The 50 best spa hotels in Karlovy Vary (2024)

Located in Karlovy Vary, the Wellness & Spa Hotel Ambiente is a 4-star hotel offering comfortable accommodation just a short distance from Market Colonnade and The Underground of the Thermal Spring Colonnade. The hotel provides Wi-Fi throughout the property. Guests have praised the friendly staff and found the rooms to be satisfactory, although some amenities may need maintenance. The spa facilities are well-regarded, with guests enjoying the pool and medical procedures offered by accommodating personnel.

(Translated by Google) Nice hotel, polite staff. There is enough food, tasty.Great treatments. I especially recommend the massage therapist Pavel, an excellent specialist in his field. We will come again just because of him.I can recommend the hotel to anyone who wants to go for treatment.(Original)Хороший отель, вежливый персонал. Еды достаточно, вкусно.Отличные процедуры. Особенно рекомендую массажиста Павла, отличный специалист в своем деле. Приедем снова только из-за него.Отель могу порекомендовать всем, кто хочет ехать на лечение.

Elena A — Google review

The rooms when we checked in wasn’t cleaned at all full of dust!!! No enough staff to serve us. Each room has only one roll of Bath tissues no more!! And they refuse to provide more in anyrooms ! They just informed us that they don’t do room cleaning everyday of the staying and it will be charged every time !!! They don’t smile they have an attitude because of we are Arab we are paying money for the hotel and everything is in charge why we should pay more if the hotel can’t endures this type of people they should not even work !!!!!

Khulood T — Google review

(Translated by Google) A big disappointment, the rooms are clean, the toilet is crooked, the wellness is great, but when there are too many people there is nowhere to lie down, the staff at the pool are nice and helpful. The massage is a disaster, the masseuse can't even do it, the procedures are listed as 30 minutes, the massage was barely 15 minutes, but that's more like a caress, the rest of the procedures were also cheated by 10 minutes.Food …. Breakfast average, dinner on Friday 25.11 at 19:30 there was nothing to eat, they didn't add anything, on Saturday 26.11 at 18:00 there was almost nothing to eat either, a disaster.We were there in the spring, and that could not be compared to this stay.I know for sure that I will never go to Ambiente again!(Original)Velké zklamání , pokoje čisté , záchod nakřivo , wellness super, ale když je moc lidi nedá se nikde lehnout , obsluha u bazénu milá , ochotná. Masáže katastrofa , ta paní masérka to ani neumí , procedury jsou uvedené 30 minut , masáž byla sotva 15 min, ale to je spiš pohlazení, zbytek procedur taky ošizeno o 10 minut .Jídlo …. Snídaně průměrná , večeře v pátek 25.11 v 19:30 už nebylo co k jídlu , nic nedoplňovali , v sobotu 26.11 v 18 hodin taky už nebylo skoro nic k jídlu , katastrofa .Byli jsme tam na jaře , a to se nedalo srovnat s tímhle pobytem.Vím určitě že do Ambiente už nikdy !

Jana H — Google review

Went there twice. For the price - excellent hotel with friendly personnel.Rooms are OK. Some equipment AC didn’t work, but luckily weather was forgiving on this matter.SPA is good, pool is good but something always doesn’t work. Not a big deal.Medical procedures are good and personnel is very accommodating.Food is good even though variety is not wide.I would give this hotel 5 stars but couple days before my departure group of 3 people arrived and was treated like real VIP in front of all other guests being served with off- menu la carte meals in front of everyone eating from buffet. Guess what? I have run into incident witth the woman of that group over taking glass for my drink from the shelf of the kitchen. She took it away from me in the rude manner implicating me in almost committing a crime.She said that she is an owner of this hotel and I must obey her orders at once. What a behavior of an owner toward her guests! Moreover, when I left - she sent a bullish guy after me to come back and apologize. The guy introduced himself as head of security service of hotel, behaving quite intimidating. Really? This is typical russian 90’s in peaceful Czech hotel.This is absolutely not a way to treat guests.Unacceptable.I have heavily travel throughout the world and must say that real owners behavior is pretty humble toward their patrons.

STEVEN V — Google review

(Translated by Google) During the three days at KVIFF, I was counting on smooth, standard hotel services — the most basic of which is that the guest doesn't have to worry about anything and is taken care of. Unfortunately, Ambiente did not fulfill this.I changed two rooms during my stay. The first one, on the third floor, was very nice and clean, exactly as I would expect from a four-star hotel. Functional air conditioning, TV, plenty of storage space, towels, relatively comfortable bed... Everything ok.But... The first surprise came very soon, when we decided to go to the SPA — and of course, ideally in flip flops and a bathrobe. The problem was that Hotel Ambiente provides bathrobes (they are in the closets in the room), but not slippers. Therefore, I called the reception and asked the lady to send us a maid with two pairs of slippers. The receptionist first reacted as if I were asking her for five packs of blue from the sky, and after a while she blurted out that the slippers were available for purchase for (I think) 70 crowns. Ok, I say to myself, that's a stretch, but so be it. The change of shoes was brought to us and we went to the SPA. (By the way, we left our swimsuits in Prague. You can usually buy them in SPA hotels, but I probably don't need to say how it is in the case of Ambiente).It must be said that the SPA there is great. Although the pool is small (approx. 4-5 temps), this is clearly balanced by the other wellness functions, especially the aroma sauna, which really has great steam, very good steam and the associated ice bucket, which is the perfect way to cool down. Unfortunately, it must be added that later in the evening, apart from the main "attractions", almost nothing works in the SPA. It's nice, though, that it's not overcrowded.The second room we were moved to for the second night was located on the fifth, i.e. the last, floor. In my life, I have never experienced such a significant drop in room quality in one hotel as here. Our room No. 2 was downright ugly, significantly smaller, less clean and looked extremely cheap — I felt like I was in a hostel or some kind of boarding house. Fortunately, the air conditioning was working again, which was essential in such heat. However, after 10 minutes of using YouTube on the TV, the batteries in the controller ran out.Another, and probably the most absurd problem, occurred in the afternoon in the new room. While washing my hair, I realized that the bathroom's sanitary equipment lacked a conditioner — an absolute staple of any hotel's equipment. I called the reception thinking that it was a mistake, or at least with the assumption that it would be available at the reception for an extra charge, just like the bachkory. However, the extremely grumpy receptionist asked me in all seriousness what conditioner was. I answer that what is put in the hair after shampooing. "What do you mean hair dryer?", the receptionist asks me again quite seriously. I am in complete shock and do not know how to continue such an absurd dialogue. I hang up the phone angrily.The icing on the cake was a night study with the purchase of a bottle of prosecco from the night receptionist, who had no idea about anything. The level of her irritation was already completely unreal, but she quickly threw it at us as well, when she uttered in an annoyed tone, "Well, there's probably some Goddess here, huh". Flight.Upon arrival, we sat in the Lobby, where no one served. When the waitress finally appeared behind the bar, we immediately found out that she could hardly speak a word of Czech. But she poured something for us, which, with both eyes narrowed, MAYBE could be called beer (far from cold pilsner in a Krusovic pint, with almost no foam and below average). Otherwise, I got a (correctly) tapped beer only once during my entire stay, otherwise it was the same story.The hotel has a very pleasant terrace between the 3rd and 4th floor, where you can find seating and deckchairs. There is peace and quiet — commodities paid for in gold during KVIFF.Breakfast OK, but nothing extra and the elevator there is a reason to commit suicide.The impression I took away from Hotel Ambiente is one of confusion, amazement and disbelief to say the least. Now I rather laugh at it, but during my stay the staff there, the (lack of) services, the ubiquitous kitsch and a noticeable, even unbearable level of Russianness, really got on my nerves. So I'm not really here anymore.(Original)Spoléhal jsem se, že se během tří dnů na KVIFFu dočkám bezproblémových, standardních hotelových služeb — z nichž tou nejzákladnější je, že host nemusí nic řešit a je o něj postaráno. To Ambiente bohužel nesplnil.Během pobytu jsem vystřídal dva pokoje. Ten první, ve třetím patře, byl moc pěkný a čistý, přesně tak, jak bych u čtyřhvězdy očekával. Funkční klimatizace, TV, dostatek úložného prostoru, ručníků, poměrně pohodlná postel… Vše ok.Ale… První překvapení přišlo velmi záhy, když jsme se rozhodli vyrazit do SPA — a to samozřejmě ideálně rovnou v bačkorách a županu. Problém byl, že Hotel Ambiente sice poskytuje župany (jsou ve skříních na pokoji), nikoliv však papuče. Zavolal jsem proto na recepci a poprosil paní, aby k nám poslala pokojskou s dvěma páry bačkor. Paní recepční nejprve reagovala, jako bych ji žádal o pět balení modrého z nebe, a po chvíli z ní vypadlo, že jsou papuče k zakoupení za (tuším) 70 korun. Ok, říkám si, to je sice úlet, ale budiž. Přezutí nám bylo doneseno a vyrazili jsme do SPA. (Mimochodem, nechali jsme v Praze plavky. Ty bývají ve SPA hotelech běžně k zakoupení, ale asi nemusím říkat, jak je to v případě Ambiente).Nutno říct, že tamní SPA je parádní. Bazén je sice malý (cca na 4-5 temp), ale to s přehledem vyvažují další funkce wellnesu, a to obzvlásť aroma sauna, která skutečně má grády, velmi dobrá pára a s tím spojené ledové vědro, které je perfektním způsobem zchlazení. Bohužel nutno dodat, že později k večeru už kromě hlavních “atrakcí” skoro nic ve SPA nefunguje. Fajn však je, že tam není přelidněno.Druhý pokoj, kam nás přestěhovali na druhou noc, se nacházel v pátém, tedy posledním patře. V životě jsem nezažil tak signifikantní propad kvality pokoje v jednom hotelu, jako zde. Náš pokoj č.2 byl vyloženě ošklivý, o poznání menší, méně čistý a působil mimořádně lacině — připadal jsem si jako na ubytovně, nebo v nějakém penzionu. Naštěstí klimatizace byla opět funkční, což bylo v takových vedrech zásadní. Po 10 minutách užívání Youtube na TV se ale vybily baterky v ovladači.Další, a to ten asi nejabsurdnější problém, nastal odpoledne na novém pokoji. Při mytí vlasů jsem si uvědomil, že v hygienickém vybavení koupelny chybí kondicionér — naprostý základ vybavení každého hotelu. Volal jsem na recepci v domnění, že jde o omyl, nebo alespoň s předpokladem, že bude stejně jako bačkory k dostání na recepci za příplatek. Mimořádně oprsklá recepční se mě však s plnou vážností zeptala, co je to kondicionér. Odpovídám, že to, co se dává do vlasů po umytí šampónem. “To jako myslíte fén?”, zeptá se mě opět zcela vázně paní recepční. Jsem v naprostém šoku a nevím, jak mám v takto absurdním dialogu pokračovat. Naštvaně pokládám telefon.Třešničkou na dortu byla noční etuda s nákupem lahve prosecca u noční recepční, která neměla o ničem ani páru. Míra jejího otrávení byla už tak zcela neskutečná, rychle ho však hodila i na nás ve chvíli, kdy otráveným tónem pronesla “No jako asi tady je nějaká Bohemka, no”. Úlet.Po příjezdu jsme sedli do Lobby, kde nikdo neobsluhoval. Když už se za barem konečně zjevila číšnice, obratem jsme zjistili, že neumí skoro slovo česky. Načepovala nám ale něco, čemu by se s přihmouřením obou očí MOŽNÁ dalo říkat pivo (zdaleka ne dost studená plzeň v krušovickém půllitru skoro bez pěny a pod mírou). Jinak (správně) načepovaného piva jsem se za celý pobyt dočkal pouze jednou, jinak to byl stejný příběh.Hotel disponuje moc příjemnou terasou mezi 3. a 4. patrem, kde naleznete posezení i lehátka. Je tam ticho a klid — komodity, ze které se během KVIFFu platí zlatem.Snídaně OK, ale nic extra a tamní výtah je důvodem k sebevraždě.Dojem, který jsem si odvezl z Hotelu Ambiente, je přinejmenším zmatený, užaslý a nevěřícný. Teď už se tomu spíše uchechtávám, ale během pobytu mi tamní personál, (ne)služby, všudypřítomný kýč a citelná, až nesnesitelná míra rusáctví, slušně hrála na nervy. Sem už tedy opravdu ne-e.

VOJTA M — Google review

(Translated by Google) We stayed at the hotel for 4 days (3 nights). The room did not correspond to the pictures they advertise. We stayed in an adjacent building where you can take an outdated elevator everywhere and you go to the restaurant and wellness up and down and up and down the stairs and you get lost here. It's ordinary a room where the door to the shower is missing, etc.. Half board - breakfast not much and dinner only from the buffet, a choice of 3 meals. .In the wellness there are only 3 beds for rest and 6 chairs. In the sauna, I only take a sauna in a swimsuit and the stim staff does nothing and they are still rude! For them, it is a matter of course to take a sauna in a bathing suit!! In the visitor's line, they say that you have to move around in the sauna and swimming pool in your bathing suit, but they are not supposed to take a sauna, they don't know how to take a sauna. I don't see why they give them sheets when they don't use them. There was little seating in the restaurant as well as in the wellness. Communication in Czech in the restaurant and at the reception is there. You have to ask them to speak Czech. It was a mistake to stay there. It is definitely not a 4 star!! Golden Czech pension. The services provided in this hotel are not comparable .Des and gruza.Never again!!!!(Original)V hotelu jsme byli 4 dny(3 noci).Pokoj neodpovídal obrázkům co inzerují.Byli jsme ubytovaný v přilehlé budově kde se všude jezdí zastaralým výtahem a chodí se do restaurace a wellness horem dolem i po schodech a člověk se zde ztrati.Je to obyčejný pokoj kde chybí dveře do sprchy atd..Polopenze- snídaně nic moc a večeře jen z bufetu výběr ze 3 jídel.Pokud přijdete dýl nedostane se na vás!Nikdo se vás ani nezeptá zda si dáte něco k pití.To si objednáte sám i přinesete.Ve welness jsou jen 3 lůžka na odpočinek a 6 židli.V sauně se saunuji jedině v plavkách a personál stim nic nedělá a ještě je drzí! Pro ně je samozřejmostí se saunovat v plavkách!!V návštěvním řadu mají že se máte v prostorách sauny a bazénu pohybovat v zupanech ale jak se saunovat nemají,neznají běžné desatero saunování.Nevim,proč jim dávají prostěradla když je nepoužívají.Malo místa sezení jak v restauraci tak i ve welness.Komunikace v češtině v restauraci a na recepci je ta tam.Musite poprosit aby mluvili český.Byla chyba se tam ubytovat.4 hvězda to určitě není!!Zlatý český penzion.Tomu se poskytované služby v tomto hotelu nevyrovnají.Des a hruza.Nikdy více!!!!

Eva Š — Google review

(Translated by Google) The route to the hotel is very steep, there is parking at the top of the mountain with a barrier, few parking spaces. 8 minutes walk to hotel. Check in was OK.Breakfast is included, but be careful for the coffee (cappuccino) you pay extra, the selection was very manageable. I would have liked fruit for breakfast.Dinner at the hotel for 16 euros per person was, well, okay. Water was included in the price.We found the indoor pool too cold, but it was ok.There are a few saunas, quite ok.Unfortunately the doors to our shower were broken and water was running onto the floor. What we could only dry with the towels. I myself have dyed red hair and unfortunately dyed my bathrobe and towels red in a few places, which of course also happens at home. Generally nothing bad. Only when checking out there was a huge problem with the room lady. She said (in Czech) we left the room dirty and we DESTROYED the towels and bathrobe. So from my point of view it would have been destroyed if I had intentionally cut or torn it, there was only red hair dye on the towels and the bathrobe. I was supposed to pay 100 euros for that (well, I don't know, for 100 euros I buy a little more than 1 bathrobe and 2 towels), but oh well.They said if we didn't pay, they would call the police, and I and my friend (she speaks Russian) were able to set the price at 46 euros. So I paid the amount of 46 euros and drove. (RIPOFF) we won't go there anymore. I'm so mad and we got ripped off.Conclusion:There were never any problems with towels or bathrobes in any of the hotels.The city is very, very beautiful day and night. The food in the city is very good, there are many restaurants.We won't be going to the hotel again.(Original)Anfahrt zum Hotel sehr steil, Parkmöglichkeit oben auf dem Berg mit Schranke, wenig Parkplätze. 8Minuten Fußweg zu Hotel. Einchecken war ganz OK.Frühstück ist inklusive, aber Achtung für den Kaffee (Cappuccino) zahlt man extra, die Auswahl war sehr überschaubar. Ich hätte mir gern Obst zum Frühstück gewünscht.Abendessen im Hotel für 16Euro pro Person, war naja, ok. Wasser war im Preis mit drin.Innenpool fanden wir zu kalt, aber es war ok.Es gibt einige Saunas, ganz ok.Bei unserer Dusche waren leider die Türen kaputt, es lief Wasser auf den Boden. Was wir nur mit den Handtüchern trocken machen konnten. Ich selber habe Rot gefärbte Haare und habe den Bademantel und die Handtücher leider an ein paar Stellen Rot gefärbt, was bei mir zuhause aber natürlich auch passiert. In der Regel nichts schlimmes. Nur beim Auschecken gab es dann ein riesiges Problem bei der Zimmer Dame. Sie sagte (auf Tschechiesch) wir haben das Zimmer dreckig hinterlassen und die Handtücher sowie den Bademantel haben wir ZERSTÖRT. Also zerstört wäre aus meiner Sicht wenn ich ihn absichtlich zerschnitten oder zerrissen hätte, es war lediglich rote Haarfarbe an den Handtüchern und an den Bademantel. Dafür sollte ich 100Euro zahlen (also ich weiß ja nicht, für 100Euro kaufe ich da schon ein bisschen mehr ein, als 1Bademantel und 2 Handtücher), aber naja.Sie sagten wenn wir nicht zahlen, ruft sie die Polizei, ich habe dann mit meiner Freundin (sie spricht Russisch) den Preis auf 46Euro fest legen können. Somit habe ich den Betrag von 46Euro bezahlt und sind gefahren. ( ABZOCKE) werden wir nicht mehr hin fahren. Ich bin so sauer und wir wurden abgezockt.Fazit:In allen Hotels gab es nie Probleme mit den Handtüchern oder Bademäntel.Die Stadt ist sehr sehr schön am Tag und in der Nacht. Das Essen in der Stadt ist sehr gut, es gibt viele Restaurants.In das Hotel werden wir nicht mehr fahren.

Ivett H — Google review

(Translated by Google) The photos do not correspond to the reality, the wellness is tiny, the kitchen is somewhere in the 90s and there is no effort to correct or help. Unguarded parking, so the location alone is great. Sorry, but never here again.(Original)Fotky neodpovídají skutečnosti,wellnes malinké, kuchyně někde v 90kách a žádná snaha o nápravu či pomoc. Parking nehlídaný, tak jen ta poloha je skvělá. Pardon,ale tady už nikdy.

Martin O — Google review

(Translated by Google) Some of the staff are good, for example very friendly in the hotel restaurant. In the reception there was sometimes a good employee in the late shift and a bad employee in the early shift who didn't want to help. Cleaning staff are nice and helpful. The head nurse, that's how she introduced herself (older lady) was very unfriendly and shouted at the guests several times for no good reason...unbelievable.The same story in the employee closes at 12 p.m., the other at 11:30...cheer.In the parking garage, everyone can park wherever they want and there are no controls.Rooms are not like in the pictures, scams in my opinion and manager not available.We won't go there again.(Original)Personal teils gut, z.B. im Hotelrestaurant sehr freundlich. In der Rezeption teils teils, in der Spätschicht war eine gute und in der Frühschicht eine schlechte Mitarbeiterin und wollte nicht helfen. Reinigungskräfte sind nett und hilfsbereit. Die Oberschwester, so hat die sich vorgestellt (ältere Dame) war sehr unfreundlich und schrie mehrmals die Gäste ohne triftigen Grund an..unfassbar.Die Gleiche Geschichte in der Spa...eine Mitarbeiterin schließt um 12 Uhr, die andere um 11 30..Frechheit.Im Parkhaus parkt jeder wo er will und es wird nicht kontrolliert.Zimmer sind nicht wie auf den Bildern, Betrügereien meier Meinung nach und Manager nicht erreichbar.Wir fahren nicht wieder hin.

Alex M — Google review

(Translated by Google) Nice hotel, parking approx. 350 meters from the hotel on the hill. Wellness also sufficient. The worst thing about this hotel is the service. It can be seen that they are concentrating on the Russian clientele.(Original)Hotel pěkný, parkování cca 350 metrů od hotelu na kopci. Wellness také dostačující. Nejhorší na tomto hotelu je obsluha. Je vidět, že se soustředí na ruskou klientelu.

Petr A — Google review

(Translated by Google) The rooms were clean, but the mattresses were of very poor quality, stretched out. As for the quality of the food, it was average. One evening there was a barbecue on the terrace instead of dinner. There was no place to sit and even the food was not grilled. Apart from the vegetables, we had nothing to put on our plates. Loud recorded music was playing so that the cook couldn't even hear what we were saying. In the wellness area, they only have 4 places to lie down and a few chairs. No appointment for a massage was available during our 3 day stay with the explanation that they have a lot of guests at the hotel. Internet connection weak. Accommodation in this hotel was bought as a gift and I regretted it very much. I would definitely not recommend the hotel to anyone and we will not come there again. It is no coincidence that the hotel does not have the level of 4 stars.(Original)Izby boli čisté avšak matrace mali veľmi nekvalitné, vyležané. Čo sa týka kvality jedla, tá bola priemerná. V jeden večer bola grilovačka na terase namiesto večere. Nebolo kde sedieť a dokonca ani jedlo nebolo nagrilované. Okrem zeleniny sme si nemali čo nabrať na tanier. Hrala hlasná reprodukovaná hudba tak, že kuchár ani nepočul čo mu hovoríme. Vo wellness majú len 4 miesta na ležanie a pár stoličiek. Žiadny termín na masáž nebol voľný počas nášho 3 dňového pobytu s vysvetlením, že majú v hoteli veľa hostí. Internetové pripojenie slabé. Ubytovanie v tomto hoteli bolo zakúpené ako darček a veľmi som to oľutovala. Určite by som hotel nikomu neodporúčala a znova tam neprídeme. Ani náhodou hotel nemá úroveň 4 hviezdičiek.

Tatiana M — Google review

The 50 best spa hotels in Karlovy Vary (2024)


How many days are enough for Karlovy Vary? ›

How many days do I need to see Karlovy Vary? It all depends on the plan. If you're going to relax in the hot springs and rest, it's best to spend at least a weekend. But if you just want to visit the town, one day is more than enough to explore the river and visit the must-see places in Karlovy Vary.

Is it worth going to Karlovy Vary? ›

The architecture of the buildings and its rich history of visits by the rich and famous over the centuries make it a very worthwhile day trip if not a longer stay. The prices in the stores, however, along with the taxis, go up in season which starts the beginning of May.

What is the most famous spa in Czech Republic? ›

Karlovy Vary is undoubtedly the most famous Czech spa town. It is located in the western part of the country, approximately 2 hours away from Prague. The thermal springs in Karlovy Vary were discovered in the 14th century and have attracted tourists from all over the world since then.

Why is Karlovy Vary famous? ›

Karlovy Vary is a town in Bohemia, in the west of Czechia. In English, it is sometimes called also Carlsbad (after the German name Karlsbad). It is a very famous spa resort, visited by many celebrities from all over the world. It is also known for the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival, held there every year.

What is the best time of year to visit Karlovy Vary? ›

The best time to visit Karlovy Vary is June until September.

During this period, you will experience pleasant temperatures and not too much rain, making it ideal to visit Karlovy Vary.

How safe is Karlovy Vary? ›

Safety at night:Safe

Karlovy Vary can be considered fairly safe, even during the night. Naturally, as with any place, staying vigilant and taking precautions is advised. The area is well-lit with ample street lighting, and local laws are enforced strictly.

Which is better, Cesky Krumlov or Karlovy Vary? ›

Both Cesky Krumlov and Karlovy Vary are popular destinations to visit in the winter with plenty of activities. Cesky Krumlov can be very cold during winter. Karlovy Vary can get quite cold in the winter. In January, Karlovy Vary is generally much warmer than Cesky Krumlov.

How far is Karlovy Vary from German border? ›

The distance between Karlovy Vary and Germany is 397 km. The road distance is 353 km. How do I travel from Karlovy Vary to Germany without a car? The best way to get from Karlovy Vary to Germany without a car is to train which takes 5h 54m and costs $30 - $85.

What is the spa capital of the world? ›

Hungary has a thousands-year-old tradition of spa treatment, with Budapest known as the spa capital of the world.

What is the 2nd largest Czech spa town? ›

Mariánské Lázně

The second point on the Czech Republic's spa triangle, Mariánské Láznĕ is like a smaller version of Karlovy Vary. The town is also home to a beautiful late-19th century, neo-Baroque, cast-iron colonnade—a kind of decorative, enclosed promenade.

What does "Karlovy" mean in Czech? ›

The name Karlovy Vary means literally "Charles' Baths". The city was also colloquially called Warmbad ("hot bath").

What is interesting about Karlovy Vary? ›

Karlovy Vary is rightly considered one of the best spa resorts in the world. And, as is often the case, there are legends about the town's origins. It is said that while hunting, the entourage of King Charles IV accidentally fell into a spring gushing from the ground. The king ordered a survey of the area.

What language do they speak in Karlovy Vary? ›

A favorite playground for wealthy Russians since Peter the Great visited in the early 18th century, the Czech spa town of Karlovy Vary is studded with grandiose hotels and luxury boutiques with Russian-speaking staff, along with plaques honoring famous Russian visitors like the 19th-century novelist Ivan Turgenev.

How many days are ideal for Seville? ›

I do think two full days in Seville is the minimum to see the main sights and get a feel for the city. For me, if I only had a day in Seville, it would be way too rushed and I wouldn't get to experience much of the culture or food.

How many days are good in Montenegro? ›

How long to stay? To discover the most beautiful part of the country, on the Adriatic coast, 4 days will give you a good overview of the region. If you want to explore the more rural areas, you can add a few more days. You can also extend your stay by spending two or three days in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Can you drink water in the Karlovy Vary? ›

It is recommended to drink the Karlovy Vary thermal mineral water from the traditionally shaped porcelain or glass cups.

How many days is enough for Sintra? ›

While you can see the main highlights of Sintra in one day, we recommend at least two days in Sintra. This will allow you to see the most popular castles such as Pena Palace, the Moorish Castle, or Quinta de Regaleira, but also explore the area deeper and visit some lesser-known gems such as Monserrate Palace.


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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.