Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT: FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 18 Low Close 4 4 INSl IX A IXBIJST II 334 Industrials Lead Upturn In Selective Stock Market Wall St. Opinions What Analysts Say About the Market 134 52 17 19' Sales H.ch 1 Long-B Lum A 4 JO 'Lorillard pf .134 2 Louu-v A Nafii 5i 1 Louisv GAE A 3 Ludlurn Stl 19 5 Mack Trucks 23 6 Macy RH Co 31 1 Mad Sq Gar 11 1 Magma Cop 28 1 Mann Ry art I M.ci 6 24 Marsa Fieid 9 19 Martiu Co 20 1 Martin Parry 3 1 Mj-ouiie Co 1 34 2 Matn Aik 1 65g 23 Livestock Market Chicago. Jan. 20 AP. S.

Dept. of Agriculture.) Hogs 23.000 including 6000 directs; steady to 10c. higher than Wednesday's average: practical top small lot at $8.75: bulk 150-200 lbs. $8 40-65; 210-250 lbs. 40 lbs.

$725-65: mast good packing sows $6 40-65; lightweights up to $6.65: shippers 3500: estimated holdover 1000. Cattle 6000; caHes 1200: strictly good and choice steers and year-imes on shipper account about Pay's Business (BV PLTN'AM CO.) Newspaper headings yesterday morning relating to the Washington Closing Hour Rally Brings Out Motors, Steels, Chemicals, Rubbers and Equipments; Turnover Sags to 818,000 Shares By A. E. MAGNELL Financial Editor 2 May Dent St 3 4 tional feature. Ln this issue the buying was heavy and consistent and the sustained rise quite impressive.

The gold stocks were also in demand, especially Home-stake, which Jumped five pomts. In the last half hour buyers seenvd to Dluck up a little more courage and most of the active issues made their highs for the day just before the close. There is evidently a feeling that the government must sooner or later come to the assistance of basiness in some form and the market reflects such hope. It is not out of the waiting stage yet. however.

6 1 1 Maytag to 'rg 52 17 19 22 30 11 28 6 8 2D 3 34 25 41 6 25 9 10 43 Ji, 33 8 14 5 2(1 4.1 10 21 25 58V 6 STOCK AVERAGES. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. January Universal Insurance of $75000 over a year aga. although eacj eari.v pui cosing iraae cm 25 1 do pf ww 3 3 McCrory St I 9 situation were a little more cheerful in character and the market re-j sponded with generally higher quo-! lions. The outlook continues oo vague, however, to inspire any.htng like confidence and establish a def-i inite upward trend in the market.

I The trading pace dragged about i 200000 shares behind that ot Wed-' nesday and covering and other minor operations by traders probably accounted for moct of the transac-j tions. Yellow Truck was an excep company r.as cec.area tne 23 31 11 2 8 8 20 3 34 25 41 6 25 9 10 43 24 7 33 8 14 5 20 41 10 21 23 59 regular i the statement a 'vear ago did not arid Idraggy witn spots on all grsces cents a itemize this seDarately. Voluntary 1 10-ioc- even common and ckhoid-I reserves set up separately a year nWium kmc oraggy at cla: bunt cents I McGr Hill 13 84 Mclnty Pore 2 43J Quarterly dividend of 25 24 A McKrep Tin 2 9 McKe.s Rib d. 7 rs of record February 15. ago are not so specified in the cur- I 33 1 do pf 3 2 MoLell St rent statement.

Admitted assets 01 itiofiianoi hnart a- inrrase of i steers and light steers $10 jO: Fidelity A Deposit Company of 30 15 15 60 Indus. Rails L'til. Stocks Net change --13 3 .4 Thursday 67.1 20 2 33 6 46.8 Previous Any 65.8 19 9 33.2 46.0 Mon ago 64 4 21.2 33 6 45.8 Ycpi ago 98 7 40 4 53 7 72 8 1937-38 high 101 6 49.5 54.0 75.3 1937-38 low 57.7 187 31.6 41.7 1936 high 99 3 43.5 53 7 72 8 1336 low 73.4 30.2 43.4 55.7 wruv.w.v.uuk v. tin ie quarterly dividend of $1 a share, $251 079 Principal items from 31 I Baltimore has declared the regulai payable January 31 on stock of record today. kinds mostly steady; best he.fers $8 00; several leads $6 cows fully steady but cutters slow; bulls and vealers steady; sausage offer- ings $6.75 down with fcv selects Clre statements both years follow: i 1936 1937 I Capital 4.0H0 W0 4.0m.pno Unearned pr'miums 8.647.086 9 303 553 1 Low 19 3 30 Foreign Exchange 525.0W I aove that price most vealer.s $11 00 Movement in Recent Yean.

Conflagration res. Surplus 22,419 614 23 309.582 rinwn. American Reinsurance Company has declared the regular quarterly dividend of 40 cents a share, payable February 15 on stock of record January 28. Admitted 39.398.01S 39.649.094 ShPAn 16 (Wl i.nrli.M, moo rti t. ll.wuili -UWU lii- 87 153.9 95.3 17.5 .146.9 51.6 23 9 1843 61.8 1932 low 1929 high 1927 low 16.9 157.7 61.8 reels: fat lambs around 15-25c.

low 1 Mead Cor lg 14 3 Co i .51 do i 20 3 Mac i le 41 IS Miami Cop 10 2 Mid Con. Pet 21 1 Midi Stl Prod 25 9 Hon Reg 6il 7 Minn Moline 7 1 Minn St PSSM .20 do 1 1 Misioii Co lg 16 5 Mo Kan Texas 3 4 do pf 9 2 Mohawk Carp 15 3 Monsanto Ch. 86 33 Mont Ward 33 .2 1 'MorA Essex 3o 15 Mother Lo 6 Motor Prod 5g 19'. 1 Motor Wh 1.60 13 13 Mueller Br la 19 9 Mullins Mfg B. 7 8 Muray Co g.

7 Mercurv Insurance Company, the fire affiliate of St. Paul Fire fc Ma er; top and liberal proportion of supply 95 lbs. down Fireman's Fund Insurance Corn- rine, reported net underwriting interest on in- pany of San Francisco will observe proii of $171 666 an its 75th anniversary during the week vestments amount-in and ing to $258 265. a Of May 6. lbs.

fed ibs. $400: ot natives no feeding 19 3 30 7 9 5 63 10 7 67 8 22 6 9 63 30 5 60 67 a 6(1 155 4 2 12 1 combined total of $429,931. Dividends 58.00-15; most 98-110 85; fat sheep steadv: western ewes 118-123 throwouts odd $2 practically iambs in fresh supply. paid amounted to sibu.uuu: reserve for income tax $35,000: depreciation a nee Company of Wilmington, Sales High 1 Unit SC Fast 19 74 United Corp 3 4 do pf 30 3 United Drug 7 3 11 itel Dvwd 9 2 Ut Elc Col 5 3 Unit Iruit S3 9 Ut Gas Imp 10 7 USA Sec 7 4 Fvsum 67 2 Hf Mch 8 3 Ind Aico .22 1 Leather 6 2 do A 9 1 do pr pf 63 11 PipAFdy 30 6 RI Imp 5 190 do 1 pf 60 4 do RAM 68 265 Steel 60 .60 Tob pf .155 7 Unitd Stoyds 4 2 Ut Stor A 2 1 Unlv Cly Stl 12 4 Ut PwALtA 1 3 Van Raalte 21 12 VarraTTm Crp 19 13 Va Cr Chem 5 23 Va Chempf 31 .40 Va I-n CC 4 1.20 tVul Detltipf .117 New York. Jan.

20. tAP.t An9 up-and-down Stock Market today, finished on a rallying trend with 1 selected industrials well out in 1 Motors, steels, chemicals, rubbers land equipments came forward in; the closing hour for gains of frac-1 tions to a point generally and 3 or I so in a few instances. i The list pushed up at the start, New York, Jan. 20. tAP.) Closing rates follow: C5reat Britain in dollars, others ln cents: Great Britain demand 4 99; cables 4 99: 60 day bills 4 99; France demand 3.34; cables 3.34; Italv demand 5.26: cables 5 26.

Demands: Belgium 16.92; Germany free 40 28. registered 21.55. travel 25.70; Holland 55.71; Norway 25.11; Sweden 25 77; Denmark 22.32; Finland 2.22; Switzerland 23.12; Spain unquoted. Portusal 4.54; Greece Poland 19.00; Czechoslovakia 3.51; Jugoslavia 2.35; Austria 18 91n: Hungary 1990; Rumania .75: Argentine 33.30n: Brazil (free) Tokvo 29.08; Shanghai 2967; Hongkong 31.34; Mexico City 27 80; Montreal in New York 100.00; New York in Montreal 100 00. Nominal.

reDOrted total life insurance in force December 31. 1937 was $123,390,103. a gain of $6,957,101 or 5.7 per cent for 5 62 10 7 66 8 21 9 63 29 5 57 67 58 152 4 2 12 1 21 1 5 30 4 117 Y. Hank and Ins. in securities, net.

$48 949: and increase in surplus $165 982. Bonds were carried at the market as of December 31. 1937 at $5,020,141. Stocks were carried at $56,550. Net premiums received were a gain of 12.8 per cent over 1936.

Admitted assets as of December 31. 1937 were $5,921,503, an increase of $190 933 or 3.3 per cent. The BY CONNING A CO. Bid 360 49 14 2 4 4 Bk of (100) Bankers I0 Brooklyn Cent Hanover cJni later backed down on profit realiz- i ing. then met fresh support as the session neared the finish.

Top marks were cut moderately at the close. The day's upward reversal lacked' volume. Turnover was 818.310 shares compared with 998 851 the day be- i fore. The Associated Press average! 85 97 33 principal items from 31 21' 10' 51 3P 4' 117' 1 40 Clme 1 13.25i 180 Chemical U0 the year. Assets increased to $21,131,862.

New insurance paid for was $19,245,383, about the same as in 1936. Surplus of $1,362,591 increased $55,561. The company began business in 1907. Central Nationatfctfe Insurance Company is the name of a new company being organized at Lincoln, with $100,000 capital and surplus paid in. Cosmopolitan Old Line Life Insurance Company of Lincoln, with assets of $3,106,000 is to be liquidated or reinsured.

It was taken over by the state insurance 43 B.ou Commercial 140 statements follow: 1936 1937 Capital 1.000.000 1.000.000 Unearned pr'miums 1.707.020 1.830.621 Voluntary reserve 124.173 KO Continental lOi 12 3.00 Corn Exchange (20) 53'2 1 Empire Tr dui 21 100 00 First Nat'l 1 10 I ...1790 Produce Markets Low 6 4 21 16 15 2 42 108 9 30 1 31 53 63 4 25 94 24 10 36 33 11 39 5 17 7 43 5 17 21 22 25 15 102 26 7 14 70 21 57 8 44 93 HS 135 113 Surplus 2 591.897 2.757, i83 13 1 22 2 6 4 4 21 14 5 1 3 9 1 7 38 8 1 63 1 54 1 113 8 9 2 1 .10 .30 2 1 7 2 23 64 1 18 .20 240 of 60 stocks regained .8 of a point at 46.8. Following is the complete tabulation of Thursday's stock transactions on the New York Stock Exchange: Stocks. 5.730.570 5.921.503 Admitted assets Nash Kelv 1 11 Nat Acme lg 12 Nat Bisc 1.60. 20 do pf 7 ....153 Nat Cash Reg 17 Nat Dair Pr 15 Nat Dept Strs 7 Nat Distil 2a 21 Nat Gypsum 7 Nat Lead 28 do Pi A 7 .159 Nat Mai St 21 Nat PALt .60 7 Nat Mex 2pf Natl Stl 2a. 60 Nat Supply b.

20 do $2 pf 2 25 Nat Tea 4 Natonms Co .80 10 Newberry 40 Newp Ind 2g. 13 NY Air Br 35 NY Cent RR. 18 NY Chi St Lou 18 do pf 33 NYC Omnibus. 24 IN Dock 4 do pi 10 NY Harl 5. 114 NY NH A 2 NY" Out 1 NY 10 Nor West 10a 190 No Am Av 10 No Amer Co.

21 do pf 3 52 Nor.h Pacific. 12 North Tel 3. Ohio Oil 11 Oliver Farm 30 Omnibus Co. 11 Otis Elev 140g 24 Otis Steel 11 Owen 111 Glass 60 a uuaranty Tr (100) SO Irving dO) 1.50 Manhattan 2 Manufacturers 2 00 do pfd 1 25 1 1 Nat City Bk 125) 5 New York (25) 1.50 Public 1 174) Title (20) 604 .10 Trust (10) Sales High 1 Consol Cb 6 3 Consol Text 3 Con ol 4 1 do pf 21 16 Contain 1.20 16 11 Cont Bak A 16 2 do 2 14 Cont Can 42 2 do pt 4 ..108 1 Ct Dlam Fib. 9 3 Cont.

Ins 30 5 Cont Mot. 1 15 Cnt Del 32 .60 Corn Exch 3. 54 11 Corn Prod 3.. 64 3 Coty Inc 10g 4 6 Crane Co 25 1 do cv pf 5.. 94 1 Crm Wh e.

24 1 Croslev 10 12 Crw Ck 2... 37 1 Cro Crk pf xw 33 4 Cro zeller 11 32 Crucible Steel 41 2 Cuban Am Sug 5 1 Cudaliy Pack 17 2 Curti-s Publish 7 4 do pf 49 28 Curtis Wright 5 20 do A 17 13 Cutler Ham 22 46 Deere Co 23 2 do pf 1 .40.. 25 9 Del A Hud. 16 1 Detroit Ed 2e.l02 6 Diam Mat 1 26 9 Dia Mot 1., 8 3 Dwt Co Seag. 14 Ixd do pf ww 5 70 2 Doehi Die Cas 21 28 Dome Mine 57 2 Dominion 8 33 Douglas Aircft 45 1 Dow Chem 93 23 DuP de ..119 1 D'l Pont de 6, 135 1 do pf 4.

.113 r. 3 Eastern RollM 8 6 Eastman K3a 164 1 Schlld 4 17 El Auto Lite 20 35 El Auto Lite 20 33 Elec Bo.it.60g 10 53 El Pow A 12 3 do $6 pf 35 3 do pf 40 4 El Pas Gas 19 35 Eng Pub Sve 5 1 do $3 pf 47 11 'a 23 39 50 27 95 30 6 1450 Insurance Companies. 14 20 Amer Alliance 19' .50 American i Krwarri nn St. Paul-Mercury Indemnity Company, the casualty affiliate, reports net underwriting profit of $159,193 and interest on investments amounting to S271.206. a combined total of $430,399.

Dividends paid amounted to $50,000: reserve for income tax $15,000: depreciation in securities, net. and surplus increase $307 121. Net premiums amounted to 285, a gain of 19 3 per cent, or $871,009. Bonds were carried at the market as of December 31. 1937 at $6,737,153 and stocks were carried at Close 6 4 21 16 16 2 42 108 9 30 1 31 53 64 4 25 94 24 10 37 33 11 41 5 17 7 49 5 17 21 23 25 15 102 26 8 14 70 21 57 8 45 93 119 135 113 6 164 4 20 20 10 12 3S 40 19 5 47 50 3 6 4 9 1 2 10 29 31 4 3 16 31 Vernon D.

Rocks has been sworn in as insurance commissioner in Kentucky, succeeding Sherman Goodpaster, who resigned the com-missionership to become clerk of the state senate. Roos is 28 years of age. and has been employed in the Kentucky insurance department for five years. 2P 39 6 Amer Keserve 2.50 American Surety .30 Baltimore A 3 Bankers Shinnsr. 6 Wailk HOW 42 42 42 9 Walwth CO 8 7 7 1 Ward Bak A 15 15 15 5 do 3 3 3 1 do pf 46 4(1 4(i'i 17 War Brs Pict 7 U- 7 1 'War pf 37 37 37 2 Warm Bross .4 4 4 2 Warn FdvAP 23 23 23 5 Waksh Mtor 15 15 15 1 Wayn Pump 28 28 28 2 Wessn OAS 29 29 29 .10 tWest P7pr .119 119 110 1 West Mryld 4 4 4 9 W.

Un Tel 26 25 26 17 West Air Br 25 25 25 21 West El. Mfg .106 104 106 1 West El Inst 15 15 15 3 West Chlor 14 14 14i 6 Wheelg Stl 25 24 25 i 40 Wnite Motof 12 11 12i 1 Wh MSp 10 10 10 i 3 Mh pf 17 16 17 3 Wils A Co 5 5 5 17 Woodwrd Irn 17 10 17 9 Wiwth 40 40 40 2 Wth A MB 17 17 17 1 Wth PM cvpf 41 41 41 1 Yale A Twne 25 25 25 i 423 YPk STACh 14 13 14 1 80 tyiw 7 pf 91 88 91 4 Yng SogAW 18 17 18 34 Ynfl StAT 42 41 41 3 Yng St Wor 20 20 20 2 i 8 Zenth Rad 15 If 15 1 1 Zon Produc 3 3 3 i Total today 818.310; previous day Sales Hgh 9 Adams Exp 10' Ixd Adams-Millis 20, 1 Addressog 2i 7 Air Reduc 57i 5 Air-Way El Ap I1. 216 Alaska Jun 13' 3 Alieg Corp Pi 3 do pf 30 ww 15 1 do pr pf 15 1 Alleg Stee! JC'i 4 Al ChemADye.173 8 Allied Mills 14' 4 23 Allied Strs 8 52 Mfg 49 7 Alpha Cem. 13 1 Amal Leather. 3 2 Amerada Corp 65 8 Am Bank Note lS'a 2 Am Brake Sh.

79 13 Am Can 80 5 Am 25 8 Am 16s, 1 Am Com Alco 3 Am Crystal Su 15'a 10 Am Encaus T. 44 17 Pw 4 8 do $7 pf 22:,4 1 Am pf 23' 4 Grain. New York, Jan. 20. tAP.) Flour irregular; spring patents 625-50: soft winter straights hard winter straights 5.60-85.

Rye spot barely steady; No. 2 western cif New York 75. Wheat spot firm; No. 1 dark northern cif New York 134; No. 1 Manitoba fob New York 1.67: No, 2 Seattle soft white cif New York prompt shipment 1.09 4.

Corn soot firm: No. 2 yellow cif New York 75 No. 3 yellow 74 Oats spot steadv; No. 2 white 46. Lard steady; Middlewest 9.00-9.10.

Egg. Eggs 16.188; irregular. Mixed colors: Special packs 24-24: stand-arris 23-23 firsts 211-22 seconds 21-: mediums and dirties No. 1, 21; average checks 19. Refrigerator, special packs 21; stand-aids firsts 19 -20; seconds 19-19; mediums and small dirties 18-19.

Butter. Butter 903,317 steady. Creamery. Asked 370 514 88 100 35 45 145 14 554 23 1840 248 13 26 4 41 52 29 4 98 32 74 1490 214 134 234 41 7 79 4 590 23 21 26 6 4 38 104 37 104 29 35 374 24 4 33 24 33 34 31 13 62 4 40 174 84 11 30 28 80 974 144 33 30 115 465 53 144 50 33 20 17 9 2 13 21. $8,650, Assets at $8,491,984 showed an increa.se of $1 350.515 or 20 per cent.

Principal statement items as of December 31, both years follow; 1936 1937 Capital $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Unearned premiums 2.114.276 2 581.215 Surplus 1.043.868 3.350 999 Admitted 7.141.469 S. 491, 984 6 164 4 19 19 10 11 36 39 19 4 47 50 36 16 5 Boston Ins 570 Carolina 21 City of xd 194 1 Com Casualty 24 4 Excess 51. 1.40 Federal 36 4 rl Fidelity Deposit. 100 1 Fire 33 Firemen's 9 1 20 Franklin 27 2 Gen Reinsurance 33 160 Glens Falls 354 l-r-20 Great American xd 234 Globe Rutgers 30 90 Halifax Fire 224 1.50 Hanover 31 14 Home Fire Sec 2 4 Home 294 Homestead 'new) 16 Ins Co of A 59 Maryland Cas 3 3.50 Mass Bonding 38 Nat Casualty 15a National Liberty 74 New Amsterdam 10 1.50 New Brunswick 28 80- .25 North River 264 1 Northern 75 1 .25 Pacific Fire 94 prPf Accident 114 1 .50 Prov-Wash 31 1.50 Security 28 4.50 25 Spefld 11 1 3.75 Sun Life 415 1.70 t- .25 Fire 51 134 1 20 11 Guarantee 47 1.204-.40 Westchester 31 1 Am Home Pr 1 Am Ice 2 do pf 1 Am Internat 1 do pf ww 5 50 12 Erie IP 'a 71, 2034 eo3, 135 6 Boston Market BY ADAMS, MERRILL A CO. Bid Asked Telephone Slocks.

New. England Tel 99' a Miscellaneous Stocks. 3 8 4 9 1 7 Erie 1 pf 2 do 2 pf 2 Evans Prod 2 Exch Buffet 6 Am Loco 1 do pf 2 Am MAFdy 6 Am Metal Continental Casualty Company of Chicago is said to be considering a reduction of 15 per cent in automobile personal injury and property damage premium rates. National Casualty would follow along. The intent is to become competitive with the safe driver reward plan recently announced.

New Britain's offering of $145,000 of tax anticipation notes drew bids from 17 companies Thursday, establishing a new record. The issue was sold to Cooley Co, of Hartford at a bid price of 101.063 for a premium of $1541.35. Chairman H. Judd of the finance board said the number of bid-ders was tne largest ever to seek award of any issue of notes by the city in his years of connection with it. He added that the action of the common council in adopting the 28 mill tax rate budget Wednesday night played a part in the situation The $145,000 was divided into two parts.

$45,000 for street work authorized last July and $100,000 to cover WPA projects as authorized in December. The $45,000 will be payable at $15,000 a vear for the coming three years and the $100,000 will be payable in annual amounts of for a five year period. 1 36 851: week sko 971.570: year ago 2,991. 480; two years ago 2.937.770; Jan. 1 to date 16.679.391: year ago 43,045.950 two years airo 48.687,813.

.60 Am News Co 29 56 Am 6 8 do $6 pf 3.1 (92 score) 34-34: firsts (88-91) seconds (84-87) 30'2-31'i. Cheese 200 081. steady. Prices unchanged. Boston Produce.

Boston, Jan. 20. AP.) Wholesale prices (with jobbing prices in 10 do $5 pf 30 1 Fairbanks Co. 2 .30 do pf 10 7 Fairb Morse! a 29 3 Fa.iardo Sug4ic 31 3 Fed Mot Truck 4 1 Fed Screw Wks 3 1 Fed St 16 Unit of trading ten shares. i Rates of dividends In the foregoing table are annual disbursem*nts based i on the last miarertly or senv.

-annual 1 Amn Pneu Com 60c Eastern SS Com 3 Economy Sto'es 11 1 a Edison Elec 111 120', Int Buttonhole 19 Mass Utilities 2 Merg Linotype 23 Recce Buttonhole 19 Rreee Folding Much. 2 Torrington 26 United Shoe Machy Com 75 K.uls. 4 Fid Flreln.s 31 6 Firest TAR. 23 I parentheses) today were: 1 Eggs nearbv special brown 28 U33; special white 28 (33): extra brown 27 i32jj extra white 27 (32); 1 declaration. Unless otherwise noted, special or extra dividends are not included.

xd Ex-dlvlriend; xr-Ex-rluhts: Also extra or ex tuns; b-1-10 share of 42 preferred stock: d-1-25 share of 13 pf stock; Declared or paid so far htis 2 do pf 6 91 First Nat Strs 32 Flintoke 1 17 Florence St .,28 23 91 32 17 28 31 6 80c 3 2 15 121 22 2' 24 23 2 27 764 103' 4 52 11 "a 70 8 103 7 10 3', 2 Boston and Albany 100 1 8 50 Food Mach 2 31 Faster Wheeler 18 Freen Sulph 2 26 Local Market i year; -Payable in stock: Paid last i ver: Cnh or stock: kJAcrumulated dir. paid or declared this yaer. 9 .40 10 60 7 100'. 2 Fuller GA pr 25 do 2 pf 13 Boston Elevated Boston Maine PP Boston A Providence Maine Centra! Vermont A Mass Mining Stocks. Copper Range New River Quiiicy 3 Gair Robert 4 Investment Companies BY ASSOCIATED PRESS.

.10 Gameweli Co 16 2 10 28 31 3 3 16 31 22 91 32 16 23 31 13 2 24 12 4 16 6 6 43 8 113 10 21 25 32 1 36 115 5 8 23 1 25 25 12 19 3 Gar Wood Ind 6 mediums 26 (31): pullets (29-30, Poultry choice dressed fowls 25-26; fancy live fowls 22-24. Chicago Grain. Chicago, Jan. 20. Stimulated by a pick-up in export business and by failure of any worth-while mos-ture to develop Southwest, wheat rose 1 cents here today.

At the close Chicago wheat futures were -n4 above yesterday's finish, May July 90-, earn up. May July 61, oats advanced, rye showing to 1 cent bulge, and provisions varying from 5 cents setback to 17 Bid 8 Gen Am Inves 6 BY Fl'TX AM CO. Bank Storks. Div. Bli A'ked 1.00 Cap Nat Tr par 23 2a .20 Cona Inv Mangmnt 2' 34 $15.00 Conn.

Riv. Bk. Co. 450 $6.00 First National 110 130 $3 00 Htfd Conn Trust 63 68 $1-00 Htfd Nut 25'a 27'i Land Mtu Title 3 5 Gen Am Trans 44 13 23' 13; 4' 16' 6' 6' 44 R' 318 11' 2iV 25 43' 32" 1' 37' 115' 3 Gen Bak 8 pf 8 ..119 Massachusetts Stocks BY T1FFT BROTHERS. Cable 11 .30 do 19 Gen 14 do 1 Gen 111 Gen A 22 Clg 25 Elec2.20g 43 Foods 2.

32 150 sb.ou Morris Plan Bank S2.00 New Birtain Tr S2.00 Park St. Tr. (25) 23 Gen 2 Pac Am 11 .60 'Pac Coast lpf 16 9 Pac Gas El 2 27 3 Pac Light 3.. 38 1 Pac Mills 1d 20 'Pac Tel TelpflJo1. 3 Pac West Oil.

13 36 Pack Mot g. 3 1 Pan Am Pet lg 1 Paraffine Inc4g 39 61 Pa: am Pict 11 2 do 1 pf 8 91 22 do 2 pf .60.. 11 16 Park Ut Con. 2 14 Park Davis 34 I Park Ru Pr 19 1 Parm Transp 2 11 Pathe Film 6 8 Patmo 2g. 11 1 Penlck lg 44 6 Penney JC 4a 71 2 Penn-Dlx Cem 4 3 do pf A 20 56 Pen RR 1 2 Prop GLC 2g.

33 .10 'Pere Marq pf 36 .30 do pr pi 5 35 2 Petrol 1 27g 11 3 Pfeilfer fi 51 Dotine 1.60s. 29 1 Phila Co 6pf 3 33 2 TPh Rap pf 4 II Ph Morris 3.. 83 19 Phil Pet 40 1 Pillsb Fl 1 60. 22 6 Pitt co*ke Ir. 6 22 Pitt SAB 8 5 Pitt Strel 14 .50 do S', pf 23 .60 do pr pi 42 2 Pittston Co 3 Piym 1.40a.

18 2 Pond Cr 2g 10 7 Poor Co 10 7 Pres Stl 9 2 do 2pf 2. 28 7 Proc Gam 2. 50 PS NJ 2.60. 33 .10 do 8r-pf 8.. 141 1 do 6..

108 21 Pullman la. 35 18 Pure Oil 12 9 Purity Bak .60 9 52 Rad Cp A 20g 6 9 do cv pf 3 49 37 Rad-Kth-O 4 7 Reading Co 2. 22 1 do 1 pf 2 29 7 Rem Rnd 'ie. 14 79 Repub Stl 20 2 do cv pf 6.. 71 11 Rev Cop Br, 15 .30 do 5pf 5 63 3 Reyn Met 1 17 2 Reynolds Spre 9 22 Reyn Tb 1.20e 43 23 Rlchf Oil r.

7 2 Roan Ant Cop 20 1 Ruberoid 20 1 Safeway St 2a 22 .20 do 6''- pf 6 93 1.20 do 5pf 5. 81 11 St Jos Ld 2.. 37 1 StL-San Fran. 1 1 do pf 2 9 Schenley 3. 24 7 Sehulte Ret .70 (Scott 1.55 41 3 Seabd Air L.

2 do pf 2 1 Seabd Oil 1... 22 14 Sears Roeb 3a 62 12 Servel Inc 1.. 15 2 Shar St. 1.20 18 9 Shat FO 8 2 Shell Un lg 17 1 do nf 5 .101 23 Sllv CI e. 8 31 Simmons 2 5 Simms Pet 3 5 Skelly lg.

30 36 Soc-Vac 80g. 15 3 Am GP 3 1 Cal Ed la. 22 60 55 230 3 Gen El A 1 10.00 Phoenix St. Co 270 $5.00 West Htfd Trust 160 Asked 12 87 4 53 22 00 .78 .70 5 00 6.25 5.875 3 375 16.98 46 24 43 14 59 4.05 40.00 5 00 22.89 3 49 8.75 Admin Fd 2nd Inc Affiliated Inc Amerex Hold Am Basiness 8hrs Am Geu Eq Inc Am Ins Stocks Assoc Stand Oil Bancamer Blair Bankers Nat Inv Corp Basic Industry Boston Fund inc Brlt'sh Type Inv Broad St. Inv Bullock Fund Can Inv Fund Central Nat Corp A Central Nat Corp Century Shrs Tr Comwith Invest Continental Sh pf -Corporate Trust -rr.

Corporate Trust AA 5 Bonds. Conn Lt 'i 107 107 Conn Lt 3' (16 103 104 Conn I 3'i 56 104 105 9' 23s l5 i cents Earnings New York. Jan. 20. The S.

Pipe Foundry producer of ca.st iron pips, in a preliminary 26 Bid Asked Baldwin Duckworth 21 25 Bostou Woven Hose 22 24 Chapman Valve, com 34 37 do pfd 110 123 Fiberioid, com 47 51 Mass. Pow. S2 pfd 15 19 Millers Falls Co. com 5 7 do pfd "4 84 Monarch Ins. Spgfd 40 46 Package Machinery 40 44 Perkins Much Gear 10 do pfd 64 Rockland Lt.

it Power 84 104 Moore Frop Forge 57 61 Springfield Gas. com 7 10 Graton Knight 4 6 Western Mass 27 29 W.co Elec 34 United Elastic 6 8 224 Gen Mot 3g. 37 6 do pf 5 1 Geu Out Advert 5 10 Gen Print Ink 9 6 Gen Ry 24 22 Gen Real Util 1 16 Gen Ref 2g 26 .40 Gen Stl Cast 25 3 Gen Thea 12 1 Gen Time Inst 9 14 Gen A Rub 13 10 OH Safe Rl 10 1 Gimbel Bros $6 54 1 Gobel Adolph. 2 4 Goebel Brew 3 2fi Goodrich BF. 13 3 do pf 5 54 25 12 19 13 10 Conn Power 5-1936 120.

No Conn Pw 5-1946. 1)5 Water 4'a 70 113 Sou Tel 5-1948. 120 United 111 Co 4-10 103 Insurance Slock. St. Paul Fire Marine Insurance Company in its statement as of December 31, 1937 shows total earnings of $2,444,491 or $15.28 a share against $2,219,088 or $13.87 a share in 1936.

Indicated liquidating value was $197.23 a share as of December 31. 1937, a decrease of 18 cents a share from a year ago. The indicated liquidating value is exclusive of equity in the company's subsidiaries. St. Paul Fire Marine is one of the larger well managed insurance companies and the statement may serve as art index of what mav be expected in forthcoming fire statements from other leading companies.

St. Paul Fire Marine reports net underwriting profit of $897,045 and interest received amounting to $1,547,446. Dividends paid amounted to $1 200,000: reserve for income tax $200,000: depreciation in securities, net. added to conflagration reserve, increase in surplus $389,968. Net premiums amounted to a gain of 13.2 per cent over 1936.

Stocks were carried at the market as of December 31. 1937 at $10 and bonds were carried at Surplus of $23,309,582 showed gain of 3.9 per cent over a year asiO, 54 2 3 18 53 22 86 4 33 Good TAR 2g 2 $3 00 Aetna Casualty 1 60 Aetna 1.00 Aetna Life $1.00 Aniomobile RO Conn Genc-al 2.00 H.n rinrd Fire 1 60 Hrfd Strain $2 00 National $2.00 Phoenix .20 $16.00 Traveler.4 3 do pf 5 86 25 00 31.00 New England Utilities 1 Goth Silk Hos 29 Gran Paige 6 Granby 1 5 BY ADAMS MERRILL CO. Rate Bid Asked Grand Union Low Close 10 10 20 20 'I '1 57'a 57 1 1 12 13 1 1 14 14 15 15 20 20 172 172 14 14 7 8 47 49 12 13 3 3 6.5 65 15'. 15 39 39 79 80 24 25 16 16 12 15 IS'a 4 4 3 4 22 22 23 23 3 36 1 1 16 Ifi'a 7 7 20 20'a 69 69 13 13 35 36 28 28 5 5 35 35 29 29 12 12 2' 21 77 77 13 13 32 32 52 53 51 51 30 31 110 110 145 146 67 67 6P, 69 139 139 7 7 11 1' 86 86 5 5 31 31 7 7 33 34 16 16 99 99 6 6 70 70 35 37 7 7'i 7 8 33 38 68 68 23 24 20 203. 105 105 8 8 45 45 5 5 4 4 8 9 9 9 11 12 86 86 16 16 15 15 17 17 8 8 14 14 17 17 36 36 61 6.i 15 15 98 93 2S 2o 16 16 13, 13 17 17 33 34 29 29 42 42 13 13 26 26 9 9 25 25'a 33 34 2 2 8 8'a 11 11 19 19 8 8 8 8 5 6 49 50 5 5 18 13 30 30 8 8 19 19 8 8 20 20 3 3 10 10 23 23 2 2 9 9 14 14 17 17 7 7 35 35 1 4 4 95 96 107 103 51 52 101 101 17 17 21 21 56 57 27 27 4 4 5 5 42 42 7 7 29 29 29 29 104 104 10 11 35 36 43 44 1 1 4 4 12 12 1 1 11 11 1 1 11 11 5 5 59 61 12 12 21 21 107 107 37 38 14 14 123 123 10' 10 92 92 2J 26 9S 95 7 7i 18 18 21 21 21 21 8 8 13 13 71 71 37 38 42 43 P3 P3 8 9 1 1 3 40 23 23 18 18 7 7 23 23.

93 93 9 10 do pf 20 18 Public Utilities. Granite Stl. Grant WT 4 Ha 5 1 13 17 26 21 13 24 31 9 8 33 22 43 do pf 41 24 47 81 25' 8 GtNorliOre ct. l1 13' 16-' 26' 21 5 13 23' 30 97 8 25 1 Bangor Hvdro Elcc 00 Brockton Gs Lt vtc .40 Eastern I'ul A-oc 2 00 Lowell Elcc Light 2 60 Lynn Gas El vtc. 5 00 I Mass Uiil Asoc pfd.

2 50 Providence I.t Rhode Is Pub Sen'. 2 00 $100 Conn Light Pow 50 do pfd 2 50 Conn Power 2 75 Hi id El I.t 2 00 Hun ford Gas com $2 00 do ufel 2 00 Illuminating A 00 So New En Te 6 00 1 31 23.50 20.12 16 .50 2 88 3 63 40 41 30 22 Ot Nor Ry pf. 4 Gt West Sug 7 Greyhound Co 10 do pf .10 Guan Sug pf Silver Market. Manufacturing Stocks. cks.

-Bar York. Jan. 20 lAPJ- New I he statement a confiagra tion reserve of S525.000, an increase silver 44 unchanged. reoort for the vear ended Decern ORr 31, 1937. reported net income of before deduction for federal surtax.

This is equal to $3.21 a share on 695,120 common shares. In 1936. the company earned equal after dividend requirements on preferred stock, retired February 29. 1936. to $3.45 a share on a slightly smaller numcbr of shares.

The company said no provision was macife, or believed required, for Federal surtax on undistributed profits. Directors placed the current year on a $2 dividend basis, declaring dividends of 50 cents each on March 19 to stockholders of record February 28. June 20 of record May 31, September 20 of record August 31 and December 20 of record November 30. Mclntyi'e Porcupine Mines, Canadian gold producer, for the three months ended Dec. 31 reported today net profit of $945,519, equal to $1.20 a share on the capital stock, compared with $842,157.

or $1.06 a share in the comparable period of 1936. American Agricultural Chemical with plants in the East, South and middlewest, reported net profit of $132,647 for the six months ended December 31, equal to 63 cents a share. This compares with a net of or 76 cents for the corresponding six months of 1936. Cleveland, Jan. 20.

AP.) The December net income of the Nickel Plate Railroad was $132,053.89, a decrease of $4,587,502.71 under the corresponding month in 1936. company officials announced today. They explained that the December 1936 Income included a special dividend on Old Wheeling and Lake Erie seven per cent prior lien stock amounting to $4,031,755. 25 20 100 95 24 7 2 90 7 r. 55 21 20 65 11 8 S0 9 1 20 10O 95 24 7 2 90 7 14 55 21 20 4 11 8 57 9 30 Am RadASt 13 13 Am Roll Mill.

1 do nf 77', 1 Am Seating 13 .20 Am Ship Bid 32'. 34 Am 5.T 1 Am Snuff Co. 51 'a 11 Am Stl Fdrs 32 1 1 Am Sug pf ..110 33 Am TelATel 1 Am Tobacco 67' 8 do 69 1 do Df 139 12 Am Type Fdrs 7'. 33 Am Wat Wks. 121.

1 do 1 pf 86 1 Am Woolen 5 2 do pf "a 20 Am Zinc LAS 71, 200 Anaconda 34 3 Anchor Gl 1 Arm Del pf 99'a 8 Arm 111 6'3 1 do pr pf 70 3 Arrmarg Cork. 37 1 Arnold Const, 7'4 8 Assd Dry Ckls. 8 25 A tch 381. 1 do pf 68 15 Atl Coast Line 247 7 At! Refining 21 1 do pf 105'. 2 Atlas Corp 8 'a 3 Atla.s Pow 46 5 Auburn Auto.

5' 7 Aviation Corn. 4'a 12 Bald Loco ct 9' 28 Bait A Ohio 9' 8 do pf 12'4 .10 'BangAAr pf. 8'i'. 3 Barber Co 9 Barnxdall Oil 1 Beatrice Cr 17 1 Bclding-Hem 8:, 14 Bendi.x Aviat 14a 4 Benef Ind Ln 17', Ixd Best A Co 36'a 16 Beth Steel 64 2 do 5 pf l.vt 1 do 7 pf 98'a 1 Bigelow-San 2'a 5 Black A Drck, 16'a 2 Blnw-Knox 13'a .20 Bloomingdale 17-' 51 Boeing Airpl 34'. 1 Bonn AlABr 29 .60 Bon Ami 42 4 Borden Co 18T 10 Borg-Warn 2a.

265 20 Bdapt 3g. 9st 13 Bnggn Mfg 4g 26U 3 Bn.st-My 2.40a 34 1 Bkl On Tr 2'4 3 do pf 8'a 4 Bk-Man Tr 11 'a 2 Bk Un 1 60 19'a 2 Bruns-Bal 8r' 7 Bucyru.s-E tS 14 Budd Mig fi' 1.50 do pf 503 27 Budd Wh Ms 5J. 3 Ballard 2s 18'a 1 Bulova Wat 4 30 'a 3 Burling 1.. 8l 1 Burr AM 19 '4 2 Butler Br .60. 8 1 do pf l'a 20.

3 Butte 4 1 Byers AM Co. 10U 1 Calif Pk I'aa. 23 21 Callahan Z-L. 2' 3 Calum MOg 9 1 Camp Wy 1.. 22 Can DO 19 Canad Pac 3 Cannon 'e 35'.

1 Carr Gen 4 '4 34 Case Jl Co 6S 97'a .40 1 do pf 7 103 13 Caterpil Tr 2a 52 'a 4 do pf 5 ....101 'a 12 Celanesc Corp 173 1 Celotex C1.20g 21 .50 'do pf 5 57 2 Ct Aautr 3.38g 27 5 Ct. Foundry. 4'a 1 Cent 5'a 8 Cerro de 4. 43'. 6 Cert-td Prod.

7 '4 .20 do 6'r pf ..29 1 Champ TF 2. 29 .10 do pf 6 104 2 Checker 11 20 Ches Oh 36' 1 4 Chcs Corp 3a. 44 8 Chi A West l'a 5 Chi Git pf 4'a 1 Chi Or Pg 12' 1 1 Chi StFAI'. 2 do pf I't 6 Chi Pneu 12 10 Chi Rk In I'i 1 Cht Yel V.jt HJ Child Co 5'4 261 Chrysler 10g 61 1 City Ice Fu 2. I2'a 4 Clark Eq 4.80g 22 .20 Clev El I 5 Clim 170g.

38 7xd Cluett Pbd 1 147. 1 Coca-Cola 123 13 Colg-P-P 1 do pf 93'-. 2 Coll Alk 5g ..26 .10 do pf 5 95 .10 tcol A 7Vi 3 Col Fu Ir 18'a 7 Col Brc A1.95g 21 I do 1.95b 21 36 Col MAE 9 3 Col Plet vt 1. 13 1 Col Curb 4a 71 3 Com I Cred 4a 38 5 Com! Tr 4n. 43 1 do cv pf 4 93' 13 Coml Solv 60 S2 Comwl A Sou 1 7 do pf 3 0J4 1 Cnng-N 2 Consol A 'ir.

18 7 Consol Clf 7a SS Cons. EdU 2.. 74 8 dn pf 94 34 Conaol Oil ,80 10 Ha mil Watch. 'do pf Hanna $5 pf. Harb-Walker Corp A Havc.s Body Hazel-At Gl Hecker Prod Hercules Mot Hercules Pw Holland Fur Holly Sug Homeatake M.

Houd-Her Houston Oil Howe Sound Hudson Mot Hupp Motor The Hartford Times, Inc. Automobile Insurance Company 90 94 45 47 25 27 26 28 25 27 64 66 52 56 53 60 81 83 5'4 435 455 53 57 113 117 43 45 56 53 27 42 46 50 52 147 151 32 35 21 'a 23 i 9 41' 43 1 a 7 20 25 27 3' 4'. 36 38 225 105 56 59 16 13 95 5 13 21 225 9'a ll'a 10 20 17 20 68 7.5 19 22 24'a 26'a 6 21 23 90 100 34 37 27 29 6 8 23 27 2.Va 27'a 90 28 30 42 'j 4l'a 90 68 78 26 28 7 118 5 10 47 49 Corp Tr A A mod Corp Tr Aceum Ser Cnrp Tr Acc Mod Crum A Forster Oram A For.st 8' pf Crum A Foist Ins Crum A Forst Ins 7 pf Cumulative Tr Sh Drpos Bk Sh A Depos Ins Shrs A Oepoa Ins Shrs Diversified Tr Diversified Tr Dividend Shrs Eouitv Corp $3 pf Fidelity Fund Inc First Boston Co-p Fiscal Fund Bk Sh Fiscal Fund Ins Fixed Trust Sli A Fixed Trust Sh Foreien Bond Associates. Found Tr Sh A Fund Investors Inc Fund Tr Shrs A Fund Tr Shrs Gen Capital Corn Gen Investors Tr Group Sec Group Sec Automobile Group Sec Building Group Sc Chemical Group Sec Food Group Sec Invest Group Sec Group Sec Mining Group See Petroleum Group Sec Equip Group Sec Stee! Group Src Tobacco Huron Holding Incorp Investors Instl. Sec: Bank Group Ins'l.

Sec: Insurance Investors Fd Inc Kevstone Cusfortn 2 Keystone Cu-todn 3 Keystone Cnstodn 1 Kevstone Custotln 2 Keystone Custodn 2 Keystone Ovtortn 3 4... Major Shrs Corp Maryland Fund Miss Invest Tr Mutual Invest- Nation Wide Sec Nation Wide Voting Natl Investors New England Fund S'ocks. Pk Stocks Bldg Supply. S'ocks E'ec Stock-. Insurance.

12 10 54 2 3 13 53 21 86' a 4 1 5 1 13 16 26 21 13 23 30 9 8 25 20 100 95 23 7 2 90 7 14 55 21 20 62 11 8 49 9 1 10 33 21 78 138 13 4 a 4 21 4 12 3 26 65 6 4 10 50 8 35 5 44 6 7 11 49" 76 53 Sou- Paclfie 1 .10 .10 5 3 2 3 2 4 3 1 3 2 2 9 8 6 5 4) .60 14 7 .20 40 1 1 12 5 41 8 3 S'j'c Cumulative Preferred' Stock Tar Value $50 Callable at $52.50 Selling, to yield about 5 29 1 12 10 4.11 20.50 .70 .62 4 75 5.375 4 B75 2 50 3.22 1588 .31 22 84 13 375 3 65 35 00 2.00 21 .29 3.26 8 00 2.18 2.09 2 57 2.09 2.57 23 00 114 00 28 00 109.09 4 55 1.59 2 87 2.62 3 55 5.40 1.21 25.50 18 68 15 00 2 62 3 30 a 79 695 7 62 3.80 1602 4.60 4.17 29.50 4 70 1.13 .80 1.21 1.17 .75 .74 .89 3 23 l.Ofl 77 1.19 .94 .27 16 62 1.19 1 .26 9 88 40 13.47 15. 19 10.25 14 72 4.97 225 5 95 19.81 10.57 3.29 1,25 5 07 12 30 8 21 679 7.74 8 68 7. S3 7.5? 8 18 5T'5 2 07 2 55 2 50 2.30 .43 10.90 9.56 .34 1.375 9.2? 393 .89 14.67 2 40 51 sroo 3 05 2 02 3 17 2 02 5 48 5 16 9 38 2 28 1 13 584 .63 tv 12875 1 88 84 12.92 10 33 4 00 Acme Wire $1.00 A Hardware Am Hosiery $3.00 Arrow-Hart com Automatic Rclrig Beaton Ca dwell $2.00 Bigelow Hartford Billings Spencer 2.00 Bristol Brass $i'iO0 Case. Lockwood fc Collins Co $2.00 Colt's Pa'ent Arms 00 Fasle Lock $3 00 Fafnir Bearing SI. 00 Grav Tel Pay S'a $1 10 Guardian Inv Tr $12.00 Hart Cooley Hendy Machine Iii'l Secur Co com do pfd Int Silver do pfd $1 on Jenkins Bros 1.50 landers.

Frary A- Manning Bowman 1.60 New Britain Mach $7 no do pfd 2.00 Pemerit Pd $1.50 No-th A Judd $1.00 Peck. Stow. Wilcox Russell Mfg Co $1.00 ticovill Mfu Co $4.00 Smvth Mfg Co $1 60 Stand Screw $1 60 Stanley Works $3 00 Tavlor A Fenn $4 00 Terry Sieam Turb Torring'on Union Mfg Co $7 00 Envelope pfd $5 00 do com Whltlock Coil Pipe $1.00 8 26 4 05 17.03 5.25 31.72 5 12 1.23 .88 1 .32 3. ''8 .83 .82 98 1.34 1.16 .85 1.30 3.03 .67 1.32 1.39 10 49 23 38 14 78 16.85 11.22 16.13 5.51 6.52 21.02 1 1 .55 3 39 1 .38 5 32 13 23 8 88 7.35 3t 9.39 8.17 8 8 85 Capital Stork Tar Value $10 Based on total dividends paid per share during the pat twelve months, stork sells to yield about 4.73',f. Corn Exchange Bank Trust Co.

Capital Stork Tar Value $20 Inrtirated earnings for the year 1937 uer S3. 82 per share. Based on tola! dividends of 1.1.011 paid per share in 1937, stock sells to yield about 5.40-r. 13 19 29 3 20 10 20 8 100 3 106 9 23 32 34 49 25 57 31 9 6 57 125 11 27 3 16 18 II ig Sandy Railway 1st 4s, due June 1. 1941 MonnVs Rating Aa Non-rallahle Guaranteed principal and interest by endorsem*nt, hv the Chesapeake A- Ohio Co.

Srlllng to yield about 2.40 Illinois Cent 10 do LL 33 Indust Ray 21 Inger Rand ..83 do pf 138 Inspire Cop 14 Insuran.sh ct 4 Interb Rap Tr 4 Intcrcheui Cor 22 Iutercon Rub. 4 Interlake Ir 12 '4 Inc Agncul 3 do pr pf 28 Int Harvester. 66 Int Hycl-El A 6 Int Mer Mar 4 Int Mining 11 Int Nick Can. 51 Inf. PapAPw 8 dn pf 36 Unt Ry Am 5 dn pf 45 Int TelATel 6 do for ct 7 Inter Dept Str 11 21 80 138 14 4 4 21 4 32 3 28 66 6 4 11 51 8 36 3 45 6 7 11 40 73 123 73 17 12 5 72 106 17 1361 1.10 15 1 3 31 Sou Ry 13 12 6 do pf 19 18 1 SR MO ct 4..

29 29 5 Spk With 3 3 52 Sperry 1.20g 20 20 18 Spiegel Inc 10 10 3 Sq Co 20 19 27 Stand Binds 9 8 1 tio pf 106 106 1 Std Cm TPb 3 3 30 Std Oa-AEI .106 106 4 Std 10 9 3 do S7 pr pf 23 23 7 Std Oil Cal .32 32 11 Ctd Oil Ind 34 34 33 Oil NJ 49 48'. 1 Starrt 25 25 2 Sterlg Prod 85 5f 3 Stew-Wain .11 10 1 Stokly Bros 9 9 67 Cton A Wbt 10 3 16 Rtulbsrk Corp 6 6 2 Sun Oil 57 57 ,20 do pf .,..125 135 Sunshn Mng 12 11 1 Superheat 27 27 9 Super Dil 3 2 1 Super Strel 16 16 4 Swilft A. Co 18 2 Swift Intl 26 26 4 Symg-Od ww 9 9 7 do xw 7 7 .20 Tulrtt JptC 43 43 3 Teiegrph 5 5 1 Trim Corp 7 7 1 Trx Pacpf 20 20 29 Texas Corp 42 42 1 Tex Glf Prod .4 4 5 Tex Slilp 33 32 2 Tex Par CO 8 8 2 8hmp Prod 14 14 3 Thomp Strt 3 4 22 Tid DWAOll 14 11 1 do pf 84 89 2 Timk A xle .13 13 TlmK Roll 45 44 20 Tranamer 11 11 2 Tran FWIr 8 2 Tri-Ct COrp 3 3 3xrt TrxTraer 8 5 4 Tw Cn FoxF 23 22 4 do pf 31 30 54 Twin Coach 10 9 i Net Income for the year ending Dec. 31. 1937.

was $2,556,999.19. a I decrease of $4 823.482.71 under 1936. PUTNAM CO. 26 01 7' "fV6) Miscellaneous Stocks BY COnt'RN A MIOnLF.ISROOK. 123 73' 31 West Main Street New Britain, Conn.

Telephone 2040 6 Central Row Hartford, Conn. Telephone 5-0151 I U4llU 1 Jewel Tea 49 19 Johns-Manv 73 .70 do pf 124 1 'JonesAL pf 74 3xd Kalam StAF 19 1 Ka.wser 14 1 Kelscy-H A 8 2 do 5 .10 'Kendall pf 87 101 Kennecott Con 40 2 Keystone SAW 8 8 Kresgd S3 18 3 Kroger Oroc 17H .60 Hclede pf 26 19 14 8 5 87 39 8 17 17 xd ex-ngh's: i- and extras; xx ex-stork dividend: xn without warrants; paid div. Nov. 1st. Brokers' Loans.

Washington. Jan. 20. AP.i The Federal Reserve Board reported today that last week's loans to brokers and dealers on securities held by reportinr; member banks in New ork City totaled $654,000,000. The week ended yesterday and the tots! represented a decrene of $28,000,000 when compared with the previous week.

Loans for the corresponding week a year ago totaled $1,018,000,000. Chrysler Builds Canadian Plant. Windsor. Jan. 20.

AP The Chrysler Corporation of Can- Div. Bid Asked. Aetna Stand. Eng. 6 Diam.

Ginger Al 20 23 Gen Mch. Corp 18 20 Blrlliman Elec 2.50 lO't 21'', Lux Clock 1,00 12 14 Petroleum Heat 30 3 4 Remington Arms 18 3 4 Fepublla Portland 50 5 6 H. H. Robertson Co. 2.00 19 21 Standard Silica -t-80 4'i 5 Tokhm Oil Tank 25 15 17 Van Crimp Milk 50 9 10 Wlckwlre Spencer 7 9, Wood A Brooks 3 50 80 Sanborn Map 4 98 .51 11 93 10." 39 2.25 10.05 76 15 44 2 60 .55 85.00 43 5 7 20 42 4 33 8 14 3 14 84 13 44 11 6 3 5 23 30 10 Stocks Mae've-y Stocks.

Slocks. Steel North Am Pond Tr ctfs. Nor Am Tr Shores 19.13 Nor Am Tr Sh 1955 Nor Am Tr Sh 1956 Nrr Am Tr Sh 1938 Plymouth Fund Inr Ouarterlv income Sh Reprrs Tr Shrs Remib Invest Fund Schoellkopf Huttrni Pom Selected Am Sh Inc Selected Income Sh Soverlgn Invest, Snencer Trask Fund S'snd Am Tr Shrs Stand Utll Inc raf S'-'e't Invest Super of Am Tr A Super of Am Tr A 4. Super of Am Tr Super of Am Tr BQ Super of Am Tr of At" Tr Supervised Shrs Trustee S'nnd Inv Trustee Stand Inv Trustee St O'l Shrs A Trustee St Oil Shrs Trusteed Am Pk Industry TT 8 Elec A Pow A II Flee A Pow It 8 El I.t A Voting Wellington Fund CONNING CO. fifoblsherf 7912 50 Lewis Street Telephone 71131 2 Lambert to u-'t 13 5 Lehlgii 3 Leh Val Coal 14' 8 5 87 28 17 17 25 it 1 5 6 26 10 27 31 8 po 1.V 30 39 19 50 1 34 1 5 6 I tin nf Leh val Ft It 7 Lehman Corp.

26 3 Lehn A Fink 10 10.20 2 Lenier Strs 26 12 17 1 5 2F 10 27 39 8 99 165 30 39 19 S0 1 34 Llb-O-F Ol 1 MrS'AL Ada. announrea today its new-; engine plant in Wind-s'or will start production "in the near I future" of Canariian-built Mx-cylm-! rter motors for Chrysler, Plymouth, i Dodge and DeSnio cars. Dodge nrt BALLARD COMPANY Membrri A'e York Slock Exch an it 43 PEARL STREET Tel. 2-R2M BOND and STOCK BROKERS Orders Executed on Commission 39 8 99 ,.165 30 40 19 50 t'nrirwd-Elt 55 53 5.5 5 Un BagAP 11 11 11 25 Un Carbide 77 77 77 5 Un Oil Cal 20 20 7 Un Pacific 83 82 82 4 Tak Car 23 23 23 4 Un AlrLIn 8 7 8 30 Unid Aircft 16 25 28 .20 Hilt Blspf ...110 110 110 6 Unt CMaibon 43 43 43 1 Liigei.AMy 1 do pf fi Lima Lorn 2 Ling Belt 1 Mnuld Cart) 10 Loews Inc .71 1 01 13 375 1 98 92 14.24 Fargo trucks and conimeiTifvi raw. The'plant, with a floor ares of 124,.

800 square feet, will employ 500 men. 2 tott. inc Lon St Cem. 34.

Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.