Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity:- Chapter 36 On Human Government Palaces Pt6 Madrid Royal Palace (2024)

Having finally landing on Earth following my two days on the International Space Station, I had spent two days in the guise of Dr Gloria Fuentes resting from my tiring journey. It was then I was whisked away by the EEA to attend a ceremony at the Madrid Royal Palace, where I was to be awarded a medal by the King of Spain, Felipe VI. I was accompanied by a woman, Elena Batista the pretty EEA press officer who I had come to know in the last few days and had considered replacing, but I decided to play along for two reasons. The first being that I hadn't much opportunity to change identity during the rush that had been the last couple of days and the second; I was intrigued by the whole affair and wanted to see how it all would play out. So I found myself recieving both my medal and handshake from the King, knowing that amongst the crowd of journalists there where two very familiar faces waiting to begin our game anew...

Dr Ellana Xenoanthropological Society

The Royal Palace, Madrid Saturday 13th September 2024 14:00pm

"And I His Royal Majesty King Felipe VI of Spain, do present you with the highest civil award our nation can bestow; The Order of Civil Merit! For bravely being the first spanish woman in Space. I bid you congratulations." King Felipe of Spain beamed as he pinned a large blue rimmed medal on Ellana's jacket before holding out his hand. She hesitated briefly, glancing around the hall at the assembled throng of human journalists and dignitaries clapping in applause, the clamour reaching the rafters of the grand hall as flashes from smart phones blinkered through the crowd like stars. Just a typical awards ceremony, nothing exciting. I remember attending countless events on Zenobia like this but it's usually me that's giving out the award, that is if I don't drop it on the other person's foot. Besides, handshakes aren't common on Zenobia we do the clasping or clashing of wrists. But I have been on earth for so long, the shaking of hands has become second nature to me. Looking more closely at the audience Ellana had noticed the presence of her old friends, agents L & M who were clapping along looking right at her. Both were dressed in their suits but were without their iconic shades. Hmm? It feels strange to see them dressed in their clothes for once and not someone elses. They could certainly pass of journalists dressed like that. But I wonder why they haven't made their move yet? Is it good behaviour on my part? No matter, I need a new form and quickly. Luckily I know just the woman who will oblige me... She glanced to the pretty AEE public relations officer at her right shoulder, Elena Batista who had been her chaperone for the last two days of press conferences. Elena was an attractive specimen with rounded olive skinned features, high cheekbones and bright almond shaped hazel eyes framed by long curly black hair. She was dressed in a figure hugging black pinstripe suit jacket, AEE pin on her right lapel, with matching pencil skirt, red tank top and black high heels. Gracing her neck was a red ribbon choker, her ears pierced with hooped earrings. Finishing her appraisal, Ellana beamed taking the King's hand shaking it with a firm grip. "Thank you very much, your majesty. You are too kind, I feel honoured to receive this award." She said with a hint of nerves to cover her mistake. King Felipe laughed as he took her shoulder for the photo opportunity. " Well that explains the hesitation! You were nervous. Don't worry, Doctor. The Queen says I have that effect on people." Ellana shared the laugh posing for another three opportunities, the air punctuated by the sound of snapping cameras.

Corridor outside the Grand Hall, 20 minutes later

"You always did handle the cameras well, Gloria. Despite the slight hesitation in shaking His Majesty's hand, which we can easily put down to nerves." Said Elena Batista as she and Ellana walked the magnificently appointed corridor, the Zenobian getting the familiar pangs of wanderlust glancing at the gold leaf. "How many more of these ceremonies do we have to attend, Elena?" The brunette turned to her smiling. "We are nowhere near the end, Gloria. I have scheduled many public events as part of your tour of the nation. Why do you ask? You're not getting cold feet are you? I thought you and I both agreed before the mission that we wanted to underline just how momentous it is for Spain to have one of her daughters in space. As does the government and the Royal Court of course. And if that means that you're in for many meetings, ceremonies and dinners over the next few days. So be it." Ellana sighed. While I like nothing more than the idea of being a trailblazer, if I wanted to spend my time on earth talking to stuffy nobles and ministers then I would never have left Zenobia. Not when there's a whole human palace to explore! As they neared a broom cupboard, Elena continued her lecture. "Besides, there is no time to lose! We have another similar ceremony with Prime Minister in one hour. Look Gloria, I know this all must be tiring but you were the one who insisted she was fine in the first place with all of it." Ellana glanced at the broom cupboard then Gloria, an idea coming to mind. That's it, I'am staying right here. It looks fascinating and I wish to learn more but first I need to cancel all these meetings. Then grab a new look. As soon as they reached the broom cupboard, Ellana pulled up feigning an ankle strain. Elena put an hand around her shoulder looking down. "Are you okay? What's the matter?" She asked voice full of concern. Ellana smirked raising her right hand like a sword. "Nothing, everything is fine...." She swiftly chopped Elena on the right side of her neck, the woman let out a short pained whelp as she collapsed unconscious into Ellana's waiting arms. "...I can't say the same for you though. My dear Elena." She quipped as she dragged the woman under her shoulders into the broom cupboard.

Laying the unconscious Elena on the floor, Ellana removed her medal along with her AEE tracksuit then, taking the woman into her arms assuming her form with kiss as she pulled off the choker from her throat. "Elena Batista, 27, AEE Public Relations Officer. She has aspirations to be an astronaut herself but seeing that a degree in Public Relations doesn't get one into space, Elena is never even considered. This didn't stop her from applying 3 times though. Despite all this, she as a passion for space travel that has never waned." Putting on the woman's jewellery, Ellana slipped off her high heels then unfastened her suit jacket slipping the garment from her shoulders. Then rolling Elena onto her side, she unzipped the skirt from the rear pulling the garment down Elena's long stocking covered legs revealing a pert peach shaped buttocks covered by a crimson lace thong, with stockings and suspender belt. Ellana unclipped the stockings from the belt, gently rolling them down the woman's legs one at a time before whipping off the thong getting a good look at her small womanhood crowned with a trimmed triangle of black pubic hair, as she yanked off the suspender belt. After pulling on the stolen lingerie, Ellana held up the half naked Elena's arms sliding her tank top up over her head then reaching around her back unclasped the matching bra. Letting the now naked Elena flop back onto the floor, Ellana admired her full buoyant C-cup breasts with puffy dark pink areolas clasping on the woman's bra. Once she was dressed in Elena's clothes, Ellana taped up the woman's wrists and ankles gagging her with duct tape. Kneeling beside Elena's naked form, Ellana took out her smartphone from her handbag cancelling all their appointments with relish. Replacing the phone and looping Elena's handbag over her shoulder Ellana swept from the broom cupboard.

Royal Palace West Wing 15:00pm

After a while walking the cavernous gold leafed halls of the palace Ellana realised she was lost. I'am not getting to get anywhere in this place dressed like this. And Elena herself knows nothing of the palaces interior. I need to update my look, preferably with a maid or another staff member. Rounding the corner into yet another long corridor, Ellana spotted a smartly dressed female palace guard standing watch over a drawing room door. Or a palace guard, she looks particularly fetching. Grinning Ellana appraised the pretty young guard. She had lighter tanned heart shaped features, with rounded cheekbones and big brown doe shaped eyes. Her ash blonde hair tied into a bun under her white feathered kepi. Hugging her slim athletic figure was a smart uniform that consisted of a blue jacket with gold embossed buttons, red accents on the collar and shoulder epaulettes, matching trousers with red piping and sensible black shoes held up by a thick leather belt. She will do nicely. With that look I can begin my investigations in earnest. Grinning Ellana approached the woman.

Corporal Paola Torres yawned widely bouncing on her feet with boredom as she scanned the lonely corridor. I wonder how my dear husband, Eduardo is? Guarding the east wing state room all by his lonesome. He must be bored stiff like me. Well at least we have our off duty hours to look forward to. The sudden sound of heels clacking off the marble to her right drew Paola's attention. Turning she saw a young attractive curly haired brunette walk towards her. As she got closer, Paola flashed her a friendly smile. "Good evening, señorita. Is everything alright? Do you need help with directions?" The brunette merely co*cked her head grinning. "Yes you can indeed help me. But I'am not the one in trouble." The woman raised her right hand as Paola blinked confused. "I'am sorry, I don't quite understand se-agh!!" The Royal Guard didn't see the the blow to her neck coming. Letting out a pained squeak, Paola slid down the door unconscious, landing at Ellana's feet. "Let's get you out of that uniform, señora." Ellana smiled noticing the woman's wedding ring. Opening the drawing room door she dragged the sleeping guard into tne room beyond by her wrists, before shutting it behind her.

Shedding Elena's suit, Ellana knelt by the stricken blonde guard removing her belt along with her hat then taking her into her arms, felt her form shift as she passionately kissed the woman, loosening her bun. "Corporal Paola Torres, 25, Royal Guard of Spain. She met her husband in the Royal Guard and they have been married for a couple of years now. But they always seems to draw opposite duties, so the only time they spend together is off duty. Despite this they are inseparable." After adopting Paola's bun, Ellana unbuttoned the guards jacket hoisting her up to slip the garment from her shoulders revealing a white lace camisole, which she slid up past the guards head. Letting the half naked Paola flop back down onto the carpet of the drawing room, Ellana admired her small but firm B-cup breasts with rose petal pink areolas as she unlaced the guards shoes pulling them off along with her white lace trim ankle socks. Unfastening the woman's trousers, Ellana peeled them from around her slender hips and down her long toned legs then whipped off the matching hipster shorts that was protecting her modesty, a full cl*tor*s topped with a faintly trimmed strip of ash blonde hair. Quickly dressing in Paola's uniform putting on her hat and wedding ring, Ellana tore up Elena's tank top binding and gagged the naked toned guard. When she was finished, Ellana dragged the woman by her ankles stashing her inside a cabinet along with the remnants of Elena's clothes. Fastening on the belt, Ellana left the drawing room. Now i can begin my investigation in earnest. I wonder what became of my old foes.

Royal Palace East Wing, East Corridor, The Same Moment

"So remind me why we didn't just grab Ellana there and then while she was getting her medal, boss?" Asked M as they tried to find the way out of the east wing, two nearby young spanish maids flashing them smiles while they worked. "Because, rookie had we done so in front of the spanish king and those dignitaries we would have the guards on us faster than you can say hola. Besides, we are going to the spanish parliament next for her meeting with their prime minister. We could get lu-" The sound of her communicator chiming from L's jacket caused them to stop. "Yes, Paddy. Has something come up?" She asked as the two pretty maids looked on, whispering in spanish. " It looks like you two aren't going to the parliament after all." Came P's voice on the other end. " Seems like someone called off the meeting with the PM. Most likely Ellana who by now is disguised as that AEE PR girl Elena Batista since Dr Fuentes has just woken up from a three day lie in. Which means we have a problem." The two agents sighed. "When don't we have a problem. Lay it on me P." There was a pause as P stopped to drink his coffee. "Knowing our girl, she would want to explore this place. And as it just so happens there is going to be an evening gala dinner there, with all the foreign ambassadors in Spain. You don't need me to tell you what a sh*t storm it could be if Ellana went around creating diplomatic incidents." L shook her head. "It will be like the whole UN business times by a hundred got it Paddy. We will track her down ASAP." P chuckled. "Good luck, fellas. That place is huge."

"Well, you heard the man rookie. We need to find her quickly, but first we need a change of clothes something that isn't conspicuous and will allow us to move around the palace undetected..." M shook her head face palming. "I hate it when you say that." L's eyes fell upon the two young pretty maids who were checking them out. They were both dressed in the traditional uniform; black uniform dresses, complete with frilly white lace collar, cuffs, aprons tied around the waist and matching hats, flat black shoes. Hmm? She looks to be about my size. L thought as she regarded the girl on the left, who's name was "Carmen Navarro" an olive skinned woman with black braided pigtails. While the girl on the right a "Conchita Diaz", with short pixie cut auburn hair seemed to be M's size. M's not going to like this. She hates wearing dresses. Grinning she turned to her partner.

"Can you ask them to strip and hand over their uniforms? We need to blend in." M looked at her incredulously. "Why me, boss? Stealing uniforms is your thing after all-ow!!" L slapped her upside her head, which eliticted giggles from the cute maids. "You speak Spanish. According to your file you learned it in high school." Rubbing her head M rolled her eyes. "Just because I'am Texan and we live next door to the Mexicans, doesn't make me an expert. Besides, I was too busy swapping notes with Mary Beth in the front r-" "Now, Rookie!" Sighing M turned to the maids talking mangled Spanish, whatever she told them only made them burst out laughing. "Esta chica está loca." Carmen said to her partner, twirling her finger beside her head. M shrugged. "Sorry, boss. I tried my best." L smiled evilly advancing on Carmen. "It's alright rookie. I guess we just have to do this the hard way then." She swiftly punched the young maid in the gut causing her to double up with a surprised yelp before following up with a chop to the back of her neck, the girl falling to the ground in an unconscious heap on her side. As Conchita held up her hands pleading in Spanish, M laid her out with a swift right cross that send the maid bouncing off the wall, sliding down unconscious. "Sorry, chica..." M said as she took the maids ankles, as L rolled Carmen onto her back. "Come on rookie. Let's get them stripped and quickly." She said as they dragged the unconscious maids into a nearby broom cupboard.

"We look absolutely ridiculous, boss! This dress is short on me and don't even get me started on the hats." M complained as they stood over the scantily clad unconscious Conchita and Carmen, getting dressed in their stolen maid uniforms. Tied up with zip ties and gagged with strips of duct tape, the bruised girls were dressed only in their underwear, Carmen wearing a solid black t-shirt bra with matching bikini cut shorts, while Carmen a low cut white lace bra and matching thing. After adjusting the nametag on Carmen's uniform, L replied with a head slap on her young partner. "Are you quite finished rookie? Because Ellana is not going to find herself and we are losing ground." Rubbing her head M nodded. Now fully dressed in their ill fitting uniforms, the agents left the bound maids to the dark of the broom cupboard.

Royal Palace West Wing 16:30pm

In the hour and a half she spent walking the corridors of the Spanish Royal Palace, Ellana was simply in awe of the beauty and history that lined the walls of the palace. There were pictures of Spanish kings and queens going back 600 years of human history. Someday I will have to explore human history, perhaps I could ask Nikki. She had also begun to notice signs of activity about the palace, uniformed maids pushing around trays of champagne towards the main hall. If I didn't know any better, I would say that there's going to be gala this evening. Now that does sound fun... "Ouch! Watch where you're going, you low born prole!" Cried a young woman's voice as Ellana collided with her, her eyes still fixed on the gold leaf corridor. "Sorry, señorita. My apologies." She said getting a better look at the girl. Despite her pretty olive skinned heart shaped features, sculptured cheekbones and big grey eyes framed by long straight black hair, Ellana knew the haughty bearing of a minor noblewoman when she saw it. Ugh! Nobles. They are the same no matter where in the galaxy they are. Always stuck up, irrelevant and self entitled... "Never mind you apologies, you oafish woman. This dress costs more than you make in five years!" The dress in question was a red armani trouser dress with matching sandal heels over which was a fur coat. She was adorned with a pearl necklace, matching earrings and bracelets. Smirking, an idea came to Ellana. "Why are you looking at me like that you peasant?!" Raising her right hand she co*cked her head. "I was just thinking that dress.." swiftly bringing it down on the nobles pretty neck, the woman let out a cute pained squeak as she crashed to the floor unconscious in a undignified heap. "...is wasted on a terrible woman like you. Me on the other hand..." Ellana quipped as she took the woman's ankles dragging her into a nearby broom cupboard by her ankles.

Shedding her Royal Guard uniform, Ellana knelt by the unconscious woman taking her into her arms in a passionate embrace feeling her form shift as she removed the nobles pearls and fur coat. "Isabella de Borja Álvarez de Toledo y Gonzaga, 21, Scion of House Guzman. Ugh, same pretentious long name just like Zenobian nobility. She's on her final warning from her parents, since she squanders her allowance on hedonistic parties and having threesomes with both genders, hmm humans and their lusts. Isabella's ultimatum is she either starts fulfilling her noble obligations or she's cut off forever. Hence her reason for being here, she's due to meet the royal chamberlain. Well it looks like I will take the meeting instead my dear." Ellana said as she put on the pearl jewellery before unstrapping the heels then unzipping the dress from the rear, peeling it off Isabelle's tight curvaceous body exposing her buoyant, perfect C-cup breasts with full dark pink puffy dark pink areolas and pert peach buttocks barely covered by a red lace strappy thong. Sparing no thought to the nobles modesty, Ellana whipped them from between her thighs revealing a small clean shaven cl*tor*s. After getting dressed in the noble woman's clothes, Ellana took some duct tape from the shelf taping up the unconscious naked nobles wrists and ankles then gagged her with a strip. "May this be a lesson in humility for you, my lady Isabella." Ellana laughed sarcastically with a formal Zenobian curtsey before sweeping from the cupboard. Using the woman's memories, she made her way to the chamberlain's office.

Royal Palace Corridor beside the Great Hall, 16:45pm

"Boss, this place is huge. How the hell are we supposed to find Ellana here, this isn't like the Elysées Palace. And if I have to bend over again to play housemaid to dust something, I'am going to break something valuable! It's bad enough I have to expose my panties whenever I bend over!" L sighed listening to the constant griping from her young partner approaching a broom cupboard. Stopping for a second she turned to M. "Look, rookie. Just trust me okay. This place may be big but we will -" M held up her hand. "Wait, boss. Do you hear that? It sounds like thumping." L glanced at the door next to them, knowing full well what they were about about to find. She nodded her head. "Get ready, rookie." M covered her mentor as the older agent pulled the door wide open.

"Well, I think we just found the AEE chick." L said gesturing to the taped up naked form of Elena Batista who screamed through her tape gag, tears streaming down her face pleading with the agents to free her. "Well, I'am not going to free her. I learned my lesson in China." M said shaking her head as L looked down at the struggling bound woman, confusion in her watery hazel eyes. "We can't have her screaming the place down and jeopardising our mission." She reached in with her right hand towards Elena's throat, the woman doing her best to back away but it was in vain. "Sorry honey but you'll have to wait a little longer for that rescue." She pinched the woman's vagus nerve, eliticing an aroused muffled groan from Elena as she slumped unconscious against the wall. Closing the door she turned to M "Come on, M. There's nothing we can do for her except to notify P, so he can process her later." M let out a deep breath. "Yeah, got it boss..." She hesitated slightly. "You know what this means though, L. She's got herself a new face." L clapped a hand on the rookie's shoulder. "Then we don't have a moment to lose. We have over an hour before that dinner." Nodding with determination, M fell into step next to her boss resuming the hunt.

The Office of the Royal Chamberlain 17:00pm

After knocking on the door of the Royal Chamberlain, Ellana heard a shaky "Come in" from a nervous sounding female voice. She entered to find an attractive middle aged blonde female pacing behind her desk, listening to what Ellana could only describe as mood music from her laptop. According to Isabella's memories, her name was Alejandra Ramos. "Ah! My lady Isabella! What with all he preparation for this gala dinner tonight, I completely forgot about our meeting. Please take a seat." Ellana appraised the woman as she played along. Alejandra was strikingly attractive with diamond shaped slightly tanned features, slender cheekbones and piercing blue eyes framed by shoulder length strawberry blonde hair cut into a bob. A lean petite figure hugged by a navy blazer with a red collar and royal crest of Spain stitched on her left breast, matching knee length skirt and black pumps. A pearl necklace dangled from her throat with matching earrings. If she's anything like our royal chamberlain, its a highly placed role. If her form won't get me into the gala, she will know someone who will. I just need to to put her to sleep. Ellana flashed her a warm friendly smile.

"Señorita Chamberlain. You look like you're a little stressed. Is there something wrong?" Isabella asked as Alejandra took her seat behind her desk opposite. Taking a deep breath, the chamberlain turned up her music before folding her hands across the desk. "It's just organising this gala ball with 132 embassies in attendance as left me tired and nervous. The thing is one big diplomatic incident waiting to happen and has left me little time for social niceties. I have been trying to relieve my stress in the hour we have left." Isabella co*cked her head. "Well the music is definitely a good start. But you know what really works out the stress, my dear chamberlain?" Alejandra shook her head, gesturing for her to continue. "A massage. It always helps me to relieve stress." The chamberlain blinked in surprise. "A massage? Well I'am always ready to give it a go and it certainly wouldn't hurt your case, my lady Isabella." Grinning the noblewoman walked around her desk, behind the woman putting her hands gently on Alejandra's neck starting to rub it, the chamberlain feeling an odd dense of arousal as Isabella caressed the warm flesh. "Don't worry you are in good hands, my dear." Isabella said with a small smile as her right hand reached her neck. "Oh yes! That's it don't stop ye-ohh!" The chamberlain let out a cute aroused squeak as felt a brief sharp pain either side of her throat. Alejandra let out an aroused moan slumping unconscious in her chair. "Relax my dear Alejandra, you could use a break." Ellana quipped as she stripped off Isabella's trappings before switching off the music.

Straddling the unconscious chamberlain Ellana planted a kiss on her lush lips removing her pearl jewellery then unbuttoning her blazer. "Alejandra Ramos, 36, Chamberlain to the Royal Spanish Court. Despite everything she wouldn't trade her job for anything. Alejandra finds it an honour to work for the royal family and a certain special someone makes it all. " Putting on Alejandra's jewellery Ellana slipped off the blazer from the woman's shoulders revealing small A-cup breasts emphasised by a black lace push up bra. Reaching around the chamberlain's back, she unclasped the bra loosening it from her chest to expose cute slightly pointed A-cup breasts with full puffy pink areolas. Snapping on the undergarment Ellana unzipped the woman's skirt from the rear working from her slender hips, and down her long stocking covered legs After carefully rolling down Alejandra's stockings a leg at a time, Ellana whipped off the matching lace shorts getting a good glimpse of a full womanhood decorated with a small trimmed strip of strawberry blonde hair. Quickly donning Alejandra's clothes, Ellana tore up Isabella's trousers dress binding and gagging the naked petite chamberlain. Taking the woman under her arms, Ellana searched for a cabinet finding none. That's damned inconvenient. What office doesn't have a cabinet? Well I guess there's only one thing for it. The desk is certainly roomy. Moving the chair away, Ellana tucked the naked woman under her desk concealing her with Isabella's clothes. She then pulled the chair back to the desk then took her seat trying hard not to kick the unconscious Alejandra.


Following an unexciting half hour Ellana heard a knock at her door. "Come in." Two middle aged men entered, one was a dark haired male wearing a tuxedo who according to Alejandra's memories was Juan, the royal purveyor while the other, slightly balding dressed in a navy blue blazer with matching trousers and white gloves, was none other than Cesare the butler her lover. I think I''am having what humans call déjà vû. At least this won't end like with the astronauts but it might become a problem I might need to deal with. Especially if he looks under the desk. " Good evening, Alejandra. I have a list of all the royal warrants for the kings perusal for tonight's dinner." Said Juan slipping a piece of paper onto Alejandra's desk. "Thank you, Juan. Enjoy the dinner." The man flashed both of them a knowing smile before leaving the room, leaving her alone with Cesare. "The guest have just started to arrive, it's looking pretty hectic." He shot an awkward look go Ellana, walking towards the desk. "Um, do you have a moment love?" Ellana quickly rose from the desk to cut him off blocking his way. " I always have time for you, Cesare. Something the matter?" She said playing her part, getting a little two close for comfort. Cesare looked awkward like if he was in too minds whether to kiss her or not. "Well I thought we...uh could...we have a free moment before the dinner. I haven't seen you all day. I- I was worried for you, what with all the stress you've been under." Ellana took hold of his hand gently brushing his the skin of his wrist releasing her pheromones. Rodrigo let out a low moan of arousal his eyes glazing over in confusion. co*cking her head, Ellana weighed up what to do with the man. I could just kiss him and knock him out. Stash him with his girlfriend but he might be missed and that could be risky, yet it gets rid of the problem. Or I could let him go. I maintain stealth but he might report that the chamberlain is acting strangely and they might blow my cover. What should I do? Before she could make up her mind there was another knock at the door.

Cesare shook his head as if had just awoken from a dream. "Pardon me, my dear. We...we shall talk later. Have a nice evening." His face red with embarrassment Cesare turned on his heel opening the door to let in an elegantly dressed redheaded young woman, before he departed closing the door behind him. Ellana appraised her new arrival. She was a beautiful specimen with freckled rounded features, sloping cheekbones and emerald green eyes, her flame red hair done up in a fashionable knot. Her full slim figure emphasised by a little bottle green silk dress, the peaking of her nipples underneath against the thin fabric told Ellana she was bra-less, with matching dress gloves and heels. Slender neck graced by an emerald necklace that hung above her c-cup cleavage with dangling emerald earrings. "Señorita Chamberlain? My name is Esmeralda Romero, a deputy Foreign Minister on the Foreign Minister Albares staff. I'am here to present his apologies that he won't be able to attend the gala this evening. You've probably heard all about the scandal with Prime Minister Sanchez's wife, again and he's expecting a reshuffle if the PM were to resign. He sent me in his stead to deliver his speech." co*cking her head, Ellana approached the woman eyeing up the dress. "You know, Esmeralda. It's a good thing you happened by, I really would like to attend the gala but I hadn't a thing to wear until you walked in that is..." Ellana smirked raising her right hand as the young minister blinked in confusion. "W-what?! I don't quite under-ugh!!" She swiftly neck chopped the woman who fell unconscious into Ellana's arms with a pained yelp. Dragging the woman to the chair opposite the chamberlain's desk, Ellana unzipped her dress from rear sitting her down. "So thank you, very much my dear Esmeralda." She quipped stripping off the chamberlain's uniform.

Straddling the unconscious Esmeralda in the chair, Ellana assumed her form with a kiss working her from her knot before removing the expensive jewellery. "Esmeralda Romero, 26, A Deputy Foreign Minister. She believes Sanchez will survive this latest scandal with his wife and isn't expecting a reshuffle. And what's more, she's having an affair with her female secretary who she loves. Esmeralda is unhappily married to another deputy minister, and he cheated on her first." Ellana put on the ministers jewellery, adopting her knot before slipping off her heels. Ignoring the muffling whimpers from the chamberlain behind her desk, Ellana took the silk dress by the shoulder straps, peeling the expensive garment from Esmeralda's lush half naked body, admiring her well formed freckled breasts with light pink perky rose petal areolas and modesty protected by a dark green lace thong. Whipping the racy underwear from between the ministers thighs, Ellana glimpsed a small tidy pink cl*tor*s crowned with a fan of ginger hair. After pulling up the stolen thong, Ellana stepped into the woman's dress then slipped on the dress gloves. Now fully dressed, Ellana tore up Alejandra's stockings binding the naked ministers wrists and ankles gagging her then picking up the woman under her arms she dragged her around the desk.

"Mmmph!" Screamed the naked Alejandra into her gag as Ellana stuffed Esmeralda next to her. "My apologies Alejandra for the cramped conditions but it's not my fault you don't have any closets for me to work with. That's on you." The woman let you an indignant "mmph!" as she tried to inch away from the unconscious Esmeralda but failed miserably. The chamberlain than started to scream in her gag. "Mmmph, mmph!" Ellana shook her head. "Well I can't have you making that racket." Ellana grasped the woman's neck, administering the pinch with a finger and thumb. Alejandra's muffles were silenced with a pained muffled squeak as she slumped unconscious on Esmeralda's shoulder. Rising Ellana, straightened out her stolen dress. "Well ladies, I bid you farewell. I have a gala to attend. Have a pleasant evening." Chuckling she swept from the chamberlains office, using the woman's memories to make her way to the great hall.

West Wing Corridor 17:58pm

"Hot damn this place is huge, boss. I know we've tracked Ellana down in places larger than this, but still we are never going to find her." M sighed as they walked past another broom cupboard, hearing more thumping from beyond. Holding her hand up, L gestured to the door. "I have a sneaky suspicion that we will find another of Ellana's presents behind that door, be ready." M nodded as her boss placed her hand on the knob. "Always ready, boss. It does make you wonder. How many cupboards does a place like this need? It's like a playground for Ellana." Chuckling despite herself M pulled open the door to reveal a struggling taped up naked brunette, a royal guard uniform lay scattered around her. The girl screamed insistently into her tape gag. "Mmmph!" Curious L snatched it off the girl's mouth. "Mmmp-oww! Watch it you peasant! That hurt! I'am the Lady Isabella de Borja Álvarez and I demand you release me at once!" Cried the struggling naked girl. "What are you gawking at proles?! Do you like watching nude girls struggle? Do you get off on it, huh!?" M advanced on her. "Well that's just rude. Night night, Isabella." She quipped before punching Isabella unconscious with a stern right hook, the girl let out a pained yelp slumping unconscious onto the floor her modesty exposed. "Well you beat me to it, rookie." L handed her back the duct tape gag which she replied, tapping the noblewoman's cheek. "Nah, It's just I hate self entitled little rich girls. Had enough of them looking down on me in highschool just for being poor and lesbian." Closing the door on the unconscious Isabella L sighed. " This means we are running out of time. Look..." She gestured with her head outside the window as cars where parking outside the palace, the flash of cameras greeting their finely dressed occupants as they emerged filing into the palace. "...the gala's starting and we are out of time. We have to find her now." M nodded her face turning grave. "Watch out, Jeeves at 6 o'clock." She gestured over her partners shoulder as a smartly dressed balding man approached them.

"Why are you two just standing around like stooges!? The gala is starting and we need extra hands!" Butler Cesare Almeida yelled at the two itinerant maids, a short haired platinum blonde and an older attractive woman with shoulder length dark hair. As he neared them his brow furrowed. "Your uniforms look like they are wearing you not the other way around and I don't recall your faces. You certainly don't look like a "Carmen" and "Conchita". " He said reading their name tags before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Let me guess? You're two last minute replacements, that nobody deigned to inform me of? Given spare uniforms from a couple of our staff because they couldn't find ones in your size. Is that correct?" The two women nodded as Cesare shook his head. "Ugh! How do they expect me to my job if they don't tell me of these things?! I'am always the last one to hear of it! Well that doesn't matter now. Come on we've wasted enough time." Nodding the two maids fell in behind Cesaré as he led them towards the Great Hall. First Alejandra and now this? This just isn't my day.

The Gala Dinner, 19:15pm

During the course of the evening, Ellana had enjoyed herself immensely. She had read off Esmeralda's speech, a rather dry and boring diatribe about Spain being proud to host a prestigious gala to celebrate it's diplomatic ties to the rest of the world. I was always a natural at giving speeches, thanks to my lessons in public address thanks to mother. At least I didn't offend anyone's girth this time. Then sat down to a wonderful two course meal gorging on the best of spanish cuisine which she found delightfully spicy and herbal, washed down with the finest spanish red wines. She even had the pleasure of seeing her old friends, dressed rather ridiculously in their ill fitting stolen maids uniforms serving tables. That had made her smile. Well they have no idea who I am so that's something. Always a step behind. A sound of a dinner bell going off broke her thoughts, as Cesare the butler cleared his throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen. The dinner will pause for 15 minutes before we serve the desserts. Please take this opportunity to freshen up." Ellana grinned at the mention of desserts. Does that mean ice cream!? Because I could go for a couple of tubs! So looking forward to that. Taking a sip of wine, Ellana noticed a pretty curly haired blonde female with a stunning red dress, matching dress gloves and gold diamond jewellery leave the Danish section of the table. She exited the hall, with the agents not far behind her.

Five minutes later West Wing Women's Bathroom

"Have I told how much I hate wearing dresses and heels, boss? This is constricting my boobs." Companied M as she pulled on the red silk dress gloves before fixing on the earrings. She was now dressed in an expensive matching strapped long dress and heels. It's previous owner, the 23 year old Helga Gunnersøn wife to the Danish ambassador was sat on the toilet bowl unconscious, wearing only her red lace bra and matching g-string thong. She was bound and gagged with the strips from M's maid uniform, she had been choked out by M while reapplying her make up which the young agent was putting on herself. Standing by the door L kept watch. "Yes, on multiple occasions rookie. The alternative is waiting tablets which I don't want to have to do ever again. Besides, Ellana is polishing off the last of her paella and we need the freedom of movement that being a guest allows." It was then they both tensed as the shadows of slender feet appeared from under the door. Putting her hand up to single the one hostile, L reacted quickly as the door was pushed open. M glimpsed an attractive middle aged woman enter with youthful lined features and turquoise coloured eyes, her chestnut coloured hair tied into an elegant knot. Her perfect C-cup feature hugged by a strapless black sparkling knee length little black dress, with strappy heels, and lace stockings. Her neck graced by a silver diamond plunging necklace, with complementary earrings. The woman didn't have time to greet M as L wrapped her arm around her neck, pulling her beside the door pressing her head forward. The woman let out a strangled squeak as she slumped unconscious into L's arms. Wasting no time the veteran agent dragged her into the next cubicle.

Sitting the woman's body on the toilet, L stripped out of the maids uniform. "Holy hell, boss. That's Maximé Fontaine, the french ambassador to Spain. I served her dinner not an half ago." L shrugged. "So it is. Well it's a nice dress and she no longer as any need of it or anything else." M watched as L removed the woman's jewellery putting it on before unzipping her dress, peeling it off her slim attractive body to reveal her lush C-cup breasts with circular perky pink areolas and modesty protected by a strappy black lace g-string thong. Then to the young agents horror L removed her white sports bra and hipster shorts, then unstrapped her heels pulling off her stockings. "Er boss? Why are you taking her underwear? The jewellery and stockings I understand. But her panties? Aren't we causing like, I don't know a diplomatic incident." L without looking at her pulled down her lace thong, revealing a small cl*tor*s topped with a feint trimmed stripped of brown pubic hair. " That's a strapless dress she had on and she wasn't wearing a bra anyway. I'am not wearing my hipsters under that dress, it wouldn't sit right and people would notice." Turning away from her boss getting dressed, M glanced at the sleeping lingerie clad wife of the Danish ambassador. How do you know so much about dresses? I mean it's hard to picture you in a dress, Gunny." Turning back around, M had noticed L was fully dressed in the french ambassadors dress, which looked better on her, tying up the unconscious naked woman. After applying a gag of torn lace apron to Maximés' mouth, L turned to face her. "Why? Do you think just because I'am a marine that I haven't worn a dress before?" She said subconsciously rubbing the gold ring on her finger. Deciding not to force the issue, M retrieved an out of order sign from the cupboard while L took the ambassadors clutch bag walking over to the mirror.

"What's wrong, M? I thought you wouldn't be shocked by stripping another woman. No offence." L said as she applied some lipstick, M's reflection blushed in reply. "None taken. It's just I'am a one woman kind of woman, you know? It doesn't seem right to strip these women naked. Not while I keep thinking about V, of us and what Ellana put us both through." Finishing with her makeup, L placed her hands on M's bared shoulders. "Martha. You shouldn't really hold that against Ellana. She does what she has to do, so do we. I doubt she has anything personal against any of us. She's a woman on a mission, just like us and I can respect that. What she did to you and V was just out of necessity. Like us with the women we rob." M nodded her head in understanding. "That's just the thing, boss. The more we do this, stealing clothes from innocent women. The more I start to understand her and that scares me a hell of a lot. But you're right of course, I see that now. I still want to catch her, boss. And that I'am with you. I will see this through to the end." L smiled rubbing her shoulders. " I never asked for anything more. You know, rook? If it wasn't for the fact she makes our lives hard, I would call her a kindred spirit." Both women laughed as they turned to exit the bathroom. "Let's go get her." M said sticking an out of order sign on the bathroom door.

19:30pm The Grand Hall

Upon re-entering the Grand Hall the agents took their tables just in time to see dessert getting served. Scanning the table reserved for the host government officials, they noticed a young redheaded minister in a green silk dress, who had given a rather dull speech earlier saying something to a passing waiter. The man scoffed retreating from the table, only to return not five minutes with a very large bowl of vanilla ice cream. The woman beamed at the man who rolled his eyes before departing, before tucking in with a large dessert spoon. "Check out the ice-cream junkie, 12 o'clock." L said as they watched the woman stuff it all into her mouth, staining her dress in the process. M chuckled. "Yep, that's Ellana all right. She can't enough of it." L stared at Ellana who stared right back at her, recognition drawing on her stolen features. She got up approaching the butler, who nodded allowing her to weave through the dancing mingling crowd of dignitaries towards the Great wooden doors. Getting up slowly, the agents made their way slowly but surely towards her. "Nothing to sudden after all, rookie. We don't want a panic. Slow and steady." Just as they were within sight of her the Danish ambassador Gunnar Sorensøn, suddenly appeared in front of them.

"That's a most wonderful dress, my dear and those jewels it really suits you. You know my wife, Helga she is wearing something just like that ensemble." Looking a little awkward, M rubbed the back of her head as the blonde haired portly man beamed. "Mhm, you don't say? We must have gone to the same tailors or something." Sorensøn then started to look around puzzled. "Come to think of it where is my wife? I haven't her since she went to the bathroom. Please excuse me." Breathing a sigh of relief as the man went in search for his wife, the agents turned back to see Ellana wasn't in the hall. "Damn it, rookie! Where did she go? We had her!"

The West Wing Women's Bathroom 19:45pm

I have to give them credit this time they looked quite fetching all dressed up. But it looks like my evening could be over. I will need to either wipe off this stain, mother did always say I was a messy eater, or find a change of clothes. Ellana thought as she quickly made her way to the womens bathroom, only to find a middle aged female standing with her hands on her hips, shaking her head. "Do you believe this rubbish? The only ladies toilet in the west wing of the palace and it's out of order? Disgraceful!" The woman spoke with a British accent gesturing to a Spanish out of order sign stuck on the door as Ellana approached her, sizing her up. Like all middle aged human women, she still retained her youthful heart shaped features, gentle cheekbones and pale green eyes. Her auburn hair tied into an elegant knot. Her well endowed voluptuous form clad in a long purple strapless gown, with matching high heels and a silver amethyst necklace dangling between her D-cup breasts with matching dangling earrings. Looks like I get a new dress after all and what a lovely colour. "That is indeed terribly inconvenient." Ellana quipped as she placed herself behind the woman, checking if the cost was clear. The woman nodded. "Yes! I have half a mind to-mmmph!" Ellana didn't wait to hear what she had in mind, as she clamped a hand around the woman's mouth to stifle her cries before grasping her throat. "Nice dress, my dear." She hissed into the woman's ear applying the pinch with her finger and thumb, either side of her pretty neck. She let out a muffled aroused squeak before slumping unconscious in Ellana's grip. Not standing on ceremony, Ellana dragged her into the waiting bathroom.

As she planted the unconscious woman onto the toilet bowl, Ellana could hear the muffled struggles of at least two women in the adjoining cubicles. "Excuse me for just a moment dear." She quipped to the unconscious woman as she left to investigate. To her surprise in the next door stall she found first a completely naked bound middle aged chestnut haired woman, the remains of a maids uniform at her feet who pleaded with her tearful eyes for freedom. Then in the one next to her a petite blonde clad only in red lace lingerie, her mascara running as she cried. "Ah! It seems I have discovered the handiwork of my old friends. And at least one took the undergarments, I'am impressed. Probably L, M is too squeamish for her own good but L she's got nerves of steel. Well, I'am sorry my lovelies but I'am not as you humans call the calvary so that rescue will come later. And I will need concentration so it's sleepytime." The blonde shook her head screaming through her gag as Ellana grasped her throat pinching to silence her screams with a muffled squeak. After doing the same for the brunette, Ellana returned to her victim. " Now where were we, my dear." Ellana said to the woman straddling her as she stripped off her ruined ice cream stained dress.

Now naked, Ellana kissed the unconscious woman on her inviting lips loosening her knot and removing her expensive jewellery. "Lady Fiona Sedgewick, 42, British Ambassador to Spain. Her husband is back home on the estate after making a drunken ass of himself at the last gala in Madrid and didn't get an invite to this one. Not that Fiona minds of course, she is having an affair with a Spanish baron 8 years her junior and they are very much in love." After adopting Fiona's elegant knot and putting on her jewellery, Ellana slipped off the high heels before unzipping her purple dress from the side peeling the dress from the ambassadors full figure, admiring her large breasts with full puffy red areolas as she whipped off the woman's purple lace g-string thong exposing a small womanhood crowned with a trimmed triangle of auburn hair. Once she had stepped into the long gown, slipping on the high heels Ellana tore up the stained green silk dress binding and gagging the naked voluptuous ambassador. Closing the cubicle door behind her she caught her new reflection grinning. "Time to make my fashionable exit." Leaving the bathroom behind her, Ellana used the ambassadors memories to find her way out to her waiting car.

Madrid Royal Palace Exterior 19:55pm

Feeling the cool evening air brush on her stolen face, Ellana approached a stretched Mercedes limo with union flag pennants flanking the bonnet. A lone young human male wearing a suit and matching peaked cap leaned against the car smoking a cigarette. He quickly flicked the cigarette away as he noticed her. "Good evening, Lady Ambassador. What can I do for you?" He said hastily straightening himself out. Ellana held her arm to her head. "I fear I may have had too much wine and it's gone to my head. I would like to return to the embassy, at once." The man nodded. "Of course, ambassador." Ellana sat on the rear seat as the driver held open the door for her. Once she had buckled up, the chauffer closed the door with a snap. Hearing the roar of the engine as he put the limo into gear, Ellana glanced at the palace through the window. Such a beautiful place, steeped in history. I wish I had more time but thanks to my friends, I must move on. I wonder where next my travels will take me. She leaned back into her seat as the limo pulled away.

The West Wing Women's Bathroom The Same Moment

"Well it looks like we just missed her rookie. At least see kept those two quiet." L said as the two agents regarded the unconscious bound naked redhead sitting on the toilet, hair dangling loosely on her bared shoulders. Recognition dawned on M's face. "Wait, that's the British Ambassador. We served her earlier this evening." L nodded. "Yep, that means she's on route to the British embassy. Come on, rookie. We don't have a moment to lose!" M rolled her eyes. "Great. Running in heels, it's going to be hell on my feet. Besides, how am I supposed to run in this thing!" Sighing in frustration, L reached down tearing her dress to expose her legs. "There happy now? Or should we waste more time listening to you whine." M rubbed the back of her head sheepishly before they quickly left the room.

Royal Palace Exterior 20:00pm

Their feet sore from the running the agents had ditched their high heels. They rushed into the parking lot outside the palace to see the British limousine driving down the street. "Damn it, boss! We need a car and a change of clothes. Unless you want us to run barefoot to the the British Embassy, looking stupid in these ridiculous dresses." Holding up her hand to silence her partner, L scanned the area for both smiling when her eyes rested on a policia nacional checkpoint nearby. A single patrol car with two female officers leaning against the hood, their backs to them. They were lighting up cigarettes. "Hey, rookie. I think I have found us both over there, look..." M sighed as she followed her bosses vision rubbing her sore feet. "Cops again? Seems to be our thing doesn't it. Well I'am not going to complain. They have a car and warmer clothing, let's do this." Patting M on her back, the two agents crept up silently on the unsuspecting officers.

"I hate babysitting foreign dignitaries, it's so boring." Officer Ramona Jimenez said as she lit the cigarette of her friend and partner Alicia Alonso." Tell me about it, Ramona. Why can't we have something more exciting. Like a bank robbery." She replied after taking a slow drag from her cigarette, puffing out a steady steam of blue smoke. Both we strikingly beautiful young officers, Ramona with short light tousled brown hair while Alicia's long raven coloured locks were tied into a long ponytail. They were wearing the uniform of Madrid's finest; navy buttoned shirt with "Policia Nacional" on the back, matching trousers, held up by their gun belts, and sensible shoes. Over which were black puffer jackets with "Policia Nacional" to guard against the cool evenings. Ramona took her own drag, feeling the sweet nicotine grace her lungs. "Well one good thing about tonight. All the handsome men in their dinner jackets, mmhm." Alicia tapped some ash from her cigarette. "Nah, not for me. Give me hot girls in dresses anyday, especially when they go braless." They burst out laughing. Suddenly Ramona's laughter was cut short as she felt an arm snake around her neck, followed by a hand on the back of her head pressing it forwards. She let out a strangled rattle as she slumped limply into her attackers arms. At the same moment, Alicia had a gloved hand clamp around her mouth knocking the cigarette from her hand. Followed by an arm wrapping around her throat like a vice, cutting off the blood flow from her brain. Despite her training she panicked as felt her consciousness leave her. "Shh, officer. Easy, don't fight it. It's easier if you don't fight it." Whispered a southern American accent in her ear? Letting out a low muffled rattle, Officer Alicia Alonso surrendered to the voice her cigarette dropping from her limp fingers as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

"Nicely done rookie, like always. Now lets put on their uniforms." The two agents dragged the unconscious officers around the sides of their patrol car, laying them on the tarmac hurriedly tearing off their stolen dresses and jewellery before relieving the policewomen of their uniforms. Seeing how Officer Jimenez was close enough to her bra size, L decided she needed the extra support so she helped herself to Ramona's black sports bra, exposing her C-cup breasts with dark pink rose petal areolas leaving her tight athletic body clad only in her solid black thong. "I'am just glad that the woman thought to wear a strapless dress. And here I thought I was the unlucky one." M joked as she buttoned up Alicia's shirt standing over the scantily clad body of its former owner, wearing only her solid white cropped camisole, the nipples of her B-cups peaking through the thin fabric, and matching low cut panties. "Laugh it up. Don't let go to your head rookie." L chuckled as she pulled on Ramona's jacket. Now fully dressed, the agents zip tied the half naked officers gagging them in duct tape before stuffing them into the trunk of their patrol car. After slamming the door shut, they got into the car. "It feels good to be in flats again! My sore feet thank you boss!" Laughing L put the car into gear speeding towards the British embassy.

Last edited by Stormtrooper1990 on Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:44 pm, edited 11 times in total.

Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity:- Chapter 36 On Human Government Palaces Pt6 Madrid Royal Palace (2024)


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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.