Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (2024)

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Although I work from home, I prepare my weekday lunches in large batches to avoid a mid-day cooking session. For the last few months, my lunches primarily consist of one the following:

  • A cauliflower rice or parsnip rice “grain” bowl, with variations on quickly sautéed veggiesand the protein. I make theveggie rice and protein ahead of time.
  • A blended vegetable soup, with collagen protein, slow-cooked meat, and coconut creamadded.
  • A salad with Primal Kitchen’s new paleo dressing,alongsidebroiled fish or hard-boiled eggs. And also acoconut flour muffin or two!

Recently, I’ve been enjoying these make-ahead salmon cakes as an addition to my veggie bowl, soup or salad. One batch keeps in the fridge for a few days. Ready to serve within minutes, I simply brown a couple of cakes in a sauté pan to warm through and create a golden crust.

I enjoy these salmon cakes served with lemon wedges and Primal Kitchen’s Avocado Mayo. I mention the brand because it’s the best mayo I’ve tasted, andit uses healthy avocado oil instead of vegetable oils like safflower, canola, or sunflower oil.I’ve collaborated with Thrive Market to give you a free jar of it here, with your first Thrive order.


Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe


Serves:Makes 6-7 salmon cakes (2-3 servings)

With just a handful of ingredients, this one-bowl recipe packs protein and omega-3s. Keep a batch in the fridge and re-heat for quick meals. I enjoy these salmon cakes with soup or salad. They also make a hearty breakfast, topped with over-easy eggs.


For the salmon cakes:

  • 2 6oz. cans wild salmon (such as this brand), liquid drained off
  • ¼ cup sweet potato or butternut squash puree (canned or fresh)
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 Tbs. coconut flour, available here
  • ¼ cup finely sliced scallions
  • 2 tsp. coconut aminos, available here
  • 1 tsp. Dijon mustard
  • Pinch of salt and black pepper

To brown before serving:

  • 2 Tbs ghee or coconut oil

Optional, for serving:

  • Mayonnaise (I like Primal Kitchen's Mayo)
  • Fresh lemon


  1. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and preheat the oven to 350.
  2. In a bowl, combine all ingredients with a fork. Form into 6-7 patties on the baking sheet.
  3. Bake patties until firm, about 30 minutes.
  4. If making these ahead, let the baked salmon cakes cool completely and store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to a few days. The salmon cakes can be browned immediately after baking or after being made ahead and stored in the fridge.
  5. When ready to serve, heat the oil in a skillet over medium heat. Cook the salmon cakes in batches until browned and hot, a couple minutes per side.

Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (2)


You may also enjoy

  • Paleo Sushi with Parsnip Rice
  • Grain Free Butternut Squash Pizza Crusts
  • Paleo Shrimp Salad Stuffed Peppers
  • Grain(less) Bowls Recipe

Reader Interactions


  1. Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (7)Ann

    I know I’m a little late to the party here but I just wanted to say that I love these! I’ve made it a few different ways and I’m always pleased with the results. I like to put it on top of desk salads for added protein- something about baking them seems to limit the stink that canned fish often involves. I halved the recipe (made four smallish/medium sized cakes), subbed canned pumpkin for sweet potato, and subbed tuna for salmon based on what I had on hand. I also forgot to drain the liquid so I added an extra tablespoon of coconut flour. And I added some umami seasoning that I recently bought on impulse from TJ’s. It probably would have been even better if I would have bothered to follow your instructions more diligently but I’m pleased with the results overall so I’m counting it as a win 🙂 Keep the paleo fish recipes coming!!

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  2. Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (9)emily

    So happy to hear this turned out so great for you! And thank you for sharing with us! ?

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  3. Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (10)Melanie

    Have you tried freezing these?

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    • Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (11)Kandice

      I doubled the recipe & froze the extras – they thawed quickly at room temperature (about 20-30min before warming) and we’re easy to warm in a skillet. The consistency was the same as the first cakes that we ate fresh.

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  4. Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (12)Mary Harlow

    I’m doing the Macros diet…can u send me the nutrition info for these or tell me where to find it? I can look it all up but thought if you had it abailable and accessible that would be great! Thanks so much!!!

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  5. Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (13)Efi

    Is it possible to make with fresh ( or frozen) salmon?

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    • Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (14)Lauren Geertsen

      Yes, you could make this with any type of cooked salmon that you flake with a fork.

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Make-Ahead Paleo Salmon Cakes Recipe (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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