E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (2024)

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Keto Pizza Snacks

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (1)

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  • E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (2)
  • E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (3)
  • E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (4)
  • E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (5)

Keto Pizza Snacks

I LOVE PIZZA. There, I said it. Truth be told, pizza was one of the food items that I thought I was really going to miss when I went low carb/keto. But honestly….there’s no loss felt here with these Keto Pizza Snacks.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (6)

The real flavor for me with pizza is having the melted cheese with the toppings. So when I simply melted the provolone with the pepperoni I was able to create a quick bite in minutes.


When I started this journey to keto and low carb I really felt great about having Fathead dough as an option to fill my pizza cravings.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (7)

Fathead dough really is like a miracle dough that comes together with just a few staple fridge ingredients. Microwave some cheese, add an egg and some almond flour and MAGIC happens.

We use fathead dough for so many low carb recipes and it has become a staple of our monthly meals. However, it’s not always easy to whip up a batch of this dough when you want pizza

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (8)

These Keto Pizza Snacks are a great substitution when you just don’t have it in you to make the dough from scratch.

The Cheese

Simple deli sliced pre-packaged provolone slices are readily available at most supermarkets. Sometimes I buy slices in bulk from the deli counter, too.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (9)

Thin to medium thickness is what you want for these Keto Pizza Snacks. A thinner sliced provolone will give you a crispier snack, while a slightly thicker slice will result in a chewier bite.

Rimmed Baking Sheet

Can you just trust me on this? Pepperoni and provolone cheese tend to have more oils. When baked the Keto Pizza Snacks will “weep”. While this is totally expected it does not mean your oven needs to be a mess.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (10)

Catch the drippings on the baking sheet. Then when you pull the sheet from the oven you can gently blot all the oils up with a paper towel.

By soaking up the oils you also give the Keto Pizza snacks to get a little crispier.


I used pepperoni in this recipe, but you could easily top your Keto Pizza Snacks with many things…

  • sliced black olives
  • thin sliced red onion
  • bell pepper
  • spicy sausage
E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (11)

Bake Time

Every oven is a little different, but we start this recipe at 350*. We all know that I have the smallest oven known to exist, but it’s a sturdy little sucker.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (12)

I make fun of my teenie oven all the time, but that work horse can really turn out some masterpiece meals. With that said, my oven runs a little off. When the dial says 350* it usually means 375*.

I also have to turn the baking sheets at least once in my tiny hotbox to make sure the Keto Pizza Snack bakes evenly. Then at the end of bake time I may even turn to broil for 30 seconds…just for fun.

The Chew

Once your Keto Pizza Snacks are out of the oven, blotted and cooled you can enjoy or store for later.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (13)

These take on a crispy edge and a chewy center several minutes out of the oven. I tend to like the chewiness of each bite. But the edges have a nice crunch.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (14)


If, (and that’s a big IF), you have any Keto Pizza Snacks left wrap up the leftovers up in a ziploc bag. I may also wrap them in a paper towel first, then put in a ziploc to store in the fridge.

These go fast, so it’s a little bit of a waste, but just in case 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (15)

Other Keto Pizza

  • Pepperoni Pizza Egg Cups
  • Portobello Pesto Pizzas
  • Fathead Pizza
  • Skillet Pizza
  • Taco Pizza
E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (16)
E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (17)
E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (18)
E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (19)
E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (20)
E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (21)

21 day Keto & Fasting Jump Start Program

If you’re new to low carb and fasting you may need someone like me to hold you accountable. I have a one on one program. Click on this link for The Kellie Kitchen Keto Accountability Coaching Program.

I’ll teach you how to eat delicious food and still lose weight, look great and feel AMAZING.

The DIY Keto WorkBook

However, if you’re a “Do It Yourself” kind of person I have created a workbook to take you through the 21 day Jump Start Journey.

Click HERE find the 21 day Keto Guide Workbook on Amazon…

You can find the downloadable Keto workbook version at a discount here…

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (22)

Keto Pizza Snacks

In the Keto/Low Carb world we have come to LOVE Fathead Pizza dough. But really…you don’t even need the dough or the sauce. Try these Keto Pizza Snacks with a simple slice of provolone cheese and some toppings.

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Prep Time: 1 minute minute

Cook Time: 12 minutes minutes

Total Time: 13 minutes minutes

Course: Appetizer, Snacks

Cuisine: American

Keyword: basic keto, easy keto, fathead pizza, keto snacks

Servings: 3 servings

Calories: 143kcal


  • 6 slices provolone cheese
  • 3 slices pepperoni thin sliced and quartered


  • Preheat oven at 350* Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Baking sheet must be rimmed to catch oils from pepperoni.

  • Lay out 6 slices of provolone on your rimmed baking sheet. Top with pepperoni.

  • Bake in a 350* oven for 5 about mins. Turn the baking sheet in the oven for an even bake of the cheese. Then bake for another 5-7 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and the edges are crisp.

  • Take out of the oven and blot oils with a paper towel. Cool on the counter.

  • Store the rest in a ziploc bag in the fridge.


Note…One serving is 2 slices of the cheese


Calories: 143kcal | Carbohydrates: 1g | Protein: 10g | Fat: 11g | Saturated Fat: 7g | Cholesterol: 28mg | Sodium: 368mg | Potassium: 52mg | Sugar: 1g | Vitamin A: 334IU | Calcium: 287mg | Iron: 1mg

Tried this recipe?Tag it on Instagram! #thekelliekitchen

My secret to lasting weight loss

Maintaining my weight loss, and quite frankly staying healthy, has always been the main driver for this website. Making quick bites like these mini Keto Pizza Snacks is really my trick.

Sorry, it’s that simple for me…I meal prep and almost always cook at home.

I wrote a few articles about this and will write more. Everyone needs to know that cooking at home is one of my major keys to success.

Every meal does not have to be epic.

When I am prepared I have a much better chance at success and maintaining my best health.

E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (23)


  • The Diet That Changed My Life
  • My 80 – 20 Rule
  • Re-Thinking Healthy Food
  • Life with a Keto Mom

MEDICAL AND NUTRITION DISCLAIMER…Please note that I am not a medical or nutritional professional. I am simply recounting and sharing my own experiences on this blog. Nutritional break downs are done using a commercial nutrition calculator. Nothing I express here should be taken as medical advice and you should consult with your doctorbefore starting any diet or exercise program. I provide nutritional information for my recipes simply as a courtesy to my readers, this should never be construed as medical advice.

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E.A.S.Y. ~ Keto Pizza Snacks (2024)


What pizza can I eat on keto? ›

There are now many options for a keto-friendly pizza crust. You only need to determine exactly what you want in your pizza in order to have the perfect base. For example, if you prefer a crispy crust, you would probably enjoy a cauliflower pizza crust or one made from almond flour.

Can I eat cheese and pepperoni off pizza on keto? ›

Cheese: A great source of fat and protein. The most common cheese is mozzarella but you can also use cheddar, Parmesan, and ricotta. Meat: The meat toppings are generally all keto (watch out for meatballs filled with breadcrumbs). Pepperoni, Italian sausage, and Canadian bacon are all popular low-carb options.

How many carbs are in keto pizza bites? ›

These easy cheesy Keto Pizza Bites are perfect as a quick keto snack or keto party food for game night with only 1.5 grams of net carbs per bite. Bonus, this recipe is ready in 20 minutes, and no need to prepare a pizza dough. It just uses a few ingredients!

Is keto pizza actually keto? ›

The major difference is in the crust, which determines the amount of carbs in each type. Your traditional pizza crust may contain as much as 80 net carbs, while keto pizza has approximately six net carbs. This difference is mainly due to the type of flour used.

Do any pizza chains have low-carb pizza? ›

Who Sells Low-Carb Pizzas? Several major chains provide low-carb options by using alternative crust options—commonly, cauliflower crust. Pizza Hut, Domino's, California Pizza Kitchen, Blaze, and Papa Murphy's are among the popular chains with cauliflower-crust pizzas on their menu.

Can a slice of pizza kick you out of ketosis? ›

Yes, even just one carb-rich meal can quickly get you out of ketosis.

Can I eat unlimited cheese on keto? ›

Enjoying cheese is one of the pleasures of the keto diet. But that doesn't mean it's unlimited and unrestricted. Nutritionists say that keto practitioners need to be selective with the cheese varieties they consume while on keto and enjoy them only in moderation to avoid disrupting ketosis and hampering weight loss.

What toppings can you put on a keto pizza? ›

Keto-Friendly Toppings to Add to Your Keto Pizza Crust
  • Ham.
  • Ground beef.
  • Grilled/ground/rotisserie chicken.
  • Sausage crumbles.
  • Salami.
  • Pepperoni.
  • Sardines.
  • Canadian bacon.

How long does it take to get back into ketosis? ›

Consuming too many carbs can kick your body out of ketosis — and it takes several days to 1 week to get back into it. In the meantime, your weight loss may be disrupted.

What cheeses are good for keto? ›

Some cheeses suit the keto diet better than others. This mainly comes down to their carb and fat content and level of processing. The best keto cheeses include cheddar, Gouda, goat cheese, and blue cheese, while the worst are cottage cheese and low fat and processed varieties.

Can I eat Pepperoni sticks on keto? ›

Is Pepperoni Keto-Friendly? Yes! Pepperoni is a dream addition to any ketogenic diet and snacks like Chomps Pepperoni Seasoned Turkey can be a great healthy snack on the go. Pepperoni has negligible carbs, a moderate amount of protein, and a healthy mix of fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Is salami ok on keto? ›

Yes. Dried, natural salami is extremely low in carbohydrates, making it a keto-friendly food product. The amount of carbs depends on the processing method but typically, no-sugar added salami has 1g of carbs per 100g. To maintain a ketogenic diet, you should aim for less than 50g of carbs a day.

What is the best meat for keto diet? ›

Some of the best meats for keto include beef, pork, chicken, salmon, and bison. Still, all plain, unprocessed meats are keto-friendly and low in carbs — so there are plenty of options to choose from. However, you may want to choose your meats based on other factors in addition to carb count.

Which pizza crust has the least carbs? ›

Sausage Crust Pizza

And you can never go wrong with sausage! This crust is by far my family's favorite. It's made with a half-pound of sausage, almond flour, coconut flour, mozzarella cheese, parmesan cheese, and eggs. And it only has 3.6g net carbs per slice!

Can you eat cauliflower crust pizza on keto? ›

Yes, cauliflower can be used to create a low-carb or keto-friendly pizza crust. By ricing cauliflower and combining it with cheese, eggs, and spices, you can form a dough-like consistency that bakes into a delicious pizza crust. This alternative allows you to enjoy pizza while staying within your carb limits.

Is thin crust pizza less carbs? ›

Crust accounts for most of the carbs in pizza. A medium (12-inch) thin-crust pizza without any cheese and toppings has 17 grams of carbs per slice. A regular-crust pizza averages 30 grams of carbs per slice. Tip: Thin-crust pizza has 5-10 fewer grams of carbs per slice than regular-crust or pan pizza.

How to eat pizza without carbs? ›

Depending on your dietary needs, the healthiest pizza crust is low-carb—using ingredients like almond flour, cauliflower, or chicken to avoid carbohydrate-rich crust. Why is low-carb crust healthier? Pizza crust alternatives like cauliflower offer lower calories, carbs, and sodium.

Why is cauliflower pizza not keto? ›

Even though not all cauliflower pizza crust will qualify as keto pizza, cauliflower pizza is still likely to contain fewer carbohydrates than a pizza crust made with all purpose flour. This is especially true for yeasted pizza crust which will also contain sugar.

Is cheese keto friendly? ›

All types of cheese are allowed on the keto diet, as cheese is relatively low in carbohydrate, which complies with the key principle of the keto diet. The Ketogenic diet or “keto” diet is a low carbohydrate and high fat eating plan.


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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.