What is duck typing? 🦆 Learn more about it. | Farhad Uneci posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)

Farhad Uneci

Software engineering athirst

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What is duck typing? 🦆Duck typing is a style of dynamic typing in which the type or the class of an object is determined by its behavior, specifically by the methods and properties it possesses, rather than by its explicit declaration or inheritance hierarchy. The name "duck typing" comes from the saying "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck."In programming languages that support duck typing, an object's suitability for a particular operation is determined by the presence of certain methods or properties, rather than by its inheritance or explicit type declaration. This allows for greater flexibility and code reuse, as objects from different classes or types can be used interchangeably as long as they support the required methods or properties.Key characteristics of duck typing:1. Dynamic Typing: Duck typing is closely associated with dynamically typed languages, where types are determined at runtime rather than compile time. Since the type of an object is determined by its behavior, objects can change types dynamically based on the methods they implement.2. Polymorphism: Duck typing enables polymorphic behavior without explicit inheritance or interface implementation. Objects can be used in different contexts as long as they support the required behavior, leading to more flexible and reusable code.3. Focus on Behavior: Duck typing focuses on what objects can do (their behavior) rather than what they are (their type or class). This promotes a more functional programming style where objects are used based on their capabilities rather than their specific types.Languages like Python and Ruby are often cited as examples of languages that support duck typing. In these languages, objects are not bound to specific types or interfaces, allowing for more dynamic and expressive code. However, it's important to note that while duck typing offers flexibility and simplicity, it also requires careful design and documentation to ensure that objects are used appropriately based on their behavior.


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  • Mohammad Fahim Ajmal

    Assistant Engineer In Network & Support

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    Sure. The Interpreter pattern is a design pattern in object-oriented programming that interprets instructions expressed in a language. The pattern defines a class for each non-terminal symbol in the grammar of the language, as well as a class for the terminal symbols. The interpreter class has a method for each non-terminal symbol that interprets the corresponding instruction. The terminal symbols are interpreted by their corresponding classes.Here is an example of how the Interpreter pattern can be used:A user wants to write a program to calculate the area of a triangle.The user creates a program that uses the Interpreter pattern.The program defines a class for each non-terminal symbol in the grammar of the language, such as "number", "variable", and "operator".The program defines a class for each terminal symbol in the grammar of the language, such as "3", "4", and "*".The program defines an interpreter class that has a method for each non-terminal symbol that interprets the corresponding instruction.The program defines a method for each terminal symbol that interprets the corresponding instruction.The program uses the interpreter class to interpret the instructions in the program.In this example, the interpreter class is responsible for interpreting the instructions in the program. The interpreter class has a method for each non-terminal symbol that interprets the corresponding instruction. The terminal symbols are interpreted by their corresponding classes.The Interpreter pattern can be used in a variety of situations where you need to interpret instructions expressed in a language. Some common examples include:Parsing: You can use the Interpreter pattern to parse a text file or a stream of data.Evaluating expressions: You can use the Interpreter pattern to evaluate expressions, such as mathematical expressions or logical expressions.Executing commands: You can use the Interpreter pattern to execute commands, such as shell commands or SQL commands.The Interpreter pattern is a powerful tool that can be used to interpret instructions expressed in a language. This can make your code more flexible and easier to maintain.Here are some of the benefits of using the Interpreter pattern:Flexibility: The Interpreter pattern makes it easy to add new instructions or change existing instructions. This is because the instructions are encapsulated in objects, which can be easily created or modified.Reusability: The Interpreter pattern makes it easy to reuse instructions. This is because the instructions are encapsulated in objects, which can be easily passed around and executed.Maintainability: The Interpreter pattern makes it easy to maintain code that uses the Interpreter pattern. This is because the instructions are encapsulated in objects, which makes it easy to understand how they work and to change them if necessary.

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    Full Stack Developer with a Passion for Data Science

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    How to Run Code Llama on Your Computer with Ollama medium.com


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  • Tanvir Hossain

    8 Years of Experience | Frontend Software Engineer with T-shaped knowledge | JavaScript Expert | Core knowledge of JS | React JS | 2D-3D Visuals, ThreeJS, PixiJS | Programming Enthusiast | Seeking full-time opportunity

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    🆃🅷🅸🅽🅺 🆂🅸🅼🅿🅻🅴𝗥𝗲𝗴𝗲𝘅"Regex, short for regular expression, is a powerful tool for pattern matching and text manipulation. It allows you to search, match, and manipulate strings based on specific patterns. Whether you need to validate an email address, extract data from a text file, or replace certain characters, regex can help you accomplish these tasks efficiently.In regex, you can use metacharacters to define patterns. For example, the dot (.) matches any character, the asterisk (*) matches zero or more occurrences of the preceding character, and the plus sign (+) matches one or more occurrences. Additionally, you can use character classes like [a-z] to match any lowercase letter or \d to match any digit.Regex also supports special characters called anchors. The caret (^) matches the start of a line, while the dollar sign ($) matches the end of a line. These anchors are useful for validating entire strings or extracting specific portions of a text.To test your regex patterns, you can use online tools or programming languages that support regex, such as Python, JavaScript, or Java. These languages provide functions and methods to perform regex operations on strings.So, practice your regex skills and explore the vast possibilities it offers for pattern matching and text manipulation. With enough practice, you'll become proficient in crafting powerful regex expressions to solve various text-related problems."Feel free to use this text to practice your regex skills! Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like me to include or focus on in the practice text.


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  • hamza javed

    IT Expert

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    "Python in 20 Lines: A Compact Powerhouse"1. Imports: Import essential libraries like `requests` and `BeautifulSoup` for web scraping.2. URL: Define the URL of the webpage to scrape.3. Request: Make a GET request to the URL using `requests`.4. HTML Parsing: Use `BeautifulSoup` to parse the HTML content.5. Data Extraction: Extract relevant data such as headlines or links.6. Processing: Process the extracted data as needed.7. Output: Print or display the processed data.8. Error Handling: Implement basic error handling for connection issues or missing elements.9. Modularization: Keep the script concise by avoiding excessive modularization.10. Testing: Perform basic testing with sample inputs to ensure functionality.11. Documentation: Include brief comments for clarity.12. Version Control: Initialize a Git repository for version control.13. Security: Be cautious with external data sources to avoid security risks.14. Performance: Optimize for performance within the constraints of simplicity.15. Compatibility: Ensure compatibility across different Python versions.16. Style: Adhere to PEP 8 style guidelines for readability.17. Community Engagement: Seek feedback from the Python community for improvements.18. Learning: Continuously learn and improve Python skills.19. Packaging: Consider packaging for easier distribution.20. Contribution: Contribute to open-source projects to give back to the community.

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  • Jacob Mongeri

    CTO at Kemsoft Masters Ltd | Driving Technological Innovation.

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  • Chris Curtis

    CTO & Enterprise Architect. AI. AGI. Mergers and Acquisitions. Supply-Chain. Retail. Finance. Data Science. Automated Change Delivery

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    Polymorphism in Inherited Third Generation Programming Languages and the IT Competence Gap, the Cliff Notes...Third-gen pooter langs were growing in popularity back in the 80s. Your C++ as I knew it, SmallTalk as my computer tutor John Gooday and Master of AI thinking in '95 knew it. And culinary god.First gen - assembler... near non-nonsense into nonsense on the readability scale as a functional delta.English... assembly language has a semblance of readability, their job is to translate into processor instruction sets; the digital quantum realm known as... dun dum dar... machine code. Beep-beep, [bop beep],.. etcSecond gen GOATs... Pascal, BASIC, cThird gen... bootstrapped from c in the case of c++, i.e. the c++ compiler actually includes a pre-copiler step from c++ to c, and then to assembly, then to machine code.An abstraction dimension addition or two later... from machine code to c++.What do each generation give us?1 was no good to anyone.2 was ok for geniuses3 could be done by nerds (#menerd)c++ et al enforce what we can categorise as the Polymorphism Advantage.The Polymorphism Advantage is when we create an extra end zero (plus) annual gain ROI by competitive advantage, between three and four orders of magnitude or higher.. we ourselves do 20 times (plus) so four to five times in order-of-magnitude.4th gen were database (yawn) query languages5th gen were all at the highest end of market like NoSQL/SQL hybrid Slimeline-yet-Beast leaders InterSystems and IRIS, the most esquisitely refined engineering I have ever seen.6th gen includes the split between Generative AI, and Dead-End (Supply-Chain, Retail) AI7th gen is us as market makers in Bootstrapped Emergent Virtual AGI.The last being tested now with simulated AGI to pass a derivative Turing Curve, nick-named, the Extended-Turing test. The simulated AGI should be indistinguishable in the present, with value space exploitation as a measure, and has answers that are self-evident in hindsight.This last one is an abstract process to refine the quadrant of what we dont know we dont know into the light using process (automation), we go from abstract, or general representation to the vertical market refinement needs in a tree efficiency pattern.This is basic, basic, fundamental c++ object oriented design, rehashed from the 80s and spat out again 40 years later. v 2 when the Original are gone. The First Nerds are all but gone-burger.No one RTFM since.lolCan you see the gap that is emergent at-scale? #leaders #ai #design #automation #job #programming #digital #future #engineering #language #database #culinary #sql #retail #nosql This is where the biggest innovations and gold mines are hiding for the future.



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  • 엄복음

    DevOps Engineer

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    https://lnkd.in/g3kSGwEgGPTScript is a new scripting language to automate your interaction with a Large Language Model (LLM), namely OpenAI. The ultimate goal is to create a fully natural language based programming experience. The syntax of GPTScript is largely natural language, making it very easy to learn and use. Natural language prompts can be mixed with traditional scripts such as bash and python or even external HTTP service calls. With GPTScript you can do just about anything likeplan a vacation,edit a file,run some SQL, orbuild a mongodb/flask app.#gpt #ai #programing

    GitHub - gptscript-ai/gptscript: Natural Language Programming github.com


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What is duck typing? 🦆 Learn more about it. | Farhad Uneci posted on the topic | LinkedIn (25)

What is duck typing? 🦆 Learn more about it. | Farhad Uneci posted on the topic | LinkedIn (26)


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What is duck typing? 🦆 Learn more about it. | Farhad Uneci posted on the topic | LinkedIn (2024)


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