DC Heroes: Wake Up Call (Sign-Up thread) (2024)

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  • Role Playing Signups

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#1: Nov 25th 2019 at 3:18:49 AM

Hi there young heroes! Welcome to DC Heroes: Wake Up Call, a DC AU where we are young teens in high school (and related guys) that just happen to be heroes. Mostly OCs, but you can be a lesser canon character like Batman Jones or an Amazon mentioned a few times.

The DC verse is enormous, fella. It doesn't matter who you are, an alien, a member of the Fair Folk or just the common metahuman. If your origins don't contradict the main heroes' origins, you are ok to live (or die and resurrect, if you prefer it) there.

You are a freshman (or woman), sophom*ore or even a junior in Ivy Town High (the janitor thing is reserved to Afters). The Atom sometimes comes to explain some stuff after defeating a villain there. But you actually have powers (or training and gadgets). And you are gonna be a (anti-)hero(ine).

The Role-play thread

Discussion Thread

Hero Sheet:

Real Name:

Hero Name:


Appearance (civilian and hero):


Powers (if they have them):

Gadgets (if they have them):


Worshipped/Fave Hero: Or villain, there is nothing wrong on liking Lex or the Condiment King! Ok, maybe CK is a bit lame...


Edited by JTTWlover on Nov 28th 2019 at 8:24:39 PM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#2: Nov 25th 2019 at 3:36:25 AM

(quick question i know i already called dibs on janitor but could people play as teachers if they so wish? or would you be taking care of all that)

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#3: Nov 25th 2019 at 3:38:32 AM

(yeah teachers are ok)

(they usually tend to be villains to be fair XD)

(i’m still creating teacher NP Cs tho)

Edited by JTTWlover on Nov 25th 2019 at 12:38:59 PM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#4: Nov 25th 2019 at 3:39:48 AM

(alright sweet lol, just wonderin. i'll write up a sheet in a bit)

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#5: Nov 25th 2019 at 4:47:08 AM

  • Real Name: Lanjing Jiang, "Lottie".
  • Hero Name: Turquoise Dragon, "T Drake".
  • Age: 15, Freshwoman.
  • Appearance (civilian and hero):
    • Civilian: Medium black hair, slightly below the shoulders, semi-square glasses (look at my current avatar). Black/Turquoise cotton jacket, black leggings. Black trainers.
    • Hero: Hair in a bun. Turquoise Kung-Fu Suit/Hanfu hybrid. Cotton cloth. White eyes, no sclera.
  • Personality: Likes to read about mythology and fantasy and sew her own clothes, quickly loses temper when people make a mess or waste stuff. Not really well-versed on how does being a superhero works. Beating bad guys and helping people, isn't it that?
  • Powers (if they have them): Water control, not very powerful. Can talk to a few species of fish, including carps. Can fly at 30 km/h (18.4 mph). Can turn into a 15-feet (4,5 m) long dragon form with 60 km/h (37.3 mph) speed, but it takes a while when needed, but can be indirectly caused by surprise.
  • Gadgets (if they have them): Utility belt with swiss-knife, rope and snacks.
  • Backstory/Origin: Daughter of a well dragon king, Lottie has been trying to do her best both as a normal Chinese teenager and the daughter of a low caste noble. With her scholarship in Ivy Town High, she is dealing with high school and superheroing while being amazed at America and its heroes and stuff.
  • Worshipped/Fave Hero: Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Zatanna.
  • Miscellaneous: Class 2, Bedroom 5 (Caitlin also is in this Bedroom. Roommates!).

Edited by JTTWlover on Dec 9th 2019 at 8:22:47 PM

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#6: Nov 25th 2019 at 5:05:36 AM

  • Real Name: Ronaldo "Ron" Gonzales
  • Hero Name: N/A
  • Age: Late 20s
  • Appearance: A rather heavyset man, tan skinned, with curly black hair, a thick beard, and dark eyes. Is almost never found in casual clothing as he is usually on the clock, not that his work clothes are very impressive: He wears a dark blue janitor outfit, complete with a cap, and a nametag reading "RON".
  • Personality: Cheery and outgoing, likes to make friends with the students. Longs to be a hero himself, but is also fully devoted to his job as a janitor, wearing it like a badge of honor.
  • Powers: N/A
  • Gadgets: Not gadgets per se, but can usually be found with a mop and other such cleaning implements.
  • Backstory/Origin: Both his parents were supers, but he got screwed over with the superhero genes, being born with no powers at all. Despite the constant kidnappings and often absent parents, he himself has always longed to be a hero. He has some experience in martial arts training, though it ultimately has not taken him far and he's ended up as a janitor at Ivy Town High.
  • Fave Hero: Really admires heroes like Batman and Robin, who despite having no powers are able to stand up to supervillains with only their quick wits and various gadgets, and longs to be like them someday. Honorable mentions to Aquaman because he's hot.
  • Miscellaneous: Totally hates Bruce Wayne

Edited by Afterwards on Nov 25th 2019 at 8:08:16 AM

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

Spottedleaf The Ice Queen Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Buried in snow, waiting for spring

The Ice Queen

#7: Nov 25th 2019 at 7:20:45 AM

Real Name: Caitlin Snow

Hero Name: Frost

Age: 15

Appearance (civilian and hero): She stands about 5'4'' and has blue eyes, pale skin, and white-blonde hair, which she keeps cut short. Her lips are tinged blue with permanent frostbite.

Her hero costume features a mask, coat, and bodysuit with a snowflake motif.

Personality: While she has a strong desire to help others, it's coupled with a sense of resentment towards her condition- she hates the fact that she has to depend on anything or anyone else for something as basic as warmth. As such, she can be blunt or cold towards those she doesn't know well, but will gradually start defrosting if one makes an effort to get to know her.

Powers (if they have them): She can generate ice and absorb heat, which further fuels her ice powers. She can also sense if people are nearby based on their heat signatures.

Gadgets (if they have them): A small device she wears around her wrist. It circulates heat through her body, though it doesn't have a very long battery life and constantly needs to be charged. She hates this, as she usually has to still be wearing it while it's charging.

Backstory/Origin: Both of Caitlin's parents were scientists, and she wanted to follow in their footsteps. However, when she was twelve, she was involved in a lab accident in one of their machines. It gave her the ability to create and manipulate ice and cold, but also rendered her unable to generate her own body heat and completely dependent on outside sources for warmth. Since then, while she's retained her interest in science, she's given up on pursuing it as a career.

Worshipped/Fave Hero: Though she's a good-hearted person, she really looks up to and idolizes Mr. Freeze. However, this is more due to a sense of "Bonnie-and-Clyde syndrome"- she doesn't seem to grasp that he's actually not a great person. (Pro-tip: Never meet your heroes.) By contrast, she's aware of Crystal Frost's work but seems to be more aware of her villainy.

Miscellaneous: She hates being called "Caity".

Edited by Spottedleaf on Nov 27th 2019 at 7:46:22 AM

Enirboreh AKA Nixer from the domain of infinite floof. Since: Jul, 2015 Relationship Status: Non-Canon

AKA Nixer

#8: Nov 25th 2019 at 7:28:47 AM

  • Real Name: Amelia Delgado
  • Hero Name: The Fool
  • Age: 16 (Freshwoman)
  • Appearance (civilian and hero):
    • Civilian: Of apparently Hispanic heritage, wild and spiky black hair along with dark brown eyes and black lipstick. Commonly wears clothing reminiscent to that of her hero outfit; usually a yellow overshirt over a black tee, jeans, and matching yellow sneakers. Often presents herself flamboyantly, with a broad and almost painful-looking grin akin to that of a Cheshire Cat.
    • Hero: Wears a puffy, bright yellow shirt beneath a black vest and bowtie, along with baggy black pants and a freakish looking clown mask that she lets her hair fall over haphazardly. Most notably goes barefoot if she can, either to enhance her crazed appearance or simply for the purposes of symmetry. The eyes in her mask seem to be either reflective or lit internally in some fashion, as they tend to glow an unsettling sickly yellow in the dark.
  • Personality: A surprisingly quiet, but nonetheless rambunctious schemer who enjoys a good prank and revels in her own eccentric nature. Amelia appears to have fully immersed herself into her new clownish personality, even having a habit of breaking out into long and loud cackling laughter under stress or simply as an exaggerated response to her own amusem*nt. Despite her obvious inspirations, Amelia is good-natured and prone to focus more on the positive aspects of being a clown—entertaining young children, lightening the spirits of her comrades and even providing a humorously slapstick flourish to her confrontations with criminals. Underneath this clownish exterior, Amelia is actually rather dull and literal, possessing a high degree of intelligence and a contrastingly dry and sardonic sense of humour—which can most usually be heard on the rare occasions that she actually speaks up.
  • Powers (if they have them): None, barring perhaps a heightened pain threshold and slightly greater strength. The fact she regularly runs around with nothing on her feet and only cackles upon being hit indicates that she is at least tolerant to most forms of pain. Apart from this, her only superpower seems to be her perseverance and her ability to wield her hammer.
  • Gadgets (if they have them): Wields a tremendously oversized sledgehammer that even she seems to have trouble lifting, painted (albeit scuffed by now) with colours to match her outfit. Amelia also makes a habit of carrying around her mask even while in her street clothes—usually to hide her face or emotions under pressure or simply for any possible emergencies where she cannot put the rest of her outfit on in time.
  • Backstory/Origin: Amelia wasn't born to any particularly special parents, but her exposure to news surrounding superheroes and villains soon began to influence her as she grew older. In a manner similar to that of a mimic, she started to copy the mannerisms and habits of heroes and evildoers alike—the fashion sense and laughter of The Joker being one, the lighthearted (and mildly obnoxious) sensibilities of The Flash, and the moral compasses of a mixture of other League members such as Superman, Wonder Woman and even Batman to an extent. It is perhaps this amalgamation that allows her to disguise the fact she's just a rather average, boring person underneath it all, but her by now natural tendency to cackle horrendously and hide behind her own freakish mask is second-nature to her, and it's clear that it won't be an easy task to get her to accept herself.
  • Worshipped/Fave Hero: Practically all of them, or at least the ones that showed up most regularly on her TV. By far the most obvious is The Joker and Harley Quinn, though barring from aesthetic and general mannerisms that's where the similarities end. Ultimately in terms of her interactions she is most inspired by The Flash due to his tendency to inject humour into dire circ*mstances—which is something she herself can most definitely get behind.


KeironCioran Since: Aug, 2018

#9: Nov 25th 2019 at 7:41:19 AM

Real Name: Stéphanie Auguste-Hernández

Hero Name: N/A

Age: 16 (Senior)

Appearance: A rather thin, dark-skinned black girl with an afro (think Lupita Nyong'o crossed with Angela Davis), can be seen in mostly baggy clothing, such as onesies, sweatpants and loose-fitting shirts even inside the school (to their chagrin).

Personality: Introverted and intuitive, she mostly keeps to herself, studying ancient cultures histories and folklore. She has no friends due to a perceived asocial and rebellious streak (in every school she's been in, she wears the clothes she wants and applys herself to whatever class she wants). But, she's a nice and cool girl who would warm up to friendship if she didn't have massive trust issues. She is still reeling from the death of her father, Raúl Adolfo Hernández, neé Guerra (Cuban-Dominican). It causes her slight unease around the janitor, who reminds her of him personality-wise and somewhat physically.

Powers: Mediumship, has been able to see Fair Folk and other apparitions since she was a child. Her father, Jamie Auguste-Almodóvar (Haitian-Puerto Rican), chalked it up to to their MaroonDC Heroes: Wake Up Call (Sign-Up thread) (12) ancestry. Her father, Raúl, chalked it up to distant TaínoDC Heroes: Wake Up Call (Sign-Up thread) (13) ancestry.

Gadgets: Not so much gadgets as they are keepsakes with magical power in them gleaned from her emotional attachment to them, but:

  • A pocket watch given to her by her father, Raúl, with the words "Caminaría por el sendero hasta que mis pies sangraran por ti." signed on the back.
  • A Rasta bracelet her father, Jamie, gave her that was initially great-great grandmother's.

Origin: Since she was child she was always quiet and retracted, but always stayed in the arms (or, on the back) of her father, Raúl, who implanted in her an interest for foreign culture's music and mythologies. It would be unfortunate when her father died as a casualty in a drive-by. His death took a toll on her. So much so that she stole some of his ashes and practically imbibed them in a pocket watch he gave her as a child, before they scattered the rest in Puerto Plata, her father's hometown in the Dominican Republic. She's gotten closer to her father Jamie these days, but she still feels grief over losing her father, Raúl. She was a great student actually skipping two grades while her father was alive but, since his death, has nearly flunked a few times.

Favourite Hero: She f*cking adores Captain Marvel / Shazam so much so she had a poster of him and the rest of the (modern) Marvel / Shazam family. She had (f*ck, still has) a crush on Pedro Pena. She also has a crush on the Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) after hearing his voice on news one morning, telling her fathers "he sounds Chicano" while giggling. She also cosplayed as Zatanna at a comic-con once while her fathers came with her as Doctor Fate (Jamie) and Swamp Thing (Raúl), respectively.

Miscellaneous: She doesn't actually know Spanish besides the words on her pocket watch and the lyrics to the song "Chan Chan" by Buena Vista Social Club (her father's favourite song). Her favourite song (she calls it her theme music) is Ordinary SuperstarDC Heroes: Wake Up Call (Sign-Up thread) (14) by Rina Sawayama. She is currently studying Filipino folklore which she considers to be "strange, but almost vaudeville in it's absurdity".

Edited by KeironCioran on Nov 25th 2019 at 2:39:37 AM

Playing_with_boy Since: Jun, 2018 Relationship Status: watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ

#10: Nov 25th 2019 at 3:59:00 PM

Real Name: Robert.

Hero Name: Oscar "Killer" Ben Rabber

Age: Physically 15, Mentally 9.

Appearance (civilian): A white T-shirt and some black gym shorts.

Appearance: An Obama Prism on hot pink T-shirt with bright green pants and a Doge hat.

Personality: The kid who's very cringe. A butt-kisser to his parents.

Powers (if they have them): Killing people via cringe.

Gadgets (if they have them): A photo album on his phone with cringe memes.

Backstory/Origin: Discovered the cringest meme one day. Liked it.

Worshipped/Fave Hero: The gimmicky, one-shot villains. Like CK, or that penny dude.

Miscellaneous: Has a mixtape of every Bill Nye song. Can speak Spanish, and Arabic. Hates vegetables. Is a he. Has political views that flip-flop every hour.

Edited by Playing_with_boy on Nov 26th 2019 at 9:07:18 AM

Nodrog Since: Jul, 2009

#11: Nov 26th 2019 at 10:38:54 AM

Real Name: Sprite Willis

Hero Name: Live-spark (Sparky)

Age: 15 (Freshman)

Appearance (civilian and hero): Androgynous Asian-American teenager, with white-blue hair. Hair is usually worn short in a page-boy cut, but when asleep or when Sprite is fully in human form, the hair actually comes to Sprite's shoulders. Civilian form wears combat boots, jeans, and loose fitting shirt with a lightning bolt symbol. Hero form: Black bodysuit with a lightning bolt cutout on front.

Personality: Outspoken, enjoys provoking other people to make them respond.

Powers (if they have them): Sprite can transform into electricity and then reform into human form. When reforming, Sprite can choose to reform as male or female. When dressed, it is almost impossible to tell the difference between Sprite's male or female forms. In electrical form, Sprite can control his/her movements and can control electronics from the inside. Sprite can also turn part of her/his body into electricity, and he/she usually keeps most of her/his hair in electrical form stored inside her/his body to have a quick shock attack or electrical attack. The transformed energy has to stay in close proximity to Sprite. In human form can project and detect radio waves. Sprite can temporarily boost his/her strength by absorbing electricity, to about the level of a professional body builder. Her/his mind works 'faster' then human normal, giving her faster then human reactions but not to the level of a Speedster like the Flash.

Gadgets (if they have them): Usually carries a cell phone and a taser. Can zap himself/herself with taser to temporally 'juice' herself/himself up or help heal from being injured.

Backstory/Origin: The child of Leslie Willis (Livewire), Sprite grew up raised by Leslie's parents. Sprite grew up teased about her/his unusual appearance and parentage.

Worshiped/Fave Hero: Static Shock

Miscellaneous: Sprite is bi-sexual and identifies as 'Non-Binary'. She/He has ADHD.

Edited by Nodrog on Nov 26th 2019 at 12:42:43 PM

unfortunatezorua from the old, in the new yesterday (Five Long Years) Relationship Status: Wishing you were here

#12: Nov 27th 2019 at 12:50:54 AM

  • Real Name: Nian Zhen Shi
  • Hero Name: Psion
  • Age: 16, freshman
  • Appearance (civilian and hero)
    • Civilian: As such; is rather obviously of Asian origin. Barely 5'4", frequently wears hats of some kind when he isn't using his childish appearance to garner sympathy, due to being chagrined by his short height. Bluish-black hair with choppy bangs that occasionally obscure his face. Often seen wearing formal-style jackets and dress shoes, usually accompanied with ties to enhance his refined demeanour. His eyes, while normally a greyish olive green, tend to turn a shade of crimson when using his abilities.
      Generally has a polite smile on his face towards most people and a professional posture, but for those who've already discovered his true nature, you'll rarely catch him with an expression other than a punch-worthy smirk or sh*teating grin.
    • Hero: Shi doesn't have an official hero outfit, per se; more often than not he finds himself in unprecedented emergencies without any time to throw a full-blown costume on. His appearance as a hero is mostly composed of whatever he's wearing at the time (which generally means either way he's still lookin' fiiine—for a delinquent he's pretty particular about his appearance), under a modified dark-coloured longcoat that provides valuable protection against both superpowered attacks and the weather, if needed, along with a pair of tricked-out gloves to enhance the precision of his powers and standard communicators.
  • Personality: 釋念真 is surprisingly very charismatic for the enigmatic loner he is; it's an unusual occurrence for anyone to see him without his customarily mischievous grin on his face. He's quite polite—although a little teasing—for someone who's essentially an undercover serial killer, both metaphorically and literally.
    He has a fairly unfocused and immature personality on the outside, preferring to jest his way through situations than really think about them, and acts like a bit of a prankster more often than not. This can make some resent him for his apparent inability to take things seriously (other people's feelings included), but he never seems to care enough for anything to let that bother him. In other words, perhaps he could be described as aloof; he rarely breaks from his air of suave trickery even when he may be on the verge of completely breaking down on the inside.
    That being said, Shi frequently tends to put on a facade than to expose his real emotions, only trusting himself with, well, himself. As a result of this, he's relatively levelheaded most of the time and is actually extremely intelligent and cautious, despite how harmless he wants you to think he is. He can essentially talk himself out of anything and is quite skilled at thinking on his feet.
    When he does get upset, though, all hell breaks loose; Shi can be rather violent in the face of combat and loses control of himself to the point that he fights like a psychotic berserker. His formidable skills in rapid-fire attacks and overwhelming force don't help any, or at least just not for his enemies.
    Outside of battle, however, he's very calm and collected, with a wide enough understanding of people's minds and emotions that he can turn nearly any situation to his advantage. Shi is quite useful when it comes to deception and is so attuned to the subtle movements and quirks that betray others' thoughts that he can read most like an open book. Unfortunately, keeping his actual personality in mind, he's bound to use this ability for rather questionable purposes. He's not shy to betray people, to sell someone out, to steal, and when worst comes to worst, to kill—as long as he knows that he can get away with it, he'll almost certainly do it.
    Considering the way he manipulates people with pretty words and pulls others around like puppets, he might just seem like a straight up asshole at first, but that isn't true by a long shot. In short, despite his initially carefree-seeming nature, in reality Shi is very internally guarded and plainly hates letting people in for fear of them discovering his vulnerability. In fact, he's exactly the opposite of unfeeling, regardless if that's what he likes others to see him as.
    Shi's real personality is actually rather subdued and emotional—the guilt he's been building up has taken quite a toll on him, and though he constantly denies it, he's lying to himself more than he does anyone else. He often hides behind a farce or mask of sorts, leaving his true feelings to be pushed aside in order for him to mantain a better external image. There's blatantly a lot of confusion going on in his mind seeing as he's keeping far more bottled up than he would ever let on.
    Gaining Shi's affection and therefore bypassing his highly sensitive tendencies is a difficult task, but once you do for all he knows he'd take a bullet and then some for you, although he would never admit it.
  • Powers (if they have them):
    • Psychokinesis: Shi is what most people would consider a traditional "psychic"—his abilities are extremely versatile and revolve around manipulating various outside factors with his mind, ranging from simple pyrokinesis to even forms of minor teleportation or warping when greatly upgraded. Do note that he doesn't possess any abilities of a telepath, such as reading minds or influencing human emotion; something quite different from telekinetic ones.
      His main usage of his powers in combat is volleys of psionic blasts. Shi's psychic energy is rather weak on its own and concentrated explosions of it often don't do much damage, so he frequently divides it to create a quick, overwhelming series of attacks, with plenty of coverage across a battlefield. He also frequently uses his surroundings to his advantage; his psychokinesis being destructive in nature, chunks of loose debris tend to be very useful for both creating distractions and hurling at opponents—a brick to the face is usually guaranteed to hurt, after all.
      Said factors being the way they are, he isn't the best hero at controlling property damage during fights, but hey, who's to judge?
      Other than the insurance companies, that is.
  • Gadgets (if they have them): Shi rarely bothers with support equipment, given that his powers come in handy for a variety of things, whether it be telekinetically restraining fleeing criminals or even more mundane utilities, say, lifting a drink to his mouth or for setting up his so-beloved practical jokes. The only real gadget he carries is a small, attachable power limiter, to supress the damage caused by his psychic aura during fights in public areas.
  • Backstory/Origin: Those who know Shi often wonder if his given name, Nianzhen, is some type of cruel joke.
    In his earlier years, he was practically everything you could want in someone his age—refined, polite, and endlessly intelligent. Easy to grow fond of and often hard to say no to, the quintessential trickster was quite the celebrity with almost everyone he'd meet. But as he'd gotten older, the people around him started to discover just one tiny and yet utterly glaring problem beneath his web of lies:
    His habit of mischief.
    No matter what the occasion or where the situation, Shi could always in some vein be found stirring up trouble, ranging all the way from harmless practical jokes to minor crimes. The flawless external image so many knew him by turned out to be just another facade; most of the time, he'd used his aforementioned charm to conceal the fact until that point—with his spotless reputation, no one could possibly have suspected him, right? All until a little misplaced prank cost him that, too.
    With his exasperated parents forced to find some way to continue their lineage (well-known for producing high-grade psychics that made their way up the higher social ladders of the world) without dealing with their troublesome middle child directly, they managed to persuade Quinyuan—his eldest sister, a powerful esper with the ability to alter reality itself—to send the boy into proper education alongside other metahumans before he was completely labelled a no-good truant. So off to Ivy Town High it was for him.
    But hey, in the end, he'd thought he just might have been able to get used to this new life at the academy—and along with that, whatever set of unusual friendships and rivalries that would come his way.
  • Worshipped/Fave Hero: While not exactly a favourite hero, Lex Luthor. When no one was looking, he took forty cakes. He took 40 cakes. That's as many as four tens. And that's terrible. (Shi saw twenty cakes as a kid and wanted all of them.)
  • Miscellaneous: Just as a side note, I use a last-name basis in posts, but Shi/Nianzhen refers to himself in dialogue with his first name. Can speak Chinese if so inclinednote. Oh, and sorry for the blocks of text, West, I'm in the bad habit of making my profiles way too long nowadays.

Well, that’d be jus’ a waste. Why would ya want to deprive the world of such anomaly as yourself?

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#13: Nov 27th 2019 at 12:45:10 PM



If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Afterwards the cake is an alternative fact from Dead End: Paranormal Park Since: Apr, 2016 Relationship Status: He makes me feel like I have a heart

the cake is an alternative fact

#14: Nov 28th 2019 at 4:28:31 PM

hey yall i made a discussion thread!!! head on over there if u wanna discuss

she magnificent my bastard till i complete on her monster

Yayakuza Your Lord And Savior from Wherever you want me to be, baby Since: Jul, 2019 Relationship Status: A teenager in love

Your Lord And Savior

#15: Dec 2nd 2019 at 6:38:04 PM

  • Name: Jack Macready
    • Hero Name: Shard
  • Age: 15
  • Appearance:
    • Civilian: Jack stands at 5'0 exactly with short, messy black hair, sky blue eyes with a green tint when he uses his powers, and extremely pale skin. He usually wears pretty simple clothes. Just a white tee-shirt with back sweatpants. During winter months he'll wear a grey cardigan sweater. Though preferring to not wear shoes at all, when he must he wears simple black and white tennis shoes.
    • Hero: Jack's hero outfit consists of A long, green and light blue tail coat that goes down past his knees, white gloves, a bottom-half face mask, green pants, and white boots
  • Personality: Though seemingly average in every way, including looks, Jack is a very curious individual, with mannerisms that many would describe as unpredictable. To give perspective, he could seem completely interested in a conversation, and seconds later he would be walking away because the topic was 'too boring'. This behavior stems, most likely, from abandonment issues after being put into adoption, causing him to believe he must always be doing something different and interesting to keep people he cares about to stay, and skewing *his* sense of interest. If you can get past his odd behavior, Jack is actually a nice person who legitimately wants to be a hero and help people who fell helpless, just as he did.
  • Backstory: Born accidentally to an unknown father and collage student Holly Macready, Jack was sent to an orphanage at the tender age of 4. Being one of the more forgettable children, due to overall averageness, Jack never really had any friends or parental figures. Though he was forgettable, he was well behaved, and as such, was allowed to watch TV for twenty minutes every day, where he saw the adventures and misadventures of many different heroes and villains alike. Especially The Joker. Seemingly the only child who liked the joker, the others preferring heroes to villains, Jack was heavily fascinated by the Joker's unpredictability and lack of motive, and it wasn't too long before he started modelling himself after the clown prince of crime, making himself the least forgettable child at that orphanage. The only thing that stopped him from becoming a bad apple was one of the orphanage teachers, someone who never seemed to care about Jack before, who stepped up to stop two kids from beating up the now much more annoying Jack. They never really talked again, but that one encounter showed Jack that not everyone didn't care. And also taught him what a hero really was.
  • Powers: Jack can manipulate glass, able to make constructs out of the stuff for defense, while also enabling him to fire shards of glass for offense. Constant use of his power causes his skin to weaken to the fragility of glass.
  • Idolized Villain: The Joker. Why? He's unforgettable.

Edited by Yayakuza on Dec 2nd 2019 at 7:53:23 AM

I am become dubstep, destroyer of taste

Nodrog Since: Jul, 2009

#16: Dec 3rd 2019 at 1:12:19 PM

Teacher Sheet:

Real Name: Professor Linus V. Pelt

Hero Name: No official hero name, unofficial name Wet Blanket

Age: 67 (Birth date: September 19, 1952)

Appearance (civilian and hero): Caucasian male, thin gray hair, always carrying around a blue blanked.

Personality: A quiet, philosophical man who takes everything that happens to him with almost inhuman calmness and acceptance.

Powers (if they have them): Linus can make his blanket (or any other cloth item he is touching) absorb any form of energy exposed to it, including kinetic energy. He can release some of the energy by 'snapping' the blanket at someone, using it like a short range whip. Any fabric he is touching 'radiates' stores energy at a constant temperature, making any fabric he is touching feel like it was just taken from the clothes dryer.

Gadgets (if they have them): Blanket woven with super-long carbon nanotubes, making the blanket very durable even when Linus isn't using his power on it.

Backstory/Origin: Linus grew up teased by his older sister for constantly carrying a blanket. He realized he was 'different' at a young age but chose to keep his powers secret. The powers were revealed when, at his sister's college graduation, the college was attacked by local villain using the psuedonym 'the Red Baron'. Linus's power were revealed when he used his power to save his sister and their close friend Charlie Brown.

Despite the usefulness and versatility of Linus's powers, he felt no need to become a costumed hero, instead focusing on becoming a teacher. His skills are of vital importance at the school, due to his ability as an educator and as being able to deal with students with destructive or out of control powers. This is why he continues to be a teacher, even at his current age.

Worshipped/Fave Hero: Superman, because he tries to inspire people.

Miscellaneous: Yes, Linus is a blatent rip-off of the Peanuts character of the same name. Condolences if you read through this far and didn't realize that.

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#17: Dec 10th 2019 at 12:36:33 AM

  • Real Name: Xanthe Andreas, "Xan".
  • Hero Name: Lightning Shock, "Shockia".
  • Age: 30, Teacher.
  • Appearance (civilian and hero):
    • Civilian: Long blond hair, below the armpits, semi-round glasses . Baggy sweaters and pants/long skirts, varied colors (tends to be black sweater with yellow-white skirt). Blue shoes.
    • Hero: Blue Domino Mask, blue hat, yellow-brown trenchcoat. White Fingerless Gloves.
  • Personality: Basically, that one teacher who is awesome. Likes students being creative and expressing their opinions. Cheery and fun. Kinda hippie. In her hero self, cold, but makes quips and quotes old books.
  • Powers (if they have them): Shock and Awe powers, only on her hands. Has a red belt in Taekwondo.
  • Gadgets (if they have them): Utility belt with swiss-knife, rope and smoke bombs.
  • Backstory/Origin: Xanthe discovered her powers when she was six. Her cat, Hero, was a clear witness and victim of it. Her grandparents blamed that on a curse or blessing from the gods. Ignoring them for a while, she became a teacher in Ivy Town High. And then a heroine. A semi-regular vigilante heroine. No long thoughts, just that. Nothing else.
  • Worshipped/Fave Hero: Wonder Woman (cuz she Greek), Wonder Girl (both of them), Olympian.
  • Miscellaneous: Art and literature teacher.

If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Spottedleaf The Ice Queen Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Buried in snow, waiting for spring

The Ice Queen

#18: Jan 20th 2020 at 11:51:07 AM

Hey, ~JTTWlover, I was wondering if I could ask two questions to potentially get this RP back on its feet.

First of all, I'm correct in assuming Bug-Eyed Bandit uses robotic bees, right? (They featured a genderbent version of him on The Flash and Arrow, and that's what she used.) If so, would it be alright for Caitlin to notice there's something off about them, seeing as she's a science nerd and would pick up on those kinds of things?

Secondly, I was interested in bringing in another teacher. Her name is Astra, and she's a Canon Immigrant from Supergirl (2015) who is Kara Zor-El's aunt. She's a Kryptonian, and though she's an Anti-Villain in the series, she'd be more sympathetic here. I'd imagine she'd be a good History teacher.

JTTWlover Heya there! I'm West. from Chinese Heaven Since: Mar, 2018 Relationship Status: Shipping fictional characters

Heya there! I'm West.

#19: Jan 20th 2020 at 5:53:59 PM

Oh, sorry I didn’t notice. Yeah, you can bring the Canon Immigrant. We also need to PM out everyone, and I almost forgot about it. You can go and write it all first, I just woke up in the middle of night and gotta go back to sleep.


If there's a book you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.Toni Morrison

Spottedleaf The Ice Queen Since: Aug, 2018 Relationship Status: Buried in snow, waiting for spring

The Ice Queen

#20: Feb 3rd 2020 at 9:23:11 AM

Real Name: Astra

Hero Name: Silver Star

Age: Unknown; however, she’s a teacher and is definitely older than the kids.

Appearance (civilian and hero): Astra is an older woman with dark brown hair, though unlike her sister Allura, she also has a single lock of white hair. When doing hero work, she wears a black jumpsuit with the House of El S-shield symbol. [[Example here.]]

Personality: Formerly a supervillain, Astra was convinced to use her powers for good after seeing the positive influence her niece had. However, Astra isn’t quite as pure in terms of methods and behavior. While Astra does have good intentions, she differs from her more famous family members in that she’s much more willing to use extreme measures. She has few qualms about using lethal force where needed- in a sense, she’s less like a typical member of the Superman family and more like, say, Huntress. That said, she does have a soft spot for children and can be very warm towards them.

Powers (if they have them): Astra’s powers are typical of those a Kryptonian experiences on Earth, thanks to the yellow sunlight. She can fly, has enhanced senses and strength, and possesses heat vision and ice breath. Like all Kryptonians, she’s vulnerable to magic and Kryptonite.

Gadgets (if they have them): None. She doesn’t really need them.

Backstory/Origin: One of the last survivors of the destruction of Krypton, Astra fled her home planet in hopes of protecting her beloved niece, Kara Zor-El. At first, she genuinely believed that humans as a whole posed a danger, and had plans of ruling the world in order to keep them in line. However, after Kara showed her the great kindness they were capable of, Astra instead turned to a life of heroics.

Worshipped/Fave Hero: Her niece, Supergirl. She’s not too impressed by her more famous cousin.

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