Application for a Luxembourg identity card (2024)

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The national identity card is the administrative proof of your identity and your nationality.

Appointment with the Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels

Go to all of the online services and forms

In Luxembourg, all residents of Luxembourg nationality over the age of 15 must have an identity card. If you wish to apply for or renew an identity card, there are a series of administrative procedures to follow, depending on your situation.

Non-Luxembourg residents, for whom a Luxembourg identity card is optional, must comply with certain conditions when applying.

Who is concerned

The identity card is compulsory for every person of Luxembourgish nationality who:

  • is aged 15 years and over; and
  • resides in Luxembourg.

It is optional for:

  • children under 15 years of age;
  • Luxembourg nationals who live abroad.

You may not hold more than one Luxembourg identity card.


Non-resident Luxembourg nationals who have a child born abroad who is not registered with a Luxembourg authority must first apply for a certificate of nationality for their child.


Deadline for issuance

If you make the application at the physical reception desk or at your commune of residence, the deadline for issuing the identity card is:

  • 10 working days for the normal procedure;
  • 3 working days for the fast-track procedure.

Additional processing time applies to requests submitted through a diplomatic or consular mission.

Deadline for collection

You must collect your identity card within 6 months of making the application. After this time, the competent authorities have the right to destroy it.


Fees due

The costs vary depending on where the application is made and the age of the identity card holder.

Fees due
Age of the holder Validity period Physical reception desk or commune of residence Diplomatic or consular mission
> 15 years 10 years 14 euros 34 euros
4 to 15 years 5 years 10 euros 30 euros
< 4 years 2 years 5 euros 25 euros

For the fast-track procedure, there is a fixed 45 euro fee, regardless of where the application is made or the length of validity of the card.

If you apply for the card at your commune, you may additionally be required to pay a chancellery tax while you are there.

Payment methods

  1. Physical reception desk
  2. Commune of residence or diplomatic or consular mission

If you apply for the identity card at the physical reception desk, you can pay the cost of the card immediately, while you are there, when you make the application:

  • using the Payconiq app;
  • by bank card.

Please note that these payment methods are not offered at the communal administration offices. It is therefore not possible to make a payment at these locations.

You can also pay the fee in advance, up to 6 months prior to the application. There are 2 ways to do this:

  • online through, using:
    • Saferpay (Visa, American Express and Mastercard);
    • Payconiq;
  • by bank transfer or direct deposit.

The bank transfer or direct deposit must be made into the following account:

IBAN: IBAN LU44 1111 7028 7715 0000
Name of the beneficiary: TS-CE CTIE / CARTES D’IDENTITES
Address: B.P. 1111, L-1011 Luxembourg
Communication: Surname and first name of the new identity card holder

If you are making an application for several members of the same family, the total amount can be paid in a single bank transfer or direct deposit. Please remember to include the first and last names of all the individuals concerned in the communication.

If you submit your application through your commune of residence or a diplomatic or consular mission, you must pay the cost of the identity card in advance, up to 6 months before the request.

It is not possible to pay on site.

There are 2 ways to pay in advance:

  • online via, using:
    • Saferpay (Visa, American Express and Mastercard);
    • Payconiq;
  • by bank transfer or direct deposit.

The bank transfer or direct deposit must be made into the following account:

IBAN: IBAN LU44 1111 7028 7715 0000
Name of the beneficiary: TS-CE CTIE / CARTES D’IDENTITES
Address: B.P. 1111, L-1011 Luxembourg
Communication: Surname and first name of the new identity card holder

If you are making an application for several members of the same family, the total amount can be paid in a single bank transfer or direct deposit. Please remember to include the first and last names of all the individuals concerned in the communication.

If you have applied for an appointment with the Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels, online through, you must also state the reference number for the procedure in the communication box on the transfer slip.

Request for reimbursem*nt in the event of an erroneous bank transfer or direct deposit

If you have made an error when making the bank transfer or direct deposit for the fee, you can request a reimbursem*nt by filling in the online form 'Demande de remboursem*nt pour une carte d’identité' (Request for reimbursem*nt for an identity card) (see under 'Online services and forms').

Once you have filled in the form, a PDF document is generated with the information you entered. You can then:

  • download it;
  • sign it; and
  • send it, along with proof of payment:
    • by email to; or
    • by post to the following address:

Équipe Helpdesk eID
560, rue de Neudorf
L-2220 Luxembourg

How to proceed

Applying for an identity card

  1. Residents
  2. Non-residents

Where to make your application

You can apply for an identity card from:

  • the physical reception desk;
  • the communal administration of your commune of residence.

Appointment with the physical reception desk

If you would like to save yourself the wait, you can arrange an appointment at the physical reception desk, online, through, to apply for or to collect your identity card.

This online assistant does not require an authentification device.

Where to make your application

You can apply for an identity card from:

  • the physical reception desk;
  • a Luxembourg diplomatic or consular mission abroad (honorary consulates are not competent in this matter).

Please note that there are no restrictions concerning the country of residence. For example, if you are of Luxembourgish nationality and you reside in Spain, you can equally make your application through the Luxembourg embassy in Washington.

Request to arrange an appointment with the Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels

To obtain an identity card, you can request an appointment with the Consulate General of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg in Brussels online through

  • with authentication using:
    • a LuxTrust product;
    • a Luxembourg electronic identity card (eID); or
    • an eIDAS device from another European country;
  • without authentication.

If the application includes all of the necessary supporting documents, you will receive an invitation to make an appointment:

  • in the 'My messages' section of your private eSpace on in the case of an application in authenticated mode; or
  • to the email address provided during the application, if you are making an application in non-authenticated mode.

Fast-track procedure

If you need a new identity card urgently, you can also request a fast-track procedure (which will incur additional costs). You must state this when you make the application.

Regardless of where you make your application, you must collect your identity card at the physical reception desk upon presentation of your receipt.

Application for a child aged under 18 years old

Child who lives at the same address as the 2 parents

One of the parents can:

  • make the application themselves; or
  • draw up a mandate so that a third party can make the application.

In the case of a mandate, the form 'Mandat en matière de demande de passeport / carte d’identité' (Mandate regarding passport/identity card application) (see 'Online services and forms') must be filled in and signed by one of the 2 parents.

Child who lives at the same address as one of the parents

The application can be made by:

  • the parent who the child lives with; or
  • the parent who the child doesn't live with, if they have the other parent's consent.

To give their consent, the parent with whom the child lives must fill out and sign the form 'Accord en matière de demande de passeport / carte d’identité' (Consent regarding passport/identity card application) (see 'Online services and forms').

The parent with whom child lives can also draw up and sign a mandate so that a third party can make the application. In that case, they must fill out and sign the form 'Mandat en matière de demande de passeport / carte d’identité' (Mandate regarding passport/identity card application). (see 'Online services and forms').

Child who does not live with either of their parents

Anyone wishing to apply for an identity card for a child must prove they have parental authority.

Documents to be submitted with the application

  1. Residents
  2. Non-residents

Wherever the application is made, you must bring the following documents:

  • proof of payment of the fee, if you have paid in advance;
  • the old identity card, when making a renewal application;
  • an official attestation issued by the police, in the event of loss, theft or destruction of the old identity card.

In principle, the photo on the identity card is taken on the spot when you apply at the reception desk or in your commune of residence. So there is no need to bring your own photo.

However, if you would like to use your own photo, please ensure that it:

  • is recent; and
  • adheres to the standards established by the OACI (Pdf, 7.62 Mb).

You must have the following documents with you when applying:

  • proof of payment of the fee;
  • a valid identity document (passport or Luxembourg identity card) or, failing that, a certificate of nationality;
  • a recent document (less than 6 months old) issued by the commune of residence indicating the address and the composition of the household (residence certificate, household composition certificate, certificate of domicile, etc.);
  • a marriage certificate if the applicant would like the name of their spouse to be included on the identity card (only necessary if the spouse is not registered on the National Registry of Natural Persons);
  • an official attestation issued by the police, in the event of loss, theft or destruction of the old ID card;
  • a recent photo that adheres to the standards established by the OACI (Pdf, 7.62 Mb), in the event of an application made with a diplomatic or consular mission.

When you make your application at the physical reception desk, the photo that will appear on the identity card is taken on the spot. So there is no need to bring your own photo.

However, if you would like to use your own photo, please ensure that it:

  • is recent; and
  • adheres to the standards established by the OACI (Pdf, 7.62 Mb).

Names on the identity card

The surnames and first names printed on the identity card are those recorded in the National Registry of Natural Persons (RNPP).

Before applying for your identity card, check that all of the data in the RNPP is still correct. If you notice that these are incorrect, you must first request rectification.

Only 3 first names maximum can be printed on an identity card.

If you would like the name of your living or deceased spouse to also be included on your identity card, you must state this when making the application.

Issuance of the identity card

You must always collect your identity card from the place where the application was submitted. You must also bring the receipt that you received when making the application.

For security reasons, the future identity card holder must, by default, be present when the card is issued, even if the holder is a newborn or a minor. Adults without legal capacity must also be accompanied by their legal guardian.

When making the application, you can provide the name of another person (i.e. a proxy) who will collect your identity card. Their name will be stated on your receipt and cannot be changed later. During issuance, your proxy must:

  • show the receipt; and
  • identify themselves with an identity document.

Electronic certificates

Luxembourg identity cards (also called 'eID') contain authentication certificates and electronic signatures which the card holder can use to identify themselves when using online service. Further information on these electronic certificates can be found on the website of the Government IT Centre (CTIE).

Validity period

The validity period of the identity card depends on the holder's age.

Validity period
Age of the holder Validity
> 15 years 10 years
4 to 15 years 5 years
< 4 years 2 years

If, when making the application, no digital fingerprint can be taken from any of the holder's fingers temporarily, the identity card is only valid for a period of 12 months.

Renewal or replacement

You must take the initiative to request a renewal or replacement of your identity card yourself, taking the deadlines for issuance into account.

You will be informed by email 2 months prior to expiry of the validity period:

  • of your identity card; or
  • of the electronic certificates contained on you identity card (which are only valid for 5 years).

You must renew or replace your identity card in the following cases:

  • the validity period shown on the card has expired;
  • your identity photo no longer corresponds to your current appearance;
  • you have lost your identity card or it has been stolen or damaged;
  • your surname(s) and/or first name(s) have changed;
  • you wish to add or remove the name of your living or deceased spouse;
  • your 13-digit Luxembourg national identification number (Matricule) has changed.

Returning your old card

You must return your old identity card when you collect the new one if:

  • the old identity card has been renewed or replaced;
  • you are losing your Luxembourg nationality.

The old identity card is invalidated.

Loss, theft or destruction

In the event of loss, theft or destruction of an ID card, you must report it as promptly as possible.

Online services and forms

Online payment

Appointment booking

Demande de prise de rendez-vous auprès du Consulat général du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg à Bruxelles Pour votre demande de passeport ou de carte d’identité, vous pouvez demander à prendre rendez-vous en ligne via auprès du Consulat général du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg à Bruxelles. Il s’agit d’un assistant en ligne qui est disponible avec et sans authentification.

Request for reimbursem*nt in the event of an erroneous bank transfer or direct deposit

Note: view tips for using PDF forms.

Application for a child aged under 18 years old

Note: view tips for using PDF forms.

Accord en matière de demande de passeport / carte d'identité Last update 18.10.2023 PDF388 Kb
Mandat en matière de demande de passeport / carte d'identité Last update 18.10.2023 PDF388 Kb

My data

Who to contact

  • Application for a Luxembourg identity card (1) reception desk - ID cards and driving licences

    11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00



    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00
  • Application for a Luxembourg identity card (2) reception desk - Information desk

    11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00



    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00

    8.00 to 17.00
  • Application for a Luxembourg identity card (3) Helpdesk

    11, rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    (+352) 247 82 000
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 8.00



    8.00 to 18.00

    8.00 to 18.00

    8.00 to 18.00

    8.00 to 18.00

    8.00 to 18.00

Related procedures and links


  • Booking an appointment online with the reception desk
  • Certificate of nationality
  • Correction or update of personal data in the National Registry of Natural Persons (RNPP)
  • Loss, theft or destruction of an ID card


Further information

Legal references

  • Loi modifiée du 19 juin 2013

    relative à l'identification des personnes physiques, au registre national des personnes physiques, à la carte d'identité, aux registres communaux des personnes physiques

  • Loi du 25 juin 2014

    portant modification de la loi du 19 juin 2013 relative à l'identification des personnes physiques

  • Loi du 27 juin 2018

    instituant le juge aux affaires familiales, portant réforme du divorce et de l'autorité parentale

  • Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 18 juin 2014

    relatif à la carte d'identité

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Application for a Luxembourg identity card (5)

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Application for a Luxembourg identity card (2024)


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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.