes,pr. pl., S; rong, pt. s., C3;runge, pl., S (19. 1273); i-runge,pp., S.—­AS. ringan, pt. s.rang (pl. rungon), pp. rungen.

Ryngis, sb. pl. reigns, S3; see Regne.

Ryngis, pr. pl. reigns, S3; see Regnen.

Rys, sb. twig, branch, branches, S2,G (s.v. woode), CM; ris, S, CM; ryss,S3; ryse, Cath., S3. Comb.: rise-bushes,sticks cut for burning, DG.—­AS. hrA-s;cp. Icel. hrA-s, G. reis.

Rysen, v. to rise, PP, C2; riss,B; risand, pr. p., S2; riseand,S2; ris, imp., S; rist, pr.s., C3; ros, pt. s., S, C2; roos,C2, W; raiss, S2, B; rass, B; risen,pl., W; rysen, W; rise, C2; rysed,pt. s. (weak), S2.—­AS. rA-san,pt. s. rAis (pl. rison), pp. risen.

Ryshe, sb. rush, S3; see Rusche.

Rysp, sb. coarse grass, S3; risp,JD. Cp. G. rispe, see Weigand.

Ryue, sb. shore, S.—­OF. rive;Lat. ripa.

Ryue, adj. abundant, G; see Ryfe.

Ryuel, sb. a wrinkle, SD.

Ryuelen, v. to wrinkle, HD, PP; ryueleden,pt. pl., PP; riueld, pp., S3.—­Cp. AS. rifelede (Lat. rugosus), Eng.Studien, xi. 66; and Du. ruifelen.

Ryueling, sb. a wrinkling, W; ryuelynges,pl., wrinkles, W2.

Ryuen, v. to tear, rive, S2, C2, C3;rif, S2; ryfe, H.—­Icel. rA-fa.

Ryuer, sb. river, PP; ryuere,Prompt, CM; riuere, S.—­AF. rivere;Late Lat. riparia, seashore, bank, river.See Ryue.

Sa, so, as, S, S2; see Swa.

Saaf, adj. healed, S2; see Sauf.

Sabat, sb. sabbath, W; sabot,W; sabote, S2; sabothis, pl.,S2.—­Lat. sabbatum (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:sabbaton]; Heb. shabbActh, rest, sabbath.

Sabeline, sb. the sable, also the furof the sable, S; sablyne, S.—­OF.sabeline, from sable; Russ. sobole;cp. G. zobel.

Sac, sb. crime, S2; see Sak.

Saccles, adj. guiltless, S2; see Sakles.

Sachel, sb. wallet, satchel, W, H (p. 144).—­OF. sachel; Lat. saccellum(acc.), dimin. of saccus. See Sak.

Sacren, v. to consecrate, hallow, S,Prompt.; y-sacred, pp., S3.—­OF.sacrer; Lat. sacrare.

Sacristane, sb. sacristan, Cath.; secristoun,Voc.; sexteyne, Prompt.; sexteyn, C2.—­AF.secrestein, OF. sacristain, sexton (Cotg.);from Church Lat. sacrista (Voc.).

Sad, adj. sated, over full, weary, satisfied,serious, firm, sober, discreet, grave, PP, S2, S3,C, C2, C3, W; sead, S; sA|d, S; sadde,adv., S3; sadder, comp., moresoundly (of sleep), PP.—­AS. sA|d:OS. sad, sated; cp. OHG. sat (Tatian):Goth, saths; cp. Lat. satis; seeBrugmann, ASec. 109.

Sadel, sb. saddle, C3; sadyl,Prompt. Comb.: sadel-bowe, saddle-bow,S.—­AS. sadol.

Sadelien, v. to saddle; sadelede,pt. s., S; sadeled, pp.,G.—­AS. sadelian.

Sadly, adv. seriously, S3, C, C2, C3;sadlier, comp., more heavily, PP; sadloker,more soundly, S2, PP.

Sadnes, sb. stedfastness, soberness,discreetness, S3, WA; sadnesse, C2, P, W, W2.

SA|, sb. sea, S; see See.

SA|clian, v. to sicken; sA|clede,pt. s., S. See Sek.

SA|d, adj. sated, S; see Sad.

SA|ht, sA|hte; see Saht, Sahte.

SA|htleden, pt. pl. reconciled, S; seeSahtlien.

SA|res, pl. shears, S; see Schere.

SA|ri, adj. sorry, S; see Sory.

SA|tte, pt. s. set, S; see Setten.

SA|w, sb. juice, S; see Sewe.

Safferes, SafAris; see Saphir.

Saffron, v. to tinge with saffron, C3.

Saffroun, sb. saffron, C2; safrun,Prompt.; saffran, SkD; safforne, S3.—­AF.saffran.

Safte, sb. pl. creatures, S; see Schaft.

Sag, Sagh, saw; see Seon.

Saghe, sb. saw, saying, H; see Sawe.

Saghtel, 1 p. pr. pl. become reconciled,S2; see Sahtlien.

Saht, adj. at peace, reconciled; sA|ht,S; sehte, S; saut, HD; sahhte,pl., S.—­AS. sA|ht; cp.Icel. sAittr.

Sahte, sb. peace, reconciliation, S;sA|hte, concord, S; saughte, HD.—­Cp.Icel. sAitt, concord.

Sahtlien, v. to reconcile, to be reconciled,S, SkD (s.v. settle); sa3*tlen, SkD;sau3*tlen, SkD; saghtel, S2; sA|htlien,S; sa3*till, WA; saghetylle, HD.—­AS.sahtlian.

Sahtling, sb. reconciliation; sa3*tlyng,S2; sau3*telyng, HD; saughtelynge, HD.See above.

Sahtnen, v. to reconcile, to be reconciled,S; sauhtne, PP; sau3*tne, P.

Sahtnesse, sb. peace, reconciliation,S; sehtnesse, S; seihtnesse, S.—­AS.sahtnis.

Sai3*, saw; see Seon.

Sak, sb. sack, sackcloth, PP, W2; sek,S2; seck, S; seckes, pl., S;sakkes, PP.—­AS. sacc; Lat.saccus (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: sakkos] (LXX);Heb. saq, probably of Egyptian origin.

Sak, sb. guilt, crime, cause, sake,S2, B; sake, S; sac, S2; sakess,pl., crimes, S2.—­Icel. sAk(stem saka-), a cause, charge, guilt, crime:Goth, sakjo (= [Greek: machae]); cp.AS. sacu, OHG. sahha, ‘causa’(Tatian).

SakeA deg., pr. s. shakes, S; see Schaken.

Sakles, adj. guiltless, S2; sakless,B; saccles, S2; sacclesli, adv.,guiltlessly, S2.—­AS. saclA(C)as;cp. Icel. saklauss.

Sal, sb. salt. Comb.: sal-armoniak,sal ammoniac, C3; sal-peter, saltpetre, C3;sal-preparat, prepared salt, C3; sal-tartre,salt of tartar, C3.—­Lat. sal.

Salad, sb. helmet, CM; sallet,ND, Sh.; salettes, pl., RD (p.1663).—­OF.salade (Cotg.); cp. Low Lat. salada(Ducange), Sp. celada (Minsheu).

Sald, pt. s. sold, S2; see Sellen.

Sale, sb. hall, WA, S, HD.—­Icel.salr; cp. AS. sA|l (gen. sales).

Sale, sb. basket of willow-twigs forcatching eels, etc., S3. See Salwe.

Salewis, sb. pl. willows, W2; see Salwe.

Salm, sb. psalm, S2, W2; psalme,H; psalmes, pl., PP; zalmes,S2.—­Church Lat. psalmus (Vulg.);Gr. [Greek: psalmos] (LXX).

Salme, v. to sing psalms, S2.

Salt, sb. salt, Voc., S; sealte,dat., S2. Comb.: salt-cote,a salt-pit, salina, Voc.; salte-cote,Cath., Voc.—­AS. sealt.

Salt, adj. salted, salt, salsus,SD; sealte, S2; salte, pl., C2.

Salue, v. to salute, C2, C3.—­OF.saluer; Lat. salutare.

Saluyng, sb. salutation, C.

Salue, sb. salve, ointment, C2, PP;sallfe, H (p. 184).—­AS. sealf;cp. G. salbe.

Salwe, sb. a kind of willow, a sallow,SkD, Voc.; salwhe, Prompt.; salghe,HD; salewis, pl., W2.—­AS.sealh (Voc.): OHG. salahAi; cp.Lat. salic-em, Ir. sail, Gr. [Greek:helikae], W. helyg.

Sam....sam, conj whether....or, S.

Same, adj. same, SkD; samyn,S3, B; sammyn, dat., S2, B.—­Icel.samr.

Same, sb. shame, S; see Schame.

Samed, adv. together, SD; somed,S; somet, S.—­AS. samod.

Samen, adv. together, PP, S, S2, H;samenn, S; samyn, H, B; sammyn,B.—­Icel. saman; cp. OHG. saman(Tatian).

Samet, sb. a rich silk stuff, CM; samyte,SkD; samite, ND.—­OF. samit;Late Lat. examitum; Late Gr. [Greek: hexamiton];cp. G. samt, velvet, It. sciamito(Florio).

Samie, v. to be ashamed, S; see Schamien.

Samm-tale, adj. pl. in harmony, S.

Samnien, v. to unite; somnen,S; sammnesst, 2 pr. s., S; i-somned,pp., S; samned, S2; samened, S2;samynd, H.—­AS. samnian.

Samon, sb. salmon, S2; see Saumon.

Sand, sb. sand, PP; see Sond.

Sand, sb. a gift, S2; see Sond..

Sanderbodes, sb. pl. messengers, S;see Sonder.

Sang, sb. song, S, S3; see Songe.

Sang, sb. blood. Comb.:sank royall, blood royal, S3 (14. 490).—­OF.sanc, sang; Lat. sanguinem.

Sangwine, adj. blood-red, S3; sangwin,C; sangwane, blood colour (in heraldry), S3.—­AF.sanguine; Lat. sanguineum.

Sans, prep, without, C3; sanz,S2, PP; saun, HD. Comb.: saunfail, without fail, HD.—­OF. sans,senz; Lat. sine, see BH, ASec. 50.

Sant, adj. and sb. holy, saint,S2; sante, S; sanct, B.—­Lat.sanctus. Cf. Seint.

Sanyt, pt. s. crossed himself, S2; seeSeynen.

Sape, sb. soap, S; see Soope.

Saphir, sb. sapphire; safiris,W (Apoc. 21. 19); saphires, pl., C2,PP; safferes, P.—­AF. safir, saphire;Lat. sapphirum (acc.); Gr. [Greek: shappheiros];Heb. sappA(R)r.

Sapience, sb. Wisdom, i.e.the book so called, C2, P; wisdom, C3; sapiences,pl., kinds of intelligence, C3.—­OF.sapience; Lat. sapientia.

Sar, Sare, Sair; see Sore.

Sarce, sb. sieve, Cath., Palsg,; searce,Cotg. (s.v. tamis); sarse, Cath. (n);sars, Cath. (n).—­OF. sas,a searce (Cotg.), saas: Sp. cedAizo(Minsheu); Lat. setaceum, from seta,hair on an animal. See Say.

Sarce, v. to sift, Palsg.; searse,Cath. (n).—­OF. sasser.

Sari, adj. sorry, S; see Sory.

Sark, sb. shirt, S3; see Serk.

Sarmoun, sb. sermon, P; see Sermoun.

Satern, sb. Saturnus, SD. Comb.:Sateres-dai, Saturday, S; Saterdei,S; seterday, PP; sA|tterdA|i, S; saterday,PP; seturday, PP.

Sattel, v. to subside, S2, S3; see Setlen.

Sauf, adj. safe, healed, made whole,S2, C3, P; sauff, S2; saf, S2; saaf,S2, W; sauf, prep., save, except, C;saue, C2, C3; saulfe, S3; saufliche,adv., safely, S2; saufly, C, C2, PP;sauely, H. Comb.: saulfe-garde,safe-keeping, S3; salfgard, S3.—­AF.sauf, OF. salf; Lat. saluum.

Saugh, saw; see Seon.

Saughte, v. to be reconciled, G. SeeSaht.

Saule, sb. soul, S; sawl, S;saull, S3; saulen, pl., S; seeSoule.

Saumon, sb. salmon, Voc.; salmond,B; samon, S2; samowne, Prompt.—­OF.saumun, salmon; Lat. salmonem.

Saumplarie, sb. example, instructor,PP.

Saumple, sb. example, PP, W2, HD.

Saumpler, sb. exemplar, pattern, W.

Saundyuer, sb. the fatty substance floatingon glass when it is red-hot in the furnace, S2; sawndevere,HD; sandiver, Cotg.—­OF. suinde verre, the sweating of glass (Cotg.); suinor suint, from suinter, to sweat, asstones in moist weather; nasalised from OTeut. baseSWIT, whence G. schwitzen, to sweat.

Sausefleme, sb. the scab, salsumflegma, C (p.140). Der.: sauseflemed,adj., having pimples on the face, HD; sawceflem,pimpled, C, CM.—­Late Lat. salsum flegma.

Saut, sb. assault, H, PP; saute,H; sawt, B.—­OF. saut, a leap;Lat. saltum.

Saute, v. to leap, PP.—­OF.sauter, saulter; Lat. saltare.

Sauter, sb. a musical instrument, psalter,psalms, S2; sawter, Voc.; sawtre, Voc.;sautre, W2; psauter, PP; psautere,H (p. 3). Comb.: sawtere-boke,Voc.—­OF. sautier (Bartsch), psaultier;Church Lat. psalterium; Gr. [Greek: psalthaerion].

Sauvacioun, sb. salvation, S2, S3, C3,P.—­AF. salvacioun; Lat. salvationem.

Sau3*tne, v. become reconciled, P; seeSahtnen.

Saue, prep, save, C2; see Sauf.

Saueine, sb. savin, sabine, SkD; sewane,S3.—­AS. safine; Lat. sabina;cp. OF. sabine, savinier, the savine-tree(Cotg.).

SauetA", sb. safety, PP; sauyte,S2; safte, P.—­AF. sauvete;Late Lat. salvitatem.

Save, sb. the herb sage, C; see Sawge.

Savour, sb. savour, smell, pleasantness,pleasure, P, C2, C3, WW.—­OF. saveur;Lat. saporem.

Savouren, v. to have a pleasant taste,to give an appetite to, S2, P; sauere (= Lat.sapere), to have a taste, perception, W; sauer,S2, WW, CM.—­AF. savourer.

Sawe, sb. a saw, saying, S2, C, C3;saghe, H; saghes, pl., H; saghs,S2; sawes, S2, P.—­AS. sagu.

Sawe, v. to sow, S; see Sowen.

Sawge, sb. the herb sage, Prompt.; salge,Cath.; save, C, HD.—­OF. sauge;Lat. saluia; cp. Low Lat. salgia(Cath.).

Say, pt. s. saw; see Seon.

Say, sb. silk, WA.—­OF. seie;Sp. seda; Lat. se*ta, bristle.Cf. Sarce.

Sayne, sb. a net, WA.—­OF.seine; Lat. sage*na; Greek [saghaenae];cp. OIr. sA(C)n.

Sayntuaryes, sb. pl. relics, S3; seeSeintuarie.

Sa3*, pt. s. saw; see Seon.

Sa3*tled, pt. s. settled, S2; see Setlen.

Sa3*tlyng, sb. reconciliation, S2; seeSahtling.

Sc-. For many words beginning with sc-,see Sch-.

ScA|, she, S; see Sheo.

ScA|rp, adj. sharp, S; see Scharp.

Scandlic, adj. disgraceful, S. See Schonde.

Scaplorye, sb. a kind of scarf, Prompt.;scaplory, scapelory, Cath., S; scaplorey,Voc.; scapelary, Prompt.; chapolory,S3; scaplery, Cath. (n); scapularye,Cath. (n); scopelarie, Cath. (n).—­ChurchLat. scapulare, from scapula, shoulder(Vulg.).

Scarl, sb. scare-crow, bugbear, HD;scarle, Cath.

Scarren, v. to scare, SD; see Skerren.

Scars, adj. scarce, SD; scarce,Prompt.; scarsliche, adv., scarcely,SD; scarslych, sparingly, S2; scarsly,parsimoniously, C, Prompt.; scarseli, W.—­AF.escars; Late Lat. excarpsum.

ScarsetA", sb. scarcity, C3; scarste,S2.—­OF. scharsetA(C) (Ducange).

Scarsnesse, sb. scarceness, Prompt.

Scarth, sb. sherd, H; skarth,JD.—­Icel. skarA deg.. Cf. Scherde.

Scat, sb. treasure, S.—­AS.sceat: OS. skat; cp. OHG.scaz (Tatian).

ScaA deg.e, sb. harm, S, C2; schathe,S2; skaith, S3; skathe, C, G; scath,WA; skath, H.—­Icel. skaA deg.i;cp. OHG. scado (Otfrid).

Scean, pt. s. shone, S; see Schynen.

Sceappend, sb. creator, S; see Scheppende.

Scel, shall, S; see Schal.

Sceolde, should, S; see Scholde.

Scewie, imp. pl. let us see, S; seeSchewen.

Schade, sb. shade, shadow, WA; schadowe,Prompt.; schadewe, S; shadwe, C2, C3.Phr.: in ssede, darkly, S2.—­AS.sceadu (stem sceadwa): OS. skado;cp. OHG. scato (Tatian).

Schaft, sb. shape, make, form, creature,S, S2; schafte, PP; shafte, PP; scepA3/4e,S2; schafte, pl., S; safte, S;ssepA3/4es, S2.—­AS. (ge)sceaft.

Schakaris, sb. pl. drops of dew hangingdown, S3.

Schaken, v. to shake, Prompt.; ssake,S2; sakeA deg., pr. s., S; schok,pt. s., S, S2; schake, pp., C.—­AS.sceacan, pt. scA cubedc, pp. scacen.

Schal, 1, 3 pt. pr. s. shall, S; sceal,S; scal, S; sceol, S; scel, S;schel, S2; ssel, S2; shal, S,S2, C2, C3; sal, S, S2; sall, H; sale,S2; salt, 2 pr. s., S2; ssalt,S2; schulen, pl., S; schullen,S. S2; schulle, S; schulleA3/4, S;schule, S; sculen, S; schuln,C; scullen, S; scule, S; shulen,S; shullen, C3; shulle, S; shul,S2, C3; shule, S2; sulen, S; sule,S; sullen, S; sulle, S; scholle,S2; sholen, S; shole, S; ssolle,S2; solle, S; salle, S2; schaltow,saltou, shalt thou, S2. Cf. Scholde.

Schalk, sb. servant, man, WA; schalke,S2.—­AS. scealc (Grein): Goth.skalks; cp. OHG. scalc (Tatian).

Schame, sb. shame, S, PP; schome,S; shome, S2; scheome, S; scome,S; ssame, S2; same, S.—­AS.sceamu.

Schamefast, adj. modest, C.

Schamefastnesse, sb. modesty, C, W.

Schamelich, adj. shameful; schomelich,S, S2; shameliche, adv., S; shamlic,S2.

Schamien, v. to shame, to be ashamed,S, W; shame, S2; ssame, S2; samie,S.

Schamylle, sb. stool, Cath.; shamel( = Lat. scabellum), H; schamel, Cath.(n); schambylle, macellum, Cath.;shambles, pl., Sh.—­AS. scamel(Mt. 5. 35), scamol, sceamul (Voc.); Lat. scamellum;cp. OF. scamel (Ps. 109. 1), also Lat.scabellum, from stem scam- in scamnum.See NQ (5. 5. 261).

Schap, sb. shape, PP, C, W2; shap,S, C2; schapp, S2; schappe, PP; scheape,S; shappe, PP.—­AS. (ge)sceap.

Schapen, v. to form, create, ordain,refl. to dispose oneself, endeavour, S, C,PP, S3; shape, PP; schop, pt. s.,S, S2; shop, S; shoop, C2; scop,S; sop, S; schope, S2; shope,S2, H; schapen, pp., C; shapen,S, S2, C2; shape, C2; y-*schape, S2;yshapen, C2; yshape, C3.—­AS.sceapan, pt. scA cubedp (scA(C)op),pp. sceapen.

Schapien, v. to create, form; schepien,S; schapide, pt. s., W; shaped,pp., S. Cf. Scheppen.

Schaply, adj. fit, C.

Schaplynesse, sb. beauty, W2.

Scharp, adj. sharp; scharpe,S; scherpe, S; scA|rp, S; scharpe,adv., S; sharpe, C2.—­AS. scearp.

Scharpin, v. to make sharp; scherpit,pt. s., S3.

Schaven, v. to shave, scrape, PP; schauyde,pt. s., W2; shauen, pp., S; schave,C; y-schaue, S2; y-shaue, C2; ischaven,S. Der.: shauing, a thin slice,C3.—­AS. sceafan, pt. scA cubedf,pp. scafen.

Schawe, sb. a shaw, wood, grove, S2,G, S3, HD, Cath.; schaw, WA, B; schowe,HD; shawes, pl., PP.—­AS. scaga;cp. Icel. skA cubedgr.

Schawen, v. to shew, S, S2, S3; seeSchewen.

Schawere, sb. a veil, S; scawere,mirror, S; sseawere, S2; schewere, WA.

Schawles, sb. scare-crow, an appearance,S; schewelles, ND; sewell, HD.—­Fromthe same root as G. scheuche. See Schey.

Sche, she, C; see Sheo.

Scheawen, v. to appear, S2; see Schewen.

Schede, sb. the parting of a man’shair, Cath.; see Schode.

Scheden, v. to separate, to part thehair, to shed, pour, S, PP, W2; shA|denn, S;sheden, PP; shode, HD; schedde,pt. s., PP; shedde, C2; shadde,C2; ssedde, S2; i-sched, pp.,S; shad, S.—­AS. scA(C)adan,pt. scA(C)od, pp. scA(C)aden; cp.OHG. skeidan (Tatian), G. scheiten.

Scheef, sb. sheaf, Prompt.; shef,C; schof, Prompt.; scheffe, Prompt.;shA|fess, pl., S.—­AS. scA(C)af.

Scheep, sb. sheep, Prompt.; shep,S; schepe, Cath.; pl., S2; shep,S; sep, S.—­AS. scA(C)ap.

Scheep, sb. shepherd, S2, PP; shepe,P; shep, PP; chep, PP, Notes (p. 458.)—­AS.*_scA(C)apa (scA(C)pa)_.

Scheld, sb. shield, S, C, W2; sheld,S; sseld, S2; scheeld, C; shel,S; scheelde, Prompt.—­AS. scield,scyld.

Schelden, v. to shield, PP; schilden,S, G; shilden, C2; silden, S.

Schelder, sb. shielder, S2.

Scheltroun, sb. shelter, defence, astrong shield, also a body of troops, battalion, PP;scheltron, Prompt.; scheltrone, acies,Voc.; scheltrom, PP, S2; scheltrun, W2;shultrom, PP; schiltrum, B; childrome,B; jeltron, shield, shelter, SkD (s.v. shelter).—­AS.scild-*truma, a shield-troop (Leo); cp.AF. chiltron.

Schench, sb. draught of beer or wine,SD; senche, S; schenche, dat.,S.—­Icel. skenkr, the serving of drink.

Schenchen, v. to pour out beer or wine,to offer a good thing, S, CM; shenchen, S2;schenkyn, Prompt.—­AS. scencan,to pour out drink (Grein); cp. OHG. scenken(Otfrid), Icel. skenkja; from AS. sceanc,shank, a hollow bone used for drawing off liquor.See SkD (s. v. nunchion).

Schenden, v. to harm, ruin, disgrace,PP, S, S2, W2, S3; shenden, PP, C2, H; scenden,S; ssende, S2; sende, S; shende,pt. s., S; schente, S; schent,pp., S, S2, C, W2, G; shent, PP, C2.—­AS.scendan. See Schonde.

Schendful, adj. disgraceful, SD; schendfulliche,adv., PP; shendfulliche, PP.

Schendlac, sb. disgrace, S.

Schendschip, sb. disgrace, hurt, ruin;schenschip, W, W2; schenship, H; schenshepe,PP.

Schene, adj. bright, S, S2, S3, C; scene,S2; scheyn, S3; shene, C2, S3; sheene,S2, S3, C3; schenre, comp., S.—­AS.scA(C)ne: OS. skA cubedni; cp.OHG. scA cubedni (Otfrid).

Scheome, sb. shame, S; see Schame.

Scheot, pr. s. shoots, S; see Scheten.

SchepieA deg., imp. pi. shape, S; seeSchapien.

Schepne, sb. shed, stall, stable, C;schepyn, bostar, Voc.; shippen,HD; schyppune, Voc.; shepnes, pi.,CM.—­AS. scypen, ‘bovile’(Voc.). Cf. Schoppe.

Scheppen, v. to create, form, SD; schupte,pt. s., S.—­AS. sceppan, scyppan.

Scheppende, sb. creator; sceppende,S; sceppend, S; sceappend, S; sheppendes,pl., S.

Scheppere, sb. creator; schuppere,S; shepper, PP.—­Cp. OHG. sceppheri(Otfrid), G. schApfer.

Scherald, adj. cut by the plough-share,S3.

Scherde, sb. sherd, Prompt.

Schere, sb. shears, C; shere,C2. PP; sA|res, pl., S.

Schere, v. to shear, S3, S2; schA|ren,S; sheren, to reap, cut, S, C2; scorn,pp., S2; soren, S; y-schore, S2.—­AS.sceran (scieran), pt. scear (pl.scA(C)aron), pp. scoren.

Schere, adj. pure, bright, clear, SD;skere, adv., SD; sker, clean,entirely, S. Comb.: Shere Azursdai,the Thursday in Holy Week, S.—­Icel. skA|rr;cp. skA-ri-A3/4A cubedrsdagr, skA-r-dagr,names for Maundy Thursday. See Schyre.

Scherpit, pt. s. sharpened, S3; seeScharpin.

Scherreue, sb. sheriff, G; see underSchyre.

Scherte, sb. shirt, C, C2, PP, Voc.;sherte, PP; shurte, SkD; schyrt,Voc.; shirte, SkD.—­Icel. skyrta.

Schete, sb. sheet, Prompt., P; shete,C3.—­AS. scA(C)te, for scA1/2te,see SkD.

Scheten, v. to shoot, rush, S, W2, Prompt.;scheete, G; ssete, S2; schut,S2; schute, B; scheot, pr. s.,S; schot, pt. s., S2, B; sscet,S2; shote, pp., S2; ishote, S;iscote, S; issote, S2.—­AS.scA(C)otan, pt. scA(C)at (pl. scuton),pp. scoten.

Scheter, sb. shooter, SD; schetare,Prompt.; ssetar, S2.

Schethe, sb. sheath, W (Jo. 15.II), Cath.; shethe, C2.—­AS. scA(C)aAdeg.; cp. OHG. skeidAc (Tatian).

Schetten, v. to shut, C3, Prompt.; schitte,G, W2; schitte, pt. s., W; shette,G, P; pl., C2, C3; schet, pp.,C, W; shet, C3; schit, W; ischet,G; y-schette, S2, C3.—­AS. scyttan.

Schewen, v. to show, appear, S, PP,S3; scheawen, S2; scheauwen, S; schewi,S, S2; schaw, S2, S3, S; sceawen, S;sceu, S2; scawen, S; shewe, PP;shA|wenn, S; sseawy, S2; seawen,S.—­AS. scA(C)awian, to see, alsoto make to see, shew: OS. skAiwon, tolook, see.

Schey, adj. timid, shy, Prompt.; sceouh,SkD.—­AS. scA(C)oh. Cf. Eschewen,Schawles.

Schide, sb. a splinter, WA.—­AS.scA-de; cp. G. scheit, see Kluge.

Schift, sb. shift, change; shift,Sh. Phr.: at a schift, on a sudden,in a moment, S2.

Schiften, v. to change, shift, to partasunder, to divide, to discern, SkD; schyf-*tyn,Prompt.; shifte, C3; scyft, pr. s.,S; shifte him, pt. s., removed himself,PP.—­AS. sciftan (scyftan), to divide.

Schilden, v. to shield, S; see Schelden.

Schip, sb. ship, S; schup, S;scipen, dat., S; schupe, S; sipe,S; schupes, gen., S; schipes,pl., S; schippes, S; scipen,S; sipes, S; ssipes, S2. Comb.:schip-bord; phr.: on schipbord,on board a ship, S2; ship-breche, shipwreck,W; schip-man, shipman, C; shipman, C2;scipenmonnen, pl. dat., S; ssip-uol,shipful, S2; schupeward, shipward, S; ship-wracke,shipwreck, S3.—­AS. scip.

Schirchen, v. to shriek, S; see Schrychen.

Schirmen, v. to skirmish, fence, S;skirmen, S; skyrmez, pr. s.,glides swiftly on flapping wings, S2.—­Cp.Du. schermen, to fence, from, scherm,screen, protection, OHG. scirm, protection(Otfrid).

Schitte, v. to shut, G; see Schetten.

Scho, sb. shoe, W2; schoo, C,Prompt.; schon, pl., S2, S3; schone,S, W; schoon, S2, W, G; shoon, C2, W;shon, PP.—­AS. scA(C)oh, pl.scA(C)os, gen. pl. scA(C)ona.

Scho, she, S3; see Sheo.

Schod, pp. shod, W, Prompt.; shodde,P.

Schode, sb. the parting of a man’shair, the temple or top of the head, C; schood,CM.—­AS. scAide, ‘vertex capilli’(Grein); cp. G. scheitel. See Scheden.

Schoggyn, v. to shake, toss, Prompt.;schogs, pr. s., WA; schoggid,pp., W.

Scholde, pt. s. should, S, S2; scolde,S; sceolde, S; sholde, S, C2, C3; sculde,S; schulde, S; shulde, S, C2, C3; sulde,S; suld, S2; shuld, S2; solde,S; scholte, S; soul, H; soule,H; scholden, pl., S; scolden,S; ssolde, S2; suld, S2.—­AS. scolde. See Schal.

Scholle, shall, S2; see Schal.

Schome, sb. shame, S; see Schame.

Schomelich, adj. shameful, S; see Schamelich.

Schon, pl. of Scho, q.v.

Schon, pt. s. shone, C, G; see Schynen.

Schonde, sb. disgrace, S; shonde,C2.—­AS. scand (sceand), scond(OET).

Schonye, v. shun, P; see Schunien.

Schop, pt. s. created, S; see Schapen.

Schoppe, sb. shop, S2, Prompt, SkD.Cf. Schepne.

Schore, sb. a notch or line cut, a number,score, twenty, S2, PP; score, G, Prompt., PP.—­AS.scor; cp. Icel. skor, an incision.See Scheren.

Schort, adj. short, Prompt.; schorte,S2; scort, S, S2.—­AS. sceort;cp. OHG. scurz.

Schorteliche, adv. briefly, C.

Schorten, v. to make short, C, Prompt.

Schot, pt. s. rushed, S2; see Scheten.

Schouel, sb. shovel, Prompt.; showell,S3.—­AS. scofl (Voc.).

Schowpe, sb. a hip, cornum, Cath.Comb.: schowpe-tre, the briar,Cath.; scope-tre, Cath. (n).

Schowre, sb. shower, Prompt.; schur,SD; shoures, pl., PP, C2; sures,S.—­AS. scAr: Goth, skura.

Schowwyn, v. to shove, Prompt.; schowued,pp., S2.—­AS. scofian.

Schowynge, sb. pushing, Prompt.; showuing,C3.

Schraf, pt. s. shrove, S3; see Schriuen.

Schrapen, v. to scrape, PP.—­Icel.skrapa.

Schreden, v. to clothe, S; see Schrouden.

Schreden, v. to cut, Prompt.; shredde,pt. s., C2.—­AS. scrA(C)adian.

Schredynge, sb. a cutting of herbs,Prompt.; schridyng, W2.

Schrenchen, v. to make to fall, to deceive,S; screnche, S; scrennkenn, S.—­AS. (ge)_screncan_, ‘supplantare,’Ps. 17. 40 (VP); cp. OHG. screnken (Otfrid).

Schrewe, adj. and sb. wicked,bad, a wicked one, sinner, peevish woman, the devil,G, W2, S2, P, S, CM; shrewe, C2, P; shrew,S3, H, S2, C3; screwe, PP. Cp. AS.scrA(C)awa, a shrew-mouse (Voc.).

Schrewen, v. to curse, CM, C.

Schrewid, adj. cursed, bad, W, W2.

Schrewidnesse, sb. wickedness, W2; shrewednesse,P.

Schrift, sb. shrift, confession, S2;scrift, S; schrifte, dat., S2;shrifte, S.—­AS. scrift.

Schrifte, sb. confessor, S; shrifte,S; scrifte, S.

Schrippe, sb. scrip, bag, S2, PP; shrippe,PP; scrippe, S, S2,W; scryppe, Prompt.

Schriuen, v. to prescribe penance, toconfess, S; schryue, S2; shriue, S;shrife, S2; schraf, pt. s., S2;schrof, PP; ssriue, pl., S2;shriuen, pp., S; shryuen, P; scriuen,S2; y-shryue, PP.—­AS. scrA-fan,to prescribe penance, to receive confessions; Lat.scribere.

Schroud, sb. dress, garment, PP; scrud,S; shrud, S; srud, S; schroude,WA, S2; shroudes, pl., rough outer clothes,P.—­AS. scrAd (Voc.).

Schrouden, v. to clothe; scruden,S; schruden, S; schreden, S; shrut,pr. s., S; scred, S; schrowdis,S3; schredde, pt. s.; S, CM; srid,S; schred, 2 pt. s., S2; schrudde,pl., S; y-schrowdyt, pp., S3;ischrud, S; iscrud, S.—­AS.scrA1/2dan, also scrA(C)dan.

Schrychen, v. to shriek, screech, Prompt.;schriken, SkD; scriken, SkD; shriken,SkD; schirchen, S; shryghte, pt. s.,C2; schrighte, C; shryght, S3; shryched,pl., S3; schrykede, C.—­Cp,Swed. skrika.

Schulde, should; see Scholde.

Schuldere, sb. shoulder, Voc., W, S,C; shulder, Voc.; ssoldren, pl.,S2.—­AS. sculdor.

Schulen, shall; see Schal.

Schulen, v. to squint, S; skoul,SkD (s.v. scowl).—­Cp. Dan.skule, to scowl.

Schulle, adv. shrilly, S; see Schylle.

Schunchen, v. to cause to shun, to frighten,S.

Schunien, v. to shun, S; schonye,S; shonye, P; sunen, S.—­AS.scAnian.

Schup, sb. ship, S; see Schip.

Schuppere, sb. creator, S; see Scheppere.

Schupte, pt. s. created, S; see Scheppen.

Schur, sb. shower; see Schowre.

Schurge, sb. scourge, S; see Scorge.

Schurten, v. reflex, to amuse (oneself),S.

Schut, v. to shoot, S2; see Scheten.

Schylle, adj. sonorous, shrill, Prompt.,Cath.; schille, S, S2; schill, S3; schille,adv., S, S2; schulle, S; shulle,PP.

Schylly, adv. sharply, Prompt.

Schyllynge, sb. shilling, Prompt.; schilling,pl., S2; solidus, Cath.—­AS.scilling.

Schyne, sb. shin, C; schynne,Prompt. Comb.: schyn-bone, Voc.—­AS.scina (Voc.).

Schynen, v. to shine, Prompt.; sinen,S; schinen, S; ssynen, S2; scean,pt. s., S; schon, C, G; shoon,C2 schane, pl., S3, H; sinen,pp., S.—­AS. scA-nan, pt. scAin(pl. scinon), pp. scinen.

Schynyng, sb. lightning, W2.

Schynyngli, adv. splendidly, W.

Schyre, sb. a shire, PP; ssire,S2. Comb.: schir-reue, shire-reeve,sheriff, S, C; scherreue, G; schyreue,P; syrreue, S; schirreues, pl.,S2, PP; shriues, S3; shireues, P.—­AS.scA-r.

Schyre, adj. bright, clear, Prompt.;schire, S2; shire, H; shir, S;shyrest, superl., H. Der.:shyrnes, clearness, purity, H.—­AS.scA-r; cp. Goth, skeirs. Cf.Schere.

Schytel, sb. shuttle, used for shootingthe thread of the woof between the threads of thewarp, SkD; schutylle, Cath.; schetyl,Prompt, (p. 470). Comb.: shyttel-co*cke,shuttle-co*ck, S3. See Scheten.

Schyue, sb. a slice, small piece, Prompt.;shive, Sh., ND; sheeve, ND, JD; schyfes,bits of tow, Cath.—­Cp. Icel. skA-fa.

Schyuere, sb. a shiver, piece of wood,slice, Prompt.; shiuer, SkD; scifren,pl., SkD; sciuren, SkD. See above.

Schyueren, v. to break into shivers,splinters, C.

Scipen, pl. ships, S; see Schip.

Scite sb. city, S; see Citee.

Sclate, sb. slate, Prompt.; sklat,Prompt.; sclattis, pl., tegulae,W.—­OF. esclat, a shiver, splinter,something broken off with violence (Cotg.), F. A(C)clat.

Sclaundre, sb. scandal, slander, C2,PP; sclaunder, Prompt.; sklaundre, PP;slaunder, Prompt.—­AF. esclaundre,OF. escandle; Lat. scandalum (Vulg);Gr. [Greek: skandalon].

Sclaundre, v. to scandalize, to slander,W, C3; slaunderyd, pp., Prompt.

Sclauyne, sb. pilgrim’s cloak,S, Cath. (n); slaveyne, a garment, Prompt.,HD; slavyn, Cath.; sklavyn, HD; sclauayn,Voc.; sclavene, Voc.; slaueyn, PP.—­LowLat. sclavina, a long garment like that wornin Slavonic countries (Ducange); cp. AF. esclavine;from the people called Slav, a name said tobe connected with Russ. slovo, a word, andto mean ’the speaking, the intelligible.’See SkD (p. 828).

Sclender, adj. slender, C, SkD; sklendre,C, C2; slendyr, Prompt.—­OF. esclendre(Palsg.); of Teutonic origin; cp., ODu. slinder;see BH, ASec. 50.

Scleyre sb. veil, PP; see Sklayre.

SCO, she, S; see Sheo.

Scolden, should; see Scholde.

Scole, sb. the bowl of a balance, abowl, Prompt.; scoale, S; scale, Cath.—­Icel.skAil, a bowl.

Scole, sb. school, S, C, C2, Prompt.Comb.: scol-meistre, schoolmistress,S (meistre; OF. meistre; Lat. magistra,see BH).—­Lat. schola; Gr. [Greek:scholae], leisure.

Scoler, sb: scholar, C.

Scoleye, v. to attend school, to study,C.

Scop, pt. s. made, S; see Schapen.

Scorclen, v. to scorch, SkD (p. 826);scorkelyn, Prompt.; scorklyd, pp.,Prompt.

Scorcnen, v. to scorch, S.

Scorge, sb. scourge, Prompt.; scourge,W (Jo. 2. 15); schurge, S.—­AF. escorge,OF. escurge; cp. It. scoreggia (Florio);Lat. ex + corrigia, a thong, rein, girdle(Ducange), see Diez, p. 109. Derived from thisLat. corrigia is AF. escurgie, OF. escourgee(Cotg.): It. scoreggA-Aita (Florio); LateLat. excorrigiata, see Diez, p. 289, and Brachet.

Scorn, pp. shorn, S2; see Schere.

Scoute, sb. scout, spy, SkD.—­OF.escoute (Cotg.).

Scouten, v. to scout, pry; skowtez,pr. s., S2.—­AF. escouter,to listen; OF. ascouter, escolter;Lat. auscultare.

Scowkyng, sb. sculking, ambush, S2,B.—­Cp. Dan. skulke, to slink.

Scred, pr. s. clothes, S; see Schrouden.

Scrippe, sb. scrip, bag, S, S2, W; seeSchrippe.

Scriptour, sb. pencase, S3.—­OF.escriptoire, a penner (Cotg.); Late Lat. scriptorium,pencase (Ducange).

Scrit, sb. writing, document, S2; scrip,Sh.; script, SkD.—­OF. escrit,escript; Lat. scriptum.

Scrud, sb. dress, S; see Schroud.

Scruden, v to clothe, S; see Schrouden.

Sculde, should; see Scholde.

Sculptilis, sb. pl. idols, W2.—­Lat.sculptile, a carved image (Vulg.).

Se, pron. dem. m. and def. art. m.that, the, S. Comb.: se Aze, thatman that, he who, S; se Azet, he that, S.—­AS.se. Cf. Seo.

Se, so, as, S; see Swa.

Se, sb. sea; see See.

Se, sb. see; see See.

Sead, adj. satiated, S; see Sad.

Sealte, sb. dat. salt, S2; see Salt.

Sealte, adj. salt, S2; see Salt.

Searce, Searse; see Sarce, sb.and v.

Seare, adj. sere, S3; see Seere.

Seawede, pt. s. showed, S; see Schewen.

Sechen, v. to seek, S, S2, C, PP; sekyn,Prompt.; seke, PP, S, S2; schechen,S; sohte, pt. s., S, S2; so3*te,S; so3*t, S2; soght, pl., S2;socht, S3; y-soht, pp., S2. Phr.:to seke, at a loss, S3.—­AS. sA(C)can(pt. sA cubedhte, pp. gesA cubedht):OS. sA cubedkian.

Seck, s. sack, S; see Sak.

Secre, adj. secret, S2, C, C3; secree,C2. Comb.: Secre of Secrees, SecretaSecretorum (name of a book), C3—­OF. secre;Lat. secretum.

Secrely, adv. secretly, C2.

Secrenesse, sb. secrecy, C3.

Secte, sb. a suite, following, sect,religion, suit, apparel, PP, C2.—­OF. secte(Cotg.); Late Lat. secta, a set of people, afollowing, a suit of clothes, a suit in law; Lat. secta,a faction, from sec- base of sequi,to follow.

Sectour, sb. executor of a will, PP,S3, Cath.; secatour, HD; secture, HD;seketowre, Prompt.; secutour, PP.—­AF.executour; Lat. executorem, executorof a will.

Sed, sb. seed, PP, S, S2; seed,PP; seod, PP; seA deg., S. Comb.:seed-leep, seed-basket, PP.—­AS. sA|*d:Goth, s[e*]ps; cp. OHG. sAit (Tatian);see Brugmann, ASec. 75.

Sede, pt. s. said; see Seggen.

See, sb. see, seat, S3, C2, PP; se,S3, PP.—­OF. se, sed; Lat.sedem.

See, sb. sea, Prompt, S, C2; se,S, S2; sey, S3; sA|, S; sa, S;sees, pl., S2. Comb.: se-bare,sea-wave, surge, S2; se-calues, sea-calves,seals, S2; se-halues, sea-coasts, S2.—­AS.sA|*: Goth, saiws.

Seek, adj. sick, C; see Sek.

Seel, sb. seal, C3, P, Prompt.; sehel,PP.—­OF. sA"el; Lat. sigillum.

Seeled, pp. cieled, WW (s.v. cieled);see Ceelen.

Seelen, v. to seal, PP; selen,P; seled, pp., C3.

Seeling, sb. a sealing, W2.

Seere, adj. sere, dry, withered, SkD,Prompt.; seare, S3.—­AS. *_sA(C)ar_;cp. Low G. soor, dry.

Seeryn, v. to become dry, Prompt.—­AS.sA(C)arian. Cf. Soyr.

Seet, pt. s. sat, C, G; see Sitten.

Seet, sb. seat, G; see Sete.

Seeth, pt. s. boiled, C2; see Sethen.

Seg, sb. a man, lad, nuncius,vir, S2, PP; segge, P, WA, HD; sege,HD.—­AS. secg: OTeut. *_sagjoz_,see Sievers, 130.

Sege, sb. seat, siege, S3, W, C, C2,Prompt.; segys, pl., H.—­AF.sege; Late Lat. *_sedicum_, from Lat. sedes;see BH, ASec. 133. See See.

Segen on, v. to make to sink, to castdown, S.—­AS. on-sA|*gan, ‘prosternere’(Grein).

Segge, sb. sedge, S, Prompt., Voc.—­AS.secg, sedge, also sword, see Sievers, 258.

Seggen, v. to say, S, S2, S3, P; segen,S; sA|gen, S; seigen, S; siggen,S, S2; sygge, S2, S3; sayn, S2, C; zigge,S2; seien, S; seie, S3, C; sei,P; sA|in, S; seyen, S; seyn,S2, C2; se3*en, S; sei3*, S2; zay,S2; sehA deg., pr. s., S; seiA3/4,S2; seyAz, S2; zayAz, S2; seistow,sayest thou, C3; seien, pr. pl., S2;sA|de, pt. s., S; sade, S; sede,S, S2; sA|ide, S; sayde, C2; seyde,C2; seide, S2, C; seidestow, saidstthou, S2; sugge, 2 pr. s. subj., S; 3*e-sed,pp., S; i-said, S; i-segd, S;i-seid, S; ised, S, S2; seyd,C2; yzed, S2; iset, S; iseit,S (3 b. 14); seyne, gerund., C2.—­AS.secgan, pt. sA|*de, pp. gesA|*d.

Sehte, adj. reconciled, S; see Saht.

Sehtnesse, s. peace, reconciliation,S; see Sahtnesse.

Sei, Seih, saw; see Seon.

Seily, adj. simple, humble, S3; seeSely.

Sein, pp. seen; see Seon.

Seint, adj. and sb. holy, saint,S, S2, C2; seynt, PP; sein, S, S2; seintes,pl., C2; seyntis, W2.—­OF.seint, saint; Lat. sanctum.Cf. Sant.

Seintuarie, sb. sanctuary, SD; seyntewarie,PP; sayntuaryes, pl., holy things, relicsof saints, S3.—­AF. saintuarie, alsoseintuarye, holy relics; Lat. sanctuarium.

Seir, adj. separate, S3; see Ser.

Seirse, v. to search; seirsand,pr. p., S3. See Cerchen.

Seise, v. to seize, possess, SkD; sese,PP, B; seised, pp., possessed of, S2.—­OF.seisir, sesir, sazir, to put inpossession; Low Lat. sacire (Ducange); OHG.sazjan, to set, sezzan (Tatian); seeBrachet (s. v. saisir).

Seisine, sb. possession, S2; seysyne,SkD.—­AF. seisine.

Sek, s. sack, S2; see Sak.

Sek, adj. sick, S, S2; seek,PP, C; sik, S, G; syk, G; sic,S; seke, S; sike, S, C; zyke,S2; sijke, W; sikly, adv., withill-will, C2.—­AS. sA(C)oc: Goth,siuks.

Seke, v. to seek, S, S2; see Sechen.

Sekir, adj. sure, WA.; see Siker.

Seknesse, sb. sickness, S2, C; secnesse,S; siknesse, C2; sykenesse, P; sekenesse,S2.—­AS. sA(C)ocnes.

Sel, sb. happiness, occasion, time,S; seel, Prompt.; sele, S2.—­AS.sA|*l.

Sel, adj. timely, good, S.—­AS.sA(C)l (Grein): Goth. sels.

Selde, adj. pl. few, C2; adv.,seldom, S, S2, C, C2, G, PP; selden, S2, P;seldene, S2; seldum, S. Comb.:seld-hwonne, seldom, S; seld-sene, rarelyseen, SD; seld-speche, taciturnity, SD.—­AS.seld; see Sweet.

Self, pron. self, ipse, S; seolf,S; silf, W; selue, S; sulf, S,S2; sulve, S, S2; zelue, S2; seolue,acc., S; seoluen, pl., S; sielfe,S; sulf, S.—­AS. self.

Selke, sb. silk, P; silke, P;seolke, S.—­AS. seolc (Voc.);Russ. sholk; Lat. sericum; cp. Icel.silki; see SkD (p. 828).

Selkouth, adj. and sb. wonderful,a wonder, S2, H, PP; selcouth, S2, S3, PP;selcuth, S, S2, WA; selkow, Prompt.—­AS.seld-cAA deg..

Selkouth, v. to make wonderful, H.

Selle, sb. cell, C, P; see Celle.

Sellen, v. to give, sell, Prompt., C;sullen, S, S2; sylle, S2; selde,pt. s., W; seelde, W; sald, S2;seeld, pp., W, W2; seld, W; sald,S2.—­AS. sellan (syllan):OS. sellian: Goth, saljan.

Seller, sb. seller, dealer, PP; suller,S2; siller, W2.

Seller, sb. cellar, G; seler,W2; see Celer.

Sellich, adj. wonderful, illustrious,S; sellic, S; seollich, S; sulliche,adv., S; selli, S2.—­AS. sellic:OS. seldlik; cp. Goth, sildalciks.

SelA deg.e, sb. happiness, advantage,HD; selhA deg.e, S.—­AS. (ge)sA|*lAdeg.. See Sel.

Selure, sb. canopy, ceiling, S3; seloure,HD; selour, EETS (78); celure, EETS(78); silour, EETS (78); sylure, celatura,Prompt.; silloure, WA; syllure, MD.—­OF.celeA1/4re_; Late Lat. _caelatura_ (Ducange).

Seluer sb. silver, S, S2; see Siluer

Sely, adj. happy, blessed, simple, humble,S2, S3, C, C2, C3; seely, S3; seilye,S3; seli, S.—­AS. sA|*lig:OHG. sAilig (Tatian).

Selyn, v. to line the inner roof ofa room, Prompt. See Ceelen.

Semblable, adj. like, S3, PP.—­OF.semblable.

Semblably, adv. similarly, S3.

Semblance, sb. appearance, S2.—­AF.semblance.

Sembland, adj. like, PP.

Semblant, sb. appearance, countenance,S, S2, C2; semblaunt, S, W, PP; sembland,S2.—­AF. semblant.

Semble, v. to seem; sembeles,pr. s., S2.—­OF. sembler;Lat. simulare.

Semble, v. to assemble, PP; sembled,pt. s., S2; semblyt, S3; semblyde,pl., S3.—­OF. asembler; LateLat. assimulare.

Semble, sb. assembly, S2, PP; semblee,S2.—­AF. assemble, assemblee.

Seme, sb. load, S, P; seem, Prompt.,P.—­AS. sA(C)am: Low Lat. sauma(salma), sagma; Gr. [Greek: sagma],a pack-saddle; see ZRP (2. 537), cp. Kluge (s.v.saum).

sem*n, v. to load, to be a weight, S.—­AS.sA(C)man, from sA(C)am; see above.

sem*n, v. to make two parties the same,to conciliate, hence to suit, to appear suitable orseemly, later, to seem, S; seme, S2; seme,to reconcile, S; semet, pr. s., seemsfitting, S. Phr.: to my seminge. as it appears to me, C2.—­AS. sA(C)man,gesA(C)man. See Some.

Semi-, adj. half. Comb.:semy-cope, a short cope, C.

Semliche, adj. seemly, S2; semeliche,PP; semely, C, C2, WA; semlike, S; semly,S2; semeli, W2; semlokest, superl.,S2.—­AS. *_sA(C)melic_; cp. Icel. sA|miligr.

Sen, afterwards, since, H, S2, S3, WA; seeSiA deg.A deg.en.

Sen, seven, H; see Seuen.

Sen, pp. seen; see Seon.

Sence, sb. incense; see Sens.

Senche, sb. draught, S; see Schench.

Senchen, v. to cause to sink; senchtest,2 pt. s., S.—­AS. sencan,causal of sincan. See Sinken.

Sendal, sb. a fine stuff, C; sendel,H; see Cendal.

Senden, v. to send, S; sende,S2; send, pr. s., S; sent, S,S2, C2; zent, S2; sendes, S; sent,imp. s., S2; sende, pt. s., S,S2; send, S3; pl., S2; senten,S2; send, pp., S; y-sent, S2,C3; i-sent, S; i-send, S; i-sende,S.—­AS. sendan: OS. sendian:Goth, sandjan.

Senden, are; see Sinden.

Senden, v. to reproach, S; see Schenden.

Sene, adj. evident, S, S2, C2.—­AS. (ge)_sA1/2ne_.

Sene, pp. provided. Phr.:well sene, well furnished, S3, HD. SeeSeon.

Seneuey, sb. mustard, W; seneueye,W; seneuei, W.—­OF. senevA(C),mustard (Cotg.); an adjectival form from senve;Lat. sinapi (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: sinapi];see Brachet (s.v. sanve).

Sene3*en, v. to sin; see Sunegen.

Senged, pp. sun-burnt, S3 (p. 364, 1.29); see Sengin. [Addition]

Sengin, v. to singe, burn on the surface;seengyn, Prompt.; seynd, pp.,C; seynkt, Prompt.; sengt, Prompt.—­AS.sengan (in be-sengan), causal of singan,to sing.

Senne, sb. sin, S; see Sunne.

Sens, since, S3; see SiA deg.A deg.en.

Sens, sb. incense, S3; sence,Prompt., Cath.; sense, PP.—­AF. ensens,encens; Lat. incensum, lit. what is burned(Vulg.).

Sensing, sb. use of incense, S3; sencynge,Prompt.

Sentence, sb. sense, meaning, opinion,matter of a story, verdict, C, C2, C3; sentens,PP.—­AF. sentence; Lat. sententia.

Seofe, seven, S; see Seuen.

Seolf, self, S; see Self.

Seolke, sb. silk, S; see Selke.

Seollich, adj. wonderful, S; see Sellich.

Seoluer, sb. silver, S; see Siluer.

Seon, v. to see, S, PP; seo,S, S2; seen, S; sen, S; se, S2,W2; imp. s., S; pl., W; see, may(God) see, S2; sest, 2 pr. s., S; sist,S, S2; sixt, S2; seA deg., pr. s.,S; seoA3/4, pl., S2; seA deg.,S2, P; sei, 2 pt. s., S2; sA|h,pt. s., S; seh, S, S2; sih, S2;si3*, S2, W; sy3*, S2; sye, S3;sy, C3; se3*, S, S2; sey, S2,C2, G; sei3*, S2, S3; seigh, C; seih,G; seyh, G; sag, S; sagh, S2;saugh, S3, C, G; sa3*, S; sau3*,S; sawh, S2; say, S2, S3, C, W, G; say3*,S2; saye, W; saie, W; sai3*,W; saw3*, W; sihen, pl., S2;sy3*en, S2; seien, W; sei3*en,W; seen, W; si3*en, W; sien,W; syen, W; saien, W; sayn, W;saye, W; seye, S2; seand, pr.p., S3; seynge, W2; seyn, pp.,S2, C, W; se3*en, S2; sein, S2; sen,S; seie, S2; sien, W2; si3*, W;say, W; y-sei3*en, PP; y-sein,PP; seen, ger., S3; zyenne, S2.—­AS.sA(C)on, pt. seah (pl. sAiwon,sA|*gon), pp. sewen (sawen),also ge-segen. AS. sA(C)on (for*_sehwon_): Goth. saihwan; cp. Lat.sequ-or, I follow; see Brugmann, ASec. 419.

SeoA deg. are, S; see Sinden.

Seouen, seven, S; see Seuen.

Seowen, v. to sew, S; see Sewen.

Sep, pl. sheep, S; see Scheep.

Septemtrioun, sb. the North, C2.—­OF.septentrion; Late Lat. septentrionem(Voc.); from Lat. septemtriones, a name forthe constellation of the Great Bear.

Sepulture, sb. tomb, S3, C3; sepultures,pl., burials, S3.—­AF. sepulture;Lat. sepultura.

Ser, adj. separate, several, different,various, S2, B; sere, S2, H, WA; seir,S3, B. Der.: sernes, variety, H;sernessis, pl., H; sernesis,H; serelepy, separate, WA; serelepes,separately, PP.—­Cp. usages of Icel. sA(C)r,to himself, used in many compounds, as sA(C)r-liga,apart, particularly.

Sercle, sb. circle, W2; see Cercle.

Serewe, sb. sorrow, S; see Sorwe.

Serge, sb. a taper, Cath.; see Cerge.

Sergeant, sb. servant, serjeant, C,C2, C3; seriaunt, P; sergan3*, pl.,S; seriauntes, S2; seriauntz, P; seriauns,S2, PP.—­AF. serjant; Lat. seruientem;see BH, ASec. 162.

Serk, sb. sark, shirt, PP, S, S3, G;sark, S3; serke, P.—­Icel.serkr.

Sermone, v. to preach, speak, C3.

Sermonyng, sb. preaching, C.

Sermoun, sb. sermon, writing, C2; sarmoun,P.—­AF. sermoun; Lat. sermonem.

Sertes, adv. certainly, S2; see Certes.

Seruage, sb. servitude, thraldrom, S2,C, C2, C3, W, Prompt.—­OF. servage.

Seruin, v. to serve, to deserve, S,S2; sarui, S; serue, H, PP; serwis,2 pr. s., S3; serwit, pt. s.,S3; y-served, pp., C, P; i-serued,S.—­AF. servir; Lat. seruire.

Seruisable, adj. serviceable, C3.

Seruise, sb. service, S; seruyse,C2.—­OF. servise; Lat. seruitium;see BH, ASec. 129.

Seruitute, sb. servitude, C2.—­OF.servitute; Lat. seruitutem; see Constans.

Serwe, sb. sorrow, S; see Sorwe.

Serwish, adj. imperiosus, Manip.

Serye, sb. series, C, CM.—­Lat.seriem.

Seryows, adj. ‘sad and feythefulle,’Prompt.; seriouse, seriosus, Manip.;seryouse, earnest, Palsg.—­Late Lat.seriosus; from Lat. serius, grave, earnest.

Seryowsly, adv. seriously; ceriously,minutely, with full details, S2, C3.—­LateLat. seriose, ‘fuse, minutatim’(Ducange).

Sese, v. to seize; see Seise.

Sesoun, sb. season, C3; cesoun,W2.—­AF. seson, OF. saison;Lat. sationem, a sowing.

Set, pt. s. sat, S; see Sitten.

Sete, sb. seat, Cath., S, C2, PP; seet,G.—­AS. seto, seotu (OET).

Sete, adj. suitable, H (p. xxv).—­Icel.sA|tt, endurable, from sitja, to sit.

Setel, sb. seat, SD; seotel,S; settle, S. Comb.: setel-gang,sunset, S2.—­AS. setl; cp. Goth,sitls.

Seterday, Saturday, P; see Satern.

SeA deg., sb. seed, S; see Sed.

Sethen, v. to seethe, Prompt.; seeth,pt. s., seethed, boiled, C2; y-sode,pp., S2.—­AS. sA(C)oA deg.an,pt. s., sA(C)aA deg., pp. soden.Cf. SwiA deg.en.

SeA deg.A deg.en, afterwards, since, S, S2,G; seA deg.en, S, S2; seA3/4A3/4e, S2;see SiA deg.A deg.en.

Setlen, v. to cause to rest, also tosink to rest, subside, settle, SkD; sattel,S2, S3, SkD; satelyn, Prompt.; sa3*tled,pt. s., S2 [see SkD s.v. settle].—­AS.setlan, to fix, settle (Grein).

Setnesse, sb. an appointed order, institute,SD.—­AS. (ge)setnis. Cf. Asetnesse.

Sette, sb. a young plant, a shoot; settys,pl., S3.

Setten, v. to set, place, appoint, S;sett, to set, watch game, S2; setis,pr. s., S; settes,, 2 pr. s.,S2; sette, pt. s., S, S2, S3; zette,S2; sA|tte, S; set, 2 pt. s.,S2; settide, pt. s., W; settiden,pl., W; sette, G; settand, pr.p., S2; set, pp., S; i-set,S, S2; i-sett, S; i-sette, S; y-set,S2, S3, C2, C3.—­AS. settan:Goth. satjan, to cause to sit; see Douse, p.113. See Sitten.

Seurte, sb. surety, C; see Surety.

Seuen, num. seven, PP; seue,PP, S; seouen, S; seove, S; seofe,S; seuene, PP; seouene, S; sen,H; zeue, S2; seofen, S.—­AS.seofon; cp. Goth, sibun, Lat. septem,Gr. [Greek: hepta]. For the Goth, termination-un, see Brugmann, ASec.ASec. 223, 224.

Seuend, num. ord. seventh, S2.

Seue-niht, sb. sennight, week, S; soue-nylit,S.

Seuen-tene, num. seventeen, Prompt.;sewintine, S3.

SeueA3/4e, num. ord. seventh, S2, PP;seoueA deg.e, S; soueA3/4e, S; seofeA3/4e,S.

Sew, pt. s. sowed, H; see Sowen.

Sewane, sb. savin (a herb), S3.See Saueine.

Sewe, sb. juice, broth, gravy, delicacy,C2, Cath., HD; sew, HD; sA|w, S.—­AS.sA(C)aw.

Sewen, v. to sew, suere, W2;seowen, S; sewide, pt. s., W2;y-sewed , pp., S3.—­AS. siwian:Goth. siujan; see Brugmann, ASec. 120.

Sewen, v. to follow, PP, C, S2. Der.:sewyngly, in order, S2. See Suen.

Sewen, v. Phr.: to seweat y’e mete, deponere, apponere,to set upon the table, Cath., Prompt. See below.

Sewer, sb. bearer of dishes, dapifer,S2, Voc.; seware, Prompt.; asseour,NED; assewer, NED.—­AF. assA"our,he who sets the table (Ducange); from OF. assA"oir,to set, to place; Late Lat. adsed[*e-]re.

Sewintene, seventeen, S3; see Seuentene.

Sexe, six, S; see Sixe.

Sexte, sixth; see Sixte.

Sexteyn, sb. sacristan, sexton, C2;see Sacristane.

Seych, sb. sigh, S3; see Syke.

Seyed, pp. passed, lit. swayed, S2;see Sweyen.

Seyen, v. to say; see Seggen.

Seyl, sb. sail, Prompt., S, C; seil,S; seiies, pl., S2; seales, S3.—­AS.segl.

Seylen, v. to sail, Prompt.; sayle,C2; saland, pr. p., S3.—­AS.(ge)_seglian_.

Seyn, pp. seen; see Seon.

Seynen, v. to make a sign, esp. thesign of the cross, PP; saine, to bless, HD;seyned, pt. s., P; sanyt, S2.—­OF.seigner (Bartsch); Lat. signare.

Seynd, pp. singed, C; see Sengin.

Seynt, sb. girdle, C; see Ceinte.

Se3*en, v. to say, S; see Seggen.

Sh-. For many words beginning with theseletters, see Sch-.

Shadde, pt. s. shed, poured, C2; seeScheden.

ShA|d, sb. discretion, S.—­AS.(ge)_scA(C)ad_. See Scheden.

ShA|fess, pl. sheaves, S; see Scheef.

ShA|wen, v. to shew, S; see Schewen.

Sheeuering, pr. p. shivering, S3; seeChiueren.

Sheo, pron. dem., def. art.,pron. pers. f., illa, that, the, she,PP; scheo, SD; scho, S3, PP; sho,S, H; sco, S2; seo, S; sche,C, PP; che, S2; si, S; scA|, S. Comb.: zi A3/4et, she that, SD(s.v. se).—­AS. sA(C)o; cp.OHG. siu (Tatian).

Sherch, v. to search, S3; see Cerchen.

Sho, she, S; see Sheo.

Shode; see under Scheden.

Shriues, pl. sheriffs, S2; see underSchyre.

Si, she, S; see Sheo.

Si, let there be, S; see Sinden.

Sibbe, sb. and adj. peace, relationship,affinis, related, SD, S, P; sybbe, Prompt.;sib, S; syb, P. Comb.: sib-man,‘affinis,’ HD; sib-nesse, affinity,SD; sib-reden, relationship, SD; sibrede,HD; sybrede, banns of matrimony, Prompt.; cybrede,Prompt.; sib-sum, peaceable, SD; sib-*sumnesse,friendship, SD.—­AS. sib(b),peace, relationship: Goth, sibja; cp.OHG. sibba, peace (Tatian), relationship (Otfrid).See Sievers, 257.

Sic, adj. sick, S; see Sek.

Sicer, sb. strong drink, C2; siser,C2 (n); ciser, C2 (n), MD.—­LowLat. sicera (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: sikera](LXX); Heb. she*kar (Deut. 29. 6). Cf.Sidir.

Siche, adj. such, W; see Swyche.

Sicht, pt. s. sighed, S3; see Syken.

Siclatoun, sb. a costly silk texture,CM; sicladoun, CM; see Ciclatun.

Sidir, sb. strong drink, cider, S3,W, MD; sidur, W2; sider, MD; sydyr,Prompt.; sedyr, Prompt.; cyder, C2 (n);cedyr, Prompt.; syther, Cath., S2; sythir,C2 (n).—­OF. sidre (cidre),sisdre; Low Lat. sicera (Voc.); Gr. [Greek:sikera] (Luke 1. 15); cp. Sp. sidra (Deut.29. 6). See Sicer.

Sigaldren, sb. pl. sorceries, S.—­Icel. seiA deg.-galdr, enchantment by spells.See Grimm, Teut. M. pp. 1035-1043.

Sigaldrie, sb. enchantment, SD; sigaldry,HD.

Sigaldrien, v. to bewitch; sygaldryd,pt. s., HD.

Siggen, v. to say; see Seggen.

Sighte, sb. sight, providence, appearance,PP, C; sihA deg.e, S; syhte, S; sy3*t,S2; zygA3/4e, S2; zy3*A3/4e, S2; sihte,S; si3*te, S.—­AS. (ge)_sihAdeg._ (gesiht).

Signe, sb. sign, portent, PP; see Syng.

Signefiance, sb. meaning, S.—­OF.signefiance.

Signefien, v. to signify, mean, S.—­AF. signefier.

Sihen, pt. pl. saw, S2; see Seon.

Sik, adj. sick, S; see Sek.

Sike, adj. such, S3; see Swyche.

Siker, adj. secure, sure, trusty, S,S2, C3, P; sikir, W; sekir, B; zykere,S2; zikere, S2; syker, S3, P; adv.,truly, S3; sikerer, comp., S3, C; sikerere,P; sikerest, superl., S2. Comb.:sikerhede, security, SD; sikerlec, surety,pledge, SD; sikerliche, surely, certainly,S; sykerlych, S2; sikerlike, S; sAkerly,S3, C, C2, P; sykerly, H; sekirly, B;sikernesse, security, S, S2, C2, C3; sicernesse,S; sykernes, S2; sikirnesse, W; sykirnes,H; sekirnes, B.—­OS. sikor;Late Lat. se*curus (with accent on the firstsyllable); cp. OHG. sichor (Otfrid).Cf. Sure.

Siknesse, sb. sickness, C2; see Seknesse.

Sikul, sb. sickle, P; sykel,PP; sykyl, Prompt.—­AS. sicel(Voc.); Lat. secula.

Silc, adj. such, S2; see Swyche.

Silden, v. to shield, S; see Schelden.

Silke, sb. silk, P; see Selke.

Silour; see Selure.

Siluer, sb. silver, S, C3; seoluer,S; suluer, S2; seluer, S, S2; siluere,dat., S; selure, S.—­OMerc.sylfur, AS. silfor (seolfor):OS. silubar, Goth, silubr; see Sievers,107.

Simle, adv. ever, for ever, S.—­AS.simle (symle) for simble:OS. simbla; cp. OHG. simbulum (Tatian).

Sinden, pr. pl. are; sinndenn,S; senden, S; seoA deg., S; si,pr. s. subj., let (there) be, S; seon,subj. pl., may be, S.—­AS. syndun,pr. pl., sA-, pr. s. subj., sA-en, pl.,see Sievers, 427.

Sinegen, v. to sin, S; see Sunegen.

Sinen, pp. shone, S; see Schynen.

Sinne, sb. sin, S; see Sunne.

Siouns, sb. pl. branches, W2; see Syon.

Sipes, pl. ships, S; see Schip.

Si-quar; see under SiA deg..

Sire, sb. a prince, king, lord, father,master, a term used in addressing knights, kings,S, S2, P, G; syr, Prompt.—­AF. sire(for *_se’ior_); Lat. senior, older; soF. pire; Lat. peior, worse.

Sis, six, C2; see Sixe.

Siser, sb. strong drink; see Sicer.

Sisour, sb. juror, PP; sysour,P; see Asisour. [Addition]

Sisoure, sb. a person deputed to holdassizes, juryman, P, S2, G; sisour, PP; sysour,PP.—­Low Lat. assisorem (Ducange),from OFr. a(s)sise, a sitting down, also asettlement, pp. fem, of aseeir; Lat. asside*re,to sit at.

Sist, seest; see Seon.

Siste, sixth, S; see Sixte.

Sistren, pl. sisters, C ; see Suster.

Site, sb. grief, S2; syte, WA,HD.—­Icel. sAt; AS. suht;cp. OHG. suht (Otfrid), Goth, sauhts,sickness.

Siten, v. to grieve, S2. See above.

SiA deg., sb. time, SD; siA deg.e,dat., S; sith, pl., H; syth,H; siA deg.e, C, S2, PP; sythe, H, C2,C3; sythes, S2, PP; sithis, W, S3; sithes,PP; zyA3/4e, S2; ziA3/4e, S2 (9. 72). Comb.: oft-sith (= Lat. sA|pe),H; si-quar (for siA deg.-quar), timewhen, S2.—­AS. sA-A deg., journey,turn, time: Goth, sinths; cp. OHG.sind, ‘via’ (Otfrid), Icel. sinn.

SiA deg.A deg.en, adv. and conj.afterwards, since, S, C, G; siA3/4A3/4e, S2,S3; siA deg.en, S, S3, C; siA deg.e,S, S3; sith, S2, S3, G; seoA deg.A deg.an,S; seoA deg.A deg.en, S; seoA deg.A deg.e,S; seA deg.A deg.en, S, S2, G; seA deg.en,S, S2; seA deg.e, S; syth, S3, C; seA3/4A3/4e,S2; suA3/4A3/4e, S, S2; syA3/4A3/4en,S2; sythen, S2, S3; sen, H, S2, S3;syn, S2, S3; syne, S2, S3; sens,S3.—­AS. sA-A deg.A deg.an.

Sitten, v. to sit, cost, befit, S, P;sytte, PP, S3; zitte, S2; sit,pr. s., C, S2, G, PP; sitt, PP; sits,S3; set, pt. s., S; seet, C,G; sA|t, S; setten, pl., S; sete,S, G; seten, C2, W; seeten, C; saten,G ~; seten~, pp., S, C; syttyn, S2.—­AS.sittan, pt. sA|t (pl. sA|*ton),pp. seten.

Sixe, num. six, S, PP; sexe,S; sax, S3; sis, C2; sys, C2.—­AS.six.

Sixt, seest; see Seon.

Sixte, ord. sixth, S; syxte,PP; sexte, S, S2; sA|xte, S; siste,S.—­AS. sixta.

Si3*e, sb. victory, SD; si, SD;sy, S.—­AS. sige: Goth.sigis; cp. OHG. sig (Tatian).

Si3*-craft, sb. magic art, SD.See Sigaldren.

Si3*ede, pt. s. sighed, S3; see Syken.

Si3*en, pt. pl. saw; see Seon.

Skaffaut, sb. an engine of war usedby besiegers, CM; scafalde, procestrium,Cath.; scafold, stage, Prompt., SkD; scaffould,theatrum, scena, Manip.; schaffalde,stage, Cath. (n); skaffold, Cath. (n).—­OF.escafaut (eschafaut); cp. OF. chafaut(chaffaut), Low Lat. chaafallum, chaufaudus,a wooden tower used against besiegers; cp. also It.catafalco. The origin of this word ofvarious forms is absolutely unknown.

Skaith, sb. harm, S3; see ScaA deg.e.

Skalk, sb. scalp, H; skalke,H; skalkys, pl., H.

Skalle, sb. scabbiness on the head,scall, SkD.

Skalled, adj. scabby, C.

Skalp, sb. scalp, H (Ps. 7. 17); scalp,SkD.

Skarrit, I pt. s. was scared, S3; seeSkerren.

Skathe, sb. harm, C, G; skath,H; see ScaA deg.e.

Skeet, adj. swift; adv. soon,quickly, G; skete, HD; sket, S, HD.—­Icel.skjA cubedtr, swift; adv. skjA cubedtt.

Skele, sb. reason, S2; see Skyl.

Skenten, v. to amuse, SD.—­Icel.skemta, to amuse, to shorten, from skamr,short.

Skentinge, sb. amusem*nt, S, SD.

Sker, adv. clean, entirely, S; see Schere.

Skerren, v. to scare, frighten, to befrightened, SD; skeren, Prompt.; scarren,SD; skarrit, 1 pt. s., S3; skerrit,SD.—­Icel. skirra, to prevent, reflex.to shrink from.

Skewe, sb. sky, S2; see Skye.

Skey, adj. shy (as a horse), Prompt.;see Schey.

Skeymowse, adj. disdainful, scornful,abhominativus, Prompt.; queymows, Prompt.;sweymows, Prompt.; squaymous, CM; squeamous,CM; squaymose, verecundus, Cath.; skoymus,disdainful, Cath. (n); squeamish, coy,precise (of a young girl), Cotg. (s.v. sucrA(C)e);fastidious, Baret.

Skil, sb. reason, H; see Skyl.

Skilwise, adj. reasonable, discreet,H; scilwis, H; skilwisly, adv.,H.

Skinden, v. to hasten, S.—­Icel.skynda, skunda; cp. AS. scyndan.

Sklayre, sb. a veil, P; scleyre,PP; skleire, PP; skleir, PP.—­Cp.G. schleier, Du. sluijer.

Sklither, adj. slippery (= Lat. lubricus),H; cf. Slider.

Sklythirynge, sb. liability to fall,H.

Skowtez, pr. s. pries, looks, S2; seeScouten.

Skye, sb. cloud, sky, Prompt.; skewe,S2; skwe, S2; schew, WA; skyes,pl., PP.—­Icel. skA1/2, cloud.

Skyl, sb. discernment, reason, skill,Prompt.; skil, H; skill, S; skyle,S2; skile, S, C2, W; skille, S2; skele,S2; skiles, pl., reasons, C2, H; skilles,S2, H.—­Icel. skil, distinction,discernment.

Skylfulle, adj. reasonable, discerning,Prompt.; skilful, W2, C3.

Skylly, perhaps dispersing (?), S2.

Skyualde, perhaps scramble (?), S2.

Sla, v. to slay, S2; see Sleen.

Slade, sb. a valley, Manip., ND.—­AS.slA|*d.

Slagen, pp. slain, S; see Sleen.

Slaht, sb. slaughter, SD; sla3*t,S2.—­AS. sleaht.

Slaine, Slawen; see Sleen.

Slak, sb. ravine, a hollow, depression,gap or pass between two hills, S3, B; slack,the low ground, HD; a common (in Yorkshire), NQ (1.10. 400).

Slak, adj. slack, Prompt.; slac,S2; slake, dat., C.—­AS. sleac:OS. slak.

Slakien, v. to be slack, to make loose,S, W; slake, to become less grievous, S2; toslacken, cease, C2; slakeAz, pr. s.,burns low, S2; assuages, C2.—­AS. slacian.

Slape, sb. sleep, S; see Slepe.

Slatten, v. to throw down, to slap;slat, HD; sleateA deg., pr. pl.,S.

Slaunder; see Sclaundre.

Slaueren, v. to slaver, to let the salivafall from the mouth, S2.

Slawe, adj. slow, S3; see Slowe.

Sla3*t, sb. slaughter, S2; see Slaht.

Sle, adj. sly, cunning, S3; see Sly.

Sleen, v. to slay, PP, C2; slee,PP, S3, W, G; sle, S, S3, PP; slen,PP; slean, S; slA|n, S; slon,S; slo, S; sla, S2; sleaA deg.,pr. s., S; sleth, S3; sleeth,C; sleaA deg., pl., S; sla3*eA deg.,S; slage, S; sloh, pt. s., S;slo3*, S; slou, S, S2; slow,S2, S3; slowe, W; slouh, S2; slou3*,S2; slough, S3, C; sloghen, pl.,S; slo3*en, S; slowe, S2; slowen,W; slo3*e, S; slogh, S2; sloughe,S3; slo, pr. subj., 2 p., S2;slen, pl., S; slagen, pp.,S; slaine, S; slawen, C2; slayn,C2; sleie, S2; slawe, S3, C; slean,S3; y-slayn, C3; i-slawe, S2; y-slawe,C3; i-sleiene, pl., S.—­AS.slA(C)an (for slahan), pt. slA cubedh(pl. slA cubedgon), pp. slA|gen, alsoslegen.

Sleet, sb. sleet, Prompt.; slet,SD.—­Cp. G. schlosse.

Slegh, adj. cunning, S2; sleh,S; see Sly.

Sleght, sb. cunning, S2; sleht,S; see Sleythe..

Slendyr; see Sclender.

Slepe, sb. sleep, S, S2, Prompt.; slape,S; slep, S.—­AS. slA|*p:OS. slAip; cp. OFris. slA(C)p.

Slepen, v. to sleep, S; slep,pt. s., S, S3; slepte, (weak form),C2, PP; slepen, pl., PP.—­AS.slA|*pan, pt. slA(C)p; a reduplicatingverb, see Douse, p. 48.

Slepyng, sb. sleep, S2.

SleA deg.rende, pr. p. falling likesnow, S.

Sleuth, sb. track, trail, slot, S2,B; slu*th, B; slewth, B; sloA deg.,S, SkD. Comb.: sleuth-hund, a sleuth-hound,S2.—­Icel. slA cubedA deg..

SleuA3/4e, sb. sloth, S2, P; sleuth,H; see Slouthe.

Sleue, sb. sleeve, C3, Prompt.—­AS.slA(C)fe.

Sleueles, adj. sleeveless, useless,HD.

Sley, adj. sly, S2; see Sly.

Sleythe, sb. cunning, skill, falsehood,trick, Prompt., PP; sleithe, PP; sle3*Aze,S2; slehAze, SD, PP; slithe, PP; slyAze,PP; sleighte, PP, C, C2, C3; sleht, S;sleght, S2.—­Icel. slA|gA deg.(for slA|gA deg.). See Sly.

Sliden, v. to slide, PP; slit,pr. s., C3; slod, pt. s., S2;slode, pl., PP; slide, pp.,W2.—­AS. slA-dan, pt. slAid,pp. sliden.

Slider, adj. slippery, C; slidir,W2; slydyr, Prompt. See Sklither.

Slidernesse, sb. slipperyness; slydirnesse,W2; slydyrnesse, Prompt.

Slih, adj. cunning, experienced, S2;see Sly.

Slike, adj. such, H.—­Icel.slA-kr.

Slikien, v. to smoothe, to polish, SD;slyken, P; slicke, S3; isliked,S.

Sliper, adj. slippery, SD; slipper,S3, Sh,—­AS. slipor (Leo).

Slitten, v. to slit, pierce, SD; slytyn,Prompt.; slyttyng, pr. p., piercing(of language), S2; islit, pp., S.—­AS.slA-tan.

Slo, vb. to slay, S; slon, S;sloh, pt. s., S; see Sleen.

Slod, pt. s. slid, S2; see Sliden.

Slogardye, sb. sloth, C3; see Sluggardy.

Sloh, sb. slough, PP; slough,C2,—­AS. slA cubedh.

Slokyn, v. to slake, quench, H, Cath.;slokin, S3; slokke, PP; slokynd,pp., H; slekynd, H.—­Cp.Icel. slAkva. Cf. Slakien.

Slomeren, v. to slumber, Cath., Prompt.;slumeren, SD; slombred, pt. s.,P.

Slomering, sb. slumbering, S3.

Slong, pp. cast away, S3; see Slyngen.

Sloppar, adj. slippery, S3.

Sloterin, v. maculare, SD; sloterd,pp., bespattered, S2.

SloA deg., sb. track, trail, S; seeSleuth.

Slough; see Sloh.

Slouthe, sb. sloth, S2, C3, PP; slouhAdeg.e, S; sleu3*A3/4e, S2, PP; sleuA3/4e,S2, P; slewthe, C3, PP; sleuth, H, PP.—­AS.slA|*wA deg.. See below.

Slow, Slo3*e; see Sleen.

Slowe, adj. and sb. slow, sluggish,a lazy man, PP, S; slow, W2; slouh,S; slawe, S3; slaw, S2.—­AS.slAiw.

Sluggardy, sb. sloth, S3; slogardye,C3; sloggardye, C.

Slugge, adj. slothful, Prompt.

Sluggen, v. to slug, to be inactive,SkD.

Sluggy, adj. slothful, Prompt.

Sly, adj. sly, cunning, skilful, Prompt.;sli3*, W; slih, S2; sley, S2;slegh, S2; sleh, S; sle3*, S2;sle, S3.—­Icel. slA|gr (forslAoegr).

Slyly, adv. cunningly, Prompt.; sleighly,prudently, C.

Slynge, sb. sling, PP.

Slyngen, v. to sling, hurl, throw away,PP, Prompt.; slonge, pt. pl., S2; slong,pp., S3; slungin, S3.—­AS.slingan, pl. slang, pp. slungen.

Smak, sb taste, flavour, Prompt.; smacc,S; smach, S2.—­AS. smA|c,taste, flavour (Voc.).

Smaken, to have a savour, scent, S, Prompt.;smacky, to imagine, perceive, taste, relish,understand, S2; smachande, pr. p., S2;smauhte, pt. s., PP; smau3*te,pl., PP.—­AS. smA|cian, seeGrein (s. v. smA|c).

Smalle, adj. small, narrow, Prompt.;smal, S, S2; smaill, S3.—­AS.smA|l, narrow: Goth, smals.

Smart, adj. bitter, S2; see Smerte.

Smatte, pt. s. smote, S; see Smiten.

Smec, sb. smoke, S; smech, S;smeke, Prompt.—­AS. smA(C)c.

Smechunge, sb. taste, S. See Smak.

Smell, sb. smell, S; smul, S.

Smellen, v. to smell, S, PP; smylle,PP; smolte, pt. s., S2.—­Cp,Low G. smelen, to smoulder.

Smeorten, v. to smart, S; see Smerten.

Smerien, v. to smear, anoint; smeren,S; smurieA deg., pr. pl., S; smered,pp., S.—­AS. smerian, smyrian,from smeru, fat, smero (Voc.).

Smerl, sb. ointment, S2.

Smerld, pp. anointed, S2.

Smerte, adj. and adv. painful,sharp, sharply, quick, quickly, C, S, PP; smert,S2; smart, S2, C3; smertely, adv.,G.—­AS. smeart.

Smerte, sb. smart, pain, C2; smierte,S; smert, C3.

Smerten, v. to smart, to be pained,PP, S, S2, C2; smeorten, S; smerte,pt. s., C; smerted, S3.—­AS.smeortan (EETS. 79, p. 36).

Smiten, v. to smite; smyten,PP; smit, pr. s., C2, PP; smot,pt. s., S, S2, PP; smette, S3; smatte,S; smiten, pl., S; smyten, W;smiten, pp., PP.—­AS. smA-tan,pt. smAit (pl. smiton), pp. smiten.

Smok, sb. smock, C2, PP, Prompt.

Smok-les, adj. without a smock, C2.

Smolder, sb. smoke from smoulderingwood, PP.

Smolderen, v. to smoulder; smolderande,pr. p., S2.

SmorA deg.er, sb. suffocating smoke,S; smorA3/4re, PP.

SmorA deg.ren, v. to smother, suffocate,SD.

Smot, pt. s. of smiten, q. v.

Smul, sb. smell, S; see Smell.

SmurieA deg., pr. pl. smear, S; seeSmerien.

SmyA deg.ien, v. to forge; smythye,P; smytheth, pr. s., P.—­AS.smiA deg.ian.

SmyA3/4A3/4e, sb. smithy, forge, S2;smythy, Prompt.—­AS. smiA deg.Adeg.e (Voc.).

Snapere, v. to trip, to stumble, W2,SD; snapper, HD; snapirs, pr. s.,WA.

SnaA deg., pt. s. cut, S; see SniAdeg.en.

Snaw, sb. snow, S; see Snow.

Snelle, adj. quick, sharp, S, S2; snell,S3; snel, S.—­AS. snell:OHG. snel (Otfrid).

Snepe, adj. foolish, S.

Snesien, v. to strike, S.—­AS.snA|*san (in Ai-snA|*san, BT), to puton a spit; from snAis, a spit (Voc.); cp.Icel. sneisa from sneis.

SniA deg.en, v. to cut; snaA deg.,pt. s., S.—­AS. snA-A deg.an,pt. snAiA deg. (pl. snidon); cp.OHG. snA-dan (Tatian).

Sniwen, v. to snow; snewen, SD;sniuAz, pr. s., S; sniweAz, SD;snew, pt. s., SD; snewede, C.—­AS.snA-wan.

Snorkil, sb. wrinkle, H.—­Cp.North. E. snurkle, to run into knots,JD, snurl, to wrinkle, JD; cp. OHG. snuor,string, see Fick, 7. 351.

Snow, sb. snow, Prompt., PP; snou3*,PP; snou, S; snaw, S.—­AS.snAiw: Goth, snaiws.

Snowte, sb. snout, Prompt.; snute,S.—­Cp. G. schnauze.

Snybbyn, v. to rebuke, Prompt., C; snube,H; snybid, pt. pl., H; snyband,pr. p., H; snibbed, pp., C2.

Snybbynge, sb. rebuke, Prompt.; snybynge,H; snibbing, S2; snybyngis, pl.,H.

Snytyn, v. to clear the nose, Prompt.;snytte, pt. s., S2; y-snyt, pp.,S2.

Sobre, adj. sober, sedate, C2; sobur,Prompt.—­OF. sobre; Lat. sobrium.

Sobreliche, adj. and adv. sedate,soberly, CM; soburly, CM; soberly, C.

Soburnesse, sb. soberness, Prompt.

Soche, adj. such, S; see Swyche.

Socht, pt. pl. sought, went, S3; seeSechen.

Socour, sb. succour, C2, C3; socowre,Prompt.—­AF. sucur, soccour, OF.socors; Late Lat. succursus (Ducange).

Sodeyn, adj. sudden, C2, C3; sodeynly,adv. suddenly, S3, C2; sodeynliche,S2.—­AF. sodeyne; Late Lat. subitanum,see BH, ASec.122.

Softe, adj. soft, warm, mild, gentle,S, S2, C3; adv. gently, luxuriously, S2, S,C3; softeliche, gently, S; softely,C3. Comb.: zoft-hede, sb.softness, S2.—­AS. sA cubedfte.

Sohte, pt. s. sought, S, S2; see Sechen.

Soke, sb. the exercise of judicial power,PP, SkD. Der.: soken, the territoryor precinct in which public privileges were exercised,SkD; sokne, PP; (Rotland)-sokene, (Rutland)shire,P.—­AS. sA cubedc, the exercise ofjudicial power; sA cubedcn, sA cubedcen, anenquiry; see Schmid.

Sokelynge, sb. suckling, Prompt.

Sokelynge, sb. a herb, locusta,Prompt.

Sokyl-blome, sb. locusta, Voc.—­Froma form *_sokel_, that which sucks. Cp. Hony-souke.

Solas, sb. rest, solace, pleasure, merriment,G, C2, PP, SkD.—­AF. solas, OF. solaz,Lat. solatium; see BH, ASec. 143.

Solde, should; see Scholde.

Solempne, adj. solemn, grand, festive,magnificent, C2, C3, Prompt.; solempnely, adv.with pomp, S2, C2, C3; solenliche, PP.—­AF.solempne; Lat. solemnem.

Solempnite, sb. festivity, C, Prompt.—­AF.sollempnitee; Lat. solemnitatem.

Solere, sb. an upper room, loft, Prompt.,Voc., HD; throne, H; soler, W, Voc., HD; soller,Palsg.; stage of a house, ND; sollar, HD, Palsg.—­AF.soler, solair, OF. solier; LateLat. solarium (Voc.); cp. AS. solere(Grein), OS. soleri. OHG. soleri(Tatian), solAiri, the prA|torium of Pilate,also a guest-chamber (Otfrid), Du. zolder.

Soleyne, adj. solitary, hating company,sullen, PP, Prompt.; soleyn, PP, W2; sollein,S3.—­OF. solain, solitary, pertainingto one alone: Late Lat. *_solanum_, from Lat.solus.

Somdel; see under Sum.

Some, sb. concord, S.—­AS.sA cubedme.

Somed, adv. together, S; somet,S; see Samed.

Somer, sb. summer, C; sumer,S; someres, gen. s., C2, C3. Comb.:somer-*game, summer-game, P.—­AS.sumor: OS. sumar; cp. OHG.sumar (Tatian).

Somme, sb. sum, S3, C3; some,S3; summe, Prompt.—­AF. summe(sume); Lat. summa.

Somnen, v. to join, S; see Samnen.

Sompne, v. to summon, PP, CM; someny,PP; somony, S2; somoni, S; somownyn,Prompt.; somondis, pr. s., H; sumundis,H; somened, pp., W.—­AF. somoundre(pr. p. somonant), OF. semondre; LateLat. submo*ne*re; Lat. sub + mo*ne*re.

Sompnour, sb. summoner, one who citesbefore an ecclesiastical court, C, PP; sumpnour,S2; somnour, PP; somner, PP; somenour,PP; sumnowre, Prompt.—­AF. sumenour.

Somwat; see under Sum.

Sond, sb. sand, S, S2, C, PP; sand,PP; sonde, dat., S.—­AS. sand.

Sond, sb. a dish or mess of food; sand,gift, S2; sonde, dat., S; sonden,pl., S; sandon, S.—­AS. sand,‘ferculum’ (Voc.).

Sonde, sb. a sending, message, giftsent, also mission, embassy, messenger, S, S2, C3,P, G, H (p. 497); sonden, pl., S; sondes,S. Comb.: sondezmon, messenger,S2; sandesman, SD; sandismene, pl.,HD.

Sonder. Comb.: sonderemen,messengers, S; sanderbodes, messengers, S.—­AS.sander in sandermen (Chron. ann. 1123).

Sondry, separate, C2; see Sunder.

Sone, sb. son, S, S2, C2, G; sune,S; zone, S2; sun, S2. Comb.:sone in lawe, son-in-law, C2.—­AS.sunu: Goth, sunus.

Sone, adv. forthwith, quickly, soon,S, G, S2, C2, PP; soune, S3; son, S2;soyn, S2; sonest, superl., C2;sonnest, P.—­AS. sA cubedna,see Sievers, 317.

Song, pt. s. sang, C2; see Syngen.

Songe, sb. song, Prompt.; sang,S, S3; zang, S2; songes, pl.,S.—­AS. sang.

Songe-warie, sb. the observation ofdreams, P.—­OF. songe; Lat. somnium,dream.

Sonne, sb. sun, S, S2, C2, P; sunne,S, S2, Prompt. Comb.: sunne-bem,sunbeam, S; Sunnen-dA|i, Sunday, S; sunne-dei,S; sunedai, S; sunedei, S; sone-dA|i,S; soneday, S, G; sonendayes, pl.,S2; sunne-risindde, sun-rising, S.—­AS.sunne: OS. sunna.

Soop, pt. t. of Sup.

Soope, sb. soap, Prompt.; sape,S.—­AS. sAipe; Lat. sa*po.

Soot, Soote, adj. sweet, S3; see Swete.

Sooth, Soothly; see Soth.

Sop, pt. s. created, S; see Schapen.

Sope, pp. of Sup.

Soper, sb. supper, C, C2, G; see Souper.

Sophyme, sb. a sophism, C2; sophimes,pl., subtleties, C2.—­OF. sophisme(Cotg.); Gr. [Greek: sophisma].

Soppe, sb. a sop, Cath., PP; sop,C; soppis, pl., S3.

Sopun, pp of Sup.

Sore, v. to soar, mount aloft, C2, CM.—­OF.essorer (Cotg.); Late Lat. *_exaurare_, toexpose to the air (Lat. aura).

Sore, adj. and adv. sore, painful,S, C2, G; sare, S2, S; sar, S, S3, S2;soore, Prompt.; sair, B.—­AS.sAir.

Sore, sb. sore, misery, C2; sor,S; sar, S; soore, Prompt.—­AS.sAir.

Soren, pp. shorn, S; see Schere.

Sort, sb. destiny, chance, lot, C, W;sorte, turn (= Lat. vice), W.—­AF.sort; Lat. sortem.

Sorwe, sb. sorrow, S, S2, CM, C2; sor3*e,S; zor3*e, S2; sori3*e, S; sore3*e,S; sare3*e, S; soreghe, S2; seorewe,S; serewe, S; seoruwe, S; serwe,S2; soru, S2; sorhe, S; sorewe,S, S2.—­AS. sorh : OS. sorga.

Sorwe-ful, adj. sorrowful, C; sorful,S; sorwefully, adv. sorrowfully, C2

Sorwen, v. to sorrow, CM; serr3*heA3/4A3/4,pr. s., S.—­AS. sorgian.

Sorwynge, sb. sorrowing, CM; sorewyngis,pl., W.

Sory, adj. sorry, wretched, painful,grievous, Prompt., S2, C, C2, PP, G; sori,S, S2, PP; sari, S; sA|ri, S; sariliche,adv., S; soryly, Prompt. Comb.:sory-*mod, sad in mind, S.—­AS. sAirig.

Sorynesse, sb. sadness, Prompt.; sorinesse,S.—­AS. sAirignes.

Soster, sb. sister, S2; see Suster.

Sote, adj. sweet, C2, C3; see Swete.

Soth, adj. and sb. true, truth,sooth, soothsaying, S, S2, C3, P, H; sooth,C2; suth, S2; sothe, W, S2, S3, P; soothe,S3; zoA3/4e, S2; sothely, adv.,verily, PP, W; soothly, C2. Comb.:soA deg.fast, true, S, S3, H; sothefast,W; soothfastnesse, truth, C2, C3, H; sothnes,truth, S2, H; sothnesse, S2, P; sothriht,truly, S.—­AS. sA cubedA deg. (for*_sonA deg._, *_sanA deg._); cp. Icel. sannr(for *_sanA deg.r_); cp. Dan. sand.

Sothe, adj. south, S3; see Sowthe.

Sothien, v. to verify, SD, SkD (s. v.soothe); i-soA deg.et, pp., S.—­AS.ge-sA cubedA deg.ian.

Sothroun, adj. southern, S3; see Sowtherne.

Sotte, sb. fool, S, Prompt., PP; sot,S, S2; sottes, gen., S, S2. Der.:sotlice, foolishly, S; sotschipe, folly,S; sotted, besotted, C3.—­OF. sot.

Sotyle, adj. subtle, fine-wrought, crafty,ingenious, Prompt.; sotyl, PP; sotil,PP, C; sotel, PP; sutelle, Cath.; sutaille,S3; sotely, adv., PP; suteli,W.—­AF. sotil, sutil; Lat.subti*lem.

Sotyle, v. to reason subtly, to makeuse of cunning, PP; sotilen, PP; sutils,pr. s., makes subtle, H.

Sotylte, sb. skill, Prompt.; sotilte,C3.—­AF. sotiltee; Lat. subtilitatem.

Souchen, v. to suspect, SD, HD; souches,pr. s., S2.—­OF. suscher;Late Lat. *_suspicare_, for Lat. suspicari,see Diez, p. 681, and BH, ASec. 152.

Souden, v. to pay, PP. See Sowde.

Soudly, adj. dirty, S3.—­Cp.Northern E. suddill, to dirty (JD), also G.sudeln, to do dirty work.

Souerty, sb. surety, S3; see Surety.

Soufre, sb. sulphur, S2; soulfre,CM.—­OF. soufre, soulfre (Cotg.);Late Lat. sulfurem.

Souken, v. to suck, C2, S2, W2; sowken,S3. Comb.: soukynge-fere, foster-brother,W.—­AS. sAcan, pt. sA(C)ac,pp. socen.

Soule, sb. soul, PP, S, S2; sowle,S, C; saule, S, S2, H; sawle, S; saull,S3; soulen, pl., S, S2; saulen,S; sawless, S; sowle, S; zaulen,S2. Comb.: soule hele, soul’ssalvation, PP; sawel hel, S2.—­AS.sAiwol, sAiwle: Goth, saiwala.

Soun, sb. sound, S2, S3, C2, W2, H:sown, H, W, W2; sowne, S2; son,S2; sownde, Prompt.—­AF. soun,OF. son; Lat. sonum.

Sound, sb. a swoon, S3; see Swowne.

Sounen, v. to sound, C2, PP; sownen,C2, S2, W2, PP; sowndyn, Prompt.; sunen,S.—­AF. suner, soner; Lat.sonare.

Sounyng, sb. sounding, S2.

Soupen, v. to sup, drink gradually,to eat supper, P, W, C2; sowpen, S3.—­OF.souper. Of Teutonic origin. Cp. Sup.

Souper, sb. supper, C; soper,C, C2, G.—­OF. souper, AF. soper.

Souple, adj. supple, pliant, C, C2.—­OF.souple, beaten, defeated (Bartsch); Lat. supplicem,submissive.

Soure, adj. sour, acid, PP; sur,S; soure, adv. sourly, C2, P. Comb.:sourdou3*, leaven, W; sourdow, W; sourdow3*,W.—­AS. sAr; cp. Icel. sArrand sArdegi (Matt. 13. 33).

Souren, v. to sour; sowrid, pp.,made sour, W.

Sours, sb. source, origin, C2; soaring,CM.—­OF. sourse, a spring of water;Late Lat. sursa, a late pp. f. form from Lat.surgere (OF. sordre, pp. sors, sours).

Souse, v. to strike, dash, RD, SkD;souce, Spenser 1. See below.

Souse, sb. the downward plunge of abird of prey, RD. (Originally the same as Sours,used of a hawk’s flight.—­W. W.S.)

Soutere, sb. cobbler, S3; souter,PP; sowter, Cath., ND.—­AS. sAtere(Voc.); Lat. sutor.

Souteresse, sb. a woman shoe-seller,P.

Souenaunce, sb. remembrance, S3.—­OF.sovenance, also souvenance (Cotg.),from sovenir; Lat. subuenire.

SouerentA", sb. sovereignty, Prompt.;souerayntee, C2.—­AF. soverainte.

Souereyn, adj. and sb. supreme,sovereign, C, C2, C3; souereynes, pl.,superiors, P, W; sufrayns, H; souereyneste,superl., W2; soueraignly, adv.,C.—­AF. soverein; Late Lat. *_superanum_.

Sowdan,, sb. sultan, S2, C3.—­OF.soudan, souldan; Arab. sultAcn.

Sowdanesse, sb. sultaness, S2, C3.

Sowde, v. to strengthen; sowdid,pp. (= Lat. consolidatae), W.—­OF.souder (Cotg.): It. soldare; Lat.solidare, see SkD (s. v. solder).

Sowde, sb. stipend, pay, W; sowd,Prompt.; sowdis, pl., W.—­OF.soude; Lat. soldum, a sum of money, fromsolidus.

Sowdyowre, sb. one that fights for pay,soldier, Prompt.; soudiour, S3.—­Cp.OF. soudoier (Ducange).

Sowen, v. to sow, S, PP; sawe,S; souwen, PP; sewe, pt. s.,W; sew, H; sewen, pl., S; seowe,pt. s. subj., S; sowun, pp.,W; sowe, G; 3*e-sawen, S.—­AS.sAiwan.

Sowse, v. to immerse in brine, to plungein water, to drench with rain, Palsg., S3; soused,pp., pickled, Sh.; soust, drenched,Spenser 1.—­From OF. sause, sauce;Lat. salsa, salted.

Sowse, sb. a dish of pickled food, succidium,Voc.

Sowthe, adj. south, Prompt.; sothe,S3; suA deg., S. Comb.: SouA3/4-hamtessire,Hampshire, S2; SuA deg.-sA|xe, Sussex, SD.—­AS.sAA deg.: OHG. sund-ana, from thesouth (Tatian).

Sowtherne, adj. southern, Prompt.; souA3/4eron,S2; southren, C3; sothroun, S3; suthroun,S3.

Soyr, adj. brown (as of withered leaves),S3.—­OF. sor (Roland); cp. F.saure. Of Teutonic origin. See Seere.

SpA|c, pt. s. of Speken, q. v.

SpA|che, sb. speech, S; see Speche.

Spak, adj. wise, prudent, quiet, gentle,SD; spake, HD; spakliche, adv.,SD; spakli, S2.—­Icel. spakr,quiet, gentle, wise.

Spale, sb. a chip of wood, splinter,S, SD; spalle, Prompt.; spolle, Prompt.;spole, Voc.—­Icel. spAlr (spala,gen. pl.).

Spang, sb. a metal fastening, brooch,clasp, buckle; spangs, pl., S3.—­AS.spange (Grein).

Spangele, sb. a small plate of shiningmetal used to ornament a bridle, lorale, Prompt.

Spanyn, v. to wean, Prompt.; spane,HD; spaned, H, Cath.—­Cp. G.spAnen, OHG. (bi)_spenjan_, Du. spenen,see Weigand; cp. also AS. spana, ‘ubera’(Voc.).

Spanynge, sb. a weaning, ablactacio,Cath., Prompt.

Sparkle, sb. spark. Prompt. Comb.:deed-sparcle (= Lat. fauilla), W2.

Sparlire, sb. the calf of the leg, HD;sparlyuer, sura, Trevisa (5. 355); sperlyuer,musculus, Voc.—­AS. spear-lA-ra,‘sura’ (Deut. 28. 35), speoru-lA-ra(OET.).

Sparre, sb. a beam, bar, spar, C, S3,Prompt., Cath.—­AS. speoru (Voc.);cp. Icel. sparri.

Sparthe, sb. axe, battle-axe, Prompt.,Cath.; sparth, C, WA.—­Icel. sparAdeg.a.

Sparwe, sb. sparrow, C, S2; sparowe,Prompt. Comb.: spar-hauk, sparrow-hawk,C2; sperhauke, P.—­AS, spearwa.

Spatel, sb. spittle, S; see Spotil.

Spateling, sb. spitting, S.

Spealie, v. to tell, S; see Spellien.

Spec, pt. s. of Speken, q.v.

Spece, sb. species, kind, S, Prompt,—­Lat.speciem. Cf. Spice.

Speche, sb. speech, S, S2, PP; spA|che,S; spek, S2.—­AS. spA|*c (Voc.).See Speken.

Sped, sb. success, speed, S; speed,Prompt.—­AS. spA(C)d.

Spede-ful, adj. profitable, W; speedful,C3; spedfullest, superl., S3.

Speden, v. to succeed, prosper, speed,S, S2, S3; spet, pr. s., speeds, goeson, G; spedith, profits, S3, W2; spedde,pt. s., S, C2; sped, pp., S3.—­AS.spA(C)dan.

Speir, sb. sphere, S3; see Spere.

Speken, v. to speak, S, S2; spA|ken,S; spece, 1 pr. s., S; specA deg.,pr. s., S; spA|c, pt. s., S; spac,S, S2; spak, S, S2; spec, S, spek,S; spake, 2 pt. s., S, G; speke,S; spA|kenn, pl., S; speken,S; speke, S2; speeke, S2; spekene,ger., S; speokene, S; i-speken,pp., S; ispeke, S.—­AS. specan(for sprecan), pt. spA|c, pp. specen.

Spell, sb. a discourse, story, S; spelle,dat., S, S2, C2.—­AS. spell.

Spellien, v. to relate, speak; spellen,S, PP; spealie, S; spilien, S.—­AS.spellian.

Spellinge, sb. recital, Prompt., S2.

Spence, sb. provision-room, larder,G, Prompt.; spense, Voc,; expense, G, W.—­OF.despense (Constans); Late Lat. dispensa(Voc.).

Spencer, sb. officer having charge ofthe provisions, G; spenser, G; sponcere,Prompt.—­OF. despensier; Late Lat.dispensarium (acc.).

Spenden, v. to use, spend, Prompt.,PP; spene, S, PP; spende, pt. pl.,S2; i-spend, pp., S; spendid,W; sponded, G. Comb.: spending-siluer,money to spend, C3.—­AS. spendan (incompounds); Lat. dispendere.

Spennen, v. to stretch, embrace, grasp,SD; spendyd, pt. s., grasped, S3; spend,pp., SD.—­Icel. spenna; cp.AS. spannan, to bind, OHG. (gi)_spannan_(Otfrid); see Weigand.

Spercled, pp. scattered, flung abroad,S3 (24.67).

Sperd, pt. s. of Spiren, q.v.

Spere, sb. sphere, Prompt., CM; speir,S3.—­OF. espere; Late Lat. spera,sphera; Gr. [Greek: sphaira].

Spere, sb. spear, S, C, Prompt.—­AS.spere; cp. OHG. sper (Tatian).

Speren, v. to fasten with a spar,to close, S, Cath.; sperre, Cath.; speride,pt. s., S2; sperd, pp., S, H;sperrid, H.—­AS. sparrian.See Sparre.

Sperhauke, sb. sparrow-hawk, P; seeunder Sparwe.

Sperling, sb. a small fish, S2; sperlynge,Cath., Voc.; sparlynge, Cath. (n); spurling,Cath. (n).—­OF. esperlan,smelt (Cotg.).

Spet, pr. s. of Speden, q.v.

Speten, v. to spit, S, W2, Voc., CM;spette, pt. s., W, SD; spete,W; speten, pl., W; spetide, pt.s., W.—­AS. spA|*tan, pt. spA|*tte.

Spewen, v. to vomit, Cath.; spue,W2.—­AS. spA-wan, pt. spAiw,pp. spiwen.

Spice, sb. species, kind, spice, W;spyce, Voc.; spices, pl., S,P. Comb.: spicelike, with spices,S; spices ware, spicery, S.—­OF.espice; Late Lat. spe*cia (for Lat. spe*ciem),see BH, ASec. 32. See Spece.

Spicer, sb. dealer in spices, P, S2;spyserez, pl., S2.

Spicerye, sb. spicery, S2, C2, C3.—­AF.spicerie.

Spie, sb. spy, PP; see Aspie.

Spien, v. to spy, to look after, towatch, S; see Espye.

Spilen, v. to play, S; spilede,pt. s., S.—­Icel. spila;.cp. G. spielen.

Spilien, v. to speak, S; see Spellien.

Spillen, v. to perish, also to destroy,S, S2, C2, C3, P; spyllen, S2; spill,S3; spilt, pp., killed, C3; y-spilte,PP.—­AS. spillan, to destroy (Grein).

Spire, sb. shoot, scion, blade, tallgrass, reed, PP, S, G, CM; spyre, Prompt.,PP, Palsg.; spier, W2.

Spiren, v. to enquire, speer, PP; speren,PP; speoren, PP; spuren, PP; spirs,imp. pl., S2; spird, pt. pl.,S2; sperd, pt. s., S3.—­AS.spyrian, to make a track, from spor,track, see SkD (s.v. spur).

Splene, sb. the spleen, Prompt.; splen,SkD. Phr.: on the splene, suddenly,S3; fro the splene, with sudden fervour, rapidly,S3.—­Lat. splen.

Spoile, sb. booty, SkD; spuylis,pl., W2. See below.

Spoilen, v. to plunder, W (Mk. 3. 27);spuyle, W; spuylid, pp., W2.—­OF.spolier (Cotg.); Lat. spoliare; see BH,ASec. 64.

Spone, sb. a chip, splinter of wood,spoon, C3, Prompt.; spoon, C2. Comb.:span-newe, span new, SkD; spon-neowe,SkD.—­AS. spA cubedn; cp. Icel.spA cubednn, also spAinn; cp. G.spannen (Weigand).

Spore, sb. spur, PP, Prompt., C, G.—­AS.spora.

Spotil, sb. spittle, W; spotele,W2; spatel, S.—­AS. spAitl.

Spousaille, sb. wedding, C2; spousail,C2; sposailis, pl., W.—­OF.espousailles.

Spouse, sb. spouse, bridegroom, bride,W; spuse, S; spowse, Prompt. Comb.:spousbreche, adulterer, SD; spusbruche,adultery, SD; spousebrekere, adulterer, W;spoushod, marriage, S2.—­AF. espouse(espuse); Lat. sponsam; also OF. espos,spous; Lat. sponsum; see BH, ASec. 169.

Spousen, v. to espouse, W, S2, C2; spousi,S2; i-spoused, pp., S2; y-spoused,S2; i-spused, S.—­OF. espouser;Lat. sponsare.

Sprangis, sb. pl. diffused rays of variouscolours, S3.

Spraulin, v. to sprawl, SD; sprawel,S2; sprauleden, pt. pl., S.—­AS.sprA(C)awlian (cited by Zupitza from BouloneserGlossen, see Studium der neueren Sprachen,July, 1886).

Sprayngis, sb. pl. sprinklings, S3.See Sprengen.

Spreden, v. to spread, PP, S, S2; spradde,pt. s., C2; spredd, pp., S; sprad,C; y-sprad, C2.—­AS. sprA|*dan.

Spreit, sb. spirit, S3; spyryte,Prompt.—­Lat. spiritus.

Sprengen, v. to sprinkle, W, G; sprente,pt. s., S3; spreynten, pl., W2;spreynd, pp., S2, C2, C3, W; spreind,W; spreynt, W; y-spreynd, C.—­AS.sprengan, causal of springan.

Sprengen, v. to spring, to be diffused;sprent, pt. s., S3.—­AS. sprengan,to spring (Sweet).

Sprenkelin, v. to sprinkle, to dart,Prompt.; sprynkland, pr. p., dartingin various directions (of fish in the water), S3.

Spring, sb. a rod, sprig, PP; sprynge,P; sprenges, pl., W2.

Springen, v. to spring, to arise, todawn, PP, S, C2; sprynge, PP; sprenge,pr. s. subj., W; sprang, pt. s.,S; sprong, S; sprungen, pp.,S2; sprunge, S; sprongen, S3; spronge,C; i-sprunge, S. Der.: springing,beginning, source, C2.—­AS. springan,pt. sprang (pl. sprungon), pp. sprungen.

Springen, v. to make to spring, rouse;sprange, pt. pl., S3. See below.

Springen, v. to sprinkle, C2; y-spronge,pp., S2. Der.: springyng,sprinkling, W. See Sprengen.

Sprutlyt, pp. speckled, S3. SeeSkD (s. v. sprout).

Sprynkland; see Sprenkelin.

Spurn, sb. a kick, S3.

Spurnen, v. to kick, Prompt., C2, SkD;spurnde, pt. s., S2.—­AS.speornan.

Spuyle, v. to plunder, W; see Spoilen.

Spuylis, pl. spoils, W; see Spoile.

Spynke, sb. finch, rostellus,Voc.; spink, Cotg., JD, HD; spynk, S3(s.v. gold). Cp. Gr. [Greek:spillos], and OF. pinASec.on (BH), F. pinson.

Spynnare, sb. spinner, spider, Prompt.;spinner, Sh., HD.

Spynnen, v. to spin, Prompt.

Spynstare, sb. a woman who spins, Prompt.;spynnester, PP; spinster, S2, PP, Sh.

Spyrakle, sb. the breath of life, S2.—­Lat. spiraculum uitae, Gen. 7. 22 (Vulg.).

Squames, sb. pl. scales, C3—­Lat.squama.

Squaymous, adj. loth, fastidious, CM;see Skeymowse.

Squier, sb. squire, S, C2; squyer,C2, S2.—­OF. esquA-er, escuier;Late Lat. scutarium, from Lat. scutum,shield; cp. It. scudiA(C)re.

Squyler, sb. dish-washer, S2; sqwyllare,Prompt., SkD (s.v. scullery); swyllere,Voc.—­OF. sculier (Ducange); LateLat. scutelarium, one in charge of the dishes(Ducange); from Lat. scutella. (It seems tohave been confused with swiller; see SkD, s.v.scullery.—­W.W.S.)

Squylerey, sb. room for washing dishesin, a scullery, SkD.—­Cp. OF. esculier;Late Lat. scutellarium, ’locus ubi reponunturscutellae’ (Ducange). See above.

Sqware, adj. square, Prompt.; sware,S2.—­OF. esquarre; Lat. ex+ quadram; cp. It. squadra.

Srid, pt. s. clothed, S; see Schrouden.

Srud, sb. dress, S; see Schroud.

Ss-; see Sch-.

Sseawere, sb. a mirror, S2; see Schawere.

Sseawy, v. to show, S2; see Schewen.

Ssedde; see under Scheden.

Ssede; see under Schade.

Ssolde, should; see Scholde.

Ssoldren, pl. shoulders, S2; see Schuldere.

Stable, adj. constant, firm, fixed,C2, W, PP; stabli, adv., W.—­AF.estable; Lat. stabilem.

Stable, v. to establish, confirm, tocause to rest, S3, W, P, C; y-stabled, S3.—­OF.establir.

Stablischen, v. to establish, W; stablisse,PP.—­OF. establiss-, stem of establissant,pp. of establir.

Stac, pt. s. closed up, S2; see Steken.

Stad, pp. bestead, circ*mstanced, beset,WA, S2.—­Icel. staddr, circ*mstanced,Swed. stadd.

Staf, sb. a staff, stick, a letter ofthe alphabet, PP, SD; staffe, Prompt.; staues,pl., S2, PP. Comb.: stef-creft,the art of grammar, S; staf-slinge, staff-sling,C2; staff-slynge, HD; staff-slyngere,staff-slinger, HD.—­AS. stA|f, staff,stick, twig, letter written on a twig, see Weigand(s. v. buchstab); cp. Icel. stafr,OHG. stab, buohstab (Tatian).

Staire, adj. steep, WA; stayre,WA (n).

Staire, sb. stair, ladder, WA.—­AS.stA|*ger. See Stien.

Stal, Stall, pt. s. of Stelen.

Stale, sb. stealing, S.—­AS.stalu.

Stalken, v. to step slowly, C, G; stalkyn,Prompt.; stalked him, pt. s. refl.,C2.—­AS. stealcian; see Sweet, Anglo-SaxonPrimer, S3. 37.

Stalle, sb. place, state, station, prison,stall, booth, PP, Prompt.; steal, S; stal,Prompt.; stale, S3.—­AS. steal:OHG. stal (Otfrid).

Stallit, pp. placed, S3.

Stallyn, v. to enthrone prelates, Prompt.

StalworA deg.e, adj. stout, strong,sturdy, S2, G; stalworth, PP, H (pp. 26, 87);stalword, S2; stalworthy, S3, Prompt.;stalworAzest, superl., S2; stalwortly,adv. sturdily, S2. Comb.: stalworth-hede,stalwartness, S2.—­AS. stA|lwurA deg.(Chron. ann. 896).

Stamyn, sb. stamine, linsey-woolseycloth, a garment made of that material, Prompt., Cath.(n); stamin, S; stamine, HD.—­OF.estamine, tamine, also a strainer (Cotg.).

Stamyn, sb. the stem, bows of a vessel,S2; stamyne, Cath. (n).—­Icel.stafn, stamn, a post, prow-post, alsostern-post; cp. It. stamine, the uprightribs or pieces of timber of the inside of a ship,of our shipwrights called foot-stocks (Florio).

Standen, v. to stand, to cost, be valid,S; stonden, S, S2, C2, W; stant, pr.s., S, S2, S3; stont, S; stand, S2;stonte, S2; stode, pt. s., S2;pl., S2; stoden, S2, C2; stude,S3; i-stonde, pp., S.—­AS. standan, pt. stA cubedd, pp. ge-standen.

Stane, sb. dat. stone, S; see Stoon.

Stang, sb. stagnant pool; stanc,S2; stank, HD; stangis, pl.,H; stange3*, S2; staunkis, H.—­OF.estang, estan (estanc); Lat.stagnum.

Stangen, v. to prick, to throb, HD,H. Der.: stangynge, torment, H.

Stannyris, sb. pl. the small stonesand gravel at the side of a river, S3. See Stoon.

Staple, sb. a loop of iron in a wallused for fastening chains, S3 (p. 472).—­AS.stapul (Voc.).

Starf, pt. s. died, S2, C2; see Steruen.

Starin, v. to stare, also to shine,glitter, SD; stare, C2, S3, PP; starinde,pr. p., S; stareand, S2.—­AS.starian.

Stark, adj. strong, firm, severe, S,S3; starrc, S; starke, pl., C2.—­AS.stearc: OS. starc.

Starnys, pl. stars, S3; see Sterne.

Stat, sb. state, condition, S2; staat,existence (= Lat. status), W. Cf. Estat.

StaA3/4elien, to establish; 3*e-staA3/4eled,pp., S.—­AS. ge-staA deg.elod.

StaA3/4elnesse, sb. stability, SD; staA3/4elnes,S2.—­AS. staA deg.olnes.

Statut, sb. statute, PP; statute,PP; statutes, pl., S2, PP. Comb.:statute-staple, the staple to which a prisoneris by law attached, S3.—­AF. statut (estatuf);Lat. statutum.

Stauez, pr. s. stows away, S2; stawed,pp., S2; see Stowyn.

Steal, sb. place, state, S; see Stalle.

Steapre; see Stepe.

Stea3*, pt. s. of Stien, q. v.

Stede, sb. steed, horse, S, C2, PP,WA. Comb.: stede-bac, horseback,PP.—­AS. stA(C)da, from stA cubedd,a collection of horses, a stud.

Stede, sb. place, PP, S, S2, S3; stude,S; stide, W, W2; stud, S2; sted,S3. Comb.: stedefast, steadfast,S; stedefastliche, steadfastly, S; stedfastly,C2; stedefastnesse, firmness, C2.—­AS.stede: OS. stedi: Goth. stadi-(stem of staths).

Stee, sb. a ladder, WA, HD; sties,pl., HD. See Stien.

Steef, Stef; see Styf.

Steer, sb. a young ox, C, PP.—­AS.stA(C)or; cp. Lat. taurus, seeCurtius, No. 232.

Stef-creft, sb. the art of grammar,S; see Staf.

Stefne, sb. voice, S ; see Steuene.

Steghe, v. to ascend, H; see Stien.

Steghere, sb. rider, H.

Steir, v. to stir, S3; see Stiren.

Steken, v. to fasten, SD, WA; stekye,v., to be fastened up, P; stekez, imp.pl., S2; stac, pt. s., S2; stak,SkD (s.v. stick); stoken, pp.,S2; y-steke, G; i-steke, G.—­Cp.OHG. stechan, to fix, pierce, pt. stAih(pl. stAichun), pp. gi-stochan, seeOtfrid.

Stelen, v. to steal, to go stealthily,PP; stA|l, pt. s., S; stal, C2,W; stall, S3; stalen, pl., S;stelen, S; stole, pp., C. Comb.:stA|l ut, stole out, S; stal ut, S.—­AS.stelan, pt. stA|l (pl. stA|*lon),pp. stolen.

StelA deg.e, sb. stealth, PP; stalthe,SkD. Cf. Stouth.

Stem, sb. vapour, ray of light, flame,S; steem, Prompt.—­AS. stA(C)am.

Stemin, v. to steam, shine, gleam, C,S3, CM.—­AS. stA(C)man (SkD).

Stene, sb. a stone jar, SD, Trevisa4. 115; steenes, pl., S2. See below.

Stenen, adj. made of stone, S.—­AS.stA|*nen (Voc.). See Stoon.

Stent, sb. stopping-place, S3.

Stenten, v. to cease, pause, CM; seeStynten.

Steoren, v. to perfume with incense,S.—­Cp. AS. stA(C)ran (Leo).See Stor.

Steoren, v. lead, direct, S; see Steren.

Steorren, pl. stars, S; see Sterre.

Step-barn, sb. orphan, H.—­Cp.AS. step-cild, orphan, Ps. 67. 6 (VP); AS.stA(C)op, orphaned; cp. OHG. stiuf.

Stepe, adj. steep, WA, SkD.—­AS.stA(C)ap.

Stepe, adj. bright, shining (of eyes),CM, C, S3, HD; steapre, comp., S3 (p.426).

Stere, adj. strong, stout, firm, S,HD. See Store.

Stere, sb. tiller, helm, rudder, steering-gear,the stern of a ship, C3, S; steere, W2; stiere,PP. Comb.: sterelees, without arudder, S2, C3; sterman, steersman. Voc.—­Icel.stA1/2ri, rudder.

Stere, sb. helmsman, C3, S2.

Steren, v. to lead, direct, steer, S,S3, PP; steir, B; steoren, S.—­AS.stA(C)oran, stA1/2ran.

Steren, v. to stir, to move, S2, WA,PP; see Stiren.

Sterlinge, sb. coin, penny of standardcurrency, C3, PP, SkD.—­Cp. Low Lat.sterlingus (Ducange).

Sterne, sb. star, WA, H, S2; stern,S2, B; starnys, pl., S3.—­Icel.stjarna. Cf. Sterre.

Sterne., adj. stern, Prompt.; sturne,S, S2; steryn, WA; sterin, HD; steryne,HD; stiarne, pl., S; adv., S;sterne, PP; sternelich, CM, PP. Der.:sturnhede, sternness, S2.—­AS. styrne.

Sterre, sb. star, S, S2, S3, C2, C3,W, PP; storre, S; steorren, pl.,S; steores, S; sterris, W, PP; sterren,S, S2. Comb.: sterre-liht, starlight,S2. Der.: i-stirret, starred, S;stirrede, SD.—­AS. steorra:OS. sterro; cp. OHG. sterro (Tatian).

Stert, sb. tail, plough-handle, S, Prompt.,Palsg., HD; the stalk of fruit, HD, Palsg.; sterte,Voc. Comb.: steort-naket, quitenaked, S.—­AS. steort; cp. Icel.stertr.

Stert, sb. a start, quick movement,C.

Sterten, v. to start, S2, C, B, PP;stirt, imp. s., S; stirte, pt.s., S; stirt, S; sterte, C, G; stert,S2; stert, pp., C2; y-stert,C.

Steruen, v. to die, S2, S3, C2; sterfeAdeg., pr. s., S; starf, pt. s.,S2, C2; sturuen, pl., S; sturfe,S; storuen, C3; storue, pt. subj.s., S; i-storue, pp., S; y-storue,C; staruen, S3.—­AS. steorfan,pt. stA|*rf (pl. sturfon), pp. storfen.

Steruing, sb. dying, S2.

Steuene, sb. voice, command, note, C2,S; steuen, S2; time of performing any action,CM; stefne, S; stevynnys, pl,S3.—­AS. stefn: Goth. stibna;cp. OHG. stemna (Tatian), G. stimme.

Stew, sb. vapour, mist, B; stovys,pl., S3.—­Cp. Dan. stAv,Du. stof, dust, stof-*regen, drizzlingrain, G. staub, dust, whence Staubbach,‘spray-beck.’

Steward; see under Sty.

Stewe, sb. fish-pond, vivarium,C, HD, SD, CM, Prompt.; stwe, Prompt.

Stewe, sb. bath, Cath.; stue,Cath. (n); stwe, Prompt.; stewes,pl. brothels, PP; stywes, CM; stues,P.

Stiarne, adj. pl. stern, S; see Sterne.

Sticchen, v. to prick, stitch, SD; sti3*te,pt. s., SD; sti3*t, pp., SD;i-stihd, S; i-sticched, S (p. 119).

Stien, v. to ascend, HD, PP, S2, W,W2; sty3*en, S2; sti3*en, W, S2; ste3*en,S2; steghe, H, S2; stea3*, pt. s.,S2; stei3*, S3; stegh, S2, H; styh,S2.—­AS. stA-gan, pt. stAih(pl. stigon), pp. stigen.

Sties, pl. paths, S2; stighes,H; see Sty.

Stikien, v. to stick, to pierce, stab,S, S2, C2, C3; styken, S2; steek, S3;stekit, pt. s., B; stekyt, S3;y-styked, pp., S2.—­AS. stician.See Steken.

Stikke, sb. stick, C3; stykke,Prompt.

Stillatorie, sb. vessel used in distillation,C3, CM; stillatory, a place where distillationsare performed, ND.—­Late Lat. stillatorium,from Lat. (di)_stillare_.

Stingen, v. to sting; stonge,pt. pl., S; stongen, pp., C,H; y-stongen, S3; y-stonge, C3; stungen,H.—­AS. stingan, pt. stang(pl. stungon), pp. stungen.

Stiren, v. to stir, to move, to instigate,PP, C3, W2, S, S2; stere, PP, S2, G; sturen,S, W; styren, S; steir, S3, B.—­AS.styrian.

Stiring, sb. stirring, commotion, W,W2.

Stirte, pt. s. of Sterten, q.v.

Stith, sb. anvil, C, CM, Sh.; stythe,Prompt.—­Icel. steA deg.i.

Stiward; see under Sty.

Stobil, sb. stubble, W2; stobul,Prompt.—­AF. stuble (Ps. 82. 12,Oxford Psalter): Prov. estobla; OTeut.*_stuppula_; cp. OF. estoulle (Ps. 82.13), F. A(C)teule; see Kluge (s.v. stoppel),and BH, ASec. 153.

Stok, sb. stock, stem, trap, the stocks,PP, W2; stoc, S; stokke, PP; stocke,S3; stoke, S2; stokkes, pl., PP;stockis, S2; stokess, S.—­AS.stocc.

Stok. Prof. Napier maintains thatthe stokess of the Ormulum cannot be identifiedwith AS. stocc, as the gemination of the consonantpersists in the Ormulum. He suggests that stokessmeans ‘places,’ comparing the use of stokein place-names, e.g. Wude stoke in Chron.(Earle, p. 249), He also cites in illustration AS.stoc-weard, ‘oppidanus,’ see Leo,p. 206. [Addition]

Stoken, v. to stab, SkD, C.—­OF.estoquer (Ducange).

Stole, sb. stool, P; stool, PP,Prompt.; stoule, PP.—­AS. stAcubedl.

Stole, sb. a robe, W, Prompt.; stoole(= Lat. stola), W; stolis, pl.,W.—­Lat. stola.

Stonden; see Standen.

Stonge, pt. pl. stung, S; see Stingen.

Stonien, v. to stun, to make a louddin, to amaze with a blow, SD; stunay, H; stunayd,pp., H; stoynde, S3. See Astonen.

Stoniynge, sb. astonishment, W; stonying,W; stoneyinge, S2; stoynynge, Prompt.

Stont, pr. s. of Standen

Stony, adj. rocky, Prompt. Comb.:stony see, Adria, the Adriatic Sea, W.—­Cp.Ducange ’adria, petra; adriaticus,petrosus, lapidosus portus.’

Stoon, sb. stone, PP, W2; ston,PP, S, S3; stane, dat., S; stanes,pl., S. Comb.: stoon-stille,still as a stone, G.—­AS. stAin:Goth, stains.

Stoor, sb. store, stock, provision,Prompt., C, C2, C3, G; store, PP. Phr.:telle no store, set no store by, set no valueupon, C.—­OF. estore (Bartsch).

Stope, pp. advanced, C; stopen,CM, SkD (s.v. step).—­AS. stapen,pp. of stapan (pt. stA cubedp).

Stor, sb. incense, S; store,dat., S.—­AS. stA cubedr,incense, storax; Lat. storacem, acc. of storax(Vulg.), also styrax; Gr. [Greek: styrax].

Stordy, adj. rash, reckless, S; seeSturdy.

Store, adj. strong, powerful, large,HD, Prompt.; stoor, Prompt.—­Icel.stA cubedrr.

Storour, sb. restorer, S3.

Storuen, pt. pl. died, C3; see Steruen.

Stot, sb. stallion, bullock, stoat,SkD, SD; caballus, Prompt., C; stott,buculus, WA, Voc.; stot, stoat, CM; stotte,bullock, Cath., Palsg.; stottis, pl.,PP.—­Cp. Icel. stAtr, bull.

Stounde, sb. time, occasion, instant,period, S, S2, S3, C, C2, C3, G, PP; stund,S, S2; stunt, H; stundum, dat. pl.as adv., at times, H. Comb.: stound-mele,at times, S3.—­AS. stund: OS.stunda; cp. OHG. stunta, ‘tempus,hora’ (Tatian).

Stounden, v. to be for a time; stounded,pt. s., SD; stunden, pl. (=~stundeden~),S.

Stoupen, v. to stoop, W (John 20. 5),C3; stowpen, CM, HD.—­AS. stApian.

Stour, sb. conflict, commotion, agitation,S2, B, JD; stowre, S3; stoure, HD; stoures,pl., C2; stowres, S2.—­OF.estour, estor, estur (Roland);cp. Icel. styrr, a stir, tumult, battle.

Stour, v. to move quickly, JD; stow-*rand,pr. p., S3.

Stouth, sb. stealth, S3.—­Icel.stuldr.—­Cf. Stelthe.

Stovys, sb. pl. vapours, S3; see Stew.

Stowyn, v. to stow, bring together,Prompt.; stauez, pr. s., S2; stouwet,pp., PP; stawed, S2; staued, S2;stewed, PP.—­AS. stA cubedwigan(OET).

Stra, sb. straw, S; see Strawe.

Straight (for Strait), adj. close-fitting,tight, S3; see Streyt.

Strain, v. to distrain, S3.—­AF.destreindre (pr. p. destreignant).See Streynen.

Strand, sb. stream, torrent, S2, S3,H; stronde, W2; strynd, JD.

Strande, sb. bank, shore, WA.

Strang, adj. strong, S; see Stronge.

Strangelyn, v. to suffocate, Prompt.;estrangle, NED; astrangle, NED, MD;astrangeled, pp., S2.—­AF.estrangler; Lat. strangulare, of Gr.origin; cp. [Greek: strangalae], halter.

Strapeles, sb. pl. fastenings of breeches,S; strapuls, Voc.; strapils, Cath.—­AS.strapulas (Voc.).

Strate, sb. way, street, S; see Strete.

Stratly, adv. closely, S2; see Streyt.

Straunge, adj. strange, foreign, C,Prompt.; strange, C.—­AF. estrange;Lat. extraneum.

Straunge, v. to become strange; strangeA3/4,pr. s., S2; straungid, pp., HD.

Strawe, sb. straw, Prompt.; stra,S, Cath.; stree, C, Prompt. Comb.:strauberi, strawberry, SD; strabery,Cath.; strawbery-wyse, strawberry plant, Prompt.;straberi-wythe, Cath.—­AS. strA(C)aw,strA(C)a; cp. Icel. strAi, see Sievers,250.

Strayny, pr. s. subj. restrain, S2;see Streynen.

Strayues, sb. pl. escheats, goods ofstrangers dead without English-born issue, and ofbastards dead intestate, PP; streyues, P.—­Cp.OF. estrahiere (Godefroy), also estrayere(see Cotg.), Low Lat. estraeria: LateLat. extrateria; cp. extrates (Ducange).For the v intrusive see Parvis.

Strecchen, v. to stretch, PP; streke,H; strecche on, to exert (one self), S2; strekis,pr. s., H; strau3*te, pt. s.,W; strei3*te, W; strei3*t, S2; strei3*ten,pl., W; strekid, H; strekand,pr. p., S2, H; strekyng, S3; strekid,pp., H; strahte, pl., S; straughte,C.—­AS. streccan, pt. strehte,pp. streht.

Stree, sb. straw, C; see Strawe.

Strem, sb. stream, ray, beam, S, S2,C2, Voc.; streem, C.—­AS. strA(C)am:Icel. straumr; see Douse, p. 61.

Stren, sb. race, progeny, HD; streen,C2; streones, pl., S.—­AS.strA(C)on, a getting, possession (Leo).

Strend, sb. generation, S2; strinds,pl., sons, children, WA.—­AS. strA1/2nd,stock, race.

Strenen, v. to get, beget, HD; 3*e-*strenAdeg., pr. s., S; i-streoned, pp.,S; i-striened, S.—­AS. strA(C)onan,ge-strA(C)onan; cp. OHG. (gi)_striunen_,to gain (Tatian).

Strenge, sb. string, S3, H (p. 367);strynge, Prompt.—­AS. streng.

Strengen, v. to strengthen, SD; streng,imp. s., S.—­AS. strangian.See Stronge.

StrengA deg.e, sb. strength, violence,S, S2; strencA deg.e, S; strenA deg.e,S, S2; strengthes, pl., sources of strength,C2; strenthis, strong places, S3.—­AS.strengA deg.u.

StrengA deg.en, v. to strengthen, SD;strengA deg.eA deg. him, pr. s. reflex.,S; strenghA3/4ed, pt. s., S2; pp.,S2; i-strengA3/4ed, S.

Strengthy, adj. strong; strenthie,JD; strenghthi, H.

Strenken, v. to sprinkle, S.

Strenkil, v. to sprinkle about, H; strenkelyn,Prompt.; strenkle, S2; strinkle, HD;strenkild, pp., H.

Strenkyl, sb. a sprinkling, a holy-waterstick, Prompt.; strenkle, HD; strinkle,HD; strenncless, pl., S.

Streones, sb. pl. progeny, S; see Stren.

Strepen, v. to strip, C2, CM; streepe,C; strupen, S.—­AS. strA1/2pan(in be-*strA1/2pan).

Strete, sb. way, street, PP, S; strate,S; stret, S.—­AS. strA|*t:OS. strAita; Lat. stra*ta (uia); seeSievers, 17.

Streynen, v. to draw tight, C2, W, W2,PP; strayny, pr. s. subj., S2.—­AF.streign- base of streignant, pr. p. ofstreindre (straindre); Lat. stringere.

Streyt, pp. and adj. pressedtightly, narrow, strict, S2, C; streite, S3,C; straight, S3; strayte, pl.,S2; streyte, adv. closely, S2, C; streitliche,S2; stratly, S2; streatly, S3.—­AF.estreit (estrait); Lat. strictum.

Strif, sb. strife, S; stryf,C.—­AF. estrif; of Teutonic origin;see below.

Strifen, v. to strive, S2; stryvyn,Prompt.; strof, pt. s., C.—­OF.estriver: Prov. estribar; OHG. stri*bhan;cp. G. streben; see Kluge (s.v.), and Mackel,Germ. Elemente.

Strike, sb. hank of flax, C, HD.

Striken, v. to strike, to rub, to letdown, to advance, to move quickly, to flow, S2, SkD;stryke, PP, Palsg.; strok, pt. s.,PP; stroke, P, WW; strake, S3, WW; strook,Sh.; strek, SkD; strike, pl.,S; strake, S2; strocke, S3; striked,pp., PP, WW; striken, WW; stricken,WW; strooke, Sh.—­AS. strA-can,pt. strAic (pl. stricon), pp. stricen.

Strogelen, v. to struggle, C3, SkD.

Strogelynge, sb. struggling, Prompt.

Stronde, sb. shore, strand, Prompt.,S, C, C3, HD.—­AS. strand. Cf.Strande.

Stronde, sb. stream, torrent, W2; seeStrand.

Stronge, adj. strong, hard, severe,Prompt., S2; strong, S; strang, S, S2;stronge, adv., S, G; strengre,comp., S; strengere, S, S2, W2; strenger,C2; strengeste, superl., S; strengest,G.—­AS. strang. comp. strengor,superl. strengest.

Strook, sb. stroke, C2. See Striken.

Stroyen, v. to destroy, PP, G, S3; struyen,P; stroy, S2, Sh.; struen, pr.pl., PP; stryede, pt. s., S2.—­AF.destruy- base of destruyant, pr. p.of destruire; Late Lat. destru*gere_; formedon Lat. _destructus_, pp. of _destruere_.

Strupen, v. to strip, S; see Strepen.

Stuard, sb. steward, S; see Sty.

Stubbe, sb. stump, trunk, C; stub,Cath.

Stucche, sb. piece, S; steche,S.—­AS. stycce: OHG. stuki(Tatian).

Stude, sb. place, S; see Stede.

Stues, sb. pl. stews, baths, brothels,P; see Stewe.

Stund, sb. time, occasion, period, instant,S; see Stounde.

Stunt, adj. blunt, not sharp, obtuse,foolish, SD, HD, SkD; stuntlic, adv.,foolishly, SD. Der.: stuntnesse,foolishness, SD.—­Cp. OSwed. stunt,cut short.

Sturdy, adj. obstinate, stern, cruel,rash, Prompt., C2; stordy, CM, S; stourdy,SD.—­OF. estourdi, amazed, rash (Cotg.),estordi, pp. of estordir; from Lat. turdus,a thrush; see FArster, ZRP, x. 84.

Sturdynesse, sb. sternness, disobedience,Prompt., C2.

Sturioun, sb. sturgeon, S2, HD.—­AF.sturioun; Low Lat. sturionem; from OHG.sturio.

Sturne, Sturn-hede; see Sterne.

Sturuen, pt. pl. died, S; see Steruen.

Sty, sb. path, S2, Prompt.; stighe,dat., H; stighes, pl., H; stihes,S2; sties, S2; styes, H; steghes,H.—­AS. stA-g. See Stien.

Sty, sb. sty, porcarium, Prompt.Comb.: sty-ward, steward, senescallus,Prompt., C2, C3; stiward, S, C; steward,PP; stuward, P; stuard, S.—­AS.stA-gu, a sty, whence stigweard.

Styf, adj, stiff, strong, violent, PP,S2; stif, S, S2, PP; steef, W2; stef,PP. Der.: stef-hede, sturdiness,S2.—­AS. stA-f; see SkD.

Styh, pt. s. mounted, S2; see Stien.

Stynten, v. to stint, cease, pause,PP, S2, H; stinten, C2, C3, S2, S; stunten,PP; stente, C2, S3; pt. s., C2; stint,S2; stynted, pl., S3; stent,pp., C.—­AS. styntan, to makeshort. See Stunt.

Sty-rop, stirrup, Prompt., G; stirop,S, C2; stiroppe, S3.—­AS. stA-g-rAip(Voc.). See Stien.

Su-; see also Sw-.

Sua, so, as, S, S2; see Swa.

Sual, sb. swell (as of the sea), H.See Swellen.

Suank, pt. pl. toiled, S2; see Swinken.

Sublymatorie, sb. vessels for sublimation,C3.—­Late Lat. sublimatorium.

Sublymen, v. to sublimate, C3.—­Lat.sublimare.

Sublyming, sb. sublimation, C3.

Succinis, sb. amber, S2.—­FromLat. succinum (Voc.).

Sudarie, sb. napkin, W; sudary,HD.—­Lat. sudarium (Vulg.).

Sudekene, sb. sub-deacon, HD.

Sudene, sb. sub-dean, PP; suddene,PP.

Suein, sb. servant, S2; see Sweyn.

Suen, v. to follow, attend on, persecute,PP, W, W2, S2, S3; suwen, S2, W, PP; sewen,PP, S2, C; swe, S3, W.—­OF. siw-,pr. p. base of sivre: Late Lat. se*quere(for Lat. sequi); see BH, ASec. 32.

Suencten, pt. pl. afflicted, S; seeSwenchen.

Suere, sb. follower, W.

Suffisance, sb. sufficiency, C2.—­AF. suffisance.

Suffisant, adj. sufficient, S2, C2,C3.—­AF. suffisant.

Suffragane, sb. assistant, deputy, properlyof a bishop, S3.—­Late Lat. suffraganeus.

Suffraunce, sb. endurance, patience,C2; soffraunce, PP; suffrance, P.—­AF.suffraunce.

Suffren, v. to suffer, C2, PP; suffri,S; soffren, PP.—­OF. suffrir.

Sufrayn; see Souereyn.

Suget, sb. subject, H (p. 361).—­AF.suget; Lat. subiectum.

Sugetin, v. to subject; sugetide,pt. s., W; suget, pp., W, W2.

Sugge, 2 pr. s. subj. say, S; see Seggen.

Suggestioun, sb. criminal charge, reason,P, C2.—­AF. suggestioun; Lat. suggestionem.

Suhien, v. to sough, sound harsh; suhiende,pr. p. pl., S (9. 336); suinde, S.—­FromAS. swA cubedgan. See Swowen.

Suik, sb. deceit, S2; see Swike.

Suld, should; see Scholde.

Sulf, self, S; see Self.

Sulien, v. to bemire, to sully, SkD,SD; y-suled, pp., S3.—­AS.sylian: OHG. sulian (in bi-sulian),see Grein, p. 95; cp. AS. sol, mire (Voc.).

Sullen, v. to sell, S, S2; see Sellen.

Suller, sb. seller, S2; see Seller.

Sulliche, adv. strangely, S; see Sellich.

Suluer, sb. silver, S2; see Siluer.

Sul3*art, adj. (perhaps) bright, shining,S3.—­(Cf. Gael, soilleir, bright,shining, O. Irish sollus, bright.—­W.W.S.)

Sul3*e, sb. soil, earth, S3; soyle,Prompt. Comb.: sule erthe, soil,Prompt.—­AF. soyl; Late Lat. soleaused for Lat. solum, ground, see Ducange.

Sum, adj. and pron. some, a certainone, S; zom, S2; sume, pl., S.Comb.: sume we, some of us, S; alleand some, one and all, S2; sum....sum,one....one, S; sum-chere, some time, S; sumdel,something, S, S2; somdel, S2, C2; sumdeale,S3; sumdeill, S3; sumdeel, W2; somedele, P; sumhwet, somewhat, S; somwat,S2; summehwile, for some time, S; sumewile,sometimes, S; sumwile, formerly, S; somtym,sometimes, C3; summes-weis, in some wise, S.[Correction]

Sum, conj. as. Comb.: swasumm, so as, S.

Sumer, sb. summer, S; see Somer.

Sumundis, pr. s. summonses, H; see Sompne.

Sund, adj. sound, S; sound, PP.—­AS. (ge)_sund_; cp. OHG. gi-sunt (Otfrid).

Sunder, adv. apart; sonder, S2.Comb.: sunder-bleo, diverse colour,SD; sunder-hal3*e, Pharisee, SD; sunder-liche,separately, S; sundirly, severally, H; sunder-lipes,severally, SD; sunder-lepes, S; sunder-ling,separately, SD. Der.: sundren,to separate, S; i-sundred, pp., S; sundri,separate, S; sondry, C2.

Sunegen, v. to sin, S; sinegen,S; sungiA deg., pl., S; sunegeden,pt. pl., S; sinegeden, S; sene3*den,S; sene3*eden, S; sineged, pp.,S; i-suneged, S.—­AS. syngian;cp. Icel. syndga.

Sunen, v. to sound, S; see Sounen.

Sungen, pt. pl. sang, S; see Syngen.

Sunne, sb. sun, S. S2; see Sonne.

Sunne, sb. sin, S, S2, PP; senne,S; sinne, S; synne, PP; zenne,S2; sunnen, pl., S; sennenn, S;sinne, S; zennen, S2. Comb.:sun-bend, sin-bond, S; sinne-bendes,pl., S; sun-bote, penance, S; sinbote,S; sunful, sinful, S; senfulle, S; sinfule,S.—­AS. synn: OS. sundea;cp. OHG. sunta (Tatian).

Suor, pt. t. of Sweren, q.v.

Sup, v. to sup, drink gradually, eatsupper, S3; soop, pt. s., W; sopun,pp., W; sope, W.—­AS. sApan,pt. sA(C)ap (pl. supon), pp. sopen.Cf. Soupen.

Superflue, adj. superfluous, HD; superfluli,adv., W2.—­OF. superflu (Cotg.);Lat superfluum.

Supplement, sb. new piece, patch, S2.—­Lat.supplementum.

Supposinge, sb. supposition, C2.

Supposs, conj. supposing, although,S3.

Supprioure, sb. sub-prior, P.

Sur, sb. shower; sures, pl.,S; see Schowre.

Sur, adj. sour, S; see Sour.

Sure, adj. sure, PP.—­AF.seA1/4r; Lat. securum.

Suren, v. to give security to, PP, S3.

Surety, sb. surety; seurtee,C3, S2; seurte, C; souerte, S3.—­AF.seA1/4rte; Lat. securitatem.

Surfait, sb. surfeit, excess, P; surfet,PP.—­AF. surfait, surfet, outrage,annoyance.

Surplys, sb. surplice, C3.—­OF.surplis; Late Lat. superpelliceum.

Surquidry sb. pride, arrogance, WA;surquedry, ND, Spenser 2; surquidrie,CM; succudry, B.—­OF. surcuiderie,from surcuider; Lat. super + cogitare,to think.

Surrye, sb. Syria, S2.

Surryen, adj. Syrian, S2.

Suspect, sb. suspicion, C2, HD.—­LateLat. suspectus, suspicion (Ducange).

Suspect, adj. open to suspicion, C2.—­Lat.suspectus, pp. of suspicere, to suspect.

Sustene, v. to sustain, C2; susteene,C3; susteyne, PP; sustened, pp.,C2; i-susteined, S2; i-sousteined, S2.—­AF.sustener, OF. sostenir; Lat. sustine*re.

Suster, sb. sister, S, C2, C3, PP; soster,S2; sustre, P; sustren, pl.,S, P; sostren, S2; zostren, S2; sistren,C; sistris, W.—­AS. swuster, sweostor;cp. Goth. swistar (Icel. systir),cognate with Lat. soror (for *_sosor_), Skt.svasr. On the Teutonic intrusive tsee Douse, p. 61.

Sute, sb. suit of clothes, clothingof human flesh, also train, suite, PP, Cath., Prompt.—­AF.suyte; from suivre, sivre, to follow.See Suen.

Sutel, adj. manifest, SD; suteliche,adv. plainly, S.—­AS. sweotol(swutol), see OET; from sweot, an assembly;cp. Icel. sveit.

Suteli, adv. subtly, W; see Sotyle.

Sutelin, v. to be manifest, S.—­AS. (ge)_sweotulian_.

SuA deg., adj. south, S; see Sowthe.

SuA3/4e, adv. very, S; see Swithe.

SuA3/4A3/4e, afterwards, since, S, S2; seeSiA deg.A deg.en.

Suthroun, adj. southern, S3; see Sowtherne.

Suun, sb. a swoon, S2; see Swowne.

Suwed, pp. followed, S2; see Suen.

Swa, adv. and conj. so, as, S,S2; swo, S; sa, S, S2; so, S,S2; se, S; sua, S, S2; zuo, S2.Comb.: se-forA deg., so far, S;sogat, in such a way, S2.—­AS. swAi.

Swage, v. to assuage, diminish, W, W2,H, S3. See Aswagen.

Swaliden, pt. pl. dried up, W; see Swelen.

Swamish, adj. timorous, inaudaculus,Manip. See Sweem.

Swappe, sb. a stroke, HD.

Swappen, v. to strike, slash, to fallsuddenly, C2; swap, imp. s., C3; swapte,pt. s., C2; pl., S3.

Swarde, sb. covering, skin, turfy surface,sward, Prompt.; swarth, Cath. (n. p.373); swarthe, HD; swart, HD; sweard,HD. Der.: swardit, pp., grass-covered,S3.—­AS. sweard, skin (Voc.); cp.Icel. svArA deg.r (base svarA deg.a-),skin of the head, also the sward, surface of the earth.

Sware, adj. square, S2; see Sqware.

Swart, adj. black, S, HD; swarte,S.—­AS. sweart: OS. swart;cp. OHG. suarz (Tatian).

Swarve, v. to swerve, S3; see Sweruen.

Swat; see Swot.

Swatte, Swat; see Sweten.

Swe, v. to follow, S3; see Suen.

Sweande; see Sweyen.

Sweem, sb. a swoon, trance, grief, Prompt.,SkD (s.v. squeamish); sweam, ‘subitaaegrotatio,’ SkD; swaim, Prompt. (n);swem, S; sweme, SkD, HD; sume,S2.—­Icel. sveimr, a bustle, stir.

Sweigh, sb. sway, motion, S2, C3.See Sweyen.

Swele, v. to wash, S2; see Swilien.

Swelen, v. to sweal, to waste away underthe action of fire, SkD, Trevisa, 3. 325; swale,HD; swaliden, pt. pl., dried up, W.—­AS.swA(C)lan; from swA cubedl, heat (OET).

Swellen, v. to swell; swal, pt.s., S, S2, C2, PP; swollen, pp.,C2.—­AS. swellan, pt. sweall,pp. swollen.

Swelten, v. to faint, to die, PP; swalt,pt. s., SD; swulten, pl., SD;swelte, pt. s. (weak),C, HD.—­AS. sweltan, to die, pt.swealt (pl. swulton); cp. Icel.svelta.

Swelten, v. to destroy, to cause toperish, S2; swelt, pp., SD.—­Icel.svelta, to put to death (causal of the above).

Swelth, sb. offscouring, filth, S3,HD, ND. See Swilian.

Swelwen, v. to swallow, C2; see Swolowen.

Swem, sb. a grief, S; see Sweem.

Swenchen, v. to distress, afflict, S;suencten, pt. pl., S; i-swechte,pp., S.—­AS. swencan (causalof swincan). See Swinken.

Sweore, sb. neck, S; see Swere.

Sweote, adj sweet, S; see Swete.

Swep, sb. drift, meaning, S. See Swopen.

Swepe, sb. whip, SD; swepen,pl., S; swupen, S; swepes, S.

Swepen, v. to sweep, SkD; y-sweped,pp., C3. See Swopen.

Swerde sb. sword, Prompt., PP; swerd,PP, S, C2; sweord, S; suerd, S, S2;zuord, S2.—­AS. sweord:OS. swerd; cp. OHG. swert (Tatian).

Swere, sb. neck, S; sweere, G;see Swire.

Sweren, v. to swear, S, S2, C2; swerien,S; sueren, S; swor, pt. s., S:suor, S, S2; sware, S2; sweren,pl., S; sworen, S, C2; suoren,S; suore, S2; sworen, pp., S;swore, C2, G; y-swore, S2, C2; i-suore,S2.—­AS. swerian, pt. swA cubedr,pp. sworen.

Swering, sb. swearing, C3.

Sweruen, v. to swerve, SkD; swarve,S3; suaruing, pr. p., S3; swarued,pp., S3.—­AS. sweorfan, torub, pt. swearf, pp. sworfen.

Swete, adj. sweet, S, C; sweote,S; suete, S, S2; suote, S2; sote,C2, C3; swete, adv., S; swote,S, C; soote, S3; soot, S3; swettere,comp., W2; sweteliche, adv., sweetly,S; swetlike, S; swetterly, comp.more sweetly, H. Der.: swetnesse,sweetness, S; swotnesse, S.—­AS. swA(C)te:OS. swA cubedti cp. OHG. suozi(Tatian).

Sweten, v. to make sweet, S.—­AS.swA(C)tan.

Sweten, v. to sweat, S, P; swatte.pt. s., S, C2, C3, W2; swattes, 2 pt.s., S; swat, pl., S3.—­AS.swA|*tan, pt. swA|*tte. See Swot.

Sweuen, sb. dream, S, C2; sweuene,S, S2, P, W; swefnes, pl., S.—­AS.swefen: OS. sweban.

Sweuenen, v. to dream, SD.

Sweuening, sb. dreaming, S, S2.

Sweuien, v. to send to sleep; sweueAdeg., pr. s., S.—­Icel. svefja,to lull to sleep.

Sweyen, v. to sway, to go, walk, pass,SkD, HD; swei3*en, SD; swe3*en, SkD;sweande, pr. p., S2; swe, pr.pl., S2; seyed, pp., S2.—­Cp.Swed. sviga, to bend.

Sweyen, v. to sound, PP; sweien,S.—­AS. swA(C)gan (causal of swAcubedgan). See Swowen.

Sweyne, sb. servant, armiger,Prompt., S; swayn, C2, G; swein, S;sueyn, S; suein, S2.—­Icel.sveinn, a boy, lad, servant; cp. AS. swAin.

Swi-, prefix, silent. Comb.:swi-dages, still days, days of silence, S;swi-messe, the Canon of the Mass, the silentMass, S; swi-wike, the still week, SD.—­AS. swA-ge, silence.

Swien, v. to be silent; swigeA deg.,pr. s., S; swiede, pt. s., S.—­AS.swA-an, swA-gian; cp. OHG. suA-igA(C)n(Tatian).

Swiere, sb. neck, S; see Swire.

Swike, sb. traitor, deceiver, S; suikes,pl., S.—­AS. swica.

Swike, sb. mouse-trap, S; swyke,Voc.; suik, deceit, S2.—­AS. swice,‘scandalum’ (Grein).

Swike, adj. deceitful, SD. Comb.:swikedom, treachery, S, S2; suikedom,S2; swicful, treacherous, S; swikfull,H.—­AS. swice.

Swikel, adj. treacherous, S, H; sikil,H; swikilly, adv., H. Comb.:swikeldom, treachery, S; swikeldome,S2; swikelhede, treachery, S; swikelede,S; suikelhede, S2.—­AS. swicol.

Swiken, v. to cease, fail, deceive,S; swyken, H; suyken, pt. pl.,S.—­AS. swA-can, pt. swAic(pl. swicon), pp. swicen.

Swilien, v. to wash, SkD; swele,S2.—­AS. swilian.

Swilk, adj. such, H, S; see Swyche.

Swin, sb. pig, porcus, SD; swyne,Voc.; pl., S.—­AS. swA-n.

Swinden, v. to perish, dwindle away,S; swynde, S.—­AS. swindan,pt. swand (pl. swundon), pp. swunden.

Swing, sb. bias, inclination, sway,HD; free course of behaviour, S3; swinge, sway,S3.

Swingen, v. to swing, beat, whip, scourge;swyngen, H; swungen, pp., S;swongen, H; swongyn, H.—­AS.swingan, pt. swang (pl. swungon),pp. swungen.

Swink, sb. toil, S, C3; swynk,S2; swinc, S; suinc, S; swinch,S; swunche, S.—­AS. (ge)_swinc_.

Swinken, v. to toil, S, C3, ND; swynke,S2, C; swincke, S3; swanc, pt. s.,S; swonc, S; swunken, pl., S;swonken, S2; suank, S2.—­AS.swincan, pt. swanc (pl. swuncon),pp. swuncen.

Swinkere, sb. labourer, C.

Swippen, v. to move violently; swipte,pt. s., tossed, S.—­AS. swipian.

Swire, sb. neck, CM; swyre, S2,HD; sweore, S; swere, S; sweere,G; swiere S; swyer, HD.—­AS.sweora.

Swirk, v. to dart swiftly away, S3.

Swirk, sb. a jerk, a blow, HD.

Swithe, adv. very, greatly, much, quickly,S, S2, P, W, G; swythe, S, S2, C3; swuAdeg.e, S; suiA deg.e, S, S2; suyA deg.e,S, S2; suAze, S; swith, S2; swiAdeg.eliche, exceedingly, S.—­AS. swA-Adeg.e, adv. from swA-A deg., strong:Goth, swinths.

SwiA deg.en, v. to scorch, burn, SD;swideA deg., pr. s., S.—­Icel.svA-A deg.a.

Swo, so, as, S; see Swa.

Swogh, sb. a swoon; see Swough.

Swolowe, sb. gulf, W2.

Swolowen, v. to swallow, W2; swolwen,C3; swelwen, C2, Prompt.; swolgen, pp.,S; i-swol3*e, S; swolewid, pt. s.weak, W2.—­From AS. swelgan, pt. swealh(pl. swulgon), pp. swolgen.

Swongen, pp. beaten, H; see Swingen.

Swonken, pt. pl. toiled (to get), S2;see Swinken.

Swopen, v. to sweep, cleanse, S2, PP,HD, SkD (s.v. swoop).—­AS. swAipan,pt. swA(C)op, pp. swAipen.

Swor, pt. t. of Sweren, q. v.

Swot, sb. sweat, PP, W; swat,S; swote, dat., C3.—­AS. swAit.

Swote, adj. sweet, S, C; see Swete.

Swouch, v. to make a rustling sound,S3.—­AS. swA cubedgan. See Swowen.

Swough, sb. the sound of the wind, asighing, swoon, C, C2, CM, HD; swogh, S3, HD;swowe, S2, HD. See above.

Swowe, sb. swoon, S2; see Swough.

Swowen, v. to faint, swoon, PP; i-swo3*e,pp., S; y-swo3*e, S.—­AS.swA cubedgan, to make a noise like the wind,to sough, sigh. Cf. Swouch, Swough, Suhien.

Swowne, sb. swoon; sowne, S3;suun, S2; swownde, HD; sound,S3.

Swownen, v. to swoon, C, C2, C3, Prompt.,Cath.; swoune, PP.

Swunche, sb. toil, S; see Swink.

Swungen, pp. beaten, scourged, S; seeSwingen.

Swunken, pt. pl. worked, toiled, S;see Swinken.

Swupen, pl. whips, scourges, S; seeSwepe.

SwuA deg.e, adv. very, quickly, S; seeSwithe.

Swyche, adj. such, PP, S2; swiche,S, C2, PP; swuch, S; suich, S2; soche,S; zuyche, S2; siche, W; swice,S; swulche, S; swilch, S; swulc,S; swilc, S; swilk, H, S; suilc,S; suilk, S, S2; silc, S2; sike,S3.—­AS. swilc ( = swAi +lA-c).

Swymbel, sb. a giddy motion, C.—­Cp. Dan. svimmel, giddiness.

Swyme, sb. dizziness, vertigo, HD (s.v.swime), SkD (s.v. swim, 2); swym,SkD.—­AS. swA-ma; see SkD (s.v. squeamish).

Sy, sb. victory, S; see Si3*e.

Syde, adj. and adv. wide, long,far, Cath.; side, S, PP, S2, Cotg. (s.v. robon);syd, Prompt. (n); syyd, Prompt.;cyyd, Prompt.; sydder, comp.,P.—­AS. sA-d, wide, sA-de,far.

Syen, pt. pl. saw; see Seon.

Syke, sb. sigh, C; syk, C2; seych,S3.

Syken, v. to sigh, C, C3, PP; siken,S, S2, PP; syghte, pt. s., C3; sicht,S3; sykede, PP; syked, C2; si3*ede,S3.—­AS. sA-can.

Syment, sb. cement, MD; cyment,MD.—­OF. ciment; Lat. caementum;see BH, ASec. 39.

Symented, pp. cemented, S2.

Symulacris, sb. pl. images, idols, W;simylacris, W; symelacris, W.—­Lat.simulacrum (Vulg.).

Syn, since, S2, S3; see SiA deg.A deg.en.

Synewe, sb. sinew, Prompt.; synow,Voc.; synoghe, S2.—­AS. sinu(gen. sinwe), see Sievers, 259.

Syng, sb. sign, S3; singne, W;sygne, PP; signe, PP.—­AF.signe; Lat. signum.

Syngabil, adj. pl. things to sing (= Lat. cantabiles), H.

Syngen, v. to sing, PP; singen,S; song, pt. s., S, S3, C2; pl.,S3; songe, S3; sungen, pl., S;sunge, pp., S; songe, C2.—­AS.singan.

Synguler, adj. sole, alone, excellingall, PP; singuler, S2, C3, W2; relating toone person, S3; singulare, individual, S3;syngulerli, only, W2.—­Lat. singularis.

Synnamome, sb. cinnamon, S3; cynamome,MD; synamome, MD; synamon, MD.—­OF.cinamome; Lat. cinnamomum (Vulg.); Gr.[Greek: kinamomon]; Heb. qinna*mo*n.

Synopyr, sb. a pigment of reddish andgreenish colour, Prompt.; synopar, S3; cynoper,MD; cinoper, ND; cynope, green, in heraldry,SkD (s.v. sinople).—­Cp. OF.sinople, green colour in blazon (Cotg.), alsosinope; Late Lat. sinopidem, red ochre;from Gr. [Greek: sinopis], a red earth; from[Greek: Sinopae], Sinope, a port on the BlackSea.

Syon, sb. scion, a cutting for grafting,a young shoot, S3, Palsg.; cyun, Prompt.; cion,SkD; sioun, SD; siouns, pl.,branches ( = Lat. palmites), W2.—­OF.cion.

Syrupe, sb. syrup, Cath.; sirop,SkD; soryp, Prompt.; seroppes, pl.syrups, S3.—­OF. syrop (Cotg.); Arab,shurAcb, syrup, a beverage.

Sythe, sb. scythe, PP, Voc., Prompt.;sithe, P.—­AS. sA-A deg.e(Voc.), sigdi (OET); cp. Icel. sigAdeg.r.

Syue, sb. sieve, C3, Prompt.—­AS.sife (Voc.), sibi (OET), see Sievers,262.

Sy3*en, pt. pl. saw; see Seon.

Sy3*t, sb. sight, S2; see Sighte.

Ta, v. to take, S2, S3; see Take.

Taa, Comb.: the taa, theone, HD.

Taa, sb. toe, S2; see Too.

Tabard, sb. a short coat or mantle,usually sleeveless, formerly worn by ploughmen, noblemen,and heralds, now by heralds only, HD, SkD, C; tabart,S2, PP; tabarde, PP, Voc.; tabbard, collobium,Prompt; taberd, Voc.; taberde, Voc.;tabare, Voc.—­OF. tabard,tabart, also tabarre (Cotg.); cp.It. tabarro.

Tabarder, sb. a name for scholars atQueen’s College, Oxford, ND.

Tabernacle, sb. a place in which someholy thing is deposited, WA; tabernacles, pl.,niches of a lofty cross, S3; ornamental niches, HD;shrines, S3 (1. 181).—­Lat. tabernaculum(Vulg.); cp. OF. tabernacle (Cotg).

Table, sb. in palmistry, a space betweencertain lines on the hand, HD; tables, pl.,a game, now called backgammon, CM. See Tavel.

Tabour, sb. a small drum, SkD; tabur,WA; taber, Voc.—­OF. tabor,thabour.

Taburne, sb. a drum, tympanum,WA, Voc., Cath.; taburn, H.

Taburner, sb. a player on the tabor,timpanista, Cath.; taberner, timpanizator,Voc.

Taburnystir, sb. female tabor player( = tympanistria), H.

Tache, sb. a mark, sign, quality, stain,blemish, fault, HD; tacche, HD; tacches,pl., PP; tacchis, HD; teches,S2. Der.: tached, pp., tainted,stained; tachyd, PP.—­OF. tache,teche, and OF. tacher, to spot, to stain.

Tache, sb. a clasp, brooch, fibula,Cath. (n), Voc. Cf. Takke.

Tachen, v. to fasten, Cath. (n).Cf. Takken.

Tacne, sb. token, S; see Tokne.

Tacnen, v. to betoken, S; takened,pp., S2.—­AS. (ge)_tAicnian_.

Tade, sb. toad, bufo, Voc., Cath.,S2; tadde, S. Comb.: tadde-chese,tubera, Voc.; tadde-pol, brucus,Voc.; tadpolle, lumbricus, Voc.; tade-stole,boletus, fungus, Cath.—­Cp.AS. tAidige (tAidie).

Taffata, sb. a thin glossy silk stuff,C, WA, Cotg.; tafata, Palsg.; taffaty,HD.—­Low Lat. taffata (Ducange);cp. OF. taffetas (Cotg.).

Tahte, Tagte, pt. s. of Techen.

Tai, they, S; see Azei.

Taille, sb. a tally, an account scoredon a piece of wood, C, P; taile, CM, P; tayle,Cath., Prompt.; taly, Prompt.—­OF.taille, a cut, a notch, a tally (Cotg.), fromtailler, to cut.

Taillour, sb. tailor, S2, PP; tayle3*our,Voc.; tayl3*or, Voc.; taylours, PP.—­AF.taillour. See above.

Takel, sb. implement, tackle, arrow,C, SkD; tacle, Prompt.; takil, B. Der.:takild, pp., caught, seized, H.—­Cp.Du. takel.

Taken, v. to take, to deliver, yieldup, hand over, to hit, reflex., to betake oneself,S, S2, S3, G, PP., W; tA|cen, S; ta,S2, S3, B; toc, pt. s., S: tok,S, S2; tuk, S3; toke, 2 pt. s.,S; token, pl., S, W2; taken, pp.,S3; take, S2, C, C2; y-take, S2, C2;i-take, S; tane, S2, S3; tan,S2. Phr.: taken with, to endure,accept, S; taken to, to take to, S (s. v. tok);taken kepe, to take heed, C2; taken tome,to vacate, H.—­Icel. taka.

Taken, sb. token, S2; see Tokne.

Taking, sb. snare; takyng, W2.

Takke, sb. button, clasp, Prompt.Cf. Tache.

Takken, v. to fasten, to sew together,Prompt. Cf. Tachen.

Takning, sb. signification, S2; seeToknynge.

Tal, adj. seemly, Prompt.

Talde, pt. s. of Tellen.

Tale, sb. account, reckoning, tale,narrative, talk, the gospel narrative, S, S2, C2,PP. Comb.: tale-tellour, tale-bearer,PP; tale-wys, slanderous, PP; tal-wis,PP.—­AS. talu, ’numerus, narratio’;cp. OHG. zala ‘numerus’ (Tatian).

Talen, v. to speak, C, S2,—­AS.talian, to reckon (Grein).

Talent, sb. desire, inclination, appetite,B, Prompt., C3, HD.—­OF. talent,desire (BH); Late Lat. talentum (Ducange).

Talvace, sb. a kind of buckler or shield,HD; talvas, HD.—­OF. talevas,talvas (Ducange), also tallevas (Cotg.);cp. Low Lat. talavacius (Ducange).

Talyage, sb. a taxing, Prompt, (s. v.taske); tallage, flavour, S3; talage,HD.—­Low Lat. talliagium, a taxing,testing public weights and measures (Ducange).

Tan, pp. taken, S2; see Take.

Tancrit, adj. transcribed; tancrete,S3.—­OF. tancrit; Lat. transcriptum(Ducange).

Tang, sb. sea-weed, SkD, JD. Comb.:tang-fish, the seal, JD.—­Icel. pang.

Tangle, sb. sea-weed, HD, JD.—­Icel.pAngull.

Tangle, v. to twist confusedly; tangell,Palsg.; tangild, pp., ensnared, H (p.149).

Tapecer, sb. a maker of tapestry, Prompt.;tapicer, C; tapesere, Prompt.—­OF.tapissier, from tapis,tapiz; Late Gr.[Greek: taphition], for [Greek: haetion].Cf. Tapet.

Tapecerye, sb. tapestry, HD.—­OF.tapisserie.

Tapet, sb. cloth, hangings, tapestry,Prompt., ND; tappet, HD; tapite, S3;tapyt, Voc.; tapett, Cath.; tapetis,pl. (=Lat. tapetes), W2; tapites,HD; tapets, S3. Der.: tapAter,a maker of tapestry, HD.—­Lat. tapete.from Gr. [Greek: taphtion] Cf. Tapecer.

Tapinage, sb. secret sculking, HD.—­OF.tapinage (Ducange); cp. tapir, to hide(Cotg.).

Tapissynge, sb. hangings, H.

Tappe, sb. a tap, clipsidra,Prompt.; teppe, SD. Comb.: tap-tre,clipsidra, HD, Cath.

Tappestere, sb. a female tapster, C;tapstare, propinaria. Prompt.

Tarette, sb. ship of heavy burden, S2.—­LowLat. tareta, also tarida (Ducange);cp. OF. taride.

Targe, sb. a charter, Prompt.

Targe, sb. a small shield, C, S2, Voc.—­OF.targe (BH); cp. targue (Cotg.).

Target, sb. a small targe, Prompt.;targett, Voc.; tergate, S3; targattes,pl., SkD.—­Low Lat. targeta;cp. It. targhetta (Florio).

Tarien, v. to delay, to hinder, C2;to tarry, W2, S3; see Terien.

Tarne, sb. a girl, HD.—­Icel.A3/4erna; cp. OHG. thiarna (Otfrid);see Kluge (s.v. dirne). See Azerne.

Tarne, sb. a tarn; see Terne.

Tas, sb. heap, C; taas, C; tasse,Prompt., HD.—­OF. tas, stack, heap(BH); cp. Du. tas, Low Lat. tassis(Voc.), tassus (Ducange).

Taske, sb. a taxing, Prompt.; a task,HD, Palsg.—­Cp. Late Lat. tascafor taxa, a tax. See Taxen.

Tasker, sb. a thrasher, Voc., HD; taskar,B; taskur, Bardsley.

Tassel, sb. male hawk; see Tercel.

Tast, sb. taste, S3, PP; taast,Prompt.

Tasten, v. to feel, touch, kiss, taste,C3, PP; taasten, Prompt.; tast, pt.s., probed, HD.—­OF. taster, tofeel by touch, to taste (F. tActer); Late Lat.*_taxitare_, frequent, of Lat. taxare, to handle.

Tatter, a shred, loose-hanging rag, a raggedperson, ND, SkD; totters, pl., rags,Sh. Der.: tatered, adj.,jagged, S3.—­Icel. tAtturr (for tAlturr),tAturr.

Tauny, adj. tawny, P; tanny,Prompt.—­AF. taune, OF. tanne,tawny, tanned, pp. of taner, to tan (BH).

Tavel, sb. the game of ‘tables’,backgammon, SD. Comb.: tA|vel-bred,backgammon-board, SD.—­AS. tA|fel,‘alea’ (Voc.); Lat. tabula.See Table.

Tavelen, v. to play at ‘tables’,S.

Taverne, sb. an inn, Prompt., Voc.—­AF.taverne; Lat. taberna.

Taverner, sb. inn-keeper, C2,HD, P,Voc.; tavernere, Prompt.—­AF. taverner;Late Lat. tabernarium.

Tawen, v. to prepare leather, SkD; tewen,Prompt.; taw, to dress hemp, HD; tawed,pp., hardened with labour, S3; i-tauwed,S.—­AS. tawian, to prepare, dressleather, to scourge.

Tawer, sb. a tanner, SD, SkD.

Tawnen, v. to shew, S; taunede,pt. s., SD.—­Cp. ODu. toonenand MHG. zounen for zougenen, from OHG.zougjan for azougjan (see Lexer); cp.AS. A|t-A1/2wan. See Awnen.

Taxen, v. to tax, SkD, PP.—­AF.taxer; Lat. taxare.

Taxoure, sb. a taxer, P.

Tayl, sb. tail, a retinue, train offollowers, S2, C2, PP; taile, S2, PP; tayle,Cath.—­AS. tA|gl: Goth, tagl,hair.

Tayt, adj. glad, cheerful, brisk, S3;teyte, pl., HD.—­Icel. teitr.

Te-, prefix; same as To- (2).

Teald, pp. of Tellen.

Teares, pl. tears, S; see Tere.

Techen, v. to teach, S, C2, S2; teachen,S; tache, S; tahte, pt. s., S;taihte, S; tagte, S; tahtes, 2pt. s., S; tehten, pl., S; taucht,pp., S3; y-ta3*t, S2; y-taught,C2.—­AS. tA|*can, pt. tA|*hte,pp. tA|*ht.

Teches, sb. pl. marks, signs, S2; seeTache.

Teer, sb. tear, C2; see Tere.

Teise, sb. a fathom, HD.—­AF.teise (OF. toise); Late Lat. tensa.Cf. Teyse.

Tei3*en, v. to tie, bind, S2; see Ti3*en.

Teld, sb. a covering, tent, SkD (s.v.tilt); telde, S2, HD; telte,Prompt.; tilde, PP (p. 779).—­AS.(ge)teld, a tent; cp. Icel. tjald.

Telden, v. to pitch a tent, to erecta building, to dwell, PP; tilden, S3; tilde,pt. s., PP; tulde, PP; telt, HD;teldit, pp., PP; tyld, S3.

Tele, sb. sorcery, magic, HD.

Telen, v. to reprove, to scoff at, S;tA|len, S.—­ONorth. telan(Luke 7. 30), AS. tA|*lan, to blame, from tAilu,‘calumnia’ (Grein).

Telie, v. to till, cultivate, PP; seeTilien.

Telinge, sb. husbandry, culture, study,practice of magic; telynge, HD; tulyinge,PP; teolunges, pl., S.—­AS.teolung, tilung, tilling, culture, study.

Tellen, v. to tell, count, esteem, S,S2; telst, 2 pr. s. S; telAdeg., pr. s., S, S2; tellus, pl.,S2; talde, pt. s., S; tolde,S2, PP; telld, S2; tolden, pl.,S; talden to, accounted, S; telden,W; teald, pp., S; talde, S2; ytold,C2, S2; i-told, S; told, S2.—­AS.tellan, pt. tealde, pp. ge-teald.See Tale.

Teme, sb. theme, subject, text, PP;teeme, S2, PP.—­OF. theme;Lat. thema; Gr. [Greek: thema].

Teme, v. to tame, H; temyd, pp.H.—­AS. temian (Voc.): Goth,(ga)tamjan.

Temen, v. to bring forward as witness,S.—­AS. tA(C)man, tA1/2man (Schmid),from tA(C)am, a summoning for warranty (Schmid).

Temen, v. to make empty, to pour out,HD, Prompt., Cath., H; tume, JD; teym,JD.—­Icel. tAoema, to empty; fromtA cubedmr, empty. See Tome.

Temp, v. to tempt, H; tent, toprobe, Sh.; temped, pp., HD.—­OF.tempter (F. tenter); Lat. tentare.

Temporal, adj. lasting but for a shorttime, S2.—­OF. temporel; Lat. temporalem(Vulg.).

Temporalite, sb. temporal power, PP;temperaltes, temporalities, PP.—­AF.temporalitee.

Tempre, v. to temper, moderate, restrain,PP, C2; temperid, pp., directed, W2;tempred, fitted, attuned, S2, PP.—­OF.temprer (F. tremper); Lat. temperare.

Tempre, adj. tempered, modified, temperate,H.—­OF. tempre.

Ten, v. to draw, pull, train, also togo, mount, reflex, to conduct oneself, S; teon,S; tuen, HD; te, HD; teA deg.,pr. s., S; tuhen, pt. pl., S;i-to3*en, pp., S; i-tohen, S.Comb.: ful-itohe, badly trained,S.—­AS. tA(C)on, pt. tA(C)ah(pl. tugon), pp. togen: Goth, tiuhan;cp. Lat. ducere; see Brugmann, ASec. 65.

Tend, adj. ord. tenth, S2, B; tende,HD.

Tende, sb. a tenth, HD; teind,tithe, S3; tendis, pl., H.—­Icel.tA-und, a tenth.

Tende, v. to tithe, Cath.

Tenden, v. to kindle, set fire to, S2,W; teenden, W; tind, HD; tendeden,pt. pl., PP; tenden, PP; tendyn,PP; tende, S2; y-tend, pp., S2.—­AS.tendan (in on-tendan): Goth. tandjan,causal of *_tindan_, to burn.

Tene, sb. grief, vexation, injury, S,S2, S3, PP, B; teene, PP; teone, S,S2, PP; teyne, B; tyene, S2.—­AS.tA(C)ona.

Tenen, v. to vex, trouble, injure, PP;teene, PP; teonen, PP.—­AS.tA1/2nan.

Tennes, sb. tennis, S3; see Tenyse.

Tenserie, sb. an extraordinary impost,robbery, S (2. 42).—­OF. tenserie;Late Lat. tensaria.

Tente, sb. a tent, C2, PP.—­OF.tente (Bartsch); Late Lat. tenta, clothstretched.

Tente, sb. intention, purpose, PP; tent,attention, care, heed, S2, JD, W, W2, H.—­OF.atente (BH).

Tentyf, adj. attentive, CM; tentifly,adv., attentively, C2.—­OF. attentif.

Tenyse, sb. tennis, Palsg.; teneys,tenisia, Prompt.; tennes, S3, SkD.

Teolung, sb. magical practice, S; seeTelinge.

Teon, v. to draw, S; see Ten.

Teone, sb. grief, S; see Tene.

Terce, adj. a third, SkD; tierce,the third hour (canonical), SkD; tyerse, SkD.—­AF.terce, tierce, OF. terc, tiers, tierce;Lat. tertia.

Tercel, sb. the male of any kind ofhawk, CM, Prompt., Sh.; tercelle, Voc.; terselle,Cath.; tassel, Sh.; tassell, Cotg.—­AF.tercel, from OF. terce.

Tercelet, sb. a small hawk, C2.—­AF.tercelet, OF. tiercelet (Cotg.).

Tere, sb. tear, S, C2; teer,C2; teares, pl., S.—­AS. tear,also teagor, OHG. zahar (Tatian); cp.Gr. [Greek: dhakru]; see Douse, p. 94.

Teren, v. to tear, S.—­AS,teran, cp. Goth, (ga)_tairan_.

Teren, v. to tar, S. See Terre.

Tergate, sb. a small shield, S3; seeTarget.

Terien, v. to vex, irritate, to makeweary, to delay, hinder, irritare, fatigare;teryyn, Prompt.; terwin, Prompt.; terre,W, W2; tarien, C2; y-taryed, pp.,S2.—­AS. tergan, to vex.

Terien, v. to tarry, to delay; teryyn,Prompt.; taryen, CM; tarien, W2, S3.—­Thesame word as above; for change of sense cp. AS.dreccan, to vex, with the equivalent ME. drecchen,to tarry (q.v.).

Terme, sb. term, period, S, C2; termes,pl., expressions, examples, PP, C2; limits,ends, W, W2.—­AF. terme; Lat. terminum.

Terminen, v. to determine, limit, W;itermynet, pp., S2; y-termyned,PP.—­AF. terminer, to determine.

Terne, sb. a tarn, small lake, S2; tarne,Manip.—­Icel. tjArn (tjarn-).

Terre, sb. tar, Prompt.; tarre,PP; teer, HD; ter, B.—­AS.teoru (Voc.).

Terre, v. to provoke, W, W2; see Terien.

Terryng, sb. a provoking, W2.

Teruagant, sb. one of the seven godsof Hengest, S; Termagant, a supposed god ofthe Saracens, ND; one of the characters in the oldmoralities, ND, Sh., TG; Trivigant, ND.—­OF.Tervagant, also Tervagan, one of thethree gods of the Saracens (Roland); cp. It.Trivigante (Ariosto).

Teste, sb. a pot in which metals aretried, HD, SkD, C3; teest, HD. Phr.:to bring to the test, lit. to bring to the refiner’svessel, Sh.—­OF. teste, a refiner’svessel; Lat. testa, a vessel used in alchemy,orig. a piece of baked earthenware, also shell offish, skull, head. Cp. OF. test (F.tAt), a test in chemistry, orig. a potsherd,see Bartsch.

Testere, sb. a head-piece, helmet, testerfor a bed, SkD, HD; teester, Prompt.; tester,C; testar, Palsg.—­OF. testiere,head-piece (Cotg.).

Testif, adj. headstrong, testy, CM;testie, S3.—­OF. testif (Palsg.).

Te-tealte, adj. quite unstable, in jeopardy,S2. (To- 2.)

TeA deg., pr. s.; teA deg. up,mounts, S; see Ten.

Tewelle, sb. the pipe of a chimney,HD; tuel, a pipe, HD.—­OF. tuel,tuyel (F. tuyau): Sp. tudel;of Teutonic origin; see Kluge (s.v. dA1/4te),and Weigand (s.v. zotte).

Texte, sb. text, scripture, SkD; text,Cath., C2; tixte, PP, S2; tixt, PP;tyxte, PP; tyxt, PP.—­OF. texte;Lat. textum.

Textuel, adj. literal, C3.

Teye, sb. a coffer, Prompt.—­OF.teie (toie); Lat. the*ca; cp.F. taie.

Teyne, sb. a thin plate of metal, C3.

Teyrre, of them, S; see Azei.

Teyse, v. to poise for shooting, HD;tasit, pt. s., B; taisand, pr.p., HD.—­OF. toiser, to measure(Cotg.). See Teise.

Teyte, adj. pl. cheerful, HD; see Tayt.

Th, an abbreviation of the article the,ND. Comb.: thair, S2; thangel,C2; tharmes, C; tharray, S2, C2; thassemblee,S2, C3; thavys, the advice, C; theffect,C2; theffusion, S3; thegle, C2; thembatel,S3; themperice, S; themperour, S2, C3;thencens, C; thenchauntement, C; thencres,C; thende, S, S2, S3; thentencioun,C3; therle, S3; thestat, C; thimage,C2; thingot, C3; thold, S3; thorient,C2; thorisoun, C; thothre, S, S3.

Aza, art. def. fem. the, S; dat.masc., S; pl., S; pron. pl., who,S; see Aze.

Azam, art. dat. s. and pl. the,S; see Azei. And see Azei.

Azan, art. dat. and acc. the,S; see Aze.

Azan, adv. then; see Azanne.

Azane, art. acc. masc. the, S; see Aze.

Azane, adv. then, S; see Azanne.

Azane, sb. thane, S2; see Azeyn.

Azanen, adv. thence, S; Azanene,S2.—­AS. A3/4anon.

Azank, sb. a thought, a thank, gratitude,grace; Azanc, S; Azonc, S; Azonk,S, PP; Azance, dat., S; Azonke,S, S2; Azankes, pl., PP; thonkes,PP, S2. Phr.: can Azanc, con Azonk,is thankful, S; here Azankes, gen. asadv., of their own thought, spontaneously,S, C.—­AS. A3/4anc; cp. OHG. thanc (Otfrid).

Azanken, v. to thank, PP, S; Azonken,PP, S, S2.—­AS. A3/4ancian.

Azanne, adv. then, when, S, PP, S2,C; Azann, S; Azane, S; Azan,S, S2, C2; Azenne, S, PP, S2; Azene,S, PP; Azen, S; Azeonne,, S.—­AS.A3/4A|nne.

Azanne, conj. than, S; Azane,S; Azan, S2; Azenne, S; Azenn,S; Azene, S; Azen, S, PP.—­AS.A3/4A|nne.

Azanne, adv. thence, S2; see Azenne.

Azar, pt. -pr. s. impers. it needs,opus est, B, H; thare, H; Azarf,S; tharst, 2 pt. -pr. s., PP; thart,pt. -pr. s., HD. Comb.: thardestow,thou wouldst need, PP; see Azurfen.

Azar-, prefix; see Azer-.

Azare, art. dat. f. to the, S; see Aze.

Azarmes, sb. pl. entrails, HD.—­ASA3/4earm (Voc.); for cognates see Kluge (s.v.darm).

Azarne, v. to lack, want, HD, H; tharn,H; tharnys, pr. s., H; tharnyd,pt. s., H.—­Icel. A3/4arnask(for A3/4arfnask), to lack.

Azas, pron. dem. pl. those, S, S2; seeAzes.

Azat, pron. dem., pron. rel.and conj. that, S, S2; A3/4et, S, S2;at, S2, S3, H, NED.—­AS. A3/4A|t.See Aze.

Azauien, v. to permit, SD; A3/4eauien,S; thave, HD.—­AS. A3/4afian.

Aze, pron. dem. and def. art. m.that man, the, S; A3/4A|, S; te, S;to, S; A3/4at, n, S, S2; A3/4et,S, S2; tat, S; tatt, S; A3/4es,gen. m., S; A3/4es A3/4e, so much the(more), S; A3/4as, S; A3/4ane, acc.m., S, S2; A3/4an, S, S2; A3/4ene,S; A3/4enne, S; A3/4en, S, S2; A3/4am,dat. m., S;. A3/4an, S; A3/4en,S, S2; A3/4on, S; A3/4o, S; A3/4a,S; A3/4eo, nom. f., S; A3/4A|re,dat. f. and gen. f.; A3/4are,S; A3/4ere, S; A3/4ar, S; A3/4er,S; A3/4a, acc. f., S;. A3/4o,S; A3/4eo, S; A3/4ie, S; A3/4e,inst. as in A3/4e bet, the better, PP.Comb.: the self, itself,. H.—­ONorth.A deg.A(C), see Sievers, 337.

Aze, pron. rel. who, which, S.—­AS.A deg.e (the indeclinable relative pronoun).See above.

Aze, conj. than, S—­AS. Adeg.e, ‘quam.’

Azeaw, sb. habit, virtue, S; see Azew.

Azedam, sb. prosperity, Prompt, HD.See Azeen.

Azede, sb. pl. nations, S2 (3. 29);see Azeode.

Azeden, adv. thence, S; see AzeA3/4en.

Azeder, adv. thither, S2; see Azider.

Azeef, sb. thief, C2; see Azeof.

Azeen, v. to thrive, vigere,Prompt.; thee, S3, C2, C3, Spenser (2), HD;the, C, HD; the, 1 pr. s. subj.,PP; theech (thee + ich), mayI thrive, C3; theich, PP; A3/4eagh, pt.s., SD; i-A3/4e3*, S2.—­AS. (ge)A3/4A(C)on:*_A3/4A-han_; cp. Goth. theihan; see Sievers,383, Douse, p. 40.

Azefe, sb. leafy branch, twig; theve,Prompt. Comb.: thefethorn, buckthorn,Alph. (n*. p. 156), Voc.; thefthorne,H; thewethornys, pl., morus,Voc.; the-*thorne, ramnus, Prompt.;the thorntre, Voc.—­AS. A3/4yfe(A3/4A(C)fe), A3/4efe-A3/4orn, ‘ramnus’(Voc.), A deg.eofeA deg.orn (Voc.); cf.AS. A3/4Afian, ‘frutescere’ (Voc.).

Azei, pron. pl. they, S, PP, C; A3/4e3*3*,S; te3*3*, S; A3/4ai, S, PP, S2; tai,S; the, S3; A3/4e3*3*re, gen.,S; te3*3*re, S; thair, S2; thayr,PP; Azar, S2, S3 Aze3*3*m, dat. acc.,S; thaim, S2; thaym, PP; tham,S2. Comb.: Azam-selue, themselves,S2.—­Icel. A3/4eir, they (Dan. de),gen. A3/4eirra, dat. A3/4eim; cp.AS. A deg.Ai, those. See Aze.

Azein, sb. thane, S; see Azeyn.

Azellyche, pron. such, S2; see Azulli.

Azenchen, v. to think, to intend, S,S2; Azenken, PP, S; Azohte, pt. s.,S, S2; Azo3*te, S; Azoght, S2; thoucte,S; Azouhten, pl., S; Azoght,pp., S2; Azouht, PP; thouct, S.—­AS.A3/4encan, pt. A3/4A cubedhte, pp. (ge)_A3/4A cubedht_. See Azynken.

Azene, art. acc. masc. the, S; Azen,S; see Aze.

Azenien, v. to serve; AzeniA deg.,pr. pl., S. Der.: Azeninge,services, S.—­AS. A3/4A(C)nian, A3/4egnian,from A3/4egn. See Azeyn.

Azenne, than; also then; see Azanne.

Azenne, adv. thence, S; Azanne,S2; Azonne, S; Azeonne, S2, PP.See Azanen.

Azennes, adv. thence, PP, S2, C2, C3;thennus, W. Comb.: thennes-forth,thenceforth, C2.

Azeode, sb. people, nation, S; AzioAdeg.e, S; Azeode, pl., orders (ofangels), S; nations, S2; Azede, S2; Azeden,dat., S.—­AS. A3/4A(C)od;cp. Goth, thiuda, OHG. thiota (Tatian).

Azeof, sb. thief, S, PP; thef,PP; Azyef, S2; theef, C2, Prompt.; Azeue,dat., S; Azieue, S; Azeofes, pl.,S; Azeoues, S, PP; theues, W2; theueli,in a thief-like manner, W2; Azeofte, theft,S; pefte, PP, Prompt.—­AS. AzA(C)of:Goth. thiubs; cp. OHG. thiob (Tatian).

Azeorrf, adj. unleavened, S; see Azerf.

Azeos, pron. dem. f. this, S; see Azes.

Azeoster, sb. darkness, S.—­AS.pA(C)ostru: OS. thiustri.

Azeostre, adj. dark, S; see Azester.

Azeow, sb. servant; Azeoww, S.Der.: Azeou-dom, bondage; Azeoudome,dat., S.—­AS. A3/4A(C)ow:Goth, thius; cp. OHG. thiu, ‘ancilla’(Otfrid).

Azeowten, v. to serve; Azeowwtenn,S.—­From AS. A3/4A(C)owet, service.

Azer, pron. dem. pl. these, S2, HD;there, H; Azir, S2, H. S3, JD; those,B.—­Icel. A3/4eir, they. SeeAzei.

Azer-, prefix, SkD (s.v. there-).Comb.: Azerfore, for it, for thatcause, PP, S, C2; Azerfor, S, S2; Azeruore,S2; Azereuore, S; Azarfore, S, S2; Azaruore,S; Azareuore, S; AzA|rfore, S; Azerinne,therein, S, S2, C2; AzA|rinne, S; Azarinne,S; Azrinne, S, S2; thrynne, G; Azarin,S, S2; Azerin, S; AzerwiA deg., therewith,S, C2; AzarwiA deg., S, S2; Azerwi3*t,S2; AzA|rwiA deg.A deg., S; Azermide,therewith, S; Azeremyde, P; Azarmid,S; Azerof, thereof, S, C2; Azrof, S.—­AS.A deg.A|*re, pron. dem. dat. f.; see Aze.

A3/4ere, adv. there, where, S, S2, S3;Azare, S; Azore, S, S2; Azer,S, S2, S3; Azar, S, S2; Azor, S; Azear,S; Aziar, S; AzA|r, S; tA|r,S (in Ormulum). Comb.: Azer aboute,thereabouts, S2; Azare amang, at various times,S2; Azer an under, there beneath, S2; Azereas, where that, S3; Azer biuore, beforethen, S2; Azer before, S; Azer efter,thereafter, S; ther on, thereon, C2; Azron,S; Azrute, thereout, S; Azer o3*eines,in comparison therewith, S; Azare ogayne, S2;Azorquiles, meanwhile, S; Azere whiles,P; Azertil, thereto, S; Azortil, S; Azerto,thereto, S, S2, C2, C3; Azarto, S2; Azertowart, against it, S; Azer uppe, besides,S; Azruppe, thereupon, S.—­AS. A3/4A|r:Goth. thar.

Azere, art. gen. and dat. f.of the, to the, S; see Aze.

Azerf, adj. unleavened, W, S2, PP; Azeorrf,S. Comb.: therf looues, unleavenedbread, W; therf breed, HD.—­AS. A3/4eorf;cp. Icel. A3/4jarfr.

perfling, adj. unleavened; Azerrflinng,S.

Azerne, sb. a girl, SD (Havelok, 298);see Tarne.

Azes, pron. dem. m. this, S; Azis,S; Azis, n., S; Azeos, f.,S; teos, S; Azesses, gen. m.,S; Azisse, gen. f., S; Azissen,dat. m., S; Azisse, dat. f., S;Azisser, S; Azesser, S; Azeser,S; Azas, acc. f., S; Azas, pl.,S, S2; Azos, S; Azeos, S; Azes,C, W2; these, W2; Azues, S2; Azis,S2; Azies, S3; Azisse, dat. pl.,S; Azise, S2, C2; Azyse, S2; Azesen,S.—­AS. A3/4es, see Sievers, 338,and SkD (s.v. this).

Azester, adj. dark, HD; Azyester,S2; Azeostre, S, Azuster, S.—­AS.A3/4A(C)ostre: OS. thiustri.

Azesternesse, sb. darkness, S, PP; Azyesternesse,S2; Aziesternesse, S; Azeosternesse,S.—­AS. A3/4A(C)osternis.

Azestrien, v. to become dark, S.—­AS.Azystrian.

Azet, pron. that; see Azat, Aze.

AzeAzen, adv. thence; AzeAzenn,S; Azeden, S; thethyn, H.—­Icel.A3/4eA deg.an, A3/4aA deg.an (Dan. deden).

Azeues, sb. pl. thieves, W2; see Azeof.

Azew, sb. habit, practice, virtue, S2;A3/4eaw, S; A3/4eawes, pl., manners,virtues, S; A3/4A|wess, S; A3/4ewes,PP, S2, C2, C3; thewis, W; thewys, H.Comb.: A3/4eauful, moral, virtuous;A3/4eaufule, pl., S.—­AS.A3/4A(C)aw, habit.

Azewed, adj. mannered; thewde,S3. Phr.: wel A3/4ewed, S.

Azeyn, sb, service (?), S2.

Azeyn, sb. thane, warrior, attendantat a king’s court, S; A3/4ein, SkD, S;thane, S2, Sh.—­AS. A3/4egn(A3/4A(C)n), Icel. A3/4egn: OS.thegan, a youth, disciple, knight, warrior;cp. OHG. thegan (Otfrid).

Azi, pron. poss. thy, S; see Azou.

Azicke, adj. thick, S; A3/4ikke,S2, C2; thykke, Prompt.; thicke, adv.,S; A3/4ikke, S, PP; A3/4icce, S.—­AS.A3/4icce, adj. and adv.: os. thikki.

Azicke, sb. thicket, S3.

Azider, adv. thither, S, PP, S2, C3;A3/4uder, S, PP; A3/4eder, S2; A3/4edyr,S2, PP. Comb.: A3/4ider-ward, thitherward,S, S2; A3/4uder-ward, S2.—­AS. A3/4ider.

Azie, art. f. the, S; see Aze.

Azies, pron. dem. pl. these, S3; seeAzes.

Aziesternesse, sb. darkness, S; seeAzesternesse.

Azild, sb. patience,. S.—­AS.(ge)_A3/4yld_: OS. gi-thuld.See Azolien.

Azildili3*, adv. patiently, S.

Azilk, adj. that, that very, that sortof, such, W; thylke, S3; thilke, C2,C3, W2, S; A3/4ulke, pl., S2, PP.—­AS.A3/4ylc; cp. Icel. A3/4vA-lA-kr,such.

Azin, pron. poss. thy, thine, S; seeAzou.

Azing, sb. thing, affair, property,S; pl., S, C3; A3/4yng, PP; A3/4inge,S, PP; A3/4ynge, S2; A3/4inges, S, C2;A3/4inkes, S; A3/4enges, S; A3/4ynges,PP.—­AS. A3/4ing.

Aziode, sb. people, S; see Azeode.

Azir, pron. dem. pl. those, these, S2,H, S3, JD, B; see Azer.

Azire, pron. poss. dat. f. thy, S; seeAzou.

Azirlen, v. to pierce, C, S2, H; seeAzurlen.

Azis, Azise, Azisse, &c.; see Azes.

Azistel, sb. thistle, Voc.; thystell,Voc.; thystylle, Voc., Prompt.; thrissil,S3. Comb.: thistle-finch, linnet,HD.—­AS. A3/4istel (Voc.): OHG.thistila (Tatian); cp. Icel. A3/4istill.

Azit, put for A3/4e it, who it,S; see Aze.

Azo, pron. dem. and def. art. pl.those, they, them, the, S, S2. C, PP, W2; A3/4oo,S2, S3, W2, PP; A3/4a, S, S2, H; A3/4aa,S2; A3/4eo, S; A3/4e, S; A3/4am,dat., S; A3/4an, S, S2; A3/4a,S.—­AS. A3/4Ai, dat. A3/4Aoe*m(A3/4Aim). See Aze.

Azo, adv. then, when, S, S2, S3, C,C2, C3, PP; A3/4oo, PP; A3/4a, S.—­AS.A deg.Ai.

Azo, art. acc. f. the, S; see Aze.

Azoght, sb. thought, anxiety, S2, C2;A3/4ohht, S; A3/4ogt, S; A3/4ouht,S, PP; thought, C2; A3/4o3*te, dat.,S; A3/4u3*te, S; A3/4ohtes, pl.,S; A3/4o3*tes, S2. Der.: A3/4oghtful,thoughtful; A3/4oghtfulest, superl.,S2.—­AS. (ge)_A3/4A cubedht_.See Azenchen.

Azohte, pt. s. of Azenchen.

Azolemode, adj. patient, H, HD; tholemodely,adv., H.

Azolemodnes, sb. patience, H, HD, S2.

Azolien, v. to suffer, S, S2; A3/4olyenS, S2; A3/4olen, S, S2, H, PP, HD; A3/4oland,pr. p., B; A3/4olede pt. s., S,S2, S3; A3/4aleA deg., pr. s., S.—­AS.A3/4olian; cp. OHG. tholA(C)n (Tatian).

Azombe, sb. thumb, PP, C, C2; thome,HD.—­AS. A3/4Ama (Voc.); cp.G. daumen; see Kluge.

Azonc, sb. thought, mind, S; see Azank.

Azondringe, sb. thundering, S2.

Azoner, sb. thunder, the god Thunor,S2, S; thonur, H; A3/4unre, S; thonder,C, C2; A3/4under, S2. Comb.: A3/4unresdA|i, the day of Thunor, Thursday, S; A3/4under-A3/4rast,stroke of thunder, S2.—­AS. A3/4unor,thunder, also Thunor, the thunder-god; cp. OHG.thonar (Tatian). Cf. Azorr.

Azoneren, v. to thunder, S2; thonord,H (Ps. 17. 15).—­AS. A3/4unrian.

Azonken, v. to thank, S, S2; see Azanken.

Azonwanges, sb. pl. the temples, HD.—­Icel.A3/4unn-vangi, the thin cheek (CV.).

Azong, sb. a slip of leather, S; seeAzwong.

Azorn, sb. thorn, SD; thorne,Prompt. Comb.: thorne-garthis,hedges (= Lat. sepes), H (Ps. 88. 39).—­AS.A3/4orn.

Azorp, sb. a village, hamlet, farm,SkD; A3/4rop, S, C2; thropes, gen.,C3; thrope, dat., C2; A3/4orpes,pl., PP; A3/4ropes, PP; A3/4roupes,PP.—­AS. A3/4orp, Icel. A3/4orp;cp. OHG. thorph (Tatian).

Azorr, sb. the god Thor, the god ofthunder. Comb.: A3/4ors-day, Thor’sday, Thursday, PP; A3/4orisdai, S.—­Icel.A3/4A cubedrr, A3/4A cubedrsdagr.

Azoru, prep. through, S; A3/4orw,S; A3/4or3*, S2; see Azurgh.

Azos, pron. dem. pl. these, S; see Azes.

Azou, pron. thou, SD; A3/4u,S, PP; tu, S; A3/4e, dat. and acc.,S, S2, C2; A3/4ei, S2; te, S; A3/4in,gen. and poss., S, S2; A3/4i, S; tin,S; ti, S; A3/4ire, poss. dat. f.,S; A3/4ina, S; tine, pl. dat.,S. Comb.: A3/4ut (= A3/4u+ it), S; A3/4eself, thyself, S; A3/4esellf,S; A3/4e-selue, S; A3/4e-suluen, S; A3/4e-seoluen,S.—­AS. A3/4A.

Thoue, v. to say ‘thou’;thowis, 2 pr. s., S3.

Azouht, sb. thought, S; see Azoght.

Thowe, sb. thaw, Prompt.

Thowen, v. to thaw, CM, Prompt.—­AS.A3/4Aiwan.

Azo3*, conj. though, nevertheless, PP;A3/4ow3*, PP; A3/4owgh, PP; A3/4ou3*e,PP; A3/4oh,, SD; A3/4ohh, S; thocht,S3; thoucht, S3; thofe, HD; A3/4of,S2, WA; of, WA; A3/4auh, S, PP; A3/4ah,S, S2; A3/4a3*, S2; A3/4a3*t, S2; A3/4eh,S; A3/4eih, S; A3/4ei3*, PP; A3/4ey3*,S2; A3/4eigh, PP; A3/4ei3*e, PP; A3/4e3*,S; A3/4ei, S2; A3/4ey, S2, G. Comb,:A3/4ah-hweA deg.er, nevertheless, S; A3/4eih-hweA3/4ere,S; A3/4oA3/4wA|there, S; A3/4of-queA3/4er,S2; A3/4a3*les, nevertheless, S2; A3/4ahlesyef, unless, S2.—­AS. A3/4A(C)ah(A3/4A(C)h): Goth, thauh.

Azo3*te, sb. dat. thought, S; see Azoght.

Azo3*te, pt. s. of Azenchen.See also Azynken.

Azra, adj. eager, B; see Azro.

Azral, sb. servant, slave, thrall, S,C2, C3; thrall, S3; A3/4ralle, dat.,S; threllis, pl., B; A3/4ralles,S, PP. Comb.: eorA deg.e-*A3/4relles,slaves upon earth, S; A3/4ral-dom, slavery,S, PP, C3; thrildome, B; A3/4ral-*hod,slavery, S; A3/4ral-shipe, slavery, S; A3/4ral-sipe,S; A3/4rel-weorkes, thrall-works, S.—­ONorth.A3/4rA|*l; Icel. A3/4rA|ll.

Azrallen, v. to put into bondage; thralled,pt. s., S2.

Azrasten, v. to oppress, afflict, S—­AS. (ge)_A3/4rA|stan_, to twist, hurt, torment.

Azraw, sb. space of time, S2; see Azrowe.

Azreaten, v. to threaten, S; see Azreten.

Azred, ord. third, S2; see Azridde.

Threed, sb. thread, C, SkD; A3/4red,S; A3/4rA|d, S; threde, Prompt. Comb.:A3/4red-*bare, threadbare, C, PP, SkD.—­AS.A3/4rA|*d, a dental derivative from A3/4rAiwan,to twist; cp. OHG. drAit (G. draht),from drAijan; see Kluge (s. v.), and Douse,p. 101. See Azrowen.

Azrelles, sb. pl. thralls, slaves, S;see Azral.

Azrengen, v. to press, SD; A3/4rengde,pt. s., S. Causal of Azringen.

Azreo, num. three, S, S2, PP; A3/4re,S, PP; A3/4ree, PP; A3/4ri, S; A3/4rie,S. Comb.: Azreohad, Trinity, S;A3/4reottene, thirteen, S; A3/4rettene,S2, PP; A3/4rettyne, PP; thretend, thirteenth,S2; thritteind, S2; A3/4retti, thirty,PP; A3/4rette, S2; A3/4ritty, PP; A3/4ritti,S2; A3/4rines, Trinity; A3/4runnesse,S; thresum, with three at a time, B.—­AS.A3/4rA(C)o.

Azrep, sb. controversy, contradiction,S2; threpe, JD.

Azrepen, v. to maintain a point obstinatelyin contradiction to another, to assert, C3, CM, JD;threape, HD.—­AS. A3/4rA(C)apian.

Azreschen, v. to thresh, beat, PP; thresshe,S, C; A3/4rosshenn, pp., S; y-A3/4orsse,S2.—­AS. A3/4erscan; see Douse, p.112.

Azrescwolde, sb. threshold, PP; threschwolde,Prompt.; thresshewolde, P; threshfold,C2; threshfod, HD.—­AS. A3/4rescold,Icel. A3/4reskoldr; cp. OHG. driscufli;see Douse, p. 110.

Azrestelcoc, sb. throstle, S2; see Azrustel.

Azrete, sb. threat, S.—­AS.A3/4rA(C)at, pressure.

Azreten, v. to menace, S2, Prompt.,HD; A3/4reaten, S.—­AS. A3/4rA(C)atian,to reprove.

Threting, sb. menace, C3; thretynges,pl., W.

Thretnen, v. to threaten, W2; thretenede,pt. s., W.

Azrette, num. thirsty, S2; see Azreo.

Azrettene, num. thirteen, S2; see Azreo.

Azridde, ord. third, S, S2, PP; A3/4rydde,S2, PP; A3/4ryd, S2; thrid, S3; A3/4red,S2.—­AS. A3/4ridda.

AzriA", num. three, S; see Azreo.

AzriA", adv. three times, S; A3/4rien,S.—­AS. A3/4rA-wa.

AzriA"s, adv. thrice, S, S2; A3/4ri3*ss,S; thryes, C2. The form is due to analogy;cp. AS. Aines, E. once.

Azrift, sb. prosperity, success in life,C3, PP; A3/4ruft, PP; A3/4ryft, fertilisingpower, S2.—­Icel. A3/4rift. SeeAzriuen.

Thrifty, adj. serviceable, cheap, S2,C2, C3.

Thrill, v. to pierce, H; see Azurlen.

Thrillage, sb. thraldom, B; see Azral.

Azrim-setel, sb. throne, SD. SeeAzrum.

Azringen, v. to press, S, HD; dringan,S; A3/4rungen, pt. pl., PP; A3/4rongen,S2, PP; i-A3/4runge, pp., S; thrungun,W; y-thrungin, S3.—­AS. A3/4ringan,pt. A3/4rang (pl. A3/4rungon), pp. A3/4rungen,Azrinne, adv. three at a time, S.—­Cp.Icel, A3/4rinnr.

Azrinne, adv. therein, S, S2; see Azer-,prefix.

Azrist, sb. thirst, S, S2, PP; A3/4urst,S, C2, PP. Comb.: A3/4urstlew,thirsty, HD.—­AS. A3/4yrst (A3/4irst),A3/4urst.

Azrist, pt. pl. thrust, S; see Azrusten.

Azriste, adj. bold, S.—­AS.A3/4rA-ste: OS. thrA-sti; cp.G. dreist.

Azristen, v. to thirst, W, S; thresten,S2; A3/4ursten, SD; thursted him, pt.s. impers., C2.—­AS, A3/4yrstan:OHG. thursten (Tatian).

Azriuen, v. to thrive, S, PP; A3/4ryue,PP; A3/4roff, pt. s., PP; A3/4riuen,pp., grown up, PP; A3/4ryuen, well grown,S2.—­Icel. A3/4rA-fa, to seize, A3/4rA-fask,to thrive.

Azro, adj. eager, earnest, vehement,HD; A3/4ra, B; A3/4raa, HD; A3/4roo,sharp, HD; throw, adv., S3; A3/4roliche,adv., vehemently, S2; A3/4roly, quickly,resolutely, S2, HD, PP.—­Icel. A3/4rAi-r,stubborn, also frequent.

Azrof, adv. thereof, S; see Azer-.

Azroh, sb. coffin; see Azruh.

Azrop, sb. a village, S, C2; see Azorp.

Azrosshen, pp. threshed, S; see Azreschen.

Azrote, sb. throat, S., PP.—­AS.A3/4rotu (Voc.); cp. OHG. drozza(whence G. drossel); related to Du. stroot;cp. It. strozza (Diez). See Kluge(s.v. drossel).

Azrowe, sb. a little while, course,time, moment, Prompt, PP, S2, C2, C3, HD; throw,HD; A3/4ro3*e, S; thrawe, S2; thraw,S2, B.—­AS. A3/4rAig.

Azrowe, sb. suffering, aerumna,SD, Prompt.

Azrowen, v. to throw, S; A3/4reu,pt. s., S; A3/4rewe, threw himself,P; 2 pt. s., S; A3/4rowe, PP; A3/4rawen,pp., S2; A3/4rowen, S2; y-throwe,C2.—­AS. A3/4rAiwan, to twist, towhirl, pt. A3/4rA(C)ow, pp. A3/4rAiwen.

Azrowen, v. to suffer, S; A3/4rowede,pt. s., S.—­AS. A3/4rowian;cp. OHG. thruoA(C)n (Tatian).

Azrowunge, sb. suffering, passion; A3/4roweunge,dat., S; A3/4rowenge, S; A3/4roweinge,S.—­AS. A3/4rowung.

Azrublen, v. to press, crowd; A3/4rublande,pr. p., S2.

Azruh, sb. coffin, S; throh,HD.—­AS. A3/4ruh.

Azrum, sb. strength, a crowd, glory,SD; A3/4rom, SD. Comb.: A3/4rim-setel,thronus, SD; A3/4rimsettles, pl.,S.—­AS. A3/4rymm, A3/4rymsetl.

Azrunnesse, sb. Trinity, S; seeAzreo.

Azruppe, adv. thereupon, S; see Azer-.

Azrusche, sb. a thrush, S.—­AS.A3/4rysce.

Azrustel, sb. the song-thrush, S; A3/4rostle,S. Comb. A3/4rustel-co*ck, thrustleco*ck,C2; A3/4restelcoc, S2.—­AS. A3/4rostle(Voc.).

Azrusten, v. to thrust, SD; threste,C; thristen, W; thruste, pt. s.,W; A3/4rist, S; A3/4riste, pp.,S.—­Icel. A3/4rA1/2sta.

Azu, pron. thou, S; see Azou.

Azues, pron. dem. pl. these, S2; seeAzes.

Azuften, sb. handmaid, S; A3/4uhten,S.—­A fem. deriv. of AS. (ge)_A3/4ofta_,a comrade, properly one who sits on the same rowing-bench;from A3/4ofta ‘transtra’ (Voc.);cp. Icel. A3/4opta.

Azulke, adj. that, those, S2; see Azilke.

Azulli, adj. such, S, SD; A3/4ellich,SD; A3/4ellyche, S2.—­AS. A3/4ullic,A3/4yllic, also A3/4uslic, A3/4yslic,from A3/4us; see Sievers, 349. See Azus.

AzucheA deg., AzuncA deg.; see Azynken.

Azunre, sb. thunder, S; see Azoner.

Azurfen, v. to need; A3/4arf,pt.-pr. s., need, ei opus est, S; thare,H; thar, H; tharst, 2 pt.-pr. s.,PP; A3/4urt, pt. s, needed, S2, H, B.Comb.: thardestow, thou wouldstneed, PP.—­AS. A3/4urfan, pt.-pr.A3/4earf; pt. A3/4orfte (A3/4urfte),Icel. A3/4urfa, pt.-pr. A3/4arf; pt. A3/4urfum; cp. OHG. thurfan, toneed (Tatian).

Azurgh, prep, through, S2, C2; A3/4ur3*,S2, W2; A3/4ure3*, S; A3/4urh, S; A3/4urch,S; A3/4uruh, S; A3/4or3*, S2; A3/4oru3*,S2, W2; A3/4orw, S; A3/4oru, S, S2;thorou, W; thurght, H; A3/4urA deg.S, S2; A3/4urf, S2, HD; A3/4oru3*like,adv., thoroughly, S. Comb.: thurghfare,thoroughfare, C; A3/4urhfaren, to pass through;thurghfare, S2; thurghgirt, pierced through,C; thurchhurt. thoroughly hurt, S3; A3/4urh-lefien,to live through; A3/4urhlefede, pt. s.,S; A3/4urh-seon, to perceive; A3/4urhsihAdeg., pr. s., S; A3/4uruhut, wholly,S; thurghout, C2; A3/4uruhtut, throughout,S; A3/4oru-out, S2.—­AS. A3/4urh;cp. OHG. thuruh (Tatian).

Azurl, sb. an aperture for admittinglight, a hole, S; thurles, pl., HD.—­AS.A3/4yrel, hole, from A3/4urh, through;so (with different suffix) Goth, thairko, hole,the eye of a needle, from thairh, through;see Kluge (s. v. durch). See Azurh.

Azurlen, v. to pierce, S, S2, PP; A3/4irlen,C, S2, PP, H; thrill, H.—­AS. A3/4yrlian(A3/4irlian).

Azurst, sb. thirst, S, C2; see Azrist.

Azus, adv. thus, S; tus, S (inOrmulum). Comb.: A3/4usgate, inthis way, PP; A3/4usgates, HD, PP.—­AS.A3/4us, OS. thus.

Azuster, adj. dark, S; see Azester.

Azut, for Azu it, S; see Azou.

Azuvele, sb. pl. twigs, S.—­AS.A3/4A1/2fel, ‘frutex’ (Voc.).See Azefe.

Azwang, sb. thong, S; see Azwong.

Azwert, adv. thwart, SD. Comb.:—­A3/4wert-ut,throughout, S.—­Icel. A3/4vert, neuterof A3/4verr, transverse; cp. AS. A3/4weorh,Goth, thwairhs, angry, cross.

Azwong, sb. strip of leather, thong,S, S2, W; A3/4wang S; A3/4ong S.—­AS.A3/4wang.

Azwytel, sb. a knife, whittle; thwitel,SkD; thewtill, S3. See below.

Azwyten, v. to cut, to whittle, Voc.,Prompt., Palsg. Der.: thwytynge,cutting, whittling, PP.—­AS. A3/4wA-tan.

Azy, sb. thigh, Prompt.; Aze,SkD, HD; Azee, HD; Azy3*, S2; Azih,SkD; Azei3*, SkD.—­AS. A3/4A(C)o,A3/4A(C)oh.

Azyester, adj. dark, S2; see Azester.

Azyesternesse, sb. darkness, S2; seeAzesternesse.

Azyht, adj. close, compact, tight.Prompt.; thite, HD; ti3*t, SkD.—­Cp.G. dicht, Icel. A3/4A(C)ttr; see Kluge(s.v.).

Azyhtyn, v. to make tight, Prompt.;y-*ti3t, pp., S3.

Azynken, v. to seem; AzynkeAz,pr. s. impers., PP; A3/4uncA deg.,S; AzunchA deg., S; AzincheA deg., S;AzAnkA deg., S; A3/4ingA deg., S2; AzenkeAdeg., PP; Azuhte, pt. s., S; Azu3*te,S; Azo3*te, S2; thoughte, C3; A3/4out,S2.—­AS. A3/4yncan, pt. A3/4Ahte,pp. (ge)_pAht_. See Azenchen.

Ti, pron. poss. thy, S; see Azou.

Tid, sb. time, season, hour, horacanonica, S, S2, S3; tide, S2; tyde,S2, C3, PP. Comb.: tideful, seasonable(=Lat. opportunus), H; tydfulnes, needfulness,H.—­AS. tA-d, time, hour; cp.Icel. tA-A deg., time, ‘hora canonica.’

Tid, adv. quickly, PP; tyd, PP.See Tit.

Tiden, v. to happen, S; tyden,S2, C3; tid. pr. s., PP; tit,PP; tydde, pt. s., PP; tidde,S2.—­AS. tA-dan.

Tidi, adj. seasonable, honest, respectable,S; tidy, PP; tydy, PP, Prompt.

Tidif, sb. the name of some very smallbird, C2; tydy, a sort of singing bird, ND.

Tiding, sb. an event, tidings, S; tyding,C2, C3; tidinge, pl., S2; tydinge,S; tydinges, C2. See TiA deg.ing.

Tiffen, v. to trick out, trim, adorn,SkD.—­OF. tiffer, to trim, adorn.

Tiffung, sb. adornment, finery, S.

Til, prep, and conj. to, till,S, PP, S2, C3; tyl, S, PP; till, S,S3.—­Icel. til.

Tilden, v. to set a trap, S; tildeAz,2 pr. pl., set up, S3; see Telden.

Tilien, v. to till, cultivate, earn,gain, PP; tilen, S, PP; tylie, PP; tulien,PP; telie, PP; tolie, S; tylle,S2.—­AS. tilian, to aim at, to tillland; cp. OHG. zilA cubedn, to attempt(Tatian).

Tilier, sb. tiller, husbandman, W.

Tillen, v. to draw, entice, S, H, PP;see Tollen.

TilA deg.e, sb. labour, toil, tilth,S; tulthe, PP; telA deg.e, PP.—­AS.tilA deg.. See Tilien.

Timen, v. to prosper, S.—­Icel.tA-ma (reflex.), to happen.

Tin, pron. poss. thy, thine, S; seeAzou.

Tinsel, sb. a stuff made partly of silkand partly of silver, S3, TG, SkD.—­OF.estincelle, a spark, a flash (BH).

Tintre3*e, sb. torment; tintreow,S; tintreohe, S; tintreohen, pl.,S.—­AS. tintreg (Grein).

Tirannye, sb. tyranny, C2, C3; tirandye,HD.

Tiraunt, sb. tyrant, C2, PP; tyraunt,PP, W; tirant, S2; tyrauns, pl.,oppressors, PP.—­AF. and OF. tirant,tiranz; Lat. tyrannus; see Constans,Supplement, p. 57, and BH, ASec. 72.

Tirauntrie, sb. tyranny, W2; tyrauntrye,HD.

Tis-dA|i, sb. Tuesday, S; Tisdei,S.—­AS. TA-wes-dA|g, the day of Tiw,the English name of a Teutonic deity; cp. OHG.Zio, Icel. TA1/2r; see Grimm, Teut.M., cap, ix, and Kluge (s.v. dienstag).

Tit, adv. quickly, PP; tyt, S2;tyte, PP, S2, H; tite, PP, S2, H; ti3*t,S2; ti3*tly, S2; titere, comp.,H; titter, S2.—­Icel. tA-tt,neut. of tiA deg.r. See Tid.

TiA deg.ende, sb. pl. tidings, news,customs, S; tiA deg.enden, S; tiA deg.and,S2; tAA deg.andes, S2.—­Icel. tA-Adeg.indi, pl., tidings, news; from tA-A deg.a,to happen; cp. tA-A deg.ska, a custom, tA-Adeg.r, customary, frequent.

TiA deg.ing, sb. tidings, news, S, S2;tyA deg.yng, S, S2; tiA deg.inge, pl.,S; tiA deg.inges, S2.—­Cf. Tiding.

Titill, sb. an epistle, WA.

Titmose, sb. titmouse, S3, Manip.; tytemose,Prompt.; tytmase, Voc.—­AS. mAise,a word forming the second element of the names ofmany kinds of small birds, see SkD.

Titte, sb. a quick pull, S2.

Titte, v. to pull tightly, HD; tytted,HD.

Tixt, sb. text, PP; see Texte.

Ti3*en, v. to tie, PP, S2; tei3*en,S2; tey, B; te, B; teien, pr.pl., SkD; teyd, pp., C2; y-teyd,C.—­AS. tA-gan (*_tA(C)gan_).

Ti3*t, adv. quickly, S2; see Tit.

To, prep. to, at, in, upon, for, withreference to, by, against, after, as, until, PP, S,S2; te, S, S2. Comb.: tabide,to abide, S; tacord, C3; taffraye, C2;tallege, C; talyghte, C2; tamenden,S2, C2; tanoyen, S2; tapese, S3; tariue,S; tarraye, C2; tassaile, C2; tassaye,C2; taswage, S3; tembrace, C2; tencombre,S3; tendure, S3; tenforme, S3; tenrage,S3; tespye, C2; texpounden, C2.

To, adv. too, S, PP; te, S.

To, num. two, S, S2; see Tuo.

To-, prefix (1). The prep. toin composition.

To-, prefix (2), in twain, asunder,to pieces.—­AS. tA cubed-; cp.OHG. zi- (Tatian), Lat. dis-.

To-belimpen, v. to belong to, S. (To-1.)

To-bellen, v. to swell extremely; to-bolle,pp., PP. (To- 2.)

To-beren, v. to part; tobar,pt. s., S. (To- 2.)

To-beten, v. to beat in pieces, C3.(To- 2.)

To-breden, v. to spread out; tobreddest,2 pt. s., S2. (To- 2.)

To-breiden, v. to tear asunder, distorquere*;tobreidynge, pr. p., W; de-breidynge,W; tobraidide, pt. s., W. (To-2.)

To-breken, v. to break in pieces, S,C3, W; to-brac, pt. s., PP; to-brak,G; to-brake, pt. s. subj., S; to-broken,pp., PP, G; to-broke, PP, S2, W. (To-2.)

To-bresten, v. to burst asunder, C;to-bersteA deg., pr. s., S: to-barst,pt. s., S2, G; to-brast, W; to-brosten,pp., C. (To-2.)

To-brisen, v. to break to pieces; to-brisid,pp., W. (To- 2.)

To-cleue, v. to cleave asunder, to fallto pieces, PP; to-cleef, pt. s., PP;to-clief, PP. (To-2.)

To-comen, v. to come together; to-comen,pt. pl., PP. (To- 1.)

To-comyng, adj. future, W2. (To-1.)

To-cweme, adv. agreeably, S. (To-1.)

To-cyme, sb. advent, S. (To-1.)

Tod, sb. a fox, JD, ND, HD, SkD; toddis,pl., S3. Comb.: Todman,Bardsley.—­The word is common in Mid Yorkshireand Cumberland, see EDS (Ser. C).

Tod, sb. a bush, generally of ivy, HD;todde, SkD.

To-dasht, pt. s. dashed (herself) inpieces, S3. (To- 2.)

To-delen, v. to divide, S, S2; to-dA|len,S; to-dealen, S. (To- 2.)

To-drawen, v. to draw asunder, S2, W;to-dra3*en, S; to-drowe, pt. pl.,PP; to-dro3*e, S; to-drawun, pp.,W; to-drahen, S. (To- 2.)

To-dreuen, v. to trouble; to-dreued,pp., S2, (To- 2.)

To-driuen, v. to drive asunder; to-dryue,PP; to-drif, imp. s., S. (To-2.)

To-dunet, pp. struck with a soundingblow, S. (To- 2.)

To-fallen, v. to fall in pieces, SD.(To- 2.)

To-flight, sb. refuge, S2. (To-1.)

To-foren, prep, and adv. before,SD; toforn, PP, S3; tofore, S, PP, S2;to-*uore, S, S2; tofor, S, PP, S2, W.(To- 1.)

To-forrow, adv. previously, S3. (To-1.)

Toft, sb. hillock, eminence, a slightlyelevated and exposed site, PP, S2; campus,Prompt.—­Cp. OSwed. tomt, a clearedspace (Dan. tomt, a toft); from Icel. tAcubedmr, empty. See Tome.

To-gadere, adv. together, S, S2; te-*gA|dereS; togedere, S, PP; togedre, PP; togeddre,S; togidere, PP; togider, S, C2; togederes,PP, S; togideres, PP; togidres, PP, C3;togederis, PP; togeders, PP; togedders,S2. (To- 1.)

To-gan, v. to go asunder, SD; togaAdeg., pr. pl., S. (To- 2.)

To-genes, prep. towards, S; togeines,S; to3*eines, S; to3*enes, S. (To-1.)

Toggen, v. to draw, allure, sport, S,Prompt.

To-grinden, v. to grind in pieces; to-grynt,pr. s., PP. (To- 2.)

To-hewen, v. to hew in pieces, S, S2,C3. (To- 2.)

To-hope, sb. hope, S. (To- 1.)

To-hurren, v. to hurry apart, S. (To-2.)

Tokker, sb. fuller, one who thickenscloth, S2, PP; towker, PP; toucher,PP; tucker, HD; touker, Bardsley; tuker,Bardsley. See Tuken.

Tokne, sb. token, PP; tocne,S; tacne, S; taken, PP, S2; takun,W; takens, pl., S2.—­AS. tAicn:Goth. taikns; cp. OHG. zeichan(Tatian).

Toknynge, sb. signification, PP; tocninge,S; toknyng, PP; takning, S2; takeninge,S2; tokening, C3.—­AS. tAic-*_nung_.

Tolie, v. to till, S; see Tilien.

To-liggen, v. to pertain to; toliAdeg., pr. s., S. (To- 1.)

Tolke, sb. a man, S2; see Tulk.

Tolle, sb. toll, custom, Voc.; tol,PP, Prompt. Comb.: tol-bothe, toll-booth(=Lat. telonium), S2, W, Voc.—­AS.toll: OFris. tolen, tolne;Lat. telonium (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek: telonion].Note that the n of the stem appears in AS. tolnere,‘teloniarius,’ Voc.; see Weigand (s.v.zoll).

Tollen, v. to take toll, C. Der.:tollere, taxgatherer, usurer, S2, PP; toller,Voc.

Tollen, v. to draw, allure, entice,Prompt., PP, ND, SkD; tole, ND; tullen,CM, SD; tillen, S, H, PP.—­AS. tyllan(in for-tyllan).

To-loggen, v. to drag hither and thither,S2, PP; to-lugged, pp., PP.

Tolter, adv. unsteadily, totteringly,S3, SkD (s.v. totter).

To-luken, v. to rend asunder, S; to-loken,pp., S. (To- 2.)

Toly, sb. scarlet colour, WA; tuly,Prompt., HD; tuely, SkD (s.v. trap,2).—­Heb. to*la*’, crimson (Isaiah1. 18), properly a worm.

Tombestere, sb. female dancer, C3; seeTumbestere.

Tome, adj. empty, void, unoccupied,H, HD; toom, Prompt.; tume, JD.—­Icel.tA cubedmr, vacant, empty. Cf. Toft.

Tome, sb. leisure, S2, PP, H (p. 169);toym, B; tume, B; Icel. tA cubedm,leisure. See above.

To-morwen, adv. to-morrow, S; to-*morwe,PP; tomore3*e, S; tomorn, C. (To-1.)

To-name, sb. cognomen, PP; towname,PP. (To- 1.)

Tonge, sb. tongue, S2, C2, C3, PP; tunge,S, C, PP, W2; tounge, PP; tong, S3;tung, S2. Der.: tongede,tongued, talkative, PP.—­AS. tunge.

Tonge, sb. pair of tongs, forceps,S, S2, Prompt.; tange, Voc.—­AS.tange (Voc.).

Tonne, sb. tun, PP, S3, C2, G; tunne,S, PP. Comb.: tonne-greet, as largeround as a tun, C.—­AS. tunne.

Too, sb. toe, C; taa, S2, HD;toon, pl., C; ton, C; tas,S2; taes, S2.—­AS. tAi (pl.tAin).

Tool, sb. tool, weapon, C, Prompt.;toles, pl., PP; tooles, PP.—­AS.tA cubedl.

Toom, adj. empty; see Tome.

Toord, sb. stercus, W2, Prompt.

Topase, sb. topaz, Cotg.; topace,S3; tupace, SkD; topacius, W (Apoc.21. 20); thopas, C2 (p. 151).—­OF.topase; Lat. topazum (acc.); Gr. [Greek:topazos].

Toppe, sb. tuft of hair, P, S; top,top of the head, Prompt.

To-quassen, v. to shake asunder, PP;to-quashte, pt. s., PP. (To-2.)

To-qua3*te, pt. s. quaked, PP. (To-2.)

To-racen, v. to scrape to pieces, C2.(To- 2.)

To-renden, v. to rend in pieces, PP;torente, pt. s., C2, W; to-rent,pp., S, C2, W. (To- 2.)

Toret, sb. ring on a dog’s collar,through which the leash was passed, CM; torettz,pl., C; turrets, DG.—­OF. touret,the chain which is at the end of the check of a bit,also the little ring whereby a hawk’s lune isfastened to the jesses (Cotg.).

Toret, sb. turret, G, C, Prompt.; touret,SkD.—­OF. tourette (Cotg.).

To-reuen, v. to completely take away,PP. (To- 2.)

Torf, sb. turf, S2; turf, Voc.;turues, pl., S2.—­AS. turf(Voc.).

Torfare, sb. hardship, misery, peril,WA.—­Icel. torfA|ra.

To-rightes, adv. to rights, aright,G. (To- 1.)

To-riven, v. to rend in twain; to-rof(intrans.), pt. s., was riven in twain,S2.

Torment, sb. a tempest, torment, suffering,SkD, C3, Prompt.; tourment, SkD.—­AF.torment, a tempest, turment (Roland),OF. torment, tourment, a tempest, torture(Bartsch), tormente, a tempest (Cotg.).

Tormenten, v. to torment, SkD.—­OF.tormenter.

Tormentour, sb. executioner, C3, WW;tormentoures, pl., C3.—­AF.tormenter, executioner.

Tormentynge, sb, torture, C2.

Tormentyse, sb. torture, C2.

Torne, sb. a turn, trick, wile, G.

Tornen, v. to turn, PP; see Tournen.

To-rof, pt. s. of To-riven.

Tortuous, adj. oblique (term in astrology),C3.—­Lat. tortuosus, crooked.

To-samen, adv. together, S. (To-1.)

To-schaken, v. to shake asunder, S.(To- 2.)

To-scheden, v. to part asunder; to-sched,pp., S2. (To- 2.)

To-schellen, v. to shell, peel; to-shullen,pp., PP. (To- 2.)

To-schreden, v. to cut to pieces, C.(To- 2.)

To-spreden, v. to scatter; to-sprad,pp., S2. (To- 2.)

To-swellen, v. to swell greatly; to-swolle,pp., S, PP. (To- 2.)

To-swinken, v. to labour greatly, C3.(To- 2.)

To-tasen, v. to pull to pieces; to-tose,S. (To- 2.)

Toten, v. to peep, look about, PP, S3;tutand, pr. p., projecting, pushingout, S3; totede, pt. s., S3; y-toted,pp., S3. Comb.: tote-hylle,specula, Prompt.—­AS. tA cubedtian;see SkD (s.v. tout).

To-teren, v. to tear to pieces, C3;to-teoren, S; toteore, S; totorne,pp., PP; totorn, S; totore, C3.(To- 2.)

To-turn, sb. refuge, SD. (To-1.)

To-twicchen, v. to pull apart; to-twichet,pr. pl., S. (To- 2.)

Toun, sb. an enclosure, farm-stead,town, S2, C, W; toune, PP; tun, S, S2;toune, dat., S2, C2. Comb.:toune-men, men of the town, not rustics, PP;tun-scipe, the people of the farm-stead, S.Der.: town-*ish, belonging to thetown, S3.—­AS. tAn, enclosure, farm,town; cp. OHG. zAn, hedge (Tatian).

Tour, sb. tower, S, S2, C2, PP, W2;tur, S; torres, pl., S2.—­OF.tur, tor, tour: Lat. turrem.

Tournen, v. to turn, PP; turnen,S, S2, PP; tornen, S2, PP; teornen,S2; tirnen, S; y-tornd, pp., S2;i-turnd, S, S2.—­AF. turner;Lat. tornare, from tornus, a lathe.

Tourneyment, sb. tournament, C2.—­OF. tornoiement.

Towaille, sb. towel, C2; towayle,Prompt., Voc.; twaly, Prompt.; towelle,Voc.; towylle, Voc.—­AF. towaille(tuaille), OF. touaile (Bartsch); LowLat. toacula; of Teutonic origin, cp.OHG. duAihila, washing-cloth; from duahan,also thuahan, to wash (Tatian). See SkD,also Kluge (s.v. zwehle).

To-walten, v. to roll with violence;pt. pl., overflowed, S2. (To- 2.)

To-ward, prep, towards, against, S,PP; touward, S; towart, S. (To-1.)

To-warde, adj. present, as a guard orprotection, PP. (To- 1.)

To-wawe, v. to move about near, S2.(To- 1.)

Towker, sb. a fuller; see Tokker.

To-wringen, v. to distort; towrong,pt. s., S. (To- 2.)

To-wrye, v. to cause to go on one side,S3 (4. 164) (To- 2.)

To3*eines, prep, towards, S; see To-*genes.

To-3*ere, adv. this year, Cath. (To-1.)

To-3*esceoden, v. to separate, S. (To-2.)

Trace, sb. track of a way over a field,trace, Prompt., C, SkD; tras, PP; trass,S2.

Tracen., v. to trace, to draw a picture,to trace one’s way, to conduct oneself, Prompt.,CM, S3; trasen, S3.—­OF. tracer(trasser); Late Lat. *_tractiare_, from Lat.tract-, base of pp. of trahere; seeBH, ASec. 131.

Trade, sb. a trodden path, S3, TG, SkD,HD. See Treden.

Tradicion, sb. surrender, S3.—­Lat. traditionem. Cf. Tresoun.

Traitorye, sb. treachery, C3, CM.

Traitour, sb. traitor, S; traytour,S; treitur, S.—­AF. traitur;Lat. traditorem.

Tram, sb. engine, machine, WA; tram-*mys,pl., B.

Trappe, sb. the trappings of a horse,SkD; trappys, pl., SkD.

Trapped, adj. adorned with trappings,C, Prompt.

Trappings, sb. pl. ornaments, Sh.

Trappure, sb. trappings of a horse,Prompt.; trappures, pl., C.

Trauail, sb. work, labour, toil, trouble,S2, PP; trauaille, C2; trawayle, S2;trauell, S2; trauel, W, W2, H (Ps. 108.10).—­AF. travail, travaille; LateLat. trabaculum_; from Lat. _trabem_, a beam;cp. It. _travAiglio_, a frame for confining unrulyhorses. See ~Trave~.

Trauaille, v. to work, toil, travel,trouble, vex, torment, PP; traueilen, W, S2;trauele, W, W2.—­AF. travai(l)ler,to work, to vex. See above.

Trauailous, adj. laborious, W2.

Trave, sb. a frame in which farriersconfine unruly horses, CM. See Trauail.

Trawed, pt. pl. trowed, expected, S2;see Trowen.

Tray, sb. vexation; see Tre3*e.

Trays, sb. pl. traces, horse-harness,C; trayce, Prompt.; trayse, Cath.—­OF.trays, horse-harness (Palsg.) for traits,pl., of traict a trace for horses (Cotg.); Lat.tractum, pp. of trahere.

Trayste, v to trust, S2; traste,PP, S2.—­Icel. treysta, from traust.See Trist.

Traystly, adv. confidently, H.

Traystnes, sb. confidence, H.

Traystynge, sb. confidence, H.

Traytyse, sb. treaty, truce, S3; seeTretis.

Tre, sb. tree, wood, lignum.Prompt., S2, PP, W, W2; treo, S, PP; treowe,dat., S; treuwe, pl., S; tren,S2; treen, S3; treon, S; trewes,S; trowes, PP. Comb.: tre tymus(lignum thyinum), W.—­AS. trA(C)ow(trA(C)o), dat. trA(C)owe, pl. trA(C)owu(trA(C)o), see Sievers, 250; cp. Goth.triu.

Treatise, sb. a passage (lit. a treatise),S3; see Tretis.

Treatyce, sb. treaty, truce, S3; seeTretis.

Trechery, sb. treachery, trickery, S;see Tricherie.

Trechoure, sb. a cheat, HD.—­OF.trichAor (Bartsch); Late Lat. tricatorem.

Trechurly, adv. treacherously, S3.

Tred, sb. a foot-mark. SkD (s.v.trade).

Treden, v. to tread, C, Prompt., PP;pt. pl., W, PP; tret, pr. s.CM; troden, PP; trade, H (Ps. 55. 2);troden, pp.,C3; trodun, W2; treddede,pt. s. (weak), S3.—­AS. tredan,pt. trA|d (pl. trA|*don), pp. treden.

Treget, sb. guile, trickery, CM.

Tregetrie, sb. a piece of trickery,CM.

Tregettowre, sb. a juggler, joculator,Prompt.; tregetour, Prompt.(n), CM,HD.

Tregettyn, v. to juggle, Prompt.—­OF.tresgeter (Ducange); Lat. trans + iactare.

Treien, v. to betray, P; trayet,pp., HD.—­OF. traA-r; LateLat. *_trad[i*]re_ for Lat. tradere.

Treil3*is, sb. trellis, S3; trelys,cancellus, Prompt.—­OF. treillis,from treille, a vine, arbour (Bartsch); LateLat. *_tricla_; Lat. trichila; see BH, ASec.98.

Tremlen, v. to tremble, stagger, PP;tremelyn, Prompt.; trimlen, HD; trymlen,S3; tremblen, W, PP; trimble, Manip.—­PicardF. tremler (AF. trembler); Late Lat.tremulare.

Tremlynge, sb. trembling; tremelynge,Prompt.; trimlyng, S3; trymlinge, HD.

Trental, sb. a set of thirty massesfor the dead, SkD, ND, PP; trentall, moneypaid for a trental, S3; a month’s mind, ND.—­OF.trental, trentel; Church Lat. trigintalem(Ducange).

Treo, sb. tree, S; treon, pl.,S; see Tre.

Treowe, adj. true, S; see Trewe.

Trepeget, sb. a military engine, HD,CM; trebget, Prompt.; trebgot, an instrumentfor catching birds, Prompt.

Tresor, sb. treasure, S, S2, C3; tresour,PP, S2, S3, C2; treosor, S; tresores,pl., PP; tresures, S.—­AF.tresor; Lat. thesaurum.

Tresorere, sb. treasurer, PP; treserour,PP.—­AF. tresorer.

Tresorie, sb. treasury, S2; tresory,WA.—­AF. tresorye.

Tresoun, sb. treason, craft, C, PP;tresun, Prompt., S; treson, WA, C2,H; treison, PP; trayson, S.—­AF.treson, traA-son; Lat. traditionem.

Trespas, sb. trespass, PP; trespace,PP, C.

Trespassen, v. to trespass, PP, WW;trespace, C2; trespasside, pt. s.,W (Acts I. 25).—­AF. trespasser, tocross over, to disobey.

Tretee, sb. treaty, C2, C3; trete,C.—­OF. traite; Late Lat. tracta.See Tretis.

Tretis adj. well made, pretty; tretys,CM, C; treitys, CM.—­OF. tretis,treitis, traitis, nicely made (Bartsch); fromtraitier; Lat. tractare.

Tretis, sb. treatise, short poem, PP,C2, WA; treatise, S3. See below.

Tretis, sb. treaty, B, CM; tretys,S2, C2,C3; treatyce, S3; traytyse, S3.—­AF.tretiz; Late Lat. tracticium_.

Trewage, sb. tribute, S, JD; truage,Voc., S2, WA; trouage, WA.—­OF. treA1/4age(truage), toll, tax, from treA1/4,treA1/4d,tribute; Lat. tribu*tum; see Constans (s.v.).

Trewe, adj. true, S, PP, S2, C2; treowe,S; trywe, PP; triwe, S2; trew,S2, C2; tru, S2.—­AS. trA(C)owe:OS. triuwi.

Trewe, sb. fidelity, trust, agreement,truce, PP; treowe, SkD; treowes, pl.,truce, SkD; trewes, PP; trewis, B; treuwes,PP; triwes, SkD; truwys, Prompt.; trewysse,Cath.

Trewehede, sb. truth, uprightness, S2.

Treweliche, adv. truly, PP, C2; trewely,C2.

Trewen, v. to think to be true, to trow,believe, S.—­AS. trA(C)owan.See Trowen.

Trewes, pl. trees, S; see Tre.

Trewes, sb. pl. truce; see Trewe.

TrewA deg.e, sb. truth, troth, S, C2,PP; treuA deg.e, S, S2, PP; trouthe,S2, C3; trouth, H; tryuA deg.e, PP; trowwAdeg.e, S; trawA deg.e, S2; treothes,pl., S; truthes, pledges, S2.—­AS.trA(C)owA deg.u.

Trey, sb. a throw at dice, viz.three, SkD; treye, C3. Comb.: trey-ace,the throw of three and one; a quick exclamation, S3.—­OF.trei, treis; Lat. tre*s.

Tre3*e, sb. affliction, grief, SD; trei3*e,S; treie, S; treye, S2; tray,vexation, B.—­AS. trega; cp.Icel. tregi, Goth, trigo.

Tre3*en, v. to afflict, SD.

Triacle, sb. a remedy, healing medicine,S2, PP, C3, NQ (6. I. 308); tryacle, Voc.,PP, NQ; treacle, TG, Prompt.; tryakill,S3.—­OF. trA-acle (Bartsch); Lat.theriaca, lit. an antidote against the biteof serpents; cp. Gr. [Greek: thaeriaka pharmaka].For examples of the intrusive l see Cronicle.

Triblen, v. to trouble, H; see Trublen.

Tricherie, sb. treachery, trickery,S, PP, S2; trecherie, PP; trechery,S; treccherie, C.—­AF. tricherie;from OF. tricher, trecher, to cheat;Late Lat. tricare for Lat. tricari.

Trick, adj. neat, elegant, ND; trig,JD.—­For the voicing of the guttural inNorth.E. cp. prigmedainty (JD), with prickmedaintyor prickmedenty (HD); see SkD (s.vv. prig,trigger).

Trien, v. to try, PP; tri3*ede,pp., S2, PP; i-tri3*ed, S2; itri3*et,S2; y-tried, PP; y-tryed, PP; tried,pp. as adj., choice, PP; trye,PP, C2; triedest, superl., S2, PP; trieste,PP; tryest, PP; triedliche, adv.,excellently, PP; tri3*ely, PP, S2; trielich,P.—­AF. trier; Late Lat. tritare,to thresh corn.

Triennels, sb. pl. masses said for threeyears, PP; triennales, P.—­OF. triennal;Church Lat. triennale.

Trillen, v. to turn round and round,to trickle, CM, Prompt., C2. S3, Sh., SkD; tryll,Palsg.; tril, Manip.—­Cp. Swed.trilla, to roll.

Trinal, adj. threefold, RD; trinall,Spenser, 1. Comb.: trinal triplicities,SkD.—­Late Lat. trinalis.

Trine, adj. taken three at a time, ND.Comb.: trine aspect (in astrology),SkD, ND; tryne compas, the round world containingearth, sea, and heaven, C3—­OF, trine;Lat. trinum.

Trinite, sb. Trinity, S2, PP; Trinitee,PP.—­AF. Trinite, Trinitet; ChurchLat. Trinitatem.

Trisen, v. to hoist up, to trice, topull off, SkD; tryce, C2; trice, CM.Der.: tryyste, tryys, windlass,Prompt.—­Cp. Dan. tridse, tohaul up, to trice, Swed. trissa, a pulley.The final _-se_ is the same as in E. clean-se.

Trist, sb. trust, a tryst, meeting-place,B, W, W2, PP, S2; station in hunting, HD; trust,PP.—­Icel. traust. For E. i*= Icel. au, cp. ME. mire = Icel.maurr; see SkD (s.v. pismire).

Tristen, v. to trust, S2, C3, W, W2,PP; trysten, S2, PP; truste, S2; trosten,S3, S2, PP; truste, pt. s., S, S2. Der.:tristyng, a trust, W. See above.

Tristili, adv. confidently, W, W2.

Tristnen, v. to trust, W. Der.:tristenyng, a trust, W.

Triuials, sb. pl. studies connectedwith the trivium, the initiatory course taughtin the schools, comprising grammar, rhetoric, anddialectic, S3; trivial, adj., initiatory,ND.—­Schol. Lat. trivialem.

Troblen, v. to trouble, W; troubild,pp., WA; see Trublen.

Trod, sb. a trodden path, SkD (s.v.trade), HD. See Treden.

Troden, pp. of Treden.

Trofle, sb. a trifle, S3; see Trufle.

Trompe, sb. a trump, trumpet, C3; trumpe,C.—­AF. trompe.

Trompe, v. to play the trumpet, PP;trumpe, W, Prompt.—­AF. trumper.

Tronchoun, sb. a truncheon, broken pieceof a spear-shaft. C; trunchone, Prompt.—­OF.tronchon, tronASec.on.

Trone, sb. throne, S, PP, S3, C2, C3,W; trones, pl., S; one of the nine ordersof angels, WA; tronen, S2.—­OF. trone;Lat. thronum; from Gr. [Greek: thronos].

Tronen, v. to enthrone, PP.—­OF.troner.

Trost, subj. pr. s. trust, S2; see Tristen.

Trotevale, sb. a trifling thing, HD.

Trouble, adj. troubled, S2, C2.—­AF.truble, pp. of trubler; see Trublen.

Trouthe, sb. truth, S.2, C3; see Trewthe.

Trowabile, adj. credible, H.

Trowen, v. to believe, S, S2, S3, C2,C3, H, PP; tru, S2; trawed, pt. pl.,expected, S2.—­Icel. trAa; Swed. tro.See Trewen.

Trowyng, sb. belief, S2.

Truage, sb. tribute, S2; see Trewage.

Trublen, v. to trouble, W; troblen,W; triblen, H.—­AF. trubler;Late Lat. turbulare.

Trufle, sb. nonsense, absurd tale, trifle,PP, SkD; trofle, S3, SkD; trefele, PP;triful, PP; trifle, PP.—­AF.trufle, trofle, mockery, OF. truffe,a jest, a flout, also a truffle (Cotg.); Lat. tubera,truffles; see SkD (s.v. truffle). For theintrusive l cf. Triacle.

Truflen, v. to beguile, SkD; trofle,SkD; trifelyn, Prompt.; treoflynge,pr. p., S2.—­OF. truffler, truffer,to mock (Cotg.).

Trukenen, v. to fail, S.

Trukien, v. to fail, S.—­AS.trucian, to fail, deceive.

Trusse, sb. a bundle, Manip., CM.

Trussen, v. to pack, to pack off, C,S2, PP, Manip; turss, B.—­OF. trusser,trosser, torser; Late Lat. tortiare_.

Truste, pt. s. trusted, S; see Tristen.

Tryce, v. to trice, to hoist up, C2;see Trisen.

Tryg, adj. trusty, secure, S3.—­Icel.tryggr.

Trymlyt, pt. pl. trembled, S3; see Tremlen.

Tryst, adj. sad, S3. Der.:tristes, sadness, S3.—­OF. trist;Lat. tristem; and OF. tristesse; Lat.tristitia.

Tua, num. two, S2 ; see Tuo.

Tuhen, pt. pl. of Ten.

Tuht, sb. discipline, S.—­AS.tyht; cp. OHG. zuht (Otfrid).See Ten.

Tuhten, v. to draw, persuade, discipline,S; tihte, pt. s., S.—­AS.tyhtan.

Tuin, num. two, S2; see Twinne.

Tuken, v. to pluck, vex, S; tukeup, succingere, Cath.; tukkyn up,Prompt.; y-touked, pp., tucked, fulled,PP.—­AS. tucian (twiccan); cp.OHG. zukken (Otfrid).

Tuker, sb. a fuller; see Tokker.

Tulke, sb. a man, soldier, knight, WA,EETS (56); tolke, S2; tulk, WA, SkD(s.v. talk).—­Icel. tAlkr,interpreter; Lithuan. tulkas, interpreter;cp. Dan. tolk.

Tullen, v. to draw, entice, CM, SD;see Tollen.

Tumben, v. to leap, tumble, dance; tombede,pt. s., SD.—­AS. tumbian (Mk.6. 22); cp. OF. tumber, to fall.

Tumbestere, sb. a female dancer, HD;tombester, SD; tumbesteris, pl.,SD, C3 (p. 151); tombesteres, C3.

Tumblen, v. to leap., dance, SD, SkD;to tumble, PP; tombly, PP; tumlyn, volutare,Prompt.

Tumbler, sb. a tumbler, a female dancer,Voc.; tumlare, volutator, Prompt.

Tun, sb. enclosure, farm-stead, town,S, S2; see Toun.

Tunen, v. to enclose, S; see Tynen.

Tunge, sb. tongue, S, C, W2; see Tonge.

Tunne, sb. tun, S; see Tonne.

Tuo, num. two, S2, C, PP; tua,S2; two, S; twa, S, S2; to, S,S2; towe, S3.—­AS. twAi (neut).

Tur, sb. tower, S; see Tour.

Turnen, v. to turn, S; see Tournen.

Turss, v. to pack; see Trussen.

Turues, sb. pl. pieces of turf, S2;see Torf.

Tus, for thus, S; see A3/4us.

Tutand, pr. p. projecting, pushing out,S2; see Toten.

Tute, sb. a horn, cornu, os,SD.—­For Teutonic cognates see Weigand (s.v.zotte). See Tewelle.

Tute, v. ‘to tute in a horne,’Manip.—­Cf. Swed. tuta, to blowa horn.

Tutel, sb. beak, mouth (?), S.

Tutelen, v. to whisper, S.

Tuteler, sb. tittler, tattler, PP.

Tutlyng, sb. noise of a horn, B. SeeTute.

Tutour, sb. guardian, warden, keeper,P, WW, TG.—­OF. tuteur; Lat. tutorem.

Twa, num. two, S, S2; see Tuo.

Tweamen, v. to separate, S.—­AS.(ge)twA|*man.

Tweire, num. gen. of twain, S.—­AS.twegra (gen.).

Twelf, num. twelve, S, C2; tuelf,S2; tuelue, S2. Comb.: twelfmoneth,twelvemonth, PP; tuelmonth, S2.—­AS.twelf: Goth, twalif.

Twengen, v. to press tightly, tweak,S; tuengde, pt. s., S2.—­Cf.Twingen.

Twestis, pl. twigs, S3; see Twyste.

Tweye, num. twain, PP, C, C2; tweie,S; tueie, S; twey, S3, PP; twei,PP. Comb.: twey-fold, twofold, C3.—­AS.twega (gen.). See Tuo.

Tweye, adv. twice, PP; twye,HD; twie, S.—­AS. twA-wa.

Tweyne, num. twain, G, PP; tueyne,S2; twene, S; tweien, S; twe3*3*enn,S.—­AS. twegen.

Twi- (prefix). Comb.: twi-bil,an axe, bipennis, Voc., Prompt., H; twi-feald,twofold, SD; twye-lyghte, twilight, Prompt.;twi-rA|d, of diverse opinion, SD.

Twichand, pres. pt. touching, regarding,S3 (13. 271). [Addition]

Twie, adv. twice, S; see Tweye.

Twikken, v. to twitch, snatch, pullslightly but quickly, Prompt.; twychyn, Prompt.;twyghte, pt. s., CM; twight, pp.,CM.

Twine, sb. doubled thread; twines,gen., S.—­AS. twA-n.

Twinen, v. to twist, S; twined,pp., S; twyned, PP.

Twingen, v. to pain, afflict, SkD; twungen,pp., SkD.—­Cp. G. zwingen.

Twinging, sb. affliction, S2.

Twinken, v. to wink, Prompt., G.

Twinklen, v. to twinkle, Prompt.

Twinne, num. two apiece, two at a time,S; twynne, S2; tuin, S2.—­Icel.tvinnr.

Twinnen, v. to separate, C2; twynnen,S2, S3, H; twyne, S3; twyn, S2, H; tuyn,H; twynned, pt. pl., PP, S3.

Twyes, adv. twice, S2, C2, C3, PP.—­Formedwith suffix _-es_ on AS. twA-wa. See Tweye.

Twyste, sb. bough, Cath., S3; twist,B, S2, C2, CM; twest, S3.—­Cp.ODu. twist.

Twyste, v. to strip the boughs, de-frondare,Cath.

Twyster (of trees), sb. a stripper ofboughs, defrondator, Cath.

Tycement, sb. enticement, HD.

Tycen, v. to entice, instigate, provoke,Prompt., Manip., S; tisen, PP; tyse,HD (s.v. tise). See Atisen.

Tykel, adj. unsteady, uncertain, CM.

Tyle, sb. tile, Prompt.; tyil,Prompt.; tyyl, S2. Comb.: tyle-stone,tile, brick, Prompt.; tiyl-stoon (= Lat. testa),W2.—­AS. tigele; Lat. tegula.

Tymber, sb. timber, wood for building,Voc., PP; tymbre, PP.—­AS. timber.

Tymbre, v. to frame, build, PP; timbrin,S, S2.—­AS. timbrian: Goth,timr-jan ; cp. OHG. zimbrA cubedn(Tatian).

Tymbre, sb. the crest of a helmet, alsoa helmet, WA; timber, Cotg.; tymbrys,pl., B.—­OF. timbre (Cotg.);Lat. tympanum; Gr. [Greek: tympanon];cp. SkD (s.v. timbrel).

Tyme, sb. time, due season, S, C2, C3,PP; tyme, pl., C2; tymes, C2.Comb.: tymeful, seasonable, early,W; timliche, quickly, S.—­AS. tA-ma;cp. Icel. tA-mi.

Tymen, v. to betide, S2.—­AS.(ge)-tA-mian.

Tynd, sb. the tine or prong of a deer’shorn, the spike of a harrow, JD, SkD; tyndis,S3.—­AS. tind (Voc.); cp. Icel.tindr.

Tyne, adj. tiny, WA.

Tyne, sb. prickle, Prompt.

Tyne, v. to lose, S2, PP, H; tine,S2, H; tynt, pp., S2, PP, H. Der.:tynsil, loss, ruin, H; tinsill, H.—­Icel.tA1/2na, to lose, to destroy, tA1/2nask,to perish, from tjA cubedn, loss, damage.

Tynen, v. to enclose, S2; tinen,S; tunen, S.—­AS. tA1/2nan,from tAn. See Toun.

Tynken, v. to ring, tinkle, W.

Tynkere, sb. tinker, PP.

Tynsale, sb. loss, harm, B. See Tyne.

Tyred, pp. attired, dressed, S2; seeAtyren. [Addition]

Tysane, sb. a drink, Prompt.—­OF.tisane, barley-water; Lat. ptisana,pearl-barley, also barley-water; Gr. [Greek: ptisanh].

Tysyk, sb. consumption, S2, Prompt.;tysike, Cath.—­OF. tisique(Bartsch); Lat. phthisica, consumptive disease;from Gr. [Greek: phthisis] decay; cp. It.tisica.

Tyyl, sb. tile, S2; see Tyle.

U, V (vowel).

Uggen, v. to dread, to shudder at, HD;ug, H; huge, H; uggis, pr.s., H; uggid, pt. s., H.—­Icel.ugga.

Uggynge, sb. shuddering, horror, H.

Ugly, adv. dreadful, horrible, H, SkD;uglike, SkD.—­Icel. uggligr.

Ugsom, adj. frightful, SkD (s.v. ugly).

Uhte, sb. the part of the night beforedaybreak; u3*ten, dat., S, SD.—­AS.Ahte: OS. uhta: Goth. uhtwo;cp. OHG. uohta, Icel. A cubedtta,see Weigand (s.v. ucht), and Fick, 7. 9.

Uhten-tid, sb. early morning-time, SD.

Uht-song, sb. morning-chant, matins,SD.—­AS. uht-sang.

Ulke, adj. the same, S; see Ilke.

Umbe, prep. about, around, WA, S; ummbenn,S; embe, S.—­AS. ymbe (embe):OHG. umbi (Otfrid), OS. umbi.

Vmbe-cast, v. to cast about, consider,ponder, B; umbekestez, pr. s., S2.

Umbe-grouen, pp. grown all round, S2.

Umbelappe, v. to surround, WA.See Umlap.

Vmbe-set, v. to beset, B; umbeset,pt. s., B; vmset, S2; umbeset,pp., B; umsett, H, HD; vmset,S2.—­AS. ymb-sittan.

Vmbe-stount, adv. sometimes, B; um-*stunt,H.—­AS. ymbe + stund.

Umbe-A3/4enken, v. to bethink, meditate,S; umthink, H; vmbethinkis 3*ow, imp.pl. refl., B; umbithoghte, pt. s.,HD; vmbethoucht, B.—­AS. ymb-A3/4encan.

Umbe-weround, pp. environed, B.

Umbe-while, adv. sometime, at times,S; umwhile, H, HD; umwile, S; vm-*quhile,B; umquile, WA.

Um-ga, v. to go about, H.

Um-gang, sb. circuit, S2, H.—­AS.ymb-gang.

Um-gifen, v. to surround, H; vmgaf,pt. pl., S2, H.

Um-gripen, v. to surround; vm-griped,pt. pl., S2.

Um-hilen, v. to cover up; umhild,pt. s., H.

Um-lap, v. to wrap around, comprehendere,to embrace, WA, S2; umlappe, H, HD; vmlapped,pp., S2. See Um-*belappe. vowel).

Um-louke, v. to lock in, H.

Um-sege, v. to besiege, H.

Um-set, pp. beset all round, S2; seeVmbe-set.

Um-shadow, v. to shadow round, protect,H.

Um-stride, v. to bestride, S2; um-strode,pt. s., HD.

Um-writhen, v. to wind round, H; umwrithyn,pp., H.

Um-3*ede, pt. s. went about, H.

Un-, prefix (1), has a negative forceand is used before substantives, adjectives, and pastparticiples; on-, B.—­Goth, un-;cp. Gr. [Greek: an]-.

Un-, prefix (2), expresses the reversalof an action, and is used before verbs; on-,S3.—­Goth, and-; cp. Gr. [Greek:anti-].

Un-, prefix (3), until.—­OS.und-. Cf. Oth.

Un-aneomned, pp. unnamed, innumerable,S. Cf. A-nemnen.

Un-auanced, pp. unpromoted, S2.

Un-bermed, pp. unleavened; unberrmedd,S.

Un-bicumlich, adj. unbecoming, S; unbicomelich,S.

Un-biheue, adj. unprofitable; unbihefre,comp., S.

Un-bileue, sb. unbelief, W.

Un-bileueful, adj. unbelieving, W; unbileful,S.

Un-binden, v. to unbind, S2; unbind,pr. s., S; unbint, S; unbond,pt. s., S; unbounden, pl., S;pp., C2.—­Cp. OHG. in-bintan(Otfrid). (Un- 2.)

Un-bischoped, pp. unconfirmed; un-bishped,S.

Un-bisor3*eliche, adv. piteously, S.

Un-bliA deg.e, adj. joyless; unblyA3/4e,S2.

Un-boht, pp. unatoned for, S; unbouht,S.

Un-bokelen, v. to unbuckle, C2, C3.(Un- 2.)

Un-brosten, pp. unburst, S2.

Un-buhsum, adj. disobedient, S; vn-boxome,P.

Un-buxsumnes, sb. disobedience, H.

Unce, sb. ounce, SkD, C; ounces,pl., C2.—­OF. unce; Lat. uncia.Cf. Inche.

Un-chargid, pp. unladen, W. (Un-2.)

Un-cofre, v. to take out of a coffer,S3. (Un- 2.)

Un-conabil, adj. unsuitable; unkonnabil,H; vncunable, H.—­Cp. OF. covenable(BH. 153. 43).

Un-conabilly, adv. unsuitably, H.

Un-conabilnes, sb. misbehaviour, H.

Un-conabiltes, sb. pl. incongruities,H.

Vn-conand, adj. ignorant, HD, H; vnkunand,H.

Vn-conandly, adv. ignorantly, H.

Un-corrupcioun, sb. incorruption, W.

UncuA deg., adj. strange, unknown, S2;see Un-kouth.

Un-cweme, adj. displeasing, SD:unn-cweme, S. See Un-yqueme.

Undampned, pp. uncondemned, W.

Un-deedli, adj. immortal, W; vndedly,H.

Un-deedlynesse, sb. immortality, W;undedlynes, WA.

Un-defoulid, pp. undefiled (== impollutus,immaculatus), W, WA.

Un-dep, adj. not deep, S.

Under, prep. adv. during, between, under,underneath, S; onder, SD; undur, W;undir, B. Phr.: vnder A3/4an,during these things, interea, meanwhile, S.—­AS.under: Goth, undar; cp. OHG.untar.

Under, sb. afternoon, CM; see Undern.

Under, v. to subject, S2.

Under-crien, v. to cry out; undur-crieden,pt. pl. (= succlamabant), W.

Under-fangen, v. to receive, S; underfonge,S; onderuonge, S2; underuongen, S; onderfang,imp. s., S; undurfong, pt. s.,S2; underueng, S2; under-fangen, pp.,S; underuonge, S; underfongen, P; undurfongun,W.

Under-fon, v. to receive, S; underfo,S; under-uon, S; underfon, pp.,S.—­AS. under-fA cubedn.

Under-giten, v. to perceive, understand;under3*iten, SD; under3*eite, S; undergA|ton,pt. pl., S.—­AS. under-gitan.

Under-leggen, v. to subject; under-laide,2 pt. s., S2.

Under-ling, sb. a subject, inferior,S, PP.

Under-lout, adj. subject, H.

Under-master, sb. usher; undur-*maistir(= paedagogus), W.

Under-mel, sb. the afternoon-meal, SD,CM. See Undern.

Undern, sb. the time between, the timebetween sunrise and noon, between noon and sunset,a mealtime, S2, C, C2, CM, Voc.; undorne, WA;vndren, S, HD, SD; under, S2; undur,HD; aunder, HD.—­AS. undern,OS. undorn, Icel. undorn; cp. OHG.untorn (G. untern).

Undern-time, sb. SD; undrentime,S; undirtime, SD.

Under-nymen, v. to receive, perceive,reprove, PP; undirnyme, W2; undernimen,S; underneme, reprehendo, Prompt.; undernom,pt. s., C3; undernumen, pp., S;undirnommen, W; undernome, PP.

Under-picchen, v. to fix underneath;underpyghte, pt. s., C3.

Under-preost, sb. under-priest; unnderr-preost,S.

Under-sette, v. to place beneath, support,prop up; undursette, W2.

Under-standen, v. to understand, S;onderstanden, S2; understonden, S, S2;undyrstonde, S2; understant, pr. s.,S; understont, S; undyrstode, pt.s., S2 understoden, pt. pl., S;undurstoden, stood under, W2; understande,pp., S; understonde, S2; onderstonde,S2.

Under-stondingnesse, sb. faculty ofunderstanding, S.

Under-take, v. to undertake, agree,SD; undertoc, pt. s., S2; undertok,S.

Under-A3/4eod, sb. subject, S; under-A3/4eoden,pl., S; underA3/4iede, S.—­AS.under-A3/4A(C)od.

Under-uon, v. to receive, S; see Under-fon.

Under-3*eite, v. to learn, discover,S; see Under-giten.

Un-digne, ad, unworthy, C2.—­OF.undigne.

Un-discreet, adj. undiscerning, C2.—­OF.undiscret.

Un-don, v. to undo, open, disclose,SD, W; undo, WA; undede, pt. s.,S2; undude, S, PP; undone, pp.,S.—­AS. undA cubedn. (Un- 2.)

Undon, v. to undo, destroy, PP.

Undoubtabili, adv. without doubt, S3.

Un-dreh, adj. impatient, out of patience,S2.

Un-duhti3*, adj. unworthy; unduhti,S.

Un-eaA deg., adj. uneasy; uneaA deg.e,S.

Un-eaA deg.e, adv. scarcely, S; unneAdeg.e, S, S2, C2, C3, W; onneaA3/4e, S2;oneA3/4e, S3; uneth, S3, P, WA; unneth,S3.

Un-eA deg.es, adv. scarcely, WA, S;unnethes, S2, C2, W, H; vnneths, H;vnees, PP.

Un-fa3*en, adj. displeased; unfeyn,S2.

Un-fest, adj. unstable, S2.

Un-festlich, adj. unfestive, C2.

Un-fete, adj. ill-made, bad, S2. (Un-1.)

Un-filabil, adj. insatiable, H. (Un-1.)

Un-filed, pp. undefiled, S2.

Un-flichand, pp. unflinching, H. (Un-1.)

Un-for3*olden, pp. unrequited, S; un-vorgulde,S.

Un-freme, sb. disadvantage, S.—­AS.unnfremu.

Un-fruytouse, adj. unfruitful, W.

Un-gert, pp. ungirt, G.

Un-glad, adj. unhappy, S2..

Un-happe, sb. ill-luck, WA.

Un-happy, adj. unlucky, S2.

Un-hardy, adj. not bold, PP.

Un-hele, sb. sickness, S; misfortune,CM.

Un-heled, pp. uncovered, WA, PP.—­AS.helian: OHG. haljan. (Un-2).

Un-helA deg.e, sb. sickness, S; unhalAdeg.e, S.

Un-hersumnesse, sb. disobedience, S.—­AS.unhA1/2rsumnis.

Un-hillen, v. to disclose, S; unhilen,S2, W; onhillin, Prompt.; unhulien,SD, MD; unhiled, pp., CM, G, SD, PP;unhuled, S2.—­Cp. Goth. huljan,OHG. huljan, hullan. (Un- 2.)

Un-hol, adj. sick, S.—­AS.un-hAil.

Un-hold, adj. ungracious, S.

Un-ifo3*, adj. innumerable; unnifo3*e,pl., S.—­AS. un-gefA cubedg.

Un-imeaA deg., sb. want of moderation,S (8 b. 12).

Un-imet, adj. immense, immeasurable,S; onimete, S.—­AS. un-gemet.

Un-imete, adv. immensely, S.—­AS.ungemete.

Un-imeteliche, adv. infinitely, S.—­AS.ungemetlice.

Un-iredlice, adv. sharply, roughly,S; unrideli, S.—­AS. un-gerA1/2delice.

Un-isalA deg.e, sb. unhappiness, S.—­AS.un-gesA|*lA deg..

Un-iseli, adj. unhappy, S.—­AS.un-gesA|*lig.

Un-itald, pp. unnumbered, S.—­AS.un-geteald.

Universite, sb. universe, world, W.—­OF.universite; Lat. universitatem (Vulg.)

Un-iwasse, pp. unwashen, S.

Unk, pron. dual, us both, S; unker,of us both, S.—­AS. unc, dat. andacc., uncer, gen.: Goth, ugk, acc.,ugkis, dat., ugkara, gen.

Un-kempt, pp. uncombed, rough, S3.

Un-keuelen, v. to ungag, S. (Un-2.)

Un-kouth, adj. unknown, strange, PP;unkutA deg., S; uncuA deg., S2; uncouthe,pl., S2, C2; uncuA deg.e, S; uncoAdeg.e, S.—­AS. un-cAA deg..

Vn-kunnyng, sb. ignorance, W; vn-kunnyngis,pl., W2.

Vn-kunnynge, adj. unskilful, ignorant,S2, W, W2; unkonnyng, C; vnkonnynge,PP.

Un-kunnyngenesse, sb. ignorance, W.

Un-kynde, adj. unnatural, unkind, C2,PP; nncunde, SD.

Un-kyndenesse, sb. unkindness, C3, PP.

Un-kyth, v. to hide, S2. (Un-2).

Un-lace, v. to unbind, W. (Un-2.)

Un-lappe, v. to unfold; onlappyt,pt. s., S3. (Un- 2.)

Un-lede, adj. miserable, wretched, S,SD.—­AS. un-lA|*d: Goth. un-lA(C)ds.

Un-leueful, adj. not permissible, W;onleefful, illicitus, Prompt.

Un-leuesum, adj. not permissible; on-lesum,S3.

Un-liche, adj. unlike, S.

Un-louken, v. to unlock, PP; vnloke,pp., G. (Un- 2.)

Un-lust, sb. lack of pleasure, displeasure,SD.

Un-lusti, adj. unlusty, idle, SD; on-losti,S2.

Un-lykynge, adj. unfit, improper, scandalous,PP.

Un-mayte, adj. unmeet, H. Phr.:in unmayte, unfittingly, H.

Un-meoA deg., sb. want of moderation,S; unmeA deg., S (8 a. 10). See Meth.

Un-meuable, adj. immovable, W.

Un-moebles, sb. pl. immovable property,PP.—­Cp. OF. muebles (BH); pl.of mueble; Late Lat. mo*bilem.

Un-mylde, adj. cruel, W; unmyld,H.

Un-nait, adj. useless, S2, H.

Unnen, v. to grant, S; hunne,S; an, 1 pr. s., S; on, pr.s., S; i-unne, pp., S.—­AS.unnan, 1 and 3 pr. s. ann, opt. unne,pt. AA deg.e, pp. ge-unnen. Cp.Icel. unna, OS. gi-unnan, OHG. gi-unnan,pt. onda (Otfrid), G. gAnnen.

UnneA deg.e, adv. scarcely, S, S2, C2,C3, W; unneth, S3; see Un-eaA deg.e.

Unnethes, adv. scarcely, S2, C2, W,H; vnneths, H; see Un-eA deg.es.

Un-nit, adj. useless, S; unnet,S; un-*nut, S.—­AS. un-nytt.

Un-noble, adj. ignoble, W2.

Un-noblei, sb. ignobleness, W.

Un-noyandnes, sb. harmlessness, H.

Un-obedience, sb. disobedience, W.

Un-onest, adj. dishonourable, W.

Un-orne, adj. old, worn out, S; unorn,S; unourne, HD.—­AS. un-orne(Grein).

Un-perfit, adj. imperfect, W2; un-parfit,PP.

Un-pesible, adj. unquiet, W.

Un-pined, pp. untouched by pain, S.

Un-pitA", sb. want of feeling, W, W2.

Un-profit, sb. unprofitableness, W.

Un-quaynt, adj. imprudent, unwise, H.

Un-rede, sb. bad counsel, folly, mischief,S.—­AS. un-rA|*d.

Un-redi, adj. not prepared, W; unredy,improvident, PP.

Un-repreuable, adj. not to be reproved,W.

Un-rest, sb. restlessness, S3; vnreste,dat., C2.

Un-resty, adj. restless, H; unristy,H.

Un-ride, adj. harsh, cruel, WA, HD,SD.—­AS. un-(ge)ryde (Luke, 3. 5).

Un-rideli, adv. sharply, vehemently,roughly, S; unridly, fiercely, WA; see Uniredlice.

Un-ri3*t, adj. sb. injustice, wrong,S2; unryht, S; vnright, PP, S2; unriht,S.—­AS. un-riht.

Un-ri3*tfulnesse, sb. unrighteousness,unlawfulness, W2; unrihtfulnesse, S.

Un-ri3*twisnesse, sb. unrighteousness,W.

Un-sad, adj. unsteady, C2.

Un-sadnesse, sb. instability, W.

Un-saht, adj. unreconciled, discontented,S2.

Un-schape, pp. unshapen, outlandish,S2.

Un-schutten, v. to open, SD; un-*schette,pt. s., SD; onschet, S3; vnshette,pp., S3. (Un- 2.)

Un-scilwis, adj. unwise, H.

Un-scilwisly, adv. unwisely, H.

Un-sehelich, adj. invisible, S.

Un-seill, sb. misfortune, B.—­AS.unsA|*l.

Un-sele, adj. unhappy, S, S2.

Un-selA deg., sb. unhappiness; unselAdeg.e, S; unnsellA deg.e, S; unnseolAdeg.e, S.—­AS. un-*sA|*lA deg..

Un-sely, adj. unhappy, C2; vnceli,W.

Un-sete, sb. unsettledness, S2.

Un-skaA3/4eful, adj. harmless; unn-*skaA3/4efull,S.

Un-skaA3/4i3*nesse, sb. harmlessness,S.

Un-skilful, adj. unreasonable, outrageous,unprofitable, PP; unschilful, S2.

Un-slekked, pp. unslacked, C3.

Un-soote, adj. unsweet, bitter, S3.

Un-sounded, pp. unhealed, S3.

Un-souerable, adj. insufferable, S3.

Un-sowen, v. to slit open what has beensewn, PP; unsouwen, PP. (Un- 2.)

Un-spedful, adj. unsuccessful, H; onschet,S3.

Un-sperren, v. to unfasten, unbar, PP.(Un- 2.)

Un-spurne, v. to kick open, S. (Un-2.)

Un-staA deg.eluest, adj. without a firmfoundation, S.

Un-stedefast, adj. not firm in one’splace, unsteady, S, PP; unstudeueste, S.—­AS.unstedefA|st.

Un-stirabil, adj. immovable, H.

Un-strong, adj. feeble, S.—­AS.un-*strang.

Un-suget, pp. not subject, W.

Un-tellendlic, adj. indescribable, S.

Un-A3/4anc, sb. dislike; unA3/4onkes,gen., S. Phr.: hares unA3/4ances,against their will, S.—­AS. un-A3/4anc.

Un-thende, small, out of season, PP, HD.Cf. Theen.

Un-thewe, sb. immorality, S; un-A3/4eu,S; unA3/4ewe, dat., S; unA3/4ewes,pl., S2.—­AS. un-A3/4A(C)aw.

Un-tholemodnes, sb impatience, H.

Un-A3/4rift, sb. unprofitableness; un-A3/4ryfte,S2.

Un-thryftyly, adv. unprofitably. improperly,S2, C3.

Un-tiffed, pp. unadorned, S.

Until, conj., prep, until, unto,S2, PP, SkD; ontill, B. (Un- 3.)

Un-tiled, pp. untilled, PP; untuled,S2.

Un-to, prep. unto, SkD.—­OS.untA cubed for undt + A cubed; cp.OS. unte, until, Goth. unte, for, OHG.unz (Tatian). (Un- 3.)

Un-todealet, pp. undivided, S. (Un-1.)

Un-toheliche, adv. unrestrainedly, S.

Un-tohen, pp. undisciplined, S; un-*towun,SkD (p. 695), untohe, S.—­Cf.AS. tA(C)on. See Ten.

Un-trewe, adj. untrue, not straight,S, PP, C2.—­AS. un-trA(C)owe.

Un-trewnesse, sb. untruth, S.

Un-trewthe, sb. untruth, C3.

Un-trist, sb. disbelief, W.

Un-vysible, adj. invisible, W.

Un-war, adj. unexpected, unexpecting,SD, S2, C2, C3.

Un-ware, adv. unwarily, S2.

Un-warly, adv. at unawares, S3.

Un-way, sb. wrong path, H.

Un-weawed, pp. unveiled, S.—­Cp.AS. wA|*fels, a covering, veil.

Un-welde, adj. impotent, weak, SD, S;vnweldy, S3, C3.

Un-wemmed, pp. unstained, unspotted,S, S2, C3, W2; unwemmyd, W, H; unwemmet,S; unweommet, S.—­AS. un(ge)wemmed.

Un-wer3*ed, pp. unwearied; unwerget,S.—­AS. un(ge)wA(C)riged.

Un-wAht, sb. monster, an uncanny creature,evil spirit, S; unwi3*t, S; adj., S;unwi3*tes, pl., S.

Un-wAlle, sb. unwillingness, displeasure,S. Phr.: hire unwilles, againsther will, S.—­AS. un-willa.

Un-willich, adj. unwilling, S.

Un-wine, sb. enemy, S; unwines,pl., S.

Un-wis, adj. unwise, S2.—­AS.un-wA-s.

Un-wisdom, sb. folly, W.

Un-wist, pp. unknown, C.

Un-wit, sb. want of wit, C3, H.

Un-witti, adj. unwise, W.

Un-wityng, pr. p. unknowing, C3.

Un-wityng, sb. ignorance, W.

Un-wi3*t, adj. uncanny, S. See Un-wiht.

Un-worschip, v. to dishonour, W.

Un-wrappen, v. to disclose, C2. (Un-2.)

Un-wrast, adj. infirm, weak, base, bad,S, PP; unwreast, S; unwraste, pl.,S; unwreste, dat. s., S.—­AS.un-wrA|*st.

Un-wrenc, sb. evil design; unwrenche,dat., S.—­AS. unwrenc.

Un-wrA(C)on, v. to discover, to reveal,SD; unwreo, S; unwro3*en, S; unwro3*e,S.—­AS. un-wrA(C)on. (Un- 2.)

Un-wrien, v. to uncover, SD; pp.,S.—­From AS. wrA-han. (Un-2.)

Un-wunne, sb. sadness, S, SD; un-*winne,S; unwenne, S.

Un-wurA deg., adj. unworthy, S; unwurAdeg.e, pl., S; unwurA deg.ere, comp.,S; unwurA deg.este, superl., S.—­AS.un-wurA deg..

Un-wurA deg.i, adj. unworthy, S, SD;on-*wurA3/4i, Prompt.

Un-wurA deg.lich, adj. unworthy, base;unworA3/4elych, S2; unwurA deg.liche,adv., S.—­AS. un-wurA deg.lic,_-lice_.

Un-yliche, adj. unlike, S; unilich,S.—­AS. un-gelA-c.

Un-yqueme, adj. displeasing, S. SeeUn-cweme, Icweme.

Up, adv. and prep, up, S2, S3, G; op,S, S2. Phr.: up so doun, upsidedown, C, C3, W, PP; up se doun, W, W2; upsoo doune, S3.—­AS. up, upp;cp. OHG. Af (Otfrid).

Up-braiding, sb. reproach, S2.

Up-breiden, v. to reproach, S, W.

Up-breyd, sb. reproach, S2.

Up-cumen, v. to ascend; uppcumenn,S.

Up-heuen, v. to raise, S2; uphaf,pt. s., C; uphouen, pp., S2;upe-houen, S2.

Up-holdere, sb. seller of second-handthings, P.

Up-londisch, adj. rustic, countrified,S2; oplondysch, S2.

Vppe, adv. up, PP, S; upe, S,S2; ope, S2.

Vppon, prep, upon, PP; uppen,S; apon, S2. Phr.: vpon lofte,above, S2.

Up-right, adv. on one’s back,C, C2; upryghte, C2.

Up-risen, v. to rise up; up-rist,pr. s. CM.

Up-risinge, sb. resurrection, S2.

Up-rist, sb. rising, SD, S3; upriste,dat., S, C.

Up-set, pp. set up, S2.

Up-sterten, v. to start up; upsterte,pt. s., S2, C.

Up-sti3*e, sb. ascension, S.

Up-sti3*en, v. to ascend, SD; upsteghes,pr. pl., S2; upstegh, pt. s.,S2.

Up-stowr, v. to be stirred up, S3.

Up-take, v. to take up, receive; uptoke,pt. s., S2.

Up-ward, adv. upward; uppard,S.

Up-warp, v. to throw up, S3.

Up-wauen, v. to move upward with anundulating motion; up-wafte, pt. pl.,S2.

Up-3*elden, v. to deliver up, S2.

Vrchun, sb. hedghog, H; see Irchon.

Ure, sb. practice, work, operation,ND, Manip., SkD.—­OF. eure, uevre;Lat. o*pera.

Ure, sb. fate, luck, good luck, B, CM.—­OF.eur, eA1/4r: Prov. agur;Late Lat. *_agurium_ for Lat. augurium; seeBH, ASec. 27.

Urnen, v. to run, S; see Rennen.

Urre, sb. anger, S; see Eorre.

UrA3/4e (written VrA3/4e), sb.earth, S2; see Erthe. [Addition]

Usage, sb. custom, C2, C3.—­AF.usage.

Usaunce, sb. custom, HD, CM.—­OF.usance (Cotg.).

Use, sb. use, usury, HD; us,S2, SD; vce, S3; oyss, B.—­AF.us; Lat. usum.

Usen, v. to use, to be accustomed, PP,S3, C2; usede, pt. s., SD, PP; usiden,pl., dealt with, W; yvsed, pp.,S2; uset, customary, PP; used, C3; vsyt,S3; oysit, B; wsyt, S3.—­AF.user.

Ussher, sb. usher, door-keeper, C2,SkD; uschere, Prompt.; usshere, PP.—­AF.ussher, usser, OF. ussier; Lat.ostiarium, door-keeper, from ostium,door.

Usure, sb. usury, C2, P; vsuris,pl., W.—­AF. usure; Lat. usura.

Utas, sb. the octave of a festival,HD, ND, SkD, Palsg.—­AF. utaves;Lat. octavas. For the s = v’scp. in Old French vis = vivus (BH).

Ute, adv. out, S.—­AS. Ate.

Uten, prep, away from, S.—­AS.Atan; cp. Goth. utana.

Uthe, sb. wave, S; yA3/4ez, pl.,S2, HD.—­AS. A1/2A deg.: Lat.unda.

Ut-la3*e, sb. outlaw, S.—­Icel.Atlaga, outlawed, Atlagi, an outlaw.See Out-lawe.

Uttring, sb. circulating, S3. SeeOut-*ren.

U3*ten, sb. early morning, S; see Uhte.

V U (consonant).

For some words of Teutonic origin beginning with V,see F; see also in some cases W.

Vacherye, sb. a dairy, Prompt.—­OF.vacherie, a cow-house (Cotg.); Late Lat. vaccaria,from Lat. uacca, a cow.

Vader, sb. father, S, S2; see Fader.

UA|in, adj. fain, S; see Fayn.

Uair, adj. fair, S2; see Fayr.

Uale, adj. many, S; see Fele.

Vale, sb. vale, PP.—­AF. val;Lat. vallem.

ValA", sb. valley, S2, B; valeie,S2; valeye, PP; valayis, pl.,B.—­OF. valee; cp. It. vallata.

Vale, v. to descend, S3.—­Cp.OF. avaler, to descend. Cf. Aualen.

Valuwen, v. to become yellow, S; seeFalwe.

Vampies, Vampett; see Vaumpe.

Vane, sb. a vane, C2; see Fane.

Vanishen, v. to vanish, C2; vanshe,Voc.; vanshede, pt. s., PP; vanyschiden,pl., became vain, W; vanyssht, pp.,S2.—­Cp. OF. esvanuA-ss-, baseof pr. p. of esvanuA-r; Lat. ex + uanescere,from uanus.

Vant, v. to vaunt, WA.—­OF.vanter; Late Lat. vanitare, from Lat.uanus.

Vantwarde, sb. vanguard, S2; see Vauntwarde.

Uaren, v. to fare, S; see Faren.

Variaunt, adj. changing, fickle, C2.

Varien, v. to vary, Prompt.; wariande,pr. p., S2; variand, S2, S3; variant,S3.—­AF. varier; Lat. uariare.

Varlet, sb. a young vassal, servant,squire, SkD, Sh.; verna, Manip.; verlet,S3.—­OF. varlet, vaslet, dimin.of vassal. See below.

Vassal, sb. a servant, subject.—­AF.vassal; Low Lat. vassallum (acc.), fromvassus, a man, a subject (of Celtic origin);cp. Wel. gwas, a youth, servant.

Vassalage, sb. good service, prowessin arms, courage, B; vasselage, C, CM.—­AF.vasselage (Roland).

Vath, sb. danger, B.—­Icel.vAiA deg.i.

Vath, interj. fie! (= vah), W.

Uaumpe, sb. the fore part of the foot,the vamp, Prompt., S; vampies, ND; wampe,pedana, pedium, ante peddle, Voc.;wampay, pedana, Voc.; vauntpe,Palsg.; vampett, Cath.—­OF. uantpie(Palsg.), avant-pied, the fore part of the foot(Cotg.).

Vaunte, sb. a boast, WA. See Vant.

Vaunten, v. to vault, S3; vant,S3 (s.v. vaut). Probably for vauut,vaut.

Vauntwarde, sb. vanguard, PP; vantwarde,S2; vaward, B, WA.—­AF. avaunt-*garde,OF. avantwarde, avantgarde.

Vauntynge, sb. vaulting, S3.

Vavasour, sb. a sub-vassal, C, HD.—­AF.vavasour; OF. vavassor, a gen. pl. form,see Bartsch, p. 500; Low Lat. vassus vassorum,vassal of vassals (Diez, p. 338).

Vaylen, v. to avail; vaille,PP; vayleth, pr. s., S3; vayls,H. See Auailen.

Vayn, sb. vein, S3; see Veyne.

Ueale, adj. many, S; see Uele.

Ueat, sb. vessel, S; see Fat.

Veaw, adj. few, S2; see Fewe.

Veder, sb. father, S; see Fader.

Veel, sb. veal, SkD; veale, calf,Manip.; veal, Manip.; veilys, pl.,calves, S3.—­OF. veA"l (Ps. 28. 6):Prov. vedel; Lat. uitellum (acc.).

Veer-tyme, sb. spring-time, W2.See Ver.

Veille, sb. watcher, P; veil,PP.—­OF. veile; Lat. uigilia,a vigil, a watch.

Ueir, adj. fair, MD; see Fayre.

Ueir, sb. beauty, S. See above.

Vekke, sb. an old woman, CM.

Uela3*-rede, sb. fellowship, S2; seeFelawrede.

Uele, adj. many, S, S2; ueole,S; ueale, S; see Fele.

Uelen, v. to feel, MD; see Felen.

Veluet, sb. velvet, sericum villosum,Manip., Prompt.; velwet, Prompt.; velouette,C2; vellet, HD.—­It. veluto(Florio); Late Lat. *_villutum_; from Lat. uillus,shaggy hair; cf. OF. velu, shaggy (Cotg.).

Vendage, sb. vintage, PP.—­OF.vendange; Lat. uinde*mia; see BH, ASec.167.

Venerie, sb. hunting, C; venery,game, DG.—­OF. venerie (Cotg.), fromvener, to hunt; Lat. uenari.

Venesoun, sb. venison, P, Voc.; venysoun,PP.—­AF. venesoun, venysoun,OF. venison; Lat. uenationem, hunting,see Apfelstedt (Introd. xxx), BH, ASec. 28.

Venge, v. to avenge, PP, ND, W; wenge,S2; vengide, pt. s., W.—­OF.venger, vengier; Lat. uindicare.

Vengeable, adj. full of vengeance, S3,ND.

Vengeaunce, sb. vengeance, PP; vengance,WA; veniaunce, PP, W, W2; vengeans,B; veniauncis, pl., W.—­OF.venjance (BH).

Uenie, sb. supplication for pardon onone’s knees, S.—­Church Lat. venia(Ducange).

Venkisen, v. to vanquish, PP; vencuss,B; venkquyst, pt. s., S2; venquysshed,pp., S2, C3; venkised, PP; vencust,B.—­AF. venquiss-, base of pr. p.of venquir, an inchoative form of OF. veincre;Lat. uincere.

Uenne, sb. dat. mud, S; see Fen.

Ventose, sb. cupping-glass.—­OF.ventose (ventouse), cupping-glass (Cotg.);Late Lat. uentosa.

Ventouse, v. to cup, HD.—­OF.ventouser (BH).

Ventusynge, sb. cupping, C.

Venust, adj. beautiful, S3.—­Lat.uenustus.

Venym, sb. poison, PP, C; venim,C2, C3, PP, Manip.—­OF. venin (Ps.139, 3). Lat. uene*num; see BH, ASec. 44.

Venym-makere, sb. poisoner, W2, H.

Venymous, adj. venomous, CM.—­AF.venymouse, OF. venemouse.

Venymous-heede, sb. venom, PP.

Ueole, adj. many, S; see Uele.

Ueond, sb. enemy, S; see Feend.

Ueor, adv. far, S; see Fer.

Ver, sb. spring, JD, H (Ps. 73. 18).Comb.: veer-tyme, spring-time,W2.—­Lat. uer.

Ver, sb. glass, W2; verre, HD.—­OF.verre (voirre); Lat. uitrum.

Uerd, sb. army, MD; uerden, pl.dat., S; see Ferd.

Uerden, pt. pl. fared, S; see Faren.

Verdegrese, sb. verdigris, PP; verdegrece,viride grecum, Voc.; verdegrees, C3.—­OF.vert de gris, verdigrease (Cotg.); OF. Gris,Greeks (Ducange), pl. of gri; Late Lat. gre*cum;Lat. graecum; see Constans, Notes, p. 25, andBH, ASec. 32.

Verdite, sb. verdict, C; verdyte,Palsg.—­AF. veirdit; Lat. ueredictum.

Uere, sb. companion, S; see Fere.

Vergere, sb. an orchard, CM.—­OF.vergier (BH); Late Lat. viridiarium;see BH, ASec. 134.

Verlet, sb. a young servant, S3; seeVarlet.

Vermel, adj. vermilion-coloured, S3;vermayle, CM.—­OF. vermeil;Lat. uermiculus, scarlet (Vulg.).

Vermiloun, sb. vermilion; vermyloun,Voc.: vermylion, WA; vermeon, WA.—­AF.vermiloun.

Vernage, sb. an Italian white wine,Prompt., CM, HD.—­AF. vernage; It.vernaccia, ’a kind of winter wine in Italyvery strong like Malmezy,’ so Florio, cp.Dante, Purg. 24, 24; from It. vernaccio, asevere winter, from verno, winter; Lat. hibernum,belonging to winter. Cp. Low Lat. vernachia(Ducange).

Vernicle, sb. a copy of the handkerchiefof St. Veronica, S2, PP, C; vernakylle, Cath.;vernacle, HD.—­Church Lat. veronicula,also veronica from Veronica, the traditionalname of the woman who wiped the Saviour’s face(the word being popularly connected with uera icon,true likeness); Veronica is a form of Bernice,the traditional name of the woman who was cured ofan issue of blood. Bernice or Bereniceis a Macedonian form of [Greek: Pepeniketh],bearer of victory. See F. veronique inCotg.

Vernisch, sb. varnish, S2, PP; vernysche,Prompt.; vernysh, bernix, Voc.; viridium,virificum, Voc.; vernish, encaustum,Manip.—­OF. vernis, varnish, Cotg.;from OF. vernir; Late Lat. *_vitrinire_, fromuitrinus, from uitrum, glass (Diez,p. 339).

Vernish, v. encaustare, Manip.—­OF.vernisser, to varnish, to sleek, or glaze overwith varnish (Cotg.).

Verony, sb. a vernacle, HD.—­OF.veronie; Low Lat. veronica (Ducange).See Vernicle.

Verraily, adv. verily, C2, C; verralyest,superl., H.

Verray, adj. true, S, S2, C2, C3, B;

verrey, G, HD; very, W. Phr.:verray force, main force, C2.—­AF.verrai, verai; Late Lat. *_veracum_ (whenceF. vrai), from Lat. uerus.

Verrayment, adv. verily, C2; verament,S3, HD.

Vers, sb. verse, PP.—­AF.vers; Lat. uersus.

VersifAe, v. to compose verses, PP.

Versifyour, sb. versifier; vercefyour,S2.

Vertu, sb. power, healing power, miracle,virtue, kindness, S2, PP, W, C2; vertues, pl.,S2. Phr.: the Lord of vertues, theLord of hosts, W2, H.—­OF. vertu,virtud; Lat. uirtutem.

Verveine, sb. vervain, SkD; verueyne,S2; verveyn, Voc.—­OF. verveine;Lat. uerb[e*]na; see BH, ASec. 44.

Very, adj. true, W; see Verray.

Vese, v. to drive away, HD; see Fesien.

Vese, sb. a rush of wind, C.—­Cp.Icel. fA1/2si, impulse. See above.

Vestiment, sb. vestment, C2; uestimenz,pl., S, C.—­OF. vestiment(Bartsch); Lat. uestimentum.

Vewe, adj. few, S2; see Fewe.

Veyne, sb. vein, C; veine, SkD;vaine, S3; vayn, S3; vanys, pl.,S2; waynys, S3.—­AF. veine;Lat. u[e*]na; see BH, ASec. 44.

Viage, sb. voyage, journey, S2, S3,C, C3, CM, B; vyage, S2.—­OF. viage,(BH); Lat. uiaticum, provisions for a journey,from uia.

Vicarie, sb. vicar, PP; vicary,C2; vicorie, PP; vikery, PP; vickery,PP; vecory, Voc.—­AF. vicaire(F. viquier); Lat. uicarium, a substitute.

Vilanye, sb. villainy, C2, C3, PP; villanie,violentia, Manip.; vilonye, disgrace,G.—­AF. vilanie, OF. vilenie(vilonie), from vilain, peasant, farm-servant,also bad, villainous (BH); Late Lat. villanus,farm-servant, from Lat. uilla, farm-stead,country-house.

Vile, adj. vile; vyle, PP; vil,PP.—­AF. vil; Lat. uilem.

Villiche, adv. vilely, S2.

Vilte, sb. vileness, H (Ps. 49. 22);vylte, HD; vilete, HD.—­OF.viltA(C); Lat. uilitatem.

Viole, v. to violate; violid,pp., S3.—­OF. violer; Lat.uiolare.

Viole, sb. vial; violis, pl.,W (Rev. 5. 8); violes, C3.—­OF.viole; AF. fyole; Lat. phiala;Gr. [Greek: phialae].

Virelay, sb. a sort of rondeau, ND;virelayes, pi., S3, CM; virolais,HD.—­OF. virelay (Cotg.); OF. virer+ lai; OF. virer; Late Lat. virare;Lat. uibrare (Diez, p. 736). Cf. Vyre.

Visage, sb. face, PP, C2; vysege,S2.—­AF. visage; Late Lat. *_visaticum_,from Lat. uisum, acc. of uisus, sight.

Vitaille, sb. food, S2, C2, C3; vitaile,PP, WW; vitayle, S3; victual, WW; vitalis,pl., B.—­AF. vitaille; Lat.uictu[a*]lia, provisions; see BH, ASec. 6.

Vitailled, pp. provisioned, C3; vitailid,W.

Vitailler, sb. victualler, PP; vittelleris,pi., foragers, B.

Vitremyte, sb. woman’s cap, C2.—­Lat.uitream mitram, glass head-dress (?).Cp. Sp. mitra, a sort of cap made of pasteboard,which was put on the heads of witches when led to punishment(Stevens). For the loss of r in _-myte_cp. F. marte for martre, a marten,also OF. feneste for fenestre, and terrestefor terrestre; see Apfelstedt (p. xxxviii).

Voide, adj. void, empty, W2.—­AF.voide (F. vide), OF. vuide, fern,of vuit; Late Lat. *_vocitum_, from stem voc-;[cp. Lat. uacare; see BH, ASec. 63, andConstans (s.v. vuit).—­A.L.M.]

Voiden, v. to empty; voyden,to get rid of, C2; to expel, C; voidis, pr.s., S3; voyde, imp. pl., make room,S3; depart from, C2; voydeth, send away, C3;voyded, pt. s., S2; voidid, pp.,made void, W.—­AF. voider, to leave,OF. vuidier (Bartsch). See above.

Vokyte, sb. an advocate, Voc.; vocates,pl., PP.—­Lat. aduocatus.

Volage, adj. light of conduct, giddy,CM.—­OF. volage, light (BH); Lat.uolaticum.

Volageouss, adj. light of conduct, B.See above.

Volatilis, sb. pl. birds (a misrenderingof Lat. altilia). W; so in the AS. versionaltilia is rendered by ‘fugelas’;birds (= Lat. uolatilia), W2; volatils,HD.—­Lat. uolatilia, poultry (henceF. volaille), pl. of uolatilis (Voc.);from uolare, to fly.

VoluntA", sb. will, CM.—­OF.volonta, voluntet; Lat. uoluntatem.

Voluper, sb. a woman’s cap, CM;volyper, Cath.—­Cp. OF. envoluper,to wrap round (BH).

Vouches, pr. s. avouches, S3; see Vowchen.

Vow, sb. vow, PP; vowes, pl.,PP; vouwes, S2.—­OF. vou (Ps.21); Lat. uotum. Cf. Auowe (p.18).

Vowchen, v. to vouch, cite, call, HD;vouchen, to avouch, S3. Phr.: vouchensaf, to guarantee, vouchsafe, PP, HD; vouchesauf, C2.—­AF. voucher, vocher;Lat. uocare; see B. H, ASec. 96.

Vowtres, sb. pl. vultures, WA.—­OF.voutre; Lat. uultur.

Vowtriere, sb. adultress, WA. SeeAvoutrie.

Voys, sb. voice, S2, S3, C2, C3; woice,S2; voce, B; vois, PP.—­OF.vois; Lat. uo*cem; see B. H, ASec. 74.

Vyne, sb. vine, PP.

Vyner, sb. vineyard, W2; vynere,H; vyneris, pl., W2; vyners,H.—­OF. vinier (BH); Late Lat. vinarium,vineyard, from Lat. uinum, wine.

Vyner, sb. vine-dresser, Manip.—­OF.vinier (Ducange); Late Lat. vinarium(acc.).

Vynour, sb. vine-dresser, Bardsley.—­OF.vineA1/4r; Lat. uinitorem.

Vyre, sb. a crossbow-bolt, B.—­OF.vire (Ducange). Cf. Virelay.

Wa, sb. woe, WA, B; waa, WA,HD; see Wo.

Wa, pron. who, S; see Who.

Waast, sb. waist, C2; see Waste.

Wacche, sb. vigil, watch, PP, HD; wecche,S; wach, one who keeps a lookout; wecche,pl., S; wecchess, S; wacchis,WA; wachis, sentinels, S3.—­AS. wA|cce.

Wacchen, v. to watch, SkD; vachit,pp., S2.—­AS. wacian.

Wachet, sb. a sort of blue cloth, CM.See Philolog. Soc. Trans. 1885, p. 329.

Waden, v. to wade, PP; vayd,S2. Der.: vading, wading, S2.—­AS.wadan, pt. s. wA cubedd, pp. gewaden.

WA|s, imp. s. be, S, Comb.:wA|s hail, be hale, S; wA|s hA|il, S;wassail, S; wassayl, S.—­ONorth.wA|s, AS. wes, imp. s. of wesan,to be.

WA|s, pt. s. was, S; see Was.

Waff, v. to waft, lift up, raise, bear,SkD, JD; wafte, pt. s., S2.—­Icel.vAifa, to wave, vibrate.

Wafre, sb. a thin small cake, wafer,CM, PP; wafur, Prompt., Voc.—­AF.wafre (F. gaufre); O. Dutch wafel(see Kilian); cp. OHG. waba, honey-comb(Tatian); see Weigand (s. v. waffel).

Wafrere, sb. a maker of wafer-cakes,confectioner, PP; wafereres, pl., C3.

Wafrestre, sb. a female maker or sellerof wafer-cakes, PP.

Wage, sb. a gage, pledge, pay for service,WA, Prompt.; wages, pl., PP.—­AF.wage, gage; Low Lat. wadium, apledge; Goth, wadi; cp. Lat. uas(uadi-). Cf. Wed.

Wagen, v. to engage, to go bail, P,Prompt.—­OF. gagier; Low. Lat.wadiare, from wadium. See above.

Waggen, v. to shake to and fro, Prompt.,CM, PP; waggid, pp., W.

Waghe, sb. wall, H; wah, S; seeWowe.

Waille, v. to wail, C2; see Weilen.

Wait, pr. s. knows, S3; see Witen(1).

Waith, sb. danger, peril, B, JD; wathe,WA; vath, B.—­Icel. vAiA deg.i.

Waith, v. to hunt, fish.—­Icel.veiA deg.a, to catch, hunt; cp. AS. wA|*Adeg.an, to hunt, to wander (Grein). Relatedto F. gagner (see Brachet). See Gaignage.

Waith, sb. game, sport, a ‘take,’S3, JD.—­Icel. veiA deg.r; cp.OHG. weida (Otfrid), see Weigand (s.v. weide).

Waithing, sb. what is taken in huntingor fishing, JD, S3.

Wak, adj. wet, moist, S3, SkD (s.v.wake). Der.: waknes, moistness,JD.—­Cp. Du. wak, Icel. vAkr;cp. Icel. vAk (vaka-), a hole inice.

Wake, sb. a watch, vigilia, Cath.Comb.: wakepleyes, ceremonies attendingthe vigils for the dead, C.

Waken, v. to be awake, to wake, ceasefrom sleep, S, PP, S2; woc, pt. s.,S; wok, S; wook, S2, C3.—­AS.wacan, pt. wA cubedc, pp. wacen.

Wakien, v. to watch, to awake, S, PP;waky, S2; wakede, pt. s., S,PP; waked, pp., S.—­AS. wacian,pt. wacede.

Waking, sb. a watch, S2, C2; wakynge,W.

Waknen, v. to be aroused from sleep,SkD, PP.—­AS. wA|cnan.

Wal, sb. wall, murus, paries,Prompt., S, S2, C2; wall (= Lat. maceria),H, WA; walles, pl, S; wallen,S.—­AS. weall, wall, rampart; Lat.uallum.

Wald, sb. wold, wood, WA.—­AS.weald; cp. OHG. wald.

Wald-e3*ed, adj. wall-eyed, WA.—­Icel. vald-eygA deg.r.

Wale, v. to choose, WA.—­Cp.Goth. waljan.

Walette, sb. bag, wallet, Prompt.; walet,C.—­Perhaps a corruption of Watel;see SkD.

Walk (Valk), v. to watch, S2, S3, B.—­Sowritten for wakk (vakk). See Wakien.

Walke, sb. a walk, WA.

Walken, v. to roll, walk, S; welk,pt. s., SkD; welke, HD; walke,pp., S.

Wallare, sb. stone-mason, murator,Prompt. See Wal.

Walle, sb. a spring of water, HD. Comb.:walle-heued, a springhead, S2.

Wallen, v. to boil, to well, to turnabout, S, S2, PP; weallen, S. Comb.:wal-hat, boiling hot, S. Der.: wally,surging, S3.—­AS. weallan, pt. wA(C)ol,pp. weallen.

Walme, sb. a bubble in boiling, HD.

Walshe, adj. and sb. foreign,a foreigner, Welshman, P. Comb.: walshenote, walnut, CM.—­AS. wA|lisc,foreign, Welsh (SkD); from wealh, a foreigner,a Welshman.

Walt, pt. s. possessed, S2; see Welden.

Walten, v. to roll, to roll over, overturn,to fall, to well out, S2; welt, pt. s.,SkD (s. v. welter); welte, HD; walt,S2.—­AS. wealtan.

Walter, sb. water, S3; see Water.

Walteren, v. to roll about, welter,S2, S3, PP; weltyn, Prompt. Der.:waltrynge,* a weltering, Prompt.; weltering,a turning over, S3.

Walwen, v. to roll, CM, PP; welwyn,Prompt.; walowand, pr. p., WA; walewide,pt. s., W.—­AS. wealwian:Goth. walwjan (in compounds).

Walwyng, sb. a rolling, W.

Wambe, sb. belly, womb, WA; wame,WA.

Wan, adj. wan, pale, C3, W; wanne,Prompt.; won, S2. Comb.: wannesse,lividness (= Lat. liuor), W2.—­AS.wann (wonn).

Wan-, prefix, expressing lack, deficiency. Comb.: wan-beleue, perfidia,.Prompt.; wan-hope, despair, S2, C, P, H, Voc.;wan-towen, untrained, wanton; wantown,C; wantoun, C2; wanton, WA; wantowe,Prompt.; wanton-nes, want of discretion,.S3; wantownesse, C; wan-*truce, fail,failure, S; wan-trukien, to fail, SD; wan-trokiynge,abatement, S2; wan-trust, distrust, CM.—­Cp.Du. wan-, prefix.

Wand, sb. a rod (= Lat. uirga),H (Ps. l09. 3), WA; wande, H (Ps. 44. 8).—­Cp.OSwed. wand.

Wand, sb. hesitation, S2. See Wonden.

Wandren, v. to wander, to walk, S2,PP, W; wondren, S2, PP.—­AS. wandrian.

Wand-reA deg.e, sb. misery, S, HD; wandreth,peril, S2, WA; wontreaA deg.e, S; wondrede,S; wanrede, S.—­Icel. vand-rA|Adeg.i, difficulty, from vandr, difficult.

Wane, sb. weening, thought, judgment,B; wan, S2; vayn, S2, B; veyn,doubt, B.—­AS. wA(C)n. See Wenen.

Wane, sb. a quantity, a number, S2,S3; see Woon.

Wane, sb. want, deficiency, misery,S, S2, WA; wone, S.—­AS. wana.

Wanelasour, sb. one who rouses and drivesgame, alator, Voc. See HD (s. v. wanlace).

Wanen, v. to wane, to fail, to growless, C, C2, S2; wanye, P; wanne, toebb, S3; woned, pp., S2.—­AS.wanian (wonian).

Wanene, adv. whence, S; see Whanene.

Wangeliste, sb. evangelist, S2.—­ChurchLat. euangelista (Vulg.).

Wangtooth, sb. molar tooth, C2; seeWonge.

Wankel, adj. tottery, unstable; wankyll,S2.—­AS. wancol (SkD, s. v. wench);cp. OHG. wank, tottering (Otfrid).

Wanne, adv. conj. when, S, S2; see Whanne.

Wannes, adv. whence, S3; see Whannes.

Want, adj. deficient; wannt,SkD; wonte, sb. deficiency, SkD.—­Icel.vant, n. of vanr, deficient.

Wanten,, v. to be lacking, carere,Cath.; wonte, S, S2; wantede, pt.s., S; wayntyt, pl., S3.—­Icel.vanta.

Wapne, sb. weapon, S; see Wepne.

Wapnid, pp. armed, S2; see Wepnen.

Wappen, v. to lap, wap (said of water),to yelp, S3, Prompt.

Wappynge, sb. barking of hounds, Prompt.

War, adj. cautious, wary, S, S2, C2,G, W, W2, PP; wear, S; warliche, adv.cautiously, S; wearliche, S; warly, H;warli, W. Der.: warschipe,prudence, S.—­AS. (ge)_wA|r_:OHG. gi-war (Otfrid). See I-war(p. 123).

War, pt. s. subj. were, S2; war .. ne, unless, S2; see Was.

War, adv. where, S; see Wher.

Warant, sb. a warrant, guarantee, SkD;protector, Prompt.—­AF. warant,OF. garant, Low Lat. warentem (Diez,p. 177); OHG. werento, pr. p. of weren,warjan, to protect, to take heed. Cf.Warice.

Waranten, v. to warrant, C3.

Ward, sb. a guard, SD; wardes,pl., SD.—­AS. weard (m.),‘custos’.

Ward, sb. world (Lancelot of the Laik,E.E.T.S. No. 6). See Werd.

Warde, sb. ward, custodia, S;ward, care, heed, regard, S2; keeping, Prompt.—­AS.weard (f.), ‘custodia.’ Comb.:wardemotes, meetings of a ward, P.

Warden, v. to guard, S; warded,pp., S2.—­AS. weardian.

Wardeyne, sb. warden, Prompt.; wardeyn,CM, Voc.; wardane, B; wardeynes, pl.,umpires, G.—­AF. wardein.

Wardone, sb. a kind of pear, volemum,Prompt.

Wardrobe, sb. a house of office, CM.

Ware, sb. merchandise, S2, C3, G, SkD.—­Icel.vara; cp. AS. waru, care, custody,(Grein).

Ware, sb. host, collection, S2. Comb.:helleware, the host of hell, SD; watresware, waters, S2; windes ware, winds, S2.—­AS._-waru_ (Grein), see Fick, 7. 291. Cf. Were.

Ware, sb. spring, H; wayr, ver,Cath.; were, B.—­Icel. vAir.

Ware, sb. weir, dam, HD; wore,S2; were, CM.—­AS. wer (SkD);cp. Icel. vArr.

Ware, adj. comp. worse, H; see Werre.

Ware, v. to lay out, to spend, S2, HD,JD, Palsg. (p. 452); wayr, commutare,Cath., JD; war, JD.—­Icel. verja,to clothe, to invest money, to spend. See Werien.

Wareyne, sb. a warren, Prompt.; warrayne,HD. Der.: warnere, warrener, Prompt.;warner, P, HD, Bardsley.—­AF. warenne(garenne, garreyne); Low Lat. warenna;from OHG. war- in warjan. See Warant.

Warh (in compounds), an outlawed felon.Comb.: warh-treo, the felon’stree, the gallows (used of the cross of Christ), S.—­AS.wearh, an outlawed felon, a wolf; cp. Icel.vargr, a wolf, an outlaw. With warh-trA(C)ocp. OS. warag-treo, Icel. varg-*trA(C),also AS. wearh-rA cubedd (Voc.).

Wari-angel, sb. a butcher-bird, a smallwoodpecker, WA (p. 469); wary-angle, Cotg.(s.v. pie).

Warice, v. to heal, cure, to be cured,C3; warschyn, convalesco, Prompt.; warisch,WA; warysshe, Palsg.; warisshed, pp.,Prompt. (n).—­OF. wariss-,pr. p. stem of warir, garir (F. guA(C)rir),of Teut. origin; OHG. warjan, to protect.Cf. Warant.

Warien, v. to curse, S, S2, S3, W, H(Ps. 108. 27), C3; werien, H; varyit,pt. s., S2; wereged, pp., S.—­AS.wergian; cp. OHG. (fur)_wergen_(Tatian). AS. wergian, from wearh,an accursed person, an outlawed felon. See Warh.

Warien, v. to be on the watch, S (9.132);waren, S; ware A3/4e, imp. s.,PP; war yow, pl., C2.—­AS.warian, to take heed.

Warke, sb. work, S2; see Werk.

Warla3*e, sb. a warlock, sorcerer, deceiver,WA.—­AS. wA|*rloga, covenant-breaker,often used of the devil (Grein).

Warnin, v. to warn, moneo, S,C2; warnon, Prompt.; warnyt, pt.s., B; warnede, PP.—­AS. wearnian,from wearn, a denial, refusal. Cf. Wernen.

Warnishen, v. to fortify, protect, SkD(s. v. garnish); warenyss, H; warnist,warnyst, warnyscht, pp., H; warnised,HD. Der.: warnysynge, protection,defence, H; warnyshynge, H.—­AF.warniss-, pr. p. stem of warnir; ofTeut. origin. See Warnin.

Warpen, v. to throw, cast, utter, tolay (eggs), PP, S2, S, Cath.; werpen, S, H;worpen, S; warp, pt. s., S, PP;warpe, PP; werp, S2; worpen,pp., S.—­AS. weorpan, pt. wearp,pp. worpen: OS. werpan; cp.OHG. werphan (Tatian).

Warrok, v. to fasten with a girth, PP;warrick, HD.

Warrok, sb. a girth, Voc.

Warysone, sb. reward, donativum,possessio, Prompt.; waryson, WA; warison,CM; warysoun, S2, B; waresun, Voc.;warisoune, B.—­OF. warison,help, protection, from warir (guarir,garir). See Warice.

Was, pt. s. was; wA|s, S; wees,S2; wes, S, S2; watz, S2; was,2 pt. s., S; wes, S; were, S,W2; wA|ren, pl., S; wA|renn,S; waren, S; weren, S; wer, S;war, S2; weoren, S; woren, S;wern, S2; wore, S; ware, S; wear,S3; ware, pt. s. subj., S; war,S2; war ... ne, were ... not, unless, S2, H;were, S2.—­AS. wA|s, 1 and3 pt., wA|*re, 2 pt. (pl. wA|*ron),subj. wA|*re (pl. wA|*ren). SeeWA|s.

Waschen, v. to wash, S; waische,W2; wasshen, S; weschen, S; wessche,S2; wassen, S; wasse, S; wesch,pt. s., S; wessh, S, S2; wesh,C2, C3; weis, S; waischide, W, W2; wesse,pl., S; wosschen, S2; wisschen,G; wesshen, P; wasshe, pp., C3;wasschen, G; waischun, W; 3*e-wasse,S.—­AS. wascan, pt. wA cubedsc(wA cubedx), pp. wascen (wA|scen).

Waselen, v. to wade in mire; waseled,pt. s., S3.—­Icel. vasla,to wade in ooze, from vAis, wetness, cp.AS. wA cubeds (wA cubedr). See Wose,Wori.

Wassail, a salutation used in drinking, S,ND; wassel, ND; wassayl, S; wA|shail,S. See WA|s.

Wast, sb. wasteful expenditure, C3 (p.48).

Waste, adj. solitary, S; vast,S2.—­AF. wast.—­OF. guaste.See below.

Waste, v. to waste away, C2; vast,to waste, S2.—­OF. waster (gaster);cp. MHG. wasten; Lat. uastare; seeMackel, Germ. Elemente, p. 72.

Waste, sb. waist, a man’s middle,Prompt.; wast, Prompt.; waast, C2.—­Probablya deriv. from Wexen (to grow); see SkD.

Wastel, sb. a cake made of the finestflour, P, Prompt.; wastell, libum, Voc.;wastelle, Voc., Cath. Comb.: wastelbreed, cake-bread, CM, C.—­AF. wastel,gastel (F. gActeau).

Wastme, sb. growth, form, personal appearance,S, SkD (s. v. waist); westm, fruit,S.—­AS. wA|stm. See Wexen.

Wastoure, sb. a destroyer, WA; a wastefulperson, P.

Wat, pron. what, S, S2; see What.

Wat, 1 and 3 pr. s. know, knows, S,S2, S3; see Witen (1).

Wat, pt. s. quoth, S; see QueA deg.en.

Wate, sb. chance, luck, S; see Whate.

Watel, sb. a hurdle woven with twigs,a bag of woven stuff, the baggy flesh on a bird’sneck, wattle, SkD. Comb: watelful,wallet-full, PP.—­AS. watel, hurdle,covering. Cf. Walette.

Watelen, v. to wattle, to strengthenwith hurdles, SkD; watelide, pt. s.,PP.

Water, sb. water, S2; weater,S; vattir, S2; walter, S3; watres,pl., S2. Comb.: watirbank,shore, W; waterles, without water, C. Der.:watrand, watering, S2.—­AS. wA|ter:OS. watar; cp. OHG. wazzar (Tatian).

Watloker, adv. comp. sooner, S2; seeWhat.

Wattri, adj. venomous, S2; see Attrie.

Waueren, v. to waver, to wander, Prompt.;waverand, pr. p., B; vauerand,S2, B; wawerand, B; waweryt, pt. s.,B; vaueryt, S2.—­Icel. vafra.

Wawe, sb. wall, WA; waghe, WA.—­AS.wAih; cp. Goth, waddjus. SeeWowe.

Wawe, sb. wave, S2, C3, W, PP, Prompt.;wawes, pl., WA, S2, S3, C3; wawe3*,S2; wa3*e3*, S2; quawes, S2.—­Icel.vAigr; cp. AS. wA(C)g: Goth,wegs; see Kluge (s. v. woge).

Wawen, v. to move from side to side,P; wawid, pp., shaken, SkD (s.v. wag).—­AS.wagian (Grein).

Wax, sb. wax, Prompt.; wex, C,C3; wexe, W2. Comb.: wax-bred,a board covered with wax, a writing-tablet, S; wax-lokes,wax-flakes, S2.—­AS. weax, wax; wA|xbred,a board covered with wax.

Waxen, v. to grow, S, S2; see Wexen.

Way, interj. wo!, S; see Wo.

Wayke, adj. weak, Cath., S2, C, C3,PP; wayk, S2, C2; waik, PP, B; waiker,comp., S3.—­Icel. veikr; cp.AS. wAic. Cf. Woc.

Waykely, adv. watchfully, carefully,S3.—­AS. wacollice, adv. from wacol(Voc.). See Waken.

Waymenten, v. to lament, Prompt., Spenser(2).—­AF. weimenter, guaimenter.

Waymentynge, sb. lamentation, C, CM,H; weymentynge, C.

Wayne, sb. wain, cart, Prompt., G; waines,pl., S.—­AS. wA|gn: OHG.wagan (Otfrid).

Wayowre, sb. a wager, Prompt.; waiour,S2.—­OF. wageure (F. gageure),from wage (gage). See Wage.

Wayryngle, sb. a little villain, WA.

Wayte, sb. watchman, waker, spy, Prompt.;waites, pl., S2. See below.

Wayten, v. to watch, expect, C2, S2,PP; waiten, S, S2, S3, C2, PP; i-wayted,pp., S2.—­AF. wayter, OF. guaiter(Roland): OHG. wahten, to watch (Otfrid).

Wayue, v. to send, put away, WA; wayfe,WA.—­Cp. Low Lat. wayviare;see Ducange (s. v. wayf). Cf. Weyuen.

We, sb. way, S2; see Wey.

Weaden, sb. pl. garments, S; see Wade.

Wealden, v. to govern, S; see Welden.

Wealdent, sb. ruler, S; walden,S.—­AS. wealdend.

Wealden, v. to govern, rule, control,possess, S; see Welden.

Weallen, v. to boil, S; see Wallen.

Wear, adj. wary, cautious, S; see War.

Weater, sb. water, S; see Water.

Web, sb. that which is woven, S2, W2(Job 7. 6); webbe, P; wobbys, pl.,S3.—­AS. webb.

Webbare, sb. maker of woollen or linencloth, Prompt.

Webbe, sb. a weaver, Bardsley, CM, C;a female weaver, P.

Webster, sb. a female weaver, Voc.;textor, Voc.; webstere, textor,Voc., W2 (Job 7. 6); websteris, pl.,S2.—­AS. webbestre.

Wecche, sb. vigil, watch, S; see Wacche.

Wed, sb. a pledge, W2; wedde,P; dat., S, S3, C. Comb.: wed-lac,wedlock, S; wedlak, S; wedlock, C2; wedlackes,gen., S; wedlakes, S.—­AS.wedd: Goth. wadi. Cf. Wage.

Wedden, v. to engage by a pledge, tomarry, S, C; i-weddet, pp., S; y-wedde,S; y-wedded, C2.—­AS. weddian,to pledge.

Wede, sb. weed, garment, S, C2, PP,WA; weid, S3; weyd, S3; weden,pl., S; weaden, S; wedes, S, S2,P; wedis, S3, B.—­AS. wA|*de:OS. wAidi.

Weden, v. to be mad, to go mad, S2,WA; weide, S3 (6. 438); wedde, pt.s., S.—­AS. wA(C)dan, from wAcubedd. See Wode.

Weder, sb. wether, Voc.; wedyr,Prompt.; weddir, S2; veddir, S2; wether,S2.—­AS. weA deg.er: cp.Goth. withrus, lamb.

Weder, sb. weather, S, S2, C2; wedirs,pl., S2, WA; vedirs, S2; wedere3*,storms, S2; wederes, P.—­AS. weder;cp. G. wetter.

Wederen, v. to expose to the weather;wederyn, auro, Prompt.; widren,to wither, SkD; wydder, S3. Der.:wethering, weathering, seasoning from exposureto the weather, S3.

Wedous, sb. pl. widows, S3; see Widewe.

Wee, sb. a man, WA; we, WA.See Wye.

Weed, sb. weed, wild herb, Prompt.;wed, S; weode, dat., S.—­AS.wA(C)od, wA-od: cp. OS. wiod.

Weep, pt. s. wept, C1, C3; see Wepen.

Weet, adj. wet, PP; wete, C.—­AS.wA|*t.

Weete, sb. wet, perspiration, S2, PP;wete, S2, C3; weet, C2, PP.—­AS.wA|*ta.

Weeten, v. to wet, W2; wette,pt. s., C.—­AS. wA|*tan.

Wei, interj. wo! S; see Wo.

Weilen, v. to lament, W, W2, S2; weylen,C; waille, C2. Der.: weilyng,lamentation, W.—­Cp. Icel. vA|la.

Weir, sb. war, S3; see Werre.

Weir, sb. doubt, B; weyr, B,S2; were, CM, S2, JD; wyre, Digby Myst.

Weird, sb. fate, S3; see Werd.

Wei3*h, sb. man, S2; see Wye.

Wel, adv. well, very, S, S2, PP; wA|l,S; weyl, S2; weill, S3; wiel,S3; wol, S; wele, S2; welle, S.Comb.: wel-bigoon, joyous, CM;welcomen, welcome, PP; welcume, S; welcome,to welcome, PP; wolcumen, S; wilcweme,content, S; wel dede, good deed, PP; pl.,S; welfaring, prosperous, C2.—­AS.wel; cp. OHG. wuola (Tatian).Cf. AS. weldA|*d, a benefit (Bosworth).

Wel, 1 pr. s. will, desire, S2; seeWille.

Welde, sb. weld, dyer’s weed,Prompt., CM, SkD; wolde, Prompt.; wald,JD.—­Cp. Low Lat. gualdum (Ducange).Cf Gaude. ’Weld, Reseda luteola,Genista tinctoria,’ Britten (Plant-names).

Welden, v. to have power over, govern,possess, SD (s. v. walden); wealden,S; wolde, S; wald, pr. s., S;wolde, pt. subj., SD.—­AS.wealdan, pt. wA(C)old, pp. wealden.

Welden, v. to wield, possess, S, S2,W2; weld, S3; welt, pt. s., S2;welte, C2; welde, C2; walt, S2;welded, C2; weldide, established, W2;weldiden, pl., obtained, W2.—­AS.(ge)weldan.

Weldere, sb. possessor, W2.

Weldynge, sb. possession, H.

Wele, sb. weal, prosperity, S, S2, S3,C2, PP; weole, S, S2, PP; welle, PP;well, PP; weolen, pl., benefits,S. Comb.: weleful, blessed, joyous,S; weoleful, S; welful, S2, C3; welefully,prosperously, W.—­AS. wela, weola.

Welewen, v. to fade, to become yellow,W, HD; welwen, S2; welyen, S2; welowe,Cath., HD; wilowe, H (Ps. 72. 17); walows,pr. s., WA; wellowd, pp., Cath.—­AS.wealowian (Bosworth).

Welk, pt. s. walked; see Walken.

Welken, v. to fade, wither, Prompt.,S, S2, S3, C3, H, HD; wealked, pp.,S3,—­Cp. Du. welken.

Welkene, sb. welkin, sky, PP; welken,WA; welkne, C2, HD; weolcne, S; wolcne,S.—­AS. wolcnu, pl. of wolcen,cloud, OS. wolkan.

Welle, sb. spring, fountain, S, C2,S2; well, S3; wel, S; weeles,pl. (= Lat. torrentes), S2. Comb.:welsprung, wellspring, S.—­AS. wella,also well, wyll, from weallan,to boil up. See Wallen.

Wellen, v. to well, S2, PP.—­AS.wellan, wyllan.

Wellen, v. to weld; fundo, Prompt.;wellid, pp., W2. Comb.:wellyng-place, a smelting-place (= Lat. conflatorium),W2.—­Cp. Swed. vAlla, to weld.

Welt, pt. s. overturned; see Walten.

WelA deg.e, sb. wealth, riches, S, PP;weolthe, PP. See Wele.

Welwen, v. to fade, S2; see Welewen.

Wem, sb. spot, blemish, S2, PP, C2,W, W2, H; wemme, Prompt., W; wembe,H. Comb.: wemles, spotless, S2,WA; wemmeles, S2; wemmelees, C3—­AS.wamm, Goth. wamm, OS. wam, crime,wickedness.

Wemmen, v. to stain, blemish, SD.—­AS.wemman: Goth. (ana)_wammjan_.

Wenche, sb. a girl, maiden, maid-servant,S2, C2, WA, Prompt., SkD; wench, B, S2, WW.

Wenchel, sb. an infant (boy or girl),SkD (s. v. wench).—­AS. wencel,weak, tottery; cp. OHG. wankA cubedn, tototter (Otfrid). See Wankel.

Wenden, v. to turn (act.), toturn oneself, to turn, to go, depart, S, S2, C2; went,S3; wend, imp. s., S; went, S;pr. s., turns (act.), S; wend,pl., C2; wende, pt. s., S, S2;wend, H (Ps. 9. 28); wente, S, S2, C2;wenden, pl., S; wenten, S; wentehym, turned him (reflex.), S3, C3; went,pp., S, S2, C2, C3; wente, W; iwent,S; iwente, S. Der.: wendynge,departure, H.—­AS. wendan, pt. wende:Goth. wandjan, causal of windan.See Winden.

Wenen, v. to ween, suppose, S, S2, C2,C3, PP; weene, PP, S3; wanst, 2 pr.s., S; wende, pt. s., S, S3, C2,PP; wente, pp., S3; wend, C2.—­AS.wA(C)nan, (pt. wA(C)nde): Goth.we*njan, from we*ns, hope; cp.OS. wAinian, OHG. wAinen (Tatian).

Wenen, v. to disaccustom, to wean, ablacto,Prompt., W2, H.—­AS. Ai-wenian, todisaccustom, to wean (VP. Ps. 130. 2), cp. wenian(wennan), to accustom, Icel. venja:Goth. wanjan_; cp. Icel. _vanr_, accustomed.

Wenge, sb. wing, PP, Cath.; wenges,pl., S2, S3; winges, C2; whynges,S2; wengis, W2; wyngis, W2; wengen,dat., S. Der.: wenged, winged,C.—­Icel. vengr.

Went, sb. passage, road, pathway; wente,dat., CM.

Weod, sb. weed, S; see Weed.

Weole, sb. weal, S, S2, PP; see Wele.

Weoli, adj. powerful, S.—­AS.welig, rich. See Wele.

Weorc, sb. work, S; see Werk.

Weored, sb. a host, cohort; weordes,pl., S; wordes, S.—­AS. weorod:OS. werod.

Weoren, pt. pl. were, S; see Was.

Weorld, sb. world, S; see Werld.

Weorren, v. to war, S.—­AS.werrian (uerrien in Chron. ann. 1135).

Wepe, sb. weeping, S2; wep, S.

Wepen, v. to weep, S, P, C3; weopen,S; wep, pt. s., S, S2, C; weep,C2, C3; wepe, P; weop, S; wepen,pl., S; wepte, pt. s., C3; wepten,pl., P; wopen, pp., C2.—­AS.wA(C)pan (pt. wA(C)op): OS. wAcubedpian, Goth, wopjan. See Wop.

Wep-man, sb. a man, a male, SD; weopmon,S; wepmen, pl., S.—­AS. wA|p-*man(Voc.), wA|*pnedman (Grein). See below.

Wepne, sb. weapon, membrum virile,PP, S, Prompt.; wepen, C2; wapne, S;wapynnys, pl., S3, B; wapnys,B; wapen, WA.—­AS. wA|*pen:Goth, wA(C)*pna, pl. weapons; see Sievers, 17,and Cosijn, p. 41.

Wepnen, v. to arm, SD; wapnid,pp., S2; wapened, WA; wopnede,pl., S.

Wer, sb. war, B; see Werre.

Werble, sb. warble; wrablis,pl., S3.

Werblen, v. to warble (of trumpets),WA, SkD; werbelen, SkD; wrabil, to movein an undulating manner, JD.—­OF. werbler;of Teut. origin, cp. G. wirblen, to whirl,to warble.

Werchen; see Werke, Werken.

Werd, sb. fate, destiny, S3, B; weird,S3; werA deg.e, S2; wurde, SD; werdis,pl., S3, H, B; wierde, HD, CM; wordis,H; wurA deg.es, S.—­AS. wyrd.See Worthen.

Werd, sb. world, WA, S2; see Werld,Ward.

Were, sb. a man, husband, S. Comb.:wer-wolf, wer-wolf, S2; werwolues, pl.,S3.—­AS. wer, OS. wer; cp.Goth, wair, Lat. uir, OIr. fer.

Were, sb. company, host, S.—­Cp.MHG. wer, were: OHG. warA-,see Weigand (s.v. wehr). Cf. Ware.

Were, sb. war, H; see Werre.

Were, sb. doubt, S2; see Weir.

Wereged, pp. accursed, S; see Warien.

Wereld, sb. world, S; see World.

Weren, pt. pl. were, S; were,S; wer, S; see Was.

Werien, v. to weary, C3. See Wery.

Werien, v. to wear, PP, S; were,S2, C2; wer, S3; werede, pt. s.,C; wered, PP, C2, C3; wered, pp.,C2, C3, PP; worne, spent, past, S3.—­AS.werian: Goth. wasjan; cp. Icel.verja, to clothe, to invest money, to spend.

Werien, v. to defend, to keep off, S;weren, S, S2, C; werede, pt. s.,S2.—­AS. werian, OS. werian;cp. OHG. werren, to defend, forbid (Otfrid),weren, to forbid (Tatian).

Werke, sb. work, a work of defence,WA; werk, S, S2, C2, Prompt.; were,S; weorc, S; worc, S2; worke,S2; warke, S3; weorkes, pl.,S. Comb.: werk-beeste, jumentum,W2.—­AS. (ge)_weorc_: OS. werk;cp. Icel. virki, an entrenchment.

Werke, v. to work, Prompt.; wirken,S2; werchen, S, S3, C3; wirchen, S;wurchen, S, S2; worchen, W, S2; wrohte,pt. s., S; wro3*te, S, S2; wroght,S2; wraht, S2; wrahtes, 2 pt. s.,S; wrogt, pp., S; wrocht, S3;wroght, S2; wroughte, S3; i-wraht,S; i-wrouhte, S; y-wrou3*te, P; y-wroght,C2.—­AS. wyrcan, pt. worhte,pp. geworht.

Werke, sb. pain, HD.—­AS.wA|rc (Grein); cp. Icel. verkr.

Werken, v. to ache, WA; werkyn,Prompt.; werchen, S3.—­Icel. verkja.

Werkinge, sb. aching; werkynge,H; head-ache, Prompt.; warkynge, H; werkyngis,pl., H.

Werld, sb. world, S, S2; weorld,S; woreld, S; worlde, PP; world,S; wereld, S; wurld, S; worlt,S; wordle, S2, PP; word, S2, PP; werd,WA, S2; werde, Prompt.; weorldes, gen.,S; woreldes, S; wereldes, S; werldes,S; werdes, S2; wordles, pl.,S2. Comb.: weoreldliche, worldly;weorelldlike, S; worldlich, S; wurldlic,S; worltliche, S; wordliche, S; werdliche,S3; weoreldschipe, worldliness; weorelldshipess,gen., S.—­AS. weoruld:OS. werold; cp. OHG. weralt (Tatian).

Wermod, sb. wormwood, Voc.; wermode,SB; wormod (= Lat. absinthium), W; wormode,Voc.; wormwod, Voc.—­AS. wermAcubedd, (OET.); cp. G. wermuth.

Wern, pt. pl. were, S; see Was.

Wernard, sb. a deceiver, liar, P; wernardes,pl., P.—­OF. guernart.See below.

Wernen, v. to refuse, PP, S, S2, G,HD; wurne, S2; warn, H, B, S2, HD; wornde,pt. s., S2.—­AS. wyrnan, torefuse (Grein); cp. OS. wernian.Cf. Warnin.

Werpen, v. to throw, to bring forth,S; see Warpen.

Werrayour, sb. warrior, B.—­OF.guerreier (BH).

Werre, adj. comp. worse, H, HD; were,JD; wer, B; ware, H, JD; war,JD, B; waur, JD.—­Icel. verri.

Werre, sb. war, S, C, C2, H, Cath.;worre, S2; were, H; wer, B; war,B; weir, B, S3. Der.: werely,warlike, S3, JD.—­OF. werre (F. guerre);OHG. werra, strife, cp. gi-werri, atumult (Otfrid).

Werreyen, v. to make war, C2; werray,H, B; warray, B.—­OF. werreier,guerroier.

Werrien, v. to make war, SD; weorren,S; worri, S2; waryed, pt. pl.,H; werid, H (Ps. 108. 2).—­AS. werrA-an;OF. guerrier (BH). See above.

Werse, adj. comp. worse, S; see Wurse.

Werte, sb. a wart, C, Prompt., Voc.;warte, Cath.; wrette, Prompt.; wrot,Prompt. (n). Comb.: wrot-wort,uerru-*caria, Prompt, (n).—­AS.wearte (Voc.).

Werwolf, sb. man-wolf; see Were.

Wery, adj. turbid, dirty, S2 (4 a. 38);weary, C2; weri, adv., S. Der.:werinisse, weariness, S2.—­AS. wA(C)rig,weary. See Worie.

Wes, pt. s. was, S, S2; see Was.

Weschen, v. to wash, S; wessche,S2; wesch, pt. s., S; see Waschen.

Weste, adj. desolate; wesste,sb., wilderness, S.—­AS. wA(C)ste,desolate (wA(C)sten, a desert): OS. wAcubedsti; cp. OHG. wuosti (Tatian).Cf. Waste.

Westi, adj. desolate, S.

Westm, sb. fruit, S; see Wastme.

Wet, pron. what, S; see What.

Wether, sb. wether, S2; see Weder.

Wette, pt. s. wetted, C; see Weeten.

Weued, sb. altar, S2—­AS.weofod (for wA-h-bedd), idol-table,altar (Voc.), wigbed (Grein), wibed (VP).AS. wA-h (wig), idol, sacred place,altar (Grein); cp. Goth. weihs, holy, andG. weih- in weih-nacht, weih-rauch.

Wexen, v. to wax, to grow, S, S2, C3,W, W2; waxen, S, S2; walxis, pr.pl., S3; wex, pt. s., S, S2, S3;weex, C3; wA|x, S; wax, S2; wox,S2; wexe, W; wexen, pl., S; wexe,C2; woxen, W; wolx, S3; wexide,pt. s. (weak form), W2; waxen, pp.,S; woxen, C2, C3, W; woxe, G; wox,S2.—­AS. weaxan, pt. wA(C)ox,pp. weaxen.

Wey, sb. way, S, S2, C2; wei,S, S2; weg, S; weie, S; weye,S; we, S2; weies, gen., S; vayis,S2. Comb.: wey-*brede, plantain,Prompt., Voc. (see Grimm, p. 1215). Phr.:a litill we, a little bit, S2; a wei,a little time, S2 (see SkD, s. v. wee, p. 833).—­AS.weg; cp. Goth. wigs.

Weyd, sb. garment, S3; see Wede.

Weye, sb. creature, person, wight, man,PP; wye, PP; wy, PP.—­AS.wA-ga, warrior, man.

Weye, sb. a wey, a weight so called,PP.

Weyen, v. to weigh, to move, PP, C2,S, S2; weie, S2; wei3*en, S; weyen,pp., S2, P; weyede, pt. s. (weakform), S2; wey3*ed, P.—­AS. wegan,to bear, to move, pt. wA|g (pl. wA|*gon),pp. wegen.

Weyuen, v. to swing about, to set aside,remove, push aside, waive, C2, C3, G, S2.—­AF.weiver; Icel. veifa, to vibrate.Cf. Wayue.

Weyues, sb. pl. men or things foundastray without an owner, P.—­AF. waif;weifs (pl.). See above.

Wha, pron. who, S2; see Who.

WhA|r, adv. where, S; see Wher.

Whal, sb. whale, W2.—­AS.hwA|l (Voc.). Cf. Qual.

Whan, adv. interrog., conj. when,S2, C2; whane, S; whanne, S, W; hwanne,S; huanne, S2; hwenne, S; hwan,S; hwen, S; hwon, S; wanne, S,S2; wonne, S; wane, S, S2; wone,S; wan, S; won, S; quanne, S;quane, S; quan, S; quuan, S;quen, S2; quene, S. Comb.:whannse, whensoever, S.—­AS. hwanne.

Whanene, adv. whence, S; wanene,S; wenene, S2; whA|nnenen, S; whenne,S2, C2.—­AS. hwanon.

Whannes, adv. whence, S, S2; huannes,S2; whannus, W2; whennys, W; wannes,S2; whennes, C3, P.

What, pron. interrog., adj. n.,and adv. what, why, wherefore, S, S3, W; whA|t,S, S2; whatt, S; whaut, S2; hwat,S; hwet, S; huet, S2; wat, S,S2; wet, S, S2; quat, S, S2. Comb.:hwat ... wat, both ... and, S; wat... wat, S; what swa, whatsoever, S;quat so, S; quat kin, what kind, S2;quat als euer, whatsoever, S2.—­AS.hwA|t.

What, conj. what time, until; wat,S.—­Cf. Al-wat.

What, adj. quick, keen, sharp, strenuous,MD; whA|t, MD; hwat, MD; wat,MD; adv., S; wate, MD; whate,MD, HD; hwatliche, S; watloker, comp.,S2.—­AS. hwA|t: OS. hwat;cp. Icel. hvatr, OHG. was, sharp(Otfrid).

[Whate], sb. chance, luck; hwate,S, MD; wate, S; quate, HD.—­AS.hwat, omen, augury, incitamentum; cp.Icel. hvAt (hvata-). See What,adj.

Whaup, sb. the larger curlew, HD, JD;whaap, JD; whap, JD; quhaup,JD; quhaip, JD; awp, JD; awppis,pl., S3.

Wheen, sb. a number, a quantity, JD;quhene, JD.—­Cp. AS. hwA(C)neinst. of hwA cubedn, see Sievers, 237.See Woon.

Wheene, adj. pl. few, B.

Whele, sb. wheel, Voc., W2; whiel,CM; whel, C; quhele, S3; hweoles,pl., S. Comb.: quheill-rym,wheel-rim, S3.—­AS. hwA(C)ol; cp.Gr. [Greek: kuklos]; see Douse. p. 37.

Whele, sb. a pimple, Prompt., Voc. (790.27); wheal, SkD; wheale, ‘pupula,’Manip.; queale, Manip.

Whelen, v. to putrefy, Prompt.—­AS.hwelian (BT).

Whelke, sb. a pimple, Voc., Prompt.,MD; whelk, Sh.; whelkes, pl.,CM, C, SkD (s. v. wheal).

Whelp, sb. a whelp, dog, C2, C3, Prompt.;welp, MD; quelpe, MD; quilpe,MD; qwelpe, Voc.—­AS. hwelp.

Whene, v. to lament, MD.—­AS.hwA|*nan. See Quain.

Whennes, adv. whence, C3, P; see Whannes.

Wher, adv. interrog. and rel.where, S, C2; whare, S2; whA|r, S; hwer,S; hwar, S; huer, S2; wer, S;war, S; quar, S2 (s.v. si-quar);quhare, S3; quuor, S. Comb.:wheras, where, S3, C2; werbi, whereby,S; werefore, wherefore, S; hwerfore,S; warevore, S, S2; werinne, wherein,S2; huermyde, wherewith, S2; quor-of,whereof, S; whA|rswa, wheresoever, S; wherso,C2; hwarse, S; hwerse, S; warso,S2; whA|rsitt, S; quhair-to, wherefore,S3; whA|rwiA3/4A3/4, wherewith, S; wareA3/4oru,wherethrough, S2.—­AS. hwA|*r.

Wher, pron. and conj. whetherof the two, whether, S2, C, C2, G, PP; where,PP; whar, S; hwere, S; wer, S2;quer, S2; quhidder, S3; whether,S; hweA deg.er, S. Comb.: wherso, whethersoever, S; queA deg.er so, S.—­AS.hwA|A deg.er. Cf. AuA3/4er, AiAdeg.er.

Whete, sb. wheat, Voc., C3; hwete,S; wete, S; quete, S2; quet,S2.—­AS. hwA|*te: Goth. hwaiteis.

Whethen, adv. whence, HD, H; whythyne,HD (p. 929).—­Icel. hvaA deg.an.

Whetten, v. to sharpen, CM, Prompt.,S3; whA|tte, pt. s., S, MD; wette,MD. Comb.: whet-stone, Prompt.;whestone, Prompt.; wheston, Voc.; whestones,pl., S2.—­AS. hwettan:Icel. hvetja. See What, adj.

Whi, adv. interrog. why, S; wi,S; wy, S; hwi, S; qui, S2.—­AS.hwA-, inst. of hwAi. See Who.

Whicche, a chest, trunk, box; whucche,PP; whyche, Prompt.; hoche, Prompt.—­AS.hwicce; ‘Clustella, hwicce;’Engl. Studien, xi. 65. [Addition]

Which, pron. interrog. and rel.,adj. which, S2; whilk, S2; whillc,S; whulche, S; hwilc, S; hwilch,S; hwich, S; hwuch, S; huych,S; huyche, S2; wulc, S; wilk,S2; wulche, S; woche, S; wuch,S2; wic, S; quilc, S; quilk, S2(squilk) H; quhilk, S3. Comb.:wilc so, whichsoever, S; hwychso, S.—­AS.hwilc (for hwA—­lA-c).

Whider, adv. whither, PP, C2, C; whidir,SkD; whyder, PP; hwider, S; wider,S; quhethir, S2. Comb.: hwider-*se,whitherso, S; whider-ward, whitherward, S2;whederward, S2; whydyr-*ward, S2; whederwarde-so,whithersoever, S2.—­AS. hwider.

While, sb. a while, duration of time,PP; whyl, C2; hwile, S; hwule,S; wile, S; wyle, S2; wule, S2;quhyle, S3; whyle, adv., fora time, sometimes, formerly, S2; wile, S; wil,S3; quile, conj., S; quhill,S2, S3; wile, S. Comb.: whyle-ere,formerly, S3; whyler, C3.—­AS. hwA-l,a time, space: cp. Goth. hweila.

Whiles, adv. and conj. whiles,whilst, S2, PP; wiles, S; whyls, C3;hwils, S.

Whilk, pron. which, S2; see Which.

Whilom, adv. sometimes, formerly, C,S2, PP; whilum, PP; whylom, C2; hwilem,S; hwylem, S; wylem, S; quilum,S; quhilum, S3.—­AS. hwA-lum,at times.

Whipling, sb. a murmuring, S3.

Whippe, sb. whip, scourge, SkD; quippe,Voc.; quhyp, S3.

Whippen, v. to move suddenly and quickly,SkD; whypt, pt. s., S3.

Whit, sb. a wight, man, S3; see Wight.

Whitely, adv. quite, H; see Quytly.

Who, pron. interrog. and rel.who, any one, SD, PP; wha, S2; hwo,S; huo, S2; hwa, S; ho, S2; wo,S, S2; wa, S; quho, S3; quha,S2; 3*wo, SD; qva, SD; qvo, SD;qwo, SD. Comb.: who se,who so, S2, PP; hwo se, S; ho se, S2;ho so, P; wo so, S, S2; hwa se,S.—­AS. hwAi, hwAi-swAi; cp.Lat. quo-d; see Douse, p. 71.

Whom, pron. interrog. and rel. dat.to whom, C2; wham, S; wam, S; hwom,S; hwam, S; quam, S.—­AS. hwAim,hwA|*m (dat.).

Whon, pron. interrog. and rel. acc.(also dat.), S; whan, SD; hwan,S; wan, S, S2.—­AS. hwone (acc.).

Whos, pron. interrog. and rel. gen.whose, C2, W; whas, SD, P; whes, SD;quhais, S3; quhois, S3.—­AS.hwA|s (gen.).

Whough, interj. whew!, S3; wough,S3.

Whulche, pron. which, S; see Which.

Whyppyltre, sb. cornel-tree, C; seeWyppyl-tre.

Whyrle, sb. whirl, giraculum,Cath. (n). Comb.: whirl-bon,vertebra, SD; whyrle-*bone, Voc.; whorlebone,Cath.; whyrle-*wynde, turbo, Prompt.

Whyrlyn, v. to whirl, Prompt.; whirlen,C2; wyrle, S2; quhyrl, S3. Comb.:whirlinge wyndys, whirlwinds, W.—­Icel.hvirfla, to whirl.

Whyte, sb. white wine, C3.

Whyte, adj. white, PP, C2; whit,S, C, PP; hwit, S; wit, S; quhite,S3; quhyt, S3; quite, S2; huyter,comp., S2; whittore, S2. Der.:whytnesse, whiteness, C3. Comb.:Witsunnedei, Whitsunday, S; Witesonetid,Whitsuntide, S2.—­AS. hwA-t:cp. Goth. hweits.

Wi, adv. why, S; see Why.

Wicche, sb. sorcerer, magus,sortilegus, also witch, PP; wyche, magus,Prompt., Cath., Voc.; witch, Cath. Comb.:wicchecrafte, PP; wychecraft, Cath.,Voc.; wichchecreftes, pl., S.—­AS.wicca (m).

Wicht, adj. active, vigorous, S3; seeWight.

Wicke, adj. bad, false, S, S2, PP; wicce,S; wycke, S2; wikke, P, C2, C3; wike,S, S2; wic, S2; wik, S2, H. Der.:wickenesse, iniquity, SD; wickenes, S2;wiknes, S2; wickenesses, pl.,S2.

Wicked, adj. depraved, Cath.; wykkyd,Prompt.; wykkid, H (p. 360); wykked,S2; wikked, C2, P; wikkedly, adv.,wickedly, C2.

Wid, adj. wide, S; wide, adv.,S, PP; wyde, C2, PP; wydder, comp.,PP. Der.: wydene, wide, far, S2,PP. Comb.: wydewhere, far and wide,S2, PP; wydewher, C3, G.—­AS. wA-d;cp. OHG. wA-t (Tatian).

Wid, prep. against, with, S2; see WiAdeg..

Widewe, sb. widow, PP; wydewe,PP; widwe, C2, C3; wodewe, PP; wedous,pl., S3.—­AS. widwe (weoduwe):Goth. widuwo; cp. OHG. wituwAi(Tatian).

Wif, sb, woman, wife, S, S2, PP; wyf,C3, PP; wiues, gen., S2, C2; wiue,dat., S; wif, pl., S; wyf,G; wAfes, S; wines, S2, C2. Comb.:wyfhood, womanhood, C2; wifman, woman,S; wimman, S; wymman, S; wiman,S; womman, S, PP; wummon, S; wommanhede,womanhood, C2, C2.—­AS. wA-f:OHG. wA-b (Tatian).

Wig, sb. a beast of burden, a horse,S.—­AS. wicg; cp. Icel. viggr(viggja-), also vigg, see Sievers, 247.

Wigelen, v. to reel, stagger, S.

Wight, sb. active, swift, strong, S2,PP, CM, G; wyght, S2; wi3*t, PP; wiht,PP; wyht, Prompt.; wicht, S3; wycht,S3; wict, S; vicht, S2; wyte,Prompt.; wightly, adv., H; wi3*tli,S2; wi3*tliche, S2, P; wihtliche, S2;witly, S2. Der.: wAghtnesse,alacrity, Cath.

Wight, sb. wight, creature, being, PP,S2, C3; wyght, PP, S2, C3; wi3*t, PP,S; wij3*t, S3; wiht, S, S2; wyht,S2; whit, S3; whi3*t, S3—­AS.wiht, see SkD.

Wiht, sb. a thing, S; wi3*t,S; whit, WW.—­AS. wiht (wuht),thing, f, and n.

Wihte, sb. dat. weight, S; see Wyghte.

Wik, sb. a dwelling; wike, pl.,S. Comb.: wike-tun, court; wiketunes,pl., S.—­AS. wA-c; Lat. uicum(acc.).

Wike, sb. week, S, S2, GS, CM, PP; wyke,PP, C, S2; weke, PP, Cath.; woke, W,S2, PP, Prompt., Cath.; wouke, W; wowke,Cath.—­AS. wice (wucu); Lat.uicem.

Wike, sb. office, service, SD; pl.,S.—­Cp. Goth. wiko; Lat. uicem,change, regular succession, office, service.

Wike, sb. pl. the corners of the mouth,S (4 a. 49).—­Cf. Icel. munnvik,pl., the corners of the mouth; see CV (s.v. munnr).The word wikes is still in use in this senseat Whitby. See Whitby Glossary (E.D.S.). [Addition]

Wiken, sb. office, charge; wikenn,S (5. 1113), SD.

Wikenere, sb. officer, SD.

Wiket, sb. a small gate, S, P, CM; wickett,PP; wykett, valva, gate, Cath.; littlewindow, fenestrella, Prompt.; viket,lodium, a lover-window, Cath. (n).—­OF.wiket (viquet); cp. ODu. wicket.

Wikke, adj. bad, C2, C3; see Wicke.

Wikked, adj. depraved, bad, C2; seeWicked.

Wil, sb. will, joy, S; Comb.:wilful, desirous, gracious, willing, W, W2;wilfull, S3; wilfulliche, willingly,S; wilfulli, W; wilfully, C3.—­AS.(ge)_will_. Cf. Wille.

Wild, adj. self-willed, untamed, uncultivated,desert, S; wielde, W2; wylde, sb.pl., wild animals, S2. Der.: wilderne,wilderness, SkD; wildrin, desert, belongingto a wilderness, S2; wildernesse, wilderness,SkD; wyldernys, Voc.—­AS. wild.

Wile, sb. a while, S; see While.

Wilk, pron. which, S2; see Which.

Will, adj. at a loss, astray, bewildered,B, S2; wil, H; vill, B; wille,adv., S. Phr.: will of red,at a loss in counsel, B; will of wane, at aloss in thought, B; will of wan, S2; villof vayn, S2.—­Icel. villr (forwildr), wild.

Wille, 1 pr. s. will, S, S2; wel,S2; wule, S; wulle, S; wile,pr. s., S, S2; wole, S; wol, S2,C2; wult, 2 pr. s., S; wolt,S, S2, C2; willen, pl., S; willeAdeg., S; wulleA deg., S; wulle,S; wilen, S; wiln, G; wolleA deg.,S; wole, C2; woln, C. Comb.:ichulle (ich + wulle), S; ichchulle, S; ich chule, S; wiltu (wilt+ A deg.u), S; wilte, S; woltow,C, PP.—­AS. wille, 1 and 3 pr. s.,wilt, 2 pr. s. See Wolde.

Wille, sb. will, joy, pleasure, S, S2,C2, PP; wylle, PP; willes, gen.as adv. willingly, S; willeliche, adv.,willingly, S. Comb.: willesful,wilful, S; willesfol, S2; wylles uol,S2; wylsfully, wilfully, S2. Phr.:mid guode wylle, willingly, S2; in goodwille, anxious, G.—­AS. willa:Goth. wilja. Cf. Wil.

Willing, sb. desire, C2.

Wilnen, v. to desire, S, S2, S3, C,C2, W, P; wilnien, S; wylny, S2. Der.:wylnynge, desire, S2.—­AS. wilnian.

Wilwe, sb. willow-tree, C, Prompt.—­AS.welig (Voc.).

Wimman, sb. woman, S; see Wif.

Wimpel, sb. a nun’s veil, S; wympel,C. Comb.: wimpel-leas, wimple-less,S.—­Icel. vimpill; cp. AF. guimple.

Wimplin, v. to cover with a wimple,S; y-wimpled, pp., C; i-wimplet,S; y-wympled, C.

Wimplunge, sb. wimpling, S; wim-*lunge,dat., S.

Winden, v. to wind, twist, turn; wynde,PP; wand, pt. s., SD; wonden,pl., P; wounden, PP; wunden, pp.,S; wounden, S; wounde, PP; y-wounden,PP.—­AS. windan, pt. wand(pl. wundon), pp. wunden.

Wine, sb. friend; wines, pl.,S. Comb.: wine-maies, kinsmen,S.—­AS. wine, wine-*mA|*g.

Winne, sb. joy, S; wynne, HD(p. 933); wunne, S, S2; win, S. Der.:winli, pleasant, S2; winsom, S2.—­AS.wynn.

Winnen, v. to win, S, S2, C2; wynne,S2; wyn, S3; vyn, S2; wunien,S; wan, pt. s., S, S2, C2, C3, P; van,S2; wonne, pl., PP, S2; wonnen,pp., C; wonne, C; y-wonne, P;i-wonne, S2; wonen, S2; wune,S2. Der.: wynnyng, gain, W.—­AS.(ge)_winnan_, pt. wan (pi. wunnon),pp. wunnen.

Wirken, v. to work, S2; see Werke.

Wis, adv. indeed, S; wisly, adv.,certainly, surely, C, C2, C3.—­AS. (ge)_wiss_.See I-wis.

Wissen, v. to direct, guide, S, S2,S3, CM, P; wyssen, S2; wyssye, S; wisi,S. Der.: wissunge, instruction,S; wissinge, dat., S; wissenge,S.—­AS. wissian, wA-sian:OHG. wA(R)sjan, also uuA(R)sen (Otfrid).

Wiste, pt. s. knew, S, C2, G; wist,pp. known, S3, C2, G; see Witen (1).

Wistynge, sb. learning, H.

Wit, sb. wisdom, intelligence, S, C2;wyt, S; wittes, pl., senses,S, S2, C2; wites, S.—­AS. (ge)_witt_.

Wit, prep, with, S; see WiA deg..

Wite, sb. blame, S2, H; wyte,C3. See Witen (3).

Witen (1), v. to know, S, S2, W, PP;wyten, S, S2; witte. S2; witt,S3; witt, imp. s., S; wittow,witow, know thou, S2; wute, pl.,S; wytene, ger., S2; witynge,pr. p., S2, W; wat, 1 and 3 pr. s.,S, S2, S3; wate, H; wait, S3; wot,S, S2, C2; woot, S2, W; wote, S3; wo3*t,S2; wost, 2 pr. s., S, C2; wostu,knowest thou, S; wostow, C2; witen, pl.,S, W; wyteA deg., S2; wate, S2; wiste,pt. s., S, C2, G; wisten, pl.,S, W; wist, S2, S3; wyst, S2, S3; wuste,pt. s., S, S2; wust, S2; wist,pp., S3, C2, G.—­AS. witan,2 pr, wAist, 3 pr. s., wAit (pl. witon),pt. wiste (wisse), pp. witen.

Witen (2), v. to observe, keep, guard,S, P, S2; wiste, pt. s., S; wistest,2 pt. s., S; i-wist, pp.,S. See above.

Witen (3), v. to impute, blame, S, S2;wyte, C2.—­AS. wA-tan, tosee, to blame (Grein).

Witen (4). v. to depart, to disappear,to dwindle, S, H; wyte, H; wit, S2;ute, let us, S.—­AS. (ge)_wA-tan_;see Grein. See above.

Witerliche, adv. truly, S; witerlike,S; see Witter.

WiA deg., prep, against, towards, by,with, S, S2; wid, S, S2; wit, S, S2;wi3*th, S2. Comb:, wiA deg.innen,within, S; wiA deg.inneforA deg., inwardly,S3, W; wiA deg.A deg.an, provided that, S; wiAdeg.A deg.at, S, S2; wiA deg.outen, without,S2, S3, W; wiA deg.uten, S; wiA deg.outenforth,outside, S2; wiA deg.outeforA deg., S3, W; without-forth,S2.—­AS. wiA deg..

With-clepin, v. to recall, revocare,Prompt

With-dra3*en, v. to withdraw, S; wyAdeg.-dra3*en, S2; wiA deg.dro3*e, pt.s., S; with-drow, S.

WiA deg.er, prep. against, SD; adj.,hostile, S; sb., resistance, SD. Comb.:wiA deg.erling, adversary, S; wiA deg.erward,contrary, SD; widerwardnesse, opposition, S;wiA deg.er-win, adversary, HD, S2.—­AS.wiA deg.er, against.

WiA deg.eren, v. to resist; wiA deg.Adeg.reA deg.A deg., pr. s., S.—­AS.wiA deg.erian.

WiA deg.i, sb. a willow, a flexibletwig, a withy, SD, SkD; wythy, Voc.; widdie,a rope made of twigs of willows, a halter, a whip madeof twigs, JD. Comb.: wythe-bonde,boia, chain for prisoners, Prompt.; weAdeg.e-bondes, gen., S2; wiA deg.-winde,convolvulus, SD; withewyndes, gen.,S2 (p. 334), P.—­AS. wiA deg.ig, willow,wiA deg.winde, ‘viticella,’ Voc.;cp. ODu. wedewinde.

With-seye, v. to contradict, renounce,wythsay, HD (p. 935); wiA deg.seggen,S, S2.

WiA deg.-stod, pt. s. stood beside,S2; with-stode, pl., resisted, PP.

With-take, v. to reprove, H; with-toke,pt. s., H.

With-takere, sb. reprover, H.

Witien, v. to keep, S2; wited,pt. s., S2. Der.: witunge,care-taking, S.—­AS. witian, ‘providere’(Grein).

Witing, sb. knowledge, C2. SeeWiten (1).

Witi3*e, sb. seer, prophet, S; wite3*e,S.—­AS. wA-tiga, from wA-tan,to see; cp. OHG. wA-zago (Tatian) fromwA-zan, to see (Otfrid). See Witen(3).

Witter, adj. wise, skilful, S; wyter,S2; witerliche, adv., truly, wisely,S; witerlike, S; witterly, clearly, P,HD; witerrlike, S; witterlike, S; witerliS2; witirly, H.—­Icel. vitr,vA-trliga.

Witti, adj. skilful, W2.—­AS.wittig.

Wit-word, sb. covenant, H; witeword,S2.

Wi3*t, sb. creature, thing, S; see Wight.

Wlaffyng, sb. babbling, S2.

Wlanc, adj. proud, fine, grand, S2;wlonk, S2; wlonke, fine woman, HD.—­AS.wlanc (OET).

Wlappen, v. to wrap, W, W2; lappen,W, H, Cath., SkD, HD.

Wlatien, v. to feel disgust, to abominate,W, W2, S2, HD; wlathid, pt. s.H.—­AS. wlA|tian.

Wlat-some, adj. disgusting, abominable,S2, HD; wlatsom, C; wlatsum, S2; latsom,S2; wlathsum, H.

Wlatunge, sb. disgust, SD; wlathyngis,pl., abominations, H.—­AS. wlAitung,nausea (OET).

Wlech, adj. warm, S.—­AS.wlA|c.

Wlite, sb. beauty, splendour, form,hue, face, S.—­AS. white (OET).

Wliten, v. to see, SD; wlyteA deg.,pr. pl., S2.—­AS. wlA-tan;cp. IceA-. lA-ta.

Wlonk, adj. fine, grand, S2; see Wlank.

Wluine, sb. she-wolf, S. See Wolf.

Wo, interj., wo!, SD; way, S;wei, S; wi, S. Comb.: wola wo, an exclamation of sorrow, S; weylaway,S2, C3; weila-wei, S; wailawai, S; wayloway,G; walawai, S; wele away, S3.—­AS.wAi: Goth, wai; cp. OHG. wA(Otfrid), Icel. vei.—­AS. wAilAi wAi .

Wo, sb. also used as adj. woe,sorrowful, S, S2, C2, C3; wa, S, S2, B. Phr.:wo begon, surrounded with woe, SkD; wa worth,B; wo worthe, SD.—­AS. wA(C)a.

Woe, adj. weak, S; wooc, SkD.—­AS. wAic. See Wayke.

Woc, pt. s. woke, S; see Waken.

Woche, pron. which, S; see Which.

Wode, sb. wood, tree, S, S2, C2, PP;wod, S2; vod, S2; wude, S. Comb.:wode-bynde, woodbine, SkD; woodebynde,caprifolium, Prompt., C; wod-bynde,S2 (p. 476); woode-lynde, linden-tree in awood, G; wode-roue, woodruff, S2; woode-rys,brushwood, G; woode-schawe, thicket of thewood, G; wude-side, wood-side, S; vode-syde,S2; wode-wale, the name of a bird, also calledwit-wall, Prompt., HD; wude-wale, S; wode-wose,a satyr, faun, SD, Voc., Prompt, (n); wode-wese,Prompt.; wod-wose, WA.—­AS. wudu;cp. Olr. fid (Windisch).

Wode, sb. woad, S, Prompt.; wod,SkD; wad, gaudo Prompt.—­AS.wAid.

Wode, adj. mad, raging, S, S2, S3, C;wod, S, S2, H; wood, C2,C3,S3; woode,W; wodly, adv., madly, C. Der.:wodnes, madness, S2, H; wodenesse, S2;woodnesse, C3, W. Comb.: wodewrothe,madly angry, S3.—­AS. wod: Goth,wods; cp. OHG. wuot.

Woden, sb. name of a Teutonic deity,S. Comb.: Wodnes-dei, Wednesday,SD; Wednes dai, SD; wendes dei, S.—­AS.WA cubedden; cp. OHG. Wuotan, Icel.A"A deg.inn.

Woh, adj. crooked, wrong; wo3*e,S; wo3*he, pl., S. Adv. phr.:mid wohe, wrongfully, S; mid gret wou,S2; wiA deg.A deg. wo3*he, S; wiA deg. wou,S2; on wowe, S.—­AS. wA cubedh,crooked.

Woh, sb. wrong, S; wouche, S3;wowe, pl., S2.—­AS. wA cubedh,iniquity.

Woke, sb. week, W, S2; see Wike.

Wol, pr. s. will, S2; see Wille.

Wol, adv. well, very, S; see Wel.

Wolcne, sb. pl. clouds, the sky, S;see Welkene.

Wold, sb. power, meaning, force, S,S2.—­AS. (ge)_weald_.

Wolde, sb. wold, open country, country,S, Prompt.—­AS. weald, wood, forest:OS. wald.

Wolde, pt. s. was desirous, was willing,would, S, S2, C2; wulde, S; walde, S;wald, S2, B; wlde, S2; woldes,2 pt. s., S; wolden, pl., S;wolde, S, C2; wulde, S; wuld,S2; walden, S; vald, S2, B.—­AS.wolde, pt. s. of willan. See Wille.

Wolf, sb. wolf, PP; wlf, S; wlfe,Voc.; wolwes, pl., S2; wulues,gen., S. Comb.: wolues-heed,wolf’s head, outlaw, G.—­AS. wulf;cp. Icel. Alfr.

Wolle, sb. wool, S, S2, C3, P. Comb.:wolle-ward, with the skin against the wool,SkD; wolward, S3; woolward, ND; wolle-websteres,wool-weavers, P.—­AS. wull: Goth,wulla.

Wollen, adj. woollen, P.

Wolt, 2 pr. s. wilt, S; see Wille.

Wolx, pt. s. grew, S3; see Wexen.

Wombe, sb. venter, alvus, uterus,Prompt, S, S2, S3, C2, C3, P; wambe, S3.—­AS.wamb: Goth. wamba, the belly.

Won, adj. wan, S2; see Wan.

Wonden, v. to turn aside, to fear, tohesitate, S, S2; wayndyt, pt. s., S3.—­AS.wandian.

Wonder, adj. fearful, wonderful, S,S2, C2; adv., C3; wounder, S2; vounder,S2; wondir, S3, H; wunder, sb.,a wonder, S; wounder, S2; wunder, pl.,awful wickednesses, S. Der.: wunderlice,wonderful, S; wunderliche, adv., S; wonderlyche,S2; wonderly, C; wunderlicheste, superl.,S; wunderlukeste, S. Phr.: towundre, wrong, S.

Wondrien, v. to wonder; wondrye,S2; wondre, C; wundrien, S.—­AS.wundrian.

Wondringe, pres. p. wandering, S2; seeWandren.

Wone, sb. dwelling, PP, S2, S3; won,S2; woon, S3; wun, S3; woanes,pl., S; wanes, S, S2. See Wonen.

Wone, sb. custom, habit, PP, S, S2;wune, S.—­AS. (ge)_wuna_.

Wone, sb. want, loss, misery, S; seeWane.

Wone, adj. one, S3 (7. 97); see Oon.[Addition]

Woned, pp. accustomed, S, S3; see I-woned.

Wonen, v. to dwell, PP, S, S2; wonien,S, S2, PP; wunien, S; wonyand, pr.p., S2; wonnand, S2; wounnand, S3.Der.: wonynge, dwelling, PP, S;woning, C, S2; wonyinge, S2; wunienge,pl., S.—­AS. wunian.

Wonen, v. to weep, lament, SD; wanen,SD. Der.: wonyng, lamentation,S.—­AS. wAinian; cp. OHG. weinAcubedn (Tatian).

Wonge, sb. territorium, Prompt.; wong,low land, HD; wonges, pl., meadows,S.—­AS. wang, a plain, field; cp,Goth. waggs, a field, paradise.

Wonge, sb. a cheek, SD, JD; wonges,pl., S2. Comb.: wange-toothe,molar tooth, molaris, Prompt.; wongtothe,Voc.; wangtooth, C2; wank-teeth, pl.,W2; wangtotht, geminus, molaris,Voc.—­AS. wange (wonge); cp.OHG. wanga (Tatian).

Wonger, sb. pillow, C2, CM. Seeabove.

Wonne, adv., conj. when, S; seeWhanne.

Wonne, Wonnen, pp. of Winnen.

WonteA deg., pr. s. is lacking, S; seeWanten.

Wonung, sb. waning, S.—­AS.wonung, wanung. See Wanen.

Wood, adj. mad, C2, C3, S3; see Wode.

Wooden, v. to be mad, to look madly,CM, C3.

Woon, sb. a small quantity, a few, aquantity, a number, S2, G, PP; wone, S2; woone,Prompt.; wane, S2, S3; won, PP; quhone,B. Comb.: good woon, abundantly,G; good won, PP.—­AS. hwA cubedn(adj. used as sb.). Cf. Wheen.

Wop, sb. crying, loud lament, S, S2.—­AS.wA cubedp.

Wopen, pp. wept, C2; see Wepen.

Wopne, sb. urine, HD, Prompt. SeeWepne.

Wopned, pp. armed, S; see Wapnen.

Worc, sb. work, S2; see Werk.

Worchen, v. to work, W, S2; see Werke.

Word, sb. beginning, CM (3. 224); seeOrd.

Worde, sb. word, Prompt.; word,pl., S; weord, S; weordes, S;wordes, S.—­AS. word; cp.OHG. wort (Tatian).

Wore, pt. pl. were, S2; see Was.

Woreld, sb. world, S; wordle,S2; see Werld.

Worie, adj. turbid, dirty, S; wori,S.—­From AS. wA cubedr, a swampyplace, perhaps identical with wA cubeds, mire,see SkD (s.v. weary). Cf. Wose.

Worm, sb. reptile, worm, snake, S, S2,C3; wurm, S; werm, S; wirm, insect,S.—­AS. wyrm: OHG. wurm(Tatian); cp. Goth. waurms; see Douse,p. 56.

Wormod, sb. wormwood, W; see Wermod.

Worne, pp. spent, past, lit. worn, S3;see Werien.

Worowen, v. to choke, strangle, worry,Prompt., Cath., S2, SkD; worry, HD; wyrry,S3; wirry, SkD.—­AS. wyrgan,to strangle, worry (in compounds): OHG. wurgan.Cf. Warh.

Worpare, sb. thrower, S.

Worpen, v. to throw, S; see Warpen.

Worre, sb. war, S2; see Werre.

Worri, v. to make war, S2; see Werrien.

Worschipen, v. to honour, S2; worshepen,PP; wurschepen, S2. See Worth.

Wort, sb. a plant, vegetable; wortes,pl., S2, S3, C; wortis, S2, S3, W, W2.—­AS.wyrt: OS. wurt; cp. Goth. waurts,root, and Lat. ra*dix; see Brugmann, ASec. 306,and Douse, p. 56.

Worth, adj. worth, esteemed, worthy,PP; wurth, S; wurthe, S, S2. Der.:worthi, PP; wurA deg.y, S2; worA3/4ly,worthy, PP, S2; worA deg.ely, S3; wurA deg.liche,honourably, S; worA deg.liche, S; wurthmint,honour, S; wurA deg.scipe, worship, honour,S; worA deg.ssipe, S2; worschupe, S2;worsipe, S; wurschipe, S.—­AS.weorA deg.; cp. Goth. wairths.

Worth, sb. value, worth, honour, PP;wurrA3/4e, dat., S.—­AS. weorAdeg..

Worthen, v. to become, to be, to dwell,PP, S2, S3, G; wurA deg.en, S; weorA deg.en,S2; worst, 2 pr. s., PP; wurstow,thou shalt be, PP; wurstu, S; worth,pr, s., S2, PP; wurA deg., S;wrA3/4, S; vorthis, S2; wurA deg.eAdeg., S; worthe, pt. s., PP; worth,S2, PP; worthed, S3; vorthit, S2; warAdeg., S; wart, S; ward, S; wA|rd,S.—­AS. weorA deg.an, pt. s. wearAdeg. (pl. wurdon), pp. (ge)_worden_;cp. Goth, wairthan.

Wose, sb. ooze, slime, PP, Prompt.;woose, Cath. (n); wase, alga,Cath.—­AS. wAise (SkD. s.v. ooze),and wase (OET): OHG. waso; whenceOF. wason, gason (F. gazon); seeKluge (s.v. wasen).

Wot, 1 and 3 pr. s. know, knows, S,S2; wost, 2 pr. s. knowest, S, C2; seeWiten (1).

Wouke, sb. week, W; see Wike.

Wound, sb. wound, PP, C2; wund,S.—­AS. wund.

Wounden, v. to wound, S3; wowndyn,Prompt.; y-wounded, pp., S3; i-wundet,S.—­AS. wundian.

Wout, sb. a vault, Voc., HD.—­OF.voute (BH); Late Lat. uolta.

Wowe, sb. wall, paries, murus,Prompt., PP; wo3*e, S; waghe, HD, H;wa3*he, S; wawe, S; wah, S. Comb.:waheles, wall-less, S; wa3*herifft,veil of the temple, S.—­AS. wAih;cp. ODu. waeg, see SkD (s.v. wainscot,p. 833); cp. also Goth. waddjus.

Wowe, sb. pl. wrongs, S2; see Woh.

Wowen, v. to incline any one to one’sown wishes, to woo, S2, C3, P, W2, S3; wo3*e,S.—­AS. wA cubedgian (SkD, s.v. woo),from wA cubedh. See Woh.

Wower, sb. wooer, S3; wowar,S3; wouwere, PP; woweres, pl.,PP.—­AS. wA cubedgere (Voc.).

Wox, pt. s. grew, S2; see Wexen.

WrablAs, sb. pl. warblings, S2; seeWerble.

Wraht, pt. s. of Werke.

Wrak, sb. that which is driven ashore,wreck, S2, S3, C3; rac, driven vapour, rack,S2, SkD; rack, Sh.—­AS. wrA|c.Cf. Wreche and Wreken.

Wranne, sb. wren, S; see Wrenne.

Wrastlen, v. to wrestle, C, S2, G, PP;wraskle, PP; wrastylle, Cath.; wraxle,Voc. Der.: wrastling, wrestling,C2, G; wrastelyng, G.—­AS. wrA|*stlian(oftener wrAixlian), from wrA|*stan,to wrest, from wrA|*st, firm, strong. WrA|*stis for wrA|*A deg.t, from wrAiA deg.,pt. of wrA-A deg.an, see Sievers, 232.See Wrythen.

WraA deg., adj. wroth, S; see Wroth.

WraA deg.A deg.i, v. to get angry, S;see WreA deg.A deg.en.

Wraw, adj. perverse, angry, fierce,SD, Prompt., C3, CM, HD; wrau, SD. Cf.Wro.

Wrawid, pp. perverse, peevish, WA.

Wrawnesse, sb. fierceness, Prompt, CM.

Wrecche, sb. also as adj. wretch,miserable, S, S2, C, PP; wreche, S, S2, CM;wrecce, S. Comb.: wreccehed,wretchedness, S; wrecchede, S2.—­AS.wrecca, an outcast, exile. See Wreken.

Wrecched, adj. wretched, S, PP; wriched,S. Comb.: wrecchednesse, misery,C2, C3, PP.

Wreche, sb. vengeance, misery, S, S2,C2, C3; wrache, S; wrA|che, S; wreke,S2; wrake, S2, PP; wrac, S2; wrick,S2. Comb.: wrakful, full of vengeance,S2.—­AS. wracu, vengeance, misery,also wrA|c, exile, misery. See Wreken.

Wreken, v. to urge, wreak, drive, punish,avenge, S, S2, C2, C3, PP; wrA|ken, S; wrak,pt. s., G; wreken, pp., S2, PP;wreke, G, PP; wroken, PP, WA; wroke,PP, HD; i-wroken, G.—­AS. wrecan,pt. wrA|c (pl. wrA|*con), pp. wrecen;cp. Goth. wrikan, to persecute.

Wreker, sb. avenger, S2.

Wrenche, sb. a twist, trick, deceit,S, S2, S3, C3; wrink, S3; wrenkis, pl.,WA.—­AS. wrenc (wrence).

Wrenchen, v. to turn, twist, S. Der.:wrinching, wrenching, struggling, S3.—­AS.wrencan.

WrengA deg.e, sb. distortion, S. SeeWringen.

Wrenne, sb. wren, Voc.; wranne,S.—­AS. wrenna, wrA|*nna.

Wreon, v. to cover; wre, CM;wreo, pr. s. subj., S.—­AS.wrA(C)on, pt. wrA(C)ah (pl. wrugon),pp. wrogen, see Sievers, 383. Cf. Wrihen.

Wreten, pp. of Wryten.

Wreth, sb. wrath, S2, H; wraA3/4A3/4e,PP, S. Comb.: wreA deg.ful, wrathful,S, S2; wraA deg.A deg.elees, S2.—­ONorth.wrA|*A deg.A deg.o. See Wroth.

Wrethe, sb. wreath, C.—­AS.wrA|*A deg.. See Wrythen.

WreA deg.A deg.en, v. to become angry,to make angry, S; wreaA deg.A deg.in, S; wraAdeg.A deg.in, S, S2, G; wreA deg.en, S,S2, H. Der.: wrath-*thing, provocation,W.

Wrien, v. to twist, bend, CM, SkD (s.v.wry); wrye, S3, PP.—­AS. wrigian,to drive, bend.

Wrigt (in compounds), an accusation.Comb.: wrigtful, guilty, S; wrigteles,without an accusation; wrigteleslike, causelessly,S.—­Cp. AS. wrA cubedht, an accusation,from the pt. of (ge)_wrA(C)gan_, to accuse(cp. sA(C)can, pt. sA cubedhte).

Wrihels, sb. a covering, veil; wriheles,S; wriels, SD.—­AS. wrA-gels.

Wrihen, v. to cover, S; wrie,CM; wrien, pr. pl., S.—­AS.*_wrA-han_, pt. wrAih (pl. wrigon), pp.wrigen; cp. OHG. rA-han (Tatian).Cf. Wreon.

Wrikken, v. to twist to and fro, tomove about, SkD (s.v. wriggle); wrickede,pt. s., S2.

Wringen, v. to wring, press, S, S2,C2; wrang, pt. s., S; wrong,S, S2, S3, C3; wronge, P; wrongen, pl.,S2; wrong, pp., S.—­AS. wringan,pt. wrang (pl. wrungon), pp. wrungen.

Writelinge, sb. trilling (of a nightingale),S.

Wro, sb. that which is crooked, a corner,HD; wroo, HD; wra, WA; wraa,WA; wray, WA, NQ (6. 12. 252).—­Cp.Icel. rAi (for vrAi). See Wraw.

Wrohte, pt. s. of Werke.

Wrong, pp., adj. and sb.twisted awry, wrong, a wrong, S, PP; wrang,PP. Comb.: wrongwis, unjust, wicked,H, S; wrangwis, S2; wrangwislie, wrongly,S2; wrongwisly, PP; wrangwisnes, iniquity,S2. See Wringen.

Wroot, Wrot, pt. s. of Wryten.

Wroth, pt. s. of Wrythen.

Wroth, adj. wroth, fearful, S, C3, PP;wraA deg., S, S2, H; wroA3/4er, comp.,PP, HD; wrothe, adv., angrily, evilly,S, G; wroA deg.-*liche, wrathfully, S2; wroAdeg.ly, S2; wroA deg.ely, S2; wrathly,H. Comb.: wrothir-*haile, calamity,WA. Phr.: to wraA deg.er heale,to evil fortune, bad luck, S; to wroA3/4er hele,PP.—­AS. wrAith.

Wryt, sb. writing, S; writ, S;writte, S2.—­AS. (ge)_writ_.

Wryten, v. to write, C2; writen,S; wright, S3; wrot, pt. s.,S, S2, PP; wroot, C2, C3; wrate, S, H;wroten, pl., W; writen, C2; wryten,pp., PP; writen, S, C2, C3; write,S; wryte, S2; wreten, S2; y-writen,S2; y-write, S2; i-wryten, S; i-writen,S.—­AS. wrA-tan, pt. wrAit(pl. wrA-ton), pp. writen.

Wrythen, v. to writhe, twist, Prompt.,S2; wroth, pt. s., PP; writhen,pl., W; wrythen, S; pp., PP; writhun,W; i-*wriA3/4en, S2. Der.: wrything,turning, C2.—­AS. wrA-A deg.an, pt.wrAiA deg. (pl. wriA deg.on), pp. wriAdeg.en.

Wu-; see also Wo-, Wou-.

Wuch, pron. which, S2; wulc,S; see Which.

Wude, sb. wood, tree, S; see Wode.

Wule, sb. while, S2; see While.

Wule, 1 pr. s. will, S; see Wille.

Wundi, adj. rid of, S; windi,S.

Wune, adj. accustomed, S.

Wunien, v. to dwell, S; see Wonen.

Wunne, sb. joy, S, S2; see Winne.

Wurne, v. to refuse; see Wernen.

Wurse, adj., adv. comp. worse,S; wurs, S, G; werse, S; wers,CM, S, H (p. 269); wA|rse, S; wrse, S;wurse, sb., the devil, S; worse,S.—­AS. wyrs.

Wursien, v. to become worse, take hurt,S; i-wursed, pp., S.—­AS.wyrsian.

Wurst, adv. superl. worst, S; wurste,adj. S; werste, S; werst,W2; warst, H (p. 269); werest, S; wrst,S. Worste ( = Lat. nequissimi = Gr.[Greek: tou ponaerou], i.e. the devil),W.—­AS. wyrst.

WurtA deg.en, Wurstu, WurA deg.; see Worthen.

WurA deg.ien, v. to honour, S; wurrA3/4enn,S; wurA deg.eA deg., pr. s., S; wurAdeg.eden, pt. pl., S. Der.:wurA deg.ing, honour, S.—­AS. wurAdeg.ian, weorA deg.ian, from weorA deg..See Worth.

Wuschen, v. to wish, S2, PP; wusshen,PP; wisshen, PP.—­AS. wA1/2scan,from wAsc: OHG. wunsc, a wish; seeSievers, 185.

Wute, imp. pl. know, S; see Witen(1).

Wy, adv. why, S; see Whi.

Wydder, v. to wither, S3; see Wederen.

Wye, sb. a man, PP; wy, S3, P;wy3*e, S2; wei3*h, S2; wi3*es,pl., S2; wies, S2.—­AS. wA-ga,warrior, man. See Weye.

Wygge, sb. a small cake or bun, Prompt.;wigg, HD.

Wyghte, sb. weight, HD, PP, C3; wyhte,S; wi3*te, PP; wihte, S.—­AS.(ge)_wiht_.

Wylem, adv. formerly, S; see Whilom.

Wyn, sb. wine, S, C; wyne, dat.,S. Comb.: wyn-ape, ape-wine, vinde singe, C3; win-iA|rd, vineyard, S; wyn3*ord,S2; win-tre, vine, S.—­AS. wA-n;Lat. uinum.

Wynd, sb. wind, S; wynt, S2.—­AS.wind: Goth. winds: Lat. uentus;see Curtius, No. 587.

Wyndas, sb. windlass, Prompt., C2.—­Icel.vind-Aiss, a pole which can be wound round.

Wyndewen, v. to winnow, W2; wyndowen,S2; windwen, S; wynewen, W. Comb.:wynwe-schete, winnowing-sheet, S3.—­AS.windwian (OET). See Wynd.

Wyne-grapis, sb. pl. vine-grapes, S3(13. 99). [Addition]

Wynk, sb. sleep, nap, PP; wink,PP, S2.

Wynken, v. to wink, nod, sleep, PP,Prompt.; winke, C2; vynke, S2. Der.:wynkynge, fit of sleepiness, PP.

Wyppyl-tre, sb. the cornel-tree, CM(2. 90); whyppyltre, C.—­Cp.MLG. wipel-bom, the cornel-tree (Pritzel).

Wyrle, v. to whirl, S2; see Whyrlyn.

Wys, adj. wise, PP, S2; wis,S, S2; viss, S2; wisliche, adv.,S. Der.: wisdom, learning, S.—­AS.wA-s, Goth. weis.

Wyse, sb. mode, manner, C2, S2; wise,S, S2; wis, S; wes, S; viss,S2. Comb.: ryghtwis, righteous,PP; wrongwis, PP.—­AS. wA-se.

Wyue, v. to take to wife, C2; wiuen,S; wyued, pp., married, PP.—­AS.wA-fian.

Wyuere, sb. a serpent, CM.—­OF.wivre, vivre (F. givre); Lat.uipera; see BH, ASec. 150.

Wywere, sb. a fishpond, Voc.; way-*owre,piscina, Prompt.—­OF. vivier;Lat. uiuarium; cp. OHG. wA(R)wAcri(Tatian), G. weiher; see Kluge.


X is written in some MSS. for sh.It constantly occurs in the Coventry Mysteries, asin xal, xalt, xuld, &c.; see HD.


Y, at the beginning of words, often representsan older 3*, under which letter Y-wordsmay in some cases be found.

Y-, prefix; see 3*e.

Yald, pt. s. of 3*elden.

Yane, v. to yawn, HD, Palsg.; see Ganien.

Yare, adv. soon, S2, Sh.; see 3*are.

Yate, sb. gate, C2, S3; see Gate.

Yawle, v. to howl, HD; see 3*oulen.

Ychan, each one, HD; ychone, HD; seeEche.

Yche, adj. the same, S2; see Ilke.

Ydolastre, sb. idolater, C2.—­Cp.OF. idolActre (Cotg.); Church Lat. idolatra(Vulg.).

Ydolatrie, sb. idolatry, PP.—­ChurchLat. idolatria (Vulg.).

Ydole, sb. idol, C3; ydoles,pl., C3.—­Church Lat. ido*lum(Vulg.); Gk. [Greek: eidolon] (LXX); cp.OF. idle, ydle (Roland); Late Lat. A-dolum(accented as in Greek).

Ydre, sb. hydra, water-snake, WA.—­OF.ydre; Lat. hydra; Gr. [Greek: hydra].

Ydres, sb. pl. water-pots ( = Lat. hydriae),S.—­Gr. [Greek: hydriai]; cp.OF. ydrie (Ducange).

Ye, sb eye, Voc., HD; see E3*e.

Yeant, sb. giant, HD; see Geaunt.

Yeddinges, pl. romances, songs, C; see3*eddynge.

Yede, pt. s. went, S, S2, S3, C3; seeEode, 3*eode.

Yeer, sb. year, C2; see 3*eer.

Yef, if, S, S2; see 3*if.

Yefte, sb. a gift, S; see 3*ift.

Yeir, pl. years, S2; see 3*eer.

Yelde, sb. a payment, S : see Gild.

Yelde-halle, sb. guild-hall, CM, C.

Yelden, v. to yield, pay, C2; see 3*elden.

Yelderes, sb. pl. debtors, S2.

Yeldinges, sb. pl. payments, debts,S2.

Yelleden, pt. pl. yelled, C; see 3*ellen.

Yelpe, v. to boast, C: see 3*elpeu.

Yelwe, adj. yellow, C; see 3*elow.

Yeman, sb. retainer, C; see 3*oman.

Yeme sb. an uncle, HD; see Eem.

Yemen, v. to heed, S; see 3*emen.

Yemer, adj. sad, S; see 3*emer.

Yemernesse, sb. sadness, S.

Yen, sb. pl. eyes, HL; see E3*e.

Yep, adj. prompt, quick, HD; yepe,HD; see 3*ape.

Yer, conj. ere, before, S3; see Er.

Yerd, sb. an enclosure, S, C; see 3*erd.

Yerde, sb. rod, C2; yeorde, S;see 3*erde.

Yere, sb. ear, HD; see Ere.

Yerle, sb. earl, S3; see Erl.

Yerly, adv. early, S3; see Erly.

Yerne, adj. desirous, CM; see 3*erne.

Yerthe, sb. earth, S3; see Erthe.

Yeste, sb. gest, tale, HD; see Geste.

Yete, conj. yet, S; yet, C3;see 3*et.

Yeuen, v. to give, S; see 3*iuen.

Yftles, adj. giftless, HD. See3*ift.

Yh- is written in some MSS. for y-;see HD.

Yheden, pt. pl. went, S2; see Eode.

Yhode, went, S2; see Eode.

Ying, adj. young, S3, G, B; see 3*ong.

Yis, adv. yes, C2; see 3*is.

Yistirday, yesterday, PP; see 3*ister-.

Yit, conj. yet, C2, C3; see 3*et.

Y-kuenct, pp. quenched, S2; see Quenchen.

Ylaste, pt. s. of 3*e-lesten.

Y-leuen, v. to believe, S2.—­AS.ge-*lA1/2fan. See Leuen.

Y-liche, adv. alike, C2; see Iliche.

Ylk-oon, each one, HD; see Eche.

Ylonde, sb. island, S2; ilond,SkD.—­AS. A-g-land; A-g, wateryland, island, from OTeut. stem *_auja_, see Sievers,99.

Y-mone, sb. company, S.—­AS.ge-mAina, ‘societas’ (Voc.).

Ympe, sb. a graft, scion, offspring,HD, PP, H; impe, Prompt., ND; imp, S3,TG.—­AS. impe (BT); Low Lat. impotus,a graft; Gr. [Greek: emphutos] engrafted; cp.F. ente.

Ympen, v. to graft, PP; ympyd,pp., H, Prompt. Der.: ympynge,graft, scion, H; impynge, Prompt.

Ympne, sb. hymn, CM, HD.—­OF.ymne; Church Lat. hymnum (Vulg.); Gr.[Greek: hymnos] see Brugmann, ASec. 131.See Impne.

Ynkirly, adv. particularly, B; see Enkerly.

Ynow, adj., sb., and adv.enough, S2, C2, W, PP; ye-noughe, S3; inoh,S; ynoh, S2; ynou, S2, S; ynow,S3; ynou3*, S2; innoh, S; inow,S; inouh, S; inou, S2; ino3*e,S; ino3*h, S; ynouh, S; ynow3*,W; innoghe, S2; ynough, C2; inough,C; onoh, S; anough, CM; ynewe,HD; anew, S3; ynewch, S3; eneuch,S3; inouwe, pl., S2.—­AS. genAcubedh; cp. OHG. gi-nuht, abundance(Tatian).

Ynwyt, sb. understanding, conscience,HD; see Inwyt.

Yod, pt. s. went, S2; see Eode,3*eode.

Yolden, pp. of 3*elden.

Yolle, v. to yell, C; see 3*ellen.

Yollyng, sb. yelling, clamour, C; see3*ellen.

Yond, adv. yonder, S2, C2; see 3*ond.

Yonge, adj. young, S, C2; see 3*ong.

Yonghede, sb. youth, S; see 3*onghede.

Yore, adv. formerly, S2, S3, C2; see3*ore.

Yornyng, sb. desire, S3; see 3*erning.

Youngth, sb. youth, S3; see 3*ongth.

Youngthly, adj. youthful, S3. See3*ongthe.

Youthe, sb. youth, C2; yowthe,S2; see 3*outhe.

Yow, pron. pl. acc. and dat.you, S, C2; see 3*ou.

Yow, sb. ewe, CM.—­AS. eowu:Goth. awi; see Sievers, 106.

Yoye, v. to joy, HD; see Ioien.

Ypocrysie, sb. hypocrisy, PP; ypocrisye,C3.—­AF. ipocrisie.

Ypocryte, sb. hypocrite, C2.—­OF.ypocrite; Lat. hypocrita (Vulg.); Gr.[Greek: hypocritaes].

Y-rayled, pp. covered, S3. SeeRe3*el.

Yre, sb. anger, H; iris, pl.,W2.—­Lat. ira.

Yreyne, sb. spider, W2; see Aranye.

Yrk, v. to make tired, to become tired,H: irkyn, fastidior, Prompt.; erke,SD; irkyt, 1 pt. s., S3; irked,pt. s., SD.—­Swed. yrka; cp.Lat. urgere.

Yrk, adj. oppressed, tired, S3; irke,SkD. Comb.: irkesum, fastidiosus,Prompt.; irke-*sumnesse, fastidium, Prompt.

Yrous, adj. angry, H.

Ysche, v. to issue, to go forth, B;see Ische.

Yse, sb. ice, CM, H (Ps. 148. 8); iys,W2; ijs, S3; yse, dat., S2.—­AS.A-s.

Ysels, sb. pl. ashes, HD.—­AS.ysle (Grein); see Curtius, No. 610. SeeIsle.

Ysope, sb. hyssop, W2, Voc.; ysoop,HD; ysoppe, Voc.—­OF. ysoppe(Ps. 50. 7); Lat. hyssopum (Vulg.); Gr. [Greek:hyssopos].

Ysue, sb. issue, P; issue, PP.—­AF. issue, pp. f. of issir; Lat. ex-ire.See Ische.

Ythen, adj. busy, B; ythand,B.—­Icel. iA deg.inn.

YA3/4ez, sb. pl. waves, S2, HD; ythes,WA; see Uthe.

Y-ti3*t, pp. made tight, S3; see Thyhtyn.

Yugement, sb. judgment, HD; see Iugement.

Yuel, adj. and sb. evil, S, S2,W, W2, C3; uuel, S2, S; iuel, S, W2,S2; euel, S, W2, S2; eueyl, S2; ufel,S; yuels, pl., S2; the yuele( = malignus, i.e. the devil), W.—­AS.yfel: OS. ubil (Tatian).

Yuele, adv. evilly, W; uuele,S2; euele, S.

Yuer, sb. ivory, W, W2; yuor,HD; yuour, HD; see Euour.

Yuory, sb. ivory, Prompt.; see Euorye.

Y3*e, sb. eye, HD; see E3*e.

3* (pronounced as y).

3*a, adv. yea, S, PP, S2, H; see 3*ea.

3*A|n, prep. against, in comparisonwith, S; see 3*eyn.

3*af, pt. s. of 3*iuen.

3*al, pt. s. yelled, S2; see 3*ellen.

3*ape, adj. vigorous, strong, keen,bold, WA.—­AS. geap, astute, bold(BT).

3*are, adv. formerly, S; see 3*ore.

3*are, adj. ready, S, S2, G; yare,HD; 3*aru, S; 3*arowe, S; 3*are,adv., soon, S, G; yare, S2, Sh.—­AS.gearo.

3*arken, v. to prepare, S, S2, WA; 3*arrkenn,S; gerken, S; giarkien, S; 3*earceon,S; 3*eirken, S; 3*arketh hym, pr.s. reflex., P; 3*A|arced, pp.,S; i-garcket, S; i3*arked, S; giarked,S.—­AS. gearcian.

3*arm, sb. cry, S2.—­Icel.jarmr, a crying.

3*arme, v. to scream, yell, bellow,WA, HD.

3*arowe, sb. milfoil, millefolium,herb for nose-bleeding, Prompt.; yarowe, Palsg.,Manip.; 3*arow, Voc.; 3*arrow, S3.—­AS.gearwe (Voc.): OHG. garawa, garwa.

3*arowe, adj. ready, S; 3*aru,S; see 3*are.

3*ate, sb. gate, S2, G, H, WA; yat,HD; see Gate.

3*e-, a prefix before verbs and substantives.—­AS.ge-. [In ME. the equivalents of ge-,viz. 3*e-, I-, Y-, Hi-,A-, E-, are often found prefixed topast participles. For words beginning with thisparticle see in many cases the uncompounded form.]

3*e, pron. ye, S, S2, PP; ye,C2; ge, S; yhe, S2; 3*eo, S;3*ie, S.—­AS. ge. Seealso 3*ou, 3*oure.

3*ea, adv. yea, PP: 3*a,S, S2, PP, H; 3*e, S, S2, PP, G; 3*he,W; ye, S2, PP, C2; 3*ie, S; 3*ha,S2; 3*o, S2.—­AS. gA(C)a;cp. Goth. jAi, Icel. jAi.

3*e-arnen, v. to earn, S.—­AS.ge-earnian. See Ernen.

3*eat, pt. s. poured, S; see 3*eten.

3*e-bugon, pt. pl. were obedient, S.—­AS. ge-bugon, from ge-bAgan. See Bowen.

3*e-cende, adj. natural, S; i-cundur,comp., S.—­AS. ge-cynde.See Kynde.

3*e-ceosen, v. to choose, MD; 3*e-cas,pt. s., S.—­AS. ge-cA(C)osan.

3*ed, sb. a word; 3*eddes, pl.,MD.—­AS. gied, gid, gyd,song, poem, saying.

3*eddien, v. to speak, MD; 3*edde,to sing, S2.—­AS. geddian, giddian,to sing, to speak.

3*eddynge, sb. a gest or romance, Prompt.;3*eddyngis, pl., HD; yeddynges,songs, C. See above.

3*ede, pt. s. went, S, S2; see 3*eode.

3*edire, adj. vehement, WA; 3*ederly,adv. quickly, S2, HD.—­Cp. AS.A|dre, (edre), quickly, at once:OS. adro, quick.

3*eer, sb. year, S3; 3*er, S,S2; gA|r, S; yeer, C2; 3*ere,PP, S2; yere, S2, C2; yeire, S2; 3*er,pl., PP, S, S2, S3; yer, S; yeer,C2; ger, S; 3*eir, S3; yeir, S2;3*ere, PP; yere, S2; yhere, S2;3*eres, S, PP; geres, S.—­AS.gA(C)r, gA(C)ar: OS. jer,jar; cp. Gr. [Greek: hora]; see Brugmann,ASec. 118.

3*eerli, adv. yearly, S3.

3*ef, conj. if, S, S2; see 3*if.

3*e-fered, sb. company, societas,S; i-ferred, MD; ifereden, MD.—­AS.ge-fA(C)rrA|*den, companionship.

3*eft, sb. gift, S; see 3*ift.

3*e-fo, sb. foe, MD; ifo, MD;y-uo, MD; ivo, S; 3*efo, pl.,S; ifo, MD.—­AS. ge-fAi.See Foo.

3*e-geng, sb. company, S.—­AS.gegang.

3*eid, pt. s. went, S2; see 3*eode.

3*eien, v. to cry out, S, MD; 3*eide,pt. s., MD.—­Icel. geyja,to bark (a strong vb.).

3*eir, pl. years, S3; see 3*eer.

3*e-laA deg.ien, v. to invite, S.—­AS.ge-laA deg.ian.

3*e-laA deg.iere, sb. inviter, S.

3*eld, sb. payment; yelde, S;3*ielde, S; gildes, pl., S; gA|ildes,S.—­AS. gild.

3*elden, v. to pay, yield, S, PP, S2,G, W; yelden, C2; 3*ulde, PP; yhelde,S2; yheld, S2; 3*elt, pr. s.,PP; 3*ilt, PP; 3*ald, pt. s.,PP, S2, S3; yald, PP, S2; yalt, HD;3*elde, PP, S2; 3*elte, PP; 3*elt,PP; geld, S; 3*eldide, W; yolden,pp., C; 3*oldun, W; 3*olde, W;i3*olde, S, S2.—­AS. geldan,pt. geald (pl. guldon), pp. golden:cp. Goth. gildan.

3*eldingus, sb. pl. payments, debts,S3.

3*e-lesten, v. to fulfil, to perform,to continue, last, extend, S; i-leste, S; i-lest,pr. s., S; i-lested, S; gelest,pt. s., S; y-laste, S2; i-laste,S, S2.—­AS. ge-lA|*stan.

3*e-limpen, v. to happen, MD; 3*elamp,pt. s., S; ilomp, S.—­AS.ge-limpan. See Limpen.

3*elke, sb. yolk of an egg, Prompt.

3*ellen, v. to yell, MD; yolle,C; 3*olle, S; 3*ellynge, pr. p.,howling, W; 3*al, pt. s., MD, S2; 3*ulle,pl., MD; 3*elliden, MD; yelleden,C.—­AS. gellan (giellan), pt.geall (pl. gullon), pp. gollen.

3*ellynge, sb. yelling, MD; yollyng,C; 3*ollinge, S.

3*elow, adj. yellow, MD; 3*eoluwe,S; 3*eolewe, S; 3*eluwe, S; 3*olewe,S; yelwe, C; yalu, HD.—­AS.geolw- stem of geolu (geolo);see Sievers, 300; cp. G. gelb.

3*elpe, sb. boasting, S.

3*elpen, v. to boast, S; yelpe,C; yalp, pt. s., MD; yelp, MD.—­AS.gilpan (gielpan), pt. gealp (pl.gulpon), pp. golpen.

3*elpynge, sb. boasting, Prompt.

3*eman, sb. youth, servant, MD; see3*oman.

3*emanry, sb. yeomanry, B.

3*eme, sb. care, S, S2, G; yeme,HD; geme, S.—­AS. gA(C)me (incompounds), gA1/2me.

3*eme-leas, adj. careless, S: 3*emeles,S.—­AS. gA(C)melA(C)as.

3*emeleaste, sb. carelessness, S; 3*eme-*leste,S; 3*emeles, S.—­AS. gA(C)melA(C)st,gA1/2melA(C)ast.

3*emen, v. to care for, to heed, S,HD, S2, S3; yemen, S, G; yem, S2; 3*iemeAdeg., pr. s., S; yhemes, pl.,S2; 3*emed, pt. s., S2; 3*emedd,pp., S; 3*emmde, pl., S.—­AS. gA(C)man, (gA1/2man); cp. Icel.geyma, mutated form from Icel. gaumr,heed, attention; see Sievers, 21. See Gome.

3*emer, adj. sad, MD; yemer,S; 3*eomer, S; 3*omere, adv.,S.—­AS. gA(C)omer.

3*e-meten, v. to meet, S; i-meten,to find, S: y-mete, S; 3*e-met,pr. s., S; i-metten, pt. pl.,S; y-mette, pp., C2, PP.—­AS.ge-mA(C)tan, pt. s. gemA(C)tte.See Meten.

3*emsall, sb. keeping, B. See 3*emen.

3*ene, v. to reply, S; see Ge3*nen.

3*eode, pt. s. went, S, PP; 3*ede,PP, S, S2; 3*eid, S2, S3; 3*ude, S2;yede, S, S2, S3, C3; yhode, S2; yod,S2; yheden, pl., S2 (s. v. forth-).—­AS.ge-A(C)ode. See Eode.

3*eolewe, adj. yellow, S; see 3*elow.

3*eomer, adj. sad, S; see 3*emer.

3*eorne, adv. eagerly, S, S2; see 3*erne.

3*eornen, v. to yearn, desire, S; see3*ernen.

3*eoten, v. to pour, S; see 3*eten.

3*ep, adj. prompt, HD; see 3*ape.

3*er, sb. year, S, S2; see 3*eer.

3*erd, sb. an enclosure, court, field,garden, W; yerd, S, C; 3*erde, G; 3*ard,S3.—­AS. geard: Goth. gards,house; cp. Lat. hortus; see Douse, p.73. See Garth.

3*erde, sb. rod, stick, yard, staff,Prompt., W, S, S2, P; yerde, C2; yeorde,S; 3*erd, S2; 3*erdis, pl., W;3*erden, dat. pl., S.—­OMerc.gerd (VP): Goth. gazds; cp.Lat. hasta; see Douse, p. 73.

3*e-redie, adj. ready, S; iredy,S2; ireadi, adv., S. See Redi.

3*erne, v. to run, S.—­AS.ge-A|rnan. See Rennen.

3*erne, adv. eagerly, S, S2, S3, PP;yerne, C3; 3*eorne, S, S2; 3*orne,HD; 3*ierne, S; 3*ern, S2.—­AS.georne.

3*ernen, v. to yearn, S, S2, PP; 3*eornen,S, S2; 3*irnen, S; 3*arnand, pr.p., S2; 3*irnde, pt. s., S; 3*ornde,S; 3*yrnden, pl., S2; i-3*irnd,pp., S; y3*yrned, S2.—­AS.geornan, also gyrnan; see Sievers, 79.

3*ernful, adj. desirous, MD: 3*eornful,S.

3*erning, sb. desire, MD; yornyng,S3; yherninges, pl., S2.—­AS.geornung.

3*ernliche, adv. diligently, MD; 3*eornliche,S.—­AS. geornlice.

3*erre, sb. outcry, loud lament, WA.—­Cp.AS. georran, to make a noise.

3*e-sceaft, sb. creature; 3*esceafte,dat., S.—­AS. ge-sceaft.Cf. Schaft.

3*e-sceapen, v. to create, MD; 3*escop,pt. s., S; 3*esceop, S; 3*escepe,pp., S.

3*-sceod, sb. distinction, difference,discrimination, reason, S; 3*escod, S.—­AS.ge-scA(C)ad, ge-scAid. See Scheden.

3*escung, sb. covetousness, S; see 3*iscunge.

3*e-secA deg.e, sb. sight, S; see I-sihAdeg.e.

3*et, conj. yet, S, S2; giet,S; gA|t, S; 3*iet, S; yete, S;3*eiet, S; 3*ut, S, S2, P; 3*ete,S; 3*ette, S; 3*ute, S, S2; yhit,S2; 3*it, W; 3*hit, S3; yit, C2,C3; yet, C3; 3*yt, S2; get, S.—­AS.get.

3*eten, v. to pour, MD; 3*eoten,MD, S; 3*ett, WA, Cath.; 3*eat, pt.s., S; 3*et, S; 3*oten, pp.,PP; 3*otun, molten, W2; 3*eten, PP.—­AS.gA(C)otan, pt. gA(C)at (pl. guton),pp. goten: Goth. giutan; cp.Lat. fundo (for fu-d-no); see Douse,p. 112.

3*eten, v. to say yea, to grant, S;3*aten, MD; 3*ettien, S, MD; 3*ettede,pt. s., S; 3*etede, S; 3*ette,S; i-3*ette, S; gatte, S, MD; gat,MD; gatten, pl., S; gett, pp.,S2.—­AS. gA(C)atan, pt. s. gA(C)atte(pl. gA(C)atton); cp. Icel. jAita,to say yea, confess, grant, see Fick, 7. 243.See 3*ea.

3*ett, sb. gate, S3; 3*et, B;see Gate.

3*eu, 3*ew, pron. you, S; see 3*ou.

3*e-wealden, v. to control, MD; 3*e-wold,pt. subj. pl., S.—­AS. ge-wealdan.See Welden.

3*e-wer, adv. everywhere, S.—­AS.ge-hwA|*r.

3*e-winne, v. to contend, S.—­AS.ge-winnan.

3*eyn, prep. and prefix, against,in comparison with; 3*A|n, S.—­AS.gegn; cp. Icel. gegn.

3*eynbowght, pt. s. redeemed, HD; seeBiggen.

3*eyncome, sb. return, HD.

3*eynsey, v. to gainsay; 3*einseye,SkD.

3*ha, adv. yea, S3: 3*he,W; see 3*ea.

3*his, adv. yes, W; see 3*is.

3*icchen, v. to itch, MD; 3*itchinge,pr. p., W.—­AS. giccan,also gyccan (see OET): OHG. juochen:OTeut. *_jukkjan_.

3*ielde, sb. a payment, S; see 3*eld.

3*ierne, adv. eagerly, S; see 3*erne.

3*iet, conj. yet, S; see 3*et.

3*if, conj. if, S, S2, G, H; 3*iff,S; 3*yf, S2; yif, S; gif, S2;yf, S; gief, S; 3*ief, S; gef,S; 3*ef, S, S2; yef, S, S2; ef,S, C2; geue, S3; gife, S3, H.—­AS.gif = ge + if (cp. Icel. ef, andO.Icel. if, if): Goth. jabai; seeBrugmann, ASec. 123.

3*ife, sb. gift, grace, S; giue,S; gyue, S; gife, S; 3*ieue,S; gief, S.—­AS. gifu.

3*ift, sb. gift, PP; 3*yft, S2;yefte, S; yifte, C3; 3*iftes,pl., PP; 3*eftes, S; yeftes, S;3*iftus, S2; yiftes, C3.—­Icel. gipt.

3*immes, sb. pl. gems, jewels, S; 3*ymmes,WA.—­AS. gim; Lat. gemma;see Sievers, 69. See Gemme.

3*im-stones, sb. pl. jewels, S.—­AS.gim-*stAin.

3*ing, adj. young, S3, G; see 3*ong.

3*irnan, v. to desire, S; see 3*ernen.

3*is, adv. yes, MD; 3*ys, Prompt.;yis, C2; 3*us, PP, S2; 3*his,W.—­AS. gese for gA(C)a + theparticle _-se_, _-si_ (for Goth. sai, OHG.sA(C), behold); see Sievers, 338.

3*iscare, sb. covetous person, S; 3*itsere,MD; 3*ietceres, pl., S.—­AS.gA-tsere.

3*iscen, v. to covet, desire, MD.—­AS.gA-tsian, gA-dsian; cp. Goth. gaidw,want; see Sievers, 198, 205.

3*iscunge, sb. covetousness, S; 3*escung,S; 3*itsunge, MD.—­AS. gA-tsung.

3*ister-, adj. yester-, MD.—­AS.geostra, gystra: Goth. gistra.

3*ister-dai, yesterday, W2; yistirday,PP.

3*ister-evin, yester-eve, S3.

3*it, conj. yet, W; see 3*et.

3*iu, you, S; see 3*ou.

3*iuen, v. to give, S, S2, PP; 3*ifenn,S; 3*yue, W, S2; gyuen, S; geuen,S; 3*euen, S, S2, S3; 3*efen, S; yiuen,C2; yeuen, S; 3*eouen, S; 3*ieuen,S; 3*efue, S; 3*iefe, S; 3*ief,S; geyff, S3; yef, imp. s., S;yif, S, S2; gif, S2; 3*eueA3/4,pl., S2; gifA deg., pr. s., S;yeft, S; yefA3/4, S2; gaf, pt.s., S, S2; 3*af, S, S2, G; 3*A|f,S; 3*ifuen, pl., S; yaf, S, C2;iaf, S; 3*iaf, S; gef, S; 3*ef,S, S2; gaiff, S3; yafe, S3; 3*aue,S2; 3*eue, pl., S2; 3*auen, W;iafen, S; iauen, S; geuen, pp.,S; gyuen, S; 3*iuen, S; yiuen,C2; iiuen, S; i3*iue, S; yeuen,S2, C2; y-3*eue, S2, G; 3*ouen, S2;3*ouun, S2, W; i3*iue, S, S2.—­AS.gifan, pt. geaf (pl. gA(C)afon),pp. gifen; see Sievers, 391.

3*iuer, adj. greedy, MD; 3*iure,S.—­AS. gA-fre; cp. G. geifer,drivel.

3*oill-evyn, sb. Yule-even, Christmaseve, B. See 3*ole.

3*ok, sb. yoke, W, W2; 3*ockis,pl., W, W2.—­AS. geoc:Goth. juk; cp. Lat. iu*gum, Gr.[Greek: zugon]; see Brugmann, ASec. 133.

3*olde, pp. paid, W; see 3*elden.

3*ole, sb. Yule, Christmas, HD,SkD.—­AS. gA(C)ola; cp. Goth,jiuleis, Grimm, p. 702; see Sievers, 220.

3*oman, sb. a youth, MD, Cath.; 3*eman,MD; yeman, servant, retainer, C; 3*emen,pl., HD, PP; 3*oumen, PP.

3*omere, adv. sadly, S; see 3*emer.

3*omerly, adj. sad, S2.—­AS.gA(C)omorlic.

3*on, adj. yon, MD, PP; 3*one,PP. S2.—­AS. geon, (SkD); cp.Goth. jains; see Sievers, 338, and Brugmann,ASec. 123.

3*ond, prep, through, MD; 3*eond,S; 3*ont, S; 3*eon, S.

3*ond, adv. yonder, there, MD, S3; yond,S2, C2; 3*onde, PP.

3*onde, used as adj. yon, PP; yond,S2, S3, Sh.—­AS. geond, through,also yonder.

3*onder, adv. yonder, G; used asadj., PP.

3*ong, adj. young, S, S2, S3, W, PP;3*ung, S; 3*onge, G; yonge, S,C2; yunge, S; 3*yng, S3; gunge,S; iunge, S; yhung, S2; ying,S3, G; 3*ing, S3, G; yonger, comp.,S; 3*eunger, S; 3*ungre, S; gungest,superl., S; gunkeste, S; 3*ongost,S2; 3*ongest, G.—­AS. geong:Goth. juggs (for jungs); cp. Latiuuencus; see Kluge (s.v. jugend).

3*onghede, sb. youth, MD; yonghede,S, CM; 3*unghede, MD.

3*onglyng, sb. young man, disciple,MD, W; iunglenges, pl., S.

3*ongthe, sb. youth, W; 3*ungthe,HD, Prompt.; youngth, S3.

3*op, adj. bold, HD; see 3*ape.

3*ore, adv. formerly, S2, G; yore,S2, S3, C2: 3*are, S.—­AS. geAira,for gA(C)ara, gen. pl. of gA(C)ar.See 3*eer.

3*orle, sb. earl, HD; see Erl.

3*ornde, pt. s. yearned, S; see 3*ernen.

3*oskinge, sb. sobbing, WA; 3*yxynge,Prompt.—­Cp. AS. giscian (BT).

3*otun, pp. molten, W2; see 3*eten.

3*ou, pron. pl. acc. and dat.you, S, S2, W, PP; 3*ow, S2, G, PP; yow,S, C2; 3*ew, S; 3*eu, S; 3*uw,S; 3*iu, S; giu, S; gu, S; ow,S, S2; ou, S, S2; eu, S; eou,S; eow, S.—­AS. A(C)ow.See also 3*e.

3*oulen, v. to howl, cry, MD; goulen,S, S2; 3*aulen, MD; yawle, HD; gowland,pr. p., S3.—­Icel. gaula.

3*oure, pron. pl. gen. of you (alsoposs. pron., your), S; eouwer,S; A|oure, S; 3*ure, S; 3*iure,S; 3*owre, PP; eure, S; gur,S; 3*eur, S; ower, S; oure, S2;our, S; ore, S2; or, S2; youres,C2.—­AS. A(C)owre, gen., of A(C)ow,you. See 3*e.

3*ou-selue, yourselves, S; 3*ou-silf,W; 3*ow-seluen, PP; 3*ow-self, PP; ow-seolf,S; ow-seoluen, S; ou-suluen, S.

3*outhe, sb. youth, PP, S2; youthe,C2; 3*owthe, PP; yowthe, S2; yhouthe,S2; yhowthe, S2; 3*ieuA deg., S; 3*uheAdeg.e, S; 3*u3*eA deg.e, S.—­AS.geoguA deg., guguA deg., iuguA deg.;see Sievers, 74.

3*outhede, sb. youth, MD; youthede,MD; guA deg.hede, S.—­AS. geoguAdeg.hAid.

3*ouen, pp. of 3*iuen.

3*owle, sb. Yule, HD; see 3*ole.

3*o3*elinge, sb. guggling noise, S.

3*ude, pt. s. went, S2; see 3*eode.

3*uheA deg.e, sb. youth, S; see 3*outhe.

3*us, adv. yes, S2; see 3*is.

3*ut, conj. yet, S, S2, P; see 3*et.

3*yng, adj. young, S3; see 3*ong.



A, prep, of, S2, S3, PP; see Of.

A, adv. ever, S; aa, S; abuten, ever without, S; see O.

Accompt, sb. account, S3; see Acounte.

Accompted, pp. accounted, S3; see Acounte.

Ace, sb. a jot, S3; see As.

Addledd, pp. earned, S; see Adlen.

An, num. and indef. art. one,S; A|nne, S; see Oon.

Aness, adv. once, S; see Oones.

Afingret, pp. an-hungered, NED, HD;see Of-hungred.

Afyrst, pp. athirst, PP; afurst,PP; afrust, PP; see Of-A3/4urst.

AgreA3/4ed, pp. made ready, S2; seeA-graythen.

Ah, pr. s. owes (as a duty), S; ahen,pr. pl., are obliged, S; see Owen.

Aht, sb. aught, anything; ahte,S; ahct, S; see Ought.

Ak, sb. oak, Voc.; akis, pl.,S3; see Ook.

Akennet, pp. born, S; see A-cennen.

Almain. For almain-lean readalmain-leap.

Anaunter, for an aunter, a chance, S2;see Auenture.

Ande, sb. breath, H; see Onde.

Anfald, adj. single, simple, S, HD;see Oone-fold.

Anhed, sb. unity, H; see Oonhed.

Anleth. For v. read sb.

Anwalde, sb. dat. power, S; anwolde,S; see On-wald.

Are, sb. oar, MD; see Ore.

Athamaunte, sb. adamant, C; see Adamant.

Atteir, sb. attire, S3; see Atyre.

Aual, imp. s. fell, cause to fall, S;see A-fallen.

Auhte, pt. s. ought, S; aucte,owned, S; see Owen.

Auote, adv. on foot, S2; see A-fote.

Autorite, sb. authority, C; see Auctoritee.

Autour, sb. author, S3; see Auctour.

Aw-; see Au-.

Aynd, sb. breath, B; see Onde.

Aynding, sb. smelling, B; see Onding.

Ayr, sb. oar, B; see Ore.

Belde, adj. big, blustering, S; seeBold.

Belt, pp. built, S3; see Bilden.

Beode, v. to pray, S; see Bidden.

Bersten, v. to burst, S, C; see Bresten.

Betaken, v. to betoken, S2; see Bitoknen.

Bi-healde, v. to behold; bihalden,S2; see Bi-holden.

BilA|de, pt. s. enclosed, S; see Bi-*leggen.

BilA|uen, v. to remain, S; see Bi-leuen.

Billet, sb. a piece of firewood; byllets,pl., S3 (26. 785).

Binam, Binom; pt. s. of Bi-nimen.

Bi-so3*te, pt. s. of Bi-sechen..

Bituhhe, prep, between, S; see Bi-*twi3*e.

Blane (for blan), pt. s.of Bi-linnen.

Blynke. For sie read see.

Bod, pt. s. waited, S2; bode,waited for, S2; see Biden.

Bounden, pp. bound, S, C2; see Binden.

Breas, sb. brass, S; see Bras.

Breggid, pt. s. shortened, W; see A-*bregge.

Bulde, pt. s. built, C; see Bilden.

Bye, v. to buy, S2; by, C3; seeBiggen.

Camel. The regular OF. equivalent forLat. came*lum was chameil. In OF.camel the termination _-el_ is due to analogywith French forms derived from _-a*lem_. SeeBH, ASec. 43.

Canoun. Church Lat. canonicus didnot mean originally ’one on the church-rollor list,’ but one who was bound to observe acertain rule of life (canon, [Greek: kanon]).OF. chanoine is not the precise equivalentof canonicum, but represents a Latin type *_canonium_.See Scheler’s Diet. (ed. 3).

Cherche, sb. church, S2, C3; see Chirche.

Clomben, pp. climbed, C; see Climben.

Daw, sb. day, S2; see Day.

Deburs, v. disburse, pay, S3; see Disburse.

Dedeyn, sb. disdain, W, H; see Disdeyn.

Degyset, pp. disguised, S2; see Disgysen.

Deserited. For Desheriten, seeDisheriten.

Dide, pt. s. did, caused, put, S; seeDon.

Dilitable, adj delightful, S2; see Delitable.

Diuise, v. to tell of, describe, S2;see Deuisen.

Drui3*est, 2 pr. s. art dry, S2; seeDrye.

Dunt, sb. blow, S, S2; see Dent.

Effnenn, v. to make equal or even, S;see Euenen.

Ernes. A derivation of this word fromthe French has not been proved.—­OF. ernesdoes not exist.

Falten. The form falt should betaken away from this article and placed under Folden.The words falt mi tunge mean ’my tonguegives way.’ For the various meanings ofthis verb folden, see MD (ii. 68). Thiscorrection is due to the kindness of Prof. Napier.

For-swinken, v. to exhaust with toil;forswonke, pp., S3 (p. 364, l. 24).

Frayd, pp. frightened, S3; fraid,scared, S3; see Afrayen.

Habide, v. to abide, resist, S2; seeA-biden.

Hagt. Dr. F. Holthausen suggests thatthis word means ’danger, peril,’ comparingthis ME hagt with Icel. hA|tta whichhas the same meaning. Kluge connects this hA|ttawith Gothic ha*han, to hang, so that it maymean radically ‘a state of being in suspense.’The word must have come into England in the form *_haht_,before the assimilation of ht to tt.

Hal, adj. all, S2; see Al.

Ham, 1 pr. s. am; S; see Am.

Haxede, pt. s. asked, S; see Asken.

Here, adv. before, S; see Er.

Heremyte, sb. hermit, S2; heremites,pl., P; see Ermite.

Hulpen. (To be placed more to the right.)

Ich, adj. each, S, S2; see Eche.

Ieden, pt. pl. went, S; see Eode.

Joutes. For juta* read ju*ta.For other cognates of this wide-spread word, see Kluge(s.v. jauche). See also s.v. kAse,where Kluge remarks that Icel. ostr, cheese,and Finnish juusto, cheese, are etymologicallyconnected with G. jauche, and Latin jus.

Kepen. AS. cA(C)pan, to keep, shouldbe kept quite distinct from AS. cA1/2pan, tosell. AS. cA1/2pan is the phonetic representativeof OTeut. kaupjan, whereas cA(C)pan,to keep, represents an OTeut. ko*pjan_. Cp.E. _keen_, the representative of AS. _cA(C)ne_, OTeut._*ko*ni_ (G. _kA1/4hn_). See Kluge’s notein P. & B. BeitrAge, viii. 538.

Mo. Add ) at the end.

Note, sb. nut. A better explanationof not-heed is ’with the hair of thehead closely cut.’ The verb to nottmeans to cut the hair close. ‘Tondre,to sheer, clip, cut, powle, nott’; Cotgrave.

Onond, prep. as regards, respecting,S; onont, S; see An-ent.

Quene. It should be noted that E. queenis not precisely the same word as E. quean.For queen is the phonetic equivalent of AS.cwA(C)n, Goth, kwe*ns, whereas queanrepresents AS. cwe*ne, Goth. kwi*no.

Senged, pp. sun-burnt, S3 (p. 364, 1.29); see Sengin.

Sisour, sb. juror, PP; sysour,P; see Asisour.

Stok. Prof. Napier maintains thatthe stokess of the Ormulum cannot be identifiedwith AS. stocc, as the gemination of the consonantpersists in the Ormulum. He suggests that stokessmeans ‘places,’ comparing the use of stokein place-names, e.g. Wude stoke in Chron.(Earle, p. 249), He also cites in illustration AS.stoc-weard, ‘oppidanus,’ see Leo,p. 206.

Sum (I). Delesumere,dat, S;’

Twichand, pres. pt. touching, regarding,S3 (13. 271).

Tyred, pp. attired, dressed, S2; seeAtyren.

UrA3/4e (written VrA3/4e), sb.earth, S2; see Erthe.

Whicche, a chest, trunk, box; whucche,PP; whyche, Prompt.; hoche, Prompt.—­AS.hwicce; ‘Clustella, hwicce;’Engl. Studien, xi. 65.

Wike, sb. pl. the corners of the mouth,S (4 a. 49).—­Cf. Icel. munnvik,pl., the corners of the mouth; see CV (s.v. munnr).The word wikes is still in use in this senseat Whitby. See Whitby Glossary (E.D.S.).

Wone, adj. one, S3 (7. 97); see Oon.

Wyne-grapis, sb. pl. vine-grapes, S3(13. 99).

A Concise Dictionary of Middle English eBook (2024)


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